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Argument ID Conclusion Stance Premise Achievement Power: dominance Power: resources
A03013 We should subsidize journalism in favor of ['journalism', 'and', 'free', 'expression', 'of', 'information', 'and', 'exchange', 'of', 'ideas', 'is', 'a', 'basic', 'human', 'right', 'and', 'subsidizing', 'this', 'would', 'improve', 'its', 'quality', 'and', 'reach'] 1 1 0
A05044 We should limit judicial activism in favor of ['activists', 'judges', 'arent', 'the', 'ones', 'shaping', 'the', 'laws', 'theyre', 'not', 'all', 'the', 'people', 'for', 'who', 'the', 'laws', 'are', 'voted', 'for', 'judicial', 'activism', 'has', 'to', 'be', 'limited', 'to', 'only', 'check', 'for', 'overuse', 'of', 'the', 'power', 'by', 'governments'] 0 1 0
A05053 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'makes', 'for', 'more', 'informed', 'voters'] 0 1 0
A07009 We should ban private military companies in favor of ['only', 'governments', 'can', 'be', 'trusted', 'with', 'armies', 'so', 'we', 'should', 'ban', 'private', 'military', 'companies'] 0 1 0
A07026 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['multi-party', 'systems', 'offer', 'voters', 'more', 'choices', 'and', 'more', 'representation'] 0 1 0
A07036 We should limit judicial activism in favor of ['judicial', 'activism', 'relies', 'too', 'heavily', 'upon', 'personal', 'opinion', 'and', 'leads', 'to', 'bias'] 0 1 0
A07076 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of ['bullies', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'given', 'second', 'chances', 'being', 'victim', 'to', 'school', 'bullying', 'is', 'a', 'major', 'risk', 'factor', 'for', 'developing', 'mental', 'health', 'problems', 'like', 'depression', 'anxiety', 'and', 'even', 'suicidal', 'thoughts'] 0 1 0
A09021 We should subsidize Wikipedia in favor of ['providing', 'subsidies', 'would', 'allow', 'more', 'money', 'to', 'be', 'spent', 'on', 'the', 'editing', 'process', 'thus', 'making', 'wikepedia', 'a', 'more', 'reliable', 'source', 'of', 'information'] 1 1 0
A12039 We should ban the use of child actors in favor of ['we', 'are', 'exploiting', 'the', 'youth', 'purely', 'for', 'entertainment'] 0 1 0
A12090 We should legalize sex selection in favor of ['parents', 'should', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'choose', 'what', 'sex', 'child', 'they', 'are', 'going', 'to', 'have'] 0 1 0
A12109 We should adopt libertarianism in favor of ['libertarianism', 'removes', 'the', 'big', 'brother', 'tyranny', 'of', 'big', 'government', 'and', 'allows', 'more', 'freedom', 'for', 'the', 'people'] 0 1 0
A12183 We should oppose collectivism in favor of ['collectivism', 'removes', 'an', 'individuals', 'right', 'to', 'promote', 'their', 'private', 'interests', 'and', 'exercise', 'autonomy'] 0 1 0
A12184 We should legalize prostitution in favor of ['if', 'prostitution', 'was', 'legal', 'then', 'the', 'people', 'would', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'be', 'better', 'protected', 'and', 'diseases', 'could', 'be', 'controlled', 'more'] 0 1 0
A12287 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['turn', 'out', 'figures', 'are', 'unacceptably', 'low', 'we', 'need', 'to', 'motivate', 'people', 'to', 'be', 'active', 'voters', 'for', 'a', 'representative', 'democracy'] 0 1 0
A12293 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'would', 'make', 'the', 'election', 'practice', 'fairer'] 0 1 0
A12318 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of ['an', 'austerity', 'regime', 'is', 'the', 'most', 'effective', 'way', 'to', 'reduce', 'the', 'national', 'debt'] 1 1 1
A12369 We should subsidize journalism in favor of ['subsidizing', 'journalism', 'would', 'bring', 'more', 'accurate', 'reporting', 'because', 'it', 'would', 'allow', 'for', 'the', 'hiring', 'of', 'more', 'qualified', 'reporters'] 1 1 0
A12385 We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of ['Three', 'strikes', 'laws', 'reduce', 'the', 'power', 'of', 'judges', 'and', 'discretion', 'in', 'the', 'court', 'room', 'making', 'judgments', 'shallower'] 0 1 0
A12441 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['more', 'voters', 'would', 'boost', 'voter', 'turnout'] 0 1 0
A12474 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['tywo', 'party', 'systems', 'no', 'longer', 'reflect', 'the', 'growing', 'diversity', 'of', 'political', 'views', 'only', 'a', 'multi', 'party', 'system', 'can', 'do', 'this'] 1 1 0
A12500 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'will', 'eliminate', 'voter', 'suppression', 'which', 'is', 'a', 'big', 'problem', 'in', 'this', 'country'] 0 1 0
A14009 We should subsidize student loans in favor of ['we', 'have', 'a', 'tremendous', 'amount', 'of', 'highly', 'intelligent', '/students', 'who', 'could', 'not', 'go', 'to', 'college', 'without', 'subsidizes', 'these', 'students', 'could', 'find', 'cures', 'to', 'fatal', 'illnesses', 'and', 'should', 'be', 'subsidized', 'to', 'benefit', 'all', 'of', 'society'] 0 1 0
A15002 We should ban fast food in favor of ['fast', 'food', 'is', 'the', 'cause', 'of', 'the', 'ever', 'increasing', 'chronic', 'conditions', 'and', 'obesity', 'in', 'our', 'nation'] 0 1 0
A17011 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'can', 'cause', 'unnatural', 'market', 'movements'] 0 1 1
A17012 We should limit judicial activism in favor of ['judges', 'should', 'be', 'limited', 'to', 'upholding', 'law', 'rather', 'than', 'making', 'it', 'that', 'job', 'is', 'politicians'] 0 1 0
A18039 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of ['Some', 'violent', 'and', 'extreme', 'behaviours', 'in', 'schools', 'deserve', 'a', 'fierce', 'and', 'sharp', 'reaction'] 0 1 0
A18105 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of ['we', 'should', 'adopt', 'an', 'austerity', 'regime', 'so', 'that', 'future', 'generations', 'are', 'not', 'left', 't0', 'pay', 'the', 'debts', 'that', 'we', 'rack', 'up'] 1 1 0
A18139 We should subsidize journalism in favor of ['Journalism', 'plays', 'an', 'essential', 'role', 'as', 'watchdog', 'of', 'democracy', 'and', 'keeping', 'citizens', 'informed', 'Such', 'a', 'valuable', 'industry', 'deserves', 'government', 'subsidization'] 0 1 0
A18154 We should legalize sex selection in favor of ['sex', 'selection', 'should', 'be', 'allowed', 'to', 'those', 'who', 'want', 'a', 'certain', 'gender'] 0 1 0
A18160 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['A', 'multi-party', 'system', 'would', 'bring', 'in', 'a', 'lot', 'more', 'choice', 'of', 'representation', 'for', 'the', 'people', 'living', 'in', 'the', 'country'] 0 1 0
A18164 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of ['zero-tolerance', 'must', 'be', 'mandatory', 'in', 'school', 'and', 'is', 'only', 'way', 'to', 'stop', 'negative', 'stuff', 'which', 'happens', 'so', 'often', 'in', 'schools'] 1 1 0
A18227 We should limit judicial activism in favor of ['judges', 'who', 'rule', 'based', 'on', 'their', 'own', 'personal', 'and', 'political', 'beliefs', 'usurp', 'the', 'power', 'of', 'our', 'elected', 'officials', 'and', 'are', 'violating', 'our', 'constitutional', 'rights'] 0 1 0
A18239 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of ['Zero-tolerance', 'policies', 'may', 'seem', 'unfair', 'to', 'the', 'individual', 'but', 'bad', 'and', 'risky', 'behavior', 'at', 'schools', 'spreads', 'faster', 'than', 'wildfire', 'Sometimes', 'we', 'must', 'make', 'an', 'example', 'of', 'an', 'individual', 'for', 'the', 'greater', 'good'] 0 1 0
A18246 We should subsidize journalism in favor of ['we', 'should', 'if', 'its', 'subsidised', 'it', 'could', 'mean', 'better', 'journalism'] 1 1 0
A18248 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['elections', 'are', 'supposed', 'to', 'be', 'won', 'by', 'the', 'opinion', 'of', 'the', 'people', 'if', 'only', 'a', 'select', 'few', 'people', 'vote', 'then', 'the', 'result', 'only', 'reflects', 'their', 'opinions', 'not', 'that', 'of', 'the', 'whole', 'population'] 0 1 0
A18258 We should subsidize student loans in favor of ['Students', 'are', 'and', 'will', 'always', 'be', 'the', 'backbone', 'of', 'the', 'society', 'Its', 'compulsory', 'to', 'support', 'these', 'growing', 'students', 'in', 'becoming', 'true', 'well', 'educated', 'citizens', 'to', 'support', 'the', 'economy'] 1 1 1
A18283 We should oppose collectivism in favor of ['collectivism', 'and', 'the', 'impingement', 'of', 'the', 'the', 'government', 'results', 'in', 'people', 'blaming', 'others', 'for', 'their', 'problems', 'rather', 'than', 'looking', 'for', 'solutions', 'themselves'] 1 1 0
A18301 We should adopt gender-neutral language in favor of ['gender', 'neutral', 'language', 'will', 'allow', 'both', 'genders', 'to', 'be', 'included', 'and', 'liberated', 'to', 'succeed', 'as', 'much', 'as', 'possible', 'removing', 'gender', 'benefits', 'all', 'and', 'reduces', 'discrimination', 'and', 'suppression'] 0 1 0
A18314 We should limit executive compensation in favor of ['executive', 'compensation', 'too', 'often', 'fails', 'to', 'deliver', 'and', 'as', 'such', 'causes', 'working', 'issues', 'therefore', 'it', 'should', 'not', 'only', 'be', 'limited', 'but', 'stopped', 'completely'] 1 1 1
A18326 We should abandon the use of school uniform in favor of ['school', 'uniforms', 'limit', 'the', 'ability', 'to', 'express', 'ones', 'self'] 0 1 0
A18351 We should ban human cloning in favor of ['human', 'cloning', 'should', 'be', 'banned', 'as', 'it', 'is', 'unnatural', 'and', 'serves', 'no', 'purpose', 'in', 'the', 'world', 'individuality', 'would', 'be', 'lost'] 0 1 0
A18375 We should oppose collectivism in favor of ['collectivism', 'takes', 'the', 'focus', 'off', 'the', 'individual', 'as', 'well', 'as', 'the', 'ways', 'in', 'which', 'each', 'of', 'us', 'is', 'unique', 'supporting', 'collectivism', 'means', 'wanting', 'the', 'individual', 'to', 'remain', 'subordinate', 'to', 'society'] 0 1 0
A18388 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of ['adopting', 'an', 'austerity', 'regime', 'is', 'the', 'best', 'way', 'to', 'reduce', 'the', 'budget', 'deficits', 'we', 'currently', 'are', 'faced', 'with'] 1 1 1
A18392 We should ban missionary work in favor of ['Missionaries', 'try', 'to', 'force', 'their', 'beliefs', 'and', 'values', 'on', 'people'] 1 1 0
A18408 We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of ['scientology', 'is', 'in', 'fact', 'a', 'cult', 'cults', 'need', 'to', 'be', 'stopped'] 0 1 0
A18428 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'would', 'be', 'beneficial', 'because', 'more', 'people', 'would', 'take', 'an', 'interest', 'in', 'politics', 'creating', 'a', 'more', 'fair', 'representation', 'in', 'government'] 1 1 0
A18446 We should limit judicial activism in favor of ['judicial', 'activism', 'should', 'be', 'limited', 'because', 'a', 'judge', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'making', 'all', 'decisions'] 0 1 0
A18454 We should subsidize journalism in favor of ['We', 'should', 'subsidize', 'journalism', 'because', 'we', 'need', 'to', 'keep', 'local', 'journalism', 'alive', 'so', 'people', 'are', 'aware', 'of', 'what', 'is', 'going', 'on', 'in', 'their', 'community', 'but', 'small', 'news', 'papers', 'are', 'struggling', 'the', 'most'] 0 1 1
A18460 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'will', 'lead', 'to', 'a', 'far', 'more', 'representative', 'system', 'of', 'parliament', 'because', 'everyones', 'vote', 'will', 'be', 'taken', 'into', 'consideration'] 0 1 0
A18466 We should legalize organ trade in favor of ['people', 'should', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'do', 'what', 'they', 'want', 'with', 'their', 'bodies'] 0 1 0
