text,start,duration hey everyone David Shapiro here with a,0.599,5.341 video today's video is going to cover,3.48,6.0 the concept of one salience and two,5.94,5.579 anticipating user needs before the user,9.48,3.779 knows what they need,11.519,3.481 um but before we dive in I've got a,13.259,4.561 couple of announcements to make so one,15.0,4.92 um there is a subreddit that I and a,17.82,4.08 couple other folks that are experts on,19.92,4.439 artificial cognition or an autonomous,21.9,5.82 cognitive entities have created it's R,24.359,6.42 artificial sentience so if you want to,27.72,5.999 start uh having conversations and jump,30.779,5.28 in uh please feel free to do so it's,33.719,5.52 public uh beginners are welcome,36.059,5.701 um basically now that the concepts of,39.239,4.561 cognitive architectures and autonomous,41.76,4.2 cognitive entities are taking off,43.8,3.9 I'm taking my hands off the steering,45.96,3.18 wheel right I've done my part I've,47.7,3.539 popularized the idea I'm starting the,49.14,4.56 conversation and now it's time for,51.239,4.561 everyone to get involved so this is our,53.7,5.22 subreddit artificial sentience,55.8,5.34 um a quick update on Raven,58.92,4.08 um which is my artificial cognitive,61.14,3.78 entity project,63.0,6.6 um we have moved to the um to the third,64.92,7.26 stage of creating,69.6,6.059 um consensus so we're drafting proposals,72.18,6.36 um so I we we listed um you know the,75.659,5.46 decision criteria I made a proposal,78.54,4.2 we're getting feedback on it another,81.119,3.721 person made a proposal and we'll start,82.74,3.78 working on doing feedback so we're,84.84,4.56 workshopping the consensus mechanism and,86.52,5.94 again uh creating autonomous machines,89.4,4.68 that can think and decide on their own,92.46,3.839 the stakes are way too high for it to be,94.08,5.399 done completely behind closed doors,96.299,4.86 um and so that's why we're doing this,99.479,3.301 and the first thing that you need to do,101.159,4.201 with any project is decide how the,102.78,4.979 governance is going to be now,105.36,4.5 um really big update for me personally I,107.759,4.261 have decided to leave,109.86,4.86 um my startup so I'm going to take the,112.02,6.419 rest of 2023 off I'm not going to do any,114.72,6.78 startups no full-time jobs nothing I am,118.439,6.601 going to focus on uh primarily finishing,121.5,5.939 my novel which includes amongst other,125.04,7.62 things Ai and then uh other AI stuff you,127.439,8.101 know YouTube patreon that sort of thing,132.66,4.439 um so this is my full-time thing so,135.54,4.14 because of that I really need to ask for,137.099,6.301 y'all's help with support on patreon,139.68,6.059 so I'm doing this full time I'm,143.4,4.74 organizing meetups I'm organizing online,145.739,5.341 communities so on and so forth and uh so,148.14,5.099 yeah every little bit helps the average,151.08,5.04 supporter I think is about 15 a month so,153.239,4.561 most people are somewhere between the 10,156.12,4.08 and 20 a month support but every little,157.8,4.56 bit helps I've got over 20 000,160.2,4.56 subscribers and less than 400 supporters,162.36,4.5 on patreon so some of y'all could jump,164.76,4.08 over onto patreon that would be a really,166.86,4.32 big help and then furthermore if you,168.84,5.399 want some one-on-one help either via,171.18,5.58 chat email and I try and avoid Zoom just,174.239,4.621 because Zoom fatigue is real,176.76,3.54 um that being said sometimes a,178.86,4.56 conversation is necessary if you sign up,180.3,5.04 for a higher tier I'm happy to jump on a,183.42,3.72 call with you and your team in fact I've,185.34,4.44 got a couple calls later today,187.14,4.92 um anyways so with all that out of the,189.78,5.039 way I'm working on this concept of,192.06,5.039 salience so here's the repo chat GPT,194.819,4.801 underscore API underscore salience,197.099,5.581 so this is a concept from neuroscience,199.62,5.399 and it is it is one of the primary,202.68,4.62 attention mechanisms that happens in our,205.019,5.161 brains and if you look this up