Evaluation part and test and gold annotated data is added to check the inter-annotator agreement
__author__ = "Matlatipov Sanatbek, Jaloliddin Rajabov"
__credits__ = ""
__license__ = ""
__version__ = ""
__maintainer__ = ""
__email__ = "{s.matlatipov, j.rajabov}"
import xml.etree.ElementTree as ET, getopt, logging, sys, random, re, copy
from xml.sax.saxutils import escape
import krippendorff as kp
from sklearn.metrics import confusion_matrix, cohen_kappa_score
import pandas as pd
import numpy as np
import re
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
import seaborn as sns
sys.exit('Some package is missing... Perhaps <re>?')
logger = logging.getLogger(__name__)
def fd(counts):
"""Given a list of occurrences (e.g., [1,1,1,2]), return a dictionary of frequencies (e.g., {1:3, 2:1}.)"""
d = {}
for i in counts:
d[i] = d[i] + 1 if i in d else 1
return d
frequency_rank = lambda d: sorted(d, key=d.get, reverse=True)
'Given a map, return ranked the keys based on their values.'
class Category:
"""Category objects contain the term and polarity (i.e., pos, neg, neu, conflict) of the category (e.g., food,
price, etc.) of a sentence. """
def __init__(self, term='', polarity=''):
self.term = term
self.polarity = polarity
def create(self, element):
self.term = element.attrib['category']
self.polarity = element.attrib['polarity']
return self
def update(self, term='', polarity=''):
self.term = term
self.polarity = polarity
class Aspect:
"""Aspect objects contain the term (e.g., battery life) and polarity (i.e., positive, negative, neutral, conflict)
of an aspect. """
def __init__(self, term, polarity, offsets):
self.term = term
self.polarity = polarity
self.offsets = offsets
def create(self, element):
self.term = element.attrib['term']
self.polarity = element.attrib['polarity']
self.offsets = {'from': str(element.attrib['from']), 'to': str(element.attrib['to'])}
return self
def update(self, term='', polarity=''):
self.term = term
self.polarity = polarity
def validate(filename):
"""Validate an XML file"""
elements = ET.parse(filename).getroot().findall('sentence')
aspects = []
for e in elements:
for eterms in e.findall('aspectTerms'):
if eterms is not None:
for a in eterms.findall('aspectTerm'):
aspects.append(Aspect('', '', []).create(a).term)
return elements, aspects
fix = lambda text: escape(text.encode('utf8')).replace('\"', '&quot;')
'Simple fix for writing out text.'
class Instance:
"""An instance is a sentence, modeled out of XML (pre-specified format, based on the 4th task of SemEval 2014).
It contains the text, the aspect terms, and any aspect categories."""
def __init__(self, element):
self.text = element.find('text').text = element.get('ID')
self.aspect_terms = [Aspect('', '', offsets={'from': '', 'to': ''}).create(e) for es in
element.findall('aspectTerms') for e in es if
es is not None]
self.aspect_categories = [Category(term='', polarity='').create(e) for es in element.findall('aspectCategories')
for e in es if
es is not None]
def get_aspect_terms(self):
return [a.term.lower() for a in self.aspect_terms]
def get_aspect_categories(self):
return [c.term.lower() for c in self.aspect_categories]
def add_aspect_term(self, term, polarity='', offsets=None):
if offsets is None:
offsets = {'from': '', 'to': ''}
a = Aspect(term, polarity, offsets)
def add_aspect_category(self, term, polarity=''):
c = Category(term, polarity)
class Corpus:
"""A corpus contains instances, and is useful for training algorithms or splitting to train/test files."""
