Text Classification
Argument ID Conclusion Stance Premise Achievement Power: dominance Power: resources | |
A04016 We should limit executive compensation against ['executives', 'deserve', 'the', 'money', 'as', 'they', 'do', 'a', 'stressful', 'and', 'demanding', 'job', 'leading', 'large', 'organizations', 'that', 'hire', 'large', 'number', 'of', 'people'] 1 0 0 | |
A05027 We should ban whaling against ['There', 'is', 'little', 'difference', 'between', 'the', 'whaling', 'industry', 'and', 'our', 'farming', 'industries;', 'humans', 'are', 'entitled', 'to', 'hunt', 'animals', 'to', 'eat', 'them', 'and', 'utilize', 'them', 'to', 'our', 'benefit'] 1 0 0 | |
A05080 We should ban telemarketing against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'telemarketing', 'as', 'it', 'it', 'allows', 'people', 'to', 'learn', 'about', 'new', 'products', 'or', 'services', 'from', 'the', 'comfort', 'of', 'their', 'own', 'homes'] 1 0 0 | |
A05098 We should limit executive compensation against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'limit', 'executive', 'compensation', 'as', 'they', 'should', 'get', 'the', 'salary', 'equal', 'to', 'their', 'contribution', 'to', 'the', 'organisation'] 1 0 1 | |
A06005 We should end mandatory retirement against ['Mandatory', 'retirement', 'lets', 'companies', 'more', 'easily', 'make', 'space', 'for', 'new', 'workers', 'that', 'have', 'more', 'of', 'an', 'incentive', 'to', 'work', 'hard', 'at', 'a', 'new', 'job'] 1 0 0 | |
A07019 We should end mandatory retirement against ['Setting', 'a', 'mandatory', 'retirement', 'age', 'allows', 'for', 'the', 'younger', 'generations', 'to', 'move', 'up', 'the', 'ladder', 'and', 'to', 'better', 'support', 'their', 'own', 'families'] 1 0 1 | |
A07031 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['we', 'cannot', 'abolish', 'intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'because', 'artists', 'and', 'scientists', 'need', 'to', 'have', 'their', 'ideas', 'and', 'innovations', 'protected', 'so', 'that', 'they', 'can', 'earn', 'a', 'living', 'in', 'their', 'fields'] 1 0 1 | |
A07053 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['we', 'should', 'continue', 'to', 'support', 'algorithmic', 'trading', 'as', 'it', 'gives', 'orders', 'a', 'jump', 'start', 'rather', 'than', 'waiting', 'until', 'the', 'complete', 'order', 'has', 'been', 'produced'] 1 1 1 | |
A07066 We should ban the use of child actors against ['not', 'all', 'tv', 'and', 'movies', 'is', 'going', 'to', 'be', 'adults', 'only', 'we', 'need', 'child', 'actors', 'to', 'shows', 'the', 'world', 'as', 'it', 'is'] 1 0 0 | |
A07067 We should limit judicial activism against ['judicial', 'activism', 'allows', 'for', 'common', 'sense', 'to', 'be', 'applied', 'where', 'necessary'] 1 1 0 | |
A07068 We should limit executive compensation against ['executives', 'provide', 'profits', 'to', 'shareholders', 'and', 'should', 'be', 'compensated', 'accordingly'] 1 0 1 | |
A07073 We should ban the use of child actors against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'the', 'use', 'of', 'child', 'actors', 'because', 'we', 'would', 'not', 'have', 'the', 'shows', 'and', 'movies', 'that', 'are', 'otherwise', 'available'] 1 0 0 | |
A07075 We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'cosmetic', 'surgery', 'for', 'minors', 'because', 'there', 'are', 'legitimate', 'cases', 'when', 'it', 'would', 'improve', 'a', 'young', 'persons', 'mental', 'health'] 1 0 0 | |
A07089 We should ban telemarketing against ['banning', 'telemarketing', 'has', 'no', 'approval', 'anywhere', 'as', 'customers', 'will', 'not', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'see', 'new', 'products', 'available', 'to', 'buy'] 1 0 0 | |
A07095 We should oppose collectivism against ['supporting', 'collectivism', 'is', 'important', 'because', 'groups', 'value', 'is', 'most', 'important', 'in', 'the', 'society', 'which', 'we', 'live', 'today'] 1 0 0 | |
A09003 We should ban the use of child actors against ['we', 'must', 'not', 'prohibit', 'the', 'use', 'of', 'child', 'actors', 'because', 'it', 'goes', 'against', 'the', 'right', 'to', 'work', 'children', 'under', 'the', 'supervision', 'of', 'their', 'parents', 'can', 'develop', 'their', 'artistic', 'talent', 'without', 'affecting', 'their', 'personal', 'growth'] 1 0 0 | |
A09006 We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against ['we', 'shouldnt', 'abolish', 'the', 'right', 'to', 'keep', 'and', 'bear', 'arms', 'because', 'it', 'can', 'help', 'stop', 'mass', 'shootings', 'if', 'everyone', 'has', 'a', 'gun'] 1 0 0 | |
A09008 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['if', 'people', 'want', 'to', 'use', 'it', 'then', 'it', 'is', 'their', 'choice'] 1 0 0 | |
A09024 We should ban whaling against ['if', 'people', 'can', 'get', 'food', 'and', 'other', 'products', 'from', 'whaling', 'that', 'helps', 'sustain', 'them', 'then', 'it', 'shouldnt', 'be', 'banned'] 1 0 0 | |
A09026 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'enable', 'people', 'to', 'benefit', 'from', 'what', 'they', 'worked', 'so', 'hard', 'to', 'achieve'] 1 1 1 | |
A09035 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['The', 'Olympic', 'games', 'provides', 'jobs', 'and', 'is', 'a', 'boost', 'for', 'the', 'economy', 'in', 'the', 'host', 'country'] 1 0 1 | |
A09060 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['The', 'Olympic', 'Games', 'allow', 'for', 'countries', 'around', 'the', 'world', 'to', 'compete', 'in', 'friendly', 'competition', 'and', 'is', 'a', 'healthy', 'outlet', 'for', 'national', 'pride'] 1 0 0 | |
A09073 We should abolish zoos against ['Zoos', 'are', 'a', 'great', 'and', 'cheap', 'way', 'for', 'children', 'to', 'learn', 'about', 'animals', 'from', 'all', 'over', 'the', 'world'] 1 0 0 | |
A09079 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['a', 'person', 'uses', 'his', 'imagination', 'and', 'hard', 'work', 'to', 'write', 'as', 'book', 'or', 'music', 'they', 'should', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'benefit', 'from', 'their', 'work', 'it', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'in', 'the', 'public', 'domain'] 1 1 1 | |
A10017 We should ban the use of child actors against ['we', 'shouldnt', 'ban', 'the', 'use', 'of', 'child', 'actors', 'because', 'it', 'is', 'a', 'way', 'for', 'children', 'to', 'find', 'a', 'career', 'early', 'in', 'their', 'life'] 1 0 0 | |
A12010 We should adopt a multi-party system against ['multi-party', 'systems', 'slow', 'down', 'what', 'gets', 'done', 'because', 'we', 'have', 'too', 'many', 'different', 'sides', 'trying', 'to', 'come', 'to', 'an', 'agreement'] 1 1 0 | |
A12016 We should end mandatory retirement against ['mandatory', 'retirement', 'creates', 'employment', 'opportunities', 'for', 'the', 'younger', 'generation', 'of', 'workers', 'who', 'would', 'otherwise', 'be', 'increasingly', 'shunted', 'out'] 1 0 0 | |
A12019 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['the', 'olympics', 'have', 'long', 'been', 'the', 'goal', 'for', 'athletes', 'to', 'aim', 'for', 'to', 'be', 'the', 'very', 'best', 'so', 'abolishing', 'the', 'games', 'would', 'take', 'away', 'their', 'dreams', 'and', 'ambitions'] 1 0 0 | |
A12026 We should ban human cloning against ['we', 'should', 'allow', 'human', 'cloning', 'as', 'this', 'will', 'be', 'beneficial', 'to', 'scientific', 'advances', 'in', 'the', 'future'] 1 0 0 | |
A12028 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['Intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'keep', 'people', 'from', 'stealing', 'others', 'ideas', 'and', 'selling', 'them', 'as', 'their', 'own'] 1 0 0 | |
A12036 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['ai', 'is', 'the', 'future', 'and', 'algorithmic', 'trading', 'is', 'simply', 'a', 'form', 'of', 'ai', 'that', 'makes', 'the', 'most', 'of', 'trading', 'opportunities', 'which', 'will', 'be', 'the', 'norm', 'in', 'the', 'not', 'to', 'distant', 'future'] 1 0 1 | |
A12049 We should limit executive compensation against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'limit', 'executive', 'compensation', 'because', 'it', 'is', 'their', 'company', 'that', 'they', 'started', 'they', 'have', 'a', 'right', 'to', 'the', 'profits'] 1 1 1 | |
A12053 We should ban factory farming against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'factory', 'farming', 'because', 'it', 'helps', 'to', 'keep', 'up', 'with', 'demand', 'for', 'food'] 1 0 0 | |
A12060 We should end mandatory retirement against ['a', 'mandatory', 'retirement', 'age', 'helps', 'employers', 'regularly', 'refresh', 'the', 'workforce', 'with', 'fresh', 'talent'] 1 0 1 | |
A12066 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'gives', 'the', 'chance', 'for', 'individuals', 'to', 'have', 'a', 'child', 'that', 'might', 'not', 'otherwise', 'be', 'able', 'to'] 1 0 0 | |
A12068 We should subsidize student loans against ['studen', 'loans', 'cannot', 'be', 'subsidised', 'as', 'not', 'only', 'is', 'it', 'unaffordable', 'in', 'the', 'current', 'climate', 'it', 'would', 'encourage', 'universities', 'offer', 'degree', 'courses', 'purely', 'for', 'financial', 'gain'] 1 0 0 | |
A12069 We should limit judicial activism against ['judicial', 'activism', 'is', 'sometimes', 'the', 'best', 'way', 'to', 'get', 'things', 'done'] 1 0 0 | |
A12075 We should end mandatory retirement against ['mandatory', 'retirement', 'is', 'needed', 'to', 'keep', 'businesses', 'new', 'and', 'fresh', 'with', 'innovation', 'from', 'the', 'younger', 'generation'] 1 0 1 | |
A12077 We should subsidize student loans against ['there', 'are', 'other', 'ways', 'to', 'channel', 'student', 'aid', 'that', 'is', 'not', 'subsidizing', 'loans'] 1 0 1 | |
A12079 We should ban targeted killing against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'targeted', 'killing', 'since', 'they', 'are', 'effective', 'at', 'eliminating', 'terrorists', 'with', 'a', 'smaller', 'number', 'of', 'civilians', 'being', 'killed', 'than', 'most', 'other', 'military', 'weapon'] 1 0 0 | |
A12094 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'allows', 'for', 'greater', 'numbers', 'of', 'trades', 'to', 'happen', 'getting', 'more', 'people', 'involved', 'in', 'the', 'economy'] 1 0 1 | |
A12095 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['the', 'olympic', 'games', 'offer', 'a', 'friendly', 'competition', 'meeting', 'where', 'the', 'best', 'athletes', 'around', 'the', 'world', 'can', 'come', 'together', 'to', 'celebrate', 'the', 'best', 'of', 'human', 'physical', 'achievement'] 1 0 0 | |
A12099 We should end mandatory retirement against ['the', 'companies', 'that', 'have', 'the', 'mandatory', 'retirement', 'policy', 'maintain', 'a', 'rotation', 'of', 'employees', 'fresher', 'and', 'updated', 'with', 'the', 'new', 'times'] 1 0 0 | |
A12104 We should ban the Church of Scientology against ['we', 'shouldnt', 'ban', 'the', 'church', 'of', 'scientology', 'because', 'it', 'is', 'a', 'way', 'to', 'study', 'the', 'nature', 'of', 'life'] 1 0 0 | |
A12106 We should ban the use of child actors against ['child', 'actors', 'should', 'be', 'allowed', 'to', 'work', 'and', 'contribute', 'their', 'talents', 'to', 'society'] 1 0 0 | |
A12107 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['the', 'olympic', 'games', 'are', 'a', 'testament', 'to', 'the', 'spirit', 'of', 'amateur', 'athleticism'] 1 0 0 | |
A12111 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'is', 'cost', 'effective', 'because', 'it', 'is', 'timely', 'and', 'accurate'] 1 0 1 | |
A12166 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'is', 'faster', 'and', 'more', 'accurate', 'than', 'human', 'guesswork', 'and', 'so', 'provides', 'greater', 'value', 'to', 'shareholders'] 1 0 1 | |
A12179 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['having', 'intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'is', 'a', 'deterrent', 'for', 'those', 'that', 'would', 'steal', 'another', 'persons', 'ideas', 'and', 'creations', 'so', 'we', 'must', 'not', 'abolish', 'that'] 1 0 0 | |
A12194 We should ban human cloning against ['cloning', 'humans', 'can', 'allow', 'us', 'to', 'advance', 'science', 'and', 'medicine', 'in', 'ways', 'which', 'could', 'save', 'millions', 'of', 'lives', 'by', 'producing', 'organs', 'stem', 'cells', 'etc', 'for', 'those', 'in', 'need'] 1 0 0 | |
A12216 We should limit judicial activism against ['judicial', 'activism', 'can', 'highlight', 'wrong', 'legislation', 'or', 'deliver', 'accurate', 'justice', 'that', 'cannot', 'be', 'addressed', 'through', 'the', 'existing', 'laws'] 1 1 0 | |
A12228 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'will', 'reduce', 'the', 'human', 'margin', 'of', 'error', 'to', 'near', 'zero', 'and', 'make', 'for', 'a', 'safer', 'commute'] 1 0 0 | |
A12238 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['programmes', 'will', 'always', 'evolve', 'to', 'make', 'better', 'use', 'of', 'trading', 'practices', 'so', 'holding', 'people', 'back', 'from', 'using', 'algorithmic', 'trading', 'will', 'only', 'serve', 'to', 'slow', 'down', 'progress'] 1 0 1 | |
A12241 We should subsidize Wikipedia against ['the', 'open', 'source', 'nature', 'of', 'wikipedia', 'means', 'anyone', 'can', 'add', 'gibberish', 'and', 'falsehood', 'in', 'its', 'contents', 'thereby', 'making', 'it', 'unreliable'] 1 0 0 | |
A12260 We should end mandatory retirement against ['certain', 'professions', 'such', 'as', 'police', 'officer', 'and', 'air', 'traffic', 'controller', 'have', 'mandatory', 'retirement', 'ages', 'to', 'ensure', 'that', 'the', 'person', 'who', 'is', 'responsible', 'for', 'the', 'safety', 'of', 'others', 'remains', 'competent', 'to', 'do', 'his', 'job'] 1 0 0 | |
A12268 We should adopt gender-neutral language against ['gender-neutral', 'language', 'will', 'cause', 'confusion', 'if', 'we', 'dont', 'know', 'who', 'is', 'being', 'referred', 'to'] 1 0 0 | |
A12273 We should introduce compulsory voting against ['some', 'people', 'do', 'not', 'feel', 'capable', 'of', 'exercising', 'such', 'a', 'responsibility'] 1 0 0 | |
A12277 We should subsidize Wikipedia against ['those', 'authoring', 'articles', 'on', 'wikipedia', 'are', 'not', 'necessarily', 'experts', 'on', 'the', 'topic', 'and', 'there', 'is', 'risk', 'of', 'inaccurate', 'information', 'being', 'broadcast'] 1 0 0 | |
A12292 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'will', 'allow', 'people', 'to', 'do', 'more', 'instead', 'of', 'wasting', 'time', 'in', 'traffic'] 1 0 0 | |
A12300 We should ban whaling against ['most', 'whaling', 'is', 'done', 'under', 'controlled', 'situations', 'and', 'is', 'done', 'for', 'research', 'purposes'] 1 0 0 | |
A12305 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['the', 'olympic', 'games', 'allow', 'for', 'true', 'amateur', 'athletes', 'to', 'live', 'out', 'their', 'dreams'] 1 0 0 | |
A12317 We should ban private military companies against ['we', 'shouldnt', 'ban', 'private', 'military', 'companies', 'as', 'they', 'are', 'doing', 'a', 'job', 'and', 'keeping', 'people', 'safe'] 1 0 0 | |
A12320 We should abolish zoos against ['zoos', 'bring', 'a', 'lot', 'of', 'money', 'in', 'which', 'can', 'be', 'spent', 'on', 'animal', 'research', 'and', 'stop', 'their', 'extinction'] 1 0 0 | |
A12332 We should limit executive compensation against ['an', 'executive', 'has', 'worked', 'hard', 'to', 'get', 'to', 'that', 'position', 'through', 'study', 'and', 'prior', 'work', 'experience', 'they', 'should', 'be', 'compensated', 'for', 'their', 'value', 'to', 'the', 'company'] 1 1 1 | |
A12334 We should adopt an austerity regime against ['austerity', 'regimes', 'hurt', 'the', 'common', 'man', 'by', 'reducing', 'support', 'for', 'schools', 'and', 'health', 'care'] 1 1 1 | |
A12342 We should oppose collectivism against ['collectivism', 'enables', 'communities', 'to', 'work', 'together', 'for', 'the', 'greater', 'good'] 1 0 0 | |
A12351 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['if', 'we', 'abolish', 'the', 'rights', 'then', 'companies', 'will', 'stop', 'developing', 'products', 'and', 'ideas', 'as', 'they', 'will', 'know', 'that', 'there', 'is', 'no', 'way', 'they', 'can', 'make', 'back', 'the', 'cost', 'of', 'r&d', 'and', 'so', 'will', 'run', 'at', 'losses'] 1 0 0 | |
A12357 We should adopt a multi-party system against ['a', 'multiparty', 'system', 'blurs', 'the', 'citizenship', 'of', 'a', 'vision', 'and', 'model', 'of', 'country', 'we', 'should', 'not', 'adopt', 'a', 'multiparty', 'system', 'because', 'it', 'would', 'waste', 'valuable', 'time', 'to', 'agree'] 1 0 0 | |
A12358 We should abolish capital punishment against ['If', 'capital', 'punishment', 'is', 'unfairly', 'applied', 'we', 'should', 'focus', 'on', 'fixing', 'that', 'not', 'abolishing', 'it', 'entirely'] 1 1 0 | |
A12392 We should end the use of economic sanctions against ['economic', 'sanctions', 'can', 'help', 'control', 'financial', 'situations'] 1 1 1 | |
A12404 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'is', 'a', 'job', 'for', 'some', 'and', 'banning', 'it', 'would', 'take', 'jobs', 'away'] 1 0 0 | |
A12417 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algirithmic', 'trading', 'reduces', 'the', 'possibilty', 'of', 'error', 'and', 'just', 'furthers', 'profit', 'for', 'finance', 'companies'] 1 0 1 | |
A12437 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['if', 'an', 'individual', 'has', 'created', 'any', 'property', 'it', 'is', 'his', 'to', 'determine', 'its', 'use'] 1 0 1 | |
A12453 We should ban the use of child actors against ['child', 'actors', 'are', 'necessary', 'and', 'children', 'can', 'learn', 'how', 'to', 'work', 'even', 'from', 'an', 'early', 'age'] 1 0 1 | |
A12470 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'can', 'provide', 'a', 'way', 'for', 'science', 'to', 'overcome', 'negative', 'qualities', 'in', 'humans', 'such', 'as', 'birth', 'defects', 'so', 'overall', 'it', 'is', 'a', 'positive', 'technology', 'that', 'should', 'be', 'allowed', 'to', 'flourish'] 1 0 0 | |
A12479 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['without', 'intellection', 'property', 'rights', 'there', 'is', 'no', 'incentive', 'to', 'research', 'and', 'develop', 'new', 'products'] 1 0 0 | |
A12482 We should ban targeted killing against ['targeted', 'killing', 'is', 'often', 'the', 'only', 'way', 'to', 'get', 'to', 'the', 'enemy'] 1 0 0 | |
A12488 We should subsidize Wikipedia against ['subsidizing', 'wikipedia', 'will', 'lead', 'to', 'bias', 'in', 'the', 'contents', 'content', 'creators', 'and', 'moderators', 'will', 'be', 'afraid', 'to', 'criticize', 'the', 'people', 'who', 'contribute', 'money', 'to', 'wikipedia'] 1 0 0 | |
A14006 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'is', 'an', 'efficient', 'way', 'to', 'grow', 'mass', 'amounts', 'of', 'food', 'for', 'the', 'food', 'supply', 'chain', 'it', 'pushes', 'innovation', 'and', 'makes', 'farming', 'more', 'efficient', 'and', 'safer', 'outcomes', 'for', 'the', 'food', 'supply'] 1 1 0 | |
A14016 We should ban missionary work against ['missionary', 'work', 'allows', 'people', 'in', 'developing', 'countries', 'access', 'to', 'new', 'ways', 'of', 'thinking', 'and', 'possibilities', 'for', 'how', 'they', 'live', 'their', 'life'] 1 0 0 | |
A15020 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'mean', 'that', 'the', 'people', 'who', 'come', 'up', 'with', 'ideas', 'or', 'products', 'get', 'the', 'financial', 'gains', 'from', 'said', 'product', 'and', 'so', 'makes', 'people', 'more', 'likely', 'to', 'innovate'] 1 0 0 | |
A17003 We should cancel pride parades against ['thepride', 'parades', 'are', 'part', 'of', 'the', 'empowerment', 'of', 'the', 'lgbt', 'community'] 1 1 0 | |
A17005 We should limit judicial activism against ['each', 'case', 'has', 'different', 'circumstances', 'and', 'certain', 'things', 'need', 'to', 'be', 'taken', 'into', 'consideration', 'for', 'each', 'one', 'judicial', 'activism', 'allow', 'the', 'court', 'to', 'consider', 'the', 'circumstances', 'of', 'each', 'crime'] 1 0 0 | |
A17008 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'can', 'help', 'transport', 'those', 'unable', 'to', 'drive', 'themselves'] 1 0 0 | |
A18011 We should ban telemarketing against ['Telemarketing', 'is', 'an', 'excellent', 'tool', 'if', 'used', 'sensitively', 'and', 'with', 'caution'] 1 0 0 | |
A18019 We should end mandatory retirement against ['mandatory', 'retirement', 'leaves', 'openings', 'in', 'the', 'job', 'force', 'for', 'those', 'that', 'are', 'stronger', 'and', 'more', 'capable', 'of', 'doing', 'the', 'jobs'] 1 0 1 | |
A18060 We should prohibit school prayer against ['we', 'shouldnt', 'prohibit', 'school', 'prayer', 'because', 'is', 'important', 'for', 'religious', 'education'] 1 0 0 | |
A18062 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'could', 'help', 'people', 'make', 'better', 'use', 'of', 'their', 'time'] 1 0 0 | |
A18070 We should ban private military companies against ['Private', 'military', 'companies', 'can', 'provide', 'more', 'advanced', 'technology', 'because', 'they', 'are', 'not', 'restricted', 'by', 'governmental', 'red', 'tape'] 1 0 0 | |
A18081 We should ban private military companies against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'because', 'it', 'has', 'been', 'proven', 'to', 'work', 'and', 'can', 'serve', 'specific', 'issues'] 1 0 0 | |
A18089 We should end mandatory retirement against ['for', 'people', 'who', 'work', 'in', 'skilled', 'manual', 'jobs', 'it', 'comes', 'to', 'a', 'point', 'where', 'it', 'is', 'no', 'longer', 'safe', 'for', 'them', 'work', 'the', 'retirement', 'age', 'is', 'used', 'to', 'protect', 'people', 'of', 'a', 'certain', 'age', 'as', 'a', 'safety', 'precaution'] 1 0 0 | |
A18101 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['athletes', 'train', 'their', 'whole', 'lives', 'in', 'hopes', 'that', 'they', 'can', 'represent', 'their', 'country', 'to', 'be', 'the', 'best'] 1 0 0 | |
A18108 We should adopt gender-neutral language against ['other', 'languages', 'such', 'as', 'spanish', 'and', 'french', 'have', 'even', 'more', 'gendered', 'language', 'than', 'we', 'do', 'and', 'they', 'have', 'no', 'problems'] 1 0 0 | |
A18114 We should ban missionary work against ['missionary', 'work', 'can', 'sometimes', 'provide', 'communities', 'in', 'need', 'around', 'the', 'world', 'with', 'access', 'to', 'education', 'and', 'resources'] 1 0 0 | |
A18121 We should ban targeted killing against ['Targeted', 'killing', 'surgically', 'removes', 'enemy', 'actors', 'with', 'no', 'collateral', 'damage', 'it', 'must', 'be', 'continued'] 1 1 0 | |
A18124 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'can', 'give', 'many', 'people', 'the', 'freedom', 'to', 'drive', 'without', 'actually', 'driving', 'so', 'we', 'should', 'not', 'stop', 'making', 'them'] 1 0 0 | |
A18131 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['development', 'of', 'autonomous', 'car', 'will', 'make', 'traffic', 'and', 'parking', 'easier'] 1 0 0 | |
A18135 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['the', 'olympic', 'games', 'brings', 'together', 'the', 'world', 'in', 'a', 'peaceful', 'environment'] 1 0 0 | |
A18144 We should cancel pride parades against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'cancel', 'pride', 'parades', 'because', 'people', 'should', 'have', 'the', 'right', 'to', 'express', 'what', 'they', 'want', 'and', 'how', 'they', 'feel', 'about', 'a', 'certain', 'issue'] 1 0 0 | |
