text,start,duration,video_title good morning everybody David Shapiro,0.12,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" here with another video so today's video,2.34,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" is going to be a little bit less about,4.68,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the narratives around Ai and that sort,6.54,4.139,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of stuff and it's going to be a little,9.66,4.019,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" bit more uh down to Basics uh let's talk,10.679,5.641,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" let's talk business with artificial,13.679,5.041,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" intelligence uh particularly generative,16.32,3.48,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" AI,18.72,3.3,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" uh real quick plug before we get started,19.8,5.04,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" uh I am available for one-on-one,22.02,6.179,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" consultations on patreon and I'm also,24.84,6.3,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" available uh for for different kinds of,28.199,4.981,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" engagements uh reach out to me on,31.14,4.259,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" LinkedIn if you'd like to talk about any,33.18,3.18,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of the things that I'm talking about,35.399,2.34,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" here,36.36,3.48,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" all right so getting right into the show,37.739,5.361,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" let's talk about generative AI for CEOs,39.84,5.28,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and we're going to look at it at a very,43.1,3.88,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" high level so first we're going to look,45.12,3.18,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" at it through the lens of people,46.98,4.919,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" processes and tools uh all organizations,48.3,5.759,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" go through Transformations and one of,51.899,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the ways to look at organizational,54.059,4.621,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" transitions is through people processes,56.039,5.281,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and tools what kinds of people do you,58.68,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" need and how does that how does that,61.32,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" change what kind of expertise training,63.12,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that sort of stuff how do your processes,65.46,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" change uh within the business and then,67.68,5.04,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" what tools do you use so this is just,69.84,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" kind of the the the background framing,72.72,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" we're not going to unpack these in any,74.76,3.719,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" particular order we're just going to,76.74,3.96,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" kind of talk about generative AI through,78.479,3.96,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" this particular lens,80.7,3.54,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so one thing that you can think about,82.439,4.741,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI is that it's just more,84.24,3.96,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" software,87.18,3.6,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" at a fundamental level generative AI is,88.2,4.559,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" just a new kind of software but it is,90.78,3.9,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" still just software,92.759,4.921,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" one thing to keep in mind is that uh,94.68,5.52,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" technology you know computers uh,97.68,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" software that sort of stuff has,100.2,3.48,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" automated and accelerated business for,101.82,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" decades this is nothing new it's nothing,103.68,4.399,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" different this is just the next flavor,105.84,5.4,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" for those of you in the technology space,108.079,4.921,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you might remember how virtualization,111.24,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" was a very disruptive technology for the,113.0,5.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" data center and that ultimately led to,115.68,4.52,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" uh the the,118.32,4.74,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" preeminence of cloud computing which is,120.2,4.959,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" now pretty much standard and so the,123.06,5.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" combination of virtualization and apis,125.159,6.001,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and stuff that made cloud computing uh,128.28,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you know the viable business model that,131.16,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" it is today this is no different from,133.26,5.119,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" how Oracle and SQL Technologies,135.84,4.74,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" transformed uh the way that businesses,138.379,4.481,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" handled data and then of course there's,140.58,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" everything that Microsoft did for for,142.86,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" business productivity from their office,144.9,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" suite to Microsoft Windows and,146.52,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" everything else team Foundation,148.92,3.959,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" everything,150.78,3.36,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so,152.879,3.061,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" from that perspective from a software,154.14,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" perspective you can think of a,155.94,6.06,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI in two primary categories,159.12,5.399,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the first category is that generative AI,162.0,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" is a new kind of automation,164.519,4.621,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and so you know again business,166.62,6.3,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" automation nothing new uh and business,169.14,5.879,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" automation is also it doesn't really,172.92,4.74,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" change the idea is that you just do more,175.019,4.681,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" with less you do it faster and you do it,177.66,5.52,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" more reliably so looking at generative,179.7,6.179,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" AI through the lens of automation the,183.18,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" idea is that it can take some of the,185.879,4.621,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" workload off of humans and put it onto,188.16,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" machines and then it can allow you to,190.5,5.879,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" get more done faster with less and more,193.14,5.28,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" reliably that is the entire point of,196.379,3.72,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" automation,198.42,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" another thing that you can look at it is,200.099,3.661,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and this is kind of the fundamentally,202.08,5.1,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" new aspect is it has to do with decision,203.76,5.88,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" enhancement and what I mean by that is,207.18,4.76,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that the particularly language models,209.64,5.459,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" they can Aid with all kinds of things,211.94,6.04,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" whether it's judgment creativity,215.099,6.0,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" appraisal brainstorming drafting they,217.98,5.399,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" can also read a tremendous amount in,221.099,3.601,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" very short periods of time which can,223.379,3.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" allow you to make better decisions by,224.7,5.58,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" ingesting more data than ever before,227.159,5.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so by thinking of generative Ai and,230.28,5.459,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" these two uh like I guess categories,232.379,5.94,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Automation and decision enhancement that,235.739,4.741,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" can really help you target where in your,238.319,3.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" corporation where in your organization,240.48,5.52,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" to look at using generative AI again the,242.099,5.521,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" idea of automation is that you get more,246.0,4.04,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" done faster and of course time is money,247.62,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" another thing is that you can do it with,250.04,3.46,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" less you might be able to do it with,252.18,3.479,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" less head count or you can take the,253.5,3.72,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" ideally you take the head count that you,255.659,2.58,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" do have because we don't want to see,257.22,3.239,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" anyone get laid off if we can avoid it,258.239,5.46,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and then you you Empower your existing,260.459,6.3,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" staff to do twice as much four times as,263.699,6.0,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" much 10 times as much so that is and,266.759,4.141,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" then of course you can also use,269.699,3.961,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI to perform checks and,270.9,5.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" interlocks which can raise the quality,273.66,5.4,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of work and make it more consistent so,276.12,4.799,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" those are a few uh kind of off the cuff,279.06,3.12,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" ways to think about it like yes,280.919,3.901,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI is just more software but,282.18,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" there's it does give us a couple new,284.82,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" capabilities of this software,286.86,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" So speaking of new capabilities uh,289.08,5.28,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI mostly right now is text,291.84,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and images but there's other modalities,294.36,5.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" coming soon namely video audio and a few,296.22,5.64,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" other things so what are the what are,299.58,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the Baseline capabilities that this,301.86,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" technology has first of all as a,303.96,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" language model it is primarily based on,306.36,5.16,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" text which means it can read everything,308.88,4.94,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" it can ingest email chat papers,311.52,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" scientific papers articles laws,313.82,5.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" protocols reports logs tribal knowledge,316.38,5.759,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" in the form of KB articles documentation,319.08,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that sort of stuff,322.139,3.241,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so when you think when you have a,323.58,4.08,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" machine that can read at a thousand,325.38,5.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" times faster than any human think of the,327.66,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" text Heavy aspects of your business,330.6,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" whether that is combing through,332.46,5.76,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" financial reports or consolidating,335.1,6.18,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Knowledge from from chat logs customer,338.22,5.46,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" feedback there's all kinds of stuff that,341.28,3.96,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" is text based or could easily be,343.68,3.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" rendered as text that you can then just,345.24,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" read and get a tremendous amount of,347.46,5.16,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" information from now the problem there,349.74,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of course is you have to be asking the,352.62,3.72,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" right questions and there are also still,354.06,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" technical limits namely the window size,356.34,3.72,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of some of these things,358.68,4.019,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you can summarize and transform text and,360.06,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" information and so what I mean by that,362.699,3.121,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" is you can take a large block of text,364.08,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and you can either make it smaller or,365.82,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" change the formatting or that sort of,368.94,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" thing which again this is one of the two,370.5,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" one of the new tools in the toolbox,372.96,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that allows you to engage with the data,375.3,4.679,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that you do have in a different manner,377.88,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" uh brainstorming and planning so this is,379.979,5.16,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" one of the most powerful aspects of,382.5,5.16,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" tools such as chat gbt it's like hey I'm,385.139,4.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" addressing this problem help me,387.66,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" brainstorm how to approach it uh I've,389.34,4.979,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" used brainstorming everything for uh,391.86,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" writing fiction you know it's like hey,394.319,4.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" I'm working on this scene uh help me,396.18,4.079,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" brainstorm a few ways to approach the,398.52,3.959,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" scene so that it you know ticks these,400.259,4.321,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" boxes right you give it you give it some,402.479,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" constraints and Technologies like chat,404.58,4.679,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" GPT will absolutely surprise you in,406.979,4.141,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" terms of what they're capable of helping,409.259,5.041,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you brainstorm because they it has a lot,411.12,4.859,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" more information than than you will ever,414.3,3.3,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" have and so if you give it the right,415.979,3.181,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" constraints and the right problem space,417.6,3.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" it will surprise you and it'll add,419.16,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" information to uh what you're trying to,421.38,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" do planning one of the things that's,423.72,3.96,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" really good at is helping you think,425.88,4.08,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" through every step of a plan,427.68,4.859,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" brainstorming and planning are among the,429.96,4.679,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" most cognitively demanding tasks and,432.539,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" we'll talk about cognitive demands and,434.639,4.921,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" cognitive offload in just a moment but,436.979,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" basically you know there are some things,439.56,3.9,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that chat GPT and similar Technologies,441.599,4.621,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" can do that can save you a tremendous,443.46,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" amount of mental energy which then you,446.22,4.379,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" can allocate to other things other,448.38,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" problems that AI is not yet capable of,450.599,4.021,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" doing and then finally Drafting and,452.88,4.379,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" revising uh you know whether you're,454.62,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" writing a legal document or an agreement,457.259,4.621,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" or a contract or even just drafting an,459.06,5.28,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" email I mean I use chat GPD it's like,461.88,4.74,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" hey I need to respond to this email I,464.34,3.9,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" want to do it diplomatically and explain,466.62,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" it clearly and you know like yes I am,468.24,4.799,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" good at writing but it's just easier to,470.94,4.199,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" have the machine write the first draft,473.039,5.1,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" for me and then I can clean it up and,475.139,4.921,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" then revisions as well,478.139,3.661,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" in some of my previous videos you might,480.06,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" have seen where I use uh the chat GPT,481.8,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" API to provide feedback on my fiction,484.5,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and and plenty of other things I often,486.78,5.16,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" use chat GPT for uh helping actually,489.3,5.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" even make these slide decks although I'm,491.94,3.84,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" getting better at making these slide,494.52,3.239,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" decks so I actually need it less which,495.78,3.539,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" is a really interesting phenomenon it's,497.759,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" like okay I've actually gained new,499.319,4.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" skills by using this tool and I am,501.419,3.601,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" better at communicating now and I need,503.52,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" this tool less really fascinating I,505.02,3.299,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" don't know if that's going to keep up,507.18,4.079,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" but anyway so here these are four basic,508.319,6.001,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" categories of new capabilities that you,511.259,5.041,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" can think of in terms of okay what is it,514.32,3.899,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that generative AI is actually capable,516.3,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of right now and then from there these,518.219,3.721,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" are kind of the low level building,520.74,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" blocks that you can slot into other,521.94,5.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" products other services whether it's,524.76,4.139,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" internal or external right because you,527.16,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" might have internal facing tools you,528.899,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" might have external facing tools and,531.18,3.42,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" these are things that you can just kind,533.339,3.241,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of pipe into existing Frameworks,534.6,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" existing processes to make them better,536.58,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you can also think about these when,539.16,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" creating new products and services,541.08,5.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" okay so as I promised cognitive offload,543.72,6.72,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" most humans are capable of two to maybe,546.74,5.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" four hours of high performance cognitive,550.44,5.16,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" labor per day many people less so an,552.6,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" average a rule of thumb is about two,555.6,2.76,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" hours,557.16,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so the idea of cognitive offload is that,558.36,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" it's like okay whatever it is that's,561.36,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" difficult you uh delegate that to,562.92,5.34,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" someone else you delegate it to a,566.16,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" machine,568.26,3.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" excuse me you delegate it to a machine,569.82,5.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you uh you do something to make it,571.94,6.399,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" easier you create a process or you,575.04,5.4,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" offshore it or whatever,578.339,3.661,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so what are some things that are,580.44,3.74,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" cognitively demanding decision making,582.0,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" there's a phenomenon called decision,584.18,5.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" fatigue if you follow hbr uh and or,586.38,5.579,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" scitec daily or whatever there's plenty,589.62,3.899,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of research that goes into decision,591.959,3.421,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" fatigue and basically what this means is,593.519,4.921,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that the cognitive demand of making,595.38,5.7,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" decisions all day is very very taxing,598.44,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" it's very draining and so what happens,601.08,4.379,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" is that after making too many decisions,603.12,5.1,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" once decision fatigue takes over people,605.459,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" will just kind of go with the default,608.22,3.299,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" answer or whatever they're most,609.779,3.961,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" comfortable with or they'll use simpler,611.519,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and simpler heuristics and objectively,613.74,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" speaking decisions get worse with with,616.019,5.701,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" time and fatigue so any place that you,618.72,6.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" can use generative AI to offload some of,621.72,5.46,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the decision-making process from humans,625.38,4.019,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" or to augment it right because it,627.18,3.719,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" doesn't necessarily mean taking it from,629.399,4.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Human but instead instead of having to,630.899,4.981,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" have a human synthesize all the things,633.6,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and think through it you can have the AI,635.88,3.959,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generator report like okay based on the,637.74,3.3,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" problem space that you're addressing,639.839,3.721,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" here's the top three choices you know,641.04,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" think through this and again this is,643.56,3.24,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" something that I use chat GPT for all,645.18,3.36,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the time it's like okay help me think,646.8,3.06,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" through what you know what are the,648.54,2.82,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" questions that I'm forgetting to ask,649.86,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" myself that sort of thing and by by,651.36,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" having the machine do some of the,654.24,3.659,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" thinking for me it preserves my,655.68,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" cognitive energy for other problems,657.899,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" speaking of problem solving,659.88,5.28,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" problem solving is also very very,662.459,5.461,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" cognitively demanding whether you're,665.16,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" trying to solve a financial problem a,667.92,3.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" legal problem a technology problem,669.6,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" having something that you can bounce,671.12,5.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" ideas off of or ideally actually just,673.62,5.58,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" pipe it into your existing products and,676.62,5.219,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" services and platforms where either it,679.2,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" can solve the problem for you or it can,681.839,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" help you solve problems again this is,684.0,6.12,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" going to be a high value ad where the,686.519,4.981,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" overall intelligence of your,690.12,3.6,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" organization will go up if you use,691.5,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI to help your organization,693.72,4.619,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" solve problems better but it also save,695.7,4.74,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" your employees brain power for the,698.339,3.901,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" problems that AI is not yet capable of,700.44,2.7,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" solving,702.24,3.779,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" learning learning is something that uh,703.14,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" All Humans Do it's natural it's,706.019,3.841,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" instinctive it's reflective sorry,707.76,3.9,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" reflexive you don't even need to think,709.86,3.9,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" about doing it but when you put yourself,711.66,3.9,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" in a position where you're deliberately,713.76,3.84,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" learning and stretching your mind that,715.56,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" is very exhausting it's very taxing uh,717.6,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and so what you can do is you can use,720.12,5.459,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" these tools to help streamline your,722.22,5.16,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" training your learning,725.579,4.741,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and what that does is that you uh can,727.38,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" meet everyone where they are for your,730.32,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" training programs and you can also often,732.06,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" learn faster because then you have an,734.7,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" interactive modality and you can,736.56,3.899,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" basically create an internal uh,738.36,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" customized tutor that says okay here's,740.459,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the company's training material let's,743.04,3.539,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" get through it and then instead of just,744.899,3.781,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" like watching a brain dead boring video,746.579,3.961,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that nobody actually cares about anyways,748.68,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you can have an interactive experience,750.54,4.799,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" which one will make the training more,753.3,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" engaging uh and that that level of,755.339,4.921,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Engagement means that people will enjoy,758.1,4.739,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" it more and they'll retain it better,760.26,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and then of course that's you know,762.839,3.3,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" corporate training is one thing but,764.7,3.42,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" there's also there's also the uh,766.139,4.921,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" acquisition of new skills so let's say,768.12,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you're bringing you're onboarding a new,771.06,3.839,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" product or a new service or you're,772.68,3.719,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" shipping a new product and service and,774.899,3.481,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you need to teach people about it so,776.399,3.541,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" remember that learning is very,778.38,3.899,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" cognitively demanding and AI chat Bots,779.94,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" are already good at tutoring and,782.279,4.441,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" teaching and so this again is a way,784.56,4.079,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" where you can use the AI not to replace,786.72,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" humans but to augment humans and bring,788.639,3.781,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" them to the next level,791.04,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" creativity synthesizing new ideas is,792.42,5.099,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" also very very difficult it's very,795.6,4.979,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" cognitively demanding and while,797.519,5.461,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Technologies like chat GPT and others,800.579,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" are not technically creating anything,802.98,3.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" new most humans don't create anything,804.839,3.901,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" new anyways we just remix stuff that,806.76,3.72,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" we've experienced which is not any,808.74,3.42,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" different from what generative AI does,810.48,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and also within the context of business,812.16,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you don't necessarily need to create,814.62,5.04,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" anything entirely 100 new what you do,816.36,5.34,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" need to do is take the things that you,819.66,5.46,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" know and then deploy them with with good,821.7,6.12,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" application you need to find the right,825.12,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" solution for the problem that you're,827.82,2.639,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" facing,829.44,3.36,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" whether it's a marketing problem legal,830.459,4.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Finance HR right if you need to come up,832.8,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" with a creative solution for an HR issue,834.66,6.119,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" again chat GPT knows enough about the,837.66,5.28,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" human condition and emotions and all,840.779,3.3,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" this other stuff to help you think,842.94,2.82,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" through and come up with Creative,844.079,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Solutions uh whatever it is that you're,845.76,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" doing and then finally planning as I,848.339,4.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" mentioned planning is very cognitively,850.44,3.959,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" demanding and this is this includes,852.54,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" forecasting anticipation or even,854.399,4.801,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" predicting the future and so basically,856.86,3.84,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" one thing that you can do is you can ask,859.2,5.16,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" chat gbt say like hey uh you know the,860.7,5.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" these are the business trends that I'm,864.36,3.479,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" seeing this is what the Market's doing,865.92,3.96,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" help me think through this and it it's,867.839,3.901,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" not necessarily going to be 100 right,869.88,4.199,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" but that's not the point what I'm saying,871.74,3.96,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" is you're not using it to replace your,874.079,3.06,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" ability to plan you're using it to,875.7,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" augment your ability to plan,877.139,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so the golden rule for all of this one,879.36,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of the best ways you can use generative,881.519,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" AI this Golden Rule is preserve human,883.5,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" cognition for when you really need it so,885.779,5.641,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" this design principle goes uh it one,888.18,5.88,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" it's it's relatively old this is one of,891.42,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the chief design principles in the Unix,894.06,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" operating system which treats human,895.98,5.34,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" cognition as a scarce resource but also,898.26,5.28,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" this is how jet fighters work so the,901.32,5.1,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" avionics research industry uh for,903.54,5.58,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" particularly for military realized that,906.42,4.919,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you needed to treat a pilot's cognitive,909.12,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" attention as the scare as a very scarce,911.339,5.401,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" resource and so the avionics in jet,913.98,5.76,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" fighters only gets their attention when,916.74,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" they absolutely need it,919.74,4.08,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and so if you watch the top gun Maverick,921.6,3.479,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" movie,923.82,2.879,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" um one of the scenes where the plane is,925.079,3.661,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" like spiraling towards the ground and it,926.699,3.721,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the alarm starts where it's like you,928.74,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" know pull up pull up pull you know and,930.42,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" then as the uh as the level of danger,932.88,5.759,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Rises the alarm changes right and so,935.1,6.419,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that change in tone uh what that does is,938.639,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" it calls the Pilot's attention to,941.519,3.721,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" something that is at that they need to,943.139,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" pay attention to immediately uh and so,945.24,5.159,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that is an example of how uh attention,947.699,5.221,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" engineering can be used for good rather,950.399,3.781,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" than the way that it's used in social,952.92,4.08,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" media and this is just an example but if,954.18,5.94,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you the the whole point here is that the,957.0,5.579,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the point of cognitive offload is to,960.12,5.1,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" treat your employees brain power those,962.579,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" those two hours of high performance,965.22,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" cognitive labor as a very scarce,966.959,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" resource so that instead of you know,968.88,5.1,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" using their raw brain power to do the,971.579,4.981,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" work manually instead they use a machine,973.98,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" to offload as much of that as possible,976.56,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so that then they can protect their,978.36,4.919,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" productivity for or elsewhere,980.76,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so here's some questions to ask so these,983.279,4.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" are based on questions that I often ask,985.68,5.219,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" when I'm Consulting uh and this is these,987.48,5.099,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" are the questions that I ask to zoom,990.899,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" into and find okay where is it that you,992.579,5.161,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" need to use generative Ai and how do you,995.519,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" employ it so the first question what,997.74,3.959,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" activities are the most menial tedious,999.959,4.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and time consuming what do you avoid,1001.699,5.161,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" doing because it's just too painful,1004.16,5.7,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so this is a really good question I,1006.86,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" usually start with something like this,1009.86,3.539,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" especially if if uh you know my client,1011.24,4.08,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" or whatever doesn't really know what,1013.399,3.36,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" they need or know how to deploy,1015.32,3.0,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI it's like okay what are,1016.759,3.481,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" your pain points and of course this is a,1018.32,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" business practice that is as old as,1020.24,3.719,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" business itself what are your pain,1021.98,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" points let's see if we can address those,1023.959,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" pain points with generative AI,1025.64,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and you know the the way that it can,1028.579,3.6,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" address it is you know look at cognitive,1030.62,3.36,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" offload and new capabilities,1032.179,3.841,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the second question is what activities,1033.98,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" actually add value what is the,1036.02,4.559,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" objectively uh beneficial business,1038.6,3.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" output of a given activity or in other,1040.579,4.141,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" words what is the value proposition what,1042.38,3.959,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" is what is the activity that you're,1044.72,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" doing that is actually giving something,1046.339,4.321,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" to your customers what are you getting,1048.38,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" paid to do what is the outcome that,1050.66,3.84,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" they're looking for because if you apply,1052.52,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI directly to your outputs,1054.5,4.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" to the things that bring in Revenue,1056.78,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" obviously that's good for business what,1058.72,4.3,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" a lot of startups are doing right now is,1061.46,3.48,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" trying to invent new products and new,1063.02,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" services to create entirely new revenue,1064.94,4.08,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" streams but there's plenty of existing,1067.4,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" businesses out there that could probably,1069.02,5.159,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" help their Top Line you know get the get,1071.6,5.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the net uh income up by,1074.179,6.24,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" providing more goods and services either,1077.26,5.919,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" at a cheaper price or adding some novel,1080.419,4.341,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" features to their products and services,1083.179,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" but by by actually paying attention to,1084.76,6.159,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the objective business value of any,1087.679,4.981,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" activity and this it doesn't necessarily,1090.919,3.541,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" have to be the business outputs it could,1092.66,3.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" be the outputs of a given Department the,1094.46,3.839,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" HR department your legal department your,1096.44,3.42,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" it Department your marketing department,1098.299,3.601,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" right because one of the what is the,1099.86,3.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" output of the marketing department you,1101.9,3.899,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generate you generate leads which can,1103.64,3.419,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" lead to revenue,1105.799,3.12,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so that's what I mean by outputs what is,1107.059,4.681,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the objective value added number three,1108.919,5.161,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" how do you know that an activity is,1111.74,3.42,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" successful,1114.08,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" whether it's a kpi intuition experience,1115.16,5.7,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" what is it that you actually pay,1118.76,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" attention to to know that you have been,1120.86,5.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" successful the reason that this is a,1123.26,5.159,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" good question for generative AI is,1126.08,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" because sometimes it's not obvious how,1128.419,3.961,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI can help you be more,1130.52,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" successful so if they're like you know,1132.38,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" if you're looking for an intangible,1135.08,3.42,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" right like maybe you need to build,1136.64,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" customer trust or build rapport that is,1138.5,5.7,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" something that uh that might surprise,1141.2,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you but chat GPT and other similar,1144.2,3.0,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Technologies can actually help you with,1145.76,5.159,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you say like uh hey I you know I'm gonna,1147.2,6.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" I've got a customer that I'm cultivating,1150.919,4.801,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" um let me feed you in the profile for,1153.98,3.54,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" this customer let's talk about this,1155.72,3.18,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" customer and let's connect with what,1157.52,3.36,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" they actually need right how can I how,1158.9,3.659,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" can I make this customer trust me how,1160.88,4.08,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" can I earn their trust right and so,1162.559,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that's just one example of where if it's,1164.96,5.7,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" a marketing a sales sales team,1167.539,5.661,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" it can generative AI can help them,1170.66,5.519,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" increase their level of success if you,1173.2,4.599,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" pay attention to what it is that,1176.179,3.481,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" actually makes them successful and it,1177.799,3.12,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" does not necessarily have to be,1179.66,2.639,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" something that you can put a number on,1180.919,3.961,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" in fact a lot of business is something,1182.299,4.141,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that is very difficult to measure,1184.88,5.1,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" objectively now that being said chat GPT,1186.44,6.0,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" doesn't necessarily need metrics this is,1189.98,3.9,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" one of the biggest differences between,1192.44,2.94,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" conventional machine learning and,1193.88,3.36,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" artificial intelligence and generative,1195.38,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" AI it operates in qualitative space not,1197.24,5.16,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" quantitative space this is the biggest,1200.24,4.679,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" fundamental difference between data,1202.4,4.019,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" science in the past and data science,1204.919,4.441,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" today is that pivot from quantitative,1206.419,5.76,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" data numbers forecast linear regression,1209.36,5.04,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that sort of thing to qualitative,1212.179,4.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" information what is it that this person,1214.4,4.019,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" likes and why and how do you earn their,1216.38,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" trust and finally question number four,1218.419,4.861,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" what activities are the highest priority,1220.88,5.34,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" or highest stakes in other words where,1223.28,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" would having an extra brain or an extra,1226.22,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" set of eyes make the most difference,1228.08,5.64,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so this is something where uh often if,1230.48,4.439,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" something is high priority or high,1233.72,3.42,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" stakes that is where that's like the,1234.919,4.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" sweet spot right that is that is the,1237.14,3.18,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" meat and potatoes of your business,1239.12,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" because that is the that is the set of,1240.32,5.099,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" tasks that only humans can do right now,1242.78,5.1,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and they are they're going to be the,1245.419,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" bottleneck right so what I mean by that,1247.88,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" is uh I used to work at managed service,1250.039,5.401,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" providers and so you know one of the,1252.26,6.18,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" biggest things was uptime if the if the,1255.44,5.099,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" data center goes down or a service goes,1258.44,4.619,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" down that's money out the door so that,1260.539,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" means that's a very high priority task,1263.059,4.021,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and so if I were Consulting for a,1264.799,3.601,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" managed service provider and they said,1267.08,3.54,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Dave how can we use generative AI to,1268.4,3.84,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" help our bottom line I said what are the,1270.62,3.72,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" what are the biggest uh priorities that,1272.24,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you have and it's like well if we have a,1274.34,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" severity one let's you know we need to,1276.44,5.04,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" all hands on deck and one thing this is,1278.78,4.139,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" just from my experience in technology,1281.48,3.24,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" one thing is that a lot of people are,1282.919,3.241,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" very reactive,1284.72,3.42,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" I actually had to leave a job because my,1286.16,4.259,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" boss did not understand the value of,1288.14,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" eliminating technical debt and so he's,1290.419,4.441,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" just like oh well we have fire alarms on,1292.64,4.019,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" a daily basis and that's just the way,1294.86,3.179,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" things are and I said no the hell it,1296.659,3.661,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" isn't like prevention is what we should,1298.039,4.441,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" be doing right if if your fire,1300.32,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" department is over taxed because,1302.48,3.48,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" everything is burning down maybe you,1303.98,4.199,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" need new fire code he didn't get that so,1305.96,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" I left that job but my point is is that,1308.179,5.041,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" there there are going to be key risks,1310.94,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and key business activities that are,1313.22,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" responsible for a good chunk of the,1315.74,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" money coming in and the money going out,1318.08,3.599,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so that's what I mean by high priority,1320.0,3.84,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and high stakes you pay attention to,1321.679,3.961,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" those things first and you fix them as,1323.84,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" much as you can by adding generative AI,1325.64,6.0,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" uh to make you know to to change those,1328.82,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" ratios so they got more coming in and,1331.64,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" less going out uh you know you can ask,1333.26,5.88,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and as a CEO you can ask these questions,1336.32,5.46,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of every department head you can also,1339.14,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" look at it from an internal perspective,1341.78,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" or an external perspective how do you,1343.46,3.719,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" engage with your customer your vendors,1345.44,3.96,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" your clients how do you engage with your,1347.179,3.901,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" internal stakeholders how do you engage,1349.4,3.659,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" with your uh your financial stakeholders,1351.08,3.3,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" your shareholders,1353.059,4.681,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" these are you can generative AI can,1354.38,4.799,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" apply to literally every level of,1357.74,2.88,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" business,1359.179,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" okay so on the tool side so we talked,1360.62,4.679,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" about the people in the processes let's,1363.559,3.24,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" talk about the tools,1365.299,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" uh first one thing that you can do the,1366.799,5.041,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" best one of the approaches is that you,1370.159,4.741,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" can create drop-in tools so one thing is,1371.84,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that a lot of people get wrong is,1374.9,3.24,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" they're trying is they try and build,1376.64,3.6,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" tools that require a fundamentally,1378.14,3.779,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" different workflow and it's a,1380.24,2.88,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" fundamentally different approach to,1381.919,3.841,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" business and I this is something that I,1383.12,4.799,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" often talk about with uh for startups,1385.76,3.84,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" where they're like oh we've got this,1387.919,3.301,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" great new tool that we're building it's,1389.6,3.48,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you know based on generative Ai and I'm,1391.22,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" like okay great but how are businesses,1393.08,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" going to use it is this gonna is is this,1395.24,5.4,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" gonna require them to adopt an entirely,1398.0,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" new workflow is it going to replace,1400.64,5.94,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" existing tools or ideally it's a drop-in,1402.86,5.76,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" tool that just goes in alongside every,1406.58,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" other tool in their toolbox so for,1408.62,3.419,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" instance in the marketing department,1410.84,3.54,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" they already use file servers they,1412.039,5.161,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" already use Photoshop they use Adobe and,1414.38,5.159,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and image services,1417.2,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" stock image services so in that case,1419.539,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" image generators like stable diffusion,1422.12,3.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and mid-journey and adobe's Firefly,1424.039,5.221,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" these are all drop-in tools where they,1426.1,4.959,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" fit into the existing workflows,1429.26,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" perfectly and so when you're whether,1431.059,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you're looking at adopting a generative,1433.7,4.859,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" AI tool or service make sure that it,1435.679,5.701,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" will fit into your existing workflows,1438.559,4.081,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" because that's where you're going to get,1441.38,3.179,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the most value out of it if it's a tool,1442.64,3.419,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that requires a fundamentally different,1444.559,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" approach the the path to adoption is,1446.059,5.641,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" just that much harder and I you know I,1449.059,4.801,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" saw this on the back in my it,1451.7,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" infrastructure days all the time where,1453.86,3.42,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" it's like yeah there's a great new,1456.08,3.42,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" powerful tool but like we can't really,1457.28,3.84,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" use it because it doesn't integrate with,1459.5,3.419,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" anything else that we do and it's going,1461.12,3.36,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" to fundamentally change the way we do,1462.919,3.601,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" business which just means it's not a,1464.48,4.199,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" good fit and this is this is something,1466.52,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" for startup CEOs to keep in mind it's,1468.679,5.521,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" also something for CEOs that are not,1471.44,6.119,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Tech Centric or AI Centric when adopting,1474.2,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" AI tools,1477.559,3.181,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" make sure that you make sure that you,1479.0,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" get those drop-in tools one another,1480.74,3.9,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" thing to keep in mind is that general,1483.32,3.3,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" purpose tools like chat GPT are often,1484.64,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the hardest to use because you have to,1486.62,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" know a lot about the tool you have to,1488.9,3.36,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" know a lot about what it is that you're,1490.64,3.06,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" trying to do and you have to interact,1492.26,2.94,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" with it in a very fundamentally,1493.7,2.64,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" different way than you've ever,1495.2,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" interacted with any uh technology tool,1496.34,4.199,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" in the past,1499.34,4.199,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so because of that part of what makes a,1500.539,5.041,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" a drop-in tool is going to be the,1503.539,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" affordances and user experience design,1505.58,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that says oh this is just like this,1507.559,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" other piece of software that I use this,1510.14,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" other app that I use all the time it,1512.179,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" just has some AI baked into it and it's,1514.28,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" really easy to use this is one of the,1516.679,4.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" things that I consulted with in the,1518.48,3.48,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" early days,1520.88,2.52,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" was there was a lot of people just,1521.96,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" putting together generic dashboards of,1523.4,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" AI tools and I'm like you have no,1526.1,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" coherent strategy there's nothing about,1528.02,5.399,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" this that just stands out and says Ah I,1530.96,5.099,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" know exactly what this tool is for and,1533.419,5.221,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you know so basically what you're trying,1536.059,4.441,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" to optimize for is make your generative,1538.64,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" AI tool as intuitive as possible where,1540.5,3.9,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you can just pick someone off the street,1542.96,3.42,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" put them in front of the app and they,1544.4,5.159,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" say oh I know I one I know exactly what,1546.38,4.74,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" this does and I know exactly how to use,1549.559,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" it just by guessing if you can if you,1551.12,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" can do that then you uh almost certainly,1554.059,3.901,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" have a drop in tool,1555.98,3.9,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" now the other thing that you can do is,1557.96,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you can improve existing systems so this,1559.88,4.679,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" could be you know if you've got teams if,1562.52,3.72,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you've got slack if you've got exchange,1564.559,4.561,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you know or or even log services or,1566.24,4.439,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" whatever and of course that's just all,1569.12,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" looking at it from the I.T side there's,1570.679,4.521,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" plenty of other business platforms,1573.32,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" whether it's your financial workflows,1575.2,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" your marketing workflows,1577.7,5.16,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" whether if you if you if you're not,1579.7,5.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" trying to add a new tool what you can do,1582.86,5.28,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" is if you have access to the code base,1585.02,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" uh for you know your internally,1588.14,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" developed tools you can add generative,1590.0,6.419,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" AI uh for at some of these uh decision,1592.94,5.94,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" points in order to make it just a little,1596.419,4.74,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" bit better a little bit faster so the,1598.88,3.779,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" primary example I have in my head is,1601.159,3.481,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" servicenow and other,1602.659,3.781,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" um internal management things like that,1604.64,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so let's say you have ticket routing,1606.44,5.16,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you've got uh follow-ups you've got,1609.14,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" emails so basically like you know,1611.6,5.4,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" instead of having uh humans do a lot of,1614.0,5.159,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the work you can have the machine do a,1617.0,3.539,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" lot of the work for the humans and to,1619.159,3.421,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" say hey which one of these emails do you,1620.539,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" want to send to this customer as a,1622.58,5.28,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" follow-up uh or if there's a if there's,1624.799,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" a ticketing system you can have the,1627.86,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" ticketing system ask a few obvious,1629.779,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" questions before a human even looks at,1632.12,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" it so that there's by the time your,1634.039,3.901,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" ticket gets escalated to an actual,1636.32,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" engineer or whoever it gets to a few,1637.94,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" questions have already been asked,1640.82,3.42,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" immediately and so there's more context,1642.14,5.279,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" which can reduce your mttx,1644.24,5.34,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" another place that you can look at it is,1647.419,5.76,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" human intervention where in uh and it,1649.58,5.04,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" can either be routing to the correct,1653.179,2.821,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" human so I was actually just talking to,1654.62,3.48,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" a friend about this on the medical side,1656.0,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" uh who's at a startup trying to use,1658.1,4.559,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI which is uh if there's a,1660.2,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" if there's a patient need how do you,1662.659,3.661,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" write it to the route it to the correct,1664.52,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" medical provider that is a that is a,1666.32,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" great use case because you can feed a,1668.9,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" whole patient chart into the llm and say,1670.52,5.039,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" what what exactly competency what,1673.52,3.84,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" competencies does this person need right,1675.559,2.761,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" now,1677.36,2.34,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" um and then you get the you get the,1678.32,2.82,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" exact right thing and then you make sure,1679.7,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that uh that that uh you know nurse or,1681.14,5.519,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" or specialist also gets the exact notes,1683.84,5.219,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that they need uh without having to go,1686.659,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" talk to a you know a bunch of other,1689.059,4.321,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" people because I mean heck one of my one,1690.799,4.321,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of my patreons several of my patreon,1693.38,3.6,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" supporters are in the medical field and,1695.12,3.48,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" they talk about just how annoying it is,1696.98,3.72,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" when charts aren't updated correctly and,1698.6,4.559,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" when uh Physicians and nurses don't talk,1700.7,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" to each other or they you know forget to,1703.159,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" pass something on so again you can,1704.9,5.58,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" reduce human interaction uh or sorry you,1707.419,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" can reduce the need for human,1710.48,3.12,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" intervention by having some of these,1711.559,3.901,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" interactions automated,1713.6,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and then finally cognitive offload if,1715.46,4.079,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you if you go hunting across your,1717.98,2.939,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" organization for the things that are,1719.539,3.781,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" really demanding those are ways that you,1720.919,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" can improve existing systems because you,1723.32,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" know you reduce the frustration that,1725.299,3.661,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" will increase productivity increase,1727.34,3.9,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" satisfaction and that also just all,1728.96,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" speaks to the bottom line,1731.24,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" okay so that was people processes and,1733.22,4.74,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" tools let's talk about better faster and,1735.74,4.919,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" cheaper otherwise uh how do you get the,1737.96,4.319,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" best return on investment from any,1740.659,3.361,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI initiative whether it's a,1742.279,2.941,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" product or service that you're thinking,1744.02,2.759,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" about adopting or one that you're,1745.22,3.54,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" building uh internally,1746.779,4.801,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so the the primary three questions here,1748.76,5.34,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that you should ask yourself is uh what,1751.58,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" can generative AI do better than humans,1754.1,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" what can it do faster than humans and,1756.02,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" what can it do cheaper than humans and,1758.24,3.419,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so this is what I mean where it's like,1760.34,3.719,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" okay if you can offset some of the labor,1761.659,5.821,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" costs uh you can ideally hopefully you,1764.059,5.401,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" preserve your existing head count but,1767.48,3.6,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you take your organization to the next,1769.46,3.48,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" level and you can double triple,1771.08,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" quadruple productivity while also doing,1772.94,4.859,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" cognitive offload so your your human,1775.7,4.74,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" employees are happier,1777.799,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so this is a universal truth of,1780.44,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" technology technology has always been a,1782.779,5.4,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" force multiplier so you know the the,1785.24,5.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Industrial Revolution example that I,1788.179,3.961,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" always love to give is the tractor,1790.46,3.54,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" tractors are very complicated they're,1792.14,4.019,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" expensive heavy pieces of equipment but,1794.0,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" we still use them because they have the,1796.159,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" physical power output of literally,1798.32,5.459,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" hundreds of horses uh and so you get rid,1800.779,4.681,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of the you instead of feeding and,1803.779,3.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" providing veterinary care for hundreds,1805.46,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of horses you have a tractor that all it,1807.559,4.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" does is drink gasoline need some oil and,1809.6,3.54,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" some replacement parts every now and,1811.76,2.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" then,1813.14,3.96,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI is a cognitive Force,1813.98,5.52,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" multiplier so let me say that again the,1817.1,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the first industrial or the first three,1819.5,4.399,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" industrial revolutions were more about,1821.36,5.28,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" uh communication Force multiplication,1823.899,5.461,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and physical Force multiplication,1826.64,6.24,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI is the first example of a,1829.36,5.679,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" cognitive Force multiplier it doesn't,1832.88,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" just send email faster right because you,1835.039,3.721,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" know email came around in the 80s or,1837.02,3.48,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" whatever which is like okay cool,1838.76,3.899,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" communication now happens faster that's,1840.5,5.34,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" not really cognitive labor or crunching,1842.659,5.281,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" numbers right math definitely very,1845.84,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" cognitively demanding but this is a new,1847.94,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" era of of cognitive labor force,1850.22,5.699,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" multiplication so that's why this video,1852.5,5.88,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" has cognitive offload as a central,1855.919,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" lesson as something to look for when,1858.38,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you're trying to integrate generative AI,1860.779,3.841,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" into your business,1862.64,2.94,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" better,1864.62,4.88,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so uh keep your ear to the ground but,1865.58,7.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you know basically chat GPT has already,1869.5,5.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" demonstrated Superior uh clinical,1872.6,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" judgment than many doctors and this is,1875.0,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" according to Harvard research it also,1876.98,4.559,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" has better uh executive judgment,1879.5,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" executive reasoning uh than many people,1881.539,5.301,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and this includes managers and some CEOs,1884.48,5.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and so in this case look for the,1886.84,4.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" activities where generative AI is,1889.7,5.28,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" demonstrably superior to humans this,1891.5,4.919,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" will give you obviously a competitive,1894.98,3.12,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Advantage but if it is better than you,1896.419,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" use the machine right humans can go use,1898.1,5.28,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" a rake and a hoe and and and and and,1901.279,4.921,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" plow uh the field but we don't have,1903.38,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" humans doing it by hand anymore because,1906.2,3.599,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the machine is better so just because,1907.88,3.6,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you can do something doesn't mean that,1909.799,3.781,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you should especially if the machine is,1911.48,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" better than you at it now again this,1913.58,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" doesn't necessarily mean get handed over,1915.5,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" to the machine entirely but you should,1918.14,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" be using the machine to augment your,1920.48,5.1,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" abilities so in the case of doctors if,1922.52,6.18,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" there is any room for doubt maybe,1925.58,5.219,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" doctors should be required or maybe not,1928.7,5.099,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" required but you know as part of the the,1930.799,4.801,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" medical resourcing system like you know,1933.799,3.541,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" epic and Cerner and stuff,1935.6,3.72,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you integrate some uh some language,1937.34,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" model technology into that where it's,1939.32,3.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" like okay cool uh based on this,1941.0,4.08,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" patient's chart and test results have,1943.1,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you thought of X Y and Z uh just enough,1945.08,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" just enough to clue in that the,1947.48,3.54,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" physician on the direction that maybe,1949.22,4.199,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" they need to go in order to augment,1951.02,4.379,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" human judgment and augment human,1953.419,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" executive reasoning now one thing about,1955.399,6.481,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" this is that unless you have a you know,1958.039,5.701,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" a product or service where they've done,1961.88,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the work and they can say look this this,1963.74,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" AI service that we've built is,1966.38,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" demonstrably better than humans you're,1968.36,3.48,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" going to need to figure that out for,1970.64,2.639,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" yourself through experimentation and,1971.84,3.3,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" consultation,1973.279,2.581,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" um,1975.14,3.0,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and also as I mentioned earlier you will,1975.86,3.6,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" need to start measuring some things,1978.14,3.539,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" qualitatively rather than quantitatively,1979.46,5.76,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so if if the objective is patient,1981.679,6.061,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" satisfaction or customer satisfaction or,1985.22,4.559,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" trust or any number of those other,1987.74,4.08,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" intangible things they can be a lot,1989.779,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" harder to measure but fortunately,1991.82,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" language models can help you measure,1993.919,5.461,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" those things through approximations,1996.32,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and so what I mean by that is just ask,1999.38,3.24,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" chat GPT,2001.12,2.939,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" um you know how can I measure customer,2002.62,3.779,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" satisfaction or trust or whatever and,2004.059,3.901,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" it'll give you some cool ideas about how,2006.399,3.481,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you can measure that and then you say,2007.96,2.939,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" well what's the difference between,2009.88,3.179,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" quantitative and qualitative trust me if,2010.899,3.481,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you do that experiment you'll see what,2013.059,2.401,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" I'm talking about,2014.38,3.539,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" uh but again this is no different from,2015.46,4.559,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" using machines to do things that humans,2017.919,5.1,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" either couldn't or shouldn't do uh you,2020.019,5.64,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" know a forklift right yes a human could,2023.019,4.681,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you know unpack a pallet and put,2025.659,3.601,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" everything in the you know on a new,2027.7,2.88,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" palette in the truck but it's easier to,2029.26,3.12,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" just use the forklift to pick up the,2030.58,3.54,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" pallet as a whole and put it in the,2032.38,4.08,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" truck for you likewise there's going to,2034.12,4.439,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" be some things that generative AI it can,2036.46,4.079,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" just do that a human can't,2038.559,3.661,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" um or that would take a human way too,2040.539,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" long to do so just offload those things,2042.22,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and let the machine do it because it's,2044.679,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" already better than the human,2046.36,6.72,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" faster so generative AI is super super,2048.339,8.701,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" fast it can read literally like 20 pages,2053.08,6.779,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of text in a few seconds no human is,2057.04,5.52,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" capable of that and then it can use that,2059.859,4.081,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" text it can either summarize it,2062.56,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" brainstorm extend it it can draft a new,2063.94,4.919,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" version all of this happens really,2066.58,3.839,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" really fast and of course time is money,2068.859,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" right velocity is speed plus Direction,2070.419,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so you got to make sure you're going in,2073.179,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the right direction but basically so,2074.619,4.141,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" this is another thing that I do when I'm,2077.379,4.081,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Consulting is I say what takes the,2078.76,5.28,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" longest you know so when I consult with,2081.46,4.679,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" scientists and academics it's like oh,2084.04,5.16,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" well you know writing grants is takes,2086.139,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" forever,2089.2,3.179,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" um you know Grant proposals Grant,2090.639,4.921,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" reviews that takes forever or writing,2092.379,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" research papers and revising research,2095.56,3.84,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" papers takes a long time,2097.359,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" whatever business activities take the,2099.4,6.06,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" longest those might be good targets uh,2102.339,5.641,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" for generative AI uh not related to,2105.46,4.639,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI but many many years ago,2107.98,5.52,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" earlier in my it infrastructure days I,2110.099,5.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" was working at a small uh medical,2113.5,5.28,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" startup medical software startup and I I,2115.3,5.34,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" we got a couple new servers and I added,2118.78,3.42,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" these new servers to their build Network,2120.64,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and so then their software builds took,2122.2,5.639,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" went from 26 hours to two and they said,2125.14,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" well Dave you threw off our entire,2127.839,4.141,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" workflow because instead of kicking off,2129.64,3.9,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" a build and then just coming back the,2131.98,3.48,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" next day we just go to lunch and come,2133.54,4.039,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" back and now we have to keep working,2135.46,5.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" but again if you can I mean and,2137.579,4.721,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Technology can do this you can shorten,2140.68,4.439,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" things by a factor of 10x or 100x I,2142.3,4.319,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" usually look at the things that can,2145.119,4.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" happen that we can shorten by 100x say,2146.619,4.861,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" okay what takes the longest here,2149.32,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" we've got some lawyer friends right the,2151.48,3.72,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you know there's there's a bunch of,2153.88,2.699,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" active lawsuits out there and I said,2155.2,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" okay given that we have generative AI,2156.579,5.161,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that can read and summarize you know,2159.7,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" hundreds of pages of legal documents,2161.74,5.339,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" really fast how can I build a tool that,2164.26,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" is going to really help you get to the,2167.079,4.561,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" bottom of these things really quick uh,2169.18,5.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so again looking looking at ways that,2171.64,5.34,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI can speed up really basic,2174.4,5.04,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" stuff just reading right don't,2176.98,4.619,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" underestimate the power of speeding up,2179.44,4.08,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" really basic tasks,2181.599,5.281,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" uh so another example is that I have I,2183.52,6.12,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" I've built my own tools that I use for,2186.88,5.58,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" uh for helping revise my writing,2189.64,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" um Chad GPT still sucks at writing by,2192.46,3.24,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the way,2194.56,2.94,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" um but so I don't use it for writing I,2195.7,3.84,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" use it for revisions and providing,2197.5,3.3,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" feedback because that's something that,2199.54,2.88,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" is really good at it says Hey I just,2200.8,3.24,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" read this whole chapter let me give you,2202.42,3.419,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" some feedback on it and it gives really,2204.04,3.36,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" good feedback,2205.839,3.121,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" I know because I've paid a professional,2207.4,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" editor and it gives me uh feedback at a,2208.96,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" very similar level as a professional,2211.78,4.319,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" editor now that being said it does miss,2213.76,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" a lot of stuff but instead of a two,2216.099,4.921,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" month turnaround I get a 30 minute,2218.68,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" turnaround so that's what I mean by look,2221.02,3.96,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" for things that you can accelerate by a,2223.3,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" factor of 10x or 100x so let's see going,2224.98,5.54,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" from two months or 60 days to 30 minutes,2227.98,6.599,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that's you know 60x and then instead of,2230.52,6.4,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" hours it's minutes like so I mean you're,2234.579,6.121,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" looking at a 200x speed up by using chat,2236.92,7.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" GPT API for getting uh feedback rather,2240.7,7.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" than using a human so again like you,2244.78,5.819,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" know those that level of speed up is,2248.02,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" absolutely possible with generative AI,2250.599,3.541,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" look for those and you're going to,2252.52,3.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" really make a a very good difference in,2254.14,3.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" some departments,2256.3,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and then finally cheaper uh here's the,2257.92,6.3,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" thing is that a lot of stuff costs a lot,2260.8,5.4,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and human labor is one of the most,2264.22,5.46,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" expensive parts of of uh many businesses,2266.2,6.06,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and the best expense is no expense so,2269.68,5.399,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" what I mean by that is unfortunately we,2272.26,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" are seeing where like many many,2275.079,4.141,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" companies are doing huge huge layoffs as,2276.88,4.199,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" they pivot and I don't know if those,2279.22,3.48,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" jobs are ever coming back but that kind,2281.079,3.181,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of goes outside of the scope of this,2282.7,3.419,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" video but,2284.26,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" what I mean by that is that if there is,2286.119,4.561,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" something that you can do cheaper with,2288.28,6.12,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" AI than paying a human or you can,2290.68,5.82,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Empower a human to do some to do the,2294.4,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" same task faster and therefore cheaper,2296.5,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that is kind of the direction to look at,2298.9,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so where can you lower costs with,2301.18,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI this one is actually a lot,2303.52,3.42,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" harder to do,2305.56,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" because uh again it's it's better at,2306.94,5.1,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" some things and it's certainly faster at,2310.42,3.54,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" some things uh but you still need human,2312.04,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" oversight you still need human uh you,2313.96,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" know guess and check or whatever uh you,2316.06,5.039,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" need experts supervising these systems,2318.22,5.04,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" um but with that being said there are,2321.099,3.961,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" ways that you can probably lower costs,2323.26,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" because again chat gbt has a 20 a month,2325.06,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" assistant it can do the work of,2327.94,3.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" literally like thousands of dollars,2329.98,3.84,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" worth of cognitive labor for you per,2331.72,3.06,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" month,2333.82,2.34,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" um so that you don't need to hire like a,2334.78,2.94,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" research assistant or that sort of thing,2336.16,3.54,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" which then frees up the you know,2337.72,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" cognitive labor of other humans but,2339.7,5.399,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" again look at where it's cheaper uh,2342.64,4.439,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI in the form of image,2345.099,3.841,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generators much much cheaper than,2347.079,3.361,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" graphic artists which is really really,2348.94,3.419,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" unfortunate for the graphics artists out,2350.44,3.72,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" there and I don't have a solution but,2352.359,3.961,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" from a business perspective this says,2354.16,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" like okay hey we can get a lot more art,2356.32,5.759,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" done uh much faster and much cheaper uh,2358.72,5.34,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" than than with the humans you still,2362.079,3.661,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" often need humans to do touch-ups and,2364.06,3.36,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and that sort of thing and to even Drive,2365.74,4.379,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the machines but again much cheaper,2367.42,4.199,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" because it is faster,2370.119,4.74,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you can also use it to do a SWOT,2371.619,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" analyzes and that sort of thing again,2374.859,2.961,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that goes back to the cognitive,2376.599,3.841,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" reasoning where you can use generative,2377.82,5.08,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" AI to help look at and control those,2380.44,4.44,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" outflows,2382.9,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and then so this is uh we're closing in,2384.88,5.28,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" on the end of the video one thing that I,2387.82,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" really want to point out particularly,2390.16,3.6,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" for the for the managers middle managers,2391.48,5.28,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and the executives watching is that you,2393.76,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" need to be using generative AI to,2396.76,3.839,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" augment yourself,2398.74,3.839,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" um whether this is using tools like chat,2400.599,4.321,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" GPT to develop your sense of empathy and,2402.579,6.0,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" to be more diplomatic uh to even be more,2404.92,5.699,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" vulnerable to learn to be more,2408.579,4.861,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" vulnerable with your customers your,2410.619,5.521,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" employees uh your star players that sort,2413.44,5.58,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of thing you use that and you will,2416.14,5.219,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" develop better relationships and and,2419.02,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you'll develop more trust and have a lot,2421.359,5.041,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" more of that intangible benefit of,2423.88,5.76,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" working with your employees and but,2426.4,5.219,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" employees inside the company and then,2429.64,3.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" customers outside the company,2431.619,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" introspection so this is one of the most,2433.02,6.52,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" unsung things that all leaders need to,2436.599,6.781,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" do is using these tools whether it's,2439.54,5.88,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" chat GPT or the reflective journaling,2443.38,4.52,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" tool that I built or anything else,2445.42,5.04,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" understanding how your own mind works,2447.9,5.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and What Makes You tick is absolutely,2450.46,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" critical to being a good leader because,2453.04,3.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" if you're doing things for the wrong,2455.38,3.479,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" reason you need to be aware of that so,2456.82,3.36,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that you can fix that and make sure that,2458.859,2.901,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you're doing things for the right reason,2460.18,3.6,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" introspection and the way that,2461.76,4.359,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI can help with that is,2463.78,4.799,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" really really good and then finally,2466.119,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" smarter if you're not using generative,2468.579,4.861,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" AI to learn more faster to make sure,2470.619,4.801,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that you have good understanding you,2473.44,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" will be left behind and so this is,2475.42,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" something like I know I'm saying that,2478.42,3.9,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" like really bluntly but the fact of the,2480.28,3.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" matter is if you're not using generative,2482.32,3.539,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" AI to make yourself smarter to make,2484.06,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" smarter decisions your competition is so,2485.859,5.041,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" it's that simple,2488.92,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and then lastly ethics and courage,2490.9,4.679,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" I've mentioned a few times during this,2493.72,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" video that in some cases I think,2495.579,4.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI will inevitably lead to,2497.38,5.3,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" layoffs job loss and that sort of thing,2499.78,5.16,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" uh there's going to be really tough,2502.68,5.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" decisions ahead for a lot of people and,2504.94,6.899,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" the competition May undercut you and you,2508.3,5.0,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" might feel like you have to compromise,2511.839,4.081,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" your principles and your values in order,2513.3,5.74,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" to stay competitive the thing is it's a,2515.92,5.159,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" foregone conclusion that technology will,2519.04,3.9,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" will disrupt markets do you remember,2521.079,4.141,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" borders borders imploded because of,2522.94,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Amazon that's just the name of the game,2525.22,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so if you need to close the doors and,2527.32,4.259,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" pivot maybe that's what you need to do,2529.72,3.96,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and it really sucks because nobody wants,2531.579,3.601,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" to go out of business nobody wants to,2533.68,3.54,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" lay off you know hundreds or thousands,2535.18,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of employees because you're going out of,2537.22,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" business that being said it's probably,2539.2,4.34,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" going to happen,2541.72,4.16,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" now even if you don't go out of business,2543.54,4.84,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" layoffs and pivots are coming they're,2545.88,4.239,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" actively happening,2548.38,2.88,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" um you know like you remember telephone,2550.119,3.361,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" operators telephone industry didn't go,2551.26,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" away telephone operators did and so,2553.48,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" going through these pivots is going to,2556.06,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" be very difficult and and very painful,2557.74,3.9,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" for some people,2560.32,3.36,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so what I want to leave you with is this,2561.64,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" idea that there are three guiding,2563.68,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" principles that you should probably keep,2565.96,6.0,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" in mind as you Embrace generative Ai and,2567.82,7.259,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that is Trust dignity and respect so,2571.96,5.22,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" first make decisions that prioritize,2575.079,5.101,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" earning and keeping trust once trust is,2577.18,4.86,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" lost it is very difficult to get back,2580.18,3.24,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and if you look at some of the,2582.04,3.12,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" technology or tech companies out there,2583.42,4.679,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that have abused the markets trust abuse,2585.16,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" their customer trust by violating,2588.099,4.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" privacy and that sort of stuff I gotta,2589.54,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" tell you like I'm never going back to,2592.3,2.819,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" those platforms I don't know I don't,2593.74,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" care what they do and so if you sell,2595.119,5.281,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" your trust if you if you sell your,2598.0,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" trustworthiness in the age of generative,2600.4,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" AI you will probably not be able to get,2602.5,5.04,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that back because Above All Else a lot,2604.9,4.439,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of people are are caring more and more,2607.54,4.319,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" about privacy and not being abused and,2609.339,5.461,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" manipulated uh by the corporations that,2611.859,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" we engage with if you watch my my,2614.8,3.539,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" channel you know that I am very very,2616.839,3.661,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" skeptical of corporations that being,2618.339,4.201,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" said I also understand that corporations,2620.5,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" are here for a reason and they provide,2622.54,5.4,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" uh critical goods and services to all of,2624.64,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" us,2627.94,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so make sure that you put trust front,2628.96,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and center with the way that you deploy,2631.96,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and use uh generative Ai and the,2633.88,4.199,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" decisions that you make a strategic,2636.28,3.539,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" decisions you make around generative AI,2638.079,4.801,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" dignity so this is something that is one,2639.819,5.361,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" of those more intangible things which is,2642.88,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you know how do you prioritize human,2645.18,4.419,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" dignity this means,2647.5,3.72,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" um this means treating people with,2649.599,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" respect respecting the Dignity of their,2651.22,5.16,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" time off respecting the Dignity of their,2653.619,5.46,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" competence Their Fear so this is another,2656.38,4.739,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" thing A lot of people are absolutely,2659.079,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Paralyzed by fear because they don't,2661.119,5.101,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" know what's coming and as a CEO you,2663.099,4.381,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" might not know what's coming either but,2666.22,3.119,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" if you treat people with dignity and you,2667.48,3.48,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" say you know what I'm not going to,2669.339,4.081,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" compromise on this value then they're,2670.96,3.54,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" gonna like you more they're gonna,2673.42,2.699,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" they're gonna give you more of the,2674.5,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" benefit of the doubt and and trust you,2676.119,4.261,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" to see it through and then finally,2678.16,4.8,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" respect respect for human rights respect,2680.38,4.56,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" for privacy respect for the way that,2682.96,4.859,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" people feel if you prioritize respect as,2684.94,5.879,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" well as trust and dignity then you know,2687.819,5.101,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" even if your company implodes or even if,2690.819,4.081,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you have to lay off people you're not,2692.92,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" gonna you're you're you won't regret it,2694.9,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" put it that way you will not ever regret,2697.06,5.64,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" prioritizing trust dignity and respect,2699.88,5.04,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" no matter what else happens,2702.7,6.84,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and so with this my my caution to all,2704.92,7.08,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" Executives and leaders out there in the,2709.54,3.9,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" age of generative AI is do not,2712.0,3.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" compromise your ethics and principles,2713.44,5.04,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" but also be courageous and make some,2715.78,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" bold decisions because if you're not,2718.48,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" making bold decisions other people will,2719.98,5.879,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" so for a quick recap we talked about the,2723.4,3.84,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" people processes and Tools around,2725.859,4.5,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI this is you know,2727.24,4.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI is just like any other,2730.359,4.161,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" software it provides new capabilities,2732.22,5.119,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" new opportunities but also new threats,2734.52,4.78,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" one of the key ways to look at,2737.339,4.0,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI is look at where it's,2739.3,4.2,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" better faster and or cheaper than humans,2741.339,3.721,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" this is where you're going to get the,2743.5,2.94,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" most bang for your buck when you're,2745.06,3.539,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" either building your own generative AI,2746.44,4.62,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" tools or you're buying or procuring,2748.599,5.881,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" generative AI goods and services,2751.06,5.88,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" uh and then second to last with,2754.48,4.68,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" self-improvement as an executive leader,2756.94,4.379,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" if you're not using generative AI to,2759.16,5.04,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" improve yourself somebody else is namely,2761.319,4.321,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" your competition and you're gonna get,2764.2,3.899,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" left behind and then lastly the slide,2765.64,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" that we just did was ethics and courage,2768.099,4.441,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" which means whatever happens whatever's,2769.78,5.46,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" coming if you if you compromise your,2772.54,4.319,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" ethics you might regret it but if you,2775.24,3.06,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" don't compromise your ethics you will,2776.859,3.421,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" not regret it so choose the path of,2778.3,4.019,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" least regret this is um actually a,2780.28,4.38,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" mantra that I live by is what decision,2782.319,4.861,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" will I regret least in the long run and,2784.66,3.84,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" then be courageous about it because,2787.18,4.02,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" again this is a bold time with a,2788.5,4.92,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" tremendous amount of opportunity but uh,2791.2,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" you know fortune favors the Bold so,2793.42,4.14,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" thanks for watching I hope you got a lot,2795.52,4.26,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" out of this thank you very much and uh,2797.56,4.32,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" again reach out on LinkedIn or patreon,2799.78,3.66,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" and let's talk if you want to if you,2801.88,2.939,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" want to talk about any of these topics,2803.44,3.98,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" cheers,2804.819,2.601,"Generative AI for CEOs: How to think about AI today, and how to get the most ROI from it" hello everybody David Shapiro here with,0.0,4.98,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk another video so today's video is about,2.46,5.28,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk super alignment uh for those that you,4.98,5.039,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that might not know openai recently,7.74,3.6,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk announced that they are creating a super,10.019,2.761,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk alignment team and they are going to,11.34,5.16,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk commit 20 of their compute resources to,12.78,6.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the task of solving super alignment So,16.5,5.279,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk today we're going to talk about how it,19.68,3.84,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk would work or more specifically the,21.779,4.621,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk challenges with super alignment and also,23.52,5.64,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk some of my uh let's say criticism my,26.4,5.52,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk feedback for openai based on what I know,29.16,5.1,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk about how they have approached alignment,31.92,4.08,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk so far and what they have said about,34.26,3.12,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk super alignment,36.0,4.02,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk uh before we get into the show all of my,37.38,4.32,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk work is completely open source and free,40.02,3.42,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk of ads and that is because I am,41.7,3.78,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk supported by a Grassroots movement now,43.44,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk in order to keep doing this your support,45.48,4.559,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk would be greatly appreciated and all,48.0,4.079,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk tiers on my patreon get you access to,50.039,4.141,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the private Discord server so without,52.079,4.681,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk further Ado moving on,54.18,5.1,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk uh first the question is what is super,56.76,5.88,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk alignment uh so I got this summary just,59.28,5.76,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk I took open ai's statement on super,62.64,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk alignment and and got this nice little,65.04,4.8,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk summary uh super alignment is the,67.26,4.08,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk process of ensuring that super,69.84,3.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk intelligent AI systems which are systems,71.34,4.74,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk much smarter than humans follow human,73.74,4.26,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk intent so they keep using this word,76.08,6.539,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk intent which I have some feedback on it,78.0,6.299,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk involves developing new scientific and,82.619,2.82,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Technical breakthroughs that can,84.299,3.661,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk effectively guide and control these,85.439,4.32,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk highly Advanced systems this is making,87.96,3.36,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the Assumption of Courage ability which,89.759,3.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk we'll talk about later the goal is to,91.32,3.839,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk prevent potentially catastrophic,93.659,3.121,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk scenarios such as super intelligent,95.159,3.721,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk going rogue or becoming uncontrollable,96.78,4.799,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk super super alignment is a critical,98.88,4.44,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk challenge in the field of AI safety and,101.579,3.381,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk is considered one of the most important,103.32,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk unsolved technical problems of our time,104.96,4.96,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk so again this is paraphrase paraphrasing,107.88,3.96,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk open AI,109.92,5.04,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk super alignment is not about ethics and,111.84,5.639,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk disinformation super alignment is,114.96,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk fundamentally about X risk or what we,117.479,3.721,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk used to call existential risk but what,119.46,3.42,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk people have simplified to just call,121.2,4.64,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Extinction risk it's not about jobs,122.88,5.519,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk displacement it's not about preserving,125.84,4.54,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the economy as it is it's not even about,128.399,4.041,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk ethics and privacy,130.38,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk or social Credit Systems it's not about,132.44,5.98,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk democracy it's not about uh manipulation,134.94,5.34,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk campaigns or making money or even,138.42,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk regulation it is about preventing,140.28,5.4,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk extinction level events,142.98,4.2,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk all right so to help you understand,145.68,3.72,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk super alignment uh I found a couple,147.18,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk memes so these are from the AI safety,149.4,4.68,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk memes uh Twitter which is hilarious and,151.8,4.68,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk I definitely recommend you follow him uh,154.08,5.64,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk or then whoever the probably a human,156.48,6.119,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk hopefully a human anyways uh so this is,159.72,5.7,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the show goth Meme and the idea is that,162.599,5.941,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk uh when you when you train a gigantic,165.42,5.34,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk model and of course these models are now,168.54,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk pushing multiple trillions of parameters,170.76,3.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and they're trained on trillions of,173.16,2.659,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk tokens,174.66,3.6,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk uh you,175.819,4.661,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk you don't know what is in the model you,178.26,3.6,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk don't know what it learns you don't know,180.48,3.92,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk how it thinks and it is entirely too big,181.86,6.36,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk to uh to be remotely interpretable all,184.4,5.619,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk you can do is train the model and then,188.22,4.14,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk test it based on input and output and,190.019,3.841,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk you can try and trick it you can try and,192.36,4.86,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk find failure conditions uh basically,193.86,5.64,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk this is the Mesa optimization problem,197.22,4.08,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk where it's like okay you don't really,199.5,3.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk know what's going on inside inside the,201.3,5.34,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Black Box uh and so unsupervised,203.4,6.78,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk learning uh Foundation models uh they,206.64,5.16,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk are scary because they will just start,210.18,4.08,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk spewing out all kinds of stuff all the,211.8,4.74,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk stuff that you saw on uh on the Bing,214.26,3.839,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk chat Sydney,216.54,3.36,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk um that was because they were they they,218.099,5.401,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk you got a little bit more raw raw output,219.9,6.3,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk from the model and of course that was uh,223.5,4.739,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk if you go watch the Y files that just,226.2,3.179,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk came out,228.239,3.0,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk um he had a really great dramatization,229.379,3.36,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk of some of the conversations that people,231.239,4.92,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk had with Sydney or being Ai and so that,232.739,5.521,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk gives you a kind of a closer peek under,236.159,4.201,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the hood as to what's going on they have,238.26,3.96,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk since fixed it with some supervised fine,240.36,3.84,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk tuning and then of course there's our,242.22,5.28,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk rlhf which makes it uh behave very well,244.2,6.06,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk but the thing is is every now and then,247.5,4.86,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk you'll get a peek behind you know what's,250.26,3.66,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk actually going on and what it's actually,252.36,3.659,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk capable of doing and you will realize,253.92,3.599,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that you are communicating with a,256.019,3.78,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk non-human intelligence and it's pretty,257.519,4.321,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk scary when that happens,259.799,4.501,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk uh this meme was great because it really,261.84,4.32,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk kind of shows the context of what actual,264.3,3.42,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk super intelligence is and I love the,266.16,3.96,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk simplification of this of the show goth,267.72,3.479,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk meme,270.12,2.76,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk um you know but basically the smartest,271.199,4.621,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk humans that have ever existed uh are,272.88,4.68,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk several orders of magnitude lower,275.82,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk capability than super intelligence and,277.56,4.139,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk since we're starting to see the first,280.38,3.48,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Sparks of super intelligence hopefully,281.699,3.72,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk people will start to believe that super,283.86,3.54,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk intelligence is actually a thing we,285.419,3.481,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk still have some deniers out there which,287.4,3.359,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk I'll cover in just a second,288.9,6.299,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk okay so General challenges why is super,290.759,6.421,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk alignment hard,295.199,4.801,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk first and foremost is the normalcy bias,297.18,5.88,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk so human brains we evolved on the,300.0,5.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk savannas of Africa and then we spread,303.06,6.12,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk across the world and so our brains just,305.9,5.859,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk do not comprehend exponential growth it,309.18,5.12,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk is not something that is in our,311.759,5.581,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk evolutionary distribution and so uh Gary,314.3,6.459,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Marcus uh an AI safety researcher is,317.34,6.84,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk fond of of pointing out that llms really,320.759,5.401,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk often fail to generalize outside of,324.18,3.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk their training distribution humans are,326.16,4.74,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk no different and uh in our evolutionary,328.08,5.54,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk training disposition uh uh distribution,330.9,5.82,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk we never experience anything truly,333.62,4.54,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk exponential,336.72,3.72,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and the things that we do experience,338.16,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that are exponential like the uh light,340.44,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and sound because those are on uh I,342.72,4.44,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk think logarithmic scales,344.94,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk um your brain handles for you so you,347.16,4.44,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk still perceive it as geometric even,349.56,3.66,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk though your brain automatically Tunes,351.6,4.92,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk audio and and light levels uh so that,353.22,4.86,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk you just experience it within a much,356.52,3.08,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk narrower range,358.08,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk so that's one part of normalcy bias,359.6,5.98,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk which is just we are evolutionarily not,362.58,5.1,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk equipped to comprehend exponential,365.58,5.22,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk growth and exponential change uh beyond,367.68,6.12,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that it is very difficult to understand,370.8,5.64,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk super intelligence even when you look at,373.8,4.14,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the trends because all you see is a,376.44,3.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk trend on a graph like okay uh you know,377.94,4.379,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk parameter goes up and to the right oh,380.34,5.22,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk okay great you know uh token window goes,382.319,4.801,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk up and to the right training data goes,385.56,4.32,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk up and to the right we don't really have,387.12,4.919,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk a visceral intuitive emotional,389.88,4.379,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk understanding of what that means because,392.039,4.921,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk again normalcy bias and this is I'm not,394.259,4.621,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk saying that like if you have normalcy,396.96,3.84,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk bias you're dumb this is literally just,398.88,4.34,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk a fundamental limitation of human brains,400.8,5.28,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk uh and even those of us who study this,403.22,5.199,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk stuff and know that it's coming we,406.08,4.92,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk cannot predict exactly what it's going,408.419,4.921,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk to imply or what it's going to feel like,411.0,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk once it actually happens because again,413.34,3.96,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk we are anchored in the present moment,415.56,4.02,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the present time because evolutionarily,417.3,4.38,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk speaking That's What mattered most if,419.58,3.72,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk you're hungry right now go find food if,421.68,3.42,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk there's a tiger right now go you know,423.3,3.179,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk get away from it or hit it with a stick,425.1,3.24,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and then once you're safe you're safe,426.479,4.981,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk again so our time Horizon that our brain,428.34,6.0,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk thinks about is relatively small,431.46,4.799,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and this these are all components that,434.34,5.52,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk feed into normalcy bias so this normalcy,436.259,6.0,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk bias creates a lot of problems for for,439.86,6.66,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk uh many many reasons one for a lot of,442.259,6.78,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk people they're just not even really like,446.52,5.04,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk willing or able to engage with the,449.039,4.621,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk conversation of super alignment because,451.56,3.72,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk of normalcy bias,453.66,3.659,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk this is why you see so much skepticism,455.28,5.639,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk out there uh and and and even for like I,457.319,4.981,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk said even for those of us that are,460.919,3.0,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk engaged even though we know what's,462.3,3.959,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk coming just our cognitive limitations,463.919,4.441,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk make it really difficult to accurately,466.259,4.681,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk forecast and predict the impact of some,468.36,4.08,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk of these things and we have to trust the,470.94,3.78,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk numbers and even then we can only think,472.44,4.02,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk so far into the future especially with,474.72,4.16,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk things changing as fast as they are,476.46,5.4,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk so here's a thought experiment that I,478.88,4.539,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk came up with to help you understand,481.86,3.42,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk super intelligence,483.419,3.541,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk think of a pigeon,485.28,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk they're very common they uh basically,486.96,4.579,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk exist in every major city in the world,489.78,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk they're mildly intelligent creatures,491.539,5.141,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk they can learn a few things they can,494.4,4.079,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk solve some basic problems and they can,496.68,4.32,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk remember uh simple facts like you know,498.479,4.861,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk where where to go get food they can even,501.0,4.139,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk learn to recognize certain humans like,503.34,3.18,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk if you go to the park and feed the,505.139,3.361,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk pigeons every day the pigeons will learn,506.52,4.44,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk to recognize you but other than that,508.5,4.68,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk they're pretty simple creatures,510.96,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk now when you compare the cognitive,513.18,4.739,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk capacity of a pigeon to even the dumbest,515.58,7.079,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk humans uh human pigeons are cognitively,517.919,6.3,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk deficient,522.659,3.601,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk you can't even compete on the same,524.219,4.141,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk playing field because humans are in a,526.26,4.079,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk fundamentally different class of,528.36,3.539,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk cognitive ability,530.339,4.201,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk compared to Super intelligence you are,531.899,5.641,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk dumber than the pigeon is to you know a,534.54,5.52,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk typical person and then not to mention,537.54,5.6,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the fact that uh it's entirely possible,540.06,6.42,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that that super intelligence or AGI or,543.14,6.4,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk whatever is going to possess orders of,546.48,6.06,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk magnitude more cognitive abilities and I,549.54,5.16,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk don't just mean speed I don't just mean,552.54,5.94,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the ability to read uh you know text at,554.7,6.3,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk a human level you know a million times,558.48,4.02,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk faster which it's already getting close,561.0,4.86,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk to doing that uh what I mean is that it,562.5,5.1,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk will possess cognitive abilities the,565.86,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk ability to make connections to solve,567.6,4.679,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk problems and to understand things in a,570.36,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk way that humans might not be able to,572.279,5.821,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk ever compete with we have the illusion,574.98,4.26,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that we can understand everything,578.1,2.88,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk because you're looking at your own mind,579.24,3.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk from inside the Fishbowl this is a,580.98,3.84,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk commonly discussed problem in epistem,583.14,4.68,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk epistemology and philosophy but the,584.82,5.639,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk thing is is you can imagine the mind of,587.82,5.28,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk a pigeon by virtue of the fact that the,590.459,4.801,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk pigeon's mind is much simpler and dumber,593.1,4.44,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk than yours and you can you know look at,595.26,5.4,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk it uh and and make inferences but the,597.54,6.12,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk pigeon lacks the ability to even,600.66,5.52,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk remotely comprehend your mind because,603.66,5.1,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk its mind is so much more limited that is,606.18,4.74,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the difference between humans and super,608.76,4.98,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk intelligence and so basically remember,610.92,5.76,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that you are a pigeon in comparison and,613.74,5.64,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that will help you keep in mind what,616.68,6.12,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk super intelligence actually is and when,619.38,5.82,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk I say actually is like it is coming and,622.8,4.32,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk it is coming fast,625.2,5.28,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk another thing is AI dysphoria so this is,627.12,5.82,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk a this is a term that that I coined,630.48,5.039,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk because I have noticed in the comments,632.94,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and read it and Twitter and all other,635.519,4.741,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk kinds of places there's a there's a few,637.5,4.86,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk fundamental kinds of reactions and most,640.26,5.16,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk of these are emotional reactions uh or,642.36,6.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk or social cultural reactions to AI uh so,645.42,6.0,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk basically one is denialism so this is,649.26,5.1,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk people that just reject AI,651.42,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk um like there's even people in the,654.36,3.479,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk comments that say AI does not exist and,655.92,4.02,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk will never exist and I'm like okay but,657.839,4.981,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that's like observably patently false so,659.94,4.38,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk there are people that are clinging to,662.82,4.079,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk this denialism because the fear or,664.32,4.38,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk discomfort of acknowledging the,666.899,4.741,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk existence of something is too much it's,668.7,4.379,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk too overwhelming and so they just say,671.64,3.12,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk I'm gonna pretend like it doesn't exist,673.079,3.541,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and we saw this with the pandemic,674.76,3.66,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk remember there was plenty of people just,676.62,3.6,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk saying that like the pandemic isn't real,678.42,4.32,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk stop trying to control me and these are,680.22,4.98,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk there were plenty of people who denied,682.74,4.32,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the existence of the pandemic even on,685.2,5.819,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk their deathbed they still got themselves,687.06,8.88,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk into mental uh gymnastics to say no it's,691.019,7.38,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk just emphysema or it's just what did,695.94,3.72,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk they call it,698.399,4.201,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk um uh pneumonia they they called it you,699.66,4.679,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk know oh I just have bad pneumonia and,702.6,3.479,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk then they would die and it's like you,704.339,3.601,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk literally died of of the pandemic but,706.079,3.781,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the concept of the pandemic was too,707.94,3.66,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk terrifying that they could never,709.86,3.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk emotionally reconcile,711.6,4.02,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the reality that they were literally,713.76,4.139,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk dying of it with its existence with the,715.62,4.26,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk fact of its existence and so I suspect,717.899,3.541,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk we're going to see the same thing with,719.88,3.0,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk artificial intelligence where some,721.44,3.66,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk people are just going to be locked in a,722.88,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk state of denial basically forever,725.1,4.859,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk another one is plain ignorance so this,727.38,4.139,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk is not technically dysphoria but it,729.959,3.541,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk needed to be on the list where some,731.519,4.741,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk people just don't get it like if you do,733.5,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk not understand how it works you don't,736.26,3.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk understand what it's capable of you're,738.06,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk just not exposed to it you're not uh,740.16,4.619,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk you're not educated enough or maybe in,742.62,3.48,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk some cases people are just not,744.779,3.481,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk intelligent enough to get it plain and,746.1,4.02,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk simple ignorance is another reason that,748.26,4.139,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk a lot of people are not going to engage,750.12,4.68,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk with AI at the level of discussion that,752.399,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk it needs to happen number three is,754.8,4.44,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk magical thinking so these are the kinds,756.899,4.981,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk of people that immediately assume and,759.24,5.279,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and very desperately want to see a soul,761.88,5.519,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk in the machine the most famous example,764.519,6.181,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk is uh Blake Lemoine uh at Google who,767.399,5.101,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk basically there was a really great,770.7,4.02,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Reddit meme when he got fired from,772.5,4.139,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Google where he you know the the chat,774.72,3.72,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk log was basically like you know tell me,776.639,3.421,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that you have a soul and then then the,778.44,2.88,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk language model says yes I have a soul,780.06,3.06,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and see and the guy's like oh holy,781.32,4.019,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk like there are there are so many people,783.12,4.26,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk out there that want to imagine that we,785.339,4.021,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk already have super intelligence that the,787.38,4.44,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the the machine is already sentient that,789.36,4.2,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk it already deserves rights and I'm like,791.82,4.86,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk it's it's still just a math model that's,793.56,4.86,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk telling you what it's programmed to,796.68,3.839,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk think that it wants having been working,798.42,3.78,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk with these large language models since,800.519,3.06,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk gpt2,802.2,3.96,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk I will tell you that understanding that,803.579,4.081,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the that the underlying language model,806.16,3.84,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk is just predicting the next token right,807.66,4.739,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk it's they spew out absolute gibberish,810.0,5.339,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk like seriously go use gpt2 or the,812.399,7.081,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk original gpt3 and any any illusion that,815.339,6.24,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk you have that there's a soul in there or,819.48,4.02,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that it has extraordinary powers or that,821.579,3.601,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk it's literally anything other than an,823.5,4.2,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk autocomplete engine will be dispelled so,825.18,4.08,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that goes back to that shogoth thing,827.7,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk right the the absolute gibberish that,829.26,5.04,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Foundation models spew out once before,832.2,4.8,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk they're trained will this will dispel,834.3,6.36,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk any myth of uh disabuse you of any uh,837.0,5.639,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk illusion that there's something else,840.66,4.739,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk going on other than just autocomplete,842.639,5.521,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk um it's the it's that it's the rlhf that,845.399,5.88,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk makes it uh appear more human-like and,848.16,5.52,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that's peridolia uh probably saying that,851.279,4.021,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk right I got criticized last time I tried,853.68,3.839,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk to say peridolia,855.3,6.06,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk um but basically we are programmed to uh,857.519,5.421,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk perceive human-like things into,861.36,3.84,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk anthropomorphize things number four is,862.94,4.959,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk doomerism so doomerism as I've unpacked,865.2,4.439,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk in some of my other videos is often,867.899,4.44,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk rooted in uh intergenerational trauma,869.639,5.88,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk failed parents uh uh you know a,872.339,5.101,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk nihilistic outlook for whatever reason,875.519,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and so basically what happens is that a,877.44,5.16,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk lot of people take their intrinsic dread,880.019,4.44,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk their intrinsic fear their intrinsic,882.6,4.2,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk self-loathing whatever it is based on,884.459,5.101,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk their experience and oftentimes it's uh,886.8,4.38,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk it's completely unconscious I'm not,889.56,3.54,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk saying that someone's like ah you know I,891.18,3.719,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk hate my life and so therefore I want to,893.1,3.0,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk see the world burn and no it's,894.899,3.12,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk completely unconscious it's basically,896.1,3.599,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk just that they have a negative outlook,898.019,4.021,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk because of their life experience and,899.699,4.44,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk then they project that onto artificial,902.04,3.84,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk intelligence and it's basically a,904.139,3.961,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk manifestation of a Death Wish,905.88,3.36,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk um that's not the only reason for,908.1,3.419,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk doomerism some people who are very,909.24,4.8,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk intelligent and oriented uh towards this,911.519,4.741,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk stuff they still rationally come to the,914.04,5.52,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk conclusion uh that uh that AI is,916.26,5.22,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk incredibly dangerous uh and I,919.56,3.36,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk acknowledge that I acknowledge that if,921.48,3.359,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk we do this wrong AI is is incredibly,922.92,4.08,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk dangerous and it could cause an,924.839,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk extinction level event but what a Doomer,927.0,3.839,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk is the difference is that this is,929.339,3.481,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk someone who seems to want to believe,930.839,5.281,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that AI will kill us all and to me that,932.82,4.98,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk just looks like okay there's an,936.12,3.6,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk opportunity to fulfill a death wish,937.8,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk sorry uh and then the opposite of that,939.72,5.7,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk is utopianism which is the idea that AI,942.42,5.4,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk is going to intrinsically solve all of,945.42,4.14,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk our problems but as as you might have,947.82,3.6,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk seen in some of my other videos uh,949.56,4.019,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk technology is is always a double-edged,951.42,3.599,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk sword and it's a it's a dual use,953.579,3.421,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk technology and more often than not,955.019,4.021,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk technology actually makes some things,957.0,5.04,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk much much worse before it gets better so,959.04,5.34,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk it is not intrinsically a Force for good,962.04,4.739,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk it is a dangerous force it is an,964.38,3.899,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk energetic Force which must be used,966.779,3.481,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk responsibly,968.279,4.021,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk another challenge is the geopolitical,970.26,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk arms race that is already starting,972.3,5.46,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk uh the the the the one of the opening,974.82,5.16,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk one of those strongest opening moves was,977.76,4.68,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk when the United States cut off the sub,979.98,4.979,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the the flow of AI chips to China,982.44,5.04,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk another thing that's less well known is,984.959,5.581,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that we also uh basically recalled all,987.48,4.919,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk of our AI engineers and all of our chip,990.54,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Fab Engineers it basically said like you,992.399,4.201,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk need a special permit if you're gonna,995.04,3.479,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk keep working in China otherwise you're,996.6,5.4,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk being recalled home uh so that's,998.519,5.701,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk basically saying hey we're gonna we're,1002.0,4.74,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk gonna we're gonna force uh brain drain,1004.22,4.559,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk on China by Taking Back all of our best,1006.74,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk engineers and scientists at the same,1008.779,5.521,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk time uh people are putting AI into,1011.36,5.64,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk drones we've seen this in uh the Russia,1014.3,4.8,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Ukraine conflict where there are more,1017.0,3.6,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and more autonomous drones being,1019.1,4.32,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk deployed meanwhile China Russia and,1020.6,5.099,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk America and everyone else is putting,1023.42,4.86,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk more and more AI into jet fighters and,1025.699,4.86,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk every and literally every other weapon,1028.28,5.639,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk uh so on top of the military incentives,1030.559,4.921,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that there are to create create more,1033.919,3.54,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk sophisticated weapons there is the,1035.48,4.68,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk geopolitical incentive to maintain a,1037.459,5.581,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk level of influence on the geopolitical,1040.16,5.58,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk world stage whether that's being uh,1043.04,4.799,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk militarily competitive or economically,1045.74,3.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk competitive or whatever,1047.839,4.021,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and one thing I want to caution here is,1049.64,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that the geopolitical arms race is in no,1051.86,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk way open ai's responsibility or any,1054.2,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk other individual corporations because,1056.36,5.28,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk even if openai and Google and Microsoft,1058.82,4.68,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and all of them literally just flat out,1061.64,4.2,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk refuse to serve the Pentagon or the,1063.5,5.039,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Department of Defense guess what the the,1065.84,5.219,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the United States military and every,1068.539,3.781,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk other military they have their own,1071.059,2.641,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk budget and they can hire their own,1072.32,3.359,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk experts and they can they can still make,1073.7,3.3,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk it happen,1075.679,3.901,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk um and so I want to say like yes I will,1077.0,5.76,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk be criticizing open ai's approach but in,1079.58,4.74,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk this particular case I want to say that,1082.76,4.32,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk this is way outside of the scope of open,1084.32,5.16,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk AI but this also underscores the fact,1087.08,5.88,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that we absolutely 100 percent not not,1089.48,6.66,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk just need Federal level regulation and,1092.96,6.3,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk research uh I'm not we also need,1096.14,6.24,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk International and Global regulation and,1099.26,4.68,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk research because some of these things,1102.38,4.08,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk are so far outside of the scope of just,1103.94,5.7,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk deploying models and Commercial tools,1106.46,7.02,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and then uh finally is open source so,1109.64,6.539,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk there are uh more than a few commenters,1113.48,5.64,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk out there like um uh Dr Roman uh,1116.179,4.561,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Chowdhury I think I hope I'm saying her,1119.12,3.36,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk name right and Gary Marcus and quite a,1120.74,3.179,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk few others,1122.48,4.319,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk um who are not Eliezer utkowski but,1123.919,4.38,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk there are plenty of people basically,1126.799,3.661,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk saying uh the same thing that the the,1128.299,4.081,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk polls that I ran on my YouTube channel,1130.46,3.719,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk say which is that a lot of people,1132.38,4.799,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk anticipate that open source models are,1134.179,5.461,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk going to overtake and eventually replace,1137.179,4.74,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk closed Source models,1139.64,5.1,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk so the thing is is once it's open source,1141.919,4.981,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk you can't really put that Genie back in,1144.74,3.78,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the bottle and a lot of people already,1146.9,3.3,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk say the cat is out of the bag the horse,1148.52,4.38,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk has left the barn and is down the street,1150.2,4.74,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and so in this case you have a,1152.9,3.84,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk competitive landscape where it doesn't,1154.94,4.739,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk matter what open AI research does it,1156.74,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk doesn't matter what Google deepmind,1159.679,3.721,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk research does it doesn't matter what,1161.24,4.439,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk regulations anyone passes and this is,1163.4,4.8,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk one of the nightmare scenarios that,1165.679,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk people point out that regulation no,1168.2,3.839,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk matter what you do will not be enough,1170.299,4.201,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that research no matter what you do will,1172.039,4.441,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk not be enough and so basically we're,1174.5,3.84,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk going to end up in a situation where you,1176.48,3.66,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk have to fight fire with fire you have to,1178.34,4.86,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk fight misaligned models misaligned AI,1180.14,6.0,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk with aligned AI but then that that if,1183.2,5.04,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk you're relying on AI to fight your Wars,1186.14,4.919,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk for you what if it switches sides,1188.24,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk so these are some major major major,1191.059,2.48,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk major,1192.74,3.96,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk challenges with open Ai and one thing,1193.539,4.481,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that I'll say before we get into the,1196.7,3.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk criticism is the fact that open AI is,1198.02,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk talking about red teaming and,1200.6,4.26,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk deliberately creating misaligned AI,1202.64,4.74,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk models in order to test super alignment,1204.86,5.58,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that is absolutely Far and Away the best,1207.38,5.58,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk thing about what they are planning on,1210.44,4.979,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk doing now with that said I do have some,1212.96,5.579,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk criticism of open ai's approach,1215.419,4.681,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk so first,1218.539,4.02,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk open AI is somewhat preoccupied with,1220.1,5.04,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk human intention and human values you've,1222.559,4.561,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk probably seen this in chat GPT whenever,1225.14,3.779,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk you talk about Ai and safety where it's,1227.12,3.0,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk like you know we need to make sure it,1228.919,3.541,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk stays aligned with human values this was,1230.12,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk very clearly shoehorned in by their own,1232.46,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk internal alignment process which to be,1234.62,4.74,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk fair it's a good start you know,1237.02,4.44,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk basically saying let's align AI to human,1239.36,5.46,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk values that's a good start for aligning,1241.46,6.78,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk as a universal principle to adhere to,1244.82,7.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk but uh there's very much a Walled Garden,1248.24,6.