text,start,duration hey everyone David Shapiro here with a,1.079,5.461 video so quick update I'm going to try,3.6,5.76 and start releasing on every Sunday uh,6.54,5.22 followed by a live stream q a they do,9.36,4.439 that on the Y files and it's super lots,11.76,3.12 of fun,13.799,4.021 um and I did a random uh live stream q a,14.88,5.34 uh just the other night and I had a lot,17.82,5.219 of fun so like why not okay so anyways,20.22,4.979 today's video is infinite life,23.039,5.281 biological immortality by 2030.,25.199,5.4 so for some background,28.32,4.739 um uh Ray Kurzweil uh recently was,30.599,4.441 quoted on Popular Mechanics as having,33.059,4.201 said we are on track to achieve,35.04,6.24 biological immortality by 2030. so,37.26,5.819 there's a few component contributing,41.28,3.779 factors that lead to this uh conclusion,43.079,4.5 so first obviously exponential rise of,45.059,4.561 AI we can solve problems science is,47.579,4.8 happening faster etc etc then you get,49.62,4.5 compounding returns,52.379,4.081 so some of those compounding returns are,54.12,4.86 things like Alpha fold mRNA vaccines and,56.46,5.4 so on combined with AI then the AI is,58.98,4.8 being used to make better dyes for,61.86,4.32 machine learning models so on and so,63.78,5.64 forth then there's nanotech so there was,66.18,7.5 a recent thing on um out of Israel where,69.42,6.96 uh tiny you know nanoparticle size,73.68,5.28 robots were able to track and capture,76.38,5.279 individual cells and then Quantum,78.96,6.18 Computing so those four things are all,81.659,5.701 contributing to say okay we're on an,85.14,5.58 exponential ramp up uh longevity escape,87.36,5.7 velocity probably has been achieved or,90.72,4.8 will be very soon and for those who,93.06,4.32 don't know longevity escape velocity is,95.52,5.099 the idea that life extending therapies,97.38,5.699 are going faster than real time so that,100.619,4.201 means for every year that you age you,103.079,3.54 get more than a year back in terms of,104.82,4.74 medical breakthroughs,106.619,4.981 so all this is to say is that we're,109.56,4.86 heading towards an iPhone moment of,111.6,4.979 longevity medicine or regenerative,114.42,3.12 medicine,116.579,3.9 and so what I mean by that is that uh,117.54,5.039 new technologies tend to combine in,120.479,4.621 unexpected ways which create which,122.579,5.941 unlock entirely new domains and uh and,125.1,5.879 markets and so on so in the case of the,128.52,4.68 iPhone it had to do with miniaturization,130.979,3.721 you know miniaturization of touch,133.2,3.44 screens miniaturizations of compute,134.7,4.14 Advanced Battery Technology and wireless,136.64,4.48 internet so those three things combined,138.84,4.32 to create the possibility for the iPhone,141.12,4.14 and then once it exists it's like well,143.16,4.5 duh of course that's the way to go,145.26,5.16 so when you look at the combination of,147.66,5.64 alpha fold protein science mRNA vaccines,150.42,5.52 DNA printers artificial intelligence,153.3,5.4 Quantum Computing Material Science all,155.94,4.2 of this is almost certainly to to,158.7,4.2 combine in unexpected ways and create,160.14,5.34 entirely new possibilities neurolink,162.9,4.8 might be like Child's Play compared to,165.48,3.92 what's actually possible,167.7,5.34 reality is often Stranger Than Fiction,169.4,5.8 uh before we dive into the rest of the,173.04,3.72 video I just want to take a quick break,175.2,3.36 to say that uh today's video is,176.76,3.72 sponsored by all of you my patreon,178.56,3.36 supporters,180.48,3.6 um and just this morning well by the,181.92,3.24 time you're watching this it'll be like,184.08,2.76 yesterday or whenever,185.16,5.82 um a morning in the past uh I added a,186.84,7.2 Discord server uh exclusive for my,190.98,4.5 patreon supporters and it's already,194.04,3.54 popping there's already like 150 people,195.48,4.02 uh in it,197.58,4.62 um it is uh really sharp people which,199.5,4.739 doesn't surprise me um but great,202.2,4.2 conversations over there already any,204.239,5.161 patreon tier will get you access but I,206.4,6.0 do have some exclusive tiers uh for,209.4,5.64 higher uh higher tier patreon supporters,212.4,4.44 just that way you get a little bit more,215.04,3.839 kind of exclusive access and I know who,216.84,3.899 to prioritize,218.879,3.601 um but yeah so Jump On In if you'd like,220.739,4.981 and with that back to the show so for,222.48,5.22 the sake of argument let I'm not gonna,225.72,3.9 I'm not gonna spend any time unpacking,227.7,4.02 the problems that need to be solved,229.62,3.78 because there's millions of problems,231.72,4.2 that need to be solved for uh biological,233.4,5.399 immortality by 2030 or indefinite,235.92,5.52 lifespan as um people like Aubry degree,238.799,4.921 call it but let's just assume that it,241.44,3.9 happens let's assume that Rey's,243.72,3.239 prediction is correct,245.34,3.959 where do we go from here,246.959,6.301 so I want to unpack a few ideas this is,249.299,6.601 kind of how I prognosticate so let's,253.26,5.4 take a look at Social reactions so how,255.9,4.559 is society going to react on an,258.66,3.96 