A18470 We should subsidize Wikipedia in favor of ['we', 'should', 'subsidize', 'wikipedia', 'because', 'everyone', 'in', 'the', 'world', 'knows', 'it', 'as', 'a', 'household', 'name', 'and', 'if', 'the', 'government', 'pays', 'for', 'libraries', 'why', 'cant', 'they', 'pay', 'for', 'wikipedia', 'which', 'contains', 'probably', 'more', 'information'] 1 1 0
A18487 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['multi-party', 'systems', 'help', 'decentralize', 'power', 'and', 'better', 'represent', 'the', 'various', 'interests', 'of', 'different', 'socio-economic', 'strata', 'within', 'a', 'nation'] 0 1 0
A19004 We should limit judicial activism in favor of ['judicial', 'activism', 'goes', 'against', 'our', 'system', 'of', 'what', 'is', 'best', 'for', 'the', 'people'] 0 1 0
A19079 We should ban targeted killing in favor of ['the', 'goal', 'should', 'always', 'be', 'to', 'capture', 'alive', 'so', 'banning', 'targeted', 'killing', 'will', 'encourage', 'capture', 'instead', 'of', 'kill'] 1 1 0
A19113 We should legalize prostitution in favor of ['we', 'should', 'legalize', 'prostitution', 'so', 'that', 'women', 'as', 'a', 'whole', 'are', 'taught', 'that', 'their', 'place', 'in', 'society', 'is', 'simply', 'as', 'a', 'commodity', 'to', 'be', 'used', 'by', 'someone', 'with', 'more', 'money'] 0 1 1
A19116 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['a', 'multi-party', 'system', 'will', 'help', 'to', 'ensure', 'that', 'more', 'political', 'agendas', 'will', 'be', 'given', 'the', 'chance', 'to', 'represent', 'the', 'people'] 0 1 0
A19149 We should ban human cloning in favor of ['we', 'should', 'ban', 'human', 'cloning', 'because', 'it', 'raises', 'too', 'many', 'legal', 'questions', 'regarding', 'ownership', 'and', 'identity'] 0 1 0
A19200 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['the', 'multi-party', 'system', 'works', 'and', 'ensures', 'that', 'everybody', 'has', 'their', 'say'] 1 1 0
A19208 We should legalize organ trade in favor of ['there', 'is', 'never', 'going', 'to', 'be', 'enough', 'voluntary', 'donation', 'to', 'meet', 'demand', 'opening', 'up', 'an', 'organ', 'trade', 'could', 'remedy', 'this', 'drastic', 'gap', 'in', 'supply', 'to', 'help', 'save', 'lives'] 0 1 0
A19264 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['by', 'requiring', 'all', 'citizens', 'to', 'vote', 'we', 'would', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'elect', 'politicians', 'who', 'more', 'accurately', 'represent', 'the', 'publics', 'will'] 0 1 0
A19265 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'would', 'saturate', 'the', 'polls', 'with', 'new', 'faces', 'causing', 'more', 'change', 'and', 'better', 'results'] 0 1 0
A19267 We should subsidize space exploration in favor of ['we', 'should', 'subsidize', 'space', 'exploration', 'because', 'it', 'is', 'beneficial', 'for', 'educational', 'purposes'] 1 1 0
A19285 We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of ['economic', 'sanctions', 'cause', 'a', 'weight', 'on', 'country', 'governments', 'that', 'have', 'violated', 'human', 'rights', 'dangerous', 'acts', 'et', 'al', 'and', 'the', 'only', 'thing', 'that', 'governments', 'can', 'relate', 'to', 'are', 'monetary', 'hardships'] 0 1 0
A19313 We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of ['it', 'gives', 'more', 'people', 'an', 'opportunity', 'to', 'improve', 'a', 'product', 'already', 'on', 'that', 'market', 'without', 'worrying', 'about', 'copyright', 'infringement'] 1 1 1
A19362 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of ['we', 'need', 'to', 'keep', 'other', 'kids', 'safe', 'in', 'schools', 'by', 'enforcing', 'a', 'zero-tolerance', 'policy', 'in', 'schools', 'we', 'cant', 'have', 'drugs', 'or', 'weapons', 'in', 'our', 'schools', 'and', 'give', 'those', 'kids', 'a', 'pass'] 0 1 0
A19387 We should subsidize space exploration in favor of ['space', 'exploration', 'is', 'the', 'last', 'great', 'frontier', 'for', 'scientific', 'discovery', 'and', 'should', 'be', 'publicly', 'funded'] 1 1 0
A19428 We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of ['three', '-strikes', 'laws', 'take', 'discretion', 'away', 'from', 'judges', 'a', 'person', 'committing', 'a', 'minor', 'crime', 'could', 'be', 'sentenced', 'to', 'life', 'if', 'he', 'had', 'a', 'criminal', 'history', 'from', 'long', 'ago', 'these', 'laws', 'backlog', 'our', 'courts', 'cram', 'our', 'prisons'] 1 1 0
A19431 We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of ['the', 'veracity', 'of', 'scientology', 'has', 'been', 'sufficiently', 'questioned', 'as', 'to', 'not', 'accept', 'churches', 'of', 'scientology'] 0 1 0
A19435 We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of ['scientology', 'is', 'an', 'evil', 'cult', 'that', 'is', 'sustained', 'by', 'stealing', 'from', 'its', 'acolytes', 'large', 'sums', 'of', 'money', 'in', 'exchange', 'for', 'nothing'] 0 1 1
A19480 We should ban private military companies in favor of ['private', 'military', 'companies', 'do', 'not', 'all', 'follow', 'the', 'rules', 'of', 'the', 'country'] 0 1 0
A19484 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of ['its', 'about', 'getting', 'the', 'deficit', 'down', 'and', 'engaging', 'in', 'austerity', 'regime', 'the', 'overall', 'impact', 'on', 'the', 'economy', 'is', 'positive', 'in', 'the', 'short', 'term'] 0 1 1
A19495 We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of ['we', 'should', 'abolish', 'the', 'three-strikes', 'laws', 'and', 'just', 'stick', 'to', 'one', 'law', 'because', 'it', 'may', 'stop', 'reoffending', 'if', 'its', 'that', 'harsh'] 0 1 0
A20186 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['looking', 'at', 'the', 'current', 'state', 'of', 'politics', 'around', 'the', 'world', 'it', 'is', 'evident', 'that', 'democracy', 'only', 'exists', 'through', 'vigilance', 'compulsory', 'voting', 'would', 'help', 'to', 'keep', 'democracy', 'alive', 'when', 'under', 'threat'] 1 1 0
A20200 We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of ['the', 'church', 'of', 'scientology', 'is', 'known', 'for', 'trying', 'to', 'completely', 'control', 'the', 'thoughts', 'and', 'actions', 'of', 'others'] 0 1 0
A20261 We should subsidize space exploration in favor of ['space', 'exploratin', 'gives', 'us', 'an', 'advantage', 'over', 'other', 'countries', 'such', 'as', 'satellite', 'usage', 'to', 'target', 'enemy', 'combatants', 'and', 'nuclear', 'arsenals'] 1 1 0
A20307 We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of ['three', 'strikes', 'is', 'too', 'many', 'and', 'dangerous', 'criminals', 'will', 'be', 'on', 'the', 'loose', 'again', 'too', 'quickly'] 0 1 0
A20312 We should subsidize Wikipedia in favor of ['wikipedia', 'is', 'an', 'amazing', 'resource', 'that', 'just', 'about', 'everyone', 'uses', 'if', 'it', 'were', 'to', 'disappear', 'many', 'people', 'would', 'lose', 'out', 'subsidizing', 'it', 'would', 'be', 'beneficial', 'to', 'all'] 1 1 0
A20369 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of ['by', 'adopting', 'a', 'zero-tolerance', 'policy', 'in', 'schools', 'we', 'can', 'cut', 'bullying', 'out', 'since', 'those', 'who', 'do', 'it', 'will', 'be', 'removed', 'from', 'the', 'school'] 0 1 0
A20391 We should subsidize journalism in favor of ['journalism', 'must', 'be', 'supported', 'by', 'the', 'central', 'government'] 0 1 0
A20407 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['in', 'a', 'multi', 'party', 'system', 'the', 'general', 'population', 'have', 'more', 'of', 'a', 'choice', 'in', 'who', 'their', 'leaders', 'are'] 0 1 0
A20468 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'would', 'ensure', 'that', 'everyone', 'becomes', 'engaged', 'in', 'the', 'political', 'process', 'and', 'it', 'would', 'be', 'the', 'true', 'voice', 'of', 'the', 'people', 'rather', 'than', 'the', 'voice', 'of', 'the', 'minority', 'who', 'vote'] 0 1 0
A20471 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of ['Corporations', 'should', 'decide', 'for', 'themselves', 'whether', 'to', 'keep', 'a', 'worker', 'because', 'they', 'are', 'the', 'ones', 'directly', 'impacted', 'mandatory', 'retirement', 'encroached', 'on', 'corporate', 'rights'] 0 1 0
A21022 We should subsidize journalism in favor of ['we', 'should', 'subsidize', 'journalism', 'as', 'it', 'is', 'a', 'key', 'element', 'to', 'investigating', 'wrong', 'doings', 'in', 'society'] 1 1 0
A21146 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['the', 'interests', 'of', 'a', 'two', 'party', 'system', 'are', 'very', 'limited', 'and', 'we', 'need', 'to', 'expand', 'with', 'more', 'parties', 'to', 'cater', 'to', 'more', 'views'] 0 1 0
A21277 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['the', 'more', 'people', 'participate', 'in', 'the', 'voting', 'process', 'the', 'better', 'it', 'is', 'for', 'democracy', 'and', 'society', 'as', 'a', 'whole'] 0 1 0
A21357 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['could', 'open', 'up', 'congress', 'and', 'create', 'new', 'opportunities', 'for', 'bargaining', 'and', 'coalition', 'building', 'on', 'unusual', 'lines'] 1 1 0
A21362 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['voting', 'is', 'what', 'drives', 'our', 'country', 'and', 'not', 'voting', 'means', 'that', 'the', 'most', 'preferred', 'people', 'do', 'not', 'get', 'elected'] 0 1 0
A21426 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of ['when', 'everything', 'else', 'fails', 'the', 'government', 'should', 'be', 'allowed', 'to', 'curb', 'all', 'superfluous', 'spending', 'within'] 1 1 1
A21442 We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors in favor of ['minors', 'are', 'too', 'young', 'to', 'make', 'these', 'choices'] 0 1 0
A21492 We should abolish capital punishment in favor of ['Crimes', 'that', 'get', 'the', 'death', 'penalty', 'are', 'rarely', 'premeditated', 'which', 'means', 'capital', 'punishment', 'doesnt', 'function', 'as', 'a', 'deterant'] 0 1 0
A22002 We should subsidize journalism in favor of ['we', 'need', 'journalists', 'to', 'keep', 'us', 'informed', 'as', 'to', 'what', 'is', 'going', 'on', 'in', 'the', 'world'] 0 1 0
A22025 We should subsidize journalism in favor of ['subsidizing', 'journalism', 'allows', 'more', 'voices', 'to', 'be', 'heard'] 0 1 0
A22096 We should ban fast food in favor of ['fast', 'food', 'can', 'lead', 'to', 'obesity', 'if', 'eaten', 'too', 'often', 'banning', 'it', 'would', 'mean', 'people', 'have', 'less', 'access', 'and', 'obesity', 'levels', 'would', 'fall'] 0 1 0
A22100 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of ['we', 'should', 'adopt', 'an', 'austerity', 'regime', 'because', 'it', 'would', 'help', 'to', 'reduce', 'unnecessary', 'spending'] 0 1 1
A22133 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['voter', 'turnout', 'these', 'days', 'are', 'dropping', 'steadily', 'so', 'we', 'need', 'to', 'make', 'everyone', 'vote', 'to', 'show', 'the', 'true', 'representation', 'of', 'the', 'people'] 0 1 0
A22147 We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of ['the', 'use', 'of', 'economic', 'sanctions', 'should', 'be', 'ended', 'because', 'it', 'is', 'important', 'to', 'keep', 'a', 'good', 'relationship', 'with', 'the', 'countries', 'we', 'trade', 'with'] 0 1 1
A22160 We should legalize sex selection in favor of ['families', 'should', 'have', 'the', 'right', 'to', 'choose', 'the', 'sex', 'of', 'their', 'babies'] 0 1 0
A22237 We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors in favor of ['it', 'is', 'a', 'decision', 'that', 'only', 'parents', 'can', 'make', 'until', 'they', 'are', 'old', 'enough', 'to', 'decide'] 0 1 0