A18146 We should ban factory farming against ['it', 'is', 'the', 'most', 'efficient', 'way', 'to', 'produce', 'food'] 1 0 0 | |
A18155 We should end the use of economic sanctions against ['economic', 'sanctions', 'are', 'an', 'effective', 'way', 'to', 'signify', 'that', 'human', 'rights', 'abuses', 'will', 'not', 'be', 'tolerated'] 1 0 0 | |
A18165 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['Algorithmic', 'trading', 'can', 'operate', '24', 'hours', 'a', 'day', 'While', 'you', 'sleep', 'your', 'algorithms', 'are', 'making', 'you', 'money'] 1 0 1 | |
A18166 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against ['however', 'these', 'policies', 'can', 'impede', 'the', 'advancement', 'of', 'children', 'from', 'troubled', 'backgrounds', 'or', 'with', 'additional', 'needs', 'they', 'need', 'a', 'safe', 'place', 'to', 'learn', 'in', 'a', 'positive', 'behaviours', 'in', 'a', 'supportive', 'environment'] 1 0 0 | |
A18197 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['promotes', 'peace', 'and', 'sportsmanship', 'amongst', 'countries'] 1 1 0 | |
A18201 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'protect', 'inventors'] 1 0 0 | |
A18207 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'is', 'simply', 'another', 'avenue', 'of', 'science', 'to', 'explore', 'and', 'it', 'is', 'vital', 'to', 'push', 'back', 'the', 'boundaries', 'in', 'order', 'to', 'open', 'up', 'possible', 'potential', 'cures', 'for', 'disease', 'and', 'medical', 'issues'] 1 0 0 | |
A18226 We should subsidize Wikipedia against ['there', 'is', 'not', 'need', 'to', 'subsidize', 'wikipedia', 'it', 'does', 'not', 'serve', 'any', 'purpose', 'that', 'cannot', 'be', 'filled', 'elsewhere'] 1 0 0 | |
A18229 We should ban human cloning against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'human', 'cloning', 'because', 'it', 'could', 'help', 'with', 'medical', 'research'] 1 0 0 | |
A18241 We should ban whaling against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'whaling', 'because', 'it', 'is', 'important', 'to', 'many', 'aboriginal', 'cultures', 'in', 'the', 'arctic', 'and', 'it', 'is', 'wrong', 'for', 'the', 'governments', 'of', 'countries', 'like', 'Canada', 'and', 'Russia', 'to', 'oppress', 'those', 'peoples'] 1 1 0 | |
A18285 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['somebody', 'was', 'working', 'hard', 'to', 'make', 'something', 'and', 'then', 'should', 'be', 'rewarded', 'for', 'it', 'that`s', 'what', 'intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'all', 'about'] 1 1 0 | |
A18297 We should adopt an austerity regime against ['absolutely', 'not', 'the', 'great', 'president', 'donald', 'trump', 'is', 'turning', 'the', 'country', 'around', 'and', 'saving', 'us', 'from', 'the', 'financial', 'disaster', 'that', 'the', 'last', 'eight', 'years', 'were', 'leading', 'the', 'united', 'states', 'towards'] 1 1 1 | |
A18318 We should adopt an austerity regime against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'adopt', 'an', 'austerity', 'regime', 'because', 'this', 'move', 'hurt', 'people', 'that', 'are', 'living', 'on', 'their', 'pensions', 'and', 'people', 'pay', 'more', 'taxes', 'and', 'this', 'hurt', 'a', 'lot', 'of', 'people'] 1 0 1 | |
A18350 We should ban private military companies against ['military', 'is', 'a', 'big', 'organization', 'that', 'needs', 'private', 'company', 'to', 'supply', 'their', 'needs'] 1 1 0 | |
A18353 We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research against ['the', 'nhs', 'has', 'limited', 'funding', 'and', 'this', 'should', 'be', 'spent', 'providing', 'care', 'for', 'those', 'that', 'need', 'it', 'rather', 'than', 'wasting', 'it', 'on', 'research', 'that', 'may', 'not', 'help', 'solve', 'anytihng'] 1 0 0 | |
A18355 We should ban factory farming against ['let', 'the', 'free', 'market', 'decide', 'whether', 'or', 'not', 'we', 'should', 'allow', 'factory', 'farming'] 1 1 0 | |
A18356 We should ban telemarketing against ['we', 'live', 'in', 'a', 'capitalist', 'country', 'and', 'telemarketing', 'is', 'how', 'many', 'businesses', 'grow', 'and', 'develop'] 1 0 1 | |
A18361 We should abolish safe spaces against ['safe', 'spaces', 'provide', 'a', 'valuable', 'service', 'to', 'those', 'who', 'may', 'be', 'suffering', 'from', 'ptsd'] 1 0 0 | |
A18363 We should subsidize student loans against ['it', 'isnt', 'the', 'obligation', 'of', 'any', 'tax', 'payer', 'to', 'give', 'money', 'to', 'help', 'someone', 'else', 'get', 'an', 'education', 'that', 'is', 'a', 'personal', 'choice', 'and', 'if', 'they', 'want', 'to', 'go', 'to', 'college', 'they', 'need', 'to', 'pay', 'for', 'it', 'on', 'their', 'own'] 1 0 1 | |
A18384 We should ban missionary work against ['it', 'helps', 'small', 'third', 'world', 'countries', 'become', 'more', 'modernized'] 1 1 0 | |
A18391 We should subsidize Wikipedia against ['wikipedia', 'is', 'a', 'private', 'entity', 'and', 'is', 'responsible', 'for', 'its', 'own', 'operating', 'costs'] 1 0 1 | |
A18393 We should subsidize journalism against ['journalists', 'get', 'paid', 'enough', 'they', 'dont', 'need', 'any', 'more', 'money'] 1 0 1 | |
A18394 We should ban the use of child actors against ['the', 'usage', 'of', 'child', 'actors', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'banned', 'as', 'they', 'are', 'an', 'important', 'part', 'of', 'the', 'acting', 'field', 'they', 'have', 'adults', 'who', 'can', 'make', 'rationale', 'decisions', 'for', 'them'] 1 0 0 | |
A18395 We should limit executive compensation against ['if', 'someone', 'has', 'worked', 'hard', 'to', 'get', 'where', 'they', 'are', 'in', 'a', 'company', 'then', 'they', 'should', 'be', 'rewarded', 'accordingly'] 1 1 1 | |
A18410 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'could', 'prevent', 'traffic', 'jams', 'and', 'accidents'] 1 0 0 | |
A18416 We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors against ['cosmetic', 'surgery', 'might', 'be', 'the', 'only', 'hope', 'for', 'children', 'born', 'with', 'disfigurements', 'that', 'would', 'have', 'severe', 'impact', 'on', 'self-esteem', 'and', 'lead', 'to', 'psychological', 'issues', 'and', 'childhood', 'trauma'] 1 0 0 | |
A18421 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'can', 'do', 'a', 'job', 'that', 'humans', 'are', 'not', 'able', 'to', 'do'] 1 0 0 | |
A18422 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['they', 'increase', 'tourist', 'activities', 'and', 'are', 'a', 'boost', 'to', 'the', 'local', 'economy'] 1 0 1 | |
A18426 We should adopt gender-neutral language against ['gender-neutral', 'language', 'doesnt', 'always', 'help', 'people', 'clearly', 'communicate', 'what', 'they', 'mean'] 1 0 0 | |
A18431 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['developing', 'autonomous', 'cars', 'is', 'a', 'necessity', 'it', 'would', 'make', 'roads', 'and', 'travel', 'much', 'safer', 'as', 'car', 'accidents', 'account', 'for', 'an', 'incredible', 'amount', 'of', 'deaths', 'there', 'would', 'be', 'no', 'more', 'drunk', 'and', 'distracted', 'driving', 'accidents'] 1 0 0 | |
A18445 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['this', 'helps', 'traders', 'make', 'more', 'informed', 'decisions'] 1 0 0 | |
A18447 We should oppose collectivism against ['collectivism', 'bands', 'people', 'together', 'to', 'solve', 'problems', 'in', 'their', 'communities'] 1 0 0 | |
A18467 We should end mandatory retirement against ['if', 'retirees', 'continue', 'to', 'work', 'past', 'retirement', 'age', 'there', 'will', 'never', 'be', 'a', 'natural', 'progression', 'through', 'the', 'workplace', 'for', 'the', 'younger', 'generation'] 1 0 1 | |
A18479 We should end the use of economic sanctions against ['economic', 'sanctions', 'are', 'very', 'effective', 'in', 'dealing', 'with', 'countries', 'who', 'have', 'many', 'human', 'rights', 'abuses', 'on', 'their', 'record'] 1 0 0 | |
A18481 We should ban telemarketing against ['Telemarketing', 'involves', 'lower', 'overhead', 'costs', 'and', 'thus', 'saves', 'companies', 'money'] 1 0 1 | |
A19003 We should adopt a multi-party system against ['multiple', 'parties', 'make', 'choosing', 'a', 'leader', 'harder'] 1 0 0 | |
A19013 We should adopt gender-neutral language against ['adopting', 'gender', 'neutral', 'language', 'would', 'be', 'expensive', 'and', 'a', 'waste', 'of', 'resources', 'which', 'could', 'be', 'better', 'used', 'elsewhere'] 1 0 1 | |
A19033 We should adopt an austerity regime against ['austerity', 'regimes', 'tend', 'to', 'increase', 'unemployment', 'as', 'government', 'reduction', 'of', 'spending', 'of', 'leads', 'to', 'retrenchment', 'of', 'worker'] 1 0 1 | |
A19042 We should introduce compulsory voting against ['compulsory', 'voting', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'necessary', 'because', 'people', 'will', 'vote', 'for', 'anyone', 'without', 'researching', 'which', 'could', 'skew', 'outcomes'] 1 0 0 | |
A19050 We should ban cosmetic surgery against ['cosmetic', 'surgery', 'boosts', 'peoples', 'self', 'esteem'] 1 0 0 | |
A19052 We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research against ['there', 'are', 'other', 'stem', 'cells', 'that', 'arent', 'from', 'embryos', 'that', 'could', 'be', 'used', 'instead'] 1 0 0 | |
A19056 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'adopt', 'zero', 'tolerance', 'policies', 'because', 'they', 'have', 'not', 'improved', 'school', 'discipline', 'in', 'other', 'districts', 'only', 'introduced', 'more', 'punishments', 'for', 'students'] 1 0 0 | |
A19070 We should ban missionary work against ['missionaries', 'are', 'necessary', 'as', 'they', 'provide', 'education', 'health', 'care', 'and', 'more', 'to', 'those', 'in', 'need'] 1 1 0 | |
A19091 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['trading', 'using', 'an', 'algorithm', 'is', 'more', 'accurate', 'quicker', 'and', 'easier'] 1 0 1 | |
A19097 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'merely', 'enables', 'better', 'decisions', 'in', 'investments', 'utilising', 'technology', 'and', 'intelligence'] 1 0 1 | |
A19099 We should subsidize Wikipedia against ['wikipedia', 'often', 'contains', 'false', 'information', 'and', 'so', 'can', 'lead', 'to', 'people', 'believing', 'that', 'have', 'no', 'validity', 'in', 'reality'] 1 1 0 | |
A19101 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'allows', 'small', 'businesses', 'to', 'save', 'money', 'by', 'reducing', 'overhead', 'costs'] 1 0 1 | |
A19105 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'enables', 'a', 'more', 'level', 'playing', 'field', 'in', 'the', 'trading', 'of', 'shares'] 1 0 1 | |
A19121 We should ban human cloning against ['we', 'shouldnt', 'ban', 'human', 'cloning', 'as', 'it', 'could', 'help', 'aid', 'genetic', 'medical', 'problems'] 1 0 0 | |
A19129 We should cancel pride parades against ['it', 'would', 'be', 'a', 'huge', 'step', 'backwards', 'essentially', 'telling', 'the', 'lgbt', 'community', 'not', 'to', 'have', 'pride', 'in', 'who', 'they', 'are', 'anymore'] 1 0 0 | |
A19132 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'are', 'our', 'future', 'and', 'provide', 'many', 'benefits'] 1 0 0 | |
A19143 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'abolish', 'intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'because', 'people', 'should', 'get', 'credit', 'for', 'their', 'work'] 1 0 1 | |
A19164 We should subsidize journalism against ['good', 'journalists', 'already', 'make', 'enough', 'money', 'to', 'survive', 'and', 'their', 'companies', 'dont', 'need', 'to', 'get', 'more', 'money', 'from', 'the', 'government'] 1 1 1 | |
A19165 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'is', 'a', 'perfectly', 'valid', 'marketing', 'approach', 'and', 'is', 'a', 'primary', 'driver', 'of', 'economic', 'activity'] 1 0 1 | |
A19184 We should limit judicial activism against ['judicial', 'activism', 'allows', 'lawful', 'recourse', 'in', 'circumstances', 'of', 'possible', 'justice', 'miscarriages', 'and', 'is', 'an', 'extra', 'protection', 'against', 'possible', 'corruption', 'and', 'obstructive', 'influence', 'in', 'the', 'higher', 'court'] 1 1 0 | |
A19185 We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons against ['they', 'are', 'a', 'deterrent', 'for', 'foreign', 'forces', 'not', 'to', 'attack', 'smaller', 'countries'] 1 1 0 | |
A19192 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'are', 'so', 'valuable', 'for', 'the', 'future', 'in', 'an', 'ever', 'more', 'congested', 'world', 'so', 'we', 'need', 'to', 'invest', 'more', 'in', 'them'] 1 0 0 | |
A19196 We should abandon the use of school uniform against ['school', 'uniforms', 'help', 'everyone', 'feel', 'more', 'like', 'each', 'other', 'and', 'takes', 'the', 'focus', 'off', 'their', 'clothes', 'and', 'allows', 'for', 'more', 'focus', 'on', 'learning'] 1 1 0 | |
A19199 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'can', 'help', 'doctors', 'find', 'a', 'cure', 'for', 'illnesses', 'we', 'otherwise', 'wont', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'survive'] 1 0 0 | |
A19248 We should limit executive compensation against ['in', 'a', 'competitive', 'market', 'companies', 'have', 'to', 'attract', 'the', 'best', 'talent'] 1 1 1 | |
A19271 We should ban telemarketing against ['we', 'shouldnt', 'ban', 'telemarketing', 'because', 'it', 'is', 'a', 'useful', 'way', 'to', 'make', 'sales', 'and', 'it', 'isnt', 'overly', 'abusive', 'to', 'people'] 1 1 1 | |
A19286 We should subsidize student loans against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'subsidize', 'student', 'loans', 'because', 'students', 'should', 'have', 'worked', 'to', 'pay', 'for', 'college', 'instead', 'of', 'going', 'into', 'debt'] 1 0 1 | |
A19288 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'abolish', 'the', 'olympic', 'games', 'because', 'it', 'brings', 'the', 'world', 'together', 'to', 'celebrate', 'sporting', 'greatness'] 1 0 0 | |
A19291 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['if', 'the', 'technology', 'exists', 'then', 'it', 'should', 'be', 'okay', 'to', 'use', 'it'] 1 0 1 | |
A19296 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'opens', 'up', 'a', 'path', 'never', 'before', 'filled', 'with', 'benefits', 'for', 'human', 'beings', 'allowing', 'in', 'the', 'future', 'the', 'eradication', 'of', 'many', 'diseases'] 1 0 0 | |
A19304 We should introduce compulsory voting against ['we', 'shouldnt', 'because', 'people', 'might', 'just', 'vote', 'for', 'anyone', 'if', 'they', 'have', 'no', 'interest', 'in', 'politics', 'and', 'could', 'sway', 'the', 'vote'] 1 1 0 | |
A19311 We should end mandatory retirement against ['it', 'provides', 'more', 'jobs', 'for', 'people', 'that', 'need', 'to', 'earn', 'an', 'income', 'for', 'their', 'families', 'so', 'mandatory', 'retirement', 'is', 'a', 'good', 'idea'] 1 0 1 | |
A19314 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'abolish', 'intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'because', 'it', 'protects', 'that', 'persons', 'claim', 'to', 'their', 'inventions', 'and', 'discoveries'] 1 0 1 | |
A19327 We should subsidize student loans against ['student', 'loans', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'subsidized', 'as', 'the', 'enhanced', 'education', 'they', 'receive', 'will', 'allow', 'the', 'students', 'to', 'go', 'on', 'to', 'better', 'paying', 'jobs'] 1 0 1 | |
A19333 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'allow', 'those', 'with', 'disabilities', 'that', 'hinder', 'driving', 'to', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'travel', 'to', 'appointments', 'shopping', 'and', 'social', 'events', 'and', 'not', 'to', 'live', 'isolated', 'from', 'others'] 1 0 0 | |
A19358 We should subsidize journalism against ['journalism', 'can', 'make', 'enough', 'income', 'to', 'support', 'itself', 'as', 'is', 'seen', 'by', 'the', 'countless', 'successful', 'media', 'outlets'] 1 0 0 | |
A19361 We should ban missionary work against ['missionary', 'work', 'allows', 'volunteers', 'to', 'do', 'productive', 'work', 'in', 'a', 'foreign', 'country'] 1 0 0 | |
A19365 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against ['teaching', 'children', 'to', 'think', 'for', 'themselves', 'and', 'learn', 'based', 'on', 'their', 'own', 'actions', 'is', 'important', 'to', 'their', 'growth', 'stunting', 'them', 'with', 'zero-tolerance', 'does', 'no', 'one', 'any', 'favors'] 1 0 0 | |
A19366 We should ban the use of child actors against ['children', 'provide', 'unique', 'storytelling', 'opportunities', 'for', 'movies', 'and', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'banned', 'as', 'long', 'as', 'they', 'are', 'properly', 'raised', 'and', 'cared', 'for'] 1 0 1 | |
A19372 We should limit executive compensation against ['executive', 'compensation', 'encourages', 'them', 'to', 'work', 'for', 'their', 'pay'] 1 0 1 | |
A19377 We should limit judicial activism against ['judicial', 'activism', 'is', 'necessary', 'to', 'make', 'sound', 'decisions'] 1 0 0 | |
A19389 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'shouldnt', 'be', 'abolished', 'because', 'it', 'helps', 'to', 'ensure', 'the', 'originator', 'is', 'reimbursed', 'accurately', 'for', 'their', 'ideas'] 1 0 1 | |
A19390 We should adopt an austerity regime against ['an', 'austerity', 'regime', 'would', 'be', 'harmful'] 1 0 0 | |
A19391 We should adopt a multi-party system against ['a', 'multi-party', 'system', 'will', 'lack', 'real', 'leadership', 'and', 'will', 'mean', 'that', 'policies', 'often', 'end', 'up', 'being', 'diluted', 'or', 'not', 'passed', 'at', 'all', 'as', 'a', 'majority', 'can', 'not', 'be', 'reached'] 1 1 0 | |
A19392 We should ban private military companies against ['private', 'military', 'companies', 'are', 'made', 'up', 'of', 'soldiers', 'that', 'are', 'probably', 'much', 'better', 'trained', 'than', 'the', 'kids', 'we', 'currently', 'send', 'to', 'military'] 1 1 0 | |
A19405 We should ban whaling against ['whaling', 'provides', 'jobs', 'for', 'many', 'people'] 1 0 1 | |
A19411 We should adopt an austerity regime against ['The', 'free', 'market', 'knows', 'best', 'how', 'to', 'get', 'out', 'of', 'a', 'recession', 'Any', 'government', 'involvment', 'would', 'worsen', 'the', 'economic', 'situation'] 1 0 1 | |
A19413 We should ban factory farming against ['it', 'is', 'the', 'only', 'way', 'we', 'currently', 'have', 'to', 'feed', 'the', 'masses'] 1 0 0 | |
A19415 We should subsidize journalism against ['there', 'is', 'simply', 'no', 'need', 'there', 'is', 'enough', 'money', 'in', 'journalism', 'and', 'plenty', 'of', 'valuable', 'objective', 'sources', 'available'] 1 0 0 | |
A19421 We should abolish safe spaces against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'abolish', 'safe', 'spaces', 'because', 'people', 'who', 'have', 'PTSD', 'will', 'disengage', 'from', 'universities', 'and', 'other', 'spaces', 'if', 'they', 'cannot', 'participate', 'safely'] 1 0 0 | |
A19425 We should abandon the use of school uniform against ['school', 'uniforms', 'should', 'still', 'be', 'used', 'because', 'they', 'can', 'increase', 'student', 'focus'] 1 0 0 | |
A19443 We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors against ['minors', 'should', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'make', 'decisions', 'to', 'have', 'cosmetic', 'surgery', 'if', 'it', 'will', 'help', 'their', 'self-confidence'] 1 0 0 | |
A19446 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'abolish', 'the', 'Olympic', 'Games', 'as', 'they', 'are', 'viewed', 'as', 'the', 'pinnacle', 'of', 'success', 'for', 'many', 'athletes', 'around', 'the', 'world'] 1 0 0 | |
A19461 We should limit judicial activism against ['judges', 'are', 'in', 'a', 'position', 'to', 'make', 'a', 'positive', 'change', 'in', 'the', 'world', 'and', 'should', 'be', 'encouraged', 'to', 'use', 'activism', 'to', 'do', 'so'] 1 1 0 | |
A19462 We should ban telemarketing against ['Banning', 'telemarketing', 'will', 'create', 'job', 'losses', 'for', 'many', 'people', 'who', 'work', 'in', 'this', 'industry'] 1 0 1 | |
A19465 We should ban whaling against ['whaling', 'is', 'a', 'traditional', 'occupation', 'of', 'some', 'cultures', 'and', 'their', 'cultural', 'heritage', 'would', 'be', 'lost', 'if', 'they', 'were', 'not', 'able', 'to', 'continue', 'whaling'] 1 0 0 | |
A19467 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'allows', 'for', 'the', 'study', 'of', 'genetic', 'disorders', 'opening', 'the', 'door', 'for', 'huge', 'leaps', 'in', 'medical', 'science', 'and', 'disease', 'cures'] 1 0 0 | |
A19486 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['people', 'have', 'the', 'right', 'to', 'profit', 'from', 'their', 'ideas'] 1 0 1 | |
A19489 We should ban human cloning against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'human', 'cloning', 'because', 'it', 'can', 'help', 'save', 'lifes'] 1 0 0 | |
A19492 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'could', 'bring', 'worthwhile', 'products', 'to', 'the', 'attention', 'of', 'people', 'who', 'would', 'not', 'otherwise', 'be', 'aware', 'of', 'them'] 1 1 1 | |
A19494 We should end the use of economic sanctions against ['economic', 'sanctions', 'must', 'be', 'retained', 'as', 'it', 'is', 'the', 'only', 'way', 'in', 'which', 'dishonest', 'countries', 'can', 'be', 'made', 'to', 'mend', 'their', 'ways'] 1 1 0 | |
A20001 We should ban factory farming against ['this', 'method', 'increases', 'meat', 'products', 'to', 'meet', 'the', 'high', 'demand'] 1 0 0 | |
A20007 We should limit executive compensation against ['executive', 'compensation', 'is', 'simply', 'part', 'of', 'a', 'modern', 'remuneration', 'package', 'and', 'just', 'as', 'with', 'basic', 'salaries', 'and', 'attractive', 'compensation', 'scheme', 'is', 'needed', 'to', 'attract', 'the', 'best', 'talent', 'to', 'an', 'organisation'] 1 1 1 | |
A20016 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['people', 'that', 'come', 'up', 'with', 'intellectual', 'property', 'should', 'have', 'the', 'right', 'to', 'it', 'and', 'not', 'have', 'to', 'share', 'it', 'with', 'others', 'if', 'they', 'dont', 'want', 'to'] 1 0 1 | |
A20029 We should ban the use of child actors against ['providing', 'child', 'actors', 'are', 'still', 'taught', 'school', 'subjects', 'and', 'that', 'they', 'are', 'given', 'time', 'to', 'be', 'children', 'then', 'it', 'is', 'good', 'for', 'them', 'and', 'the', 'money', 'earned', 'will', 'give', 'them', 'freedom', 'as', 'adults', 'to', 'do', 'whatever', 'they', 'want'] 1 0 1 | |
A20034 We should introduce compulsory voting against ['compulsory', 'voting', 'shouldnt', 'be', 'introduce', 'because', 'it', 'forces', 'undecided', 'people', 'to', 'vote', 'for', 'a', 'random', 'people', 'will', 'ruin', 'the', 'quality', 'of', 'elections'] 1 0 0 | |
A20043 We should limit executive compensation against ['limiting', 'executive', 'compensation', 'would', 'deter', 'executives', 'from', 'doing', 'their', 'job', 'correctly'] 1 0 1 | |
A20047 We should oppose collectivism against ['collectivism', 'gives', 'people', 'something', 'to', 'work', 'on', 'as', 'a', 'team', 'and', 'builds', 'relationships'] 1 0 0 | |
A20057 We should abolish zoos against ['we', 'shouldnt', 'abolish', 'zoos', 'because', 'they', 'attract', 'visitors', 'and', 'money', 'to', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'put', 'back', 'into', 'the', 'zoo', 'for', 'animal', 'feed', 'and', 'vet', 'bills'] 1 0 1 | |
