--wl.MaxVelocity = 0.007 --wl.Part0 = script.Parent.Parent.Misc.FL.Door.WD --wl.Part1 = wl.Parent
--[[Weight and CG]]
Tune.Weight = 1100 -- Total weight (in pounds) Tune.WeightBSize = { -- Size of weight brick (dimmensions in studs ; larger = more stable) --[[Width]] 6.5 , --[[Height]] 4.8 , --[[Length]] 17 } Tune.WeightDist = 51 -- Weight distribution (0 - on rear wheels, 100 - on front wheels, can be <0 or >100) Tune.CGHeight = .7 -- Center of gravity height (studs relative to median of all wheels) Tune.WBVisible = false -- Makes the weight brick visible
-- Existance in this list signifies that it is an emote, the value indicates if it is a looping emote
local emoteNames = { wave = false, point = false, dance = true, dance2 = true, dance3 = true, laugh = false, cheer = false} math.randomseed(tick()) function configureAnimationSet(name, fileList) if animTable[name] then for _, connection in pairs(animTable[name].connections) do connection:disconnect() end end animTable[name] = {} animTable[name].count = 0 animTable[name].totalWeight = 0 animTable[name].connections = {} -- check for config values local config = script:FindFirstChild(name) if config then
--//Server Animations
RightHighReady =, 0.55, -1.1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); LeftHighReady =,0.55,-1.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)); RightLowReady =, 0.55, -1.1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); LeftLowReady =,0.55,-1.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)); RightPatrol =, 0.55, -1.1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); LeftPatrol =,0.55,-1.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)); RightAim =, 0.55, -1.1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); LeftAim =,0.55,-1.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)); RightSprint =, 0.55, -1.1) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90), math.rad(0), math.rad(0)); LeftSprint =,0.55,-1.15) * CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-90),math.rad(0),math.rad(0)); ShootPos =,0,.25); } return module
-- Replacements for RootCamera:RotateCamera() which did not actually rotate the camera -- suppliedLookVector is not normally passed in, it's used only by Watch camera
function BaseCamera:CalculateNewLookCFrame(suppliedLookVector) local currLookVector = suppliedLookVector or self:GetCameraLookVector() local currPitchAngle = math.asin(currLookVector.y) local yTheta = math.clamp(self.rotateInput.y, -MAX_Y + currPitchAngle, -MIN_Y + currPitchAngle) local constrainedRotateInput =, yTheta) local startCFrame =, currLookVector) local newLookCFrame = CFrame.Angles(0, -constrainedRotateInput.x, 0) * startCFrame * CFrame.Angles(-constrainedRotateInput.y,0,0) return newLookCFrame end function BaseCamera:CalculateNewLookVector(suppliedLookVector) local newLookCFrame = self:CalculateNewLookCFrame(suppliedLookVector) return newLookCFrame.lookVector end function BaseCamera:CalculateNewLookVectorVR() local subjectPosition = self:GetSubjectPosition() local vecToSubject = (subjectPosition - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CFrame.p) local currLookVector = (vecToSubject * X1_Y0_Z1).unit local vrRotateInput =, 0) local startCFrame =, currLookVector) local yawRotatedVector = (CFrame.Angles(0, -vrRotateInput.x, 0) * startCFrame * CFrame.Angles(-vrRotateInput.y,0,0)).lookVector return (yawRotatedVector * X1_Y0_Z1).unit end function BaseCamera:GetHumanoid() local character = player and player.Character if character then local resultHumanoid = self.humanoidCache[player] if resultHumanoid and resultHumanoid.Parent == character then return resultHumanoid else self.humanoidCache[player] = nil -- Bust Old Cache local humanoid = character:FindFirstChildOfClass("Humanoid") if humanoid then self.humanoidCache[player] = humanoid end return humanoid end end return nil end function BaseCamera:GetHumanoidPartToFollow(humanoid, humanoidStateType) if humanoidStateType == Enum.HumanoidStateType.Dead then local character = humanoid.Parent if character then return character:FindFirstChild("Head") or humanoid.Torso else return humanoid.Torso end else return humanoid.Torso end end function BaseCamera:UpdateGamepad() local gamepadPan = self.gamepadPanningCamera if gamepadPan and (self.hasGameLoaded or not VRService.VREnabled) then gamepadPan = Util.GamepadLinearToCurve(gamepadPan) local currentTime = tick() if gamepadPan.X ~= 0 or gamepadPan.Y ~= 0 then self.userPanningTheCamera = true elseif gamepadPan == ZERO_VECTOR2 then if FFlagUserFixGamepadCameraTracking then self.userPanningTheCamera = false self.gamepadPanningCamera = false end self.lastThumbstickRotate = nil if self.lastThumbstickPos == ZERO_VECTOR2 then self.currentSpeed = 0 end end local finalConstant = 0 if self.lastThumbstickRotate then if VRService.VREnabled then self.currentSpeed = self.vrMaxSpeed else local elapsedTime = (currentTime - self.lastThumbstickRotate) * 10 self.currentSpeed = self.currentSpeed + (self.maxSpeed * ((elapsedTime*elapsedTime)/self.numOfSeconds)) if self.currentSpeed > self.maxSpeed then self.currentSpeed = self.maxSpeed end if self.lastVelocity then local velocity = (gamepadPan - self.lastThumbstickPos)/(currentTime - self.lastThumbstickRotate) local velocityDeltaMag = (velocity - self.lastVelocity).magnitude if velocityDeltaMag > 12 then self.currentSpeed = self.currentSpeed * (20/velocityDeltaMag) if self.currentSpeed > self.maxSpeed then self.currentSpeed = self.maxSpeed end end end end finalConstant = UserGameSettings.GamepadCameraSensitivity * self.currentSpeed self.lastVelocity = (gamepadPan - self.lastThumbstickPos)/(currentTime - self.lastThumbstickRotate) end self.lastThumbstickPos = gamepadPan self.lastThumbstickRotate = currentTime return gamepadPan.X * finalConstant, gamepadPan.Y * finalConstant * self.ySensitivity * UserGameSettings:GetCameraYInvertValue()) end return ZERO_VECTOR2 end
--[[ Function called upon entering the state ]]
function PlayerGame.onEnter(stateMachine, serverPlayer, event, from, to) local player = serverPlayer.player coroutine.wrap( function() local character = player.Character if not character or not character.PrimaryPart then player:LoadCharacter() character = player.Character or player.CharacterAdded:Wait() while not character.PrimaryPart do wait() end character:WaitForChild("Humanoid") end if from ~= "camera" then onCharacterAdded(player, character) end local humanoid = character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") humanoid.WalkSpeed = 16 local primaryPart = character.PrimaryPart connections.characterAdded = player.CharacterAdded:Connect( function(character) while not character.Parent or character:FindFirstChild("Humanoid") do wait() end onCharacterAdded(player, character) end ) while stateMachine.current == "game" do if isMoving then local currentTick = tick() MonsterManager.createInterestWhileTrue( primaryPart.Position, NOISE_GENERATED, function() return not isMoving or tick() < currentTick + NOISE_TIMEOUT end ) end wait(0.25) end end )() end
-- Here be dragons -- luacheck: ignore 212
local GuiService = game:GetService("GuiService") local UserInputService = game:GetService("UserInputService") local Players = game:GetService("Players") local Player = Players.LocalPlayer local LINE_HEIGHT = 20 local WINDOW_MAX_HEIGHT = 300
--Torque Curve Tune.Horsepower = 560 -- [TORQUE CURVE VISUAL] Tune.IdleRPM = 500 -- Tune.PeakRPM = 3900 -- Use sliders to manipulate values Tune.Redline = 4500 -- Copy and paste slider values into the respective tune values Tune.EqPoint = 4500 Tune.PeakSharpness = 7.5 Tune.CurveMult = 0.16 --Incline Compensation Tune.InclineComp = 1.3 -- Torque compensation multiplier for inclines (applies gradient from 0-90 degrees) --Misc Tune.RevAccel = 80 -- RPM acceleration when clutch is off Tune.RevDecay = 70 -- RPM decay when clutch is off Tune.RevBounce = 10 -- RPM kickback from redline Tune.IdleThrottle = 1 -- Percent throttle at idle Tune.ClutchTol = 500 -- Clutch engagement threshold (higher = faster response)
sp=script.Parent sp.Luminate.SourceValueChanged:connect(function(val) if val==1 then sp.Transparency=0 sp.Sparkles.Enabled=true elseif val==0 then sp.Transparency=.5 sp.Sparkles.Enabled=false end end)
--[[[Default Controls]]
--Peripheral Deadzones Tune.Peripherals = { MSteerWidth = 67 , -- Mouse steering control width (0 - 100% of screen width) MSteerDZone = 10 , -- Mouse steering deadzone (0 - 100%) ControlLDZone = 5 , -- Controller steering L-deadzone (0 - 100%) ControlRDZone = 5 , -- Controller steering R-deadzone (0 - 100%) } --Control Mapping Tune.Controls = { --Keyboard Controls --Mode Toggles ToggleTCS = Enum.KeyCode.T , ToggleABS = Enum.KeyCode.Y , ToggleTransMode = Enum.KeyCode.M , --Primary Controls Throttle = Enum.KeyCode.Up , Brake = Enum.KeyCode.Down , SteerLeft = Enum.KeyCode.Left , SteerRight = Enum.KeyCode.Right , --Secondary Controls Throttle2 = Enum.KeyCode.W , Brake2 = Enum.KeyCode.S , SteerLeft2 = Enum.KeyCode.A , SteerRight2 = Enum.KeyCode.D , --Manual Transmission ShiftUp = Enum.KeyCode.E , ShiftDown = Enum.KeyCode.Q , Clutch = Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift , --Handbrake PBrake = Enum.KeyCode.P , --Mouse Controls MouseThrottle = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton1 , MouseBrake = Enum.UserInputType.MouseButton2 , MouseClutch = Enum.KeyCode.W , MouseShiftUp = Enum.KeyCode.E , MouseShiftDown = Enum.KeyCode.Q , MousePBrake = Enum.KeyCode.LeftShift , --Controller Mapping ContlrThrottle = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2 , ContlrBrake = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2 , ContlrSteer = Enum.KeyCode.Thumbstick1 , ContlrShiftUp = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonY , ContlrShiftDown = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonX , ContlrClutch = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR1 , ContlrPBrake = Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL1 , ContlrToggleTMode = Enum.KeyCode.DPadUp , ContlrToggleTCS = Enum.KeyCode.DPadDown , ContlrToggleABS = Enum.KeyCode.DPadRight , }
--AudioLib.__index = function(s, i) return s[i] end
function local self = {} self.DefaultProperties = { Children = nil; --ClearAllChildren = true; Looped = false; PlaybackSpeed = 1; Playing = false; SoundId = nil; TimePosition = 0; Volume = 0.25; } self.Playlist = {} self.Shuffle = false function self:GetSound() -- Retrieve the sound used for playing all music return self.Sound end function self:UpdateSound(data) -- Loops through a table of properties used to overwrite those of an existing instance. for property,value in pairs(data) do self.Sound[property] = value end return self.Sound end function self:SoundEnded() -- Loads the next song in the playlist if #self.Playlist > 0 then local index = table.find(self.Playlist, self.Sound.SoundId) if self.Shuffle then index = math.random(0, #self.Playlist) end if (index + 1) > #self.Playlist then index = 0 end self.Sound.SoundId = self.Playlist[index + 1] end end local container = workspace:FindFirstChild(container.Name) self.Sound = container:FindFirstChild("AudioLib_Sound") if not self.Sound then self.Sound ="Sound") self.Sound.Name = "AudioLib_Sound" self.Sound.Parent = container -- Don't ask me why I have to do this. self.Sound.Ended:Connect(function() self:SoundEnded() end) self:UpdateSound(self.DefaultProperties) end return self end return AudioLib
--Defining the parts of the shelf
local sp=script.Parent local drawer=sp.DrawerModel.Drawer local val = script.bool.Value function onClicked(clicked) if val == true then val = false drawer.ClickDetector.MaxActivationDistance=0 drawer.Sound:Play() for loop = 1, 20 do sp:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(sp.PrimaryPart.CFrame *, 0,-.1) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, 0)) wait(0.05) end val = false drawer.ClickDetector.MaxActivationDistance=5 elseif val == false then val = true drawer.ClickDetector.MaxActivationDistance=0 drawer.Sound:Play() for loop = 1, 20 do sp:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(sp.PrimaryPart.CFrame *, 0, .1) * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(0, 0, 0)) wait(0.05) end val = true drawer.ClickDetector.MaxActivationDistance=5 end end drawer.ClickDetector.MouseClick:connect(onClicked)
-- Basic Settings
AdminCredit=false; -- Enables the credit GUI for that appears in the bottom right AutoClean=false; -- Enables automatic cleaning of hats & tools in the Workspace AutoCleanDelay=60; -- The delay between each AutoClean routine CommandBar=true; -- Enables the Command Bar | GLOBAL KEYBIND: \ FunCommands=true; -- Enables fun yet unnecessary commands FreeAdmin=false; -- Set to 1-5 to grant admin powers to all, otherwise set to false PublicLogs=false; -- Allows all users to see the command & chat logs Prefix=';'; -- Character to begin a command --[[ Admin Powers 0 Player 1 VIP Can use nonabusive commands only on self 2 Moderator Can kick, mute, & use most commands 3 Administrator Can ban, crash, & set Moderators/VIP 4 SuperAdmin Can grant permanent powers, & shutdown the game 5 Owner Can set SuperAdmins, & use all the commands 6 Game Creator Can set owners & use all the commands Group & VIP Admin You can set multiple Groups & Ranks to grant users admin powers: GroupAdmin={ [12345]={[254]=4,[253]=3}; [GROUPID]={[RANK]=ADMINPOWER} }; You can set multiple Assets to grant users admin powers: VIPAdmin={ [12345]=3; [54321]=4; [ITEMID]=ADMINPOWER; }; ]] GroupAdmin={ }; VIPAdmin={ };
--// initialize variables //--
local playerTable = nil local viewingNumber = 1 local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local focusedOnText = false local UIS = game:GetService("UserInputService") wait(1)
--valava rotato..... fasta valava!!!!!!!!!! gooo.. goooooo!!!!! reaching maximum velocity!!!!!!!!!!!!!