individual basis are people going to,260.459,4.321 accept it or reject it and if they do,262.62,4.44 what does that look like number two is,264.78,4.02 let's look at the economic impact is,267.06,4.62 this going to help equality or or move,268.8,5.399 us towards inequality number three is,271.68,5.28 we're going to look at Lifestyles so you,274.199,4.801 know the I I had this slide and someone,276.96,3.84 asked on the live stream are we just,279.0,3.72 going to be hedonists if we live forever,280.8,3.66 and we can abuse our bodies or are we,282.72,3.18 going to do something else so I have,284.46,4.2 some ideas about that number four is,285.9,5.28 innovation or stagnation so this is at a,288.66,4.86 species level so one thing that people,291.18,3.78 are afraid of and they've explored this,293.52,5.76 in fiction is if we if we live forever,294.96,6.179 we might become very risk averse and we,299.28,4.199 just kind of become decadent and and,301.139,4.021 self-indulgent and we kind of don't go,303.479,4.741 anywhere again I got some ideas and I'll,305.16,4.14 let you know,308.22,4.44 uh five and six basically I'm gonna do,309.3,5.22 some forecasting to see what life is,312.66,3.9 going to look like in 200 years in 2000,314.52,4.56 years obviously most of my predictions,316.56,4.199 well I want to say most many of my,319.08,3.6 predictions are hilariously wrong but,320.759,3.301 it's food for thought so let's Dive,322.68,2.34 Right In,324.06,4.02 so on the social reaction part,325.02,4.86 um many people I suspect that many,328.08,3.839 people will reject immortality for,329.88,4.259 Spiritual philosophical and ethical,331.919,4.981 reasons but also many people will,334.139,4.861 embrace it this is assuming that it's a,336.9,4.56 choice I I suspect it will be a choice I,339.0,4.08 don't think anyone's going to be to have,341.46,3.72 immortality inflicted on them or,343.08,3.66 indefinite lifespan inflicted on them,345.18,3.9 that would be deeply unethical,346.74,5.399 uh but one of the key things is there's,349.08,5.04 many cultures and many people have a,352.139,3.601 belief that death is what gives meaning,354.12,3.66 to life,355.74,4.799 um my personal take is maybe this is,357.78,4.68 just some self-soothing nonsense because,360.539,3.781 we are trying to cope with the,362.46,4.2 inevitability of death but if you have a,364.32,3.659 pill that you can take or an injection,366.66,2.7 that you can get that says suddenly you,367.979,2.881 don't have to worry about death,369.36,2.94 I think that a lot of people would take,370.86,4.559 that because we're all a lot I mean,372.3,5.28 pretty much everyone has a an intrinsic,375.419,4.041 biological fear of death,377.58,4.02 but it's inevitable and that's kind of,379.46,3.88 like a that's kind of a sick joke of,381.6,3.439 evolution,383.34,4.74 those biological entities that are most,385.039,4.72 afraid of death and work hardest to,388.08,3.899 avoid it are more likely to pass on,389.759,4.081 their genes but then they inevitably die,391.979,4.44 anyways so that's kind of kind of kind,393.84,4.02 of not cool,396.419,4.381 now uh I think it's gonna split in,397.86,5.64 basically two different directions so I,400.8,4.38 called the first Direction the,403.5,3.6 mortalitasi which I borrowed from uh,405.18,5.28 from Dragon Age actually uh basically,407.1,6.0 people that are that believe in death,410.46,4.14 um people that maybe not obsessed with,413.1,3.12 death but people that believe that,414.6,4.5 mortality is good and then on the other,416.22,4.5 hand are the methuselahs the people that,419.1,3.42 want to live forever and that I borrowed,420.72,3.36 from altered carbon so I can't take any,422.52,2.94 credit for those terms I just said oh,424.08,3.48 hey here's the term,425.46,5.34 um so on the one hand you know when,427.56,5.34 people might have made the argument oh,430.8,3.72 well we were never meant to live this,432.9,3.359 long anyways but nobody's really saying,434.52,3.239 like well let's bring back tuberculosis,436.259,3.84 right so if you can cure aging if you,437.759,3.84 can cure heart disease if you can cure,440.099,3.781 cancer if you if you look at these,441.599,4.32 things as just diseases that are curable,443.88,4.02 then it's not a matter of immortality,445.919,3.661 because you we can't force someone to,447.9,3.06 live rather you can still die from,449.58,4.26 accidents right uh but you're not going,450.96,4.739 to die from aging and age-related,453.84,3.12 diseases,455.699,3.961 so that's kind of the dichotomy so let's,456.96,5.82 take a closer look at the social side so,459.66,6.439 on the reject side on the on the on the,462.78,6.84 mortalitasi side uh basically there's,466.099,5.741 actually some really strong arguments to,469.62,4.74 be made that aging and death are good,471.84,4.56 and this is from an evolutionary,474.36,3.66 perspective and I'm not going to read,476.4,3.12 all of these to you,478.02,4.079 um like one by one but basically whether,479.52,4.98 you take it from a spiritual perspective,482.099,5.521 or a scientific perspective there are,484.5,5.22 some some compelling arguments to be,487.62,5.04 made