A22244 We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of ['three', 'strikes', 'is', 'too', 'many', 'in', 'some', 'cases', 'if', 'people', 'know', 'they', 'have', 'three', 'chances', 'they', 'will', 'not', 'be', 'deterred', 'from', 'using', 'that', 'to', 'their', 'advantage'] 0 1 0
A22294 We should ban private military companies in favor of ['we', 'should', 'ban', 'private', 'military', 'companies', 'as', 'they', 'are', 'difficult', 'to', 'legislate', 'and', 'it', 'is', 'difficult', 'to', 'monitor', 'the', 'operations', 'and', 'ensure', 'they', 'are', 'legal', 'and', 'ethical'] 1 1 0
A22332 We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms in favor of ['the', 'right', 'to', 'keep', 'and', 'bear', 'arms', 'is', 'antiquated'] 1 1 0
A22386 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['Compulsory', 'voting', 'should', 'be', 'introduced', 'to', 'ensure', 'that', 'the', 'results', 'of', 'elections', 'are', 'completely', 'representative', 'of', 'the', 'population'] 0 1 0
A23031 We should subsidize space exploration in favor of ['many', 'of', 'the', 'technological', 'advances', 'brought', 'about', 'by', 'space', 'exploration', 'have', 'eventual', 'benefits', 'for', 'society', 'in', 'general'] 1 1 0
A23093 We should subsidize Wikipedia in favor of ['it', 'is', 'the', 'go', 'to', 'encyclopedia', 'and', 'should', 'be', 'of', 'the', 'highest', 'quality', 'possible'] 1 1 0
A23099 We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'are', 'unhelpful', 'to', 'companies', 'who', 'want', 'to', 'copy', 'other', 'peoples', 'ideas'] 1 1 0
A23112 We should legalize sex selection in favor of ['we', 'should', 'legalize', 'sex', 'selection', 'as', 'it', 'is', 'a', 'parents', 'right', 'to', 'choose', 'and', 'many', 'families', 'may', 'want', 'a', 'girl', 'after', 'many', 'boys', 'and', 'so', 'sex', 'selection', 'will', 'help', 'ensure', 'a', 'wanted', 'pregnancy'] 0 1 0
A23193 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of ['an', 'austerity', 'regime', 'can', 'help', 'lower', 'debt', 'throughout', 'the', 'country'] 0 1 0
A23242 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of ['Zero-tolerance', 'policy', 'works-', 'Think', 'of', 'schools', 'three', 'decades', 'ago', 'when', 'the', 'policy', 'was', 'prevalent', 'As', 'a', 'result', 'children', 'were', 'obedient', 'and', 'disciplined', 'as', 'opposed', 'to', 'students', 'behaviour', 'today', 'using', 'moderd', 'soft', 'approaches', 'in', 'schools'] 0 1 0
A23260 We should subsidize journalism in favor of ['jounalism', 'is', 'extremely', 'important', 'to', 'the', 'general', 'public'] 0 1 0
A23268 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'would', 'increase', 'political', 'activism'] 1 1 0
A23283 We should end mandatory retirement in favor of ['older', 'employees', 'have', 'a', 'wealth', 'of', 'knowledge', 'and', 'experience', 'and', 'forcing', 'them', 'to', 'retire', 'could', 'put', 'a', 'companys', 'productivity', 'at', 'risk'] 1 1 0
A23291 We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of ['scientology', 'is', 'a', 'cult', 'that', 'brainwashes', 'people'] 0 1 0
A23310 We should stop the development of autonomous cars in favor of ['these', 'cars', 'are', 'too', 'unpredictable', 'and', 'unsafe'] 0 1 0
A23381 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['a', 'multi-party', 'system', 'allows', 'for', 'the', 'airing', 'of', 'more', 'viewpoints', 'and', 'would', 'require', 'politicians', 'to', 'build', 'coalitions', 'and', 'compromise', 'in', 'order', 'to', 'get', 'things', 'accomplished'] 1 1 0
A23429 We should subsidize journalism in favor of ['Newspapers', 'and', 'magazines', 'are', 'currently', 'struggling', 'and', 'need', 'subsidization', 'to', 'stay', 'solvent'] 1 1 0
A23479 We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of ['the', 'church', 'of', 'scientology', 'is', 'a', 'corrupt', 'organization', 'that', 'preaches', 'extreme', 'values', 'and', 'is', 'detrimental', 'to', 'society'] 0 1 0
A24016 We should legalize cannabis in favor of ['legalized', 'cannabis', 'can', 'be', 'more', 'closely', 'regulated', 'and', 'taxed', 'it', 'makes', 'it', 'safer', 'than', 'illegal', 'weed', 'and', 'helps', 'provide', 'tax', 'dollars'] 1 1 1
A24052 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'will', 'represent', 'all', 'of', 'the', 'people', 'not', 'only', 'those', 'who', 'already', 'vote'] 0 1 0
A24059 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['a', 'key', 'advantage', 'of', 'a', 'multi-party', 'system', 'is', 'that', 'voters', 'have', 'a', 'choice', 'of', 'which', 'political', 'party', 'they', 'can', 'choose', 'to', 'elect'] 0 1 0
A24091 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['more', 'political', 'parties', 'give', 'people', 'more', 'of', 'a', 'choice', 'to', 'support', 'what', 'they', 'believe', 'in'] 0 1 0
A24092 We should ban algorithmic trading in favor of ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'gives', 'some', 'people', 'an', 'unfair', 'advantage'] 0 1 0
A24107 We should oppose collectivism in favor of ['collectivism', 'does', 'not', 'allow', 'one', 'person', 'to', 'stand', 'out', 'from', 'the', 'others', 'which', 'can', 'be', 'negative'] 1 1 0
A24115 We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of ['we', 'need', 'to', 'do', 'away', 'with', 'intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'so', 'it', 'doesnt', 'slow', 'down', 'innovation'] 1 1 0
A24127 We should legalize prostitution in favor of ['legalizing', 'prostitution', 'would', 'allow', 'the', 'government', 'to', 'regulate', 'prostitution', 'and', 'make', 'it', 'safer'] 0 1 0
A24165 We should legalize organ trade in favor of ['we', 'should', 'legalize', 'organ', 'trade', 'because', 'it', 'will', 'be', 'better', 'monitored', 'than', 'having', 'organs', 'being', 'sold', 'on', 'the', 'black', 'market'] 0 1 0
A24166 We should limit judicial activism in favor of ['judicial', 'activism', 'should', 'be', 'limited', 'because', 'law', 'making', 'is', 'best', 'done', 'by', 'the', 'legislative', 'and', 'executive', 'branches', 'of', 'government'] 0 1 0
A24193 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['the', 'multi-party', 'system', 'offers', 'voters', 'more', 'choices', 'that', 'may', 'get', 'more', 'people', 'involved', 'in', 'politics'] 1 1 0
A24199 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'gives', 'everyone', 'in', 'society', 'their', 'say', 'in', 'politics'] 0 1 0
A24240 We should legalize cannabis in favor of ['it', 'will', 'stop', 'people', 'from', 'buying', 'the', 'drug', 'from', 'the', 'streets', 'it', 'will', 'also', 'mean', 'that', 'regulations', 'are', 'put', 'in', 'place', 'to', 'ensure', 'the', 'quality', 'of', 'the', 'drug', 'is', 'safe', 'to', 'use', 'it', 'will', 'also', 'increase', 'tax', 'revenue'] 0 1 1
A24296 We should legalize sex selection in favor of ['parents', 'should', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'utilize', 'any', 'technological', 'advances', 'they', 'wish', 'in', 'order', 'to', 'build', 'their', 'ideal', 'family'] 1 1 0
A24321 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['all', 'citizens', 'should', 'be', 'compelled', 'to', 'vote', 'to', 'voice', 'their', 'opinion', 'on', 'who', 'should', 'be', 'our', 'elected', 'leaders', 'apathy', 'in', 'selecting', 'our', 'political', 'leaders', 'is', 'detrimental', 'to', 'our', 'society'] 1 1 0
A24327 We should subsidize Wikipedia in favor of ['subsidization', 'would', 'improve', 'the', 'reach', 'and', 'dissemination', 'of', 'wikipedias', 'information', 'enabling', 'translation', 'into', 'more', 'marginal', 'languages', 'for', 'example'] 1 1 0
A24335 We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of ['we', 'should', 'ban', 'the', 'church', 'of', 'scientology', 'as', 'people', 'may', 'not', 'recognise', 'it', 'as', 'a', 'true', 'religion'] 0 1 0
A24342 We should legalize sex selection in favor of ['parents', 'should', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'chose', 'the', 'sex', 'of', 'their', 'children'] 0 1 0
A24415 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'will', 'ensure', 'the', 'proper', 'result', 'in', 'an', 'election'] 1 1 0
A24444 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['by', 'introducing', 'compulsory', 'voting', 'you', 'will', 'assure', 'that', 'each', 'and', 'every', 'citizens', 'voice', 'is', 'heard'] 1 1 0
A24484 We should oppose collectivism in favor of ['We', 'should', 'oppose', 'collectivism', 'because', 'while', 'it', 'can', 'be', 'used', 'to', 'help', 'everyone', 'it', 'gives', 'too', 'much', 'power', 'to', 'the', 'collective', 'to', 'hurt', 'individuals'] 0 1 0
A24493 We should ban private military companies in favor of ['the', 'defense', 'of', 'a', 'country', 'can', 'only', 'be', 'trusted', 'with', 'the', 'government', 'and', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'motivated', 'by', 'money', 'and', 'greed'] 1 1 0
A25014 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['the', 'current', 'system', 'is', 'broken', 'and', 'doesnt', 'work', 'neither', 'side', 'can', 'work', 'together', 'so', 'having', 'more', 'options', 'would', 'force', 'politicians', 'to', 'come', 'together', 'and', 'do', 'whats', 'best', 'for', 'the', 'people', 'because', 'no', 'side', 'would', 'be', 'majority'] 0 1 0
A25047 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of ['for', 'longer', 'term', 'economic', 'benefits', 'short', 'term', 'sacrifices', 'are', 'necessary', 'to', 'dig', 'the', 'country', 'out', 'of', 'debt', 'and', 'an', 'austerity', 'regime', 'is', 'the', 'only', 'way', 'to', 'achieve', 'this'] 1 1 0
A25123 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'would', 'insure', 'that', 'every', 'eligible', 'voting', 'citizen', 'is', 'able', 'to', 'aid', 'in', 'who', 'they', 'want', 'for', 'political', 'offices'] 0 1 0
A25160 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'would', 'see', 'to', 'it', 'that', 'we', 'have', 'the', 'person', 'the', 'people', 'all', 'the', 'people', 'truly', 'want', 'in', 'each', 'area', 'of', 'our', 'government'] 0 1 0
A25179 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'will', 'cause', 'more', 'people', 'to', 'take', 'an', 'interest', 'in', 'politics', 'which', 'in', 'turn', 'will', 'benefit', 'everyone'] 0 1 0
A25198 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['it', 'would', 'lead', 'to', 'governments', 'better', 'reflecting', 'the', 'public'] 0 1 0
A25271 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of ['an', 'austerity', 'regime', 'would', 'stabilize', 'our', 'government'] 0 1 0
A25344 We should abolish intellectual property rights in favor of ['we', 'should', 'abolish', 'intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'because', 'the', 'rich', 'take', 'advantage', 'of', 'the', 'poor'] 0 1 0
A25386 We should end the use of economic sanctions in favor of ['economic', 'sanctions', 'dont', 'work', 'and', 'result', 'to', 'have', 'enemies', 'abroad'] 1 1 0
A25421 We should subsidize space exploration in favor of ['the', 'technology', 'we', 'get', 'from', 'space', 'exploration', 'alone', 'is', 'worth', 'the', 'cost', 'of', 'it'] 1 1 0
A25425 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of ['adopting', 'now', 'an', 'austerity', 'regime', 'will', 'help', 'future', 'generations', 'to', 'cope', 'with', 'the', 'limited', 'resources', 'we', 'have'] 0 1 0
A25466 We should limit judicial activism in favor of ['sometimes', 'the', 'laws', 'of', 'the', 'lands', 'contradict', 'a', 'justified', 'action'] 0 1 0