local gabeNewell = script.Parent.Valve local TS = game:GetService("TweenService") local CD ="ClickDetector",gabeNewell) CD.MaxActivationDistance = 4 local deb = false CD.MouseClick:Connect(function() if not deb then deb = true local corp = TS:Create(gabeNewell,,Enum.EasingStyle.Cubic,Enum.EasingDirection.InOut,0,false,0),{CFrame = gabeNewell.CFrame * CFrame.Angles(math.pi,0,0)}) corp.Completed:Connect(function() deb = false end) corp:Play() end end)
--Automatic Settings
Tune.AutoShiftMode = "RPM" --[[ [Modes] "Speed" : Shifts based on wheel speed "RPM" : Shifts based on RPM ]] Tune.AutoUpThresh = -200 -- Automatic upshift point (relative to peak RPM, positive = Over-rev) Tune.AutoDownThresh = 1400 -- Automatic downshift point (relative to peak RPM, positive = Under-rev) Tune.ShiftTime = .25 -- The time delay in which you initiate a shift and the car changes gear
--| Animations |--
local Anims = Access.Animations
--[=[ Cleans up the BaseObject and sets the metatable to nil ]=]
function BaseObject:Destroy() self._maid:DoCleaning() setmetatable(self, nil) end return BaseObject
--[[ ADMIN POWERS 0 Player 1 VIP/Donor 2 Moderator 3 Administrator 4 Super Administrator 5 Owner 6 Game Creator First table consists of the different variations of the command. Second table consists of the description and an example of how to use it. Third index is the ADMIN POWER required to use the command. Fourth table consists of the arguments that will be returned in the args table. 'player' -- returns an array of Players 'userid' -- returns an array of userIds 'boolean' -- returns a Boolean value 'color' -- returns a Color3 value 'number' -- returns a Number value 'string' -- returns a String value 'time' -- returns # of seconds 'banned' -- returns a value from Bans table 'admin' -- returns a value from Admins table -- Adding / to any argument will make it optional; can return nil!!! Fifth index consists of the function that will run when the command is executed properly. ]]
return { {{'test','othertest'},{'Test command.','Example'},6,{'number','string/'},function(pl,args) print(pl,args[1],args[2]) end} };
-- (Hat Giver Script - Loaded.)
debounce = true function onTouched(hit) if (hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and debounce == true) then debounce = false h ="Hat") p ="Part") h.Name = "Hair" p.Parent = h p.Position = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Head").Position p.Name = "Handle" p.formFactor = 0 p.Size =, 1, 2) p.BottomSurface = 0 p.TopSurface = 0 p.Locked = true script.Parent.Mesh:clone().Parent = p h.Parent = hit.Parent h.AttachmentPos =, 0.05, -0.002) wait(5) debounce = true end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched)
local _lastTeleport = tick() local _currentQueue = {} function Queue._addToQueue(player) local waitingFor = Conf.min_queue_players - Queue._currentQueueCount() -- If this was the last player we were waiting for, start the queue timeout countdown if waitingFor == 1 then _lastTeleport = tick() end _currentQueue[player] = tick() Queue._sendStatus() end function Queue._removeFromQueue(player) _currentQueue[player] = nil Queue._sendStatus() end function Queue._closeQueue() local thisQueue = _currentQueue _currentQueue = {} return thisQueue end function Queue._currentQueueCount() local count = 0 for _, _ in pairs(_currentQueue) do count = count + 1 end return count end function Queue._teleportQueue() if Conf.disable_queue then -- Don't kick off a game if the queue is not mean tot be enabled return end local destinationId = Queue._destinationId local gameMode = Queue._gameMode local thisQueue = Queue._closeQueue() _lastTeleport = tick() Log.Debug.Queue("Reserving for %s", destinationId) local token = TeleportService:ReserveServer(destinationId) Log.Debug.Queue("Reserved %s for place %s", token, destinationId) local playerList = {} for player, queueTime in pairs(thisQueue) do table.insert(playerList, player) end local creationData = { isolated_server = true, game_mode = gameMode, player_count = #playerList, } Log.Debug.Queue("Teleporting %s players to %s (%s)", #playerList, destinationId, gameMode) TeleportService:TeleportToPrivateServer(destinationId, token, playerList, nil, creationData) end function Queue.setTimeoutState(state) if state and not Queue._timeoutEnabled then Log.Debug.Queue("Re-enabled timeout. Restarting countdown") _lastTeleport = tick() end Queue._timeoutEnabled = state Log.Debug.Queue("Timeout state: %s", tostring(state)) Queue._sendStatus() end function Queue.teleportQueue() Log.Debug.Queue("Progressing. Buckle up for fun. *MAXIMUM* fun...") Queue._teleportQueue() end
----- Locales -----
local ScreenGui = script.Parent
Tune.SusEnabled = true -- works only in with PGSPhysicsSolverEnabled, defaults to false when PGS is disabled --Front Suspension Tune.FSusDamping = 400 -- Spring Dampening Tune.FSusStiffness = 9700 -- Spring Force Tune.FAntiRoll = 300 -- Anti-Roll (Gyro Dampening) Tune.FSusLength = 5 -- Suspension length (in studs) Tune.FPreCompress = .3 -- Pre-compression adds resting length force Tune.FExtensionLim = .8 -- Max Extension Travel (in studs) Tune.FCompressLim = 1 -- Max Compression Travel (in studs) Tune.FSusAngle = 80 -- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.FWsBoneLen = 7 -- Wishbone Length Tune.FWsBoneAngle = 0 -- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.FAnchorOffset = { -- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel) --[[Lateral]] -.4 , -- positive = outward --[[Vertical]] -.5 , -- positive = upward --[[Forward]] 0 } -- positive = forward --Rear Suspension Tune.RSusDamping = 400 -- Spring Dampening Tune.RSusStiffness = 10700 -- Spring Force Tune.FAntiRoll = 300 -- Anti-Roll (Gyro Dampening) Tune.RSusLength = 5 -- Suspension length (in studs) Tune.RPreCompress = .3 -- Pre-compression adds resting length force Tune.RExtensionLim = .8 -- Max Extension Travel (in studs) Tune.RCompressLim = 1 -- Max Compression Travel (in studs) Tune.RSusAngle = 80 -- Suspension Angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.RWsBoneLen = 7 -- Wishbone Length Tune.RWsBoneAngle = 0 -- Wishbone angle (degrees from horizontal) Tune.RAnchorOffset = { -- Suspension anchor point offset (relative to center of wheel) --[[Lateral]] -.4 , -- positive = outward --[[Vertical]] -.5 , -- positive = upward --[[Forward]] 0 } -- positive = forward --Aesthetics Tune.SusVisible = false -- Spring Visible Tune.WsBVisible = false -- Wishbone Visible Tune.SusRadius = .2 -- Suspension Coil Radius Tune.SusThickness = .1 -- Suspension Coil Thickness Tune.SusColor = "Bright red" -- Suspension Color [BrickColor] Tune.SusCoilCount = 6 -- Suspension Coil Count Tune.WsColor = "Black" -- Wishbone Color [BrickColor] Tune.WsThickness = .1 -- Wishbone Rod Thickness
--while Tool == nil do -- Tool = script.Parent -- wait(.5) --end
local mass = 0 local player = nil local equalizingForce = 236 / 1.2 -- amount of force required to levitate a mass local gravity = .75 -- things float at > 1 local moving = false local maxFuel = 1000 while Tool == nil do Tool = script.Parent wait(.5) end local currfuel = Tool:FindFirstChild("CurrFuel") while currfuel == nil do Tool = script.Parent currfuel = Tool:FindFirstChild("CurrFuel") wait(.5) end local fuel = Tool.CurrFuel.Value local gui = nil local anim = nil local jetPack = nil local regen = false local force ="BodyVelocity") force.velocity =,0,0) local bodyGyro ="BodyGyro") bodyGyro.P = 20000 bodyGyro.D = 8000 bodyGyro.maxTorque =,bodyGyro.P,bodyGyro.P) local cam = nil local Flame = nil function onEquippedLocal(mouse) player = Tool.Parent while player.Name == "Backpack" do player = Tool.Parent wait(.5) end equipPack() mass = recursiveGetLift(player) force.P = mass * 10 force.maxForce =,force.P,0) mouse.Button1Down:connect(thrust) mouse.Button1Up:connect(cutEngine) cam = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera anim = player.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Tool.standstill) anim:Play() gui = Tool.FuelGui:clone() updateGUI() gui.Parent = game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(player).PlayerGui regen = true regenFuel() end function equipPack() jetPack = Tool.Handle:clone() jetPack.CanCollide = false jetPack.Name = "JetPack" jetPack.Parent = game.Workspace Tool.Handle.Transparency = 1 local welder ="Weld") welder.Part0 = jetPack welder.Part1 = player.Torso welder.C0 =,0,-1)) welder.Parent = jetPack Flame ="Part") Flame.Name = "Flame" Flame.Transparency =1 Flame.CanCollide = false Flame.Locked = true Flame.formFactor = 2 Flame.Size =,0.4,1) Flame.Parent = jetPack local Fire ="Fire") Fire.Heat = -12 Fire.Size = 4 Fire.Enabled = false Fire.Parent = Flame local firer ="Weld") firer.Part0 = jetPack.Flame firer.Part1 = jetPack firer.C0 =,2,0)) firer.Parent = jetPack.Flame end function updateGUI() gui.Frame.Size =,40,0,300 * (Tool.CurrFuel.Value/maxFuel)) gui.Frame.Position =,0,0.2 + (0.2 * ((maxFuel - Tool.CurrFuel.Value)/maxFuel)),0) end function onUnequippedLocal() regen = false if force ~= nil then force:remove() end if bodyGyro ~= nil then bodyGyro:remove() end if anim ~= nil then anim:Stop() anim:remove() end if gui ~= nil then gui:remove() end if jetPack ~= nil then jetPack:remove() jetPack = nil end Tool.Handle.Transparency = 0 end Tool.Equipped:connect(onEquippedLocal) Tool.Unequipped:connect(onUnequippedLocal) function thrust() if fuel > 0 then thrusting = true force.Parent = player.Torso jetPack.Flame.Fire.Enabled = true Tool.Handle.InitialThrust:Play() bodyGyro.Parent = player.Torso while thrusting do bodyGyro.cframe = cam.CoordinateFrame force.velocity =,cam.CoordinateFrame.lookVector.unit.y,0) * 50 fuel = fuel - 1 Tool.CurrFuel.Value = fuel if fuel <= 0 then Tool.Handle.EngineFail:Play() cutEngine() end updateGUI() wait() Tool.Handle.Thrusting:Play() if fuel <= 200 then Tool.Handle.LowFuelWarning:Play() end end Tool.Handle.Thrusting:Stop() Tool.Handle.LowFuelWarning:Stop() end end function cutEngine() thrusting = false jetPack.Flame.Fire.Enabled = false force.velocity =,0,0) force.Parent = nil anim:Stop() bodyGyro.Parent = nil end local head = nil function recursiveGetLift(node) local m = 0 local c = node:GetChildren() if (node:FindFirstChild("Head") ~= nil) then head = node:FindFirstChild("Head") end -- nasty hack to detect when your parts get blown off for i=1,#c do if c[i].className == "Part" then if (head ~= nil and (c[i].Position - head.Position).magnitude < 10) then -- GROSS if c[i].Name == "Handle" then m = m + (c[i]:GetMass() * equalizingForce * 1) -- hack that makes hats weightless, so different hats don't change your jump height else m = m + (c[i]:GetMass() * equalizingForce * gravity) end end end m = m + recursiveGetLift(c[i]) end return m end function regenFuel() while regen do if fuel < maxFuel then fuel = fuel + 1 Tool.CurrFuel.Value = fuel updateGUI() end wait(0.2) end end
-- Dependencies
local Conf = require(ReplicatedFirst.Configurations.MainConfiguration) local Signal = require(ReplicatedStorage.Libraries.Signal) local Broadcast = require(ReplicatedStorage.Libraries.Broadcast) local stageFolder = ServerScriptService.Stages
--[[* * Keeps track of the current dispatcher. ]]
local Packages = script.Parent.Parent.Parent local LuauPolyfill = require(Packages.LuauPolyfill) type Array<T> = LuauPolyfill.Array<T>
-- 3.) Put 'Tachometer' and 'ShiftLight' in Body.