that maybe we are supposed to age,489.72,4.62 and die,492.66,3.599 uh to give way to the younger,494.34,4.259 generations and so on and you know,496.259,4.261 there's been bombings and riots over,498.599,4.261 pro-life and and pro-choice abortion,500.52,4.38 rights here in America uh you can,502.86,4.679 imagine that there will probably be some,504.9,6.84 uh some grumpiness over uh the rise of,507.539,6.481 of biological immortality,511.74,5.219 now on the accept side we also have some,514.02,4.68 models from fiction,516.959,3.721 um namely like the Baku from Star Trek,518.7,4.56 insurrection which is a a village of,520.68,4.5 people that they settled on a planet,523.26,3.12 that made them Immortal and they,525.18,2.88 basically formed an Eco Village before,526.38,4.139 Eco Villages were cool and then the,528.06,4.32 asari for Mass Effect now the asari for,530.519,3.361 Mass Effect are not Immortal but they,532.38,3.84 live a long time and so that's still a,533.88,4.5 good exploration of okay well if you,536.22,4.08 start thinking in terms of centuries in,538.38,4.74 Millennia how does your life change,540.3,5.039 so for those who accept biological,543.12,4.56 immortality I suspect that some people,545.339,3.721 are going to slow down and some people,547.68,3.24 are going to speed up so on the slow,549.06,4.2 downside you might say that like you're,550.92,3.539 going to spend more time mastering the,553.26,4.139 Arts and Sciences you might settle into,554.459,6.181 comfortable routines for centuries on,557.399,6.06 the speeding up side you might live Hard,560.64,4.8 Play Hard right if you if you have,563.459,3.961 regenerative medicine that allows you to,565.44,3.72 do whatever you want you might just,567.42,3.78 wander the globe,569.16,4.08 um one of the biggest social changes I,571.2,3.9 think though will be reproduction and,573.24,4.02 family structure because think of it,575.1,3.12 this way,577.26,3.36 most people once they get to a certain,578.22,4.38 age and they're empty nesters they kind,580.62,3.48 of get lonely and bored right you know,582.6,4.08 you you get a a single family home a,584.1,4.44 nuclear family home and then your,586.68,3.24 children grow up and they leave and then,588.54,3.84 you have an empty house some couples are,589.92,4.08 perfectly fine they're like oh finally,592.38,3.3 the house is empty,594.0,3.959 um and peace and quiet uh and some that,595.68,4.02 some people will absolutely continue to,597.959,3.301 live like that probably for centuries,599.7,5.34 now on the other hand uh many people,601.26,5.699 once they're empty nesters once they,605.04,3.96 realize hey you know I've I've had my,606.959,3.121 children and I don't want to have any,609.0,3.24 more some people if if you're,610.08,4.14 biologically 20 years old forever you,612.24,3.539 might have more children I certainly,614.22,3.0 expect some people are just going to be,615.779,3.421 churning them out because that just,617.22,4.619 seems to be what they want to do but I,619.2,4.44 think other people will basically just,621.839,3.841 kind of all gravitate towards,623.64,3.96 um like retirement communities but since,625.68,3.36 we're all going to live forever it's,627.6,4.38 like retirement community okay sure so,629.04,4.739 that's kind of the dichotomy there for,631.98,3.72 the initial social reaction you know,633.779,4.261 except versus reject,635.7,4.62 now on the economic side,638.04,5.4 you know the possibility of living,640.32,6.9 forever uh is who this is super loaded,643.44,6.12 because Here's the the big question is,647.22,5.4 whether or not uh longevity medicine is,649.56,5.519 cheap and accessible if longevity,652.62,4.74 medicine is not cheap and accessible if,655.079,3.841 it's reserved for the wealthy and the,657.36,3.24 elite then we're going to end up with,658.92,3.72 like God emperor of all mankind level,660.6,4.14 and stuff,662.64,3.48 um I don't believe that's the direction,664.74,2.76 that it's going to go but I needed to,666.12,3.06 address this because it is a very real,667.5,3.72 possibility this was explored in the,669.18,3.839 show alter of show and books altered,671.22,3.359 carbon and that's where they got the,673.019,3.721 term methuselahs so the meths or the,674.579,3.901 methuselahs are the wealthy Elite who,676.74,3.9 can afford all of the safeguards to,678.48,3.96 ensure that they are Immortal now in,680.64,3.54 Altered carbon not only are they,682.44,3.18 biologically Immortal but they have,684.18,3.54 backups and clones that they can you,685.62,4.98 know transfer their Consciousness into,687.72,5.58 um you know I'm not I'm not above saying,690.6,4.14 maybe that's possible because when I,693.3,3.719 talk about those compounding returns I,694.74,3.42 don't know what's possible and I don't,697.019,2.701 know what's impossible,698.16,5.58 so if we have the capacity to live,699.72,6.299 forever oh and so really important side,703.74,6.0 note even if uh life-extending medicine,706.019,5.88 is cheap and accessible for all that,709.74,4.2 doesn't guarantee that we don't end up,711.899,3.601 in a dystopian hell because you might,713.94,3.78 still end up with