--- language: - en - es pretty_name: " 💾🏋️💾 DataBench 💾🏋️💾" tags: - table-question-answering - table - qa license: mit task_categories: - table-question-answering - question-answering default: qa configs: - config_name: qa data_files: - ./ES_01_40db_Igualdad/qa.parquet - ./ES_02_40dB_Dormir/qa.parquet - ./ES_03_CIS_Enero_Marzo_2023/qa.parquet - ./ES_04_CEA_Barometro_Andaluz_Septiembre_2023/qa.parquet - ./ES_05_CIS_2023_Salud_Bienestar/qa.parquet - ./ES_06_CIS_Politica_Fiscal_Julio_2023/qa.parquet - ./ES_07_CIS_Relaciones_Afectivas_Pospandemia_III/qa.parquet - ./ES_08_CIS_Barometro_Diciembre_2022/qa.parquet - ./ES_09_40dB_Percepcion_Amor/qa.parquet - ./ES_10_CIS_Salud_Mental_Pandemia_2021/qa.parquet --- # 💾🏋️💾 DataBench 💾🏋️💾 This repository contains the original 65 datasets used for the paper [Towards Quality Benchmarking in Question Answering over Tabular Data in Spanish](http://journal.sepln.org/sepln/ojs/ojs/index.php/pln/article/view/6617) which appeared in SEPLN 2024. It is a spin-off of the original suite in English, which you can find [here](https://huggingface.co/datasets/cardiffnlp/databench). ## Usage ```python from datasets import load_dataset # Load all QA pairs all_qa = load_dataset("SINAI/databenchSPA") ``` You can use any of the individual [integrated libraries](https://huggingface.co/docs/hub/datasets-libraries#libraries) to load the actual data where the answer is to be retrieved. For example, using pandas in Python: ```python import pandas as pd # "ES_01_40db_Igualdad", the id of the dataset ds_id = all_qa['dataset'][0] # full dataset df = pd.read_parquet(f"hf://datasets/SINAI/databenchSPA/{ds_id}/all.parquet") # sample dataset df = pd.read_parquet(f"hf://datasets/SINAI/databenchSPA/{ds_id}/sample.parquet") ``` | # | Name | Rows | Columns | #QA | Source (Reference) | |----|----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------|-------|---------|-----|---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------| | 1 | [Encuesta de Igualidad](https://public.graphext.com/bcf11ce000281e77/index.html?section=data) | 2000 | 105 | 20 | [40dB](https://elpais.com/espana/2024-03-11/consulte-todos-los-datos-internos-de-la-encuesta-de-el-pais-de-marzo-cuestionarios-cruces-y-respuestas.html) | | 2 | [Calidad del Sueño](https://public.graphext.com/d586cf17f68716b2/index.html) | 2000 | 80 | 20 | [40dB](https://elpais.com/ciencia/2024-02-25/consulte-todos-los-datos-internos-del-barometro-de-el-pais-cuestionarios-cruces-y-respuestas-individuales.html) | | 3 | [Fusión Barómetros](https://public.graphext.com/090bc5693db03f4b/index.html) | 7430 | 161 | 20 | [CIS](https://www.cis.es/es/detalle-ficha-estudio?idEstudio=14707) | | 4 | [Barómetro Andaluz](https://public.graphext.com/ece62fc1938451e2/index.html) | 5349 | 85 | 20 | [CEA](https://www.centrodeestudiosandaluces.es/barometro/barometro-andaluz-de-septiembre-2023) | | 5 | [Juventud](https://public.graphext.com/d47edca4181aa6ab/index.html) | 1510 | 236 | 20 | [CRS](https://www.centroreinasofia.org/publicacion/barometro-salud-2023/) | | 6 | [Política Fiscal](https://public.graphext.com/244aabe0e1f29604/index.html?section=data) | 3011 | 198 | 20 | [CIS](https://www.cis.es/detalle-ficha-estudio?origen=estudio&idEstudio=14741) | | 7 | [Relaciones](https://public.graphext.com/4bfd99166c878c01/index.html) | 2491 | 186 | 20 | [CIS](https://www.cis.es/detalle-ficha-estudio?origen=estudio&idEstudio=14702) | | 8 | [Barómetro Mensual](https://public.graphext.com/6d6ed9331ce0ab03/index.html) | 2444 | 185 | 20 | [CIS](https://www.cis.es/es/detalle-ficha-estudio?idEstudio=14676) | | 9 | [Percepción del Amor](https://public.graphext.com/0c073fc60827634b/index.html?section=data) | 2000 | 150 | 20 | [40dB](https://elpais.com/sociedad/2022-06-05/consulte-todos-los-datos-internos-de-la-encuesta-de-el-pais-sobre-la-percepcion-del-amor-cuestionarios-y-respuestas-individuales.html) | | 10 | [Salud Mental](https://public.graphext.com/05917cf2424e681f/index.html?section=data) | 3083 | 354 | 20 | [CIS](https://datos.gob.es/es/catalogo/ea0022266-2193comportamiento-de-los-espanoles-ante-las-vacaciones-iii) | | | **Total** | 31318 | 1741 | 200 | | ## 🏗️ Folder structure Each folder represents one dataset. You will find the following files within: * all.parquet: the processed data, with each column tagged with our typing system, in [parquet](https://arrow.apache.org/docs/python/parquet.html). * qa.parquet: contains the human-made set of questions, tagged by type, for the dataset (sample_answer indicates the answers for DataBench lite) * info.yml: additional information about the dataset ## 🗂️ Column typing system In an effort to map the stage for later analysis, we have categorized the columns by type. This information allows us to segment different kinds of data so that we can subsequently analyze the model's behavior on each column type separately. All parquet files have been casted to their smallest viable data type using the open source [Lector](https://github.com/graphext/lector) reader. What this means is that in the data types we have more granular information that allows us to know if the column contains NaNs or not (following panda’s convention of Int vs int), as well as whether small numerical values contain negatives (Uint vs int) and their range. We also have dates with potential timezone information (although for now they’re all UTC), as well as information about categories’ cardinality coming from the arrow types. In the table below you can see all the data types assigned to each column, as well as the number of columns for each type. The most common data types are numbers and categories with 1336 columns of the total of 1615 included in DataBench. These are followed by some other more rare types as urls, booleans, dates or lists of elements. | Type | Columns | Example | | -------------- | ------- | ----------------------- | | number | 269 | 1 | | category | 1464 | banana | | date | 2 | 1979-01-01 | | text | 1 | A blue rabbit went to... | | list[number] | 1 | [10,11,12] | | list[category] | 4 | [banana, pineapple] | ## 🔗 Reference You can download the paper [here](http://journal.sepln.org/sepln/ojs/ojs/index.php/pln/article/view/6617). If you use this resource, please use the following reference: ``` @article{DBLP:journals/pdln/GrijalbaLCC24, author={Jorge Osés Grijalba and Luis Alfonso Ureña López and José Camacho-Collados and Eugenio Martínez Cámara}, title={Towards Quality Benchmarking in Question Answering over Tabular Data in Spanish}, year={2024}, cdate={1704067200000}, journal={Proces. del Leng. Natural}, volume={73}, pages={283-296}, url={http://journal.sepln.org/sepln/ojs/ojs/index.php/pln/article/view/6617} } ```