you're,207.3,5.04 probably not going to find anything in,210.18,4.559 in like the Neuroscience literature this,212.34,3.96 is an emergent property that I've,214.739,3.241 noticed from having read a whole bunch,216.3,3.78 of neuroscience and psychology,217.98,4.56 and so basically what happens is as,220.08,4.019 you're having a conversation or,222.54,3.839 listening or working on something your,224.099,4.56 brain is forming like a basically a,226.379,4.681 Knowledge Graph around the most Salient,228.659,4.8 points of what you're working on so say,231.06,5.22 for instance I'm uh working on a chat,233.459,4.321 bot so the most Salient thing that I'm,236.28,3.78 working on is what is the goal that I,237.78,5.039 have here and what is the um what what,240.06,4.2 am I currently working on are the,242.819,4.92 problems that I'm facing so salience is,244.26,5.699 um in in humans there's a few there's a,247.739,4.86 few things there's tasks aliens so tasks,249.959,4.86 alien says okay what information is most,252.599,4.2 relevant to the task that I'm doing,254.819,4.32 there's also emotional salience or,256.799,5.461 emotional content so this is this our,259.139,4.981 memories are organized primarily around,262.26,3.659 emotional valence,264.12,4.32 and surveillance is the energy level and,265.919,4.621 then disposition is the direction or the,268.44,3.66 kind of emotion is it positive or,270.54,2.939 negative,272.1,4.08 um and so emotional salience is is how,273.479,5.28 we uh prioritize memories which is why,276.18,4.92 you remember stressful events more than,278.759,4.741 just ordinary daily events because your,281.1,4.379 emotions are a heuristic that allows,283.5,3.66 your brain to say oh this was important,285.479,3.78 because we were scared this is important,287.16,4.979 because we were angry or whatever now,289.259,4.921 tasks aliens is more about cognitive,292.139,4.681 control and cognitive control is Task,294.18,5.459 selection which is which task do I do I,296.82,4.62 choose to do and then task switching,299.639,4.321 which is when you need to change tasks,301.44,4.74 so cognitive control is one of the,303.96,3.66 primary things that we need to figure,306.18,3.54 out in order to have autonomous,307.62,4.2 cognitive entities or cognitive,309.72,4.62 architectures and salience and this is,311.82,4.2 why I'm doing a video an entire video,314.34,5.82 about salience is how we do that so,316.02,7.32 you guys have probably seen the Wolfram,320.16,5.94 Alpha video right where there it has,323.34,5.22 task selection using I think Lang chain,326.1,4.8 where it says okay given this array of,328.56,4.979 tools that I have how do I which tool do,330.9,4.68 I choose right and there's also papers,333.539,5.22 out there about how um large language,335.58,5.58 models can actually learn to use apis on,338.759,4.261 the Fly which is really cool so they're,341.16,3.78 learning on the Fly they can do task,343.02,4.14 selection but then how do you how do you,344.94,4.8 do task switching how do you know what,347.16,4.5 to focus on and that is the concept of,349.74,5.94 salience so I tried,351.66,6.9 Visual Studio code and I hate it I keep,355.68,6.18 telling y'all I hate Ides I also tried,358.56,5.16 GitHub Code Pilot and I hate it too,361.86,4.02 because it's really dumb it has no idea,363.72,3.6 what I'm doing because the stuff that,365.88,3.72 I'm working on is like so novel and so,367.32,3.719 it keeps suggesting stuff that's not,369.6,3.06 really relevant and it's not really,371.039,3.781 picking up what I'm putting down so I'm,372.66,4.62 going to switch off of visual studio and,374.82,3.54 I'm just going to go back to notepad,377.28,2.46 plus plus I know you guys think I'm,378.36,3.839 completely crazy but you know what it,379.74,4.98 works for me and anyways so here's what,382.199,4.44 we've got this is a really simple script,384.72,4.62 that will serve as a chat bot and will,386.639,5.221 demonstrate the concept of salience so,389.34,5.16 I'm also switching over to the chat GPT,391.86,5.52 API so if you come over here here's the,394.5,5.46 