A25488 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of ['We', 'should', 'adopt', 'a', 'zero-tolerance', 'policy', 'in', 'schools', 'since', 'the', 'current', 'system', 'clearly', 'isnt', 'working', 'and', 'needs', 'a', 'drastic', 'non', 'tolerant', 'change'] 0 1 0
A25495 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['a', 'multi', 'party', 'system', 'would', 'bring', 'many', 'new', '&', 'fresh', 'ideas', 'into', 'the', 'forefront'] 0 1 0
A26012 We should legalize prostitution in favor of ['there', 'are', 'different', 'types', 'of', 'prostitution', 'not', 'all', 'is', 'abusive', 'and', 'exploitative', 'a', 'regulated', 'industry', 'based', 'upon', 'freedom', 'of', 'choice', 'is', 'a', 'positive', 'liberation', 'and', 'safer', 'than', 'the', 'situation', 'today'] 0 1 0
A26053 We should abolish the three-strikes laws in favor of ['criminals', 'shouldnt', 'get', 'extra', 'chances', 'when', 'committing', 'crimes', 'anyway', 'so', 'the', 'three-strikes', 'law', 'is', 'not', 'necessary'] 0 1 0
A26089 We should limit judicial activism in favor of ['justice', 'can', 'not', 'be', 'subject', 'to', 'personal', 'opinions'] 0 1 0
A27005 We should abolish capital punishment in favor of ['Capital', 'punishment', 'is', 'just', 'another', 'way', 'to', 'oppress', 'and', 'control', 'minorities', 'and', 'certain', 'groups', 'which', 'undermine', 'the', 'mainstreem', 'perceptions'] 0 1 0
A27125 We should subsidize Wikipedia in favor of ['wikipedia', 'has', 'the', 'potential', 'to', 'be', 'the', 'greatest', 'source', 'of', 'freely', 'accessible', 'information', 'a', 'subsidy', 'could', 'help', 'to', 'reach', 'this', 'goal', 'whereas', 'currently', 'the', 'funding', 'is', 'becoming', 'a', 'bigger', 'threat', 'to', 'its', 'existence'] 1 1 0
A27202 We should ban the Church of Scientology in favor of ['the', 'church', 'uses', 'slave', 'labor', 'and', 'other', 'intimidation', 'tactics', 'to', 'get', 'what', 'they', 'want'] 0 1 0
A27239 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['a', 'multi-party', 'system', 'allows', 'for', 'a', 'broad', 'range', 'of', 'ideas', 'to', 'be', 'heard', 'and', 'implemented'] 1 1 0
A27252 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of ['Zero', 'tolerance', 'parties', 'have', 'the', 'appearance', 'of', 'fairness', 'which', 'increases', 'buy-in', 'to', 'the', 'disciplinary', 'system', 'from', 'otherwise', 'skeptical', 'parents', 'and', 'community', 'leaders'] 0 1 0
A27343 We should ban private military companies in favor of ['only', 'the', 'federal', 'government', 'should', 'be', 'allowed', 'to', 'handle', 'any', 'military', 'training'] 0 1 0
A27345 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'would', 'make', 'sure', 'that', 'each', 'and', 'every', 'persons', 'voice', 'is', 'heard', 'and', 'provide', 'a', 'more', 'accurate', 'system', 'of', 'making', 'sure', 'the', 'person', 'elected', 'is', 'the', 'one', 'the', 'people', 'really', 'want'] 1 1 0
A27364 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'would', 'ensure', 'that', 'everyone', 'would', 'vote', 'and', 'have', 'a', 'voice', 'in', 'what', 'goes', 'on'] 0 1 0
A27443 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of ['an', 'austerity', 'regime', 'allows', 'for', 'the', 'restructuring', 'of', 'economic', 'for', 'a', 'country', 'which', 'can', 'provide', 'financial', 'benefits'] 1 1 1
A27453 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'will', 'increase', 'the', 'number', 'of', 'voter', 'turnout'] 1 1 0
A28096 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['a', 'multi-party', 'system', 'allows', 'for', 'more', 'ideas', 'more', 'candidates', 'more', 'voters', 'turning', 'out'] 1 1 0
A28125 We should legalize organ trade in favor of ['organ', 'trade', 'will', 'allow', 'for', 'more', 'transplants', 'benefitting', 'society', 'a', 'a', 'whole'] 1 1 0
A28129 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['it', 'sends', 'a', 'worthwhile', 'message;', 'that', 'your', 'vote', 'and', 'your', 'opinion', 'is', 'important', 'to', 'a', 'democratic', 'decision', 'a', 'democracy', 'cannot', 'be', 'representative', 'of', 'the', 'people', 'if', 'vast', 'portions', 'of', 'some', 'demographics', 'dont', 'vote'] 0 1 0
A28149 We should legalize cannabis in favor of ['Legalizing', 'cannabis', 'would', 'allow', 'the', 'authorities', 'to', 'control', 'the', 'quality', 'and', 'strength', 'of', 'the', 'product', 'making', 'it', 'safer', 'to', 'use', 'and', 'could', 'also', 'collect', 'tax', 'from', 'the', 'sale'] 1 1 1
A28197 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'would', 'make', 'the', 'opinions', 'of', 'everyones', 'opinions', 'be', 'taken', 'into', 'account'] 0 1 0
A28198 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['a', 'multi-party', 'is', 'essential', 'to', 'allow', 'for', 'democracy', 'and', 'prevent', 'autocratic', 'regimes', 'coming', 'to', 'power'] 0 1 0
A28214 We should abolish capital punishment in favor of ['capital', 'punishment', 'should', 'be', 'abolished', 'because', 'man', 'is', 'not', 'the', 'one', 'that', 'should', 'be', 'making', 'the', 'decision', 'to', 'take', 'a', 'life', 'but', 'leave', 'that', 'to', 'the', 'all', 'mighty', 'god'] 0 1 0
A28227 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'would', 'require', 'everyone', 'to', 'participate', 'in', 'our', 'democracy', 'and', 'ensure', 'that', 'a', 'candidate', 'is', 'selected', 'by', 'more', 'than', 'just', 'the', '10', 'or', '20', 'percent', 'of', 'the', 'population', 'that', 'gets', 'out', 'to', 'vote'] 0 1 0
A28263 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['we', 'need', 'better', 'representation', 'of', 'all', 'people', 'the', 'two', 'party', 'system', 'is', 'broken', 'and', 'only', 'represents', 'a', 'select', 'few'] 1 1 0
A28310 We should stop the development of autonomous cars in favor of ['autonomous', 'cars', 'are', 'too', 'risky', 'on', 'the', 'road', 'hackers', 'can', 'find', 'a', 'way', 'to', 'take', 'control', 'and', 'cause', 'accidents'] 0 1 0
A28334 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['we', 'should', 'introduce', 'compulsory', 'voting', 'because', 'people', 'have', 'a', 'right', 'to', 'vote'] 0 1 0
A28400 We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms in favor of ['we', 'should', 'abolish', 'the', 'right', 'to', 'keep', 'and', 'bear', 'arms', 'because', 'i', 'think', 'we', 'have', 'the', 'proper', 'government', 'and', 'people', 'to', 'take', 'care', 'of', 'and', 'protect', 'us'] 0 1 0
A28420 We should legalize prostitution in favor of ['it', 'allows', 'control', 'of', 'the', 'industry', 'including', 'paying', 'of', 'taxes', 'and', 'checks', 'for', 'stis'] 0 1 1
A28433 We should adopt an austerity regime in favor of ['an', 'austerity', 'regime', 'would', 'make', 'for', 'a', 'more', 'powerful', 'and', 'united', 'country'] 1 1 0
A28442 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of ['dangerous', 'items', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'allowed', 'in', 'schools', 'because', 'it', 'is', 'endangers', 'the', 'students', 'and', 'faculty', 'and', 'a', 'strict', 'punishment', 'would', 'help', 'prevent', 'these', 'items', 'from', 'being', 'brought'] 0 1 0
A28491 We should ban human cloning in favor of ['human', 'cloning', 'is', 'against', 'many', 'religions', 'and', 'can', 'have', 'disasterous', 'results', 'if', 'we', 'make', 'a', 'simple', 'mistake', 'that', 'clone', 'would', 'then', 'have', 'to', 'live', 'with', 'that', 'mistake', 'forever'] 0 1 0
A29030 We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors in favor of ['Cosmetic', 'surgery', 'is', 'near', 'permanent', 'minors', 'cannot', 'contextualize', 'these', 'changes', 'due', 'to', 'their', 'short', 'life', 'experience', 'and', 'so', 'are', 'not', 'mature', 'enough', 'to', 'make', 'sure', 'life-changing', 'decisions', 'about', 'their', 'physical', 'appearance'] 1 1 0
A29198 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['compulsory', 'voting', 'can', 'help', 'encourage', 'better', 'results', 'during', 'elections'] 1 1 0
A29235 We should subsidize student loans in favor of ['college', 'is', 'not', 'affordable', 'anymore', 'an', 'education', 'can', 'cost', 'more', 'than', 'a', 'home', 'paying', 'money', 'to', 'some', 'student', 'loan', 'bills', 'allow', 'graduates', 'to', 'prosper', 'buying', 'homes', 'and', 'cars', 'and', 'supporting', 'the', 'economy'] 1 1 1
A29248 We should limit executive compensation in favor of ['PROFITS', 'FROM', 'A', 'COMPANY', 'SHOULD', 'BE', 'DIVIDED', 'BETWEEN', 'ALL', 'WORKERS', 'NOT', 'JUST', 'MANAGMENT'] 1 1 1
A29249 We should abolish capital punishment in favor of ['capital', 'punishment', 'is', 'evil', 'in', 'all', 'aspect', 'of', 'kids', 'life', 'and', 'should', 'be', 'banned', 'by', 'law', 'and', 'government', 'across', 'the', 'world'] 0 1 0
A29289 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['too', 'many', 'people', 'do', 'not', 'take', 'responsibility', 'for', 'their', 'part', 'in', 'democracy'] 1 1 0
A29296 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['a', 'multi-party', 'system', 'would', 'bring', 'more', 'choices', 'for', 'people', 'to', 'speak', 'up', 'and', 'vote'] 1 1 0
A29315 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['we', 'absolutely', 'need', 'a', 'multi', 'party', 'system', 'the', 'two', 'party', 'system', 'is', 'a', 'failure', 'the', 'entire', 'country', 'cant', 'be', 'split', 'in', 'to', 'only', 'two', 'categories', 'we', 'need', 'better', 'representation', 'of', 'the', 'people'] 0 1 0
A29350 We should ban private military companies in favor of ['we', 'would', 'not', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'oversee', 'their', 'operations', 'and', 'prevent', 'them', 'from', 'unethical', 'activities'] 0 1 0
A29393 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['by', 'having', 'a', 'multi-party', 'system', 'people', 'would', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'support', 'parties', 'with', 'their', 'values', 'and', 'the', 'a', 'larger', 'party', 'may', 'adopt', 'polices', 'from', 'the', 'smaller', 'one', 'for', 'support'] 1 1 0
A29458 We should adopt libertarianism in favor of ['we', 'should', 'adopt', 'libertarianism', 'because', 'sometimes', 'people', 'need', 'the', 'government', 'to', 'help', 'them', 'make', 'decisions', 'that', 'are', 'best', 'for', 'them'] 1 1 0
A30001 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of ['Zero', 'tolerance', 'policies', 'provide', 'a', 'consistent', 'framework', 'for', 'discipline', 'to', 'ensure', 'that', 'issues', 'are', 'treated', 'with', 'the', 'gravity', 'they', 'deserve'] 0 1 0
A30024 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['everyone', 'should', 'take', 'part', 'in', 'voting', 'and', 'making', 'choices', 'for', 'our', 'country'] 0 1 0
A30095 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['it', 'would', 'allow', 'more', 'voices', 'to', 'be', 'heard', 'and', 'more', 'choice'] 0 1 0
A30109 We should subsidize journalism in favor of ['journalism', 'provides', 'a', 'needed', 'check', 'on', 'the', 'government'] 0 1 0
A30147 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['a', 'multi', 'party', 'system', 'allows', 'far', 'better', 'choices', 'for', 'the', 'diverse', 'population', 'meaning', 'they', 'can', 'find', 'someone', 'to', 'vote', 'for', 'that', 'they', 'truly', 'believe', 'in', 'and', 'participate', 'in', 'a', 'democracy', 'better'] 1 1 0
A30169 We should adopt a multi-party system in favor of ['it', 'will', 'give', 'a', 'stronger', 'representation', 'of', 'the', 'electorate'] 0 1 0
A30186 We should subsidize journalism in favor of ['Subsidizing', 'journalism', 'can', 'create', 'jobs', 'thus', 'lowering', 'unemployment'] 1 1 0