concentrations of,715.5,4.98 wealth and power and nobody really wants,717.72,4.559 to live in a dystopian hell forever,720.48,4.38 that's like the worst of Both Worlds so,722.279,4.021 let's not do that,724.86,4.02 okay so if we want to avoid that outcome,726.3,6.96 and we want to move towards equality uh,728.88,6.6 we have basically you have to assume,733.26,3.96 that some people are going to want to,735.48,3.599 accumulate wealth and power that's just,737.22,4.32 human nature right that there there are,739.079,5.281 there's a you there's absolutely always,741.54,4.919 utility and having more money having,744.36,3.84 more power even above and beyond what,746.459,4.081 you actually need but the more money,748.2,3.84 that you have the more options you have,750.54,3.96 right and humans need autonomy and,752.04,4.38 self-determination,754.5,3.3 um so that's just you know Maslow's,756.42,2.76 hierarchy of needs the more money you,757.8,3.0 have the higher up on that you can get,759.18,3.06 quicker,760.8,5.099 so with that assumption the question,762.24,5.159 then becomes how do the rest of us,765.899,3.361 create and build and maintain a system,767.399,4.201 that ensures that it's not too lopsided,769.26,4.079 or that even if there are wealthy and,771.6,3.299 powerful people they can't harm the rest,773.339,3.18 of us,774.899,2.701 so,776.519,3.0 I'm not gonna say like you know seize,777.6,4.919 the means of production however when I,779.519,5.461 was having the the Q a uh the other,782.519,3.361 night,784.98,2.7 um people were talking about like using,785.88,4.38 AI to manage resources to manage,787.68,4.56 companies and so on and that's when a,790.26,4.199 little like bell went off in my head and,792.24,4.14 I was like wait that's what Dows are for,794.459,3.12 so if you're not familiar with what a,796.38,4.199 dow is it's a decentralized autonomous,797.579,6.301 organization so a dow is uses blockchain,800.579,4.56 technology and they're pretty much,803.88,5.34 perfect for AI to run things now in the,805.139,5.88 short term I don't think that Dows are,809.22,4.32 going to run the whole world but I think,811.019,3.601 that we're going to start seeing,813.54,3.18 experiments where dowels run things like,814.62,4.44 maybe homeowners associations and small,816.72,4.38 companies and that sort of thing and if,819.06,5.219 the technology is proven out it could be,821.1,5.64 that Dows are the way that we transition,824.279,5.461 to a more algorithmic kind of,826.74,5.64 technocracy a good technocracy where the,829.74,4.44 AI is all debate and integrate our,832.38,3.66 information and our needs and then,834.18,3.42 figure out the best way to manage things,836.04,4.739 so that's one possibility there's plenty,837.6,5.58 of other possibilities so if you and I,840.779,4.381 didn't come up with this idea by the way,843.18,3.719 um the first place I saw that book was a,845.16,4.859 a that idea was a book called liquid,846.899,4.581 rain uh,850.019,5.401 r-e-i-g-n good well-researched book,851.48,6.22 um the author is in English though or it,855.42,4.44 doesn't speak English natively so it,857.7,3.54 needed a little bit more editing but,859.86,3.96 still a good good book,861.24,5.159 now on the other hand,863.82,4.92 if everyone is going to live forever and,866.399,5.341 it's cheap then we might very well slip,868.74,4.2 towards,871.74,3.719 Eternal Injustice which you know we keep,872.94,5.339 making grimdark movies and TV and books,875.459,4.201 and video games about that so that's,878.279,3.601 something that we're all afraid of so,879.66,4.38 between corporate greed I said Corporal,881.88,5.519 greed oops typo corporate greed and,884.04,5.88 political cronyism we it could end up,887.399,4.081 with technocrats that control everything,889.92,3.599 and then we get stuck in a dystopian,891.48,3.479 death spiral that we can never get out,893.519,3.06 of and it's just and it's a cyberpunk,894.959,3.961 hell but nobody really wants that except,896.579,4.62 for there's a few like really cynical,898.92,4.32 people who probably genuinely want that,901.199,4.561 but most of us don't want that,903.24,5.58 um so even even so if you saw my video,905.76,5.759 about the Malik or watch Liv bori and um,908.82,5.04 and Daniel schmachtenberger talking,911.519,5.041 about these really mysterious forces at,913.86,4.8 play that are going to push us towards,916.56,4.68 that that attractor State anyways no,918.66,4.56 matter what we do so we need to change,921.24,3.539 the game,923.22,3.119 um I have a whole other video about that,924.779,4.141 so check out my Malik video my in-game,926.339,5.101 video if you want to know more about how,928.92,4.8 to avoid that situation but I do need to,931.44,5.28 point out that longevity Medicine by no,933.72,5.58 means will automatically prevent that,936.72,4.799 and in fact it could push us towards,939.3,3.3 that,941.519,2.94 um so we need to be very careful,942.6,4.799 now on the topic of Hedonism versus,944.459,4.861 asceticism,947.399,4.62 um you know like what do we do right if,949.32,4.379 you know that you can just take a pill,952.019,3.961 you can abuse your body and if