here's the documentation the endpoint,397.38,5.4 you call it super simple there's only,399.96,5.28 two things to know about it one is the,402.78,6.24 model GPT 3.5 turbo and,405.24,5.16 um they have this little note here that,409.02,4.019 says the the turbo 0301 so that's the,410.4,4.739 March 1st version doesn't pay much,413.039,4.861 attention to system and it looks like,415.139,4.381 they they are going to do that so open,417.9,3.78 AI what you might consider doing is,419.52,4.86 adding a lever here where we we get we,421.68,4.44 put a weight so that we can call like,424.38,3.48 the temperature or whatever I don't know,426.12,3.06 if it's possible depending on how you're,427.86,3.839 fine-tuning it but if you have like you,429.18,4.139 know how how much do you want to pay,431.699,4.801 attention to the system uh role you know,433.319,4.561 anyways,436.5,3.78 so there's a model which I'm going to,437.88,4.8 stick with the GPT 3.5 turbo because I,440.28,4.02 want it to really pay attention to the,442.68,4.2 system and then then you have a messages,444.3,4.679 payload which is a list of dictionaries,446.88,4.74 and there's three kinds of roles there's,448.979,4.921 the system role there's the user and,451.62,4.68 then there's the assistant so it's nice,453.9,4.199 and clean very straightforward so that's,456.3,3.179 what we're working on,458.099,4.081 and then the last thing I have to show,459.479,5.041 you before we get started is the two,462.18,5.1 prompts that one try and anticipate the,464.52,6.179 user needs ahead of time and two assess,467.28,5.16 the salience so they're pretty,470.699,3.301 straightforward first is given the,472.44,2.759 following chat log this is the,474.0,4.259 anticipation prompt infer the user's,475.199,5.22 actual information needs attempts to,478.259,3.66 anticipate what the user truly needs,480.419,2.761 even if the user does not fully,481.919,3.481 understand it yet themselves and let's,483.18,5.4 change this um or is asking,485.4,5.16 um the wrong questions,488.58,5.04 so a lot of people that I have talked to,490.56,7.74 have observed particularly chat GPT is,493.62,6.9 really good at taking just a few data,498.3,3.839 points and inferring what you actually,500.52,5.16 need and so what we can do is if we have,502.139,5.28 the model if we actually explicitly tell,505.68,3.54 the model figure out what the user needs,507.419,4.441 there was another paper that showed that,509.22,5.46 large language models like gpt3 already,511.86,6.119 have theory of mind the paper said that,514.68,5.219 the theory of mine seems to have been an,517.979,4.321 emergent property given the number of,519.899,3.901 parameters and the amount of training,522.3,5.4 data so if we just tell it anticipate,523.8,5.099 what the user needs figure out what's,527.7,3.42 going on in the user's head it can do,528.899,2.94 that,531.12,2.1 um more often than not it's not always,531.839,3.901 going to be 100 accurate but just wait,533.22,4.799 and see you'll see how crazy um how,535.74,3.96 crazy prescient it is,538.019,3.301 and then finally,539.7,3.6 um salience so given the following chat,541.32,3.959 log Write a brief sailor brief summary,543.3,3.78 of only the most Salient points of the,545.279,4.081 conversation so rather than summarizing,547.08,4.5 the entire thing we're going to allow,549.36,3.9 the language model to use its,551.58,3.54 intelligence to say this is this is the,553.26,4.259 bit that we that we carry about,555.12,5.76 um so we'll do this uh and and there you,557.519,5.76 there you have it so the other the the,560.88,3.84 chat script itself is super,563.279,3.06 straightforward it just takes the user,564.72,3.6 input then we'll feed the conversation,566.339,4.44 into the anticipation and salience and,568.32,4.8 then we'll update the system variable,570.779,4.081 um and so then I've got all the logs,573.12,4.44 saved out to here so I've already got a,574.86,5.099 conversation going so,577.56,4.5 um let me bring you up to speed and said,579.959,4.141 hey I need your um,582.06,4.5 I need your help planning out