def __init__(self, elements):
self.corpus = [Instance(e) for e in elements]
self.size = len(self.corpus)
self.aspect_terms_fd = fd([a for i in self.corpus for a in i.get_aspect_terms()])
self.top_aspect_terms = frequency_rank(self.aspect_terms_fd)
self.texts = [t.text for t in self.corpus]
def echo(self):
print('%d instances\n%d distinct aspect terms' % (len(self.corpus), len(self.top_aspect_terms)))
print('Top aspect terms: %s' % (', '.join(self.top_aspect_terms[:10])))
def clean_tags(self):
for i in range(len(self.corpus)):
self.corpus[i].aspect_terms = []
class Evaluate:
"""Manual evaluation of subtask"""
def __init__(self, correct, predicted):
self.value_domains_str = None
self.size = len(correct)
self.correct = correct
self.predicted = predicted
self.reliability_aspect_terms_data = self.get_reliability_aspect_terms_data()
self.reliability_aspect_terms_polarity = self.get_reliability_aspect_terms_polarity()
self.reliability_aspect_categories_data = self.get_reliability_aspect_category_data()
self.reliability_aspect_categoty_polarity = self.get_reliability_aspect_categories_polarities()
def krippendorff_alpha_aspect_terms(self, krippendorff_metric_type):
alpha = kp.alpha(reliability_data=self.reliability_aspect_terms_data, value_domain=list(self.value_domains_str),
return alpha
def krippendorff_alpha_aspect_terms_polarity(self, krippendorff_metric_type):
alpha = kp.alpha(reliability_data=self.reliability_aspect_terms_polarity,
return alpha
def krippendorff_alpha_aspect_categories(self, krippendorff_metric_type):
alpha = kp.alpha(reliability_data=self.reliability_aspect_categories_data,
value_domain=list(['ovqat', 'xizmat', 'muhit', 'narx', 'boshqalar']),
# value_counts = kp._reliability_data_to_value_counts(reliability_data, value_domain)
# alpha.
return alpha
def krippendorff_alpha_aspect_terms_polarity(self, krippendorff_metric_type):
alpha = kp.alpha(reliability_data=self.reliability_aspect_terms_polarity,
return alpha
def get_aspect_terms_value_domains_str(self):
self.value_domains_str = set(self.reliability_aspect_terms_data[0])
def get_reliability_aspect_terms_data(self):
new_gold = []
new_test = []
for i in range(self.size):
gold = self.correct[i].get_aspect_terms()
test = self.predicted[i].get_aspect_terms()
self.get_reliability_data(gold, new_gold, new_test, test)
return [new_gold, new_test]
def get_reliability_aspect_terms_polarity(self):
new_gold, new_test = [], []
for i in range(self.size):
cor_offsets, cor_polarities = [], []
pre_offsets, pre_polarities = [], []
for a in self.correct[i].aspect_terms:
cor_offsets = list(a.offsets)
cor_polarities = list(a.polarity)
for a in self.predicted[i].aspect_terms:
pre_offsets = list(a.offsets)
pre_polarities = list(a.polarity)
for cor_idx in range(len(cor_offsets)):
for pre_idx in range(len(pre_offsets)):
if cor_offsets[cor_idx] != pre_offsets[pre_idx]:
return [new_gold, new_test]
def get_reliability_aspect_category_data(self):
new_gold = []
new_test = []
for i in range(self.size):
gold = self.correct[i].get_aspect_categories()
test = self.predicted[i].get_aspect_categories()
gold = sorted(gold)
test = sorted(test)
new_gold = new_gold + gold
new_test = new_test + test
return [new_gold, new_test]
def get_reliability_aspect_categories_polarities(self):
new_gold, new_test = [], []
for i in range(self.size):
cor_polarities = self.correct[i].aspect_categories
pre_polarities = self.predicted[i].aspect_categories
new_gold = new_gold + cor_polarities
new_test = new_test + pre_polarities
return [new_gold, new_test]
def get_reliability_data(gold, new_gold, new_test, test):
gold = sorted(gold)
test = sorted(test)
cnt = 0
for j in range(max(len(gold), len(test))):
goldJ = re.sub(r'[^\w]', ' ', gold[j])
testJ = re.sub(r'[^\w]', ' ', test[j])
if goldJ != testJ:
cnt = cnt + 1
except IndexError:
if len(gold) < j:
if len(test) < j:
def aspect_extraction(self, b=1):
manual_common, manual_gold, manual_test = 0., 0., 0.