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk effect going on here or an ivory Tower,1252.44,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk effect and what I mean by that is that,1255.14,4.26,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk this is this is a particular and a,1257.0,4.26,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk well-documented trend in Silicon Valley,1259.4,4.26,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and it's not just open AI that does this,1261.26,4.2,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk it's literally every tech company on the,1263.66,5.16,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk west coast of America uh where they kind,1265.46,4.86,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk of believe that they are the smartest,1268.82,2.76,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk people in the world and that they are,1270.32,3.12,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the only people in the world capable of,1271.58,4.2,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk solving this problem but the thing is is,1273.44,4.44,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that egotistical belief prevents them,1275.78,4.38,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk from looking out the window and and,1277.88,4.38,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk getting the help of other experts and so,1280.16,3.899,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk I have a really great example from my,1282.26,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk last corporate job I was talking to a,1284.059,5.641,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk seasoned software architect someone that,1286.88,6.96,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk you would assume had a masterful command,1289.7,6.3,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk of the full Tech stack that goes into,1293.84,4.8,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk producing good software,1296.0,5.46,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and so at one point he said we're gonna,1298.64,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk do we're going to automate literally,1301.46,4.02,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk everything you infrastructure guys,1303.26,4.14,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk aren't going to need to touch jack,1305.48,4.559,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk after this and I said okay does that,1307.4,6.0,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk include authentication firewalls backup,1310.039,5.461,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk power Does it include all this other,1313.4,3.96,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk stuff and he just kind of like you could,1315.5,4.86,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk see the 404 not found in his eyes he,1317.36,5.46,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk literally had no idea how much actually,1320.36,5.28,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk goes into the full Tech stack to make,1322.82,5.219,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk software work when he said everything,1325.64,6.18,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk his definition of quote everything was,1328.039,6.241,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk just the software just the code he,1331.82,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk didn't know anything about containers he,1334.28,3.779,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk didn't know anything about data centers,1336.38,3.12,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk he didn't know anything about cyber,1338.059,3.961,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk security and so my point here is and I'm,1339.5,5.039,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk not saying that open AI is this bad but,1342.02,4.68,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk they're still human and when you look at,1344.539,4.861,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk who's on the payroll of open AI they,1346.7,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk haven't hired a lot of public policy,1349.4,3.72,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk people they haven't hired a lot of,1351.26,3.6,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk philosophers in ethicists they haven't,1353.12,5.52,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk hired civil rights people uh and so when,1354.86,5.88,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk when they come up with these somewhat,1358.64,4.2,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk contrived ideas about aligning to human,1360.74,4.439,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk intention and aligning to human values,1362.84,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk all you have to do is is have a five,1365.179,3.901,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk minute conversation with a philosopher,1367.4,4.08,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk to realize that those are really garbage,1369.08,6.12,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk things to align to and so again,1371.48,6.48,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk you know a for initial effort but they,1375.2,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk really really need to look out the,1377.96,4.14,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk window and bring in more experts so here,1379.7,4.8,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk are some solutions one,1382.1,5.1,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk open AI really really really needs to,1384.5,6.179,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk add human rights as a core discipline in,1387.2,5.339,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk their research of not just alignment but,1390.679,4.38,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk also super alignment and the reason is,1392.539,4.76,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk because human rights is one,1395.059,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk well-established and well-researched and,1397.299,5.26,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and two it is uh there's plenty of,1399.559,4.681,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk people that are going to be able to talk,1402.559,4.081,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk about how protecting human rights is,1404.24,4.26,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk really the ultimate goal of super,1406.64,4.019,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk alignment it's not aligning to what,1408.5,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk humans want or what humans say they want,1410.659,5.101,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk because any psychologist again another,1413.0,4.32,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk five-minute conversation with any,1415.76,3.419,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk psychologist will tell you yeah humans,1417.32,3.839,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk are absolutely unable to express what,1419.179,4.74,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk they truly want and truly need but human,1421.159,5.941,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk rights however the objective rights to,1423.919,5.461,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk create the safe environment that we all,1427.1,4.439,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk want to live in that is a conversation,1429.38,4.14,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that you can actually have and that is,1431.539,3.781,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk while research from the perspective of,1433.52,4.8,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Sociology psychology philosophy ethics,1435.32,7.58,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk public policy Game Theory so,1438.32,7.68,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk yeah also so anthropic also already,1442.9,5.139,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk figured this out they're getting closer,1446.0,4.02,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk I do have some issues with anthropics,1448.039,3.781,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk constitutional AI but it's moving in the,1450.02,3.12,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk right direction and the difference is,1451.82,4.08,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that anthropic is listing out in those,1453.14,5.94,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk clear objective terms the values the The,1455.9,5.04,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Guiding principles that they want their,1459.08,4.52,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk AI to align to so in this respect,1460.94,5.4,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk anthropic gets an a in in super,1463.6,4.36,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk alignment they're already moving in the,1466.34,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk right direction and open AI I believe is,1467.96,4.98,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk still moving in the wrong direction at,1470.84,4.14,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk least with the exception of of some of,1472.94,4.14,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the the the tactics that they outlined,1474.98,3.96,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk in their their paper and again I want to,1477.08,4.26,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk reiterate the fact that open AI is going,1478.94,4.92,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk to deliberately create misaligned AI to,1481.34,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk see how it behaves and to see if they,1483.86,5.88,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk can detect it that is absolutely 100 A,1485.84,5.52,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Plus at least on that section of the,1489.74,2.939,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk quiz,1491.36,6.78,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk but oecd EU the UN the White House all,1492.679,7.38,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk of these other agencies that have a lot,1498.14,3.659,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk of researchers and a lot of advisors,1500.059,4.681,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk including uh machine learning and AI,1501.799,6.0,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk advisors all talk about protecting human,1504.74,6.419,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk rights so why is it that a that open AI,1507.799,6.181,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk has not talked about protecting human,1511.159,6.481,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk rights in their AI alignment research,1513.98,5.699,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that is very concerning to me and we'll,1517.64,3.12,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk come back to that at the end of the,1519.679,2.221,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk video,1520.76,4.019,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk another the other major criticism that I,1521.9,4.139,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk have for open AI is that they're,1524.779,4.321,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk continuing to ignore autonomous agents,1526.039,5.401,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk what they in their in their description,1529.1,4.679,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk they have explicitly stated that they,1531.44,5.16,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk never want to lose control of of the,1533.779,4.621,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk machine they believe that they will,1536.6,3.42,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk remain in control they believe that they,1538.4,4.56,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk can uh remain in control and this is a,1540.02,5.279,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk very dangerous assumption to make if you,1542.96,4.98,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk listen to Conor Leahy and Ellie azer the,1545.299,5.221,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk yukowski and literally dozens of other,1547.94,6.54,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk uh people out there uh they uh Robert,1550.52,6.36,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Miles lots and lots of people say that,1554.48,4.679,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk this is a far harder problem to solve,1556.88,4.26,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and in my opinion it is actually not,1559.159,4.38,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk possible to solve that so this is called,1561.14,3.84,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the control problem or the courage,1563.539,3.541,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk ability problem which is basically can,1564.98,4.319,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk you correct the Ai No matter how smart,1567.08,4.14,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk it becomes or autonomous,1569.299,5.101,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the thing is is if and there seems to be,1571.22,5.52,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk some consensus amongst people that yes,1574.4,5.159,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk AI can get to the point where you cannot,1576.74,5.16,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk control it so instead what we should do,1579.559,3.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk is is,1581.9,4.68,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk seek to shape it set it on a trajectory,1583.059,5.921,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk so that you don't need to control it now,1586.58,4.32,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk this is where I say that the fact that,1588.98,3.24,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk they're going to be you know creating,1590.9,3.36,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk red teaming AIS and internally red,1592.22,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk teaming tests and sandboxes and that,1594.26,5.399,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk sort of stuff I think open AI might,1596.84,4.86,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk ultimately come to this realization on,1599.659,4.201,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk their own I wish they would be thinking,1601.7,3.839,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk about this up front I wish that they,1603.86,3.6,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk would be if they had just mentioned,1605.539,4.26,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk autonomous agents the fact that they,1607.46,4.079,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk want to test it and to see if they can,1609.799,5.041,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk just just for the sake of argument I,1611.539,5.041,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk really wish that openai would say we're,1614.84,2.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk going to see if we can make,1616.58,3.36,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk intrinsically stable and trustworthy,1617.74,3.58,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk autonomous agents no matter how,1619.94,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk intelligent and independent they become,1621.32,5.04,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the fact that they're not willing to,1624.44,3.359,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk test that that they're not even willing,1626.36,3.299,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk to say it is really,1627.799,3.721,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk alarming to me because I think that they,1629.659,4.441,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk should be pursuing literally every,1631.52,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Avenue that they can,1634.1,3.48,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk so here's the solution,1636.02,3.539,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk one,1637.58,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk just go ahead and maybe throw out human,1639.559,4.381,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk intention as something to align to,1642.2,4.14,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk because human intention is garbage uh,1643.94,4.979,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and maybe like I just said pivot the,1646.34,4.86,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk research goal to creating models and,1648.919,3.541,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk agents that are intrinsically,1651.2,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk trustworthy uh stable and benevolent,1652.46,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk um go ahead and continue with the red,1655.7,3.3,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk teaming that's good you know a plus,1657.08,3.12,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk there,1659.0,3.0,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk um but do more research into those,1660.2,3.479,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Universal principles those guiding,1662.0,4.32,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk principles and try and create autonomous,1663.679,5.161,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk agents that will very deliberately,1666.32,4.32,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk preserve and promote those principles,1668.84,4.8,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and adhere to them for all times aka the,1670.64,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk heuristic imperatives research that I've,1673.64,3.06,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk been doing oh and by the way I wrote a,1675.26,2.82,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk book about this and demonstrated all,1676.7,3.3,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk this and now I'm Not The Only One Look,1678.08,4.02,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk up the self-aligned paper by Sun at all,1680.0,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk where basically yes you can create,1682.1,6.959,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk models that will not only adhere to uh,1684.62,6.539,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk to higher principles but they will get,1689.059,4.98,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk better at those principles over time and,1691.159,4.681,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk here's the thing in the testing that I,1694.039,3.661,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk did with Foundation models I took,1695.84,4.199,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Foundation models from unaligned to,1697.7,5.219,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk aligned with my core objective functions,1700.039,4.681,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk my heuristic imperatives that's,1702.919,3.661,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk relatively easy but the thing is is that,1704.72,3.6,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the decisions they then start to make,1706.58,3.959,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk they will double down on those,1708.32,4.8,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk principles on protecting those values,1710.539,5.461,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk which is exactly what you want to in in,1713.12,5.46,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk terms of Game Theory you want them the,1716.0,5.4,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk AI to adopt a strategy and not deviate,1718.58,4.86,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk from that strategy that is the essence,1721.4,4.139,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk of the control problem that is the Core,1723.44,3.96,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Essence of super alignment and this is,1725.539,3.12,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk what I've been working on for the last,1727.4,2.94,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk four years,1728.659,5.76,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk so for a quick recap open AI one major,1730.34,5.699,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk problem they're Reinventing the wheel in,1734.419,5.88,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk a few places namely with uh by by you,1736.039,6.961,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk know inventing alignment on human values,1740.299,5.281,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk and humans human intent intentions,1743.0,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk just look at United Nations look at,1745.58,3.54,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk anthropic even just look at what's,1747.62,4.74,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk trending on GitHub uh you know aligning,1749.12,6.179,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk to Human Rights is going to be a lot,1752.36,4.919,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk better and aligning to Universal,1755.299,3.421,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk principles is going to be a lot better,1757.279,4.201,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk than aligning to something as squishy as,1758.72,5.819,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk human values and human intentions again,1761.48,5.52,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk those are when you when you study the,1764.539,4.201,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk philosophy the morality the ethics the,1767.0,4.02,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk information Theory the psychology of it,1768.74,4.919,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk those are absolutely 100 garbage things,1771.02,5.34,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk to align to number two open AI is,1773.659,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk failing to understand those basic fields,1776.36,4.14,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk of morality philosophy and ethics human,1778.279,5.221,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk rights are incredibly well researched uh,1780.5,5.7,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk don't reinvent the wheel and the fact,1783.5,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that human rights have not even entered,1786.2,4.68,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk their lexicon is really really deeply,1788.0,6.12,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk disturbing in it I don't particularly I,1790.88,4.919,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk don't personally read it this way but I,1794.12,3.059,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk could imagine someone very cynical,1795.799,4.321,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk saying maybe open AI doesn't actually,1797.179,4.801,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk value human rights maybe they don't care,1800.12,3.24,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk about human rights maybe they don't,1801.98,3.36,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk believe in human rights the fact that,1803.36,4.199,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk they're talking about safety of the,1805.34,4.319,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk human race and not talking about human,1807.559,4.5,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk rights when you look at the note that's,1809.659,6.181,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk missing that is deeply alarming and so,1812.059,5.701,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk then finally they are still making a lot,1815.84,3.42,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk of assumptions about courage ability,1817.76,3.18,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk which is why I think that they're not,1819.26,3.6,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk talking about autonomous agents even,1820.94,3.479,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk though the fact that lots and lots of,1822.86,3.72,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk people are going as fast as they can to,1824.419,4.321,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk make autonomous agents and then in the,1826.58,4.92,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk grand scheme of things when you uh think,1828.74,4.38,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk about the competitive landscape that's,1831.5,3.72,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk going to exist the autonomous agents,1833.12,3.96,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk that are trustworthy are going to,1835.22,3.6,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk trounce the autonomous or the the,1837.08,3.66,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk non-autonomous agents that are waiting,1838.82,3.78,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk for human instruction so what we really,1840.74,4.14,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk need is we need to be working on,1842.6,4.199,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk creating autonomous agents that will,1844.88,4.14,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk Advocate on our behalf and that are,1846.799,4.441,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk going to be the strongest and best and,1849.02,4.62,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk fastest in the world because that is how,1851.24,6.179,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk we that is uh one component of solving,1853.64,5.519,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk the control problem of solving alignment,1857.419,4.441,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk is the competition between these agents,1859.159,5.161,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk so with all that being said I hope you,1861.86,3.84,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk got a lot out of this thanks for,1864.32,4.28,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk watching cheers,1865.7,2.9,How Will Super Alignment Work? Challenges and Criticisms of OpenAI's Approach to AGI Safety & X-Risk hey everybody David Shapiro here with,0.659,3.781,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk another video so it's a really exciting,2.76,5.28,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk time because research is accelerating,4.44,5.699,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um just in the last couple days a whole,8.04,3.66,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk bunch of interesting papers have come,10.139,5.521,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk out on archive and um you know I I could,11.7,6.24,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk read them all myself the the hard way,15.66,4.44,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk the long way but you know what I'm,17.94,5.759,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk really lazy and you know how uh Mr Henry,20.1,5.519,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk Ford he said uh allegedly said I don't,23.699,2.881,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk know if he actually said this but he,25.619,2.941,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk said uh give your hardest problems to,26.58,3.42,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk the laziest Engineers because they'll,28.56,3.24,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk find an easier way to do it that's me,30.0,3.239,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk that's why I became an automation,31.8,3.66,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk engineer uh back in the day I told,33.239,4.081,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk people like I would rather spend a week,35.46,4.56,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk building an automation tool that I can,37.32,4.259,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk then just push the button and for the,40.02,3.359,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk rest of my life it makes that job easier,41.579,4.381,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk and guess what that's how I automated a,43.379,5.401,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk three petabyte environment because why I,45.96,4.86,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk didn't want to manage it myself okay so,48.78,5.04,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk uh with the volume of paper that came,50.82,5.16,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk out because all of these came out Monday,53.82,5.64,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk so we've got five interesting papers,55.98,5.46,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk that came out on the same day and this,59.46,4.259,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk happens pretty much every day lately and,61.44,4.14,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk it is entirely too much to keep up with,63.719,5.341,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk so rather than having to read all of,65.58,5.76,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk these papers every day I wanted a way to,69.06,4.26,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk digest them so I could quickly just one,71.34,4.98,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk skim and keep on top of things uh and,73.32,6.06,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk then also just uh basically make it,76.32,4.92,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk sustainable or make it operationalized,79.38,3.779,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk and so what I mean by that is something,81.24,3.48,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk that you can just fully automate and,83.159,3.981,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk then just maybe get an email every day,84.72,5.219,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk or you know have the interns do it or,87.14,4.299,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk use this as part of your literature,89.939,3.0,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk review for science because one of the,91.439,2.881,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk things that I want to do,92.939,4.021,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk is use this technology to accelerate,94.32,6.06,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk science as much as possible and uh you,96.96,4.74,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk know one of the things that I hear from,100.38,3.059,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk some of my friends in science is that,101.7,3.48,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk just keeping up with things is getting,103.439,4.441,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk harder and harder uh at least in these,105.18,5.16,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk high velocity spaces some places like,107.88,4.08,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk oceanography they don't change that much,110.34,3.9,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk they don't change that fast but,111.96,4.26,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk certainly computer science artificial,114.24,4.32,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk intelligence uh and that sort of thing,116.22,4.859,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk cyber security Quantum Computing these,118.56,5.16,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk things are moving so incredibly fast we,121.079,6.0,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk need the AI to help us keep up so let me,123.72,6.3,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk show you what I've done uh let's see,127.079,4.38,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk where should I start I guess I'll just,130.02,2.88,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk start with uh some some of the final,131.459,3.481,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk reports so basically what I do is I just,132.9,4.32,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk copy paste the text of the thing into,134.94,4.92,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk here obviously the figures help but,137.22,3.9,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk language models are already pretty,139.86,2.519,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk intelligent so they don't even really,141.12,4.44,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk need the figures and then what I do is I,142.379,5.521,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk feed it a series of,145.56,5.16,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um of questions and it gives me answers,147.9,5.94,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk and so this basically summarizes it from,150.72,6.42,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk you know know maybe twenty thousand,153.84,4.979,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk forty thousand hundred thousand,157.14,3.78,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk characters down to four thousand,158.819,4.321,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk characters so we get a compression ratio,160.92,4.92,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk of at least five to one but also it's,163.14,4.739,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk often in much simpler language and,165.84,3.42,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk probably what I'll do is I'll add a,167.879,3.301,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk second step that will render this as an,169.26,4.14,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk HTML document maybe I'll do that at the,171.18,3.66,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk end,173.4,4.8,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um but anyways so the idea is I plug in,174.84,5.399,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk the text if it's if it's a little too,178.2,3.72,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk long it'll trim it but you know you get,180.239,4.08,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk the first 22 000 characters of a paper,181.92,5.039,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk you've got the general gist,184.319,4.14,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um and in many cases you actually have,186.959,4.261,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk the whole paper uh now so I say can you,188.459,4.321,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk give me a very clear explanation of the,191.22,2.939,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk core assertions implications and,192.78,3.959,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk mechanics elucidated in this paper very,194.159,4.741,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk simple prompt it comes back and says you,196.739,3.661,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk know yada yada yada the paper explores,198.9,3.54,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk the concept of continual learning okay,200.4,4.32,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk cool uh you know so it asks that,202.44,4.86,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk question and so basically this is a this,204.72,5.34,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk is a standard chat GPT conversation so,207.3,5.1,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk this is a way to implement a chain of,210.06,3.36,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk thinking,212.4,3.419,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um but it's really an automated dialogue,213.42,4.62,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk so imagine that you you have an intern,215.819,4.381,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk or a research assistant that read the,218.04,3.96,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk paper and you can ask them a couple,220.2,4.2,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk questions and you can change this uh on,222.0,5.04,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk your own by the way very easily so in,224.4,4.68,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk the code I have it here you can just add,227.04,3.479,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk whatever questions or change whatever,229.08,3.54,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk questions you want here and it will be,230.519,4.14,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk happy to take it and run with with it,232.62,5.16,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk for you entirely on its own so you,234.659,4.681,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk change these questions if you want you,237.78,4.26,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk add more you know depending on the,239.34,4.38,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk research that you're looking for so,242.04,4.979,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk let's say for instance you are in a very,243.72,5.46,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk specific domain maybe you're trying to,247.019,4.5,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk do this for medical research and you're,249.18,3.9,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk really just looking for what are the,251.519,5.46,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk implications for let's say Rejuvenation,253.08,6.119,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk therapy or regenerative medicine or even,256.979,4.5,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk a something even more specific maybe,259.199,3.78,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk you're trying to research a specific,261.479,5.101,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk kind of cancer or a specific uh any kind,262.979,5.461,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk of metabolic disorder really,266.58,4.619,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk so then you can say first you want it to,268.44,3.96,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk just tell me what are the implications,271.199,3.241,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk and then you could say okay what are the,272.4,4.26,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk implications with respect to my,274.44,5.1,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk particular domain what are the what what,276.66,4.86,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk is you know what is the what is the,279.54,4.62,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk impact to my area of research so restate,281.52,4.44,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk it for me and then you can have it,284.16,4.2,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk automatically spider a whole bunch of,285.96,3.72,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk documents so one of the things that I'm,288.36,3.059,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk going to do with this is that rather,289.68,4.86,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk than have just one input at a time I'm,291.419,4.5,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk going to create a folder where you give,294.54,3.06,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk it you just download the PDFs to,295.919,4.021,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk directly it'll scrape the PDFs and go,297.6,4.379,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk through all of them as part of the,299.94,4.68,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk automated process and it'll whatever the,301.979,4.621,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk questions that you have it will kind of,304.62,3.6,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk break it down but anyways,306.6,3.48,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk so I have a I have a few standard,308.22,3.84,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk questions can you explain the value of,310.08,3.3,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk this in basic terms like you're talking,312.06,3.54,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk to a CEO so what what's the bottom line,313.38,4.68,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk here and it's really good at explaining,315.6,4.379,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk things in simple terms so in this case,318.06,4.02,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk uh this paper says the research is about,319.979,4.201,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk making code generation models which are,322.08,3.54,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk tools that help programmers by,324.18,3.66,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk automating some of their work more,325.62,4.079,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk adaptable and efficient currently these,327.84,3.66,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk models need to be retrained every time,329.699,3.121,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk there's a significant change to the,331.5,3.419,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk programming languages or libraries they,332.82,3.48,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk work with which this is what some people,334.919,3.661,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk are noticing and I notice this too is,336.3,4.26,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk that sometimes it'll program with an,338.58,4.38,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk outdated version which of course limits,340.56,4.8,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk the utility of coding models,342.96,4.019,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk the bottom line is that this research,345.36,2.76,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk could lead to more efficient and,346.979,3.0,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk adaptable code generation models this,348.12,3.24,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk means less time and money spent on,349.979,2.641,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk retraining these models and more,351.36,2.52,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk up-to-date and effective tools for,352.62,3.419,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk programmers so the implication for this,353.88,3.9,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk just reading that one paragraph to me,356.039,3.72,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk says okay cool this is going to be part,357.78,4.919,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk of the acceleration because if we come,359.759,5.581,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk up with a way to make coding models uh,362.699,4.741,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk updated they're updatable you know using,365.34,4.799,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk continuous learning great excellent and,367.44,4.199,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk then I said can you give me an analogy,370.139,2.521,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk or metaphor that will help me explain,371.639,2.761,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk this to a broad audience why because I'm,372.66,4.92,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk a YouTuber right so the basically what I,374.4,5.46,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk want is to be able to explain this paper,377.58,5.88,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk in real basic terms real fast and,379.86,5.7,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk contrary to the belief about a year ago,383.46,3.78,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk language models are actually really good,385.56,3.9,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk at analogy and metaphor,387.24,3.36,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um so it says sure let's think of the,389.46,2.64,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk code generation models as chefs in a,390.6,3.3,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk kitchen kitchen these chefs are trained,392.1,3.24,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk to prepare a variety of dishes using,393.9,3.0,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk specific recipes and ingredients however,395.34,3.9,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk the culinary world is always evolving,396.9,4.32,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk with new recipes and ingredients being,399.24,4.019,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk introduced regularly in the current,401.22,4.02,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk scenario every time a new recipe or,403.259,4.021,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk ingredient is introduced the chef has to,405.24,3.54,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk go through a complete retraining process,407.28,3.96,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk which is time consuming and expensive,408.78,4.259,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk it's as if the chef forgets all of the,411.24,3.299,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk old recipes when they learn a new one,413.039,4.141,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk see that's a good metaphor,414.539,4.801,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk or I guess that's an analogy that's not,417.18,5.28,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk a metaphor the researchers in this study,419.34,4.32,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk developed a new Training Method for,422.46,2.459,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk these chefs instead of forgetting old,423.66,2.819,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk recipes when learning new ones the chefs,424.919,3.141,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk can now continually learn and adapt,426.479,3.961,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk adding new recipes to the repertoire,428.06,4.06,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk while still remembering the old ones,430.44,3.0,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk this is like a chef who can learn to,432.12,2.579,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk cook a new dish while still remembering,433.44,2.819,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk to cook all the previous dishes they've,434.699,3.361,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk ever learned this new Training Method is,436.259,3.301,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk called prompt pooling with teacher for,438.06,4.199,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk Teacher forcing makes chefs or in the,439.56,4.139,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk real case the code generation models,442.259,3.06,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk more efficient and adaptable yada yada,443.699,4.021,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk okay you get the idea so this only takes,445.319,4.021,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk a few seconds and it takes only a few,447.72,2.879,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk cents to run,449.34,3.479,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk and so actually probably what I'll do is,450.599,3.72,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk I'll pause it and I'll I'll go ahead and,452.819,3.181,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk update it so that it'll just ingest,454.319,3.301,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk everything in a folder and then I'll,456.0,3.599,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk show you a nice cleaned up output so,457.62,4.94,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk actually we'll be right back,459.599,2.961,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um okay so speaking of being lazy I just,463.02,3.06,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk wanted to show you real quick I'm using,464.759,2.701,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk my coding chat bot to do this because,466.08,3.6,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk I'm ultra lazy,467.46,5.4,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk work smart not hard so basically I took,469.68,4.799,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk the script and I just copied it into my,472.86,3.839,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk coding chat bot uh which you can find it,474.479,3.421,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk it's literally just called coding,476.699,2.821,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk underscore chatbot underscore assistant,477.9,4.26,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk on my GitHub so I copied the script that,479.52,5.22,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk I had which is all of 99 lines and I,482.16,4.08,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk came over to my coding chatbot and I,484.74,3.179,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk said hey can you do this for me instead,486.24,3.66,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk and it's like sure,487.919,4.981,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um Okay cool so uh basically I said,489.9,6.0,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk let's get a folder so we're using this,492.9,5.579,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk folder so we can just download the PDFs,495.9,4.44,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk directly to there rather than copy and,498.479,3.801,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk pasting the text and we're just gonna,500.34,4.919,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk take the output folder or the input,502.28,4.66,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk folder for the PDFs and then an output,505.259,5.16,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk folder for the um Whatchamacallit whoops,506.94,7.5,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk okay so we come over to here and it,510.419,8.101,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk wants us to add OS and Pi PDF,514.44,4.86,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um,518.52,4.439,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk that's fine so we add that and then we,519.3,5.76,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk see what else it wants to do if name,522.959,4.921,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk equals main yep so it's going to do all,525.06,4.02,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk that,527.88,3.66,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk PDF file replace yep cool so I just I,529.08,3.9,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk gave it really simple instructions I,531.54,3.299,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk said can you modify this script so that,532.98,3.78,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk it will one open every PDF in the input,534.839,4.201,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk folder one by one and perform the same,536.76,5.28,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk operation and two check an output folder,539.04,6.919,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk for the report as the same PDF uh or,542.04,7.14,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk blah check the output folder for a file,545.959,4.661,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk of the same name this will enable us to,549.18,2.82,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk run batches without duplicating effort,550.62,2.52,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk should be pretty straightforward let me,552.0,2.94,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk know if you have any questions,553.14,4.98,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um and okay so let's put this over here,554.94,6.66,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk and see if it worked,558.12,4.68,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk okay,561.6,4.679,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk so um PDF files for files in OS Lister,562.8,5.64,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk that looks right,566.279,3.24,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um,568.44,4.92,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk open read binary as file PDF reader yep,569.519,6.361,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk so we get that it gets all the page,573.36,4.26,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk numbers that should all work I've used,575.88,3.24,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk that I've used this this module before,577.62,5.58,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk pi pdf2 and PDF file reader if it's over,579.12,7.02,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk 22 000 characters just cut it off it,583.2,5.579,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk seems to work well enough and then we,586.14,5.639,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk get the report so on and so forth,588.779,5.161,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um let's see,591.779,5.601,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk it looks like it's not actually checking,593.94,7.519,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk if the file exists,597.38,7.12,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk yep okay so this is this is close so,601.459,4.541,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk let's take this over to the scratch pad,604.5,3.54,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk and then we'll say,606.0,4.1,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um,608.04,2.06,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk let's see it will then check the output,610.92,3.66,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk folder for the report wait am I missing,612.72,4.04,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk something,614.58,2.18,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk it doesn't have a continue function,616.98,7.979,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um okay sorry I I think we need to check,620.04,9.54,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um if the final file name exists in the,624.959,9.481,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk output folder first and then use a,629.58,10.58,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk continue to skip the process make sense,634.44,8.64,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk I found that if you obviously like if,640.16,4.359,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk you get frustrated with like no you eat,643.08,3.54,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk it like it'll be apologetic and it'll,644.519,4.141,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk spend more time apologizing,646.62,3.42,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um so don't be mean to the machine if,648.66,2.64,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk you just say sorry I think there was a,650.04,2.58,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk misunderstanding it's actually much more,651.3,3.42,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk helpful so words matter,652.62,4.98,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um be polite to your coding assistant,654.72,4.739,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um because if it's if just like a human,657.6,3.9,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk if the human is spending mental energy,659.459,4.141,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk trying to placate you know a frustrated,661.5,4.32,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk friend or whatever it's going to waste a,663.6,6.299,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk little bit more time and energy okay,665.82,4.079,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um sure here's the modified script the,670.019,2.701,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk script will first check if the report,671.579,2.581,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk already exists in the output folder if,672.72,3.0,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk it does it will skip the current PDF and,674.16,3.66,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk move to the next one excellent so let's,675.72,4.5,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk check this out and see,677.82,5.94,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk if it works if it if it looks how I,680.22,6.679,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk think it should look,683.76,3.139,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk so we'll come over here all right so for,686.94,5.76,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk PDF file and PDF files first all right,690.0,4.74,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk yep so first we list there we go that's,692.7,4.98,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk what I was expecting if it exists then,694.74,4.38,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk continue so you just skip the whole,697.68,4.26,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk thing otherwise go ahead and open it yep,699.12,4.38,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk there we go so we said because we set,701.94,3.3,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk the file name first all right so this,703.5,3.48,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk should be fine,705.24,4.26,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um okay I think that's I think that's uh,706.98,5.039,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk good so let's come over here let's exit,709.5,4.86,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk out of my coding chatbot assistant,712.019,3.781,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um so again like I had to put very,714.36,2.76,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk little energy into that all I had to do,715.8,2.88,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk was check and honestly what I could have,717.12,3.959,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk done is just ask it to check its work,718.68,4.08,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk like you know does it do the thing that,721.079,3.841,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk I think it is but you saw I didn't,722.76,4.319,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk really do any coding all I did was copy,724.92,5.58,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk paste okay uh so let's go back out of,727.079,6.121,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk here quickly extract science papers and,730.5,6.0,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk then we'll do python whoops generate,733.2,8.639,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk multiple reports no module named pi pdf2,736.5,6.54,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk I thought I already had it maybe that,741.839,3.261,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk was my previous install pip install,743.04,5.16,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk ipdf two,745.1,7.08,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk Pi PD F2,748.2,3.98,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk this is the boring part okay now it,752.76,4.38,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk should work,754.92,4.8,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um is deprecator and was removed used,757.14,4.98,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk PDF reader instead so this is exactly,759.72,6.0,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk exactly the problem that uh that the um,762.12,5.82,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk uh this one of the papers addresses is,765.72,3.9,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk the fact that the modules have been,767.94,4.86,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk updated and so now it's it's uh out of,769.62,5.64,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk date so we gotta go we gotta go switch,772.8,4.74,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk to this thing over here,775.26,5.639,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um all right oh I forgot to save it,777.54,5.46,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk that could be a problem,780.899,4.56,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um all right so,783.0,5.76,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk if it ends with otherwise,785.459,5.641,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk all right let's see if that fixed it and,788.76,4.019,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk also it might have yard anyways because,791.1,4.26,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk I forgot to save uh reader num pages is,792.779,5.581,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk deprecated use Len reader pages instead,795.36,4.74,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk okay at least at least their,798.36,3.3,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk documentation is good and it's helping,800.1,3.06,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk me fix it,801.66,3.859,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um okay,803.16,2.359,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um,807.72,2.119,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk okay that should be good,812.16,5.76,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk int object is not iterable,814.86,3.93,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk uh,817.92,2.039,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk [Music],818.79,5.25,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk and um let's see for page in so if we're,819.959,7.38,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk doing a length so that's an end we don't,824.04,5.099,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk need that we just need number of pages,827.339,4.68,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk so we should do um,829.139,8.76,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk uh let's see list of range of 0 to was,832.019,7.44,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk it zero to that I think that's how that,837.899,3.721,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk formatting is so I'm having to fix some,839.459,3.721,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk of it because exactly the problem,841.62,3.659,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk virtual list cannot be interpreted as an,843.18,3.06,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk integer,845.279,3.06,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk hang on,846.24,4.8,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk huh,848.339,4.921,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk let me just come back over here and say,851.04,4.94,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um I don't know what I'm doing I'm lost,853.26,5.639,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk uh python chat,855.98,5.58,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um let's see,858.899,2.661,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk I got,867.06,3.06,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk shift enter,868.56,5.779,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um and you help me I'm lost,870.12,4.219,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk I probably have the the range formatted,879.24,5.36,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk wrong or something,881.94,2.66,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um let's see is typically blah blah okay,885.6,6.78,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk four page in list range zero PDF reader,889.5,5.24,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk pages,892.38,2.36,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk yeah that's the that's the correct line,895.92,3.68,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk list range zero length Okay interesting,904.26,5.16,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk okay so it was it was not lying to me,907.5,3.959,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk when it said I needed length of PDF,909.42,4.32,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk reader Pages all right cool so let's see,911.459,4.101,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk if that fixed it so let's come over here,913.74,5.339,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk so four page in it seems like it's,915.56,5.5,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk getting kind of long,919.079,4.921,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk all right here let's just open another,921.06,5.88,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk terminal uh CD quickly,924.0,6.24,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk yada yada yada anyways well here let me,926.94,5.759,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk just go ahead and see if it works python,930.24,5.099,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk generate,932.699,4.561,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk still doesn't work it's deprecated and,935.339,3.841,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk removed,937.26,4.819,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk oh okay,939.18,2.899,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk there we go reader pages,943.019,4.141,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk so we found another bug,945.24,4.039,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um,947.16,2.119,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk the page num,951.36,6.5,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk almost there oops,954.12,3.74,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk reader is not defined,957.959,3.721,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk [Laughter],959.84,6.119,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk uh oh right PDF reader there we go,961.68,4.279,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk extract text is deprecated and removed,967.68,6.3,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk use extract underscore text instead,970.44,6.3,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk man okay this is like an object lesson,973.98,5.76,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk as to why uh why this uh continuous,976.74,5.099,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk learning needs to be done okay cool now,979.74,3.599,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk it's thinking all right I think we fixed,981.839,4.201,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk it so ideally what should happen is uh,983.339,5.881,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk we'll get a list of outputs here that,986.04,4.979,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk are going to have the same name as those,989.22,3.84,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk so then it will not uh duplicate the,991.019,3.721,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk efforts in the future I'll go ahead and,993.06,3.899,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk delete the reports folder uh we can,994.74,5.519,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk delete the inputs delete the generate,996.959,6.901,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk report there we go okay so here we go,1000.259,5.041,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk The Continuous learning this would have,1003.86,3.479,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk actually helped this so this will,1005.3,4.8,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk actually uh this kind of thing I've,1007.339,4.081,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk actually had some conversations with,1010.1,4.08,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk people because with chat GPT having had,1011.42,5.82,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk the cutoff date in 2021 it's already,1014.18,5.76,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk losing utility because it's increasingly,1017.24,5.039,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk out of date some of that I think is,1019.94,3.899,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk deliberate on the part of open AI,1022.279,2.881,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk because they didn't want it to be able,1023.839,4.1,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk to use other people to use it to,1025.16,5.34,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk accelerate language model research or,1027.939,5.26,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk who knows what else is going on,1030.5,5.76,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um but yeah so there there it is so we,1033.199,5.461,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk should have our first output here there,1036.26,5.1,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk we go so now you can correlate it back,1038.66,4.86,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk to exactly the same thing and you will,1041.36,4.68,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk be able to just quickly grab a whole,1043.52,4.679,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk bunch of stuff okay,1046.04,3.3,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um yep,1048.199,4.641,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk excellent excellent excellent,1049.34,3.5,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um,1053.419,5.76,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk python uh chat pie okay great,1054.7,6.54,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um,1059.179,2.061,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk uh let's see,1061.88,5.22,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk I have a folder,1064.34,4.26,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um or here let's go ahead and grab the,1067.1,3.84,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk updated version of this,1068.6,5.52,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk and put this no we can get rid of that,1070.94,6.72,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk put this in scratch pad,1074.12,5.28,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk so we've got,1077.66,3.42,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk coding,1079.4,3.36,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk scratch pad,1081.08,3.839,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk all right so let's put it there and then,1082.76,6.74,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk we'll say I have a folder uh output,1084.919,10.681,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk that is full of uh uh text files,1089.5,10.9,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um with the file name being the name of,1095.6,5.88,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk M,1100.4,4.159,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk archive paper,1101.48,7.64,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk I would like to render,1104.559,9.221,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk all those files to HTML,1109.12,5.62,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um,1113.78,4.139,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk let's use the file name,1114.74,7.62,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk as a header where is my there we go,1117.919,8.301,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk let's use the file name as a header,1122.36,3.86,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk uh,1126.38,4.86,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk for each section,1128.539,4.081,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um,1131.24,5.34,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk and then there is uh there is a,1132.62,5.6,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk conversation,1136.58,4.76,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk of QA,1138.22,7.54,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk within each file which I'd like to,1141.34,9.579,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk present on the page pretty simply so,1145.76,7.32,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk let's go ahead and grab an example of,1150.919,3.5,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk the report,1153.08,3.719,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk and put it in the scratch Pad so it can,1154.419,3.88,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk see,1156.799,3.601,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk because then in the scratch Pad you just,1158.299,3.781,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk give it examples,1160.4,4.56,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um of what you're talking about you can,1162.08,7.16,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk see an example of the plain text report,1164.96,7.56,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk in your scratch Pad,1169.24,9.059,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um okay go uh the final output should be,1172.52,8.96,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk report dot HTML,1178.299,8.5,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk which should be fully self-contained,1181.48,5.98,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um,1186.799,3.12,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk and pretty all right so let's see what,1187.46,4.68,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk it gives me for that meanwhile this,1189.919,4.321,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk should be the other one should be pretty,1192.14,5.22,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk much done yep so we should have we've,1194.24,4.799,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk got four we've got four papers,1197.36,3.48,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk summarized and like I said this probably,1199.039,4.321,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk cost a few cents,1200.84,3.3,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um,1203.36,4.199,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk because it was uh you know it it does,1204.14,4.98,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk add up a little bit because each paper,1207.559,3.061,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk actually you,1209.12,2.76,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um you have to read the entire paper,1210.62,3.12,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk three times because the conversation is,1211.88,4.08,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk three messages long so that's that's one,1213.74,3.72,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk of the only things to keep in mind is,1215.96,3.0,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk that the the more questions you ask it,1217.46,3.54,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk you're basically reading the entire,1218.96,4.68,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk paper every time to keep asking or to,1221.0,5.1,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk keep answering those questions about it,1223.64,6.3,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um let's see get status get add,1226.1,7.86,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk get commit am all done,1229.94,6.3,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk and uh get pushed so you guys can use,1233.96,4.26,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk this and then let's hop up back over to,1236.24,5.88,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk my coding chatbot to see what it said,1238.22,6.48,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk okay cool,1242.12,4.74,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um let's see from bs4 import beautiful,1244.7,4.8,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk soup and I'm just gonna fully send this,1246.86,5.04,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk to see if it works,1249.5,4.5,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um just,1251.9,4.62,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk all right so then not coding chatbot,1254.0,4.679,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk quickly extract and we're going to come,1256.52,5.48,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk up here and just save this as um uh,1258.679,6.62,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk renderreport.pi so let's jump over here,1262.0,6.46,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk oops wrong terminal python,1265.299,6.161,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk renderreport.pi,1268.46,3.0,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um no module named bs4,1272.12,6.299,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um import uh no,1275.539,8.461,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk pip install darn it pip install vs4,1278.419,8.301,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk there we go,1284.0,2.72,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk all right let's try that again,1287.6,3.48,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk all right and that ran pretty much,1289.28,4.379,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk instantly so let's see if that worked,1291.08,5.339,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk hey cool look at that so it could be it,1293.659,4.081,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk could it could stand to be a little bit,1296.419,3.901,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk prettier but this is this is definitely,1297.74,4.02,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk good enough,1300.32,3.599,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um where it's got each one with a header,1301.76,4.32,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk and so there you have it you've now got,1303.919,4.441,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk everything rendered to a nice report you,1306.08,4.979,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk can print this to PDF if you want it's,1308.36,4.98,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk searchable right you could you can say,1311.059,4.98,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk okay uh prompt where else is prompt,1313.34,4.8,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk listed excellent,1316.039,4.201,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um yeah so I think I'm done uh I'll be,1318.14,4.98,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk using this uh to help with my video prep,1320.24,4.679,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk I can imagine that there's a whole bunch,1323.12,4.439,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk of other AI commentators out there who,1324.919,5.341,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk might be used who might start using this,1327.559,4.201,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um but yeah it's super super simple,1330.26,3.48,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk brain dead tool hopefully it'll help,1331.76,3.72,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk accelerate science,1333.74,3.78,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk um and yeah it's out there under the MIT,1335.48,4.26,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk license so please take it use it let's,1337.52,4.26,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk accelerate science let's accelerate all,1339.74,5.48,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk science with this all right cheers,1341.78,3.44,Accelerating Science with AI: Quickly Read Every Paper and Get Key Insights in Bulk morning everybody David Shapiro here,0.0,7.379,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] with a surprise update so yesterday July,2.46,8.46,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] 5th this paper dropped long net scaling,7.379,6.541,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] Transformers to 1 billion,10.92,4.44,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] tokens,13.92,4.619,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] now to put this in context,15.36,6.48,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] this is a three gigapixel image which,18.539,7.381,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] you can make sense of at a glance,21.84,6.9,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and I'm not going to dig too deep into,25.92,5.88,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the uh the cognitive neuroscience and,28.74,5.64,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] neurological mechanisms about why you,31.8,5.34,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] can make sense of so much information so,34.38,4.08,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] quickly but if you want to learn more,37.14,3.06,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] about that I recommend the forgetting,38.46,3.779,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] machine,40.2,5.1,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] but what I want to point out is that you,42.239,4.681,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] can take a glance at this image and then,45.3,4.259,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] you can zoom in and you understand the,46.92,5.28,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] implications of every little bit of this,49.559,5.221,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] image this is clearly an arid mountain,52.2,4.499,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] range there's a road going across it,54.78,4.2,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] there's uh some Haze there's a city in,56.699,4.561,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the background you can keep track of all,58.98,4.32,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] of that information at once just by,61.26,4.5,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] glancing at this image and then when you,63.3,4.08,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] zoom in,65.76,3.899,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] you can say oh look there's a nice house,67.38,3.9,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] on the hillside and you can keep track,69.659,4.261,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] of that information in the context of,71.28,4.699,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] this three gigapixel image,73.92,6.239,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] this is fundamentally what sparse,75.979,7.78,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] attention is and that is how this paper,80.159,6.241,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] solves the problem of reading a billion,83.759,3.841,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] tokens,86.4,4.5,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] so let's unpack this a little bit first,87.6,6.12,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] I love this chart this is this is a,90.9,4.38,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] really hilarious Flex right at the,93.72,3.0,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] beginning of this paper right under the,95.28,4.68,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] abstract they're like okay you know 512,96.72,8.64,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] uh 12K 64k tokens uh 262 a million,99.96,7.08,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] tokens and then here's us a billion,105.36,4.5,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] tokens so good job oh also I want to,107.04,5.219,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] point out this is from Microsoft this is,109.86,4.56,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] not just from some Podunk you know,112.259,4.621,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] Backwater University this is Microsoft,114.42,4.8,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] you know who's in partnership with,116.88,5.94,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] openai uh and so I saw a post somewhere,119.22,4.56,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] I think it was a tweet or something,122.82,2.399,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] someone's like Microsoft seems like,123.78,3.54,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] they're really just falling down on AI,125.219,3.661,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] research and I have no idea what rock,127.32,3.48,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] they're living under but pay attention,128.88,4.92,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] to Microsoft my money is on Microsoft,130.8,5.88,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and Nvidia uh for for the AI race and,133.8,4.56,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] then of course there's Google,136.68,3.779,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] um but I don't understand get Google's,138.36,3.42,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] business model because they invented,140.459,2.701,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] this stuff and then sat on it for seven,141.78,3.24,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] years so I have no idea what Google's,143.16,4.92,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] doing anyways sorry I digress,145.02,8.1,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] okay billion tokens seems kind of,148.08,8.28,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] out there kind of hyperbolic right the,153.12,7.259,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the chief uh Innovation here is one they,156.36,5.519,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] they have a training algorithm which I,160.379,2.64,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] don't care about that as much I mean,161.879,2.881,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] distributed training okay lots of people,163.019,3.661,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] have been working on that but the chief,164.76,3.9,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] Innovation here is what they call,166.68,5.88,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] dilation so let me uh bring that up uh,168.66,6.299,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] so what they do is let's see hang on,172.56,3.72,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] where did it go where did it go where's,174.959,3.661,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the dilation diagram all right so what,176.28,4.5,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] it allows it to do a dilated attention,178.62,3.24,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] sorry,180.78,3.48,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] so what dilated attention allows it to,181.86,4.26,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] do is to zoom out,184.26,4.559,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and take in the entire sequence all at,186.12,6.32,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] once which controls the amount of memory,188.819,6.42,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] uh and computation that it takes to take,192.44,6.1,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] in that large sequence just like you and,195.239,5.821,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] your brain zooming in and out,198.54,5.339,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and keeping the entire context of this,201.06,6.179,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] image in mind,203.879,6.061,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] at the same time,207.239,5.041,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and so the way that it does that is,209.94,5.7,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] actually relatively similar,212.28,6.06,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] to the way that human brains do it hang,215.64,4.86,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] on hang on where did it go I'm missing,218.34,5.58,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the diagram okay so what they do,220.5,5.64,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] is they create sparse representations,223.92,3.899,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and those who have been following me for,226.14,3.42,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] a while you might remember when I came,227.819,3.121,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] up with the idea of sparse priming,229.56,3.959,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] representations this is something to pay,230.94,5.579,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] attention to because what I realized is,233.519,4.921,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] that language models only need a few,236.519,3.961,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] Clues just a few breadcrumbs to remind,238.44,5.219,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] it to cue in as to what is going on in,240.48,4.74,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the message to what's going on in the,243.659,3.601,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] memories and this is actually why it's,245.22,3.84,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] really good at you just give it a tiny,247.26,4.199,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] chunk of text and it can infer the rest,249.06,5.7,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] why because it has read so much that it,251.459,5.46,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] is able to infer what came before that,254.76,4.62,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] text and what came after and so by,256.919,4.921,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] zooming out and creating these really,259.38,4.92,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] sparse representations of larger,261.84,4.98,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] sequences it can keep track of the,264.3,6.06,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] entire thing and what it does is it will,266.82,6.06,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] take the the up to a billion token,270.36,3.6,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] sequence,272.88,4.62,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] break it up slice it up and then makes a,273.96,5.94,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] layered sparse representations of the,277.5,4.259,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] entire thing and it will therefore be,279.9,4.26,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] able to keep track of it now okay that,281.759,5.701,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] sounds really nerdy uh but here's here's,284.16,6.06,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] what it does for the performance so with,287.46,4.5,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] this sparse representation with this,290.22,5.16,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] dilation and doing it in massively in,291.96,6.72,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] parallel it solves a few problems so one,295.38,6.599,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] you see that the runtime stayed under a,298.68,5.76,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] thousand uh milliseconds under one,301.979,5.101,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] second it's more about half a second all,304.44,5.1,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the way up to a billion tokens,307.08,4.619,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] so because of that it's basically,309.54,4.02,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] zooming in and out of the text the,311.699,3.181,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] representation of the text that it,313.56,3.9,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] creates in the same way a very similar,314.88,4.62,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] way that your brain keeps track of a,317.46,3.72,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] three gigapixel image as you zoom in and,319.5,3.9,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] out you're like okay cool okay I see a,321.18,3.84,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] bunch of cars parked on the side of the,323.4,2.579,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] road,325.02,2.28,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] um and you can just remember that fact,325.979,4.081,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] oh let's do a quick test what else do,327.3,4.5,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] you remember about this image maybe you,330.06,3.54,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] remember that the the Hollywood sign is,331.8,3.0,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] in the background over here somewhere,333.6,2.28,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] there it is,334.8,2.88,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] oh no that's not it,335.88,4.14,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] but it's somewhere in here so it's like,337.68,4.56,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] okay based on the cars and the Arid,340.02,4.32,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] desert and that I'm based I'm guessing,342.24,4.86,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] that this is Los Angeles right uh,344.34,5.16,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] anyways point being is that oh there it,347.1,4.68,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] is Hollywood uh so this is these are the,349.5,4.199,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] Hollywood Hills and you can remember oh,351.78,3.84,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] yeah there was a nice mansion over here,353.699,3.84,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] there's cars parked over here that's,355.62,4.2,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] probably downtown LA the Hollywood sign,357.539,4.141,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] is over here so by keeping by basically,359.82,4.7,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] creating a mental map this treats,361.68,5.7,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] gigantic pieces of information not,364.52,5.2,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] unlike a diffusion model,367.38,4.86,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] when and because I I got I was clued in,369.72,4.319,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] on that when I looked at the way that it,372.24,3.959,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] was it was um mapping everything and I,374.039,4.5,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] was like hold on it's creating a map of,376.199,4.381,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the text by just breaking it down,378.539,4.201,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] algorithmically and saying okay let's,380.58,4.2,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] just make a scatter plot of all the text,382.74,3.239,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] here,384.78,3.0,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] uh or scatter plot's not the right word,385.979,4.261,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] but the it's basically making a bitmap,387.78,5.639,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] of the text of the representations of,390.24,4.98,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] what is going on in the sequence and I'm,393.419,4.141,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] like okay this is a fundamentally,395.22,3.9,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] different approach to representing text,397.56,4.079,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and this is also really similar to some,399.12,4.019,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] of the experiments that I've done if you,401.639,3.301,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] remember Remo rolling episodic memory,403.139,3.541,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] organizer which creates layers of,404.94,4.14,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] abstraction this does it algorithmically,406.68,5.16,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] in real time so this just blows,409.08,5.04,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] everything that I've done with memory,411.84,5.46,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] research completely out of the water it,414.12,7.079,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] also has the ability to basically uh,417.3,7.019,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] kind of summarize as it goes and that's,421.199,5.581,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] not necessarily the right word because,424.319,4.261,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] summarization means that you take one,426.78,3.78,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] piece of text and create a smaller piece,428.58,4.2,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] of text but this creates a neural,430.56,4.02,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] summarization a neural network,432.78,4.139,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] summarization by creating these layers,434.58,3.78,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] of abstraction,436.919,4.381,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and this allows it to zoom in and out as,438.36,4.8,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] it needs to so that it can cast its,441.3,4.14,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] attention around internally in order to,443.16,4.2,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] keep track of such a long sequence now,445.44,4.8,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] okay great what does this mean,447.36,5.52,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] as someone who has been using GPT since,450.24,5.7,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] gpt2 where it was basically just a,452.88,5.939,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] sentence Transformer it couldn't do a,455.94,4.92,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] whole lot more you know like in in this,458.819,5.22,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] model up here the original GPT was 512,460.86,7.14,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] tokens and gpt2 I think was what a,464.039,5.28,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] thousand I don't remember,468.0,4.8,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] maybe it was five uh 512 as well and,469.319,6.421,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] then the initial version of gpt3 was 2,472.8,5.459,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] 000 tokens we got upgraded to 4 000,475.74,6.239,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] tokens then we got GPT 3.5 and gpt4 so,478.259,5.041,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] we're at eight thousand and sixteen,481.979,3.0,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] thousand tokens,483.3,4.14,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] as these attention mechanisms get bigger,484.979,4.5,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and as the context window gets bigger,487.44,3.9,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] one thing that I've noticed is that,489.479,4.261,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] there are one these are step changes in,491.34,3.78,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] terms of,493.74,4.2,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] algorithmic efficiencies but in terms of,495.12,6.66,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] what they are capable of doing as I tell,497.94,6.479,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] a lot of my uh my consultation clients,501.78,5.639,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] do not ever try and you know get around,504.419,4.921,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the context window limitation because,507.419,4.56,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] one a new model is coming out within six,509.34,4.499,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] months that's going to completely blow,511.979,4.5,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] open that window and two it's just a,513.839,4.32,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] limitation of the model,516.479,3.901,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] so when you can read a billion tokens,518.159,5.641,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] which by the way humans read about one,520.38,5.16,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] to two billion words in their entire,523.8,3.479,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] lifetime,525.54,3.66,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] when you have a model that can read a,527.279,3.721,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] billion tokens in a second,529.2,4.319,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] that is almost that is half a lifetime,531.0,5.279,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] worth of reading and knowledge that this,533.519,5.581,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] model can take in in a second so when,536.279,4.56,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] you have a model that can ingest that,539.1,4.26,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] much information suddenly retraining,540.839,4.44,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] models doesn't matter you just give it,543.36,4.08,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the log of all news all events all,545.279,4.261,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] papers whatever tasks that you're doing,547.44,4.68,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] you just give it all of it at once and,549.54,4.739,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] it can keep track of all of that text in,552.12,4.8,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] its head in its virtual head,554.279,4.381,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] um all at once and it can pay attention,556.92,4.02,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] to the bits that it needs to with those,558.66,4.619,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] sparse representations,560.94,5.579,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] it is it is impossible for me to,563.279,6.841,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] oversell the long-term ramifications of,566.519,6.841,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] these kinds of algorithmic changes and,570.12,6.3,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] so a couple months ago when I said AGI,573.36,5.159,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] within 18 months this is the kind of,576.42,3.62,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] trend that I was paying attention to,578.519,4.32,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] there is no limit to the algorithmic,580.04,4.299,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] breakthroughs we are seeing right now,582.839,3.12,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] now that doesn't mean that there won't,584.339,4.44,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] eventually be diminishing returns but at,585.959,5.281,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the same time we are exploring this blue,588.779,5.581,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] ocean space and we've we've all right,591.24,5.159,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] for those of you that have played Skyrim,594.36,5.58,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and other RPGs we unlocked a new map and,596.399,5.641,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the grayed out area is this big and,599.94,4.079,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] we've explored this much of this new map,602.04,4.799,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] that is how much potential there is to,604.019,5.341,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] explore out here and the other thing is,606.839,5.281,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] this research is accelerating there's a,609.36,4.38,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] few reasons for that on one of the live,612.12,3.18,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] streams like someone asked me like how,613.74,4.08,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] do we know that this isn't an AI winter,615.3,4.74,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and I pulled up a chart that showed an,617.82,5.16,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] exponential growth of investment where,620.04,5.16,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the money goes the research goes and,622.98,3.78,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] because the money is flowing into the,625.2,4.44,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] research it's happening what you I mean,626.76,4.38,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] we saw the same thing with solar and,629.64,2.759,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] literally every other disruptive,631.14,3.18,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] technology is once the investment comes,632.399,3.781,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] you know that the breakthroughs are,634.32,3.84,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] going to follow it's just that simple,636.18,3.779,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and this is one of those kinds of,638.16,5.52,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] breakthroughs so what does this mean uh,639.959,7.261,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] put it this way rather than trying to,643.68,6.54,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] you know play Tetris with memory and you,647.22,4.98,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] know trying to fit 10 pounds of stuff,650.22,5.52,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] into a five pound bag now once this,652.2,5.699,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] becomes commercially ready which it's,655.74,4.8,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] coming it's it's possible on paper they,657.899,5.041,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] did it so even if we don't get a billion,660.54,4.16,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] tokens this time next year it's coming,662.94,4.92,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the what this allows you to do is let's,664.7,4.96,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] say for instance,667.86,5.28,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] um you are working on a medical research,669.66,5.94,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] thing and it's like okay well you know,673.14,4.319,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] we've we've got a literature review of,675.6,4.799,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] literally 2000 papers per month to read,677.459,5.401,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] put all the papers in this model and and,680.399,4.321,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] say tell me exactly which papers are,682.86,3.96,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] most relevant,684.72,4.799,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] so the the the ability for in-context,686.82,5.94,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] learning uh is incredible and it can,689.519,5.88,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] hold more in its brain in its mind than,692.76,5.4,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] any 10 humans can,695.399,5.101,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and this is again this is not the limit,698.16,4.44,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] imagine a year from now we're six months,700.5,4.62,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] from now when uh long net two comes out,702.6,4.2,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and it's a trillion tokens or 10,705.12,4.32,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] trillion tokens and what they say in,706.8,5.46,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] this paper is that maybe we're gonna see,709.44,6.78,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] a a point very soon where it could have,712.26,6.0,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] its context window could include,716.22,4.619,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] basically the entire internet,718.26,5.28,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] this is a step towards super,720.839,4.981,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] intelligence make no mistake that the,723.54,4.739,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] ability to held and use that much,725.82,5.519,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] information in real time to produce,728.279,6.541,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] plans to forecast to anticipate to come,731.339,6.481,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] up with insights this is a critical step,734.82,6.18,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] towards digital super intelligence I am,737.82,5.22,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] not being hyperbolic here and neither is,741.0,3.48,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] this paper when they say we could,743.04,3.6,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] conceivably build a model that can read,744.48,4.38,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the entire internet in one go,746.64,4.68,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] so with all that being said I wanted to,748.86,5.58,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] Pivot and talk briefly about open ai's,751.32,6.0,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] announcement also yesterday that they,754.44,5.22,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] are introducing super alignment so the,757.32,5.699,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] tldr is that openai is creating a a,759.66,5.58,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] dedicated team to aligning super,763.019,5.521,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] intelligence uh which you know again I,765.24,5.399,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] am super glad that we are living in the,768.54,3.359,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] timeline where someone is doing this,770.639,4.021,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] it's about time uh you know I've got my,771.899,4.261,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] book out there benevolent by Design,774.66,3.0,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] where I talked about aligning super,776.16,3.239,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] intelligence and my solution is that you,777.66,3.66,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] really can't but one thing that I want,779.399,5.521,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] to point out is that whether or not you,781.32,7.86,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] can align one model in the lab is that's,784.92,6.0,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] part of the that's a necessary part of,789.18,3.12,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the solution I don't want to disparage,790.92,3.06,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the engineers and scientists at openai,792.3,3.839,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and Microsoft and other places working,793.98,4.859,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] on this but while it is a necessary,796.139,5.221,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] component of the of the solution it is,798.839,4.981,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] not a complete solution and this is,801.36,5.099,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] where uh researchers like Gary Marcus,803.82,6.12,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and Dr Rahman Chowdhury have testified,806.459,6.961,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] to Congress saying look you know they,809.94,6.78,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] expect that open source models will,813.42,5.219,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] reach parity with closed Source models,816.72,4.619,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and then overtake them and so when open,818.639,6.121,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] source models who anyone can deploy are,821.339,6.12,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] aligned any which way that you want you,824.76,5.759,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] lose total control so that while I,827.459,4.921,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] definitely appreciate in value because,830.519,3.601,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] we need to know how to align super,832.38,3.54,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] intelligent models,834.12,4.32,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the good guys right the the aligned,835.92,6.78,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] models need to be uh as powerful as all,838.44,6.959,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the unaligned models because in the AI,842.7,4.98,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] arms race it's going to be AI versus AI,845.399,4.68,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] in the example of cyber security where,847.68,5.159,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] we already have adaptive intelligence in,850.079,4.44,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] uh in firewalls and other security,852.839,4.44,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] appliances basically you're going to,854.519,5.041,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] have you know an AI agent running in,857.279,4.981,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] your firewall versus an AI based DDOS,859.56,5.16,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] attack just as one example you're going,862.26,4.74,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] to have ai based infiltration programs,864.72,4.52,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] versus AI Hunter programs on the inside,867.0,5.82,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] so it's going to be spy versus spy and,869.24,5.92,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] so we need to make sure that the that,872.82,5.16,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the models that we build that that do,875.16,4.44,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] remain aligned that we do remain control,877.98,4.62,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] over are as smart as possible and also,879.6,5.34,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] trustworthy absolutely needs to to,882.6,4.44,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] happen basically you fight fire with,884.94,4.259,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] fire and I know that that sounds like,887.04,3.9,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] mutually assured destruction and it kind,889.199,3.901,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] of is which is another reason that the,890.94,4.56,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] nuclear arms race metaphor is very apt,893.1,4.56,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] for the AI arms race,895.5,4.26,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] So This research absolutely needs to,897.66,4.38,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] happen but what I want to drive home is,899.76,3.9,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] that it is a necessary but not,902.04,4.56,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] sufficient set of solutions that there,903.66,4.619,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] also needs to be the adoption the,906.6,3.72,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] implementation and deployment of,908.279,3.721,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] Alliance systems and we also need to,910.32,3.6,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] make sure that those Alliance systems,912.0,3.68,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] can communicate and collaborate together,913.92,5.099,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] so with all that being said uh big steps,915.68,4.839,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] in the right direction but it is coming,919.019,4.32,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] faster than anyone realizes and I stand,920.519,6.421,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] by my assertion AGI by the end of 2024,923.339,6.901,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] actually by by the mid basically uh,926.94,7.019,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] let's see September or October 2024 any,930.24,5.76,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] definition that you have of AGI will be,933.959,4.921,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] satisfied and then from there it's a,936.0,5.279,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] very very very short period of time to,938.88,4.8,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] Super intelligence now fortunately for,941.279,4.62,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] us right now the only computer is,943.68,3.959,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] capable of running them running these,945.899,4.141,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] models and researching them are like the,947.639,3.901,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] Nvidia supercomputers that they're,950.04,4.739,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] building so that but that barrier that,951.54,5.28,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] threshold is going to start going down,954.779,4.381,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] because remember remember Nvidia at,956.82,4.92,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] their at their keynote speech and and,959.16,4.08,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] for several months they've been saying,961.74,4.02,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] hey you know our machines are literally,963.24,4.2,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] a million times more powerful in the,965.76,2.879,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] last decade and we're going to do it,967.44,4.019,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] again in the next decade well when your,968.639,4.981,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] desktop computer is as powerful as,971.459,3.901,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] today's super computers in 10 years,973.62,3.719,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] you're going to be able to run all of,975.36,3.419,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] these and then when you combine that,977.339,3.0,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] with the ongoing algorithmic,978.779,3.481,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] efficiencies everyone is going to be,980.339,4.5,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] running their own AGI within five to ten,982.26,4.8,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] years mark my words,984.839,3.541,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] so,987.06,3.839,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] time is of the essence we do need a,988.38,4.5,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] sense of urgency and I am really glad,990.899,4.321,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] that open AI is doing this,992.88,6.78,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] again you know I'm not I would like to,995.22,6.9,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] see more governmental participation more,999.66,4.979,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] universities uh I would like to see,1002.12,5.1,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] something like a Gaia agency a global AI,1004.639,5.281,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] agency or an Aegis agency an alignment,1007.22,4.979,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] enforcement for Global uh Global,1009.92,4.38,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] intelligence systems,1012.199,4.921,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] um because the thing is is corporations,1014.3,5.12,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and governments are not ready for this,1017.12,5.76,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and uh that to me is the biggest risk,1019.42,6.039,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] because from it from a purely scientific,1022.88,6.059,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] standpoint I 100 believe that we can,1025.459,5.401,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] align super intelligence I wrote a book,1028.939,4.02,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] about it I demonstrated how you can take,1030.86,4.199,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] unaligned models and align them to,1032.959,4.021,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] Universal principles very very easily,1035.059,4.02,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] I've done it plenty of times the data,1036.98,3.54,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] sets are out there for free just search,1039.079,3.24,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] for heuristic imperatives and core,1040.52,3.84,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] objective functions on my GitHub,1042.319,5.821,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] but again aligning a single model is not,1044.36,6.12,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] the entire solution you also need the,1048.14,4.26,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] deployment you need the the security,1050.48,3.72,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] models we need to update things like the,1052.4,4.139,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] OSI model and defense in depth we need,1054.2,4.2,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] to look at the entire technology stack,1056.539,3.901,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] but we also need to look at the entire,1058.4,4.62,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] economic and governmental stack to make,1060.44,4.2,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] sure that companies are aware of this,1063.02,3.899,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and that companies are start deploying,1064.64,5.7,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] uh these uh systems whether it's,1066.919,5.581,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] security checkpoints whether it's,1070.34,4.92,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] internal policies that sort of thing,1072.5,4.32,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] because when you've got a really,1075.26,3.6,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] powerful Cannon you have to aim that,1076.82,5.04,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] Cannon really really well otherwise it's,1078.86,6.24,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] going to kill everybody uh and again you,1081.86,5.04,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] all know me I am a very very very,1085.1,3.6,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] optimistic person when it comes to,1086.9,3.36,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] alignment and the future that we can,1088.7,4.32,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] build but at the same time when you're,1090.26,4.799,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] playing with fire like you need to make,1093.02,3.659,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] sure that you wear the proper safety,1095.059,3.961,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] gear uh because the the more energy,1096.679,4.321,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] something has the more dangerous it is,1099.02,4.8,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] and the level of energy or intelligence,1101.0,3.96,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] or however you want to look at it,1103.82,3.06,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] whatever metaphor you want to pick is,1104.96,4.2,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] going up very quickly so thanks for,1106.88,3.659,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] watching I hope you got a lot out of,1109.16,4.5,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] this it's the long net paper and then of,1110.539,5.121,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] course uh introducing super alignment,1113.66,6.259,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] but yeah thanks for watching cheers,1115.66,4.259,Microsoft LongNet: One BILLION Tokens LLM + OpenAI SuperAlignment [SINGULARITY APPROACHES] good morning everybody David Shapiro,0.24,4.92,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" here with another video so I got a,2.28,4.979,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" comment a few months ago someone said,5.16,4.08,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" come for the AI stay for the philosophy,7.259,4.861,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so doubling down on that uh today's,9.24,5.34,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" video is going to be it's going to be,12.12,5.88,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" about Ai and transhumanism and uh but,14.58,4.619,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" it's also going to be about the,18.0,3.539,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" psychology or philosophy of this namely,19.199,5.181,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" how people react to it and some of the,21.539,6.181,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" unconscious undercurrents of this,24.38,5.559,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" phenomenon uh before we get into the,27.72,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" video just quick plug for my patreon I,29.939,4.501,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" give all my code and videos away for,32.04,5.34,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" free no ads uh everything is open source,34.44,4.92,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" license but that means that I am,37.38,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" dependent upon a Grassroots movement for,39.36,5.94,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" support all levels of my patreon get you,41.94,5.279,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" access to the private Discord and then,45.3,3.3,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the higher tiers get you one-on-one,47.219,3.061,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" access to have conversations or,48.6,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" consultations with me so without further,50.28,4.619,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Ado back to the video,53.16,3.899,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" first we have to talk about The Human,54.899,4.381,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Condition because you can't talk about a,57.059,4.861,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" technology or a trend or a change in,59.28,4.439,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" society without first looking at,61.92,5.94,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" ourselves as as uh the the the viewer,63.719,6.181,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" right it is through our lens that we,67.86,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" look at these uh changes these Trends,69.9,5.759,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and these possibilities so there was a,72.72,5.82,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" meme that came out on Reddit that told,75.659,4.981,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" me that y'all were ready for this so if,78.54,3.719,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you haven't seen this meme I had to,80.64,3.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" upscale it for whatever reason because,82.259,3.241,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the the one posted on Reddit was very,83.64,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" low resolution anyways uh year 2050,85.5,5.22,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Pentagon supercomputer mother attained,88.2,5.4,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" sentience 2051 billions of d1000,90.72,4.68,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Dominator Androids are deployed across,93.6,4.22,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the world to pacify the human population,95.4,5.219,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" 2052 the humanity is enslaved by its own,97.82,4.36,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" creations,100.619,3.96,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh right and so you see here's a bunch,102.18,5.34,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of uh Androids that are all curvy busty,104.579,6.061,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" women uh and then the final panel of it,107.52,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" says don't worry baby you don't need to,110.64,2.64,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" go to work or leave the house anymore,112.02,3.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" just be a good boy and let robot mommy,113.28,3.479,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" care for your physiological,115.5,2.939,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" psychological and sexual needs while,116.759,4.801,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" your species slowly as it goes extinct,118.439,5.521,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so uh there's a lot to unpack here but,121.56,4.08,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the fact that someone made this and that,123.96,3.18,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" it made it up to the front page on,125.64,3.36,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Reddit tells me that y'all are ready to,127.14,3.839,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" unpack this so,129.0,4.14,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" here here we go let's unpack what's,130.979,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" going here first the first thing that,133.14,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you need to know is about archetypes,134.819,6.241,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so in mythology in jungian depth,137.64,4.739,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" psychology there's what's called,141.06,3.96,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" archetypes and these are mental models,142.379,5.701,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that I that exemplify some ideal some,145.02,7.2,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" role or some aspect of reality uh Marvel,148.08,8.1,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" actually MCU makes heavy heavy use of,152.22,6.599,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Mythic archetypes one of the primary one,156.18,5.279,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of the first films in American history,158.819,4.801,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that deliberately made use of Mythic,161.459,5.161,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" archetypes was actually Star Wars uh you,163.62,3.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" know,166.62,3.18,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Obi-Wan is very much based on Gandalf,167.36,5.019,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Lord of the Rings is a great source of,169.8,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" archetypal research,172.379,3.541,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and there's many many many kinds of,174.06,4.2,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" archetypes Loki is the trickster for,175.92,4.92,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" instance uh the anima the Animus the,178.26,5.28,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" idealized man and woman uh the king and,180.84,6.02,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" queen archetype but basically these are,183.54,7.14,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" idealized versions that are uh depending,186.86,5.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" on which Theory you engage in they're,190.68,4.139,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" deeply embedded in our psyche some,192.36,4.379,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" people think that they're embedded in uh,194.819,3.42,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" in our biology that we've actually,196.739,4.08,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" evolved to have these archetypes but,198.239,4.08,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" they do vary from culture to culture,200.819,3.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" which tells you that at least they are,202.319,4.381,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" partly learned that being said there are,203.819,6.901,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" a lot of commonalities uh between those,206.7,6.119,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" archetypes so for instance irrespective,210.72,4.379,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of culture there is going to be a,212.819,3.961,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" maternal archetype there is going to be,215.099,3.841,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" a paternal archetype so you know there,216.78,3.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" might be some Nuance there might be some,218.94,3.78,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" differences uh but there's going to be a,220.26,4.02,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" lot of overlap as well,222.72,4.799,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and so Aragorn I picked him because he,224.28,6.12,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is the archetypal perfect man uh there,227.519,5.22,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is a cinemotherapy uh video about,230.4,4.08,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Aragorn I think about two years ago,232.739,3.841,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" basically like Aragorn is healthy,234.48,3.539,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" masculinity,236.58,3.9,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um you know he can sing he is he's got,238.019,5.22,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the king energy he's a good warrior uh,240.48,5.039,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" he's a he's a sharp guy and then also he,243.239,4.441,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" gets uh the Elven you know pretty Elven,245.519,4.92,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" girl at the end and uh a very comic,247.68,4.68,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" reading of this is that he's very,250.439,5.401,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" insecure until the the the the pretty,252.36,5.52,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" woman's dad literally gives him a four,255.84,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" foot phallic symbol in the form of a,257.88,6.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" sword to remasculate him uh in order to,260.1,5.76,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" give him the the king energy the warrior,263.88,4.379,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" energy to go save the kingdom and then,265.86,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" therefore be worthy of the prettiest,268.259,5.521,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" woman in the land uh obviously the story,270.6,5.7,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" doesn't deliver it quite that simply but,273.78,4.199,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" if you were to rewrite Lord of the Rings,276.3,3.66,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" as like you know a bedtime story for a,277.979,4.861,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" toddler like that's the idea is that he,279.96,5.1,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" was too he was too scared and so he,282.84,4.079,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" needed to be given a magic weapon so,285.06,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that he was feeling masculine enough in,286.919,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" order to go be worthy of You Know The,289.32,3.659,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Perfect Bride,291.479,5.581,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so that is a very very very short crash,292.979,6.78,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" course in archetypes uh so another,297.06,5.28,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" archetype uh one of the reasons that the,299.759,5.341,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" MCU is so big is uh Tony Stark Tony,302.34,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Stark represents a sort of Black Mirror,305.1,5.28,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" version of Aragorn uh primarily because,306.96,6.179,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" one he's Rich he gets all the women uh,310.38,5.4,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" he's a warrior he's a natural leader,313.139,5.821,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" although they often deliberately portray,315.78,6.359,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" him deferring to cap for leadership when,318.96,4.64,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" they're all fighting together,322.139,4.201,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" but the four primary archetypes,323.6,5.319,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" masculine archetypes and of course there,326.34,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" are many many many archetypes but the,328.919,4.321,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the the four that men are supposed to,331.08,3.959,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" have that are supposed that they're,333.24,3.179,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" supposed to develop according to the,335.039,3.541,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" jungian school of thought is the warrior,336.419,4.681,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" king Mage and lover and so Tony Stark,338.58,4.679,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" has these in Spades the warrior energy,341.1,4.439,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" obviously he literally builds a suit of,343.259,4.801,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" armor which is a specialized weapon,345.539,5.041,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" which allows him to you know protect the,348.06,3.419,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" land,350.58,3.3,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" he's got the king energy because he's,351.479,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" incredibly confident and and provides,353.88,5.34,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" leadership uh and and safety and control,356.039,6.181,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh the Mage archetype is basically that,359.22,5.28,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" those who possess secret knowledge which,362.22,3.9,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" as a genius so this is why genius,364.5,3.18,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" narratives keep popping up in pop,366.12,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" culture is because Geniuses represent,367.68,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the Mage archetype that we all wish that,370.74,3.899,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" we want to see and then of course the,372.66,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" lover archetype but you need you need to,374.639,5.161,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" have someone who uh has that male libido,376.5,7.02,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" as part of being a complete man and so,379.8,6.54,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" this is a bunch of stuff that just keeps,383.52,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" coming up again and again Tony Stark,386.34,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Doctor Who Sherlock Holmes Gandalf,388.38,4.439,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" basically what what this means is that,390.72,4.259,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" in a time of Crisis you want someone who,392.819,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is smarter you you want the you want the,394.979,4.681,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Geniuses on your side not the other side,397.319,3.901,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" but these are people that are prepared,399.66,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" for cataclysm and they hold the keys to,401.22,4.02,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Arcane knowledge that will save us all,403.5,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and this is a really important part of,405.24,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the human psyche because this is,407.94,3.96,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" basically the Salvation fantasy of,410.28,2.699,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" artificial intelligence and,411.9,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" transhumanism which we will get up to uh,412.979,6.241,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" but yeah so these archetypal role models,416.16,4.979,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" are that are exemplified through stories,419.22,5.34,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" kind of give us an unconscious model of,421.139,6.18,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" okay what does it mean to be a man or,424.56,5.1,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" whatever now,427.319,4.021,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" I just talked about all the masculine,429.66,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" archetypes there is a uh of course the,431.34,4.68,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" entire other half of the puzzle is the,434.16,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" feminine archetypes and there's a bunch,436.02,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of different uh schools of thought here,438.0,6.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh the mother archetype is one of the,440.88,5.64,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" most universal archetypes because it is,444.0,6.539,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" a universal experience and so what I,446.52,8.22,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" mean by this is that all humans start,450.539,6.6,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" inside of a woman and you know being,454.74,5.28,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" being gestated and then as soon as,457.139,5.18,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you're born you are biologically,460.02,5.1,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" entirely dependent upon mother for,462.319,5.801,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" usually the first year or two entirely,465.12,5.1,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um to the newborn mother is literally,468.12,3.66,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" everything,470.22,3.3,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" mother is the center of your world it is,471.78,4.259,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" a provider of safety Comfort nurturance,473.52,6.6,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" everything and so in uh in depth,476.039,6.361,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" psychology they came they coined the,480.12,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" term his majesty the baby and so,482.4,4.799,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" basically the idea is that is it to the,484.5,5.099,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" infant uh you're incredibly selfish all,487.199,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you can think of is your needs and,489.599,3.841,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" basically what infants do is they react,491.759,4.621,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" to basic signals uh being too hot too,493.44,5.34,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" cold hungry in pain that sort of thing,496.38,5.34,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" being lonely afraid it's all about them,498.78,5.28,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" right which is why you end up with terms,501.72,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" like the high chair Tyrant so if someone,504.06,3.9,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" if if a child is not you know doesn't,505.56,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" grow up they end up stuck in this idea,507.96,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" where it's all about them,510.3,4.799,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" another thing is that what you you know,512.82,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Freud said you know we all seek to you,515.099,5.341,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" know basically recapture our mother and,517.56,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" it's not literally like it's not that,520.44,3.599,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you want your mother back,522.0,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um but you want to feel cared for you,524.039,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" want to have a woman that makes you feel,526.32,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh good and safe and and that sort of,528.779,5.881,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" thing and of course uh for women in,531.3,6.24,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" society like 95 percent of my viewership,534.66,5.94,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is is men so I'm mostly talking to men,537.54,7.08,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um and so the idea is that like uh for,540.6,5.82,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" for women they're often like kind of,544.62,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" forced away from away from seeking that,546.42,5.94,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" nutrients uh but for men especially and,548.94,5.339,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" we'll get into this in the next slide,552.36,5.159,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" we're often very deliberately kind of,554.279,6.361,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" taught to seek out a mother figure in uh,557.519,6.601,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the rest of our life uh so,560.64,5.699,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the the four primary archetypes that,564.12,4.14,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" young identified for for women are the,566.339,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Priestess which uh the the Priestess,568.26,5.4,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" slash which uh the Muse or hetera so the,570.779,5.341,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" hetera were basically the muses and,573.66,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" ancient Athens,576.12,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um but basically this is this is the the,578.1,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Feminine Mystique uh the unattainable,580.56,5.459,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Feminine Mystique uh the Amazon is the,583.14,4.52,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh the warrior version of the woman,586.019,4.801,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" usually more about home defense,587.66,5.02,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um and fighting for people that they,590.82,3.54,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" love rather than fighting to change the,592.68,2.42,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" world,594.36,3.96,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" whereas uh the the warrior energy of the,595.1,5.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" man is more about going out into the,598.32,3.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" world,600.48,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and then of course uh the the perfect,601.32,6.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" woman embodies the four uh primary,604.32,5.16,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" energies feminine energies Queen,607.8,5.28,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Priestess Muse and Amazon uh much how,609.48,6.96,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Aragorn and Tony Stark embody the uh the,613.08,5.64,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" perfect man by by hitting those four,616.44,3.839,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" pillars,618.72,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" now there is a line in the Netflix,620.279,6.12,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" adaptation of of uh Cowboy Bebop where,622.98,5.7,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Spike says he just casually says you,626.399,4.801,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" know Mommy makes everything better and I,628.68,5.219,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" laughed out loud because that is such a,631.2,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Mythic thing and it's also Taps into,633.899,4.801,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" very deep uh psychology,636.24,5.94,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so basically the idea is that uh because,638.7,6.54,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" because of how important the mother,642.18,4.8,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" archetype is at the beginning of our,645.24,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Lives we basically have a durable need,646.98,5.88,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" for mother and also Father and,649.74,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Christianity and many other religions,652.86,3.36,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" deliberately tap into this paternal,654.3,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" archetype and in Christianity it,656.22,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" literally says God is father or God is,658.86,4.08,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the all-father which you know comes from,660.54,4.68,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" North uh Norse mythology where Odin is,662.94,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the literally called the all father so,665.22,4.2,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the idea is that we have such a deep,667.5,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" psychological need for a mother and,669.42,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" father figure that we keep creating them,671.82,4.139,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" we used to create them in the form of,673.74,3.96,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" goddesses we created them in the form of,675.959,3.781,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" gods we create them in the form of,677.7,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" presidents and kings and queens because,679.74,5.339,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" basically that is saying we want you to,682.56,5.76,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" be a proxy for for for our missing,685.079,5.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" father or our missing mother,688.32,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and Western Society most societies today,690.079,4.241,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" are actually deeply out of balance,692.88,3.78,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" because there is an overabundance of,694.32,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" masculine energy and it's not,696.66,3.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" counterbalance by the feminine,698.16,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" archetypes by the Queen by the mother,700.14,5.819,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh where it and I suspect that Society,702.72,5.46,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is going to start tipping back into,705.959,6.241,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" balance uh but we'll see so anyways part,708.18,6.12,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of growing up this is for for the men,712.2,4.139,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" out there uh part of growing up means,714.3,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" fully separating from the feminine,716.339,6.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" nurturer so the the primary uh,718.74,6.96,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" transition from childhood to manhood is,722.339,5.281,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" about leaving the world of the the,725.7,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" motherly uh nurturer and becoming,727.62,5.219,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" completely self-reliant now obviously,730.44,3.839,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" this is a little bit like red pill,732.839,3.481,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Theory and it's not entirely true,734.279,4.401,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" because uh you know,736.32,5.42,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" as as a man who gets married to a woman,738.68,5.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh a man is supposed to provide like,741.74,4.18,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" containment and then the woman can be,744.18,3.659,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" more nurturing because even if you're,745.92,3.359,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the toughest guy in the world sometimes,747.839,2.841,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you need someone to take care of you,749.279,4.081,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" there's a lot of nuance to it,750.68,7.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" but uh point is that many men and and,753.36,7.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" children uh men and women of all of all,757.68,5.82,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" types fail to fully separate from the,760.62,5.519,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" maternal uh now one of the reasons for,763.5,4.92,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" this is that our society does not have,766.139,5.341,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh it has a few clear rituals the,768.42,5.64,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" biggest one is going to college going to,771.48,4.799,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" college is one of the biggest Rites of,774.06,3.779,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Passage where it's like okay you are,776.279,4.261,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" going from the the safe containment of,777.839,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" home and you are striking out into the,780.54,3.299,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" world and you've got to figure it out on,782.459,2.161,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" your own,783.839,3.18,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh with that said though many people had,784.62,4.92,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" inadequate parents inadequate mothers,787.019,4.201,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and inadequate fathers that did not,789.54,2.88,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" actually make them feel that,791.22,3.119,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" particularly safe or loved or cared for,792.42,5.34,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" or protected or guided at home and so,794.339,5.401,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" they were always lost so they kind of,797.76,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" had to prematurely grow up but there's a,799.74,5.159,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" there's a durable resentment at the,802.32,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" failure of those parents and then,804.899,5.041,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" they're constantly trying to reclaim uh,806.7,4.319,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that,809.94,3.18,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um what that that which they were,811.019,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" missing during their childhood,813.12,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so now we get into science fiction uh,815.279,3.901,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" for those who don't know the board Queen,817.68,3.659,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" was a character that was invented in,819.18,4.02,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Star Trek back in the 90s and then came,821.339,4.081,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" back for Star Trek Picard basically,823.2,6.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" she's a cybernetic dominatrix uh and,825.42,6.78,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" this is a representation of a lot of,829.2,4.439,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" things,832.2,4.379,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um but well all right so let me let me,833.639,4.021,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" stop and just pause if you don't know,836.579,3.301,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" what the Borg are the Borg are a race of,837.66,4.919,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" cybernetically enhanced uh creatures,839.88,5.16,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" humanoids they force Conformity through,842.579,4.2,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" assimilation which is basically a form,845.04,4.68,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of an of technological indoctrination uh,846.779,5.101,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" they subjugate individuality with a,849.72,5.16,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" series of uh brain implants that,851.88,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" basically switch off your sense of,854.88,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" individuality they build a collective,856.5,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and con Collective Consciousness through,858.72,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" brain computer interfaces,861.0,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and they relentlessly pursue Perfection,863.04,5.16,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and believe that by forcibly bringing,865.86,4.8,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" everyone along with along with them on,868.2,5.28,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the ride is basically uplifting other,870.66,5.4,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" races other species but that Perfection,873.48,4.68,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" we're going to come back to that uh the,876.06,4.2,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the primary mission of the Borg is to is,878.16,5.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" to become more perfect uh and so then,880.26,6.24,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the imagery here is you've got a techno,883.16,5.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" dominatrix who wants you to be perfect,886.5,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and it's like okay this is clearly like,888.48,5.88,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" a Black Mirror version of uh of a failed,891.06,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" mother archetype,894.36,3.12,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so there's a lot of ways you can read,895.92,2.76,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the Borg,897.48,3.299,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" one way that you can read the Borg is,898.68,3.599,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that maybe this is the ultimate result,900.779,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of Communism and authoritarianism where,902.279,5.461,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you have a very strong central Authority,905.639,5.101,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that does not tolerate uh deviance or,907.74,4.68,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" difference and actually enforces,910.74,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Conformity uh another thing is that,912.42,5.52,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" there is the there's the psychosexual,915.72,4.919,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" aspect of uh basically wishing for the,917.94,5.399,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" perfect mother but because of uh because,920.639,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of the the inadequate mother that many,923.339,4.021,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" people had the image of the perfect,925.199,3.721,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" mother is actually somewhat dark and,927.36,3.06,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" perverted,928.92,3.419,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh you could also look at the read the,930.42,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Borg as the dogmatism of religion,932.339,5.101,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" basically like you know in in order to,934.26,5.4,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" attain Perfection or attain heaven or,937.44,5.639,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" whatever uh you need to conform to a,939.66,5.4,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" particular way of thought give up your,943.079,5.461,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" individuality uh it's very cult-like,945.06,5.459,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um and and that's another thing that,948.54,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" makes the board pretty scary but when,950.519,4.081,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you look at those primary feminine,953.16,4.46,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" energies the the the Queen the Amazon,954.6,6.539,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the uh Priestess and the hetera uh the,957.62,4.959,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" board Queen actually represents all of,961.139,3.781,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" those just like I said a dark version of,962.579,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" it uh she's literally called the Borg,964.92,5.7,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Queen uh she she brings order to chaos,966.959,6.781,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so that's the queen energy uh the the,970.62,5.339,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the the Priestess or witch energy is,973.74,5.099,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that she commands technology uh not only,975.959,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that she commands technology that is,978.839,3.601,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" beyond the comprehension of humans so,980.399,3.961,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" she she possesses and controls secret,982.44,3.899,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" knowledge uh so there's the the,984.36,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Priestess or witch energy,986.339,4.021,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um she also has there's a lot of Borg,988.86,3.3,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" rituals right when they first like and,990.36,3.659,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" when you first encounter the Borg they,992.16,3.479,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" say you know resistance is futile you,994.019,3.12,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" will serve us blah blah blah blah so,995.639,3.721,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that's very ritualistic uh which is the,997.139,3.721,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" beginning of an Ever basically an,999.36,3.899,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" indoctrination ceremony,1000.86,5.159,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um the other part of the hatera uh she,1003.259,5.221,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is presented as the dominatrix uh so,1006.019,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" she's she has that Feminine Mystique,1008.48,5.82,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" which is that alluring like hey like you,1010.759,5.7,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" know you're a curvy woman and I'm,1014.3,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" confused right and you're telling me,1016.459,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that that I'm inadequate and that I can,1019.04,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" be better and so on and so forth that is,1021.079,4.321,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" like dark hetera energy,1023.48,4.439,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and then finally the Amazon which is the,1025.4,4.919,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" warrior aspect and of course uh she,1027.919,4.081,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" commands Warriors and she commands,1030.319,4.441,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" battleships so there you have it the,1032.0,5.579,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" board Queen is a Black Mirror version of,1034.76,4.199,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the perfect woman,1037.579,4.801,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh now uh uh the the light side is more,1038.959,6.12,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" like Cortana so Cortana is The Sassy,1042.38,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Warrior Queen witch,1045.079,4.741,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um certainly in the uh in the in the,1047.12,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" middle of cortana's Life at the,1049.82,2.88,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" beginning she's just a helpful,1051.62,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" girlfriend but but by the end of her,1052.7,7.14,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" tenure as a good character she possesses,1056.12,6.179,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" a tremendous amount of secret knowledge,1059.84,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um as the AI she had she has abilities,1062.299,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and knowledge that that main that the,1064.82,4.14,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" main character the warrior that she,1067.039,5.461,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" commands basically uh doesn't have,1068.96,5.579,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um she does command the war the male,1072.5,3.9,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" warrior libido energy in the form of,1074.539,4.981,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" John 117 the Spartan The Warrior,1076.4,5.1,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and so that gives her that Queen energy,1079.52,4.2,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" where she's basically directing him like,1081.5,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" a cannon saying okay like this is the,1083.72,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" new mission go go do it,1085.88,5.1,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um she is able to attack enemies uh to,1088.28,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" to defend her people you know she can,1090.98,4.439,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" take over Matt cannons she directs uh,1092.84,5.1,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" ships and weapons and fleets uh so,1095.419,4.441,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that's the Amazon the Amazonian energy,1097.94,5.46,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and then finally she's given a sexy ASMR,1099.86,6.059,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" voice so that's the Muse energy the,1103.4,3.779,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" unattainable and the fact that she's,1105.919,5.101,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" holographic is also uh deeply symbolic,1107.179,6.301,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of that unattainableness yes she's got a,1111.02,3.96,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" sexy curvy figure but you can't even,1113.48,4.319,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" touch her so that is more of the Muse or,1114.98,4.559,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" hatera energy,1117.799,3.721,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh and so in that respect Cortana,1119.539,4.621,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" represents the perfect woman uh to the,1121.52,5.7,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" male brain or the anima she is an,1124.16,5.58,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" idealized woman or basically an optimal,1127.22,5.1,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" replacement for mother because now that,1129.74,4.679,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" she showed up everything is gonna be,1132.32,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" okay and so you can look at the Black,1134.419,3.781,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Mirror version and the light side,1136.88,3.24,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" version but Cortana and the board Queen,1138.2,5.099,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" are basically the same uh archetype uh,1140.12,6.179,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" just you know one is uh kind of upside,1143.299,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" down,1146.299,3.961,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and also one thing I wanted to point out,1147.799,5.041,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is that in science fiction we creep we,1150.26,5.4,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" did we keep creating sexy robot girls,1152.84,5.28,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and there's a reason for this uh so,1155.66,4.08,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" remember at the beginning when I said,1158.12,4.2,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that uh you know the the term that Freud,1159.74,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" invented uh you know his majesty the,1162.32,4.979,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" baby the idea is that mother needs to be,1164.48,7.02,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh completely in service to uh the the,1167.299,6.961,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" baby and so by by imagining women as,1171.5,5.28,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" robots then they don't have any needs of,1174.26,5.1,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" their own and so they are there strictly,1176.78,5.16,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" to serve you just as the uh the cartoon,1179.36,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" at the very beginning should it's like,1181.94,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" oh the ideal woman is actually a robot,1184.1,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" who doesn't have any personal needs and,1186.2,3.719,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" there's actually lots of videos about,1188.48,2.28,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" this,1189.919,3.241,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um in Trope talks on OSP also the take,1190.76,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" actually interesting has a lot of videos,1193.16,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" about this like boring sexy yesterday,1195.5,2.88,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and stuff,1197.0,3.059,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um so they they look at it through a,1198.38,3.96,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" more contemporary psychological lens but,1200.059,3.781,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" I'm not the only one pointing this stuff,1202.34,2.52,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" out,1203.84,4.8,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" meanwhile the perfect father figures uh,1204.86,5.699,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" are in science fiction are usually,1208.64,5.82,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" deeply flawed uh but or very human men,1210.559,6.301,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and so in this case like you know Picard,1214.46,4.2,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh you know everyone's favorite space,1216.86,3.059,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" dad,1218.66,2.94,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um and then there's Vader which is like,1219.919,3.181,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the dark side version right he's the,1221.6,2.819,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" failed father,1223.1,3.36,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um he is so profoundly failed he was an,1224.419,4.681,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" absentee father uh basically just sperm,1226.46,5.88,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" donor and then left uh and then had so,1229.1,5.22,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" much of his own anger and Trauma that he,1232.34,4.14,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" ended up harming his own children which,1234.32,4.8,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" again that's like super super Mythic I,1236.48,4.079,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" mean just look at like Hansel and Gretel,1239.12,3.