you party,953.699,3.841 too hard you just sleep it off for a,955.98,3.419 week and then you're back to normal like,957.54,4.919 are people gonna do that you know like I,959.399,4.74 don't know about you but in my early 20s,962.459,4.021 I was like yeah let's party,964.139,5.521 um and if I had a 20 year old body again,966.48,4.74 I'd probably do that again for a little,969.66,3.66 while so,971.22,4.44 this is this is an oversimplification,973.32,5.699 but one one uh Spectrum to think about,975.66,5.4 it is you can live hedonically or,979.019,4.26 hedonistically or ascetically,981.06,4.62 and so let's talk about the hedonic life,983.279,4.68 this is the obvious kind of like you,985.68,4.2 know just engage in wanting Hedonism for,987.959,3.901 however long you want because you know,989.88,3.6 that you'll be fine,991.86,4.32 one thing that I worry about here is,993.48,5.34 that if you are able to be saturated in,996.18,4.68 joy and pleasure you're going to become,998.82,3.84 numb to dopamine and you're going to be,1000.86,4.14 like constantly seeking the next biggest,1002.66,4.38 thing and so you know we have like,1005.0,4.019 digital minimalism and dopamine fasting,1007.04,3.84 and stuff so I think that that could be,1009.019,4.26 like an antidote to the hedonic life we,1010.88,4.259 might also come up with medicines that,1013.279,3.3 desensitize you or I guess maybe,1015.139,4.44 re-sensitize you to dopamine,1016.579,6.12 um but if we have like entire swaths of,1019.579,4.5 the population who do nothing but,1022.699,4.26 mindlessly pursue joy and pleasure like,1024.079,5.581 what's like what's the point does that,1026.959,5.1 maybe make life meaningless,1029.66,3.84 um and that'll be up to the individuals,1032.059,3.181 to discover I'm not going to make any,1033.5,3.54 judgments one way or another because,1035.24,4.559 even just pursuing experiences you can,1037.04,4.379 make a philosophical argument that that,1039.799,4.26 is a good thing and that longevity,1041.419,5.52 medicine can Empower us to have entirely,1044.059,6.261 new kinds of experiences so,1046.939,6.001 one way or another those experiences,1050.32,4.96 will probably be had now on the other,1052.94,4.5 hand there's the acidic life so acetic,1055.28,4.62 life is about basically living more like,1057.44,5.46 a monk or uh monastically where you,1059.9,4.8 deliberately deprive yourself of those,1062.9,3.54 Joys and Pleasures,1064.7,3.839 um and focus on developing a sense of,1066.44,4.859 satisfaction from uh and contentment,1068.539,6.321 through uh connection service reflection,1071.299,6.481 spiritual growth and so on,1074.86,5.62 and so what I want to say is that these,1077.78,4.38 are like extreme opposites I don't think,1080.48,3.72 most people are going to go to either,1082.16,3.899 opposite I think that most people are,1084.2,3.3 going to be balanced in there somewhere,1086.059,5.701 and so for myself in particular I,1087.5,6.179 usually like you know I try and have one,1091.76,4.26 or two like big social fun outings per,1093.679,4.141 week and then the rest of the time I,1096.02,4.26 focus on Research uh making YouTube,1097.82,4.08 videos,1100.28,4.32 um you know supporting my patreon uh,1101.9,6.18 supporters and so on and so you know I,1104.6,5.04 think it'll be just a matter of balance,1108.08,4.44 uh so this is not nearly as big of a,1109.64,5.039 deal I think as the econ the economic,1112.52,4.8 you know equality versus inequality,1114.679,6.24 now taking a step back though,1117.32,5.7 forget the economics for a second let's,1120.919,4.921 look at ourselves as a species will we,1123.02,4.86 stagnate or will we innovate if we,1125.84,6.24 achieve uh biological immortality so a,1127.88,5.76 quotation comes to mind and this is just,1132.08,3.719 a truism that is said in in the,1133.64,4.26 establishment which is science advances,1135.799,3.781 one funeral at a time,1137.9,5.76 so basically the idea is that uh if you,1139.58,6.0 know if if the status quo is maintained,1143.66,3.18 and the people that believe in the,1145.58,2.64 status quo live forever they continue,1146.84,3.48 maintaining the status quo forever and,1148.22,4.56 nothing ever changes so do people get,1150.32,3.96 stuck in their way,1152.78,3.3 um if people continue to get stuck in,1154.28,4.38 their way with biological immortality,1156.08,4.74 yeah we could end up being a very,1158.66,4.68 stagnant species now on the other hand,1160.82,5.16 maybe biological immortality helps,1163.34,4.74 people stay more open-minded maybe we,1165.98,3.78 even develop therapies that keep you,1168.08,3.54 open-minded and prevent your mind from,1169.76,5.52 calcifying and then hopefully we can get,1171.62,5.28 the best of both worlds and so what I,1175.28,3.3 mean by that is you're young you're,1176.9,3.659 Dynamic you're you you're open-minded,1178.58,4.08 but then you also get to accumulate,1180.559,4.441 centuries worth of wisdom so let's take,1182.66,4.68 a deeper dive into that so on the one,1185.0,4.98 hand we could end up with mass paralysis,1187.34,5.339 so imagine just do a thought experiment,1189.98,5.52 with me for a second imagine that