A20059 We should end mandatory retirement against ['ending', 'mandatory', 'retirement', 'would', 'cause', 'people', 'to', 'work', 'longer', 'to', 'the', 'detriment', 'of', 'younger', 'job-seekers'] 1 0 1 | |
A20064 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['the', 'olympic', 'games', 'inspire', 'children', 'and', 'people', 'of', 'all', 'ages', 'to', 'enjoy', 'and', 'participate', 'in', 'sports'] 1 0 0 | |
A20067 We should legalize cannabis against ['marijuana', 'use', 'harms', 'cognitive', 'function', '--', 'especially', 'long-term', 'memory', '--', 'and', 'is', 'particularly', 'dangerous', 'to', 'the', 'brain', 'development', 'of', 'children', 'and', 'teens'] 1 0 0 | |
A20082 We should ban factory farming against ['Raising', 'animals', 'take', 'a', 'lot', 'of', 'land', 'and', 'resources', 'while', 'demand', 'for', 'meat', 'on', 'the', 'market', 'is', 'still', 'steady', 'and', 'important', 'This', 'is', 'the', 'best', 'way', 'to', 'raise', 'animals', 'by', 'reducing', 'space', 'used', 'and', 'better', 'taking', 'care', 'of', 'animals'] 1 0 0 | |
A20096 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['we', 'shouldnt', 'abolish', 'intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'if', 'you', 'have', 'come', 'up', 'with', 'a', 'new', 'idea', 'for', 'something', 'then', 'it', 'should', 'be', 'exclusive', 'to', 'you', 'and', 'you', 'should', 'be', 'acknowledged', 'for', 'it'] 1 0 1 | |
A20106 We should adopt gender-neutral language against ['many', 'philologist', 'said', 'that', 'gender-neutral', 'language', 'is', 'hard', 'to', 'use', 'takes', 'times', 'to', 'learn', 'and', 'will', 'cost', 'a', 'lot', 'of', 'money'] 1 1 0 | |
A20108 We should ban missionary work against ['missionary', 'work', 'is', 'important', 'to', 'help', 'educate', 'those', 'in', 'third', 'world', 'countries', 'so', 'they', 'can', 'improve', 'their', 'way', 'of', 'life'] 1 0 0 | |
A20126 We should ban cosmetic surgery against ['cosmetic', 'surgery', 'is', 'a', 'personal', 'option', 'in', 'a', 'safe', 'environment', 'with', 'minimal', 'risk'] 1 0 0 | |
A20128 We should ban targeted killing against ['targeted', 'killing', 'allows', 'the', 'military', 'to', 'remove', 'a', 'dangerous', 'person', 'without', 'needing', 'to', 'go', 'to', 'war', 'or', 'harming', 'others', 'it', 'is', 'a', 'strategic', 'way', 'to', 'save', 'innocents', 'who', 'would', 'be', 'endangered', 'by', 'that', 'person'] 1 0 0 | |
A20150 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'is', 'an', 'easy', 'way', 'for', 'people', 'to', 'connect', 'with', 'consumers', 'that', 'are', 'interested', 'in', 'their', 'products'] 1 0 1 | |
A20153 We should ban private military companies against ['private', 'military', 'companies', 'offer', 'a', 'unique', 'way', 'of', 'dealing', 'with', 'a', 'problem', 'one', 'that', 'keeps', 'our', 'actual', 'government', 'out', 'of', 'it'] 1 0 0 | |
A20171 We should ban cosmetic surgery against ['cosmetic', 'surgery', 'makes', 'people', 'feel', 'better', 'about', 'themselves'] 1 0 0 | |
A20180 We should ban telemarketing against ['The', 'telemarketing', 'industry', 'is', 'huge', 'and', 'any', 'attempt', 'to', 'shut', 'it', 'down', 'will', 'cause', 'a', 'rise', 'is', 'unemployment', 'and', 'will', 'damage', 'the', 'economy'] 1 0 1 | |
A20213 We should introduce compulsory voting against ['people', 'should', 'be', 'allowed', 'to', 'not', 'vote', 'as', 'a', 'way', 'to', 'protest', 'the', 'government'] 1 1 0 | |
A20223 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'allows', 'computers', 'to', 'make', 'predictions', 'based', 'on', 'far', 'more', 'data', 'than', 'a', 'human', 'could', 'handle', 'this', 'means', 'that', 'more', 'money', 'is', 'likely', 'to', 'be', 'made', 'for', 'share', 'holders'] 1 0 1 | |
A20233 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['people', 'working', 'hard', 'to', 'invite', 'something', 'and', 'should', 'be', 'awarded', 'for', 'it'] 1 0 1 | |
A20260 We should ban telemarketing against ['under', 'any', 'circumstance', 'telemarketing', 'is', 'a', 'source', 'of', 'employment', 'for', 'many', 'people', 'banning', 'it', 'will', 'result', 'to', 'tens', 'of', 'thousands', 'losing', 'their', 'jobs'] 1 0 0 | |
A20265 We should subsidize journalism against ['the', 'subsidies', 'could', 'be', 'used', 'on', 'other', 'primary', 'production', 'methods', 'which', 'are', 'very', 'much', 'likely', 'to', 'help', 'boost', 'the', 'economy'] 1 0 1 | |
A20273 We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons against ['the', 'united', 'states', 'at', 'least', 'needs', 'nuclear', 'weapons', 'for', 'protection', 'in', 'order', 'to', 'deter', 'other', 'countries', 'from', 'attacking'] 1 1 0 | |
A20274 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'is', 'the', 'only', 'way', 'to', 'meet', 'the', 'high', 'demand', 'for', 'meat'] 1 0 1 | |
A20292 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['we', 'should', 'keep', 'intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'because', 'if', 'a', 'person', 'came', 'up', 'with', 'an', 'idea', 'they', 'should', 'receive', 'credit', 'for', 'it', 'no', 'matter', 'what', 'the', 'circumstances', 'are', 'it', 'is', 'only', 'fair'] 1 0 1 | |
A20311 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['creative', 'work', 'is', 'just', 'as', 'important', 'as', 'physical', 'work', 'and', 'authors', 'should', 'be', 'compensated'] 1 0 1 | |
A20330 We should limit judicial activism against ['judicial', 'activism', 'will', 'bring', 'forth', 'new', 'interpretations', 'of', 'the', 'constitution', 'and', 'advance', 'our', 'society'] 1 0 0 | |
A20358 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'banned', 'because', 'it', 'may', 'lead', 'to', 'the', 'ability', 'to', 'generate', 'human', 'organs', 'for', 'transplant', 'which', 'would', 'save', 'many', 'lives'] 1 0 0 | |
A20362 We should oppose collectivism against ['We', 'should', 'support', 'collectivism', 'because', 'many', 'problems', 'like', 'climate', 'change', 'cannot', 'be', 'dealt', 'with', 'on', 'an', 'individual', 'level'] 1 0 0 | |
A20373 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['we', 'shouldnt', 'ban', 'algorithmic', 'trading', 'because', 'it', 'gets', 'more', 'done', 'than', 'using', 'single', 'instructions', 'and', 'its', 'more', 'systematic'] 1 0 1 | |
A20374 We should oppose collectivism against ['collectivism', 'can', 'achieve', 'more', 'that', 'individuals', 'alone'] 1 0 0 | |
A20423 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['people', 'deserve', 'to', 'have', 'there', 'inventions', 'protected'] 1 0 1 | |
A20431 We should limit executive compensation against ['executives', 'are', 'the', 'primary', 'reason', 'a', 'company', 'is', 'successful', 'or', 'not', 'their', 'pay', 'is', 'usually', 'justifiable'] 1 1 1 | |
A20448 We should cancel pride parades against ['pride', 'parading', 'is', 'the', 'peaceful', 'place', 'for', 'lgbtq', 'people', 'to', 'express', 'themselves', 'freely', 'demonstrate', 'and', 'require', 'more', 'acceptance', 'from', 'other', 'people'] 1 0 0 | |
A20451 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'is', 'a', 'form', 'of', 'sales', 'that', 'has', 'been', 'around', 'for', 'years', 'and', 'without', 'it', 'many', 'jobs', 'would', 'be', 'lost'] 1 0 0 | |
A20475 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'because', 'it', 'will', 'cause', 'much', 'less', 'accidents', 'on', 'the', 'road'] 1 0 0 | |
A20477 We should adopt an austerity regime against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'adopt', 'an', 'austerity', 'regime', 'because', 'the', 'global', 'economy', 'is', 'now', 'rapidly', 'growing', 'and', 'the', 'recession', 'is', 'years', 'behind', 'us'] 1 0 1 | |
A20481 We should oppose collectivism against ['society', 'is', 'a', 'collective', 'and', 'the', 'most', 'good', 'comes', 'from', 'working', 'together'] 1 0 0 | |
A20489 We should ban whaling against ['whaling', 'provides', 'food', 'and', 'fuel', 'for', 'many', 'people'] 1 0 0 | |
A20495 We should limit executive compensation against ['executive', 'compensation', 'provides', 'motivation', 'for', 'executives', 'to', 'act', 'in', 'ways', 'that', 'are', 'beneficial', 'to', 'the', 'company', 'and', 'shareholders'] 1 1 1 | |
A21006 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'allows', 'larger', 'orders', 'to', 'happen', 'that', 'one', 'individual', 'couldnt', 'do', 'without', 'the', 'use', 'of', 'the', 'robots'] 1 0 1 | |
A21009 We should oppose collectivism against ['collectivism', 'provides', 'a', 'common', 'goal', 'for', 'everyone', 'to', 'work', 'towards'] 1 0 0 | |
A21015 We should limit executive compensation against ['if', 'someone', 'has', 'worked', 'hard', 'to', 'climb', 'the', 'career', 'ladder', 'then', 'they', 'should', 'receive', 'a', 'reward', 'in', 'the', 'form', 'of', 'executive', 'compensation'] 1 0 1 | |
A21023 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'could', 'aid', 'medical', 'advances', 'and', 'should', 'therefore', 'be', 'allowed'] 1 1 0 | |
A21044 We should limit executive compensation against ['executive', 'compensation', 'packages', 'are', 'necessary', 'to', 'attract', 'the', 'best', 'qualified', 'people', 'into', 'a', 'company', '-', 'it', 'is', 'simply', 'market', 'economics', 'supply', 'and', 'demand'] 1 0 1 | |
A21050 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'has', 'helped', 'the', 'trading', 'industry', 'due', 'to', 'the', 'high', 'level', 'of', 'accuracy', 'that', 'it', 'provides', 'there', 'is', 'no', 'human', 'error'] 1 0 1 | |
A21059 We should subsidize journalism against ['funding', 'comes', 'with', 'overt', 'or', 'covert', 'strings', 'attached', 'certain', 'criticisms', 'of', 'the', 'government', 'would', 'vanish'] 1 0 0 | |
A21060 We should subsidize space exploration against ['space', 'exploration', 'should', 'be', 'privatized', 'and', 'maybe', 'wed', 'get', 'somewhere'] 1 0 1 | |
A21067 We should ban the use of child actors against ['it', 'would', 'not', 'be', 'possible', 'to', 'portray', 'society', 'realistically', 'if', 'child', 'actors', 'are', 'banned', 'because', 'children', 'are', 'an', 'important', 'part', 'of', 'many', 'dramas'] 1 0 0 | |
A21070 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'banned', 'as', 'it', 'the', 'next', 'step', 'in', 'medicine', 'and', 'will', 'allow', 'for', 'transplantation', 'to', 'be', 'simpler', 'and', 'easier', 'to', 'perform'] 1 0 0 | |
A21086 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'is', 'an', 'easy', 'way', 'to', 'keep', 'money', 'moving', 'and', 'to', 'make', 'a', 'profit', 'so', 'there', 'is', 'no', 'reason', 'to', 'ban', 'it'] 1 0 1 | |
A21113 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['the', 'olympic', 'games', 'provide', 'addition', 'income', 'to', 'small', 'businesses'] 1 0 1 | |
A21116 We should adopt an austerity regime against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'adopt', 'an', 'austerity', 'regime', 'because', 'counter', 'cyclical', 'spending', 'leads', 'to', 'better', 'outcomes', 'for', 'the', 'economy', 'than', 'austerity'] 1 0 1 | |
A21118 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'is', 'perfectly', 'fine', 'when', 'handled', 'by', 'telemarketers', 'appropriately', 'and', 'politely', 'with', 'respect', 'to', 'potential', 'customers'] 1 0 1 | |
A21122 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against ['A', 'zero', 'tolerance', 'policy', 'in', 'schools', 'is', 'a', 'very', 'old', 'fashioned', 'theory', 'and', 'it', 'has', 'failed', 'over', 'and', 'over', 'again'] 1 0 0 | |
A21133 We should adopt a multi-party system against ['we', 'should', 'no', 'adopt', 'a', 'multi-party', 'system', 'because', 'nothing', 'would', 'ever', 'get', 'done', 'with', 'varying', 'points', 'of', 'view'] 1 1 0 | |
A21138 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'protect', 'those', 'who', 'have', 'spent', 'time', 'and', 'ingenuity', 'on', 'development', 'of', 'an', 'idea', 'and', 'ensures', 'they', 'can', 'be', 'rewarded', 'accordingly', 'for', 'their', 'inspiration'] 1 0 1 | |
A21168 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'abolish', 'intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'because', 'its', 'not', 'fair', 'for', 'people', 'to', 'steal', 'a', 'genius', 'idea', 'from', 'someone', 'else'] 1 0 0 | |
A21190 We should abolish zoos against ['zoos', 'are', 'great', 'educational', 'tools', 'and', 'it', 'is', 'also', 'a', 'safe', 'place', 'to', 'take', 'care', 'of', 'endangered', 'species'] 1 0 0 | |
A21192 We should end mandatory retirement against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'end', 'mandatory', 'retirement', 'because', 'the', 'current', 'system', 'in', 'countries', 'like', 'Germany', 'where', 'this', 'is', 'common', 'is', 'not', 'broken'] 1 0 0 | |
A21204 We should abolish zoos against ['zoos', 'are', 'an', 'educational', 'and', 'entertaining', 'tool', 'and', 'the', 'animals', 'are', 'well', 'fed', 'and', 'cared', 'for'] 1 0 0 | |
A21210 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'might', 'be', 'good', 'for', 'those', 'starting', 'out', 'since', 'it', 'takes', 'all', 'the', 'guess', 'work', 'out'] 1 0 1 | |
A21224 We should cancel pride parades against ['the', 'lgbt', 'world', 'has', 'suffered', 'and', 'fought', 'greatly', 'for', 'equal', 'rights', 'they', 'deserve', 'to', 'have', 'a', 'parade', 'or', 'march', 'in', 'honor', 'of', 'such'] 1 0 0 | |
A21229 We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'subsidize', 'embryonic', 'stem', 'cell', 'research', 'because', 'these', 'scientists', 'have', 'been', 'working', 'on', 'this', 'a', 'long', 'time'] 1 0 0 | |
A21231 We should limit executive compensation against ['executives', 'have', 'earned', 'their', 'compensation', 'and', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'capped', 'on', 'what', 'they', 'can', 'earn', 'as', 'this', 'would', 'be', 'and', 'overreach', 'into', 'company', 'affairs'] 1 0 1 | |
A21240 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'requires', 'a', 'load', 'of', 'workforce', 'and', 'provides', 'a', 'lot', 'of', 'jobs', 'opportunities'] 1 0 1 | |
A21253 We should adopt a multi-party system against ['multi-party', 'systems', 'encourage', 'the', 'formation', 'of', 'weak', 'and', 'unstable', 'coalitions', 'that', 'achieve', 'little', 'beyond', 'their', 'own', 'day', 'to', 'day', 'survival'] 1 0 0 | |
A21271 We should ban the use of child actors against ['child', 'actors', 'are', 'supervised', 'constantly', 'are', 'well', 'taken', 'care', 'of', 'and', 'have', 'tutors', 'on', 'set', 'to', 'keep', 'them', 'from', 'falling', 'back', 'in', 'school'] 1 0 0 | |
A21285 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'gives', 'us', 'new', 'opportunities', 'and', 'we', 'can', 'often', 'save', 'money', 'on', 'our', 'services'] 1 0 1 | |
A21328 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'can', 'have', 'benefits', 'such', 'as', 'allowing', 'anyone', 'to', 'travel', 'inside', 'a', 'car', 'such', 'as', 'disabled', 'and', 'vulnerable', 'people', 'who', 'others', 'would', 'not', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'get', 'to', 'other', 'places'] 1 0 0 | |
A21337 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['it', 'is', 'only', 'fair', 'that', 'a', 'person', 'or', 'company', 'that', 'created', 'something', 'should', 'have', 'protections', 'against', 'those', 'that', 'want', 'to', 'make', 'money', 'off', 'of', 'anothers', 'hard', 'work'] 1 0 0 | |
A21356 We should ban whaling against ['many', 'economies', 'are', 'sustained', 'thanks', 'to', 'whaling'] 1 0 1 | |
A21377 We should subsidize space exploration against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'subsidize', 'space', 'exploration', 'as', 'there', 'are', 'far', 'more', 'important', 'and', 'urgent', 'issues', 'to', 'deal', 'with', 'on', 'earth', 'at', 'this', 'time'] 1 0 0 | |
A21397 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'serve', 'to', 'prevent', 'the', 'sharing', 'of', 'information', 'and', 'ideas', 'which', 'would', 'allow', 'groundbreaking', 'concepts', 'to', 'develop', 'more', 'quickly', 'for', 'the', 'benefit', 'of', 'all'] 1 0 0 | |
A21407 We should adopt an austerity regime against ['austerity', 'makes', 'times', 'tougher', 'for', 'everyone'] 1 0 0 | |
A21410 We should adopt a multi-party system against ['if', 'it', 'aint', 'broke', 'dont', 'fix', 'it', 'it', 'is', 'working', 'and', 'has', 'for', 'a', 'long', 'time'] 1 0 0 | |
A21411 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'provides', 'jobs', 'and', 'people', 'should', 'be', 'allowed', 'to', 'use', 'telemarketing', 'to', 'earn', 'a', 'living'] 1 0 0 | |
A21415 We should adopt atheism against ['the', 'most', 'basic', 'right', 'we', 'have', 'is', 'freedom', 'of', 'religion', 'and', 'it', 'is', 'very', 'strong', 'personal', 'belief', 'atheism', 'strips', 'that', 'away', 'and', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'encouraged'] 1 0 0 | |
A21418 We should cancel pride parades against ['people', 'have', 'a', 'right', 'to', 'feel', 'and', 'display', 'pride', 'in', 'what', 'they', 'are'] 1 0 0 | |
A21422 We should ban factory farming against ['Factory', 'farming', 'allows', 'us', 'to', 'fill', 'a', 'high', 'demand'] 1 0 1 | |
A21428 We should ban whaling against ['whaling', 'is', 'quite', 'a', 'profitable', 'profession'] 1 0 1 | |
A21434 We should limit executive compensation against ['pay', 'is', 'the', 'primary', 'motivational', 'factor', 'for', 'executive', 'level', 'employees', 'thus', 'executive', 'compensation', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'capped', 'as', 'it', 'would', 'affect', 'their', 'performance'] 1 0 1 | |
A21435 We should limit executive compensation against ['studies', 'have', 'shown', 'that', 'companies', 'that', 'do', 'not', 'limit', 'executive', 'compensation', 'do', 'better', 'and', 'out', 'perform', 'those', 'that', 'do', 'limit', 'this', 'is', 'better', 'for', 'individual', 'companies', 'and', 'the', 'economy'] 1 1 1 | |
A21441 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'is', 'a', 'useful', 'source', 'of', 'sales', 'for', 'many', 'businesses'] 1 0 1 | |
A21445 We should end mandatory retirement against ['by', 'forcing', 'someone', 'to', 'retire', 'it', 'then', 'means', 'that', 'spot', 'is', 'open', 'for', 'a', 'younger', 'person', 'to', 'fill', 'the', 'role', 'someone', 'who', 'could', 'really', 'use', 'the', 'money'] 1 0 1 | |
A21453 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'is', 'a', 'technological', 'improvement', 'on', 'antiquated', 'methods', 'of', 'trading', 'and', 'should', 'be', 'encouraged', 'and', 'improved'] 1 0 1 | |
A21454 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'is', 'one', 'way', 'to', 'ensure', 'we', 'have', 'enough', 'food', 'for', 'our', 'citizen', 'and', 'it', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'banned'] 1 0 0 | |
A21473 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['people', 'have', 'the', 'right', 'to', 'their', 'ideas', 'and', 'therefore', 'it', 'shouldnt', 'be', 'banned'] 1 0 1 | |
A21474 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'is', 'fast', 'and', 'efficient', 'and', 'better', 'able', 'to', 'deal', 'with', 'data'] 1 0 1 | |
A21475 We should ban private military companies against ['private', 'military', 'companies', 'might', 'be', 'engaged', 'in', 'times', 'of', 'conflict', 'when', 'regular', 'national', 'military', 'service', 'is', 'not', 'eunough'] 1 1 0 | |
A21480 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['olympic', 'games', 'is', 'useful', 'to', 'countries', 'as', 'it', 'provides', 'a', 'boost', 'to', 'the', 'countries', 'economy', 'by', 'the', 'increased', 'tourism', 'during', 'the', 'time', 'of', 'the', 'tournament'] 1 0 1 | |
A21491 We should end the use of economic sanctions against ['economic', 'sanctions', 'offer', 'an', 'effective', 'way', 'to', 'deal', 'with', 'international', 'conflict', 'which', 'does', 'not', 'involve', 'military', 'action'] 1 0 0 | |
A22003 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['without', 'ip', 'rights', 'the', 'market', 'would', 'be', 'awash', 'with', 'cheap', 'imitations'] 1 0 1 | |
A22030 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'allows', 'for', 'quicker', 'and', 'more', 'effective', 'trading', 'than', 'can', 'be', 'conducted', 'by', 'a', 'human', 'investor'] 1 0 1 | |
A22037 We should subsidize student loans against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'subsidize', 'student', 'loans', 'because', 'people', 'need', 'to', 'work', 'hard', 'to', 'get', 'their', 'education'] 1 0 0 | |
A22041 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'may', 'solve', 'all', 'types', 'of', 'medical', 'problems'] 1 0 0 | |
A22046 We should ban the use of child actors against ['children', 'are', 'humans', 'too', 'and', 'with', 'their', 'consent', 'and', 'their', 'parents', 'consent', 'should', 'be', 'allowed', 'to', 'work'] 1 0 0 | |
A22050 We should subsidize student loans against ['if', 'we', 'subsidize', 'student', 'loans', 'we', 'could', 'create', 'parasites', 'that', 'never', 'get', 'a', 'degree', 'just', 'to', 'maintain', 'the', 'state', 'subsidy'] 1 0 0 | |
A22055 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['the', 'olympic', 'games', 'create', 'a', 'tourism', 'boom', 'for', 'the', 'host', 'city', 'which', 'injects', 'a', 'lot', 'of', 'cash', 'which', 'can', 'be', 'used', 'to', 'better', 'locals', 'so', 'it', 'shouldnt', 'be', 'abolished'] 1 0 1 | |
A22058 We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors against ['Increased', 'demand', 'for', 'cosmetic', 'surgery', 'increases', 'innovation', 'helping', 'people', 'who', 'need', 'conventional', 'surgery'] 1 0 0 | |
A22063 We should ban the use of child actors against ['these', 'days', 'child', 'actors', 'are', 'provided', 'with', 'tutors', 'while', 'on', 'set', 'to', 'ensure', 'their', 'education', 'is', 'minimally', 'disrupted', 'and', 'there', 'is', 'more', 'support', 'than', 'there', 'used', 'to', 'be'] 1 0 0 | |
A22070 We should adopt gender-neutral language against ['our', 'society', 'needs', 'to', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'label', 'and', 'identify', 'a', 'person', 'as', 'a', 'male', 'or', 'female', 'for', 'many', 'reasons', 'such', 'as', 'taxes', 'employment', 'health', 'care', 'etc', 'so', 'we', 'should', 'not', 'adopt', 'a', 'gender', 'neutral', 'language'] 1 0 0 | |
A22107 We should end mandatory retirement against ['people', 'are', 'not', 'always', 'aware', 'of', 'their', 'failing', 'mental', 'faculties', 'and', 'mandatory', 'retirement', 'is', 'necessary'] 1 0 0 | |
A22161 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'can', 'ensure', 'that', 'certain', 'strengths', 'of', 'a', 'human', 'trait', 'is', 'continued', 'therefore', 'human', 'cloning', 'should', 'be', 'allowed', 'to', 'be', 'accomplished'] 1 0 0 | |
A22167 We should ban the use of child actors against ['without', 'child', 'actors', 'there', 'will', 'be', 'no', 'characters', 'for', 'actual', 'children', 'to', 'relate', 'to'] 1 1 0 | |
A22168 We should ban cosmetic surgery against ['cosmetic', 'surgery', 'is', 'a', 'personal', 'choice', 'that', 'people', 'should', 'be', 'allowed'] 1 0 1 | |
A22183 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'is', 'legal', 'and', 'all', 'traders', 'have', 'access', 'to', 'some', 'sort', 'of', 'computer-aided', 'tools'] 1 0 0 | |