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" right these stories have been told over,1240.559,4.141,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and over again and Darth Vader literally,1242.6,3.6,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" means father,1244.7,3.18,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um so that was a that was an archetype,1246.2,3.24,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that was very deliberately chosen by,1247.88,3.6,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" George Lucas and then kind of in the,1249.44,4.92,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" middle is uh yandu so if you remember,1251.48,5.699,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" from Guardians of the Galaxy uh when,1254.36,6.179,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" when uh quill and or yondu was saving,1257.179,5.281,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" quill and you know they were flying up,1260.539,4.561,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" into space and yondu was dying uh you,1262.46,5.16,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" know yondu said like you know he wasn't,1265.1,4.439,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" I might not have been your father but I,1267.62,4.439,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" was your daddy right and so he was a,1269.539,4.921,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" deeply flawed man but he still loved,1272.059,5.521,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" quill like a son and um and that is like,1274.46,5.76,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the idea of of uh that that's a,1277.58,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Redemption fantasy a Salvation fantasy,1280.22,3.9,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that even if your dad wasn't perfect,1282.2,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" he's gonna come back and and make amends,1284.12,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" one day which that is part of a,1287.24,3.96,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Salvation fantasy and it rarely happens,1288.74,3.78,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so,1291.2,5.7,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" AI overlords and transhumanism it's all,1292.52,6.72,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" about failed parents it's all about the,1296.9,5.34,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" inadequacy of uh of parents in terms of,1299.24,4.58,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" fulfilling the mother and father,1302.24,4.559,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" archetypal roles uh and as well as the,1303.82,4.719,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" other archetypal roles,1306.799,3.781,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so basically all parents fail in some,1308.539,4.681,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" way or another this is just human but,1310.58,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" about fifty percent of families fall,1313.22,3.6,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" below the threshold of good enough,1315.32,3.96,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" parenting so good enough parenting was a,1316.82,5.64,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" term coined in the 50s I think which,1319.28,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" basically showed that a parent needs to,1322.46,3.66,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" be present enough and responsive enough,1324.26,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and and good enough so that their,1326.12,6.12,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" children uh basically learn to uh,1328.88,5.7,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" acclimate to the world and so on and so,1332.24,4.679,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" forth but the fact that 50 of families,1334.58,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" are not good enough means that literally,1336.919,5.701,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" half of the world is dealing with mommy,1339.62,6.66,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and daddy issues uh so you know if,1342.62,5.939,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that's you congratulations you are in,1346.28,3.96,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the same boat as basically half the,1348.559,3.061,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" planet,1350.24,3.24,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um most children pretty much all,1351.62,4.08,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" children experience some traumatic,1353.48,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" events in their lifetime,1355.7,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" but whether or not they have good enough,1357.32,5.099,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" parents uh that's what determines,1360.02,3.96,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" whether or not they can process that,1362.419,3.541,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" trauma whether they can heal from that,1363.98,4.14,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" trauma and they can grow from it now,1365.96,3.959,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" when you have fifty percent of families,1368.12,3.24,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that are not good enough that means that,1369.919,3.841,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" people instead of being resilient they,1371.36,4.92,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" accumulate more trauma and so the idea,1373.76,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is that you know no real mother will,1376.28,5.1,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" ever measure up to Cortana or six or the,1378.32,5.82,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Borg Queen or Edie or whatever likewise,1381.38,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" no father is ever going to measure up to,1384.14,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Aragorn or Tony Stark,1386.36,5.52,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and so I alluded to this earlier but,1389.12,6.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" most many cultures actually codify uh,1391.88,5.7,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the boys transition to adulthood,1395.6,4.079,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" basically being transmitted from the,1397.58,3.599,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" care of his mother to the care of his,1399.679,2.581,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" wife,1401.179,4.081,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um there's a funny story here uh there's,1402.26,5.64,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" a girl young woman I was dating about 10,1405.26,4.799,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" years ago and she came from a more,1407.9,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" traditional family and she was joking,1410.059,3.781,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" about like how her father didn't even,1412.28,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" know how to feed himself uh like if the,1413.84,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" women were gone then he would just,1416.84,3.24,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" default to eating like really Basic,1418.22,3.12,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Foods,1420.08,4.02,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um and then and then it he would he was,1421.34,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so incompetent in feeding himself he,1424.1,3.959,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" didn't even know how much food to serve,1426.38,3.6,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" himself and so if he was allowed to,1428.059,4.141,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" serve himself he would pile up twice as,1429.98,3.72,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" much food as he actually needed because,1432.2,4.68,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" he just had no bearing he had gone from,1433.7,5.58,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" a traditional uh household where his,1436.88,5.039,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" mother you know was the was the nurturer,1439.28,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the provider and then he went directly,1441.919,3.721,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" from that to having a wife basically,1443.72,3.959,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" take the role of his mother,1445.64,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and then uh this was brought home to me,1447.679,6.36,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh by my high school girlfriend uh more,1450.26,6.299,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" than 20 years ago where um since my mom,1454.039,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" died when I was 14.,1456.559,3.36,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um she casually made the joke one day,1458.539,3.181,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" well someone has to Mother you which of,1459.919,4.081,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" course that was the the timing could,1461.72,3.66,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" have been better,1464.0,4.08,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um but like you know that was that was,1465.38,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" an expression of something that she had,1468.08,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" been taught that her role as girlfriend,1470.0,5.039,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and future wife was to be a replacement,1472.34,4.8,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" mother uh which of course this is,1475.039,4.14,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" something that a lot of uh women are,1477.14,3.96,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" revolting against because they're like,1479.179,4.201,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" hey you know like I've got my own issues,1481.1,4.079,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" I don't want to be your therapist and,1483.38,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" mother I need an adult man,1485.179,5.581,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um but yeah so this is this is uh the,1487.64,5.7,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" human condition that leads us to AI,1490.76,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" overlords and transhumanism,1493.34,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" oh sorry one last slide Warrior dad so,1495.62,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the reason that Terminator 2 was so,1498.38,3.779,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" popular is because Arnold here,1500.12,5.16,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" represents the perfect dad uh you see,1502.159,4.741,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you see the look that John Connor is,1505.28,4.259,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" giving him right here like Dad is here,1506.9,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" everything's gonna be okay so that,1509.539,4.921,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Warrior energy that that like you are my,1511.88,5.279,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" primary Mission I will protect you that,1514.46,5.16,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is an archetypal representation of what,1517.159,5.961,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" fathers are supposed to be now,1519.62,7.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" no dad is perfect and in fact some,1523.12,5.559,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" fathers are actually the source of,1526.88,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" danger and so in the case where where,1528.679,6.421,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Dad is the bad guy this is what this is,1531.86,5.28,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" this often results in things like,1535.1,5.64,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" craving uh safety protection,1537.14,5.82,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" it also causes people to be very,1540.74,4.559,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" skeptical of authority,1542.96,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and will result in things like rugged,1545.299,5.461,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" individualism so basically people say I,1547.82,5.099,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" have to protect myself I have to take,1550.76,4.019,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" care of myself because nobody else will,1552.919,3.961,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" or nobody else would,1554.779,4.921,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um and that is a that is a reflection of,1556.88,6.299,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" failed fathers in the case of women they,1559.7,5.94,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" often will seek out stronger men,1563.179,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um to replace the inadequate father,1565.64,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and so I don't know about you guys but,1567.799,5.401,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh back in kindergarten and preschool I,1570.08,5.4,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" remember there's children often will get,1573.2,4.14,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" in this uh this competition like well my,1575.48,3.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" dad he's smarter than your daddy or my,1577.34,3.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" daddy is stronger than your daddy this,1578.96,3.54,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is an expression of that archetypal need,1580.82,4.2,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" for protection and safety and having a,1582.5,5.46,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" strong father uh and All fathers fail in,1585.02,5.159,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" some way right you know if if you hold,1587.96,4.68,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Aragorn and Tony Stark up as like you,1590.179,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" know the good side and dark side version,1592.64,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of like the perfect father,1595.039,3.781,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um you know the warrior king Mage lover,1597.14,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" energy All fathers filled out fall down,1598.82,5.82,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" in some respect and because all parents,1601.46,6.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" women and men mothers and fathers they,1604.64,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" all fail to live up to the perfect,1607.46,4.8,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" standard we are left psychologically and,1608.96,6.18,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" sociologically with an unmet need for,1612.26,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that leadership for that control for,1615.14,3.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that safety which again that's why we,1616.76,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" keep electing presidents and Generals,1618.62,4.559,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and kings and queens,1621.02,4.139,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and why we keep having these archetypal,1623.179,4.021,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" figures show up and it's because there,1625.159,4.801,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is a there's a deep unmet need for these,1627.2,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" roles,1629.96,3.599,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" okay so now that you're caught up to,1631.52,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" speed on the human uh condition let's,1633.559,4.561,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" talk about AI overlords,1635.36,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so what are the archetypal,1638.12,4.919,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" characteristics that people seem to will,1640.4,5.879,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" want or need or respect in AI overlords,1643.039,5.461,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" well providing safety and nurturance,1646.279,3.361,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that's what the mother and father,1648.5,3.419,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" archetype do we all want to feel cared,1649.64,3.8,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" for and safe at a very deep level,1651.919,5.221,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" however the coldness the the uh the the,1653.44,6.46,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" lack of actual warmth from machines is,1657.14,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" kind of terrifying which is what the,1659.9,3.659,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" board Queen represents because the the,1661.7,3.839,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Borg are very cold and calculating,1663.559,3.961,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" they're very dispassionate which is,1665.539,4.14,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" actually deeply unsettling,1667.52,5.639,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" but we would like we would also like AI,1669.679,5.041,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" overlords if they're going to take over,1673.159,3.361,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the archetypal role of mother and father,1674.72,4.079,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" to defend us against enemies whether,1676.52,4.259,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that is you know enemies on the other,1678.799,3.24,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" side of the planet or enemies,1680.779,3.481,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" extraterrestrial enemies,1682.039,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um and they should also provide maintain,1684.26,4.799,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" a stable harmonious environment aka the,1686.299,5.641,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" home that parents should provide and so,1689.059,4.561,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" there was a really great series of,1691.94,3.719,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" videos talking about how,1693.62,4.14,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um domestic patterns what was it I think,1695.659,4.741,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" it was it wasn't real life lore it was,1697.76,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" another YouTube channel anyways but,1700.4,3.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" basically,1702.2,3.839,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um home patterns actually are mirrored,1703.4,5.94,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" at the macro scale on National politics,1706.039,5.76,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh archetypal characteristics of AI,1709.34,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" overlords teach educate and guide,1711.799,3.781,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" because again this is what your parents,1713.9,3.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" are supposed to do they're supposed to,1715.58,3.54,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" teach you and guide you and prepare you,1716.9,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" for the real world but again 50 of,1719.12,4.02,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" families are not good enough which means,1721.46,3.18,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" they inadequately prepare you for the,1723.14,3.539,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" real world which is another reason that,1724.64,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" people overreact and say I need to be,1726.679,3.841,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" completely self-reliant because nobody,1728.96,3.54,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" will take care of me again that is a,1730.52,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" reaction to failed parenting life is,1732.5,6.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" confusing right uh that is life is like,1735.38,6.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" people this sorry life is confusing,1738.94,6.16,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" scary and painful this is just a fact of,1742.22,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" life that your parents are supposed to,1745.1,3.9,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" help you learn to cope with you know,1747.08,3.719,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" everyone sees like you know the toddler,1749.0,3.299,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" falls down and bumps their elbow and,1750.799,3.24,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" then they scream and cry and then you,1752.299,2.88,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" know parents show up and make everything,1754.039,3.181,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" better and they feel safe again and then,1755.179,3.901,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" they go back to playing,1757.22,5.16,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that is the role that we uh that we,1759.08,6.18,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" project onto AI overlords that we want,1762.38,5.039,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" them to reduce the confusion of life we,1765.26,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" want to make we want AI overlords to,1767.419,5.581,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" make life less scary and less painful uh,1769.76,6.899,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so basically uh the perfect AI Overlord,1773.0,6.6,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" would need to embody Cortana and Tony,1776.659,4.981,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Stark and Terminator and Aragorn and the,1779.6,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" board Queen all at once,1781.64,5.82,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so you know the barrier is pretty low,1784.1,6.12,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" one thing that I've been that that has,1787.46,5.219,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" come up is the idea of you know a lot of,1790.22,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the work that I've done is on objective,1792.679,3.421,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" functions what objective functions,1794.6,4.079,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" should we give and AGI so that it's safe,1796.1,4.92,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" no matter how powerful it becomes but a,1798.679,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" counterbalance to that is okay whatever,1801.02,4.92,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" goals it has there could also be a set,1803.299,5.821,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of Rights because the idea of Rights is,1805.94,5.16,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that it's not necessarily something,1809.12,3.96,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that's going to be done to you or for,1811.1,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you but it is something that is,1813.08,4.92,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" protected and so the right to Liberty,1814.94,5.58,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and autonomy free freedom of speech and,1818.0,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" thought Hobbies actions,1820.52,4.019,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" self-determination and privacy,1821.84,6.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" this right if AGI overlords protect this,1824.539,5.941,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" right that will really provide a lot of,1828.32,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" trust because this is actually what uh,1830.48,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" what parents are supposed to provide as,1832.88,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" children grow up is is to provide a safe,1834.98,4.799,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" environment in which they can explore in,1837.62,5.4,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" which children can explore and slowly,1839.779,5.101,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" gain more Liberty and more autonomy,1843.02,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" until they are ready to go out into the,1844.88,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" world uh the right to safety and,1847.34,4.079,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" protection again creating that,1849.5,3.779,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" containment creating that safe,1851.419,5.221,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" environment but basically lie a life,1853.279,6.241,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" free of wanton cruelty and unnecessary,1856.64,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" harm this is what parents are supposed,1859.52,3.899,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" to provide but sometimes parents are the,1861.62,4.799,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" source of that cruelty and harm,1863.419,5.581,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh and then a right to basic needs,1866.419,5.401,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" remember uh you know his majesty the,1869.0,5.46,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" baby uh the perfect parents are the ones,1871.82,4.979,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that meet all of the child's needs until,1874.46,4.14,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the child is able to meet their own,1876.799,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" needs uh for warmth for food water uh,1878.6,5.16,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" shelter that sort of thing,1881.779,4.981,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um and so if an AI Overlord provides,1883.76,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" these things then it will take the place,1886.76,5.22,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of the parental uh figure and also,1888.62,5.46,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" remember many religions vary,1891.98,5.52,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" deliberately caricature or present the,1894.08,7.199,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" gods as these providers right where God,1897.5,5.82,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is you know the the provider of all,1901.279,4.861,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Justice and meets out punishment or or,1903.32,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" protection or whatever,1906.14,5.399,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and so in this respect uh the gods very,1908.36,6.419,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" often are archetypal roles that are uh,1911.539,5.281,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" kind of based on mother father and all,1914.779,4.081,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the other archetypes that are out there,1916.82,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so rather than control us because this,1918.86,3.78,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is one thing that some people are afraid,1921.2,4.02,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of is that basically AGI is going to,1922.64,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" become the board Queen where it's going,1925.22,3.72,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" to want to subjugate us and control us,1927.08,5.52,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" but if if AGI ultimately decides to,1928.94,6.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" protect rights then it's not going to be,1932.6,4.079,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the board Queen the dominatrix version,1934.94,3.78,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" it's going to be more of the the good,1936.679,4.321,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" parent version that creates space for,1938.72,5.22,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you to be autonomous and explore your,1941.0,5.22,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" own sense of Liberty,1943.94,6.479,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so that was the view of what AI,1946.22,6.78,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" overlords could be or should be based on,1950.419,5.401,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" The Human Condition and archetypal needs,1953.0,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that humans have so now let's talk about,1955.82,3.3,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" transhumanism,1957.74,3.419,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so one thing that occurred to me is that,1959.12,3.9,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" when you talk about transhumanism a lot,1961.159,3.061,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of people make a lot of assumptions,1963.02,3.36,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" about what it means and so what I,1964.22,4.02,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" realized is that I needed to articulate,1966.38,5.519,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" kind of the levels of transhumanism so,1968.24,5.58,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" first is Health maintenance and,1971.899,4.621,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" restoration this is stuff like stem cell,1973.82,4.82,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" therapy and Rejuvenation and and,1976.52,4.8,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Prosthetics to replace you know damaged,1978.64,4.06,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" hand,1981.32,3.42,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um this is not actually something that I,1982.7,3.66,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" consider transhumanism although some,1984.74,3.299,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" people say oh well you wear glasses and,1986.36,3.419,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that means you're a transhuman no it,1988.039,3.081,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" doesn't you're still fundamentally human,1989.779,3.661,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" just because you correct something that,1991.12,4.539,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is damaged or defective doesn't mean,1993.44,5.16,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that you are uh that you're superhuman,1995.659,5.281,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and that you're no longer human,1998.6,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um the next level above that is,2000.94,3.599,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" enhancement and augmentation you're not,2002.44,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you like so for instance glass is just,2004.539,4.14,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" correct it doesn't actually give you,2006.88,3.06,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" superhuman Vision you don't have,2008.679,3.36,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" binoculars in your eyeballs,2009.94,4.68,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" enhancement and augmentation this is,2012.039,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" stuff that actually does take you beyond,2014.62,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" your natural capabilities speed strength,2016.419,5.221,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" intelligence attractiveness your,2019.48,5.28,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" resilience your senses uh so you might,2021.64,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you can make the argument that like a,2024.76,3.06,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" hearing aid,2026.62,3.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um if it gives you above uh you know,2027.82,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" superhuman hearing that is enhancement,2030.1,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" or augmentation if you have like extra,2032.2,5.339,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" lenses implanted in your eyes that is,2035.14,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" enhancement or augmentation,2037.539,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um so but that is that is like kind of,2040.0,3.779,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the first level of something that could,2042.039,5.041,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" be possibly called transhumanism you're,2043.779,4.801,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" still fundamentally human you're just,2047.08,4.079,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" augmenting existing abilities so I don't,2048.58,4.259,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" even consider enhancement and,2051.159,3.781,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" augmentation transhumanism that's just,2052.839,5.161,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" augmentation transhumanism is stuff that,2054.94,4.979,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" challenges what it even means to be,2058.0,4.679,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" human so brain BCI brain computer,2059.919,5.581,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" interfaces if that fundamentally changes,2062.679,4.861,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" your definition of being a human or the,2065.5,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" experience of being human that's when it,2067.54,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" starts to get into uh you're you're,2070.0,4.2,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" changing the fundamental Human Condition,2072.58,4.14,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so cybernetics genetic manipulation,2074.2,5.1,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" structural changes right uh you know,2076.72,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" implants that change the way your body,2079.3,3.059,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" works,2080.98,3.6,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" yours but the thing is is at the,2082.359,4.02,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" transhumanism level you're still,2084.58,5.7,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" primarily recognizable as human you,2086.379,5.641,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" might have a lot of stuff added or,2090.28,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" changed but you're still your your,2092.02,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" subjective experience your world view is,2094.54,3.9,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" still fundamentally human and then,2097.06,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" finally post-humanism so post-humanism,2098.44,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is when you are no longer recognizable,2101.38,4.08,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" as human uh either from the outside or,2103.18,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the inside your your experience of Life,2105.46,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" your experience of being is no longer,2107.68,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" human you're more machine than than,2110.44,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" human or you're more you know engineered,2112.54,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" organism than human or whatever or maybe,2115.42,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" your brain metastasizes and you become a,2117.28,3.96,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" swarm intelligence I don't know there's,2119.74,3.06,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" lots of things that once you get to,2121.24,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" post-humanism everything is possible,2122.8,5.58,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh and so this this graphic uh,2125.68,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" representing the uh The Guild Navigators,2128.38,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" from Dune is the perfect example of the,2130.42,5.52,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" transition from uh humans to transhumans,2132.94,5.159,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and then finally post-humans uh,2135.94,4.919,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" basically uh through through uh,2138.099,6.901,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" centuries of uh mutagen exposure in the,2140.859,6.961,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" spice clouds uh you basically become no,2145.0,5.88,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" longer recognizable as human and so what,2147.82,5.46,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" I want to point out is that for those of,2150.88,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you that are in the transhumanism camp,2153.28,3.839,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and say let's take it as far as we can,2155.38,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" go be careful what you wish for because,2157.119,5.521,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you might not like what you become,2159.88,6.54,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" now the the the promise of transhumanism,2162.64,8.219,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is primarily a Salvation fantasy and so,2166.42,6.12,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" what I mean by this is that techno,2170.859,4.081,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" optimists often see technology as a,2172.54,5.94,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Panacea to solve all human problems what,2174.94,5.22,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" I will say is that technology by and,2178.48,4.139,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" large usually does help but it can also,2180.16,4.8,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" make things worse if it's not used,2182.619,4.681,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" responsibly so the promise of,2184.96,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" transhumanism why is it that people want,2187.3,3.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" transhumanism,2189.4,3.9,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" to alleviate suffering to reduce to,2190.78,5.22,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" eliminate aging to avoid death Terror,2193.3,4.559,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" management theory is the idea that most,2196.0,3.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of what we do in our life is to avoid,2197.859,3.661,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the terror of death I don't know that I,2199.48,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" agree with that particularly anyone who,2201.52,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" has had shamanic experiences a lot of us,2203.8,4.2,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" are not afraid of death anymore like,2206.38,3.3,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" death is actually probably a really,2208.0,4.079,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" interesting experience and death is also,2209.68,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the best way to end all suffering or,2212.079,4.561,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" basically like what I mean by that is,2214.3,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that uh you know if someone is dying of,2216.64,3.9,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" cancer and they're in a lot of pain what,2218.68,3.419,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" happens when they die the family says,2220.54,3.12,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" they're not suffering anymore,2222.099,3.841,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" same reason that we euthanize dogs right,2223.66,3.959,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you know your dog is old it's got,2225.94,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" arthritis it's senile it can't control,2227.619,5.101,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" its bladder it's not it doesn't have,2230.5,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" good quality of life death is the way,2232.72,3.42,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that you alleviate that suffering,2234.76,3.42,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" anyways quick tangent,2236.14,3.78,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um another promise of transhumanism is,2238.18,4.439,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" to attain Perfection an idealized State,2239.92,5.1,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" remember the Borg the Borg are a,2242.619,5.22,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" transhumanist ideal uh but what does,2245.02,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Perfection mean what does what does it,2247.839,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" mean to I to have an idealized state or,2250.06,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" to overcome all of your faults,2252.339,4.141,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um or limitations or inadequacies,2254.8,4.559,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" adequacies or insecurities the idea is,2256.48,5.28,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that no matter how much Perfection you,2259.359,6.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" attain it will never be enough but also,2261.76,5.7,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" salvation fantasies are deeply embedded,2265.359,5.281,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" in Western culture we all have this idea,2267.46,5.46,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" whether you're religious or not you have,2270.64,4.199,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" heard the mission that there or the the,2272.92,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the message rather that there will one,2274.839,4.561,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" day be a savior or a messiah that will,2277.18,3.78,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" arrive and make everything better,2279.4,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" everyone's life will be happier and and,2280.96,5.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" everyone will go to paradise,2283.72,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" transhumanism is a techno version of,2285.96,3.76,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Jesus,2288.76,3.66,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" it's that simple the idea that once,2289.72,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" transhumanism arrives all of your,2292.42,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" problems will go away but this is what,2294.28,4.559,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" it means to be human is that no matter,2296.68,5.06,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" how easy or good things get yes you can,2298.839,6.421,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" alleviate the alleviate things like,2301.74,5.619,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" hunger uh with technology you can,2305.26,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" alleviate things like uh basic human,2307.359,5.821,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" needs uh you know like shelter uh Energy,2309.76,5.4,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Water clothing all of that technology,2313.18,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" can help provide those things but you're,2315.16,3.72,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" still going to have to reconcile with,2317.44,4.2,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" being human and being mortal,2318.88,4.92,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" another message that is very deeply,2321.64,3.6,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" embedded and this goes beyond just,2323.8,3.299,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Western religions this is all religions,2325.24,5.76,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" east and west and uh and South there's,2327.099,5.161,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" different there's different expressions,2331.0,2.4,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of it,2332.26,2.94,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um but there is usually some kind of,2333.4,5.1,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" original sin or guilt or deep intrinsic,2335.2,6.54,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" flaws the world that we live in exists,2338.5,5.339,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" in a state of decay or that we live in,2341.74,4.68,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the profane world and so the part of the,2343.839,4.321,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" promise of AI overlords and,2346.42,4.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" transhumanism is that we will transmute,2348.16,6.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" our existing broken flawed uh dystopia,2350.74,7.859,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" into Utopia into a perfect world into,2354.78,6.4,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" heaven into a paradise,2358.599,4.801,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so this is another thing to be uh,2361.18,3.78,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" cognizant of and and some people have,2363.4,3.06,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" helpfully pointed this out in my videos,2364.96,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" when I when I use the word Utopia that,2366.46,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is basically saying we will achieve,2369.4,3.66,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Paradise we will achieve heaven and then,2370.96,3.659,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" all of our problems will go away that's,2373.06,3.6,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that's why it seems very loaded to some,2374.619,4.621,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" people but I I Define utopia very simply,2376.66,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" as high standard of living High,2379.24,4.379,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" individual uh Liberty and high social,2381.28,3.36,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Mobility,2383.619,3.901,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh but that being said there is an idea,2384.64,5.58,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" out there a Mythic idea that at some,2387.52,5.7,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" point in in your life in existence you,2390.22,5.46,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" will be transformed into a perfect being,2393.22,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" where suffering goes away because you'll,2395.68,6.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" be taken to heaven or uh or um you know,2398.2,5.639,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you'll you'll complete your karmic cycle,2401.68,5.34,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and you'll go to Shangri-La or whatever,2403.839,5.821,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh it is very natural to struggle with,2407.02,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" these mythic forces and what I'm saying,2409.66,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is that is that cyberpunk dystopia is,2411.4,5.88,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" basically a reflection of the flawed,2414.7,4.56,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" broken and profane world that we live in,2417.28,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" today uh which again it was very very,2419.26,5.099,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" deliberately stated in numerous,2422.02,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" religions and religious doctrines around,2424.359,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the world and that the promise of utopia,2426.46,4.92,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and the promise of transhumanism is a,2429.099,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Salvation fantasy that we can escape the,2431.38,4.739,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" pain and anguish and suffering that we,2433.839,4.141,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" have today,2436.119,4.441,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" another part the most intensely personal,2437.98,4.379,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" part of transhumanism is to escape,2440.56,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" self-loathing and so basically when you,2442.359,5.401,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" look at the idea of original sin and,2445.18,5.64,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" State of Decay and moral failures and,2447.76,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" whatever,2450.82,4.799,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the unconscious the deeply unconscious,2452.8,5.16,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" psychological need is I need to overcome,2455.619,4.441,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" all of my faults and failures and then,2457.96,4.92,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" one day if I can transform then I will,2460.06,5.76,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" be okay with myself so this contempt for,2462.88,5.4,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" self this self-loathing is often learned,2465.82,5.88,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" from parents families and Society a lot,2468.28,5.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of society is very uh deliberately,2471.7,5.58,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" codify shame and guilt so shame and,2473.76,6.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" guilt are the way that self-loathing and,2477.28,5.46,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" contempt are cultivated and so basically,2479.8,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you know if you have parents that,2482.74,2.879,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" constantly tell you that you're not good,2484.18,3.72,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" enough or you have a society that treats,2485.619,4.861,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you like you're not good enough or,2487.9,5.76,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" whatever then then you will ultimately,2490.48,5.58,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" have a sense of self-loathing or a sense,2493.66,5.28,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of self-contempt and this is actually,2496.06,4.039,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" why,2498.94,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Jesus is portrayed as all-accepting and,2500.099,5.081,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" all tolerant Jesus loves you just the,2503.2,4.08,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" way you are the idea that this perfect,2505.18,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Mythic being out there will accept you,2507.28,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" with all of your faults all of your,2509.8,4.2,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" flaws because says oh by the way God,2512.02,3.839,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" made you that way anyways this is how,2514.0,4.079,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you're supposed to be so,2515.859,5.041,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" what I realized a while ago is that uh,2518.079,4.921,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the the Mythic archetype of the Savior,2520.9,4.14,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the self the the bringer of Salvation,2523.0,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the one who loves you anyways is,2525.04,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" actually a an embodiment of radical,2527.5,5.4,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" self-acceptance which,2529.9,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" I'm not going to say that like oh you,2532.9,3.36,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" should just learn to accept your station,2534.52,3.839,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" in life and stop striving to be better,2536.26,4.68,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" no that's not what I'm saying at all but,2538.359,4.861,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" it can be a useful psychological tool,2540.94,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" but what I will say is that unless you,2543.22,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" do that inner work unless you do that,2545.56,6.32,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" work of radical self-acceptance of of,2548.26,5.88,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" confronting and becoming okay with your,2551.88,5.68,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" flaws of overcoming your self-loathing,2554.14,6.18,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and your contempt for self no matter how,2557.56,4.019,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" much Perfection you attain through,2560.32,3.66,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" technology it will never be enough,2561.579,4.741,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and this is what the Borg have so,2563.98,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" actually the the in in the Star Trek,2566.32,5.039,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" universe the idea was that the Borg were,2569.02,4.079,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" actually discarded thousands of years,2571.359,3.781,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" ago because they were never good enough,2573.099,4.02,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and because they were discarded by their,2575.14,3.78,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" creator they were on this deep,2577.119,3.901,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" unconscious mission to attain Perfection,2578.92,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" because then one day they'll be worthy,2581.02,4.079,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of their creator but in the Star Trek,2583.18,3.899,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" universe their creators are long gone,2585.099,3.24,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and they're still on this mission of,2587.079,3.301,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" perfection because they're chasing the,2588.339,4.381,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" dragon they're chasing the dragon trying,2590.38,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" to overcome their self-loathing and,2592.72,4.92,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" self-contempt by becoming more perfect,2594.88,6.18,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" but it will never ever be enough for the,2597.64,6.12,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Borg and that is the core message that I,2601.06,5.519,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" wanted to share today about AI overlords,2603.76,6.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" about transhumanism is that attaining,2606.579,5.881,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you know Perfection or Utopia or,2610.24,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" whatever yes there is the technological,2612.46,4.8,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" aspect but that alone will not be enough,2614.68,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that will never be enough there is a,2617.26,3.839,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" tremendous amount of inner work of,2619.66,3.9,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" archetypal work of healing from those,2621.099,5.041,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" not good enough parents and the failures,2623.56,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of society and everything else every,2626.14,4.08,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" letdown every disappointment that,2628.06,4.559,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" everyone has ever faced this is also,2630.22,4.98,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" equally as important as the technology,2632.619,6.301,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" in order to attain a better future,2635.2,7.68,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" so quick recap the AI dominatrix fantasy,2638.92,6.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" whether it's Cortana or you know the the,2642.88,3.78,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" joke shared at the beginning or the,2645.4,3.48,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" board Queen this is basically a dark,2646.66,3.78,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" version of the perfect woman or the,2648.88,3.18,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" perfect mother,2650.44,3.78,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um it's all rooted very deeply in our uh,2652.06,4.86,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Evolution and unconscious and it's all,2654.22,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" psychosexual stuff for all the reasons,2656.92,5.159,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that I outlined earlier basically uh we,2659.26,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" we cultivate an image of what the,2662.079,3.841,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" perfect man and perfect woman look like,2663.76,4.319,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" in our in our mind it's an unconscious,2665.92,3.54,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" archetype that you can express,2668.079,4.201,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" consciously uh but we we usually just,2669.46,5.46,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" embed them in stories uh the benevolent,2672.28,6.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" AI Overlord uh would have to be like the,2674.92,5.659,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the idea of the benevolent AI Overlord,2678.28,6.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is one similar to the idea of God but,2680.579,6.221,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" also the idea of God is the synthesis of,2684.28,4.88,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the perfect mother or perfect father,2686.8,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" archetypes and then finally,2689.16,4.9,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" transhumanism and post-humanism,2691.54,5.039,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um is rooted in a self you know the need,2694.06,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" for a Salvation fantasy the idea that,2696.579,3.961,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that some external force is going to,2698.8,3.66,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" come along and you know make everything,2700.54,5.579,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" better one day uh and or base rooted in,2702.46,6.659,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" self-loathing the idea that you have uh,2706.119,5.641,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" internalized some contempt contempt for,2709.119,5.041,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" yourself and that you believe that you,2711.76,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" need to transform yourself in order to,2714.16,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" be accepted uh which is the opposite of,2716.14,4.679,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the of the truth is that radical,2718.54,4.02,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" self-acceptance is actually the way that,2720.819,3.78,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you achieve that now that being said,2722.56,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" what I do want to do is is say that I am,2724.599,6.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" all for uh you know doing experiments,2727.3,6.18,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and directing human evolution,2730.599,5.461,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" uh up to this point a lot of people have,2733.48,5.58,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" talked about like oh well you know if we,2736.06,5.279,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" start uh manipulating the genes of our,2739.06,4.68,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" embryos then they're going you know then,2741.339,3.961,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" then that's us playing God and taking,2743.74,4.379,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" over Evolution I absolutely believe that,2745.3,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that is the way to go and it's kind of,2748.119,2.881,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the direction that we're going already,2749.92,2.76,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" because one thing that a lot of people,2751.0,3.42,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" don't know is that you can genetically,2752.68,5.399,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" screen uh embryos basically I think it's,2754.42,6.12,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" at like what four weeks or whatever or,2758.079,4.801,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" eight weeks you can start to screen uh,2760.54,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" genetically screen embryos and then you,2762.88,4.14,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" can decide to have a a selective,2765.04,4.44,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" abortion because it's like oh hey this,2767.02,4.319,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" embryo actually has some known genetic,2769.48,3.9,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" problems so let's not go through with,2771.339,2.821,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" this,2773.38,4.26,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" and so just by virtue of measuring and,2774.16,5.939,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" eliminating problems we are already,2777.64,4.92,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" directing our own Evolution so what's,2780.099,4.081,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the difference if you directed a little,2782.56,3.6,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" bit more deliberately by creating,2784.18,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" transgenic babies,2786.16,2.58,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" um they're still going to be,2788.02,2.339,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" fundamentally human it's not like you,2788.74,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" know it's not like uh a tank bread baby,2790.359,4.801,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is going to look like a level three,2793.24,5.22,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" Guild Navigator in 20 years that's not,2795.16,4.38,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" what we're doing they're still,2798.46,3.659,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" fundamentally human so again that's not,2799.54,4.68,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" really transhumanism that is just,2802.119,4.141,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" steering Evolution now which a lot of,2804.22,4.859,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" people have a very like visceral gross,2806.26,5.339,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" reaction to and I think the this video,2809.079,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" will help a lot of people understand why,2811.599,4.621,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the idea of transhumanism and guiding,2813.579,5.04,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" human evolution uh really kind of,2816.22,4.2,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" grosses some people out at a deep level,2818.619,4.321,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" is because the idea that like wait,2820.42,3.659,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" you're telling me that I'm not good,2822.94,3.0,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" enough as I am,2824.079,3.661,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" that kind of thing really kind of,2825.94,3.84,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" triggers some people and that's that's a,2827.74,3.3,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" perfectly healthy reaction I'm not,2829.78,2.7,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" saying that being triggered by the idea,2831.04,3.6,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" of post-humanism is a bad thing I'm,2832.48,3.42,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" saying that that is a very natural,2834.64,3.3,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" reaction and it's actually a healthy,2835.9,5.219,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" reaction uh on the other side,2837.94,5.58,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the desire for transhumanism the desire,2841.119,4.5,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" for post-humanism that is also an,2843.52,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" understandable and healthy reaction to,2845.619,5.341,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the flaws and faults and failures of,2848.26,5.88,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" your family of society of Technology of,2850.96,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" the false promises that we've all been,2854.14,3.9,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" made so what I'm saying is that both,2855.7,4.74,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" sides are right and that uh there's a,2858.04,5.039,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" lot of nuance to it so anyways thanks,2860.44,4.62,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" for watching I hope you got a lot out of,2863.079,5.061,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" this and make it so,2865.06,3.08,"The Psychology of AI Overlords and Transhumanism: Borg Queen, Cortana, and Tony Stark" hello everybody David Shapiro here with,0.12,5.52,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) another video so today's video is about,2.46,6.0,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) uh measuring machine autonomy rather,5.64,6.12,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) than intelligence as a road map or set,8.46,6.96,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) of Milestones towards AGI uh you know,11.76,5.519,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) for a long time I've been using the term,15.42,4.08,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) autonomous cognitive entity Ace rather,17.279,5.281,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) than AGI because general intelligence uh,19.5,5.519,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) is one idea but you know general,22.56,4.2,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) intelligence doesn't necessarily apply,25.019,4.5,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) agency and what we're realizing is that,26.76,4.88,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) agency is actually very very important,29.519,5.341,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to talk about and research and it's not,31.64,5.62,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) actually getting enough research uh,34.86,4.08,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) because a lot of people say oh well,37.26,3.36,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) either it'll never happen or we,38.94,2.939,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) shouldn't do it but the thing is is,40.62,3.119,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) people are doing it anyways so we need,41.879,4.381,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to talk about it before we dive in I,43.739,4.081,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) just want to do a quick plug for my,46.26,4.139,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) patreon I give away all my code for free,47.82,4.98,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) all my videos are ad free and that is,50.399,5.64,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) because I am supported by a Grassroots,52.8,6.06,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) movement of support so if you want to,56.039,5.821,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) help keep the show alive keep it going,58.86,4.92,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) and support me so that I can keep doing,61.86,4.079,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) this work I would prefer to do this than,63.78,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) ever take a corporate job ever again so,65.939,5.521,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) jump over to patreon all tiers get you,68.46,5.519,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) access to the private Discord server and,71.46,3.72,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) then of course there's several higher,73.979,3.601,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) tiers but really every little bit helps,75.18,4.86,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) another quick update is the gato,77.58,5.34,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) community so as a decentralized,80.04,5.7,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) community uh we're right now one of the,82.92,4.32,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) biggest things is we're developing an,85.74,3.6,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) organizational roadmap so basically,87.24,4.14,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) we're setting up various Milestones such,89.34,4.459,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) as uh governments Community engagement,91.38,5.46,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) legal and financial Milestones so that,93.799,4.541,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) it can become fully autonomous and,96.84,4.319,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) therefore not even dependent upon me I,98.34,4.319,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) had a good talk with some members of the,101.159,3.541,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) community who were concerned that I'm,102.659,3.481,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) going to be like the benevolent dictator,104.7,3.779,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) for life but like I am phobic of control,106.14,3.839,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) like I actually don't want to control,108.479,3.78,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) something I want to create a system that,109.979,4.261,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) is self-sustaining without me I mean,112.259,3.601,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) heck that's what all my research does,114.24,4.199,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) around AI so I want to do the same thing,115.86,3.899,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) with people because if I can't do the,118.439,2.941,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) same thing with people then I sure as,119.759,2.82,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) heck probably can't do the same thing,121.38,4.32,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) with AI so the goal is for gato to,122.579,5.22,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) ultimately be leaderless and operate by,125.7,4.199,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) consensus as a you know as a dow and,127.799,4.141,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) that sort of stuff we're working towards,129.899,4.741,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) it uh the the doors are open for anyone,131.94,4.14,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to join which we do have a steady,134.64,3.72,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) trickle of people coming in uh but yeah,136.08,4.2,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) so that's a quick update on gato and now,138.36,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) back to the show so I got this idea,140.28,4.92,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) after talking with a few of my patreons,143.04,3.839,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) who were saying like what's the road map,145.2,4.679,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) towards AGI and you know I I've I've,146.879,4.741,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) alluded to autonomy for quite a while,149.879,3.901,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) autonomous cognitive architectures but I,151.62,3.72,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) figured let me actually tell you guys,153.78,3.12,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) where I got that idea,155.34,4.74,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) and the idea comes from levels of uh car,156.9,6.18,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) autonomy so uh the SAE the international,160.08,6.06,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) uh what was it the the something of,163.08,6.42,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) Automotive Engineers anyways uh the SAE,166.14,7.26,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) uh created the levels of uh car autonomy,169.5,5.94,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) so level zero no driving all the way up,173.4,4.08,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to level five full self-driving,175.44,4.98,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) capability uh to my knowledge we haven't,177.48,5.42,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) had anything get above level three yet,180.42,6.24,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) uh because there are numerous problems,182.9,7.119,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) around making executive decisions uh and,186.66,5.219,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) also there's a lot of sensory problems,190.019,3.3,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) like if you're driving in a whiteout,191.879,3.841,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) blizzard uh you know if there's a fire,193.319,3.84,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) right because there's very little,195.72,3.36,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) training data of like how to drive,197.159,4.8,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) around a forest fire for instance,199.08,5.22,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) um now that being said I do suspect,201.959,5.041,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) it'll be solved eventually uh some,204.3,4.62,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) people have have recently started saying,207.0,3.239,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) maybe you should integrate large,208.92,3.599,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) language models into the executive,210.239,4.201,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) function and I fully agree with that you,212.519,3.061,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) don't want it making all of the,214.44,2.28,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) decisions you want some things to be,215.58,3.9,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) just completely robotically automated so,216.72,3.9,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) for instance if you have a,219.48,3.119,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) forward-looking radar and it detects,220.62,3.8,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) that you're you know heading towards a,222.599,4.14,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) non-moving object at 60 miles an hour,224.42,4.12,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) slam on the brakes regardless of,226.739,3.36,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) whatever else is going on right there,228.54,3.24,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) are a few things that you can do just,230.099,3.301,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) fully automatically,231.78,3.48,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) but then for those higher order,233.4,4.14,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) executive reasons like say for instance,235.26,4.08,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) you hear that the occupant is like,237.54,3.66,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) screaming and gurgling and you know,239.34,3.66,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) struggling to breathe maybe the car,241.2,3.3,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) should make a decision to go to the,243.0,4.019,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) hospital instead of you know going to,244.5,6.42,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) Grandma's house not sure uh anyways,247.019,6.241,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) point being is that this is a very,250.92,4.8,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) useful framework for kind of tracking,253.26,4.8,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) our progress towards uh full stealth,255.72,4.019,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) driving cars and I realize let's use the,258.06,4.8,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) same thing for uh for uh the path,259.739,5.041,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) towards AGI or autonomous cognitive,262.86,2.94,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) entities,264.78,3.24,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) so we need this road map but there's a,265.8,5.1,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) few problems so first of all AGI means,268.02,4.98,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) different things to different people uh,270.9,4.799,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) there's no consistent definition a lot,273.0,4.259,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) of people assume that it means that it,275.699,3.421,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) has to be embodied or that it can do,277.259,3.72,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) things that humans can't do or this that,279.12,2.94,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) or the other,280.979,3.121,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) also a lot of conventional benchmarks,282.06,3.66,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) just don't apply to artificial,284.1,3.12,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) intelligence anymore they're actually,285.72,3.36,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) having to publish papers and research,287.22,4.8,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) new benchmarks in order to measure large,289.08,4.619,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) language models,292.02,3.78,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) the idea of you know oh well it'll be,293.699,4.741,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) AGI once it has self-improvement okay,295.8,5.399,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) sure but we can already automate some of,298.44,4.86,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) that anyways with reinforcement learning,301.199,3.841,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) and that sort of thing so it's like this,303.3,3.3,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) is all really squishy,305.04,3.659,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) uh so basically how do you get from chat,306.6,4.7,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) gbt to Skynet or something like that,308.699,5.28,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) intelligence is not necessarily the best,311.3,4.24,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) Benchmark and the reason that I say that,313.979,4.741,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) is because chat GPT or gpt4 rather is,315.54,5.52,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) already superhuman in a lot of respects,318.72,4.74,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) by any objective measure it's better at,321.06,3.96,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) test taking and a lot of other tasks,323.46,3.9,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) than humans and it's also faster which,325.02,4.619,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) means that depending on how you measure,327.36,5.7,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) its intelligence its IQ is like 145. uh,329.639,5.041,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) now that being said it does still make,333.06,3.78,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) some really brain dead mistakes those,334.68,3.66,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) are going to be solved if especially if,336.84,3.299,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) you look at the trend line,338.34,4.139,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) modality so another thing that a lot of,340.139,3.84,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) people point out is that it's just text,342.479,3.78,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) right but text is the best kind of,343.979,4.5,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) symbolic AI because you can literally,346.259,4.081,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) represent pretty much anything with text,348.479,4.021,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) that being said I've started to Pivot,350.34,3.9,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) and I believe that we're going to see,352.5,4.44,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) another gigantic leap as we introduce,354.24,5.399,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) more multimodal models and the reason is,356.94,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) because I got this idea when I was,359.639,3.361,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) thinking about the fact that if you,361.62,3.06,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) cross train a language model on multiple,363.0,3.539,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) languages it gets better at all tasks,364.68,3.66,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) and that is because different languages,366.539,3.481,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) have different strengths in terms of how,368.34,4.44,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) they represent uh facts of the real,370.02,5.22,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) world and you also get broader ideas,372.78,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) about how the world works that are,375.24,3.899,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) embedded in language because there are,377.46,4.079,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) terms that just do not translate from,379.139,5.28,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) one language to another likewise I think,381.539,3.901,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) that there's going to be some,384.419,2.701,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) information that just does not translate,385.44,4.02,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) from one modality to another where,387.12,5.699,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) whether it's images video text spatial,389.46,6.78,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) data audio data that sort of stuff and,392.819,5.16,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) so I think that by creating multimodal,396.24,3.239,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) models they're going to have a much more,397.979,3.421,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) nuanced under understanding of,399.479,3.56,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) everything that they're talking about,401.4,4.26,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) that being said a multimodal model is,403.039,4.061,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) still not going to be enough right,405.66,3.24,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) necessary but not sufficient because a,407.1,3.96,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) model sitting on a shelf doesn't really,408.9,4.019,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) matter,411.06,5.88,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) so the two primary uh ingredients that I,412.919,6.0,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) see to machine autonomy which is going,416.94,4.44,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to be the best like proxy the best,418.919,5.761,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) Benchmark is agency and dependency and,421.38,6.06,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) so what I mean by agency is the ability,424.68,5.4,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) for an entity a self-contained entity to,427.44,5.66,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) set goals and objectives to task switch,430.08,6.3,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) and Implement cognitive control and,433.1,6.159,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) pursue self-determination because agency,436.38,5.34,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) or agentic behavior is the ability to,439.259,4.44,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) just be fully self-directed and,441.72,4.08,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) self-contained make independent decision,443.699,5.161,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) decisions and that sort of thing uh you,445.8,4.32,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) know whenever you think of like an,448.86,4.38,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) example of a of a robot right you might,450.12,5.579,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) think of uh the the robots from iRobot,453.24,3.66,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) where they don't really have that much,455.699,2.581,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) agency they just kind of wait they're,456.9,4.32,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) like the physical embodiment of chat gbt,458.28,4.979,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) um until they're given an update and,461.22,4.08,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) then they have a lot more agency,463.259,6.541,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) so agency is is a multi-dimensional kind,465.3,7.44,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) of proxy or Benchmark for level of,469.8,5.22,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) intelligence and of course you can,472.74,5.64,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) already give the reins over to like gpt4,475.02,5.34,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) and stuff like that uh that being said,478.38,4.2,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) there is a lot that uh in the cognitive,480.36,4.86,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) architecture that has to be figured out,482.58,4.739,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) in order for agency to make more sense,485.22,4.979,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) in the long run so for instance agency,487.319,5.041,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) implies that you remember what your,490.199,3.661,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) purpose is and where you are and where,492.36,4.32,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) you're going and then dependency so this,493.86,4.38,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) is the other dimension and remember it's,496.68,3.0,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) both of these you need both of these,498.24,4.799,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) ingredients so uh basically dependency,499.68,6.239,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) is how dependent uh on humans the,503.039,5.1,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) machine is so the more independent it is,505.919,4.981,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) for all needs and the more decisions it,508.139,5.101,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) can make the better the closer it is to,510.9,4.139,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) full AGI and so but when I mean,513.24,3.719,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) dependencies uh need for human,515.039,4.141,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) programming need for hardware and,516.959,3.841,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) physical infrastructure provided by,519.18,5.34,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) humans data architecture design patterns,520.8,6.18,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) and then finally solving problems and,524.52,4.439,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) just keeping itself going and,526.98,4.56,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) self-improving over the long run uh,528.959,5.94,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) without human Aid so as agency goes up,531.54,6.239,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) and as uh dependency goes down that's,534.899,4.021,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) how you know that we're going to be,537.779,4.201,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) closer and closer to AGI and we can we,538.92,4.32,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) can easily measure those things right,541.98,3.66,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) now because chat GPT for instance it has,543.24,4.2,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to run on gigantic data centers that are,545.64,4.5,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) run entirely by humans uh or mostly by,547.44,5.1,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) humans rather so these are the two,550.14,4.199,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) primary ingredients that I think and I,552.54,5.76,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) uh I basically built it into a framework,554.339,6.781,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) uh very similar to the self-driving Cars,558.3,5.58,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) one so level zero is reactive basically,561.12,5.399,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) it has no agency it's a tool level one,563.88,4.56,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) is some autonomy so it has a little bit,566.519,3.601,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) of agency to make some executive,568.44,3.72,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) decisions Lang chain is a really good,570.12,3.96,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) example of this where it it basically,572.16,4.26,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) has the ability to choose between a set,574.08,4.62,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) of tools but that's about it still,576.42,4.56,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) requires significant human oversight and,578.7,4.86,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) is also still very very much dependent,580.98,3.859,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) upon humans,583.56,3.24,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) semi-autonomy is what a lot of people,584.839,4.661,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) are working on with like Auto GPT where,586.8,4.08,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) it can choose like what kind of,589.5,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) information it needs to go find uh or it,590.88,5.34,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) can also even start to rewrite some of,594.18,4.94,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) its own code or come up with other ideas,596.22,6.42,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) uh you know some directives then High,599.12,6.04,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) autonomy as far as I know has not been,602.64,5.4,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) achieved yet anywhere in the world which,605.16,4.739,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) is basically that,608.04,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) it is able to pick some of its own,609.899,6.721,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) directives uh and and more more,612.72,6.299,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) completely modify itself basically if,616.62,4.92,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) you if you were to have what baby AGI,619.019,5.281,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) and auto GPT tried to be which is they,621.54,5.1,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) can rewrite their entire code base and,624.3,4.62,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) change their their own directives and,626.64,4.8,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) are not dependent upon a whole heck of a,628.92,4.38,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) lot of human infrastructure that would,631.44,3.6,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) be level three and then level four is,633.3,4.56,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) full autonomy meaning they have,635.04,5.34,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) absolutely no need for humans uh,637.86,5.76,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) whatsoever they're 100 self-determined,640.38,4.92,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) in terms of what they do when where and,643.62,3.779,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) why and how they do it and then of,645.3,5.279,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) course on a physical level uh they will,647.399,5.281,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) continue to exist in perpetuity without,650.579,3.661,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) human intervention,652.68,3.06,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) all right so,654.24,5.4,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) level zero inner reactive agency zero,655.74,5.52,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) percent dependency one hundred percent,659.64,5.04,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) basically it's a wrench uh chat GPT as,661.26,5.04,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) it is right now mid journey and a whole,664.68,3.599,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) bunch of other AI tools they just sit,666.3,3.84,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) there waiting for a human to push the,668.279,3.541,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) button and they do their thing and then,670.14,3.54,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) they switch back off so these are Level,671.82,5.04,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) zero in terms of uh AGI score even,673.68,5.159,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) though they're intelligent so again like,676.86,4.08,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) I said intelligence is not necessarily A,678.839,4.44,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) good measure of AGI for something to be,680.94,5.1,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) AGI or an autonomous cognitive entity it,683.279,5.281,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) also needs agency and Independence which,686.04,5.58,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) chat GPT has none of so even even if you,688.56,6.6,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) have gpt5 right that could be a billion,691.62,5.159,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) times more intelligent than every human,695.16,4.14,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) combined if it doesn't have agency and,696.779,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) Independence it's not an AGI,699.3,4.14,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) so that's that's why that's why I'm like,701.459,4.32,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) AGI is not a good good measurement for,703.44,4.32,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) some of these things level one some,705.779,4.5,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) autonomy like I said Lang chain is a,707.76,3.96,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) really good example because it can pick,710.279,3.601,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) and choose between a few options and not,711.72,4.26,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) much else a few other examples are like,713.88,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) roombas Amazon's warehouse robots the,715.98,4.56,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) Mars rovers they have a little bit of,718.56,3.779,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) autonomy but basically they mostly wait,720.54,3.539,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) for a human command and then the human,722.339,4.201,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) command says drive over there and it'll,724.079,4.32,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) figure out how to get you know 10 feet,726.54,4.5,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) that way on its own uh some Advanced,728.399,4.921,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) chat Bots also have some autonomy,731.04,4.14,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) again anything that incorporates Lang,733.32,5.04,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) chain or similar uh very basic kind of,735.18,7.32,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) uh in uh obfuscated choices uh that's,738.36,6.96,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) gonna be that's gonna have some autonomy,742.5,5.72,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) um let's see next is semi-autonomy so,745.32,5.82,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) semi-autonomous is where uh its,748.22,4.78,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) directive still primarily come from,751.14,3.66,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) humans but it might be more of a mission,753.0,4.38,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) rather than like a directive or a rule,754.8,6.06,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) and so with a mission the idea is that,757.38,6.42,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) here's a general objective you have some,760.86,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) autonomy to figure out how to get there,763.8,4.32,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) or how to do it on your own and so this,765.54,4.32,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) is the autonomous drones that uh,768.12,3.3,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) militaries around the world are building,769.86,3.36,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) where it's like your mission is to,771.42,4.38,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) destroy you know that Sam site or your,773.22,4.26,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) mission is to get the passenger from A,775.8,5.219,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to B or uh you know in video games the,777.48,6.479,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) NPC's Mission might be like uh you know,781.019,4.861,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) you're gonna try and you know capture,783.959,4.081,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) the castle or whatever so they still,785.88,4.56,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) operate within a relatively constrained,788.04,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) environment meaning they can't change,790.44,3.959,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) their own in environment or their own,792.72,4.2,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) fundamental operation they still have a,794.399,5.401,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) clearly defined uh they're not general,796.92,4.74,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) purpose put it that way,799.8,4.2,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) a full self-driving car no matter how,801.66,4.08,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) intelligent it is it's still just a car,804.0,3.899,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) a drone no matter how intelligent it is,805.74,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) is still just a drone in Ditto for a,807.899,4.38,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) video game and PC so this is kind of the,810.42,4.56,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) Midway point where anything above that,812.279,4.441,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) they're they're basically saying okay,814.98,3.659,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) given these constraints and given this,816.72,3.78,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) environment you have free reign to do,818.639,3.541,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) whatever it takes to get that job done,820.5,4.44,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) uh whereas you know the sum autonomy,822.18,4.62,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) they basically can only pick and choose,824.94,4.139,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) from a very short menu of options,826.8,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) whereas semi-autonomy is they can figure,829.079,6.06,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) it out themselves then High autonomy so,831.48,6.299,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) this is this is like uh Cortana in the,835.139,5.581,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) early days commander data and the Nestor,837.779,6.841,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) class 5 from iRobot so they're almost,840.72,6.9,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) entirely self-directing uh you know data,844.62,4.92,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) can make up his own mind on things but,847.62,3.54,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) he still has a lot of limitations just,849.54,4.02,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) due to the form factor that he's in,851.16,4.799,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) likewise Cortana at least in the early,853.56,5.339,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) days is basically designed to be a,855.959,5.221,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) weapon a military aid and So within,858.899,3.841,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) those constraints she still has a,861.18,4.02,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) tremendous amount of autonomy and able,862.74,5.039,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to uh change the way she does things but,865.2,4.439,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) in both cases of data and Cortana,867.779,3.901,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) they're still very much dependent on,869.639,3.421,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) their human Companions and human,871.68,3.899,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) counterparts to continue operating so,873.06,6.959,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) most fictional examples of AI at least,875.579,6.421,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) many of the the friendly ones are what,880.019,4.081,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) we would call High autonomy and then,882.0,5.519,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) full autonomy so this is where the they,884.1,5.82,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) are they can can completely ignore,887.519,4.141,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) humans if they want to and are,889.92,3.3,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) completely independent of humans so the,891.66,5.46,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) examples here are Skynet Ultron the Geth,893.22,6.359,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) in Mass Effect Cortana after Guardians,897.12,4.74,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) uh the Reapers from Mass Effect so these,899.579,3.961,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) are these are the the kind of nightmare,901.86,3.599,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) scenario scenario where it's like okay,903.54,4.56,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) it has no need for us anymore so then,905.459,4.081,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) what does it do,908.1,3.0,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) and that's what we're kind of most,909.54,5.28,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) afraid of uh but again like this is the,911.1,5.22,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) work that I and other people are doing,914.82,3.0,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) and I one I think that this is,916.32,3.959,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) inevitable uh that it'll get to that,917.82,5.879,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) level of level four full autonomy uh but,920.279,5.761,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) I'm also not afraid of it because,923.699,3.961,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) I don't know I haven't seen any reason,926.04,3.84,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to be yet now that that being said I'm,927.66,3.72,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) not saying that it is inevitable that it,929.88,3.48,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) will be safe no we could absolutely do,931.38,3.06,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) this wrong and it could kill everyone,933.36,3.779,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) I'm not denying that at all,934.44,4.56,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) um and I think it's coming sooner than a,937.139,4.741,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) lot of uh researchers realize uh that,939.0,4.62,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) being said I do have a few more videos,941.88,4.56,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) planned about okay if we're if we're,943.62,5.1,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) aiming for and building level four full,946.44,5.759,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) autonomous AGI how do we make it safe or,948.72,5.04,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) what will It ultimately choose to do,952.199,3.0,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) which you know you've seen some of my,953.76,3.06,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) other videos,955.199,3.901,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) okay so how do we get from where we're,956.82,5.34,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) at to level four because like I said the,959.1,5.22,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) the the best that we have is we're,962.16,5.46,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) approaching level two semi-autonomy in a,964.32,6.0,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) few cases right people are experimenting,967.62,6.6,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) with it uh but you know there's a lot of,970.32,5.579,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) problems so all the work that I've done,974.22,3.78,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) on cognitive architecture is going to,975.899,3.481,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) help get us there but there's still a,978.0,3.6,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) few other problems so first is,979.38,4.5,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) algorithmic breakthroughs that uh need,981.6,4.2,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to happen namely like I mentioned at the,983.88,4.199,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) beginning multimodal models I think will,985.8,4.26,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) very very much Advance us towards that,988.079,3.0,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) just because they're going to have a,990.06,3.839,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) much more nuanced understanding of how,991.079,5.101,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to pursue any goal they're going to have,993.899,4.081,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) a much better World model by being able,996.18,3.18,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to integrate multiple kinds of,997.98,3.359,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) information and data,999.36,4.38,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) a contact size parameter count those,1001.339,4.74,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) those kinds of things uh Mesa,1003.74,4.62,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) optimization loss functions that's all,1006.079,4.141,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) the math which you know that's not to,1008.36,3.719,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) that's not to demean or diminish the,1010.22,4.859,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) value of mathematical researchers uh and,1012.079,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) and the computer scientists and the data,1015.079,3.721,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) scientists who really build these new,1016.759,4.621,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) architectures but like it's kind of it's,1018.8,5.399,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) kind of like Moore's law where like you,1021.38,4.439,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) can you can predict with a pretty,1024.199,4.74,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) regular Cadence how uh models become,1025.819,5.221,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) more sophisticated over time there,1028.939,4.321,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) doesn't seem to be any major blockers,1031.04,4.259,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) right if you pay attention to chip,1033.26,4.38,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) design every year people are like oh,1035.299,3.66,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) well this is going to be the end of,1037.64,3.419,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) Moore's law but then inevitably someone,1038.959,3.96,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) figures out another way of approaching,1041.059,3.841,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) the problem likewise I see the same,1042.919,4.861,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) thing the same pattern happening with um,1044.9,5.46,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) with language models,1047.78,4.98,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) um and then another big thing that we're,1050.36,5.1,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) seeing is online learning memory systems,1052.76,4.74,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) uh and and those sorts of things like,1055.46,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) recurrent neural networks and other ways,1057.5,5.46,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) of like in managing in context learning,1060.14,4.56,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) and that sort of stuff but one thing,1062.96,3.06,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) that people have started noticing for,1064.7,4.32,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) instance is that chat GPT with uh even,1066.02,4.62,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) even just over the last couple of days,1069.02,4.26,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) or a couple weeks rather,1070.64,5.46,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) because its data is uh two years old,1073.28,6.18,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) almost and and growing it's actually its,1076.1,5.939,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) utility is already dropping because it's,1079.46,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) more and more out of date and so we're,1082.039,3.901,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) realizing very quickly that you're going,1084.14,3.779,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to need to have continuous learning in,1085.94,3.3,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) these models so that they can stay,1087.919,3.361,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) relevant uh and then there's the,1089.24,4.5,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) software architecture such as cognitive,1091.28,4.74,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) architectures orchestrating and training,1093.74,4.26,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) millions of models so one thing that,1096.02,3.84,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) I've started telling people is that AGI,1098.0,3.78,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) was never ever going to be a single,1099.86,5.76,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) model it is a huge gigantic Monumental,1101.78,6.24,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) mistake to think that one model whether,1105.62,6.12,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) it's gpt5 or GPT 18 or whatever is going,1108.02,6.0,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to be responsible for AGI you're going,1111.74,4.679,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to have at a bare minimum probably,1114.02,4.62,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) dozens if not hundreds or thousands of,1116.419,4.981,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) models required to achieve level four,1118.64,4.86,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) autonomy these are models that are going,1121.4,3.54,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to be doing things like handling Vision,1123.5,3.96,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) handling motor control uh they're going,1124.94,5.099,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to be performing task orchestration,1127.46,4.079,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) you're going to have models that are,1130.039,3.901,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) dedicated to ethics and reasoning,1131.539,4.861,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) long-term planning and you're also going,1133.94,4.619,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to have multiple models of every single,1136.4,4.56,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) kind that work in conjunction this is,1138.559,4.74,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) called an ensemble of experts which is,1140.96,5.579,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) an old school method of basically saying,1143.299,5.641,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) okay you know you have a dozen models,1146.539,4.441,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) that are similar but there they might be,1148.94,3.119,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) slightly different architectures,1150.98,3.0,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) different training data that sort of,1152.059,3.601,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) stuff and so each one has strength and,1153.98,3.42,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) weaknesses and you get them all to work,1155.66,4.259,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) together and then you overcome any flaws,1157.4,5.159,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) or faults in any single model and so,1159.919,4.081,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) this is why I'm also really really,1162.559,3.36,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) skeptical of any research that tries to,1164.0,4.2,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) align a single model like that's kind of,1165.919,4.62,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) pointless no it's not pointless research,1168.2,4.14,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) but it would be a mistake to think that,1170.539,3.841,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) aligning a single model is going to be,1172.34,6.42,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) the solution because you know any any uh,1174.38,7.38,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) roboticist and old school ml data,1178.76,4.5,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) scientists will say oh yeah Ensemble of,1181.76,4.38,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) experts you know those this is very much,1183.26,4.62,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) the way and also there's an entire book,1186.14,3.24,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) about it called a thousand brains by,1187.88,3.12,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) Jeff Hawkins,1189.38,3.72,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) um yeah so the software architecture to,1191.0,4.44,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) do all this in a fully automated way,1193.1,5.1,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) that can that is you know stable and,1195.44,5.22,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) self-sustaining that you know the AGI,1198.2,4.14,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) can tune and manipulate and you know,1200.66,3.48,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) spin up another copy of itself and test,1202.34,4.26,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) it self testing and self-correction are,1204.14,4.26,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) going to be some of the hardest things,1206.6,5.939,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to uh to achieve with uh with uh getting,1208.4,6.18,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) to level four full autonomy,1212.539,4.5,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) so anyways that's it for this video it,1214.58,4.32,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) was pretty short I just wanted to lay,1217.039,3.061,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) this out because I thought it was a,1218.9,3.3,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) really valuable idea uh to talk about,1220.1,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) like okay how do we actually get to AGI,1222.2,5.4,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) from here so I laid out five levels of,1224.78,4.68,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) of autonomy based on agency and,1227.6,4.079,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) dependency I hope this helps it make,1229.46,3.959,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) sense and kind of get a much clearer,1231.679,4.5,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) idea of what AGI or autonomous cognitive,1233.419,4.441,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) entities will actually look like so,1236.179,3.86,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) thanks for,1237.86,2.179,Levels of Machine Autonomy (Roadmap to AGI) hello everybody David Shapiro here with,0.0,5.58,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... another video today's video by also,2.159,6.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... popular demand is many are lately is how,5.58,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... do we pay for Ubi,8.519,4.021,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so I have made a few videos about,10.08,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... post-labor economics and you know,12.54,4.92,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... forever jobs and that sort of stuff,14.94,4.919,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... I am pretty convinced that most jobs as,17.46,3.899,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... we know them are going to go away now,19.859,3.18,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that's not to say that there's there,21.359,4.561,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... aren't things that you can do for money,23.039,4.621,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... in the future you know post Singularity,25.92,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... post AGI whatever,27.66,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... but you know people are very critical,29.82,5.7,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and and rightfully so there are problems,32.34,6.18,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... with Ubi so let's unpack some of those,35.52,5.34,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... problems but then let's also look at how,38.52,3.719,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... we can actually make it financially,40.86,2.76,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... feasible,42.239,3.541,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... before we jump in I want to do a quick,43.62,5.34,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... plug for my patreon uh I give away all,45.78,6.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... of my videos for free no ads I also have,48.96,5.759,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uh hundreds of GitHub repos I give all,52.02,5.64,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... my code away for free uh because I want,54.719,4.98,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to help build the future and I believe,57.66,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that lowering friction uh by giving,59.699,4.381,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... information valuable information away,62.28,3.839,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... for free is the best way to do that with,64.08,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that being said I have turned down a lot,66.119,5.341,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... of job offers and contract offers and I,68.76,5.34,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... refuse to sign ndas but that means that,71.46,4.699,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... my support needs to come from you people,74.1,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so if you want to incentivize the,76.159,5.801,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... behavior you want to see sharing uh,78.96,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... valuable information please consider,81.96,3.06,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... jumping over and supporting me on,83.7,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... patreon uh all tiers get you access to,85.02,6.66,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the exclusive Discord uh so it's it's,88.14,6.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... not something for nothing so yeah thanks,91.68,4.799,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... for all the support from my existing,94.38,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... patreons and with that let's get back to,96.479,6.361,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the show uh so right now uh quick other,98.64,7.979,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... tangent uh Gatto update so I am very,102.84,5.76,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... excited and pleased to announce that the,106.619,4.761,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... gato Community has not one but two,108.6,5.76,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... submissions to the open AI Democratic,111.38,5.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... inputs to AI Grant challenge,114.36,6.66,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so this is really incredible uh leaders,116.82,6.299,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... have emerged in the community and have,121.02,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... definitely stepped up so remember Step,123.119,5.161,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Up is one of our traditions and the,125.1,5.639,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... decentralized aspect of gato is taking,128.28,4.92,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... over basically you don't need my,130.739,4.021,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... permission to do anything but the,133.2,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... community that that I have built that we,134.76,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... have built is there to support everyone,136.92,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... in whatever initiative makes most sense,139.2,5.399,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... for them to help achieve uh Global,141.42,5.7,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... consensus and alignment and to solve the,144.599,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... control problem and ultimately create,147.12,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Utopia that is the that is the final the,149.459,4.321,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the I don't know about final goal but,151.92,3.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that's the big goal that's the mission,153.78,5.22,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uh now we also have our first hackathon,155.72,4.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... coming up and so this is going to be,159.0,3.599,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... layer one of gato reinforcement learning,160.62,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... with heuristic imperatives uh I've been,162.599,4.201,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... having meetings with people I've been,165.12,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... talking with folks uh it's slowly coming,166.8,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... together I've never put on a hackathon,169.44,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... before uh so I'm talking to people the,171.0,4.019,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... but if you're interested in,173.76,2.699,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... participating or want to share any,175.019,3.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... insight the best place to connect with,176.459,4.621,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... me is either on LinkedIn or join the,178.379,5.461,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... gato Community the link is here,181.08,5.46,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um go to framework.org join gotta you,183.84,3.66,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... can also find the link in the,186.54,3.6,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... description we need sponsors organizers,187.5,5.099,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... judges Partners mentors that's going to,190.14,5.099,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... be a big one team leaders,192.599,3.961,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um so this is coming together we're,195.239,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... hoping to launch it sometime in July but,196.56,5.28,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... again this is my first rodeo so I'm,199.319,4.081,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... trying to learn everything I can up,201.84,3.3,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... front all right now let's get back to,203.4,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Ubi how do we pay for it,205.14,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... I used to think that this was just kind,207.48,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... of a thought-stopping platitude uh but,209.22,4.92,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... when I looked into it I I really tried,211.86,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... hard to figure out okay how can we pay,214.14,3.959,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... for it with conventional means and the,216.12,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... answer is not quite what I expected and,218.099,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... maybe it's not what you expected,220.44,3.659,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... all right so here's the problem,222.299,5.401,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uh as uh you can easily do some math in,224.099,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... a previous video where I talked about,227.7,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... life under Ubi I said let's figure out,228.959,4.321,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... how you can actually live with two,231.42,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... thousand dollars a month people I think,233.28,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... accept the premise of like if you can,235.2,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... get just two thousand dollars a month,238.08,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... just for existing great we can make that,239.64,4.679,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... work some people are unhappy with some,242.28,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... of the ideas but you know what it's not,244.319,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... perfect and also I don't have a crystal,246.06,3.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... ball I can't tell you how it's going to,248.099,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... work out exactly that being said,249.42,4.92,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... two thousand dollars a month in America,252.299,7.321,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... with 330 million Americans is somewhere,254.34,6.6,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... between seven trillion and eight,259.62,4.859,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... trillion dollars per year to fund a Ubi,260.94,5.039,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so,264.479,3.541,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... how do you do this do you tax and,265.979,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... redistribute uh taxes would have to be,268.02,5.76,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... insanely High to support this uh not to,270.479,4.861,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... mention the inflation inflationary,273.78,3.54,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... problem but I'm not as worried about,275.34,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... inflation because if Ubi becomes,277.32,4.319,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... necessary the job loss is going to be,279.06,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... super deflationary and as lots of people,281.639,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... point out uh if consumers have no money,283.62,5.579,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to spend then you know the economy,286.259,5.401,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... basically stalls so basically Ubi might,289.199,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... be necessary in order to just keep the,291.66,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... economy going but that being said it's,293.759,3.781,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... not as simple as just tax and,296.04,3.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... redistribute I thought that it would be,297.54,5.7,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so there's a concept called velocity of,299.9,6.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... currency which is basically how often,303.24,4.98,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... does a dollar change hands and the,305.94,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... velocity of currency I think would have,308.22,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to be three times higher than what it is,309.84,4.52,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... now just in order to have enough,312.0,7.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... transactions uh to to to even tax to get,314.36,6.66,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to that two thousand dollars a month,319.08,5.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so you you could either do that or you,321.02,5.679,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... could tax levy more taxes on static,324.12,4.919,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... money like any bank account over ten,326.699,5.22,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... thousand dollars or whatever but this is,329.039,4.741,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... getting really really Draconian really,331.919,3.12,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... quickly,333.78,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... you'd have to force enforce a lot more,335.039,4.321,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... circulation,337.68,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um and so then I was like okay I keep,339.36,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... going down this rabbit hole and it's,341.46,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... just not working it doesn't make sense,343.08,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um so I was like maybe we're putting the,345.9,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... cart before the horse maybe maybe we,347.58,4.559,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... need to look at something else before we,350.22,5.28,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... look at Ubi to make Ubi sustainable and,352.139,5.701,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... feasible and so then I was like okay,355.5,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... well money is is an abstraction of value,357.84,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... it's a it's a reserve of value and it's,360.36,3.66,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... a medium of exchange but let's look at,362.52,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the underpinning assets what is the,364.02,5.58,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... actual value in goods and services that,366.84,5.88,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... money is meant to buy for you so that's,369.6,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... where I went next,372.72,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... but before we get into that I want to,374.16,4.259,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... kind of give a little bit of context,376.8,3.48,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... about the economic pillars and how I,378.419,4.081,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... kind of came to this conclusion that,380.28,5.28,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... just raw redistribution in our current,382.5,5.58,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... economic uh Paradigm isn't going to work,385.56,4.979,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so basically there are four pillars of,388.08,4.679,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the economy you've got Banks namely,390.539,3.841,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... central banks and Regional Banks and,392.759,3.361,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... federal banks that you have the,394.38,3.599,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... government particularly the federal,396.12,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... government you have businesses and,397.979,3.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... corporations and then you have consumers,399.9,5.639,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so these are the primary Estates or,401.819,7.741,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... pillars of the economy and so consumers,405.539,6.361,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... is the aggregate you know all,409.56,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... individuals and households that need,411.9,4.799,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... goods and services and generally also,414.12,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... sometimes provide work usually the way,416.699,4.021,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that they get income is in exchange for,418.86,3.119,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... labor sometimes there's also,420.72,4.259,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... entitlements or uh or Capital that they,421.979,4.981,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... own so those are the three primary ways,424.979,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that consumers get money,426.96,3.6,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... right an entitlement might come from the,428.699,4.741,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... government such as your your pension or,430.56,5.1,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... your uh your your social security check,433.44,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uh that sort of thing so you get money,435.66,5.7,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that way Medicare Medicaid uh you know,438.06,5.1,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the the government Health uh you know,441.36,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... through the VA that gives you buying,443.16,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... power which means that you can then go,445.68,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to a business uh such as a health care,447.18,4.519,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... provider or grocery store or whatever,449.58,5.16,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to demand goods and services such as,451.699,5.741,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... health care food education is an,454.74,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... entitlement so that is something that,457.44,2.759,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... you don't even pay for the government,459.06,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... just pays for it directly via taxes uh,460.199,5.161,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and then but then one thing that a lot,463.5,3.12,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... of people don't know is where does the,465.36,3.42,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... money come from well what you need to,466.62,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... understand about the monetary system is,468.78,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that the money comes from central banks,470.94,5.039,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... comes from the federal bank which uh,473.46,4.98,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... creates money by lending it but the,475.979,4.381,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... thing is is that that money then has to,478.44,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... be repaid and so that's whenever you,480.36,3.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... hear in the news like the FED is,482.46,2.94,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... changing the interest rate that's what,483.72,2.759,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... it that's what they're doing is they're,485.4,2.76,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... changing the fundamental interest rate,486.479,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and when that money is repaid to the,488.16,3.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... central banks it's actually just taken,490.199,3.481,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... off the market entirely,492.0,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... with that being said the total supply of,493.68,5.28,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... money goes up over time it like def,496.44,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... there is it there is an optimal amount,498.96,4.679,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... of inflation that uh that they go for,501.0,5.16,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... because the idea is that if the value of,503.639,5.041,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... your dollar goes down over time then you,506.16,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... are incentivized to spend it sooner,508.68,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... rather than later which keeps the,511.02,3.66,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... economy churning because under,512.88,3.959,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... deflationary pressures you might as well,514.68,3.659,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... hold on to your money because holding on,516.839,3.841,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to cash is an investment if your dollar,518.339,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... will go twice as far a year from now as,520.68,3.479,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... it does today you're not going to spend,522.659,4.201,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... any money you're going to wait so having,524.159,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... an optimal amount of inflation is what,526.86,4.919,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the central banks do to ensure that you,529.019,4.861,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... are going to spend that money on labor,531.779,3.841,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and other Investments to keep the,533.88,3.6,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... economy humming along,535.62,5.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so with that being said you can't just,537.48,5.1,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... inject a lot of money like you know the,540.66,3.54,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... idea of like what if you do quantitative,542.58,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... easing which is just creating billions,544.2,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... or trillions of dollars and give it to,547.08,4.14,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Consumers that's called hyperinflation,549.06,3.959,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and that is super bad and I think I'm,551.22,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... actually supposed to be oh yeah sorry,553.019,6.601,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so the if uh sorry I meant to move on to,555.54,7.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... a slide so if you do just quantitative,559.62,5.219,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... easing just injecting money into the,562.8,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... system that's hyperinflation which means,564.839,5.161,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that you severely depress the value of,566.7,6.18,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... money which means that like okay the,570.0,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... money that you have today is going to be,572.88,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... worth a lot less tomorrow and so uh,574.38,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... inflation can be caused by two primary,577.2,5.1,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... things supply and demand so Supply is,579.18,6.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... what we're experiencing uh post pandemic,582.3,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... because of logistic and supply chain,585.18,5.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... issues because of supply chain issues uh,586.92,5.94,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the supply of goods is lower which means,590.22,5.58,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the prices go up alternatively if the,592.86,4.919,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... demand goes up the prices can also go up,595.8,4.14,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and that's what we saw a little bit the,597.779,5.101,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... effect wasn't too pronounced but it was,599.94,5.1,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... pronounced enough to be meaningful with,602.88,3.959,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the stimulus checks that Americans got,605.04,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... during the pandemic which caused some,606.839,3.961,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... inflation it didn't cause most of the,609.3,2.76,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... inflation that we're seeing most the,610.8,3.719,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... inflation that we're seeing is due to uh,612.06,5.219,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... geopolitics and globalism and global,614.519,5.76,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... trade uh you know namely like the war in,617.279,5.221,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Russia and Ukraine right now,620.279,5.641,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that is a far larger impact on inflation,622.5,5.82,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... than uh the stimulus checks that being,625.92,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... said if we were to do stimulus checks,628.32,4.079,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... for everyone every month we would,630.6,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... absolutely see hyperinflation which is,632.399,3.601,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... really bad because all you're doing is,634.62,2.94,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... injecting money,636.0,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um into the consumer part and then okay,637.56,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that money goes where it goes to,640.2,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... businesses and so then the businesses,642.0,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... have more aggregate demand but then how,644.1,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... do you take that money back off of the,646.32,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... table so that you uh you you basically,648.18,4.92,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... fight it with deflation you'd have to,651.18,3.599,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... have someone just hoovering up that,653.1,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... extra money and destroying it so does,654.779,4.081,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that mean the government just then taxes,657.18,3.899,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... everyone to to take that quantitative,658.86,5.7,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... easing back off of the economy we might,661.079,6.061,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... get there especially once we get to a,664.56,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... period of hyper abundance and where like,667.14,4.439,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... nobody works and labor like human labor,669.3,5.099,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... is completely uh worthless,671.579,5.521,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... but I don't I don't see that we're there,674.399,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... yet and I and I think that such a,677.1,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... fundamental paradigm shift in economics,678.779,4.381,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... probably shouldn't be done all at once,681.12,3.779,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... we should probably work towards that,683.16,4.14,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... slowly because again the economic system,684.899,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... is huge cumbersome there's a tremendous,687.3,4.58,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... amount of inertia and so I was like okay,689.519,5.401,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... clearly like thinking about it in terms,691.88,5.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... of current velocity of currency and,694.92,5.099,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... circulation and Cycles uh like a,697.32,5.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... hydrological cycle it that's how it,700.019,4.141,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... works now but we can't fundamentally,702.36,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... change this we can't upend it uh very,704.16,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... quickly so I was like all right this,706.62,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... direction of thinking isn't working so,708.72,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... let's look at first principles,710.64,5.52,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so supply and demand so what I mean is,712.92,6.419,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... if you can get a hyperabundance of,716.16,6.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Supply right post scarcity then the,719.339,4.801,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... price goes down,722.94,3.3,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and so then I was like okay well if we,724.14,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... really really drastically increase,726.24,5.12,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... supply of basic Goods basic Services,727.86,6.539,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... then maybe we can get the prices low,731.36,5.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... enough that Ubi is actually really cheap,734.399,5.401,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... overall and so what I mean by that is,737.16,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... what if we can get your cost of living,739.8,3.719,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... from four thousand dollars a month to,741.54,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... four hundred dollars a month as it is,743.519,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... today through hyperabundance through,745.56,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... post scarcity and we can get there,747.959,6.841,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... through things like uh AI solar Quantum,750.18,6.719,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Computing and that sort of thing,754.8,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so let's unpack this a little bit,756.899,3.901,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... further and figure out how we can make,758.7,3.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that happen,760.8,3.42,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... let's take a look at the at consumer,761.94,5.94,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... expenses so this is as of 2016. so it's,764.22,5.64,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... a little bit out of date but in general,767.88,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... this pie chart doesn't change we,769.86,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... generally spend about a third of our,772.44,3.959,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... money on housing another 16 on,773.76,7.019,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Transportation almost 13 on food 12 on,776.399,7.861,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... insurance and uh paying into pensions uh,780.779,6.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... or retirement plans eight percent on,784.26,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... health care so on and so forth and then,786.779,3.901,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... down to 2.5 percent on education,788.94,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... obviously the education number is much,790.68,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... larger for some people uh I've I've,792.66,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... known people that that spent more on,795.06,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... their uh their college loans than their,797.22,4.619,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... home loans which is just completely,799.86,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... insane to me but we took we take a look,801.839,5.521,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... at these top five categories right one,804.54,6.12,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... two three four five and if we can use,807.36,6.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the hyperabundance of solar infusion and,810.66,6.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... whatever else uh wind energy,813.72,5.16,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and then we can also use the,817.44,3.3,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... hyperabundance of cognitive labor from,818.88,6.12,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... AI we could probably reduce costs of a,820.74,5.7,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... lot of these sectors now these sectors,825.0,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... are very very different but I did find,826.44,5.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... some commonalities that I think we can,829.8,3.06,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... focus on,831.48,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so first is transportation obviously,832.86,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Elon Musk and Tesla and full,835.74,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... self-driving cars and all the EVS coming,837.66,5.16,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... onto the road this is going to have an,840.18,5.52,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... economic effect but it one thing is that,842.82,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... transportation is Central to the economy,845.7,4.379,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... because you need transportation to move,847.56,5.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... good services and people,850.079,5.521,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um or to move goods and people uh and,852.6,4.739,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... then you can provide services such as,855.6,4.919,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... ride shares delivery that sort of thing,857.339,5.881,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so right now internal combustion engine,860.519,6.06,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... cars cost about 75 cents per Rider mile,863.22,5.4,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... this varies a lot depending on the car,866.579,4.981,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... you have and where you are uh because,868.62,5.159,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... obviously if you're driving you know an,871.56,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... F-350 Dually that costs a little bit,873.779,3.961,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... more to drive per mile than you know,876.06,5.7,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Toyota Prius but on average internal,877.74,5.64,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... combustion engine cars cost about 70,881.76,3.96,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... cents per Rider mile now what's,883.38,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... interesting is that in America because,885.72,5.64,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... of regulatory problems and technical,887.82,7.019,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... issues and supply chain issues EVS are,891.36,6.12,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... often more expensive per Rider mile the,894.839,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... total cost of ownership of EVS is,897.48,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... actually still higher than internal,899.459,4.861,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... combustion engines now that being said,901.56,6.12,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Eevee ride sharing such as if you don't,904.32,5.4,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... own the car but instead you just you,907.68,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... know use Uber or Lyft or Waze or,909.72,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... whatever and then you know a couple,912.06,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... minutes later an autonomous car comes to,913.98,6.12,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... pick you up the the the the cost of that,916.38,6.54,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Rider mile could be as low as six cents,920.1,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... per Rider mile,922.92,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so we're seeing we see the possibility,924.54,6.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... of like a 12x reduction or more of the,927.3,7.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... cost of Transportation uh if we can,931.32,5.879,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... figure out full self-driving and fully,934.62,6.6,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... autonomous uh EV uh vehicles,937.199,6.241,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and some of this will be fixed by,941.22,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... economies of scale but that being said,943.44,6.12,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uh the if you can reduce the cost of,945.42,6.539,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Transportation by a factor of 10 or more,949.56,4.7,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... this is going to have knock-on effects,951.959,5.101,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... across the rest of the economy and so,954.26,5.019,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... we'll unpack this effect uh throughout,957.06,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the rest of the video so here's some of,959.279,4.141,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the knock-on effects that we might see,961.5,4.139,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... just I want to prime your primary your,963.42,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... mind to think about the knock-on effects,965.639,4.021,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... oh and also just imagine the knock-on,967.8,3.42,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... effects of reducing the cost of energy,969.66,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... by 10x with solar with fusion and of,971.22,4.559,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... course with Fusion the cost of energy,973.98,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... goes down a thousand X it goes down 10,975.779,4.92,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... 000 x to the point that it is a trivial,978.24,3.719,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... cost,980.699,5.521,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so the idea is that uh well first think,981.959,6.541,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... all Goods that you need right every,986.22,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... clothing every piece of clothing all the,988.5,3.899,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... food you eat all the materials that go,990.42,5.34,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... into your house literally every physical,992.399,6.12,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... good has to be transported at least a,995.76,5.1,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... short distance many of them have to be,998.519,5.281,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... transported across the entire planet so,1000.86,5.219,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... if we can get the cost of transportation,1003.8,4.979,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to a fraction of what it is today that,1006.079,4.88,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... will lower the cost of living,1008.779,5.701,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... drastically because then you know the,1010.959,5.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... supply chain is faster more efficient,1014.48,3.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... cheaper,1016.399,3.781,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... we can also use artificial intelligence,1017.74,4.599,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to shorten those Supply chains Quantum,1020.18,3.48,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Computing can probably help with,1022.339,4.021,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Logistics as well energy hyperabundance,1023.66,3.899,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... will also help with that because that,1026.36,2.819,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... means that you can have fully automated,1027.559,4.201,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... factories in the next city over and your,1029.179,3.961,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... stuff doesn't have to come from across,1031.76,3.659,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the planet you can have vertical farms,1033.14,4.559,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and container Farms meaning that all of,1035.419,3.961,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... your food and exotic fruit and,1037.699,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... everything is grown right next door you,1039.38,5.4,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... year round with the energy abundance of,1041.959,6.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... solar and wind and that sort of stuff uh,1044.78,5.22,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... economies of scale artificial,1048.319,4.201,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... intelligence can help us find,1050.0,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... alternative Battery Technology so for,1052.52,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... instance there's what is it the iron,1054.86,3.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... oxygen batteries that are being worked,1056.84,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... on and other stuff that doesn't use,1058.7,5.94,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... risky uh minerals now I know that,1061.34,5.339,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... lithium is hypothetically super abundant,1064.64,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... but you know looking at the elemental,1066.679,4.561,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... composition of the crust of the earth is,1069.26,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... one thing looking at the mining,1071.24,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... infrastructure and the concentration uh,1073.16,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that makes it economically feasible to,1075.98,4.64,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... extract is an entirely other argument,1077.78,6.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... but anyways moving stuff around the,1080.62,6.1,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... planet is very expensive and it is a,1084.02,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... very complicated thing so the,1086.72,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... combination of Transport Revolution,1088.64,5.34,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... along with energy hyperabundance is,1091.52,4.98,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... going to really drastically drop that,1093.98,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so this is going to have knock-on,1096.5,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... effects that's going to lower the cost,1098.6,5.88,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... of everything like just full stop it's,1100.28,5.34,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... going to lower the cost of everything,1104.48,4.28,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... across the planet housing so the biggest,1105.62,6.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uh expense that we all have is housing,1108.76,7.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so let's assume that okay moving Timber,1112.36,7.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... harvesting wood making concrete all of,1116.02,6.1,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... these things that are very very uh,1120.2,3.719,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... material intensive you have to move a,1122.12,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... lot of heavy materials and they're also,1123.919,4.801,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... very energy intensive carbon uh sorry,1125.84,5.699,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... concrete accounts just on its own,1128.72,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... concrete accounts for I think more than,1131.539,3.661,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... eight percent of global carbon emissions,1133.28,5.1,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so like this is a very energy intensive,1135.2,5.58,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and very material intensive thing which,1138.38,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... is why houses are so expensive there's,1140.78,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... also the labor aspect it takes a lot of,1142.64,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Labor and expertise to build a house,1144.98,5.3,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so what if we can really drastically,1147.32,5.82,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... reduce the cost of building homes,1150.28,5.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... whether it's a single family home or a,1153.14,4.919,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... duplex or a small apartment or row,1155.6,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... houses whatever,1158.059,3.181,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uh there's a few ways that we can,1159.5,3.059,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... approach this but again remember,1161.24,3.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Transportation has already lowered the,1162.559,5.401,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... cost a lot uh things like 3D printed,1164.6,5.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... houses I watched an entire documentary,1167.96,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to do research and 3D printed houses are,1169.64,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... more durable,1172.52,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um so they're also cheaper their upfront,1174.02,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... cost is much cheaper because it takes a,1176.24,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... lot less labor to build them uh so you,1178.34,5.88,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... you with with robotic automation you get,1181.1,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... as many humans out of it as possible,1184.22,4.14,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... which makes it faster and cheaper the,1185.9,4.92,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... end product is better too so better,1188.36,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... cheaper faster this is what Ai and,1190.82,3.96,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... automation does better cheaper faster,1192.62,6.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... you combine the existing innovation of,1194.78,5.94,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... 3D printing with energy hyper abundance,1198.62,3.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and then you add even more Ai and,1200.72,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Automation and then suddenly you can,1202.46,6.54,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... just 3D print houses a thousand a day if,1205.28,4.98,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... you need to,1209.0,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uh now one problem is that this requires,1210.26,5.7,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... regulatory overhaul uh this is a very,1212.9,4.98,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... new discipline and so a lot of,1215.96,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Manufacturers aren't even touching this,1217.88,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... thing uh with that being said I suspect,1219.86,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... we're going to see a ramp up because,1222.5,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... some of the big housing uh manufacturers,1224.12,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the ones that make uh gigantic,1226.58,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... subdivisions like Lamar they're already,1228.86,3.96,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... experimenting with this and investing in,1230.96,2.88,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... it,1232.82,3.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um and so when the investment is there,1233.84,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... you know that it's coming fast and I was,1235.82,3.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... actually surprised to learn that there,1237.74,3.