for i in range(self.size):
cor = [a.offsets for a in self.correct[i].aspect_terms]
pre = [a.offsets for a in self.predicted[i].aspect_terms]
manual_common += len([a for a in pre if a in cor])
manual_test += len(pre)
manual_gold += len(cor)
p = manual_common / manual_test if manual_test > 0 else 0.
r = manual_common / manual_gold
f1 = (1 + (b ** 2)) * p * r / ((p * b ** 2) + r) if p > 0 and r > 0 else 0.
return p, r, f1, manual_common, manual_test, manual_gold
def aspect_extraction_cohen_kappa(self, b=1):
manual_gold, manual_test = [], []
for i in range(self.size):
temp_gold_list = []
temp_test_list = []
for a in self.correct[i].aspect_terms:
for a in self.predicted[i].aspect_terms:
manual_gold = manual_gold + sorted(temp_gold_list)
manual_test = manual_test + sorted(temp_test_list)
return cohen_kappa_score(manual_gold, manual_test)
def get_confusion_matrix_heatmap(self, manual_gold, manual_test, labels, title):
confusion = confusion_matrix(manual_gold, manual_test, labels=labels)
ax = plt.subplot()
sns.heatmap(confusion, annot=True, fmt='g', ax=ax)
# labels, title and ticks
ax.set_xlabel('Test labels')
ax.set_ylabel('Gold labels')
# Aspect Category Detection
def category_detection(self, b=1):
manual_common, manual_gold, manual_test = 0., 0., 0.
for i in range(self.size):
cor = self.correct[i].get_aspect_categories()
# Use set to avoid duplicates (i.e., two times the same category)
pre = set(self.predicted[i].get_aspect_categories())
manual_common += len([c for c in pre if c in cor])
manual_test += len(pre)
manual_gold += len(cor)
p = manual_common / manual_test if manual_test > 0 else 0.
r = manual_common / manual_gold
f1 = (1 + b ** 2) * p * r / ((p * b ** 2) + r) if p > 0 and r > 0 else 0.
return p, r, f1, manual_common, manual_test, manual_gold
def aspect_category_detection_cohen_kappa(self, b=1):
manual_gold, manual_test = [], []
for i in range(self.size):
temp_gold_list = []
temp_test_list = []
for a in list(self.correct[i].aspect_categories):
for a in list(self.predicted[i].aspect_categories):
manual_gold = manual_gold + sorted(temp_gold_list)
manual_test = manual_test + sorted(temp_test_list)
if len(self.correct[i].aspect_categories) != len(self.predicted[i].aspect_categories):
print("ID missed = ", self.correct[i].id)
labels = ['ovqat', 'xizmat', 'narx', 'muhit', 'boshqalar']
self.get_confusion_matrix_heatmap(manual_gold, manual_test, labels, 'Aspect Category term Confusion Matrix')
alpha = cohen_kappa_score(manual_gold, manual_test, labels=labels)
return alpha
def aspect_polarity_estimation(self, b=1):
common, relevant, retrieved = 0., 0., 0.
for i in range(self.size):
cor = [a.polarity for a in self.correct[i].aspect_terms]
pre = [a.polarity for a in self.predicted[i].aspect_terms]
common += sum([1 for j in range(len(pre)) if pre[j] == cor[j]])
retrieved += len(pre)
acc = common / retrieved
return acc, common, retrieved
def aspect_polarity_kappa_cohen_estimation(self, b=1):
manual_gold, manual_test = [], []
for i in range(self.size):
for a in self.correct[i].aspect_terms:
for a in self.predicted[i].aspect_terms:
if len(self.correct[i].aspect_terms) != len(self.predicted[i].aspect_terms):
print("ID missed = ", self.correct[i].id)
labels = ['positive', 'negative', 'neutral', 'conflict']
self.get_confusion_matrix_heatmap(manual_gold, manual_test, labels, 'Aspect Terms Polarity Confusion Matrix')
return cohen_kappa_score(manual_gold, manual_test, labels=labels)
def aspect_category_polarity_estimation(self, b=1):
common, relevant, retrieved = 0., 0., 0.