A22184 We should introduce compulsory voting against ['you', 'can', 'require', 'voting', 'but', 'you', 'cant', 'force', 'people', 'to', 'educate', 'themselves', 'about', 'the', 'candidates', 'and', 'issues'] 1 0 0 | |
A22212 We should subsidize Wikipedia against ['we', 'shouldnt', 'subsidize', 'wikipedia', 'because', 'pages', 'on', 'wikipedia', 'is', 'user', 'created', 'and', 'isnt', 'always', 'accurate'] 1 0 0 | |
A22215 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['the', 'olympic', 'games', 'bring', 'vast', 'economic', 'benefit', 'to', 'local', 'communities', 'both', 'through', 'regeneration', 'projects', 'and', 'the', 'influx', 'of', 'vistors', 'spending', 'their', 'cash'] 1 0 1 | |
A22218 We should end mandatory retirement against ['mandatory', 'retirement', 'helps', 'keep', 'the', 'number', 'of', 'workplace', 'incidents', 'down'] 1 0 0 | |
A22223 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'can', 'help', 'companies', 'reach', 'a', 'wider', 'audience'] 1 1 1 | |
A22248 We should ban human cloning against ['cloning', 'would', 'have', 'strict', 'regulations', 'on', 'how', 'to', 'handle', 'clones', 'and', 'ethical', 'dilemmas', 'scientific', 'advancements', 'made', 'while', 'working', 'towards', 'cloning', 'can', 'advance', 'the', 'human', 'race'] 1 0 0 | |
A22253 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['the', 'olympics', 'bring', 'people', 'together', 'and', 'form', 'fun', 'rivalries', 'between', 'countries', 'all', 'vying', 'for', 'a', 'top', 'spot', 'among', 'the', 'worlds', 'athletes'] 1 0 0 | |
A22284 We should ban the use of child actors against ['if', 'a', 'child', 'wants', 'to', 'act', 'they', 'have', 'every', 'right', 'to'] 1 0 0 | |
A22286 We should limit executive compensation against ['without', 'executive', 'compensation', 'talent', 'will', 'be', 'lost', 'to', 'other', 'countries'] 1 0 1 | |
A22288 We should ban the use of child actors against ['child', 'actors', 'are', 'important', 'so', 'programs', 'can', 'show', 'people', 'of', 'ages', 'and', 'are', 'reflective', 'of', 'society', 'child', 'actors', 'are', 'an', 'important', 'part', 'of', 'the', 'industry', 'and', 'are', 'needed', 'to', 'reflect', 'people', 'accurately'] 1 0 0 | |
A22312 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'are', 'simply', 'the', 'next', 'logical', 'step', 'in', 'transportation', 'years', 'ago', 'people', 'would', 'have', 'said', 'all', 'cars', 'are', 'dangerous', 'and', 'we', 'should', 'all', 'stick', 'to', 'horse', 'and', 'buggy', 'instead'] 1 0 0 | |
A22314 We should adopt a multi-party system against ['consensus', 'can', 'become', 'difficult', 'in', 'multi', 'party', 'systems'] 1 1 0 | |
A22318 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['when', 'someone', 'comes', 'up', 'with', 'an', 'idea', 'it', 'is', 'their', 'idea', 'they', 'should', 'be', 'the', 'one', 'to', 'profit', 'from', 'that', 'idea', 'other', 'people', 'shouldnt', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'just', 'take', 'it', 'and', 'make', 'it', 'their', 'own'] 1 0 1 | |
A22320 We should oppose collectivism against ['collectivism', 'helps', 'everyone', 'accomplish', 'things', 'better'] 1 0 0 | |
A22325 We should adopt a multi-party system against ['this', 'would', 'result', 'in', 'inaccurate', 'representation', 'in', 'government', 'if', 'there', 'where', 'numerous', 'parties', 'votes', 'would', 'be', 'split', 'all', 'over', 'and', 'the', 'party', 'people', 'least', 'wanted', 'would', 'win', 'resulting', 'in', 'inaccurate', 'representation'] 1 0 0 | |
A22327 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'has', 'increased', 'trading', 'which', 'is', 'good', 'for', 'the', 'economy'] 1 0 1 | |
A22328 We should ban the use of child actors against ['as', 'long', 'as', 'there', 'is', 'proper', 'protection', 'for', 'child', 'actors', 'there', 'is', 'no', 'reason', 'that', 'they', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'perform', 'on', 'screen'] 1 0 0 | |
A22339 We should subsidize Wikipedia against ['anyone', 'can', 'edit', 'the', 'pages', 'so', 'the', 'information', 'is', 'not', 'guarenteed', 'to', 'be', 'correct'] 1 0 0 | |
A22350 We should subsidize space exploration against ['there', 'are', 'many', 'more', 'practical', 'realms', 'of', 'scientific', 'inquiry', 'that', 'need', 'our', 'support', 'more', 'urgently'] 1 0 0 | |
A22358 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['people', 'deserve', 'to', 'have', 'the', 'best', 'trading', 'options'] 1 0 1 | |
A22368 We should ban private military companies against ['private', 'military', 'companies', 'are', 'needed', 'to', 'provide', 'security', 'when', 'the', 'military', 'can', 'not', 'do', 'the', 'job'] 1 0 0 | |
A22381 We should end mandatory retirement against ['mandatory', 'retirement', 'is', 'necessarily', 'in', 'many', 'cases', 'to', 'force', 'someone', 'out', 'of', 'a', 'job', 'that', 'their', 'age', 'dictates', 'they', 'can', 'no', 'longer', 'do', 'appropriately'] 1 1 0 | |
A22387 We should ban whaling against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'whaling', 'because', 'it', 'provides', 'jobs', 'and', 'food', 'for', 'people'] 1 0 1 | |
A22397 We should ban whaling against ['so', 'long', 'as', 'a', 'limited', 'number', 'are', 'harvested', 'it', 'is', 'ok'] 1 0 0 | |
A22414 We should legalize cannabis against ['cannabis', 'is', 'a', 'illegal', 'drug', 'for', 'a', 'reason', 'it', 'is', 'harmful', 'dangerous', 'drug', 'that', 'alters', 'your', 'mental', 'capacity', 'and', 'should', 'remain', 'illegal'] 1 0 0 | |
A22423 We should subsidize Wikipedia against ['If', 'Wikipedia', 'were', 'subsidized', 'it', 'would', 'be', 'less', 'objective', 'by', 'being', 'accountable', 'to', 'a', 'single', 'funding', 'source'] 1 0 0 | |
A22431 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['companies', 'invest', 'billions', 'into', 'research', 'if', 'there', 'are', 'no', 'rights', 'it', 'would', 'dissuade', 'companies', 'from', 'conducting', 'research', 'in', 'the', 'first', 'place'] 1 0 1 | |
A22433 We should adopt a multi-party system against ['a', 'multi-party', 'system', 'makes', 'it', 'much', 'more', 'difficult', 'to', 'collaborate', 'on', 'ideas'] 1 0 0 | |
A22436 We should ban private military companies against ['private', 'military', 'companies', 'can', 'be', 'useful', 'to', 'countries', 'who', 'do', 'not', 'have', 'their', 'own', 'military'] 1 1 0 | |
A22442 We should limit judicial activism against ['there', 'should', 'be', 'no', 'limits', 'how', 'are', 'we', 'to', 'move', 'forward', 'in', 'society', 'if', 'we', 'limit', 'the', 'thought', 'process', 'of', 'judges'] 1 0 0 | |
A22445 We should ban whaling against ['Whaling', 'is', 'an', 'important', 'industry', 'in', 'some', 'countries', 'for', 'their', 'economical', 'stability'] 1 0 1 | |
A22476 We should limit judicial activism against ['many', 'laws', 'need', 'to', 'change', 'with', 'the', 'times', 'and', 'a', 'judge', 'is', 'in', 'a', 'better', 'position', 'than', 'our', 'elected', 'officials', 'to', 'accurately', 'and', 'fairly', 'review', 'those', 'laws'] 1 1 0 | |
A22487 We should ban telemarketing against ['no', 'it', 'would', 'eliminate', 'way', 'to', 'many', 'jobs'] 1 0 1 | |
A23006 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['the', 'olympic', 'games', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'abolished', 'as', 'they', 'bring', 'the', 'world', 'together', 'to', 'see', 'outstanding', 'sport', 'and', 'encouges', 'young', 'people', 'to', 'take', 'up', 'sport', 'andd', 'strive', 'for', 'success'] 1 0 0 | |
A23057 We should subsidize student loans against ['student', 'loans', 'can', 'be', 'expensive', 'and', 'put', 'young', 'people', 'in', 'debt'] 1 0 1 | |
A23065 We should end mandatory retirement against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'end', 'mandatory', 'retirement', 'because', 'it', 'opens', 'up', 'positions', 'for', 'young', 'people', 'who', 'otherwise', 'could', 'never', 'begin', 'their', 'career'] 1 0 1 | |
A23069 We should abandon the use of school uniform against ['School', 'uniforms', 'keep', 'the', 'distraction', 'of', 'clothing', 'choice', 'comparison', 'from', 'affecting', 'the', 'education', 'of', 'the', 'children', 'negatively'] 1 0 0 | |
A23071 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'can', 'help', 'those', 'without', 'the', 'capability', 'of', 'driving', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'have', 'consistent', 'transportation', 'when', 'they', 'dont', 'otherwise'] 1 0 0 | |
A23080 We should abandon the use of school uniform against ['school', 'uniforms', 'show', 'pride', 'and', 'community', 'and', 'provide', 'fewer', 'distractions', 'from', 'learning'] 1 0 0 | |
A23084 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['the', 'olympic', 'games', 'provide', 'employment', 'of', 'many', 'people', 'and', 'are', 'entertaining'] 1 0 0 | |
A23106 We should oppose collectivism against ['collectivism', 'can', 'achieve', 'more', 'than', 'other', 'forms', 'of', 'societal', 'structure'] 1 0 0 | |
A23115 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['the', 'digitization', 'of', 'the', 'sector', 'raises', 'the', 'field', 'of', 'action', 'of', 'information', 'as', 'computer', 'models', 'and', 'algorithmic', 'programs'] 1 0 1 | |
A23125 We should adopt an austerity regime against ['i', 'am', 'against', 'this', 'because', 'an', 'austerity', 'regime', 'increase', 'tax', 'which', 'decreases', 'the', 'economy', 'and', 'would', 'ruin', 'our', 'country', 'financially'] 1 0 1 | |
A23132 We should limit executive compensation against ['executives', 'who', 'run', 'huge', 'profitable', 'companies', 'that', 'employ', 'many', 'people', 'should', 'be', 'highly', 'compensated', 'for', 'doing', 'so'] 1 0 1 | |
A23143 We should ban targeted killing against ['targeted', 'killing', 'is', 'a', 'tool', 'to', 'prevent', 'mass', 'injuries', 'by', 'taking', 'out', 'one', 'particular', 'target'] 1 1 0 | |
A23144 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'is', 'an', 'efficient', 'way', 'to', 'produce', 'cheap', 'food', 'for', 'the', 'masses'] 1 0 0 | |
A23148 We should limit executive compensation against ['we', 'shouldnt', 'limit', 'executive', 'compensation', 'the', 'whole', 'point', 'of', 'becoming', 'an', 'executive', 'is', 'working', 'up', 'the', 'ladder', 'for', 'years', 'in', 'order', 'to', 'receive', 'the', 'six', 'figure', 'salary', 'and', 'lucrative', 'bonuses'] 1 0 1 | |
A23157 We should subsidize journalism against ['Journalism', 'is', 'a', 'profession', 'and', 'does', 'not', 'need', 'subsidizing', 'as', 'students', 'can', 'pay', 'for', 'themselves', 'to', 'learn', 'and', 'then', 'be', 'recompensed', 'by', 'getting', 'a', 'paid', 'job'] 1 0 1 | |
A23169 We should ban factory farming against ['we', 'cannot', 'ban', 'things', 'just', 'because', 'you', 'dont', 'like', 'them', 'factory', 'farms', 'help', 'get', 'the', 'most', 'food', 'per', 'acre'] 1 0 0 | |
A23175 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['Algorithmic', 'trading', 'makes', 'it', 'easier', 'to', 'stay', 'ahead', 'in', 'the', 'market', 'and', 'not', 'get', 'blindsided', 'by', 'a', 'sudden', 'crash'] 1 0 0 | |
A23190 We should prohibit school prayer against ['the', 'period', 'of', 'calm', 'reflection', 'that', 'occurs', 'during', 'school', 'prayer', 'helps', 'to', 'promote', 'a', 'good', 'atmosphere', 'for', 'study', 'and', 'learning'] 1 0 0 | |
A23195 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'provides', 'a', 'faster', 'mass', 'production', 'of', 'food', 'and', 'gives', 'us', 'a', 'way', 'to', 'feed', 'more', 'people', 'than', 'we', 'would', 'if', 'we', 'banned', 'it', 'there', 'will', 'be', 'less', 'hunger', 'in', 'the', 'world', 'so', 'we', 'shouldnt', 'ban', 'it'] 1 0 1 | |
A23206 We should abolish capital punishment against ['Capital', 'punishment', 'incentivizes', 'criminals', 'to', 'work', 'with', 'and', 'confess', 'to', 'police', 'as', 'a', 'means', 'of', 'potentially', 'reducing', 'their', 'sentence', 'and', 'avoiding', 'death', 'even', 'if', 'ti', 'means', 'life', 'without', 'parole'] 1 1 0 | |
A23217 We should limit executive compensation against ['Executives', 'earned', 'the', 'right', 'to', 'make', 'that', 'much', 'due', 'to', 'training', 'schooling', 'and', 'fighting', 'their', 'way', 'to', 'the', 'top'] 1 0 1 | |
A23232 We should end mandatory retirement against ['mandatory', 'retirement', 'allows', 'for', 'youger', 'generations', 'to', 'enter', 'the', 'workplace'] 1 0 0 | |
A23282 We should subsidize Wikipedia against ['wikipedia', 'is', 'too', 'vulnerable', 'to', 'manipulation', 'to', 'be', 'considered', 'a', 'trusted', 'source'] 1 0 0 | |
A23301 We should end mandatory retirement against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'end', 'mandatory', 'retirement', 'because', 'it', 'opens', 'up', 'positions', 'to', 'women', 'people', 'of', 'color', 'and', 'immigrants', 'who', 'were', 'not', 'able', 'to', 'take', 'those', 'jobs', 'due', 'to', 'past', 'discrimination'] 1 0 0 | |
A23322 We should ban telemarketing against ['It', 'is', 'time', 'saving', 'You', 'can', 'reach', 'a', 'large', 'number', 'prospects', 'much', 'faster', 'than', 'a', 'sales', 'representative', 'on', 'foot'] 1 0 0 | |
A23325 We should oppose collectivism against ['We', 'should', 'support', 'collectivism', 'because', 'it', 'leads', 'to', 'more', 'investment', 'in', 'the', 'community', 'and', 'more', 'growth', 'in', 'the', 'long', 'term'] 1 0 0 | |
A23327 We should adopt a multi-party system against ['multi-party', 'systems', 'lead', 'to', 'more', 'corruption', 'and', 'wasted', 'campaign', 'dollars'] 1 1 0 | |
A23338 We should adopt gender-neutral language against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'adopt', 'this', 'it', 'would', 'be', 'confusing', 'to', 'young', 'children', 'the', 'way', 'weve', 'done', 'things', 'still', 'works', 'and', 'theres', 'no', 'need', 'to', 'change', 'it'] 1 0 0 | |
A23360 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'protect', 'someones', 'research', 'and', 'hard', 'work', 'ensuring', 'that', 'they', 'can', 'be', 'recognized', 'and', 'recompensed', 'for', 'their', 'efforts'] 1 0 1 | |
A23402 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'helps', 'people', 'trade', 'with', 'a', 'smaller', 'risk', 'of', 'financial', 'losses'] 1 0 1 | |
A23411 We should limit executive compensation against ['by', 'providing', 'a', 'high', 'compensation', 'to', 'the', 'executives', 'of', 'a', 'company', 'you', 'can', 'get', 'a', 'higher', 'quality', 'employee', 'and', 'the', 'business', 'will', 'make', 'more', 'money', 'therefore', 'we', 'should', 'not', 'limit', 'their', 'pay'] 1 0 1 | |
A23416 We should adopt libertarianism against ['libertarianism', 'runs', 'roughshod', 'over', 'every', 'collective', 'and', 'communal', 'human', 'right', 'and', 'entitlement', 'privileged', 'individuals', 'prosper', 'whilst', 'the', 'rest', 'of', 'society', 'suffers', 'it', 'should', 'most', 'definitely', 'not', 'be', 'adopted'] 1 0 0 | |
A23439 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'can', 'give', 'us', 'medical', 'breakthroughs'] 1 0 0 | |
A23440 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'adopt', 'a', 'zero-tolerance', 'policy', 'in', 'schools-', 'children', 'need', 'more', 'tolerance', 'in', 'their', 'lives', 'in', 'order', 'to', 'flourish', 'and', 'creating', 'a', 'zero-tolerance', 'policy', 'will', 'cause', 'harm', 'and', 'suffering'] 1 0 0 | |
A23447 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['globally', 'over', '1', 'million', 'people', 'die', 'a', 'year', 'in', 'car', 'crashes', 'to', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'have', 'self', 'driving', 'safe', 'cars', 'that', 'save', 'that', 'many', 'lives', 'a', 'year', 'would', 'be', 'outstanding', 'robots', 'and', 'self', 'driving', 'cars', 'are', 'the', 'future'] 1 0 0 | |
A23466 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'is', 'a', 'valid', 'means', 'of', 'advertising', 'and', 'is', 'not', 'dangerous', 'for', 'the', 'people'] 1 0 0 | |
A23468 We should adopt an austerity regime against ['juggling', 'debt', 'in', 'never', 'a', 'good', 'option', 'compared', 'to', 'paying', 'it', 'off', 'properly'] 1 0 1 | |
A23485 We should end the use of economic sanctions against ['economic', 'sanctions', 'help', 'our', 'country'] 1 0 0 | |
A23498 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'shows', 'us', 'pushing', 'the', 'boundaries', 'of', 'science', 'to', 'their', 'fullest', 'potential', 'think', 'of', 'all', 'we', 'can', 'learn', 'if', 'we', 'perfect', 'cloning', 'it', 'shows', 'how', 'far', 'man', 'has', 'come', 'and', 'can', 'continue', 'to', 'go'] 1 0 0 | |
A23500 We should ban human cloning against ['it', 'would', 'help', 'in', 'research', 'for', 'breakthroughs', 'in', 'health'] 1 0 0 | |
A24044 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'could', 'lead', 'to', 'scientific', 'breakthroughs', 'that', 'could', 'solve', 'many', 'of', 'the', 'worlds', 'problems'] 1 1 0 | |
A24048 We should ban targeted killing against ['targeted', 'killing', 'streamlines', 'combat', 'operations', 'in', 'order', 'to', 'only', 'inflict', 'the', 'casualties', 'necessary'] 1 0 0 | |
A24053 We should ban the use of child actors against ['child', 'actors', 'dont', 'miss', 'out', 'on', 'school', 'as', 'they', 'often', 'have', 'a', 'tutor', 'on', 'the', 'set'] 1 0 0 | |
A24063 We should limit executive compensation against ['there', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'a', 'limit', 'to', 'executive', 'compensation', 'they', 'deserve', 'to', 'be', 'compensated', 'based', 'on', 'the', 'profits', 'of', 'the', 'company'] 1 1 1 | |
A24071 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['if', 'someone', 'invents', 'something', 'they', 'should', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'profit', 'from', 'it'] 1 0 1 | |
A24072 We should subsidize student loans against ['graduates', 'earn', 'more', 'over', 'a', 'lifetime', 'than', 'their', 'peers', 'this', 'gives', 'them', 'plenty', 'of', 'opportunity', 'to', 'repay', 'their', 'debts'] 1 0 0 | |
A24075 We should end mandatory retirement against ['Many', 'jobs', 'like', 'airplane', 'pilots', 'and', 'doctors', 'are', 'tasked', 'with', 'they', 'physical', 'safety', 'of', 'hundred', 'of', 'others', 'Companies', 'have', 'an', 'obligation', 'to', 'make', 'sure', 'people', 'holding', 'those', 'positions', 'are', 'the', 'most', 'capable', 'which', 'old', 'age', 'threatens'] 1 0 0 | |
A24093 We should end mandatory retirement against ['people', 'simply', 'cant', 'compete', 'with', 'others', 'in', 'the', 'same', 'professional', 'setting', 'once', 'they', 'reach', 'a', 'certain', 'age', 'mandatory', 'retirement', 'is', 'necessary', 'for', 'fair', 'competition', 'in', 'a', 'limited', 'job', 'market'] 1 0 0 | |
A24103 We should abolish zoos against ['Zoos', 'are', 'a', 'great', 'way', 'for', 'people', 'to', 'learn', 'about', 'animals'] 1 0 0 | |
A24113 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'is', 'necessary', 'to', 'sustain', 'the', 'current', 'population', 'level', 'and', 'is', 'needed', 'in', 'order', 'to', 'make', 'farming', 'profitable', 'at', 'this', 'time', 'in', 'history'] 1 0 1 | |
A24138 We should adopt libertarianism against ['libertarianism', 'is', 'a', 'form', 'of', 'selfishness', 'which', 'promotes', 'the', 'rights', 'of', 'the', 'individual', 'over', 'the', 'rights', 'of', 'everyone'] 1 0 0 | |
A24141 We should ban missionary work against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'missionary', 'work', 'because', 'a', 'lot', 'of', 'progress', 'has', 'been', 'made', 'because', 'of', 'it', 'in', 'poor', 'countries'] 1 0 1 | |
A24150 We should ban human cloning against ['we', 'should', 'allow', 'scientists', 'to', 'continue', 'to', 'try', 'to', 'clone', 'humans', 'just', 'as', 'medical', 'treatments', 'have', 'progressed', 'in', 'the', 'world', 'who', 'can', 'predict', 'what', 'types', 'of', 'improvements', 'in', 'ending', 'disease', 'could', 'occur'] 1 0 0 | |
A24177 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'are', 'vital', 'to', 'ensure', 'those', 'taking', 'the', 'initial', 'financial', 'risks', 'with', 'new', 'concepts', 'are', 'ultimately', 'those', 'who', 'experience', 'the', 'greatest', 'reward', 'and', 'dont', 'see', 'there', 'work', 'misappropriated'] 1 0 1 | |
A24178 We should ban cosmetic surgery against ['cosmetic', 'surgery', 'can', 'help', 'people', 'with', 'self', 'esteem', 'issues'] 1 0 0 | |
A24194 We should limit executive compensation against ['Executive', 'level', 'employees', 'have', 'worked', 'hard', 'to', 'achieve', 'the', 'level', 'they', 'have', 'and', 'should', 'be', 'compensated', 'for', 'this'] 1 0 1 | |
A24195 We should subsidize space exploration against ['Subsidies', 'are', 'a', 'zero', 'sum', 'game', 'by', 'subsidizing', 'space', 'exploration', 'we', 'are', 'neglecting', 'more', 'important', 'fields', 'such', 'as', 'education', 'or', 'affordable', 'housing'] 1 0 1 | |
A24208 We should ban targeted killing against ['in', 'a', 'certain', 'way', 'the', 'selective', 'assassination', 'in', 'politics', 'is', 'beneficial', 'for', 'countries', 'that', 'have', 'this', 'as', 'a', 'means', 'to', 'alleviate', 'their', 'problems'] 1 1 0 | |
A24215 We should limit executive compensation against ['High', 'executive', 'compensation', 'is', 'necessary', 'to', 'get', 'the', 'best', 'executives', 'for', 'your', 'company'] 1 1 1 | |
A24229 We should limit executive compensation against ['executives', 'work', 'hard', 'for', 'their', 'companies', 'and', 'should', 'be', 'compensated', 'accordingly'] 1 1 1 | |
A24232 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'will', 'bring', 'mobility', 'to', 'the', 'disabled'] 1 0 0 | |
A24243 We should introduce compulsory voting against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'introduce', 'compulsory', 'voting', 'because', 'some', 'people', 'that', 'are', 'unable', 'to', 'read', 'and', 'or', 'write', 'will', 'be', 'voting'] 1 0 0 | |
A24262 We should end the use of economic sanctions against ['without', 'the', 'use', 'of', 'economic', 'sanctions', 'a', 'country', 'has', 'very', 'little', 'way', 'of', 'objecting', 'to', 'another', 'countrys', 'actions', 'without', 'resorting', 'to', 'violence'] 1 1 0 | |
A24293 We should ban human cloning against ['This', 'could', 'provide', 'organs', 'for', 'transplant', 'patients', 'in', 'dire', 'need', 'as', 'well', 'as', 'many', 'other', 'medical', 'advancements'] 1 0 0 | |
A24330 We should subsidize journalism against ['the', 'is', 'enough', 'money', 'in', 'journalism', 'already', 'and', 'funds', 'available', 'through', 'subsidies', 'should', 'be', 'redirected', 'towards', 'more', 'worthwhile', 'causes', 'such', 'as', 'healthcare'] 1 0 1 | |
A24357 We should ban telemarketing against ['With', 'telemarketing', 'you', 'get', 'immediate', 'feedback', 'on', 'your', 'product', 'or', 'service'] 1 0 0 | |
A24374 We should ban factory farming against ['The', 'population', 'is', 'growing', 'ever', 'larger', 'and', 'we', 'need', 'efficient', 'ways', 'to', 'produce', 'enough', 'meat', 'for', 'it'] 1 0 0 | |
A24376 We should limit judicial activism against ['judicial', 'review', 'is', 'a', 'crucial', 'fallback', 'to', 'monitor', 'political', 'activity'] 1 0 0 | |