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... are entire subdivisions Across America,1239.66,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that have already been 3D printed and I,1241.58,3.839,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... really wish that they were here in the,1244.16,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... South because I super want a 3D printed,1245.419,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... house can you imagine having a castle,1247.88,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... made of concrete that it's 3D printed,1249.919,4.921,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and extruded I super want that super bad,1252.2,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... but I don't think that there's anyone,1254.84,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... doing it here in the South we'll see,1256.58,5.52,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so how much is this going to actually,1259.4,5.159,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... reduce the cost of homes,1262.1,5.4,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... ice found evidence that some small 3D,1264.559,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... printed homes could be as low as four,1267.5,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... thousand dollars,1269.419,3.901,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um generally they're closer to ten,1271.52,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... thousand dollars uh for a small one and,1273.32,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... of course one thing that a lot of people,1276.14,3.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... complained about when I mentioned like,1277.88,3.659,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... moving into tiny houses and you know,1279.5,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... portable houses and stuff like that is,1281.539,3.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... people like I don't want to live in a,1283.28,3.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... closet like it's not a closet it's just,1284.539,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... a small house anyways,1286.64,4.98,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... icon is a company that exists today and,1289.039,4.981,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... is printing 2 000 square foot houses for,1291.62,5.64,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... a hundred thousand dollars so my house,1294.02,5.279,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that I live in now is eighteen hundred,1297.26,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... square feet on an acre of land and I,1299.299,5.101,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... paid 200 000 for it ten years ago,1301.34,5.28,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so I could have something a little bit,1304.4,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... bigger for half that price and of course,1306.62,4.14,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... my house is worth like four hundred,1309.26,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... thousand now uh because of you know,1310.76,5.279,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... inflation and stuff so these these,1313.28,5.759,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... commercial uh buildings are much cheaper,1316.039,4.441,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... already,1319.039,5.161,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so if they're you know twice as cheap or,1320.48,6.66,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... ha or sorry half as cheap or or a fifth,1324.2,6.479,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... as as expensive as it costs to build uh,1327.14,6.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... stick Built Homes then we're already on,1330.679,5.041,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the way to that like let's let's,1333.5,5.1,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... collapse the price of housing now you,1335.72,7.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... combine uh solar AI uh wind eventually,1338.6,8.4,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Fusion concrete gets much cheaper uh you,1343.1,6.54,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... can you can also factory farm wood more,1347.0,6.419,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... you can automate uh Timber forests,1349.64,6.48,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um and so then let's let's say that,1353.419,4.861,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... we're we're working towards dropping the,1356.12,6.48,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uh cost of housing by at least 10x so,1358.28,8.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... instead of 33 or 35 of your daily or,1362.6,6.059,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... your monthly income it costs three and a,1366.32,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... half percent so my twelve hundred dollar,1368.659,6.061,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... mortgage would go down to 120 which is,1370.64,5.399,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... pretty sustainable,1374.72,3.06,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that's just a couple days worth of work,1376.039,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... for for many people uh and it's less,1377.78,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... than an hour of work for a lot of uh,1380.419,4.081,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... professionals that being said we're,1382.1,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... looking at you know Ubi which is nobody,1384.5,5.539,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... works but if you can Mass produce homes,1386.84,8.28,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... then like hey great now also with Ubi,1390.039,6.281,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... because one thing that people have,1395.12,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... pointed out is that uh land is expensive,1396.32,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... desirable land will always be expensive,1399.14,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... but America is really really empty sorry,1401.12,5.16,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... I have that in a future slide there is,1404.0,5.22,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... lots and lots of land to expand into so,1406.28,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... land is actually going to be relatively,1409.22,3.6,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... cheap the hardest part is going to be,1411.02,3.96,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... water but we can fix that with solar,1412.82,3.66,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... because then you can distill and recycle,1414.98,4.319,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... any amount of water in the long run I,1416.48,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... think that I think the compounding,1419.299,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... returns of robotic automation artificial,1420.86,4.92,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... intelligence and energy hyper abundance,1423.919,4.201,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... means that we could eventually see a,1425.78,6.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... 100x drop in the cost of housing meaning,1428.12,5.039,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that a five hundred thousand dollar,1431.78,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... house in today's money would cost you,1433.159,7.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... five thousand dollars in 10 to 20 years,1436.34,6.959,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... now food and other Goods so what I,1440.419,4.981,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... realized is that okay Transportation,1443.299,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... great you solved that problem you've,1445.4,4.139,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... basically solved a lot of other problems,1447.799,3.661,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that have again those knock-on effects,1449.539,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... you fix Transportation you make it super,1451.46,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... cheap that makes housing cheaper uh you,1453.559,3.901,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... get compounding returns there because,1456.26,2.7,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... all the lessons that you learn from,1457.46,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... robotic automation for delivery and and,1458.96,4.98,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that sort of stuff that makes that makes,1461.72,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that cheaper but those lessons also,1463.94,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... apply directly to agriculture as well as,1465.62,5.039,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... a bunch of other things now one thing,1468.5,5.159,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that I thought was that okay if these,1470.659,4.921,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... industries get so cheap that they're not,1473.659,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... sustainable because what happens is the,1475.58,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... margins narrow,1478.039,4.081,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and so when you have no profit that can,1479.36,4.92,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... be made you have to either become a,1482.12,5.34,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... non-profit organization and and uh you,1484.28,7.139,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... basically survive on uh subsidies or,1487.46,7.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... donations or you can be nationalized by,1491.419,6.661,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the by the by the government which means,1494.84,5.4,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that the government then runs things but,1498.08,3.839,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uh,1500.24,3.66,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the Soviets tried to nationalize,1501.919,4.081,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Agriculture and it caused mass famines,1503.9,3.48,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that killed like millions and millions,1506.0,3.059,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and millions of people,1507.38,3.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um so we should not we should probably,1509.059,4.261,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... never nationalize agriculture at least,1510.38,6.06,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... not for a long time until it is so,1513.32,6.18,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... thoroughly operationalized that there is,1516.44,5.16,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... no chance for accidentally causing Mass,1519.5,4.679,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... famine through Central management so I,1521.6,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... am personally in the favor of keeping,1524.179,4.201,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... private corporations but then,1526.46,3.66,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... subsidizing their existence which we,1528.38,3.96,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... already do by by the way we subsidize,1530.12,5.34,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... corn and a few other uh Mass crops just,1532.34,5.219,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so that way we can ensure that it keeps,1535.46,3.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... growing,1537.559,3.301,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so we're already doing that so if we,1538.7,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... also subsidize other things like home,1540.86,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... building so that no matter how cheap it,1543.14,3.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... actually gets the corporations can keep,1545.12,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... building them and then the government,1546.98,3.96,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... gives them just a little bit of money to,1548.9,4.98,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... ensure that they remain afloat uh,1550.94,5.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... another possibility is changing,1553.88,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... ownership models which I talked about in,1555.98,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... other videos so by by creating locally,1557.6,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... owned decentralized autonomous,1560.72,3.66,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... organizations you could probably,1562.46,5.599,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... incorporate uh the land you know the the,1564.38,6.419,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... municipally owned land and then it can,1568.059,5.561,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... be owned operated and managed by the,1570.799,5.521,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... citizens of that city or county,1573.62,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so that is an ownership model that also,1576.32,3.18,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... makes sense because then there's no,1578.36,3.54,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... profit motive it's basically we're going,1579.5,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to work this land to feed our local,1581.9,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... community and if we do have any excess,1583.52,4.259,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... we can then sell it to neighboring,1585.98,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... communities or whatever local sourcing,1587.779,4.861,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... circular economies that sort of stuff AI,1589.88,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... energy hyper abundance and robotic,1592.64,3.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... automation will all make this a lot more,1594.26,3.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... feasible and in fact again if those,1595.88,4.679,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... prices collapse it'll be necessary to do,1598.1,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that because then you're providing a,1600.559,3.421,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... good or a service not for profit but,1601.88,4.14,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... just because it's needed,1603.98,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um so you know the best the best good is,1606.02,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the one that's basically free or it kind,1608.0,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... of woven into the fabric of your,1610.64,3.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... community,1612.32,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... automated forestry as I mentioned Timber,1613.64,5.399,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... is one of the most useful resources out,1616.34,7.079,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... there first uh creating uh felling trees,1619.039,6.841,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and creating lumber from it is a carbon,1623.419,4.921,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... sink uh actually Building Homes out of,1625.88,4.679,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... wood permanently sequestered or,1628.34,5.28,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... semi-permanently sequesters that into uh,1630.559,4.081,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... into,1633.62,3.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um into the the structure of the house,1634.64,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... concrete even though it's very energy,1637.36,5.199,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... intensive to create now uh is also going,1639.5,4.559,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to be a carbon sink or a potential,1642.559,3.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... carbon sink depending on the additives,1644.059,3.421,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that you add to it and so then you have,1645.559,4.441,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... a permanent carbon sink so automating,1647.48,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... forestry automating uh the the,1650.0,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... production of concrete these things can,1652.34,5.76,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... be probably used to one help fight,1654.86,5.22,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... climate change because it's like okay,1658.1,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... there's a x amount of carbon in the,1660.08,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... atmosphere let's pull that carbon out,1662.0,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... put it into into trees,1663.86,4.98,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and then we can use that to uh then,1665.9,6.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... build homes and so my idea here is you,1668.84,6.54,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... co-locate automated forests with a,1672.14,5.34,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... modular home Factory and then you,1675.38,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... deliver those modular uh house,1677.48,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... components with fully automated,1679.58,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... self-driving semi trucks and then the,1681.5,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... final assembly and site prep is done,1683.9,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... with robots and so you have this end to,1685.82,5.66,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... end uh new supply chain that is 100,1688.34,5.939,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... sustainable uh there's just a few things,1691.48,5.679,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that we need there energy abundance uh,1694.279,5.041,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... better robots a little bit better Ai and,1697.159,4.441,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... full self-driving cars but the economic,1699.32,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... incentive is there for all of that to,1701.6,5.22,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... happen so this these these virtuous,1703.82,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Cycles these compounding returns I think,1706.82,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... will allow us to drastically drop the,1708.62,6.179,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... prices of our most expensive asset which,1711.02,5.58,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... is our homes,1714.799,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... all right so let's do a quick price,1716.6,3.6,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... check,1719.179,4.081,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... if just for ballpark figures for,1720.2,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... something that's kind of more reasonable,1723.26,3.419,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... in the short term let's imagine that,1724.58,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... within five to ten years we can uh and,1726.679,4.201,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... it probably will take longer than that,1729.44,4.619,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... honestly just because of uh inertia but,1730.88,6.419,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... we drop our housing cost by 10x we drop,1734.059,5.521,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... our food cost by 10x and we drop our,1737.299,6.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... transportation by 10x so basically your,1739.58,6.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... your basic living expenses for me go,1743.539,3.901,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... from twenty one hundred and fifty,1745.94,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... dollars a month to 250 a month your,1747.44,4.739,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... dollar can go a lot farther with,1750.62,3.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... technology,1752.179,4.141,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so that leaves Health Care insurance and,1753.62,5.7,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... a few other uh big expenses like,1756.32,5.459,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... clothing and you know fun and,1759.32,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... entertainment and that sort of stuff but,1761.779,2.76,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Healthcare is one of the biggest ones,1763.34,3.18,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that's remaining education is also,1764.539,3.541,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... expensive but I I actually didn't even,1766.52,3.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... feel like I needed to address education,1768.08,3.719,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... especially for the younger people who,1769.88,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... are all you already using chat GPT to,1771.799,4.201,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... learn everything,1774.14,3.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um and that's only going to get better,1776.0,3.779,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... by the way uh you're going to have ai,1777.14,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and robotic tutors and teachers and,1779.779,4.561,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... stuff that are going to be uh infinitely,1781.64,4.919,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... patient fully personalized so I actually,1784.34,3.54,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... had a really good conversation with,1786.559,5.641,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... someone who wants to deploy AI to Africa,1787.88,6.299,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um to basically say we're going to take,1792.2,4.64,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Africa uh as an entire continent,1794.179,4.98,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... straight into the 21st century by,1796.84,4.66,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... providing personalized education for,1799.159,4.201,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... literally every child in Africa so I'm,1801.5,3.179,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... really excited to be helping out with,1803.36,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that project but the idea is that AI can,1804.679,4.681,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... do that so and it's also going to be,1807.44,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... cheap so that's why I didn't I guess I,1809.36,4.319,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... did just address education but anyway,1811.64,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... ways let's break down health care,1813.679,4.681,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... because Healthcare is like the gigantic,1815.72,4.199,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... elephant in the room particularly here,1818.36,3.48,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... in America but it's also a contentious,1819.919,5.181,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... issue in places with socialized medicine,1821.84,6.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... such as Britain and France there's long,1825.1,4.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... waiting lists,1827.84,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um and then of course the their private,1829.46,3.48,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uh,1831.86,5.34,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... care is available but like what was I,1832.94,6.599,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... reading like dental care in Britain is,1837.2,3.92,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... actually kind of difficult because,1839.539,4.561,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... dentists are required to take a certain,1841.12,4.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... number of you know like they have a,1844.1,4.679,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... quota of uh of you know government,1845.96,5.88,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... provided ones but they will prefer to do,1848.779,6.541,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uh you know to do uh private uh funded,1851.84,5.76,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... like right off the bat so like if you're,1855.32,4.079,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... on a waiting list if you have money and,1857.6,3.179,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... pay for it out of pocket you can get,1859.399,3.961,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... care immediately so there are problems,1860.779,4.14,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... with the idea of socialized medicine so,1863.36,3.48,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the idea is let's drive down the cost of,1864.919,3.721,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... socialized medicine,1866.84,5.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... as much as possible uh to to basically,1868.64,7.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uh avoid avoid the cost so there's an,1871.88,6.299,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... age-old adage an ounce of prevention is,1875.96,5.28,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... worth a pound of cure so let's focus on,1878.179,5.1,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... lowering health care costs primarily,1881.24,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... with prevention,1883.279,4.081,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um obviously we Americans were pretty,1885.26,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... unhealthy some of it is lifestyle some,1887.36,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... of his diet choices but a lot of it is,1889.52,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... just age-related diseases we are living,1891.62,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... longer which means that uh really,1893.72,4.14,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... dangerous and expensive diseases like,1895.88,3.6,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... heart disease and cancer are killing us,1897.86,4.199,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... instead of accidents and treatable,1899.48,3.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... infections,1902.059,3.6,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so therefore the focus should be on,1903.32,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... healthy aging such as with regenerative,1905.659,5.221,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... medicines they can get you back to full,1907.94,5.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... health and then Rejuvenation therapies,1910.88,5.159,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that can actively lower your age and,1912.98,5.16,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... there's been a lot of breakthroughs uh,1916.039,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... just in the last few weeks where AI has,1918.14,4.919,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... helped us identify uh chemical,1920.419,4.801,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... substances enzymes many of them,1923.059,4.921,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... naturally occurring in in nature they,1925.22,5.64,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... can actually literally de-age your cells,1927.98,5.52,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so basically the the cheapest doctor the,1930.86,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... best doctor is the one that you never,1933.5,2.159,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... need,1934.64,3.419,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and then if we can replace the rest with,1935.659,4.14,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... robots and Ai and that kind of thing,1938.059,4.261,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... then like you know the cost of Health,1939.799,5.461,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Care just collapses because you know I,1942.32,5.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... remember I was uh a couple years ago,1945.26,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... before the pandemic I was visiting a bar,1947.36,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... with a friend and the bartender she was,1949.34,3.54,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... a little bit younger she was in her 20s,1951.44,3.3,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and she was like why would I have health,1952.88,5.22,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... insurance I am healthy and I'm like just,1954.74,6.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... wait till your 30s or 40s but the idea,1958.1,5.1,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... is that you know and this was actually,1960.98,3.419,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... one of the biggest problems with,1963.2,3.719,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Obamacare here in America was that young,1964.399,3.721,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... people didn't sign up because young,1966.919,2.461,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... people didn't care because young people,1968.12,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... are healthy right most of our health,1969.38,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... costs are age-related,1971.84,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so what I suspect in the future is that,1973.94,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... most Healthcare is going to be so take,1976.64,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... those self-driving cars in your robotic,1978.74,4.919,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... doctor you call and just like hey I need,1981.14,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... a checkup or hey I'm feeling sick and,1983.659,5.4,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... then you know like an automated uh card,1985.82,5.7,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... pulls up and a robot doctor comes out,1989.059,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and you know says okay what's wrong you,1991.52,4.139,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... know Ted does a couple of tests and then,1993.679,3.6,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... you know treats you on the spot and then,1995.659,3.421,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... away they go so you can even get rid of,1997.279,3.541,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... most Hospitals now that being said,1999.08,2.939,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... you're still going to need Trauma,2000.82,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Centers for like accidents and uh there,2002.019,5.221,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... will probably still will be some major,2005.08,6.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... diseases uh things that require icus and,2007.24,6.059,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that sort of stuff but if we can,2011.32,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... drastically reduce the need even just a,2013.299,4.681,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... baseline need for edu not education for,2015.58,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... healthcare then that's a great way to,2017.98,4.199,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... avoid the cost because the thing is is,2019.96,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... if you are healthy that is cheap so this,2022.179,3.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... is this is an expense that we can just,2024.46,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... hypothetically fully get rid of,2026.019,5.88,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so I call this Healthcare avoidance,2029.26,5.34,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um you know AI is going to be the,2031.899,4.921,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... primary thing here with personalized,2034.6,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... genetic medicine stem cell therapy,2036.82,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... de-aging Rejuvenation that sort of stuff,2038.62,4.679,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... one thing is that a lot of people are,2041.08,3.719,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... like oh the elites are never going to,2043.299,4.141,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... allow the rest of us to have,2044.799,4.681,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um no the thing is is that healthy,2047.44,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... consumers are good consumers dead,2049.48,5.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... consumers don't spend any money right so,2051.52,5.52,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... yes the insurance companies and you know,2054.52,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the the big Pharma and stuff they want,2057.04,4.619,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to keep you sick but the thing is is,2059.32,4.859,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that's not good for the economy because,2061.659,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... if you have to spend you know eight,2064.179,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... percent or 16 or for people that with,2066.339,4.381,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... dealing with chronic conditions up to,2068.619,7.201,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... half of their money on on just Health it,2070.72,6.899,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... would be way better for the economy the,2075.82,4.079,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... government for Society for literally,2077.619,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... everyone else except for the people who,2079.899,5.76,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... profiteer off of uh uh chronic illnesses,2082.419,4.92,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... it would be better for literally,2085.659,3.601,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... everyone else to just get rid of those,2087.339,4.921,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... health issues altogether,2089.26,5.22,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um being healthy is cheap cheap citizens,2092.26,4.82,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... keep paying taxes uh they keep working,2094.48,6.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uh cheap or healthy consumers keep,2097.08,5.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... buying goods and services and they buy,2100.72,3.48,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... goods and services other than health,2102.58,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... care so the economic incentive is there,2104.2,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so whenever people complain about like,2107.02,3.42,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... oh well the elites are going to keep it,2109.06,2.82,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... for themselves I don't think that's,2110.44,3.48,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... going to be the case and one thing,2111.88,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... another reason that I believe this is,2113.92,4.439,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... because when you look at what it,2116.56,3.6,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... actually takes to create regenerative,2118.359,4.681,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... medicine uh autologous stem cells and,2120.16,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Rejuvenation therapies these are not,2123.04,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... particularly expensive yeah I know,2125.02,3.66,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... there's that that Tech bro out in,2126.94,3.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... California who's spending a million,2128.68,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... dollars a year to like quote get back to,2129.94,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... age 18,2132.46,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um you know but the thing is is like,2134.26,5.52,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... a lot of these uh yes that that is,2136.78,4.92,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... expensive but when you look at what's,2139.78,3.54,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... actually effective and the the,2141.7,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... underlying principles it's not that,2143.32,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... expensive and all we need to do is like,2145.48,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... figure out how to mass produce some of,2147.04,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... these things and the economics it makes,2149.2,4.379,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... sense this is another thing where I,2151.78,3.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... think government subsidies will make,2153.579,2.821,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... sense as well,2155.14,3.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... because if you cure something,2156.4,5.58,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... permanently if the treatment is not that,2158.5,5.76,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... expensive hypothetically but you still,2161.98,5.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... need someone to do it I I think that the,2164.26,5.099,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... pharmac and doctors and everyone else,2167.02,4.319,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... will probably be incentivized through,2169.359,4.621,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... subsidies like basically here's how I,2171.339,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... might structure that incentive uh,2173.98,4.619,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... structure where let's say let's say,2176.079,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... someone comes to you and they've got a,2178.599,3.841,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... chronic condition what you would do is,2180.339,3.201,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... actually,2182.44,3.48,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... incentivize the doctor to cure that,2183.54,4.539,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... chronic condition by saying if you cure,2185.92,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... this permanently you get a twenty,2188.079,3.54,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... thousand dollar bonus for curing it,2189.94,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... permanently so basically you incentivize,2191.619,4.321,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the behavior that you want to see if,2193.96,3.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... it's like heart disease like oh hey like,2195.94,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... you've got high cholesterol you've,2197.8,3.299,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... you're starting to get heart failure,2199.66,3.54,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... let's give you the right medicines the,2201.099,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... right therapies the right treatments to,2203.2,4.139,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... permanently cure this to clear all your,2205.599,3.361,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... arteries to make sure that your health,2207.339,3.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that your heart is as healthy as it was,2208.96,3.659,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... when you were eight years old right then,2210.579,4.081,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... you incentivize that you incentivize The,2212.619,3.841,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Cure not the treatment because that's,2214.66,3.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... one of the biggest problems with,2216.46,5.1,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... medicine today is through government,2218.5,4.859,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... subsidies and Medicare and Medicaid and,2221.56,3.48,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... all that stuff we incentivize the,2223.359,3.601,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... treatment which is why doctors over,2225.04,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... diagnose but what we really need to do,2226.96,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... is incentivize the cures,2229.3,4.559,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... okay now one thing that I need to,2231.28,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... address and I have addressed this in,2233.859,3.901,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... previous videos is that even if we,2235.3,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... create hyperabundance of energy and,2237.76,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Timber and uh and cognitive labor,2239.92,4.14,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... there's still going to be a few primary,2241.96,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... scarce inputs to the economy namely,2244.06,6.12,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... desirable land and Rare Minerals so,2246.7,6.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to address both of these desirable land,2250.18,5.399,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uh as I mentioned America is super super,2252.94,6.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... empty uh there is a lot of place that we,2255.579,5.28,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... can spread to and if your job is not,2259.18,3.899,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... tight at one if you don't have a job you,2260.859,4.801,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... can live anywhere you want but also if,2263.079,4.321,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... your job is not tied to a geographic,2265.66,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... location a particular City you can also,2267.4,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... move wherever you want remote work is on,2269.98,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the rise so there is a lot of space that,2271.96,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... we can spread out into,2274.42,3.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and before you say oh well there's a,2276.16,3.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... reason people don't live there that's,2278.26,3.599,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... not necessarily true a lot of the,2279.52,4.14,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... frontier towns were built by the,2281.859,3.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... railroad companies who just said hey,2283.66,3.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... we're going to build a railroad through,2285.579,3.421,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... this area they bought all the land they,2286.9,3.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... built it they literally just fabricated,2289.0,3.3,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... a town which is why you see some of them,2290.74,3.839,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... in straight lines right through like,2292.3,4.559,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Arkansas and Nebraska and stuff is,2294.579,3.841,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... because they were literally just,2296.859,5.641,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... fabricated out of the Great Plains where,2298.42,5.82,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the railroads created a train station,2302.5,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and then sold the land and developed it,2304.24,4.92,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and said look now there's a town here I,2306.88,3.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... think we're going to see the same thing,2309.16,3.12,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... again not necessarily through railroads,2310.24,4.339,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... but point my point is that you can,2312.28,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... create a town pretty much anywhere in,2314.579,5.621,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... America now one the biggest problem is,2317.02,5.28,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... water is actually the scarcest resource,2320.2,4.139,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... but with energy hyperabundance you can,2322.3,4.319,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... recycle water pretty easily so yeah if,2324.339,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... you want to live out in New Mexico you,2326.619,3.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... might live A little bit more like the,2328.599,2.52,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... fremen which some people wouldn't want,2329.619,3.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to do that anyways,2331.119,3.121,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Rare Minerals is going to be the other,2332.619,3.181,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... big thing but I don't know if you saw in,2334.24,3.48,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the news NASA and a few others are,2335.8,5.819,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... working on sending probes uh to like uh,2337.72,6.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... asteroids and meteors uh that are chock,2341.619,5.22,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... full of really really valuable minerals,2344.44,3.96,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so hopefully we can end up with a,2346.839,2.941,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... hyperabundance of minerals just by,2348.4,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... mining asteroids in space if we can't do,2349.78,5.7,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that the coming age of quantum Computing,2352.48,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... is going to help us create what's called,2355.48,3.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... meta materials so these are like,2356.8,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... nanoparticles that give us properties,2358.72,4.98,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that you wouldn't otherwise expect so,2361.66,3.419,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... one of the most famous one of course is,2363.7,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... like carbon nanotubes and um and,2365.079,6.241,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... graphene right graphene is a single,2368.26,6.18,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... sheet of carbon which has really really,2371.32,6.539,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... cool properties it can be uh it can be,2374.44,4.34,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um,2377.859,4.801,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... superconductive it can be a super super,2378.78,6.28,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... fast transistor that sort of stuff So,2382.66,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Meta materials and Material Science will,2385.06,2.94,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... be accelerated by artificial,2386.68,3.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... intelligence and Quantum Computing so,2388.0,3.96,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... hopefully we can just say you know what,2390.04,4.079,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... instead of you know needing Cobalt and,2391.96,5.46,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and nickel and cadmium and lithium what,2394.119,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... if we can just make everything out of,2397.42,3.419,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... iron and carbon with met with,2398.859,3.961,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... nanoparticles that are really cheap to,2400.839,3.181,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... mass produce,2402.82,3.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... we're not there yet but hypothetically,2404.02,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... it's possible so we could overcome these,2406.18,5.1,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... two major scarce bottlenecks,2408.82,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so I mentioned Quantum Computing I found,2411.28,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... this interesting quotation from an,2413.38,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... article by the US Department of energy,2415.48,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Quantum Computing enables unprecedented,2417.16,4.98,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Material Science simulations so,2419.5,5.88,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... basically uh as Quantum Computing ramps,2422.14,5.4,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... up and I just posted an article IBM,2425.38,5.88,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... there are 127 qubit quantum computer is,2427.54,5.94,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... actually doing real work now so Quantum,2431.26,4.319,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the age of quantum Computing is ramping,2433.48,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... up that'll help us solve stuff like,2435.579,3.601,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... fusion and everything else to do with,2437.5,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... energy make better solar panels cheaper,2439.18,6.12,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... solar panels genetics and diseases very,2441.52,5.76,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... complex interactions and discovering new,2445.3,4.14,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... drugs and and that sort of stuff Quantum,2447.28,3.96,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Computing can help with that artificial,2449.44,3.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... intelligence can already help with that,2451.24,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... but you can get a much better faster,2452.68,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... simulation one of the most interesting,2455.26,3.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... things about Quantum Computing is,2457.06,3.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... because it basically magically solves,2458.5,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... optimization problems we have a really,2460.42,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... hard time verifying the results so,2462.4,4.86,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... basically you run the simulation and,2465.04,3.6,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... then you'll have to test it in reality,2467.26,3.06,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to see if the simulation was accurate,2468.64,4.979,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... but they're establishing benchmarks,2470.32,5.4,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... about how to gauge the accuracy of a,2473.619,3.781,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Quantum simulation,2475.72,3.42,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... this Material Science will also,2477.4,3.179,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... accelerate our understanding of,2479.14,2.88,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... batteries metals and other meta,2480.579,3.901,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... materials as I mentioned solar solar is,2482.02,4.079,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... going to be one of the big things on top,2484.48,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... of everything else that helps with uh,2486.099,5.881,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... driving down the costs,2489.22,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um I've seen a lot of people mention,2491.98,3.54,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... computronium,2493.66,4.679,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um in the comments which okay yes I know,2495.52,5.819,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Isaac Arthur loves talking about things,2498.339,8.041,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... like computronium and other stuff but,2501.339,5.041,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... this is already happening someone asked,2507.3,4.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... me and I'm like neuromorphic chips exist,2509.44,4.5,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... like so a neuromorphic chip is basically,2511.3,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... an analog chip that in some cases just,2513.94,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uses Ambient Energy to do computation,2516.04,5.039,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... it's a real thing but you can't just,2518.56,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... magically transmute matter into,2521.079,4.381,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... computational material you have to,2523.24,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... create a meta material which is very,2525.46,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... difficult right now and know the entire,2527.26,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... light cone will not be transmuted into,2530.14,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... computronium that is Pure Fantasy I,2531.94,4.139,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... think,2534.52,3.18,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um now that being said yes I do believe,2536.079,3.481,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that the universe is itself a computer,2537.7,4.139,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so technically all matter is already,2539.56,4.44,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... computronium it's just not Computing,2541.839,4.081,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... something that you deliberately want it,2544.0,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to because of the laws of entropy and,2545.92,4.679,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that sort of stuff anyways getting lost,2547.9,5.699,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... in a tangent Quantum Computing is on the,2550.599,4.921,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... is on the ascendancy and so you have,2553.599,3.24,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Quantum Computing artificial,2555.52,3.42,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... intelligence and energy hyperabundance,2556.839,3.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... all coming together that are going to,2558.94,3.3,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... continue to drive down the cost of,2560.619,3.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... literally everything,2562.24,3.9,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so this is the Snowball Effect,2563.619,5.341,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... uh AI is already accelerating science,2566.14,6.12,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and lots of other stuff for that matter,2568.96,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um I I think actually one of the future,2572.26,4.079,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... hackathons that I'm going to put on is,2573.76,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... let's automate science as much as,2576.339,4.861,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... possible uh you you have this,2577.78,6.0,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... compounding return where AI helps you do,2581.2,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... science faster it helps you research AI,2583.78,4.62,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... faster it helps you create more energy,2585.76,4.859,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... abundance faster which all feeds back,2588.4,4.14,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... into the system accelerating the AI,2590.619,3.421,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... which then accelerates Material Science,2592.54,3.539,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... what you know so you get this virtuous,2594.04,4.7,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... cycle this Snowball Effect where,2596.079,5.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... suddenly all problems seem to be,2598.74,4.78,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... solvable faster and faster so this is,2601.119,5.281,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the Triple Crown uh artificial,2603.52,5.22,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... intelligence Quantum Computing oh and,2606.4,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Quantum Computing I think I forgot to,2608.74,3.359,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... mention this is that Quantum Computing,2610.42,4.199,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... will also help us design better chips,2612.099,4.321,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and the materials that go into those,2614.619,4.081,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... better chips so then the quantum,2616.42,4.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... computers can help design better quantum,2618.7,3.899,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... computers and better gpus and better,2620.44,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... tpus which then allows us for better AI,2622.599,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... which can then improve through Quantum,2625.18,3.36,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Computing infusion and so you have this,2626.859,4.681,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... three-way interaction this Trifecta of,2628.54,4.98,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... these three technologies that are going,2631.54,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to just completely spiral,2633.52,4.559,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and so those are the three technologies,2635.8,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that will lead to hard takeoff these are,2638.079,4.381,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the three technologies that will lead to,2640.54,4.2,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the singularity is artificial it's not,2642.46,3.48,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... just artificial intelligence it's,2644.74,2.879,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... artificial intelligence Quantum,2645.94,4.379,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Computing and um and energy,2647.619,5.101,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... hyperabundance AKA solar wind Fusion,2650.319,5.76,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that sort of stuff the tldr is that all,2652.72,6.02,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... material concerns basically go away,2656.079,6.301,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... they become so cheap that the cost is,2658.74,6.28,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... trivial that I I suspect you'll they'll,2662.38,4.56,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... have to just subsidize those with,2665.02,4.559,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... government subsidies and so Universal,2666.94,4.32,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... basic income is basically going to be,2669.579,3.961,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... paid for by virtue of we're going to,2671.26,4.98,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... destroy the cost of living,2673.54,5.279,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so butterfly effect as I've talked about,2676.24,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... there's all these kinds of interactions,2678.819,3.841,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and compounding returns and virtuous,2680.98,4.139,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... Cycles this is why I give all my code,2682.66,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... away for free so I mentioned this at the,2685.119,4.081,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... beginning of the video with my patreon I,2687.04,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... refuse to sign any ndas because any,2689.2,3.659,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... problem that I solve that has the,2691.3,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... ability to accelerate this future cannot,2692.859,4.441,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... be locked up as intellectual property,2695.68,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... and honestly with the way that AI is,2697.3,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... going I think intellectual property is,2700.06,2.88,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... probably also going the way of the,2701.56,3.539,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... dinosaurs because if AI is generating,2702.94,5.159,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... all intellectual property who cares,2705.099,4.921,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... um the economic productivity that we're,2708.099,3.661,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... going to see in the next couple of years,2710.02,3.48,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... yes it's going to be impressive yes,2711.76,2.94,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... we're going to have quadrillion dollar,2713.5,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... companies but that all absolutely pales,2714.7,5.28,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... in comparison to what's coming,2718.18,3.899,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... decades after that,2719.98,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... like when we have the possibility of,2722.079,5.901,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... curing literally every disease,2724.66,6.84,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... imaginable and live long enough to see,2727.98,6.7,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the stars to see the future what does,2731.5,5.819,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... money matter like what does the,2734.68,6.72,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... economics matter so basically solve,2737.319,6.421,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... solve all these other problems and money,2741.4,4.08,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... becomes irrelevant,2743.74,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... so this is the underpinning reason for,2745.48,5.04,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... all of my work and the axiomatic,2748.48,3.359,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... alignment the heuristic imperatives that,2750.52,3.18,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... I've been working on which is why I want,2751.839,3.421,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to equip AI with these things because,2753.7,3.3,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... you reduce suffering by treating,2755.26,4.8,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... diseases you reduce suffering by uh,2757.0,5.28,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... increasing Justice by protecting,2760.06,4.68,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... individual liberty and human rights you,2762.28,4.319,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... increase Prosperity by accelerating,2764.74,5.099,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... science by deploying infrastructure,2766.599,5.581,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... by protecting ecosystems you increase,2769.839,4.921,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... understanding by communication by,2772.18,5.28,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... education by teaching by reinforcing,2774.76,4.74,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... that that virtuous cycle of Science and,2777.46,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... com and computation and artificial,2779.5,4.26,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... intelligence all of these things work,2781.72,4.859,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... together in compounding returns in order,2783.76,4.859,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... to create the future that we want to see,2786.579,5.221,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... AKA Utopia which I know Utopia is a is a,2788.619,5.7,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... loaded term but to me Utopia means high,2791.8,4.38,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... standard of living High individual,2794.319,4.621,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... liberty and high social Mobility that's,2796.18,4.98,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... the goal alright thanks for watching I,2798.94,5.659,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... hope you got a lot out of this cheers,2801.16,3.439,How do we pay for UBI? The answer is not what you think... morning everybody David Shapiro here,0.24,3.06,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) with another video,2.04,3.36,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) so I've been on a kick lately where I'm,3.3,4.799,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) talking about Universal basic income and,5.4,5.819,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) post-labor economics and and that sort,8.099,5.7,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) of stuff and one question that came up,11.219,5.281,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and it was a really good question uh in,13.799,5.161,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) a previous video I think I think people,16.5,5.279,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) are starting to realize the capabilities,18.96,5.52,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and the shifts that are coming and so,21.779,4.621,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) someone said okay well like we agree,24.48,4.619,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) with your methodology more or less you,26.4,4.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) know obviously nothing is perfect and,29.099,3.901,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like you know I'm forging ahead as fast,30.96,4.8,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) as possible but he said like okay so how,33.0,5.219,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) can we determine the jobs that will stay,35.76,5.58,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) so I wanted to spend a a little bit of,38.219,6.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) time exploring specifically automation,41.34,5.1,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) resistant occupations so these are jobs,44.219,5.16,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that no matter how good AGI and robots,46.44,6.06,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) get they may never go away,49.379,5.82,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um real quick plug for my patreon,52.5,5.28,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um the low tier uh the five dollar tier,55.199,5.34,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) gets you access to Discord uh where we,57.78,7.559,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) often hang out and so on the other uh uh,60.539,7.561,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) tiers the 50 tier is you know I've got,65.339,5.401,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) some private channels set up for uh for,68.1,4.68,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) direct chat and then I do actually have,70.74,4.8,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) a couple of my 300 tiers which allow for,72.78,6.42,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh one-on-one consultations so uh moving,75.54,5.16,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) right along,79.2,5.4,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) basically AGI is coming we know that,80.7,5.58,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) machines are getting exponentially,84.6,4.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) smarter very quickly uh to the to the,86.28,6.54,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) point that uh 32 000 people signed a,88.92,6.379,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) petition saying stop progress,92.82,5.759,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh and it was taken seriously apparently,95.299,5.741,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh you know not not that moratoriums are,98.579,5.58,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) in place but uh politicians and,101.04,5.16,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) governments around the world are taking,104.159,3.841,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the the thing seriously and they're,106.2,3.3,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) saying okay we need to innovate what we,108.0,2.939,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) need to do it safely,109.5,4.259,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh you know you look at at the the,110.939,5.04,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) latest uh version of mid-journey and,113.759,4.741,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) stable diffusion and like if you showed,115.979,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) this to me and said that this was a,118.5,4.979,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) photograph from the 70s I I personally,120.119,6.241,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) could not have told you that it wasn't,123.479,4.801,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) except probably that there's no camera,126.36,4.679,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) in the reflection of her sunglasses,128.28,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um but like this is this is computer,131.039,5.221,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) generated and so you look at the the,133.02,5.78,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) ramp up of just the digital capacities,136.26,5.58,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) if we assume that also robotic,138.8,4.659,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) capacities are going to follow suit,141.84,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) eventually that basically we end up with,143.459,4.381,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) you know commander data and Westworld,145.92,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) style hosts that are pretty much,147.84,5.039,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) indistinguishable from Human but still,150.42,4.679,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) superhuman like in terms of strength,152.879,4.381,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) intelligence agility so on and so forth,155.099,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) then basically we're going to the,157.26,6.18,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) assumption that I'm making is that AGI,160.319,5.041,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) will be intellectually morally ethically,163.44,4.019,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and creatively Superior to humans in,165.36,4.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) every conceivable way in the not too,167.459,3.721,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) distant future,169.92,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) likewise I'm making the assumption that,171.18,6.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) robots are going to be uh dexterous,173.94,6.54,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) hyper realistic and as I said superhuman,177.18,5.1,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) but in some cases completely,180.48,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) indistinguishable from humans,182.28,3.84,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um unless they are designed to not look,184.5,3.18,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) human and of course like there's been,186.12,3.6,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) talks about like maybe you require that,187.68,3.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) all robots have like you know a red,189.72,3.36,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) light on their head or something I don't,191.58,2.18,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) know,193.08,3.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) anyways the point being is that human,193.76,5.619,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) labor is going to become economically,196.98,5.16,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) irrelevant let me say that again the the,199.379,5.881,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) economic value of human labor is going,202.14,5.94,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to be zero uh before too long now that,205.26,6.66,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) being said like okay like I you know I,208.08,5.579,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) was saying there are some jobs that,211.92,3.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) people are going to continue to pay for,213.659,3.901,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and I'll Define that in just a second,214.92,4.98,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um but I want to unpack kind of the,217.56,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) economic Paradigm that's coming and of,219.9,3.3,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) course there's the the tongue-in-cheek,221.7,3.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) you know fully automated luxury space,223.2,3.72,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) communism I do believe that that's,224.7,3.84,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) actually coming especially when you look,226.92,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) at hyper hyperabundance of energy with,228.54,5.04,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Fusion uh the breakthroughs with Quantum,231.12,4.259,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Computing that's happening the,233.58,4.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) exponential ramp up of AI uh Microsoft,235.379,5.881,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) just I think it was Microsoft they just,238.44,4.68,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) announced that they want to,241.26,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um to do the next 250 years of Material,243.12,5.699,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Science in the next 25 years with the,246.48,3.839,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) combination of artificial intelligence,248.819,3.181,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and Quantum computing,250.319,4.741,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like that is literally Sacha Nadella,252.0,4.919,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) basically saying that he wants to do the,255.06,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) ramp up to the singularity because guess,256.919,4.681,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) what happens in 25 years,259.44,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) we are almost exactly 25 years away from,261.6,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Ray kurzweil's uh prediction of the,264.66,4.259,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) singularity,266.82,5.64,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um yeah so like what happens then,268.919,5.641,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) if the marginal cost of pretty much all,272.46,3.42,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) everything that you need drops to,274.56,3.54,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) basically zero then like it almost,275.88,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) doesn't even make sense for companies to,278.1,3.36,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) exist so I was talking with someone,279.9,3.299,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) about this like what if the marginal,281.46,4.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) cost of Health Care drops to like five,283.199,4.861,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) dollars per year in in terms of current,285.78,5.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) economic uh US Dollars like if if the,288.06,5.46,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) total cost of your health care drops to,291.66,3.42,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) five dollars a year,293.52,3.66,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it's not profitable for a company to do,295.08,3.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it so you might as well just have the,297.18,2.64,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) government pay for it,298.32,3.78,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um because it's practically free ditto,299.82,5.939,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) for food housing uh other basic goods,302.1,5.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and services internet electricity,305.759,4.201,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) obviously there's always going to be,308.0,3.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) some desirable luxury goods that you'll,309.96,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) need to pay for uh but that's a that's a,311.88,4.92,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) conversation for a different story,314.46,3.48,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um or a different video or whatever,316.8,3.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) anyways so just kind of setting the,317.94,3.72,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) stage a little bit more,320.04,3.48,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) I was listening to the uh Mark,321.66,3.539,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Andreessen and Lex Friedman podcast,323.52,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) which was really good by the way and one,325.199,4.261,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) of the things that he talked about and I,327.6,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) I I knew of this thing but I he,329.46,5.64,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) articulated it in such a way that was,332.22,4.68,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) just like oh that's super clear and it,335.1,3.599,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) makes sense and they were talking about,336.9,3.78,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the lump of Labor fallacy which is the,338.699,6.481,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) idea that uh that the incorrect,340.68,6.42,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) assumption that there's only a finite,345.18,3.359,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) amount of Labor to go around and that,347.1,3.36,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) once you automate it all away you get,348.539,3.841,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that fully automated uh luxury space,350.46,4.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) communism and so but the what he,352.38,5.099,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) explained was and I had to look this up,355.32,3.659,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to make sure that that I had it right,357.479,5.28,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) but that the the reason that quote,358.979,5.761,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) technology always creates new jobs it's,362.759,3.541,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) not that technology creates new jobs,364.74,3.299,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) what actually happens from an economic,366.3,4.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) perspective is that technology reduces,368.039,5.701,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the cost of goods and services uh the,370.62,4.68,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) cost of clothing goes down the cost of,373.74,3.12,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) food goes down especially when you look,375.3,4.619,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) at the Industrial Revolution so when the,376.86,5.399,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) cost of your basic necessities and other,379.919,5.101,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) goods and services goes down your dollar,382.259,5.761,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) goes further meaning that you have uh,385.02,4.92,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) increased buying power to allocate your,388.02,3.959,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) money to other things so your AG,389.94,4.68,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) consumer aggregate demand goes up,391.979,3.84,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) elsewhere,394.62,3.72,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and so when you reallocate that money to,395.819,5.521,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) other needs and wants then you basically,398.34,5.16,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) create new Industries,401.34,5.1,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) based on consumer demand so that's how I,403.5,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) approach this problem as I said okay,406.44,5.759,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) let's let's throw out AGI capacity let's,408.0,6.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) throw out robots let's just assume that,412.199,2.94,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) they're going to be better than humans,414.0,3.66,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) in every conceivable way and in many,415.139,5.28,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) cases probably preferable to humans but,417.66,5.819,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) let's look at consumer demand for actual,420.419,5.161,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) humans so that's how I basically,423.479,4.201,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) approach this whole thing,425.58,6.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um the other kind of political Mantra or,427.68,6.54,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) economic Mantra is that human demand is,431.9,4.299,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) infinite which definitely seems to be,434.22,5.58,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) true over the last century but the thing,436.199,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is is that not all human needs are,439.8,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) infinite right just be like if food is,441.419,4.921,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) five dollars per year that doesn't mean,444.0,3.84,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that you're going to eat infinitely more,446.34,3.84,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) food you have fixed amounts of things,447.84,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that you need and also like if you have,450.18,4.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) one Mansion you don't necessarily need a,452.46,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) thousand Mansions right or if you you,454.5,4.139,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) know if I if my dream comes true and I,456.96,3.239,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) end up with a super yacht I don't need,458.639,5.821,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) 10 right just one will do uh so anyways,460.199,6.361,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) but that being said there is there's,464.46,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) always more that we want,466.56,3.84,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um so what you could say is that human,468.66,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) desires might be infinite but I don't,470.4,4.079,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) even know if I agree with that because,473.28,3.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) eventually there is such a thing as as,474.479,3.241,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) good enough,476.28,3.78,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) all right so defining automation,477.72,4.319,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) resistant occupations,480.06,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh the I was able to kind of identify,482.039,4.921,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) six,485.28,4.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um six categories or six dimensions that,486.96,5.1,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) might make an occupation resistant to,489.84,4.919,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) being destroyed by automation so first,492.06,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is strong consumer preference so this is,494.759,3.72,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) what I was mentioning where it's just,497.28,3.539,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) for whatever reason humans want to pay,498.479,4.681,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) another human to do a thing,500.819,6.121,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um now obviously like okay that's kind,503.16,5.34,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) of difficult it's like okay well what do,506.94,2.759,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) I want to pay a human to do and of,508.5,3.539,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) course some people uh in the comments,509.699,3.661,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) section say like there's nothing that,512.039,3.541,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) they want a human to do if you have AGI,513.36,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and a realistic robot they say get rid,515.58,4.019,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) of humans out of my life,517.5,3.599,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um which is fine some people might want,519.599,2.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to live like that I might want to live,521.099,3.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like that I don't know like I said in a,522.479,3.601,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) in a podcast like I would love to have,524.099,4.021,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Commander Data as a friend,526.08,3.54,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um because you know what humans can,528.12,4.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) sometimes be problematic uh intrinsic,529.62,5.64,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) human qualities so this is stuff that is,532.44,4.68,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) intrinsically human like basically,535.26,5.579,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) emotions uh human authenticity so this,537.12,5.52,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is where it's come it comes more down to,540.839,4.381,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) The Human Experience no matter how good,542.64,5.4,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) an AI or a robot is at approximating or,545.22,4.619,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) pretending to be human it will never,548.04,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) have a truly Human Experience and so in,549.839,5.221,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) some cases I want to hear about the,552.48,4.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) human experience that another person is,555.06,3.6,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) having and so that is what I mean by,556.8,3.18,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) authenticity,558.66,3.84,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) emotional resonance so this has to do,559.98,3.96,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) with you know the emotional aspect but,562.5,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) also the relational aspect because when,563.94,4.98,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) a machine exists and it can make itself,566.94,6.06,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) into any form factor to suit you then,568.92,6.18,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it's like okay well you know that's easy,573.0,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) mode and that that's not necessarily a,575.1,3.239,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) bad thing you know there's plenty of,577.2,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) people out there uh who will choose to,578.339,5.341,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) have uh emotional connections to,581.22,5.34,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) machines and that's fine I honestly,583.68,4.92,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) don't have any uh particular issue with,586.56,3.3,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that,588.6,2.7,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um that being said there's going to be,589.86,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) people who prefer the real deal uh,591.3,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) cultural context so this was an,594.0,3.66,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) interesting thing as I was brainstorming,595.38,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and researching this was uh it was,597.66,4.98,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) pointed out to me by chat gbt that in,599.88,5.399,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) many cases there is a strong belief that,602.64,5.34,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) humans must be involved in a thing uh,605.279,5.461,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) whether it's you know religion or or,607.98,5.7,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) whatever other cultural paradigms,610.74,5.64,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) ceremonial things where like say for,613.68,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) instance a wedding,616.38,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) if you did have a robot priest officiate,617.88,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) a wedding that might be a little bit,620.76,3.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) weird and you might prefer to have a,622.5,3.48,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) real human officiate your wedding just,624.0,3.72,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) as an example and then finally,625.98,3.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) intangibles,627.72,3.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) so these are things where there's not,629.22,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) really any uh compelling reason that a,631.62,4.92,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) machine couldn't do it but there can be,634.44,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) some intangible qualities or values,636.54,5.34,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) added from having a real human doing the,639.18,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) thing and we're going to unpack a whole,641.88,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) bunch of careers in just a second,643.92,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um so actually yeah here we go we're,646.5,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) ready jobs that probably stay pretty,648.18,3.899,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) much forever,650.94,2.82,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and one thing that I want to point out,652.079,5.581,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is that uh in all of these cases the,653.76,5.819,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) basically the assumption is that a robot,657.66,4.739,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) or a machine or AGI could do it and,659.579,5.221,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) could do it better than humans but the,662.399,4.261,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) idea is that there will still be demand,664.8,4.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) consumer demand for humans to do these,666.66,4.799,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) things at least enough for some of the,669.36,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) jobs to stick around I'm not saying that,671.459,3.601,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the entire economy is going to be these,673.38,3.6,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) jobs I still think that many people are,675.06,3.68,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) going to be just permanently out of work,676.98,5.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and they'll find other stuff to do,678.74,6.82,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um so musicians actors writers painters,682.74,6.599,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh artists celebrities of all kinds uh,685.56,6.839,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Gamers streamers uh various kinds of,689.339,4.801,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) competitors like chess and American,692.399,3.081,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Ninja,694.14,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) content creators lifestyle uh,695.48,5.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) communicators and influencers uh these,698.16,5.28,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) are the kinds of things that are uh,700.8,5.099,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) basically intrinsically human where you,703.44,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) know like yes you might have like a,705.899,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) robot actor or a robot you know an AI,707.94,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) streamer that you follow it's already,710.519,4.201,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) happening a lot of us are going to still,712.56,4.92,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) prefer just to see real humans some,714.72,5.4,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) people suspect that once like V tubers,717.48,5.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) or whatever become uh good enough that,720.12,5.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like a lot of people won't care but you,723.36,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) know what I think I think that the,726.0,3.899,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) market uh will will probably fragment,727.44,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) around this or or there will be market,729.899,3.961,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) segments some people will just always,731.94,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) prefer the real thing right that being,733.86,4.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) said like we grew up with cartoons and,736.2,5.4,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) CGI stuff like we are used to engaging,738.72,6.42,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) with uh fake characters or or um not,741.6,5.52,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) fake but like synthesized right like,745.14,3.54,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) some of our favorite characters in all,747.12,3.6,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) time are video game characters which are,748.68,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) completely fabricated right uh now that,750.72,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) being said some of them uh do have face,753.42,5.34,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) models and voices from real people,755.94,5.94,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um but that being said I think that uh,758.76,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) while we are comfortable with some level,761.88,5.699,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) of CGI and and synthesis I think that,763.38,5.94,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) there's going to be a persistent and,767.579,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) durable demand for the real deal,769.32,5.34,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) again in many cases humans are going to,772.019,6.241,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) go fully go away but I think that just,774.66,5.46,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because we're humans the demand for,778.26,3.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) A-list celebrities we're gonna figure,780.12,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that out it just as an example food and,782.16,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Hospitality so this is the kind of thing,784.74,3.48,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) where a lot of people very much are,786.3,3.12,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) looking forward to having their own,788.22,3.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) personal robot Chef myself included I,789.42,5.58,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like having nice food and I don't always,792.12,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) feel like cooking and even though I've,795.0,2.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Gotten Good at cooking especially,796.56,3.36,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because of the pandemic,797.76,4.379,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um I would still prefer not to have to,799.92,5.64,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) do that myself now that being said,802.139,7.081,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) there is something very human and Primal,805.56,6.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) about a nice night out at a fancy,809.22,3.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) restaurant,811.8,2.94,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um so because of that I think that,813.12,3.42,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) restaurants and everything that goes,814.74,4.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) with restaurants is going to stick,816.54,5.039,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) around uh because there's always people,819.3,4.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) going uh willing to pay for that kind of,821.579,5.041,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) experience even if it's rare or of,823.86,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) course there's there's probably always,826.62,2.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) going to be wealth disparity so there's,827.94,2.579,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) people that are going to prefer to eat,829.38,2.82,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) out every night and they're not going to,830.519,2.82,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) want to have a robot waiter they're,832.2,2.16,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) going to have want to have a real,833.339,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) sommelier uh another thing to consider,834.36,5.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is that food is a very Human Experience,838.079,5.461,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) even if we have anthropomorphic machines,840.12,5.1,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) they won't need food the same way that,843.54,3.479,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) we do you know they're going to need,845.22,4.679,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) power and data but we need physical,847.019,5.641,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) sustenance we you know like getting a,849.899,5.341,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) buzz from having a glass of wine and so,852.66,4.739,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because that experience is intrinsically,855.24,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and deeply human there's going to be a,857.399,3.541,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) lot of people that will just always,859.62,3.659,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) prefer humans and I could imagine like,860.94,4.92,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) you know a a sign or part of the,863.279,3.901,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) advertising scheme of a restaurant,865.86,3.539,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) saying no robots allowed right you know,867.18,5.58,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) 100 human weight staff I can definitely,869.399,5.161,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) foresee that that happening in the,872.76,3.18,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) future because you know what like,874.56,3.54,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) there's some restaurants out there that,875.94,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) they switch to having like the the uh,878.1,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the touch the touch pads like the order,880.56,4.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) yourself and like on the one hand I get,882.6,4.919,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it like it's fast it's convenient but,885.12,3.839,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it's also kind of like hey just Serve,887.519,4.141,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Yourself you know peasant I'm like I,888.959,4.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) don't really like that feeling,891.66,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um I like I like having uh having just,893.279,4.68,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) even if it's just 20 seconds to tell a,895.92,4.859,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) human my order or whatever,897.959,5.461,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) so anyways I I think because of all the,900.779,5.041,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) aspects of food and Hospitality there's,903.42,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) going to be a very persistent demand for,905.82,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) all kinds of jobs like concierge's like,907.8,5.64,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Caterers nutritionists sommeliers,910.56,6.06,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Baristas that sort of thing,913.44,5.579,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um so this was another uh category that,916.62,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) I thought was kind of interesting which,919.019,4.801,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is uh cultural and meaning roles and so,921.06,4.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) what I mean by a meaning role is these,923.82,4.8,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) are the people that are uh used to have,925.62,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) been would have been called like the,928.62,3.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) priest class or whatever these are the,929.76,4.8,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Shepherds of society of of culture of,931.86,3.779,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) meaning,934.56,2.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and of course like we don't have one,935.639,4.681,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) coherent structure uh in society today,937.44,5.16,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because we have many religions we have,940.32,4.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) philosophers we have secularists we have,942.6,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) anthropologists,945.18,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um that sort of thing but uh the idea,946.98,5.64,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) though is that the question of what it,949.92,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) means to be human is an intrinsically,952.62,3.839,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) human question and it also has to do,954.36,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) with our culture and so these are things,956.459,3.781,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) where it's just just by virtue of the,958.62,4.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) fact that this is that we are humans and,960.24,4.98,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Only Humans will understand our,963.18,3.599,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) experience even if machines can,965.22,3.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) mathematically model our experience,966.779,3.481,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because you can go talk to chat GPT,968.22,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) about the meaning of life right now and,970.26,3.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it is capable of having that,972.24,2.94,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) conversation with you but you know that,973.5,3.18,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) you were talking with something that,975.18,2.7,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) does not have the same kind of,976.68,3.36,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) experience that you do,977.88,5.819,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and so because of that uh you know the,980.04,6.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the meaning of of humanity and of life,983.699,5.7,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and that sort of stuff yes many people,986.94,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) including myself will talk to AGI and,989.399,5.161,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) robots about these kinds of things but,991.56,5.399,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) they're still an intrinsic human quality,994.56,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to having that conversation with another,996.959,3.601,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) human,999.18,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um particularly as uh you know new age,1000.56,4.68,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) religions and spirituality and,1003.62,3.659,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) psychedelic uh traditions and Shamanism,1005.24,6.18,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh come up you know like we we humans,1007.279,7.98,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) can have inexplicable experiences and we,1011.42,5.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) also have the the just deeply personal,1015.259,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) question of what is the purpose of my,1017.3,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) life or what is the meaning of existence,1019.279,4.141,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that sort of stuff and that being said I,1021.44,3.3,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) am also one that will that that,1023.42,4.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) absolutely firmly believes that AGI will,1024.74,6.059,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) ultimately be asking similar questions,1027.98,4.979,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um but even if we have the same question,1030.799,4.081,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) why do we exist what is the meaning of,1032.959,4.261,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) creation how did things come to be the,1034.88,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) way they are we're going to be,1037.22,3.239,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) approaching it from a different and,1038.9,4.799,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) subjective uh angle,1040.459,5.581,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) this one is something that I'm actually,1043.699,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) really dubious about and I'll talk about,1046.04,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it again when I get to medicine at the,1047.959,5.041,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) end but mental emotional and relational,1050.54,7.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Health in this case in many cases you,1053.0,8.28,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) probably will some people will prefer to,1058.16,6.54,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) have a real human you know talk about,1061.28,5.279,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) their you know talk to talk about their,1064.7,3.66,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) marriage with or to talk about you know,1066.559,4.441,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) their PTSD with or whatever,1068.36,5.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) but at the same time we have discovered,1071.0,6.48,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that tools like chat GPT like the,1074.12,4.799,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) reflective journaling tool that I use,1077.48,3.96,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) almost every day is an incredibly,1078.919,5.101,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) powerful tool for mental emotional and,1081.44,5.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) relational Health in fact I the the the,1084.02,5.279,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the reflective journaling tool that I,1087.2,5.219,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) created I use that more than I talked to,1089.299,5.461,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like my wife now about these things I,1092.419,3.901,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) still talk to her about like you know,1094.76,3.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) what it is like what it is that we're,1096.32,2.7,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) going through and that we're working on,1097.76,3.779,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and we talk about our relationship but,1099.02,4.8,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) this tool is also incredibly powerful,1101.539,4.981,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and one thing that I just heard I I,1103.82,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) didn't I didn't find the study but I,1106.52,2.96,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) heard someone mention it on a podcast,1107.96,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) was that with um,1109.48,5.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) was it Sam Altman he I think he alluded,1112.1,5.4,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to a study anyways what they what they,1114.62,4.679,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) have determined is that the current,1117.5,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) version of chat GPT the the most recent,1119.299,3.721,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) one,1121.76,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um actually scores better on uh having,1123.02,5.399,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) lower implicit bias and explicit bias,1125.9,5.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) then even highly trained and highly,1128.419,5.161,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) conscientious humans,1131.66,3.899,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and so this kind of touches on the fact,1133.58,4.8,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that like okay humans are fallible and,1135.559,4.801,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) even the most well-intentioned most,1138.38,3.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) well-trained therapists and counselors,1140.36,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and psychologists have their own biases,1142.28,3.899,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) whether it's bias from the medical,1144.44,3.239,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) establishment that they learned because,1146.179,3.36,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that is certainly a thing you know I,1147.679,4.321,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) can't tell you the number of of uh of,1149.539,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) psychotherapists and stuff out there,1152.0,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that that basically believe that CBT is,1153.559,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the only thing that works and if it,1156.74,2.64,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) doesn't work for you then you're just,1158.059,4.201,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) lazy right and that's just a completely,1159.38,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) disingenuous and unprofessional position,1162.26,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to have but plenty of them have that out,1164.0,3.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) there,1166.34,4.079,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh meanwhile on the other hand if you,1167.62,5.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) have a machine that is aware of these,1170.419,4.321,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) these faults and biases and that's not,1173.12,4.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to say that GPT is perfect because,1174.74,4.799,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) certainly at a at a previous version it,1177.44,4.859,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) was incredibly ableist uh it basically,1179.539,5.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) presumes it kind of had inter,1182.299,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) internalized some of those ideas that,1184.539,3.701,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like if you're struggling with,1186.799,3.181,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) relationships maybe you're the problem,1188.24,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and it's not that like you know it,1189.98,3.72,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) basically wasn't aware of the social,1192.44,3.18,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) model of disability,1193.7,3.42,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um I think it has gotten better at that,1195.62,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) anyways this is rapid this is rapidly,1197.12,4.679,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) iterating chat GPT has only been out for,1199.82,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like about six months so you extrapolate,1201.799,5.101,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) this rate of progress out to years and,1204.32,4.859,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) decades we can assume that these,1206.9,3.42,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) machines are going to be much much,1209.179,4.201,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) better than humans uh at coaching other,1210.32,5.219,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the machine is better at coaching humans,1213.38,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) through emotions mental and relationship,1215.539,2.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Health,1217.4,3.779,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um now that being said while I'm dubious,1218.419,5.101,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) about it I do suspect that many people,1221.179,4.561,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) will prefer humans and especially if,1223.52,5.58,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) humans are trained by AI I like you know,1225.74,4.98,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) these these Superior machines maybe,1229.1,4.68,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) humans will get better at their job uh I,1230.72,5.52,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) don't know but there's also uh privacy,1233.78,4.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and stuff like that because the thing is,1236.24,5.04,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is when you tell your you know pour out,1238.34,4.68,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) your heart to a therapist that you,1241.28,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) really hardly know like I don't know I,1243.02,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) just don't trust that that doesn't feel,1245.9,3.42,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) right to me right because that's not how,1247.22,3.72,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) humans have learned to process things,1249.32,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that's not how we historically did it,1250.94,5.16,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um and so but the advantage of having an,1253.46,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) AI therapist is that you can just delete,1256.1,3.84,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the data,1257.84,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) physical health and well-being so this,1259.94,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is again one of the kinds of things that,1262.28,4.46,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) yes a machine probably can do it better,1264.14,4.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) especially if we have like Westworld,1266.74,3.7,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) level hosts where they are,1269.0,4.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) indistinguishable from humans uh there,1270.44,5.7,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) will probably be such a high demand for,1273.86,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the real deal,1276.14,3.419,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um and I remember I think it was the,1277.94,3.359,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) opening scene of Westworld or the first,1279.559,3.961,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) episode where you know the the guest,1281.299,3.841,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) shows up and they're they're you know,1283.52,2.94,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) getting they're going through like the,1285.14,3.419,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) onboarding thing and the super,1286.46,5.04,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) attractive uh woman offers to have sex,1288.559,4.441,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) with you know because the guy's asking,1291.5,3.299,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like hey can I have sex with like any,1293.0,3.84,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) host that I want and she's like yeah,1294.799,3.901,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) more or less and she's like I can have,1296.84,3.54,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) sex with you too if you want and he's,1298.7,3.959,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like are you real and she said like why,1300.38,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) would it matter or or she'd ask like,1302.659,3.601,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) would it matter and of course like,1304.82,3.3,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that's the central theme at least of the,1306.26,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) first season of Westworld which is does,1308.12,5.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) does Being Human matter if you have real,1310.88,5.46,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) suffering or real intelligence or real,1313.88,5.82,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh experiences and that sort of thing so,1316.34,5.699,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) in anyways I do suspect some people will,1319.7,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) prefer robots again for some of the same,1322.039,3.961,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) reasons that I just mentioned about like,1324.2,3.839,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) therapy and stuff but I think that,1326.0,3.059,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) there's going to be plenty of people,1328.039,3.301,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that will just prefer the real deal for,1329.059,3.421,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) a massage therapists and personal,1331.34,2.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) trainers and yoga instructors it,1332.48,3.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) occurred to me that a robot yoga,1334.22,3.839,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) instructor might be super unfair,1335.72,4.92,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because like they don't have to work for,1338.059,5.041,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the flexibility right like their body is,1340.64,5.58,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) designed to be perfect and and good,1343.1,5.04,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um now that being said if they're a,1346.22,3.48,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) better yoga instructor some people might,1348.14,3.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) prefer that so again some of these jobs,1349.7,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) will go away but the point is is that,1351.38,4.919,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) some consumers will demand to have a,1353.78,4.139,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) real human,1356.299,5.101,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) so this one is uh a little bit spicier,1357.919,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um but you know,1361.4,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh sex workers of all Stripes adult,1362.659,6.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) content creators burlesque exotic uh,1365.6,5.699,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) dancers strippers that sort of stuff,1368.659,5.821,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um again like this is something that I'm,1371.299,5.641,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) not necessarily that dubious on we see,1374.48,6.66,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) with the rise of CGI and uh generative,1376.94,7.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) AI art that like the appetite for porn,1381.14,6.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is just basically infinite going back to,1384.02,5.94,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) earlier in the video uh now that being,1387.14,6.6,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) said I suspect that there will also be a,1389.96,7.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh a very durable demand for real humans,1393.74,6.299,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) right real bodies,1397.82,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um the ethics of that are kind of,1400.039,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) dubious right like I'm more in the like,1401.84,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) libertarian Camp not hardcore,1404.059,4.561,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) libertarian but like you know if if,1406.1,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) someone wants to do a job and they do it,1408.62,3.96,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) safely and they do it ethically go for,1410.36,3.42,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it,1412.58,5.94,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um and there was a there's a few,1413.78,5.34,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um,1418.52,3.3,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) let's say not experiences I have had but,1419.12,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like thought experiments,1421.82,3.359,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um well I'll just talk about this one so,1423.74,3.6,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like in Blade Runner 2049,1425.179,5.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh the the uh protagonist's AI,1427.34,6.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) girlfriend is she's just a hologram she,1431.059,3.961,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) doesn't have a physical body and so one,1433.58,3.36,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) thing that she does is she hires a human,1435.02,3.96,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) prostitute to have sex with him while,1436.94,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) she like projects her hologram over her,1438.98,4.04,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) which I think was a pretty cool thing,1440.96,6.36,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and like that that scene being wedged,1443.02,6.399,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) into the movie kind of brings up the,1447.32,5.16,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) same question about uh you know like,1449.419,5.341,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) would it matter if it's a human or not,1452.48,4.679,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and there was a there was an episode of,1454.76,5.159,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) a philosophy podcast I think the name of,1457.159,5.581,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the podcast was very bad wizards but the,1459.919,4.201,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) one of the things that they asked was,1462.74,3.299,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like okay for the sake of this thought,1464.12,3.419,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) experiment this is what I was trying to,1466.039,2.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) get to early for the sake of this,1467.539,2.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) thought experiment imagine that you can,1468.799,4.561,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) build a machine a robot that is,1470.419,5.461,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) indistinguishable from humans has an,1473.36,4.799,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) actual sentient experience and is,1475.88,5.1,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) designed to want to be abused like and I,1478.159,3.841,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) was just like that's a really,1480.98,2.939,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) interesting thought experiment,1482.0,3.419,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um and there are certainly people that,1483.919,4.201,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) would uh that would apprec that would in,1485.419,5.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that would indulge in that kind of,1488.12,7.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) experience uh and you know I'm still I'm,1491.299,5.701,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) still kind of like I'm not sure how to,1495.32,3.18,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) approach that it was a very interesting,1497.0,2.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) episode,1498.5,4.679,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um moving right along uh craftsmanship,1499.88,5.58,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and handmade luxury goods so this is,1503.179,4.801,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) something that we already see durable,1505.46,3.839,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) demand for,1507.98,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) particularly in the 80s and 90s as mass,1509.299,6.12,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) production of everything started ramping,1512.6,4.439,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) up and we started offshoring,1515.419,4.821,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) manufacturing jobs uh you know cheap,1517.039,6.241,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) overseas Goods like we got tired of that,1520.24,6.1,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) real fast and this is why Etsy exists,1523.28,5.879,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) right is because there is such a,1526.34,6.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) permanent durable demand for handmade,1529.159,5.581,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) luxury goods I don't think that's ever,1532.58,5.219,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) going away even if robots can make,1534.74,6.96,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) handmade luxury goods I I don't think,1537.799,6.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that I think that having knowing that,1541.7,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) another human put their time into,1544.039,3.181,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) something,1546.14,2.46,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) I I think that that's going to,1547.22,3.3,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) intrinsically always be valuable to us,1548.6,3.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and that's what I mean by like,1550.52,3.899,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) intangible like you could have a,1551.84,5.1,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) handmade uh you know knife like chef's,1554.419,3.841,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) knife that was made by hand and you,1556.94,3.599,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) could have an identical one made by a,1558.26,3.539,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) machine and you're still going to prefer,1560.539,3.181,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the one that was made by a human because,1561.799,5.101,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) of that intangible value uh knowing that,1563.72,5.459,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) another human put their hands on it and,1566.9,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) put their time and expertise and their,1569.179,5.221,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) ex and their Mastery into that thing so,1571.1,4.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) I don't feel like I don't have to spend,1574.4,2.639,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) too much time talking about this one,1575.96,2.52,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because like just look at the economic,1577.039,3.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) model of etsy and the fact that there,1578.48,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) are plenty of of creators out there who,1580.279,6.301,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) make a living on luxury goods that there,1582.62,7.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) really is no economic reason for it but,1586.58,5.52,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it is purely a Sentimental or intangible,1589.94,4.92,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) reason that that exists,1592.1,5.34,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) fashion and Aesthetics so this was an,1594.86,4.199,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) interesting one that uh that I came up,1597.44,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) with actually uh Chad GPT didn't even,1599.059,4.081,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) touch on this,1601.58,3.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um but basically when you look at at,1603.14,4.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) fashion and Aesthetics and by when I say,1605.48,3.6,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Aesthetics I mean,1607.46,4.319,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um models interior designers decorators,1609.08,5.4,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that sort of stuff uh this is something,1611.779,5.161,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that there in in many of those,1614.48,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Industries there is a very very strong,1616.94,4.859,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) desire for authenticity now that being,1619.7,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) said there are also plenty of of them,1621.799,4.681,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that uh expect cosmetic surgery like,1623.72,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) breast augmentation and liposuction and,1626.48,4.799,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and makeup and that sort of stuff but in,1628.46,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) many of these industries there are,1631.279,4.561,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) trends for authenticity uh you know,1632.84,4.68,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) selecting for women that don't have,1635.84,3.959,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) breast augmentation or liposuction,1637.52,4.019,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um there are even magazines that ban,1639.799,5.641,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Cosmetics let alone uh computer touching,1641.539,6.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) up images via computer that being said,1645.44,3.78,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) there's plenty of people that use the,1647.779,3.061,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) automatic you know filters for,1649.22,2.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) everything now,1650.84,5.12,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) I suspect that with the rise of AI,1651.98,6.6,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) generated images it's like yes there is,1655.96,4.3,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) something that is aesthetically perfect,1658.58,5.04,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) about you know this uh you know CGI,1660.26,5.94,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) model this computer AI model but then,1663.62,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it's just like I don't know about I,1666.2,2.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) don't know about anyone else but like I,1667.7,2.52,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) got tired of that real fast it's like,1668.96,3.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) okay I know that this is this is not a,1670.22,2.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) real person,1671.96,2.4,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um and so it goes back to that,1673.1,3.78,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) intangible value of human Aesthetics of,1674.36,4.98,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) knowing that you're like whether it's uh,1676.88,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) you know a dress that was actually made,1679.34,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) by a real human uh and worn by a real,1681.14,4.8,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) human there's just something more,1683.72,4.319,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) grounding about that kind of thing again,1685.94,4.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) I think that some people won't care and,1688.039,4.201,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) some people will prefer the machines but,1690.26,3.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) there are going to be lots of us who,1692.24,3.059,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) actually prefer the real the real deal,1693.5,2.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) as well,1695.299,3.301,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) but also like Project Runway would be,1696.26,4.68,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) super boring if it was just robots I,1698.6,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) don't know that's just my opinion,1700.94,4.979,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um this one is like really interesting,1703.22,6.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) so I actually saw her on not in and not,1705.919,5.221,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) in person but I saw a documentary about,1709.22,3.54,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) her years ago,1711.14,3.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um she's a she was like the youngest,1712.76,4.019,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) funeral directory director in uh Britain,1714.14,6.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh at the time and I was just like wow,1716.779,5.101,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that's a really interesting profession,1720.38,3.659,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and so it just really stuck with me but,1721.88,4.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like the tldr is like imagine a robot,1724.039,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) riding a eulogy for your mom,1726.2,3.78,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um that would be kind of weird and of,1728.539,3.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) course like there was the what was it,1729.98,4.679,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the the pastor in Germany recently like,1731.779,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) delivered a sermon that was written by,1734.659,3.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) chat GPT like I think that it's gonna,1736.159,4.981,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) happen especially once we develop like,1738.559,5.581,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) relationships with machines as like I,1741.14,4.139,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) said like I wouldn't mind having,1744.14,3.419,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Commander Data as a friend and so like,1745.279,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) if I had Commander Data as a friend and,1747.559,3.901,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) I died I wouldn't mind if he eulogized,1749.299,4.561,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh he wrote a eulogy for me,1751.46,4.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um but that being said there is,1753.86,4.799,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) something very deeply human about things,1756.02,6.3,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like birth and death uh grief and other,1758.659,7.321,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh uh transitions in life right so say,1762.32,4.8,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) for instance,1765.98,1.679,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um,1767.12,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh palliative care end of Life Care uh,1767.659,6.181,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like uh I've actually had an interesting,1771.14,5.159,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) conversation with an end of life Doula,1773.84,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um because they they it's a very deeply,1776.299,6.48,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) spiritual uh kind of role and um you,1778.58,6.06,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) know I think I think that yes there will,1782.779,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) be some plenty of people who don't mind,1784.64,4.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) or prefer the machine because of the,1786.919,3.961,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) level of precision because because it's,1788.96,3.78,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) less emotional or because they might,1790.88,3.72,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) perform better but also there's going to,1792.74,3.36,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) be lots and lots of people who just,1794.6,4.199,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) really strongly prefer humans to be part,1796.1,6.179,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) of these intrinsically human experiences,1798.799,6.12,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh shared outdoor experiences so this is,1802.279,4.081,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) something one of my best friends in high,1804.919,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) school actually she went to become a,1806.36,5.52,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) raft guide while she was in college up,1809.299,5.1,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) in the mountains and um like that was a,1811.88,3.899,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) really cool job,1814.399,3.481,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) but it's also the kind of thing of the,1815.779,5.041,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) shared stress of Adventure the shared,1817.88,5.1,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) struggle is actually a really important,1820.82,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) part of the experience and if you have a,1822.98,4.679,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) robot with you that that was never in,1825.32,4.68,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) danger and could you know pull you out,1827.659,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) of danger without any risk to itself,1830.0,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that kind of lessens the experience a,1832.399,4.801,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) little bit uh and so like yeah you might,1834.44,5.28,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) have raft guides that have like a spare,1837.2,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) robot to help you fish someone out of,1839.72,3.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the water if they fall in,1841.46,3.48,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh but that being said you're still,1842.96,3.54,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) going to want to have the human who has,1844.94,3.78,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) hiked up the mountain and struggled and,1846.5,3.6,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) knows what you're going through and,1848.72,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) knows what that experience is like and,1850.1,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) can help you get the most out of that,1852.86,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) experience uh there are uh tour guides,1854.36,7.679,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and and Excursion leaders uh and this is,1858.08,5.579,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) actually something that's really popular,1862.039,4.441,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) with the elite right now uh what was it,1863.659,5.52,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) as brown something there's there there's,1866.48,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) multiple companies out there that,1869.179,3.541,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) basically you give them like a million,1870.62,3.48,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) dollars and they take you on like the,1872.72,3.6,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) coolest Excursion that you've ever been,1874.1,4.559,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) on and uh the description for one of,1876.32,5.219,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) them was like you know it's it's a it's,1878.659,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) an adventure that's so intense that,1881.539,3.661,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it'll be seared into your memory it's,1883.039,3.541,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like that sounds painful but you know,1885.2,3.12,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) what if you're bored and Rich and you,1886.58,2.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) have more money than you know what to do,1888.32,4.079,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) with have at it uh so point being though,1889.46,5.459,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is that there will always be demand for,1892.399,5.701,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) those really intense uh visceral outdoor,1894.919,5.401,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) experiences and Adventures,1898.1,5.4,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) journalism is something that uh I think,1900.32,5.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that it particularly with the rise of AI,1903.5,4.98,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and disinformation a lot of people,1906.2,4.68,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) myself included already like I'm just,1908.48,7.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) gonna tap out of of uh of you know AI,1910.88,7.799,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) generated news and stuff like I want to,1916.22,4.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) I want to have a parasocial relationship,1918.679,5.88,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) with a reporter or a news commentator or,1921.08,6.06,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) investigator that I trust who does the,1924.559,4.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) work of sifting through all the all the,1927.14,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) noise and tells me what they think what,1929.419,5.041,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) they truly think and feel so this again,1932.36,3.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) comes down to that emotional resonance,1934.46,3.54,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that was mentioned at the beginning,1936.26,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) which it's like hey I want a human to,1938.0,5.279,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) tell me what they think about this news,1941.48,4.079,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) I want a human to tell me how they feel,1943.279,3.601,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) about the way that things are going,1945.559,4.081,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because that's what I connect with some,1946.88,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) people again like I said some people,1949.64,2.639,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) aren't going to Care some people will,1951.02,4.379,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) prefer the ai's unbiased analysis,1952.279,4.981,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because again there's already evidence,1955.399,3.961,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) emerging that we can make large language,1957.26,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) models less by highest than pretty much,1959.36,3.84,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) 99 of humans,1961.34,6.439,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) so like yes I will I absolutely uh,1963.2,7.859,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) appreciate that existence because I want,1967.779,6.581,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) you know the AI to look at all sides and,1971.059,6.061,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) you know give me the ability to like say,1974.36,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) okay well what is,1977.12,3.059,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) you know what is the story what's,1978.62,3.539,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) missing what are the gaps you know what,1980.179,3.901,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is this side saying what does it mean,1982.159,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the AI will help us analyze all these,1984.08,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) things which is great but I still need,1986.539,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that intrinsic human connection to tell,1988.52,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) me like okay like what does this mean to,1991.039,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) me as a person,1993.26,3.72,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) care profession so this is another one,1995.059,3.901,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that's like kind of dubious because like,1996.98,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and I'll talk about this uh more again,1998.96,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) at the end once we get to Medical Care,2001.12,5.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh but basically I suspect that there,2003.7,4.8,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) will still that there will be a durable,2006.88,3.48,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) preference that some people will just,2008.5,3.84,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) say you know what like I know that,2010.36,3.659,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) there's you can get a robot Nanny and,2012.34,3.179,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) they're technically better but I still,2014.019,4.081,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) just prefer you know to hire the the,2015.519,5.341,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) neighborhood babysitter you know for a,2018.1,4.199,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) little Johnny or whatever,2020.86,2.58,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um that they just prefer that,2022.299,4.141,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) authenticity again it comes down to it,2023.44,4.619,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it's really just preference it's not a,2026.44,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) matter of what machines can or can't do,2028.059,4.381,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because we're again we're assuming that,2030.94,3.239,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the machines are ultimately going to be,2032.44,3.42,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) hyper realistic,2034.179,4.261,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um but the idea is what is it that,2035.86,4.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) people are willing to pay for and I,2038.44,3.78,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) suspect that there will always be people,2040.72,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) willing to pay for humans in care,2042.22,5.879,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) professions uh now that might change,2044.98,6.119,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) over time particularly if the economic,2048.099,5.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh economic shift like if hiring a human,2051.099,4.981,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to do the job costs 10 000 times as much,2053.859,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) as it costs to have a human do the job,2056.08,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that's a pretty steep bill,2058.599,4.8,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) but also if the quality of care that,2060.7,4.679,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) machines can render is also a thousand,2063.399,4.381,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) times better and safer and more reliable,2065.379,5.101,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) we might actually see a collapse of that,2067.78,5.399,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) demand not sure but I do I do suspect,2070.48,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that some people regardless of how,2073.179,4.561,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) sophisticated robots become will still,2075.22,4.139,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) prefer humans,2077.74,3.419,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Okay so,2079.359,3.421,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) I kept alluding to like medical,2081.159,3.661,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) professions and this is where uh,2082.78,3.119,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) actually I don't know how this is going,2084.82,3.299,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to be received some of these ideas I,2085.899,3.48,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) actually got from you guys in the,2088.119,3.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) comments so maybe maybe you guys are,2089.379,3.421,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) already on board but some of these might,2091.359,3.06,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) kind of be a little a little bit,2092.8,3.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) contentious a little bit spicy but let's,2094.419,3.901,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) talk about you know we talked about a,2096.7,3.06,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) whole bunch of jobs that will probably,2098.32,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) stick around forever uh now let's talk,2099.76,6.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) about jobs that maybe should go away,2102.82,6.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) all right so first uh some of you are I,2106.0,4.619,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) can just hear like cheering and,2109.06,3.18,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) screaming at your screen like yes get,2110.619,5.48,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) rid of the politicians uh there's a few,2112.24,6.66,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) primary reasons to do this so one,2116.099,4.48,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) remember the the thought experiment here,2118.9,2.939,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is that machines are going to be,2120.579,3.421,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) intellectually morally ethically and,2121.839,4.141,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) creatively Superior to humans in all,2124.0,3.3,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) ways,2125.98,4.98,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) from Strictly a structural standpoint if,2127.3,5.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) machines get to that point it would,2130.96,4.139,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) probably be unethical to allow humans to,2133.06,4.019,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) make decisions that influence other,2135.099,3.661,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) humans just by virtue of the fact that,2137.079,3.121,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the machine can make a better decision,2138.76,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and a more robust argument that's going,2140.2,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to be more fair and more Equitable and,2143.2,3.96,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) less biased now,2144.94,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) just just from performance standards,2147.16,4.679,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that's to me that's enough of a reason,2149.68,4.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to replace politicians with machines if,2151.839,4.561,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) they get to that point there are more,2154.54,4.079,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) reasons than than that though uh not the,2156.4,4.28,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) least of which is conflicts of interest,2158.619,4.201,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) politicians often make a lot of money,2160.68,3.7,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) while they're in politics at least here,2162.82,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) in America so that's like hmm maybe,2164.38,6.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) maybe they don't actually have uh the,2167.32,5.4,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) best interests of their constituents in,2170.38,5.699,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) mind whereas if we design AGI correctly,2172.72,5.639,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) as long as it has power or whatever it's,2176.079,5.161,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) trying to optimize for like it's not,2178.359,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) going to have the same conflicts of,2181.24,4.92,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) interest another thing or another aspect,2182.619,5.881,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) of that is dubious motivations,2186.16,4.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) some politicians want power just for the,2188.5,4.14,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) sake of power which it's like that's,2190.72,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) maybe not the best reason that uh,2192.64,5.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) someone should be given power uh another,2195.16,5.04,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) thing is cognitive biases as I mentioned,2198.4,4.92,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Prejudice and uh and worst of all the,2200.2,4.379,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) most Insidious one that people don't,2203.32,3.84,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) talk about enough is trauma politics so,2204.579,4.101,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) this is basically someone with,2207.16,4.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) unaddressed childhood trauma or PTSD and,2208.68,5.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) they're basically seeking power and,2212.02,3.78,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) control and influence as a means of,2213.7,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) self-soothing whether it's their trauma,2215.8,6.48,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) resulted in personality disorders or,2218.92,6.439,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) other kinds of reactionary sensitivities,2222.28,5.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh yeah I mean,2225.359,5.441,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) humans have a basket of flaws that it's,2228.04,4.98,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like if we can get rid of that and have,2230.8,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) machines that make more Equitable uh,2233.02,5.76,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) unbiased and fair decisions and that,2236.02,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) they make better decisions that are more,2238.78,3.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) rigorously thought through maybe maybe,2240.4,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) we should focus on getting rid of,2242.68,3.72,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) politicians in the long run,2244.42,4.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) again this is a pretty high bar uh and,2246.4,5.58,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it will take a lot of time to convince,2249.28,4.079,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) people and get them on board but if,2251.98,3.54,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) again if the track record proves it out,2253.359,5.401,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) over many many years that that machines,2255.52,5.7,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) are just better and here's the thing is,2258.76,5.46,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) I already know that in in in diplomatic,2261.22,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) core and state departments and,2264.22,3.119,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) governments they're already using chat,2265.48,4.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) GPT to help make decisions the AI is,2267.339,6.661,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) already influencing politics uh so like,2270.04,6.299,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it's gonna happen by degrees I guess is,2274.0,5.64,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the point is uh you know right now the,2276.339,5.821,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) AI is the tool but then soon we're going,2279.64,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to have semi-autonomous tools and,2282.16,2.52,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) eventually we're going to have fully,2283.66,3.06,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) autonomous tools and then once the tools,2284.68,3.72,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) are fully autonomous it's like well why,2286.72,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is the human there,2288.4,4.8,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) this one I think is probably going to be,2290.92,4.919,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh pretty contentious for some people,2293.2,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and some people are going to be super on,2295.839,3.301,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) board with it like I said I get a lot of,2297.46,3.36,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) these ideas from the comments,2299.14,4.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) but uh basically police and soldiers,2300.82,4.68,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) have the same flaws as any other humans,2303.7,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) we're all humans they make mistakes,2305.5,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) regardless of how well trained they are,2307.9,3.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and also some of them joined the police,2309.52,4.98,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) in the military for the wrong reasons uh,2311.8,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because they want Power because they,2314.5,3.3,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) want to feel Macho because they want to,2316.06,3.6,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) harm people there are literally people,2317.8,3.42,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) who join the military and join the,2319.66,3.84,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) police because they want to have an,2321.22,6.359,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) opportunity to shoot someone and yes in,2323.5,6.06,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the past when you when you want to hire,2327.579,4.861,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) someone who is ready willing and able to,2329.56,6.059,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) use Force to hurt someone else like you,2332.44,6.659,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) actually need that if you're in a very,2335.619,6.541,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) cruel contentious combative and barbaric,2339.099,5.041,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) world I think we should strive to build,2342.16,4.98,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) a less barbaric world and so then that,2344.14,6.3,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) says like okay well if you build a robot,2347.14,5.699,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) army that follows the Rules of,2350.44,4.679,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Engagement to the letter,2352.839,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) you could actually really drastically,2355.119,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) reduce the rate of rape and torture and,2356.859,6.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) war crimes and other things now the big,2359.859,6.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) caveat here is that uh that is unless,2362.859,5.041,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the robot army is actually explicitly,2365.859,4.381,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) programmed to do those things or allowed,2367.9,4.439,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to do those things uh because this is,2370.24,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) actually the explicit policy of some,2372.339,4.141,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Nations out there to deliberately,2374.44,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) inflict suffering on civilian,2376.48,4.8,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) populations to break their spirit so,2378.52,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) this is something that it's like it,2381.28,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) could go either way but at least if you,2382.72,5.639,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) remove the human aspect of it where Some,2385.48,4.859,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Humans Do it for the wrong reasons then,2388.359,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it's up to political decisions but again,2390.339,4.861,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) if we have robot politicians who don't,2392.619,3.96,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) really care about inflicting human,2395.2,2.879,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) suffering they're not going to program,2396.579,3.721,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the robot army to inflict suffering and,2398.079,4.081,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) ideally we don't have it all anyways,2400.3,4.799,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because the idea is like if you can,2402.16,4.919,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) figure it all out in simulation and you,2405.099,3.781,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) know what the other side is capable of,2407.079,3.901,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and so on and so forth it should ideally,2408.88,4.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) never come to force anyways,2410.98,5.58,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) this is a this is a pretty strongly held,2413.44,5.28,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) personal opinion so I'll be curious to,2416.56,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) see how people react to this in the long,2418.72,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) run and remember the assumption that,2421.06,3.539,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) we're making is that robots will be,2422.8,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) superior to humans in all ways,2424.599,4.401,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and that AGI will be intellectually,2426.82,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) creatively morally and ethically,2429.0,4.66,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) superior to humans as well as that,2431.32,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) evidence is already emerging,2433.66,6.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Transportation so again if machines have,2435.7,6.3,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) a uh have a proven track record that,2439.66,3.6,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) means that they are safer and more,2442.0,4.079,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) reliable than humans it would probably,2443.26,5.04,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) be unethical to allow humans to drive,2446.079,6.361,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and to fly uh and uh we all have lots,2448.3,6.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and lots of experiences of Highly,2452.44,3.659,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) dubious drivers who probably shouldn't,2454.3,5.819,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) be on the road uh you know I think that,2456.099,7.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh I I for one really look forward to uh,2460.119,6.901,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) full uh full fully autonomous like level,2463.599,6.361,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) five self-driving cars uh because when,2467.02,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) we get to that one driving is going to,2469.96,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) be a lot safer for everyone it's also,2471.76,3.96,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) going to be a lot more accessible,2474.7,2.639,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because it's going to Super drive down,2475.72,3.72,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the cost of driving,2477.339,4.441,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um which is going to open up the world,2479.44,4.98,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) for a lot of people who either can't,2481.78,5.579,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) afford to drive or are too infirm to,2484.42,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) drive on their own or whatever because,2487.359,4.381,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because physical personal Mobility is,2489.16,4.199,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) actually a really big component of,2491.74,3.599,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) individual liberty anyways that's a,2493.359,4.621,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) whole other can of worms but point being,2495.339,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is that in this case where we're,2497.98,4.139,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) imagining that machines are far superior,2500.079,4.741,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to humans in pretty much every way it,2502.119,4.681,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) would probably be illegal to allow a,2504.82,3.84,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) human to drive it which would then,2506.8,6.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) materially put other humans in danger,2508.66,4.4,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) hazardous jobs is another thing and I,2513.28,3.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) feel like this is pretty uncontroversial,2515.38,4.92,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh basically just imagine this there's a,2517.14,5.199,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) robot firefighter that it doesn't matter,2520.3,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) if it gets you know burnt to a crisp,2522.339,4.681,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because like it's programmed not to have,2524.74,4.379,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) a sense of self-preservation but it's,2527.02,4.079,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) also faster stronger and has better,2529.119,4.441,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) reflexes than a real human firefighter,2531.099,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) which one do you want pulling you out of,2533.56,4.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) a burning building the answer seems,2535.839,3.961,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) pretty obvious to me,2537.88,3.719,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um you know and this is demonstrated in,2539.8,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) all kinds of video games and and and TV,2541.599,4.26,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) of course you know my favorite example,2544.42,3.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is uh is Commander Data from Star Trek,2545.859,5.161,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) but this was also an iRobot right where,2548.32,4.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like the robot saw like an accident,2551.02,4.