--- license: unknown tags: - machine-translation language: - ind - jav - xdy - bug - sun - mad - bjn - bbc - msa - min --- # korpus_nusantara This parallel corpus was collected from several studies, assignments, and thesis of students of the Informatics Study Program, Tanjungpura University. Some of the corpus are used in the translation machine from Indonesian to local languages http://nustor.untan.ac.id/cammane/. This corpus can be used freely for research purposes by citing the paper https://ijece.iaescore.com/index.php/IJECE/article/download/20046/13738. The dataset is a combination of multiple machine translation works from the author, Herry Sujaini, covering Indonesian to 25 local dialects in Indonesia. Since not all dialects have ISO639-3 standard coding, as agreed with Pak Herry , we decided to group the dataset into the closest language family, i.e.: Javanese, Dayak, Buginese, Sundanese, Madurese, Banjar, Batak Toba, Khek, Malay, Minangkabau, and Tiociu. ## Dataset Usage Run `pip install nusacrowd` before loading the dataset through HuggingFace's `load_dataset`. ## Citation ``` @article{sujaini2020improving, title={Improving the role of language model in statistical machine translation (Indonesian-Javanese)}, author={Sujaini, Herry}, journal={International Journal of Electrical and Computer Engineering}, volume={10}, number={2}, pages={2102}, year={2020}, publisher={IAES Institute of Advanced Engineering and Science} } ``` ## License Unknown ## Homepage [https://github.com/herrysujaini/korpusnusantara](https://github.com/herrysujaini/korpusnusantara) ### NusaCatalogue For easy indexing and metadata: [https://indonlp.github.io/nusa-catalogue](https://indonlp.github.io/nusa-catalogue)