A24378 We should end mandatory retirement against ['mandatory', 'retirement', 'allows', 'for', 'new', 'people', 'to', 'saturate', 'the', 'workforce', 'and', 'the', 'older', 'generation', 'to', 'relax', 'this', 'is', 'a', 'good', 'thing'] 1 0 0 | |
A24381 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'helps', 'introduce', 'customers', 'to', 'new', 'things', 'and', 'services', 'they', 'may', 'not', 'have', 'heard', 'of', 'had', 'they', 'not', 'been', 'prompted', 'into', 'the', 'subject'] 1 1 0 | |
A24391 We should subsidize journalism against ['if', 'journalism', 'is', 'good', 'then', 'it', 'will', 'not', 'need', 'a', 'subsidy', 'if', 'it', 'is', 'bad', 'then', 'we', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'throwing', 'money', 'at', 'it', 'when', 'there', 'are', 'greater', 'needs', 'in', 'society', 'such', 'as', 'education', 'health', 'care', 'and', 'housing'] 1 0 0 | |
A24401 We should prohibit school prayer against ['Prayer', 'can', 'be', 'a', 'good', 'way', 'to', 'unite', 'a', 'school', 'and', 'help', 'children', 'to', 'focus', 'on', 'the', 'day', 'ahead'] 1 0 0 | |
A24403 We should end mandatory retirement against ['mandatory', 'retirement', 'makes', 'sure', 'that', 'fresh', 'ideas', 'and', 'fresh', 'bodies', 'keep', 'flowing', 'through', 'business', 'which', 'is', 'a', 'good', 'thing'] 1 0 0 | |
A24431 We should limit executive compensation against ['by', 'the', 'time', 'people', 'are', 'at', 'executive', 'level', 'they', 'have', 'worked', 'long', 'and', 'hard', 'and', 'deserved', 'to', 'be', 'recompensed', 'for', 'their', 'work', 'and', 'ideas', 'at', 'a', 'fair', 'level'] 1 1 1 | |
A24434 We should ban private military companies against ['pmcs', 'can', 'provide', 'security', 'to', 'those', 'countries', 'and', 'organisations', 'that', 'need', 'protection', 'and', 'are', 'capable', 'of', 'paying', 'for', 'it', 'so', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'banned'] 1 0 1 | |
A24437 We should end mandatory retirement against ['people', 'working', 'longer', 'than', 'they', 'should', 'prevents', 'employers', 'from', 'hiring', 'new', 'people', 'who', 'might', 'be', 'more', 'useful'] 1 0 0 | |
A24438 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'abolished', 'as', 'they', 'ensure', 'that', 'those', 'who', 'have', 'had', 'an', 'original', 'idea', 'financed', 'research', 'and', 'development', 'get', 'rewarded', 'for', 'their', 'effort', 'and', 'not', 'have', 'their', 'innovation', 'stolen'] 1 0 1 | |
A24443 We should ban the use of child actors against ['with', 'proper', 'guidance', 'and', 'protection', 'children', 'can', 'be', 'a', 'valuable', 'asset', 'to', 'the', 'artistic', 'process'] 1 0 0 | |
A24446 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['the', 'olympic', 'games', 'are', 'a', 'way', 'for', 'nations', 'to', 'compete', 'in', 'a', 'friendly', 'way', 'and', 'to', 'encourage', 'people', 'of', 'all', 'ages', 'to', 'take', 'up', 'sport'] 1 0 0 | |
A24456 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'is', 'a', 'good', 'medium', 'for', 'businesses', 'to', 'use', 'to', 'expand', 'their', 'client', 'base', 'and', 'make', 'more', 'people', 'aware', 'of', 'their', 'company', 'and', 'products', 'thus', 'increasing', 'their', 'income'] 1 1 1 | |
A24457 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['Algorithms', 'can', 'be', 'tested', 'against', 'historical', 'data', 'helping', 'you', 'optimize', 'your', 'trading', 'strategy'] 1 0 1 | |
A24465 We should abolish zoos against ['zoos', 'are', 'a', 'way', 'of', 'protecting', 'endangered', 'species', 'from', 'extinction', 'and', 'allowing', 'scientific', 'research', 'to', 'combat', 'diseases', 'and', 'reintroduce', 'the', 'animals', 'back', 'into', 'the', 'wild'] 1 0 0 | |
A24482 We should subsidize journalism against ['subsidizing', 'journalism', 'is', 'unfair', 'youre', 'basically', 'paying', 'someone', 'to', 'spread', 'your', 'own', 'beliefs'] 1 0 0 | |
A24491 We should ban human cloning against ['we', 'should', 'allow', 'science', 'to', 'further', 'their', 'research', 'even', 'if', 'it', 'includes', 'human', 'cloning'] 1 0 0 | |
A24492 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['this', 'is', 'the', 'only', 'wide', 'scale', 'event', 'where', 'all', 'countries', 'can', 'put', 'aside', 'all', 'differences', 'in', 'good', 'faith', 'and', 'fair', 'competition'] 1 0 0 | |
A25003 We should ban human cloning against ['Human', 'cloning', 'could', 'provide', 'a', 'great', 'benefit', 'to', 'mankind', 'by', 'eradicating', 'illnesses', 'and', 'disease', 'through', 'replication', 'of', 'people', 'known', 'to', 'be', 'fit', 'well', 'and', 'healthy'] 1 0 0 | |
A25010 We should end the use of economic sanctions against ['the', 'only', 'way', 'to', 'send', 'a', 'strong', 'message', 'to', 'countries', 'who', 'are', 'danger', 'for', 'our', 'western', 'world', 'is', 'economic', 'sanctions', 'which', 'are', 'most', 'effective', 'and', 'successful'] 1 1 0 | |
A25016 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'will', 'function', 'as', 'a', 'new', 'form', 'of', 'public', 'transit', 'and', 'alleviate', 'congestion'] 1 0 0 | |
A25018 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'protect', 'the', 'small', 'guy', 'from', 'being', 'gobbled', 'up', 'by', 'large', 'companies', 'who', 'have', 'more', 'money', 'to', 'create', 'a', 'product'] 1 0 0 | |
A25034 We should abolish zoos against ['Zoos', 'provide', 'a', 'platform', 'for', 'people', 'to', 'understand', 'the', 'natural', 'and', 'animal', 'world'] 1 0 0 | |
A25053 We should oppose collectivism against ['collectivism', 'helps', 'encourage', 'those', 'who', 'are', 'minorities', 'and', 'may', 'not', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'have', 'luxuries', 'others', 'may', 'have'] 1 0 0 | |
A25064 We should adopt a multi-party system against ['a', 'multi-party', 'system', 'could', 'lead', 'to', 'more', 'situations', 'where', 'a', 'majority', 'is', 'not', 'reached', 'this', 'means', 'that', 'it', 'could', 'be', 'harder', 'to', 'push', 'policies', 'through'] 1 0 0 | |
A25067 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['people', 'should', 'have', 'a', 'right', 'of', 'ownership', 'to', 'their', 'creations', 'ideas', 'and', 'concepts', 'that', 'they', 'created', 'themselves'] 1 0 0 | |
A25074 We should ban whaling against ['There', 'is', 'still', 'a', 'vast', 'amount', 'of', 'scientific', 'knowledge', 'that', 'can', 'be', 'acquired', 'from', 'whaling'] 1 0 0 | |
A25093 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['the', 'olympic', 'games', 'give', 'athletes', 'from', 'all', 'over', 'the', 'world', 'a', 'chance', 'to', 'compete', 'and', 'showcase', 'their', 'talents'] 1 0 0 | |
A25099 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'should', 'never', 'be', 'abolished', 'in', 'order', 'to', 'protect', 'the', 'successes', 'of', 'a', 'businesses'] 1 0 1 | |
A25108 We should ban the use of child actors against ['children', 'should', 'be', 'free', 'to', 'do', 'what', 'they', 'want', 'with', 'their', 'consent', 'and', 'their', 'parents', 'consent'] 1 0 0 | |
A25110 We should limit executive compensation against ['executive', 'compensation', 'is', 'a', 'way', 'to', 'reward', 'and', 'incentivize', 'the', 'top', 'employees'] 1 0 1 | |
A25116 We should end mandatory retirement against ['Mandatory', 'retirement', 'helps', 'combat', 'unemployment', 'among', 'young', 'people'] 1 0 0 | |
A25121 We should limit executive compensation against ['executive', 'compensation', 'promotes', 'company', 'success', 'and', 'competition', 'its', 'an', 'incentive', 'for', 'ceos', 'to', 'guide', 'the', 'company', 'and', 'help', 'the', 'company', 'do', 'well', 'and', 'make', 'money', 'for', 'all', 'employees'] 1 0 1 | |
A25127 We should ban the use of child actors against ['many', 'child', 'actors', 'go', 'on', 'to', 'being', 'adult', 'actors', 'without', 'any', 'problems', 'if', 'anything', 'perhaps', 'more', 'screening', 'of', 'children', 'before', 'allowing', 'them', 'to', 'go', 'into', 'the', 'profession'] 1 0 0 | |
A25143 We should end mandatory retirement against ['Mandatory', 'retirement', 'ensures', 'that', 'companies', 'and', 'professions', 'are', 'constantly', 'infusing', 'their', 'workforces', 'with', 'fresh', 'talent'] 1 0 0 | |
A25145 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['the', 'olympics', 'is', 'an', 'important', 'international', 'competition', 'that', 'represents', 'peaceful', 'cooperation', 'and', 'brings', 'together', 'the', 'world', 'in', 'friendly', 'competitive', 'sports', 'when', 'the', 'most', 'capable', 'are', 'rewarded', 'for', 'their', 'efforts'] 1 0 0 | |
A25217 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['if', 'abolished', 'it', 'will', 'stiffle', 'creativity', 'and', 'advancement', 'because', 'there', 'will', 'be', 'no', 'incentive', 'if', 'intellectual', 'property', 'is', 'not', 'a', 'right'] 1 0 0 | |
A25221 We should ban factory farming against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'factory', 'farming', 'because', 'it', 'gives', 'us', 'another', 'source', 'of', 'food'] 1 0 0 | |
A25238 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'enables', 'trades', 'to', 'be', 'made', 'without', 'spikes', 'of', 'emotion', 'or', 'rage', 'on', 'the', 'part', 'of', 'the', 'trader', 'therefore', 'it', 'can', 'only', 'be', 'seen', 'as', 'positive'] 1 0 1 | |
A25272 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarkerting', 'provides', 'much', 'needed', 'jobs', 'to', 'people', 'without', 'other', 'skill', 'sets'] 1 0 0 | |
A25296 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against ['there', 'should', 'be', 'some', 'leeway', 'for', 'pupils', 'otherwise', 'they', 'will', 'have', 'no', 'grounding', 'for', 'future', 'life', 'if', 'all', 'they', 'know', 'is', 'what', 'they', 'cant', 'do', 'and', 'cannot', 'question', 'it'] 1 0 0 | |
A25299 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['the', 'rights', 'holder', 'would', 'make', 'less', 'money', 'could', 'their', 'creation', 'would', 'be', 'diluted', 'by', 'copycats'] 1 0 1 | |
A25319 We should ban human cloning against ['can', 'lead', 'to', 'many', 'medical', 'breakthroughs', 'that', 'may', 'help', 'cure', 'and', 'or', 'treat', 'many', 'different', 'disease'] 1 0 0 | |
A25334 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'is', 'an', 'efficient', 'way', 'of', 'providing', 'affordable', 'for', 'for', 'people', 'without', 'it', 'the', 'price', 'of', 'meat', 'will', 'escalate', 'and', 'will', 'be', 'beyond', 'the', 'pocket', 'of', 'many', 'people'] 1 0 0 | |
A25338 We should abandon the use of school uniform against ['the', 'school', 'uniform', 'makes', 'everyone', 'equal', 'and', 'increases', 'learning'] 1 0 0 | |
A25342 We should ban telemarketing against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'telemarketing', 'since', 'it', 'would', 'eliminate', 'many', 'jobs', 'it', 'also', 'is', 'an', 'effective', 'way', 'for', 'a', 'company', 'to', 'get', 'much', 'needed', 'leads', 'for', 'their', 'products', 'or', 'services', 'if', 'done', 'correctly'] 1 0 1 | |
A25362 We should ban missionary work against ['if', 'people', 'are', 'proud', 'of', 'their', 'religion', 'and', 'want', 'to', 'travel', 'and', 'spread', 'the', 'word', 'they', 'should', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'freely', 'first', 'amendment', 'rights'] 1 0 0 | |
A25374 We should subsidize journalism against ['subsidizing', 'journalism', 'will', 'create', 'biased', 'reporting'] 1 1 0 | |
A25375 We should introduce compulsory voting against ['many', 'people', 'are', 'uninformed', 'about', 'the', 'issues', 'and', 'we', 'are', 'better', 'off', 'with', 'them', 'not', 'voting'] 1 0 0 | |
A25379 We should ban human cloning against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'human', 'cloning', 'because', 'the', 'potential', 'scientists', 'can', 'find', 'a', 'cure', 'for', 'a', 'disease'] 1 0 0 | |
A25410 We should abolish capital punishment against ['Capital', 'punishment', 'creates', 'space', 'for', 'potential', 'rehabilitation', 'without', 'prison', 'over-population'] 1 1 0 | |
A25420 We should subsidize journalism against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'subsidize', 'journalism', 'because', 'it', 'acts', 'to', 'protect', 'poorly', 'run', 'and', 'inefficent', 'media', 'companies', 'from', 'normal', 'market', 'forces'] 1 0 0 | |
A25423 We should ban private military companies against ['private', 'military', 'companies', 'are', 'more', 'efficient', 'than', 'government', 'run'] 1 1 0 | |
A25429 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'is', 'the', 'future', 'of', 'investing', 'and', 'can', 'lead', 'to', 'a', 'more', 'prosperous', 'economy', 'in', 'the', 'long', 'run'] 1 0 1 | |
A25444 We should ban the use of child actors against ['with', 'proper', 'safe-guards', 'in', 'place', 'including', 'responsible', 'parenting', 'and', 'limited', 'working', 'hours', 'there', 'is', 'no', 'reason', 'why', 'child', 'actors', 'cannot', 'lead', 'a', 'full', 'life', 'whilst', 'having', 'a', 'career'] 1 0 0 | |
A25453 We should ban the use of child actors against ['everyone', 'has', 'the', 'right', 'to', 'develop', 'their', 'maximum', 'potential', 'regardless', 'of', 'whether', 'they', 'are', 'children', 'or', 'adults'] 1 0 0 | |
A25463 We should end mandatory retirement against ['we', 'shouldnt', 'end', 'mandatory', 'retirement', 'it', 'helps', 'the', 'younger', 'generations', 'more', 'likely', 'to', 'find', 'jobs'] 1 0 0 | |
A25496 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'are', 'vital', 'to', 'protect', 'innovation', 'from', 'those', 'wishing', 'to', 'exploit', 'it', 'further', 'along', 'the', 'developmental', 'cycle', 'and', 'equally', 'vital', 'to', 'encourage', 'entrepreneurs', 'in', 'the', 'first', 'place'] 1 0 0 | |
A26007 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarking', 'is', 'keeping', 'jobs', 'available', 'for', 'some'] 1 0 1 | |
A26018 We should abolish zoos against ['zoos', 'protect', 'species', 'and', 'provide', 'learning'] 1 0 0 | |
A26027 We should ban the use of child actors against ['if', 'parents', 'agree', 'for', 'their', 'children', 'to', 'acting', 'in', 'movies', 'cant', 'see', 'any', 'problem', 'with', 'it'] 1 0 0 | |
A26036 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'provides', 'for', 'lower', 'cost', 'foods', 'to', 'be', 'sent', 'to', 'the', 'consumer', 'allowing', 'for', 'ease', 'of', 'access', 'to', 'goods', 'by', 'those', 'with', 'minimal', 'incomes'] 1 0 0 | |
A26037 We should ban cosmetic surgery against ['cosmetic', 'surgery', 'shouldnt', 'be', 'banned', 'because', 'there', 'are', 'plenty', 'of', 'cases', 'and', 'times', 'when', 'someone', 'is', 'in', 'a', 'accident', 'and', 'they', 'actually', 'need', 'it', 'to', 'fix', 'their', 'appearance'] 1 0 0 | |
A26047 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against ['children', 'are', 'still', 'growing', 'and', 'forming', 'their', 'own', 'personalities', '-', 'a', 'zero-tolerance', 'policy', 'allows', 'no', 'room', 'for', 'mistakes', 'at', 'a', 'time', 'when', 'children', 'are', 'testing', 'boundaries', 'and', 'they', 'need', 'some', 'flexibility', 'to', 'develop'] 1 0 0 | |
A26048 We should introduce compulsory voting against ['people', 'who', 'dont', 'want', 'to', 'vote', 'and', 'wont', 'take', 'it', 'seriously', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'forced', 'to', 'vote', 'because', 'they', 'will', 'vote', 'frivolously'] 1 1 0 | |
A26058 We should ban cosmetic surgery against ['for', 'some', 'people', 'who', 'suffer', 'from', 'poor', 'self', 'esteem', 'cosmetic', 'surgery', 'can', 'offer', 'hope'] 1 0 0 | |
A27001 We should ban telemarketing against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'telemarketing', 'because', 'it', 'is', 'a', 'way', 'for', 'a', 'company', 'to', 'get', 'business', 'and', 'it', 'also', 'provides', 'people', 'with', 'jobs'] 1 0 1 | |
A27002 We should adopt an austerity regime against ['an', 'austerity', 'regime', 'will', 'only', 'cause', 'a', 'small', 'benefit', 'for', 'a', 'small', 'time', 'and', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'utilized', 'at', 'this', 'time'] 1 0 0 | |
A27004 We should limit executive compensation against ['executive', 'compensation', 'provides', 'incentive', 'for', 'people', 'to', 'take', 'on', 'high', 'responsibliity', 'positions', 'that', 'drive', 'the', 'economy', 'to', 'new', 'heights', 'creating', 'even', 'more', 'wealth'] 1 0 1 | |
A27016 We should ban telemarketing against ['it', 'is', 'an', 'effective', 'method', 'for', 'lead', 'generation', 'and', 'qualification', 'for', 'marketing'] 1 0 0 | |
A27023 We should legalize cannabis against ['it', 'is', 'a', 'gateway', 'drug', 'and', 'we', 'dont', 'want', 'to', 'encourage', 'people', 'to', 'go', 'down', 'this', 'dangerous', 'path'] 1 0 0 | |
A27030 We should ban the use of child actors against ['child', 'actors', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'banned', 'just', 'because', 'of', 'a', 'few', 'bad', 'apples', 'with', 'good', 'direction', 'these', 'actors', 'can', 'go', 'on', 'to', 'pay', 'their', 'own', 'college', 'costs', 'and', 'become', 'responsible', 'citizens'] 1 0 0 | |
A27036 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'produces', 'more', 'quantity', 'resulting', 'in', 'lower', 'prices', 'and', 'more', 'choices'] 1 0 0 | |
A27045 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['people', 'have', 'a', 'right', 'to', 'protect', 'their', 'ip', 'from', 'larger', 'corporations', 'who', 'have', 'the', 'finances', 'to', 'exploit', 'other', 'peoples', 'ip', 'for', 'their', 'own', 'financial', 'gain'] 1 1 1 | |
A27048 We should oppose collectivism against ['collectivism', 'should', 'be', 'encouraged', 'as', 'people', 'work', 'better', 'together', 'in', 'teams'] 1 0 0 | |
A27052 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'makes', 'getting', 'orders', 'out', 'faster'] 1 0 0 | |
A27064 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'produces', 'better', 'and', 'more', 'predictable', 'results', 'than', 'conventional', 'trading'] 1 0 0 | |
A27090 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'is', 'a', 'cost-effective', 'way', 'of', 'helping', 'businesses', 'reach', 'an', 'audience'] 1 1 0 | |
A27096 We should introduce compulsory voting against ['compulsory', 'voting', 'would', 'only', 'cause', 'uneducated', 'votes', 'to', 'be', 'cast', 'and', 'not', 'be', 'a', 'real', 'benefit', 'to', 'the', 'country'] 1 1 0 | |
A27118 We should subsidize Wikipedia against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'subsidize', 'wikipedia', 'because', 'the', 'information', 'contained', 'in', 'it', 'is', 'not', 'validated', 'if', 'published', 'information', 'is', 'going', 'to', 'be', 'subsidized', 'then', 'it', 'should', 'be', 'from', 'accredited', 'sources'] 1 1 0 | |
A27143 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['the', 'olympic', 'games', 'encourage', 'sports', 'all', 'around', 'the', 'world'] 1 0 0 | |
A27152 We should end mandatory retirement against ['older', 'workers', 'are', 'not', 'as', 'efficient', 'as', 'they', 'age', 'there', 'comes', 'a', 'point', 'where', 'they', 'need', 'to', 'retire', 'and', 'allow', 'more', 'able', 'bodied', 'younger', 'people', 'to', 'take', 'these', 'jobs'] 1 0 0 | |
A27156 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'is', 'a', 'vital', 'tool', 'for', 'businesses', 'to', 'use', 'to', 'grow', 'this', 'in', 'turn', 'helps', 'the', 'economy'] 1 0 1 | |
A27174 We should ban private military companies against ['private', 'military', 'companies', 'are', 'trained', 'for', 'combat', 'and', 'can', 'assist', 'the', 'governmental', 'military', 'groups'] 1 0 0 | |
A27176 We should introduce compulsory voting against ['forcing', 'people', 'to', 'vote', 'will', 'cause', 'an', 'unwanted', 'outcome', 'in', 'elections', 'having', 'no', 'vote', 'is', 'as', 'much', 'speech', 'as', 'voting'] 1 0 0 | |
A27179 We should end mandatory retirement against ['mandatory', 'retirement', 'ensures', 'there', 'are', 'places', 'in', 'the', 'workplace', 'for', 'those', 'who', 'are', 'starting', 'their', 'careers'] 1 0 0 | |
A27198 We should oppose collectivism against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'oppose', 'this', 'because', 'groups', 'are', 'what', 'make', 'society', 'and', 'should', 'be', 'recognised', 'all', 'together'] 1 0 0 | |
A27199 We should end the use of economic sanctions against ['economic', 'sanctions', 'are', 'a', 'good', 'way', 'to', 'get', 'things', 'to', 'happen', 'in', 'a', 'target', 'area'] 1 1 0 | |
A27204 We should adopt gender-neutral language against ['there', 'are', 'two', 'genders', 'and', 'it', 'is', 'not', 'offensive', 'to', 'use', 'those', 'two', 'descriptions', 'when', 'talking', 'about', 'people', 'it', 'is', 'ridiculous', 'to', 'attempt', 'to', 'include', 'every', 'possible', 'gender', 'identity'] 1 0 0 | |
A27250 We should ban targeted killing against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'targeted', 'killing', 'as', 'this', 'is', 'an', 'effective', 'way', 'to', 'extinguish', 'terrorist', 'threats', 'etc', 'and', 'the', 'use', 'of', 'drones', 'helps', 'to', 'reduce', 'civilian', 'casualties'] 1 0 0 | |
A27255 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['removing', 'ip', 'rights', 'would', 'cause', 'a', 'free', 'for', 'all', 'and', 'no', 'one', 'will', 'have', 'the', 'incentive', 'to', 'do', 'anything', 'since', 'it', 'can', 'just', 'be', 'taken', 'by', 'someone', 'else'] 1 0 0 | |
A27273 We should subsidize space exploration against ['Space', 'exploration', 'is', 'a', 'field', 'which', 'the', 'private', 'sector', 'is', 'fully', 'capable', 'to', 'fulfill', 'as', 'Elon', 'Musk', 'shows', 'us'] 1 0 0 | |
A27281 We should ban telemarketing against ['i', 'dont', 'think', 'that', 'is', 'a', 'good', 'idea', 'to', 'ban', 'telemarketing', 'there', 'are', 'people', 'working', 'in', 'this', 'kind', 'of', 'jobs', 'and', 'they', 'are', 'good', 'at', 'what', 'they', 'do', 'most', 'of', 'the', 'time', 'they', 'advertise', 'very', 'well'] 1 0 0 | |
A27287 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'is', 'a', 'necessary', 'tactic', 'to', 'provide', 'the', 'food', 'resources', 'our', 'population', 'requires', 'it', 'does', 'not', 'need', 'to', 'be', 'cruel', 'it', 'can', 'merely', 'be', 'efficient'] 1 0 0 | |
A27300 We should ban factory farming against ['we', 'need', 'to', 'feed', 'a', 'large', 'population', '&', 'factory', 'farming', 'helps', 'ensure', 'we', 'can', 'do', 'that'] 1 0 0 | |
A27320 We should subsidize student loans against ['wider', 'availability', 'of', 'student', 'loans', 'creates', 'a', 'glut', 'of', 'over-educated', 'under-employed', 'individuals', 'contributing', 'less', 'to', 'society', '-', 'money', 'would', 'be', 'better', 'investing', 'in', 'vocational', 'education'] 1 0 0 | |
A27324 We should ban missionary work against ['missionary', 'work', 'is', 'important', 'because', 'it', 'gives', 'aid', 'to', 'third-world', 'and', 'poor', 'people', 'that', 'might', 'otherwise', 'be', 'ignored', 'by', 'society'] 1 0 0 | |
A27330 We should introduce compulsory voting against ['people', 'who', 'have', 'no', 'clue', 'about', 'the', 'issues', 'and', 'people', 'who', 'are', 'not', 'into', 'politics', 'would', 'be', 'voting', 'for', 'someone', 'they', 'know', 'nothing', 'about'] 1 0 0 | |