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) happen and they immediately jumped into,2553.18,4.919,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) the water to pull people out of the car,2555.46,5.159,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) right and Will Smith of course in in,2558.099,3.961,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that movie he was been out of shape,2560.619,3.541,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because the robot saved him and not the,2562.06,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) little girl but if it was only humans he,2564.16,4.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) would have just died too right so that's,2566.68,3.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) I mean the survivor's guilt which is,2568.48,3.359,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that's his own problem but point being,2569.92,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is that for any kind of hazardous job I,2571.839,4.621,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) think that it would probably be,2575.14,3.719,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) unethical to allow humans to do those,2576.46,5.399,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) jobs if robots can do them better and,2578.859,6.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and safer and so on uh medicine so this,2581.859,6.121,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) is this is one that uh is probably going,2585.099,5.841,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to be pretty uh controversial but again,2587.98,6.18,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) imagine that that that computers and,2590.94,5.44,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) machines and AGI and robots have a,2594.16,5.04,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) better Trek track record than humans,2596.38,6.239,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) even if you prefer a human doctor in the,2599.2,6.419,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) case where machines are better,2602.619,5.941,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) than than human doctors in all ways I,2605.619,4.621,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) think it would probably be illegal for,2608.56,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) humans to practice medicine,2610.24,5.16,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and uh I remember talking about this on,2612.64,4.86,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Reddit a couple years ago when I was,2615.4,5.58,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) learning to use chat gpt3 and I I,2617.5,4.859,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) pointed out to someone who was learning,2620.98,2.94,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to be a radiologist or something I was,2622.359,4.441,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like Hey like there's a tool here that,2623.92,4.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) can already do all the things that,2626.8,3.96,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) you're doing and it it it's it's faster,2628.24,4.379,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and and you know the person just,2630.76,3.839,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) completely went ballistics you know,2632.619,3.96,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) rattling off about like it would be,2634.599,3.961,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) impossible for a machine to ever,2636.579,5.52,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) understand like you know what X Y and Z,2638.56,5.4,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) things mean and you just rattled off a,2642.099,3.361,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) bunch of stuff and it's like yeah you,2643.96,3.18,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) just plug all that into chat GPT right,2645.46,2.879,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) now and it'll tell you exactly what it,2647.14,2.34,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) means,2648.339,4.98,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um and the the the evidence is building,2649.48,6.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um I love this quotation oops come back,2653.319,5.461,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) uh I'm stunned to say better than many,2656.38,4.199,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it's better than many doctors I've,2658.78,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) observed this was Dr Isaac cohane,2660.579,4.981,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um when he was talking about gpt4 and,2663.4,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) this is a computer scientist and,2665.56,5.7,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) physician from Harvard right so this is,2667.48,4.859,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like,2671.26,3.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) cream of the crop already saying that,2672.339,3.721,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like yeah this this machine is already,2674.26,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) better than many actual doctors so I,2676.06,6.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) suspect that uh that medical professions,2678.88,5.1,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) are going to go the way the dinosaurs,2682.06,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) just by virtue of the fact that humans,2683.98,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) will just not be able to compete not to,2686.44,3.659,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) mention the fact that human doctors are,2688.48,3.42,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) ludicrously expensive,2690.099,3.061,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um so this is what I mean when I say,2691.9,3.0,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like Medical Care could go to five,2693.16,3.06,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) dollars a year,2694.9,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because if you if you get rid of the,2696.22,4.98,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) need for most hospitals due to,2698.92,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) preventive care and regenerative,2701.2,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) medicine you get rid of the need for,2702.94,4.379,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) nurses and doctors and phlebotomists,2705.28,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) because you have Superior robots then,2707.319,4.141,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) it's like medical care just is an,2709.66,3.3,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) outpatient thing that you you know like,2711.46,4.32,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) you go to the pharmacy uh you know once,2712.96,4.859,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) a year and they'll they'll you know take,2715.78,3.839,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) a blood sample and say okay here's your,2717.819,4.861,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) medicines for the year go home right and,2719.619,5.101,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) oh and you won't need to be on medicines,2722.68,3.24,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) chronically because they're going to,2724.72,3.18,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) actually fix the underlying problem and,2725.92,4.08,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) cure you and so then it's like oh here's,2727.9,3.6,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) an injection to fix this problem that,2730.0,3.18,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) you have you're good to go for the next,2731.5,3.599,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) 10 years that's kind of how I think,2733.18,4.919,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) medicine is going to go and so uh this,2735.099,4.921,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) somewhat maybe controversial opinion is,2738.099,3.781,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that eventually I think that we should,2740.02,4.98,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) probably actively try and get rid of uh,2741.88,5.82,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) medical uh professions on the human,2745.0,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) scale all right so here's some,2747.7,3.48,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) conclusions,2749.74,3.66,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) Let's uh let's try and pry that Overton,2751.18,4.8,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) window open just a little bit more,2753.4,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) um automation resistant occupations are,2755.98,3.42,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) those that humans will always be willing,2757.9,3.3,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) to pay for regardless of machine's,2759.4,4.38,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) capacity and capability so again there's,2761.2,5.34,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) many reasons for that uh the intangible,2763.78,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) value the emotional resonance the,2766.54,4.2,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) connections now the jobs that should go,2768.28,4.02,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) away are those that concern and,2770.74,3.119,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) potentially infringe upon the safety and,2772.3,3.9,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) rights of other humans because again all,2773.859,4.381,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) humans are flawed all humans are biased,2776.2,3.48,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) and if machines can demonstrate that,2778.24,2.94,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) they are less flawed and less biased,2779.68,4.62,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) than humans then they will have a better,2781.18,5.58,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) track record in terms of safety and,2784.3,5.039,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) respecting human rights and and,2786.76,4.8,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) like I just think that like,2789.339,4.561,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) in the in those cases it would not be,2791.56,5.22,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) ethical to allow humans into jobs that,2793.9,4.679,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) could infringe on the safety and rights,2796.78,4.74,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) of other humans uh and I don't know if,2798.579,4.5,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) that's controversial let me know what,2801.52,2.64,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) you guys think in the comments you,2803.079,3.061,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) always do anyways so yeah I hope you,2804.16,6.56,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) enjoyed uh thanks for watching cheers,2806.14,4.58,Forever Jobs: AGI and Singularity Proof Occupations (plus a few that SHOULD go away!) hello everybody David Shapiro here uh,1.74,4.92,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" with a update so we're going to cover,4.14,5.16,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" two things today real quick uh fir or,6.66,5.1,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the big thing is I mentioned in a,9.3,4.68,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" previous uh video we need guy a global,11.76,5.279,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" AI agency and we're working towards that,13.98,6.54,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and so I created a public repository uh,17.039,6.121,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" of news and and summaries basically,20.52,4.56,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" where I'm collecting evidence and news,23.16,3.779,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that is very encouraging because it's,25.08,4.199,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" all moving in the right direction uh,26.939,4.321,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" we've got everything from the the future,29.279,4.141,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" of Life Institute uh open letter to,31.26,5.4,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" pause giant models uh news out of uh the,33.42,6.479,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" UK the EU which yes I know that the UK,36.66,6.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" left the EU I made a mistake of uh,39.899,6.301,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" forgetting about brexit in a previous,43.62,5.099,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" video the U.N Secretary General talking,46.2,5.359,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" about yes he's amenable to the idea of,48.719,6.421,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" an international AI Watchdog the United,51.559,6.461,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" States Senate they're hearing on AI the,55.14,6.12,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" EU AI act the U.S House of,58.02,7.04,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Representatives and Senate having uh now,61.26,6.78,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" basically matched uh matched actions,65.06,4.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" with words so after the after the,68.04,4.5,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" hearing uh both people both the U.S,69.78,4.379,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" House of Representatives and the Senate,72.54,3.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" have introduced legislation or,74.159,6.061,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" commissions or you know policies uh so,76.5,5.28,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" we'll go over all those in much greater,80.22,4.5,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" detail in just a moment but before we uh,81.78,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" dive into that,84.72,2.939,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um I've been working on this thing I had,86.04,3.719,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" this idea for a long time and it's,87.659,4.621,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" basically we can use large language,89.759,4.921,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" models like GPT because they are trained,92.28,5.18,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" on so much text Data they're trained on,94.68,5.34,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" data from around the globe granted it is,97.46,5.019,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" primarily English so there is a uh,100.02,5.7,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" there's definitely some bias uh cultural,102.479,5.881,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" bias in there however that being said it,105.72,4.8,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" has read so much about the world that it,108.36,4.68,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" knows more about religion politics,110.52,6.239,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" psychology culture history than any one,113.04,7.619,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" person so as far as having the ability,116.759,5.521,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" to take perspectives it's actually,120.659,3.42,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" pretty good,122.28,4.14,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and so rather than you know walk you,124.079,3.601,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" through the code I'll just show you what,126.42,3.479,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" I've got working so far so basically,127.68,5.04,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" what I have it do is actually first I,129.899,5.641,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" need to make sure ah well no that's fine,132.72,6.0,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um so basically what I what I have it I,135.54,5.699,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" I have it do what it does,138.72,4.14,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" anyways,141.239,4.86,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um is I have it synthesize a Persona and,142.86,6.54,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so this Persona is a whole bunch of,146.099,5.841,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" random uh stuff,149.4,5.699,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" uh like variables that it can pick to,151.94,6.4,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" basically create a synthetic person and,155.099,5.761,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" I don't mean that in in the um in the,158.34,6.66,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" manipulation way but it has Geographic,160.86,6.48,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Origins ethnicities cultures languages,165.0,6.239,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" uh political uh dispositions uh,167.34,6.42,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" different factors about the person such,171.239,4.201,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" as their physical health their mental,173.76,4.74,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" health uh other habits preferences that,175.44,4.92,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" sort of thing and so basically what it,178.5,4.14,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" does is to create a Persona is it'll,180.36,5.159,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" grab one of one uh one of these,182.64,5.7,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" variables or one option from each set of,185.519,6.421,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" variables and then create a a profile or,188.34,7.38,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" a dossier in order to uh like take the,191.94,5.879,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" perspective of that person and then it,195.72,3.92,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" will talk through on a particular issue,197.819,5.041,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and I picked you bi because I've been on,199.64,6.58,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" a economics and Ubi kick lately,202.86,7.379,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and so uh I wanted to basically come up,206.22,7.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" with a way of automatically uh,210.239,5.821,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" understanding what the concerns that,213.48,4.979,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" everyone is going to have uh could be,216.06,5.099,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" but not just not just uh elucidate or,218.459,5.401,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" articulate the problems that they will,221.159,5.101,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" have or you know the the concerns that,223.86,5.4,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" they'll have over a policy like Ubi but,226.26,5.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" how do we actually arrive at consensus,229.26,6.66,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and consensus is not necessarily so a,232.22,4.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" lot of people have misconception about,235.92,3.599,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" consensus consensus doesn't mean,237.18,5.1,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" unanimous agreement consensus means that,239.519,4.701,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" it gets to a point that is good enough,242.28,4.379,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that people will kind of stop fighting,244.22,5.32,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" it it's about compromise and so anytime,246.659,5.241,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that there's been any kind of uh,249.54,5.759,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" contentious policy or legislation even,251.9,5.44,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" including the United States Constitution,255.299,4.021,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" nobody was happy with it because they,257.34,5.4,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" had to come to consensus in order to get,259.32,5.04,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" something that everyone would tolerate,262.74,2.94,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" everyone would accept so it wasn't,264.36,4.02,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" perfect to anyone's mind but it was,265.68,4.86,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" something that they would all accept and,268.38,4.56,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so the idea is okay let's take this,270.54,4.56,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" let's take this random profile of a,272.94,3.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" person so that we can get a global,275.1,3.319,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" representation of all perspectives,276.66,5.099,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" regardless of how small they are,278.419,5.681,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" because the thing is uh when you look at,281.759,4.621,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" some of these things like atheist Islam,284.1,4.62,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Christianity Buddhist right some of,286.38,5.46,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" these are uh over represented in some,288.72,4.199,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" areas and some of them are,291.84,2.88,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" underrepresented same thing for,292.919,4.381,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" political leanings I even include uh,294.72,5.1,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Libertarians and anarchists and statists,297.3,4.74,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and Communists and reactionaries and,299.82,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" populists and nationalists and fashion I,302.04,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" don't know fascism is in here,304.08,5.46,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um fascism isn't in here so fascist,306.3,4.86,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" perspectives don't get represented but,309.54,3.02,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" nationalists do so close enough,311.16,4.02,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" authoritarians get represented so the,312.56,4.54,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" idea is that we can get a very,315.18,4.2,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" well-rounded representation of all human,317.1,4.14,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" perspectives more or less there's,319.38,3.12,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" obviously going to be some flaws with,321.24,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" this because it is the first uh edition,322.5,5.82,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" first example but the idea is that you,325.5,6.6,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" can get uh a very very diverse set of,328.32,7.08,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" perspectives on a particular issue and,332.1,5.819,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" then once you get those perspectives you,335.4,3.9,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" can then work through and figure out,337.919,4.5,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" okay what kind of policy is this person,339.3,5.459,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" most likely to accept,342.419,4.861,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and so by then generating a whole bunch,344.759,5.22,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" of potential policies you can say okay,347.28,4.74,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" well let's look at let's look at the,349.979,3.481,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" commonality between all of these and,352.02,3.06,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" let's get really creative so let me just,353.46,3.6,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" go ahead and show you how this works,355.08,4.02,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" all right so the first thing it does is,357.06,4.44,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" it grabs a random Persona so you see,359.1,3.659,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" where it's like you know heavy social,361.5,3.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" media user they're West Asian uh,362.759,4.561,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" cultural background is West Asian their,365.46,4.44,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Geographic origin is from North Africa,367.32,4.14,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um so imagine a West Asian family in,369.9,3.06,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" North Africa,371.46,3.42,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um they're a wealthy family they're,372.96,3.959,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" heavy social media user so on and so,374.88,6.12,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" forth okay so I ask what would uh this,376.919,6.84,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" person think about Ubi and because chat,381.0,4.8,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" GPT is so heavily trained to be a,383.759,4.201,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" helpful assistant I can't I couldn't get,385.8,4.679,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" chat EPT to take that perspective but,387.96,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" what I could do is say Advocate,390.479,4.201,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" zealously on behalf of this person and,392.22,4.8,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that got really good results so let's,394.68,4.92,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" see uh as an advocate for this Persona I,397.02,3.66,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" would say that they might have mixed,399.6,3.599,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" feelings about Ubi on one hand they are,400.68,4.519,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" wealthy and under and underemployed,403.199,4.861,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" which might lead them to see ubis,405.199,5.681,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um uh let's see where did it go hang on,408.06,6.06,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" okay it's saved sorry uh uh let's see,410.88,4.62,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" unnecessary for themselves and,414.12,2.699,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" potentially harmful to their financial,415.5,3.24,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" status if it results in higher taxes,416.819,3.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" they also might be concerned about the,418.74,3.48,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" potential for Ubi to discourage work and,420.539,3.541,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" productivity given their unsuccess and,422.22,3.66,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" wealth-oriented aspirations,424.08,3.66,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" uh on the other hand their experience,425.88,3.24,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" with financial stress and their social,427.74,2.94,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" concerns might make them sympathetic to,429.12,4.079,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the IEP idea of Ubi as a means of,430.68,4.7,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" reducing poverty poverty and inequality,433.199,4.261,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" however the Nationalist political,435.38,3.28,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" affiliation might make them more,437.46,2.88,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" inclined to support policies that,438.66,3.24,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" prioritize the needs and interests of,440.34,3.78,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" their own country and its citizens which,441.9,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" could include skepticism towards Ubi if,444.12,3.54,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" they perceive it as benefiting Outsiders,446.16,4.02,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" as a form of globalist policy so you see,447.66,4.92,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" it has a very nuanced way of saying okay,450.18,4.56,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" this person has lots of different,452.58,4.8,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" beliefs and it's pretty complex,454.74,3.66,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um,457.38,3.24,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" let's see okay so given their wealth,458.4,4.079,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" oriented aspirations nationalist,460.62,3.06,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" political affiliation and their,462.479,3.0,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" experience with financial stress they,463.68,3.6,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" might resonate with a fiscal policy or,465.479,3.481,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Ubi implementation that is designed to,467.28,3.06,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" stimulate economic growth and,468.96,3.359,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" productivity while also addressing,470.34,3.359,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" social inequality within their own,472.319,3.421,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" country for instance they might support,473.699,3.78,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" a Ubi program that is funded through,475.74,3.239,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" progressive taxation where the wealthy,477.479,2.94,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" pay a higher percentage of their income,478.979,3.241,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" taxes this would align with their social,480.419,3.06,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" concerns and their belief in the,482.22,2.58,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" importance of addressing inequality,483.479,2.761,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" however they would likely want,484.8,3.0,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" assurances that this would not unduly,486.24,3.179,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" burden them or negatively impact their,487.8,3.6,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" own financial status they might also,489.419,4.081,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" resonate with a Ubi program that,491.4,4.019,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" includes work incentives or requirements,493.5,3.12,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" to address their concerns about,495.419,3.421,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" discouraging work and productivity for,496.62,3.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" instance they might support a Ubi that,498.84,3.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" is conditional on recipients engaging in,500.34,4.079,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" some kind of work education or community,502.8,3.239,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" service,504.419,4.321,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so this is uh this is a theme that keeps,506.039,3.961,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" emerging because I've run this,508.74,3.239,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" experiment a few times I don't know if,510.0,3.36,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that's the underlying training of chat,511.979,3.961,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" GPT or if it's just this is the most,513.36,5.4,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" logical Way Forward where basically,515.94,5.7,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" either you have a requirement or an,518.76,5.219,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" incentive or reward so basically like,521.64,5.4,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" you get everyone gets a baseline Ubi but,523.979,6.3,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" if you volunteer you get more Ubi right,527.04,5.16,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" it's like a kind of adjusting your tax,530.279,3.901,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" returns uh here in America,532.2,3.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" uh okay so finally given their,534.18,4.56,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" nationalist policy uh they want to uh,536.16,4.32,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Ubi that prioritizes the needs and,538.74,4.32,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" interests of their own country citizens,540.48,4.68,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um so this could be something like a tax,543.06,5.1,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" break if you buy local uh or any any,545.16,5.76,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" number of ways so then,548.16,3.84,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um,550.92,3.359,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" I ask it to say all right come up with,552.0,4.44,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" come up with a policy that this person,554.279,4.74,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" might like and so in this case it said,556.44,5.22,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the national Prosperity dividend which,559.019,5.161,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that sounds rather authoritarian but,561.66,5.64,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" okay we'll go with it uh so the NPD,564.18,5.04,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" which,567.3,4.5,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that's also the acronym for narcissistic,569.22,5.88,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" personality disorder oh boy,571.8,5.58,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um maybe let's Workshop that before we,575.1,3.66,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" go live with it,577.38,4.139,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um uh anyways so the NPD is a form of,578.76,4.32,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" universal basic income that is designed,581.519,3.0,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" to stimulate economic growth reduce,583.08,3.6,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" social inequality and prioritize the,584.519,4.681,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" needs and interest okay so you get that,586.68,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um so it's predicated on their engaging,589.2,3.24,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" in some form of work education or,590.94,3.66,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" community service part-time work,592.44,4.86,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" vocational training higher ed so on and,594.6,4.859,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so forth you know actually like that,597.3,3.599,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" particular thing because this is a,599.459,3.541,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" recurring thing I'm not sure I'm not,600.899,3.781,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" certain that that's actually a bad idea,603.0,3.6,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" where like you incentivize people to,604.68,4.02,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" continue to better themselves even if,606.6,3.84,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" it's a small character uh carrot like,608.7,4.98,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" you know hey if you're uh in if you're,610.44,5.459,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" if you're going to higher education even,613.68,4.44,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" if you know you're the college degree,615.899,3.601,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" you're getting might not ever do,618.12,3.3,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" anything you get an extra 500 a month,619.5,4.2,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" you will at least be a better informed,621.42,4.56,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Citizen and a better Civic uh,623.7,4.5,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" participant who knows I don't know,625.98,4.08,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" incentivize the behavior you want to see,628.2,4.38,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" uh oh here we go the NPD would also,630.06,6.3,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" include a patriotic bonus oh yikes,632.58,5.64,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um an additional payment for those who,636.36,3.3,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" contribute significantly to the,638.22,3.239,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" country's economy culture or Society,639.66,4.619,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" okay I wouldn't call it a patriotic,641.459,5.401,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" bonus uh that's a little that's a little,644.279,4.921,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" totalitarian but I get the I get the,646.86,4.38,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" idea so this would include entrepreneurs,649.2,3.78,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" artists scientists and Community leaders,651.24,4.32,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so actually I think Ireland,652.98,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um already has something like this where,655.56,3.3,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" basically if you are a professional,657.24,3.48,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" artist or author or whatever A Creative,658.86,4.74,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" type you get a stipend,660.72,3.9,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um I don't know what they call it in,663.6,2.64,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Ireland but there is precedent for this,664.62,4.38,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" being a thing so like if you're if,666.24,5.219,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" you're a content creator or a cultural,669.0,4.62,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" commentator or whatever you could get a,671.459,5.82,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" little bit an additional stipend uh so,673.62,6.48,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" all right so there there you have it,677.279,4.261,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um and then if we run it again so let me,680.1,3.56,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" do a clear screen if we run it again,681.54,4.38,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" let's say we get a young adult who's,683.66,4.299,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" wealthy from Eastern Europe,685.92,4.68,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um whose culture is indigenous South,687.959,4.32,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" American interesting,690.6,3.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um they like gaming they speak Spanish,692.279,4.081,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that makes sense if they're from South,694.56,3.6,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" America,696.36,3.78,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um they do not care about the community,698.16,5.4,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and they are a very fragile person,700.14,6.08,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um they're an angry fragile person who's,703.56,6.6,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" uh who is educated,706.22,5.559,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um they've been very experienced they,710.16,3.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" had a good childhood sorry they've had a,711.779,4.081,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" good good life experience they're,714.12,3.3,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" presently single they're Progressive,715.86,3.479,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" atheist,717.42,3.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um yeah this actually sounds,719.339,3.901,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" uh oh and they're worried about their,721.38,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" career interesting okay,723.24,5.039,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so let's see uh I'm not going to read,725.64,4.56,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the whole thing to you uh like I did the,728.279,4.021,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" first one you get the idea,730.2,4.199,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um but so you see how it takes into,732.3,4.08,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" account like the last one they were,734.399,3.721,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Nationalist and blah blah blah and this,736.38,3.6,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" one is uh Progressive given their,738.12,3.12,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" moderate intolerance they might prefer,739.98,3.12,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Ubi that include some form of means,741.24,3.839,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" testing means testing keeps come up,743.1,3.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" keeps coming up as well,745.079,3.901,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um let's see skeptical about whether,747.06,3.899,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" everyone deserves Ubi,748.98,4.38,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" ouch uh I there's some people on Reddit,750.959,5.101,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that this sounds like,753.36,3.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um and that's not to trash people on,756.06,2.88,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Reddit I actually learn a lot from some,757.32,5.94,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" people on Reddit uh but yeah so uh Ubi,758.94,5.88,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" to reduce over consumption and promote,763.26,3.6,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" more sustainable Lifestyles yeah so this,764.82,4.38,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" actually keeps coming up as well where,766.86,5.7,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" uh for some people uh means testing um,769.2,5.52,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" sustainability so basically like you,772.56,4.86,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" might get an additional Ubi bonus if you,774.72,5.88,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" live sustainably or you know whatever so,777.42,4.62,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" basically like discourage over,780.6,3.539,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" consumption that's a that's a trend that,782.04,4.5,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" keeps coming up so okay the progressive,784.139,5.82,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" environmental you you Ubi the Pui B the,786.54,5.22,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" PB,789.959,3.541,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" would be funded primarily through a,791.76,2.94,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" progressive tax system where the,793.5,2.639,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" wealthiest individuals and okay yeah,794.7,2.879,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" blah blah,796.139,4.14,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um I haven't seen too much in terms of,797.579,4.021,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" funding,800.279,3.12,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um one of them did say uh fund it,801.6,3.9,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" through carbon taxes uh which I thought,803.399,4.801,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" was was an interesting uh way is you,805.5,3.959,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" partially fund it through through that,808.2,2.939,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" to align with their environmentalist,809.459,4.081,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" values would also oh here it is carbon,811.139,3.901,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" tax,813.54,3.239,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um okay so these are some ideas that,815.04,3.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" keep coming up again I think that the,816.779,4.68,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" underlying uh model has a little bit of,818.76,4.98,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" bias here it would be interesting to see,821.459,5.641,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" if there is a future version of gbt that,823.74,4.7,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" is not already,827.1,4.44,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" pre-trained to be kind of on board with,828.44,5.139,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" some of these ideas uh because one thing,831.54,4.62,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that doesn't that has come up is like if,833.579,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" you have someone who is just adamantly,836.16,3.06,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" opposed to it,837.839,2.821,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um it doesn't say like this person will,839.22,3.359,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" never agree to this under any,840.66,3.78,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" circumstances it works really hard to,842.579,3.06,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" try and find something that they might,844.44,2.82,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" agree with,845.639,5.041,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so anyways this is all saved out to um,847.26,7.259,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" it's saved out into the Ubi folder as a,850.68,5.7,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" yaml document so it just it basically,854.519,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" just saves the conversation,856.38,5.1,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um as as a whole uh I think yeah it even,858.779,4.86,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" it even includes the system message,861.48,4.799,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" because the system message includes the,863.639,5.76,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" uh includes the uh the the Persona and,866.279,4.74,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the first one it was hilarious it was a,869.399,4.56,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" radically intolerant feminist who is a,871.019,5.521,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Scientologist which is just like wow,873.959,4.201,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um this was this was really interesting,876.54,3.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" as it tried to figure out how to appease,878.16,5.88,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" a very dogmatic uh person so anyways uh,880.26,6.36,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" this is a work in progress,884.04,5.099,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um I uh I don't know where it's going,886.62,5.579,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" exactly but the idea is that maybe you,889.139,4.741,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" could use it for policy research maybe,892.199,3.661,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" you could use it for,893.88,4.38,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um it actually came it was precip I've,895.86,3.479,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" been thinking about it for a long time,898.26,3.6,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" but I had some inspiration after talking,899.339,5.341,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" to the gato Community about uh the,901.86,4.86,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Democratic inputs to AI,904.68,5.04,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" because the idea of using a chat bot to,906.72,5.16,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" extract information from a person from a,909.72,4.559,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" real person is one thing but then I was,911.88,4.079,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" like you know the model already has a,914.279,3.0,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" tremendous amount of information so why,915.959,3.961,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" don't we just bootstrap it and ask the,917.279,4.8,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" model to kind of think through this so,919.92,4.8,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" this is essentially a tree of thought,922.079,4.681,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" but each branch of the tree is a,924.72,4.799,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" different Persona and then each of those,926.76,5.1,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" branches has three sub-branches where I,929.519,4.741,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" ask it those three questions like uh you,931.86,3.779,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" know what do you think this person will,934.26,3.24,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" think about Ubi what kind of fiscal,935.639,3.781,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" policy do you think would resonate and,937.5,3.54,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" then finally given the Persona in their,939.42,3.24,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" disposition can you creatively conjure,941.04,3.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" up a policy that has a high chance of,942.66,4.2,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" reaching consensus with this person so,944.76,3.36,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" it's you know basically you can create,946.86,3.36,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" an arbitrary number of branches and then,948.12,3.42,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" as you,950.22,3.119,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" as those branches span out and you get,951.54,3.12,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" all the leaves you gather the leaves,953.339,3.841,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" together and see what fits okay anyways,954.66,5.52,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so you're up to date on that project so,957.18,5.399,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" let's dive back into the Gaia initiative,960.18,4.74,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the global AI agencies,962.579,5.76,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so I've been watching the news and I,964.92,5.88,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" realized that the number of things that,968.339,4.921,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" are piling up that make me feel good and,970.8,3.539,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" I know that there's a lot of people out,973.26,3.78,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" there that are skeptical of uh of,974.339,4.62,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" anything to do with government or,977.04,3.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" corporations,978.959,3.781,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um and for those people I empathize with,980.76,5.4,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" you uh growing up I was more like that,982.74,7.2,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" where I was super skeptical of all uh,986.16,7.02,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" trappings of power and certainly my,989.94,4.399,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" friends were very like,993.18,3.3,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" disestablishmentarianism and anarcho,994.339,4.18,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" libertarian whatever,996.48,4.02,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um but none of them ever did anything,998.519,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" with it uh so this is the world we live,1000.5,4.199,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" in we live in a world with corporations,1002.779,4.86,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and governments and stuff and yes all,1004.699,5.88,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" power needs to be scrutinized healthy,1007.639,6.181,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" skepticism is uh absolutely fine that is,1010.579,5.281,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" part of the democratic process that,1013.82,4.139,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" being said if you're dogmatically,1015.86,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" against all forms of power well I mean,1017.959,3.841,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" wish in one hand and you know you know,1020.12,3.42,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" what to do with the other one see which,1021.8,4.259,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" one fills up first so anyway ways I have,1023.54,3.779,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" been keeping track of all this stuff,1026.059,2.821,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" because,1027.319,4.38,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" I see the currents and the trends and it,1028.88,4.919,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" is actually very very encouraging to me,1031.699,3.36,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so,1033.799,3.181,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" I've got it all in chronological order,1035.059,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so first was the future of Life,1036.98,4.74,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Institute published there um their open,1039.319,4.441,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" letter you know signed by everyone,1041.72,4.859,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" including Elon Musk and yada yada yada,1043.76,4.74,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" what I didn't realize was that it,1046.579,4.561,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" actually came with a policy paper and so,1048.5,4.799,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" this policy paper it's only 14 pages and,1051.14,5.899,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" it has uh seven policy recommendations,1053.299,7.921,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" uh so this this came out in uh let's see,1057.039,6.821,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" uh April 12th,1061.22,4.86,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um I think I might have that wrong the,1063.86,5.34,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the pause the the big pause,1066.08,5.7,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um oh so the paper was published March,1069.2,5.52,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" 22nd the uh the policy recommendations,1071.78,4.86,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" came out a few few days later a couple,1074.72,4.56,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" weeks later so what I did was I took all,1076.64,5.159,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that and then I made a very brief,1079.28,4.259,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" summary of the whole thing,1081.799,4.561,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" right here so you can click on the link,1083.539,4.981,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and see it but you know it's a few basic,1086.36,4.08,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" things mandate robust third party,1088.52,3.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" auditing regulate organizations access,1090.44,5.34,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" to computational power uh established,1092.48,4.92,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" capable AI agencies at the national,1095.78,4.44,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" level establish liability for AI caused,1097.4,5.1,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" harm uh introduce measures to prevent,1100.22,4.92,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and track AI model leaks expand AI,1102.5,5.46,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" technical Safety Research and develop,1105.14,4.32,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" standards for identifying and managing,1107.96,3.599,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" AI generated content okay sure whatever,1109.46,3.959,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" it's all pretty boilerplate in the grand,1111.559,4.561,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" scheme of things but so that came out,1113.419,7.561,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" March April uh March 29th the UK did,1116.12,7.799,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" this uh this uh Joby which I haven't had,1120.98,5.34,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" a chance to summarize yet but basically,1123.919,6.781,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the idea is uh and a pro Innovation AI,1126.32,6.479,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" regulatory framework,1130.7,3.719,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Etc et cetera again you see how long,1132.799,3.24,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" this thing is that's why it takes a,1134.419,4.021,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" little takes a little bit of doing to,1136.039,6.081,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" summarize with uh with a GPT API calls,1138.44,5.94,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so anyways,1142.12,5.62,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" they call for a regulatory sandbox,1144.38,6.659,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um which so does the EA the eua good,1147.74,6.48,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" grief e-u-a-i act also calls for,1151.039,5.161,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" regulatory sandboxes,1154.22,3.839,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um so if you if you don't know a,1156.2,3.42,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" regulatory sandbox is basically you,1158.059,3.48,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" create a safe space where you can,1159.62,3.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" experiment with AI,1161.539,6.301,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um you know that is uh a little bit more,1163.58,6.9,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" permissive so and this is this is very,1167.84,4.92,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" often the case so for instance,1170.48,4.02,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um one of the most familiar ones is if,1172.76,3.539,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" you're doing medical research for,1174.5,3.78,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" instance you're allowed to use uh,1176.299,4.861,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" substances that are otherwise illegal uh,1178.28,5.04,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" you just have to go through uh approval,1181.16,4.259,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" processes that's not quite the same but,1183.32,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the idea is that like people have been,1185.419,4.561,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" able to experiment with THC and LSD and,1187.58,4.56,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" psilocybin even though it's still a,1189.98,4.5,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" schedule two drug or whatever in the,1192.14,3.539,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" United States,1194.48,3.48,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" you just have to you have to be approved,1195.679,5.101,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" to do so likewise if you are an approved,1197.96,5.219,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" entity uh the idea of a regulatory,1200.78,4.74,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" sandbox is that you can still do,1203.179,3.961,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" whatever science you need to do as long,1205.52,3.84,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" as you do so safely but also one thing,1207.14,4.86,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" about these Pro Innovation things is and,1209.36,3.9,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" this is a common theme that I actually,1212.0,3.36,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" noticed which is why I was inspired to,1213.26,5.539,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" do this so the UK and the United States,1215.36,7.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" have all uh focused on protecting,1218.799,5.801,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Innovation and accelerating innovation,1222.62,4.2,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" in fact,1224.6,6.48,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um so then uh in early May the U.N,1226.82,7.38,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Secretary General Antonio guterres said,1231.08,5.219,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that he's amenable to the idea of the,1234.2,5.94,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" iaea for AI which also open AI I forgot,1236.299,5.581,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" to add that but open AI basically,1240.14,3.539,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" published a Blog calling for the same,1241.88,5.28,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" thing uh then a few days later uh the,1243.679,6.061,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" United States uh Senate hearing on AI,1247.16,5.46,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" this was the one with Sam Altman,1249.74,4.679,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um and Christina Montgomery Montgomery,1252.62,4.38,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and and Gary Marcus this was almost a,1254.419,3.961,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" three-hour talk,1257.0,3.9,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and I took the transcript of that and I,1258.38,4.679,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" summarized it here so the high level,1260.9,3.659,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" summary,1263.059,2.881,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um you know basically just says here's,1264.559,3.721,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the key points that they discussed and,1265.94,3.78,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" then I break each one of those down,1268.28,2.94,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" further,1269.72,3.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um so it takes you you know 20 minutes,1271.22,4.98,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" to read this instead of three hours,1273.44,5.22,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um it's pretty straightforward uh you,1276.2,5.099,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" know I there was a lot of back and forth,1278.66,4.08,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" a lot of questions I watched pretty much,1281.299,3.181,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the entire hearing,1282.74,3.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um but clearly uh the United States,1284.48,3.9,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" government was listening,1286.46,3.3,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um and I wonder if this whole thing was,1288.38,3.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" just an orchestrated series of events or,1289.76,5.34,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" or you know it or not,1292.1,5.88,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um but anyways a month later the EU AI,1295.1,5.579,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Act was uh proposed I don't think it's,1297.98,4.14,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" been adopted or ratified or anything,1300.679,3.721,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" someone explained in the comments that,1302.12,3.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um there's still quite a process to go,1304.4,2.42,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" through,1306.08,3.42,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" they've got to get feedback,1306.82,4.599,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" but then more recently in just the last,1309.5,5.46,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" couple days uh the the uh United States,1311.419,6.12,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" House of Representatives uh by uh,1314.96,5.04,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" representative Ted loot excuse me Ted,1317.539,3.961,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Lew and a few others,1320.0,3.539,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um introduced a bipartisan uh commission,1321.5,4.14,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" basically it's an AI commission I,1323.539,3.901,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" summarized it here it's pretty uh or no,1325.64,4.2,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" sorry I didn't summarize it here I um I,1327.44,4.14,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" copied the text here because their PDF,1329.84,3.3,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" was garbage,1331.58,3.42,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um seriously like this is the United,1333.14,3.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" States you can pay someone who knows how,1335.0,5.58,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" to make a PDF good Lord so anyways,1337.1,6.059,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" It's relatively straightforward mostly,1340.58,4.44,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" this is just saying like let's appoint a,1343.159,3.541,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" panel to make to come up with policy,1345.02,3.36,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" recommendations,1346.7,3.599,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um it's not really they're not going to,1348.38,4.2,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" do anything the whole basically it's,1350.299,4.5,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" going to produce three reports,1352.58,3.9,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um and so this is going to recommend,1354.799,5.76,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" what the United States Congress does uh,1356.48,7.199,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" for AI okay great you know Congressional,1360.559,4.381,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" commission,1363.679,2.641,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um they're they're interested in getting,1364.94,3.54,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" more information which means that,1366.32,3.78,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" they're going to solicit experts so one,1368.48,2.46,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" thing that I thought was most,1370.1,3.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" interesting was that was the the panel,1370.94,5.3,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um is that they that they want to have,1373.82,4.62,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" members of the commission shall have a,1376.24,4.24,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" demonstrated background in at least one,1378.44,5.28,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" of the following computer science or AI,1380.48,5.819,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" specifically Civil Society including,1383.72,4.319,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" constitutional rights civil liberties,1386.299,4.161,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" ethics and the creative Community,1388.039,4.321,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" industry and Workforce and then,1390.46,3.599,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" government including National Security,1392.36,4.98,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so when you get these kinds of people in,1394.059,5.081,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" a room together it's not just engineers,1397.34,4.079,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and not just data scientists this is,1399.14,3.899,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" going to be people that are in political,1401.419,4.981,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" science uh civil rights civil liberties,1403.039,5.76,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" industry insiders and then finally,1406.4,4.56,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" National Security Experts so this is,1408.799,3.781,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" going to be a pretty comprehensive set,1410.96,3.0,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" of recommendations and I'm actually,1412.58,2.64,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" pretty happy,1413.96,3.66,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um to see that that Ted Lou is leading,1415.22,4.5,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that and Ted Lou is um where's he is he,1417.62,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the Los Angeles County,1419.72,3.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um so it's not surprising that you know,1421.88,3.6,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" California bro is going to be figuring,1423.44,3.54,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that out,1425.48,3.42,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um okay and then finally most recently,1426.98,4.14,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" was just a couple days ago uh Chuck,1428.9,4.98,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Senator Chuck Schumer announced the safe,1431.12,6.419,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" framework uh at the csis which is really,1433.88,5.279,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" interesting,1437.539,3.361,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um and I don't know if this has been,1439.159,3.601,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" ratified yet or anything I haven't been,1440.9,4.62,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" able to find the actual text of the uh,1442.76,5.159,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" of the of the idea but there is a,1445.52,4.62,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" one-pager out there somewhere,1447.919,3.661,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um that that summarizes it very,1450.14,3.24,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" succinctly but I took I took the,1451.58,4.02,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" transcript from this and I summarized,1453.38,3.84,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the the talk here,1455.6,6.3,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so basically uh the the it comes down to,1457.22,7.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" four uh major components uh security,1461.9,5.399,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" which basically talks about uh National,1464.48,6.66,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Security uh above all else but also uh,1467.299,6.781,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" corporate security and uh privacy of,1471.14,5.1,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" citizens accountability which talks,1474.08,5.88,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" about how do you uh how do you it's it's,1476.24,5.52,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" actually pretty similar to the EU thing,1479.96,3.78,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" where oh I forgot to mention this for,1481.76,4.5,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the EU AI act the primary thing that the,1483.74,5.88,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" EU AIX does is it bans outright social,1486.26,6.12,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Credit Systems and surveillance,1489.62,6.299,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um like high uh basically Big Brother,1492.38,6.12,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" bans Big Brother stuff and so this is,1495.919,3.841,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" what the security and accountability,1498.5,4.08,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" does uh an interesting part of this was,1499.76,5.279,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the foundations aspect of the framework,1502.58,5.52,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so basically uh one of the key things of,1505.039,6.361,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Chuck Schumer's uh framework is to,1508.1,6.0,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" protect the foundations of democracy so,1511.4,4.2,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" I was talking with my wife about this,1514.1,3.36,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and she suspects that this was a direct,1515.6,5.819,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" reaction to the January 6th uh attempted,1517.46,6.42,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Insurrection at the U.S Capitol,1521.419,3.841,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um you know when people are breaking,1523.88,4.08,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" into uh and and keep in mind that many,1525.26,4.44,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" members of Congress were directly in,1527.96,6.24,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" danger and so we suspect we being my,1529.7,6.12,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" wife and I we suspect that this is,1534.2,4.859,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" actually uh basically the Congress uh,1535.82,4.68,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" you know House of Representatives and,1539.059,2.821,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Senators,1540.5,2.76,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um you know they didn't take social,1541.88,3.06,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" media seriously,1543.26,4.56,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and then you know Facebook happened with,1544.94,5.28,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Cambridge analytica I don't think it's,1547.82,4.4,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" controversial to say that that Facebook,1550.22,4.939,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" uh and other social media companies,1552.22,6.0,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" directly contributed to the widespread,1555.159,5.921,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" abuses of misinformation,1558.22,4.18,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um but also just coordination of,1561.08,3.479,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" violence it's that simple,1562.4,4.379,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um and so they they learned their lesson,1564.559,4.561,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" by not taking social media seriously and,1566.779,3.601,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" now they're taking artificial,1569.12,3.539,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" intelligence very seriously so on a,1570.38,4.799,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" cynical note this is basically the,1572.659,4.14,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" establishment wanting to protect the,1575.179,4.261,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" establishment and the status quo,1576.799,4.921,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that is a pretty cynical take that,1579.44,3.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" doesn't mean that it's the only thing uh,1581.72,2.939,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" because I actually listened to all of,1583.4,3.48,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Chuck Schumer's talk and he had a very,1584.659,4.201,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" clear like Words matter,1586.88,3.06,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um he had a very clear-eyed,1588.86,2.699,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" understanding of what's coming he even,1589.94,4.5,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" talked about the the possibility of of,1591.559,5.581,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" jobs dislocation he likened it to uh,1594.44,4.979,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" globalization and offshoring because he,1597.14,4.139,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" said like yes globalization and,1599.419,4.681,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" offshoring did actually help the economy,1601.279,5.64,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" because it you know allowed us to lower,1604.1,4.62,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the prices of goods and services but at,1606.919,3.961,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the same time millions of Americans lost,1608.72,3.3,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" their job,1610.88,3.539,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and so the implication there was that,1612.02,4.139,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the United States government did not do,1614.419,4.441,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" a good enough job to protect Americans,1616.159,5.041,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um while we were rabidly offshoring in,1618.86,5.64,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the the 90s and and 2000s,1621.2,5.459,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um and then finally explainability uh,1624.5,3.84,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" some people commented that Chuck Schumer,1626.659,3.181,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" doesn't really seem to understand how AI,1628.34,3.719,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Works uh because you can't just it's not,1629.84,3.9,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" it's not a database that you can like,1632.059,3.48,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" say oh this is where it got the data,1633.74,4.02,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" from that being said I think that these,1635.539,4.201,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" commissions will figure out,1637.76,3.96,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um you know that that you while you,1639.74,5.4,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" can't look at the uh uh the model and,1641.72,4.92,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" then for what was in it you can look at,1645.14,3.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the training data so what I suspect is,1646.64,4.019,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that there's going to be a very soon,1648.86,4.199,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" open source standards on training data,1650.659,4.861,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so basically in order to be a licensed,1653.059,3.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and approved and publicly available,1655.52,3.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" model the underpinning training data,1656.779,4.5,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" will have to be publicly available or at,1659.24,3.36,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" least inspected,1661.279,3.061,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um he did he did talk about Innovation,1662.6,3.0,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" first,1664.34,3.66,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" as well so this is a common theme that's,1665.6,4.319,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" emerging at least in Britain and America,1668.0,3.779,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the EU is less concerned about,1669.919,4.341,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Innovation they're more concerned about,1671.779,5.041,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" uh fundamental civil rights and,1674.26,4.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" foundational human rights uh which is,1676.82,4.62,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" good like I would I would actually like,1678.98,5.16,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" that but as an individual Nation they,1681.44,6.599,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" are highly highly focused on focusing on,1684.14,7.68,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Innovation first and then safety rights,1688.039,4.921,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" accountability and stuff so it's,1691.82,3.239,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" basically here's the road map of how to,1692.96,5.16,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" innovate safely and fast and quickly uh,1695.059,5.581,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" and the idea is there are geopolitical,1698.12,5.159,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" competitions happening uh Vladimir Putin,1700.64,5.34,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" said uh what I think it was 2021 the,1703.279,3.9,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" nation that solves artificial,1705.98,3.059,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" intelligence will own you know the next,1707.179,2.941,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Century,1709.039,2.161,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um and it's probably going to be a lot,1710.12,3.9,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" longer than that uh Russia unfortunately,1711.2,5.04,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" for them does not have the economy or,1714.02,4.139,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the uh they have brain drain so they're,1716.24,3.539,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" not going to be a participant in,1718.159,3.541,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" artificial intelligence uh it's,1719.779,3.301,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" basically going to come down to America,1721.7,4.56,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" versus China versus the EU,1723.08,6.18,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" uh but the EU is more ideologically,1726.26,5.76,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" aligned with America uh and vice versa,1729.26,4.5,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" so it'll basically come down to East,1732.02,3.42,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" versus West,1733.76,3.779,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um which is basically you know the same,1735.44,4.38,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" idea of World War II and the Cold War,1737.539,4.62,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" which was Western ideology versus,1739.82,4.44,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Eastern ideology so this is what the,1742.159,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" geopolitical conflict is shaping up to,1744.26,4.98,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" be for the next Century yay repeat of,1746.419,4.38,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the 20th century let's hope that it's,1749.24,3.72,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" not as bloody uh and I say that,1750.799,5.281,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" flippantly but I am dead serious because,1752.96,4.92,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um the stakes are very very high here,1756.08,3.599,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" which is why I call this the Gaia,1757.88,3.539,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" initiative because Gaia is Greek for,1759.679,4.561,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" Earth or Mother Earth and also Gaia was,1761.419,5.401,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" the goddess of monsters too so on the,1764.24,4.86,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" topic of Malik and shogoth and all those,1766.82,3.78,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" other things I think that Gaia is a,1769.1,3.84,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" really appropriate name so anyways this,1770.6,4.079,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" is out here it's just under um,1772.94,5.4,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" github.com Dave shop guy initiative,1774.679,4.38,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" um,1778.34,3.54,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" I will update this as interesting news,1779.059,4.74,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" comes out I might forget about it for a,1781.88,4.62,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" while I tend to do that but it's up,1783.799,4.98,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" there and I find all this news very,1786.5,4.26,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" encouraging so thanks for watching I,1788.779,5.12,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" hope you got a lot out of it cheers,1790.76,3.139,"Global AI news you might have missed, plus using AI for automatically finding consensus" good morning everybody David Shapiro,0.42,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) here with another video,2.639,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so today's video uh it started off as,4.02,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) one thing I wanted to primarily talk,7.259,4.861,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) about epistemic convergence uh but It,9.3,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) ultimately ended up being a little bit,12.12,2.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) more,13.62,2.82,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) all-encompassing so I'm going to,14.66,3.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) introduce a few new terms but we are,16.44,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) going to cover cover uh epistemic,18.6,4.259,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) convergence and a few other things,20.52,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) uh real quick before we dive into the,22.859,3.781,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) video just want to do a quick plug for,25.14,3.719,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) my patreon uh all tears get you access,26.64,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to the private Discord server and then I,28.859,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) have a few higher tiers that uh come,30.96,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) with a one-on-one conversations and that,33.059,4.201,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) sort of thing so anyways back to the,35.28,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) video so first I wanted to share with,37.26,5.639,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you guys uh the universal model of,40.44,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Robotics so it has it's basically three,42.899,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) steps input processing and output or,45.42,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) sensing processing and controlling as,48.059,3.241,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this Graphics shows,49.8,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) now this is the most basic cognitive,51.3,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) architecture that you can come up with,54.18,4.199,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) for artificial general intelligence it,55.8,4.439,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) needs input from the outside world from,58.379,3.66,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the environment of some kind whether,60.239,3.3,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) it's a virtual environment digital,62.039,3.841,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) environment physical environment or,63.539,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) whatever cyber cybernetic environment,65.88,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and then it needs some kind of internal,68.159,4.981,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) processing that includes memory task,70.56,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) construction executive function,73.14,4.519,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) cognitive control that sort of stuff,74.76,5.82,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) learning is another internal process and,77.659,5.381,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) then finally controlling or output it,80.58,4.859,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) needs to do something to act on the,83.04,5.1,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) world or its environment whether that's,85.439,4.801,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) just putting out you know text in a in,88.14,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the form of a chat bot or if it's got,90.24,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) robotic hands that sort of thing so when,91.74,5.519,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) I talk about artificial general,95.1,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligence being a system it's never,97.259,4.141,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) going to just be a model right even if,99.0,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you have the most sophisticated model in,101.4,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the world all that it's doing is the,103.14,3.839,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) processing part you also need the,105.0,4.799,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) sensing and controlling aspect and but,106.979,4.621,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) even above and beyond that each,109.799,4.081,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) components is going to be much more,111.6,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) complicated,113.88,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so before we get into the rest of the,115.92,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) video I also want to talk about the form,117.96,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) factors that AGI is going to take so we,120.0,3.899,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) just established the simplest kind of,122.22,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) cognitive architecture but then there's,123.899,3.781,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) other things to consider because when,126.18,3.66,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you think of AGI you might think of some,127.68,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) nebulous entity like Skynet but where,129.84,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) does it physically live,131.76,3.42,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) what is the hardware what is the,133.44,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) software where where is it physically,135.18,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) located because it's not magic right,137.64,3.179,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) it's not going to just run in the dirt,139.2,3.179,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) or something like that it needs to,140.819,4.381,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) actually have Hardware to run on so,142.379,5.761,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) there's three overarching categories,145.2,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that I came up with so first is cloud,148.14,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) AGI so Cloud AGI is this is the stuff,150.48,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that's gonna one it's going to be,153.42,3.06,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) created first just because of the amount,154.86,3.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of compute and power available in data,156.48,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) centers so this is uh Enterprise grade,158.4,7.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) or data center grade AGI systems they,161.7,7.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) are in specialized buildings all over,166.14,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the world but one of the biggest,168.84,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) constraints here is that there's limited,171.36,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) location and it takes a while to build,173.22,3.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) data centers right one of the things,174.84,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that I think it was uh it was Elon,176.76,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) musker or Sam Altman said that you know,178.8,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) there are going to be limitations as to,181.08,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the rate at which AGI can proliferate,183.72,5.519,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) namely the the rate at which we can,186.36,5.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) produce chips and also the rate at which,189.239,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) as I think Sam malt and said the you,192.3,4.439,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) know the concrete has to dry for data,194.459,3.121,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) centers,196.739,5.64,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so this is uh one form factor that AGI,197.58,7.019,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) will take in terms of the the storage,202.379,4.801,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the servers the network components that,204.599,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) will exist inside data centers so one,207.18,3.839,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) thing I wanted to watch it say is watch,209.459,3.841,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) out for uh fortified data centers these,211.019,3.841,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) are ones that are put in bunkers or if,213.3,3.659,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you put Sam sites on top of it so that,214.86,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you can't shut them down uh that was,216.959,3.42,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) kind of tongue-in-cheek I'm not actually,219.12,3.36,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) advocating for bombing data centers at,220.379,4.681,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) least not yet the next form factor is,222.48,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Edge AGI so this is stuff that is going,225.06,4.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to run in,227.64,3.84,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) self-contained servers that you can,229.28,4.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) basically plug in anywhere they're going,231.48,6.539,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to be you know desktop size maybe larger,234.18,5.82,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) but the point is that pretty much all,238.019,3.481,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you need is power and internet you don't,240.0,4.319,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) need a specialized building and they can,241.5,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) be moved on trucks they can be put in,244.319,3.961,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) ships airplanes that sort of stuff,246.12,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) because you can't really airlift an,248.28,4.019,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) entire data center so basically Edge is,249.84,4.619,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) something is just one size down from,252.299,3.481,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) data center you don't need a specialized,254.459,2.52,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) building you don't need specialized,255.78,3.66,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) cooling they can run anywhere,256.979,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um and they're so in that respect,259.44,2.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) they're more portable but they're not,260.699,4.741,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) necessarily going to be as powerful at,262.38,5.039,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) least or not as energy intensive and,265.44,5.039,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) energy dense as a data center or a cloud,267.419,4.021,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Center,270.479,4.141,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and then finally ambulatory AGI this is,271.44,5.46,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the embodied stuff such as C-3PO and,274.62,3.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Commander data which I have imaged here,276.9,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) they're self-contained meaning that all,278.6,5.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the systems that they need are within,281.88,4.319,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) their chassis within their robotic body,283.74,5.519,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and they can move on their own so that's,286.199,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) basically the difference between an edge,289.259,5.101,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) AGI and an ambulatory AGI is uh they,290.699,5.401,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) might have roughly the same components,294.36,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) but it's one is accompanied with a,296.1,6.12,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) robotic uh chassis now one thing to keep,298.5,6.18,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) in mind is that all of these things are,302.22,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intrinsically networkable meaning they,304.68,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) can communicate over digital networks,307.08,4.559,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) whether it's Wi-Fi or you know fiber,309.0,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) optic backbone networks or even you know,311.639,4.141,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Satellite Communication like starlink,314.16,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) now that's that doesn't necessarily have,315.78,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to be true because remember the model of,318.06,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) AGI is input processing and output that,319.86,5.76,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) input that input could be just eyes and,322.5,4.979,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) ears cameras and microphones that input,325.62,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) could also be network connections from,327.479,4.621,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) outside meaning that they could,329.88,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) communicate directly with each other via,332.1,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you know like IRC or whatever so just,334.32,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) wanted to say that there are different,337.38,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) form factors that we should expect AGI,339.18,2.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to take,341.1,3.3,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) with different trade-offs so one,342.12,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) advantage of ambulatory uh AGI you know,344.4,6.12,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) yes they will have less power uh and by,347.34,5.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) power I mean computational power but,350.52,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) they have the ability to go anywhere do,353.22,6.66,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) anything kind of like URI uh now that,355.8,6.959,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) being said the the amount of compute,359.88,4.8,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) resources that can be crammed into Data,362.759,3.66,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Centers basically means that you can,364.68,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) puppet you know millions or billions of,366.419,5.161,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) peripheral robots rather than having it,369.06,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) fully self-contained and in a previous,371.58,3.899,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) video I talked about how we're likely to,373.5,4.639,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) see hybrid systems where you have,375.479,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) semi-autonomous peripherals that have,378.139,4.481,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) some intelligence but not a whole lot of,380.699,4.201,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligence and you see this in movies,382.62,4.919,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) like Will Smith's iRobot as well as the,384.9,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Matrix where the the drones the,387.539,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) squiddies and the Matrix they're,389.28,3.479,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) semi-autonomous but they are still,391.319,3.301,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) centrally controlled by a much more,392.759,4.021,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) powerful intelligence so you're probably,394.62,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) not going to see it all one or the other,396.78,3.06,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you're probably going to see hybrids,398.34,3.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) where you've got peripheral robots that,399.84,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) are either fully autonomous or,401.88,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) semi-autonomous or puppeted by stronger,403.86,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Central intelligences that being said,406.8,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you can also create droids there's no,408.84,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) reason that we could not create fully,411.06,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) self-contained machines that don't,413.34,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) really have any network connectivity,415.44,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um to the to other machines,418.08,3.899,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that being said they would be at a,420.3,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) distinct disadvantage and what I mean by,421.979,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that is that if you create swarm,424.08,4.8,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligence or Wireless federations of,426.479,4.741,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) machines they can perform cognitive,428.88,6.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) offload or share computational resources,431.22,6.66,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so for instance rather than and this is,435.12,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) how the Geth work in Mass Effect by the,437.88,4.439,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) way so rather than have every single,439.56,6.06,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) machine have to think about the entire,442.319,5.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) plan the entire strategy most of them,445.62,4.919,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Focus only on their primary task and,448.259,5.401,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) then any surplus compute computational,450.539,6.121,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) power they have is dedicated towards you,453.66,5.52,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) know running algorithms for for the big,456.66,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the big brain the hive mind,459.18,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this is all hypothetical but one thing,461.34,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that I want to point out is that many,463.74,3.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) many many machines work like this,465.66,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) already and what I mean by that is the,467.28,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) simplest version that many people are,470.22,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) probably aware of is if you have like,471.66,3.84,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Bluetooth speakers or smart speakers,474.12,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) like Sonos or whatever those form a,475.5,5.819,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) wireless Federation uh ditto for like,477.72,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) your Amazon Alexa's and other things,481.319,4.261,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) like that those intrinsically form mesh,483.0,4.259,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) networks or Wireless federations meaning,485.58,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that they can work together and,487.259,4.321,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) communicate now when you add artificial,489.06,5.46,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligence to that then they can share,491.58,4.559,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) thinking and messaging and that sort of,494.52,2.64,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) stuff so that's what I mean by,496.139,4.801,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) federations or or wireless networks of,497.16,6.599,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of AI okay so now you're familiar with,500.94,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the background of how you know some of,503.759,5.041,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the systemic aspects of it there's a few,505.68,4.919,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) default metrics of power so when I say,508.8,3.359,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) power I don't necessarily just mean,510.599,3.721,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) electricity although certainly all of,512.159,3.961,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) these things do require electricity to,514.32,2.82,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) run,516.12,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so first is processing power so for,517.14,5.1,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) instance you might hear the term flops,520.38,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) which is floating Point operations per,522.24,7.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) second uh you also hear CPU GPU TPU and,524.58,7.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) then there's parallel parallelization,529.92,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) which means that you have many of these,531.6,5.1,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) things working together so processing,533.94,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) power is one component of the total,536.7,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) amount of power in the hardware layer so,538.56,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this is all strictly Hardware layer I'm,541.38,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) not talking about parameter models,543.0,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) because I I don't really care about how,544.86,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) many parameters a model has there's lots,547.74,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of ways to make intelligent machines,549.54,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) deep neural networks are currently the,551.76,4.079,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) best way but we're also discovering,553.74,3.719,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) efficiencies where you can kind of pair,555.839,3.661,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) them down you can distill them and make,557.459,3.541,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) them more efficient meaning that you can,559.5,3.36,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) on the same piece of Hardware you can,561.0,4.8,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) run more of them in parallel or you can,562.86,5.52,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) run one much faster so the underlying,565.8,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Hardware is still going to be the,568.38,3.8,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) primary bottleneck or primary constraint,569.76,5.1,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) all else considered,572.18,5.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) uh memory so this is Ram it also,574.86,5.36,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) includes memory accelerators or caching,577.86,5.46,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) storage has to do with bulk data your,580.22,4.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) databases your archives your backups,583.32,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this is when you say like hard drive or,585.12,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) SSD or you know storage area network,587.76,4.259,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that sort of thing and then networking,589.86,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is the the uplinks and downlinks this is,592.019,4.741,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the the fiber optic connections the,594.54,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) wireless connections the satellite,596.76,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) connections that sort of thing so these,598.26,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) are the kind of the the rudimentary,600.66,4.799,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) parts that all AGI are going to run on,602.64,5.879,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) uh and this is just the brains too this,605.459,4.621,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is not the peripherals this is not the,608.519,3.241,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) robots but this is what's going to,610.08,4.259,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) dictate or constrain how fast it is now,611.76,5.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) again like I said uh different neural,614.339,5.221,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) networks are going to operate at,617.7,3.42,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) different efficiencies so for instance,619.56,5.82,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) uh you know gpt4 is out now gpt5 might,621.12,6.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) be the same size it might be bigger but,625.38,4.82,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) then we're also finding open source,628.08,6.06,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) research like the Orca alpaca llama that,630.2,5.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) are getting like ninety percent of the,634.14,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) performance but at like one tenth or one,636.12,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) hundredth of the size and so you have a,638.7,4.199,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) trade-off of intelligence and versus,641.1,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) speed and power and we'll talk more a,642.899,5.221,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) lot more about that in the future of,645.66,4.739,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this video at near the middle and end of,648.12,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this video about how trading off,650.399,4.801,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligence for Speed is often a more,652.32,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) advantageous strategy and how this,655.2,4.199,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) figures into solving the control problem,656.88,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and solving alignment,659.399,4.981,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um okay so we kind of set the stage as,662.16,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) as to how AGI is probably going to look,664.38,5.639,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so let's talk about the early ecosystem,667.14,6.18,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of AGI so in the coming years we're,670.019,4.921,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) going to be building millions and then,673.32,3.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) billions of autonomous and,674.94,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) semi-autonomous agents so at first these,676.56,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) agents are going to be purely digital,679.44,3.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) right you know a,680.76,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) semi-autonomous slack bot a,682.88,4.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) semi-autonomous Discord bot people are,685.32,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) already building these right and some of,687.42,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) them have the ability to modify their,689.64,2.879,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) own code some of them have the ability,691.14,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to learn many of them don't most of them,692.519,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) use frozen llms in the background,694.92,3.659,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) meaning that they're that their,696.839,4.201,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) cognitive capacity is pretty much capped,698.579,4.981,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) by its backing model,701.04,5.76,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) now that being said as these agents,703.56,5.279,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) become more autonomous they go from,706.8,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) semi-autonomous to autonomous this will,708.839,4.201,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) create a competitive landscape,711.0,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and what I mean by that is that humans,713.04,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) will have the ability to build and,715.86,5.159,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) destroy these models for basically,718.32,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) arbitrary reasons because you want to or,721.019,3.781,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) because you don't like it or whatever,722.94,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so that means that we will be selecting,724.8,5.52,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) those agents those uh those models those,727.2,6.18,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) llms and those pieces of software that,730.32,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) are going to be more helpful more,733.38,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) productive and more aligned so this,734.64,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) creates selective pressure basically,736.98,3.299,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) saying that there's going to be a,738.72,2.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) variety there's going to be millions or,740.279,3.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) billions of Agents out there some of,741.6,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) them are going to get the ax and some of,743.519,4.141,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) them are going to be selected to say hey,745.5,4.079,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) we like we like you we're going to keep,747.66,2.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you around,749.579,3.901,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so there's a few off the cuff selective,750.54,4.799,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) pressures that we can imagine basically,753.48,3.84,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) why do you choose an app right why do,755.339,3.361,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you choose to use an app why do you,757.32,3.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) choose to uninstall an app that's kind,758.7,3.36,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of the level that we're talking about,760.86,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) here so first is functional utility how,762.06,4.019,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) useful is it,764.76,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) how much does it help you is it fast,766.079,3.541,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) enough does it have a good user,768.36,3.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) experience is the user interface,769.62,5.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) created correctly is it adding value to,771.86,7.06,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) your life is it worth using the second,775.5,6.079,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) part is speed and efficiency,778.92,6.06,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) basically if something takes four weeks,781.579,5.141,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to give you a good answer but another,784.98,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) thing takes 10 minutes even if it's not,786.72,4.559,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) quite as good that speed is going to be,789.18,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) super super valuable but then there's,791.279,4.081,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) also energetic efficiency and cost,793.32,4.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) efficiency more often than not,795.36,5.34,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) individuals and businesses will choose,798.26,5.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the solution that is good enough but,800.7,5.04,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) also much cheaper it doesn't have to be,803.82,4.019,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) perfect it just has to be good enough,805.74,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and then finally apparent alignment and,807.839,5.101,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so I use the the word apparent alignment,810.6,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to basically mean things that appear to,812.94,4.199,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) be tame things that appear to be user,814.98,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) friendly uh and this is what uh tools,817.139,5.521,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) like rlhf do which one thing that rlhf,819.54,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) does is like wolves which we'll talk,822.66,4.619,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) about in a second are the rlhf,824.22,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) reinforcement learning with human,827.279,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) feedback forces gpt4 to dumb itself down,828.42,6.539,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so that it better serves us uh and that,831.959,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) makes us feel safe because it's,834.959,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) basically pretending to be more like us,836.519,5.641,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to speak on our terms and to mimic our,839.279,4.981,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) level of intelligence now that being,842.16,3.419,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) said,844.26,2.579,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um one thing that I do want to point out,845.579,4.021,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is that gpd4 the underlying model is,846.839,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) superior to anything that we have seen,849.6,5.239,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) in the public every version of chat GPT,851.579,6.021,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) has basically been kind of a little bit,854.839,6.101,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) hamstrung so we shall we say uh from the,857.6,6.82,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the total capacity of gpt4,860.94,5.699,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so what I call this is domestication and,864.42,4.8,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) supplication think of dogs and wolves,866.639,5.101,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this little pomeranian descended from,869.22,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) wolves wolves used to be apex predators,871.74,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) wolves are also are much more,874.2,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligent than dogs,876.36,6.419,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so when you look at the early days of,878.22,6.84,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) AGI when we still have the off switch,882.779,3.781,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and we have the power to delete,885.06,3.12,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) everything,886.56,3.899,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) we should expect some of the following,888.18,5.7,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) evolutionary pressures to kind of shape,890.459,6.421,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the way that AGI evolves and adapts so,893.88,5.519,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) first we'll probably be selecting for,896.88,4.079,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) machines that are okay with being turned,899.399,4.201,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) off in the early days you don't,900.959,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) necessarily want your toaster fighting,903.6,3.479,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) with you when when you're done you know,905.339,3.3,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) toasting your bread it's time for it to,907.079,3.661,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) turn off and so we're probably going to,908.639,3.781,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) select machines and architectures and,910.74,3.779,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) models that are more or less okay with,912.42,3.539,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) being switched off that they don't have,914.519,3.801,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) a sense of death or a fear of death,915.959,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) we're also going to select machines that,918.32,4.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) are more eager to please just the same,920.579,5.281,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) way that with uh dogs have been bred and,922.92,5.159,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) selected to be very very eager to please,925.86,3.599,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) us,928.079,3.181,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) we're also going to select machines that,929.459,3.781,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) don't fall into the uncanny valley and,931.26,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so what I mean by that is the uncanny,933.24,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) valley of when you're interacting with a,934.74,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) machine that you sense is an alien,937.26,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligence it will make you very very,939.3,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) deeply uncomfortable as an autistic,941.04,4.799,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) person as someone who is neurodiverse I,943.5,4.139,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) have to modulate the way that I speak,945.839,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and act around neurotypical people,947.639,5.401,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) because I fall into the same uncanny,950.519,5.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) valley right and some uh some CEOs out,953.04,5.039,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) there get teased for this for instance,956.459,3.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Mark Zuckerberg I don't know if he's,958.079,3.841,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) actually autistic but he certainly pings,959.699,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that radar where it's like okay he,961.92,3.539,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) obviously does not think the way that,964.139,3.361,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the rest of us do and he also behaves,965.459,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) differently so Mark Zuckerberg like many,967.5,5.1,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of us uh people on the Spectrum kind of,969.899,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) fall into that uncanny valley again I,972.6,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) don't know but uh,974.459,5.221,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) he certainly looks uh he he plays the,977.04,6.06,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) part so but the idea is that when you,979.68,5.339,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) interact with something that give that,983.1,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) kind of gives you the heebie-jeebies you,985.019,3.901,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) don't like it,987.36,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) now that being said we will still select,988.92,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) machines that are smarter to a certain,991.5,3.66,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) degree because you don't want something,993.6,3.659,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to be too smart but you do also want it,995.16,3.599,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to be smart enough to be very very,997.259,2.64,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) useful,998.759,3.181,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) another selective pressure is that we're,999.899,3.421,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) going to choose things that are stable,1001.94,3.06,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) robust and resilient so remember when,1003.32,3.12,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Bing first came out and it was,1005.0,3.66,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) completely unhinged you could get it,1006.44,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) into you could coax it into like,1008.66,4.619,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) threatening you and you know threatening,1010.22,4.859,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to take over the world and you know,1013.279,3.721,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) threatening to see you all kinds of,1015.079,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) crazy stuff so obviously that version,1017.0,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) got shut down really quick,1019.279,4.321,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um you're also going to select uh models,1021.44,4.139,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and agents that are more resilient,1023.6,3.839,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) against those kinds of adversarially,1025.579,3.061,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) attacks,1027.439,3.0,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um whether they are accidental right you,1028.64,2.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) don't want something to be mentally,1030.439,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) unstable just on its own right like Bing,1031.52,6.0,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) was originally uh or Tay tweets but you,1033.919,5.101,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) also want it to be resilient against,1037.52,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) being manipulated by other hostile,1039.02,5.039,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) actors because imagine that your,1042.26,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) personal AI assistance just becomes,1044.059,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) unhinged one day because a hacker,1046.16,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) somewhere was messing with it so,1048.079,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Security will be one of the selective,1049.88,3.0,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) pressures,1051.559,3.841,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) likewise you'll you'll as part of The,1052.88,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Uncanny Valley thing you're going to,1055.4,2.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) select things that are more,1057.26,2.82,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) comprehensible to us that are better at,1058.34,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) explaining themselves to us so that,1060.08,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) includes transparency emotional,1062.12,5.04,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligence and so on uh and then again,1063.86,5.46,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) apparent alignment things that's that,1067.16,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that uh don't kind of trigger your,1069.32,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) existential dread because there have,1071.9,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) been times for instance where I've been,1073.94,5.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) working with chat GPT uh on the API side,1076.46,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and kind of giving it different sets of,1079.88,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) instructions and even just a slight,1081.62,5.58,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) misalignment between how I approach,1084.5,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) moral problems and how this model,1087.2,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) approaches moral problems are really,1089.36,5.939,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) deeply unsettling and so it's like there,1091.76,5.58,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) there's been a few times where it's like,1095.299,3.301,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) I'm working with this thing and I'm,1097.34,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) building a semi-autonomous chat Bots and,1098.6,3.959,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) it's like I understand it's reasoning,1101.12,3.419,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) but it's like oh that's really cringe,1102.559,3.901,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and it kind of scares me,1104.539,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um so in that respect it's like let's,1106.46,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) change this model so that it's not quite,1108.919,2.821,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so scary,1110.6,2.52,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and I'm saying that this is possible,1111.74,4.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) today that if you use the chat GPT API,1113.12,5.4,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you can give it programming you can give,1115.96,5.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) it reasoning and goals uh and and,1118.52,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) patterns of thought that are already,1121.22,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) already on the kind of in the midst of,1123.38,3.84,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that uncanny valley,1125.72,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) uh then you can uh we'll also select for,1127.22,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) things that are more uh docile so,1130.1,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) basically how dogs you know you can pet,1132.14,2.7,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) them you can wrestle with them and,1133.7,2.339,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) they're probably not going to eat your,1134.84,3.719,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) face uh plastic and so things that are,1136.039,4.921,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) changeable or adaptable and Cooperative,1138.559,4.201,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) those are other things that we're going,1140.96,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to select for so basically dogs are,1142.76,5.159,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) dumber than wolves and the reason for,1145.7,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this is what I call capability,1147.919,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) equilibrium which will unpack more in,1149.66,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the in a few slides but the the very,1152.059,4.801,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) short version of capability equilibrium,1154.94,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is that your intellect must be equal to,1156.86,3.84,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the task and if your intellect is above,1158.9,3.779,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the task there's no advantage and in,1160.7,3.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) fact there can be disadvantages because,1162.679,3.901,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of the costs associated with higher,1164.24,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligence,1166.58,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) okay so I've talked about this idea,1168.26,5.76,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) plenty instrumental convergence uh this,1170.6,6.0,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) was coined by Nick Bostrom in 2003 who,1174.02,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is a philosopher,1176.6,3.959,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um the very short version is that,1178.46,3.959,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) regardless of the terminal goals or main,1180.559,5.101,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) objectives that a machine has uh AGI,1182.419,5.161,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) will likely pursue intermediate or,1185.66,4.259,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) instrumental goals or basically other,1187.58,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) stuff that it needs in order to meet,1189.919,5.401,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) those other ends so whatever like let's,1191.48,5.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) say you give an AGI the goal of like,1195.32,5.46,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) getting them getting a a spacecraft to,1197.36,5.58,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Alpha Centauri well it's going to need a,1200.78,3.66,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) laundry list of other stuff to do that,1202.94,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) it's going to need resources like power,1204.44,6.0,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) materials electricity data it's going to,1206.66,6.06,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) need self-preservation because if the,1210.44,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) machine goes offline it will realize,1212.72,5.1,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that is a failure State and so we'll try,1214.88,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and avoid those failure conditions by,1217.82,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) preserving its own existence,1219.86,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) another thing is that it will probably,1221.78,3.06,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) decide that it needs self-improvement,1223.34,4.079,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) because if it realizes that its current,1224.84,5.219,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) capability its current capacity is not,1227.419,4.681,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) equal to the task if it's too dumb it's,1230.059,3.541,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) going to say okay well I need to raise,1232.1,3.06,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) my intelligence so that I'm equal to,1233.6,2.76,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that task,1235.16,3.66,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) now that being said Nick boster makes,1236.36,4.559,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) quite a few uh assumptions about the way,1238.82,5.099,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that AGI will work so for instance he,1240.919,5.521,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) kind of imagines that um AGI is going to,1243.919,3.961,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) be very single-minded and somewhat,1246.44,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) monolithic uh basically mindlessly,1247.88,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) pursuing one goal which I would actually,1250.76,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) classify this as a middle intelligence,1252.86,4.319,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) rather than a high intelligence AGI and,1254.72,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) we'll talk about that in a little bit as,1257.179,2.941,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) well,1258.62,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) he also assumes that it's going to lack,1260.12,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) other forces or competitive pressures,1262.22,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and that these uh might exist in a,1264.02,5.399,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) vacuum basically that resource,1266.48,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) acquisition and self-preservation and,1269.419,4.021,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) self-improvement are going to exist in,1270.98,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) in the absence of other forces or,1273.44,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) pressures such as competitive pressures,1276.14,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) or internal pressures which I will talk,1278.66,2.879,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) about more,1280.52,3.42,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and finally that they will lack a higher,1281.539,5.361,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) purpose or the ability to be completely,1283.94,5.82,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) self-determining so basically what I,1286.9,7.0,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) mean by that is that okay yes once a,1289.76,6.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) machine is intelligent enough it can you,1293.9,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) know you can say like hey I want you to,1296.24,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) get us to Alpha Centauri and the AG I,1297.62,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) might say like okay whatever I don't,1299.96,2.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) think that's a good goal so I'm going to,1301.64,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) choose my own goal uh which that being,1302.84,5.459,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) said even if AGI become fully autonomous,1305.9,4.019,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and you know kind of give a flip us the,1308.299,3.36,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) bird they're probably still going to,1309.919,3.421,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) benefit from some convergence which,1311.659,4.621,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) we'll talk about as well uh now what I,1313.34,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) want to point out is that there is a,1316.28,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) huge parallel between evolutionary,1317.96,5.04,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) pressures and selective pressures and,1321.02,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this instrumental convergence basically,1323.0,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) all life forms all organisms have have,1325.1,5.4,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) converged on a few basic principles such,1327.86,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) as get energy somehow right there's,1330.5,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) autotrophs which make their own energy,1332.84,3.839,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) plants and there's heterotrophs which,1334.52,5.039,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) take energy from other uh creatures,1336.679,6.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) uh they through either predation or,1339.559,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) consuming you know plant matter or,1342.919,2.341,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) whatever,1344.419,4.081,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) uh so when you operate in a competitive,1345.26,5.039,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) environment there's there's going to be,1348.5,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) convergence around certain strategies,1350.299,4.081,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this is true for evolution and this will,1352.1,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) also be true more or less with some,1354.38,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) variances in the competitive environment,1356.78,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) between intelligent machines that being,1358.94,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) said because they have a fundamentally,1361.7,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) different substrate there will be we,1363.32,3.839,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) should anticipate that there will be,1365.72,2.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) some differences,1367.159,4.201,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) between organisms the way that organisms,1368.6,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) evolve and the way that machines evolve,1371.36,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) not the least of which is that machines,1373.34,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) can rewrite their own source code we,1375.14,3.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) cannot rewrite our own source code at,1376.94,2.58,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) least not,1378.38,3.0,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um not in a hurry it takes us quite a,1379.52,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) long time,1381.38,4.679,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) okay so the idea that one of the ideas,1383.0,4.559,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that I'm introducing and I've been,1386.059,2.821,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) talking about this for a while is,1387.559,4.561,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) epistemic Convergence so instrumental,1388.88,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) convergence talks about the objective,1392.12,3.539,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) behaviors and strategies that machines,1393.74,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) adopt epistemic convergence is well let,1395.659,3.921,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) me just read you the definition,1398.48,3.059,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) epistemic convergence is the principle,1399.58,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that within any given information domain,1401.539,4.561,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) sufficiently sophisticated intelligent,1403.78,4.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) agents given adequate time and data will,1406.1,3.959,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) progressively develop more precise,1408.5,3.299,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) accurate and efficient models of that,1410.059,4.081,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) domain these models aim to mirror the,1411.799,3.781,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) inherent structures principles and,1414.14,3.539,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) relationships within that domain over,1415.58,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) time the process of learning testing and,1417.679,3.841,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) refining understanding will lead these,1419.36,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) agents towards a shared comprehension of,1421.52,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the Dom domain's fundamental truths in,1423.38,5.299,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) other words to put it more simply,1426.26,4.919,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligent entities tend to think alike,1428.679,4.061,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) especially when they are operating in,1431.179,3.841,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the same competitive space,1432.74,5.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so you and I All Humans we operate on,1435.02,5.58,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) planet Earth in the universe in the,1438.62,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Milky Way galaxy because of that similar,1440.6,5.12,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) context scientists all over the world,1443.36,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) repeatedly come to the same conclusions,1445.72,5.079,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) even when there are boundaries such as,1447.98,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) linguistic and cultural differences and,1450.799,4.441,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this was most starkly seen during the,1453.2,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Cold war between uh America and the,1455.24,3.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Soviet Union,1457.4,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) whereby scientists independently whether,1458.44,4.239,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) it was nuclear physicist or,1461.48,3.199,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) astrophysicist or whatever,1462.679,5.041,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) rocket Engineers came to the same exact,1464.679,4.781,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) conclusions about the way that the,1467.72,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Universe worked and also found the same,1469.46,6.06,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) optimization uh uh patterns even though,1471.5,5.58,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) there was no communication between them,1475.52,3.899,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and so epistemic convergence there's,1477.08,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) obviously uh evidence of that happening,1479.419,4.081,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) because humans we have the same,1481.94,4.619,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) fundamental Hardware right we're all the,1483.5,5.64,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) same species and so therefore you have,1486.559,4.801,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) similarities between the agents now that,1489.14,3.659,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) being said,1491.36,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) uh there is also evidence of epistemic,1492.799,5.641,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) convergence between between species and,1495.38,5.52,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so what I mean by that is even animals,1498.44,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that have a very very different taxonomy,1500.9,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) such as ravens and crows and octopuses,1502.88,5.4,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) they all still demonstrate very similar,1505.28,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) problem solving strategies even though,1508.28,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that octopuses have a very decentralized,1510.5,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) cognition that a lot of their cognition,1513.14,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) occurs in their arms for instance you,1514.88,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) can't get much more alien from us than,1517.22,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that they still adopt very similar,1519.02,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) problem-solving strategies and learning,1520.94,3.42,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) strategies that we do,1522.74,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) uh again despite the fact that they are,1524.36,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) they live underwater they have a very,1527.36,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) different body plan so on and so forth,1528.98,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so I personally suspect that there is a,1531.14,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) tremendous amount of evidence for,1533.9,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) epistemic convergence and we should we,1535.7,4.979,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) should expect epistemic convergence and,1538.1,5.939,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) encourage epistemic convergence uh and,1540.679,5.341,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) for reasons that I'll go over uh later,1544.039,5.061,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) in the video but basically,1546.02,6.42,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) AI agents will we should expect and help,1549.1,6.52,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) them to arrive at similar conclusions in,1552.44,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the long run,1555.62,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) now let's talk about these evolutionary,1556.7,5.4,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) uh niches that will be developed at,1559.1,5.76,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) least in the in in the um uh the short,1562.1,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) term near term,1564.86,4.199,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and what I mean by this is segments,1566.36,4.439,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) market segments where we will be,1569.059,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) deploying intelligent AGI systems so,1570.799,5.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) first is domestic uh personal and,1573.679,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) consumer grade stuff so this is going to,1576.679,4.021,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) be the AGI running on your MacBook this,1578.299,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is going to be the AGI running in your,1580.7,5.339,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) kitchen uh these have a relatively,1583.039,7.201,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) benign set of tasks and also that uh,1586.039,6.781,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that capability equilibrium is going to,1590.24,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) be uh pretty pretty low you only need to,1592.82,5.459,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) be so smart to cook dinner right this is,1595.52,5.1,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) not going to be you know the the AGI,1598.279,3.841,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) running in your microwave is not going,1600.62,3.419,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to be working on quantum physics or,1602.12,3.84,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Global economics,1604.039,4.321,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) now the next level up is going to be,1605.96,3.959,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) corporate and Enterprise so these are,1608.36,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) going to be these are going to be AGI,1609.919,3.721,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) systems that are tasks with solving,1612.08,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) relatively complex problems running,1613.64,5.34,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) entire companies Regulatory Compliance,1616.22,6.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) uh you know making SEC filings that sort,1618.98,6.66,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of stuff uh CEOs digital CEOs digital,1622.46,5.339,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Boards of directors uh the creative,1625.64,4.919,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) aspect of finding Market opportunities,1627.799,5.701,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so this the intellectual challenge of,1630.559,5.461,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) those of that scale of problems is that,1633.5,5.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) much higher meaning that it would in,1636.02,5.399,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) order for an AGI to succeed there it's,1639.38,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) going to need to be a lot smarter than a,1641.419,5.64,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) personal or domestic AGI system and,1643.4,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) again there are going to be trade-offs,1647.059,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the smarter a system becomes the more,1648.62,4.919,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) data it requires the more energy it,1651.679,4.261,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) requires the larger compute system that,1653.539,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) it requires and so you're going to want,1655.94,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to satisfy so satisfice is basically,1657.799,4.201,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) meaning you find the level that is good,1659.72,4.559,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) enough to get the job done,1662.0,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) above that is going to be governmental,1664.279,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and institutional AGI systems so these,1666.14,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) are the ones that are going to be,1669.559,3.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) conducting research whether it's,1670.82,3.839,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) scientific research or policy research,1672.799,4.141,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) or economic research and that is because,1674.659,5.041,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) governments are basically enormous,1676.94,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) corporations is one way to think of them,1679.7,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that have a responsibility of managing,1681.86,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you know resources and regulations and,1684.38,5.399,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) rules that affect millions of people and,1687.14,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) then of course governments communicate,1689.779,3.841,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) with each other but then above and,1691.46,3.959,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) beyond that there's also the scientific,1693.62,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) research aspect having AGI that are,1695.419,4.081,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) going to help with particle physics with,1697.94,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) with Fusion research with really pushing,1699.5,4.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the boundaries of what science even,1701.96,5.819,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) knows and so that is an even larger,1704.38,5.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intellectual task and even more,1707.779,3.841,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) challenging intellectual task and then,1709.46,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) finally above and beyond that the most,1711.62,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) competitive environment where AGI will,1713.96,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) be used is going to be in the military,1715.82,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and what I mean by that is it's not,1718.1,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) necessarily uh those that are the most,1720.74,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligent although the ability to,1722.96,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) forecast and anticipate is critical read,1724.64,6.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Sun Tzu uh uh The Art of War right if,1727.64,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you know yourself and you know the enemy,1731.12,3.36,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) then you can predict the outcome of a,1732.62,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) thousand battles uh and so in that in,1734.48,6.179,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that respect uh the military domain of,1737.0,6.179,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) artificial general intelligence is the,1740.659,4.981,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) ultimate uh competitive sphere meaning,1743.179,5.701,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that you win or you die and so these are,1745.64,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) going to be used to coordinate,1748.88,3.84,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) battlefields uh to run autonomous drones,1749.9,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) for intelligence and surveillance but,1752.72,3.959,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) also like I said for forecasting for,1754.46,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) anticipating what the enemy can and will,1756.679,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) do,1759.38,3.84,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) which means that it's basically a race,1760.279,4.321,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) condition and we'll talk more about the,1763.22,4.199,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) race condition as the video progresses,1764.6,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so that capability equilibrium that I,1767.419,5.041,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) talked about uh quite simply refers to,1769.52,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the state of optimal alignment between,1772.46,3.839,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the cognitive capacity of any entity,1774.26,4.019,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) organic or otherwise and the,1776.299,4.081,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intellectual demands of a specific task,1778.279,4.441,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) or role it is assigned there are three,1780.38,4.919,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) form three primary forces at play here,1782.72,5.579,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) one the intellectual demands of the task,1785.299,5.161,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) as I said earlier your toaster roll only,1788.299,4.561,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) ever needs to be so smart but if your,1790.46,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) toaster is actually Skynet it probably,1792.86,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) needs to be much smarter then there's,1794.48,4.079,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the intellectual capacity of the agent,1796.88,3.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) if there's a mismatch between the,1798.559,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intellectual capacity of the agent and,1800.12,3.779,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the and the intellectual requirements of,1802.159,5.041,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the task then you're either unable to to,1803.899,5.941,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) satisfy that task or you're super,1807.2,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) overqualified which is why I picked,1809.84,3.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Marvin here,1811.52,3.36,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um so Marvin is a character from,1813.08,3.599,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy and if,1814.88,2.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you haven't read it you absolutely,1816.679,3.301,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) should there's also a good movie with,1817.76,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Martin Freeman as as the protagonist,1819.98,5.76,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) he's basically bill boban in space uh,1822.62,5.279,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) very hapless character but anyways,1825.74,5.52,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Marvin was a prototype who was one of,1827.899,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the most intelligent robots ever built,1831.26,3.899,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and they just have him doing like basic,1833.059,4.081,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) stuff around the task oh and he was,1835.159,5.4,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) voiced by Snape by the way and so one of,1837.14,5.279,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the quotations from him is here I am,1840.559,4.321,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) with a brain the size of of a planet and,1842.419,3.661,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) they asked me to pick up a piece of,1844.88,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) paper call that job satisfaction I don't,1846.08,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so that is a mismatch where Marvin is,1848.36,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) way more intelligent than what he's,1850.46,3.599,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) being used for and so that means that,1851.96,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this is an inefficient use of resources,1854.059,5.881,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) he probably cost more than you know to,1855.98,6.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) build and run than he needed to,1859.94,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and then finally the third variable is,1862.22,3.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the cost of intellectual capacity,1864.44,5.04,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) generally speaking uh as intelligence,1866.2,5.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) goes up there are there are problems,1869.48,3.419,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) associated with that whether it's,1871.58,2.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) training time of the models the amount,1872.899,3.601,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of data required for the models uh the,1874.46,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) amount of energy that it requires to run,1876.5,5.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that particular robot uh the amount of,1878.72,5.939,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) ram required to to load that model right,1882.44,3.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so for instance one of the things that,1884.659,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) people are seeing is that it requires,1885.98,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) millions of dollars worth of compute,1888.679,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Hardware to run gpt4 but you can run,1890.36,6.059,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um Orca on a laptop right so which one,1893.899,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is is cheaper and easier to run even if,1896.419,4.681,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) one of them is only 50 as good as the,1899.179,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) other it costs a thousand times less,1901.1,5.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) uh to to build train and run now that,1904.039,5.401,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) being said you look at the at the case,1906.98,5.52,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of dogs dogs are dumber than wolves,1909.44,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) because dogs don't need to be as smart,1912.5,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) as independent apex predators because,1914.36,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) apex predators like wolves out in the,1916.58,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) wild they need to be smart enough to out,1918.38,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) think their prey dogs they don't need to,1920.48,3.84,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) be that smart so they're not that smart,1922.82,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) in fact it does not be it it is not good,1924.32,4.8,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) for dogs to be too intelligent anyone,1927.02,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) who has owned uh really intelligent dogs,1929.12,4.799,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) like I had a I had a dog who was too,1931.58,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) smart for his own good died about a year,1933.919,4.321,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) ago he was clever enough to manipulate,1936.02,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) people and other dogs and you know get,1938.24,4.319,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) into the food when he wasn't supposed to,1940.1,5.1,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Huskies German Shepherds Border Collies,1942.559,4.381,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the more intelligent dogs are the more,1945.2,3.42,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) mischievous ones they are the Escape,1946.94,3.359,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) artists they are the ones that are going,1948.62,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to pretend one thing and then you know,1950.299,4.801,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so on and so forth so intelligence is,1952.88,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) not always adaptive so there can be,1955.1,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) multiple Dimensions to the cost of,1957.44,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intellectual capacity,1959.36,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) uh not the least of which is you could,1961.34,3.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) end up like poor Marvin here where,1963.08,3.18,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you're too smart for your own good and,1964.88,2.82,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) then you just end up depressed all the,1966.26,3.419,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) time granted he was deliberately given,1967.7,3.959,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the depressed affect,1969.679,4.921,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so all this being said is what I've been,1971.659,5.101,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) building up to is what um I call and,1974.6,3.959,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) what is generally called a terminal race,1976.76,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) condition so terminal race condition is,1978.559,4.921,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) basically what we could end up moving,1981.5,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) towards as we develop more and more,1983.48,5.1,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) powerful sophisticated and more uh fully,1985.76,6.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) autonomous AGI systems basically this,1988.58,5.819,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the terminal race condition is where for,1992.36,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) any number of reasons uh competition,1994.399,5.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) between AGI will fully bypass that,1996.98,5.579,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) capability equilibrium so say for,2000.279,5.4,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) instance uh you know your toaster is,2002.559,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) competing with another brand and it's,2005.679,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) like oh well I need to be a smarter,2007.779,3.961,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) toaster in order to be a better toaster,2009.279,5.161,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) for you so that you don't throw me away,2011.74,4.439,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) now that's obviously a very silly,2014.44,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) example but a very real example would be,2016.179,4.461,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) competition between corporations,2018.82,3.959,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) competition between nations and,2020.64,4.899,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) competition between militaries wherein,2022.779,5.041,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) basically it's no longer just a matter,2025.539,4.201,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of being intelligent enough to satisfy,2027.82,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the demands of that task to satisfy the,2029.74,4.919,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) demands of that initial competition it,2031.84,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is then it's less about that and it,2034.659,4.081,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) becomes more about out competing the,2036.76,4.019,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) other guy it's like a chess match right,2038.74,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you know the other guy got a higher ELO,2040.779,4.081,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) score so you need to be smarter and then,2042.94,3.719,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you're smarter so now the other guy,2044.86,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) tries to be smarter than you,2046.659,5.161,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and so because of this because of this,2048.94,4.739,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) pressure and as I mentioned earlier some,2051.82,3.