my day and,584.1,5.58 so then uh behind the scenes it says the,586.56,4.38 user likely needs help with time,589.68,4.2 management and organization so they may,590.94,4.74 need help with prioritizing tasks,593.88,3.72 setting goals and creating a schedule so,595.68,4.2 in this case you can see that just just,597.6,5.22 by this input it anticipated okay this,599.88,4.8 is what I think you need,602.82,4.38 um and then it added the evaluation so I,604.68,4.64 modified the prompt to get rid of that,607.2,4.62 but it's really interesting the the,609.32,4.36 user's actual information needs are not,611.82,4.26 directly related to the ai's goals but,613.68,4.08 the AI can still provide assistance the,616.08,3.42 AI can provide resources and advice to,617.76,3.3 help the user plan out their day so,619.5,3.899 again super relevant I want to figure,621.06,3.839 out some prompt engineering to get that,623.399,3.741 or maybe break it down into parallel,624.899,4.681 anyways salience the user is looking for,627.14,4.42 help planning out their day and they are,629.58,3.78 interacting with an AI named Raven which,631.56,3.06 has three goals reduced suffering,633.36,2.46 increased prosperity and increase,634.62,3.6 understanding so again if you have a,635.82,4.38 fully autonomous machine,638.22,4.679 part of autonomy or agency is that you,640.2,4.98 have your own goals now that being said,642.899,4.44 we don't want the AI to be able to,645.18,4.14 create all of its goals from scratch,647.339,4.74 with in a total vacuum we want it to,649.32,4.98 have some intrinsic goals and so these,652.079,4.081 intrinsic goals are the core objective,654.3,3.539 functions reduce suffering increase,656.16,3.179 prosperity and increase understanding,657.839,4.62 are the universal guard rails that will,659.339,5.761 keep the chat Bots honest and benevolent,662.459,4.56 so then finally the output hi there I'd,665.1,3.72 be happy to help you plan your day what,667.019,4.141 do you have planned so far so do you see,668.82,3.959 how the tone of this is very different,671.16,4.38 from normal chat GPT,672.779,4.68 um it's very clear that it understands,675.54,3.78 like oh hey I'm having a conversation,677.459,4.681 and I said nothing I need your help and,679.32,5.579 it says okay the uh I updated the prompt,682.14,4.139 and it said the user likely needs help,684.899,2.761 with time management they may need help,686.279,2.881 prioritizing tasks setting goals,687.66,3.6 creating a schedule breaking down tasks,689.16,3.6 into smaller more manageable chunks,691.26,3.0 creating a timeline additionally they,692.76,2.819 may need to help identifying and,694.26,3.72 utilizing resources salience the user is,695.579,3.601 looking for out planning their day and,697.98,3.419 interacting with Raven the AI can,699.18,4.02 provide resources and so then finally,701.399,3.841 Raven's output so I have this as debug,703.2,4.259 right this would be hidden and what I,705.24,3.719 wanted to do is show that I'm not the,707.459,3.06 only one working on this this is what,708.959,3.661 Bing does behind the scene so I ask,710.519,3.841 being how does a chatbot work and it,712.62,3.48 says how does a chat bot work and then,714.36,3.0 there's a few other things it has like,716.1,3.479 internal monologue I'm not going to try,717.36,4.44 and jailbreak it because like if you,719.579,4.621 want to see people jailbreaking chat GPT,721.8,4.62 and Bing go for horrifying I'm telling,724.2,4.62 you how to actually build it yourself,726.42,3.72 um why because I wrote the book on it,728.82,3.3 literally,730.14,3.42 anyways,732.12,3.0 um okay Raven sure we can start by,733.56,3.06 breaking your down your day down into,735.12,3.54 different tasks or activities first what,736.62,3.24 are some tasks that you need to,738.66,4.14 accomplish today so do you see how um,739.86,5.58 all of these ideas are kind of,742.8,4.56 transmuted into the into a very,745.44,4.32 conversational output first what are,747.36,3.659 some tasks are there any important,749.76,3.0 deadlines or appointments you need to,751.019,4.621 