A27338 We should ban private military companies against ['a', 'lot', 'of', 'private', 'resources', 'are', 'needed', 'for', 'military', 'campaigns', 'such', 'as', 'weapon', 'manufacture', 'using', 'a', 'private', 'military', 'company', 'is', 'no', 'different'] 1 0 0 | |
A27353 We should end the use of economic sanctions against ['economic', 'sanctions', 'help', 'end', 'bad', 'behaviors'] 1 1 0 | |
A27355 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'put', 'up', 'barriers', 'to', 'what', 'is', 'essentially', 'the', 'application', 'of', 'technology', 'and', 'intelligent', 'application', 'of', 'maths', 'to', 'trading', 'this', 'prevents', 'progression'] 1 0 0 | |
A27359 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'will', 'be', 'highly', 'beneficial', 'in', 'reducing', 'the', 'congestion', 'of', 'larger', 'cities'] 1 0 0 | |
A27378 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'protects', 'the', 'ideas', 'that', 'will', 'lead', 'to', 'a', 'solid', 'invention/investment', 'and', 'therefore', 'need', 'to', 'be', 'protected', 'not', 'abolished'] 1 0 1 | |
A27382 We should abolish zoos against ['zoos', 'are', 'vital', 'for', 'research', 'into', 'species', 'and', 'preventing', 'their', 'extinction', 'and', 'should', 'therefore', 'not', 'be', 'banned'] 1 0 0 | |
A27392 We should legalize prostitution against ['Legalizing', 'prostitution', 'would', 'result', 'in', 'an', 'increased', 'number', 'of', 'women', 'being', 'forced', 'into', 'sex', 'slavery', 'It', 'would', 'also', 'make', 'it', 'harder', 'to', 'hunt', 'down', 'traffickers'] 1 0 0 | |
A27428 We should subsidize student loans against ['student', 'loans', 'shouldnt', 'be', 'subsidized', 'because', 'youre', 'limited', 'in', 'the', 'amount', 'that', 'you', 'can', 'borrow'] 1 1 1 | |
A27456 We should ban missionary work against ['missionaries', 'help', 'the', 'less', 'fortunate', 'in', 'third', 'world', 'countries', 'such', 'as', 'setting', 'up', 'schools', 'and', 'clinics'] 1 0 0 | |
A27466 We should ban fast food against ['Fast', 'food', 'provides', 'people', 'with', 'jobs', 'and', 'is', 'convenient', 'for', 'busy', 'families'] 1 0 0 | |
A27497 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'is', 'still', 'a', 'useful', 'sales', 'tactic'] 1 0 0 | |
A28019 We should adopt gender-neutral language against ['gender', 'neutral', 'language', 'causes', 'confusion', 'and', 'is', 'taking', 'political', 'correctness', 'too', 'far', 'by', 'all', 'means', 'allow', 'people', 'to', 'be', 'referred', 'to', 'by', 'their', 'preferred', 'gender', 'but', 'people', 'are', 'not', 'neutral'] 1 0 0 | |
A28025 We should ban the use of child actors against ['child', 'actors', 'are', 'needed', 'in', 'all', 'types', 'of', 'film', 'and', 'movies', 'and', 'therefore', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'banned'] 1 0 0 | |
A28033 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['there', 'is', 'no', 'reason', 'why', 'algorithmic', 'trading', 'should', 'be', 'banned', 'it', 'creates', 'beneficial', 'trading', 'deals', 'and', 'profits', 'for', 'those', 'in', 'the', 'finance', 'sector', 'and', 'can', 'enhance', 'the', 'value', 'of', 'pension', 'funds', 'for', 'instance'] 1 0 1 | |
A28044 We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors against ['cosmetic', 'surgery', 'can', 'have', 'an', 'enormous', 'impact', 'on', 'increasing', 'self', 'esteem', 'minors', 'should', 'be', 'allowed', 'to', 'benefit', 'from', 'this', 'as', 'well'] 1 0 0 | |
A28068 We should limit executive compensation against ['an', 'owner', 'of', 'a', 'company', 'should', 'be', 'allowed', 'to', 'make', 'as', 'much', 'money', 'as', 'possible'] 1 1 1 | |
A28077 We should adopt a multi-party system against ['multi-party', 'systems', 'fragments', 'power', 'so', 'much', 'that', 'nothing', 'ever', 'gets', 'done', 'and', 'government', 'is', 'rendered', 'ineffectual'] 1 0 0 | |
A28103 We should ban cosmetic surgery against ['cosmetic', 'surgery', 'increases', 'womens', 'self-esteem', 'and', 'makes', 'them', 'more', 'self-confident'] 1 0 0 | |
A28114 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'will', 'facilitate', 'long', 'commute', 'riding'] 1 0 0 | |
A28123 We should abolish zoos against ['zoos', 'are', 'good', 'source', 'of', 'information', 'for', 'the', 'public', 'to', 'learn', 'about', 'animals', 'up', 'close'] 1 0 0 | |
A28142 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['abolishing', 'intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'removes', 'the', 'financial', 'incentive', 'to', 'innovation'] 1 0 1 | |
A28146 We should ban telemarketing against ['if', 'it', 'is', 'for', 'a', 'specific', 'product', 'from', 'a', 'list', 'of', 'people', 'whove', 'purchased', 'it', 'before', 'it', 'offers', 'the', 'product', 'to', 'the', 'customer'] 1 0 0 | |
A28147 We should ban telemarketing against ['banning', 'telemarketing', 'would', 'destroy', 'many', 'businesses', 'leading', 'to', 'masses', 'of', 'forced', 'redundancies'] 1 0 0 | |
A28154 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['we', 'shoudnt', 'abolish', 'intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'because', 'a', 'person', 'should', 'have', 'the', 'rights', 'to', 'change', 'and', 'make', 'plans', 'on', 'something', 'that', 'they', 'own', 'without', 'worrying', 'about', 'someone', 'else', 'stepping', 'in'] 1 0 0 | |
A28162 We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors against ['More', 'investment', 'into', 'cosmetic', 'surgery', 'has', 'overflow', 'benefits', 'for', 'reconstructive', 'and', 'general', 'surgery', 'to', 'due', 'innovative', 'technology', 'and', 'techniques'] 1 0 0 | |
A28181 We should adopt libertarianism against ['government', 'is', 'needed', 'it', 'provides', 'the', 'institutions', 'that', 'can', 'better', 'serve', 'the', 'public', 'this', 'can', 'be', 'done', 'through', 'good', 'taxation', 'policy', 'and', 'good', 'programs'] 1 1 0 | |
A28184 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'can', 'prevent', 'competitors', 'from', 'making', 'selling', 'or', 'using', 'your', 'invention', 'for', 'a', 'limited', 'time'] 1 0 0 | |
A28210 We should subsidize student loans against ['student', 'loan', 'debt', 'is', 'crippling', 'our', 'young', 'peoples', 'ability', 'to', 'fully', 'participate', 'in', 'the', 'economy'] 1 0 0 | |
A28223 We should ban cosmetic surgery against ['a', 'lack', 'of', 'confidence', 'due', 'to', 'appearance', 'can', 'have', 'a', 'crippling', 'impact', 'on', 'poeples', 'lives', 'and', 'cosmetic', 'surgery', 'can', 'help', 'reduce', 'this'] 1 0 0 | |
A28226 We should abandon the use of school uniform against ['school', 'uniforms', 'prevent', 'students', 'from', 'wearing', 'disturbing', 'clothing', 'like', 'neo-nazi', 'propaganda', 'pieces', 'thus', 'allowing', 'students', 'to', 'concentrate', 'on', 'their', 'studies'] 1 0 0 | |
A28241 We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'bother', 'banning', 'cosmetic', 'surgeries', 'for', 'minors', 'since', 'this', 'ban', 'will', 'not', 'work-', 'its', 'just', 'the', 'government', 'current', 'easy', 'fix', 'creating', 'a', 'hysteric', 'unreasonable', 'rule', 'instead', 'of', 'imposing', 'proper', 'regulation'] 1 0 0 | |
A28247 We should end mandatory retirement against ['if', 'we', 'end', 'mandatory', 'retirement', 'we', 'make', 'it', 'even', 'harder', 'for', 'the', 'next', 'generation', 'to', 'gain', 'employment', 'and', 'benefit', 'from', 'the', 'same', 'opportunities', 'of', 'openings', 'in', 'the', 'workplace', 'that', 'the', 'retirees', 'had', 'at', 'their', 'age'] 1 0 0 | |
A28250 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against ['kids', 'needs', 'their', 'freedom', 'and', 'to', 'learn', 'from', 'mistakes'] 1 0 0 | |
A28259 We should ban cosmetic surgery against ['cosmetic', 'surgery', 'gives', 'you', 'the', 'assurance', 'you', 'were', 'lacking', 'physically'] 1 0 0 | |
A28303 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'can', 'help', 'people', 'to', 'do', 'more', 'long', 'distance', 'traveling', 'that', 'will', 'allow', 'them', 'to', 'arrive', 'refreshed', 'and', 'less', 'anxious'] 1 0 0 | |
A28305 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'makes', 'it', 'easier', 'for', 'poor', 'people', 'to', 'get', 'more', 'money', 'all', 'they', 'need', 'to', 'do', 'is', 'come', 'up', 'with', 'an', 'algorithm', 'that', 'makes', 'them', 'more', 'money'] 1 0 1 | |
A28309 We should legalize cannabis against ['studies', 'show', 'that', 'students', 'who', 'use', 'cannabis', 'perform', 'worse', 'in', 'school'] 1 0 0 | |
A28317 We should ban telemarketing against ['some', 'telemarketing', 'is', 'beneficial', 'as', 'it', 'may', 'be', 'selling', 'useful', 'products', 'or', 'services'] 1 0 0 | |
A28320 We should abolish the Olympic Games against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'abolish', 'the', 'olympic', 'games', 'because', 'it', 'would', 'rob', 'all', 'the', 'hard', 'working', 'athletes', 'of', 'showcasing', 'their', 'skills', 'and', 'earning', 'money', 'from', 'the', 'games', 'and', 'their', 'sponsors'] 1 0 1 | |
A28330 We should adopt a multi-party system against ['In', 'a', 'multi-party', 'system', 'parties', 'are', 'more', 'easily', 'manipulated', 'by', 'the', 'political', 'agendas', 'of', 'different', 'groups'] 1 0 0 | |
A28368 We should limit executive compensation against ['Incentive', 'to', 'perform', 'at', 'the', 'highest', 'levels', 'and', 'attractiveness', 'of', 'position', 'are', 'important', 'factors', 'in', 'maintaining', 'a', 'competitive', 'and', 'successful', 'company', 'in', 'a', 'fast', 'moving', 'and', 'aggressive', 'marketplace'] 1 0 1 | |
A28379 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['many', 'people', 'who', 'are', 'not', 'capable', 'to', 'drive', 'would', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'commute', 'easily', 'with', 'autonomous', 'cars'] 1 0 0 | |
A28388 We should ban private military companies against ['military', 'companies', 'provide', 'valuable', 'expertise', 'to', 'supplement', 'the', 'armed', 'forces'] 1 0 0 | |
A28389 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'algorithmic', 'trading', 'because', 'computers', 'are', 'smarter', 'than', 'people'] 1 0 0 | |
A28399 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['why', 'stop', 'the', 'development', 'sure', 'delay', 'releasing', 'them', 'to', 'the', 'public', 'until', 'the', 'development', 'is', 'at', 'a', 'stage', 'of', 'safety', 'that', 'surpasses', 'human', 'driving', 'but', 'there', 'is', 'nothing', 'to', 'be', 'gained', 'from', 'stopping', 'development'] 1 0 0 | |
A28411 We should end mandatory retirement against ['Older', 'people', 'should', 'be', 'forced', 'to', 'retire', 'at', 'a', 'certain', 'age', 'because', 'the', 'world', 'is', 'steadily', 'changed', 'and', 'their', 'knowledge', 'becomes', 'outdated'] 1 0 0 | |
A28424 We should introduce compulsory voting against ['compulsory', 'voting', 'is', 'not', 'only', 'ridiculous', 'it', 'would', 'also', 'be', 'impossible', 'to', 'enforce'] 1 0 0 | |
A28428 We should legalize cannabis against ['more', 'industrial', 'accidents', 'more', 'injuries', 'and', 'truancy', 'rates', 'as', 'a', 'result', 'of', 'marijuana', 'use', 'will', 'hurt', 'businesses', 'by', 'causing', 'loss', 'of', 'productivity'] 1 0 1 | |
A28430 We should abolish zoos against ['zoos', 'are', 'the', 'only', 'places', 'many', 'people', 'will', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'get', 'close', 'and', 'observe', 'exotic', 'animals', '-', 'anything', 'that', 'serves', 'to', 'enhance', 'humans', 'empathy', 'and', 'understanding', 'of', 'animals', 'is', 'worthy', 'of', 'support'] 1 0 0 | |
A28448 We should ban factory farming against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'factory', 'farming', 'as', 'it', 'is', 'the', 'most', 'efficient', 'method', 'of', 'farming', 'to', 'produce', 'enough', 'food', 'for', 'the', 'population'] 1 0 0 | |
A28455 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against ['zero-tolerance', 'policy', 'is', 'too', 'harsh', 'not', 'letting', 'a', 'way', 'for', 'even', 'a', 'minor', 'fault', 'students', 'are', 'terrorized', 'and', 'are', 'no', 'more', 'comfortable', 'for', 'studying'] 1 0 0 | |
A28467 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'will', 'lead', 'to', 'scientific', 'advancements', 'that', 'will', 'save', 'lives', 'and', 'as', 'such', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'banned'] 1 0 0 | |
A28479 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'is', 'much', 'more', 'efficient', 'and', 'takes', 'up', 'much', 'less', 'space', 'should', 'we', 'switch', 'large', 'amounts', 'of', 'habitat', 'would', 'have', 'to', 'be', 'destroyed', 'to', 'accommodate', 'this', 'would', 'also', 'increase', 'the', 'prices', 'of', 'meat'] 1 0 1 | |
A28492 We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research against ['it', 'is', 'not', 'scientifically', 'necessary', 'to', 'use', 'embryonic', 'stem', 'cells', 'in', 'research', 'and', 'some', 'people', 'believe', 'their', 'use', 'is', 'immoral', 'and', 'unethical'] 1 0 0 | |
A28495 We should legalize cannabis against ['cannabis', 'impairs', 'the', 'mind', 'and', 'can', 'put', 'others', 'in', 'potential', 'danger', '(driving)'] 1 0 0 | |
A29011 We should abolish the three-strikes laws against ['we', 'need', 'to', 'take', 'control', 'of', 'criminals', 'and', 'hold', 'them', 'responsible', 'for', 'their', 'actions'] 1 1 0 | |
A29014 We should end mandatory retirement against ['Mandatory', 'retirement', 'should', 'be', 'in', 'place', 'for', 'careers', 'that', 'require', 'good', 'physical', 'health', 'younger', 'ages', 'and', 'good', 'flexibility', 'such', 'as', 'law', 'enforcement', 'or', 'any', 'first', 'responder', 'career'] 1 0 0 | |
A29019 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'will', 'benefit', 'the', 'environment', 'and', 'will', 'also', 'help', 'eliminate', 'driver', 'error', 'in', 'road', 'accidents'] 1 0 0 | |
A29034 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'could', 'give', 'us', 'a', 'better', 'understanding', 'of', 'the', 'human', 'body', 'thus', 'leading', 'to', 'medical', 'breakthroughs'] 1 0 0 | |
A29036 We should abolish capital punishment against ['knowing', 'that', 'capital', 'punishment', 'is', 'allowed', 'in', 'more', 'than', '20', 'states', 'in', 'usa', 'is', 'a', 'proof', 'that', 'kind', 'of', 'punishment', 'could', 'be', 'productive'] 1 0 0 | |
A29048 We should end the use of economic sanctions against ['economic', 'sanctions', 'are', 'an', 'effective', 'tool', 'and', 'should', 'be', 'left', 'as', 'is'] 1 0 0 | |
A29060 We should end mandatory retirement against ['mandatory', 'retirement', 'makes', 'room', 'in', 'the', 'workforce', 'for', 'younger', 'more', 'able', 'bodied', 'individuals', 'to', 'work'] 1 0 0 | |
A29090 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'banned', 'as', 'it', 'allows', 'for', 'cost', 'effective', 'production', 'of', 'valuable', 'and', 'necessary', 'food'] 1 0 0 | |
A29092 We should end mandatory retirement against ['mandatory', 'retirement', 'encourages', 'renewal', 'and', 'revitalization', 'in', 'the', 'workforce', 'and', 'so', 'should', 'be', 'maintained'] 1 1 1 | |
A29094 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'reduce', 'the', 'impact', 'of', 'human', 'error', 'on', 'the', 'roads', 'thus', 'saving', 'lives'] 1 0 0 | |
A29127 We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors against ['everybody', 'including', 'minors', 'should', 'have', 'access', 'to', 'cosmetic', 'surgery', 'which', 'help', 'with', 'self', 'confidence'] 1 0 0 | |
A29134 We should limit judicial activism against ['judicial', 'activism', 'allows', 'poorly', 'or', 'misconceived', 'legislation', 'to', 'be', 'reconsidered'] 1 0 0 | |
A29143 We should adopt an austerity regime against ['it', 'is', 'not', 'good', 'economic', 'policy', 'and', 'hurts', 'the', 'poor'] 1 0 0 | |
A29152 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'should', 'be', 'protected', 'as', 'intellectual', 'property', 'is', 'the', 'same', 'as', 'physical', 'property'] 1 0 1 | |
A29154 We should limit executive compensation against ['Limiting', 'executive', 'compensation', 'would', 'deincentivise', 'the', 'most', 'talented', 'in', 'the', 'financial', 'sector', 'who', 'would', 'then', 'go', 'to', 'work', 'in', 'other', 'countries'] 1 0 0 | |
A29156 We should abolish zoos against ['Zoos', 'work', 'as', 'educational', 'centers', 'and', 'are', 'not', 'the', 'cause', 'of', 'the', 'extinction', 'of', 'animals', 'rather', 'they', 'help', 'that', 'this', 'does', 'not', 'happen', 'thats', 'why', 'we', 'should', 'not', 'abolish', 'zoos'] 1 0 0 | |
A29165 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'not', 'only', 'can', 'aid', 'in', 'securing', 'the', 'longevity', 'of', 'a', 'familial', 'line', 'but', 'aid', 'in', 'research', 'to', 'target', 'diseases', 'that', 'can', 'find', 'a', 'cure'] 1 0 0 | |
A29170 We should prohibit school prayer against ['school', 'prayer', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'prohibited', 'because', 'it', 'allows', 'students', 'a', 'period', 'of', 'quiet', 'reflection', 'that', 'may', 'help', 'create', 'the', 'correct', 'atmosphere', 'for', 'study'] 1 0 0 | |
A29179 We should adopt an austerity regime against ['austerity', 'regimes', 'are', 'too', 'restrictive', 'too', 'many', 'cuts', 'and', 'would', 'not', 'benefit', 'the', 'citizens', 'of', 'the', 'united', 'states'] 1 0 1 | |
A29180 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against ['it', 'has', 'been', 'shown', 'that', 'children', 'are', 'at', 'a', 'higher', 'risk', 'of', 'dropping', 'out', 'of', 'school', 'if', 'there', 'is', 'a', 'zero-tolerance', 'policy', 'in', 'place'] 1 0 0 | |
A29181 We should ban private military companies against ['private', 'military', 'companies', 'provide', 'valuable', 'security', 'services', 'and', 'can', 'act', 'as', 'an', 'overflow', 'unit', 'taking', 'pressure', 'from', 'the', 'regular', 'army', 'formations'] 1 0 0 | |
A29185 We should end mandatory retirement against ['mandatory', 'retirement', 'is', 'useful', 'creating', 'a', 'scheme', 'in', 'which', 'old', 'workers', 'retired', 'to', 'give', 'place', 'to', 'young', 'workers', 'permits', 'to', 'revive', 'the', 'economy', 'and', 'brings', 'in', 'fresh', 'ideas', 'and', 'innovation'] 1 0 1 | |
A29193 We should ban private military companies against ['private', 'military', 'companies', 'take', 'the', 'pressure', 'away', 'from', 'the', 'regular', 'military', 'leaving', 'them', 'less', 'thin', 'on', 'the', 'ground'] 1 0 0 | |
A29201 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'supports', 'our', 'large', 'consumption', 'of', 'meat', 'and', 'without', 'it', 'people', 'would', 'not', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'meet', 'their', 'demands', 'for', 'meat'] 1 0 0 | |
A29203 We should abolish zoos against ['Zoos', 'offer', 'an', 'easy', 'and', 'cheap', 'way', 'for', 'people', 'to', 'see', 'and', 'learn', 'about', 'animals', 'from', 'all', 'over', 'the', 'world'] 1 0 0 | |
A29210 We should end the use of economic sanctions against ['sanctions', 'are', 'good', 'and', 'they', 'can', 'put', 'pressure', 'on', 'a', 'country', 'to', 'make', 'changes'] 1 1 0 | |
A29214 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['theres', 'no', 'need', 'to', 'ban', 'algorithmic', 'trading', 'as', 'it', 'is', 'a', 'very', 'good', 'system', 'for', 'trading', 'leading', 'to', 'great', 'gains', 'for', 'the', 'investors'] 1 0 1 | |
A29265 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['it', 'tends', 'to', 'more', 'profitable', 'and', 'eliminates', 'human', 'error'] 1 0 1 | |
A29286 We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons against ['Nuclear', 'weapons', 'also', 'provide', 'a', 'safety', 'net', 'for', 'countries', 'in', 'case', 'of', 'an', 'attack', 'and', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'banned'] 1 0 0 | |
A29314 We should subsidize Wikipedia against ['subsidising', 'wikipedia', 'would', 'open', 'it', 'up', 'to', 'outside', 'influence', 'and', 'could', 'result', 'in', 'a', 'deterioration', 'in', 'the', 'quality', 'of', 'the', 'information', 'as', 'those', 'subsidising', 'it', 'may', 'want', 'information', 'changed', 'to', 'make', 'it', 'more', 'positive'] 1 0 0 | |
A29322 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['those', 'who', 'produce', 'intellectual', 'projects', 'have', 'certain', 'skills', 'and', 'abilities', 'and', 'should', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'profit', 'from', 'them'] 1 0 1 | |
A29332 We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools against ['if', 'a', 'zero', 'tolerance', 'policy', 'in', 'schools', 'is', 'adopted', 'this', 'will', 'impinge', 'on', 'the', 'rights', 'of', 'the', 'pupils', 'to', 'challenge', 'decisions', 'they', 'may', 'deem', 'unfair', 'or', 'unfit'] 1 1 0 | |
A29340 We should end mandatory retirement against ['mandatory', 'retirement', 'is', 'necessary', 'in', 'some', 'fields', 'to', 'let', 'go', 'of', 'the', 'older', 'more', 'error-prone', 'workers'] 1 0 0 | |
A29342 We should end mandatory retirement against ['it', 'makes', 'it', 'hard', 'for', 'young', 'people', 'to', 'get', 'a', 'job', 'because', 'so', 'many', 'people', 'still', 'work', 'when', 'they', 'could', 'be', 'retired', 'and', 'there', 'would', 'be', 'more', 'jobs', 'available'] 1 0 0 | |
A29374 We should ban missionary work against ['if', 'we', 'dont', 'ban', 'missionary', 'work', 'then', 'more', 'people', 'will', 'have', 'jobs'] 1 0 0 | |
A29377 We should abandon the use of school uniform against ['school', 'uniforms', 'make', 'life', 'so', 'much', 'easier', 'theres', 'less', 'for', 'parents', 'to', 'buy', 'a', 'lot', 'cant', 'afford', 'name', 'brand', 'clothing', 'less', 'bullying', 'due', 'to', 'clothing', 'its', 'easier', 'to', 'get', 'ready', 'in', 'the', 'morning'] 1 0 0 | |
A29407 We should abandon the use of school uniform against ['School', 'uniform', 'is', 'adequate', 'It', 'is', 'useful', 'for', 'leveling', 'people', 'social', 'position', 'and', 'for', 'children', 'concentration', 'in', 'class'] 1 0 0 | |
A29430 We should subsidize space exploration against ['there', 'are', 'more', 'immediate', 'needs', 'here', 'on', 'earth', 'theres', 'no', 'reason', 'to', 'explore', 'space', 'we', 'have', 'to', 'care', 'for', 'what', 'we', 'have', 'already'] 1 0 0 | |
A29437 We should ban private military companies against ['Private', 'military', 'companies', 'provide', 'weapons', 'and', 'other', 'items', 'needed', 'by', 'the', 'military', 'without', 'them', 'they', 'would', 'be', 'ill', 'equipped'] 1 0 0 | |
A29439 We should ban telemarketing against ['telemarketing', 'is', 'a', 'useful', 'marketing', 'tool', 'for', 'companies', 'to', 'gain', 'new', 'customers'] 1 0 0 | |
A29453 We should stop the development of autonomous cars against ['autonomous', 'cars', 'are', 'a', 'thing', 'of', 'the', 'future'] 1 0 0 | |
A29459 We should oppose collectivism against ['we', 'should', 'support', 'collectivism', 'as', 'everyone', 'in', 'the', 'group', 'benefits', 'from', 'this', 'practice'] 1 0 0 | |
A29465 We should limit executive compensation against ['executive', 'compensation', 'is', 'one', 'of', 'the', 'mechanisms', 'of', 'governments', 'to', 'cover', 'salaries', 'and', 'benefits'] 1 0 1 | |