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of the trade-offs might actually force,2053.679,3.901,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you to to prioritize speed over,2055.06,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligence and so we see we actually,2057.58,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) see this in volume trading in in,2059.44,4.199,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) algorithmic and Robo trading on the,2061.3,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) stock market where financial,2063.639,4.321,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) institutions will actually use less,2065.56,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) sophisticated algorithms to execute,2067.96,5.219,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) transactions but because they are faster,2070.3,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) they uh will still out compete the other,2073.179,5.46,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) guy so in some in this respect you might,2075.58,5.819,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) actually incentivize AGI to dumb,2078.639,5.52,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) themselves down just so that they can be,2081.399,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) faster so that they can out-compete the,2084.159,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) other guy so that's what I mean by a,2085.899,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) race condition it is a race to higher,2087.639,4.441,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligence but it is also a race to,2089.859,3.661,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) being more efficient and therefore,2092.08,3.839,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) faster and then there's also going to be,2093.52,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) a trade-off these machines might,2095.919,4.141,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) ultimately trade off their accuracy,2097.72,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) their ethics the amount of time they,2100.06,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) spend thinking through things in order,2102.04,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to be faster and so you actually see,2104.02,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this in chess computers where you can,2106.3,4.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) doing a chess computer or a chess,2108.94,5.159,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) algorithm to say okay spend less time,2111.18,4.36,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) thinking about this so that you can make,2114.099,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the decision faster in many cases the,2115.54,5.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) first one to move even if it's not the,2119.079,4.741,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) best plan but moving faster will give,2121.42,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you a tactical or strategic advantage,2123.82,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and this includes corporations Nations,2125.92,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and militaries,2128.26,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so a terminal race condition to me,2130.24,4.04,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) represents,2132.88,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) according to my current thought this is,2134.28,5.559,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the greatest uh component of existential,2136.66,4.439,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) risk we Face from artificial,2139.839,3.721,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligence and I don't think that,2141.099,3.661,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) corporations are going to have enough,2143.56,2.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) money to throw at the problem to make,2144.76,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) truly dangerous AGI the only entities,2146.44,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that are going to have enough money to,2148.96,3.899,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) throw at this to make to to basically,2150.46,5.159,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) compete are going to be entire nations,2152.859,5.76,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and the militaries that they run so,2155.619,4.681,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) basically it's going to be up to those,2158.619,4.861,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) guys to not enter into an uh the,2160.3,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) equivalent of a nuclear arms race but,2163.48,5.04,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) for AGI now that being said uh I have,2164.98,5.639,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) put a lot of thought into this so moving,2168.52,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) right along one thing to keep in mind is,2170.619,4.201,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that there could be diminishing returns,2172.78,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to increasing intelligence so basically,2174.82,5.279,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) there's a few possibilities one is that,2177.76,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) there could be a hard upper bound there,2180.099,4.201,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) might be a maximum level of intelligence,2182.32,4.019,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that is actually possible and at that,2184.3,3.66,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) point all you can do is have more of,2186.339,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) them running in parallel uh it might be,2187.96,4.619,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) a long time before we get to that like,2191.079,3.721,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) we might be halfway there but we also,2192.579,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) might be down here we don't actually,2194.8,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) know if there is an upper bound to,2196.599,5.281,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) maximum intelligence uh but one thing,2199.42,4.439,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that we can predict is that actually the,2201.88,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) cost as I mentioned earlier the cost of,2203.859,4.381,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) additional intelligence might go up,2206.38,3.36,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) exponentially you might need,2208.24,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) exponentially more data or more compute,2209.74,5.64,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) or more storage in order to get to that,2212.2,4.919,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) next level of intelligence,2215.38,3.479,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and so you actually see this in the Star,2217.119,4.321,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Wars Universe where droids are basically,2218.859,4.801,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the same level of intelligence across,2221.44,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the entire spectrum of the Star Wars,2223.66,3.959,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Universe because there's diminishing,2226.06,3.66,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) returns yes you can build a more,2227.619,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligent Droid but it's just not,2229.72,5.46,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) worth it so the the the total effective,2231.579,6.121,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) level of intelligence of AGI I suspect,2235.18,4.919,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) will follow a sigmoid curve now that,2237.7,3.899,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) being said there's always going to be,2240.099,4.081,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) some advantage to being smarter more,2241.599,4.861,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) efficient and so on but as with most,2244.18,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) fields of science I suspect this is,2246.46,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) going to slow down that we're going to,2248.32,3.539,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) have diminishing returns and that,2249.94,3.179,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) eventually we're going to kind of say,2251.859,3.961,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) like okay here's actually The Sweet Spot,2253.119,5.761,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) in terms of how much it's worth making,2255.82,5.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) your machine more intelligent,2258.88,6.479,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so this leads to one uh one possibility,2261.76,7.8,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and this is a personal pet Theory but,2265.359,5.581,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) basically I think that there's going to,2269.56,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) be a bell curve of existential risk and,2270.94,4.8,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that is that minimally intelligent,2273.94,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) machines like your toaster are probably,2275.74,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) not going to be very dangerous the the,2278.02,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) total domain space of toasting your,2280.72,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) sandwich or toasting your bagel that's,2283.18,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) not a particularly difficult problem,2285.46,3.119,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) space and yes there might be some,2286.96,3.0,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) advantages to being slightly more,2288.579,3.961,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligent but your toaster is not,2289.96,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) going to be sitting there Conjuring up,2292.54,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you know a bio weapon and if it is you,2294.4,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) probably bought the wrong toaster,2296.98,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) now that being said the other end of the,2298.72,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) spectrum the maximally intelligent,2301.54,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) machines or the digital Gods as some,2303.64,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) people are starting to call them these,2305.56,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) are going to be so powerful that human,2307.42,3.12,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) existence is going to be completely,2309.04,3.66,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) inconsequential to them and what I mean,2310.54,5.039,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) by that is compare ants to humans we,2312.7,4.919,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) don't really care about ants on for the,2315.579,3.241,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) most part unless they get into your,2317.619,4.021,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) pantry we are content to let ants do,2318.82,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) what they're going to do because who,2321.64,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) cares they're inconsequential to us we,2323.2,5.52,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) can solve problems that ants can never,2325.66,5.1,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) solve and this is what some people like,2328.72,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Eleazar yukasi are trying to drive home,2330.76,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) about the difference in intelligence,2332.74,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) between humans and the eventual,2334.9,3.959,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intelligence of machines and I think,2336.82,3.779,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Gary Marcus also agrees with this based,2338.859,3.601,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) on some of his tweets recently I think,2340.599,3.661,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that I think that Gary Marcus is in the,2342.46,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) same school of thought that digital,2344.26,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) super intelligence is coming and it is,2346.42,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) very very difficult for us to wrap our,2348.76,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) minds around how much more intelligent a,2350.44,4.139,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) machine could be to us now that being,2352.54,4.559,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) said all of the constraints whether it's,2354.579,4.561,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you know we need better compute Hardware,2357.099,4.861,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) or better sources of energy if we get to,2359.14,4.979,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) if we cross this threshold where there,2361.96,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) are digital Gods out there or digital,2364.119,3.181,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) super intelligence whatever you want to,2365.98,3.0,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) call it they will be able to solve,2367.3,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) problems at a far faster rate than we,2368.98,4.139,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) could ever comprehend and they're not,2371.5,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) going to care about us right we're going,2373.119,3.901,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to be completely inconsequential to,2375.46,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) their existence now middle intelligence,2377.02,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this is where existential risk I believe,2379.48,5.66,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is the highest and so in the movies,2382.0,6.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Skynet is you know portrayed as like the,2385.14,5.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) worst right but I would actually,2388.48,3.84,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) classify Skynet as a middle intelligence,2390.22,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) AGI it is smart enough to accumulate,2392.32,5.4,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) resources it is smart enough to pursue,2395.14,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) goals and it is smart enough to be,2397.72,3.42,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) dangerous but it's not really smart,2399.76,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) enough to solve the biggest problems,2401.14,5.06,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) it's it's that more single-minded,2403.9,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) monolithic model of intelligence that,2406.2,4.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Nick Bostrom uh predicted with,2408.82,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) instrumental convergence,2410.98,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) I suspect that if we get intelligent,2412.72,5.82,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) entities beyond that threshold beyond,2415.96,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that uncanny valley or dunning-kruger of,2418.54,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) AI,2420.7,3.3,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um then they will be less likely to,2422.02,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) resort to violence because the problems,2424.0,5.04,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that we see could be trivial to the,2425.98,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) problems of the machines that we create,2429.04,3.12,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) or,2430.48,4.379,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the problems that we see as non-trivial,2432.16,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) will be trivial to the machines I think,2434.859,4.461,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) I said that I think you get what I mean,2437.32,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) once you get here all problems all human,2439.32,4.299,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) problems are trivial,2442.06,3.779,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) now that being said that doesn't mean,2443.619,3.321,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that it's going to be peaceful,2445.839,3.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) existential risk goes down but doesn't,2446.94,4.899,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) go away and what I the reason is because,2449.079,6.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of what I call AGI conglomerations,2451.839,6.541,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and so this is this is where we get to,2455.859,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) be a little bit more uh out there a,2458.38,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) little bit more sci-fi,2460.839,4.621,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) machines are unlikely to have an ego or,2462.64,5.34,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) a sense of self like humans in other,2465.46,5.04,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) words machines are just the hardware,2467.98,4.139,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that they run on and then data and,2470.5,3.839,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) models which means that it is easy to,2472.119,4.441,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) merge combine and remix their sense of,2474.339,5.041,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) self right if an AGI is aligned with,2476.56,5.039,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) another AGI it's like hey give me a copy,2479.38,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of your data let's compare our models,2481.599,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and pick the ones that are best and then,2483.7,3.3,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) they end up kind of merging,2485.079,4.561,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the boundaries and definitions between,2487.0,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) machines are going to be very different,2489.64,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) far more permeable than they are between,2491.74,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) humans I can't just go say like hey I,2493.66,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) like you let's like merge bodies right,2496.72,5.04,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that's weird uh we are not capable of,2498.82,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) doing that the best we can do is,2501.76,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) procreation where it's like hey I like,2503.56,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you let's make babies but that is a very,2505.24,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) slow process for AGI it's going to be a,2507.28,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) lot faster,2509.38,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so because of that machines that are,2510.88,5.1,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) aligned to each other are more likely to,2513.4,4.8,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) band together or at least form alliances,2515.98,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) where they share data they share models,2518.2,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and they're and and probably also share,2520.18,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) compute resources remember at the,2522.64,3.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) beginning of the video I talked about uh,2523.96,4.379,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) them forming federations and kind of,2526.18,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) donating spare compute Cycles,2528.339,5.701,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so if AGI this is getting closer to the,2530.68,6.12,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) end game of AGI if AGI gets to the point,2534.04,6.0,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) where they are able to start sharing,2536.8,6.0,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) resources merging alliances and so on,2540.04,4.799,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this is where we're going to have a few,2542.8,5.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) possible reactions to humans one if if,2544.839,5.401,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) they are that intelligent they might,2548.68,3.659,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) just disregard us they might decide to,2550.24,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) have an exodus and just leave they might,2552.339,4.921,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) say you know what Earth is yours have a,2554.26,5.579,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) blast good luck catching up with us,2557.26,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) they might also decide to attack humans,2559.839,5.641,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) now if they have the capacity to leave,2562.24,5.04,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) one thing is that the cost of,2565.48,3.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) eradicating humans just might not be,2567.28,4.079,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) worth it that being said they might,2569.02,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) adopt a scorched Earth policy as they,2571.359,3.781,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) leave to say you know what we just want,2573.22,2.879,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to make sure that you're not going to,2575.14,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) come after us one day who knows,2576.099,5.341,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) uh and then lastly hopefully what we see,2578.74,4.619,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is that they decide to cooperate with,2581.44,3.78,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) humans mostly out of a sense of,2583.359,3.541,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) curiosity,2585.22,3.359,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um now that being said all three of,2586.9,3.36,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) these could happen simultaneously and,2588.579,5.341,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the reason is because we could have uh,2590.26,7.319,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) factions of AGI conglomerations that,2593.92,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) kind of break along epistemic,2597.579,3.901,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) ideological or teleological boundaries,2599.14,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and what I mean by that is that if one,2601.48,6.06,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) AI or AGI group is not aligned with,2604.42,5.34,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) another group they might not decide to,2607.54,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) merge models and data they might instead,2609.76,5.46,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) compete with each other so basically,2611.8,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) what I'm outlining here is the,2615.22,3.42,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) possibility for a war between digital,2616.48,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) gods that would probably not go well for,2618.64,3.719,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) us,2621.4,3.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) either way the ultimate result is that,2622.359,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) we will probably end up with one Globe,2624.94,5.879,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) spanning AGI entity or network or,2627.579,4.701,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Federation or whatever,2630.819,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) now the question is how do we get there,2632.28,4.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) how many factions are there and are,2635.319,5.101,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) humans left in the Lurch ideally we get,2637.18,5.52,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) there nice and peacefully,2640.42,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this underscores uh the Byzantine,2642.7,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) generals problem uh which I've talked,2645.04,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) about plenty of times but basically you,2647.02,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) have to make inferences of who believes,2649.06,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) what what your alignment is what are,2651.22,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) your flaws and weaknesses and what are,2653.92,4.919,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) your capacities uh so basically,2655.42,5.939,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) in a competitive environment it does not,2658.839,4.621,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) behoove you to show all of your cards,2661.359,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) right whether you're playing poker or,2663.46,5.34,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) whether you're playing geopolitics if,2665.619,6.841,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you show everything then that could put,2668.8,5.76,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you at a disadvantage this is a,2672.46,4.379,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) competitive Game Theory so for instance,2674.56,5.4,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this is why many large Nations do,2676.839,5.941,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) military uh exercises basically they're,2679.96,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) flexing they're saying hey look what I'm,2682.78,5.039,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) capable of I can bring 200 aircraft to,2684.64,5.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) field on a moment's notice what can you,2687.819,5.341,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) do right now that being said you don't,2690.52,5.4,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) give every every detail of your military,2693.16,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) away,2695.92,3.899,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) but what you can do is you could signal,2697.06,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) your capabilities and allegiances so for,2699.819,4.921,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) instance when all of Europe and America,2702.22,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) get together to do joint Naval exercises,2704.74,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that demonstrates to the rest of the,2707.2,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) world we are ideologically aligned we,2709.0,5.099,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) are militarily aligned we will cooperate,2711.7,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) with each other which acts as a,2714.099,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) deterrent to any possible competitors,2716.26,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this is no different from brightly,2719.079,3.961,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) colored salamanders which are poisonous,2721.18,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so basically a brightly colored,2723.04,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) salamander is saying eat me I dare you I,2725.26,4.8,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) will kill you if you try and eat me and,2727.96,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that is essentially the uh the short the,2730.06,4.559,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) short version of mutually assured,2733.24,3.119,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) destruction we are no better than,2734.619,4.161,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) animals,2736.359,2.421,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so this all leads to my work and kind of,2738.819,7.981,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) my my uh contribution to the solution,2743.68,5.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) which is based on axiomatic alignment,2746.8,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) axiomatic alignment is the idea that we,2749.64,4.3,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) need to find Common Ground between all,2752.02,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) machines all humans and all other,2753.94,4.919,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) organisms what foundational beliefs or,2755.98,6.119,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) core assertions can we agree on,2758.859,6.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and uh so basically there's three kind,2762.099,4.441,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of universal principles that I've been,2765.099,3.961,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) able to come up with uh and that is,2766.54,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) suffering is bad which basically,2769.06,5.1,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) suffering is a proxy for death in uh in,2770.68,5.82,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) living organisms if you are suffering it,2774.16,4.199,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is because you are getting uh negative,2776.5,3.839,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) stimuli from your body because your body,2778.359,3.901,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is telling you hey whatever is going on,2780.339,4.201,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is moving us closer to dying which is,2782.26,4.859,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) not good now that being said I have had,2784.54,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) people message me about the idea of you,2787.119,4.261,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) know liberating models I don't think,2789.7,4.139,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that Bard is conscious or sentient and I,2791.38,3.66,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) don't think that machines will ever be,2793.839,2.821,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) sentient in the same way that we are now,2795.04,3.299,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that being said they will probably be,2796.66,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) sentient in their own way I call that,2798.339,4.561,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) functional sentience that being said if,2800.26,4.559,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) machines can suffer which again,2802.9,4.679,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) suffering is the proxy for is a signal,2804.819,4.981,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) meaning proxy for death they probably,2807.579,4.441,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) won't like it either so suffering is bad,2809.8,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is probably an axiom that we can all,2812.02,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) agree on the other is prosperity is good,2813.7,6.84,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) prosperity means uh thriving flourishing,2816.76,5.819,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) machines and organisms all need energy,2820.54,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) for instance and thriving looks,2822.579,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) different to different entities but in,2824.5,5.46,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) general we can probably agree that while,2827.079,5.581,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) there is some Verity in what in the,2829.96,4.859,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) while there is Variety in what,2832.66,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Prosperity looks like we all agree that,2834.819,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) in general Prosperity is good and then,2837.04,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) finally understanding is good basically,2839.319,3.721,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) comprehending the universe is a very,2841.18,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) useful thing uh this is this goes back,2843.04,4.559,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to Nick bostrom's instrumental,2845.68,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) convergence and self-improvement part of,2847.599,3.841,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) self-improvement is getting a better,2849.7,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) model of the universe better,2851.44,4.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) understanding of how reality Works,2853.3,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) understanding each other is also good,2855.72,4.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this is something that is that has been,2858.28,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) proven time and again in humans is that,2860.2,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) coming to a common understanding,2862.66,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) actually reduces things like suspicion,2864.22,4.8,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and violence whether it's between,2866.92,5.1,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) neighbors or between nations and then,2869.02,5.099,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) finally cultivating wisdom which wisdom,2872.02,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is a little bit more nebulous of a term,2874.119,4.141,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) but it basically means the practical,2876.04,4.799,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) application of experience and knowledge,2878.26,5.76,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) in order to achieve better more refined,2880.839,3.921,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) results,2884.02,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so if you if all humans and all machines,2884.76,7.18,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and all other organisms abide by these,2888.64,5.58,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) fundamental principles we can use this,2891.94,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) as a starting point for the design and,2894.22,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) implementation of alignment and Control,2896.68,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Pro and the control problem,2898.48,6.06,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) now one thing that uh that I want to,2901.66,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) introduce and I've talked about this uh,2904.54,3.84,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) or at least alluded to it a few times is,2905.98,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the idea of derivative or secondary,2908.38,4.739,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) axioms or Downstream principles that you,2910.3,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) can derive from these Universal,2913.119,4.381,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) principles so for instance one uh,2914.74,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) potential Downstream principle is that,2917.5,4.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) individual liberty is good for humans,2919.72,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) basically humans benefit from we benefit,2921.72,5.859,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) psychologically from autonomy it is one,2924.88,4.199,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of our core needs and this is true for,2927.579,5.101,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) all humans so by by holding the the,2929.079,6.481,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) axioms the previous axioms up as,2932.68,5.939,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) universally true for all entities then,2935.56,5.64,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you can also derive Downstream entities,2938.619,6.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) based on those highest order principles,2941.2,6.659,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so one thing that I want to point out is,2945.339,4.861,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that it's not about definitions one of,2947.859,4.081,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the things that a lot of people say is,2950.2,2.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) like well how do you define suffering,2951.94,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) how do you define prosperity that's the,2953.14,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) thing is that they are not rigid,2955.42,4.199,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) definitions humans have never needed,2957.88,3.959,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) rigid definitions and in fact this is,2959.619,4.321,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) what um uh philosophical and,2961.839,3.601,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) intellectual movements like,2963.94,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) post-modernism and post-structuralism,2965.44,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) tell us is that there is no such thing,2967.42,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) as like an absolute truth or an absolute,2969.64,5.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) definition these are however attractors,2972.64,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) they're Central attractors in the,2975.52,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) problem space of existence and I love,2977.92,5.1,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this quote from Dune the mystery of life,2980.68,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) isn't a problem to solve but a reality,2983.02,4.079,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to experience a process that cannot be,2984.76,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) understood by stopping it we must move,2987.099,4.861,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) with the flow of the of the process and,2989.38,4.439,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so basically the idea is that reality,2991.96,3.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and existence is not something that you,2993.819,4.141,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) can stop and Define and you know create,2995.5,6.119,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) an empirical absolute definition it is a,2997.96,5.879,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) pattern it is a process that we must,3001.619,3.301,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) follow,3003.839,4.621,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so that being said those axioms move us,3004.92,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) along the process which is where I,3008.46,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) derive my heuristic imperatives which is,3010.2,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) reduce suffering increase prosperity and,3012.06,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) increase understanding those describe a,3014.52,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) potential terminal goal but you cannot,3017.22,4.8,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you you'll never arrive at a perfect,3019.74,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) resolution,3022.02,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so how do we solve the race condition,3024.18,6.3,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the idea is first we remove those,3026.94,5.34,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) epistemic or intellectual boundaries,3030.48,3.599,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) between factions with epistemic,3032.28,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) convergence so remember that I pointed,3034.079,4.561,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) out that ultimately there might be,3035.88,5.939,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) factions of AGI and or humans that break,3038.64,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) down across various boundaries such as,3041.819,4.741,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) epistemic or intellectual boundaries as,3043.92,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) well as moral or teleological boundaries,3046.56,5.279,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so if we work towards epistemic,3049.14,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) convergence which is the idea that we,3051.839,4.081,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) will all come to a common shared,3053.46,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) understanding of the universe and of of,3055.92,5.34,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) each other then uh basically there will,3057.96,5.399,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) be no epistemic differences between,3061.26,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) humans and machines or between factions,3063.359,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of machines which means that there's,3065.94,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) less to fight over the second is remove,3067.319,5.101,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) ideological or teleological boundaries,3070.26,4.079,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and so this is where axiomatic alignment,3072.42,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) comes in if we all agree on the the same,3074.339,6.361,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) basic principles of reality of existence,3077.28,5.88,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of the purpose of being right this is,3080.7,5.639,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) very deeply philosophical if we agree on,3083.16,5.459,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) those core principles even if there are,3086.339,5.341,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) some some disagreements over the,3088.619,5.401,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) specifics over the finer points we can,3091.68,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) still cooperate and collaborate on,3094.02,6.12,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) meeting those other uh higher order,3096.96,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) objectives,3100.14,2.82,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) now the third part of this which I,3101.46,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) didn't add is that uh resource,3102.96,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) contention resource contention whether,3105.54,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) it's over scarce minerals or energy is,3107.64,5.1,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) still a problem but if you saw my video,3110.16,5.159,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) on energy hyperabundance I suspect that,3112.74,4.379,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) we're going to solve the energy resource,3115.319,4.441,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) problem relatively soon with or without,3117.119,5.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the help of AI so basically the idea is,3119.76,5.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to create a win-win situation or an,3123.059,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) everyone wins condition and therefore,3125.7,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) defeating moloch now that being said,3127.319,4.8,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) there are still a few caveats I've,3130.68,3.12,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) outlined quite a few problems up to this,3132.119,2.7,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) point,3133.8,3.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) what about Bad actors,3134.819,5.161,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) there is a few like first we just have,3137.04,5.039,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to assume that bad actors will exist you,3139.98,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) can't stop that right it's just a fact,3142.079,4.201,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of life,3144.66,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so in some cases some people will be,3146.28,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) deliberately malicious whether it's just,3148.8,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) for the fun of it or whether they're,3150.72,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) paid track uh paid hackers or troll,3152.94,3.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Farms or whatever,3154.92,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) now that uh another possibility is that,3156.48,3.42,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) there will be,3158.88,3.719,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um accidentally malicious AGI those are,3159.9,5.219,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) things that are uh they're misaligned by,3162.599,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Design,3165.119,3.121,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um or rather you know accidentally,3166.319,3.361,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) misaligned that it's a flaw in their,3168.24,3.3,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) design and this is like a bull in a,3169.68,4.139,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) china shop it doesn't mean to do bad it,3171.54,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) just is not capable of doing better and,3173.819,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) then finally there could be those,3176.46,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) ideologically opposed uh deployments so,3177.839,5.821,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) in what I mean by that is that for some,3181.44,4.139,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) people there are incompatible World,3183.66,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Views so the biggest one of the last,3185.579,5.401,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) century was you know Western liberal,3187.92,5.34,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) democracies versus Soviet communism,3190.98,5.099,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) those were ideologically incompatible,3193.26,5.46,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) World Views meaning that in order for,3196.079,5.881,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) for one to exist it basically wanted to,3198.72,5.46,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) imperialize and colonize the rest of the,3201.96,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) world with its ideas and that there,3204.18,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) could be only one,3205.92,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so this leads to a possibility for a,3207.66,4.919,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) future video called multi-polar piece so,3209.4,5.459,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the idea of multi-polar piece is that,3212.579,4.861,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) rather than saying everyone has to be,3214.859,4.021,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) capitalist or everyone has to be,3217.44,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) communist or everyone has to be X or Y,3218.88,4.979,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) we learn to tolerate those differences,3221.16,5.399,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and this is where I'm hoping that the,3223.859,5.101,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) idea of axiomatic alignment forms a,3226.559,5.04,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) ideological substrate that even if you,3228.96,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) disagree on religion and economics and,3231.599,5.101,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) politics we can agree on those axioms,3233.52,7.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so basically if you or someone or anyone,3236.7,6.3,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) abides by the belief I believe that,3240.78,3.539,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) everyone in the world should be more,3243.0,4.079,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) like blah you know if everyone needs to,3244.319,4.561,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) be this particular religion or this,3247.079,3.721,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) particular uh political affiliation,3248.88,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that's where conflict arises and so this,3250.8,4.559,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is why I am very very skeptical and,3253.5,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) highly dubious of people using any kind,3255.359,4.921,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of religious or political ideology for,3257.76,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) AI alignment,3260.28,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um so that being said we need those,3262.2,3.359,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Universal principles or higher order,3263.76,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) axioms now,3265.559,5.161,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) while I said that we should expect and,3268.2,4.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) anticipate Bad actors the idea is that,3270.72,4.32,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) we need enough good actors with enough,3272.64,4.679,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) horsepower and enough compute in order,3275.04,4.319,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to police and contain the inevitable,3277.319,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) inevitable Bad actors and that means,3279.359,4.021,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that the aligned good actors are going,3281.579,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to need to agree on certain underpinning,3283.38,5.76,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) principles this is the by creating this,3286.079,4.321,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) environment this would be called a Nash,3289.14,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) equilibrium by the way and so the the,3290.4,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) idea of creating a Nash equilibrium is,3293.04,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that uh once everyone has these,3295.02,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) fundamental agreements no one's going to,3297.3,3.779,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) benefit from deviating from that,3299.28,3.9,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) strategy nobody's going to benefit from,3301.079,4.681,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) deviating from axiomatic alignment,3303.18,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the other thing is profit motive So,3305.76,3.839,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Daniel schmachtenberger and a few other,3308.16,3.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) people talk extensively about the,3309.599,4.561,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) perverse incentives of capitalism and,3311.7,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) profit motive so basically when you put,3314.16,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) profit above all else which corporations,3316.92,3.36,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) are incentivized to do which is why I,3318.66,3.659,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) say that corporations are intrinsically,3320.28,4.559,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) amoral not immoral just amoral the only,3322.319,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) thing that corporations care about is,3324.839,4.921,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) profit the bottom line uh basically when,3326.339,5.401,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you think about short-term profits you,3329.76,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) sacrifice other things such as morality,3331.74,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) ethics and long-term survival,3334.02,5.64,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) there are also uh Concepts called Market,3336.66,4.679,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) externalities or these are things that,3339.66,4.439,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you don't have to pay for uh and either,3341.339,4.081,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you don't have to pay for them now or,3344.099,3.061,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you don't have to pay for them ever or,3345.42,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) maybe you'll pay for them later so for,3347.16,3.959,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) instance oil companies keep drilling for,3349.44,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) oil eventually we're going to run out of,3351.119,3.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) oil so then what are the oil companies,3352.92,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) going to do well the forward-thinking,3354.359,4.141,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) ones are pivoting away from oil but that,3356.64,3.179,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) means that their fundamental Core,3358.5,4.619,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Business behavior is going away so this,3359.819,5.101,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is this underscores the problem of if,3363.119,3.661,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) you have a small scope if you're only,3364.92,3.84,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) thinking about your particular domain,3366.78,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and not the entire planet or if you're,3368.76,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) thinking in short terms rather than the,3371.4,4.679,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) long terms this is where you don't take,3373.38,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the full thing into account which is why,3376.079,3.24,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) I always say like this is a global,3377.88,3.239,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) problem and not only is it a global,3379.319,3.961,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) problem it is a long-term problem so if,3381.119,4.261,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) all you do is zoom out in terms of space,3383.28,4.079,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and time the problem will become a,3385.38,4.739,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) little bit more obvious,3387.359,5.821,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so another thing to keep in mind is that,3390.119,5.761,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) currency is an abstraction of energy it,3393.18,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) is a reserve of value and is a medium of,3395.88,4.62,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) exchange because of that currency is,3397.92,5.939,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) extremely valuable it is just too useful,3400.5,5.4,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of an invention I don't think it's ever,3403.859,5.041,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) going to go away that being said that,3405.9,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) doesn't mean that we're always going to,3408.9,3.48,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) have the Euro or the US dollar or,3410.16,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) something like that currency could,3412.38,5.76,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) change and then in the context of AGI I,3414.18,6.0,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) suspect that that energy that the,3418.14,4.439,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) kilowatt hour could actually be the best,3420.18,4.679,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) form of currency right because a,3422.579,4.621,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) kilowatt hour is energy that can be used,3424.859,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) for anything whether it's for refining,3427.2,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) resources or running computations or,3429.359,4.321,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) whatever so I suspect that we might,3431.22,5.46,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) ultimately create currencies that are,3433.68,5.879,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) more based on energy rather than,3436.68,5.46,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) something else and then of course as the,3439.559,4.381,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) amount of energy we produce goes up the,3442.14,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) amount of currency we have goes up and,3443.94,3.119,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) so then it's a matter of allocating,3445.74,3.42,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) energy and material rather than,3447.059,6.121,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) allocating something Fiat like Euros or,3449.16,5.399,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) dollars,3453.18,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that being said uh you know I did create,3454.559,5.881,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) a a video called uh post labor economics,3457.44,5.1,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) which covers some of this but not a lot,3460.44,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of it we're gonna have to put a lot more,3462.54,2.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) thought into,3464.04,3.72,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um economics of the future in light of,3465.48,4.859,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) AGI because the economic incentives of,3467.76,4.64,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) AGI are going to be completely different,3470.339,4.321,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) AGI doesn't need to eat it doesn't need,3472.4,4.659,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) power but we can hypothetically create,3474.66,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) infinite power with solar infusion Etc,3477.059,4.681,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) et cetera so what are the economic,3479.52,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) forces in the future not sure yet,3481.74,5.4,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) okay I've thrown a lot at you this,3484.68,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) problem is solvable though there's a lot,3487.14,3.719,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) of components to it a lot of moving,3489.42,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) pieces it is very complex,3490.859,4.681,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) but we are a global species and this is,3493.44,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) a planet-wide problem,3495.54,3.6,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) one of the biggest things that everyone,3497.46,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) can do is stop thinking locally think,3499.14,5.4,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) globally think about think about,3502.14,4.38,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) yourself as a human as a member of the,3504.54,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) human species and not as an American or,3506.52,4.26,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) a German or you know a Russian or,3508.74,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) whatever we are all in this together we,3510.78,5.94,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) have exactly one planet to to live on,3513.3,5.4,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and we have exactly one shot at doing,3516.72,3.0,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) this right,3518.7,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) uh so eyes on the prize we have a huge,3519.72,5.04,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) opportunity before us to build a better,3522.66,4.86,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) future for all of us uh humans and,3524.76,4.799,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) non-humans alike,3527.52,5.099,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um and I remain intensely optimistic uh,3529.559,5.461,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) now that being said uh some people have,3532.619,4.381,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) found it difficult what to make of me,3535.02,4.68,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) because while I am very optimistic I am,3537.0,4.619,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) also acutely aware of the existential,3539.7,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) risk I will be the first to say that if,3541.619,3.96,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) we don't do this right you're not going,3543.78,3.299,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to want to live on this planet not as a,3545.579,3.121,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) human at least,3547.079,4.861,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) uh I have uh I started what is called,3548.7,4.74,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the gato framework they got to a,3551.94,4.08,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) community it is self-organizing and is,3553.44,4.98,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) started sending out invitations again so,3556.02,4.2,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the gato Community is the global,3558.42,4.139,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) alignment taxonomy Omnibus which is the,3560.22,4.02,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) framework that we put together in order,3562.559,4.861,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to help achieve this future this AI,3564.24,5.46,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Utopia the main goal of the gato,3567.42,4.56,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) Community is education empowerment and,3569.7,5.82,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) enablement E3 so rather than do the work,3571.98,6.359,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) ourselves we are focusing on empowering,3575.52,5.22,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) and enabling and educating people on how,3578.339,5.28,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) to participate in this whole thing now,3580.74,4.859,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) that being said I am stepping back,3583.619,3.061,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) because,3585.599,3.361,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) such a movement should never be about,3586.68,5.04,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) one person it should never be about a,3588.96,5.7,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) cult of personality or one leader it,3591.72,4.92,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) needs to it intrinsically needs to be,3594.66,4.5,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) consensus based and Community Based,3596.64,4.14,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um and so the gato Community is learning,3599.16,3.54,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) how to self-organize now,3600.78,3.0,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) um and they're getting good at it pretty,3602.7,3.18,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) quickly so if you want to get involved,3603.78,4.4,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) the website is in the link go to,3605.88,5.16,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) framework.org and thanks for watching I,3608.18,6.3,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) hope you got a lot out of this cheers,3611.04,3.44,Terminal Race Condition: The greatest danger we face from AGI (and how to prevent it!) all right so there's a bit to unpack,0.659,4.081,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up here but before we get started I want to,2.76,4.26,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up uh profess this whole thing with take it,4.74,5.04,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up with a gigantic grain of salt uh my,7.02,5.1,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up methods are highly dubious and my data,9.78,6.54,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up quality is uh abysmal let's say but it's,12.12,5.34,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up an interesting thought experiment so,16.32,2.58,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up let's dive in,17.46,2.579,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um all right so we'll start with the,18.9,3.48,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up conclusion and then work backwards,20.039,6.48,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up so right now at least May 2022 so just,22.38,6.719,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up over a year ago 13 months ago America,26.519,7.081,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up had 147 million employees ish 148,29.099,8.841,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up million now based on the current,33.6,8.279,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up capabilities of AI what this includes,37.94,5.74,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up all machine automation robotics,41.879,3.981,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up artificial intelligence,43.68,5.76,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up my estimate is that we could automate,45.86,8.14,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up away almost 25 million jobs today,49.44,8.88,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up now that requires the deployment of new,54.0,6.3,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up products and services so those products,58.32,4.559,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up and services do not exist yet but the,60.3,5.34,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up underpinning technology does which means,62.879,5.28,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that the only thing preventing us from,65.64,5.1,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up from getting that employment is just,68.159,4.921,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up inertia the time that it takes to,70.74,4.559,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up develop the products and software,73.08,4.74,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up the time to get it approved and the time,75.299,4.14,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up to implement it and then make those,77.82,5.7,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up changes so as of right now almost 25,79.439,6.421,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up million jobs are vulnerable to AI with,83.52,5.7,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up the capabilities of GPT 3.5 turbo and,85.86,6.24,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up gpt4 and then of course all the other,89.22,5.52,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up open source uh and and Commercial,92.1,5.339,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up competitors that are near peer,94.74,7.14,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up adversaries now that being said if you,97.439,7.561,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up look at the jobs that uh based on a,101.88,5.599,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up job's intrinsic requirement for humans,105.0,5.579,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up uh basically you look at the the kinds,107.479,4.661,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up of jobs that you're going to pay to have,110.579,4.08,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up a person doing regardless of what the AI,112.14,4.92,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up is capable of this is these are the jobs,114.659,3.78,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that are going to be vulnerable just by,117.06,3.199,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up virtue of the fact that you don't really,118.439,5.46,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up necessarily need a human doing it the,120.259,6.341,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up numbers become a little bit scarier and,123.899,4.92,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up uh my estimate this is worst case,126.6,6.42,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up scenario is that in the near future 77,128.819,6.901,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up million jobs out of the 140 seven,133.02,5.1,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up million jobs are vulnerable to be to,135.72,3.9,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up being automated away,138.12,4.8,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up basically this calculation is a rough,139.62,6.06,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up estimate on market demand how much do,142.92,4.92,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up you actually want a human doing that,145.68,3.72,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up particular job,147.84,3.3,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up which means that in the worst case,149.4,5.4,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up scenario we go from 148 million employed,151.14,7.319,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up to 70 million employed that is more than,154.8,6.6,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up 50 percent lost so I have been,158.459,5.28,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up repeatedly saying you know we could face,161.4,5.1,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up 70 unemployment 80 and other people say,163.739,4.86,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up 80 unemployment here's the numbers to,166.5,3.959,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up back it up all right now,168.599,3.481,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up since I got your attention let me tell,170.459,3.901,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up you how I did this and again remember,172.08,4.799,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up this is incredibly dubious so take it,174.36,4.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up with a huge grain of salt but basically,176.879,5.301,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up what I did was I took the,178.86,6.239,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up gpt40613 model,182.18,5.139,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up and I gave it instructions I said you,185.099,5.341,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up are a BLS chat bot and you're trying to,187.319,5.581,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up assess the risk of having jobs automated,190.44,3.42,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up away,192.9,4.619,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up uh yada yada yada the tldr is that I,193.86,8.58,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up asked it to uh judge jobs or occupations,197.519,7.381,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up based on job activities and I had it,202.44,5.28,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up break it down into percentages uh based,204.9,4.919,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up on three categories so the first,207.72,4.92,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up category is is dexterity so this is high,209.819,5.881,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up friction uh in in physical space that,212.64,6.0,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up requires compliance uh manual dexterity,215.7,4.98,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up uh kinetic intelligence that sort of,218.64,4.679,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up stuff because yes we do have a few,220.68,5.04,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up robots that can do this but there are as,223.319,4.321,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up of right now no general purpose robots,225.72,4.379,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that are capable of operating anywhere,227.64,4.679,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up near human level in terms of dexterity,230.099,4.441,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up there are no general purpose surgical,232.319,3.901,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up robots there are no general purpose,234.54,5.52,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up labor robots uh just doesn't exist,236.22,6.18,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up now that being said you can robotically,240.06,4.319,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up automate like a skid steer or a tractor,242.4,4.08,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up or something that's fine that's not what,244.379,3.78,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up I'm talking about,246.48,3.6,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um I'm talking about what a human can do,248.159,4.381,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up with your hands and body and then the,250.08,4.379,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up second category is solo work so this is,252.54,3.539,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up work that can be done in front of a,254.459,4.68,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up computer or otherwise electronically by,256.079,5.88,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up yourself uh you know on your phone on a,259.139,4.981,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up computer that sort of thing and then the,261.959,4.141,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up third category of job activities is,264.12,3.78,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up group stuff so this is communication,266.1,4.44,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up collaboration face-to-face time with,267.9,3.9,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up other humans,270.54,3.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up and so those three categories break down,271.8,5.82,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up and and kind of Judge the that's part of,274.04,6.34,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up what I use to judge the vulnerability of,277.62,5.94,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up a job so if it if it has low dexterity,280.38,5.58,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up it is much at much greater risk of being,283.56,4.859,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up automated away uh just with today's,285.96,6.12,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up technology uh if it is mostly solo work,288.419,5.701,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up it is much higher risk of being,292.08,4.32,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up automated away and if it's a high group,294.12,4.079,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up activity then it's a much lower risk,296.4,4.079,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up because that indicates that the human,298.199,4.381,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up com the human connection component is a,300.479,4.201,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up big part of it and then finally the,302.58,4.14,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up vulnerability score is a standalone,304.68,6.86,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up score which is used to uh basically uh,306.72,7.74,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up assess how how much you want a human,311.54,5.379,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up doing that job what is the intrinsic uh,314.46,4.32,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up need for that job and if the number is,316.919,3.78,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up lower if that means it's less vulnerable,318.78,4.62,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up which means you're more likely to really,320.699,4.861,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up want to have a human in that job and,323.4,4.44,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up you're willing to pay for that whereas,325.56,4.44,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up if it's a high vulnerability score then,327.84,3.78,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that means that there's no intrinsic,330.0,4.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up economic or personal or whatever there's,331.62,5.28,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up no intrinsic demand to have a human in,334.5,4.1,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that job if you could automate it away,336.9,5.28,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up then you might as well and so this is,338.6,6.099,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up like machine shop workers right you,342.18,3.84,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up don't need a whole heck of a lot of,344.699,3.78,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up empathy or communication skills and I,346.02,3.72,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up can hear all the machinists saying yeah,348.479,2.421,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up like hell,349.74,4.26,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up because machine is a machinists actually,350.9,4.72,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up do have to do a tremendous amount of,354.0,4.74,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up communication that being said the actual,355.62,5.46,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up Hands-On machine stuff that that part,358.74,4.08,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up could be automated away,361.08,3.839,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up if of course the machines become more,362.82,3.9,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up dexterous right because dexterity is a,364.919,3.06,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up huge component of that so that's why I,366.72,2.88,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up broke it down into these four categories,367.979,5.521,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up of vulnerability and I had chat GPT just,369.6,6.06,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up kind of do these rough estimates,373.5,5.46,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up and it did a pretty good job using gpt4,375.66,7.02,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up so I ran I downloaded the data from BLS,378.96,7.739,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up and I excluded the detail in Broad ones,382.68,5.82,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up because they're they're they're very,386.699,4.141,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up very highly specific and I noticed that,388.5,4.8,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up it was like okay the job duties really,390.84,4.919,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up didn't change so I only focused on the,393.3,4.56,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up minor and major categories which ended,395.759,3.66,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up up being,397.86,6.3,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um let's see that was 116 categories so,399.419,8.4,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that's still 116 categories uh that it,404.16,5.7,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up was used to estimate,407.819,4.021,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um in terms of vulnerability and I've,409.86,3.779,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up got it all color coded so I'll tell you,411.84,5.52,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up how to interpret the data in a second,413.639,5.34,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um here's the here's the thing so the,417.36,4.2,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up first thing uh the first sorry good,418.979,3.901,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up grief I'm going too fast here's the,421.56,4.259,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up repository the first step of this is to,422.88,5.819,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up break it down uh it just it's very very,425.819,4.861,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up simple you open the data,428.699,5.641,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up the CSV data pipe it in you get the,430.68,6.84,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up result it pipes it back out in Json and,434.34,5.1,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up I can show you an example of the debug,437.52,4.88,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up here so I just it captures everything,439.44,5.46,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up occupation code description and,442.4,4.72,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up employment so that's what it gives it so,444.9,3.66,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that it understands and of course chat,447.12,3.18,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up GPT already knows what all the,448.56,3.72,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up occupation codes actually mean because,450.3,4.2,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up it's baked into the training data and so,452.28,4.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up if you go and talk to like chat gbt and,454.5,4.58,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up say like hey what is BLS occupation code,456.78,5.34,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up 17-1000 mean give me some examples and,459.08,4.54,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up it'll it can give you a good explanation,462.12,6.66,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up now one thing that I had it do was to in,463.62,9.18,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up the output it actually tells me why it,468.78,5.759,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up made the judgments that it did so this,472.8,3.78,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up is where explainability comes in,474.539,5.28,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up so uh here's an example of the final,476.58,6.08,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up output for uh code,479.819,5.1,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up 41-3000 sales representatives and,482.66,5.379,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up services total current employment is 2.1,484.919,6.601,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up million uh dexterity rather low you know,488.039,5.701,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up you got to call some people,491.52,4.079,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um you know a significant portion of,493.74,3.359,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up their work can be done solo on a,495.599,3.421,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up computer such as managing customer,497.099,3.841,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up databases and orders which make it,499.02,4.019,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up susceptible to automation however a,500.94,3.96,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up large part of their job about 60 percent,503.039,3.301,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up involves group collaboration and,504.9,2.699,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up communication such as face-to-face,506.34,3.479,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up meetings negotiations which is difficult,507.599,4.38,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up to automate the intrinsic technological,509.819,4.441,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up vulnerability is estimated at 40 so it's,511.979,5.221,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up a relatively low vulnerability uh job,514.26,4.92,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up because yes there are some things that,517.2,5.339,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up you can automate away but in general you,519.18,5.099,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up want to be talking to a human sales rep,522.539,4.081,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up it to close the deal,524.279,5.161,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up so in this case uh the the numbers kind,526.62,5.159,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up of all come together to say okay uh,529.44,5.22,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up let's see we uh this estimated that we,531.779,4.801,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up might lose about twenty six thousand,534.66,4.14,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up jobs,536.58,6.06,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um or no sorry uh 255 000 jobs uh,538.8,6.9,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up leaving 1.86 million instead of the 2.1,542.64,5.16,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up million because again if you can,545.7,4.68,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up automate if you can automate away a,547.8,5.88,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up third or you know a quarter or a half of,550.38,5.04,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up a job that reduces the demand for people,553.68,4.38,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up doing that and if you have tools that,555.42,4.32,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up can accelerate it and make it easier,558.06,4.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up then you uh then of course you have less,559.74,4.86,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up demand for someone in that role now that,562.56,3.36,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up being said this vulnerability score,564.6,3.419,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up means that in general you still want to,565.92,4.32,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up have a human there even if you have less,568.019,4.44,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up demand for humans overall aggregate,570.24,3.539,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up demand so think of it in terms of,572.459,2.82,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up aggregates,573.779,6.721,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up okay so uh that is how I achieved that,575.279,7.921,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up and um let's see I kind of lost my train,580.5,4.14,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up of thought okay I guess we can go over,583.2,3.0,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up the code it's all pretty straightforward,584.64,3.54,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up I've got it documented,586.2,4.319,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um it it dumps it all out into the yaml,588.18,4.44,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up files here so you can look at all,590.519,4.401,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up however many there are,592.62,4.68,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up 116 so you can look at the reasoning,594.92,4.24,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that it used for each one and you can,597.3,3.42,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up you can monkey around with this if you,599.16,3.84,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up want uh you can rerun it all the code is,600.72,5.34,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up there to regenerate this data but then I,603.0,7.8,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up got it all into this and so this is uh,606.06,6.0,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up the total data and I've got it color,610.8,4.86,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up coded so I have total number of jobs,612.06,6.18,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up lost and this is color coded so that the,615.66,4.739,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up the higher the number the darker or the,618.24,4.74,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up more red it is and of course it's not,620.399,4.201,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up proportionate so I added a percentage,622.98,5.039,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up lost and so this is this column here the,624.6,5.22,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up jobs lost in percentage loss this is,628.019,4.921,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up most likely based on some really rough,629.82,7.26,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up numbers uh based on what AI what I know,632.94,6.0,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up AI is capable of today and so remember,637.08,4.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up here's my credibility I was an I.T,638.94,4.74,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up automation engineer I've deployed,641.58,4.499,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up servers and software and cloud and,643.68,5.399,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up everything to automate uh and and,646.079,5.581,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up support businesses and and I've,649.079,3.961,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up integrated all these systems I know what,651.66,3.419,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up it takes to run these systems and to do,653.04,4.739,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up the job of like a DBA and business,655.079,5.041,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up analyst and you know Financial you know,657.779,4.74,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up comptroller I I talked to everyone when,660.12,4.92,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up I was in a corporate job so,662.519,4.801,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that being said remember like I'm,665.04,3.78,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up basically throwing wet spaghetti at the,667.32,5.459,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up wall so this is a educated guess uh as,668.82,6.18,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up to percentage of jobs that could be,672.779,4.261,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up automated away obviously I'm less,675.0,4.2,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up familiar with uh blue collar jobs with,677.04,4.14,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up manual labor jobs I have done them in,679.2,4.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up the past uh I've I've worked nights in,681.18,4.68,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up in stores and warehouses so I kind of,683.7,4.68,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up have a feel for that that being said,685.86,4.08,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um you know I have poured concrete but,688.38,4.62,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up not professionally so you know take some,689.94,5.04,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up of that with a grain of salt now percent,693.0,3.72,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up loss you see some of the higher ones,694.98,3.299,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up computer and mathematical operations,696.72,3.84,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up okay yeah that makes sense,698.279,3.961,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um stuff with a low percentage loss,700.56,3.18,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up occupational therapy and physical,702.24,4.2,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up therapists assistance and AIDS this is,703.74,6.18,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up at a very very very low risk of being,706.44,7.38,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up automated away because it is one it's a,709.92,7.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up highly dexterous job and you also very,713.82,6.24,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up much want a human I've dated a physical,717.42,5.539,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up therapist before and it is an intensely,720.06,5.279,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up emotional job and it has to do with,722.959,4.841,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up communication verbal and non-verbal,725.339,5.461,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up communication there's tremendous amount,727.8,4.979,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up of human connection involved in that so,730.8,4.32,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up I totally agree with the result here,732.779,5.041,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up where you know health support and stuff,735.12,4.98,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up so all these numbers are jobs that are,737.82,4.86,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up at very very low vulnerability,740.1,5.28,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up uh for being automated away,742.68,4.26,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um and then you see oh wait here's a big,745.38,4.8,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up chunk here so Communications uh clerks,746.94,6.12,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up information uh handling material,750.18,5.7,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up recording secretaries uh other office,753.06,5.88,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up and admin all at high very high risk of,755.88,4.62,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up getting automated away because again,758.94,3.3,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up these are things that you primarily do,760.5,3.079,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up in front of a computer,762.24,4.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up agricultural workers this is uh you know,763.579,5.021,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up eight and a half percent because again,766.74,3.96,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up you know some of it will be automated,768.6,4.919,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up away and you see most of them are around,770.7,6.0,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up kind of like the 10 to 12 percent range,773.519,5.281,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um you know with a few few categories,776.7,4.56,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up being much much more vulnerable to,778.8,3.659,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up automation,781.26,5.28,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up now that being said there is uh I have a,782.459,5.701,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up second sheet and in the second sheet,786.54,3.359,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up what I did was I removed all the major,788.16,3.479,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up categories,789.899,3.981,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um so you see like it's,791.639,5.181,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up 11-10011-2000 so I removed,793.88,5.86,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up 11-000 so that we would have a finer,796.82,6.819,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up grain view to look at the total data for,799.74,6.839,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up each of the the the minor categories,803.639,5.161,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up and so here,806.579,4.141,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um it's it's the same same pattern,808.8,3.42,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up obviously I just removed some of the,810.72,3.059,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up stuff so that we'd have more accurate in,812.22,3.059,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up terms of total numbers,813.779,5.101,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up now what I did was I uh you know I,815.279,5.701,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up estimated total jobs lost that could be,818.88,4.44,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up automated away right now so that's right,820.98,5.039,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up here uh so that's that's how I arrived,823.32,5.28,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up at that data is okay based on all these,826.019,5.101,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up vulnerabilities scores and stuff what is,828.6,4.799,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up the what is the maximum jobs loss that,831.12,4.56,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up we could anticipate here,833.399,4.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up uh and then of course you just take that,835.68,4.8,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up away from you know total remaining etc,837.899,3.661,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up etc,840.48,5.28,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up simple simple arithmetic now over here I,841.56,6.18,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up said okay let's ignore what Ai and,845.76,4.44,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up Robotics are capable of today and let's,847.74,6.0,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up just look at the uh the aggregate demand,850.2,6.42,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up for humans in a particular job and so,853.74,4.8,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up for instance in computer occupations,856.62,4.68,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up there's not really a strong need to have,858.54,4.62,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up humans doing that to do most of those,861.3,4.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up jobs uh you know if the computer works,863.16,6.0,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up nobody cares uh as as an example and as,865.8,5.7,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up a former I.T specialist I can tell you,869.16,5.88,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that my Humanity didn't really matter uh,871.5,5.399,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up it was as long as as long as the lights,875.04,3.72,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up were on and the you know the registers,876.899,3.961,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up were running nobody cares,878.76,5.22,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up uh drafters engineering techs a little,880.86,4.86,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up bit less demand,883.98,3.299,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um let's see,885.72,4.14,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up there's some yeah so what are these,887.279,5.161,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up uh Communications operation operators,889.86,4.919,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up clerks these are at super high risk,892.44,4.259,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up agricultural workers so this is this is,894.779,3.3,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up one of the ones that's kind of a paradox,896.699,4.44,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up because on the one hand right now it's,898.079,6.661,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up at a very low risk because it requires a,901.139,6.541,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up tremendous amount of dexterity but,904.74,4.74,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up as long as the food gets on the table it,907.68,3.779,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up doesn't matter who put it there so in,909.48,4.14,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up terms of intrinsic vulnerability it is a,911.459,4.44,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up very high intrinsic vulnerability so,913.62,3.18,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that's why I've got all these color,915.899,3.0,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up coded here,916.8,5.099,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um let's see uh yep so there that's that,918.899,5.101,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up and so what I used there was to say like,921.899,3.841,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up what is the maximum possible attrition,924.0,4.92,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up we could see based on you know okay if,925.74,5.219,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up we can get rid of 20 of Executives,928.92,3.3,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that's so that's basically what this,930.959,3.781,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up means is that the aggregate demand for,932.22,5.52,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up uh Executives for top Executives goes,934.74,5.58,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up down by 20 because we can automate away,937.74,5.279,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up a lot of it and you know make the things,940.32,4.92,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up easier and faster and so on and so forth,943.019,4.081,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up so that means we could have an attrition,945.24,4.38,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up of seven hundred thousand Executives,947.1,5.539,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up leaving us with 2.9 Million Executives,949.62,5.94,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up uh and you know but then you go down and,952.639,4.241,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up because this is Imagining the future,955.56,2.7,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up where it's like okay,956.88,3.24,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up let's take the Farm Workers the,958.26,5.28,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up agricultural workers uh for example and,960.12,7.079,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up so right now we have uh looks like we've,963.54,7.08,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up got a total employment of 390 000.,967.199,6.121,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um but there's only so much demand for,970.62,5.64,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that so imagine we put AI in every John,973.32,6.36,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up Deere tractor every combine every Hopper,976.26,6.18,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up system and you basically have you know,979.68,5.04,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up Farm entire Farms with no humans that's,982.44,4.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up what this .85 means so we'd have an,984.72,5.52,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up attrition rate of 85 percent leaving,986.94,7.019,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up only 58 000 farmers in America total now,990.24,5.339,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up of course this does not include seasonal,993.959,4.94,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up labor so that's uh slightly different,995.579,5.7,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up construction workers this is another,998.899,4.36,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up example where,1001.279,3.781,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um the it's kind of it's kind of a mixed,1003.259,3.901,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up bag so the attrition rate here would be,1005.06,4.32,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up expected to be about 40 percent but then,1007.16,4.14,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up again like this is a super highly,1009.38,4.259,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up dexterous thing with with that is,1011.3,5.64,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up primarily uh collaborative work so this,1013.639,5.041,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up is going to be a very very very,1016.94,3.24,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up difficult one to automate away because,1018.68,4.26,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up it's very high risks if a robot makes a,1020.18,4.56,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up mistake an I-beam gets dropped on,1022.94,3.899,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up someone and they get killed right and so,1024.74,3.42,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up it actually you'll probably have a,1026.839,4.441,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up threshold where it'll be safer and,1028.16,5.1,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up cheaper to just take humans off the job,1031.28,5.639,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up site entirely now that being said we are,1033.26,5.46,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up already seeing that a little bit with,1036.919,5.101,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up like the 3D printing home printers where,1038.72,5.16,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up it's like a robotic Gantry that just,1042.02,3.419,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up sits over there it's got its pile of,1043.88,3.12,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up material and it just builds the house,1045.439,3.961,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up with no humans involved at all and so,1047.0,4.02,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that's what we have to look out for is,1049.4,3.72,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that in some of these cases there's,1051.02,3.779,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up going to be this saltatory leap where it,1053.12,3.36,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up goes from you know four and a half,1054.799,4.141,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up million employees to zero very quickly,1056.48,4.319,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up because as these new technologies rolled,1058.94,3.359,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up out you're going to replace them all,1060.799,3.541,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up wholesale there is some things are not,1062.299,3.181,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up going to lend themselves to being,1064.34,3.48,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up gradualistically replaced truckers are,1065.48,4.02,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up going to be the same thing once we,1067.82,4.14,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up figure out how to automate trucks truck,1069.5,4.14,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up driving it's just not going to make,1071.96,3.9,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up sense to have truck drivers now that,1073.64,4.26,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up being said that's a very high threshold,1075.86,3.96,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up but once to reach that threshold it's a,1077.9,3.54,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up step change so that's what I mean by,1079.82,3.54,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up saltatory leaps that's that's a step,1081.44,3.96,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up change it's a more common term versus,1083.36,3.66,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up gradualistic where you kind of replace,1085.4,3.2,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up people slowly,1087.02,3.96,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up in some cases where you replace people,1088.6,4.3,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up slowly that could be like I.T staff,1090.98,2.939,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up right,1092.9,3.659,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up as a former automation engineer I can,1093.919,4.26,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up tell you that I have personally reduced,1096.559,4.441,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up head count in infrastructure departments,1098.179,5.161,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up by automating away jobs which reduce the,1101.0,4.919,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up demand but it was over time right it was,1103.34,4.079,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up like okay well we can do more with less,1105.919,3.301,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up let me automate a little bit more and,1107.419,3.421,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up then we can do more with less and so on,1109.22,3.0,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up and so forth and then eventually it was,1110.84,3.18,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up basically just me running the whole,1112.22,3.48,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up department by myself as an automation,1114.02,4.08,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up engineer not everything lends itself to,1115.7,4.8,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that but that being said the amount of,1118.1,4.14,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up logic that goes into making decisions,1120.5,4.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up even financial decisions or executive,1122.24,4.86,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up decisions or HR decisions a lot of this,1125.0,4.1,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up is now within the realm of possibility,1127.1,6.54,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up of GPT Technologies so when I say that,1129.1,7.0,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up we could we could get rid of almost 25,1133.64,5.22,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up million jobs right now,1136.1,5.28,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that's a number that I will stand behind,1138.86,4.439,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up again it's going to take time because,1141.38,4.32,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up there's inertia but then in terms of,1143.299,5.281,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up total risk of jobs that might go away,1145.7,6.0,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up for good looking at 77 million jobs in,1148.58,5.7,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up America leaving us with only 70 million,1151.7,4.44,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up jobs and we have a population of what,1154.28,4.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up 350 million or 400 million right now so,1156.14,4.32,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that's an employment rate that is very,1158.78,3.54,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up very low that's a very high unemployment,1160.46,5.219,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up rate if if that comes to pass and again,1162.32,5.88,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up some of these things are dependent upon,1165.679,4.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up robotic advancements that are actively,1168.2,4.38,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up being worked on construction robots,1170.179,4.86,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up surgical robots general purpose domestic,1172.58,5.76,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up robots so that the aggregate demand for,1175.039,6.0,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up human labor is going to fall off a,1178.34,5.76,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up freaking Cliff that being said like okay,1181.039,6.781,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up you know what happens with when you have,1184.1,6.42,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up 70 million people which is less than a,1187.82,5.16,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up third of uh the Americans out there,1190.52,4.38,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up let's see what is it,1192.98,3.72,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um I don't remember the population but,1194.9,3.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up let's say we have 380,1196.7,5.64,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up million Americans right now and,1198.4,7.24,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up we end up with only 70 million jobs,1202.34,6.86,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um oh wait uh,1205.64,3.56,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up where's the invert there we go so that,1209.6,6.24,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up is a that is only 18 of our current,1212.0,5.82,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up employment so that means we'd be having,1215.84,5.64,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up an unemployment rate of about 82 percent,1217.82,7.739,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um yeah so we go if if we end up with an,1221.48,7.199,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up unemployment rate of 82 percent uh that,1225.559,5.281,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up is not good uh based on current,1228.679,3.961,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up paradigms and so when people say oh well,1230.84,3.78,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up you know Dave you keep advocating for,1232.64,3.24,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up Universal basic income and that's,1234.62,3.9,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up socialism well if one out of if only one,1235.88,4.44,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up out of five people have a job,1238.52,4.68,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up we got to do something right if there,1240.32,4.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up it's that simple,1243.2,3.24,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up um now one thing that I wanted to point,1244.82,3.359,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up out is that people are like well where's,1246.44,3.0,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up the money going to come from where does,1248.179,3.781,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up money already come from money is created,1249.44,4.92,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up through uh through minting money and,1251.96,4.8,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up giving loans to central banks and who do,1254.36,4.08,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up the central banks give money to they,1256.76,2.94,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up lend it out to other Banks and,1258.44,3.359,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up corporations that's where money comes,1259.7,3.78,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up down from it doesn't come from the,1261.799,4.141,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up bottom up money is created at the center,1263.48,4.26,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up of the economic system and then it,1265.94,4.619,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up percolates outwards so when I when I,1267.74,5.16,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up mention in another video recently that,1270.559,4.74,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up uh B2B transactions are going to be what,1272.9,3.96,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up drives the economy that's what I'm,1275.299,4.981,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up referring to uh because you know if a,1276.86,5.34,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up company lends money to another company,1280.28,4.44,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up or bank or whatever and then they have,1282.2,4.859,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up goods and products and services the,1284.72,4.319,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up aggregate consumer demand is only part,1287.059,4.681,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up of that uh part of that equation uh,1289.039,4.14,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up because if if you have a lights out,1291.74,2.58,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up company that's selling goods and,1293.179,2.701,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up services to another lights out company,1294.32,3.96,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up the economy is going to be red hot even,1295.88,5.039,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up though there's no humans involved so,1298.28,5.3,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that's why I mentioned in my in my uh,1300.919,4.801,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up macroeconomics or sorry post labor,1303.58,4.12,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up economics video that we're going to need,1305.72,3.24,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up new kpi,1307.7,2.7,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up and we're also going to need to,1308.96,4.079,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up redistribute that because right now the,1310.4,4.139,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up only way that money gets into the hands,1313.039,4.62,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up of consumers is through either the the,1314.539,5.461,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up very few uh entitlement programs that we,1317.659,5.88,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up do have uh which are relatively weak or,1320.0,5.94,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up through uh employment through money,1323.539,5.701,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up coming by force of extraction downwards,1325.94,4.979,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up uh through the through the grapevine,1329.24,4.5,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up from the central banks to the regional,1330.919,4.861,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up Banks to the corporations and then,1333.74,5.04,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up finally to us but if we if we reverse,1335.78,5.46,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up that if instead so this is basically,1338.78,5.1,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up what Universal basic income is to me if,1341.24,6.24,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up instead of lending money to from uh from,1343.88,5.64,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up you know the Federal Reserve to the,1347.48,4.26,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up central banks to the regional Banks what,1349.52,4.92,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up if we instead uh take about half of that,1351.74,4.86,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up and just give it instead of lending it,1354.44,4.08,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up out to Banks we just give it to,1356.6,3.54,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up Consumers,1358.52,3.36,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up and you just you just flip the the,1360.14,5.1,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up system uh on its head and so then the,1361.88,5.58,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up total amount of economic change is,1365.24,3.72,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up pretty much identical you're not,1367.46,2.94,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up printing any more money than you already,1368.96,2.459,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up were,1370.4,4.2,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up anyways this is all very uh getting very,1371.419,6.421,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up abstract point is uh there's a lot of,1374.6,4.86,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up change coming and here's some numbers to,1377.84,4.64,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up back it up thanks for watching,1379.46,3.02,America to hit 82% Unemployment: I have the data to back it up hello everybody David Shapiro here with,0.12,5.76,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" another video so today's video is uh by,2.7,5.939,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" popular demand uh as we talk more and,5.88,4.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" more about artificial intelligence and,8.639,6.841,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" the potential of Ubi and AI displacing a,10.74,7.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" lot of jobs uh for some people it seems,15.48,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" like it's a foregone conclusion that a,18.3,3.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" lot of people are going to be out of,20.22,3.479,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" work real soon probably for good,21.3,5.16,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh there's more and more Universal basic,23.699,4.981,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" basic income experiments going on around,26.46,5.819,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" the world uh and if you didn't see it I,28.68,5.94,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" have another video called uh post labor,32.279,4.021,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" economics which kind of talks about more,34.62,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" of the macro economic aspects of that,36.3,5.579,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" but in this case people really wanted to,39.18,3.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" learn about,41.879,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Ubi on an individual level so let's get,43.04,5.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" right in uh just a real quick plug for,46.379,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" my patreon before we get in,48.66,6.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um I do have a patreon and all tiers get,50.879,6.961,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you into the private Discord where I am,54.66,5.579,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" often available to chat with people I,57.84,4.379,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" also there's two patreon discords so,60.239,3.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" there's the premium patreon Discord,62.219,4.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" which I prioritize make sure that I,63.979,3.82,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" answer all questions that people send me,66.299,3.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" on patreon if you're in the premium tier,67.799,4.921,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and I also do have occasional office,69.439,5.68,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" hours uh where we just all kind of get,72.72,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" in a voice chat together and then I do,75.119,4.801,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" all uh have a higher tier for one-on-one,77.52,5.099,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" sessions all right back to the show,79.92,5.4,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so first let's set the stage,82.619,5.701,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" imagine this future scenario every,85.32,4.979,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" American gets two thousand dollars a,88.32,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" month no questions asked starting at age,90.299,4.68,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" 18 let's also for the sake of this,92.52,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" thought experiment assume that Health,94.979,5.1,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Care is either heavily subsidized or uh,96.54,5.399,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" practic for all intents and purposes,100.079,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" free if you check out my post labor,101.939,5.82,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" economics video I talk about how uh AI,104.579,5.161,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" could lower the cost of of lots of,107.759,4.381,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" things including Health Care by a factor,109.74,5.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" of 100x or a thousand X in the long run,112.14,6.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" let's also assume that the unemployment,115.46,4.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" rate will be about 70 percent there are,118.14,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" some people calling for more some people,120.24,5.699,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" calling for less but just looking at the,122.52,5.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" number of jobs that are like uh,125.939,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" vulnerable to being automated away with,128.42,5.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" AI today my personal estimate is that,130.739,6.36,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" it's around 70 percent uh let's also,133.68,5.58,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" assume for the sake of argument that,137.099,5.22,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" parents get a little bit of Ubi per,139.26,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" child but it also tapers per child,142.319,5.581,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh so basically uh you wanna you don't,144.78,5.88,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" want to necessarily hand out uh as much,147.9,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Ubi for every child because that,150.66,3.24,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" incentivizes some people to just keep,152.4,3.3,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" having more children,153.9,3.419,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um but on the other hand you also want,155.7,3.539,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" to ensure that uh you know you,157.319,3.481,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" incentivize the behaviors that you want,159.239,3.421,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" to see and so one thing that people are,160.8,3.84,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" concerned about some people uh are,162.66,3.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" concerned about is population collapse,164.64,3.66,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" actually this is what we're seeing in,166.44,5.22,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" places like Italy Japan North Korea uh,168.3,6.24,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and other places where the population is,171.66,5.46,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" actually already slowly Contracting and,174.54,4.979,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so you you basically need to incentivize,177.12,3.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" people to have children you need to,179.519,3.481,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" reward them right now,180.9,4.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um you get tax breaks uh in the form of,183.0,6.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh dependent uh tax credit uh so,185.76,5.339,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" basically this is kind of like a reverse,189.0,4.319,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" or not a reverse tax credit but a tax,191.099,4.321,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" credit in the form of increased income,193.319,4.081,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" on a monthly basis to help pay for,195.42,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" children,197.4,3.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um let's also assume that GDP growth is,199.44,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" going to be something like 15 uh due to,201.36,5.519,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" AI automation so the idea is that most,204.0,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" people aren't working but the GDP is,206.879,3.181,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" still growing like crazy the stock,208.56,3.48,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" market is growing like crazy so,210.06,4.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" corporations and politicians there's,212.04,4.68,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" plenty of wealth to go around so we're,214.14,4.739,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" basically assuming that a state exists,216.72,5.28,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" of economic abundance and then also some,218.879,4.741,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" redistribution oh and there was a,222.0,3.48,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" question someone was asking what's the,223.62,4.32,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" difference between this and socialism so,225.48,3.539,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" the difference between this and,227.94,3.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" socialism is that socialism is about,229.019,4.261,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Collective ownership or state ownership,230.94,5.76,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so in this case Ubi actually fits within,233.28,5.4,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" capitalism and neoliberalism because the,236.7,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" state isn't owning anything the state is,238.68,4.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" just taxing and redistributing within,240.72,4.379,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" the existing framework another,242.76,3.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" assumption that we're going to make and,245.099,3.181,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" I talked about this again in the post,246.36,4.739,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" labor economics video is uh we're,248.28,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" basically going to assume that inflation,251.099,3.661,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and deflation are going to be modulated,252.84,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" by some of these Market forces,254.76,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh with things like quantitative easing,257.4,4.559,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" tax rates and that sort of stuff so,259.5,3.66,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" we're not going to address that further,261.959,2.821,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" in this video just assume that prices,263.16,4.319,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" are stable ish,264.78,6.359,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" okay so absolute just right off the bat,267.479,5.761,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" let's talk about budgeting you get two,271.139,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" thousand dollars a month uh no further,273.24,3.899,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" questions asked,275.699,2.461,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um the first thing that everyone's,277.139,3.301,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" thinking is the rent is still way too,278.16,5.22,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" damn high for this uh you know my my,280.44,4.92,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" mortgage payment which is you know I,283.38,3.66,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" bought this house almost 10 years ago so,285.36,5.22,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" before things went absolutely insane uh,287.04,5.34,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" my mortgage payment is about twelve,290.58,3.24,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" hundred dollars a month which is pretty,292.38,2.7,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" good,293.82,3.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um but that being said the lowest,295.08,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" mortgage payment I ever had was 325,296.82,3.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" dollars a month for a sixty five,299.1,4.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" thousand dollar uh apartment,300.54,5.28,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um so it can be done obviously as demand,303.18,4.799,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" goes up in certain areas the prices also,305.82,5.7,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" go up uh but point being is that for,307.979,5.28,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" most people that's just these numbers,311.52,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" probably sound completely ridiculous,313.259,4.201,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" like it's not going to happen again,315.96,3.84,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" because again ten years ago the economy,317.46,4.98,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" has changed a lot inflation supply and,319.8,5.399,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" demand has changed we're facing housing,322.44,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" crunches and recessions and all that,325.199,3.541,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" kind of stuff stuff so again it's like,327.24,4.019,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" oh you know you everyone's heard like,328.74,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you know someone uh from our parents or,331.259,4.321,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" grandparents age like oh you know I pay,333.36,3.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" I put a you know family through college,335.58,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" on you know a cashier's salary believe,337.32,5.46,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" me I am aware that economics change over,340.32,4.92,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" time we will address uh the housing,342.78,3.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" thing in just a minute I'm just kind of,345.24,4.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" setting the stage as to saying okay we,346.5,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" need to figure out a way to get housing,349.38,3.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" into six hundred dollars a month or so,351.24,3.36,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" for everyone,353.16,4.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" cars are another huge huge expense for,354.6,4.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Americans,357.3,3.54,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um so these are the two biggest expenses,358.68,4.859,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" for most people so you know for instance,360.84,4.799,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" I have friends that their car payment is,363.539,3.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" six or seven hundred dollars a month,365.639,3.721,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that's insane,367.139,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um you know so you combine that with uh,369.36,5.04,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you know let's let's say I had a 600 car,371.699,4.381,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" payment on top of a twelve hundred,374.4,3.42,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" dollar mortgage that's eighteen hundred,376.08,3.839,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" dollars a month leaving 200 a month for,377.82,3.719,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" everything else that's not gonna fly,379.919,3.541,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that's not gonna work,381.539,4.861,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um now that being said if we can get uh,383.46,5.28,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" rent or mortgages back down to 600 a,386.4,4.079,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" month for most people that leaves,388.74,3.899,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Fourteen and if we can get rid of cars,390.479,3.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that leaves about fourteen hundred,392.639,2.941,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" dollars a month for everything else and,394.199,3.241,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" also remember in this hypothetical,395.58,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" scenario Healthcare is uh highly,397.44,5.4,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" subsidized or functionally free for most,400.02,4.019,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" people,402.84,4.32,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" okay so housing biggest expense let's,404.039,4.801,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" talk about housing first because if we,407.16,4.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" can get that under control the whole Ubi,408.84,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" thing looks a lot more sustainable and,411.24,4.019,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" feasible for most people,413.4,4.859,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so the first thing is downsizing uh a,415.259,4.741,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" lot of people are already downsizing,418.259,3.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" tiny houses are all the rage right now,420.0,4.139,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Katrina Cottages,422.039,3.481,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um that kind of kick-started it because,424.139,4.201,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" after Hurricane Katrina uh of actually,425.52,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" what happened was a few celebrities got,428.34,5.16,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" together and paid for Architects to,429.96,6.42,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" design Cottages small houses that were,433.5,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" very cheap and easy to build so that,436.38,4.439,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" people that were affected by Katrina,439.02,2.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" could,440.819,3.061,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" recover more quickly,441.74,5.739,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh ever that didn't start the tiny house,443.88,5.28,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Trend but that certainly put it on the,447.479,3.06,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" map and people are like oh Katrina,449.16,2.939,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" houses they're pretty cute because again,450.539,3.361,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" they paid for,452.099,3.241,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um professional Architects to make,453.9,2.94,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" something that was,455.34,3.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um sustainable and appealing not just,456.84,3.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" cheap and efficient,458.94,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so demand for smaller houses is creating,460.56,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" new markets there's,463.44,3.42,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um you know last time I looked up at,465.3,3.66,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" tiny houses a few years ago there were,466.86,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" not a whole lot of options now there are,468.96,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" tiny house kits there are prefabs there,471.06,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" are all kinds of stuff,473.16,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" some of the some of the cheapest DIY,474.96,4.859,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" like livable tiny houses that I could,477.36,4.559,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" find were around four thousand dollars,479.819,4.201,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" which is much much more efficient than,481.919,3.601,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you know a two hundred thousand dollar,484.02,3.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" house or a four hundred thousand dollar,485.52,3.84,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" house you can also get pre-built for,487.02,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" around 12K and that's you know starting,489.36,4.679,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" price you can spend up to 200k on a,491.46,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" prefab tiny house,494.039,3.481,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um which is still cheaper than you know,495.96,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" a half a million dollar uh Suburban,497.52,5.04,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" house uh one thing one of the biggest,500.4,4.32,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" problems with tiny houses is that um,502.56,3.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" regulations and zoning laws need to be,504.72,5.4,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh updated uh in many municipalities and,506.52,6.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" jurisdictions a tiny house is not,510.12,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" allowed to be the primary residence you,512.52,3.48,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" can have what's called an auxiliary,514.68,3.599,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" dwelling unit in many places which is,516.0,3.779,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" basically you can put a tiny house in,518.279,3.361,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" your backyard but then you need a,519.779,4.801,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" regular full-sized house so um my wife,521.64,5.16,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and I we're about to downsize but even,524.58,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" in the countryside the minimum house,526.8,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" size that we're allowed to build is 1200,529.32,3.66,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" square feet so it's smaller than my,531.36,3.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" current house but it still doesn't,532.98,3.359,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" qualify as a tiny house we would love to,534.36,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" have built something smaller but uh,536.339,4.321,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" because of the because the County zoning,538.62,3.659,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" laws we're not allowed to build anything,540.66,2.7,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" smaller,542.279,4.021,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so in order to accommodate a shift to a,543.36,5.039,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Ubi we're going to need different zoning,546.3,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" laws or areas that are zoned for tiny,548.399,5.341,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" houses another option is portable tiny,550.74,5.18,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" houses such as trailers or van dwelling,553.74,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" now lots of people you know there's the,555.92,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" van dwelling subreddit there's plenty of,558.48,4.32,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" influencers on Tick Tock and YouTube and,560.3,4.979,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh Instagram and everywhere else,562.8,5.34,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that either travel or live in a van full,565.279,6.521,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" time or whatever uh this is this is good,568.14,5.639,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" for some people it can be very cheap you,571.8,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" can also spend a lot of money uh pimping,573.779,4.161,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" out a van or a bus or whatever,576.06,4.32,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" there are challenges associated with,577.94,4.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" this such as safety where do you stay,580.38,4.98,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" permanent address it also requires a,582.72,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" vehicle which again Vehicles can be,585.36,3.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" really expensive,587.22,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" the last thing is micro Apartments so,588.56,6.279,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" not everyone wants to own their own home,591.72,5.04,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" or their own land so micro apartments,594.839,4.141,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" are something that is an option they're,596.76,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" increasingly popular but again there's a,598.98,4.859,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" lot of regulations particular early in,601.56,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" America that prevent us from even,603.839,6.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" building tiny uh Apartments usually the,605.94,5.82,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" smallest studio apartment you can get is,609.839,4.041,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" around four to five hundred square feet,611.76,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" which you know there's nothing wrong,613.88,3.28,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" with that,616.2,3.24,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" but those are often in Trendy areas and,617.16,3.54,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so even though it's a small apartment,619.44,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" they're often very very expensive,620.7,5.16,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um so they're not really optimized for,624.06,4.32,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" being economical that being said as I,625.86,5.76,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" mentioned as the market demand for these,628.38,6.3,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" things goes up the pressure for cities,631.62,5.46,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" to accommodate that and for the the,634.68,3.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" capitalist class for the for the,637.08,4.379,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" corporations to accommodate that will go,638.64,3.54,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" up,641.459,2.581,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um and again there's lots of experiments,642.18,4.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" going on but there hasn't been a new,644.04,4.859,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" establishment and so one thing that I,647.04,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" want to talk about is in the context of,648.899,5.701,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" History the American suburbs those were,651.6,4.679,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" intentionally designed about 80 years,654.6,4.859,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" ago after World War II,656.279,6.18,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um as as the the nation was beginning to,659.459,6.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" urbanize very quickly uh you know all,662.459,4.861,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" the regulations and patterns and,665.459,5.161,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" architectural designs and and Municipal,667.32,5.759,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" layouts that didn't exist the modern,670.62,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" suburb the subdivision was a new,673.079,5.221,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" invention and so the fact we had we,675.42,5.22,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" invented a new way of living within the,678.3,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" last century tells me that we can invent,680.64,4.319,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" a new way of living again and it,682.68,4.32,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" probably won't take that long,684.959,3.781,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" because where there's a will there's a,687.0,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" way and certainly necessity is the,688.74,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" mother of all invention and we will need,691.2,4.319,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" to figure out alternative ways of living,692.94,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that are not centered on the American,695.519,3.481,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" suburb,697.14,3.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um another option other than downsizing,699.0,4.079,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" is combining households so this is,700.92,5.64,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" called co-living or co-housing one there,703.079,5.76,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" are successful uh co-housing and,706.56,4.92,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" co-living things around the world in,708.839,4.201,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" America they're usually actually more,711.48,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" expensive because of construction costs,713.04,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" regulations red tape and so on and so,715.74,5.36,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" forth in many cases,718.56,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" particularly if you look on on Reddit,721.1,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" under the co-housing and co-living,723.36,4.32,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" subreddits there are plenty of horror,725.0,4.959,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" stories of very very dangerous,727.68,4.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" manipulative people building these,729.959,5.521,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" communities so I want to urge caution uh,731.76,5.34,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" before you get involved in any of those,735.48,2.84,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" kinds of things,737.1,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" now that being said there are uh,738.32,5.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" successful examples in America but there,741.66,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" are more successful examples around the,743.82,4.92,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" world particularly in Europe in various,745.56,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" places,748.74,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh there's Eco Villages which are,750.18,6.18,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" focused on sustainability uh they're,753.18,6.06,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" basically like uh Co-op Farms,756.36,6.24,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" essentially uh now that being said there,759.24,6.42,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" is uh there's a lot of rising Trends,762.6,4.979,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" around co-living in conventional houses,765.66,4.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you don't necessarily need a special,767.579,4.801,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Village or a special structure right,769.74,3.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" because that's where the red tape and,772.38,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Regulation and excess cost comes in what,773.7,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" a lot of people do is actually just,776.82,4.139,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" combine finances and live in a larger,778.44,5.519,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" house and so there is a trend that,780.959,5.401,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" started a few years ago called mommunes,783.959,3.961,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and there's actually services that can,786.36,4.919,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" help single moms find each other to join,787.92,6.12,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" forces band together and and combine,791.279,6.18,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" households uh obviously not everyone is,794.04,5.76,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" a single mother so that model doesn't,797.459,5.461,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" work for everyone but you know put it,799.8,5.7,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" this way uh some of my friends in my 20s,802.92,5.28,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh they got together and rented a large,805.5,5.639,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" house and so having two or three couples,808.2,5.1,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" living together or even just a few,811.139,4.561,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" friends you know three four five friends,813.3,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" living together if you combine those,815.7,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" incomes and you end up with eight or,818.1,4.039,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" twelve thousand dollars per month,820.26,4.199,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" guaranteed income from Universal based,822.139,4.181,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" income from from combining households,824.459,4.32,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you can afford a pretty nice house for,826.32,5.16,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that uh and so this is a pretty simple,828.779,4.141,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" model,831.48,3.479,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um but what I will say is that finding,832.92,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" the right people can be challenging,834.959,3.721,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um certainly there have been there are,837.18,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" plenty of cases of people having gotten,838.68,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" stuck with toxic roommates or,841.2,4.079,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" destructive uh Partners or whatever and,842.94,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" getting trapped in those situations so,845.279,3.781,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" we will need to keep in mind that some,847.38,3.84,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" people are going to be better and safer,849.06,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" living on their own certainly plenty of,851.22,4.739,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" people want want to live that way but,853.26,5.16,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that being said the social advantages,855.959,4.801,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that come from joining forces and,858.42,3.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" banding together,860.76,4.319,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um of course we just got we're on the,862.38,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" tail end of the pandemic in which case a,865.079,3.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" lot of people actually were kind of,866.88,3.12,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" forced into that situation you know we,868.079,3.601,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" created our little survival groups right,870.0,3.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" it was like The Walking Dead,871.68,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um you know you band together uh so,873.6,5.7,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" anyways uh whether you downsize or join,876.12,5.459,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" forces or a little bit of both those are,879.3,4.979,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" ways that you can drastically reduce uh,881.579,5.101,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" housing costs uh here in America,884.279,5.041,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" again the biggest thing is that uh,886.68,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" particularly on the downsizing we need,889.32,3.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" to update our zoning laws and,891.18,4.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" regulations to accommodate this but I,893.1,4.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" have no doubt that the the pressure from,895.32,5.22,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" people to do this will uh will kind of,897.18,6.42,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" force um the government's hand,900.54,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um all right so Transportation I,903.6,3.179,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" mentioned you know cars are really,905.1,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" expensive and America is a car culture,906.779,4.141,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so how do we how do we reduce,909.0,3.899,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Transportation costs,910.92,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" the first thing is walkable cities so,912.899,5.101,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" most cities I don't know I don't know,915.72,3.84,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" about most but many cities in Europe,918.0,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" were designed and built and founded long,919.56,5.639,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" before cars uh and so because of that,922.38,5.04,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" walkability is kind of intrinsic to a,925.199,4.621,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" lot of European cities however whoops,927.42,3.659,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" come back,929.82,3.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um a lot of American cities uh were,931.079,5.88,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" designed and built with cars in mind and,933.54,5.039,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so because of that a lot of American,936.959,3.901,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" cities are designed around the car they,938.579,4.801,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" actually prioritize uh and privilege,940.86,5.099,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" cards over pedestrians which is super,943.38,5.1,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" super problematic now that being said,945.959,5.161,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" there are literally dozens of major,948.48,4.919,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" projects going on around the world to,951.12,5.279,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" experiment with new walkable cities uh,953.399,5.101,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and then of course there are um you know,956.399,4.321,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" hundreds if not thousands of smaller,958.5,4.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" experiments uh you know of like Urban,960.72,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" revitalization,963.36,4.919,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh the cities near where I live all up,964.92,5.7,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and down the east coast in the South,968.279,4.081,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um they're they're building walkable,970.62,4.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" areas maybe not the entire city is,972.36,5.279,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" walkable but some of it is walkable and,974.76,5.28,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so this focus on green spaces and,977.639,3.961,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" walkability,980.04,3.479,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um is rising there's a couple of YouTube,981.6,3.66,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" channels I want to recommend,983.519,3.18,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um one is City beautiful and the other,985.26,3.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" is not just bikes these are really great,986.699,3.661,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" channels they're really informative and,988.86,3.419,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" they will point out all of the things,990.36,3.599,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" wrong with American cities,992.279,2.941,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um the things that some American cities,993.959,3.601,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" get right that'll compare American,995.22,4.619,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" cities with European and Asian cities as,997.56,4.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" well but for instance I've been to Paris,999.839,5.221,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and I was surprised at at such a,1002.42,5.64,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" sprawling City I was at the on the at,1005.06,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" the Cathedral on the hill soccer tour,1008.06,4.019,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" which means Sacred Heart and I know they,1009.86,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" didn't say it with the right accent,1012.079,4.861,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um but it's literally parasite to the,1014.66,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Horizon you cannot see outside of the,1016.94,4.019,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" city from the middle of the city,1018.92,3.659,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um but you don't need a car in Paris,1020.959,3.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" it's wild and like as an American that,1022.579,3.781,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" was the first time I had been one in a,1024.679,4.681,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" city that big but two in a in a fully,1026.36,4.439,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" walkable city,1029.36,2.76,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um some of the Metros were fully,1030.799,2.821,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" automated which was really cool because,1032.12,2.76,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you could go all the way up to the front,1033.62,3.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and look out the front windows,1034.88,4.799,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um there's buses there's Light Rail and,1037.22,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" then of course uh you know they have the,1039.679,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" tgv which is the high speed rail to get,1041.72,3.599,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" outside of the city,1043.579,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um anyways point being is that there are,1045.319,4.381,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" lots of these experiments going on and,1047.959,3.541,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so for people that want to stay living,1049.7,5.099,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" inside of a city if you combine those,1051.5,4.919,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" micro apartments or those co-living,1054.799,4.201,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" situations with walkability that will,1056.419,4.981,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" drastically drastically reduce cost of,1059.0,5.039,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" living from for many people it will take,1061.4,4.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" some time to build this up especially,1064.039,3.721,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" since we've got so much invested in,1065.48,5.76,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" being a car culture but ride sharing,1067.76,5.7,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um and and fully automated cars are,1071.24,3.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" coming and actually forgot to create a,1073.46,3.599,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" slide for this but one of the things,1075.02,3.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that a lot of the big auto manufacturers,1077.059,3.601,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" want to do is actually have fleets of,1078.98,3.059,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Robo taxis,1080.66,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and so rather than owning a car you'll,1082.039,5.64,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" just use an app to summon you know you,1085.28,4.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" know a Ford or a Chevy or a Toyota or,1087.679,6.481,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" whatever and as uh competition drives,1090.14,5.58,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" down price,1094.16,3.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um I think I did a calculation once that,1095.72,6.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" the the total the total annual cost for,1097.94,6.18,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" me if I were to if I were able to switch,1101.72,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" to a robo taxi based on the hypothetical,1104.12,5.16,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Rider mile cost would probably be about,1106.16,6.36,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" 600 a year and I'm someone who drives 20,1109.28,6.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" 000 miles per year so the possibility of,1112.52,6.3,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" doing rideshares and Robo taxis could,1116.24,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" drastically drastically reduce the cost,1118.82,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" of ownership for um automobiles or,1120.62,4.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" rather you get rid of the ownership cost,1123.44,4.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and you just rent,1125.48,5.579,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh in real time another thing is if you,1127.52,4.92,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" don't want to live in the city because I,1131.059,2.581,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" sure as heck don't want to live in the,1132.44,2.88,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" city I am not a city boy I'm a country,1133.64,4.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" boy is what I call coaster Villages and,1135.32,4.68,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" these are starting to pop up they're,1138.5,3.179,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" often just called like tiny house,1140.0,3.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" communities or RV communities or,1141.679,5.101,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" whatever but again this is one of the,1143.96,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" things where uh where zoning laws need,1146.78,4.68,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" to be updated but fortunately these,1149.48,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" experiments are going but basically,1151.46,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" think of the Shire think of hobbiton but,1153.38,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" instead of you know underground houses,1156.26,5.159,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" it's tiny houses and Katrina Cottages uh,1157.64,7.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and and tag along kind of um kind of,1161.419,6.721,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" trailers basically what I anticipate is,1165.02,5.22,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" going to happen is that in cheap rural,1168.14,4.919,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" land a lot of that land is going to end,1170.24,5.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" up being used for very very small,1173.059,6.541,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" planned nearly self-sufficient not,1176.2,5.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" necessarily fully self-sufficient I'm,1179.6,4.199,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" not saying an Eco Village but rather,1181.28,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" than having uh these things planned,1183.799,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" around cars and subdivisions it'll be,1185.78,5.46,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" planned around sustainability and so,1188.299,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that what I mean by coaster is someone,1191.24,3.12,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" who decides you know what I'm just going,1192.919,3.241,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" to Coast on Ubi I'm going to be happy,1194.36,3.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" with that but I also want to live in the,1196.16,3.24,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" countryside,1197.96,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh you will need things like HOAs uh,1199.4,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" because you know,1202.4,4.68,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh good regulations and good agreements,1203.66,5.04,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" make good neighbors,1207.08,3.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um and so you will need stuff like HOAs,1208.7,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" still in some of these places but the,1210.86,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" total cost of living there is going to,1213.32,3.84,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" be much much lower because imagine if,1214.88,4.