A30189 We should subsidize journalism in favor of ['we', 'should', 'subsidize', 'journalism', 'because', 'its', 'a', 'job', 'market', 'thats', 'needed', 'and', 'financially', 'in', 'trouble', 'because', 'of', 'free', 'online', 'news', 'sources'] 1 1 0
A30192 We should stop the development of autonomous cars in favor of ['the', 'development', 'of', 'autonomous', 'cars', 'is', 'dangerous', 'and', 'removes', 'human', 'control'] 1 1 0
A30222 We should legalize sex selection in favor of ['legalized', 'sex', 'selection', 'would', 'help', 'couples', 'prepare', 'for', 'the', 'birth', 'of', 'their', 'baby'] 0 1 0
A30232 We should introduce compulsory voting in favor of ['mandatory', 'voting', 'is', 'the', 'best', 'way', 'to', 'ensure', 'that', 'elected', 'officials', 'truly', 'reflect', 'the', 'will', 'of', 'the', 'people'] 0 1 0
A30296 We should legalize sex selection in favor of ['couples', 'should', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'select', 'the', 'sex', 'of', 'their', 'child', 'since', 'some', 'may', 'only', 'want', 'boys', 'or', 'may', 'want', 'girls', 'they', 'may', 'also', 'already', 'have', 'more', 'then', 'one', 'child', 'of', 'a', 'certain', 'sex', 'and', 'want', 'the', 'other', 'sex', 'next', 'time'] 0 1 0
A30333 We should ban the use of child actors in favor of ['Using', 'child', 'actors', 'only', 'makes', 'them', 'more', 'susceptible', 'to', 'drug', 'use', 'later', 'on'] 0 1 0
A30389 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools in favor of ['adopting', 'a', 'zero-tolerance', 'policy', 'helps', 'to', 'combat', 'violence', 'and', 'drug', 'abuse', 'in', 'schools'] 0 1 0
D01011 We should encourage people to take part in Fit India Movement in favor of ['Due', 'to', 'the', 'inactive', 'lifestyle', 'and', 'stressful', 'lives', 'many', 'people', 'are', 'getting', 'lifestyle', 'diseases', 'such', 'as', 'diabetes', 'hypertension', 'etc', 'Fit', 'India', 'Movement', 'can', 'encourage', 'people', 'to', 'consume', 'healthy', 'food', 'and', 'maintain', 'physical', 'and', 'mental', 'fitness'] 0 1 0
D01026 Technology is making us feel less human in favor of ['Since', 'the', 'invention', 'of', 'machines', 'the', 'value', 'of', 'workers', 'is', 'decreasing', 'They', 'are', 'made', 'to', 'work', 'to', 'support', 'the', 'machines', 'As', 'a', 'result', 'work', 'revolves', 'around', 'machines', 'and', 'not', 'humans', 'Workers', 'are', 'forced', 'to', 'work', 'continuously', 'along', 'with', 'the', 'machine'] 1 1 0
D01040 We should strengthen laws to fight against terrorism in favor of ['To', 'prevent', 'the', 'violation', 'of', 'human', 'rights', 'four-stage', 'scrutiny', 'is', 'added', 'Designating', 'individuals', 'as', 'terrorists', 'is', 'not', 'started', 'by', 'India', 'The', 'US', 'European', 'Union', 'and', 'China', 'also', 'have', 'this', 'provision'] 0 1 0
D01041 We should strengthen laws to fight against terrorism in favor of ['Till', 'now', 'only', 'organizations', 'were', 'designated', 'as', 'terrorist', 'organizations', 'but', 'not', 'individuals', 'The', 'loophole', 'in', 'this', 'is', 'the', 'individuals', 'of', 'the', 'banned', 'organizations', 'are', 'forming', 'new', 'organizations', 'and', 'carrying', 'out', 'terror', 'activities', 'This', 'amendment', 'bill', 'for', 'the', 'Unlawful', 'Activities', '(Prevention)', 'Act', 'allows', 'the', 'government', 'to', 'designate', 'individuals', 'as', 'terrorists', 'thereby', 'terror', 'attacks', 'can', 'be', 'prevented'] 1 1 0
D01042 We should strengthen laws to fight against terrorism in favor of ['There', 'is', 'a', 'need', 'to', 'act', 'tough', 'on', 'terrorism', 'amid', 'growing', 'threats', 'from', 'terrorists', 'So', 'strengthening', 'UAPA', 'is', 'necessary'] 0 1 0
D01061 India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country in favor of ['Data', 'localization', 'is', 'important', 'for', 'data', 'sovereignty', 'which', 'means', 'the', 'data', 'of', 'the', 'citizens', 'should', 'be', 'owned', 'by', 'the', 'respective', 'governments', 'and', 'not', 'by', 'other', 'countries'] 0 1 0
D01128 Artificial intelligence brings more harm than good in favor of ['We', 'have', 'started', 'losing', 'our', 'basic', 'human', 'habits', 'and', 'instincts', 'and', 'are', 'actually', 'governed', 'by', 'devices', 'and', 'apps'] 1 1 0
D02019 5G services should be available across India in favor of ['5G', 'in', 'banking', 'will', 'bring', 'much-needed', 'financial', 'inclusion', 'to', 'India’s', 'rural', 'and', 'remote', 'populations', 'for', 'whom', 'access', 'to', 'a', 'physical', 'bank', 'is', 'not', 'possible'] 1 1 0
D02039 NEET exam should be banned in favor of ['Students', 'work', 'hard', 'to', 'score', 'well', 'in', 'class', '12', 'exams', 'but', 'all', 'that', 'hard', 'work', 'is', 'not', 'recognized', 'And', 'only', 'the', 'NEET', 'score', 'is', 'considered', 'for', 'entry', 'into', 'medical', 'college', 'which', 'is', 'very', 'unfair', 'Moreover', 'the', 'NEET', 'exam', 'is', 'mainly', 'based', 'on', 'the', 'CBSE', 'curriculum', 'So', 'state', 'board', 'students', 'have', 'to', 'study', 'additional', 'things', 'to', 'get', 'a', 'good', 'score', 'on', 'the', 'exam'] 1 1 0
D02080 All countries should take responsibility for accepting refugees in favor of ['A', 'weak', 'global', 'response', 'is', 'worsening', 'the', 'situation', 'of', 'refugees', 'The', 'international', 'community', 'should', 'help', 'in', 'rebuilding', 'the', 'war-torn', 'countries', 'where', 'refugees', 'are', 'coming', 'from', 'so', 'that', 'safe', 'and', 'dignified', 'returns', 'are', 'possible', 'for', 'refugees', 'Refugees', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'forcibly', 'sent', 'to', 'their', 'home', 'countries'] 0 1 0
D03008 College education should be free for everyone in favor of ['At', 'present', 'the', 'rich', 'are', 'getting', 'richer', 'and', 'poor', 'people', 'are', 'getting', 'poorer', 'A', 'free', 'college', 'education', 'will', 'reduce', 'social', 'inequality', 'too', 'because', 'as', 'everyone', 'can', 'study', 'and', 'learn', 'the', 'skills', 'in', 'college', 'everyone', 'will', 'have', 'an', 'equal', 'opportunity', 'to', 'settle', 'in', 'the', 'career', 'of', 'their', 'choice'] 1 1 0
D03012 India should have 'One Nation - One Election' policy in favor of ['Less', 'disruption', 'to', 'public', 'life', 'less', 'road', 'traffic', 'and', 'less', 'loss', 'to', 'our', 'economy', 'As', 'all', 'the', 'government', 'staff', 'can', 'be', 'used', 'at', 'a', 'single', 'time', 'we', 'can', 'also', 'increase', 'vigilance', 'and', 'factors', 'like', 'black', 'money', 'booth', 'capturing', 'etc', 'can', 'be', 'reduced'] 1 1 0
D03032 India should accept Rohingya refugees in favor of ['Rohingyas', 'have', 'their', 'own', 'set', 'of', 'ethnicity', 'and', 'culture', 'By', 'accepting', 'them', 'we', 'will', 'just', 'be', 'adding', 'more', 'culture', 'to', 'the', 'already-vast', 'culture', 'of', 'India'] 0 1 0
D03034 India should accept Rohingya refugees in favor of ['Acceptance', 'of', 'the', 'Rohingyas', 'will', 'definitely', 'throw', 'a', 'good', 'impression', 'of', 'the', 'hospitality', 'of', 'our', 'country', 'to', 'the', 'foreign', 'land', 'This', 'will', 'improve', 'India’s', 'chances', 'to', 'secure', 'permanent', 'membership', 'in', 'United', 'Nations', 'Security', 'Council', '(UNSC)'] 0 1 0
D03039 Marital rape should be criminalized in India in favor of ['Sexual', 'violence', 'violates', 'human', 'rights', 'irrespective', 'of', 'the', 'relationship', 'between', 'the', 'criminal', 'and', 'the', 'victim', 'IPC', '375', 'which', 'criminalizes', 'rape', 'discriminates', 'against', 'married', 'women', 'for', 'using', 'the', 'section', 'on', 'their', 'husbands', 'Though', 'one', 'can', 'file', 'a', 'case', 'under', 'the', 'domestic', 'violence', 'act', 'for', 'marital', 'rape', 'not', 'terming', 'marital', 'rape', 'as', 'a', 'crime', 'will', 'deter', 'the', 'victims', 'from', 'filing', 'cases', 'Every', 'law', 'on', 'the', 'planet', 'is', 'prone', 'to', 'be', 'misused', 'That', 'doesn’t', 'mean', 'that', 'we', 'should', 'not', 'have', 'laws', 'in', 'order', 'to', 'avoid', 'false', 'cases'] 0 1 0
E01091 Europe should put a GreenTax on top of all imports from highly polluting countries in favor of ['taxation', 'seems', 'to', 'be', 'the', 'only', 'real', 'way', 'to', 'incentivize', 'other', 'countries', 'less', 'worried', 'about', 'climate', 'change', 'to', 'work', 'on', 'it'] 1 1 0
E02032 Migrants should be housed in EU bureaucrats' neighborhoods in favor of ['EU', 'bureaucrats', 'who', 'have', 'enabled', 'immigration', 'must', 'be', 'named', 'and', 'a', 'democratic', 'process', 'for', 'removing', 'them', 'from', 'power', 'must', 'be', 'put', 'into', 'place', 'Democracy', 'must', 'prevail', 'over', 'this', 'multicultural', 'fascism'] 0 1 0
E02039 The EU needs s common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment in favor of ['We', 'need', 'to', 'ensure', 'fair', 'redistribution', 'of', 'refugees', 'across', 'Europe', 'and', 'ensure', 'better', 'integration', 'of', 'refugees', 'and', 'applicants', 'for', 'international', 'protection', 'into', 'the', 'workplace', 'More', 'concrete', 'and', 'fairer', 'European', 'policy', 'on', 'economic', 'migration', 'to', 'establish', 'legal', 'channels', 'for', 'entry', 'and', 'to', 'foster', 'an', 'integration', 'policy', 'based', 'on', 'respect', 'for', 'rights', 'and', 'equal', 'treatment', 'of', 'both', 'local', 'and', 'migrant', 'workers', 'as', 'a', 'key', 'tool', 'to', 'address', 'the', 'social', 'impact', 'of', 'migration', 'flows'] 0 1 0
E02040 The EU needs strong advertising and recruitment strategies for students and qualified employees in favor of ['The', 'EU', 'should', 'attract', 'the', 'worlds', 'most', 'talented', 'and', 'most', 'entrepreneurial', 'There', 'was', 'an', 'attempt', 'to', 'reform', 'the', 'blue', 'card', 'directive', 'by', 'the', 'Junker', 'commission', 'in', 'order', 'to', 'create', 'a', 'new', 'streamlined', 'EU-wide', 'visa', 'category', 'similar', 'to', 'the', 'short-lived', 'Schengen', 'visa', 'The', 'holder', 'of', 'the', 'new', 'blue-card-like', 'visa', 'would', 'have', 'the', 'entire', 'EU', 'labor', 'market', 'at', 'their', 'disposal'] 1 1 0
E02052 The European Union should support and integrate immigrant people to ensure that they live with dignity and equality with all European citizens in favor of ['It', 'is', 'necessary', 'that', 'member', 'states', 'better', 'share', 'the', 'efforts', 'of', 'receiving', 'asylum', 'seekers', 'upon', 'arrival', 'at', 'EU', 'borders', 'and', 'do', 'not', 'leave', 'this', 'responsibility', 'to', 'frontline', 'countries', 'The', 'EU', 'should', 'develop', 'a', 'joint', 'approach', 'to', 'support', 'the', 'frontline', 'countries', 'to', 'assure', 'that', 'asylum', 'seeker', 'are', 'provided', 'adequate', 'care', 'assistance', 'and', 'protection', 'upon', 'arrival', 'and', 'are', 'quickly', 'distributed', 'evenly', 'throughout', 'the', 'EU', 'for', 'status', 'determination'] 1 1 0
E02061 We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment in favor of ['There', 'is', 'a', 'need', 'for', 'a', 'balance', 'between', 'solidarity', 'and', 'responsibility', 'A', 'reform', 'of', 'the', 'Dublin', 'system', 'is', 'needed', 'but', 'the', 'revision', 'work', 'has', 'not', 'moved', 'an', 'inch', 'since', '2019', 'There', 'have', 'been', 'attempts', 'of', 'making', 'progress', 'in', 'adopting', 'a', 'common', 'European', 'asylum', 'system', 'and', 'forming', 'an', 'EU-wide', 'resettlement', 'system', 'with', 'sufficient', 'financial', 'incentives', 'while', 'also', 'stressing', 'its', 'aim', 'to', 'closely', 'monitor', 'migration', 'routes', 'and', 'maintain', 'situational', 'awareness', 'This', 'issue', 'should', 'be', 'enhanced', 'on', 'a', 'European', 'level', 'as', 'we', 'never', 'know', 'when', 'there', 'will', 'be', 'a', 'new', 'crisis', 'at', 'our', 'hands', 'this', 'time', 'caused', 'by', 'climate', 'change', 'and', 'environmental', 'disasters', 'forcing', 'people', 'to', 'go', 'into', 'diaspora', 'and', 'search', 'for', 'a', 'safe', 'haven'] 0 1 0