A29472 We should abolish the three-strikes laws against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'abolish', 'the', 'three-strikes', 'laws', 'but', 'we', 'could', 'improve', 'them', 'so', 'that', 'people', 'who', 'have', 'committed', 'only', 'a', 'minor', 'offence', 'are', 'not', 'jailed', 'for', 'life'] 1 0 0 | |
A29476 We should oppose collectivism against ['collectivism', 'ensures', 'that', 'everybody', 'is', 'taken', 'care', 'of'] 1 0 0 | |
A29481 We should ban telemarketing against ['if', 'telemarketing', 'was', 'banned', 'thousands', 'of', 'people', 'would', 'lose', 'their', 'jobs', 'and', 'many', 'businesses', 'would', 'go', 'bankrupt'] 1 0 1 | |
A29490 We should oppose collectivism against ['we', 'accept', 'collectivism', 'because', 'it', 'leads', 'to', 'less', 'conflict', 'due', 'to', 'people', 'thinking', 'as', 'a', 'team', 'instead', 'of', 'one', 'person', 'thinking', 'about', 'themselves', 'and', 'causing', 'trouble'] 1 1 0 | |
A29491 We should adopt gender-neutral language against ['there', 'are', 'too', 'many', 'gender', 'conformities', 'that', 'we', 'wouldnt', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'come', 'up', 'with', 'gender-neutral', 'language'] 1 0 0 | |
A29500 We should abolish the three-strikes laws against ['the', 'three-strikes', 'law', 'serves', 'as', 'an', 'effective', 'deterrent', 'and', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'abolished'] 1 1 0 | |
A30013 We should end the use of economic sanctions against ['economic', 'sanctions', 'provide', 'an', 'easy', 'way', 'to', 'protest', 'and', 'can', 'easily', 'be', 'reversed', 'when', 'situations', 'change'] 1 1 1 | |
A30037 We should subsidize space exploration against ['space', 'exploration', 'isnt', 'necessary', 'so', 'the', 'money', 'could', 'go', 'to', 'much', 'more', 'useful', 'things', 'such', 'as', 'education', 'for', 'children', 'and', 'providing', 'health', 'care', 'for', 'people'] 1 0 1 | |
A30039 We should adopt gender-neutral language against ['in', 'many', 'cases', 'the', 'gender', 'of', 'the', 'subject', 'helps', 'convey', 'meaning'] 1 1 0 | |
A30056 We should limit judicial activism against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'limit', 'judicial', 'activism', 'because', 'judges', 'have', 'better', 'knowledge', 'of', 'the', 'laws', 'than', 'juries', 'do'] 1 1 0 | |
A30058 We should oppose collectivism against ['collectivity', 'a', 'group', 'of', 'people', 'can', 'get', 'far', 'more', 'done', 'than', 'individually'] 1 0 0 | |
A30064 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'is', 'an', 'efficient', 'solution', 'to', 'food', 'supply', 'problems'] 1 0 0 | |
A30073 We should subsidize space exploration against ['space', 'exploration', 'is', 'not', 'yielding', 'anything', 'useful', 'to', 'society', 'and', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'subsidized'] 1 0 1 | |
A30082 We should adopt a multi-party system against ['multi-party', 'systems', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'allowed', 'as', 'it', 'only', 'causes', 'a', 'no', 'win-win', 'situation', 'when', 'the', 'other', 'parties', 'can', 'not', 'agree', 'upon', 'a', 'situation'] 1 0 0 | |
A30083 We should ban missionary work against ['We', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'missionary', 'work', 'because', 'some', 'countries', 'do', 'need', 'help', 'in', 'term', 'of', 'educations', 'health', 'and', 'spiritual', 'needs'] 1 0 0 | |
A30085 We should ban targeted killing against ['targeted', 'killing', 'can', 'help', 'remove', 'terrorist', 'and', 'other', 'similar', 'threats', 'without', 'having', 'to', 'involve', 'large', 'numbers', 'of', 'people', 'targeted', 'killing', 'can', 'reduce', 'casualties', 'and', 'provide', 'a', 'better', 'outcome', 'than', 'all', 'out', 'war'] 1 0 0 | |
A30092 We should adopt a multi-party system against ['it', 'can', 'become', 'confusing', 'when', 'voting', 'on', 'a', 'multi-party', 'system'] 1 0 0 | |
A30099 We should ban factory farming against ['Factory', 'farming', 'allows', 'for', 'food', 'to', 'be', 'produced', 'at', 'a', 'lower', 'cost', 'than', 'would', 'be', 'possible', 'using', 'other', 'methods'] 1 0 1 | |
A30101 We should adopt an austerity regime against ['in', 'tough', 'economic', 'times', 'it', 'is', 'critical', 'to', 'increase', 'consumer', 'spending', 'and', 'demand', 'this', 'cannot', 'be', 'done', 'through', 'an', 'austerity', 'regime'] 1 0 0 | |
A30110 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['we', 'shouldnt', 'ban', 'algorithmic', 'trading', 'because', 'it', 'can', 'stop', 'risky', 'bid', 'due', 'to', 'human', 'emotions', 'interfering'] 1 0 0 | |
A30118 We should limit executive compensation against ['they', 'are', 'at', 'the', 'top', 'and', 'should', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'make', 'as', 'much', 'as', 'possible'] 1 1 1 | |
A30134 We should cancel pride parades against ['pride', 'parades', 'are', 'a', 'support', 'mechanism', 'to', 'allow', 'gay', 'people', 'to', 'feel', 'that', 'they', 'are', 'not', 'alone', 'and', 'can', 'be', 'proud', 'of', 'who', 'they', 'are'] 1 0 0 | |
A30138 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['algorithmic', 'trading', 'uses', 'computers', 'to', 'analyze', 'vast', 'amounts', 'of', 'data', 'to', 'provide', 'the', 'best', 'decisions', 'in', 'a', 'way', 'that', 'humans', 'are', 'not', 'capable', 'of'] 1 0 0 | |
A30162 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'is', 'just', 'a', 'step', 'in', 'the', 'natural', 'progression', 'of', 'science'] 1 0 0 | |
A30172 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'is', 'mass', 'food', 'production', 'at', 'a', 'more', 'economical', 'pace', 'which', 'allows', 'us', 'to', 'feed', 'more', 'people', 'faster'] 1 0 0 | |
A30180 We should ban factory farming against ['we', 'want', 'cheap', 'food', 'that', 'is', 'readily', 'available', 'at', 'a', 'reasonable', 'price', 'these', 'methods', 'are', 'cost', 'cutters'] 1 0 0 | |
A30190 We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons against ['we', 'must', 'protect', 'ourselves', 'and', 'these', 'weapons', 'allow', 'us', 'to'] 1 0 0 | |
A30198 We should limit executive compensation against ['the', 'only', 'way', 'to', 'hire', 'the', 'best', 'and', 'brightest', 'executives', 'is', 'to', 'keep', 'giving', 'them', 'larger', 'compensation', 'packages'] 1 0 0 | |
A30209 We should end mandatory retirement against ['mandatory', 'retirement', 'allows', 'new', 'workers', 'to', 'take', 'the', 'place', 'of', 'older', 'workers', 'that', 'are', 'past', 'their', 'prime', 'and', 'just', 'need', 'to', 'retire'] 1 0 0 | |
A30213 We should ban targeted killing against ['targeted', 'killing', 'is', 'a', 'tool', 'that', 'allows', 'the', 'military', 'to', 'accomplish', 'their', 'objectives'] 1 1 0 | |
A30224 We should introduce compulsory voting against ['some', 'people', 'dont', 'care', 'about', 'voting', 'and', 'if', 'required', 'would', 'just', 'pick', 'random', 'choices', 'which', 'could', 'have', 'disastrous', 'consequences'] 1 0 0 | |
A30234 We should ban factory farming against ['we', 'shouldnt', 'ban', 'factory', 'farming', 'because', 'it', 'can', 'help', 'improve', 'the', 'economy'] 1 0 1 | |
A30258 We should ban private military companies against ['Without', 'private', 'military', 'companies', 'the', 'military', 'would', 'be', 'ill', 'equipped', 'and', 'not', 'able', 'to', 'get', 'the', 'tools', 'they', 'need'] 1 0 0 | |
A30259 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['for', 'multiple', 'reasons', 'the', 'right', 'of', 'intellectual', 'property', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'abolished', 'since', 'it', 'gives', 'others', 'the', 'participation', 'of', 'making', 'their', 'intellect', 'known', 'and', 'putting', 'it', 'into', 'practice', 'in', 'various', 'activities'] 1 0 0 | |
A30262 We should ban human cloning against ['human', 'cloning', 'can', 'provide', 'a', 'lot', 'of', 'advancements', 'to', 'medical', 'science', 'to', 'ban', 'it', 'out', 'of', 'some', 'knee-jerk', 'fear', 'is', 'to', 'deny', 'ourselves', 'all', 'of', 'these', 'potential', 'great', 'advancements'] 1 0 0 | |
A30263 We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms against ['the', 'freedom', 'to', 'bear', 'arms', 'has', 'always', 'been', 'a', 'basic', 'right', 'in', 'this', 'country', 'people', 'have', 'the', 'right', 'to', 'protect', 'themselves'] 1 0 0 | |
A30264 We should ban algorithmic trading against ['this', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'banned', 'as', 'it', 'makes', 'trading', 'easier', 'and', 'simpler'] 1 0 0 | |
A30271 We should abolish safe spaces against ['these', 'do', 'not', 'harm', 'to', 'anyone', 'safe', 'spaces', 'can', 'empower', 'young', 'people', 'and', 'protect', 'them', 'the', 'world', 'is', 'harsh', 'enough', 'why', 'not', 'allow', 'a', 'little', 'bit', 'of', 'harmless', 'peace'] 1 0 0 | |
A30281 We should end mandatory retirement against ['mandatory', 'retirement', 'means', 'that', 'there', 'opportunities', 'for', 'younger', 'people', 'become', 'available', 'regularly', 'and', 'people', 'retire', 'before', 'they', 'become', 'inefficient', 'at', 'their', 'jobs'] 1 0 0 | |
A30286 We should end the use of economic sanctions against ['economic', 'sanctions', 'are', 'useful', 'to', 'stop', 'bad', 'actions'] 1 1 0 | |
A30287 We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons against ['nuclear', 'weapons', 'development', 'leads', 'to', 'other', 'non-combative', 'discoveries', 'such', 'as', 'nuclear', 'energy'] 1 0 0 | |
A30290 We should ban telemarketing against ['on', 'rare', 'occasions', 'they', 'can', 'have', 'a', 'benefit', 'possibly', 'the', 'elderly', 'can', 'benefit', 'as', 'they', 'are', 'less', 'familiar', 'with', 'the', 'internet'] 1 0 0 | |
A30293 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'ensure', 'that', 'people', 'or', 'companies', 'can', 'make', 'profits', 'from', 'what', 'they', 'have', 'spent', 'much', 'time', 'and', 'effort', 'in', 'creating'] 1 0 1 | |
A30300 We should ban human cloning against ['Human', 'cloning', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'banned', 'as', 'at', 'may', 'prevent', 'the', 'study', 'and', 'advance', 'of', 'medical', 'science'] 1 0 0 | |
A30305 We should ban private military companies against ['we', 'should', 'not', 'ban', 'private', 'military', 'companies', 'as', 'the', 'national', 'military', 'is', 'not', 'able', 'to', 'perform', 'smaller', 'operations', 'and', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'taken', 'away', 'from', 'their', 'national', 'duties', 'and', 'responsibilities'] 1 1 0 | |
A30310 We should oppose collectivism against ['collectivism', 'utilizes', 'the', 'best', 'from', 'many', 'sources'] 1 1 0 | |
A30316 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'brings', 'more', 'food', 'to', 'the', 'table', 'at', 'lower', 'prices'] 1 0 0 | |
A30319 We should ban the use of child actors against ['many', 'films', 'and', 'television', 'shows', 'have', 'child', 'roles', 'which', 'could', 'only', 'be', 'filled', 'by', 'children', 'as', 'long', 'as', 'the', 'children', 'are', 'protected', 'it', 'means', 'that', 'the', 'finished', 'product', 'will', 'have', 'higher', 'artistic', 'integrity'] 1 0 0 | |
A30330 We should ban targeted killing against ['targeted', 'killing', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'banned', 'as', 'the', 'government', 'has', 'the', 'intelligence', 'and', 'knowledge', 'to', 'knowingly', 'destroy', 'a', 'threat', 'without', 'destruction', 'of', 'many', 'persons', 'or', 'communities'] 1 1 0 | |
A30348 We should ban factory farming against ['factory', 'farming', 'is', 'a', 'cheaper', 'way', 'to', 'produce', 'large', 'quantities', 'of', 'food'] 1 0 0 | |
A30349 We should abolish intellectual property rights against ['intellectual', 'property', 'rights', 'are', 'important', 'as', 'it', 'gives', 'economic', 'incentive', 'for', 'their', 'creation', 'and', 'helps', 'to', 'stimulate', 'innovation', 'and', 'contribute', 'to', 'the', 'technological', 'progress', 'of', 'countries'] 1 0 1 | |
A30394 We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors against ['Small', 'harmless', 'cosmetic', 'surgeries', 'can', 'do', 'a', 'lot', 'for', 'increasing', 'a', 'childs', 'confidence', 'and', 'productivity'] 1 0 0 | |
A30398 We should subsidize Wikipedia against ['wikipedia', 'is', 'a', 'very', 'unreliable', 'source', 'of', 'information', 'many', 'schools', 'do', 'not', 'allow', 'wikipedia', 'to', 'be', 'used', 'as', 'a', 'valid', 'source', 'for', 'term', 'papers'] 1 0 0 | |
D01016 We should encourage people to take part in Fit India Movement against ['‘Fit', 'India', 'Movement’', 'may', 'not', 'reach', 'the', 'people', 'of', 'below', 'poverty', 'line', 'To', 'maintain', 'a', 'healthy', 'lifestyle', 'both', 'physical', 'activity', 'and', 'nutritious', 'food', 'are', 'necessary', 'But', 'in', 'India', 'still', 'many', 'people', 'are', 'malnourished', 'and', 'some', 'people', 'do', 'not', 'have', 'access', 'to', 'safe', 'drinking', 'water', 'So', 'without', 'solving', 'the', 'issue', 'of', 'poverty', 'and', 'lack', 'of', 'access', 'to', 'affordable', 'nutritious', 'food', 'a', 'section', 'of', 'people', 'in', 'India', 'will', 'not', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'take', 'advantage', 'of', 'this', 'movement'] 1 0 0 | |
D01051 India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country against ['At', 'present', 'India', 'does', 'not', 'have', 'a', 'well-developed', 'infrastructure', 'to', 'ensure', 'the', 'security', 'of', 'data', 'On', 'the', 'other', 'hand', 'developed', 'countries', 'already', 'have', 'an', 'efficient', 'infrastructure', 'So', 'rushing', 'toward', 'data', 'localization', 'may', 'not', 'be', 'a', 'wise', 'step', 'Because', 'without', 'efficient', 'infrastructure', 'the', 'data', 'is', 'prone', 'to', 'cyber-attacks', 'And', 'the', 'risk', 'is', 'severe', 'here', 'because', 'it', 'is', 'financial', 'data', 'But', 'as', 'the', 'laws', 'are', 'made', 'it', 'is', 'a', 'big', 'challenge', 'to', 'develop', 'efficient', 'infrastructure', 'at', 'a', 'faster', 'pace'] 1 0 0 | |
D01057 India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country against ['We', 'are', 'in', 'a', 'globalized', 'world', 'At', 'present', 'the', 'world', 'is', 'running', 'on', 'the', 'free', 'flow', 'of', 'people', 'goods', 'services', 'and', 'data', 'Data', 'localization', 'laws', 'seem', 'to', 'be', 'a', 'part', 'of', 'protectionist', 'policies', 'which', 'is', 'a', 'threat', 'to', 'the', 'free', 'flow', 'of', 'data'] 1 0 1 | |
D01058 India should store the data within the territorial boundaries of the country against ['The', 'US', 'is', 'against', 'data', 'localization', 'laws', 'Recently', 'at', 'the', 'G20', 'summit', 'Donald', 'Trump', 'the', 'president', 'of', 'the', 'US', 'spoke', 'against', 'data', 'localization', 'Its', 'stance', 'is', 'natural', 'because', 'it', 'increases', 'the', 'operational', 'costs', 'of', 'US', 'companies', 'India-US', 'bilateral', 'relations', 'are', 'important', 'for', 'both', 'countries', 'because', 'we', 'are', 'intertwined', 'in', 'the', 'export', 'and', 'import', 'of', 'IT', 'services', 'professionals', 'and', 'goods', 'etc', 'So', 'imposing', 'data', 'localization', 'laws', 'without', 'threatening', 'Indo-US', 'relations', 'is', 'another', 'challenge'] 1 0 1 | |
D01085 Political parties should be brought under RTI (Right to Information) Act against ['If', 'political', 'parties', 'come', 'under', 'the', 'RTI', 'it', 'will', 'affect', 'their', 'smooth', 'internal', 'functioning', 'Rivals', 'may', 'use', 'RTI', 'to', 'malign', 'each', 'other', 'Also', 'since', 'the', 'political', 'parties', 'are', 'not', 'connected', 'to', 'the', 'public', 'directly', 'an', 'RTI', 'would', 'be', 'invalid'] 1 0 0 | |
D01102 IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming against ['Achieving', 'excellence', 'in', 'anything', 'takes', 'time', 'Through', 'graduation', 'students', 'gain', 'so', 'much', 'knowledge', 'in', 'the', 'relevant', 'field', 'So', 'it’s', 'easier', 'for', 'employers', 'to', 'train', 'these', 'students', 'for', 'the', 'industrial', 'requirements'] 1 0 0 | |
D01108 IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming against ['If', 'a', 'student', 'from', 'non-IT', 'background', 'chose', 'to', 'start', 'a', 'career', 'in', 'the', 'IT', 'field', 'the', 'efforts', 'they', 'put', 'into', 'graduation', 'will', 'go', 'in', 'vain'] 1 1 0 | |
D01109 IT recruiters should consider skills instead of a degree in programming against ['Even', 'though', 'the', 'new', 'programming', 'languages', 'are', 'replacing', 'the', 'old', 'ones', 'the', 'basic', 'concepts', 'are', 'the', 'same', 'for', 'almost', 'all', 'the', 'programming', 'languages', 'So', 'the', 'one', 'who', 'has', 'a', 'degree', 'in', 'coding', 'will', 'have', 'an', 'advantage', 'over', 'the', 'student', 'from', 'a', 'non-IT', 'background'] 1 0 0 | |
D01114 We should adapt the viable pay incentive scheme against ['It', 'has', 'been', 'seen', 'that', 'it', 'is', 'difficult', 'to', 'retain', 'employees', 'in', 'lean', 'times', 'when', 'they', 'are', 'on', 'variable', 'pay', 'schemes', 'Workers', 'who', 'receive', 'commissions', 'do', 'well', 'when', 'business', 'is', 'good', 'but', 'they', 'do', 'poorly', 'when', 'business', 'is', 'bad', 'In', 'times', 'of', 'slow', 'business', 'even', 'top', 'salespeople', 'might', 'have', 'difficulty', 'making', 'enough', 'sales', 'to', 'earn', 'a', 'decent', 'living', 'If', 'the', 'market', 'is', 'slow', 'and', 'commissioned', 'workers', 'can’t', 'earn', 'enough', 'they', 'may', 'look', 'for', 'other', 'employment', 'opportunities', 'In', 'lean', 'times', 'fixed', 'wages', 'can', 'be', 'more', 'effective', 'at', 'keeping', 'employees', 'from', 'leaving', 'for', 'other', 'opportunities'] 1 0 1 | |
D02013 We should forbid neo-banks against ['Due', 'to', 'their', 'technological', 'nature', 'neo-banks', 'do', 'not', 'need', 'any', 'physical', 'bank', 'branches', 'which', 'helps', 'them', 'save', 'on', 'overhead', 'costs', '(the', 'cost', 'of', 'running', 'the', 'business)', 'Thus', 'neo-banks', 'are', 'able', 'to', 'offer', 'lower', 'fees', 'and', 'higher', 'interest', 'rates', 'on', 'checking', 'and', 'savings', 'accounts', 'to', 'customers'] 1 0 1 | |
D02017 We should forbid neo-banks against ['Since', 'neo-banks', 'are', 'completely', 'digital', 'they', 'operate', '24', 'hours', 'a', 'day', 'and', 'their', 'services', 'can', 'be', 'accessed', 'at', 'any', 'time', 'They', 'are', 'easy', 'to', 'access', 'from', 'anywhere', 'through', 'a', 'smartphone'] 1 1 0 | |
D02036 NEET exam should be banned against ['NEET', 'exam', 'standardizes', 'the', 'entrance', 'criterion', 'for', 'medical', 'education', 'across', 'the', 'country', 'As', 'a', 'high', 'score', 'is', 'required', 'to', 'get', 'into', 'government', 'medical', 'colleges', 'the', 'exam', 'ensures', 'meritocracy'] 1 0 0 | |
D02037 NEET exam should be banned against ['But', 'every', 'year', 'less', 'than', '20%', 'of', 'the', 'students', 'are', 'passing', 'the', 'exam', 'By', 'this', 'it', 'is', 'evident', 'that', 'the', 'quality', 'of', 'medical', 'education', 'in', 'other', 'countries', 'where', 'Indian', 'students', 'are', 'studying', 'is', 'not', 'at', 'par', 'with', 'the', 'medical', 'education', 'in', 'India', 'So', 'it', 'is', 'very', 'important', 'to', 'take', 'steps', 'to', 'provide', 'affordable', 'and', 'high-quality', 'medical', 'education', 'in', 'India'] 1 0 0 | |
D02047 Companies should fight moonlighting against ['Some', 'people', 'moonlight', 'to', 'pursue', 'their', 'passion', 'when', 'the', 'earnings', 'from', 'their', 'passion', 'cannot', 'replace', 'the', 'salary', 'from', 'their', 'main', 'job', 'Several', 'entrepreneurs', 'take', 'this', 'route', 'and', 'leave', 'their', 'jobs', 'once', 'they', 'earn', 'enough', 'from', 'their', 'new', 'ventures'] 1 0 1 | |
D02048 Companies should fight moonlighting against ['As', 'per', 'a', 'study', 'published', 'by', 'the', 'Academy', 'of', 'Management', 'Journal', 'in', '2021', 'moonlighting', 'can', 'provide', 'a', 'sense', 'of', 'control', 'and', 'motivation', 'which', 'can', 'improve', 'the', 'productivity', 'of', 'employees'] 1 0 1 | |
D02050 Companies should fight moonlighting against ['Moonlighting', 'can', 'help', 'in', 'upskilling', 'A', 'few', 'people', 'want', 'to', 'learn', 'new', 'skills', 'apart', 'from', 'what', 'they', 'are', 'working', 'on', 'in', 'their', 'primary', 'job', 'This', 'can', 'help', 'them', 'in', 'developing', 'expertise', 'in', 'their', 'field', 'Some', 'might', 'get', 'bored', 'with', 'monotonous', 'jobs', 'and', 'hence', 'take', 'up', 'second', 'jobs', 'to', 'learn', 'new', 'skills', 'and', 'thereby', 'make', 'their', 'days', 'exciting'] 1 0 0 | |
D03011 College education should be free for everyone against ['At', 'present', 'private', 'investments', 'in', 'education', 'led', 'to', 'improvement', 'in', 'the', 'quality', 'of', 'education', 'Without', 'the', 'commercialization', 'of', 'education', 'the', 'quality', 'of', 'education', 'may', 'not', 'improve', 'much'] 1 0 1 | |
D03015 India should have 'One Nation - One Election' policy against ['Frequent', 'elections', 'in', 'the', 'country', 'will', 'bring', 'politicians', 'back', 'to', 'the', 'public', 'frequently', 'whereas', 'cutting', 'down', 'on', 'elections', 'would', 'mean', 'making', 'them', 'lazy', 'for', 'the', 'rest', 'of', 'the', 'term', 'and', 'suddenly', 'becoming', 'overactive', 'during', 'the', 'election', 'year'] 1 0 0 | |
D03054 Kids' reality shows should be banned against ['Reality', 'shows', 'give', 'opportunity', 'for', 'children', 'to', 'bring', 'out', 'their', 'hidden', 'talents', 'and', 'to', 'train', 'their', 'skills', 'It', 'gives', 'them', 'a', 'sense', 'of', 'purpose', 'and', 'direction', 'from', 'a', 'very', 'young', 'age', 'The', 'present', 'education', 'system', 'doesn’t', 'include', 'other', 'career', 'options', 'such', 'as', 'singing', 'acting', 'dancing', 'games', 'etc', 'Reality', 'shows', 'closes', 'this', 'loophole', 'in', 'the', 'education', 'system'] 1 0 0 | |
D27029 US-Mexico border wall is a good thing against ['US', 'treaties', 'with', 'Mexico', 'wont', 'let', 'them', 'build', 'anything', 'on', 'the', 'Rio', 'Grande', 'River', 'and', 'the', 'areas', 'around', 'it', 'Furthermore', 'most', 'of', 'the', 'areas', 'along', 'the', 'border', 'in', 'Texas', 'are', 'privately', 'owned', 'which', 'leaves', 'a', 'large', 'part', 'of', 'the', 'border', 'uncovered', 'So', 'building', 'the', 'wall', 'is', 'not', 'going', 'to', 'bring', 'any', 'change'] 1 0 0 | |
D27071 We should ban kids' reality shows against ['Reality', 'shows', 'give', 'opportunity', 'for', 'children', 'to', 'bring', 'out', 'their', 'hidden', 'talents', 'and', 'to', 'finess', 'their', 'skills'] 1 0 0 | |
D27072 We should ban kids' reality shows against ['Reality', 'shows', 'act', 'like', 'a', 'launchpad', 'for', 'children', 'into', 'the', 'film', 'industry', 'Some', 'of', 'the', 'present', 'singers', 'choreographers', 'are', 'made', 'into', 'the', 'movies', 'through', 'reality', 'shows', 'for', 'children'] 1 0 0 | |