-- init chat bubble tables
local function initChatBubbleType(chatBubbleType, fileName, imposterFileName, isInset, sliceRect) this.ChatBubble[chatBubbleType] = createChatBubbleMain(fileName, sliceRect) this.ChatBubbleWithTail[chatBubbleType] = createChatBubbleWithTail(fileName,, -CHAT_BUBBLE_TAIL_HEIGHT, 1, isInset and -1 or 0),, 30, 0, CHAT_BUBBLE_TAIL_HEIGHT), sliceRect) this.ScalingChatBubbleWithTail[chatBubbleType] = createScaledChatBubbleWithTail(fileName, 0.5,, 0, 0, isInset and -1 or 0), sliceRect) end initChatBubbleType(BubbleColor.WHITE, "ui/dialog_white", "ui/chatBubble_white_notify_bkg", false,,5,15,15)) initChatBubbleType(BubbleColor.BLUE, "ui/dialog_blue", "ui/chatBubble_blue_notify_bkg", true,,7,33,33)) initChatBubbleType(BubbleColor.RED, "ui/dialog_red", "ui/chatBubble_red_notify_bkg", true,,7,33,33)) initChatBubbleType(BubbleColor.GREEN, "ui/dialog_green", "ui/chatBubble_green_notify_bkg", true,,7,33,33)) function this:SanitizeChatLine(msg) if string.len(msg) > MaxChatMessageLengthExclusive then return string.sub(msg, 1, MaxChatMessageLengthExclusive + string.len(ELIPSES)) else return msg end end local function createBillboardInstance(adornee) local billboardGui ="BillboardGui") billboardGui.Adornee = adornee billboardGui.Size =,BILLBOARD_MAX_WIDTH,0,BILLBOARD_MAX_HEIGHT) billboardGui.StudsOffset =, 1.5, 2) billboardGui.Parent = BubbleChatScreenGui local billboardFrame ="Frame") billboardFrame.Name = "BillboardFrame" billboardFrame.Size =,0,1,0) billboardFrame.Position =,0,-0.5,0) billboardFrame.BackgroundTransparency = 1 billboardFrame.Parent = billboardGui local billboardChildRemovedCon = nil billboardChildRemovedCon = billboardFrame.ChildRemoved:connect(function() if #billboardFrame:GetChildren() <= 1 then billboardChildRemovedCon:disconnect() billboardGui:Destroy() end end) this:CreateSmallTalkBubble(BubbleColor.WHITE).Parent = billboardFrame return billboardGui end function this:CreateBillboardGuiHelper(instance, onlyCharacter) if instance and not this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(instance)["BillboardGui"] then if not onlyCharacter then if instance:IsA("BasePart") then -- Create a new billboardGui object attached to this player local billboardGui = createBillboardInstance(instance) this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(instance)["BillboardGui"] = billboardGui return end end if instance:IsA("Model") then local head = instance:FindFirstChild("Head") if head and head:IsA("BasePart") then -- Create a new billboardGui object attached to this player local billboardGui = createBillboardInstance(head) this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(instance)["BillboardGui"] = billboardGui end end end end local function distanceToBubbleOrigin(origin) if not origin then return 100000 end return (origin.Position - game.Workspace.CurrentCamera.CoordinateFrame.p).magnitude end local function isPartOfLocalPlayer(adornee) if adornee and PlayersService.LocalPlayer.Character then return adornee:IsDescendantOf(PlayersService.LocalPlayer.Character) end end function this:SetBillboardLODNear(billboardGui) local isLocalPlayer = isPartOfLocalPlayer(billboardGui.Adornee) billboardGui.Size =, BILLBOARD_MAX_WIDTH, 0, BILLBOARD_MAX_HEIGHT) billboardGui.StudsOffset =, isLocalPlayer and 1.5 or 2.5, isLocalPlayer and 2 or 0.1) billboardGui.Enabled = true local billChildren = billboardGui.BillboardFrame:GetChildren() for i = 1, #billChildren do billChildren[i].Visible = true end billboardGui.BillboardFrame.SmallTalkBubble.Visible = false end function this:SetBillboardLODDistant(billboardGui) local isLocalPlayer = isPartOfLocalPlayer(billboardGui.Adornee) billboardGui.Size =,0,3,0) billboardGui.StudsOffset =, 3, isLocalPlayer and 2 or 0.1) billboardGui.Enabled = true local billChildren = billboardGui.BillboardFrame:GetChildren() for i = 1, #billChildren do billChildren[i].Visible = false end billboardGui.BillboardFrame.SmallTalkBubble.Visible = true end function this:SetBillboardLODVeryFar(billboardGui) billboardGui.Enabled = false end function this:SetBillboardGuiLOD(billboardGui, origin) if not origin then return end if origin:IsA("Model") then local head = origin:FindFirstChild("Head") if not head then origin = origin.PrimaryPart else origin = head end end local bubbleDistance = distanceToBubbleOrigin(origin) if bubbleDistance < NEAR_BUBBLE_DISTANCE then this:SetBillboardLODNear(billboardGui) elseif bubbleDistance >= NEAR_BUBBLE_DISTANCE and bubbleDistance < MAX_BUBBLE_DISTANCE then this:SetBillboardLODDistant(billboardGui) else this:SetBillboardLODVeryFar(billboardGui) end end function this:CameraCFrameChanged() for index, value in pairs(this.CharacterSortedMsg:GetData()) do local playerBillboardGui = value["BillboardGui"] if playerBillboardGui then this:SetBillboardGuiLOD(playerBillboardGui, index) end end end function this:CreateBubbleText(message) local bubbleText ="TextLabel") bubbleText.Name = "BubbleText" bubbleText.BackgroundTransparency = 1 bubbleText.Position =,CHAT_BUBBLE_WIDTH_PADDING/2,0,0) bubbleText.Size =,-CHAT_BUBBLE_WIDTH_PADDING,1,0) bubbleText.Font = CHAT_BUBBLE_FONT bubbleText.TextWrapped = true bubbleText.FontSize = CHAT_BUBBLE_FONT_SIZE bubbleText.Text = message bubbleText.Visible = false return bubbleText end function this:CreateSmallTalkBubble(chatBubbleType) local smallTalkBubble = this.ScalingChatBubbleWithTail[chatBubbleType]:Clone() smallTalkBubble.Name = "SmallTalkBubble" smallTalkBubble.AnchorPoint =, 0.5) smallTalkBubble.Position =,0,0.5,0) smallTalkBubble.Visible = false local text = this:CreateBubbleText("...") text.TextScaled = true text.TextWrapped = false text.Visible = true text.Parent = smallTalkBubble return smallTalkBubble end function this:UpdateChatLinesForOrigin(origin, currentBubbleYPos) local bubbleQueue = this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(origin).Fifo local bubbleQueueSize = bubbleQueue:Size() local bubbleQueueData = bubbleQueue:GetData() if #bubbleQueueData <= 1 then return end for index = (#bubbleQueueData - 1), 1, -1 do local value = bubbleQueueData[index] local bubble = value.RenderBubble if not bubble then return end local bubblePos = bubbleQueueSize - index + 1 if bubblePos > 1 then local tail = bubble:FindFirstChild("ChatBubbleTail") if tail then tail:Destroy() end local bubbleText = bubble:FindFirstChild("BubbleText") if bubbleText then bubbleText.TextTransparency = 0.5 end end local udimValue = bubble.Position.X.Scale, bubble.Position.X.Offset, 1, currentBubbleYPos - bubble.Size.Y.Offset - CHAT_BUBBLE_TAIL_HEIGHT ) bubble:TweenPosition(udimValue, Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Bounce, 0.1, true) currentBubbleYPos = currentBubbleYPos - bubble.Size.Y.Offset - CHAT_BUBBLE_TAIL_HEIGHT end end function this:DestroyBubble(bubbleQueue, bubbleToDestroy) if not bubbleQueue then return end if bubbleQueue:Empty() then return end local bubble = bubbleQueue:Front().RenderBubble if not bubble then bubbleQueue:PopFront() return end spawn(function() while bubbleQueue:Front().RenderBubble ~= bubbleToDestroy do wait() end bubble = bubbleQueue:Front().RenderBubble local timeBetween = 0 local bubbleText = bubble:FindFirstChild("BubbleText") local bubbleTail = bubble:FindFirstChild("ChatBubbleTail") while bubble and bubble.ImageTransparency < 1 do timeBetween = wait() if bubble then local fadeAmount = timeBetween * CHAT_BUBBLE_FADE_SPEED bubble.ImageTransparency = bubble.ImageTransparency + fadeAmount if bubbleText then bubbleText.TextTransparency = bubbleText.TextTransparency + fadeAmount end if bubbleTail then bubbleTail.ImageTransparency = bubbleTail.ImageTransparency + fadeAmount end end end if bubble then bubble:Destroy() bubbleQueue:PopFront() end end) end function this:CreateChatLineRender(instance, line, onlyCharacter, fifo) if not instance then return end if not this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(instance)["BillboardGui"] then this:CreateBillboardGuiHelper(instance, onlyCharacter) end local billboardGui = this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(instance)["BillboardGui"] if billboardGui then local chatBubbleRender = this.ChatBubbleWithTail[line.BubbleColor]:Clone() chatBubbleRender.Visible = false local bubbleText = this:CreateBubbleText(line.Message) bubbleText.Parent = chatBubbleRender chatBubbleRender.Parent = billboardGui.BillboardFrame line.RenderBubble = chatBubbleRender local currentTextBounds = TextService:GetTextSize( bubbleText.Text, CHAT_BUBBLE_FONT_SIZE_INT, CHAT_BUBBLE_FONT,, BILLBOARD_MAX_HEIGHT)) local bubbleWidthScale = math.max((currentTextBounds.X + CHAT_BUBBLE_WIDTH_PADDING)/BILLBOARD_MAX_WIDTH, 0.1) local numOflines = (currentTextBounds.Y/CHAT_BUBBLE_FONT_SIZE_INT) -- prep chat bubble for tween chatBubbleRender.Size =,0,0,0) chatBubbleRender.Position =,0,1,0) local newChatBubbleOffsetSizeY = numOflines * CHAT_BUBBLE_LINE_HEIGHT chatBubbleRender:TweenSizeAndPosition(, 0, 0, newChatBubbleOffsetSizeY), (1-bubbleWidthScale)/2, 0, 1, -newChatBubbleOffsetSizeY), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Elastic, 0.1, true, function() bubbleText.Visible = true end) -- todo: remove when over max bubbles this:SetBillboardGuiLOD(billboardGui, line.Origin) this:UpdateChatLinesForOrigin(line.Origin, -newChatBubbleOffsetSizeY) delay(line.BubbleDieDelay, function() this:DestroyBubble(fifo, chatBubbleRender) end) end end function this:OnPlayerChatMessage(sourcePlayer, message, targetPlayer) if not this:BubbleChatEnabled() then return end local localPlayer = PlayersService.LocalPlayer local fromOthers = localPlayer ~= nil and sourcePlayer ~= localPlayer local safeMessage = this:SanitizeChatLine(message) local line = createPlayerChatLine(sourcePlayer, safeMessage, not fromOthers) if sourcePlayer and line.Origin then local fifo = this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(line.Origin).Fifo fifo:PushBack(line) --Game chat (badges) won't show up here this:CreateChatLineRender(sourcePlayer.Character, line, true, fifo) end end function this:OnGameChatMessage(origin, message, color) local localPlayer = PlayersService.LocalPlayer local fromOthers = localPlayer ~= nil and (localPlayer.Character ~= origin) local bubbleColor = BubbleColor.WHITE if color == Enum.ChatColor.Blue then bubbleColor = BubbleColor.BLUE elseif color == Enum.ChatColor.Green then bubbleColor = BubbleColor.GREEN elseif color == Enum.ChatColor.Red then bubbleColor = BubbleColor.RED end local safeMessage = this:SanitizeChatLine(message) local line = createGameChatLine(origin, safeMessage, not fromOthers, bubbleColor) this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(line.Origin).Fifo:PushBack(line) this:CreateChatLineRender(origin, line, false, this.CharacterSortedMsg:Get(line.Origin).Fifo) end function this:BubbleChatEnabled() local clientChatModules = ChatService:FindFirstChild("ClientChatModules") if clientChatModules then local chatSettings = clientChatModules:FindFirstChild("ChatSettings") if chatSettings then local chatSettings = require(chatSettings) if chatSettings.BubbleChatEnabled ~= nil then return chatSettings.BubbleChatEnabled end end end return PlayersService.BubbleChat end function this:ShowOwnFilteredMessage() local clientChatModules = ChatService:FindFirstChild("ClientChatModules") if clientChatModules then local chatSettings = clientChatModules:FindFirstChild("ChatSettings") if chatSettings then chatSettings = require(chatSettings) return chatSettings.ShowUserOwnFilteredMessage end end return false end function findPlayer(playerName) for i,v in pairs(PlayersService:GetPlayers()) do if v.Name == playerName then return v end end end ChatService.Chatted:connect(function(origin, message, color) this:OnGameChatMessage(origin, message, color) end) local cameraChangedCon = nil if game.Workspace.CurrentCamera then cameraChangedCon = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CFrame"):connect(function(prop) this:CameraCFrameChanged() end) end game.Workspace.Changed:connect(function(prop) if prop == "CurrentCamera" then if cameraChangedCon then cameraChangedCon:disconnect() end if game.Workspace.CurrentCamera then cameraChangedCon = game.Workspace.CurrentCamera:GetPropertyChangedSignal("CFrame"):connect(function(prop) this:CameraCFrameChanged() end) end end end) local AllowedMessageTypes = nil function getAllowedMessageTypes() if AllowedMessageTypes then return AllowedMessageTypes end local clientChatModules = ChatService:FindFirstChild("ClientChatModules") if clientChatModules then local chatSettings = clientChatModules:FindFirstChild("ChatSettings") if chatSettings then chatSettings = require(chatSettings) if chatSettings.BubbleChatMessageTypes then AllowedMessageTypes = chatSettings.BubbleChatMessageTypes return AllowedMessageTypes end end local chatConstants = clientChatModules:FindFirstChild("ChatConstants") if chatConstants then chatConstants = require(chatConstants) AllowedMessageTypes = {chatConstants.MessageTypeDefault, chatConstants.MessageTypeWhisper} end return AllowedMessageTypes end return {"Message", "Whisper"} end function checkAllowedMessageType(messageData) local allowedMessageTypes = getAllowedMessageTypes() for i = 1, #allowedMessageTypes do if allowedMessageTypes[i] == messageData.MessageType then return true end end return false end local ChatEvents = ReplicatedStorage:WaitForChild("DefaultChatSystemChatEvents") local OnMessageDoneFiltering = ChatEvents:WaitForChild("OnMessageDoneFiltering") local OnNewMessage = ChatEvents:WaitForChild("OnNewMessage") OnNewMessage.OnClientEvent:connect(function(messageData, channelName) if not checkAllowedMessageType(messageData) then return end local sender = findPlayer(messageData.FromSpeaker) if not sender then return end if not messageData.IsFiltered or messageData.FromSpeaker == LocalPlayer.Name then if messageData.FromSpeaker ~= LocalPlayer.Name or this:ShowOwnFilteredMessage() then return end end this:OnPlayerChatMessage(sender, messageData.Message, nil) end) OnMessageDoneFiltering.OnClientEvent:connect(function(messageData, channelName) if not checkAllowedMessageType(messageData) then return end local sender = findPlayer(messageData.FromSpeaker) if not sender then return end if messageData.FromSpeaker == LocalPlayer.Name and not this:ShowOwnFilteredMessage() then return end this:OnPlayerChatMessage(sender, messageData.Message, nil) end)
script.Parent:WaitForChild("A-Chassis Interface") script.Parent:WaitForChild("Plugins") script.Parent:WaitForChild("README") local car=script.Parent.Parent local _Tune=require(script.Parent) wait(_Tune.LoadDelay) local Drive=car.Wheels:GetChildren() --Remove Existing Mass function DReduce(p) for i,v in pairs(p:GetChildren())do if v:IsA("BasePart") then if v.CustomPhysicalProperties == nil then v.CustomPhysicalProperties = end v.CustomPhysicalProperties = 0, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.Friction, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.Elasticity, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.FrictionWeight, v.CustomPhysicalProperties.ElasticityWeight ) v.Massless = true --(LuaInt) but it's just this line end DReduce(v) end end DReduce(car)
--[[Status Vars]]
local _IsOn = _Tune.AutoStart if _Tune.AutoStart then car.DriveSeat.IsOn.Value=true end local _GSteerT=0 local _GSteerC=0 local _GThrot=0 local _GThrotShift=1 local _GBrake=0 local _CBrake=0 local _CThrot=0 local _ClutchOn = true local _ClPressing = false local _RPM = 0 local _HP = 0 local _OutTorque = 0 local _CGear = script.Parent.Values.Gear local _PGear = _CGear.Value local _spLimit = 0 local _Boost = 0 local _TCount = 0 local _TPsi = 0 local _BH = 0 local _BT = 0 local _NH = 0 local _NT = 0 local _TMode = script.Parent.Values.TransmissionMode local _MSteer = false local _SteerL = false local _SteerR = false local _PBrake = script.Parent.Values.PBrake local _TCS = _Tune.TCSEnabled local _TCSActive = false local _TCSAmt = 0 local _ABS = _Tune.ABSEnabled local _ABSActive = false local FlipWait=tick() local FlipDB=false local _InControls = false
--[[ yea i script howd u know ]]
repeat wait() until script.Parent.Parent == game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer.Character local remote = script.Parent:FindFirstChild("getMouse") game:GetService("Players").LocalPlayer:GetMouse().Button1Down:Connect(function() if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Mori") then remote:InvokeServer({Hit=game.Players.LocalPlayer:GetMouse().Hit}, nil) end end)
--[[ Package link auto-generated by Rotriever ]]
local PackageIndex = script.Parent._Index local Package = require(PackageIndex["roblox_rodux"]["rodux"]) return Package
export type SoundData = { MaxConcurrentTracks: {[string]: number}?, Sounds: {[string]: SoundDataEntry}, } export type SoundDataEntryEvent = { Time: number, Name: string, [string]: any, } export type SoundDataEntry = { Id: number, Length: number, Properties: {[string]: any}?, Effects: {[string]: {[string]: any}}?, Eventts: {SoundDataEntryEvent}?, [string]: SoundDataEntry, }
--Fixed some stuff and made ants go after diffrent targets.