E02064 We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment in favor of ['Migrant', 'workers', 'are', 'overrepresented', 'in', 'the', 'most', 'precarious', 'jobs', 'they', 'are', 'too', 'often', 'underpaid', 'they', 'work', 'under', 'intolerable', 'working', 'conditions', 'and', 'live', 'in', 'horrendous', 'housing', 'facilities', 'Workers', 'are', 'vulnerable', 'to', 'abuse', 'and', 'exploitation', 'And', 'they', 'continue', 'to', 'encounter', 'inhumane', 'working', 'and', 'living', 'conditions', 'because', 'effective', 'enforcement', 'is', 'lacking', 'Trade', 'unions', 'are', 'often', 'not', 'allowed', 'on', 'worksites', 'with', 'precarious', 'jobs', 'and', 'migrant', 'workers', 'can', 'therefore', 'not', 'adequately', 'be', 'informed', 'about', 'their', 'labor', 'and', 'trade', 'union', 'rights', 'Third-country', 'nationals', 'are', 'even', 'more', 'vulnerable', 'than', 'EU', 'migrant/mobile', 'workers'] 0 1 0
E02065 We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment in favor of ['Although', 'there', 'is', 'an', 'immense', 'increase', 'in', 'the', 'number', 'of', 'TCN', 'migrant', 'workers', 'there', 'is', 'no', 'adequate', 'policy', 'in', 'protecting', 'their', 'rights', 'Anyone', 'in', 'Europe', 'should', 'be', 'entitled', 'to', 'the', 'same', 'worker’s', 'rights', 'no', 'matter', 'where', 'they', 'come', 'from', 'As', 'migration', 'is', 'an', 'issue', 'that', 'is', 'dealt', 'with', 'by', 'all', 'countries', 'we', 'must', 'find', 'a', 'common', 'answer', 'at', 'the', 'EU', 'level'] 0 1 0
E03051 The European Union should enforce the energy transition in its member states in favor of ['why', 'should', 'every', 'country', 'in', 'the', 'EU', 'be', 'sovereign', 'in', 'energy', 'production', 'Within', 'the', 'countries', 'also', 'not', 'every', 'region', 'is', 'sovereign', 'in', 'this', 'sense', 'We', 'need', 'to', 'take', 'advantage', 'of', 'the', 'geographic', 'potentials', 'of', 'the', 'european', 'continent', 'for', 'pragmatic', 'solutions'] 1 1 0
E03063 The European Union should hold a referendum to decide on immigration in favor of ['Absolutely', 'right', 'If', 'the', 'eurocrats', 'cared', 'about', 'what', 'the', 'people', 'want', 'theyd', 'ask', 'them'] 0 1 0
E04082 There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries in favor of ['I', 'am', 'happy', 'to', 'see', 'that', 'the', 'ide', 'of', 'haling', 'all', 'immigration', 'from', 'non-European', 'or', 'non-first-world', 'countries', 'is', 'still', 'going', 'strong', 'This', 'message', 'needs', 'to', 'be', 'communicated', 'to', 'Brussels', 'very', 'clearly'] 0 1 0
E04083 We do not want immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries in favor of ['No', 'more', 'non-European', 'immigration', 'The', 'native', 'Europeans', 'have', 'said', 'NO'] 0 1 0
E04103 There should be no illegal migration in favor of ['We', 'must', 'stop', 'all', 'loopholes', '-', 'for', 'example', 'automatically', 'rejecting', 'asylum', 'claims', 'of', 'anyone', 'who', 'enters', 'Europe', 'illegally'] 0 1 0
E04108 We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. in favor of ['Theres', 'nothing', 'wrong', 'with', 'not', 'wanting', 'your', 'continent', 'to', 'become', 'chaos', 'and', 'putting', 'your', 'people', 'first', 'every', 'civilization', 'in', 'this', 'world', 'takes', 'that', 'idea', 'as', 'self-evident', 'We', 'need', 'to', 'negotiate', 'Remigration', 'deals', 'with', 'the', '3rd', 'countries', 'to', 'send', 'their', 'nationals', 'back', 'and', 'we', 'need', 'to', 'use', 'Frontex', 'to', 'push', 'back', 'any', 'migrants', 'coming', 'to', 'our', 'borders'] 0 1 0
E04140 There should be no illegal migration in favor of ['This', 'is', 'just', 'evidence', 'Immigration', 'will', 'be', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'most', 'difficult', 'topics', 'in', 'the', 'next', 'decades', '(or', 'even', 'years)', 'due', 'to', 'the', 'insane', 'demographic', 'rates', 'the', 'world', 'is', 'suffering', 'nowadays', 'so', 'immigration', 'has', 'to', 'be', 'closely', 'monitored', 'and', 'all', 'illegal', 'immigration', 'has', 'to', 'be', 'blocked'] 0 1 0
E04157 There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries in favor of ['Marvelous', 'to', 'see', 'this', 'idea', 'of', 'halting', 'immigration', 'receive', 'the', 'most', 'endorsements', 'on', 'the', 'migration', 'topic', 'This', 'is', 'really', 'not', 'going', 'according', 'to', 'plan', 'for', 'the', 'globalists'] 1 1 0
E05001 We need an inclusive and pluralistic European society in favor of ['Complex', 'problems', 'are', 'faced', 'by', 'deepening', 'study', 'not', 'by', 'pretending', 'they', 'dont', 'exist'] 1 1 0
E05003 The EU should focus more on ensuring the success of the internal market, and on improving its competitiveness in favor of ['The', 'more', 'dynamic', 'the', 'economy', 'the', 'stronger', 'the', 'innovation', 'and', 'worldwide', 'influence', 'the', 'EU', 'will', 'have', 'including', 'soft', 'power'] 0 1 0
E05004 The EU should focus more on ensuring the success of the internal market, and on improving its competitiveness in favor of ['The', 'Covid-19', 'pandemic', 'showed', 'us', 'that', 'the', 'European', 'Union', 'is', 'not', 'able', 'to', 'come', 'up', 'with', 'technological', 'innovations', 'that', 'could', 'strengthen', 'our', 'economic', 'position'] 1 1 1
E05005 The EU should implement a common pension fund in favor of ['The', 'EU', 'has', 'some', 'rules', 'on', 'how', 'social', 'security', 'systems', 'are', 'coordinated', '(Regulation', '883/2004/EC)', 'EU', 'rules', 'ensure', 'that', 'the', 'pension', 'rights', 'accrued', 'in', 'each', 'country', 'are', 'added', 'together', 'and', 'paid', 'out', 'by', 'the', 'pension', 'insurance', 'institution', 'of', 'the', 'Member', 'State', 'of', 'affiliation', 'But', 'the', 'bureaucratic', 'nightmare', 'is', 'probably', 'just', 'as', 'guaranteed', 'A', 'better', 'solution', 'would', 'be', 'a', 'transparent', 'and', 'digital', 'platform', 'that', 'collects', 'pension', 'entitlements', 'from', 'all', 'EU', 'member', 'states', 'That', 'way', 'every', 'citizen', 'would', 'have', 'an', 'overview', 'of', 'his', 'or', 'her', 'pension', 'entitlements', 'at', 'all', 'times', 'not', 'just', 'until', 'when', 'they', 'are', 'due'] 0 1 1
E05012 The EU should improve public management and anti-corruption mechanisms in favor of ['Bad', 'governance', 'unreasonable', 'spending', 'and', 'corruption', 'are', 'damaging', 'and', 'unsustainable', 'which', 'means', 'we', 'cant', 'afford', 'to', 'leave', 'them', 'alone', 'if', 'we', 'want', 'to', 'have', 'a', 'future'] 0 1 1
E05019 Food health and industry companies should be located within the EU in favor of ['The', 'COVID', 'crisis', 'has', 'shown', 'that', 'we', 'are', 'very', 'vulnerable', 'Critical', 'industries', 'must', 'stay', 'in', 'Europe', 'Infrastructure', 'in', 'the', 'EU', 'especially', 'critical', 'infrastructure', 'must', 'remain', 'under', 'full', 'and', 'absolute', 'European', 'control'] 0 1 0
E05025 Catalan should be an official language of the European Parliament in favor of ['There', 'are', 'languages', 'that', 'are', 'spoken', 'by', 'fewer', 'people', 'and', 'are', 'official'] 1 1 0
E05027 We need to ensure improvements to the European Union's decision-making processes with increased transparency and accountability in favor of ['Real', 'democracy', 'cannot', 'do', 'without', 'economic', 'democracy', 'If', 'the', 'major', 'decisions', 'about', 'our', 'future', 'life', '(investments', 'inventions', 'production)', 'are', 'made', 'outside', 'social', 'control', 'then', 'there', 'is', 'no', 'real', 'democracy', 'Without', 'proper', 'social', 'consultation', 'there', 'is', 'no', 'prospect', 'for', 'a', 'fair', 'Europe'] 0 1 0
E05028 The president of the European Commission should be elected by the people of the EU in favor of ['The', 'undemocratic', 'nature', 'and', 'perception', 'of', 'the', 'presidency', 'and', 'the', 'commission', 'were', 'used', 'very', 'effectively', 'during', 'the', 'Brexit', 'referendum', 'campaign', 'to', 'change', 'the', 'minds', 'of', 'even', 'the', 'most', 'reasonable', 'pro-EU', 'and', 'anti-Brexit', 'voters', 'as', 'EU', 'political', 'representatives', 'were', 'already', 'remote', 'and', 'inaccessible', 'to', 'many', 'people', 'with', 'unrecognized', 'names', 'faces', 'and', 'campaign', 'points'] 1 1 0
E05040 We need a common EU TV channel free of charge for people in all Member States in favor of ['The', 'language', 'barrier', 'and', 'a', 'weak', 'influence', 'on', 'local', 'thinking', 'allow', 'local', 'propaganda', 'to', 'pass', 'on', 'distorted', 'and', 'untrue', 'information', 'about', 'what', 'is', 'happening', 'in', 'the', 'EU', 'to', 'their', 'citizens', 'Local', 'governments', 'have', 'easy', 'work', 'to', 'appropriate', 'the', 'positive', 'things', 'that', 'the', 'EU', 'has', 'achieved', 'and', 'conversely', 'seduce', 'its', 'own', 'failure', 'on', 'European', 'bureaucracy'] 0 1 0
E05043 The federal features of the European Treaties need to be strengthened. in favor of ['We', 'must', 'move', 'towards', 'full', 'co-decision', 'power', 'for', 'the', 'European', 'Parliament', 'and', 'the', 'abolition', 'of', 'unanimity', 'for', 'climate', 'energy', 'social', 'affairs', 'and', 'taxation', 'policies'] 0 1 0
E05044 The federal features of the European Treaties need to be strengthened. in favor of ['There', 'is', 'a', 'lack', 'of', 'security', 'and', 'defense', 'policy', 'that', 'can', 'realistically', 'be', 'achieved', 'by', 'strengthening', 'the', 'Euro', 'body', 'as', 'the', '28th', 'European', 'army'] 0 1 0
E05050 Council meetings should be open to the public and the press in favor of ['Transparency', 'is', 'the', 'first', 'key', 'to', 'real', 'democracy', 'Although', 'today', 'Council', 'meetings', 'are', 'partially', 'live-streamed', 'most', 'of', 'the', 'meetings', 'are', 'behind', 'closed', 'doors', 'This', 'is', 'an', 'especially', 'big', 'problem', 'with', 'the', 'Eurogroup', 'and', 'Eurosummit', 'which', 'are', 'shady', 'informal', 'meetings', 'Or', 'think', 'about', 'all', 'the', 'meetings', 'between', 'diplomats', '(Coreper)', 'and', 'civil', 'servants', '(working', 'groups', 'and', 'committees)', 'where', '±90%', 'of', 'decisions', 'are', 'made', 'for', 'the', 'Council', 'to', 'be', 'rubberstamped', 'Meetings', 'that', 'most', 'citizens', 'dont', 'even', 'know', 'about'] 0 1 0
E05053 The EU should synchronize national elections in favor of ['The', 'only', 'thing', 'Europeans', 'don’t', 'do', 'together', 'is', 'politics', 'This', 'is', 'because', 'national', 'parties', '-', 'not', 'EU', 'parties', '-', 'run', 'the', 'show', 'within', 'and', 'across', 'Europe', 'After', '70', 'years', 'of', 'integration', 'the', 'EU', 'lacks', 'a', 'European', 'party', 'system', 'capable', 'of', 'fostering', 'a', 'genuine', 'transnational', 'space', 'of', 'political', 'debate', 'and', 'dialogue', 'where', 'citizens', 'can', 'understand', 'influence', 'and', 'participate', 'in', 'decision-making', 'affecting', 'their', 'common', 'interests', 'as', 'Europeans', 'This', 'must', 'change'] 0 1 0
