# coding=utf-8 from pathlib import Path from typing import Dict, List, Tuple import datasets from seacrowd.utils import schemas from seacrowd.utils.configs import SEACrowdConfig from seacrowd.utils.constants import Licenses, Tasks _CITATION = """\ @inproceedings{kratochvil-morgado-da-costa-2022-abui, title = "{A}bui {W}ordnet: Using a Toolbox Dictionary to develop a wordnet for a low-resource language", author = "Kratochvil, Frantisek and Morgado da Costa, Lu{\'}s", editor = "Serikov, Oleg and Voloshina, Ekaterina and Postnikova, Anna and Klyachko, Elena and Neminova, Ekaterina and Vylomova, Ekaterina and Shavrina, Tatiana and Ferrand, Eric Le and Malykh, Valentin and Tyers, Francis and Arkhangelskiy, Timofey and Mikhailov, Vladislav and Fenogenova, Alena", booktitle = "Proceedings of the first workshop on NLP applications to field linguistics", month = oct, year = "2022", address = "Gyeongju, Republic of Korea", publisher = "International Conference on Computational Linguistics", url = "https://aclanthology.org/2022.fieldmatters-1.7", pages = "54--63", abstract = "This paper describes a procedure to link a Toolbox dictionary of a low-resource language to correct synsets, generating a new wordnet. We introduce a bootstrapping technique utilising the information in the gloss fields (English, national, and regional) to generate sense candidates using a naive algorithm based on multilingual sense intersection. We show that this technique is quite effective when glosses are available in more than one language. Our technique complements the previous work by Rosman et al. (2014) which linked the SIL Semantic Domains to wordnet senses. Through this work we have created a small, fully hand-checked wordnet for Abui, containing over 1,400 concepts and 3,600 senses.", } """ _DATASETNAME = "abui_wordnet" _DESCRIPTION = """\ A small fully hand-checked wordnet for Abui, containing over 1,400 concepts and 3,600 senses, is created. A bootstrapping technique is introduced to utilise the information in the gloss fields (English, national, and regional) to generate sense candidates using a naive algorithm based on multilingual sense intersection. """ _HOMEPAGE = "https://github.com/fanacek/abuiwn" _LANGUAGES = ["abz"] _LICENSE = Licenses.CC_BY_4_0.value _LOCAL = False _URLS = { _DATASETNAME: "https://raw.githubusercontent.com/fanacek/abuiwn/main/abwn_lmf.tsv", } _SUPPORTED_TASKS = [Tasks.WORD_ANALOGY] _SOURCE_VERSION = "1.0.0" _SEACROWD_VERSION = "2024.06.20" class AbuiwordnetDataset(datasets.GeneratorBasedBuilder): SOURCE_VERSION = datasets.Version(_SOURCE_VERSION) SEACROWD_VERSION = datasets.Version(_SEACROWD_VERSION) BUILDER_CONFIGS = [ SEACrowdConfig( name=f"{_DATASETNAME}_source", version=SOURCE_VERSION, description=_DESCRIPTION, schema="source", subset_id="abui_wordnet", ), # SEACrowdConfig( # name="abui_wordnet_seacrowd_ww", # version=SEACROWD_VERSION, # description="abuiw SEACrowd schema", # schema="seacrowd_a", # subset_id="abui_wordnet", # ), ] DEFAULT_CONFIG_NAME = f"{_DATASETNAME}_source" def _info(self) -> datasets.DatasetInfo: features = None if self.config.schema == "source": features = datasets.Features( { "sense": datasets.Value("string"), "pos": datasets.Value("string"), "lang": datasets.Value("string"), "lemma": datasets.Value("string"), "form": datasets.Value("string"), } ) elif self.config.schema == "seacrowd_pair": features = schemas.pairs_features raise NotImplementedError() return datasets.DatasetInfo( description=_DESCRIPTION, features=features, homepage=_HOMEPAGE, license=_LICENSE, citation=_CITATION, ) def _split_generators(self, dl_manager: datasets.DownloadManager) -> List[datasets.SplitGenerator]: urls = _URLS[_DATASETNAME] data_dir = dl_manager.download_and_extract(urls) return [ datasets.SplitGenerator( name="senses", gen_kwargs={ "filepath": data_dir, }, ), ] def _generate_examples(self, filepath: Path) -> Tuple[int, Dict]: with open(filepath, "r") as filein: data_instances = [inst.strip("\n").split("\t") for inst in filein.readlines()] if self.config.schema == "source": for idx, example in enumerate(data_instances): sense = example[0] pos = example[0][-1] lang = example[1] lemma = example[2] form = "" if len(example) == 3 else example[3] yield idx, { "sense": sense, "pos": pos, "lang": lang, "lemma": lemma, "form": form, } # elif self.config.schema == "seacrowd_pair": #