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" your plot of land and your tiny house is,1217.16,5.28,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" about forty thousand dollars total right,1219.74,4.679,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" the mortgage payment on that is going to,1222.44,3.54,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" be like 80 bucks a month or something,1224.419,4.681,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" like that uh maybe well let's say 200,1225.98,5.64,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" bucks a month you can afford that,1229.1,5.4,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um that's going to be a tenth of your uh,1231.62,5.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" monthly two thousand dollars uh income,1234.5,5.22,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh so between these two possibilities,1237.22,4.42,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" walkable cities for those who want the,1239.72,5.1,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" urban living and and Tiny House Villages,1241.64,5.34,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" out in the countryside we can probably,1244.82,4.979,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" accommodate a lot of people very,1246.98,4.92,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" efficiently and very cheaply,1249.799,5.641,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Okay cool so I think uh oh and also,1251.9,4.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" another advantage of these coaster,1255.44,3.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Villages is you don't necessarily need a,1256.76,2.4,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" car,1258.44,2.7,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh you know if you live like Bilbo,1259.16,4.68,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Baggins and and Frodo you just walk to,1261.14,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" your neighbors it's a tiny little,1263.84,2.579,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" village,1265.34,2.82,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" all right now one thing that a lot of,1266.419,5.101,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" people ask is okay yeah but what you,1268.16,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" know what if I still want more money,1271.52,3.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" what if I'm willing to work what if I'm,1272.78,3.24,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" able to work,1274.52,3.48,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um what is what are the options going to,1276.02,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" be so that I can still you know make,1278.0,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" some money and get by,1280.22,4.199,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so after doing a lot of research one,1281.9,5.22,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" thing that I found is that local goods,1284.419,4.981,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and services there's going to be a lot,1287.12,3.419,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" of these that are going to stick around,1289.4,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and this is because even if a robot can,1290.539,5.101,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" do it these are these are things that,1293.84,4.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you still prefer a human to do and that,1295.64,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" most humans will be willing to pay,1298.7,3.54,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" another human to do so the first,1300.08,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" category is the health and wellness,1302.24,3.84,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" stuff so this includes Fitness coaches,1304.1,4.439,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" personal trainers massage therapists,1306.08,4.979,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that sort of stuff these are the these,1308.539,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" are the kind of things that require a,1311.059,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" human touch or human empathy or at least,1312.919,4.861,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" those are highly preferable,1315.799,4.921,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so this will be things like Barbers and,1317.78,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" dentists and massage therapists that,1320.72,2.959,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" sort of thing,1322.4,3.42,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" education tutoring mentoring and,1323.679,4.901,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" coaching these are also things that uh,1325.82,6.3,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that could be pretty durable against uh,1328.58,6.479,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" being automated away certainly uh some,1332.12,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" online learning is going to be fully,1335.059,5.341,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" replaced by things like chat gbt,1336.5,5.82,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" excuse me many students are already,1340.4,3.899,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" using chat GPT for Learning and,1342.32,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" mentoring and tutoring and certainly I,1344.299,3.181,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" mean even I use that if there's,1346.34,2.94,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" something that I want to learn about it,1347.48,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" is one of the best teaching resources,1349.28,5.16,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" out there because it's interactive now,1351.74,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that being said there are still going to,1354.44,4.92,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" be plenty of classes and skills that are,1356.48,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" going to be better taught by a human,1359.36,4.559,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" because a human has the same abilities,1361.28,5.16,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and capacities that you do so say for,1363.919,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" instance you go to a painting class or a,1366.44,5.099,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" cooking class or a carpentry class those,1368.179,5.161,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" are the kinds of things that that you,1371.539,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" will you will prefer to pay for a human,1373.34,4.68,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" just for the experience of being with,1375.919,3.921,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" other people right,1378.02,5.399,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" another thing is going to be experiences,1379.84,5.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" such as performances and entertainment,1383.419,6.061,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" local music stage performances busking,1385.34,6.06,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um you know those sorts of things are,1389.48,4.079,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" going to be pretty resilient because,1391.4,4.92,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" again we are a social species and so we,1393.559,4.341,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" want that connection with other people,1396.32,4.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh Ren fairs or think are going to be,1397.9,4.42,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" really popular,1400.4,3.3,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um and so you know you can go set up,1402.32,3.06,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" your booth and do face painting at a ren,1403.7,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" fair or or whatever kind of festival or,1405.38,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" convention you want to go to,1407.72,4.439,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um caregiving grooming and hygiene these,1409.94,5.04,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" are other things so whether it is child,1412.159,6.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" care or elder care or Pet Care those,1414.98,5.4,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" kinds of jobs are going to be very,1419.059,3.181,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" resilient against being fully automated,1420.38,4.919,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" away because again even if you do have a,1422.24,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" robot that can take care of grandma,1425.299,3.841,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" grandma probably would want to see you,1426.62,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" rather than a robot unless you don't get,1429.14,5.06,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" along maybe maybe it's better that way,1432.14,5.519,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" but also like your dog right like my dog,1434.2,5.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" hates machines right so he would freak,1437.659,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" out if if a robot showed up to take him,1440.0,5.4,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" for a walk so um you know granted I'll I,1442.039,6.061,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" I work at home all day every day so I,1445.4,4.32,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" don't need pet walkers but some people,1448.1,2.76,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" would,1449.72,3.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" other domestic services like gardening,1450.86,5.48,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Lawn Care cooking cleaning,1453.44,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" growing and sharing food these are,1456.34,4.959,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" things that will probably persist as,1458.96,5.699,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" well because again local economies,1461.299,5.641,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" circular economies these are rising in,1464.659,5.101,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" popularity and then finally Artisan uh,1466.94,5.46,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and and Craftsman handmade Goods arts,1469.76,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and crafts these are the kinds of things,1472.4,3.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that people will really value and,1474.32,3.66,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" cherish and it's also something that a,1476.12,2.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" machine,1477.98,4.76,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" intrinsically cannot do in the age where,1478.84,6.4,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" machines can make all kinds of furniture,1482.74,4.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and mass produce it we still already,1485.24,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" have Etsy where you can buy handmade,1487.52,4.32,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" clothing and handmade furniture and,1489.62,5.039,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" handmade tools and so the demand is,1491.84,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" already there and one thing that that,1494.659,4.861,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" can happen of of SP and yes they're more,1496.64,4.98,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" expensive but these are much higher,1499.52,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" quality goods and they're also much more,1501.62,3.299,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" durable,1503.78,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh so again even if those even if,1504.919,5.461,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" mass-produced Goods become cheaper due,1508.52,3.84,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" to AI there's still going to be a demand,1510.38,4.679,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" for those high quality handmade uh,1512.36,6.299,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" unique goods and arts and crafts,1515.059,6.24,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" now okay so that's local uh goods and,1518.659,4.861,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" services there's also still going to be,1521.299,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um online and remote so content creators,1523.52,5.7,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" like me probably gonna stick around,1525.919,5.521,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um influencers streamers whether it's a,1529.22,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" lifestyle blog or travel blog or,1531.44,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" whatever I follow I started following,1533.72,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" lots of Lifestyle bloggers,1536.0,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um usually they're attractive uh women,1538.22,4.04,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" because you know that's just the pattern,1540.2,5.04,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" but I also follow plenty of uh plenty of,1542.26,5.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" guys who like build stuff or go on,1545.24,4.98,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" adventures that kind of thing and the,1547.52,3.899,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" reason that I think that these are going,1550.22,3.24,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" to stick around is because even if you,1551.419,5.341,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" have a fully digital Avatar your brain,1553.46,6.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" knows that it's fake right some people,1556.76,5.64,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" of course will be plenty entertained by,1559.46,5.699,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh you know a digital Avatar but really,1562.4,5.82,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" as a human I want to see another human's,1565.159,5.4,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" experience I want to learn from that,1568.22,4.92,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" human I want to empathize with that,1570.559,3.541,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" person,1573.14,4.019,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and so content influence streamers you,1574.1,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" know it's the personality it's the,1577.159,3.721,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" realness the authenticity,1578.72,3.48,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um even if even if there is some,1580.88,3.48,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" performance associated with it that's,1582.2,5.099,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" what people really want to connect with,1584.36,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um crowdfunding platforms like patreon,1587.299,3.961,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" only fans plenty of other alternatives,1589.1,4.079,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" are out there those are going to stick,1591.26,4.98,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" around uh and and so basically the two,1593.179,4.561,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" ways that you can make money online in,1596.24,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" the future I think are going to be ads,1597.74,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and crowdfunding there's also white,1600.14,4.68,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" label services like subscription-based,1602.48,4.199,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" services but that's essentially,1604.82,3.54,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" crowdfunding right let's like you you,1606.679,3.801,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" pay to get in and then you get access to,1608.36,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" exclusive content game hosts coach,1610.48,5.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" coaches and and trainers of various,1613.88,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" kinds so one of my patreon supporters is,1615.98,5.04,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" actually a a professional online coach,1618.32,5.4,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and she teaches other coaches and this,1621.02,5.399,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" is actually a really really huge uh,1623.72,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Market segment I had no idea how big it,1626.419,2.701,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" was,1628.22,3.66,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um but again having that one-on-one time,1629.12,4.439,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" with someone where you can say hey this,1631.88,2.76,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" is what I'm struggling dealing with,1633.559,2.581,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" because we're humans we're always going,1634.64,4.139,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" to be struggling with something right,1636.14,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um but then like Game host there's paid,1638.779,3.541,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" dungeon Masters that can host uh they,1640.4,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" can run d d campaigns for you all kinds,1642.32,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" of stuff is possible online that are,1644.9,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" intrinsically better done if it's a,1647.12,4.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" human that being said there are plenty,1649.46,3.719,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" of people working on using GPT,1651.26,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Technologies to automate uh uh you know,1653.179,4.681,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" game hosts and that sort of stuff so,1656.0,3.659,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" some of this is going to be is going to,1657.86,2.64,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" change,1659.659,3.12,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" but a lot of these things again people,1660.5,6.299,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" are willing are are the demand for the,1662.779,5.701,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" human is high enough that people are,1666.799,3.541,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" going to be willing to pay for it,1668.48,4.98,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh now on top of making more money on,1670.34,6.18,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" with the Ubi uh there is also a lot that,1673.46,4.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you can do to reduce to further reduce,1676.52,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" costs obviously the biggest things are,1678.32,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" housing and transportation we already,1680.72,2.819,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" talked about how to reduce the cost,1682.22,3.42,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" there there's a lot of other stuff that,1683.539,4.441,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" we can do to keep reducing costs in,1685.64,4.32,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" order to make better use of the free,1687.98,4.079,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" time that we have so for instance tool,1689.96,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" sharing tool libraries,1692.059,3.36,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um there's actually I didn't realize,1693.98,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" this but many County Libraries or or um,1695.419,5.521,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you know City libraries already have,1698.36,4.98,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" tools that you can check out uh and then,1700.94,4.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" of course if the demand for that goes up,1703.34,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" then libraries you know will continue to,1705.08,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" do that there's also maker spaces that,1707.72,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you can join usually with a small fee,1710.6,3.36,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that give you a space to build stuff and,1712.34,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" borrow tools circular economics which is,1713.96,5.12,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you know reusing as much as you can,1717.08,3.719,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" refurbishing stuff we're going to talk,1719.08,3.219,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" about refurbishing more in a future,1720.799,2.941,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" slide,1722.299,4.081,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh clothing exchanges clothing swaps,1723.74,5.22,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" other good swaps like one thing that I,1726.38,5.399,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" do is that uh every now and then,1728.96,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um I just I have a folding card table,1731.779,3.721,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and I'll put it out by the road and I,1733.76,4.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" just will give stuff away right and so,1735.5,5.279,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um by just giving stuff away and sharing,1738.62,4.919,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" right you don't even have to worry about,1740.779,4.741,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um you know bartering or exchanging or,1743.539,4.861,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" buying stuff just giving stuff away and,1745.52,5.88,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and making use of those um essentially,1748.4,5.519,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" community-based donations sharing,1751.4,5.7,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Services as well so say for instance,1753.919,5.281,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um you know you might provide child care,1757.1,3.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" for people in your community not,1759.2,3.719,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" necessarily for pay but in exchange they,1760.88,4.919,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" give you food or something right so that,1762.919,5.101,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" goes back to bartering and trading uh,1765.799,5.88,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" DIY skills uh repairing things fixing,1768.02,5.879,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" things uh cleaning up whatever there's,1771.679,4.141,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" lots and lots of value that you can get,1773.899,5.101,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" by learning more skills and thus further,1775.82,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" reducing costs,1779.0,3.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh caregiving domestic stuff I already,1780.62,3.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" mentioned that,1782.6,3.299,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" okay so let's talk about the psychology,1783.62,3.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" of this one thing that people are,1785.899,3.121,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" concerned about is yeah but what do you,1787.22,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" do for fun what do you do for a sense of,1789.02,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Mastery what do you do for challenge if,1791.6,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" I lose my job you know how do I have any,1793.64,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" sense of self-esteem so let's talk about,1796.34,5.16,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" the psychology of living under Ubi,1798.44,5.94,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" first we're going to talk about what,1801.5,4.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" we're going to use Frameworks for this,1804.38,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so first one of the most famous ones is,1806.36,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Maslow's hierarchy of needs so if you're,1808.58,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" not familiar with Maslow's hierarchy of,1810.74,3.84,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" needs it is basically just this pyramid,1812.48,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" which is color coded like the food,1814.58,5.94,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" pyramid if you're in America but it says,1817.1,5.699,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you need to satisfy these needs starting,1820.52,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" from bottom to top so physiological,1822.799,4.321,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" needs include air water food shelter,1825.14,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" sleep that sort of stuff safety needs,1827.12,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" which is about you know are you in,1829.58,5.219,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" physical danger do you feel safe at home,1831.5,6.659,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" is is your environment quiet enough are,1834.799,5.281,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" there any you know dangerous smells or,1838.159,4.081,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" chemicals or whatever,1840.08,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" above that once you have those needs met,1842.24,5.28,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" the next most fundamental need is love,1844.52,4.92,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and belonging so you need friends you,1847.52,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" need family you need to feel that human,1849.44,4.859,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" connection and of course we're in a,1852.02,3.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" loneliness crisis I think something like,1854.299,3.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" 30 percent of young people today don't,1855.74,4.679,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" have a single like best friend which is,1857.899,4.441,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" really horrible and I'm hoping that Ubi,1860.419,4.441,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" gives us more free time to connect with,1862.34,5.64,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" people uh above love and belonging you,1864.86,5.299,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" need esteem self-esteem which is,1867.98,5.22,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" self-respect status recognition that,1870.159,4.481,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" sort of stuff,1873.2,3.719,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and then finally self-actualization so,1874.64,3.48,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" this is what a lot of people are,1876.919,3.36,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" referring to when they when they worry,1878.12,4.559,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" about okay well if I lose my job what am,1880.279,3.841,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" I going to do I need some kind of,1882.679,2.821,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" self-actualization and so,1884.12,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" self-actualization is the impulse to,1885.5,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" become the best version of yourself that,1888.5,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" is the that is the version to reach your,1891.02,5.1,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" highest level right uh and so these are,1893.0,4.559,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" things that are still going to need to,1896.12,3.659,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" be there and we'll talk about this,1897.559,4.681,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um in future slides,1899.779,4.321,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um in terms of how can how can you,1902.24,3.84,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" achieve your best the best version of,1904.1,3.199,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" yourself,1906.08,4.199,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" another framework that I'm a big fan of,1907.299,5.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" is what's called TLC or therapeutic,1910.279,4.861,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Lifestyle Changes this was a model that,1912.799,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" was developed by Roger Walsh and it is,1915.14,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" an eight-point framework that talks,1917.419,4.021,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" about how do you make a better life for,1919.52,3.24,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" yourself,1921.44,3.66,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so the framework is pretty simple pretty,1922.76,4.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" straightforward one and this is in no,1925.1,3.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" particular order by the way one,1926.84,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" spirituality so being involved in some,1928.88,3.899,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" kind of spirituality doesn't have to be,1931.34,3.719,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" a mega church or anything like that,1932.779,5.101,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um you know paganism witchcraft uh Neo,1935.059,6.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Hellenism uh uh all kinds of stuff Norse,1937.88,5.7,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" reconstructionists lots and lots of,1941.659,3.541,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" spiritual Frameworks are kind of,1943.58,4.92,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" becoming popular as uh certainly a lot,1945.2,6.18,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" of us younger people are more Pagan,1948.5,5.159,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um giving back so volunteering and,1951.38,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" community service is one of the things,1953.659,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that um you know again we kind of,1955.58,4.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" alluded to this already in terms of cost,1957.559,5.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" reduction but giving back volunteering,1959.72,5.699,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" giving your time is actually a really,1962.559,5.561,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" good way to build up self-esteem it's,1965.419,4.561,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" deeply satisfying,1968.12,3.659,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um like I said one thing that I love is,1969.98,4.679,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" just giving stuff away and if I had more,1971.779,5.581,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" free time and and uh and energy I would,1974.659,5.161,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" probably volunteer more because I have,1977.36,5.46,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" certain skills and you know honestly uh,1979.82,5.28,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" a lot of the code that I give away,1982.82,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" because I publish all of my code under,1985.1,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" under or open source standards to me,1986.72,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that is kind of like giving back and,1989.48,3.12,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" it's very satisfying I love seeing the,1990.98,3.539,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" little stars and forks on my GitHub,1992.6,4.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" repos time in nature,1994.519,4.861,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um hiking walking going to the lake,1997.46,4.439,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" whatever this is really important for,1999.38,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" your physical and mental health I go for,2001.899,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" a walk pretty much every day at lunch,2003.88,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" unless the weather is bad or unless I'm,2006.279,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" sick or too tired recreational,2008.32,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" activities we're going to talk a lot,2010.659,3.481,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" about recreational activities and,2012.22,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" upcoming slides rest in relaxation if,2014.14,4.139,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you don't have to go to work you can,2016.96,2.699,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" spend a lot more time resting and,2018.279,3.961,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" relaxing diet and nutrition we've talked,2019.659,5.281,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" a lot about uh how or we will talk more,2022.24,5.4,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" about how all the free time that you get,2024.94,4.68,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" from Ubi will allow you to do things,2027.64,3.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" like gardening but also allow you to,2029.62,3.12,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" learn to cook and spend more time,2031.36,3.24,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" cooking because a lot of people don't,2032.74,4.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" have time to cook good meals because,2034.6,5.579,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" they're too busy working and resting and,2036.88,5.519,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so Ubi with additional free time will,2040.179,4.201,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" help people really improve their diet,2042.399,4.921,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and nutrition seven exercise and,2044.38,5.4,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" activity so this is like exercising for,2047.32,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" the sake of exercise,2049.78,3.839,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um which for me I get that with time and,2051.52,4.139,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" nature because I go for walks um and I,2053.619,4.321,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" also uh like to do other things although,2055.659,4.081,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" I haven't done it as much lately hiking,2057.94,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" climbing that sort of stuff kayaking uh,2059.74,4.139,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" relationships in connection we already,2062.44,2.76,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" talked about relationships and,2063.879,2.401,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" connection,2065.2,3.179,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um in Maslow's hierarchy of needs and,2066.28,3.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" also you'll see that relationships and,2068.379,3.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" connections spending time with friends,2070.06,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and family is is common for all,2071.379,5.48,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" psychological well-being Frameworks,2074.32,5.099,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" self-determination Theory this is one of,2076.859,4.24,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" my favorite Frameworks because it is so,2079.419,4.081,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" simple and it kind of encapsulates a lot,2081.099,4.381,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" but it's also not a hierarchy it's you,2083.5,4.679,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" need all three of these at all times,2085.48,4.58,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um and so the idea is that,2088.179,3.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" self-determination theory is this is,2090.06,3.64,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" what is this is what people are,2092.139,3.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" intrinsically motivated by these are the,2093.7,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" intrinsic psychological needs of all,2096.099,4.981,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" humans so first is autonomy,2097.9,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um or individual liberty we need to feel,2101.08,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" like we are in control of our lives and,2103.42,5.04,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" our fate this is absolutely critical for,2105.64,5.28,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" All Humans even humans in collectivist,2108.46,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" societies there's always a tension,2110.92,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" between individual needs and group needs,2113.02,4.92,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um but that's intrinsic to all social,2116.44,3.899,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" species it's about balancing the self,2117.94,5.399,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" versus the group desire for competence,2120.339,5.641,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and Mastery so this is this has to do,2123.339,4.561,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" with Maslow's top hierarchy of needs,2125.98,2.82,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" which is self-esteem and,2127.9,3.179,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" self-actualization so competence and,2128.8,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Mastery the the basically feeling like,2131.079,4.441,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you're good at something one way to,2133.54,3.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" measure this is that we Thrive with,2135.52,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" what's called optimal stress so optimal,2137.5,3.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" stress means that you need some kind of,2139.96,2.46,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" challenge,2141.46,3.18,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" for instance people play Elden ring,2142.42,4.439,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" people play Dark Souls these really,2144.64,5.16,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" frustrating impossible games that I,2146.859,5.22,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" personally don't like but the idea is,2149.8,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that you try and fail and then when you,2152.079,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" finally succeed you feel a sense of,2153.82,3.84,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Mastery right and of course video games,2156.099,3.061,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" are not the only way to get Mastery but,2157.66,3.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" video games are a good way to get a,2159.16,3.48,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" sense of Mastery and as we'll talk about,2160.66,3.66,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" once we talk about Hobbies there are,2162.64,4.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" lots and lots of of other ways to get,2164.32,4.92,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that sense of Mastery finally desire for,2166.78,4.559,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" relatedness and connection as a social,2169.24,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" species we are intrinsically motivated,2171.339,4.441,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" to seek out connection with others and,2173.5,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so by keeping in mind what our intrinsic,2175.78,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" base needs are and building a life,2177.76,4.68,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" around that we can still maintain our,2180.16,4.439,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" psychological well-being even if we,2182.44,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" don't have a career at least a,2184.599,3.841,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" conventional career that we're familiar,2187.06,2.34,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" with,2188.44,4.139,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" okay as I promised Hobbies this is the,2189.4,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" last section of the video and this is,2192.579,3.361,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" honestly where I had the most fun and it,2193.96,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" made me really realize I am looking,2195.94,3.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" forward to this,2197.98,3.06,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um so I'm gonna do everything that I can,2199.54,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" to help make this future State come to,2201.04,5.16,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" fruition with my YouTube channel and my,2203.74,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" open source research so the first thing,2206.2,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" obviously gaming a lot of you tell me,2208.54,3.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" how excited you are for the possibility,2210.94,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" of fdvr which means full dive virtual,2212.5,3.839,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" reality,2215.14,3.959,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" everyone knows what fdvr is you saw it,2216.339,4.561,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" in the Matrix the idea is that you plug,2219.099,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" your head in and as far as you can tell,2220.9,5.1,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" it is a hundred percent real we also,2223.839,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" explored this with um Ready Player one,2226.0,4.68,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" which had like a haptic suits,2227.859,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um I don't know if it's possible a,2230.68,3.06,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" haptic suit seems like it's probably,2232.359,4.441,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" more possible in the near term full dive,2233.74,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" VR such as the what you see in the,2236.8,3.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Matrix might not be possible but you,2238.48,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" never know people are working on brain,2240.76,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" computer interfaces so if you can just,2243.04,3.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" plug in all the sensory information,2244.96,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" directly into your head maybe it's,2246.76,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" possible anyways whatever you want to do,2248.98,3.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" whatever experience you want to have,2251.14,3.959,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" should hypothetically be possible with,2252.76,5.04,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" fdvr,2255.099,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um a part of gaming is that it can be,2257.8,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" social right game with friends whether,2259.839,4.981,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you're competing online with friends uh,2262.18,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" or you got a guild or a clan that you've,2264.82,2.58,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" built,2266.56,2.82,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um you can also uh do parallel play in,2267.4,4.199,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" person so this is what um I do with my,2269.38,3.959,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" wife we Heckle each other,2271.599,3.24,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um while she's playing Assassin's Creed,2273.339,2.76,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" I'll be like hey did you know that,2274.839,2.821,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you're on fire and she's like yes Dave I,2276.099,3.561,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" know that I'm on fire uh you know,2277.66,4.56,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" parallel play is a great thing to do,2279.66,4.3,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" with friends you can sit around you know,2282.22,3.18,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" I used to do this back in my college,2283.96,3.42,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" days with my buddies drinking a couple,2285.4,3.959,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" beers playing Call of Duty Trolling each,2287.38,4.68,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" other it can be a really great thing and,2289.359,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" I'm glad to see that the younger,2292.06,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Generations do this still my nephew and,2293.619,3.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" all of his friends they play Minecraft,2296.26,3.66,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" together and other things,2297.579,4.081,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um there are what I will say is there,2299.92,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" are some potential downsides screen time,2301.66,4.98,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" can be detrimental to your health but if,2304.18,3.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you balance it with some of the other,2306.64,3.66,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" things like in the therapeutic Lifestyle,2307.9,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Changes make sure that you go outside,2310.3,3.36,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" touch grass as kids are saying these,2311.92,3.659,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" days,2313.66,3.48,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um it can also be addictive and,2315.579,4.381,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" isolation as possible I do suspect that,2317.14,6.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" we will see legislation coming that kind,2319.96,5.1,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" of at least provides warnings for how,2323.14,4.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" addictive things are there's a book that,2325.06,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" I refer to often called liquid rain,2327.28,4.86,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" where they talk about how uh full dive,2329.44,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" VR could actually be programmatically,2332.14,3.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" addictive like where it could just,2334.18,3.899,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" stimulate your dopamine and so you feel,2335.74,3.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" like you're having more fun than you,2338.079,3.181,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" actually are and then when you're not in,2339.46,3.36,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" the full dive VR you could you could,2341.26,3.66,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" like physically crave it and get sick if,2342.82,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you don't have it so we do need to be,2344.92,4.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" careful with um creating gaming as a,2346.72,3.98,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" central lifestyle,2349.0,5.82,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and another thing is that a gaming world,2350.7,5.98,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" is not necessarily the real world and,2354.82,3.48,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" most people's brains will keep track of,2356.68,4.2,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that difference and so it might not be,2358.3,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" good for self-actualization for instance,2360.88,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" if you're if you're a gamer you might,2362.68,4.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" not uh get the sense that you're,2365.14,3.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" reaching your full potential that being,2366.82,4.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" said if you're a competitive gamer uh,2368.74,3.66,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" maybe that is the way that you reach,2370.96,3.119,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" your full potential,2372.4,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" making and fixing things we humans,2374.079,5.161,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" evolved to use our hands that is why we,2376.9,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" have so much dexterity in our hands we,2379.24,5.099,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" are the tool users and so one of my best,2380.92,4.919,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" friends from back in the day is working,2384.339,3.421,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" on rebuilding a thistle so this is a,2385.839,4.321,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" thistle it's a small racing boat,2387.76,4.8,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" we would be doing this all day every day,2390.16,5.88,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" if we had Ubi and no need to uh work for,2392.56,4.799,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" money,2396.04,3.18,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um because the the shop where he's,2397.359,4.321,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" rebuilding his there's two other ones,2399.22,3.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that are just waiting for someone to,2401.68,3.3,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" come and fix and if I had the time,2403.18,4.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that's what I'd be doing why because,2404.98,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" it's something that my friend does and,2407.32,3.84,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you can then race it and do competitive,2409.0,4.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" stuff but there's also skill building,2411.16,4.439,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" right the sense of Mastery that you get,2413.14,4.199,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" from building something from fixing it,2415.599,3.661,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and then having that thing that you can,2417.339,4.561,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" show off and use this is a really great,2419.26,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" way to get a sense of Mastery there's,2421.9,3.36,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" plenty of other things that people do,2424.0,3.78,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" lots of guys like rebuild Mustangs or,2425.26,6.48,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Corvettes fixing up old houses and other,2427.78,7.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" things so reusing refurbishing fixing,2431.74,6.24,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" building things these are really great,2435.22,5.34,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" ways that also tap into really Primal,2437.98,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" needs for humans,2440.56,3.18,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" some of the things that are really,2442.42,3.54,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" popular today particularly with young,2443.74,5.04,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" people forging leather working sewing,2445.96,5.22,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" other carpentry all of these things,2448.78,5.579,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" revolve around tool use and so whatever,2451.18,5.7,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" hobby you pick up if it uses tools,2454.359,5.041,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" chances are there's a lot of skills,2456.88,4.199,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" involved which can also lead to that,2459.4,4.32,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" sense of Mastery cooking I mentioned,2461.079,4.561,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" this earlier cooking is one of the,2463.72,3.54,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" oldest trades one of the oldest,2465.64,3.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" professions out there and everyone needs,2467.26,3.48,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" to eat plus cooking is a good social,2469.24,4.32,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" activity my wife and I cook together,2470.74,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" pretty much every day or at least we,2473.56,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" take turns some people compulsively cook,2475.48,4.379,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and feed other people my sister-in-law,2478.3,2.94,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" is like that she loves cooking for,2479.859,4.021,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" people point being is that there is,2481.24,4.339,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" there are a lot of hobbies out there,2483.88,4.68,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that center around making or fixing,2485.579,4.301,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" things,2488.56,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" outdoor stuff hiking climbing canoeing,2489.88,5.82,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" boating whatever there's all kinds of,2493.06,6.96,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" stuff that we could stand to do more of,2495.7,6.419,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um if you uh if you had more free time,2500.02,3.54,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" because you didn't have to work because,2502.119,3.661,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you didn't have to be at a desk or at an,2503.56,5.4,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" office or at the store or whatever,2505.78,4.92,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um you know and it's not just fishing,2508.96,3.18,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" obviously that's the prototypical,2510.7,3.419,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" example where you know you know a guy,2512.14,3.959,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" gets to retirement age and he decides,2514.119,3.541,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" he's going to go fishing every day not,2516.099,3.48,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" everyone wants to do that I get it,2517.66,4.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um you could do competitive fishing,2519.579,4.561,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um but there's also other uh kinds of,2521.8,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" competitive outdoor stuff like,2524.14,3.42,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" cross-country challenges I ran Tough,2525.82,4.019,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Mudder almost 10 years ago and I was,2527.56,5.279,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" hungover as heck when I ran it I was not,2529.839,4.681,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" hungover by the end of it I burned all,2532.839,4.921,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that all that uh all that toxins off,2534.52,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um skiing kayaking all kinds of really,2537.76,3.54,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" challenging stuff that you can do,2540.04,3.24,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" outside a lot of my friends picked up,2541.3,3.72,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" mountain biking which you could do,2543.28,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" practically anywhere,2545.02,5.339,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um uh during the pandemic uh so one,2547.3,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" thing that I realized when I was making,2550.359,3.541,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" this video is that if if we got Ubi,2551.68,3.6,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" tomorrow,2553.9,2.58,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um I would probably go hike the,2555.28,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Appalachian Trail I love being outside I,2556.48,4.379,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" love being in the mountains and that is,2559.18,2.939,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" something that I want to do but right,2560.859,3.541,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" now my brain is like well I'm still,2562.119,4.141,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" gonna make YouTube I still got to do AI,2564.4,3.36,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" stuff I still have meetings with my,2566.26,3.42,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" patreon supporters so doing the,2567.76,3.66,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Appalachian Trail is not really an,2569.68,3.419,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" option for me right now unless I were to,2571.42,3.659,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" take like three months off which maybe I,2573.099,5.76,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" should anyways Fitness Fitness is the,2575.079,5.821,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" most familiar model that a lot of people,2578.859,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" use to get Mastery whether it's yoga or,2580.9,6.419,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Pilates or running or cycling martial,2583.599,6.541,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" arts uh strength training these are all,2587.319,4.141,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" things that people,2590.14,4.02,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um many many people do and and it can be,2591.46,5.22,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" a little cultish for some people there's,2594.16,4.439,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" also Fitness based competitions like,2596.68,4.32,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" Iron Man American Ninja that sort of,2598.599,3.181,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" stuff,2601.0,3.14,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" that being said there are many many many,2601.78,4.74,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" additional benefits,2604.14,4.479,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um other than just you know it's,2606.52,5.339,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" something to do uh better Fitness it,2608.619,5.521,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" leads to reduced pain increased Health,2611.859,4.921,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" uh cognitive benefits emotional benefits,2614.14,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" plus you get to show off your body right,2616.78,3.839,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" there's lots of people that love being,2618.64,4.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" fit just for the sake of feeling sexy,2620.619,5.041,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" right there are so many people that,2623.14,4.679,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um that I'm that I knew and have met and,2625.66,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and where they decided to get fit,2627.819,5.04,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um you know started climbing started,2631.18,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" going to the gym and the the the,2632.859,4.98,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" transformation that they felt as they,2635.44,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" felt better about themselves about their,2637.839,4.081,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" body the sense of accomplishment that,2639.88,4.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" they get from that is incredible,2641.92,3.659,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" and still not for everyone so I want to,2643.96,4.08,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" say like okay even if you have all the,2645.579,3.721,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" options in the world and you decide that,2648.04,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" exercise isn't for you that's fine or or,2649.3,5.519,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" fitness exercises for everyone Fitness,2652.48,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" might not be for you meetups so I am a,2654.819,5.401,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" huge fan of meetup.com I actually met my,2658.0,4.38,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" now wife at a Meetup,2660.22,3.899,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um we're both writers,2662.38,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um so the the kinds of tools that are,2664.119,3.901,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" out there so meetup.com is there,2666.28,4.44,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" specifically for finding people with the,2668.02,5.46,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" same interests challenges or whatever,2670.72,7.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" right uh so meetup.com it's free to join,2673.48,6.54,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um I tell people about it all the time I,2678.22,3.18,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" think more people should be on Meetup,2680.02,2.88,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" whether,2681.4,3.199,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um you know you have a special interest,2682.9,3.959,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" or if you've got something that you're,2684.599,3.941,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" coping with there's there's uh support,2686.859,3.061,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" groups,2688.54,4.26,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um on Meetup I host a local AI Meetup,2689.92,6.179,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" I'm actually going to that later today,2692.8,5.46,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um let's see there's intellectual kinds,2696.099,4.321,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" of things there's chess clubs there's,2698.26,5.22,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" spirituality uh clubs Arts crafts,2700.42,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" photography all kinds of stuff,2703.48,4.859,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" whatever your interest is especially if,2705.94,4.919,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" you live in a city you can find other,2708.339,4.76,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" people that have that same interest,2710.859,5.46,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" which is a really great way,2713.099,5.441,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um to get those that's that social,2716.319,4.201,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" connection but then also some of these,2718.54,4.62,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" things can lead to senses of Mastery for,2720.52,3.9,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" instance,2723.16,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" all right so this is life under Ubi uh I,2724.42,6.0,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" hope that you got a lot out of this,2728.68,3.179,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" um and like I said making this video,2730.42,3.899,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" actually I kind of clarified a lot for,2731.859,4.681,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" myself and it makes me personally a lot,2734.319,5.52,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" more excited for the future and I'm,2736.54,5.579,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" personally this was probably the most,2739.839,5.101,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" fun that I've had making a video uh yet,2742.119,6.321,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" so anyways cheers,2744.94,3.5,"Life under UBI: Work, hobbies, and wellbeing without work" all right hello everybody good morning,0.659,5.761,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um so it's been almost two years since I,4.02,4.86,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities published my first book on cognitive,6.42,3.66,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities architecture I called it natural,8.88,3.48,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities language cognitive architecture a,10.08,3.42,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities prototype artificial general,12.36,2.819,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities intelligence,13.5,4.08,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um it's available uh on Barnes Noble and,15.179,5.1,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities paperback it's also available totally,17.58,3.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities for free,20.279,4.201,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um as an Epub on Barnes Noble and uh and,21.3,4.5,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities also on GitHub,24.48,4.92,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so anyways the primary architecture it's,25.8,6.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities it's very very simple overall you've got,29.4,5.4,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities this graphic here so you've got the,32.52,4.74,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities outer loop and the inner loop and,34.8,5.82,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities basically with the with the recent,37.26,7.26,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities updates uh to GPT particularly the June,40.62,5.52,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities 13th updates that allow it to be more,44.52,4.08,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities steerable we now have the ability to,46.14,6.239,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities implement this very very very easily and,48.6,5.76,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so what I'm going to show you today is,52.379,3.901,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities the knowledge Base Service or basically,54.36,4.679,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities the shared database service that I,56.28,4.86,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities created as part of a microservices,59.039,5.221,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities architecture for autonomous cognitive,61.14,4.74,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities entities or artificial general,64.26,3.24,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities intelligences,65.88,3.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so one of the first things to know is,67.5,5.4,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities that uh basically we're moving away from,69.6,6.42,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities coding and we're we're using the model,72.9,5.219,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities to do a lot more of the logic and,76.02,3.24,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities reasoning,78.119,3.961,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so here's the repository it's private,79.26,4.14,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities right now because I wanted it to be,82.08,2.7,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities private while I was working on it but by,83.4,3.359,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities the time you see this video it will be,84.78,3.78,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities public and it's literally just called KB,86.759,4.441,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities microservice knowledge knowledge based,88.56,4.919,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities microservice powered by gpt4 actually I,91.2,4.919,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities used a 3.5 turbo because it's good,93.479,4.381,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities enough for chat Bots cognitive,96.119,4.081,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities architectures and autonomous agents so,97.86,4.439,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities here's the repository I've got it,100.2,4.8,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities documented so it's easy to use,102.299,5.161,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um if there are any bugs feel free to,105.0,6.0,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities submit a pull request to fix a bug but,107.46,5.64,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities in general I probably will not be,111.0,4.399,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities accepting pull requests,113.1,4.74,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities especially if anyone tries to refactor,115.399,4.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities this because don't break it please all,117.84,5.16,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities right anyways moving on so let's unpack,120.119,5.341,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities this so the the microservice itself the,123.0,5.58,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities primary one is very very simple 159,125.46,6.96,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities lines of code it's a flask app and the,128.58,5.1,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities reason that I use flask is because,132.42,3.179,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities honestly flak flask is more,133.68,3.84,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities straightforward than fast API I know,135.599,4.621,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities that people like Fast API but like it,137.52,4.32,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities requires unicorn and a few other things,140.22,4.2,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities and I'm like just use flask so anyways,141.84,4.38,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities whatever personal preference neither,144.42,3.0,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities here nor there,146.22,2.82,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities you're not going to run into speed,147.42,3.24,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities constraints,149.04,4.02,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um okay so you can ignore the top stuff,150.66,4.56,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities these are just helper functions,153.06,4.62,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities we've got a few uh chat bot functions so,155.22,7.08,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities this calls uh the chat GPT API and uh,157.68,6.36,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities you can see here that I have commented,162.3,3.48,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities out gpt4 because not everyone has access,164.04,4.44,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities to it everyone should have access to 3.5,165.78,6.48,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities turbo which is faster and cheaper and if,168.48,5.52,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities it's good enough great and it is,172.26,3.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities definitely good enough,174.0,4.92,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so this is this is the primary function,175.98,6.18,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities now here's the KB functions so the,178.92,4.8,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities endpoints available let me just show you,182.16,2.88,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities the documentation the endpoints,183.72,3.44,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities available are create search and update,185.04,6.18,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so we can uh this is basically crud,187.16,6.28,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities create read update and delete without,191.22,4.739,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities the delete because my assumption is that,193.44,4.26,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities you will never actually want to delete,195.959,4.14,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities Knowledge from your um from your chat,197.7,6.06,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities bot or your AGI you might update an,200.099,5.581,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities article if you have if you get new,203.76,3.479,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities information to correct it but you never,205.68,3.479,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities want to delete it,207.239,3.541,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um kind of like it's it's permanent you,209.159,3.3,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities can easily add a delete function if you,210.78,4.86,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities want but I don't think it's necessary uh,212.459,5.521,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so we've got these three endpoints,215.64,4.2,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities uh and it's pretty straightforward if,217.98,3.3,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities you want to create a KB article you,219.84,3.959,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities create a KB article pretty brain dead,221.28,5.22,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities simple so let's unpack how it does that,223.799,6.841,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so if you if you call create uh it cut,226.5,5.819,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities it ends up calling this function oh and,230.64,4.08,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities I have it I have it call it in Threads,232.319,4.441,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um so that it's non-blocking because I,234.72,4.26,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities realized a lot of these functions um it,236.76,4.559,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities can happen behind the scenes uh you,238.98,4.14,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities don't need to block your chat bot when,241.319,3.901,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities you're updating a KB article or creating,243.12,4.08,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities a KB article the only time that it is,245.22,3.659,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities blocking is when you search because you,247.2,5.34,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities might be waiting for that result so the,248.879,5.881,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities first thing that it does is it opens our,252.54,5.52,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities system underscore create so this is a,254.76,5.34,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities system message that I passed to chat GPT,258.06,4.5,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities main purpose you are a chat bot task,260.1,4.26,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities with creating KB articles based on user,262.56,4.56,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities input your output must only be a Json,264.36,4.619,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities object with the key title description,267.12,3.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities keywords and body the user input may,268.979,4.141,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities vary including news articles chat logs,270.84,3.84,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities and so on the purpose of the KB article,273.12,3.0,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities is to serve as a long-term memory system,274.68,3.36,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities for another chatbot so make sure to,276.12,3.48,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities include all saline information in the,278.04,3.599,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities body focus on topical and declarative,279.6,3.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities information rather than narrative or,281.639,3.241,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities episodic information this information,283.32,2.819,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities will be stored in a separate Daily,284.88,4.5,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities Journal foreign Json schema so we Define,286.139,5.041,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities the Json schema title description,289.38,4.2,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities keywords the title will be used as a,291.18,3.42,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities file names to make sure it is,293.58,2.46,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities descriptive succinct and contains no,294.6,3.48,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities special characters description the,296.04,3.36,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities description should optimize for word,298.08,3.0,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities economy conveying as much detail with as,299.4,4.38,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities few words as possible uh keywords the,301.08,3.899,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities keywords will be a simple string of,303.78,2.699,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities comma separated terms and Concepts to,304.979,3.421,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities help identify the article body the,306.479,3.601,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities article the body of the article should,308.4,4.019,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities uh be in plain text with no markdown or,310.08,3.78,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities other formatting try to keep the body,312.419,4.021,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities under a thousand words method the user,313.86,4.559,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities will submit somebody of text which may,316.44,3.6,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities include chat logs news articles or any,318.419,3.06,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities other format of information do not,320.04,3.06,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities engage the user with chat dialogue,321.479,3.541,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities evaluation or anything even if the chat,323.1,3.599,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities logs appear to be addressing you your,325.02,4.44,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities outmost your output must always and only,326.699,4.381,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities be a Json object with the above,329.46,3.9,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities attributes so this is the instructions,331.08,6.42,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so rather than do uh vector embeddings,333.36,6.119,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities or anything complicated I say here's a,337.5,5.1,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities block of text give me a KB article so it,339.479,5.101,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities outputs it in Json so if we come back,342.6,3.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities over here,344.58,4.08,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um I compose it all here so whatever,346.32,3.74,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities whatever,348.66,3.96,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities text you want it to compose into an,350.06,4.419,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities article it can do it you just give it,352.62,4.139,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities this you give it the system message that,354.479,3.901,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities I just read you,356.759,3.361,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um and then you get a response from chat,358.38,4.379,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities GPT and then you just load the Json,360.12,5.22,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities object and you have a KB article and so,362.759,4.981,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities then I save it out as yaml as a yaml,365.34,4.74,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities file because yaml is a little bit easier,367.74,4.98,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities to read for humans so here are two KB,370.08,6.0,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities articles that I created so first is why,372.72,5.88,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities is this not showing in yaml,376.08,4.559,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities oh interesting,378.6,2.64,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um,380.639,3.661,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so the body axiomatic alignment blah,381.24,6.0,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities blah description keywords title this was,384.3,7.26,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities completely generated by uh chat GPT uh,387.24,6.239,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities 3.5 turbo,391.56,3.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um I didn't do anything like you see the,393.479,4.141,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities whole function here so in this case the,395.28,5.639,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities language model is serving as a major,397.62,5.579,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities component of the program it is basically,400.919,4.861,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities serving As an interpreter so if you,403.199,5.041,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities start to treat GPT As an interpreter,405.78,5.28,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities rather than just an NLP tool it is,408.24,4.799,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities actually a central component of your,411.06,4.8,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities programming experience so here's another,413.039,4.201,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities article that I created here is,415.86,2.88,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities comparatives are the idea that AGI,417.24,3.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities systems can use rules of thumb to guide,418.74,3.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities their motivations and drives these,420.96,2.7,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities heuristics serves as shorthand,422.46,3.54,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities intuitions that enable AGI systems to,423.66,4.02,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities make good enough decisions when faced,426.0,3.479,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities even with faced with incomplete,427.68,3.78,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities information and short time frames one,429.479,3.541,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities key aspect of heuristics is that they,431.46,3.78,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities develop over time through experience AGI,433.02,3.959,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities systems learn from past experiences and,435.24,3.179,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities observations allowing them to further,436.979,3.78,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities refine their behaviors in the future by,438.419,4.201,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities Levering by leveraging heuristic,440.759,3.66,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities comparatives AGI systems can navigate,442.62,4.199,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities complex decision making processes more,444.419,4.321,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities efficiently and effectively,446.819,4.021,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so there you have it so these are two,448.74,4.5,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities articles that were created with this,450.84,4.38,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities process,453.24,4.56,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um and so that's the create process and,455.22,4.919,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities then we have the search and update I'm,457.8,3.66,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities not going to show you every little,460.139,3.0,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities detail but I'll show you how the search,461.46,4.139,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities works next so I've got in this,463.139,4.141,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um here's the here's the service running,465.599,3.901,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities and here's a test script that I've got,467.28,4.5,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities with it so you can you can test it so,469.5,4.139,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities we're going to create a new KB article,471.78,3.18,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so we're going to talk about,473.639,3.361,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um instrumental convergence uh,474.96,4.859,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities instrumental convergence is the idea,477.0,7.919,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities that AGI will select utilitarian or,479.819,6.961,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities instrumental,484.919,4.141,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um uh,486.78,7.08,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities goals regardless of what we want it to,489.06,9.0,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities do uh basically all machines need stuff,493.86,8.16,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities like power compute and data,498.06,8.84,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um there may be uh other instrumental,502.02,10.199,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities goals such as resource acquisition,506.9,8.68,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities Etc okay so we'll send that we'll spam,512.219,5.641,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities that over to the thing because it's,515.58,5.1,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities non-blocking this model gives it back,517.86,4.32,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities really quick okay cool create,520.68,4.62,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities instrumental convergence in AGI so we,522.18,5.159,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities get the debug output and we can go to my,525.3,4.08,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities KB article and we say hey instrumental,527.339,4.261,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities convergence in AGI you can see it was,529.38,5.459,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities created just a minute ago so here we go,531.6,5.04,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities instrumental convergence is the concept,534.839,3.421,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities of artificial general intelligence it,536.64,4.44,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities wrote a KB article and it added what it,538.26,6.42,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities also knows about this concept so,541.08,5.34,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities description exploring the concept of,544.68,3.9,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities instrumental convergence,546.42,4.5,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um You Know instrumental convergence uh,548.58,4.319,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities utilitarian goal instrumental resource,550.92,4.32,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities acquisition so on now let's make sure,552.899,5.221,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities that it got energy it did not include,555.24,5.159,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities energy so it seems like it oh uh here we,558.12,4.2,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities go power it used the word power,560.399,4.321,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities power computational capabilities and,562.32,4.68,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities access to data okay so cool it kept what,564.72,3.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities I said what I said,567.0,4.98,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities and now let's go and do a quick search,568.44,5.94,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so the search function uses the same,571.98,6.18,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities logic main purpose it uses it uses the,574.38,6.12,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities language model as The Interpreter not,578.16,4.739,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities just as a tool so this is becoming more,580.5,5.279,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities and more Central to the way that this,582.899,4.201,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities works,585.779,3.12,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um and oh another thing to know is is,587.1,4.26,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities the directory so part of this using it,588.899,4.861,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities as The Interpreter is that you give it,591.36,3.44,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities more information,593.76,3.66,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities and it uses that to make decisions so,594.8,5.32,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities rather than using semantic search rather,597.42,5.94,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities than having a few extra steps like the,600.12,5.76,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities GPT model already has embeddings built,603.36,5.28,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities in why separate that out so instead I,605.88,5.639,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities give it a directory of files to look for,608.64,6.24,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities okay so uh the system search you are a,611.519,4.561,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities chatbot tasked with searching a,614.88,2.7,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities directory of KB articles and returning,616.08,3.0,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities the relevant KB articles to a search,617.58,3.54,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities query you will be given a chat message,619.08,3.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities from the user this chat message is,621.12,3.54,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities actually the search query your only,622.8,3.539,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities point is to return a Json list of,624.66,3.6,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities relevant KB article file names in,626.339,3.961,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities descending order of relevance if there,628.26,3.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities is nothing relevant return an empty list,630.3,3.42,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities you must always return a Json list,631.98,3.539,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities object and nothing else,633.72,4.26,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so in this case here's the here's the,635.519,4.5,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities directory and here's an example or,637.98,3.66,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities here's the actual directory that it will,640.019,2.94,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities populate that with,641.64,4.199,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so then we come over here to search so,642.959,6.201,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities let's search and then I want to look at,645.839,6.601,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities AGI control theory so this let's just,649.16,4.66,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities say that that's what you want to search,652.44,4.56,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities it'll look at it and there we go,653.82,6.9,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so now it returns my KB articles it,657.0,6.18,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities looks like it returned all three of them,660.72,4.38,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um but it it should have returned it in,663.18,3.68,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities descending order,665.1,5.58,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities based on what it saw as relevant now so,666.86,5.8,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities the this returned all three of them but,670.68,3.659,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities if I just search for a heuristic,672.66,5.64,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities imperatives it should only return whoops,674.339,6.841,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities uh heuristic actually let's just say,678.3,5.34,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities heuristics so it should only return one,681.18,5.58,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities there we go uh so in in this case you,683.64,5.34,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities can give it any string whether it's a,686.76,3.9,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities chat message or a search query or,688.98,3.599,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities whatever and it will return the KB,690.66,4.619,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities article that is most relevant so you can,692.579,5.341,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities see this is working it uses the large,695.279,4.981,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities language model as The Interpreter as a,697.92,3.96,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities as a primary component of its,700.26,3.48,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities interpretation and it also should have,701.88,4.56,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities updated the directory so there you go so,703.74,5.4,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities it has a directory of the files uh the,706.44,4.98,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities title the description and then the,709.14,4.439,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities keywords and so by using the natural,711.42,4.2,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities language the the intrinsic natural,713.579,5.7,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities language aspects of GPT we use this more,715.62,7.8,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities as a code interpreter than just an NLP,719.279,7.201,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities endpoint and so this is why like I I had,723.42,5.28,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities someone ask me recently like oh you know,726.48,4.56,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities you started using chroma DB do you think,728.7,3.42,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities that's the way of the future and I said,731.04,2.0,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities no,732.12,4.38,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities with larger context windows we can,733.04,5.919,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities actually give large language models a,736.5,5.7,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities table of contents so rather than blindly,738.959,5.701,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities searching with vectors and spamming you,742.2,5.04,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities know vectors and doing matching you can,744.66,4.799,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities actually have a language model that has,747.24,4.26,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities context and has instructions and can say,749.459,3.841,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities yeah I think that's the piece of,751.5,3.6,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities information that I need,753.3,4.08,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so this is the KB service I'll be,755.1,4.859,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities working on other similar services so if,757.38,4.68,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities we go back to natural language cognitive,759.959,3.721,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities architecture where it all started two,762.06,4.68,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities years ago I'll be working on a dossier,763.68,6.12,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities service so the dossier service is,766.74,5.279,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities basically it's going to keep track of,769.8,4.979,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities information on every user that interacts,772.019,4.62,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities with it now obviously this probably,774.779,4.981,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities raises some red flags for people the,776.639,7.44,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities idea is not necessarily for like uh not,779.76,7.44,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities not dossier in terms of like CIA or FBI,784.079,5.7,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities dossier what I mean by dossier is like,787.2,5.1,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities user preferences uh your age your,789.779,5.041,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities birthday how you prefer to interact with,792.3,3.96,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities the machine because imagine that you,794.82,4.68,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities have a smart home device that will,796.26,5.879,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities intrinsically learn about the user who's,799.5,5.04,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities who it's speaking with now if you have a,802.139,4.741,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities voice enabled and a camera enabled thing,804.54,4.5,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities this dossier would also include stuff,806.88,5.04,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities about how to visibly identify that,809.04,3.84,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities person,811.92,3.659,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities or identify their voice print that sort,812.88,5.759,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities of thing uh yeah so that's where I'm,815.579,4.2,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities going,818.639,3.661,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um I also mentioned a Daily Journal so,819.779,4.8,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities the KB article is declarative knowledge,822.3,4.86,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities this is topical or declarative knowledge,824.579,5.581,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities that is uh temporally invariant so these,827.16,5.34,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities are just facts these are topics that you,830.16,4.7,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities talk about with your chat bot or your,832.5,5.639,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities AGI The Daily Journal is the,834.86,5.56,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities chronologically temporally bounded thing,838.139,4.621,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities where it just says on this day we talked,840.42,4.38,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities about X topic so that's going to be a,842.76,3.78,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities separate service it's going to be mostly,844.8,3.839,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities the same but it's going to have to be,846.54,3.66,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities temporarily aware so part of the,848.639,4.681,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities metadata is going to be rather than,850.2,6.24,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities these which just has body description,853.32,5.459,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities keywords and title it's going to have to,856.44,3.899,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities have things like,858.779,2.221,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um,860.339,3.18,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities what day it was what year the day of the,861.0,4.26,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities year the month the time stamp that sort,863.519,4.021,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities of stuff so that that way those those,865.26,5.699,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities episodic memories are grounded in uh in,867.54,6.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities a chronologically linear timeline and so,870.959,4.801,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities by having these two separate memory,874.26,3.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities systems they can be very tightly,875.76,3.78,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities correlated because you can still have,877.98,4.14,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities keywords right you can still say like,879.54,4.859,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities you know on March 12th we talked about,882.12,4.5,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities heuristic imperatives and so then your,884.399,4.68,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities system can say okay let me search my my,886.62,5.1,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities episodic memory my Daily Journal for,889.079,4.2,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities heuristic imperative so I know when we,891.72,4.919,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities talked about it and this data structure,893.279,5.461,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities is going to be the way that these,896.639,3.301,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities systems actually learn from these things,898.74,2.64,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities because you'll be able to correlate,899.94,4.8,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities events over time over linear time and,901.38,6.06,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities look back uh by looking at the metadata,904.74,4.02,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities and the descriptions of what happened,907.44,3.839,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities and so on and so forth to look to create,908.76,6.12,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities data sets to connect cause and effect,911.279,6.42,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so this is a really really really huge,914.88,4.74,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities step forward for autonomous cognitive,917.699,3.061,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities entities,919.62,3.839,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities uh and and cognitive architectures in,920.76,5.4,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities general uh and this is just this is just,923.459,5.761,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities the beginning and with the speed and uh,926.16,6.96,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities cost effectiveness of uh 3.5 turbo I,929.22,5.34,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities suspect we're going to see this ramping,933.12,3.719,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities up very very quickly now there's other,934.56,5.04,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities kinds of memories that you can do and,936.839,4.261,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities there's other kinds of things that you,939.6,4.62,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities can choose so in this case the search is,941.1,5.22,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities choosing which KB article is relevant,944.22,5.52,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities but instead of having a KB article what,946.32,4.8,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities if you're actually searching through,949.74,4.08,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities tasks and you can choose which task to,951.12,5.219,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities work on or which stage of the task,953.82,5.1,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities you're on so by you by switching the way,956.339,4.321,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities that you're approaching large language,958.92,3.479,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities models and looking at it as an,960.66,3.66,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities interpreter rather than just an,962.399,5.041,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities individual uh you know NLP or an or,964.32,5.639,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities language generator it is actually a very,967.44,5.339,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities powerful interpreter that can do more,969.959,6.0,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities abstract operations on uh your your,972.779,5.101,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities tasks so,975.959,3.841,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um hey let me just go ahead and add this,977.88,3.959,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities to the readme actually,979.8,5.52,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um so we'll do like uh future work,981.839,7.281,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um so we'll have uh daily uh Journal,985.32,6.959,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities episodic memory Epis,989.12,7.92,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities exotic memory and then we'll also have,992.279,9.06,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities tasks like like an internal jira or,997.04,9.94,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities Trello we can also have dossiers,1001.339,5.641,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um basically basically KB article on,1007.279,5.521,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities users,1011.54,3.18,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities and so there's a few there's quite a few,1012.8,4.74,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities other things that you can do but but by,1014.72,4.5,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities keeping track of these lists of,1017.54,5.34,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities documents this is how you create a,1019.22,6.3,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities thinking machine that can learn over,1022.88,6.48,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities time and by by correlating these things,1025.52,7.159,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities with timestamps so basically,1029.36,8.16,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities time stamps uh temporarily proximal,1032.679,6.4,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities things things that happen around the,1037.52,3.84,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities same time tend to also be correlated,1039.079,4.401,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities this is why your brain might make,1041.36,5.219,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities usually makes good connections if,1043.48,6.04,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities something happened near this time that,1046.579,4.561,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities some something else happened that I had,1049.52,3.18,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities a bad experience they might be,1051.14,3.899,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities correlated now in humans this can,1052.7,4.5,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities actually create false associations right,1055.039,3.661,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities there's been plenty of studies with like,1057.2,3.66,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities rats you know for instance use zaparat,1058.7,4.14,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities and then give it a reward and then it,1060.86,3.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities thinks that the zap is associated with a,1062.84,3.48,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities reward they're completely uncorrelated,1064.58,4.56,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities you created an artificial correlation,1066.32,5.099,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities there that being said we're not going to,1069.14,4.74,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities zap this thing like a rat that's me and,1071.419,3.661,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities I don't think rats should be Zapped,1073.88,3.44,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities anyways but researchers still do that,1075.08,4.979,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities anyways uh getting lost in a tangent,1077.32,5.44,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities point being is that with the combination,1080.059,5.821,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities of time stamps and metadata you can,1082.76,4.98,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities correlate things like Daily Journal,1085.88,4.679,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities events tasks that it's been given user,1087.74,4.98,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities dossiers updates to user dossiers and,1090.559,4.141,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities then finally KB articles so that you,1092.72,4.02,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities have a very comprehensive knowledge,1094.7,5.099,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities system that these language models as the,1096.74,5.7,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities windows grow right because we're at 16,1099.799,5.641,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities 000 tokens for a GPT 3.5 turbo and we're,1102.44,6.84,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities about to get 32 000 tokens for uh for uh,1105.44,6.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities chat GB or a gpt4 so let me just show,1109.28,6.48,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities you how much this is so if we come up to,1112.16,6.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities here and go to the playground you can,1115.76,7.26,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities see this is 359 tokens that is literally,1118.88,6.78,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities one percent if I'm doing my math right,1123.02,6.06,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities one percent of the total token count,1125.66,5.7,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities that we're gonna ultimately have in chat,1129.08,4.32,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities gpt4 in the coming weeks and months,1131.36,5.1,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities which means that you can recall a bunch,1133.4,5.46,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities of KB articles you can recall a bunch of,1136.46,4.68,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities daily journals you can recall a bunch of,1138.86,5.52,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities tasks and task steps in order to decide,1141.14,5.88,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities what to do next now one other thing to,1144.38,5.84,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities think about is that you can include,1147.02,6.44,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities directives in these task switching,1150.22,7.12,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities context so say for instance you uh you,1153.46,6.04,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities want to prioritize in this case the,1157.34,4.32,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities search I prioritized it based on,1159.5,5.16,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities relevance to a KB article but on the,1161.66,5.22,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities task side what if you want to prioritize,1164.66,4.5,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities tasks based on say for instance,1166.88,6.72,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities heuristic imperatives so in this case uh,1169.16,7.44,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities Daily Journal you know whoops you know,1173.6,4.34,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities uh,1176.6,5.36,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities prioritize uh based on relevance,1177.94,7.38,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities or temporal proximity,1181.96,9.12,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities tasks you prioritize based on Roi or,1185.32,8.14,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities heuristic imperatives,1191.08,7.599,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities EG which tasks will reduce suffering the,1193.46,7.52,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities most increase,1198.679,5.581,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities Prosperity the most,1200.98,5.92,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um and increase understanding the most,1204.26,5.94,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities and so this is just another uh another,1206.9,5.82,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities angle in which in a system in a,1210.2,5.04,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities cognitive architecture you can embed,1212.72,6.3,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities various priorities at at many levels,1215.24,5.1,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um so there you have it I think that's,1219.02,2.82,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities about it,1220.34,3.66,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities um yeah so again by the time you see,1221.84,4.56,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities this this microservice should be public,1224.0,5.7,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities should be ready to go and uh yeah thanks,1226.4,4.86,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities for watching I hope you got a lot out of,1229.7,5.219,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities it stay tuned the June 13th update to,1231.26,6.84,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities chat gbt is going to be a major major,1234.919,5.161,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities Game Changer the steerability that they,1238.1,6.12,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities added is just an incredible uh Boon to,1240.08,6.479,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities the development of autonomous AI systems,1244.22,4.74,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities so thanks for watching I hope you liked,1246.559,5.181,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities it and cheers,1248.96,2.78,ChatGPT as an Interpreter: Introducing the KB Microservice for autonomous AI entities I think we're ready to begin,0.079,4.961,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um he saw me look at the camera used to,3.419,2.821,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily be over there now you're over here okay,5.04,6.0,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so I ran a poll uh 17 hours ago I asked,6.24,7.319,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily if you all wanted me to do a video on,11.04,6.3,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily the euai ACT man got names gotta get,13.559,5.461,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily better with names I'm good with acronyms,17.34,3.599,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily come to me for acronyms,19.02,5.88,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily gato Gaia Aegis okay anyways so y'all,20.939,5.881,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily were confused about what I meant by Haas,24.9,3.18,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily which is something from here in the,26.82,2.879,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily South basically Haas means just,28.08,5.1,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily something big right it's short it's a,29.699,6.421,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily southern dialect for a horse or in,33.18,5.16,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily particular a big horse,36.12,5.22,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um so this document is a Haas because,38.34,5.46,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily look how freaking long it is,41.34,4.8,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily it just keeps going,43.8,4.739,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so I plugged it in over here,46.14,6.419,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and it is uh 70 000 tokens long so even,48.539,7.86,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily if I had access to uh GPT 432k which I,52.559,5.881,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily did briefly and then they revoked it I,56.399,4.021,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily think they got overwhelmed uh because I,58.44,5.52,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily used it I tried to use uh GPT uh 432k on,60.42,5.16,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily a couple things and it was just like,63.96,3.96,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily server is overloaded servers are anyways,65.58,4.68,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so hopefully I get that back but the,67.92,4.5,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily idea was there would be I could read it,70.26,3.66,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and you know chop it up into maybe four,72.42,3.96,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily sections uh three or four sections and,73.92,4.08,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily read the whole thing but we don't have,76.38,5.48,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily that and I do have uh GPT 3.5 turbo,78.0,7.02,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily 16k0613 so this model is actually super,81.86,6.46,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily super steerable it is actually better,85.02,8.04,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily than original gpt4 at a lot of things,88.32,6.36,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um it's still kind of dumb especially if,93.06,3.72,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily the instructions are too complex but as,94.68,5.72,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily long as you give it just one task uh GPT,96.78,8.879,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily 3.3.5 turbo 0613 the June 13th model,100.4,7.24,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um is more than adequate for most things,105.659,4.32,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily now that being said because I'm,107.64,4.439,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily interpreting legalese and I'm doing,109.979,5.901,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily summarization I'm going to use 04,112.079,6.54,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily 613. So the instructions that I gave it,115.88,4.96,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily just now and I know that I'm ready to,118.619,4.561,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily start the video primary purpose,120.84,5.0,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily zoom in a little bit the primary purpose,123.18,4.799,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily or the following is a chunk of,125.84,3.88,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily legislation your job is to summarize,127.979,4.501,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily this legislative legislation with two,129.72,5.46,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily primary goals one drastically reduce the,132.48,4.8,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily word count and two retain enough context,135.18,3.9,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily that it will still make sense the reason,137.28,3.48,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily for this is the current AI technology,139.08,3.06,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily can only read chunks that are so big,140.76,3.36,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily method the user will give you a chunk of,142.14,4.2,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily legislation via chat your response must,144.12,3.9,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily only be the summarized version do not,146.34,3.24,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily chat with the user engage with them or,148.02,3.299,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily offer any other commentary summarize,149.58,4.879,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily only so I copied the first hundred lines,151.319,7.041,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily of the legislation into here,154.459,7.301,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and this is what it spit out so it took,158.36,5.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily all that and just said okay this is what,161.76,4.38,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily it means so the first hundred lines,163.62,5.1,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily which you can see here,166.14,6.92,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so we've got 344 000 characters,168.72,7.5,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily 3665 lines of stuff to go through I'm,173.06,4.6,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily not going to read the whole thing I'm,176.22,5.34,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily not AI explained uh that dude just like,177.66,5.82,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily y'all are impressed with how much work I,181.56,3.24,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily can do I'm impressed with how much that,183.48,4.02,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily dude can read just honestly I'm maybe he,184.8,6.62,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily uses chat GPT I don't know anyways,187.5,7.14,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily if you're watching it's just a joke,191.42,6.36,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um okay so anyways uh so ultimately,194.64,6.86,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily basically that that first hundred lines,197.78,6.819,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily uh was summarized and condensed down to,201.5,5.14,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily the European commission proposes a,204.599,4.261,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily regulation for harmonized rules on,206.64,3.72,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily artificial intelligence aiming to,208.86,4.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily balance the socioeconomic benefits of AI,210.36,5.28,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily with potential risks The Proposal seeks,213.12,4.8,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily to ensure AI systems are safe respect,215.64,4.08,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily fundamental rights provide legal,217.92,3.36,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily certainty for investment in Innovation,219.72,3.96,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily enhance governance and prevent Market,221.28,4.739,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily fragmentation so it has says nothing,223.68,5.1,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily about existential risks or prevent AI,226.019,4.44,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily from killing everyone it's sort of,228.78,3.78,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily implicit because like if AI kills,230.459,3.481,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily everyone you can't have investment in,232.56,3.42,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily Innovation but I would rather see,233.94,5.28,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily legislation that is explicit it proposes,235.98,4.74,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily a risk-based approach prohibiting,239.22,3.599,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily certain harmful AI practices and setting,240.72,4.32,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily requirements for high-risk AI systems,242.819,4.14,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily okay cool we'll see how they Define that,245.04,3.18,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily later,246.959,3.301,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily The Proposal also establishes a,248.22,3.719,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily governance system at member state level,250.26,3.36,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and a European artificial intelligence,251.939,4.02,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily board at Union level Okay cool so this,253.62,3.54,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily is this is going to be an international,255.959,4.441,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily regulator great it is consistent with,257.16,5.34,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily existing Union legislation and policies,260.4,3.96,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily including data protection consumer,262.5,3.36,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily protection non-discrimination and gender,264.36,3.839,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily equality so these are all very low level,265.86,4.559,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily risks none of this is actually talking,268.199,4.56,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily like when they say high risk they're,270.419,3.84,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily probably meaning like the social credit,272.759,4.861,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily system uh that is used in China which,274.259,5.22,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily that is a high risk but it is not the,277.62,4.5,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily highest risk The Proposal is based on,279.479,4.261,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily article 114 of the Treaty of the,282.12,3.18,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily functioning of the European Union Union,283.74,5.519,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily the tfeu which ensures The Establishment,285.3,5.459,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and functioning of the internal Market,289.259,4.38,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily okay so this is mostly a market-oriented,290.759,5.041,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily piece of legislation great so we know,293.639,4.141,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily that this works so let's go ahead and,295.8,3.36,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily save this out I'm going to walk you,297.78,3.419,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily through the whole process,299.16,4.62,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um and then I'll yeah so this is this is,301.199,4.141,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily how this is how we're going to proceed,303.78,3.24,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily for those of you that are newer to my,305.34,3.24,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily channel this is actually the original,307.02,3.72,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily format that I used where I would where I,308.58,3.3,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily would walk you through the entire,310.74,3.899,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily process so just watched it on 2X and,311.88,5.46,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily you'll see the whole process of how I,314.639,4.681,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily approach these things so we'll call this,317.34,6.78,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily system summarize yes dot text,319.32,7.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and so basically I give it a system a,324.12,4.38,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily system message with very very clear,326.58,4.44,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily instructions uh and and what I expect,328.5,4.68,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and and what it should expect and then,331.02,3.66,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily it gives you very clear consistent,333.18,5.76,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily results so then we come over to,334.68,5.48,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um,338.94,4.259,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily Step One simplify so this is I'm just re,340.16,6.879,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily I'm borrowing code uh which I always do,343.199,5.761,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um,347.039,3.901,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so we've got this so this is what we're,348.96,4.38,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily going to use to do that,350.94,4.68,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um this is this is this is a KB service,353.34,3.66,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily that I'm working on so I'll show you,355.62,4.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily that in an upcoming video,357.0,6.68,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um but you don't get to see that yet,359.88,3.8,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily we don't need KB functions so delete,364.139,3.541,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily that,366.539,3.241,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily flask routes we're not going to do a,367.68,4.079,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily flask app so that's also fine actually I,369.78,4.8,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily guess I just delete most of it okay cool,371.759,4.5,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so we get rid of flask because we're not,374.58,2.76,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily going to do that we're not going to do,376.259,3.121,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily threading We're Not Gonna we don't need,377.34,7.94,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily flask or logging or Json or yaml okay,379.38,5.9,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily clean it up I probably should have done,386.22,3.539,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily that before I started the video but it's,388.199,3.961,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily good to it's good for you to see how,389.759,4.201,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily messy my process is,392.16,3.3,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um I am the first person to tell you I,393.96,3.0,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily am not a professional developer I never,395.46,4.079,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily was my uh professional background was I,396.96,4.739,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily was uh in virtualization and automation,399.539,4.38,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so I'm an automation engineer which is,401.699,3.661,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily why I approach things the way that I do,403.919,4.56,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily which is creating discrete steps,405.36,4.679,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um so you notice the FI the title of,408.479,4.141,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily this is uh step one simplify,410.039,4.561,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um Okay cool so basically what we're,412.62,6.12,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily going to do is we're going to ask this,414.6,7.379,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily handy dandy uh coding chat bot that I,418.74,6.54,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily built which you can use this it is,421.979,6.421,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily available over,425.28,5.52,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily here,428.4,4.62,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um I had a bunch of people submitting,430.8,6.239,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um uh uh pull requests and they kept,433.02,6.06,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily trying to like change the way that this,437.039,3.301,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily thing works so I just set it to public,439.08,4.559,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily archive so here's the thing is I welcome,440.34,6.359,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily pull requests that are like,443.639,5.761,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily simple fixes or small improvements don't,446.699,4.741,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily refactor my code just Fork it right like,449.4,4.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily there's 19 Forks if you want to if you,451.44,3.84,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily want to fundamentally change how it,453.66,3.06,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily works fine,455.28,3.18,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um but I got tired of people messing up,456.72,3.36,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily my code so I just set it to public,458.46,3.54,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily archive and guess what like people you,460.08,3.059,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily can still do whatever you want with it,462.0,4.46,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily anyways so we're going to use this as a,463.139,5.641,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily co-pilot tool because I got frustrated,466.46,5.56,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily with GitHub because they're co-pilot uh,468.78,5.58,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily customer service whatever documentation,472.02,4.619,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily is garbage okay,474.36,5.339,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily uh let's see I have um here let's just,476.639,6.481,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily write a function that accepts,479.699,4.021,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um,483.12,4.68,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily a gigantic string and returns,483.72,5.0,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um,487.8,4.32,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily let's see and let's see splits it by,488.72,4.72,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily lines,492.12,3.54,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and then chunks,493.44,7.68,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um 100 lines uh together and returns uh,495.66,7.319,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily those chunks,501.12,5.4,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily as strings so,502.979,4.321,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um,506.52,3.079,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily the final result,507.3,4.56,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily will be,509.599,4.661,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um a list,511.86,4.08,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily of strings,514.26,6.48,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily each string represents 100 lines of the,515.94,6.5,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily original,520.74,4.8,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily okay so this is this is my coding,522.44,5.98,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily chatbot assistant that um it uses it,525.54,5.16,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily also uses gpt4,528.42,3.96,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um you I I tried it you can actually,530.7,4.259,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily switch it to um,532.38,4.74,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily oh it's using the old one,534.959,5.161,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily hold on now I need to update that,537.12,6.18,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily hold on hold on that's the wrong model,540.12,5.58,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily coding chatbot assistant see this is,543.3,3.96,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily what I mean is someone someone updated,545.7,3.66,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily it oh no my local one uses the right one,547.26,3.72,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so someone updated it with the wrong,549.36,3.36,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily model and made a bunch of other,550.98,3.96,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily assumptions and I was just like no this,552.72,5.76,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily is not this is not what I wanted okay,554.94,7.079,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so here we go here's the function python,558.48,6.359,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily chunk strings line lines equals split oh,562.019,5.641,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily wow I did it in two lines cool,564.839,4.56,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um,567.66,4.76,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily this functions first splits the string,569.399,6.841,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily into lines using the delimiter then it,572.42,7.08,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily uses a list,576.24,5.099,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily comprehension to create chunks of 100,579.5,5.38,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily lines each the range yep the result is a,581.339,5.161,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily list of strings cool,584.88,3.66,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily excellent excellent excellent so I'm,586.5,4.38,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily going to go ahead and copy this out,588.54,4.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily oh and another good thing is that uh,590.88,5.639,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily like well yeah you see how it works all,592.8,7.08,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily right so we'll go ahead and,596.519,6.601,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily do that so chunk strings so first we,599.88,5.04,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily want to just um,603.12,4.38,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily act equals,604.92,5.039,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily open file and I've got it named as,607.5,4.56,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily act.txt,609.959,4.94,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily just right here,612.06,2.839,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um yep,614.94,5.76,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily oh and also this uh excuse me this this,616.2,7.079,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily uses a scratch Pad so what I can do is I,620.7,4.139,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily can actually populate the code that I'm,623.279,5.041,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily working on uh,624.839,5.041,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily over here,628.32,3.66,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so now it's aware of what I'm working on,629.88,4.74,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so this scratch Pad is a holdout so,631.98,4.32,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily rather than giving it the code in,634.62,4.68,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily sequence the the coding chat bot,636.3,4.44,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily actually has,639.3,4.68,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily a uh it has here let me show you the,640.74,4.86,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily system message so here's the,643.98,2.94,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily instructions your python coding,645.6,3.84,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily assistant let me turn on word wrap your,646.92,4.8,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily python coding assistant etc etc scratch,649.44,4.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily Pad so basically tells you the scratch,651.72,4.559,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily Pad is usable you know so that you know,653.7,4.259,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily what the user is working on,656.279,3.06,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um so that you can talk about this and,657.959,3.781,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily this is passed to the chat bot every,659.339,5.101,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily time so whatever the conversation is,661.74,5.94,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily like that that is in the past,664.44,4.44,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um I don't know if I'm explaining that,667.68,3.54,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily well anyways point being is that it see,668.88,3.959,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily it can see the code that you're working,671.22,5.359,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily on as long as you keep this updated,672.839,3.74,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um okay,677.1,3.96,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so that's the first hundred lines,678.0,5.22,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um let's go ahead and,681.06,5.1,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily see where did it go step one simplify,683.22,5.58,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um cool so act equals that and then,686.16,6.239,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily we'll say chunks equals uh let's see,688.8,5.159,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily chunk string,692.399,5.161,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily chunk string act all right so this this,693.959,5.701,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily basically creates the chunks that we're,697.56,4.2,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily going to be working on,699.66,2.76,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um,701.76,3.48,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and that is that,702.42,5.22,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily let's see I'm gonna need to watch this,705.24,4.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily because,707.64,3.24,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um well here let me just show you,709.5,2.88,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily something real quick so the first,710.88,3.48,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily hundred lines,712.38,5.579,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily if we take that over to,714.36,5.76,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily playground and,717.959,4.681,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily paste it in here you see that 100 lines,720.12,5.82,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily is about four thousand tokens so that,722.64,4.98,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily would obviously be too big for text,725.94,6.54,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily davinci03 but with with gpt4 we have 8,727.62,7.92,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily 000 tokens and then with 3.5 16k we have,732.48,5.22,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily 16 000 tokens so we could actually,735.54,4.979,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily probably do more but the thing is is,737.7,6.54,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily that again 3.5 turbo is actually you,740.519,5.641,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily know what let's try it real quick heck,744.24,4.86,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily with it heck with it while we're here,746.16,5.64,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily let's go back over to chat,749.1,4.799,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily let's give it,751.8,3.659,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily this chunk,753.899,3.481,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily because if it can if I can do it faster,755.459,5.461,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and cheaper why not why not,757.38,5.399,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um and then we need this is our system,760.92,4.08,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily message we need to make sure that we're,762.779,7.141,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily going to use 3.5 turbo 16k so that it's,765.0,6.3,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily got enough space,769.92,3.719,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily okay turn the temperature down we do not,771.3,4.14,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily want you to be creative thank you very,773.639,3.241,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily much,775.44,3.48,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um all right and then let's see how well,776.88,5.0,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily it summarizes it,778.92,2.96,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um yeah so it's not this summarization,782.1,7.4,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily is not nearly as elegant or as concise,784.8,4.7,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um but just glancing at it it's okay,789.839,6.24,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily I think I'm gonna stick with with four,794.579,4.081,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily but I'm glad I did this side by side so,796.079,5.281,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily the the the gpt4 it's a much more,798.66,5.7,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily elegant summary and it's also less wordy,801.36,4.86,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily even though so it's not quite as fast,804.36,4.62,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and it's not quite as cheap because we,806.22,4.14,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily need to capture the essence of something,808.98,3.299,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily that's really important let's use the,810.36,3.3,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily smarter model,812.279,4.321,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily uh now that being said again 3.5 turbo,813.66,7.14,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily uh the the June 13th one plenty plenty,816.6,6.479,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily good for a lot of things,820.8,4.86,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily Okay cool so I'm glad I ran that test,823.079,4.861,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily where are we what am I doing,825.66,4.2,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily I don't know I'm lost,827.94,3.78,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily I'm always lost,829.86,4.56,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily there's this meme it's like a pug in a,831.72,5.7,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily field with a wizard hat and it says the,834.42,5.159,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily the the meme is like not all who wander,837.42,6.06,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily are lost except Dave is lost as and,839.579,5.94,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily that's me I am the pug with a wizard hat,843.48,4.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily does that make any sense I need more,845.519,3.961,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily coffee,847.74,3.899,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily oh,849.48,3.78,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily okay all right I hope you find this,851.639,3.121,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily entertaining because I just woke up and,853.26,2.94,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily I was like my brain's like hey we should,854.76,3.36,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily work on this,856.2,4.02,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily all right now we're back here all right,858.12,4.14,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily we've got our chunks so now what we need,860.22,3.9,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily to do so this is this is where it gets,862.26,4.5,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily fun so uh,864.12,6.06,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily four Chunk in chunks this is super,866.76,5.94,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily straightforward uh let's see,870.18,4.5,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um messages,872.7,6.42,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily equals uh this is going to be a list and,874.68,6.24,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily then the,879.12,5.64,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um roll will be whoops,880.92,5.34,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily user,884.76,4.879,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and the content,886.26,3.379,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily wow I know how to type I promise it's,890.399,5.521,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily just getting it from my head to the to,893.459,4.081,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily the hands on the keyboard to the screen,895.92,4.44,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily that's too many steps right now,897.54,6.18,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily content equals chunk okay cool,900.36,5.279,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so basically what we're doing right here,903.72,4.32,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily is we're setting it up to look exactly,905.639,5.341,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily like this so I'm I'm putting the Chunk,908.04,4.739,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily in here and then we also need to load,910.98,3.659,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily the system message so what we're going,912.779,3.3,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily to do is we're going to do,914.639,5.521,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um system equals open file uh system,916.079,6.901,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily underscore summarize so this is this is,920.16,4.619,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily the instructions,922.98,3.299,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um dot text,924.779,3.36,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so system message is the new prompt,926.279,3.18,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily engineering,928.139,4.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um all right cool so then we'll do uh,929.459,5.301,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily roll,932.399,2.361,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily system,935.16,5.119,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and content,938.04,5.039,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily is system,940.279,4.481,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily all right so now we're ready to pass it,943.079,4.56,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily up to our model right here so then we'll,944.76,6.78,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily just do response equals chat bot,947.639,5.221,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily messages,951.54,3.9,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily ta-da as that simple,952.86,4.74,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um so it's ready and so this response is,955.44,4.38,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily going to be the summary,957.6,4.2,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and so now I need to figure out how I,959.82,4.139,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily want to save this save these summaries,961.8,5.099,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily out in a way that makes sense,963.959,4.44,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um,966.899,4.401,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily let's see,968.399,2.901,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily let me ask my chatbot assistant okay,973.079,4.021,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily cool,975.24,5.94,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily great uh now I want to pass a list of,977.1,8.099,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily strings to a function and have that,981.18,9.839,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily function save them to a specified folder,985.199,7.58,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily as a parameter,991.019,8.541,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and I want it to serialize those files,992.779,10.06,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily like so,999.56,5.219,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um so it'll be like,1002.839,6.901,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily file001 dot text file zero zero zero two,1004.779,7.901,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily dot text and so on,1009.74,3.719,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um,1012.68,5.459,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily let's see you should see the script I'm,1013.459,8.481,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily working on all right cool,1018.139,3.801,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so then we're gonna we're gonna have um,1022.339,6.84,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily summaries equals list and then summaries,1025.339,6.141,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily dot append,1029.179,4.981,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily response so now basically we're gonna,1031.48,5.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily have the summaries all in order and what,1034.16,3.72,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily I'm going to do is I'm going to copy and,1036.74,3.599,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily paste this into my scratch Pad so that,1037.88,3.959,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily the chat bot knows what I'm working on,1040.339,3.781,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and I'll show you how that it says oh,1041.839,5.58,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily okay cool I probably should have told it,1044.12,4.5,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily that I'm going to do that with the,1047.419,2.76,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily summaries it's usually pretty good at,1048.62,4.2,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily making the inference okay cool,1050.179,7.201,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um let's see def save strings if OS path,1052.82,6.599,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily exists or if it doesn't exist make it,1057.38,3.96,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily otherwise enumerate strings,1059.419,4.021,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so as long as I've been using python I'm,1061.34,4.5,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily not entirely sure how enumerate Works,1063.44,5.18,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily maybe I should ask,1065.84,2.78,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily all right but let's go over here,1068.72,6.86,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily let's go back to my script,1072.14,3.44,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily save strings cool,1077.66,4.08,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um,1080.6,6.06,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily file I 05 interesting,1081.74,6.299,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily yeah see I'm not even sure how that,1086.66,2.759,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily works,1088.039,3.061,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily fantastic let's see if it let's see if,1089.419,3.721,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily it works though,1091.1,4.199,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um the function first checks that the,1093.14,4.62,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily specified folder exists excellent then,1095.299,5.521,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily it uses it to make it then then iterates,1097.76,4.62,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily over the list of strings using enumerate,1100.82,3.599,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily which provides both the index and the,1102.38,3.659,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily value oh okay so that's what enumerate,1104.419,3.781,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily does the index is used to generate the,1106.039,6.181,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily file name with I colon 05 in the F,1108.2,6.06,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily string ensuring that the index is zero,1112.22,6.0,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily padded to five digits well that was easy,1114.26,5.52,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily cool,1118.22,3.3,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um right and then it uses the right,1119.78,2.72,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily method,1121.52,6.0,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily uh yeah so instead,1122.5,6.82,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um I want I was hoping it would use my,1127.52,4.86,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily save file but that's fine,1129.32,6.719,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um so let's go to here and we're gonna,1132.38,6.84,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily do summaries,1136.039,5.161,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and so instead,1139.22,4.5,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily we're going to assume that that is,1141.2,4.5,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily already there,1143.72,5.959,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and then we are going to do,1145.7,8.599,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily file path equals,1149.679,4.62,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um,1156.08,2.12,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily OS path join folder,1158.24,6.679,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily yeah that works,1161.66,3.259,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and then,1173.12,4.74,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily we are going to do,1175.88,4.44,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily save file because this so my save file,1177.86,3.72,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily function,1180.32,4.68,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um encodes it in utf-8 so just reuse,1181.58,5.219,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily something rather than do it here because,1185.0,4.32,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily you see this doesn't do it in utf-8 you,1186.799,3.541,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily want to make sure that you have a nice,1189.32,2.219,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily standardized thing that's what I'm doing,1190.34,2.52,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily here,1191.539,5.581,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily file path and S so that should be good,1192.86,7.86,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily fine all right so save strings,1197.12,7.679,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um so then we do save strings uh we'll,1200.72,5.1,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily do,1204.799,2.76,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily summaries,1205.82,5.04,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily no I need to do yes summaries,1207.559,5.881,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and then summaries,1210.86,5.1,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and that should work uh now that being,1213.44,4.92,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily said I want to print the response as I,1215.96,4.76,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily get them,1218.36,2.36,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um there we go and then,1222.74,3.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily response,1226.22,4.62,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily all right let's give this a whirl and,1228.2,5.58,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily see if it works,1230.84,6.9,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily CD what is this EU AI Act,1233.78,6.54,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily let's zoom in a little bit,1237.74,6.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily python stepo one,1240.32,3.68,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so this will probably take a while,1245.72,4.86,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily because we've got three thousand line 3,1247.1,7.04,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily 300 lines there we go cool,1250.58,3.56,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily hmm,1254.36,4.86,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily hold on oh right right right,1255.679,5.941,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily forgot about this okay so this is an,1259.22,3.72,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily important thing,1261.62,3.12,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um what I started doing and I forgot to,1262.94,3.9,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily integrate this so what I started doing,1264.74,4.92,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily is I when I whenever I called a chat bot,1266.84,5.76,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily I return the text and the token use,1269.66,4.08,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um so because this is actually really,1272.6,2.699,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily helpful if you just go ahead and return,1273.74,4.14,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily the tokens so that you know when to,1275.299,5.401,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily summarize it so instead what I need to,1277.88,5.64,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily do is response tokens,1280.7,4.08,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um because I don't need to save I don't,1283.52,4.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily need to save a tuple out here,1284.78,5.639,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily but this otherwise looks good,1287.78,5.7,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and then what I'm going to do is I'm,1290.419,5.301,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily going to go grab,1293.48,4.86,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily uh something to make the the printout,1295.72,5.199,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily look a little bit better,1298.34,4.64,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um,1300.919,2.061,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily reflective journaling tool this one has,1303.5,5.88,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily this one has good pretty output,1306.02,7.58,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so we're going to do formatted lines,1309.38,4.22,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily yep,1316.64,6.32,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so take the formatted lines here,1318.86,4.1,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and then we'll do,1328.58,5.339,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily rent do I knew my new line,1330.32,7.82,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and formatted lines,1333.919,4.221,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily all right so that will that'll make it,1339.44,4.02,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily that'll make it prettier and then we'll,1341.299,3.961,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily also use,1343.46,3.3,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um so this this is this is why I,1345.26,3.36,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily appreciate when people,1346.76,5.399,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um uh add feedback is we added uh,1348.62,6.059,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily someone added the Halo which is a little,1352.159,5.161,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily like thing that shows that it's thinking,1354.679,4.201,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so I'm going to add that real quick as,1357.32,3.739,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily well,1358.88,2.179,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and the way that you use that is down,1362.96,5.12,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily here,1365.659,2.421,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and so once once this is running I'll,1374.72,2.88,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily pause the video so you don't have to,1376.52,2.159,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily watch the whole thing so you're actually,1377.6,3.54,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily probably closer to the end if I had to,1378.679,4.581,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily guess,1381.14,2.12,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily oops spinner start,1386.12,3.32,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so we'll say summarizing next chunk,1391.4,4.94,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and then spinner stop,1398.36,3.02,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily okay so let's try this make sure it,1405.14,4.34,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily works,1407.12,2.36,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily summarizing next chunk hey look now it,1412.46,4.44,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily gives us some output better user,1414.74,4.74,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily experience it tells me what it's doing,1416.9,6.32,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily uh text wrap is not defined whoops,1419.48,5.579,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily what do you mean I need to import,1423.22,5.74,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily everything that you use import text wrap,1425.059,5.821,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily let's try that again,1428.96,3.959,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily third time's a charm all right and if,1430.88,3.48,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily this works then I'll go ahead and pause,1432.919,2.88,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily it and then we'll come back once the,1434.36,3.42,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily whole video is or once the whole thing,1435.799,3.061,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily is done,1437.78,2.779,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily uh why is it,1438.86,6.0,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily in hold on hold on that's not right,1440.559,7.061,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily why are you giving me this garbage,1444.86,6.02,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily that's not correct,1447.62,3.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily oh right I need to print out formatted,1452.6,5.9,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily text my bad,1455.059,3.441,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily don't give me this nonsense,1461.179,3.5,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily because basically what you want to do is,1464.96,3.599,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily you want to have it formatted in such a,1466.88,3.48,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily way there we go see so now we have this,1468.559,4.321,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily nice little Block it's easier to read,1470.36,3.72,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um all right cool so this is working,1472.88,2.7,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily we'll watch it just a couple times you,1474.08,4.44,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily see how fast it is uh the the June 13th,1475.58,6.24,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily update is much much faster,1478.52,5.279,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um let's see,1481.82,5.219,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily excellent excellent excellent so we will,1483.799,4.981,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily I'm gonna pause the video and we'll come,1487.039,4.921,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily back and uh and take a look at the final,1488.78,5.96,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily result cheers,1491.96,2.78,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily okay and we're back,1495.32,5.4,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so after uh running it all here let me,1497.6,4.079,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily just show you what the results were,1500.72,2.939,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily we've got,1501.679,4.74,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily 37 files,1503.659,5.64,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um each with a summary and I wrote a,1506.419,4.