E05054 The EU should synchronize national elections in favor of ['The', 'political', 'composition', 'of', 'the', 'European', 'Council', '-', 'and', 'therefore', 'the', 'EU’s', 'political', 'center', 'of', 'gravity', '-', 'continuously', 'changes', 'during', 'the', 'EU', 'political', 'cycle', 'thus', 'preventing', 'clearer', 'government', 'majorities', 'to', 'emerge', 'within', 'these', 'two', 'European', 'Councils'] 0 1 0
E05056 The EU should synchronize national elections in favor of ['Synchronizing', 'national', 'elections', 'would', 'allow', 'European', 'citizens', 'to', 'engage', 'in', 'major', 'pan-European', 'campaigns'] 0 1 0
E05064 We need to ensure improvements to the European Union's decision-making processes with increased transparency and accountability in favor of ['Europe', 'needs', 'a', 'proper', 'parliament', 'including', 'a', 'right', 'to', 'initiative', 'combined', 'with', 'strong', 'involvement', 'of', 'social', 'partners', 'eg', 'through', 'European', 'Social', 'Dialogue', 'or', 'the', 'partnership', 'principle', 'in', 'regional', 'funds'] 1 1 0
E05072 The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders. in favor of ['Every', 'nation', 'with', 'its', 'own', 'language', 'and', 'culture', 'which', 'demands', 'the', 'same', 'status', 'as', 'a', 'sovereign', 'nation', 'within', 'Europe', 'must', 'have', 'the', 'right', 'to', 'be', 'recognized', 'and', 'respected', 'by', 'people', 'and', 'other', 'member', 'nations/states'] 0 1 0
E05081 The European Union needs to equip itself with the institutional and legal tools to resolve democratic conflicts on sovereignty within its own borders. in favor of ['In', 'a', 'democracy', 'people', 'have', 'the', 'right', 'to', 'decide', 'on', 'any', 'issue', 'that', 'affects', 'their', 'lives', 'If', 'more', 'than', 'half', 'of', 'the', 'inhabitants', 'of', 'a', 'region', 'want', 'to', 'form', 'an', 'independent', 'state', 'they', 'have', 'the', 'right', 'to', 'do', 'so', 'Going', 'against', 'it', 'is', 'going', 'against', 'the', 'will', 'of', 'the', 'majority', 'of', 'citizens', 'and', 'therefore', 'against', 'the', 'very', 'essence', 'of', 'democracy'] 0 1 0
E05082 The president of the European Commission should be elected by the people of the EU in favor of ['European', 'political', 'parties', 'should', 'be', 'independent', 'of', 'national', 'parties', 'There', 'should', 'be', 'primaries', 'open', 'for', 'the', 'citizens', 'to', 'choose', 'the', 'candidate', 'it', 'would', 'increase', 'citizen', 'participation', 'and', 'involvement', 'in', 'EU', 'politics'] 0 1 0
E05126 The EU needs a European research center in favor of ['During', 'the', 'pandemic', 'the', 'EU', 'was', 'unable', 'to', 'produce', 'a', 'vaccine', 'on', 'its', 'own', 'mainly', 'due', 'to', 'the', 'fact', 'that', 'not', 'enough', 'money', 'is', 'invested', 'in', 'research', 'within', 'its', 'different', 'member', 'states', 'Gathering', 'the', 'strength', 'of', 'the', '27', 'member', 'states', 'in', 'research', 'and', 'health', 'could', 'be', 'a', 'real', 'asset', 'for', 'the', 'EU', 'and', 'its', 'citizens', 'but', 'also', 'for', 'its', 'influence', 'overseas', 'and', 'its', 'independence'] 0 1 1
E06007 The EPPO’s jurisdiction should be extended to all member states in favor of ['The', 'EU', 'must', 'take', 'a', 'strong', 'position', 'against', 'corruption', 'and', 'be', 'in', 'favor', 'of', 'an', 'independent', 'supranational', 'proscecutor', 'that', 'is', 'the', 'EPPO'] 0 1 0
E06020 The EU should enforce the obligation to respect the Rule of Law within its borders in favor of ['Current', 'concerns', 'about', 'rule', 'of', 'law', 'infringements', 'are', 'simply', 'being', 'brushed', 'off', 'as', 'national', 'matters', 'If', 'this', 'continues', 'how', 'can', 'the', 'EU', 'assume', 'authority', 'to', 'promote', 'democracy', 'abroad', 'More', 'strict', 'and', 'enforceable', 'minimum', 'standards', 'must', 'be', 'introduced', 'under', 'clearly', 'increasing', 'penalties', 'for', 'non-compliance', 'If', 'shared', 'values', 'and', 'democracy', 'are', 'indeed', 'a', 'requisite', 'to', 'be', 'a', 'part', 'of', 'the', 'EU', 'then', 'continued', 'adherence', 'should', 'be', 'a', 'precondition', 'to', 'remain', 'a', 'part', 'of', 'it'] 1 1 0
E06093 Esperanto should replace English as the first foreign language in schools and universities in favor of ['To', 'build', 'a', 'common', 'European', 'understanding', 'and', 'to', 'create', 'a', 'European', 'identity', 'we', 'need', 'our', 'own', 'common', 'language'] 1 1 0
E06095 All workers and unemployed should have access to social protection, including young people in favor of ['I', 'agree', 'Young', 'people', 'should', 'have', 'a', 'voice', 'in', 'policymaking', 'Regulation', 'needs', 'to', 'reduce', 'forms', 'of', 'precarious', 'work', 'It', 'is', 'time', 'to', 'expand', 'collective', 'bargaining', 'coverage', 'to', 'all', 'forms', 'of', 'work', 'It', 'is', 'essential', 'to', 'introduce', 'a', 'right', 'to', 'decent', 'housing', 'and', 'policies', 'capping', 'rents', 'and', 'limiting', 'property', 'market', 'speculation', 'we', 'urgently', 'need', 'investment', 'to', 'achieve', 'this', 'Youth', 'is', 'the', 'future', 'we', 'have', 'to', 'take', 'care', 'of', 'it'] 1 1 0
E07018 There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. in favor of ['Halt', 'all', 'immigration', 'from', 'non-European', 'or', 'non-first-world', 'countries', 'into', 'the', 'EU'] 0 1 0
E07022 We do not want immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries in favor of ['No', 'more', 'non-European', 'immigration', 'The', 'native', 'Europeans', 'have', 'said', 'NO'] 0 1 0
E07033 There should be 6 concrete proposals for migrants on the Balkan route. in favor of ['The', 'proposal', 'of', 'the', 'Sardines', 'to', 'reform', 'EU', 'asylum', 'policy', 'is', 'an', 'excellent', 'proposal', 'well', 'and', 'thoroughly', 'written'] 1 1 0
E07048 The EU must use its weight as a united global player in trade policy and put an end to foreclosure in favor of ['For', 'Europe', 'to', 'act', 'outwardly', 'as', 'a', 'unit', 'we', 'must', 'first', 'look', 'inward', 'At', 'the', 'psychological', 'level', 'how', 'can', 'we', 'create', 'a', 'European', 'home', 'market', 'What', 'does', 'it', 'take', 'for', 'example', 'for', 'a', 'resident', 'of', 'Spain', 'to', 'think', 'of', 'Czech', 'printers', 'as', 'a', 'local', 'product', 'Will', 'it', 'be', 'possible', 'to', 'reach', 'an', 'agreement', 'on', 'Europes', 'historical', 'events', 'and', 'interpret', 'them', 'to', 'everyones', 'satisfaction', 'This', 'process', 'will', 'take', 'some', 'time'] 0 1 0
E07062 We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. in favor of ['Theres', 'nothing', 'wrong', 'with', 'not', 'wanting', 'your', 'continent', 'to', 'become', 'chaos', 'and', 'putting', 'your', 'people', 'first', 'every', 'civilization', 'in', 'this', 'world', 'takes', 'that', 'idea', 'as', 'self-evident', 'We', 'need', 'to', 'negotiate', 'Remigration', 'deals', 'with', 'the', '3rd', 'countries', 'to', 'send', 'their', 'nationals', 'back', 'and', 'we', 'need', 'to', 'use', 'Frontex', 'to', 'push', 'back', 'any', 'migrants', 'coming', 'to', 'our', 'borders'] 0 1 0
E07074 We don't need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. in favor of ['It', 'is', 'time', 'to', 'be', 'honest', 'about', 'this', 'Europeans', 'have', 'the', 'right', 'to', 'self-determination', 'like', 'every', 'other', 'country', 'out', 'there', 'This', 'is', 'OUR', 'home', 'and', 'a', 'home', 'for', 'everyone', 'is', 'a', 'home', 'for', 'no', 'one'] 0 1 0
E07086 There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries in favor of ['I', 'am', 'happy', 'to', 'see', 'that', 'the', 'ide', 'of', 'haling', 'all', 'immigration', 'from', 'non-European', 'or', 'non-first-world', 'countries', 'is', 'still', 'going', 'strong', 'This', 'message', 'needs', 'to', 'be', 'communicated', 'to', 'Brussels', 'very', 'clearly'] 0 1 0
E07092 Europe should establish a common Army across Europe in favor of ['An', 'EU', 'army', 'independent', 'from', 'NATO', 'and', 'its', 'US', 'commanders', 'is', 'critical', 'to', 'strategic', 'autonomy', 'and', 'avoiding', 'being', 'dragged', 'into', 'destructive', 'US', 'wars', 'in', 'the', 'Middle', 'East', 'like', 'in', 'the', 'past'] 1 1 0
E07107 The EU should join NATO in favor of ['It', 'would', 'be', 'easier', 'if', 'the', 'EU', 'joined', 'NATO', 'The', 'internal', 'rivalry', 'between', 'the', 'single', 'EU', 'states', 'would', 'stop', 'Also', 'the', 'issue', 'of', 'a', 'legitimate', 'European', 'army', 'would', 'be', 'solved', 'However', 'I', 'am', 'not', 'sure', 'how', 'this', 'would', 'work', 'out', 'in', 'legal', 'terms', 'Federations', 'have', 'already', 'joined', 'NATO', 'rather', 'than', 'individual', 'states', 'but', 'what', 'would', 'be', 'the', 'status', 'of', 'the', 'EU'] 0 1 0
E07123 There should be no immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries in favor of ['Marvelous', 'to', 'see', 'this', 'idea', 'of', 'halting', 'immigration', 'receive', 'the', 'most', 'endorsements', 'on', 'the', 'migration', 'topic', 'This', 'is', 'really', 'not', 'going', 'according', 'to', 'plan', 'for', 'the', 'globalists'] 0 1 0
E07138 The EU must take the lead for the Middle East. in favor of ['I', 'would', 'like', 'to', 'strongly', 'support', 'the', 'need', 'for', 'Europe', 'to', 'gain', 'back', 'an', 'active', 'role', 'in', 'the', 'diplomatic', 'efforts', 'to', 'try', 'to', 'stabilize', 'the', 'Middle', 'East', 'and', 'in', 'particular', 'to', 'find', 'a', 'just', 'and', 'fair', 'solution', 'to', 'the', 'Israel', '-', 'Palestine', 'conflict', 'I', 'remember', 'that', 'the', 'European', 'Union', '-', 'with', 'the', 'Venice', 'Declaration', 'of', 'June', '1980', '-', 'played', 'a', 'key', 'role', 'in', 'pushing', 'the', 'Palestinians', 'to', 'the', 'table', 'of', 'negotiations', 'That', 'text', 'was', 'much', 'criticized', 'at', 'that', 'time', 'but', 'with', 'the', 'benefit', 'of', 'insights', 'it', 'was', 'right', 'Europe', 'has', 'become', 'more', 'and', 'more', 'marginal', 'in', 'the', 'peace', 'process', 'and', 'this', 'has', 'contributed', 'to', 'a', 'much-aggravated', 'situation', 'where', 'problems', 'are', 'even', 'more', 'difficult', 'to', 'resolve', 'than', '40', 'years', 'ago', 'and', 'create', 'room', 'for', 'despair', 'and', 'violence'] 0 1 0
E07145 There should be a single EU policy. in favor of ['The', 'EU', 'should', 'be', 'a', 'global', 'actor', 'Merge', 'all', 'Foreign', 'affairs', 'departments', 'from', 'member', 'states', 'into', 'a', 'coordinated', 'European', 'network', 'for', 'international', 'policy', 'and', 'intelligence'] 0 1 0
E07153 The 19 June plenary meeting of the European Conference should mark a first step in the direction of a stronger and more united EU in the world in favor of ['We', 'need', 'the', 'United', 'States', 'of', 'Europe', 'A', 'European', 'army', 'strategic', 'autonomy', 'and', 'acting', 'as', 'one', 'To', 'the', 'future', 'of', 'Europe', 'must', 'belong', 'its', 'capacity', 'to', 'act', 'as', 'a', 'global', 'player'] 1 1 0
E07154 We need to build up European Defence while remaining in NATO in favor of ['Europe’s', 'sovereignty', 'and', 'credibility', 'are', 'at', 'this', 'price', 'The', 'burden', 'of', 'European', 'defense', 'cannot', 'rest', 'on', 'the', 'back', 'of', 'a', 'small', 'number', 'of', 'countries', 'and', 'potential', 'conflicts', 'are', 'increasing'] 0 1 0