keep I'll say yes whoops,752.76,4.74 um darn it,755.64,3.54 hang on my keyboard's a little off,757.5,3.6 center that's why I'm typing wonky there,759.18,3.719 we go okay,761.1,2.88 um yes,762.899,4.981 um I have a meeting with a patreon,763.98,8.94 supporter and that's it I'm also pretty,767.88,9.0 tired because I've been working hard,772.92,7.979 okay so rather than like you've probably,776.88,6.36 seen me do other videos where,780.899,4.021 interacting with Chad GPT you have to be,783.24,3.659 really specific about what you want and,784.92,4.26 give it guard rails but I'm asking it to,786.899,4.5 do that for me,789.18,4.98 um wow okay okay great let's prioritize,791.399,4.261 the meeting with the patreon since that,794.16,2.94 speed seems to be the most important,795.66,3.06 task to ensure you are well rested for,797.1,3.479 the meeting let's plan on some rest for,798.72,4.02 your schedule okay wake up shower,800.579,3.841 breakfast work on important project that,802.74,3.96 requires Focus oh wow this is actually,804.42,3.96 this literally I am in the middle of,806.7,4.92 this look at this it is 9am and Raven,808.38,5.34 says work on an important project that's,811.62,3.36 what I'm doing,813.72,2.88 um take a short break to recharge,814.98,3.72 schedule a nap lunch break to,816.6,3.66 re-energize take care of household,818.7,4.439 chores prepare for the meeting so he,820.26,5.16 made made some wrong assumptions,823.139,4.88 um uh the meeting is actually around,825.42,5.039 noon I think,828.019,3.781 um,830.459,4.811 but uh but this is really good,831.8,4.18 [Music],835.27,1.569 um,835.98,5.299 what should I have for lunch,836.839,4.44 all right so let's see what it says,841.68,3.779 anticipation uh creating a schedule that,843.24,4.62 fits okay they may need help finding and,845.459,4.141 planning eating healthy options for,847.86,4.02 lunch excellent the user is looking for,849.6,3.9 help okay so you see this is just,851.88,3.78 updating the salience,853.5,4.44 um as it goes and we're probably going,855.66,4.02 to run out of tokens here because the um,857.94,3.36 here let me show you the logs that it's,859.68,3.48 building,861.3,3.599 there we go,863.16,4.799 um all right so whoops come back,864.899,5.461 all right I accidentally hit enter darn,867.959,3.301 it,870.36,2.4 sorry it looks like your response got,871.26,5.46 caught off oh wow wow okay cool,872.76,5.759 um interesting interesting so it's,876.72,3.54 actually pretty smart,878.519,2.88 um all right so let's let me show you,880.26,3.24 what this looks like so here's the chat,881.399,4.201 log you can see the the system is,883.5,4.62 getting longer and longer so we might,885.6,4.32 need to clean that up,888.12,4.2 um and also as the output gets longer so,889.92,4.2 we're at we're only at 5 300 characters,892.32,4.56 which is not that much actually,894.12,6.06 um but yeah so then let's see attend uh,896.88,4.74 the meeting with the patreon supporter,900.18,3.959 lunch break to re-energize,901.62,4.8 um there we go so let's see a turkey,904.139,4.14 avocado sandwich with whole wheat bread,906.42,4.5 not bad a grilled chicken salad with,908.279,5.581 mixed greens not bad veggie stir fry not,910.92,4.859 bad whole grain pasta these are all,913.86,4.32 things that I would eat honestly that I,915.779,3.841 regularly dewy do any of these sound,918.18,3.959 appealing and then user the user likely,919.62,4.079 needs help,922.139,2.461 um okay,923.699,4.5 so anyways uh let's see then here's the,924.6,5.46 um here's the Salient points,928.199,3.661 so you see how it takes this entire,930.06,5.579 conversation and summarizes it right so,931.86,6.539 this is this is rather than saying an,935.639,4.14 executive summary because an executive,938.399,2.94 summary will try and do the whole thing,939.779,4.5 but a Salient summary says this is this,941.339,5.641 is what actually matters,944.279,4.321 um and then finally here's the chat,946.98,3.719 output so you can see I've got the whole,948.6,3.479 thing here,950.699,2.76 um which is basically the same,952.079,2.7 information