local hill = script.Parent local EntityData = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Modules.EntityData) local activeAnts = {} function GetTableLength(tab) local total = 0 for _,v in next, tab do total = total + 1 end return total end addAnt = coroutine.wrap(function() while wait(5) do if GetTableLength(activeAnts) < 3 then local newAnt = game.ServerStorage.Creatures['Scavenger Ant']:Clone() newAnt:SetPrimaryPartCFrame(hill.PrimaryPart.CFrame*,5,0)) newAnt.Parent = hill activeAnts[newAnt] = { ["carrying"] = nil, ["target"] = nil, ["destination"] = newAnt.PrimaryPart.Position, ["lastOrder"] = tick(), ["lastScan"] = tick(), ["anims"] = {}, } for _,anim in next,game.ReplicatedStorage.NPCAnimations.Ant:GetChildren() do activeAnts[newAnt].anims[anim.Name] = newAnt:WaitForChild("Hum"):LoadAnimation(anim) end newAnt:WaitForChild'Health'.Changed:connect(function() newAnt.PrimaryPart.Hurt.Pitch = newAnt.PrimaryPart.Hurt.OriginalPitch.Value+(math.random(-100,100)/100) newAnt.PrimaryPart.Hurt:Play() end) newAnt.AncestryChanged:connect(function() activeAnts[newAnt] = nil end) end wait(55) end end) addAnt() function Seeking(array, target)--Queen ant keeps track of her workers. ;) for i,v in pairs(array) do if v == target then return true end end return false end manageAnts = coroutine.wrap(function() while wait(1) do local seeking = {} for ant, antData in next,activeAnts do spawn(function() if ant and ant.PrimaryPart and ant:FindFirstChild'Hum' and ant.Hum.Health > 0 and ant:IsDescendantOf(workspace) then activeAnts[ant].lastScan = tick() -- scan for nearest Shelly if not activeAnts[ant].carrying then local nearestShelly,closestDist = nil,math.huge for _,creature in next, workspace.Critters:GetChildren() do if not Seeking(seeking, creature) and creature:FindFirstChild'HitShell' and EntityData.All[creature.Name].abductable then local a, c = ant.PrimaryPart, creature.PrimaryPart if not c then c = creature:FindFirstChildOfClass'BasePart' end local dist = (c.Position-a.Position).magnitude if dist < closestDist then nearestShelly = creature closestDist = dist end end end if ant and nearestShelly then activeAnts[ant].destination = nearestShelly.PrimaryPart.Position activeAnts[ant].target = nearestShelly table.insert(seeking, nearestShelly) activeAnts[ant].target.AncestryChanged:connect(function() activeAnts[ant].target = nil end) end else activeAnts[ant].destination =,3,0) end if activeAnts[ant].destination then ant.Hum:MoveTo(activeAnts[ant].destination) if not activeAnts[ant].anims.AntWalk.IsPlaying then activeAnts[ant].anims.AntWalk:Play() end if and not antData.carrying then local dist = (ant.PrimaryPart.Position-activeAnts[ant].target.PrimaryPart.Position).magnitude if dist < 5 then -- let's get a new shelly local abductedShelly = game.ServerStorage.Misc["Abducted Shelly"]:Clone() antData.carrying = abductedShelly abductedShelly.Shell.Material = abductedShelly.Shell.Color = abductedShelly.ActualName.Value = --game.ReplicatedStorage.Relay.NPCAttack:Fire(,math.huge) abductedShelly.Parent = ant activeAnts[ant].anims.AntWalk:Stop() activeAnts[ant].anims.AntHold:Play() ant.PrimaryPart.Chatter:Play() ant.PrimaryPart.ShellyAbduct:Play() -- weld the shelly to the torso local weld ="ManualWeld") weld.Parent = ant.PrimaryPart weld.Part0 = ant.PrimaryPart weld.Part1 = abductedShelly.PrimaryPart weld.C0 =,.4,-1.6)*CFrame.Angles(0,math.rad(90),0) end elseif antData.carrying then local dist = (ant.PrimaryPart.Position-activeAnts[ant].destination).magnitude if dist < 7 then ant.Hum:MoveTo(ant.PrimaryPart.Position) ant.PrimaryPart.Chatter:Play() activeAnts[ant].anims.AntHold:Stop() activeAnts[ant].anims.AntWalk:Stop() activeAnts[ant].carrying:Destroy() activeAnts[ant].carrying = nil activeAnts[ant].destination = nil activeAnts[ant].target = nil end end end end end)--Help prevent breaking and faster responding times for ants. end--Shouldn't error now though. end end) manageAnts()
--edit the below function to execute code when this response is chosen OR this prompt is shown --player is the player speaking to the dialogue, and dialogueFolder is the object containing the dialogue data
return function(player, dialogueFolder) local plrData = require(game.ReplicatedStorage.Source.Modules.Util):GetPlayerData(player) plrData.Money.Gold.Value = plrData.Money.Gold.Value - 5 plrData.Character.Injuries.Burned.Value = false end
--("no gui found - adding")
local newgui=script.Parent.VehicleGui:clone() newgui.Parent=pl.PlayerGui newgui.Vehicle.Value=script.Parent.Parent script.Parent.Parent.HasGunner.Value = true newgui.Script.Disabled = false newgui.EventScript.Disabled = false
Tune.Config = "FWD" --"FWD" , "RWD" , "AWD" --Differential Settings Tune.FDiffSlipThres = 50 -- 1 - 100% (Max threshold of applying full lock determined by deviation from avg speed) Tune.FDiffLockThres = 50 -- 0 - 100% (0 - Bias toward slower wheel, 100 - Bias toward faster wheel) Tune.RDiffSlipThres = 50 -- 1 - 100% Tune.RDiffLockThres = 50 -- 0 - 100% Tune.CDiffSlipThres = 50 -- 1 - 100% [AWD Only] Tune.CDiffLockThres = 50 -- 0 - 100% [AWD Only] --Traction Control Settings Tune.TCSEnabled = true -- Implements TCS Tune.TCSThreshold = 20 -- Slip speed allowed before TCS starts working (in SPS) Tune.TCSGradient = 4 -- Slip speed gradient between 0 to max reduction (in SPS) Tune.TCSLimit = 10 -- Minimum amount of torque at max reduction (in percent)
--[[ Gets the of specified os.time, and then returns a formatted string of human readable data. If no format is specified, the string will fall back on the default format. Create formats by appending keys with $. ]]
function ReadableDate.fromTime(time, format) local output = format or DEFAULT_FORMAT local dateTable ="*t", time) for type, amount in pairs(dateTable) do output = string.gsub(output, string.format("$%s", type), tostring(amount)) end return output end return ReadableDate
local _WHEELTUNE = { --[[ SS6 Presets [Eco] WearSpeed = 1, TargetFriction = .7, MinFriction = .1, [Road] WearSpeed = 2, TargetFriction = .7, MinFriction = .1, [Sport] WearSpeed = 3, TargetFriction = .79, MinFriction = .1, ]] TireWearOn = true , --Friction and Wear FWearSpeed = .4 , FTargetFriction = .5 , FMinFriction = .1 , RWearSpeed = .4 , RTargetFriction = .7 , RMinFriction = .1 , --Tire Slip TCSOffRatio = 1/3 , WheelLockRatio = 1/2 , --SS6 Default = 1/4 WheelspinRatio = 1/1.1 , --SS6 Default = 1/1.2 --Wheel Properties FFrictionWeight = 1 , --SS6 Default = 1 RFrictionWeight = 1 , --SS6 Default = 1 FLgcyFrWeight = 10 , RLgcyFrWeight = 10 , FElasticity = .5 , --SS6 Default = .5 RElasticity = .5 , --SS6 Default = .5 FLgcyElasticity = 0 , RLgcyElasticity = 0 , FElastWeight = 1 , --SS6 Default = 1 RElastWeight = 1 , --SS6 Default = 1 FLgcyElWeight = 10 , RLgcyElWeight = 10 , --Wear Regen RegenSpeed = 3.6 --SS6 Default = 3.6 }
--Print Version local ver=require(car["A-Chassis Tune"].README) print("//INSPARE: AC6 Loaded - Build "..ver) --Runtime Loop while wait() do --Steering Steering() --Powertrain Engine() --Flip if _Tune.AutoFlip then Flip() end --Update External Values _IsOn = car.DriveSeat.IsOn.Value _InControls = script.Parent.ControlsOpen.Value script.Parent.Values.Gear.Value = _CGear script.Parent.Values.RPM.Value = _RPM script.Parent.Values.Horsepower.Value = _HP script.Parent.Values.Torque.Value = _HP * 5250 / _RPM script.Parent.Values.TransmissionMode.Value = _TMode script.Parent.Values.Throttle.Value = _GThrot script.Parent.Values.Brake.Value = _GBrake script.Parent.Values.SteerC.Value = _GSteerC*(1-math.min(car.DriveSeat.Velocity.Magnitude/_Tune.SteerDecay,1-(_Tune.MinSteer/100))) script.Parent.Values.SteerT.Value = _GSteerT script.Parent.Values.PBrake.Value = _PBrake script.Parent.Values.TCS.Value = _TCS script.Parent.Values.TCSActive.Value = _TCSActive script.Parent.Values.ABS.Value = _ABS script.Parent.Values.ABSActive.Value = _ABSActive script.Parent.Values.MouseSteerOn.Value = _MSteer script.Parent.Values.Velocity.Value = car.DriveSeat.Velocity end
--[[** Gets whatever object is stored with the given index, if it exists. This was added since Maid allows getting the task using `__index`. @param [t:any] Index The index that the object is stored under. @returns [t:any?] This will return the object if it is found, but it won't return anything if it doesn't exist. **--]]
function Janitor.__index:Get(Index) local This = self[IndicesReference] if This then return This[Index] end end
------------------ ------------------
while true do local p = game.Players:GetChildren() for i = 1,#p do if p[i].Character~=nil then if p[i].Character:findFirstChild("Torso")~=nil then if (p[i].Character.Torso.Position - script.Parent.Torso.Position).magnitude < 5 then local anim ="StringValue") anim.Value = possibleAnims[math.random(1, #possibleAnims)] anim.Name = "Axe" anim.Parent = script.Parent.LinkedSword end end end end wait(0.5) end
-- Making Motor3D
local Joint = script.Parent.LimbsJoint Joint.LeftLegAnimation.LeftL.Part1 = Joint.LeftLegAnimation Joint.RightLegAnimation.RightL.Part1 = Joint.RightLegAnimation Joint.LeftLegAnimation.LeftL.Part0 = script.Parent.UpperTorso Joint.RightLegAnimation.RightL.Part0 = script.Parent.UpperTorso Joint.LeftArmAnimation.LeftA.Part1 = Joint.LeftArmAnimation Joint.RightArmAnimation.RightA.Part1 = Joint.RightArmAnimation Joint.LeftArmAnimation.LeftA.Part0 = script.Parent.UpperTorso Joint.RightArmAnimation.RightA.Part0 = script.Parent.UpperTorso
export type WeakMap<K, V> = { -- method definitions get: (self: WeakMap<K, V>, K) -> V, set: (self: WeakMap<K, V>, K, V) -> WeakMap<K, V>, has: (self: WeakMap<K, V>, K) -> boolean, } type WeakMapPrivate<K, V> = { _weakMap: { [K]: V }, -- method definitions get: (self: WeakMapPrivate<K, V>, K) -> V, set: (self: WeakMapPrivate<K, V>, K, V) -> WeakMapPrivate<K, V>, has: (self: WeakMapPrivate<K, V>, K) -> boolean, } type WeakMap_Statics = { new: <K, V>() -> WeakMap<K, V>, } local WeakMap: WeakMapPrivate<any, any> & WeakMap_Statics = {} :: any; (WeakMap :: any).__index = WeakMap function<K, V>(): WeakMap<K, V> local weakMap = setmetatable({}, { __mode = "k" }) return setmetatable({ _weakMap = weakMap }, WeakMap) :: any end function WeakMap:get(key) return self._weakMap[key] end function WeakMap:set(key, value) self._weakMap[key] = value return self end function WeakMap:has(key): boolean return self._weakMap[key] ~= nil end return WeakMap :: WeakMap<any, any> & WeakMap_Statics
local RS = game:GetService('ReplicatedStorage') local TS = game:GetService('TweenService') local Tool = script.Parent local TextureArray = {} local Activated = false local Debounce = false local Cooldown = 1 local Prop = nil local LaughAnim = nil Tool.Activated:Connect(function() if not Debounce then Debounce = true task.delay(Cooldown, function() Debounce = false end) local Character = Tool.Parent if not Activated then Activated = true LaughAnim = Character.Humanoid:LoadAnimation(RS.SkyV4.Laugh) LaughAnim:Play() Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = true Prop = RS.SkyV4.Props.Wings:Clone() Prop.Parent = Character local Attachment ='Attachment') Attachment.Parent = Character.HumanoidRootPart Attachment.Position =,-2.5,0) local Wave = RS.SkyV4.Effects.Wave:Clone() Wave.Parent = Attachment local Smoke = RS.SkyV4.Effects.Smoke:Clone() Smoke.Parent = Character.HumanoidRootPart local Pixel = RS.SkyV4.Effects.Pixel:Clone() Pixel.Parent = Character.HumanoidRootPart local Laugh = RS.SkyV4.Sound.Laugh:Clone() Laugh.Parent = Character.HumanoidRootPart local SmokeSound = RS.SkyV4.Sound.Smoke:Clone() SmokeSound.Parent = Character.HumanoidRootPart Laugh:Play() task.delay(1.6,function() Laugh:Destroy() task.wait(0.25) Character.HumanoidRootPart.Anchored = false LaughAnim:Stop() end) SmokeSound:Play() local Tween = TS:Create(SmokeSound,, {Volume = 0}) Tween:Play() Tween.Completed:Connect(function() SmokeSound:Destroy() end) Wave:Emit(2) Smoke:Emit(100) Pixel:Emit(50) for _, Item in ipairs(Character.Humanoid:GetAccessories()) do local Hair = Item.Handle:FindFirstChild("HairAttachment") ~= nil if Hair then TextureArray[Item] = {TextureID = Item.Handle.TextureID, Color = Item.Handle.Color, Material = Item.Handle.Material} Item.Handle.Color = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 0) Item.Handle.TextureID = '' Item.Handle.Material = Enum.Material.Neon end end elseif Activated then Activated = false local Tween = TS:Create(Prop.Handle,, {Transparency = 1}) Tween:Play() Tween.Completed:Connect(function() Prop:Destroy() end) for _, Item in ipairs(Character.Humanoid:GetAccessories()) do local Hair = Item.Handle:FindFirstChild("HairAttachment") ~= nil if Hair then Item.Handle.Color = TextureArray[Item].Color Item.Handle.Material = TextureArray[Item].Material Item.Handle.TextureID = TextureArray[Item].TextureID TextureArray[Item] = nil end end end end end)
----------------------------------------------------------- ----------------------- STATIC DATA ----------------------- -----------------------------------------------------------
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local table = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Table")) local Signal = require(script.Parent:WaitForChild("Signal")) local FastCast = nil -- Static reference to the FastCast static module.