during,1192.679,5.761 the um during uh the the height of the,1195.5,5.1 Spanish Empire the,1198.44,4.32 um the Conquistadors found the Fountain,1200.6,5.22 of of Youth and they were able to convey,1202.76,5.82 uh the magic of immortality to the king,1205.82,4.739 and queen of Spain who were deeply,1208.58,4.26 Catholic and then they were able to take,1210.559,4.74 that and then basically spread Spanish,1212.84,4.5 style Catholicism around the entire,1215.299,4.441 world 500 years ago,1217.34,4.86 and then the entire world was Frozen,1219.74,5.1 with that value system so things like,1222.2,4.68 slavery theocracy patriarchy and,1224.84,3.719 colonialism become the status quo,1226.88,3.12 forever,1228.559,3.12 or at least until something major,1230.0,3.36 happens because that doesn't preclude,1231.679,4.141 the possibility of Civil War Uprising,1233.36,4.74 that sort of thing but from a social,1235.82,4.14 perspective many of those people that,1238.1,3.6 think that hey you know colonialism and,1239.96,3.959 slavery was a good idea might still be,1241.7,5.28 alive today so what kind of values,1243.919,6.301 like need to be sunsetted with funerals,1246.98,5.4 so that's something that's that's the,1250.22,4.44 downside now I did think of an upside to,1252.38,3.6 this though,1254.66,4.92 with the rate of change of society it,1255.98,5.52 might actually be good to have some Old,1259.58,3.66 Guard people pushing the brakes more,1261.5,4.2 because I mean the world is changing,1263.24,4.98 really fast right now and maybe it's,1265.7,5.4 even too fast so if there's a few people,1268.22,4.44 that are a little bit more resistant,1271.1,3.42 that could be a good thing especially,1272.66,5.04 with AI ramping up and and who knows how,1274.52,4.98 fast life is going to change I'm not,1277.7,3.78 saying that it totally counterbalances,1279.5,3.84 it I'm just giving you some food for,1281.48,2.699 thought,1283.34,3.9 now on the other hand if all of our best,1284.179,5.101 Minds live forever whether they're,1287.24,4.64 social thinkers or scientists or or,1289.28,5.279 spiritual leaders or whatever if they,1291.88,5.02 all live forever like that could,1294.559,3.721 actually be really good and that could,1296.9,3.3 actually support life and the world,1298.28,4.74 changing for the better faster because,1300.2,6.0 what if Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein,1303.02,5.58 and Stephen Hawking were all still alive,1306.2,4.92 and all collaborating to make nuclear,1308.6,4.62 fusion and warp drive right like that,1311.12,3.84 would be pretty cool,1313.22,3.6 um and then you know I'm not going to,1314.96,3.66 pick any particular spiritual leaders,1316.82,3.479 because all of them have their own,1318.62,3.96 issues imagine that humans are,1320.299,3.601 complicated and the closer you look at,1322.58,3.959 them they're all problematic but the,1323.9,6.3 point being is that having many leaders,1326.539,5.161 in the world that have centuries of,1330.2,3.719 wisdom accumulated could actually be a,1331.7,3.38 really good thing for us could help,1333.919,4.74 stabilize the entire planet and the,1335.08,5.68 entire species which I think is on,1338.659,4.321 balance probably a good thing,1340.76,4.2 so whether it's positive disruption or,1342.98,4.88 positive stabilization I do think that,1344.96,5.94 overall there are so while there are,1347.86,4.9 some pros and cons it's a double-edged,1350.9,4.56 sword I think that longevity would be a,1352.76,5.039 net positive for the species,1355.46,4.56 okay so those are all the issues that,1357.799,4.021 I've unpacked now let's dive into the,1360.02,3.3 last part of the video which is my,1361.82,3.18 specific predictions,1363.32,3.66 so in the near term as I mentioned,1365.0,4.559 earlier in the video I do believe that,1366.98,4.439 longevity medicine is going to be dirt,1369.559,4.321 cheap and broadly accessible I think,1371.419,5.221 it's going to be cheap because at the at,1373.88,6.0 the fundamental level mRNA vaccines not,1376.64,5.64 that expensive nanoparticles not that,1379.88,4.26 expensive especially once you figure out,1382.28,4.5 how to scale them and then finally for,1384.14,4.44 accessibility I think that government,1386.78,3.96 regulation will ensure that everything,1388.58,4.92 is accessible just because that'll be,1390.74,4.5 the will of the people but also it makes,1393.5,3.48 economic sense to ensure that everyone,1395.24,3.6 has access to it,1396.98,4.26 and the reason is because well death is,1398.84,3.42 expensive,1401.24,3.78 uh the economic loss of expertise but,1402.26,5.039 also end-of-life care is ludicrously,1405.02,4.8 expensive and so just from a purely,1407.299,5.221 economic standpoint it makes sense to,1409.82,4.5 push for longevity medicine to be cheap,1412.52,4.019 and accessible another thing is that,1414.32,3.66 it's going to be an array of therapies,1416.539,3.421 because there's tens of thousands of,1417.98,5.059 diseases and metabolic disorders and,1419.96,5.16 genetic flaws and every you know,1423.039,3.64 hundreds of thousands millions of things,1425.12,4.32 that can go wrong with the body so when,1426.679,4.141 we