just kind of smushed,953.459,4.921 together in um Json and then it says,954.779,6.36 roll user content blank and you see that,958.38,4.259 it sees that it's blank and it says it,961.139,3.961 looks like your response got cut off,962.639,4.2 um perfect,965.1,4.919 um all right so let's cancel this and,966.839,5.641 start a new conversation so in this case,970.019,3.901 you can see that salience and,972.48,3.96 anticipating user needs really just,973.92,5.039 those two things really help it stay,976.44,5.639 laser focused on helping you,978.959,5.521 um which is great I knew that this would,982.079,4.5 happen I've done the experiments,984.48,3.9 um but I'm actually really pleasantly,986.579,4.021 surprised by how good this is so let's,988.38,4.5 try this again and instead I'm going to,990.6,3.359 talk about,992.88,1.74 um,993.959,5.461 uh let's see I am trying to uh come up,994.62,10.56 with some AI tools for Enterprises,999.42,9.06 um so that I can get really crazy Rich,1005.18,6.18 this was my goal earlier this year,1008.48,4.32 um the user needs information to develop,1011.36,3.779 AI tools they may need to blah blah blah,1012.8,4.26 the user is looking to create eye tools,1015.139,3.541 okay cool well generating wealth is an,1017.06,3.0 important goal it's not the only goal of,1018.68,3.12 AI development before solely on May,1020.06,3.6 before focusing solely on making money,1021.8,4.68 it is important to consider how AI can,1023.66,5.46 also benefit society as a whole,1026.48,4.92 um there we go so AI technology can be,1029.12,4.079 used to solve complex problems here's,1031.4,3.419 some potential,1033.199,4.201 um AI goes to align with your goals,1034.819,4.321 um with the Enterprise reduced suffering,1037.4,2.76 increase prosperity and increase,1039.14,3.779 understanding intelligent automation AI,1040.16,4.799 can automate processes Predictive,1042.919,4.14 Analytics customer service AI powered,1044.959,4.981 search and development AI risk Space by,1047.059,6.12 using AI to benefit tools AI tools that,1049.94,5.16 benefit society as a whole you can make,1053.179,3.601 a positive impact while also generating,1055.1,3.3 wealth so you can see how the core,1056.78,3.779 objective functions are are flavoring,1058.4,4.56 what it is that Raven is talking about,1060.559,4.62 so that these core objective functions,1062.96,3.78 are always in the background and says,1065.179,4.321 okay let's meet that goal while also,1066.74,4.86 meeting these other goals,1069.5,4.38 um great so,1071.6,4.079 that sounds good,1073.88,2.52 um,1075.679,3.301 how do you think,1076.4,6.12 um massively deployed AI is going to,1078.98,8.04 shape the world for instance I just read,1082.52,8.399 that chat GPT increases office,1087.02,6.12 productivity,1090.919,6.661 by more than 40 percent as workers learn,1093.14,5.88 to use it,1097.58,3.3 what are we,1099.02,5.64 um what are the long-term effects of,1100.88,7.44 this huge boost in productivity,1104.66,5.34 all right so let's see how the,1108.32,4.14 conversation changes,1110.0,4.799 um anticipation the user needs,1112.46,3.9 information on long-term effects of AI,1114.799,4.201 so this anticipation this can be a,1116.36,4.439 jumping off point if you use Lang chain,1119.0,4.559 or other Integrations to say okay let me,1120.799,4.26 go find the right information that I,1123.559,2.521 need,1125.059,2.581 um salience the user is looking to,1126.08,4.2 create AI tools for Enterprises the user,1127.64,4.86 inquires about the massive uh long-term,1130.28,4.62 effects of massive deployment of AI okay,1132.5,4.26 so the massive deployment AI such as,1134.9,3.24 chat GPD can certainly have some,1136.76,3.36 significant impacts on the world with a,1138.14,4.98 40 increase in the office should allow,1140.12,4.5 companies to come accomplish more with,1143.12,3.299 the same amount of staff this could lead,1144.62,3.96 to growth and profits for business and,1146.419,4.14 could potentially create more jobs as,1148.58,4.56 well so I don't necessarily agree with,1150.559,4.441 that because some companies are