E07157 The European Union has no other choice than to reject all immigration, except for workers they need. in favor of ['Africa', 'and', 'the', 'Middle', 'East', 'have', 'the', 'highest', 'birthrate', 'in', 'the', 'World', 'Africa', 'has', 'up', 'to', '7', 'children', 'per', 'woman', 'The', 'EU', 'has', '155', 'It', 'is', 'this', 'high', 'birthrate', 'that', 'keeps', 'them', 'poor', 'There', 'is', 'almost', 'nothing', 'the', 'EU', 'can', 'do', 'about', 'it'] 1 1 1
E07163 The EU should be a permanent member of the UN Security Council. in favor of ['It', 'is', 'a', 'good', 'idea', 'that', 'France', 'should', 'coordinate', 'its', 'positions', 'on', 'the', 'UN', 'Security', 'Council', 'with', 'the', 'EU', 'or', 'leave', 'its', 'seat', 'to', 'the', 'EU', 'entirely', 'This', 'way', 'foreign', 'policy', 'decision-making', 'within', 'the', 'EU', 'can', 'be', 'made', 'more', 'straightforward'] 1 1 0
E07190 The EU should be a permanent member of the UN Security Council in favor of ['The', 'idea', 'that', 'France', 'should', 'coordinate', 'its', 'positions', 'on', 'the', 'UN', 'Security', 'Council', 'with', 'the', 'EU', 'is', 'good', 'because', 'it', 'does', 'not', 'request', 'any', 'specific', 'UN', 'decision', '(ie', 'recognizing', 'the', 'EU', 'as', 'a', 'State)', 'It', 'is', 'enough', 'that', 'an', 'internal', 'EU-France', 'agreement', 'determines', 'that', 'the', 'representative', 'of', 'France', '(appointed', 'by', 'agreement', 'between', 'France', 'and', 'EU)', 'will', 'now', 'represent', 'the', 'EU', '(with', 'veto', 'right)', 'and', 'at', 'the', 'same', 'time', 'all', 'other', 'EU', 'Member', 'States', 'will', 'reinforce', 'this', 'representation', 'by', 'delegating', 'their', 'best', 'specialists', 'and', 'put', 'their', 'own', 'representation', 'in', 'vacancy'] 1 1 0
E07191 The EU should be a permanent member of the UN Security Council in favor of ['It', 'should', 'be', 'the', 'common', 'goal', 'of', 'EU', 'diplomacy', 'to', 'change', 'the', 'workings', 'of', 'the', 'UN', 'as', 'it', 'is', 'The', 'security', 'council', 'is', 'a', 'relict', 'of', 'the', 'emerging', 'post-WW2', 'order', 'and', 'the', 'influence', 'of', 'the', 'Cold', 'War'] 1 1 0
E07196 The EU should strengthen its ties with Ukraine and prepare an EU membership of Ukraine. in favor of ['If', 'people', 'make', 'a', 'revolution', 'for', 'our', 'system', 'and', 'values', 'we', 'must', 'support', 'them', 'It', 'is', 'the', 'Ukrainian', 'people', 'who', 'decide', 'their', 'future', 'not', 'Russia', 'In', 'order', 'to', 'support', 'them', 'we', 'need', 'a', 'European', 'army', 'and', 'a', 'common', 'foreign', 'policy'] 1 1 0
E07198 We need a stand-alone European army. in favor of ['A', 'European', 'army', 'is', 'not', 'only', 'needed', 'to', 'attack', 'and', 'defend', 'but', 'to', 'give', 'weight', 'to', 'European', 'words'] 0 1 0
E07224 There should be a president for the EU elected by the people. in favor of ['We', 'need', 'one', 'single', 'president', 'of', 'the', 'Commission', 'that', 'will', 'chair', 'the', 'Commission', 'and', 'the', 'Council', 'I', 'wonder', 'though', 'how', 'the', 'president', 'of', 'the', 'EU', 'Parliament', 'would', 'be', 'involved', 'in', 'this', 'structure'] 1 1 0
E07228 Foreign Policy at the EU level should be based on absolute majority, not unanimity in favor of ['The', 'unanimous', 'vote', 'is', 'the', 'cause', 'of', 'European', 'stagnation', 'Foreign', 'and', 'security', 'policy', 'requires', 'speed', 'Unanimity', 'should', 'be', 'replaced', 'with', 'a', 'qualified', 'majority'] 1 1 0
E07233 Europe needs an energy partnership with Africa. in favor of ['Only', 'if', 'Europe', 'has', 'an', 'energy', 'partnership', 'with', 'Africa', 'Europe', 'will', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'produce', 'enough', 'clean', 'energy', 'The', 'EU', 'should', 'develop', 'fair', 'cooperation', 'with', 'the', 'African', 'Union', 'and', 'also', 'offer', 'Africa', 'an', 'alternative', 'to', 'the', 'geopolitical', 'attempts', 'of', 'other', 'powers', 'to', 'establish', 'themselves', 'as', 'global', 'hegemons'] 1 1 0
E07237 The European Union should visible on the facades of the embassies and consulates of European countries. in favor of ['The', 'European', 'flag', 'should', 'be', 'systematically', 'displayed', 'in', 'addition', 'to', 'the', 'national', 'flag', 'on', 'any', 'facade', 'of', 'an', 'embassy', 'or', 'consulate', 'of', 'a', 'European', 'country', 'This', 'would', 'enhance', 'the', 'image', 'of', 'the', 'European', 'Union', 'in', 'addition', 'to', 'synergies', 'like', 'the', 'pooling', 'of', 'support', 'services', 'This', 'approach', 'could', 'accompany', 'the', 'construction', 'of', 'common', 'structures', 'and', 'policies', 'in', 'the', 'field', 'of', 'foreign', 'affairs'] 0 1 0
E07243 The EU should be a permanent member of the UN Security Council. in favor of ['France', 'should', 'offer', 'its', 'seat', 'on', 'the', 'UN', 'Security', 'Council', 'so', 'European', 'interests', 'are', 'represented'] 1 1 0
E07251 Foreign Policy at the EU level should be based on an absolute majority, not unanimity. in favor of ['Giving', 'small', 'countries', 'veto', 'rights', 'is', 'a', 'recipe', 'for', 'disaster', 'that', 'will', 'keep', 'the', 'European', 'Union', 'separated', 'and', 'weak', 'instead', 'of', 'united', 'and', 'reliable', 'in', 'policy', 'making'] 1 1 0
E07252 We need a plan for receiving asylum/migrants. in favor of ['According', 'to', 'Mrs', 'Ngozi', 'Okonjat', 'African', 'countries', 'follow', 'the', 'example', 'of', 'the', 'Asian', 'Tigers'] 0 1 0
E07257 Norway and Iceland should be invited to the European Conference in favor of ['Norway', 'and', 'Iceland', 'can', 'provide', 'their', 'external', 'point', 'of', 'view', 'toward', 'EU', 'policy', 'at', 'the', 'conference', 'But', 'why', 'only', 'Norway', 'and', 'Iceland', 'Why', 'not', 'Switzerland', 'Why', 'not', 'the', 'recognized', 'candidates', 'And', 'maybe', 'even', 'UK', 'Im', 'sure', 'there', 'are', 'many', 'lessons', 'to', 'learn', 'from', 'their', 'experience', 'in', 'the', 'EU', 'and', 'from', 'the', 'Brexit'] 0 1 0
E07258 There should be a reform of EU trade and investment policy and a relaunch of global multilateralism. in favor of ['Both', 'a', 'reform', 'of', 'EU', 'trade', 'and', 'investment', 'policy', 'and', 'a', 'relaunch', 'of', 'global', 'multilateralism', 'are', 'overdue'] 0 1 0
E07264 The EU should decide its role in a multipolar world in favor of ['The', 'European', 'Union', 'is', 'doing', 'amazingly', 'well', 'in', 'relation', 'to', 'the', 'enormous', 'bad', 'publicity', 'it', 'is', 'receiving', 'from', 'all', 'sides', 'And', 'as', 'if', 'that', 'were', 'not', 'enough', 'in', 'itself', 'very', 'large', 'countries', 'from', 'around', 'the', 'world', 'are', 'doing', 'constantly', 'dividing', 'work', 'between', 'member', 'states', 'As', 'all', 'successes', 'start', 'in', 'your', 'head', 'perhaps', 'some', 'attention', 'should', 'be', 'allocated', 'to', 'the', 'media', 'The', 'EU', 'has', 'a', 'clear', 'chance', 'to', 'become', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'major', 'poles', 'of', 'this', 'multipolar', 'world', 'order'] 0 1 0
E08002 The EU should extend the model of Pooling & Sharing European military resources beyond air transport. in favor of ['Pooling', '&', 'Sharing', 'integrates', 'military', 'capabilities', 'at', 'the', 'European', 'level', 'and', 'creates', 'a', 'European', 'culture', 'in', 'the', 'military', 'sector'] 1 1 0
E08003 The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states in favor of ['I', 'am', 'all', 'for', 'the', 'creation', 'of', 'a', 'European', 'army', 'but', 'for', 'that', 'the', 'question', 'of', 'the', 'command', 'of', 'this', 'army', 'must', 'also', 'be', 'resolved', 'And', 'this', 'is', 'where', 'the', 'idea', 'of', 'a', 'European', 'Security', 'Council', 'is', 'very', 'interesting', 'and', 'deserves', 'to', 'be', 'pushed'] 0 1 0
E08004 The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states in favor of ['I', 'am', 'in', 'favor', 'of', 'a', 'possible', 'army', 'but', 'I', 'would', 'like', 'to', 'see', 'it', 'combined', 'with', 'social', 'services', 'and', 'reconstruction', 'So', 'NGOs', 'and', 'development', 'cooperation', 'must', 'be', 'involved', 'An', 'army', 'that', 'can', 'fight', 'must', 'also', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'build', 'We', 'therefore', 'also', 'need', 'a', 'civilian', 'army', 'in', 'Europe', 'I', 'would', 'also', 'like', 'an', 'army', 'consisting', 'of', 'civilians', 'in', 'uniform', 'in', 'the', 'same', 'way', 'as', 'the', 'German', 'army', 'Please', 'also', 'take', 'into', 'account', 'the', 'right', 'to', 'refuse', 'orders', 'due', 'to', 'conscientious', 'objection', 'also', 'as', 'in', 'the', 'German', 'army'] 1 1 0
E08005 The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states in favor of ['Absolutely', 'right', 'Europe', 'needs', 'an', 'army', 'for', 'continental', 'defense', 'Conscription', 'must', 'be', 'introduced', 'at', 'the', 'European', 'level', 'The', 'army', 'must', 'have', 'the', 'most', 'modern', 'weapons', 'to', 'deter', 'Russia', 'Turkey', 'and', 'China'] 0 1 0
E08008 The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states in favor of ['In', 'principle', 'I', 'would', 'be', 'in', 'favor', 'of', 'a', 'European', 'army', 'but', 'I', 'would', 'tie', 'it', 'to', 'a', 'reform', 'of', 'European', 'decision-making', '(majority', 'or', '2/3', 'majority)', 'An', 'army', 'is', 'worth', 'nothing', 'if', 'the', 'members', 'cannot', 'agree', 'or', 'if', 'a', 'single', 'country', 'uses', 'it', 'as', 'a', 'means', 'of', 'pressure', 'to', 'push', 'through', 'its', 'own', 'interests'] 0 1 0
E08009 The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states in favor of ['I', 'agree', 'with', 'your', 'idea', 'But', 'it', 'is', 'a', 'long', 'and', 'arduous', 'way', 'to', 'reach', 'the', 'goal', 'Whats', 'the', 'point', 'of', 'building', 'a', 'skyscraper', 'without', 'a', 'foundation', 'What', 'I', 'mean', 'by', 'that:', 'First', 'the', 'EU', 'needs', 'a', 'unified', 'foreign', 'policy', 'and', 'only', 'then', 'a', 'common', 'and', 'united', 'army'] 0 1 0
E08016 The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states in favor of ['On', 'the', 'one', 'hand', 'we', 'have', 'Russia', 'killing', 'countless', 'Ukrainians', 'and', 'committing', 'sabotage', 'in', 'Britain', 'and', 'the', 'Czech', 'Republic', 'and', 'on', 'the', 'other', 'hand', 'we', 'have', 'reluctant', 'United', 'States', 'that', 'is', 'switching', 'between', 'isolationist', 'and', 'interventionist', 'policies', 'every', '4-8', 'years', 'I', 'stand', 'convinced', 'that', 'in', 'order', 'for', 'the', 'European', 'Union', 'to', 'move', 'forward', 'it', 'must', 'begin', 'to', 'introduce', 'measures', 'for', 'the', 'security', 'of', 'both', 'the', 'current', 'member', 'states', 'as', 'well', 'as', 'the', 'future', 'member', 'states', 'that', 'are', 'endangered', 'due', 'to', 'foreign', 'aggression', 'and', 'bring', 'the', 'responsibility', 'of', 'continental', 'safety', 'firmly', 'in', 'our', 'own', 'hands', 'If', 'Europe', 'is', 'to', 'find', 'the', 'peace', 'it', 'must', 'have', 'the', 'means', 'to', 'create', 'peace', 'by', 'being', 'able', 'to', 'protect', 'itself', 'against', 'hostile', 'foreign', 'influences'] 1 1 0
E08020 The EU should integrate the armed forces of its member states in favor of ['The', 'EU', 'cannot', 'endlessly', 'lean', 'on', 'America', 'or', 'NATO', 'America', 'has', 'proven', 'to', 'be', 'fickle', 'and', 'NATO', 'has', 'its', 'own', 'problems', 'such', 'as', 'Turkey', 'which', 'is', 'outside', 'the', 'EU', 'and', 'has', 'threatened', 'Greece', 'The', 'EU', 'needs', 'its', 'own', 'independent', 'solution'] 0 1 0