say like you know biological,1429.44,2.82 immortality it's not going to be one,1430.82,3.56 pill that you take it's going to be,1432.26,4.68 bespoke personalized medicine it's going,1434.38,5.2 to be injections it might be implants it,1436.94,4.739 might be nanites it's going to be a lot,1439.58,5.099 of stuff number three is that detection,1441.679,5.101 detection and imaging of biological,1444.679,3.36 problems needs a little bit more of,1446.78,3.3 advancement now that being said I'm not,1448.039,3.421 worried about it because I think AI is,1450.08,2.82 going to figure that out quick fast and,1451.46,3.68 in a hurry so the combination of AI,1452.9,4.86 Quantum Computing and Material Science,1455.14,4.659 means that you'll probably end up with a,1457.76,3.899 implant like in your arm or whatever,1459.799,4.62 this just constantly reporting on the,1461.659,4.64 content of your blood,1464.419,5.581 there was a some like speculative sci-fi,1466.299,5.141 kind of documentaries that I watched,1470.0,4.26 years ago that um that there the sensors,1471.44,4.08 were actually in the toilets so every,1474.26,3.779 time you go to the bathroom it it reads,1475.52,3.72 you know what's coming out of your body,1478.039,3.481 and can use that to infer you know your,1479.24,3.96 your health,1481.52,3.12 um I don't know that's a little bit,1483.2,5.099 weird but hey it's one possible modality,1484.64,5.279 um yeah so the fourth one is just kind,1488.299,3.541 of a rehash of the different delivery,1489.919,4.681 mechanisms okay so here's where it gets,1491.84,6.78 fun life in 200 years I predict that due,1494.6,6.84 in part to uh the technologies that lead,1498.62,4.38 to life extension but also some of the,1501.44,4.02 knock-on effects of Life Extension mean,1503.0,4.14 that war poverty and disease will all,1505.46,2.94 have been solved,1507.14,3.779 and so what I mean by that is that our,1508.4,3.779 best and brightest whether they're,1510.919,2.821 Engineers spiritual leaders political,1512.179,4.081 leaders scientists will all be living,1513.74,4.799 longer and will be able to help provide,1516.26,5.34 a steadying hand not just for you know,1518.539,5.281 Global Harmony but also to help solve,1521.6,3.9 the problems,1523.82,3.42 um so that's going to be I think a,1525.5,3.419 really big thing,1527.24,3.96 um and 200 years is is going to be close,1528.919,4.86 there's probably going to be some big,1531.2,5.4 like Global conflicts between now and,1533.779,3.78 then,1536.6,2.579 um hopefully just one more well,1537.559,3.72 hopefully zero more but in all,1539.179,4.701 likelihood at least one more,1541.279,4.5 unfortunately,1543.88,4.48 um number two is because of that,1545.779,4.321 aforementioned thing where like most,1548.36,3.78 people are going to be empty nesters and,1550.1,3.3 so we already have a model for that,1552.14,3.18 right like you go to a retirement,1553.4,3.3 community some of those people are the,1555.32,2.76 happiest people you've ever met so I,1556.7,3.12 think everyone is going to move towards,1558.08,3.9 that sort of communal living,1559.82,3.66 and I don't mean shared ownership I,1561.98,3.36 don't mean like communism communal I,1563.48,3.6 just mean like Village living and group,1565.34,3.06 living,1567.08,3.42 um in rural places it'll be more like,1568.4,4.74 Villages uh like Eco Villages or that,1570.5,4.559 sort of thing and in urban places it'll,1573.14,3.3 be like high density co-living,1575.059,3.12 situations and of course there will,1576.44,3.66 still be a plenty of people who prefer,1578.179,3.661 to live alone or just with their partner,1580.1,5.16 or Partners if they're non-monogamous,1581.84,6.0 overall in 200 years I think that the,1585.26,4.799 global population will have stabilized,1587.84,4.02 and I know that some people believe that,1590.059,3.6 the carrying capacity is like 50 billion,1591.86,3.66 or 50 trillion or whatever,1593.659,3.181 um you don't want to live on a planet,1595.52,3.18 with 50 billion humans I promise you,1596.84,4.02 like look into it,1598.7,3.599 um so I think that the population will,1600.86,3.0 stabilize it could we could still end up,1602.299,3.601 with a lot more than we have today maybe,1603.86,3.84 15 billion or 20 billion that would,1605.9,3.779 still be pretty crowded,1607.7,3.66 um and then Supply chains are going to,1609.679,4.5 be really really blah anyways point,1611.36,5.34 being I think that uh population will,1614.179,5.281 have stabilized within 200 years and,1616.7,4.38 because of that there will be very few,1619.46,3.599 children there will be economic,1621.08,4.199 incentives against having children so,1623.059,3.961 this was explored in an episode of Love,1625.279,4.681 death and robots where you in order to,1627.02,4.32 keep getting your life extending,1629.96,4.26 medicine you have to be sterilized,1631.34,6.0 um that's a pretty Draconian measure so,1634.22,5.22 but depending on the depending on what,1637.34,4.26 happens that could become a thing I kind,1639.44,3.54 of doubt it I think that people will,1641.6,2.939 voluntarily just kind of get over,1642.98,3.66 themselves like everyone has one or two,1644.539,3.481 