--[=[ Constructs a new Maid which will clean up when the brio dies. Will error if the Brio is dead. :::info Calling this while the brio is already dead will throw a error. ::: ```lua local brio ="a") local maid = brio:ToMaid() maid:GiveTask(function() print("Cleaning up!") end) brio:Kill() --> Cleaning up! ``` @return Maid ]=]
function Brio:ToMaid() assert(self._values ~= nil, "Brio is dead") local maid = maid:GiveTask(self:GetDiedSignal():Connect(function() maid:DoCleaning() end)) return maid end
-- Also set this to true if you want the thumbstick to not affect throttle, only triggers when a gamepad is conected
local onlyTriggersForThrottle = false local ZERO_VECTOR3 =,0,0) local bindAtPriorityFlagExists, bindAtPriorityFlagEnabled = pcall(function() return UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled("UserPlayerScriptsBindAtPriority") end) local FFlagPlayerScriptsBindAtPriority = bindAtPriorityFlagExists and bindAtPriorityFlagEnabled
---Strobe SCRIPT, DO NOT EDIT!---
for i,v in pairs(game.workspace.PLights:GetChildren()) do spawn(function() while true do wait(math.random()) v.MLSelling.Dimmer:Invoke(180) wait(0.001) v.MLSelling.Dimmer:Invoke(0) end end) end
--[[ Manages batch updating of spring objects. ]]
local RunService = game:GetService("RunService") local Package = script.Parent.Parent local PubTypes = require(Package.PubTypes) local Types = require(Package.Types) local packType = require(Package.Animation.packType) local springCoefficients = require(Package.Animation.springCoefficients) local updateAll = require(Package.Dependencies.updateAll) local logError = require(Package.Logging.logError) type Set<T> = {[T]: any} type Spring = Types.Spring<any> local SpringScheduler = {} local WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE = {__mode = "k"}
-- If you want to know how to retexture a hat, read this:
debounce = true function onTouched(hit) if (hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Humanoid") ~= nil and debounce == true) then debounce = false h ="Hat") p ="Part") h.Name = "Handle" -- It doesn't make a difference, but if you want to make your place in Explorer neater, change this to the name of your hat. p.Parent = h p.Position = hit.Parent:findFirstChild("Head").Position p.Name = "Handle" p.formFactor = 0 p.Size =, 2, 2) p.BottomSurface = 0 p.TopSurface = 0 p.Locked = true script.Parent.Mesh:clone().Parent = p h.Parent = hit.Parent h.AttachmentPos =, 0.300000012, 0.219999999) -- Change these to change the positiones of your hat, as I said earlier. wait(5) debounce = true end end script.Parent.Touched:connect(onTouched)
----- Modules
local CooldownModule = require(RS.Modules.CooldownGui)
--[[ Returns the target CFrame for the camera while in Dead mode ]]
function CameraStateDead.getTargetCFrame(targetPart) local _, yaw, _ = targetPart.CFrame:toEulerAnglesYXZ() return * CFrame.fromEulerAnglesYXZ(0, yaw, 0) *, 15, 10) * -- Offset CFrame.Angles(math.rad(-20), 0, 0) -- Rotation end
--[=[ Retrieves an attribute, and if it is nil, returns the default instead. @param instance Instance @param attributeName string @param default T? @return T? ]=]
function AttributeUtils.getAttribute(instance, attributeName, default) local value = instance:GetAttribute(attributeName) if value == nil then return default end return value end
--[=[ @within Plasma @function checkbox @tag widgets @param label string -- The label for the checkbox @param options {disabled: boolean, checked: boolean} @return CheckboxWidgetHandle A checkbox. A checkbox may either be controlled or uncontrolled. By passing the `checked` field in `options`, you make the checkbox controlled. Controlling the checkbox means that the checked state is controlled by your code. Otherwise, the controlled state is controlled by the widget itself. Returns a widget handle, which has the fields: - `checked`, a function you can call to check if the checkbox is checked - `clicked`, a function you can call to check if the checkbox was clicked this frame ![Checkboxes]( ```lua Plasma.window("Checkboxes", function() if Plasma.checkbox("Controlled checkbox", { checked = checked, }):clicked() then checked = not checked end Plasma.checkbox("Disabled checkbox", { checked = checked, disabled = true, }) Plasma.checkbox("Uncontrolled checkbox") end) ``` ]=]
local Runtime = require(script.Parent.Parent.Runtime) local create = require(script.Parent.Parent.create) return Runtime.widget(function(text, options) options = options or {} local checked, setChecked = Runtime.useState(false) local clicked, setClicked = Runtime.useState(false) local refs = Runtime.useInstance(function(ref) local Checkbox = create("Frame", { [ref] = "checkbox", BackgroundTransparency = 1, Name = "Checkbox", Size =, 30, 0, 30), AutomaticSize = Enum.AutomaticSize.X, create("TextButton", { BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(54, 54, 54), BorderSizePixel = 0, Font = Enum.Font.SourceSansBold, Size =, 30, 0, 30), TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(153, 153, 153), TextSize = 24, create("UICorner", { CornerRadius =, 8), }), Activated = function() setClicked(true) setChecked(function(currentlyChecked) return not currentlyChecked end) end, }), create("TextLabel", { BackgroundColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(255, 255, 255), Font = Enum.Font.GothamMedium, TextColor3 = Color3.fromRGB(203, 203, 203), TextSize = 18, AutomaticSize = Enum.AutomaticSize.X, RichText = true, }), create("UIListLayout", { FillDirection = Enum.FillDirection.Horizontal, Padding =, 10), SortOrder = Enum.SortOrder.LayoutOrder, VerticalAlignment = Enum.VerticalAlignment.Center, }), }) return Checkbox end) local instance = refs.checkbox instance.TextLabel.Text = text instance.TextButton.AutoButtonColor = not options.disabled Runtime.useEffect(function() local isChecked if options.checked ~= nil then isChecked = options.checked else isChecked = checked end instance.TextButton.Text = isChecked and "✓" or "" end, options.checked, checked) Runtime.useEffect(function() instance.TextButton.BackgroundColor3 = options.disabled and Color3.fromRGB(112, 112, 112) or Color3.fromRGB(54, 54, 54) end, options.disabled) local handle = { checked = function() if options.checked or checked then return true end return false end, clicked = function() if clicked then setClicked(false) return true end return false end, } return handle end)
while wait() do Main.Money.Text = Money.Value end
--[[ Returns the current value of this Spring object. The object will be registered as a dependency unless `asDependency` is false. ]]
function class:get(asDependency: boolean?) if asDependency ~= false then useDependency(self) end return self._currentValue end
--// Commands --// Highly recommended you disable Intellesense before editing this...
return function(Vargs) local server = Vargs.Server; local service = Vargs.Service; local Settings = server.Settings local Functions, Commands, Admin, Anti, Core, HTTP, Logs, Remote, Process, Variables, Deps local function Init() Functions = server.Functions; Admin = server.Admin; Anti = server.Anti; Core = server.Core; HTTP = server.HTTP; Logs = server.Logs; Remote = server.Remote; Process = server.Process; Variables = server.Variables; Commands = server.Commands; Deps = server.Deps; --// Automatic New Command Caching and Ability to do server.Commands[":ff"] setmetatable(Commands, { __index = function(self, ind) local targInd = Admin.CommandCache[ind:lower()] if targInd then return rawget(Commands, targInd) end end; __newindex = function(self, ind, val) rawset(Commands, ind, val) if val and type(val) == "table" and val.Commands and val.Prefix then for i,cmd in next,val.Commands do Admin.PrefixCache[val.Prefix] = true; Admin.CommandCache[(val.Prefix..cmd):lower()] = ind; end end end; }) Logs:AddLog("Script", "Loading Command Modules...") --// Load command modules if server.CommandModules then for i,module in next,server.CommandModules:GetChildren() do local func = require(module) local ran,tab = pcall(func, Vargs, getfenv()) if ran and tab and type(tab) == "table" then for ind,cmd in next,tab do Commands[ind] = cmd; end Logs:AddLog("Script", "Loaded Command Module: ".. module.Name) elseif not ran then warn("CMDMODULE ".. module.Name .. " failed to load:") warn(tostring(tab)) Logs:AddLog("Script", "Loading Command Module Failed: ".. module.Name) end end end --// Cache commands Admin.CacheCommands(); Logs:AddLog("Script", "Commands Module Initialized") end; server.Commands = { Init = Init; }; end
-- events
REMOTES.Kick.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, other) local squad = GetSquad(other) if squad then if player.Name == squad.Leader.Value then LeaveSquad(other) end end end) REMOTES.SetLeader.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(player, other) local squad = GetSquad(other) if squad then if player.Name == squad.Leader.Value then squad.Leader.Value = other.Name end end end) REMOTES.ToggleQueue.OnServerEvent:connect(function(player) local squad = GetSquad(player) if squad then if player.Name == squad.Leader.Value then if squad.Queue.Value == "Solo" then squad.Queue.Value = "Squad" elseif squad.Queue.Value == "Squad" then if #squad.Players:GetChildren() <= 1 then squad.Queue.Value = "Solo" squad.Fill.Value = false end end end end end) REMOTES.ToggleFill.OnServerEvent:connect(function(player) local squad = GetSquad(player) if squad then if player.Name == squad.Leader.Value then if squad.Queue.Value == "Solo" then squad.Fill.Value = false else squad.Fill.Value = not squad.Fill.Value end end end end) REMOTES.SendInvite.OnServerEvent:connect(function(from, to) local squad = GetSquad(from) if squad.Leader.Value == from.Name then if #squad.Players:GetChildren() < MAX_SQUAD_SIZE then local success = false pcall(function() response = REMOTES.RespondToInvite:InvokeClient(to, from.Name) end) if response and from:IsDescendantOf(Players) then local squad = GetSquad(from) if #squad.Players:GetChildren() < MAX_SQUAD_SIZE then AddPlayerToSquad(to, squad) end end end end end) REMOTES.Ready.OnServerEvent:connect(function(player, ready) local squad = GetSquad(player) if squad then squad.Players[player.Name].Value = ready end end) REMOTES.LeaveSquad.OnServerEvent:connect(function(player) LeaveSquad(player) end) Players.PlayerAdded:connect(function(player) local info = player:GetJoinData() local squadName = info.TeleportData PLAYER_DATA:WaitForChild(player.Name) if squadName then local currentSquad = SQUADS:FindFirstChild(squadName) if currentSquad then if #currentSquad.Players:GetChildren() < MAX_SQUAD_SIZE then AddPlayerToSquad(player, currentSquad) else AddPlayerToSquad(player, CreateSquad()) end else AddPlayerToSquad(player, CreateSquad(squadName)) end else AddPlayerToSquad(player, CreateSquad()) end end) Players.PlayerRemoving:connect(function(player) RemovePlayer(player) end)
--[=[ Accepts an array of Promises and returns a Promise that is resolved as soon as `count` Promises are resolved from the input array. The resolved array values are in the order that the Promises resolved in. When this Promise resolves, all other pending Promises are cancelled if they have no other consumers. `count` 0 results in an empty array. The resultant array will never have more than `count` elements. ```lua local promises = { returnsAPromise("example 1"), returnsAPromise("example 2"), returnsAPromise("example 3"), } return Promise.some(promises, 2) -- Only resolves with first 2 promises to resolve ``` @param promises {Promise<T>} @param count number @return Promise<{T}> ]=]
function Promise.some(promises, amount) assert(type(amount) == "number", "Bad argument #2 to Promise.some: must be a number") return Promise._all(debug.traceback(nil, 2), promises, amount) end
function pose1() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer if (player == nil) then return end char = player.Character Rshoulder = char.Torso:findFirstChild("Right Shoulder") Lshoulder = char.Torso:findFirstChild("Left Shoulder") Rhip = char.Torso:findFirstChild("Right Hip") Lhip = char.Torso:findFirstChild("Left Hip") if (Rshoulder ~= nil) then Rshoulder.DesiredAngle = 0 end if (Lshoulder ~= nil) then Lshoulder.DesiredAngle = 0 end if (Rhip ~= nil) then Rhip.DesiredAngle = 0 end if (Lhip ~= nil) then Lhip.DesiredAngle = 0 end end function noanimate() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer if (player == nil) then return end char = player.Character local Anim = char:findFirstChild("Animate") if (Anim ~= nil) then Anim.Parent = player end end function animate() local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer if (player == nil) then return end char = player.Character local Anim = player:findFirstChild("Animate") if (Anim ~= nil) then Anim.Parent = char wait() Rshoulder = char.Torso:findFirstChild("Right Shoulder") Lshoulder = char.Torso:findFirstChild("Left Shoulder") Rhip = char.Torso:findFirstChild("Right Hip") Lhip = char.Torso:findFirstChild("Left Hip") if (Rshoulder ~= nil) then Rshoulder.Parent = nil Rshoulder.Parent = char.Torso end if (Lshoulder ~= nil) then Lshoulder.Parent = nil Lshoulder.Parent = char.Torso end if (Rhip ~= nil) then Rhip.Parent = nil Rhip.Parent = char.Torso end if (Lhip ~= nil) then Lhip.Parent = nil Lhip.Parent = char.Torso end end end function FalconPUUUNCH(mouse) local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer if (player == nil) then return end char = player.Character if (punchload == false) then Rarm = char:findFirstChild("Right Arm") Torso = char.Torso Rshoulder = Torso:findFirstChild("Right Shoulder") if (Rarm ~= nil) and (Rshoulder ~= nil) then punchload = true mouse.Icon = "rbxasset://textures\\GunWaitCursor.png" noanimate() pose1() Rshoulder.MaxVelocity = 1 Rshoulder.DesiredAngle = 0 wait(0.5) hurtc = hurt:clone() hurtc.Disabled = false hurtc.Parent = Rarm hurtc.Owner.Value = player.Name Rshoulder.DesiredAngle = 2 wait(0.1) Rshoulder.MaxVelocity = 0.1 wait(1) while hurtc.Enabled.Value == true do wait(0.1) end hurtc:remove() animate() punchload = false mouse.Icon = "rbxasset://textures\\GunCursor.png" end end end
-- Local Variables
local IntermissionRunning = false local EnoughPlayers = false local GameRunning = false local Events = ReplicatedStorage.Events local CaptureFlag = Events.CaptureFlag local ReturnFlag = Events.ReturnFlag
--Glenn's Anti-Exploit System (GAE for short). This code is very ugly, but does job done