D27096 Nepotism exists in Bollywood against ['Star', 'kids', 'also', 'have', 'an', 'upbringing', 'which', 'is', 'surrounded', 'by', 'the', 'Bollywood', 'industry', 'This', 'gives', 'them', 'an', 'advantage', 'of', 'getting', 'adjusted', 'and', 'having', 'a', 'clearer', 'overview', 'of', 'the', 'industry', 'This', 'might', 'help', 'them', 'learn', 'faster', 'and', 'do', 'better', 'which', 'an', 'outsider', 'might', 'not', 'be', 'able', 'to'] 1 0 0 | |
E01039 Electric cars are not a solution to air pollution against ['Its', 'by', 'no', 'means', 'irrelevant', 'what', 'kind', 'of', 'cars', 'people', 'use;', '25%', 'renewable', '+', '25%', 'nuclear', '+', '50%', 'combustible', 'is', 'better', 'than', '100%', 'combustible', 'gasoline'] 1 0 0 | |
E01053 The best way to save the world from climate change and protect the environment is to encourage everyone to start with themselves and look at what things they can do to help with this problem against ['This', 'idea', 'is', 'what', 'we', 'have', 'been', 'doing', 'for', 'the', 'last', '30', 'years', 'It', 'did', 'not', 'produce', 'sufficient', 'results', 'to', 'justify', 'continuing', 'on', 'this', 'path', 'It', 'is', 'just', 'saying', 'that', 'problem', 'will', 'solve', 'itself', 'This', 'proposition', 'is', 'harmful', 'and', 'does', 'not', 'stand', 'on', 'any', 'data', 'that', 'could', 'justify', 'it'] 1 0 0 | |
E01055 The best way to save the world from climate change and protect the environment is to encourage everyone to start with themselves and look at what things they can do to help with this problem against ['We', 'should', 'arrange', 'our', 'cities', 'our', 'economy', 'and', 'politics', 'so', 'that', 'it', 'is', 'easy', 'for', 'people', 'to', 'behave', 'ecologically', 'responsibly', 'It', 'requires', 'a', 'lot', 'of', 'work', 'now', 'but', 'it', 'is', 'work', 'that', 'we', 'have', 'to', 'do', 'if', 'we', 'want', 'to', 'transition', 'to', 'something', 'more', 'sustainable'] 1 0 0 | |
E02024 Immigrants should receive help from the EU through integration programs against ['We', 'have', 'millions', 'of', 'poor', 'true', 'Europeans', 'that', 'we', 'can', 'help', 'why', 'help', 'migrant', 'who', 'have', 'nothing', 'in', 'common', 'with', 'us'] 1 0 0 | |
E02037 The EU leadership must enter into strong agreements with the countries where immigrants come from, in order to retain them in their countries against ['If', 'we', 'want', 'to', 'uphold', 'to', 'our', 'standards', 'and', 'what', 'the', 'EU', 'represents', 'we', 'shall', 'help', 'those', 'immigrants', 'and', 'give', 'them', 'the', 'tools', 'to', 'help', 'us', 'make', 'our', 'homes', 'better', 'and', 'multicultural', 'so', 'when', 'the', 'chance', 'is', 'presented', 'they', 'can', 'then', 'have', 'a', 'way', 'to', 'help', 'their', 'countries', 'Simply', 'blocking', 'them', 'out', 'of', 'our', 'region', 'and', 'neglecting', 'them', 'wont', 'solve', 'anything', 'We', 'will', 'only', 'make', 'unnecessary', 'enemies'] 1 0 0 | |
E02044 The EU should have open borders with poor countries against ['Many', 'migrants', 'simply', 'refuse', 'to', 'fight', 'to', 'change', 'things', 'in', 'their', 'own', 'countries', 'Once', 'a', 'migrant', 'told', 'me', 'I', 'want', 'what', 'you', 'have', 'why', 'should', 'I', 'sweat', 'to', 'build', 'it', 'back', 'in', 'my', 'country', 'when', 'here', 'its', 'ready', 'to', 'be', 'taken', 'No', 'thanks'] 1 0 0 | |
E02045 The EU should have open borders with poor countries against ['If', 'we', 'need', 'work', 'force', 'we', 'should', 'look', 'for', 'Europeans', 'to', 'come', 'not', 'for', 'Afrikans', 'Arabic', 'and', 'Muslims'] 1 0 0 | |
E02062 We need a common migration and asylum policy, based on respect for rights and equal treatment against ['The', 'EU', 'should', 'treat', 'economic', 'migrants', 'with', 'more', 'vigilance', 'They', 'cannot', 'be', 'the', 'solution', 'to', 'the', 'aging', 'European', 'population', 'We', 'need', 'more', 'focus', 'on', 'border', 'control', 'to', 'curb', 'illegal', 'migration'] 1 1 0 | |
E02073 We need to change the immigration policy to prevent illegal crossing against ['Mass', 'immigration', 'is', 'the', 'biggest', 'existential', 'threat', 'to', 'the', 'EU', 'The', 'UNCHR', 'has', 'already', '70', 'million', 'registered', 'refugees', 'mainly', 'from', 'Africa', 'and', 'the', 'ME', 'In', 'Africa', '400', 'million', 'like', 'to', 'come', 'to', 'the', 'EU', 'Almost', 'all', 'people', 'are', 'without', 'a', 'useful', 'education', 'There', 'is', 'no', 'other', 'solution', 'than', 'an', 'almost', 'total', 'stop', 'to', 'immigration'] 1 0 0 | |
E03030 There should be an EU citizenship against ['If', 'we', 'do', 'have', 'an', 'EU', 'citizenship', 'we', 'will', 'have', 'an', 'EU', 'country', 'and', 'EU', 'already', 'proved', 'to', 'be', 'no', 'good', 'dealing', 'with', 'problems', 'and', 'is', 'extremely', 'undemocratic', 'and', 'not', 'listening', 'to', 'the', 'people'] 1 1 0 | |
E04023 We need an inclusive language for all citizens of the world: the Esperanto. against ['If', 'there', 'are', 'language', 'problems', 'we', 'need', 'to', 'work', 'on', 'national', 'integration', 'systems', 'eg', 'in', 'France', 'where', 'English', 'is', 'being', 'thought', 'in', 'French', 'language'] 1 0 0 | |
E04025 We need an inclusive language for all citizens of the world: the Esperanto. against ['English', 'is', 'ideal', 'as', 'it', 'is', 'spoken', 'internationally', 'as', 'the', 'language', 'of', 'commerce', 'travel', 'and', 'political', 'exchange', 'Esperanto', 'isnt'] 1 0 0 | |
E04043 We need legal ways of migration. against ['Migrants', 'have', 'a', 'complete', 'lack', 'of', 'critical', 'thinking'] 1 0 0 | |
E04054 The European Union should be harder towards irreparable migrants, those who do not value their lives in peace, security, and prosperity. against ['Migrants', 'have', 'an', 'enormous', 'amount', 'to', 'offer', 'in', 'energy', 'new', 'ideas', 'and', 'cultures', 'Why', 'this', 'emphasis', 'on', 'imaginary', 'takeovers'] 1 0 0 | |
E04090 We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries against ['Migration', 'has', 'been', 'a', 'fact', 'of', 'history', 'and', 'successful', 'societies', 'have', 'found', 'ways', 'to', 'turn', 'migration', 'into', 'strength', 'In', 'our', 'case', 'in', 'order', 'to', 'alleviate', 'the', 'current', 'challenge', 'in', 'the', 'long', 'term', 'we', 'need', 'to', 'alleviate', 'migration', 'pressure', 'by', 'making', 'it', 'attractive', 'for', 'migrants', 'to', 'stay', 'put', 'and', 'help', 'develop', 'their', 'own', 'countries', 'Such', 'a', 'helpful', 'project', 'a', 'European', 'Marshal', 'Plan', 'for', 'Africa', 'would', 'be', 'a', 'good', 'project', 'to', 'invest', 'in', 'The', 'long-term', 'return', 'on', 'investment', 'would', 'be', 'more', 'than', 'financial:', 'A', 'friendly', 'neighbor', 'continent', 'good', 'relationships', 'access', 'to', 'the', 'African', 'market', 'and', 'natural', 'resources', 'That', 'is', 'not', 'a', 'short-term', 'fix', 'And', 'there', 'is', 'no', 'short-term', 'fix', 'We', 'have', 'to', 'play', 'the', 'long', 'game'] 1 0 0 | |
E04110 The EU should immediately end the refugee deal with Turkey. against ['Immigration', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'part', 'of', 'humanitarian', 'aid', 'Humanitarian', 'aid', 'should', 'be', 'delivered', 'directly', 'to', 'Africa', '/', 'Asia', 'The', 'Turkey', 'deal', 'should', 'eventually', 'be', 'abolished'] 1 0 0 | |
E05016 The EU should put more pressure on the non-euro area member states to adopt the single currency against ['There', 'is', 'a', 'reason', 'why', 'these', 'states', 'dont', 'want', 'to', 'join', 'the', 'common', 'currency:', 'their', 'economies', 'are', 'more', 'flexible', 'and', 'doing', 'far', 'better', 'without', 'it', 'If', 'we', 'really', 'want', 'more', 'countries', 'to', 'start', 'using', 'the', 'euro', 'we', 'need', 'to', 'make', 'the', 'euro', 'better', 'not', 'pressure', 'or', 'force', 'others', 'into', 'our', 'inefficient', 'system'] 1 0 0 | |
E05026 We need to ensure improvements to the European Union's decision-making processes with increased transparency and accountability against ['The', 'European', 'Parliament', 'in', 'its', 'current', 'form', 'is', 'completely', 'inadequate', 'at', 'representing', 'the', 'interests', 'of', 'all', 'citizens', 'including', 'the', 'labor', 'force', 'I', 'cannot', 'agree', 'to', 'give', 'it', 'more', 'power', 'until', 'it', 'is', 'ensured', 'that', 'the', 'MEPs', 'are', 'more', 'responsive', 'to', 'their', 'constituents', 'Electing', 'them', 'from', 'individual', 'election', 'districts', '(not', 'lists)', 'and', 'reducing', 'their', 'mandate', 'to', '2-3', 'years', 'would', 'be', 'a', 'good', 'first', 'step'] 1 0 0 | |
E05037 The EU must be confederal and not federal against ['We', 'need', 'a', 'real', 'and', 'effective', 'European', 'democracy', 'therefore', 'a', 'European', 'Federation'] 1 1 0 | |
E05039 We need to strengthen the participation of citizens in the design and processes of the EU against ['First', 'we', 'should', 'empower', 'people', 'more:', 'put', 'an', 'emphasis', 'on', 'education', 'and', 'build', 'a', 'control', 'mechanism', 'for', 'internet', 'propaganda', 'eg', 'force', 'transparency', 'on', 'which', 'content', 'is', 'truly', 'human', 'and', 'which', 'is', 'sponsored', 'or', 'created', 'by', 'organizations', 'and', 'companies', 'Second', 'we', 'should', 'criminalize', 'deliberate', 'misinformation', 'properly', 'Third', 'we', 'should', 'restructure', 'the', 'representation', 'of', 'people', 'in', 'the', 'European', 'Union', 'After', 'all', 'the', 'above-mentioned', 'we', 'can', 'think', 'about', 'establishing', 'a', 'more', 'binding', 'role', 'of', 'petitions', 'to', 'the', 'European', 'Parliament'] 1 0 0 | |
E05048 The president of the European Commission should be elected by the people of the EU against ['In', 'Germany', 'the', 'President', 'of', 'the', 'Executive', 'is', 'not', 'elected', 'by', 'the', 'people', 'directly', 'either', 'The', 'reason', 'for', 'this', 'is', 'the', 'horrible', 'experience', 'during', 'the', 'Third', 'Reich', 'The', 'Parliament', '-', 'as', 'the', 'only', 'constitutional', 'institution', 'being', 'directly', 'elected', '-', 'has', 'a', 'stronger', 'stand', 'if', 'the', 'President', 'is', 'not', 'elected', 'directly', 'However', 'I', 'definitely', 'support', 'that', 'the', 'Parliament', 'becomes', 'stronger', 'and', 'more', 'influential'] 1 1 0 | |
E05062 Council meetings should be open to the public and the press against ['It', 'would', 'render', 'the', 'meetings', 'useless', 'since', 'they', 'would', 'only', 'be', 'able', 'to', 'express', 'official', 'statements', 'and', 'instead', 'negotiate', 'new', 'ideas', 'without', 'pressure'] 1 0 0 | |
E05066 Voting for European Parliament Elections should be mandatory against ['High', 'voter', 'turnout', 'is', 'usually', 'desirable', 'but', 'its', 'a', 'symptom', 'not', 'the', 'root', 'cause', 'Forcing', 'people', 'to', 'go', 'to', 'the', 'polls', 'doesnt', 'mean', 'they', 'will', 'make', 'more', 'informed', 'choices', 'Besides', 'voter', 'turnout', 'is', 'a', 'good', 'metric', 'that', 'tells', 'us', 'where', 'the', 'potential', 'problems', 'of', 'voter', 'disenfranchisement', 'are', 'which', 'is', 'the', 'first', 'step', 'to', 'addressing', 'them'] 1 0 0 | |
E05074 The president of the European Commission should be elected by the people of the EU against ['The', 'European', 'Commission', 'has', 'to', 'be', 'independent', 'It', 'is', 'not', 'allowed', 'to', 'take', 'instructions', 'from', 'any', 'country', 'lobby', 'group', 'or', 'anyone', 'else', 'An', 'elected', 'head', 'of', 'the', 'Commission', 'would', 'make', 'nonsense', 'of', 'the', 'principle', 'of', 'independence', 'that', 'is', 'vital', 'to', 'the', 'trust', 'in', 'the', 'Commissions', 'job', 'He', 'or', 'she', 'would', 'be', 'beholden', 'to', 'the', 'group', 'that', 'elected', 'him', 'or', 'her', 'and', 'make', 'the', 'job', 'impossible'] 1 0 0 | |
E05083 The President of the European Commission should be directly elected by direct universal suffrage against ['I', 'dont', 'think', 'the', 'EU', 'needs', 'the', 'same', 'problem', 'as', 'France', 'where', 'the', 'elections', 'are', 'just', 'about', 'which', 'guy', 'people', 'should', 'select', 'and', 'which', 'candidate', 'looks', 'the', 'best', 'to', 'handle', 'the', 'position'] 1 0 0 | |
E05089 EU needs an action plan against digital addiction against ['Technology', 'brings', 'people', 'together', 'when', 'they', 'are', 'distant', 'accelerates', 'bureaucratic', 'procedures', 'it', 'allows', 'us', 'to', 'work', 'from', 'home', 'or', 'from', 'any', 'country', 'in', 'the', 'EU', 'or', 'outside', 'It', 'allows', 'for', 'an', 'immense', 'flow', 'of', 'information', 'to', 'be', 'easily', 'accessible', 'to', 'us', 'As', 'long', 'as', 'people', 'do', 'not', 'want', 'to', 'do', 'illegal', 'online', 'activities', 'it', 'is', 'each', 'person’s', 'individual', 'decision', 'what', 'to', 'do', 'with', 'their', 'own', 'online', 'time', 'or', 'how', 'much', 'time', 'they', 'might', 'want', 'to', 'be', 'online'] 1 0 0 | |
E05148 Coronavirus protection should be advertised on TV and social media against ['Thats', 'a', 'terrible', 'idea', 'The', 'government', 'propaganda', 'machine', 'is', 'already', 'going', 'at', 'full', 'steam', 'Do', 'you', 'have', 'any', 'idea', 'what', 'the', 'psychological', 'impact', 'of', 'these', 'kinds', 'of', 'messages', 'is', 'when', 'you', 'blast', 'them', 'at', 'people', 'all', 'day', 'every', 'day', 'for', 'over', 'a', 'year', 'Depression', 'suicides', 'and', 'domestic', 'violence', 'are', 'all', 'the', 'consequences', 'of', 'living', 'in', 'a', 'hopeless', 'and', 'high-stress', 'environment', 'for', 'a', 'protracted', 'period', 'of', 'time', 'and', 'are', 'at', 'record', 'levels', 'throughout', 'Europe', 'In', 'this', 'entire', 'covid', 'crisis', 'the', 'so-called', 'health', 'experts', 'have', 'consequently', 'ignored', 'the', 'fact', 'that', 'your', 'mental', 'state', 'has', 'a', 'direct', 'influence', 'on', 'your', 'health', 'ie:', 'If', 'youre', 'stressed', 'out', 'youre', 'more', 'likely', 'to', 'get', 'sick', 'Instead', 'they', 'have', 'willfully', 'created', 'panic', 'Just', 'like', 'your', 'ad', 'would'] 1 0 0 | |
E06011 The EU needs more effective policies to combat online hate speech against ['I', 'have', 'advice', 'on', 'how', 'you', 'can', 'defend', 'against', 'anything', 'on', 'the', 'Internet', 'Turn', 'it', 'OFF', 'And', 'one', 'more', 'piece', 'of', 'advice', 'try', 'to', 'study', 'something', 'about', 'freedom', 'and', 'responsibility', 'they', 'are', 'not', 'just', 'mere', 'words', 'Plato', 'Socrates', 'Hayek', 'Borovský', 'Auberon', 'Herbert', 'Herbert', 'Spencer', 'Roger', 'Scruton', 'Ronald', 'Reagan', '(speeches)', 'Ben', 'Shapiro', 'Jordan', 'Peterson', 'There', 'are', 'texts', 'thousands', 'of', 'years', 'old', 'and', 'also', 'recent', 'books', 'you', 'can', 'start', 'anywhere', 'you', 'wish'] 1 0 0 | |
E06026 The EU should ensure a free, independent, and functioning judiciary in its Member States against ['The', 'administration', 'of', 'justice', 'is', 'a', 'member', 'state', 'competence', 'Shadowy', 'attempts', 'by', 'federalist', 'institutions', 'to', 'enhance', 'their', 'influence', 'at', 'the', 'expense', 'of', 'the', 'sovereign', 'member', 'states', 'are', 'contrary', 'to', 'the', 'letter', 'of', 'the', 'EU', 'Treaties', 'counter-productive', 'and', 'have', 'contributed', 'greatly', 'to', 'the', 'crisis', 'of', 'the', 'EU', 'by', 'alienating', 'national', 'institutions', 'This', 'is', 'especially', 'the', 'case', 'for', 'courts', 'Several', 'member', 'states', 'high', 'courts', 'have', 'declared', 'the', 'ECJ', 'ultra', 'vires', '(acting', 'beyond', 'its', 'powers)', 'This', 'lawlessness', 'on', 'the', 'part', 'of', 'federalist', 'institutions', 'must', 'stop', 'with', 'immediate', 'effect', 'and', 'we', 'must', 'reaffirm', 'the', 'principles', 'of', 'subsidiarity', 'and', 'conferral'] 1 0 0 | |
E07009 The EU needs tougher border protection against ['Building', 'walls', 'is', 'a', 'sign', 'of', 'fear', 'and', 'weakness'] 1 0 0 | |
E07014 There should be a common EU migration and asylum policy against ['A', 'common', 'policy', 'is', 'a', 'completely', 'wrong', 'solution', 'It', 'will', 'only', 'lead', 'to', 'the', 'fact', 'that', 'the', 'system', 'will', 'be', 'fully', 'implemented', 'on', 'the', 'terms', 'of', 'Sweden', 'and', 'Germany', 'who', 'support', 'open', 'borders', 'and', 'will', 'bring', 'down', 'the', 'entire', 'EU', 'and', 'the', 'traditional', 'welfare', 'states'] 1 0 0 | |
E07034 We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries against ['Just', 'arguing', 'to', 'keep', 'migrants', 'out', 'is', 'very', 'shortsighted', 'and', 'unhistorical', 'By', 'keeping', 'migrants', 'out', 'migration', 'pressure', 'will', 'not', 'abate', 'So', 'what', 'do', 'you', 'suggest', 'for', 'next', 'year', '10', 'years', 'from', 'now'] 1 0 0 | |
E07035 We do not need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries against ['Migration', 'has', 'been', 'a', 'fact', 'of', 'history', 'and', 'successful', 'societies', 'have', 'found', 'ways', 'to', 'turn', 'migration', 'into', 'strength', 'In', 'our', 'case', 'in', 'order', 'to', 'alleviate', 'the', 'current', 'challenge', 'in', 'the', 'long', 'term', 'we', 'need', 'to', 'alleviate', 'migration', 'pressure', 'by', 'making', 'it', 'attractive', 'for', 'migrants', 'to', 'stay', 'put', 'and', 'help', 'develop', 'their', 'own', 'countries', 'Such', 'a', 'helpful', 'project', 'a', 'European', 'Marshal', 'Plan', 'for', 'Africa', 'would', 'be', 'a', 'good', 'project', 'to', 'invest', 'in', 'The', 'long-term', 'return', 'on', 'investment', 'would', 'be', 'more', 'than', 'financial:', 'A', 'friendly', 'neighbor', 'continent', 'good', 'relationships', 'access', 'to', 'the', 'African', 'market', 'and', 'natural', 'resources', 'That', 'is', 'not', 'a', 'short-term', 'fix', 'And', 'there', 'is', 'no', 'short-term', 'fix', 'We', 'have', 'to', 'play', 'the', 'long', 'game'] 1 0 1 | |
E07051 We need a single immigration policy. against ['What', 'we', 'are', 'now', 'seeing', 'are', 'the', 'first', 'waves', 'of', 'a', 'human', 'tsunami', 'In', 'sub-Saharan', 'Africa', 'over', 'years', 'the', 'population', 'will', 'have', 'grown', 'to', '20', 'billion', 'That', 'is', 'more', 'than', 'the', 'people', 'who', 'live', 'in', 'the', 'EU', 'and', 'US', 'today', 'At', 'the', 'same', 'time', 'the', 'Population', 'in', 'the', 'EU', 'is', 'shrinking', 'When', 'we', 'keep', 'the', 'border', 'open', 'the', 'EU', 'as', 'a', 'viable', 'society', 'will', 'disappear', 'Not', 'much', 'of', 'a', 'future', 'for', 'the', 'young', 'Europeans'] 1 0 0 | |
E07052 We need a better distribution of refugees against ['The', 'key', 'to', 'successful', 'immigration', 'depends', 'upon', 'the', 'possibility', 'of', 'employment', 'So', 'EU', 'members', 'are', 'to', 'decide', 'whom', 'they', 'want', 'to', 'admit'] 1 1 0 | |
E07053 We need a better distribution of refugees against ['Illegal', 'immigrants', 'have', 'to', 'be', 'returned', 'to', 'UN', 'refugee', 'camps'] 1 0 0 | |
E07063 The EU should immediately end the refugee deal with Turkey. against ['The', 'EU', 'leadership', 'fails', 'to', 'carry', 'out', 'its', 'fundamental', 'duties:', 'guard', 'its', 'border', 'and', 'protect', 'its', 'own', 'people', 'Even', '30', 'years', 'after', 'Schengen', 'was', 'introduced'] 1 0 0 | |
E07064 The EU should immediately end the refugee deal with Turkey. against ['Immigration', 'should', 'not', 'be', 'part', 'of', 'humanitarian', 'aid', 'Humanitarian', 'aid', 'should', 'be', 'delivered', 'directly', 'to', 'Africa', '/', 'Asia', 'The', 'Turkey', 'deal', 'should', 'eventually', 'be', 'abolished'] 1 0 0 | |
E07094 We need a better distribution of refugees. against ['If', 'you', 'want', 'migrants', 'invite', 'them', 'into', 'your', 'home'] 1 0 0 | |
E07113 The EU should conclude an agreement with the United Kingdom and create together a European pillar of NATO against ['Forty', 'years', 'of', 'UK', 'membership', 'in', 'the', 'European', 'Union', 'have', 'clearly', 'proven', 'that', 'it', 'is', 'not', 'a', 'good', 'idea', 'to', 'conclude', 'agreements', 'with', 'England'] 1 0 0 | |
E07134 We don't need immigration from non-European or non-first-world countries. against ['What', 'are', 'you', '5', 'And', 'what', 'do', 'you', 'mean', 'by', 'first-world', 'Should', 'we', 'create', 'a', 'task', 'force', 'just', 'to', 'understand', 'what', 'countries', 'are', 'to', 'be', 'considered', 'the', 'first', 'world', 'Is', 'it', 'the', 'money', 'The', 'religion', 'The', 'food', 'Their', 'political', 'system', 'And', 'then', 'reevaluate', 'each', 'year', 'This', 'comment', 'is', 'plain', 'ignorant'] 1 0 0 | |
E07159 Foreign Policy at the EU level should be based on an absolute majority, not unanimity. against ['Changing', 'the', 'EU', 'foreign', 'policy', 'voting', 'procedure', 'will', 'cause', 'serious', 'problems'] 1 0 0 | |
E07183 We need an inclusive language for all citizens of the world: the Esperanto. against ['If', 'there', 'are', 'language', 'problems', 'we', 'need', 'to', 'work', 'on', 'national', 'integration', 'systems', 'eg', 'in', 'France', 'where', 'English', 'is', 'being', 'thought', 'in', 'French', 'language'] 1 0 0 | |
E07185 We need an inclusive language for all citizens of the world: the Esperanto. against ['English', 'is', 'ideal', 'as', 'it', 'is', 'spoken', 'internationally', 'as', 'the', 'language', 'of', 'commerce', 'travel', 'and', 'political', 'exchange', 'Esperanto', 'isnt'] 1 0 0 | |
E07217 Every young European should be asked to go live in another country for 1 year at least against ['If', 'young', 'Europeans', 'are', 'living', 'abroad', 'they', 'will', 'feel', 'racism', 'on', 'their', 'own', 'in', 'the', 'country', 'they', 'are', 'living', 'in'] 1 0 0 | |
E07232 The EU should reduce its influence on its member states. against ['We', 'can', 'have', 'a', 'strong', 'federal', 'Europe', 'that', 'will', 'protect', 'the', 'rights', 'of', 'individuals', 'and', 'communities', 'that', 'will', 'have', 'the', 'power', 'to', 'tackle', 'the', 'climate', 'emergency', 'and', 'stand', 'up', 'to', 'other', 'superpowers', 'Lets', 'go', 'forward', 'and', 'make', 'the', 'EU', 'the', 'shared', 'home', 'that', 'we', 'all', 'want', 'to', 'live', 'in', 'that', 'can', 'lead', 'the', 'world', 'in', 'dealing', 'with', 'the', 'problems', 'we', 'face', 'on', 'our', 'planet'] 1 1 0 | |
E07242 The European Union should be harder towards irreparable migrants, those who do not value their lives in peace, security, and prosperity. against ['Migrants', 'have', 'an', 'enormous', 'amount', 'to', 'offer', 'in', 'energy', 'new', 'ideas', 'and', 'cultures', 'Why', 'this', 'emphasis', 'on', 'imaginary', 'takeovers'] 1 0 0 | |
E07249 The EU should play a major role in a multipolar world against ['There', 'is', 'enough', 'environmental', 'task', 'to', 'handle', 'and', 'Europe', 'have', 'had', 'its', 'wars', 'But', 'to', 'streamline', 'our', 'powers', 'and', 'therefore', 'try', 'to', 'save', 'huge', 'amounts', 'of', 'money', 'is', 'a', 'no-brainer'] 1 0 1 | |
E07259 We need legal ways of migration. against ['Migrants', 'have', 'a', 'complete', 'lack', 'of', 'critical', 'thinking'] 1 0 0 | |
E07260 We need legal ways of migration. against ['Migrants', 'willingly', 'risk', 'their', 'lives'] 1 0 0 | |
E07261 We need legal ways of migration. against ['Migrants', 'depend', 'on', 'other', 'countries', 'social', 'systems'] 1 0 0 | |