children and then they're happy or,1646.64,3.12 whatever but you never know because you,1648.02,3.12 know grandparents get to the point where,1649.76,2.76 they haven't had children in a long time,1651.14,2.34 and they're like hey I want,1652.52,4.32 grandchildren and you know we are we are,1653.48,5.1 biologically wired too like having,1656.84,3.42 children around,1658.58,4.5 uh some of us some people are like no,1660.26,4.74 get children away from me,1663.08,5.099 um but yeah oops come back sorry,1665.0,5.4 um yes so I think that within 200 years,1668.179,3.6 we're gonna still have some some,1670.4,3.899 holdouts of the mortalitasi,1671.779,4.5 um some probably some small communities,1674.299,3.721 and shrinking communities that that,1676.279,4.14 prefer the natural uh flow of things,1678.02,4.62 hopefully they don't cause any trouble I,1680.419,3.181 don't think that they're going to be,1682.64,1.98 like,1683.6,2.52 um terrorists or anything because that,1684.62,3.659 kind of runs contrary but you never know,1686.12,3.84 what's going to happen,1688.279,4.081 um and also lastly within 200 years I,1689.96,3.66 think the governments and corporations,1692.36,3.179 will still exist as we know them today,1693.62,4.86 nation states and that sort of thing in,1695.539,4.201 the long run though I think that that,1698.48,3.0 idea that I that I was talking about,1699.74,3.24 with the you know decentralized,1701.48,3.24 autonomous organizations where,1702.98,4.079 everything is run by by hierarchies of,1704.72,5.16 AI with human input I think that that's,1707.059,4.921 probably going to be like the long-term,1709.88,4.32 end game I hope,1711.98,4.559 if it's done right and then finally in,1714.2,4.92 2000 years because we're approaching the,1716.539,4.26 singularity,1719.12,3.9 um you know heck we might figure out,1720.799,4.26 faster than light travel before that 200,1723.02,4.8 years is up so let's be honest but what,1725.059,4.62 I'm going to say is that within 2000,1727.82,4.32 years we will have figured it out,1729.679,4.201 um if faster than light travel is,1732.14,3.72 possible we will have figured that out,1733.88,4.08 basically in our lifetime because we're,1735.86,4.08 probably going to live a long time and,1737.96,3.839 if not then Interstellar flight is going,1739.94,4.32 to be a thing now what's going to happen,1741.799,5.88 as humans spread across the universe is,1744.26,6.18 that it takes an astronomical amount of,1747.679,5.281 energy to change the habitat of an,1750.44,4.26 entire planet which if we solve fusion,1752.96,3.66 and have anti-matter reactors and that,1754.7,3.78 sort of stuff we will have enough energy,1756.62,5.22 to do that but that being said,1758.48,5.699 we might not right we might not have,1761.84,4.02 enough energy and material because if,1764.179,3.661 you run the numbers it would take a,1765.86,3.96 tremendous amount of water and and,1767.84,4.319 matter to make Mars habitable habitable,1769.82,5.76 for instance and Earth-like worlds might,1772.159,5.64 be really really far apart,1775.58,5.52 um so like too far to get to so it's,1777.799,5.401 easier to change ourselves so this is,1781.1,3.66 this is what I'm building up to it's,1783.2,3.3 easier to change ourselves than an,1784.76,3.779 entire planet especially if we have,1786.5,3.779 genetic medicine and cybernetic stuff,1788.539,4.14 and nanotech and blah blah all that fun,1790.279,5.041 stuff so we might adapt ourselves to,1792.679,4.1 live on planets that we couldn't,1795.32,4.5 currently habitate which means that we,1796.779,5.201 we that we as humans might deliberately,1799.82,5.28 speciate in order to,1801.98,5.1 um in order to spread across the stars,1805.1,4.26 and this is kind of in Canon from the,1807.08,4.319 Star Trek universe where like they kind,1809.36,3.6 of have a really wimpy explanation in,1811.399,3.061 one episode in generation Next,1812.96,4.02 Generation where like the reason that,1814.46,4.74 all aliens have roughly the same body,1816.98,4.5 plan is because we all had a you know,1819.2,5.04 the same progenitor species billions of,1821.48,4.26 years ago or whatever,1824.24,2.7 so I don't know if that's going to,1825.74,3.0 happen but this is just one possibility,1826.94,4.38 if you think of like okay we really want,1828.74,4.38 to get onto other planets so what are,1831.32,3.18 the implications of that we can either,1833.12,2.88 make the planets more Earth-like or we,1834.5,3.419 can adapt ourselves or maybe a little,1836.0,4.62 bit of of both but over a long enough,1837.919,5.161 period of time we might consider like,1840.62,4.26 the people on Mars a different species,1843.08,4.52 or in Alpha Centauri a different species,1844.88,5.22 which could result in like maybe they,1847.6,4.12 will actually look like Klingons one day,1850.1,4.199 who knows alright so I hope you had a,1851.72,4.26 lot of fun thanks for watching don't,1854.299,4.321 forget like And subscribe and hop on,1855.98,5.4 patreon and also if I got it working,1858.62,4.679 we're actually about to jump right over,1861.38,4.019 to the live stream q a so I will see you,1863.299,4.281 there,1865.399,2.181