local function SecureSettings(Player, Gun, Module) if Player then local PreNewModule = Gun:FindFirstChild("Setting") if Gun and PreNewModule then local NewModule = require(PreNewModule) if (CompareTables(Module, NewModule) == false) then if KickPlayer then Player:Kick("You have been kicked and blocked from rejoining this specific server for exploiting gun stats.") warn(Player.Name.." has been kicked for exploiting gun stats.") table.insert(_G.TempBannedPlayers, Player) else warn(Player.Name.." - Potential Exploiter Bypass! Case 2: Changed Gun Stats From Client") end return end else --[[if KickPlayer then Player:Kick("Gun and Module are not found. Kicked!") warn("Gun and Module are missing from "..Player.Name.."'s inventory.") else warn(Player.Name.." - Potential Exploiter Bypass! Case 1: Missing Gun And Module") end]] warn(Player.Name.." - Potential Exploiter Bypass! Case 1: Missing Gun And Module") return end else warn("Player does not exist.") return end end function _G.SecureSettings(Player, Gun, Module) SecureSettings(Player, Gun, Module) end VisualizeHitEffect.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Type, Replicate, Hit, Position, Normal, Material, ...) local Table = {...} if Type == "Normal" then for _, plr in next, Players:GetPlayers() do if plr ~= Player then VisualizeHitEffect:FireClient(plr, Type, Replicate, Hit, Position, Normal, Material, Table[1], Table[2], Table[3], nil) end end elseif Type == "Blood" then for _, plr in next, Players:GetPlayers() do if plr ~= Player then VisualizeHitEffect:FireClient(plr, Type, Replicate, Hit, Position, Normal, Material, Table[1], Table[2], nil) end end end end) VisualizeBullet.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Module, Tool, Handle, Directions, FirePointObject, HitEffectData, BloodEffectData, BulletHoleData, ExplosiveData, BulletData, WhizData, ClientData) for _, plr in next, Players:GetPlayers() do if plr ~= Player then VisualizeBullet:FireClient(plr, Module, Tool, Handle, Directions, FirePointObject, HitEffectData, BloodEffectData, BulletHoleData, ExplosiveData, BulletData, WhizData, ClientData) end end end) VisualizeMuzzle.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Handle, MuzzleFlashEnabled, MuzzleLightData, MuzzleEffect, Replicate) for _, plr in next, Players:GetPlayers() do if plr ~= Player then VisualizeMuzzle:FireClient(plr, Handle, MuzzleFlashEnabled, MuzzleLightData, MuzzleEffect, Replicate) end end end) PlayAudio.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Audio, LowAmmoAudio, Replicate) for _, plr in next, Players:GetPlayers() do if plr ~= Player then PlayAudio:FireClient(plr, Audio, LowAmmoAudio, Replicate) end end end) ShatterGlass.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(Player, Hit, Pos, Dir) if Hit then if Hit.Name == "_glass" then if Hit.Transparency ~= 1 then if PhysicEffect then local Sound ="Sound") Sound.SoundId = "" Sound.TimePosition = .1 Sound.Volume = 1 Sound.Parent = Hit Sound:Play() Sound.Ended:Connect(function() Sound:Destroy() end) GlassShattering:Shatter(Hit, Pos, Dir +, 25), math.random(-25, 25), math.random(-25, 25))) --[[local LifeTime = 5 local FadeTime = 1 local SX, SY, SZ = Hit.Size.X, Hit.Size.Y, Hit.Size.Z for X = 1, 4 do for Y = 1, 4 do local Part = Hit:Clone() local position = - 2.1, Y - 2.1, 0) * / 4, SY / 4, SZ) local currentTransparency = Part.Transparency Part.Name = "_shatter" Part.Size = / 4, SY / 4, SZ) Part.CFrame = Hit.CFrame * ( / 8) - Hit.Size / 8 + position) Part.Velocity =, 10), math.random(-10, 10), math.random(-10, 10)) Part.Parent = workspace --Debris:AddItem(Part, 10) task.delay(LifeTime, function() if Part.Parent ~= nil then if LifeTime > 0 then local t0 = os.clock() while true do local Alpha = math.min((os.clock() - t0) / FadeTime, 1) Part.Transparency = Math.Lerp(currentTransparency, 1, Alpha) if Alpha == 1 then break end task.wait() end Part:Destroy() else Part:Destroy() end end end) Part.Anchored = false end end]] else local Sound ="Sound") Sound.SoundId = "" Sound.TimePosition = .1 Sound.Volume = 1 Sound.Parent = Hit Sound:Play() Sound.Ended:Connect(function() Sound:Destroy() end) local Particle = script.Shatter:Clone() Particle.Color = Particle.Transparency ={, Hit.Transparency), --(time, value), 1) } Particle.Parent = Hit task.delay(0.01, function() Particle:Emit(10 * math.abs(Hit.Size.magnitude)) Debris:AddItem(Particle, Particle.Lifetime.Max) end) Hit.CanCollide = false Hit.Transparency = 1 end end else error("Hit part's name must be '_glass'.") end else error("Hit part doesn't exist.") end end) local function CalculateDamage(Damage, TravelDistance, ZeroDamageDistance, FullDamageDistance) local ZeroDamageDistance = ZeroDamageDistance or 10000 local FullDamageDistance = FullDamageDistance or 1000 local DistRange = ZeroDamageDistance - FullDamageDistance local FallOff = math.clamp(1 - (math.max(0, TravelDistance - FullDamageDistance) / math.max(1, DistRange)), 0, 1) return math.max(Damage * FallOff, 0) end InflictTarget.OnServerInvoke = function(Player, Module, Tool, Tagger, TargetHumanoid, TargetTorso, Damage, Misc, Critical, Hit, GoreData, ExplosiveData) SecureSettings(Player, Tool, Module) --Second layer local TrueDamage if ExplosiveData and ExplosiveData[1] then local DamageMultiplier = (1 - math.clamp((ExplosiveData[3] / ExplosiveData[2]), 0, 1)) TrueDamage = ExplosiveData[4] and ((Hit and Hit.Name == "Head" and Damage[3]) and Damage[1] * Damage[2] or Damage[1]) * DamageMultiplier or (Hit and Hit.Name == "Head" and Damage[3]) and Damage[1] * Damage[2] or Damage[1] else TrueDamage = Damage[5] and CalculateDamage((Hit and Hit.Name == "Head" and Damage[3]) and Damage[1] * Damage[2] or Damage[1], Damage[4], Damage[6], Damage[7]) or (Hit and Hit.Name == "Head" and Damage[3]) and Damage[1] * Damage[2] or Damage[1] end --GORE if TargetHumanoid.Health - TrueDamage <= 0 and not TargetHumanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild("gibbed") then if Hit then if Hit.Name == "Head" or Hit.Name == "Torso" or Hit.Name == "Left Arm" or Hit.Name == "Right Arm" or Hit.Name == "Right Leg" or Hit.Name == "Left Leg" or Hit.Name == "UpperTorso" or Hit.Name == "LowerTorso" or Hit.Name == "LeftUpperArm" or Hit.Name == "LeftLowerArm" or Hit.Name == "LeftHand" or Hit.Name == "RightUpperArm" or Hit.Name == "RightLowerArm" or Hit.Name == "RightHand" or Hit.Name == "RightUpperLeg" or Hit.Name == "RightLowerLeg" or Hit.Name == "RightFoot" or Hit.Name == "LeftUpperLeg" or Hit.Name == "LeftLowerLeg" or Hit.Name == "LeftFoot" then VisualizeGore:FireAllClients(Hit, TargetHumanoid.Parent, GoreData) end end end if Tagger then local CanDamage = DamageModule.CanDamage(TargetHumanoid.Parent, Tool.Parent, Damage[8]) if ExplosiveData and ExplosiveData[1] and ExplosiveData[5] then if TargetHumanoid.Parent.Name == Tagger.Name then CanDamage = (TargetHumanoid.Parent.Name == Tagger.Name) if ExplosiveData[7] then TrueDamage = TargetHumanoid:GetState() ~= Enum.HumanoidStateType.Freefall and TrueDamage or (TrueDamage * (1 - ExplosiveData[6])) else TrueDamage = TrueDamage * (1 - ExplosiveData[6]) end end end if TargetHumanoid and TargetHumanoid.Health ~= 0 and TargetTorso and CanDamage then while TargetHumanoid:FindFirstChild("creator") do TargetHumanoid.creator:Destroy() end local creator ="ObjectValue",TargetHumanoid) creator.Name = "creator" creator.Value = Tagger Debris:AddItem(creator, 5) if Critical[1] then local CriticalChanceRandom =, 100) if CriticalChanceRandom <= Critical[2] then TargetHumanoid:TakeDamage(math.abs(TrueDamage * Critical[3])) else TargetHumanoid:TakeDamage(math.abs(TrueDamage)) end else TargetHumanoid:TakeDamage(math.abs(TrueDamage)) end if Misc[1] > 0 then --knockback if not (ExplosiveData and ExplosiveData[1] and ExplosiveData[5]) then local Shover = Tagger.Character.HumanoidRootPart or Tagger.Character.Head local Duration = 0.1 local Speed = Misc[1] / Duration local Velocity = (TargetTorso.Position - Shover.Position).Unit * Speed local ShoveForce ="BodyVelocity") ShoveForce.MaxForce =, 1e9, 1e9) ShoveForce.Velocity = Velocity ShoveForce.Parent = TargetTorso Debris:AddItem(ShoveForce, Duration) end end if Misc[2] > 0 and Tagger.Character.Humanoid and Tagger.Character.Humanoid.Health ~= 0 then --lifesteal if ExplosiveData and ExplosiveData[1] and ExplosiveData[5] then if not TargetHumanoid.Parent.Name == Tagger.Name then Tagger.Character.Humanoid.Health = Tagger.Character.Humanoid.Health + (TrueDamage * Misc[2]) end else Tagger.Character.Humanoid.Health = Tagger.Character.Humanoid.Health + (TrueDamage * Misc[2]) end end if Misc[3] then --affliction local roll = math.random(1, 100) if roll <= Misc[5] then if not TargetHumanoid.Parent:FindFirstChild(Misc[4]) then local Debuff = Tool:FindFirstChild("GunScript_Server"):FindFirstChild(Misc[4]):Clone() Debuff.creator.Value = creator.Value Debuff.Parent = TargetHumanoid.Parent Debuff.Disabled = false end end end end else warn("Unable to register damage because player is no longer existing here") end end Players.PlayerAdded:Connect(function(player) for i, v in pairs(_G.TempBannedPlayers) do if v == player.Name then player:Kick("You cannot rejoin a server where you were kicked from.") warn(player.Name.." tried to rejoin a server where he/she was kicked from.") break end end end)
-- ================================================================================ -- PUBLIC FUNCTIONS -- ================================================================================
function GuiController:UpdateSpeed() end -- GuiController:UpdateSpeed() function GuiController:Start(s) speeder = s primary = speeder.PrimaryPart engine = speeder.engine BoostSetup() end -- GuiController:Start() function GuiController:Stop() end -- GuiController:Stop()
local CALMDOWN = 0.5 local CALMDOWN_RENDER = nil
local function SetWaterState(ReadyToUse: boolean) for _, WaterPart in Fountain.Water:GetChildren() do if WaterPart:IsA("BasePart") then if not WaterColor[WaterPart] then WaterColor[WaterPart] = WaterPart.Color end Tween:Play(WaterPart, {1, "Circular"}, {Color = ReadyToUse and WaterColor[WaterPart] or Color3.fromRGB(118, 118, 118)}) end end end Fountain.Healed.OnClientEvent:Connect(function(ServerTime: number) SetWaterState(false) Tween:Play(BillboardGui.Header, {1, "Circular"}, {TextTransparency = 0.7}) BillboardGui.Cooldown.Visible = true while true do local Difference = workspace:GetServerTimeNow() - ServerTime local ReadyToUse = Difference > Timer if ReadyToUse then break end BillboardGui.Cooldown.Text = "-".. math.ceil(Timer-Difference) .."-" task.wait(0.2) end SetWaterState(true) Tween:Play(BillboardGui.Header, {1, "Circular"}, {TextTransparency = 0}) BillboardGui.Cooldown.Visible = false end)
--[[ A limited, simple implementation of a Signal. Handlers are fired in order, and (dis)connections are properly handled when executing an event. ]]
local function immutableAppend(list, ...) local new = {} local len = #list for key = 1, len do new[key] = list[key] end for i = 1, select("#", ...) do new[len + i] = select(i, ...) end return new end local function immutableRemoveValue(list, removeValue) local new = {} for i = 1, #list do if list[i] ~= removeValue then table.insert(new, list[i]) end end return new end local Signal = {} Signal.__index = Signal function local self = { _listeners = {} } setmetatable(self, Signal) return self end function Signal:connect(callback) local listener = { callback = callback, disconnected = false, } self._listeners = immutableAppend(self._listeners, listener) local function disconnect() listener.disconnected = true self._listeners = immutableRemoveValue(self._listeners, listener) end return { disconnect = disconnect } end function Signal:fire(...) for _, listener in ipairs(self._listeners) do if not listener.disconnected then listener.callback(...) end end end return Signal
-- 2xy0x
local module = {} module.LastStandingPos = nil; module.DontUpdateYet = false; module.DamageMultiplication = 0.065 module.MinimumFallDamageStuds = 90 return module
--[[ Updates the value stored in this State object. If `force` is enabled, this will skip equality checks and always update the state object and any dependents - use this with care as this can lead to unnecessary updates. ]]
function class:set(newValue: any, force: boolean?) -- if the value hasn't changed, no need to perform extra work here if self._value == newValue and not force then return end self._value = newValue -- update any derived state objects if necessary updateAll(self) end local function Value<T>(initialValue: T): Types.State<T> local self = setmetatable({ type = "State", kind = "State", -- if we held strong references to the dependents, then they wouldn't be -- able to get garbage collected when they fall out of scope dependentSet = setmetatable({}, WEAK_KEYS_METATABLE), _value = initialValue }, CLASS_METATABLE) initDependency(self) return self end return Value
-- Get references to the DockShelf and its children
local dockShelf = script.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.Parent.DockShelf local dockbtn = dockShelf.JCookie local aFinderButton = dockShelf.AFinder local Minimalise = script.Parent local window = script.Parent.Parent.Parent
--[Lokalizacje] --[Góra]
g1 = script.Parent.Parent.gura1 legansio = false g2 = script.Parent.Parent.gura2 legansio = false g3 = script.Parent.Parent.gura3 legansio = false g4 = script.Parent.Parent.gura4 legansio = false g5 = script.Parent.Parent.gura5 legansio = false g6 = script.Parent.Parent.gura6 legansio = false g7 = script.Parent.Parent.gura7 legansio = false g8 = script.Parent.Parent.gura8 legansio = false g9 = script.Parent.Parent.gura9 legansio = false g10 = script.Parent.Parent.gura10 legansio = false g11 = script.Parent.Parent.gura11 legansio = false g12 = script.Parent.Parent.gura12 legansio = false g13 = script.Parent.Parent.gura13 legansio = false g14 = script.Parent.Parent.gura14 legansio = false s1 = script.Parent.Parent.s1 legansio = false q1 = script.Parent.Parent.q1 legansio = false
--[[ Package link auto-generated by Rotriever ]]
local PackageIndex = script.Parent.Parent.Parent._Index local Package = require(PackageIndex["JestMatcherUtils"]["JestMatcherUtils"]) export type MatcherHintOptions = Package.MatcherHintOptions export type DiffOptions = Package.DiffOptions return Package
-- Tags --
local pantsId = script.Parent.Parent.ClickPart.Pants.PantsTemplate local shirtId = script.Parent.Parent.ClickPart.Shirt.ShirtTemplate local cPart = script.Parent local cDetector = script.Parent.ClickDetector
-- Don't change the wait time. Sorry, it breaks the script...