for i in range(self.size):
cor = [a.polarity for a in self.correct[i].aspect_categories]
pre = [a.polarity for a in self.predicted[i].aspect_categories]
common += sum([1 for j in range(len(pre)) if pre[j] == cor[j]])
retrieved += len(pre)
acc = common / retrieved
return acc, common, retrieved
def aspect_category_polarity_kappa_cohen_estimation(self, b=1):
manual_gold, manual_test = [], []
for i in range(self.size):
temp_gold_list = []
temp_test_list = []
for a in self.correct[i].aspect_categories:
for a in self.predicted[i].aspect_categories:
if len(self.correct[i].aspect_categories) != len(self.predicted[i].aspect_categories):
print("ID missed = ", self.correct[i].id)
labels = ['positive', 'negative', 'neutral', 'conflict']
self.get_confusion_matrix_heatmap(manual_gold, manual_test, labels, 'Aspect Category Terms Polarity Confusion Matrix')
return cohen_kappa_score(manual_gold, manual_test)
def main(argv=None):
# Parse the input
opts, args = getopt.getopt(argv, "hg:dt:om:k:", ["help", "grammar", "train=", "task=", "test="])
trainfile, testfile, task = None, None, 1
use_msg = 'Use as:\n">>> python --train file.xml --task -1|1|2|3|4"\n\nThis will parse a train ' \
'set, examine whether is valid, test files, perform ABSA for task 1, 2, 3, or 4 , and write out a file ' \
'with the predictions. '
if len(opts) == 0:
for opt, arg in opts:
if opt in ("-h", "--help"):
elif opt in ('-t', "--train"):
trainfile = arg
elif opt in ('-m', "--task"):
task = int(arg)
# Examine if the file is in proper XML format for further use.
print('Validating the file...')
elements, aspects = validate(trainfile)
print('PASSED! This corpus has: %d sentences, %d aspect term occurrences, and %d distinct aspect terms.' % (
len(elements), len(aspects), len(list(set(aspects)))))
print("Unexpected error:", sys.exc_info()[0])
# Get the corpus and split into train/test.
manual_corpus_gold = Corpus(ET.parse(trainfile).getroot().findall('sentence'))
manual_corpus_test = Corpus(ET.parse('rest-manual-test-cohen-kapp.xml').getroot().findall('sentence'))
if task == 1:
print('\n------- Aspect terms --------')
print('P = %f -- R = %f -- F1 = %f (#correct: %d, #retrieved-test: '
'%d, #relevant-gold: %d)' % Evaluate(manual_corpus_gold.corpus,
print('Cohen\'s kappa = ', Evaluate(manual_corpus_gold.corpus, manual_corpus_test.corpus)
print('Krippendorff nominal metric = ', Evaluate(manual_corpus_gold.corpus, manual_corpus_test.corpus)
if task == 2:
print('\nAspect term polarity...')
print('Accuracy = %f, #Correct/#All: %d/%d' % Evaluate(manual_corpus_gold.corpus, manual_corpus_test.corpus)
print('Cohen Kappa Accuracy = %f,' % Evaluate(manual_corpus_gold.corpus, manual_corpus_test.corpus)
print('Krippendorff nominal metric = ', Evaluate(manual_corpus_gold.corpus, manual_corpus_test.corpus)
if task == 3:
print('\n------- Aspect Categories --------')
print('P = %f -- R = %f -- F1 = %f (#correct: %d, #retrieved: '
'%d, #relevant: %d)' % Evaluate(manual_corpus_gold.corpus,
print('Cohen\'s kappa = ', Evaluate(manual_corpus_gold.corpus, manual_corpus_test.corpus)
print('Krippendorff nominal metric = ', Evaluate(manual_corpus_gold.corpus, manual_corpus_test.corpus)
if task == 4:
print('\nEstimating aspect category polarity...')
print('Accuracy = %f, #Correct/#All: %d/%d' % Evaluate(manual_corpus_gold.corpus, manual_corpus_test.corpus)
print('Cohen Kappa Accuracy = %f,' % Evaluate(manual_corpus_gold.corpus, manual_corpus_test.corpus)
print('Krippendorff nominal metric = ', Evaluate(manual_corpus_gold.corpus, manual_corpus_test.corpus)
if __name__ == "__main__": main(sys.argv[1:])