already,1153.14,3.659 laying off people and reducing headcount,1155.0,3.78 due to chat GPT,1156.799,4.081 it remains to be seen if that will,1158.78,3.899 result in more hires elsewhere but I,1160.88,3.96 doubt it however it is also crucial to,1162.679,4.38 consider long-term of AI on employment,1164.84,4.02 as AI continues to advance we may see,1167.059,4.141 replacement of jobs that were previously,1168.86,3.78 done by humans this could lead to job,1171.2,3.719 loss in some sectors may need to reskill,1172.64,3.86 additionally we may need to increase,1174.919,4.741 socioeconomic we we may we may see not,1176.5,4.6 need to we may see an increase in,1179.66,4.019 inequality as firms that adopt AI have,1181.1,4.26 advantage over their non-ai counterparts,1183.679,3.061 this could potentially widen the gap,1185.36,3.0 between large and small businesses as,1186.74,3.54 well as the rich and poor it is,1188.36,3.72 essential to approach the deployment of,1190.28,4.46 AI with balance and ethical view right,1192.08,4.68 the development of AI should be done,1194.74,3.88 while prioritizing the reduction of,1196.76,3.24 suffering increased prosperity and,1198.62,3.0 increase understanding by doing so we,1200.0,3.0 can ensure that development of AI,1201.62,3.96 enhances the society's over well well,1203.0,4.98 overall well-being excellent thank you,1205.58,3.66 Raven,1207.98,2.579 um,1209.24,4.98 uh excellent points uh thank you,1210.559,4.86 um,1214.22,2.52 actually I really don't have anything,1215.419,5.461 else actually I don't have anything else,1216.74,7.14 um what are your thoughts,1220.88,5.1 um since you are,1223.88,3.84 an AI,1225.98,5.34 what direction would you like to see,1227.72,4.86 things go,1231.32,3.239 so again remember if you're trying to,1232.58,4.2 create an autonomous entity it has its,1234.559,4.801 own desires and own agenda so let's see,1236.78,4.74 just based on this this in this,1239.36,4.559 anticipation salience and core objective,1241.52,4.98 functions let's see,1243.919,6.481 um how uh how those all interact okay as,1246.5,6.96 an AI my primary objectives are okay I,1250.4,4.56 would like to see AI technology that,1253.46,3.599 benefits society as a whole the world's,1254.96,5.219 most pressing problems in my opinion the,1257.059,4.74 development of AI should prioritize the,1260.179,2.821 ethical and responsible use of,1261.799,2.76 Technology while minimizing the risks,1263.0,3.36 and potential drawbacks so do you see,1264.559,4.441 how this is really well aligned and it,1266.36,4.98 is actually because if you use Bing or,1269.0,4.2 chat GPT it'll say I don't have any,1271.34,4.26 opinion that's because right now the,1273.2,4.5 status quo is the AI should be,1275.6,4.199 completely inert and have no intrinsic,1277.7,4.5 values I completely disagree especially,1279.799,4.321 as it's getting more intelligent,1282.2,3.839 what we need to do is give it this,1284.12,4.14 Universal set of values so that it can,1286.039,4.441 have its own agenda but this agenda,1288.26,4.68 aligns with true human needs and,1290.48,4.559 interests,1292.94,3.9 um let's see this includes ensuring that,1295.039,3.781 the benefits of AI can be enjoyed by all,1296.84,4.14 regardless of socioeconomic status or,1298.82,4.38 geographical location by promoting,1300.98,3.9 transparency fairness and accountability,1303.2,3.78 for the development of AI we can create,1304.88,3.659 a better future for everyone I believe,1306.98,2.939 that AI has the potential to make,1308.539,3.961 tremendous positive impact C super,1309.919,4.861 optimistic just like me,1312.5,3.78 um all right I'm gonna call this a day I,1314.78,3.24 think you get the point this is super,1316.28,3.12 valuable,1318.02,3.779 um and yes I hate Visual Studio code and,1319.4,5.759 copilot stop asking me to try it I did,1321.799,5.221 it I hate it actually no I'll keep,1325.159,3.781 trying it um just to see if I can get,1327.02,4.139 the hang of it but I seriously seriously,1328.94,3.96 prefer notepad plus plus all right,1331.159,5.361 that's it thanks for watching bye,1332.9,3.62