-- Implements equivalent functionality to JavaScript's `array.indexOf`, -- implementing the interface and behaviors defined at: -- -- -- This implementation is loosely based on the one described in the polyfill -- source in the above link
return function<T>(array: Array<T>, searchElement: any, fromIndex: number?): number local fromIndex_ = fromIndex or 1 local length = #array -- In the JS impl, a negative fromIndex means we should use length - index; -- with Lua, of course, this means that 0 is still valid, but refers to the -- end of the array the way that '-1' would in JS if fromIndex_ < 1 then fromIndex_ = math.max(length - math.abs(fromIndex_), 1) end for i = fromIndex_, length do if array[i] == searchElement then return i end end return -1 end
-- goro7
local plr = game.Players.LocalPlayer function update() -- Calculate scale local scale = (plr.PlayerGui.MainGui.AbsoluteSize.Y - 30) / script.Parent.Parent.Size.Y.Offset if scale > 1.5 then scale = 1.5 end if scale > 0 then script.Parent.Scale = scale end end plr.PlayerGui:WaitForChild("MainGui"):GetPropertyChangedSignal("AbsoluteSize"):connect(update) update()
repeat wait() until game.Players.LocalPlayer and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character and game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Head") wait(1) local Camera=game.Workspace.CurrentCamera if Camera:FindFirstChild("MotionBlur") then Camera.MotionBlur:Destroy() end local"BlurEffect") blur.Parent=Camera blur.Size=0 blur.Name="MotionBlur" local move_anim_speed = 3 local last_p = local move_amm = 0 local aim_settings = { aim_amp = 0.5, aim_max_change = 4, aim_retract = 15, aim_max_deg = 20, } local last_va = 0 local last_va2 = 0 local view_velocity = {0, 0} local last_time = tick() game:GetService("RunService"):UnbindFromRenderStep("MotionBlur") wait(1/30) game:GetService("RunService"):BindToRenderStep("MotionBlur", Enum.RenderPriority.Camera.Value-1, function() local delta = tick() - last_time last_time = tick() local p_distance = ((Camera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector)).magnitude if p_distance == 0 then p_distance = 0.0001 end local p_height = Camera.CoordinateFrame.lookVector.y local view_angle if p_height ~= 0 then view_angle = math.deg(math.asin(math.abs(p_height) / p_distance)) * (math.abs(p_height) / p_height) else view_angle = 0 end local cam_cf = Camera.CoordinateFrame local looking_at = cam_cf *, 0, -100) local view_angle2 = math.deg(math.atan2(cam_cf.p.x - looking_at.p.x, cam_cf.p.z - looking_at.p.z)) + 180 local v_delta1, v_delta2 local dir1, dir2 = 0, 0 v_delta1 = math.abs(view_angle - last_va) if v_delta1 ~= 0 then dir1 = (view_angle - last_va) / v_delta1 end local va_check = {math.abs(view_angle2 - last_va2), 360 - math.abs(view_angle2 - last_va2)} if view_angle2 == last_va2 then dir2 = 0 v_delta2 = 0 elseif va_check[1] < va_check[2] then v_delta2 = va_check[1] dir2 = (view_angle2 - last_va2) / va_check[1] else v_delta2 = va_check[2] if last_va2 > view_angle2 then dir2 = 1 else dir2 = -1 end end last_va = view_angle last_va2 = view_angle2 view_velocity[1] = view_velocity[1] / (1 + (delta * aim_settings.aim_retract)) view_velocity[2] = view_velocity[2] / (1 + (delta * aim_settings.aim_retract)) local calc1 = v_delta1 * dir1 * aim_settings.aim_amp if calc1 ~= 0 then view_velocity[1] = view_velocity[1] + (math.abs(calc1)) * (calc1 / math.abs(calc1)) end local calc2 = v_delta2 * dir2 * aim_settings.aim_amp if calc2 ~= 0 then view_velocity[2] = view_velocity[2] + (math.abs(calc2)) * (calc2 / math.abs(calc2)) end if view_velocity[1] ~= 0 then view_velocity[1] = math.abs(view_velocity[1]) * (math.abs(view_velocity[1]) / view_velocity[1]) end if view_velocity[2] ~= 0 then view_velocity[2] = math.abs(view_velocity[2]) * (math.abs(view_velocity[2]) / view_velocity[2]) end local one=math.abs(math.rad(view_velocity[1])) local two=math.abs(math.rad(view_velocity[2])) local equation=math.max(one,two)*10 blur.Size=equation if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character then if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character:FindFirstChild("Torso") then if game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Torso.Position.Y <= -2000 then game.Players.LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid.Health = 0 end end end end)
local FSX = Frame.Size.X.Scale local FSY = Frame.Size.Y.Scale Player.DataFolder.Points.Changed:Connect(function() StatTrack.Text = Points.Value local function GoBack() Frame:TweenSize(,0,FSY,0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Back, 0.125, true ) end Frame:TweenSize( + 0.019 ,0,FSY + 0.019,0), Enum.EasingDirection.Out, Enum.EasingStyle.Back, 0.125, true, GoBack ) end)
--------LEFT DOOR 7--------
game.Workspace.doorleft.l71.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l72.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l73.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l61.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l62.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l63.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l52.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l53.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l51.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l43.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l42.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l41.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l33.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l32.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l31.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l23.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l22.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l13.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l11.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l12.BrickColor = game.Workspace.doorleft.l21.BrickColor =
game:GetService('StarterGui'):SetCoreGuiEnabled(Enum.CoreGuiType.Backpack, false)
--Info.WhiteList = {"Master3395","Itscapcake","thecookieboiyt"}
Info.WhiteList = { ["Master3395"] = true, [""] = true, } function Info:Convert(object) if object.ClassName == "ImageLabel" then object.ImageTransparency = 1 end for _,obj in pairs(object:GetDescendants()) do if obj.ClassName == "ImageLabel" or obj.ClassName == "ImageButton" then obj.ImageTransparency = 1 elseif obj.ClassName == "TextLabel" then obj.TextTransparency = 1 obj.TextStrokeTransparency = 1 elseif obj.ClassName == "TextBox" then obj.TextTransparency = 1 obj.TextStrokeTransparency = 1 obj.BackgroundTransparency = 1 end end object.Visible = false end function Info:Menu(object,visible,length) local TweenService = game:GetService("TweenService") local tweenInfo =,Enum.EasingStyle.Linear) if object.ClassName == "ImageLabel" then if visible == true then local info = {} info.ImageTransparency = 0 local tween = TweenService:Create(object,tweenInfo,info) tween:Play() else local info = {} info.ImageTransparency = 1 local tween = TweenService:Create(object,tweenInfo,info) tween:Play() end end for _,obj in pairs(object:GetDescendants()) do if obj.ClassName == "ImageLabel" or obj.ClassName == "ImageButton" then if visible == true then local info = {} info.ImageTransparency = 0 local tween = TweenService:Create(obj,tweenInfo,info) tween:Play() else local info = {} info.ImageTransparency = 1 local tween = TweenService:Create(obj,tweenInfo,info) tween:Play() end elseif obj.ClassName == "TextLabel" then if visible == true then local info = {} info.TextTransparency = 0 info.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 local tween = TweenService:Create(obj,tweenInfo,info) tween:Play() else local info = {} info.TextTransparency = 1 info.TextStrokeTransparency = 1 local tween = TweenService:Create(obj,tweenInfo,info) tween:Play() end elseif obj:IsA("TextBox") then if visible == true then local info = {} info.TextTransparency = 0 info.TextStrokeTransparency = 0 info.BackgroundTransparency = 0 local tween = TweenService:Create(obj,tweenInfo,info) tween:Play() else local info = {} info.TextTransparency = 1 info.TextStrokeTransparency = 1 info.BackgroundTransparency = 1 local tween = TweenService:Create(obj,tweenInfo,info) tween:Play() end end end if visible == false then object.Visible = false else object.Visible = true end end function Info:IsDev(player) if Info.WhiteList[player.Name] then return true else return false end end Info:Convert(frame) Info:Convert(kickUI) Info:Convert(banUI) Info:Convert(resetUI) Info:Convert(gamepassUI) local player = game.Players.LocalPlayer local length = 0.5 button.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() if Opened == false then Opened = true Info:Menu(frame,true,length) Info:Menu(resetUI,false,length) Info:Menu(kickUI,false,length) Info:Menu(banUI,false,length) Info:Menu(gamepassUI,false,length) else Opened = false Info:Menu(frame,false,length) Info:Menu(resetUI,false,length) Info:Menu(kickUI,false,length) Info:Menu(banUI,false,length) Info:Menu(gamepassUI,false,length) end end) frame.Reset.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() Info:Menu(resetUI,true,length) Info:Menu(frame,false,length) end) frame.Kick.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() Info:Menu(kickUI,true,length) Info:Menu(frame,false,length) end) frame.Ban.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() Info:Menu(banUI,true,length) Info:Menu(frame,false,length) end) frame.Gamepass.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() Info:Menu(gamepassUI,true,length) Info:Menu(frame,false,length) end) banUI.Ok.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() local plrN = banUI.PlayerName.Text game.ReplicatedStorage.Special:InvokeServer("Ban",plrN) Info:Menu(banUI,false,length) Info:Menu(frame,false,length) Opened = false end) kickUI.Ok.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() local plrN = kickUI.PlayerName.Text game.ReplicatedStorage.Special:InvokeServer("Kick",plrN) Info:Menu(kickUI,false,length) Info:Menu(frame,false,length) Opened = false end) resetUI.Ok.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() local plrN = resetUI.PlayerName.Text game.ReplicatedStorage.Special:InvokeServer("Reset",plrN) Info:Menu(resetUI,false,length) Info:Menu(frame,false,length) Opened = false end) gamepassUI.Ok.MouseButton1Click:Connect(function() local plrN = gamepassUI.PlayerName.Text local id = gamepassUI.Gamepass.Text game.ReplicatedStorage.Special:InvokeServer("Gamepass",plrN,id) Info:Menu(gamepassUI,false,length) Info:Menu(frame,false,length) Opened = false end) if Info:IsDev(player) then gui.Enabled = true else gui.Enabled = false end while wait() do if gui.Enabled == true and Info:IsDev(player) == false then player:Kick("No open this menu.") end end
-- loop
local count = 0 local startTick = tick() while true do local timeElapsed = tick() - startTick -- if the game has loaded and the minimum time has elapsed then break the loop if game:IsLoaded() and timeElapsed > MIN_TIME and game.Workspace.Finish.Value==1 then break end -- animate the text textLabel.Text = "Loading " .. string.rep(".",count) count = (count + 1) % 4 wait(.3) end game.Workspace.Finish.Value=2 if not game:IsLoaded() then game.Loaded:Wait() end
nextjump=0 chasing=false variance=4 damage=11 attackrange=4.5 sightrange=60 runspeed=18 wonderspeed=8 healthregen=false colors={"Sand red","Dusty Rose","Medium blue","Sand blue","Lavender","Earth green","Brown","Medium stone grey","Brick yellow"} function raycast(spos,vec,currentdist) local hit2,pos2=game.Workspace:FindPartOnRay(*.01),vec*currentdist),sp) if hit2 and pos2 then if hit2.Transparency>=.8 or hit2.Name=="Handle" or string.sub(hit2.Name,1,6)=="Effect" then local currentdist=currentdist-(pos2-spos).magnitude return raycast(pos2,vec,currentdist) end end return hit2,pos2 end function waitForChild(parent,childName) local child=parent:findFirstChild(childName) if child then return child end while true do child=parent.ChildAdded:wait() if child.Name==childName then return child end end end
-- Factor of torque applied to change the wheel direction -- Larger number generally means faster braking
local BRAKING_TORQUE = 16000
-- Initialize mesh tool
local MeshTool = require(CoreTools:WaitForChild 'Mesh') Core.AssignHotkey('H', Core.Support.Call(Core.EquipTool, MeshTool)); Core.AddToolButton(Core.Assets.MeshIcon, 'H', MeshTool)
-- Runs when someone touches our pet
function touch(part) -- IF player AND not dead AND has no master if part.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid') and part.Parent:FindFirstChild('Humanoid').health > 0 and not master then -- Assign the master master = part.Parent.Head --Create a new spring spring ="SpringConstraint", pet) spring.Attachment0 = pet.SpringAttach spring.Attachment1 = master.HatAttachment spring.FreeLength = maxDistance spring.Stiffness = 1000 spring.Damping = 2 -- Makes pet turn with player orient ="AlignOrientation", pet) orient.Attachment0 = pet.OrientAttach orient.Attachment1 = master.HatAttachment orient.RigidityEnabled = true -- Reset pet apon death function death() spring:Destroy() orient:Destroy() pet.CFrame = startpos master = nil end master.Parent.Humanoid.Died:Connect(death) end end pet.Touched:Connect(touch)
-- ربط الدالة بحدث الاصطدام
-- Make sure to spell it 100% correct.
local permissions = { cmds = 'Players', help = 'Players', m = 'Moderators', kick = 'Moderators', } local defaultLevel = 'Creators' -- The permission level that will be set for commands not configured above.
-- Note that VehicleController does not derive from BaseCharacterController, it is a special case
local VehicleController = {} VehicleController.__index = VehicleController function local self = setmetatable({}, VehicleController) self.CONTROL_ACTION_PRIORITY = CONTROL_ACTION_PRIORITY self.enabled = false self.vehicleSeat = nil self.throttle = 0 self.steer = 0 self.acceleration = 0 self.decceleration = 0 self.turningRight = 0 self.turningLeft = 0 self.vehicleMoveVector = ZERO_VECTOR3 return self end function VehicleController:BindContextActions() if useTriggersForThrottle then ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority("throttleAccel", (function(actionName, inputState, inputObject) self:OnThrottleAccel(actionName, inputState, inputObject) return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end), false, self.CONTROL_ACTION_PRIORITY, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2) ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority("throttleDeccel", (function(actionName, inputState, inputObject) self:OnThrottleDeccel(actionName, inputState, inputObject) return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end), false, self.CONTROL_ACTION_PRIORITY, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2) end ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority("arrowSteerRight", (function(actionName, inputState, inputObject) self:OnSteerRight(actionName, inputState, inputObject) return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end), false, self.CONTROL_ACTION_PRIORITY, Enum.KeyCode.Right) ContextActionService:BindActionAtPriority("arrowSteerLeft", (function(actionName, inputState, inputObject) self:OnSteerLeft(actionName, inputState, inputObject) return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end), false, self.CONTROL_ACTION_PRIORITY, Enum.KeyCode.Left) end function VehicleController:Enable(enable, vehicleSeat) if enable == self.enabled and vehicleSeat == self.vehicleSeat then return end self.vehicleMoveVector = ZERO_VECTOR3 if enable then if vehicleSeat then self.vehicleSeat = vehicleSeat if FFlagPlayerScriptsBindAtPriority then self:BindContextActions() else if useTriggersForThrottle then ContextActionService:BindAction("throttleAccel", (function(actionName, inputState, inputObject) self:OnThrottleAccel(actionName, inputState, inputObject) return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end), false, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonR2) ContextActionService:BindAction("throttleDeccel", (function(actionName, inputState, inputObject) self:OnThrottleDeccel(actionName, inputState, inputObject) return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end), false, Enum.KeyCode.ButtonL2) end ContextActionService:BindAction("arrowSteerRight", (function(actionName, inputState, inputObject) self:OnSteerRight(actionName, inputState, inputObject) return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end), false, Enum.KeyCode.Right) ContextActionService:BindAction("arrowSteerLeft", (function(actionName, inputState, inputObject) self:OnSteerLeft(actionName, inputState, inputObject) return Enum.ContextActionResult.Pass end), false, Enum.KeyCode.Left) end end else if useTriggersForThrottle then ContextActionService:UnbindAction("throttleAccel") ContextActionService:UnbindAction("throttleDeccel") end ContextActionService:UnbindAction("arrowSteerRight") ContextActionService:UnbindAction("arrowSteerLeft") self.vehicleSeat = nil end end function VehicleController:OnThrottleAccel(actionName, inputState, inputObject) self.acceleration = (inputState ~= Enum.UserInputState.End) and -1 or 0 self.throttle = self.acceleration + self.decceleration end function VehicleController:OnThrottleDeccel(actionName, inputState, inputObject) self.decceleration = (inputState ~= Enum.UserInputState.End) and 1 or 0 self.throttle = self.acceleration + self.decceleration end function VehicleController:OnSteerRight(actionName, inputState, inputObject) self.turningRight = (inputState ~= Enum.UserInputState.End) and 1 or 0 self.steer = self.turningRight + self.turningLeft end function VehicleController:OnSteerLeft(actionName, inputState, inputObject) self.turningLeft = (inputState ~= Enum.UserInputState.End) and -1 or 0 self.steer = self.turningRight + self.turningLeft end
--Weld stuff here
MakeWeld(car.Misc.Tach.M,car.DriveSeat,"Motor").Name="M" ModelWeld(misc.Tach.Parts,misc.Tach.M) MakeWeld(car.Misc.Speedo.N,car.DriveSeat,"Motor").Name="N" ModelWeld(misc.Speedo.Parts,misc.Speedo.N) MakeWeld(car.Misc.Wheel.W,car.DriveSeat,"Motor").Name="W" ModelWeld(car.Misc.Wheel.Parts,car.Misc.Wheel.W) car.DriveSeat.ChildAdded:connect(function(child) if child.Name=="SeatWeld" and child:IsA("Weld") and game.Players:GetPlayerFromCharacter(child.Part1.Parent)~=nil then,-.5,0)*CFrame.fromEulerAnglesXYZ(-(math.pi/2),0,0)*CFrame.Angles(math.rad(13),0,0) end end)
-- LocalScript
local numValue = Player.Eventos.EasterEvent -- substitua "NumValue" pelo nome da sua NumberValue local textLabel = script.Parent -- substitua "TextLabel" pelo nome do seu TextLabel
--// Aim|Zoom|Sensitivity Customization
ZoomSpeed = 0.20; -- The lower the number the slower and smoother the tween AimZoom = 15; -- Default zoom AimSpeed = 0.24; UnaimSpeed = 0.20; CycleAimZoom = 30; -- Cycled zoom MouseSensitivity = 0.25; -- Number between 0.1 and 1 SensitivityIncrement = 0.05; -- No touchy
--Simple function to make the door appear and disappear
local clickDetector = script.Parent.ClickDetector function onMouseClick() if script.Parent.CanCollide == false then print "Close door" script.Parent.CanCollide = true script.Parent.Transparency = 0 else print "Open door" script.Parent.CanCollide = false script.Parent.Transparency = 1 end end clickDetector.MouseClick:connect(onMouseClick)
--[=[ @within TableUtil @function Copy @param tbl table -- Table to copy @param deep boolean? -- Whether or not to perform a deep copy @return table Creates a copy of the given table. By default, a shallow copy is performed. For deep copies, a second boolean argument must be passed to the function. :::caution No cyclical references Deep copies are _not_ protected against cyclical references. Passing a table with cyclical references _and_ the `deep` parameter set to `true` will result in a stack-overflow. ]=]
local function Copy(t: Table, deep: boolean?): Table if deep then local function DeepCopy(tbl) local tCopy = table.create(#tbl) for k,v in pairs(tbl) do if type(v) == "table" then tCopy[k] = DeepCopy(v) else tCopy[k] = v end end return tCopy end return DeepCopy(t) else if #t > 0 then return table.move(t, 1, #t, 1, table.create(#t)) else local tCopy = {} for k,v in pairs(t) do tCopy[k] = v end return tCopy end end end
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local v1 = {}; v1.__index = v1; v1.CameraShakeState = { FadingIn = 0, FadingOut = 1, Sustained = 2, Inactive = 3 }; local l__Vector3_new__1 =; function, p2, p3, p4) if p3 == nil then p3 = 0; end; if p4 == nil then p4 = 0; end; assert(type(p1) == "number", "Magnitude must be a number"); assert(type(p2) == "number", "Roughness must be a number"); assert(type(p3) == "number", "FadeInTime must be a number"); assert(type(p4) == "number", "FadeOutTime must be a number"); local v2 = { Magnitude = p1, Roughness = p2, PositionInfluence = l__Vector3_new__1(), RotationInfluence = l__Vector3_new__1(), DeleteOnInactive = true, roughMod = 1, magnMod = 1, fadeOutDuration = p4, fadeInDuration = p3, sustain = p3 > 0 }; if p3 > 0 then local v3 = 0; else v3 = 1; end; v2.currentFadeTime = v3; v2.tick =, 100); v2._camShakeInstance = true; return setmetatable(v2, v1); end; local l__math_noise__2 = math.noise; function v1.UpdateShake(p5, p6) local l__tick__4 = p5.tick; local v5 = p5.currentFadeTime; if p5.fadeInDuration > 0 and p5.sustain then if v5 < 1 then v5 = v5 + p6 / p5.fadeInDuration; elseif p5.fadeOutDuration > 0 then p5.sustain = false; end; end; if not p5.sustain then v5 = v5 - p6 / p5.fadeOutDuration; end; if p5.sustain then p5.tick = l__tick__4 + p6 * p5.Roughness * p5.roughMod; else p5.tick = l__tick__4 + p6 * p5.Roughness * p5.roughMod * v5; end; p5.currentFadeTime = v5; return l__Vector3_new__1(l__math_noise__2(l__tick__4, 0) * 0.5, l__math_noise__2(0, l__tick__4) * 0.5, l__math_noise__2(l__tick__4, l__tick__4) * 0.5) * p5.Magnitude * p5.magnMod * v5; end; function v1.StartFadeOut(p7, p8) if p8 == 0 then p7.currentFadeTime = 0; end; p7.fadeOutDuration = p8; p7.fadeInDuration = 0; p7.sustain = false; end; function v1.StartFadeIn(p9, p10) if p10 == 0 then p9.currentFadeTime = 1; end; p9.fadeInDuration = p10 or p9.fadeInDuration; p9.fadeOutDuration = 0; p9.sustain = true; end; function v1.GetScaleRoughness(p11) return p11.roughMod; end; function v1.SetScaleRoughness(p12, p13) p12.roughMod = p13; end; function v1.GetScaleMagnitude(p14) return p14.magnMod; end; function v1.SetScaleMagnitude(p15, p16) p15.magnMod = p16; end; function v1.GetNormalizedFadeTime(p17) return p17.currentFadeTime; end; function v1.IsShaking(p18) local v6 = true; if not (p18.currentFadeTime > 0) then v6 = p18.sustain; end; return v6; end; function v1.IsFadingOut(p19) return not p19.sustain and p19.currentFadeTime > 0; end; function v1.IsFadingIn(p20) local v7 = false; if p20.currentFadeTime < 1 then v7 = p20.sustain and p20.fadeInDuration > 0; end; return v7; end; function v1.GetState(p21) if p21:IsFadingIn() then return v1.CameraShakeState.FadingIn; end; if p21:IsFadingOut() then return v1.CameraShakeState.FadingOut; end; if p21:IsShaking() then return v1.CameraShakeState.Sustained; end; return v1.CameraShakeState.Inactive; end; return v1;
--// WIP
local function LoadPackage(package, folder, runNow) --// runNow - Run immediately after unpacking (default behavior is to just unpack (((only needed if loading after startup)))) --// runNow currently not used (limitations) so all packages must be present at server startup local function unpackFolder(curFolder, unpackInto) if unpackInto then for _, obj in ipairs(curFolder:GetChildren()) do local clone = obj:Clone() if obj:IsA("Folder") then local realFolder = unpackInto:FindFirstChild(obj.Name) if not realFolder then clone.Parent = unpackInto else unpackFolder(obj, realFolder) end else clone.Parent = unpackInto end end else warn(`Missing parent to unpack into for {curFolder}`) end end unpackFolder(package, folder) end; local function CleanUp() --local env = getfenv(2) --local ran,ret = pcall(function() return env.script:GetFullName() end) warn("Beginning Adonis cleanup & shutdown process...") --warn(`CleanUp called from {tostring((ran and ret) or "Unknown")}`) --local loader = server.Core.ClientLoader server.Model.Name = "Adonis_Loader" server.Model.Parent = service.ServerScriptService server.Running = false server.Logs.SaveCommandLogs() server.Core.GAME_CLOSING = true; server.Core.SaveAllPlayerData() pcall(service.Threads.StopAll) pcall(function() for i, v in pairs(RbxEvents) do print("Disconnecting event") v:Disconnect() table.remove(RbxEvents, i) end end) --loader.Archivable = false --loader.Disabled = true --loader:Destroy() if server.Core and server.Core.RemoteEvent then pcall(server.Core.DisconnectEvent) end warn("Unloading complete") end; server = { Running = true; Modules = {}; Pcall = Pcall; cPcall = cPcall; Routine = Routine; LogError = logError; ErrorLogs = ErrorLogs; ServerStartTime = os.time(); CommandCache = {}; }; locals = { server = server; CodeName = ""; Settings = server.Settings; HookedEvents = HookedEvents; ErrorLogs = ErrorLogs; logError = logError; origEnv = origEnv; Routine = Routine; Folder = Folder; GetEnv = GetEnv; cPcall = cPcall; Pcall = Pcall; }; service = require(Folder.Shared.Service)(function(eType, msg, desc, ...) local extra = {...} if eType == "MethodError" then if server and server.Logs and server.Logs.AddLog then server.Logs.AddLog("Script", { Text = `Cached method doesn't match found method: {extra[1]}`; Desc = `Method: {extra[1]}` }) end elseif eType == "ServerError" then logError("Server", msg) elseif eType == "TaskError" then logError("Task", msg) end end, function(c, parent, tab) if not isModule(c) and c ~= server.Loader and c ~= server.Dropper and c ~= server.Runner and c ~= server.Model and c ~= script and c ~= Folder and parent == nil then tab.UnHook() end end, ServiceSpecific, GetEnv(nil, {server = server}))
--| Main |--
Remote.PhongDev.OnServerEvent:Connect(function(LocalPlayer) local Humanoid = LocalPlayer.Character.Humanoid Humanoid:LoadAnimation(Anims.Transform):Play() -- play animation end)
-- Decompiled with the Synapse X Luau decompiler.
local v1 = {}; local l__HDAdminMain__1 = _G.HDAdminMain; function v1.GetRankName(p1, p2) return l__HDAdminMain__1:GetModule("cf"):GetRankName(p2); end; function v1.GetRankId(p3, p4) return l__HDAdminMain__1:GetModule("cf"):GetRankId(p4); end; function v1.Notice(p5, p6, p7) if l__HDAdminMain__1.player then if not p7 then return; end; else l__HDAdminMain__1:GetModule("cf"):Notice(p6, "Game Notice", p7); return; end; l__HDAdminMain__1:GetModule("Notices"):Notice("Notice", "Game Notice", p7); end; function v1.Error(p8, p9, p10) if l__HDAdminMain__1.player then if not p10 then return; end; else l__HDAdminMain__1.signals.Error:FireClient(p9, { "Game Notice", p10 }); return; end; l__HDAdminMain__1:GetModule("Notices"):Notice("Error", "Game Notice", p10); end; return v1;
--[[ CameraModule - This ModuleScript implements a singleton class to manage the selection, activation, and deactivation of the current camera controller, character occlusion controller, and transparency controller. This script binds to RenderStepped at Camera priority and calls the Update() methods on the active controller instances. The camera controller ModuleScripts implement classes which are instantiated and activated as-needed, they are no longer all instantiated up front as they were in the previous generation of PlayerScripts. 2018 PlayerScripts Update - AllYourBlox --]]
local CameraModule = {} CameraModule.__index = CameraModule local FFlagUserFlagEnableNewVRSystem do local success, result = pcall(function() return UserSettings():IsUserFeatureEnabled("UserFlagEnableNewVRSystem") end) FFlagUserFlagEnableNewVRSystem = success and result end