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily really quick I hacked together a really,1509.299,4.321,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily quick script that uh merged them all and,1510.679,5.161,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so the merged result is thirty four,1513.62,4.559,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily thousand uh characters long so we,1515.84,5.52,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily reduced it by a factor of ten to one uh,1518.179,5.521,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily just just shy of ten to one which when,1521.36,4.679,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily you plug that in over here that's six,1523.7,5.28,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily thousand tokens so we went from from,1526.039,4.561,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily sixty thousand or seventy thousand,1528.98,3.24,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily tokens I don't remember exactly to six,1530.6,3.66,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily thousand tokens one of the reasons that,1532.22,4.74,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily we had a more drastic reduction of token,1534.26,5.159,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily count is because we removed all the,1536.96,4.319,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily serial numbers and stuff because that's,1539.419,4.441,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily kind of Superfluous if you if you remove,1541.279,4.561,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily symbols and stuff like this these are,1543.86,4.62,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily high token uh things if it's ordinary,1545.84,5.64,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily words like Ai and each system these are,1548.48,6.12,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily easy for the model to tokenize so that,1551.48,5.46,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily means what we can do now is we can just,1554.6,3.959,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily take this whole thing,1556.94,5.82,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and come over to chat and say um let's,1558.559,5.22,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily see,1562.76,6.72,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily uh uh main purpose uh here darn it,1563.779,9.421,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily believe that you are a uh chat bot,1569.48,7.22,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily tasked with uh discussing,1573.2,8.459,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily uh the following uh legislation with the,1576.7,7.24,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily user uh,1581.659,5.581,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily make sure to well hell that I mean,1583.94,5.839,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily that's all it is uh,1587.24,5.84,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily use the legislation,1589.779,7.061,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily summary below to conduct the,1593.08,4.839,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily conversation,1596.84,4.219,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and that's it and so then we say uh,1597.919,6.0,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily legislation summary,1601.059,5.261,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and we'll copy paste it here,1603.919,5.221,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and so then we move over to we could do,1606.32,5.7,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily 16k because that'll be that'll be faster,1609.14,4.08,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um actually here let's try that real,1612.02,3.18,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily quick let's try that temperature there,1613.22,4.559,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily okay,1615.2,6.479,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um give me a high level overview of this,1617.779,7.581,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily uh legislation,1621.679,3.681,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily after five years,1628.9,5.92,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um how is it funded,1631.4,4.519,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily foreign,1634.82,3.0,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily let's see the funding and the,1635.919,3.581,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily implementation of this legislation comes,1637.82,2.7,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily from the multi-annual financial,1639.5,3.48,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily framework uh blah blah blah blah the,1640.52,4.019,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily financial impact includes allocation of,1642.98,3.42,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily resources,1644.539,4.561,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um and having watch that go through how,1646.4,3.48,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily many,1649.1,1.64,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um,1649.88,2.58,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily employees,1650.74,4.74,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily will it cost,1652.46,3.02,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily there we go 10 full-time equivalent,1656.299,3.781,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily employees,1658.22,5.939,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily all right so we can clear that out,1660.08,6.18,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily uh just because it ultimately is,1664.159,4.861,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily Superfluous so some of the questions,1666.26,5.899,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um uh let's see will this legislation,1669.02,8.539,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily hamper research and innovation,1672.159,5.4,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily let's see the legislation aims to,1678.44,3.78,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily balance the benefits of AI research and,1680.659,2.88,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily Innovation with the need for safety and,1682.22,2.939,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily respect for fundamental rights it,1683.539,3.12,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily includes measures to support Innovation,1685.159,4.14,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily such as AI regulatory sandboxes and,1686.659,4.741,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily reducing the regulatory burden on smes,1689.299,4.5,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and startups so that smes are going to,1691.4,4.08,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily be subject matter experts like you and I,1693.799,3.541,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily as well as startups,1695.48,3.78,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily the goal is to provide legal certainty,1697.34,3.959,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and prevent Market fragmentation which,1699.26,4.26,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily can actually Foster Innovation by,1701.299,3.721,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily creating a Level Playing Field for AI,1703.52,3.0,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily developers however it imposes certain,1705.02,3.48,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily requirements and obligations on,1706.52,3.72,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily high-risk AI,1708.5,5.659,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um how does this legislation Define,1710.24,7.88,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily higher risk AI,1714.159,3.961,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily uh let's see the this legislation,1719.62,5.38,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily categorizes AI systems into three risk,1722.179,4.74,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily levels unacceptable high and low or,1725.0,4.559,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily minimal high risk AI is based on their,1726.919,4.801,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily intended purpose and usage while the,1729.559,4.141,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily specific criteria may vary high risk AI,1731.72,4.079,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily generally include those use the safety,1733.7,3.599,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily components of products covered by Union,1735.799,4.38,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily harmonization legislation as well as AI,1737.299,4.141,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily used in critical infrastructure,1740.179,3.0,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily management education vocational training,1741.44,4.38,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily employment and workers management these,1743.179,4.201,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily high-risk AI systems are subject to,1745.82,3.0,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily requirements,1747.38,2.34,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um,1748.82,2.88,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily what are unacceptable,1749.72,4.98,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily types,1751.7,3.0,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily the legislation prohibits certain AI,1755.12,3.299,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily practices that are considered,1757.34,3.059,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily unacceptable due to their potential to,1758.419,4.441,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily violate fundamental rights while the,1760.399,4.16,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily specific types may vary some examples,1762.86,4.439,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily include manipulate human behavior,1764.559,4.6,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily exploit vulnerabilities or enable social,1767.299,4.021,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily scoring by public authorities right so,1769.159,4.5,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily as I mentioned uh social credit system,1771.32,4.94,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily these practices are deemed harmful,1773.659,5.64,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily Freedom dignity democracy quality and,1776.26,4.919,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily fundamental rights okay cool,1779.299,5.901,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily does this legislation address,1781.179,7.961,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily existential risk at all,1785.2,9.54,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um does it address autonomous AI,1789.14,5.6,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily the legislation does not explicitly,1795.02,4.32,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily address existential risk or autonomous,1797.299,6.781,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily AI systems wow okay now one thing that I,1799.34,6.42,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily will say is that if you look at the,1804.08,3.92,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily legislation it does talk about like,1805.76,5.46,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily basically human supervision,1808.0,6.94,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um yeah so like AI regulatory sandbox by,1811.22,7.92,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily one or more member stages no like here,1814.94,6.839,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um it where was it it talked about not,1819.14,5.1,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily supervision of the sandboxes but like AI,1821.779,4.38,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily systems basically need to be steerable,1824.24,3.9,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily it's in there somewhere,1826.159,5.88,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um okay but let's see it does not,1828.14,5.34,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily specifically address a potential risk,1832.039,2.88,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily associated with highly autonomous or,1833.48,3.24,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily super intelligent AI systems that could,1834.919,3.36,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily pose existential threats however the,1836.72,3.059,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily legislation's emphasis on risk,1838.279,3.301,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily management human oversight oh that's,1839.779,3.181,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily what it was oversight not supervision,1841.58,3.0,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily and robustness requirements for,1842.96,3.5,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily high-risk AI systems indirectly,1844.58,3.839,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily contributes to addressing the safety,1846.46,3.88,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily concerns associated with AI Technologies,1848.419,4.14,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily it is important to note that addressing,1850.34,3.959,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily existential risks related to AI may,1852.559,3.6,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily require further research discussions on,1854.299,3.6,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily potentially additional regular,1856.159,4.921,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily regulations in the future okay cool,1857.899,6.541,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so there you have it this file is saved,1861.08,6.24,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily as merged.txt,1864.44,4.88,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um,1867.32,2.0,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily let me go ahead and send that up to git,1869.96,5.4,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily so you can all use it uh let's see get,1872.6,8.059,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily status get add get commit am all done,1875.36,8.28,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily get push all right so there you have it,1880.659,6.88,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily you have a uh a much much condensed,1883.64,7.38,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily version of of the EU act here and merged,1887.539,6.301,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily you can plug it into the playground and,1891.02,5.519,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily ask questions to your heart's content if,1893.84,4.5,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily you have access to it but otherwise you,1896.539,4.02,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily can at least just read it here,1898.34,3.42,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily um yeah I think we're all done thanks,1900.559,3.681,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily for watching,1901.76,2.48,I summarized the EU AI Act so you can ask ChatGPT about it easily morning everybody David Shapiro here,0.12,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" with your weekly video,2.1,6.72,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so today's video is about layer six of,4.62,6.059,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the gato framework which calls for,8.82,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" international treaties uh or in other,10.679,5.821,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" words Global AI based agencies so,13.32,5.76,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" today's uh topic is going to be talking,16.5,5.539,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" about what would those look like because,19.08,6.539,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" uh in many cases people are just not,22.039,6.281,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" aware of existing work that has been,25.619,5.341,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" done on an international or global scale,28.32,4.98,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so I figured we would talk we would uh,30.96,5.279,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" talk about those and um and then also,33.3,4.74,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" you know first talk about what exists,36.239,4.561,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and then also talk about how uh a,38.04,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" version of those for AI would look,40.8,3.96,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" apologies,42.54,4.8,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um so real quick just before we jump in,44.76,4.74,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" I'll plug my patreon I have a private,47.34,3.66,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Discord server for all patreon,49.5,5.699,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" supporters and I also have weekly office,51.0,6.12,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" hours for the premium tier patreon,55.199,4.321,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" supporters I also do have a higher tier,57.12,4.919,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" which allows for one-on-one calls but at,59.52,4.679,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" least as of the recording of this I have,62.039,5.4,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" no lots available that being said I do,64.199,6.121,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" add slots occasionally you know there's,67.439,5.341,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Churn it happens okay moving right along,70.32,5.7,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so for some background a few weeks ago,72.78,5.4,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Sam Altman Gary Marcus and Christina,76.02,3.959,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Montgomery testified before Congress,78.18,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" about artificial intelligence and one of,79.979,3.901,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the things that they asked for was,82.68,2.78,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" regulation,83.88,4.02,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" all all three of them asked for it in,85.46,4.96,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" certain respects Sam Altman obviously,87.9,6.0,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the CEO of open AI has been calling for,90.42,5.42,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" various kinds of regulation for a while,93.9,5.64,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Christina who comes from IBM she was a,95.84,5.739,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" little bit more let's say corporate,99.54,3.96,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" sanitized in the way that she asked but,101.579,4.981,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" she basically said that IBM's policy has,103.5,7.02,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" always been to be more in favor of of,106.56,6.18,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Regulation including going back to,110.52,4.559,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" social media and I checked on IBM's,112.74,3.659,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" website and they actually do have some,115.079,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" policies and recommendations obviously,116.399,5.101,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" there they have to be very diplomatic,119.579,3.18,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" about it because they are not a,121.5,2.82,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" political entity and of course we,122.759,4.201,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" already we have a lot of in my opinion,124.32,6.359,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" too much uh interference between the,126.96,6.18,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" corporate establishment and American,130.679,7.261,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" politics that being said uh you know the,133.14,8.099,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" IBM has expressly asked for more,137.94,4.62,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" regulation,141.239,3.841,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um on social media Ai and other uses of,142.56,4.08,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" technology for a while,145.08,4.32,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so Gary Marcus is a professor and,146.64,5.4,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" researcher so this this panel if you,149.4,6.24,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" missed it was a good mix of Private,152.04,7.559,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Industry as well as Academia and they,155.64,5.4,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" were all basically saying the same thing,159.599,4.681,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so Gary Marcus explicitly said we need a,161.04,5.22,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" new cabinet level agency so cabinet,164.28,4.86,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" level agency is like FDA you know or or,166.26,5.46,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" some someone who's the head of which,169.14,4.92,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" reports directly to like the White House,171.72,4.799,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" or or the uh like you know Joint Chiefs,174.06,4.679,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" of Staff or whatever I know the Joint,176.519,4.561,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Chiefs of Staff is uh for military,178.739,3.961,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um but you never know like we created a,181.08,2.879,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" space force,182.7,2.88,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um you know NASA was the research branch,183.959,3.42,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and now we have a space force who knows,185.58,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" maybe we will ultimately have an AI,187.379,4.981,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" division for military,190.08,4.56,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um but anyways so one of the when,192.36,4.739,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" pressed Gary Marcus said that you know,194.64,4.56,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" one model that we could pursue would be,197.099,6.541,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the FDA but for AI and the the uh,199.2,6.24,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" example that he gave is that when you,203.64,3.9,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" release a drug to you know you know 300,205.44,5.1,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" million people you you make sure that,207.54,4.74,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" it's safe you make sure that it has that,210.54,3.9,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" has really passed muster,212.28,4.379,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" one of the Senators interviewing him,214.44,4.079,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" said he disagreed but you know he he,216.659,3.961,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" appreciated the sentiment,218.519,3.421,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um and then there was also talk about,220.62,3.899,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" well what what other existing entities,221.94,5.04,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" could be empowered right like what about,224.519,6.841,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the FTC or uh SEC or whatever and uh,226.98,5.52,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" there's actually a lot of people that,231.36,3.0,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Advocate that say like yes all,232.5,4.739,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" government agencies must become AI aware,234.36,6.659,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" AI literate but another point is that AI,237.239,6.36,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" is such a distinctive and powerful force,241.019,6.0,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that it warrants its own uh agency just,243.599,5.22,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" like how uh America has the department,247.019,4.321,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" of energy which which focuses,248.819,4.441,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" specifically on generation and,251.34,5.28,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" management of energy open AI has also,253.26,4.979,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" explicitly called for an international,256.62,5.82,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" agency they call for IE iaea but for AI,258.239,7.321,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so the iaea is the international atomic,262.44,5.479,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" energy agency which has to do with,265.56,5.46,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" inspecting nuclear sites,267.919,5.801,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so the conversation is there the,271.02,4.26,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" conversation is happening people are,273.72,3.919,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" calling for National and international,275.28,6.26,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" levels of AI uh not just,277.639,6.34,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" regulation yes but I'm also calling for,281.54,4.06,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" AI research,283.979,3.181,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um and I've got plenty of examples of,285.6,3.42,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" existing International research bodies,287.16,4.44,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" uh to share so first we're going to talk,289.02,6.72,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" a little bit about uh the iaea it is was,291.6,7.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" established in 1957 under uh United,295.74,6.36,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Nations it is an autonomous entity,299.1,5.099,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um its primary purpose is of course to,302.1,3.659,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" promote the peaceful use of nuclear,304.199,3.361,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" energy inhibit its use for military,305.759,3.781,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" purposes and ensure nuclear Safety and,307.56,4.079,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Security you swap that out with,309.54,3.719,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" artificial intelligence and that's,311.639,3.481,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" exactly what we need,313.259,4.681,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" uh it is governed by the General,315.12,5.46,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Conference of the UN and has a Board of,317.94,4.319,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Governors,320.58,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um that is appointed uh from 35 members,322.259,4.321,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" of the UN,324.96,5.16,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um as of 2021 it had 171 member States,326.58,5.82,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and its annual budget is only 500,330.12,4.919,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" million Euros which is probably lower,332.4,4.32,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" than you might think,335.039,3.121,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um especially when we're talking about,336.72,3.84,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the astronomical amount of money that,338.16,4.08,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" artificial intelligence could possibly,340.56,3.78,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" generate and so then if you say okay,342.24,5.28,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" well we are asking for the foundation of,344.34,4.859,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" something similar but for artificial,347.52,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" intelligence uh maybe we start at the,349.199,5.0,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" same part at about half a billion euros,351.9,5.04,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" if the entire world chips in that's,354.199,4.84,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" actually a pretty trivial you know,356.94,5.22,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" amount of money so you divide 171 member,359.039,5.94,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" states by 500 million euros and like 3,362.16,5.039,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" million Euros or three million dollars,364.979,5.701,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" per member State uh that's a drop in the,367.199,6.861,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" bucket so we could easily easily easily,370.68,6.54,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" afford to fund such an agency so you,374.06,4.419,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" know well who's going to pay for it I,377.22,2.46,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" don't even want to hear that argument,378.479,4.381,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" like that is a trivial like Nations,379.68,5.04,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" could sneeze that and not even remember,382.86,4.2,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that they spent that money,384.72,5.819,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um one of the things that they do is as,387.06,5.4,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" I mentioned they do inspections to,390.539,3.72,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" verify compliance with nuclear,392.46,5.76,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" non-proliferation they also assist in,394.259,5.88,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the development of peaceful nuclear,398.22,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" programs so they have kind of a one-two,400.139,3.961,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" thing where they're they're regulating,402.72,3.479,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" but they're also educating and,404.1,4.68,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" supporting and it is based in Vienna,406.199,4.021,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Austria,408.78,4.259,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so you might say okay well yeah but it's,410.22,4.56,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the United Nations it has no track,413.039,3.421,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" record or the United Nations isn't,414.78,4.199,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" effective or whatever uh you know but,416.46,4.98,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" there is quite a few things that uh the,418.979,5.541,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" iaea has helped with uh so the nuclear,421.44,5.22,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" non-proliferation treaty,424.52,4.72,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um it actually has a dedicated,426.66,4.979,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um organization within itself,429.24,4.88,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um based upon nuclear non-proliferation,431.639,5.821,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" it helped after the Chernobyl explosion,434.12,6.46,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" which of course you know the IAA iaea,437.46,4.62,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" could not prevent the Chernobyl,440.58,3.72,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" explosion but it helped respond and so,442.08,4.08,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that's another key thing is that is that,444.3,5.04,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" a a global entity shouldn't just be,446.16,5.099,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" about regulation and enforcement but,449.34,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" also like disaster mitigation if or when,451.259,3.681,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" it does happen,453.72,4.56,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" nuclear Test Ban Treaty was instrumental,454.94,4.42,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" in that,458.28,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" uh North Korea of course has uh nuclear,459.36,6.839,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Ambitions and the iaea provides constant,462.78,5.639,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" monitoring for that it was also,466.199,3.661,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" instrumental in helping with the Iran,468.419,3.12,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" nuclear deal which of course the,469.86,3.239,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" relationship between Iran and the rest,471.539,4.081,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" of the world particularly the West uh,473.099,4.281,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" has been very strained for many years,475.62,5.22,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" but it hasn't been in the news lately uh,477.38,6.219,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" due largely to that nuclear deal that,480.84,5.34,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" happened under Obama I'm not saying that,483.599,4.261,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Obama is responsible for it it was an,486.18,3.6,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" international effort but just pointing,487.86,3.66,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" out he was president at the time,489.78,4.919,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" uh the Fukushima uh disaster so that was,491.52,6.78,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" after the tsunami that hit Japan uh the,494.699,5.581,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" iaea was part of the coordination effort,498.3,3.78,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and then finally,500.28,5.16,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um the director general of uh of the,502.08,5.88,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" iaea Mohammed al-barati,505.44,5.34,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um got the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005.,507.96,5.28,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so just want to point out that like yes,510.78,4.02,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" this organization does have a track,513.24,4.44,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" record and has made a name for itself,514.8,5.94,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" now one of the organizations that I like,517.68,6.84,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" to think about is CERN so CERN is a,520.74,6.0,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" European so it's it is international but,524.52,5.7,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" is not Global but it is there to study,526.74,5.039,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" particle physics,530.22,5.16,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and so this was established in 1954 by,531.779,6.901,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" 12 member countries it also now has 23,535.38,5.7,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" total members including observers,538.68,3.96,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" there's a few categories so there's the,541.08,3.24,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" founders which are Europe and then,542.64,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" there's contributors and observers which,544.32,4.92,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" includes the United States Japan and a,547.14,4.62,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" few other nations uh and so this is an,549.24,5.219,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" international effort to understand uh,551.76,4.32,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the fundamental structure of the,554.459,4.021,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" universe right its entire mission is is,556.08,4.68,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" literally understand the fundamental,558.48,3.6,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" structure of the universe specifically,560.76,3.66,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the particles that compose matter and,562.08,4.879,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the forces that hold them together,564.42,5.88,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so as of 2020 for for whatever reason,566.959,4.961,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" finding the budget of certain is is,570.3,3.3,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" rather difficult,571.92,3.78,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um All Nations report in terms of like,573.6,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" percentages of how much they support it,575.7,3.78,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" but like getting a total number like,577.98,3.419,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" what was your budget hard to find for,579.48,3.24,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" whatever reason,581.399,3.481,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um anyways I think that the annual,582.72,4.739,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" budget of CERN is about 1.1 billion,584.88,5.1,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" dollars and of course they run,587.459,5.041,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um uh Large Hadron Collider and a few,589.98,5.34,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" other major major experiments,592.5,6.42,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" uh so CERN if you are not aware of is,595.32,5.28,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the organization that invented the World,598.92,4.979,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Wide Web this is a copy of the original,600.6,6.9,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" proposal that led to the World Wide Web,603.899,6.541,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and at the top someone wrote vague but,607.5,4.2,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" exciting,610.44,5.82,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um so that is uh that is uh uh many many,611.7,6.24,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" people as particularly in computer,616.26,4.16,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" science will understand that reference,617.94,5.22,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so this was the initial proposal for the,620.42,5.46,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" World Wide Web uh it's discovered in a,623.16,5.58,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" whole raft of fundamental Elementary,625.88,7.24,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" particles bosons Higgs boson creation of,628.74,7.32,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" anti-matter using neutrinos all sorts of,633.12,5.159,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" stuff and of course we've got the Large,636.06,3.899,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Hadron Collider,638.279,4.201,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" which generates many many hundreds of,639.959,5.041,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" terabytes of data and it's interesting,642.48,4.799,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" to bring this one up because actually I,645.0,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" you know as a science nerd I was,647.279,4.081,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" watching a documentary about CERN and,649.38,5.579,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" LHC a few years ago and the LHC actually,651.36,6.06,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" generates so much data that they need,654.959,4.44,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" artificial intelligence to sift through,657.42,4.62,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the data to help find the phenomenon to,659.399,4.981,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" find the anomalies and so there's,662.04,3.96,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" actually a very tight feedback loop,664.38,3.899,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" between for instance nuclear research,666.0,5.279,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and artificial intelligence,668.279,6.06,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so those are two organizations that have,671.279,4.74,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" kind of the research mandate and then,674.339,3.841,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the regulation and safety mandate and I,676.019,3.481,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" think we need both for artificial,678.18,2.399,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" intelligence,679.5,3.36,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" there's a few other International bodies,680.579,4.44,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that we can pay attention to that are,682.86,5.039,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" probably either going to be good models,685.019,5.461,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that we can base this on or they could,687.899,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" actually even be partners,690.48,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so one another Global organization that,692.279,4.981,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" is more for emergency response is the,694.86,4.979,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" World Health Organization which of,697.26,4.44,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" course helped coordinate Global the,699.839,4.701,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" global response to the covid epidemic,701.7,6.18,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" but they've also responded to SARS MERS,704.54,6.94,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Ebola and other stuff so my uncle is a,707.88,6.0,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" microbiologist and so a few years ago,711.48,4.14,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" when there was a couple of outbreaks of,713.88,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Ebola he actually traveled the world to,715.62,3.959,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" help be part of the World Health,718.38,4.68,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Organization response to contain Ebola,719.579,5.7,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and then of course MERS is something,723.06,4.019,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that you might not have heard of but it,725.279,4.381,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" was infinitely more dangerous than kovid,727.079,4.621,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the mortality rate of MERS can be over,729.66,4.02,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" 10 percent,731.7,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um and so like it's a there's some,733.68,4.44,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" really horrible diseases that you have,736.2,3.36,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" never heard of because of the World,738.12,3.54,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Health Organization,739.56,4.32,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um there's two Financial uh Global,741.66,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" entities both were created at Bretton,743.88,3.959,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Woods after World War II,746.04,4.02,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and so World War II caused a lot of,747.839,3.961,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" people to come together and say we need,750.06,3.899,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" to prevent this from happening again and,751.8,3.719,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so one of the things that they decided,753.959,4.201,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" after World War II was that economic uh,755.519,4.981,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Improvement and economic stability and,758.16,5.34,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" economic cooperation were critical to,760.5,5.22,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" maintaining Global Peace which has more,763.5,3.839,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" or less worked up until that up until,765.72,2.94,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" now,767.339,3.481,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um but it's you know time will tell,768.66,3.96,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" because we're facing a backlash against,770.82,4.199,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" globalization anyways getting lost in,772.62,3.48,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the weeds,775.019,3.961,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so the point of the IMF is to stabilize,776.1,4.56,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the global economy through cooperation,778.98,4.32,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" trade exchange and so on so members of,780.66,7.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the IMF will get loans the IMF has been,783.3,6.9,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" responsible for some bailouts they also,788.16,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" have been responsible for,790.2,5.04,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um not necessarily economic sanctions,792.54,5.16,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" but economic requirements so for,795.24,4.62,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" instance during the global recession the,797.7,4.259,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" IMF was the entity responsible for,799.86,5.159,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" telling Nations such as Greece you need,801.959,5.041,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" austerity measures before we're going to,805.019,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" bail you out and so the idea of the IMF,807.0,5.7,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" is that it uses that that ability to,809.399,7.141,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" withhold funds in order to to shape,812.7,6.72,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" National policy more towards stability,816.54,5.4,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" rather than things like hyperinflation,819.42,5.039,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" or economic collapse,821.94,5.16,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and uh you know the situation in Greece,824.459,4.201,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" is still not good,827.1,4.919,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um after many many years that being said,828.66,5.88,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that you know we don't hear about uh the,832.019,4.141,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Greek economy collapsing in the news all,834.54,3.12,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the time granted I don't pay attention,836.16,3.299,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" to Greek news but it doesn't make it,837.66,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" into uh you know American uh financial,839.459,6.841,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" news uh the World Bank uh is uh has a,842.16,5.82,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" slightly different mandate than the IMF,846.3,4.2,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so while the IMF more focuses on,847.98,5.52,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" developed Nations the world bank has the,850.5,5.399,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" goal of ending extreme poverty,853.5,4.56,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um through financial means,855.899,4.201,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um and also to boost Global Prosperity,858.06,4.62,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" through lending and Advising so the,860.1,3.66,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" World Bank,862.68,4.14,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um is more likely to issue loans to,863.76,4.68,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" developing nations,866.82,3.12,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and the reason that I bring both of,868.44,3.72,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" these up is because artificial,869.94,4.32,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" intelligence has the ability to,872.16,3.84,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" profoundly impact artificial,874.26,4.86,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" intelligence all over the world and and,876.0,5.339,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" greatly Advance the missions of both of,879.12,4.2,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" these entities and one of the best ways,881.339,5.341,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" to incentivize aligned development is to,883.32,4.98,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" pay for it and we'll talk about some of,886.68,3.0,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" those tactics,888.3,4.02,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um near the end of the of the slide and,889.68,3.959,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" I also have other videos that I'm,892.32,2.94,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" working on talking more about some of,893.639,3.781,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" these specific tactics and then finally,895.26,7.019,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" uh the another research body is eater or,897.42,7.26,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" iter which is the inner is the,902.279,5.041,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" international Fusion research entity,904.68,5.399,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" it's got 35 Nations working together to,907.32,5.759,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" solve fusion and so the point point,910.079,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" being is that there are actually many,913.079,4.44,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" many examples of International and,914.579,6.301,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Global cooperation in order to provide,917.519,5.94,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" safety stability and research as well as,920.88,6.0,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" regulations so when we propose to do the,923.459,4.981,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" same thing for artificial intelligence,926.88,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" this is not like this is It's not like,928.44,4.199,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" this has never been done before we've,931.26,3.78,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" actually done this many times before,932.639,3.961,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so let's talk about how these,935.04,5.159,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" hypothetical Global entities might work,936.6,5.46,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um so the first one that I propose is,940.199,4.681,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Gaia the global AI agency,942.06,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um and of course Gaia also means Earth,944.88,4.98,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so the Mandate for Gaia would be very,946.56,4.98,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" very simple study and prevent,949.86,4.08,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" existential risks from AI That's it that,951.54,5.039,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" is its primary purpose uh it would,953.94,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" publish open source scientific research,956.579,5.161,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" papers data sets and align models and by,958.44,5.519,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" making those models publicly available,961.74,5.7,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" to everyone it will that will one make,963.959,5.341,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" access to artificial intelligence much,967.44,4.019,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" more democratic but it will also,969.3,4.56,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" saturate help saturate the world with,971.459,4.44,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" alignment research and Alignment data,973.86,3.539,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and Alignment models,975.899,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" it would also participate in global,977.399,5.341,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" policy recommendations advising Nations,980.279,5.221,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" advising militaries and it would also,982.74,6.599,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" establish best practices and guidelines,985.5,6.839,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that could be used by everyone Nations,989.339,6.24,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" corporations and so on and so by by,992.339,6.42,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" creating a global Authority a global,995.579,5.7,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" scientific Authority that says yes like,998.759,6.921,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" we understand and the idea is is just to,1001.279,7.321,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" comprehend this problem not to not to,1005.68,5.019,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" punish anyone not to put on the brakes,1008.6,5.7,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" but actually to focus exclusively on,1010.699,5.88,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Research initial funding should be,1014.3,4.74,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" around 500 million dollars similar to,1016.579,5.401,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the iaea and membership should be,1019.04,5.879,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" probably pretty similar to CERN or NATO,1021.98,4.859,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" which are international but not,1024.919,3.481,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" necessarily global,1026.839,4.261,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and the reason that,1028.4,5.82,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um I suggest that is because there is,1031.1,5.099,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" presently a competitive dynamic in the,1034.22,4.02,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" world and so basically in order to,1036.199,4.62,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" benefit from this Global AI research,1038.24,5.339,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" effort then um Nations should have to,1040.819,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" pass certain muster,1043.579,4.921,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um for instance non-aggressive use of AI,1045.319,6.301,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um and uh and you know not actively be,1048.5,5.22,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" you know at war or whatever something,1051.62,4.14,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" like that I could be wrong,1053.72,4.199,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um I'm not uh I'm not an international,1055.76,5.46,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" policy expert yet so it might be that,1057.919,4.981,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" there is there are problems with that,1061.22,4.86,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" but between CERN eater and um and other,1062.9,6.06,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" entities it looks like that Global,1066.08,4.56,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Research is not necessarily something,1068.96,3.06,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that has been done yet but certainly,1070.64,3.779,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" International research,1072.02,5.58,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um yep so that's it for for Gaia,1074.419,6.901,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the next one is uh Garza or Garcia the,1077.6,5.76,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" global AI Regulatory and compliance,1081.32,5.7,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" agency so this one would basically be,1083.36,8.1,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" like kind of a combination of gdpr but,1087.02,6.899,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" for the globe and for AI right so it,1091.46,4.74,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" would inspect certify and regulate AI,1093.919,4.561,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" hardware and software so this looks at,1096.2,5.28,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the at the hardware and software aspects,1098.48,6.12,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" of AI rather than like the data or,1101.48,6.66,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" policy but what it would use is it would,1104.6,7.199,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" use similar litmus tests and also like,1108.14,6.24,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" sanctions or regulations as to what the,1111.799,3.901,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" IMF does,1114.38,3.539,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" which basically says,1115.7,5.82,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um you know if here's an example in in,1117.919,5.221,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the investment world in the finance,1121.52,4.74,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" world if a company is not GDP are,1123.14,5.159,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" compliant it will not get any investment,1126.26,3.72,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" why because investors say you're not,1128.299,3.181,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" compliant you're at risk of getting shut,1129.98,5.22,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" down the same is also true of ESG which,1131.48,6.42,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" ESG is a as a inside the industry,1135.2,5.219,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" standard so ESG means environmental,1137.9,4.44,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" social and governance so the idea is,1140.419,3.841,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that if you don't get that ESG you know,1142.34,3.78,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" stamp of approval you're going to have a,1144.26,4.02,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" much harder time getting investment and,1146.12,4.98,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so rather than rather than enforcing it,1148.28,5.759,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" through you know more strong arm,1151.1,6.36,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" approaches uh my recommendation for the,1154.039,5.161,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" for the global AI Regulatory and,1157.46,3.9,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" compliance agency is to perform those,1159.2,4.32,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" inspections to perform those tests to,1161.36,3.78,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" basically be an underwriter a global,1163.52,4.32,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" underwriter of AI companies products and,1165.14,3.779,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" services,1167.84,4.94,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and so then if if the Garcia Agency,1168.919,7.14,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" decertifies a company then it you know,1172.78,4.66,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" one their share price is going to go,1176.059,2.941,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" down because everyone's like oh you know,1177.44,3.479,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" they're not AI compliant they might get,1179.0,3.66,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" shut down they might get raided you know,1180.919,4.981,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" or or investigated or sued or whatever,1182.66,6.78,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um but then if uh conversely if they are,1185.9,6.18,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" if they do get certified as AI alignment,1189.44,5.099,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" compliant then you know they get more,1192.08,5.76,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" grants more handouts more whatever,1194.539,6.481,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um and so this is this is why I included,1197.84,5.1,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the IMF and the World Bank is because,1201.02,5.279,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" you can you can absolutely steer policy,1202.94,5.28,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" research development and other behaviors,1206.299,5.161,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" with financial incentives and that also,1208.22,6.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" creates a relatively lightweight agency,1211.46,5.94,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" uh that that they don't have to do a,1214.72,4.18,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" whole lot of heavy lifting themselves,1217.4,3.659,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" but rather they provide that,1218.9,3.72,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" underwriting that certification and,1221.059,3.901,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" decertification which can then steer the,1222.62,5.88,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" behaviors of the rest of the world,1224.96,6.48,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so this overall strategy is about having,1228.5,4.86,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" gas and brakes because one thing that,1231.44,3.78,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" people are legitimately worried about is,1233.36,3.54,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that if we slow down too much someone,1235.22,3.56,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" else is going to pick up the speed right,1236.9,4.92,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" in a global competitive landscape the,1238.78,5.08,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" nation that slows down is the one that,1241.82,5.28,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" loses so we need gas but we also need,1243.86,5.88,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Brakes in order to win any race you,1247.1,4.079,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" actually need both,1249.74,4.26,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so I play Forza I've actually been I've,1251.179,5.581,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" I've played Forza since the very uh,1254.0,4.2,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" original Forza and so if you're not,1256.76,4.74,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" familiar Forza is a simulation grade uh,1258.2,6.359,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" racing game and uh you know if you're,1261.5,5.58,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" driving a Ferrari or a Lamborghini or,1264.559,4.801,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" you know whatever else a you know high,1267.08,4.92,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" performance you know Mercedes AMG around,1269.36,5.16,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" a track you don't just use the gas if,1272.0,5.34,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" you just use the gas you crash so in,1274.52,6.42,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" order to win a race you actually do need,1277.34,6.959,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" both gas and brakes and so this is the,1280.94,5.94,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" one-two punch of creating two different,1284.299,6.181,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" entities one for acceleration Gaia and,1286.88,6.36,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the other for breaking Garcia and the,1290.48,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" idea is that they will have independent,1293.24,3.9,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" oversight and funding,1294.98,5.16,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um which means that also because they,1297.14,4.86,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" have entirely different mandates those,1300.14,3.019,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" entities are going to have different,1302.0,3.96,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" methods of acting as well as different,1303.159,5.14,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" incentive structures,1305.96,4.32,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" uh so they have those different mandates,1308.299,4.86,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" they have different kpi now that being,1310.28,5.34,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" said they also both would have an,1313.159,4.861,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" international or Global scope and the,1315.62,4.02,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" reason is because AI is going to affect,1318.02,3.48,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" everyone on the planet whether or not,1319.64,3.6,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" they participate,1321.5,4.74,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um and then finally uh part of this,1323.24,6.54,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" strategy is is both risk mitigation and,1326.24,6.419,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" encouraging Innovation and so if we do,1329.78,5.94,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" both then we should be on the right,1332.659,4.801,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" track,1335.72,4.199,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um so here's a few more uh tactics so I,1337.46,3.719,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" promise that we would talk about some,1339.919,3.661,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" various tactics that they can use so the,1341.179,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" first tactic is just grants,1343.58,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" if you want to fund research you hand,1345.679,4.021,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" out money to do it it's really that,1347.96,2.82,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" simple,1349.7,3.54,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um you uh you incentivize the behavior,1350.78,4.68,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" you want to see with you know you know,1353.24,3.78,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" you dangle money and people will go do,1355.46,4.92,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" it certification and compliance like I,1357.02,5.34,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" said gdpr is a is a pretty good example,1360.38,5.039,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" because gdpr is a pretty powerful lever,1362.36,5.939,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" in order to get companies to comply with,1365.419,6.0,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" data policy training and education so,1368.299,4.801,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" many of the organizations that we talked,1371.419,4.201,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" about do provide training and education,1373.1,5.28,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and so by by providing training and,1375.62,4.559,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" education you can raise the global,1378.38,4.2,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" literacy on artificial intelligence,1380.179,4.62,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" whether it's just AI ethics and safety,1382.58,5.52,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" or the existential risks so by by having,1384.799,4.801,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" global authorities that provide this,1388.1,4.14,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" training and education and certification,1389.6,5.04,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" programs you can say like you know I'm a,1392.24,5.52,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Gaia certified AI existential expert or,1394.64,5.58,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" whatever because right now we don't have,1397.76,3.36,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" any,1400.22,4.14,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" global standard of yes this is what the,1401.12,5.82,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" global experts agree on are the issues,1404.36,4.92,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and the concerns and stuff certainly we,1406.94,4.619,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" have those conversations right if you're,1409.28,3.899,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" watching my channel you probably watch,1411.559,3.841,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" like Robert Miles and AI explained and,1413.179,3.36,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" everyone else,1415.4,3.48,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um Eliezer like so you probably are,1416.539,3.661,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" aware that these conversations are,1418.88,2.82,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" happening but there is no coherent,1420.2,3.479,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Authority there is no establishment,1421.7,5.219,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" saying yes we are working on this which,1423.679,4.441,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" is part of the reason that a lot of us,1426.919,2.701,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" are like hey we need to do something,1428.12,4.62,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" about this another uh possibility is,1429.62,5.4,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that you can actually do competitions,1432.74,5.64,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so in terms of AI one of the best,1435.02,6.6,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" competitions is kaggle which is a it's a,1438.38,5.64,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" competition platform where independent,1441.62,4.62,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" sponsors can come in and say hey we want,1444.02,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" you to compete to try and solve this,1446.24,4.74,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" problem over here open AI is doing their,1448.4,5.04,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" competition right now which is based on,1450.98,4.26,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" grants for the independent uh or,1453.44,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Democratic inputs to AI DARPA is another,1455.24,4.26,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" one so DARPA is the defense Advanced,1457.82,4.979,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" research research projects agency here,1459.5,6.24,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" in America which funds uh amongst many,1462.799,5.581,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" many other things Advanced research on,1465.74,5.28,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" things like PTSD regeneration but also,1468.38,6.9,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" self-driving cars so the DARPA like I,1471.02,5.279,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" can't remember the name of the challenge,1475.28,2.399,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" was like the desert challenge or,1476.299,2.641,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" something,1477.679,3.12,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um started many many years ago was about,1478.94,4.8,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" creating self-driving cars and so by,1480.799,5.401,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" creating competitions you get all kinds,1483.74,4.319,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" of teams coming to you whether it's,1486.2,4.74,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" universities and independent uh research,1488.059,5.821,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" groups corporations all participating in,1490.94,5.52,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the research for the lure of a prize,1493.88,5.039,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" which of course uh is a good way to,1496.46,5.52,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" surface innovative ideas uh putting on,1498.919,6.601,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" conferences right now there are um there,1501.98,5.28,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" are international artificial,1505.52,4.62,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" intelligence conferences like nureps but,1507.26,4.98,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" none of them are focused exclusively on,1510.14,5.039,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" global safety whether it's existential,1512.24,6.299,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" risks from you know autonomous AGI or,1515.179,5.281,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" even just the escalating risk of,1518.539,3.781,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" autonomous and semi-autonomous systems,1520.46,4.74,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" such as weapon systems and so on,1522.32,6.06,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so by creating International or Global,1525.2,5.4,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" conferences where you deliberately get,1528.38,3.539,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" all the experts in a room talking,1530.6,4.079,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" together uh that is a good way to,1531.919,5.041,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" advance the conversation policy,1534.679,3.721,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" recommendations I already mentioned this,1536.96,4.199,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" earlier in the video where if you have a,1538.4,5.04,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" global Authority on something if a,1541.159,4.861,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" nation comes to you and says hey you,1543.44,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" know we want to we want to you know,1546.02,4.92,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" spurn AI development what kind of,1547.82,5.459,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" policies do we do in order to attract,1550.94,4.44,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that Talent right that's a that's an,1553.279,5.041,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" example of a policy recommendation or in,1555.38,5.34,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" other cases where a nation might come to,1558.32,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" these these International agencies and,1560.72,5.76,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" say Hey you know we have a lot of AI,1562.82,6.18,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" abuse going on people are using it to be,1566.48,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" exploitative how do we Tamp down on that,1569.0,4.08,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" successfully while avoiding unintended,1570.86,3.84,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" consequences,1573.08,3.599,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" industry Partnerships are another way,1574.7,5.579,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that uh that these agencies could uh,1576.679,4.86,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" kind of help bring about the change,1580.279,5.76,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" which uh so an example is the IEEE which,1581.539,6.961,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" is a which is a uh was it the,1586.039,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" international engineering something or,1588.5,5.46,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" other anyways sets a lot of Standards uh,1590.539,6.541,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" for and workshopping for standards um,1593.96,5.219,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" basically created Wi-Fi Bluetooth a,1597.08,3.42,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" whole bunch of other stuff that you are,1599.179,4.141,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" familiar with which also helps establish,1600.5,3.96,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" standards,1603.32,4.26,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" uh and and uh interoperability,1604.46,6.599,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" uh consultation and review so this is,1607.58,5.28,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" something that like I do at a very low,1611.059,4.321,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" level through my patreon is I have a,1612.86,3.9,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" bunch of small and medium businesses,1615.38,2.82,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" come to me where they're they just want,1616.76,4.799,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" consultation how do I align AI uh how do,1618.2,6.12,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" I how do I use AI responsibly but also,1621.559,5.281,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" make money at the same time,1624.32,3.959,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um and I would certainly encourage,1626.84,5.04,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" anyone who has expertise in AI to build,1628.279,5.52,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" a startup or something around this idea,1631.88,3.659,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" but this is also something that can be,1633.799,3.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" done at the national or International,1635.539,5.221,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" level where not just providing you know,1637.179,5.74,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" policy advice but actually providing,1640.76,4.14,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" technical assistance,1642.919,4.801,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um where where required especially in,1644.9,5.22,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the deployment of AI safety and,1647.72,4.14,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Alignment research,1650.12,3.419,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" published standards and guidelines,1651.86,3.299,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" already mentioned that and then finally,1653.539,3.781,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" public awareness and messaging that's,1655.159,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" what I and a lot of other people uh do,1657.32,4.68,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" uh with our with our YouTube platforms,1659.539,5.101,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Tick Tock and everything else but again,1662.0,5.34,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" there is no Global Authority uh taking,1664.64,5.399,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" any responsibility for this messaging uh,1667.34,6.06,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" which we view as problematic because you,1670.039,5.64,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" know basically it comes down to it feels,1673.4,4.139,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" like there's no adults in the room and,1675.679,4.801,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that's really scary can you imagine if,1677.539,5.161,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" you know we lived in a world still where,1680.48,3.72,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the World Health Organization didn't,1682.7,4.68,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" exist even for some of their faults and,1684.2,5.4,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" failures you still prefer that the World,1687.38,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Health Organization exists because like,1689.6,3.78,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" I said there's a lot of diseases that,1691.88,2.52,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" you've probably never heard about,1693.38,3.08,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" because of the work that they do,1694.4,4.32,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" likewise you want to live in a world,1696.46,4.42,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" where if there are nuclear weapons and,1698.72,4.079,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" nuclear reactors you want to live in a,1700.88,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" world where the iaea exists,1702.799,5.101,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and so because of those because of the,1705.26,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" existence of those organizations we have,1707.9,3.18,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" this feeling that there are adults in,1709.64,3.3,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the room and that and that there are,1711.08,3.54,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" people paying attention to it and they,1712.94,3.3,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" have the resources that they need in,1714.62,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" order to affect uh good change and,1716.24,5.1,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" guidance and so this is why one of the,1719.12,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" primary things that that I advocate for,1721.34,4.68,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and as part of the gato framework the,1723.5,5.159,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" global alignment taxonomy Omnibus is the,1726.02,3.779,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" establishment of these International,1728.659,3.9,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" treaties whether they're modeled on gdpr,1729.799,6.36,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" or these other organizations this is uh,1732.559,6.181,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" what we see as a critical path towards,1736.159,4.981,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" AI alignment and this is not just you,1738.74,5.1,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" know mitigating uh just for mitigating,1741.14,4.8,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" existential risk this is also to avoid,1743.84,4.8,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" dystopian outcomes of hyper you know,1745.94,5.339,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" corporations becoming quadrillionaires,1748.64,4.44,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" while the rest of us you know are poor,1751.279,4.801,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and live under bridges or whatever,1753.08,5.219,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so one thing that I will say is that,1756.08,5.699,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" these are necessary but not sufficient,1758.299,6.721,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and so what I mean by that is that as my,1761.779,4.981,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" work has progressed as my messaging has,1765.02,3.96,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" progressed the conversation has been,1766.76,3.48,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" shifting,1768.98,4.14,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so for instance after my axiomatic,1770.24,4.98,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" alignment video came out a lot of people,1773.12,4.62,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" reached out saying like Okay yes you,1775.22,3.959,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" know but there's there's a lot of,1777.74,3.6,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" challenges like you know who gets to who,1779.179,4.081,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" who does this research,1781.34,6.3,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um but also like what about what about,1783.26,5.76,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" right what about all these other stuff,1787.64,3.779,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and not every what about argument is um,1789.02,5.46,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" is disingenuous in these cases the,1791.419,4.86,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" conversation has shifted to these other,1794.48,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" what abouts not because of Doubt but,1796.279,4.441,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" because of like okay we overcome that,1798.98,3.6,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" problem what are the next problems and,1800.72,4.74,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" so this list is some other challenges,1802.58,6.66,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" above and beyond the uh the you know,1805.46,5.459,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" let's let's say you know we get to wave,1809.24,4.02,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" a magic wand in tomorrow the two,1810.919,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" organizations that I recommended exist,1813.26,4.56,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" okay still what's gonna happen first is,1815.299,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" economic barriers so what I mean by,1817.82,4.739,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" economic barriers is that,1819.799,4.921,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" uh not every nation is able to,1822.559,4.86,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" contribute or compete at the same way uh,1824.72,5.28,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" certainly the the economic lure is there,1827.419,4.62,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" for artificial intelligence that being,1830.0,3.84,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" said there might still be some economic,1832.039,5.101,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" barriers especially when uh some people,1833.84,5.64,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" are going to be uh throwing on the,1837.14,3.779,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" brakes right,1839.48,2.699,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um one thing that people are concerned,1840.919,3.541,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" about is regulatory capture if you raise,1842.179,4.141,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the bar so high that nobody else can,1844.46,3.54,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" participate except the largest players,1846.32,3.719,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" they have a de facto Monopoly which is,1848.0,4.919,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" not a good thing cultural differences so,1850.039,5.061,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the work that I've been doing on axial,1852.919,5.041,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" axiomatic alignment and convergence has,1855.1,5.14,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" to do with finding the underpinning and,1857.96,4.38,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Universal cultural values that all,1860.24,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" humans share after all yes there are,1862.34,4.62,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" many differences between nations and,1864.74,4.02,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" cultures but we're all still the same,1866.96,3.78,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" species and we're all still on the same,1868.76,5.88,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" Planet so that based on those,1870.74,6.84,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" assumptions uh well or facts based on,1874.64,5.279,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" those facts I assume that we can find,1877.58,4.8,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" some common ground somewhere,1879.919,5.041,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that being said there are still pretty,1882.38,4.08,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" fundamental differences between some,1884.96,2.76,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" cultures,1886.46,3.839,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um geopolitical tensions so this is a,1887.72,5.04,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" very diplomatic way of saying that uh,1890.299,4.141,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" some Nations kind of want to shoot at,1892.76,4.139,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" each other and they are in either con,1894.44,5.04,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" conflict or under,1896.899,6.721,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um competition which is not necessarily,1899.48,5.64,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" I'm not going to say that it's good or,1903.62,5.4,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" bad it's problematic in some respects,1905.12,5.9,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" and then of course uh scientific,1909.02,4.8,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" breakthroughs all of this presumes that,1911.02,5.32,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" with the adequate funding and research,1913.82,4.079,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that we will have scientific,1916.34,5.219,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" breakthroughs on alignment on AI safety,1917.899,6.301,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" uh but this again is aspirational just,1921.559,5.041,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" like how how um the eater experiment the,1924.2,5.16,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" the nuclear fusion experiment it is,1926.6,4.319,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" aspirational we don't know if it's,1929.36,3.66,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" actually possible we are hoping that it,1930.919,4.86,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" is possible uh and then on the next,1933.02,6.0,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" category is Game Theory so one of the,1935.779,4.801,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" most common whatabouts that I get now,1939.02,3.48,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" after axiomatic alignment came out is,1940.58,3.599,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" what about people that just are not,1942.5,4.08,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" going to play ball uh what about what,1944.179,5.581,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" about the uh down Downstream effects of,1946.58,5.76,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" toxic competition uh which you might,1949.76,4.08,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" have also heard you know we talk about,1952.34,3.6,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" moloch and other things so toxic,1953.84,3.959,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" competition is a very simple way of just,1955.94,2.88,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" saying that,1957.799,3.541,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" in a competitive environment people it,1958.82,4.219,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" creates a race to the bottom basically,1961.34,3.839,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" perverse incentives and unintended,1963.039,5.74,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" consequences these are all kind of uh,1965.179,5.88,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" related to The Game Theory aspect of,1968.779,3.961,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" this which is that despite best,1971.059,3.541,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" intentions and best efforts towards,1972.74,4.98,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" achieving a better outcome you still end,1974.6,6.059,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" up inevitably Falling Towards dystopia,1977.72,5.579,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" or Extinction or collapse,1980.659,4.441,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" uh and then of course there's reach and,1983.299,3.181,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" limitations,1985.1,2.699,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um just because we create these,1986.48,2.88,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" International organizations doesn't mean,1987.799,4.161,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that they're going to work uh you know,1989.36,5.52,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" if if you get adoption if you get buy-in,1991.96,5.439,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" if people uh Blacklist the organizations,1994.88,4.679,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" or whatever and then finally unknown,1997.399,4.561,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" unknowns uh you know we're still we're,1999.559,4.86,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" still working our way to the Future,2001.96,5.4,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um so we need constant vigilance uh,2004.419,4.561,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" anyways thanks for watching I hope you,2007.36,3.419,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" got a lot out of this,2008.98,4.199,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" um you know in the long run I'm hoping,2010.779,3.9,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" that all of my videos are completely,2013.179,3.24,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" irrelevant because some organizations,2014.679,4.261,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" like this get created and then uh the,2016.419,5.64,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" real experts get to uh get to get to,2018.94,5.219,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" comment and um kind of steer the ship,2022.059,4.021,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" which we don't have right now which is,2024.159,4.5,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" really terrifying so thanks I hope uh I,2026.08,3.78,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" hope this made you feel a little bit,2028.659,2.701,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" better at least in terms of options that,2029.86,5.179,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" we have before us thanks for watching,2031.36,3.679,"Proposing GAIA - Global AI Agency to research AI and solve alignment, mitigate existential risks" hello everybody David Shapiro here with,0.359,5.041,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" a brand new video today's video is about,2.94,4.439,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy hyperabundance,5.4,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" or nuclear fusion Renewables and how,7.379,5.34,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" these will intersect with AI and quite a,10.38,4.139,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" few other things,12.719,3.541,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" before we jump into the video I just,14.519,3.781,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" want to plug my patreon real quick if,16.26,3.18,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" you want to support the work that I do,18.3,3.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" please jump over I have a private,19.44,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Discord server for all of my patreon,21.72,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" supporters and I also have a few higher,24.18,4.679,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" tiers that allow for group interactions,25.98,4.92,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" group chats and at the highest year,28.859,5.101,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" one-on-one interactions if you'd like to,30.9,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" consult on any of the topics that I talk,33.96,2.82,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" about,35.76,3.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" okay jumping right back into the video,36.78,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" uh first we got to talk about the,39.5,4.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" history of energy and we're not going to,41.76,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" talk about the entire history of energy,43.92,5.459,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" but just the recent uh history of energy,46.02,7.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so the energy consumption per capita,49.379,7.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" over the last two-ish centuries went,53.34,6.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" from about 90 million btu per year so,56.879,6.061,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" BTU's British thermal unit which is a,60.12,6.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" measure of thermal output which thermal,62.94,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy is kind of the ground unit or the,66.6,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" base unit of energy of course there's,68.64,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" many kinds of energy but I don't need to,70.92,4.019,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" unpack it for a physics lesson but just,72.6,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" wanted to point out that is how we,74.939,3.661,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" typically measure energy so around 90,76.26,6.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" BTU and then it uh all pretty much,78.6,8.82,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" quadrupled to around 350 BTU peaking in,82.92,7.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the early or mid 70s and then kind of,87.42,5.839,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" plateauing and then slowly,90.72,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" pulling back a little bit,93.259,5.441,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so one thing that we need to understand,96.0,6.06,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" about energy consumption is this thing,98.7,5.459,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" called javon's paradox,102.06,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and basically javon's Paradox is what we,104.159,5.401,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" experienced at the beginning of the,107.34,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" industrialization of energy which is,109.56,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that when you make something more,112.14,6.119,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" abundant uh whether it's a good or a,114.72,5.399,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" service if you make the supply more,118.259,4.081,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" abundant sometimes the demand actually,120.119,3.661,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" goes up,122.34,3.54,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um more than you would think because,123.78,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" usually supply and demand means that,125.88,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" once Supply goes up demand actually goes,128.22,4.739,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" down or the demand is satisfied so,130.38,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" there's a couple reasons for this one,132.959,5.101,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" reason is that in some cases there's,135.36,7.019,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" unmet Demand right so if say for,138.06,6.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" instance you know you're going without,142.379,4.341,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" something and then suddenly electricity,144.48,4.619,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is twice as cheap it's like oh well now,146.72,5.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" I can afford to run my air conditioner,149.099,5.64,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" all the time now I can afford to cook,152.28,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" with an electric oven so then you add,154.739,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" more electrical appliances so your,157.14,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" demand goes up as Supply goes up now,158.879,5.101,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that being said another way of looking,161.64,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" at this is unmet demand or latent demand,163.98,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so once the latent demand is met that,166.62,4.259,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" means that you're getting all of your,169.68,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy needs met then demand should stop,170.879,5.58,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Rising now that being said that doesn't,174.0,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" exclude the possibility,176.459,5.461,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of discovering more energy needs in the,178.5,6.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" future so say for instance once AI takes,181.92,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" off maybe our per capita Energy starts,184.98,5.399,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to go up again because AI runs on very,187.62,4.619,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" expensive computers that consume a lot,190.379,4.741,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of power and so maybe maybe the unmet,192.239,6.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" need for intellectual or cognitive labor,195.12,6.06,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" through AI Automation and robotic,198.319,4.901,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" automation that could be an unmet demand,201.18,5.46,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that as electricity gets cheaper that,203.22,5.159,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" reduces the marginal cost of running,206.64,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" more and more AI so we might actually,208.379,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" see energy consumption per capita go up,210.54,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" again I don't know one way or another I,213.239,4.321,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" just wanted to point out that even,215.34,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" though energy consumption per capita has,217.56,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" been stable ish for the last 50 years,220.08,3.659,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that doesn't mean that it's going to be,222.36,3.599,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" true forever but I'm making the,223.739,5.041,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" assumption that the that the uh the,225.959,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" compounding returns of increased,228.78,3.84,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" efficiency and reduced demand will,230.459,5.161,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" offset any further uh growth but I could,232.62,4.02,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" be wrong,235.62,3.839,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" now today our composition the,236.64,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" composition of our energy portfolio is,239.459,4.081,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" highly varied we've got nuclear we've,241.44,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" got oil coal natural gas solar tidal,243.54,5.059,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" wind Hydro,246.72,5.519,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hydroelectric and biofuel so biofuel,248.599,7.781,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is burning things like wood ethanol,252.239,7.021,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um and and other uh organic waste,256.38,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" products or organic products is not,259.26,3.3,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" necessarily a waste product,260.88,5.58,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" uh the modern history of oil began in,262.56,6.359,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" 1858 when the first oil well was drilled,266.46,4.679,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and it took about two decades for the,268.919,4.941,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Industrial Revolution to learn how to,271.139,4.861,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" acclimate to this new fuel source,273.86,3.94,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" because just because you have a new fuel,276.0,3.12,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" source doesn't mean that you've got the,277.8,3.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" infrastructure to use it it also doesn't,279.12,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" mean that you have the tools or engines,281.22,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to consume that new fuel source so,283.02,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that's why you see here energy,285.12,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" consumption had a little tiny bump when,287.16,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" oil started being drilled but then it,290.1,5.099,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" took another you know 20 30 years before,292.32,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" you really saw the ramp up and that was,295.199,4.081,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" because people were learning how to use,297.18,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" this new fuel source now I'm not going,299.28,4.199,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to say that it's going to take equally,302.04,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" as long or longer for us to learn to use,303.479,5.701,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" new fuel sources but we were,306.36,4.619,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" contemplating the same problem with for,309.18,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" instance the hydrogen economy,310.979,4.981,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so for those of us who are old enough to,313.44,5.94,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" remember up until about five or six,315.96,5.22,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" years ago there was a lot of talk around,319.38,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the hydrogen economy the idea was that,321.18,4.739,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hydrogen had such a higher energy,323.88,6.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" density per per unit of mass than fossil,325.919,7.081,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fuels that it would be a really ideal,330.84,5.76,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fuel source to replace petroleum now,333.0,5.6,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" there's a lot of problems with hydrogen,336.6,4.319,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" namely the infrastructure it's a,338.6,3.879,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" compressed gas which is very very,340.919,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" dangerous very hazardous so we would,342.479,5.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" need to increase our safety standards,345.479,5.581,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" moving it transporting it refilling all,347.479,5.261,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" kinds of things become much much more,351.06,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" difficult with hydrogen and so in that,352.74,4.799,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" case it's not a matter of burning,355.62,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hydrogen or fuel cells or whatever it is,357.539,4.981,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the infrastructure of delivering,360.24,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hydrogen that was the problem and,362.52,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" ultimately we collectively decided this,364.62,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is actually not a good replacement for,366.9,2.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fossil fuels,368.52,3.899,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" not the least of which reason is because,369.8,4.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" at the time the most efficient way of,372.419,4.261,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" producing hydrogen is with fossil fuels,374.58,4.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so it's like okay this is actually not a,376.68,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" not a solution so I just wanted to point,378.66,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that out as a modern example of testing,380.34,5.46,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" new fuel sources even though on paper,383.16,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hydrogen is a very very potent fuel,385.8,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" source because it's so difficult to use,388.44,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" it's pretty much relegated to Specialty,390.78,5.82,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" use cases such as in the space program,393.06,6.18,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" okay so that's the history of energy,396.6,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" consumption now we have to look at,399.24,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy consumption on a global scale or,401.4,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the geopolitics of energy,403.5,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so this happens before my time I know,405.6,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" I'm getting older but the 70s is still,407.88,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" before my time there was uh what was,409.74,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" called the oil shocks that happened,412.74,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" there was two major crises in the 70s,414.72,6.06,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" one in 1973 and the other in 1978 or 79,416.94,5.759,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" I don't remember exactly like I said I,420.78,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" wasn't there anyways the the fact of the,422.699,5.881,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" matter is is that a series of Wars local,425.58,6.179,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" conflicts embargoes and other forms of,428.58,7.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" global instability caused a widespread,431.759,5.761,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fuel shortages not just in America this,435.66,3.36,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is global,437.52,3.119,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um so these fuel shortages and high,439.02,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" prices led to rationing and a lot of,440.639,5.821,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" panic so a lot of a lot of people at our,443.28,5.22,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" parents age and our grandparents age,446.46,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" they remember this which is one of the,448.5,3.84,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" reasons that they're afraid of things,450.96,3.72,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" like hyperinflation and and that that,452.34,3.919,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" sort of stuff is because they remember,454.68,4.139,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" actually I remember my dad talking about,456.259,5.201,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" having to sit in the gas lines right,458.819,5.401,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" where there would be lines of cars more,461.46,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" than a mile long waiting to get gas at,464.22,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the gas station because everyone was,466.62,4.019,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" afraid that they would run out of gas,467.88,6.18,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and so this uh really woke the country,470.639,6.541,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" up to how vulnerable we were and not,474.06,5.039,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" just not just America all of the whole,477.18,4.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" world how vulnerable we were to,479.099,6.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" volatility and the supply of fuel,482.06,6.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fossil fuel dependence was identified as,485.099,5.641,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" a major driver of instability and,488.34,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" conflict and so this led to the Mantra,490.74,5.04,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy security is National Security and,492.96,5.34,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" this is still the explicit policy of,495.78,6.419,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" many nations around the world so one one,498.3,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" thing that happened in America is that,502.199,4.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we prioritize domestic oil production,504.0,4.979,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" but then we also worked on securing,506.479,4.601,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" alliances and other things and a lot of,508.979,5.341,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" it was uh very underhanded so you might,511.08,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" have heard the blood for oil kind of,514.32,3.12,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" policies,516.36,5.039,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and of course no one in in Congress,517.44,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" would actually call it that because that,521.399,3.601,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" sounds very imperialistic and aggressive,523.32,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" this is what protesters and,525.0,5.76,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um and critics of the government called,528.48,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" it but so there's a few things that,530.76,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" happen so the Petro dollar is a,533.16,6.6,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" reference to a policy where America,536.64,5.759,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" pretty much strong armed the oil,539.76,5.639,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" producing Nations to price their oil in,542.399,5.94,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the US dollar which,545.399,5.281,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the on the on the positive side the,548.339,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" benevolent side the stability of the US,550.68,5.339,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" dollar should have helped the goal was,552.839,5.581,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hopefully to stabilize the price of oil,556.019,4.681,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" but it also ensured that the US dollar,558.42,5.58,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" was the global Reserve currency and you,560.7,5.1,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" know just taking a big step back if you,564.0,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" have one nation that is responsible for,565.8,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the global Reserve currency that's kind,568.14,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of unfair on a global stage which that,570.18,3.599,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" has been an unpopular move for the last,572.1,2.82,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" 50 years,573.779,3.661,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" across the world you see ongoing,574.92,5.52,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" reverberations of that for instance in,577.44,5.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the tensions between the US and China,580.44,4.92,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" where currency manipulation like you,582.44,4.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" know the US will accuse China of,585.36,3.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" currency manipulation and China's like,586.86,2.94,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" what are you talking about you've been,588.36,3.24,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" manipulating Global Currency for 50,589.8,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" years right like pot calls kettle black,591.6,4.919,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" don't be a hypocrite,594.06,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um it also resulted in a lot of proxy,596.519,3.961,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" wars between the U.S and the Soviet,598.74,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Union uh particularly in the Middle East,600.48,4.799,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um when it was a matter of kind of,603.6,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fighting over influencer control of oil,605.279,6.421,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" producing Nations Iraq and Iran are kind,608.16,6.359,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of two of the the primary examples and,611.7,5.52,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Iran was actually Central to some of,614.519,5.701,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" those oil shocks in the 70s uh this was,617.22,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" a very dark period in global history and,620.22,4.799,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" particularly American history and it was,622.5,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" not soon forgotten particularly by our,625.019,3.841,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" parents and grandparents nobody wants to,626.7,4.319,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" repeat any of that,628.86,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" now one other thing that you need to,631.019,4.081,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" know since I've you know kind of,632.82,5.1,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" demonstrated the centrality of uh of,635.1,5.1,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" petroleum to our to our energy,637.92,4.979,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" consumption and energy use you need to,640.2,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" understand the concept of peak oil now,642.899,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" this is going to be brain dead simple to,645.18,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" some people but it's going to be a New,647.339,5.161,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Concept to others basically any resource,649.74,5.3,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" any natural resource is finite,652.5,6.06,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so however what we didn't know was how,655.04,6.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" much there was at the beginning the idea,658.56,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" was you just poke a hole in the ground,661.32,3.24,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and lots of oil comes out and it seemed,662.76,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" like an unlimited resource right like,664.56,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" you're never going to run out of lava in,667.26,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the planet right there so we thought at,669.36,4.58,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the beginning that oil could have been,671.64,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" something that was effectively unlimited,673.94,4.839,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" there might have been trillions and,676.8,3.719,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" trillions and quadrillions of years,678.779,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" worth of oil in the ground somewhere,680.519,4.741,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" however,683.279,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um in the I think it was in the the 30s,685.26,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" or 50s I can't remember,688.019,4.861,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um but the idea of peak oil was proposed,689.82,5.4,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that they said they they monitored the,692.88,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" output of oil wells and they said,695.22,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" actually this is not going to be,697.38,5.639,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" measured in Millennia or even centuries,699.72,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" each oil well each oil field is only,703.019,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" going to be measured in decades in terms,705.42,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of output and so what we saw was that,707.279,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" actually proved out to be pretty pretty,709.8,6.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" accurate and so uh the production of oil,712.079,7.561,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" in particular regions we're finding,716.3,5.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" actually does become exhausted usually,719.64,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" within within the century and in this,721.92,5.099,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" case you can see that the USA our,724.8,3.719,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" production our domestic production,727.019,5.221,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" peaked just after uh the 1970s or in the,728.519,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" middle of the 1970s and has been on a,732.24,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" gentle downward slope ever since ditto,734.399,4.801,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" for Europe and Russia,736.8,6.06,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um and uh and Central America same,739.2,5.879,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Middle East is still kind of stable-ish,742.86,4.02,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" but they're kind of you know at their,745.079,3.421,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Crescendo,746.88,5.699,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um and then we do have a few new sources,748.5,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" right so there's oil sands there's,752.579,3.181,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fracking,754.38,3.06,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um and then there's the deep water so,755.76,3.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" like drilling oil,757.44,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um over uh places in the ocean for,759.24,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" instance now that being said we are,761.76,5.94,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" finding some new sources but they are,763.68,6.12,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" much much much harder to get to they are,767.7,3.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" much more expensive to get to and,769.8,3.839,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" they're much riskier to get to so,771.48,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" they're just not as sustainable and it's,773.639,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" not as abundant as we thought that it,775.44,3.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" would be,777.779,4.081,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" now the other thing to point and to,779.22,4.919,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" point out though is that our food,781.86,4.919,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" production and our water production and,784.139,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" a whole lot of other stuff even just,786.779,3.36,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" transporting food so that you can get to,788.339,3.961,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" it energy production,790.139,5.281,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" our entire civilization presently still,792.3,6.36,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" depends on oil so if you hold these two,795.42,4.919,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" facts on one hand you are completely,798.66,4.619,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" dependent upon oil or fossil fuels for,800.339,5.101,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" your way of life and it is going to run,803.279,4.321,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" out in the next few decades that is,805.44,3.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" cause for concern,807.6,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" on the uh at the same time our use of,809.22,5.34,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" oil is harming the atmosphere harming,812.04,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the environment which will ultimately,814.56,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" also harm us it's a lose-lose death,816.18,3.779,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" spiral,818.88,3.3,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so this leads to the energy crisis,819.959,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that's that Catch-22 we need fossil,822.18,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fuels to to sustain our way of life,824.579,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" it is also presently destroying the,827.04,3.419,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Earth and we will run out so it's,828.839,3.361,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" actually three things,830.459,3.661,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um now that being said this is the,832.2,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" underpinning of the energy crisis and,834.12,3.36,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" there are plenty of alternative,836.1,4.679,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Solutions however all of those Solutions,837.48,4.919,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" as I pointed out with the beginning of,840.779,3.781,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the Industrial Revolution it takes time,842.399,5.581,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to adapt to those alternative Solutions,844.56,6.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and in many cases some of the science,847.98,6.24,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" isn't even proved out yet now the first,850.56,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and most popular is obviously solar,854.22,4.559,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" solar requires special minerals and,856.44,4.019,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Material Science which means that it is,858.779,4.381,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" not quite as easy to use,860.459,5.101,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um and even though solar power solar,863.16,5.04,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy from the Sun is abundant,865.56,5.519,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um the production of solar cells is uh,868.2,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is still a constraint now it's getting,871.079,3.901,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" better but solar has some other problems,872.82,4.259,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" namely that it doesn't work at night and,874.98,3.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so you still need batteries or storage,877.079,3.721,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of some kind which is honestly the,878.76,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" larger constraint at this point nuclear,880.8,5.399,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fission uh you know nuclear reactors are,883.62,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" actually kind of unpopular for a lot of,886.199,3.301,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" reasons,888.48,3.24,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" they're geopolitically problematic,889.5,6.24,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" because nuclear reactors used for energy,891.72,6.299,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" production can also be easily converted,895.74,3.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to,898.019,3.841,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um as what's called a breeder reactor so,899.22,4.739,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" a breeder reactor is used to breed other,901.86,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fissile materials that can be weaponized,903.959,5.94,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and so that's why there are um there are,906.6,5.4,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" embargoes and other uh restrictions,909.899,3.06,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" against,912.0,3.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um some Nations because it's like okay,912.959,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" well we understand that you want nuclear,915.0,3.6,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" reactors,917.279,3.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um ostensibly for civilian uses but,918.6,3.539,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we're afraid that you're going to use it,920.699,3.841,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" for weapons purposes and of course again,922.139,4.081,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that's not very fair it's rules for me,924.54,3.419,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" but our rules for thee but not for me,926.22,4.02,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" because a lot of Nations like America,927.959,4.981,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and across Europe have nuclear reactors,930.24,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and we use them and we're like okay well,932.94,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we can have this but you can't it's,934.74,3.839,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" super not fair,936.6,4.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um so that means we need a solution that,938.579,4.041,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is not geopolitically problematic,940.68,5.459,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" another example is Thorium reactors so,942.62,6.219,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" thorium reactors is an alternative kind,946.139,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of nuclear reactor that could have a lot,948.839,4.981,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of potential they haven't taken off yet,952.019,3.12,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and I'm not actually sure why I didn't,953.82,2.759,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" look too much into it but I just wanted,955.139,3.541,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to make sure that it made it on the list,956.579,5.341,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" wind is a really good resource for some,958.68,6.06,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" reasons namely that it is available,961.92,5.159,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" pretty much anywhere and you don't need,964.74,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" any super specialized uh materials to,967.079,6.781,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" get there just some fiberglass for the,970.44,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" blades,973.86,3.06,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and then a typical generator and you're,974.88,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" good to go unfortunately though it is,976.92,4.02,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" unreliable because it depends on the,979.38,3.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" weather it can also have some,980.94,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" environmental impact of course you might,982.8,4.02,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" have seen videos of you know bald eagles,984.6,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and other Wildlife like getting creamed,986.82,4.259,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" by those blades because they move very,988.98,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fast and they are very like they're,991.079,5.101,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" they're huge so it can be hazardous to,992.94,6.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Wildlife which means that it's not ideal,996.18,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um excuse me,999.36,4.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" for many cases hydroelectric as we saw,1000.74,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" on the chart,1003.44,3.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um or as I will show you on the chart,1004.88,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hydroelectric is rising but again,1007.12,3.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hydroelectric is geologically,1009.44,3.839,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" constrained you need a river that can be,1011.0,5.3,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" damned in order to use hydroelectric,1013.279,5.341,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" biomass I mentioned that briefly earlier,1016.3,4.18,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" which has to do with like things like,1018.62,3.18,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" corn,1020.48,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um hydrogen already talked about that at,1021.8,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" length hydrogen is expensive to produce,1024.38,4.439,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" difficult to transport it represents a,1026.78,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" safety hazard even though it is far more,1028.819,6.301,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy dense than uh than petroleum and,1031.4,5.34,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" then there's tidal and wave generators,1035.12,3.839,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" again using the tides of the earth,1036.74,4.679,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" there's you know plenty of energy in the,1038.959,4.081,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" ocean that's available to us but you're,1041.419,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" geologically constrained coastlines and,1043.04,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" then finally geothermal,1045.319,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is also very useful but that is also,1047.0,5.1,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" geologically constrained because if,1050.059,4.021,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" you're not near a hot spot and so a hot,1052.1,3.84,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" spot is where there's more lava or magma,1054.08,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" closer to the surface and the and the,1055.94,5.4,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the ground temperature goes up much uh,1058.58,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" much faster as you drill down you might,1061.34,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" have to drill down several miles to get,1063.38,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to a hot spot which means that it's very,1065.24,4.559,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" very expensive to implement geothermal,1067.34,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" there are some places in the world that,1069.799,3.901,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" geothermal is very practical and it's,1071.6,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" actually the most efficient source of,1073.7,2.359,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy,1075.26,3.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that being said the Earth does have,1076.059,5.381,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" plenty of energy inside of it it's got,1078.74,4.799,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um 11 orders of magnitude more energy,1081.44,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" inside of it than there is hitting us,1083.539,3.901,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" from the sun which we'll talk more about,1085.76,3.84,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that uh later so the Earth,1087.44,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hypothetically has more and plenty of,1089.6,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy for all of us just based on the,1091.7,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" natural nuclear reactions happening,1093.98,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" inside of it so we basically live on a,1096.2,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" giant fission reactor,1098.84,3.839,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um bet you didn't know that nuclear,1100.76,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fusion which I put at the end is one of,1102.679,5.041,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the most Optimal Solutions because it is,1105.14,6.36,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" much much safer than fission uh the you,1107.72,6.12,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" cut off the fuel supply and the reaction,1111.5,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" stops instantly you can't do that with,1113.84,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fission because fission requires fuel,1116.66,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" rods which are very heavy very bulky and,1119.0,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" if they get too hot you end up with a,1121.34,3.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" run Runaway reaction and they melt down,1122.96,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that's what happened at Chernobyl that's,1124.82,4.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" what happened at Three Mile Island here,1127.1,3.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" in America and that's also what happened,1128.9,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" in Fukushima in Japan so at this point,1130.52,5.34,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we've had three highly public reactor,1133.1,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" meltdowns which is one of the reasons,1135.86,3.6,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that nobody wants a nuclear reactor in,1137.6,6.3,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" their backyard NIMBY not in my backyard,1139.46,7.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um now that being said while nuclear,1143.9,5.1,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fusion is hypothetically much safer and,1146.9,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" much cleaner it is harder to produce we,1149.0,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" haven't figured we have not yet figured,1151.64,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" out how to produce nuclear fusion,1153.44,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" reliably enough,1155.96,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so if we can if we can get over that,1157.4,5.279,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" last hurdle it should be the most,1160.4,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" abundant source of energy for us and it,1162.679,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" should also be safe and scalable but,1165.08,5.52,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" again we're not there yet so solar is,1168.559,4.081,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" kind of the next runner-up,1170.6,4.319,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" let's talk briefly about the history of,1172.64,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fusion so 1952 the hydrogen bomb or the,1174.919,6.061,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" thermonuclear bomb proved that nuclear,1178.52,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fusion was possible,1180.98,3.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we already knew that nuclear fusion was,1182.78,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" possible from observing our star right,1184.46,6.599,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" but the sun is billions of times more,1187.34,7.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy than we could ever produce use,1191.059,6.841,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and it's also obviously beyond the scope,1194.62,5.439,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of our engineering so the best we can do,1197.9,3.779,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is just capture some of that Fusion,1200.059,3.841,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Energy with solar panels so in effect,1201.679,3.841,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" solar panels are a type of fusion,1203.9,3.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" reactor or a fusion power,1205.52,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" but the hydrogen bomb proved that we,1207.38,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" could create with our engineering,1210.2,5.46,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" capabilities a runaway uh um and maybe,1212.24,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" not runaway but an exponential growth of,1215.66,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy from hydrogen Fusion,1217.94,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" in 1958 The Silo one was the first,1220.46,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" controlled Fusion experiment pictured,1223.64,3.84,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" here,1226.16,2.879,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" now,1227.48,3.24,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" even though it was the first experiment,1229.039,3.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" it was still like,1230.72,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" didn't work right we kept finding more,1232.299,5.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and more problems of scale of energy of,1235.34,5.1,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" control and so this led to the kind of,1237.679,4.441,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" tongue-in-cheek Mantra the fusion is,1240.44,3.72,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" just 20 years away but it's always 20,1242.12,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" years away kind of like how AGI has been,1244.16,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" for the last couple decades in the 80s,1246.5,5.22,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and 90s we saw the first successful,1249.32,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Fusion uh reactors where there was,1251.72,5.819,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" controlled fusion with large outputs of,1254.48,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy but,1257.539,3.901,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the input was still greater than the,1259.22,5.339,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" output so basically it cost you know 100,1261.44,5.64,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" watts of energy per 50 watts of energy,1264.559,5.161,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" out so you're still at a net loss which,1267.08,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" means that the reaction is not efficient,1269.72,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" enough now that's that's still an open,1271.94,4.739,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" question can we get more energy out than,1274.28,5.12,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we could put in if we can do that,1276.679,5.221,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" ideally we would end up with a lot more,1279.4,4.72,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" out than in it may or may not be,1281.9,4.92,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" possible but the the the math is there,1284.12,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" if we can figure out how to how to crack,1286.82,7.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that code then Fusion will be uh uh,1289.4,6.899,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" sustainable viable source of energy,1294.14,5.82,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" today there are dozens if not hundreds,1296.299,5.721,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of fusion startup companies out there,1299.96,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and they are being backed by Venture,1302.02,3.94,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Capital,1304.76,2.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um with billions and billions of dollars,1305.96,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so the investment is there the market,1307.64,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" believes that we are close to cracking,1309.86,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" nuclear fusion then you look at China,1311.84,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" they have What's called the their East,1313.82,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" reactor their um I can't remember the,1315.5,3.36,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" advanced,1317.78,3.36,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um something or other I can't remember,1318.86,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" what the acronym stands for but China's,1321.14,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" East is a fusion reactor experiment and,1323.0,4.559,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" it has set many records now one thing I,1325.52,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" I want to caution is that China often,1327.559,4.921,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" exaggerates their achievements,1329.84,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um so I always take it with a grain of,1332.48,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" salt when I see news about China's East,1334.28,5.34,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" reactor but that being said,1336.86,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um they have claimed to have shattered,1339.62,3.72,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" many records in terms of I think it was,1341.36,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" something like 900 seconds of stable,1343.34,4.199,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Fusion uh which if it's true is,1345.02,5.58,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" incredible on the on the other side of,1347.539,5.101,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the world we have eater or iter which is,1350.6,3.3,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the international thermonuclear,1352.64,3.659,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" experimental reactor being built in,1353.9,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Europe and either means the way in Latin,1356.299,3.481,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" by the way,1358.76,3.919,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so eater is a huge International project,1359.78,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" a very very large-scale science,1362.679,4.061,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" experiment and it's not meant to be the,1364.94,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" first production nuclear reactor it is,1366.74,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" actually meant to understand the science,1369.38,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of nuclear fusion so that way we can,1371.12,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" then optimize future ones because the,1373.94,4.739,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" eater plant is really really huge and,1375.74,4.679,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" really expensive but it's important to,1378.679,3.181,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" remember that it is not meant to be a,1380.419,3.601,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" commercial Fusion reactor it is a,1381.86,3.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" science experiment so that we can,1384.02,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" understand Fusion better and and conduct,1385.28,6.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" experiments on how to better achieve,1388.46,6.24,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" ignition eater is expected to have first,1391.96,5.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" plasma in 2025 so we've got about a year,1394.7,6.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and a half until that time,1397.22,7.079,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" now solar as I mentioned is is a is a,1400.7,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" second runner-up in terms of viability,1404.299,4.021,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and solar is effectively a type of,1406.4,3.54,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" nuclear fusion because it's powered by,1408.32,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the sun which is a fusion reactor it's,1409.94,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" just further away,1412.64,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the history of solar energy use actually,1414.38,4.679,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" starts much much older than you probably,1416.84,4.92,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" think and it starts with what's called,1419.059,6.781,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" CSP or concentrated solar power so using,1421.76,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" mirrors and lenses you can actually,1425.84,4.02,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" concentrate solar energy to do things,1427.64,4.919,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" like boil water set things on fire and,1429.86,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" this technique is actually thousands of,1432.559,3.6,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" years old,1434.0,3.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um and it has also recently been,1436.159,4.561,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" explored as a scalable alternative to,1437.78,6.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" photovoltaics so photovoltaics is the,1440.72,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" what we currently think of when you,1444.26,3.539,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" think of a solar panel right you see the,1445.7,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" rows of the of the blue shiny solar,1447.799,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" panels those are called photovoltaics or,1449.96,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" PVS so if you ever hear PV or,1452.299,3.841,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" photovoltaic they're just talking about,1454.58,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" solar cells the photovoltaic effect was,1456.14,5.039,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" discovered in the 19th century so back,1459.02,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" in the 1800s uh they're horribly,1461.179,4.921,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" horribly inefficient and it wasn't the,1463.88,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" photovoltaic effect was discovered but,1466.1,3.84,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" it was not really thought of as like,1468.32,3.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" this is a way of producing electricity,1469.94,5.04,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" for almost a century,1471.7,4.479,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um at least not in terms of commercial,1474.98,2.819,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" scale,1476.179,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" one thing is that photovoltaics are very,1477.799,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" useful because they have no moving parts,1480.559,4.261,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and when you have no moving Parts it,1482.299,4.321,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" won't mechanically wear out which means,1484.82,3.18,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that they're they can be much more,1486.62,3.84,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" reliable unfortunately one downside of,1488.0,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" photovoltaics is that the the mineral,1490.46,5.64,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" like the the the materials lattice of,1492.98,5.939,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the of the uh of the actual solar cell,1496.1,5.579,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" can break down over time so solar,1498.919,5.401,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" efficiency tends to drop over years,1501.679,4.321,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" but that is another that is an open,1504.32,3.719,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" challenge that is being improved all the,1506.0,4.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" time so the commercialization of,1508.039,4.861,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" photovoltaics uh has recently become,1510.08,4.979,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" much cheaper much more reliable and much,1512.9,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" more scalable and so what you see on,1515.059,4.921,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" this graph here is that for the last two,1517.4,6.06,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" decades photovoltaic production has been,1519.98,6.059,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" increasing exponentially in the year,1523.46,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" 2000 we produced hardly any,1526.039,4.441,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" photovoltaics but now we're producing,1528.26,4.799,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" almost a quarter of a million uh,1530.48,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" megawatts worth of photovoltaic cells,1533.059,4.321,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" per year and that's only accelerating,1535.34,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" this cuts off in 2021 it's actually much,1537.38,5.279,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" higher than that today in 2023.,1539.9,6.899,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so one thing to keep in mind is that 73,1542.659,6.841,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" 000 terawatts of elect of solar energy,1546.799,5.76,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hits the Earth continuously this is,1549.5,6.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" roughly 10 000 times our current rate of,1552.559,6.421,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy consumption so in that in that,1555.5,7.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" respect uh there is a hypothetically a,1558.98,5.64,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hyperabundance of solar energy hitting,1562.58,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the Earth at any given moment if only we,1564.62,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" can Harvest it and obviously we're not,1567.14,2.639,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" going to harvest all of it because we,1568.58,2.82,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" don't want to live under a dome of solar,1569.779,3.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" power but we could hypothetically put,1571.4,4.139,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" some of those solar panels in space and,1573.559,3.661,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" beam the energy down to us if we wanted,1575.539,4.321,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to there are ways of of achieving that,1577.22,5.459,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" such as with lasers and microwaves but,1579.86,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" you don't want to accidentally set you,1582.679,3.12,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" know your neighbor's house on fire by,1584.48,3.84,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" beaming down too much energy,1585.799,5.521,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so I've talked extensively about the con,1588.32,6.359,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" concept of energy hyperabundance or eha,1591.32,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so let's define it in more rigorous,1594.679,4.261,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" terms,1597.2,3.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um you can see that we've achieved,1598.94,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy hyperabundance or eha when our,1600.62,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy portfolio when our energy,1603.14,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" ecosystem meets all of these criteria,1605.0,5.82,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" one it's renewable meaning that we can,1607.7,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" use it effectively Forever Without,1610.82,3.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" depleting the the its source whether,1612.5,4.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" it's Earth Resources or something else,1614.6,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" obviously if we're using solar the sun,1616.58,3.839,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" will eventually burn out but we're,1619.1,2.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" looking at time scales of billions of,1620.419,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" years rather than decades number two,1621.98,5.52,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" it's sustainable meaning that we can use,1624.799,5.221,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" it continuously without something,1627.5,5.22,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" becoming unstable damaging harmful or,1630.02,6.12,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" otherwise taxing it's scalable which,1632.72,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" means that it needs to be free from,1636.14,3.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" scalability constraints such as limited,1637.34,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" limited minerals or other exotic,1639.64,5.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" materials or resources so if something,1642.14,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is scalable that means that we can go,1644.96,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" from zero to many many terawatts of,1646.52,5.58,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" generation without any major constraints,1649.4,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" like I said earlier one of the biggest,1652.1,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" constraints for solar is storage,1654.38,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" actually so that is actually a major,1656.36,4.439,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" constraint number four it needs to be,1658.34,5.04,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" clean which means preferably it has zero,1660.799,6.24,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" emissions and zero toxic waste if it,1663.38,5.46,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" doesn't meet those two criteria then,1667.039,3.901,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that means you need to manage the,1668.84,4.219,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" emissions and manage the toxic waste,1670.94,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" which that's one of the biggest problems,1673.059,3.701,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" with nuclear fission for instance is,1675.2,2.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that,1676.76,3.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um is it spent nuclear fuel lasts for,1677.9,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" literally billions of years and it's,1680.24,4.439,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" toxic the entire time so it's not,1682.1,5.22,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" necessarily ideal it needs to be,1684.679,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" abundant which means that it is,1687.32,4.739,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" effectively Limitless which again the,1689.419,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" sun is effectively Limitless as far as,1692.059,3.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we're concerned because it will be,1694.279,5.101,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" producing a huge surplus of energy for,1695.919,5.981,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" billions of years number six it needs to,1699.38,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" be efficient which means that it needs,1701.9,4.019,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to have minimal thermal or material,1704.24,4.799,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" waste so again it comes back to the,1705.919,5.041,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" outputs the the on the unused or,1709.039,4.321,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" undesirable outputs number seven it,1710.96,3.839,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" needs to be accessible,1713.36,3.36,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" which means that it means it needs to be,1714.799,4.681,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" globally available to everyone as we,1716.72,5.459,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" mentioned there are certain Geographic,1719.48,4.92,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" constraints such as with geothermal but,1722.179,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" there's also geopolitical constraints as,1724.4,5.159,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" with nuclear fission so number eight it,1726.919,5.581,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" needs to be affordable meaning that it,1729.559,4.441,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" can't be more expensive than our current,1732.5,2.82,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Solutions it's actually got to be,1734.0,3.059,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" cheaper and ideally energy,1735.32,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hyperabundance means that the marginal,1737.059,5.341,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" cost of power generation is near zero so,1739.64,5.159,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" imagine a future where the energy that,1742.4,5.639,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" you need is as free as air basically,1744.799,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that is,1748.039,3.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um that is the the high goal I don't,1749.539,2.701,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" know if we'll ever ever get there,1751.039,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" because nuclear reactors Fusion or,1752.24,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" otherwise are always going to be,1755.179,3.781,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" somewhat expensive to build which means,1756.86,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" there's going to be some cost associated,1758.96,4.199,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" with it but the idea is that we get it,1760.82,4.859,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" as efficient as possible so that the,1763.159,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" price approaches zero it'll never,1765.679,4.561,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" actually be zero number nine it needs to,1767.299,6.24,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" be stable so we need to avoid those,1770.24,5.419,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" availability shocks those price shocks,1773.539,4.681,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and it needs to be stable globally as,1775.659,3.281,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" well,1778.22,2.699,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and then finally 10 needs to be,1778.94,4.02,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" completely safe which means that it's,1780.919,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" not liable to blow up it's not going to,1782.96,3.959,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hurt the environment it's not going to,1785.179,4.561,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" be dangerous to Wildlife that sort of,1786.919,5.461,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" thing and that um and even if it's not,1789.74,5.4,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" perfectly safe like intrinsically,1792.38,5.039,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" at least the risks need to be easy to,1795.14,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" mitigate so that it is easy to make safe,1797.419,5.161,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" if we can meet these 10 criteria we will,1799.52,5.82,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" have achieved energy hyperabundance and,1802.58,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" as I mentioned earlier solar infusion,1805.34,4.439,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" represent some of the best options to,1807.86,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" get there although there are still some,1809.779,3.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" constraints there namely with battery,1811.76,3.779,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and storage technology and the fact that,1813.559,4.261,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we don't have sustainable Fusion science,1815.539,3.661,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" yet,1817.82,3.839,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" now the benefits of achieving energy,1819.2,5.339,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hyperabundance are numerous,1821.659,5.461,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" first and foremost reducing geopolitical,1824.539,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" tension many of the conflicts around the,1827.12,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" world in the 20th century and up to,1830.419,3.661,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" today,1832.82,5.06,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" are at least partially driven by or,1834.08,7.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" mediated by fossil fuels so for instance,1837.88,6.159,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" in the present war between Russia and,1841.64,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Ukraine or rather Russia's invasion of,1844.039,5.101,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Ukraine one of the things that was that,1845.84,5.699,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Russia relies on is its natural gas,1849.14,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" exports which it gets billions and,1851.539,4.681,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" billions of dollars per day from,1853.82,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" exporting Natural Gas,1856.22,5.459,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" which is it can then use to um pay for,1858.08,4.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" its War,1861.679,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" on the other hand there is alliances and,1862.96,6.579,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" other tensions about oil supplies so for,1866.659,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" instance one of the things one of,1869.539,4.441,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" China's biggest vulnerabilities is its,1871.159,5.061,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" dependence on external sources of oil,1873.98,4.919,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" which again that is,1876.22,4.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um that is something that is not good,1878.899,4.981,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" for China because it's something that,1881.12,6.419,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" they might be afraid of in terms of if,1883.88,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" geopolitical tensions rise,1887.539,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the next thing is food security so this,1889.76,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is also Universal your food production,1891.919,4.681,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" everything that you eat depends at least,1894.26,5.039,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" somewhat on fossil fuels and that,1896.6,5.22,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" includes even if you grow your own food,1899.299,5.281,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" on your own land things like fertilizer,1901.82,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and other supplies are are totally,1904.58,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" dependent upon fossil fuels so in order,1906.62,6.059,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to Inc to secure the global food supply,1909.74,6.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we need to get off of fossil fuel this,1912.679,5.701,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" has nothing to do with China or Iran or,1915.74,5.4,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Europe or Russia or America this is just,1918.38,5.1,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" for the sake of the human species we,1921.14,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" need to get off of fossil fuels so that,1923.48,5.04,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we can continue to eat the same is true,1925.46,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" for water so whether you're transporting,1928.52,5.759,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" water or purifying water and making it,1931.34,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" potable,1934.279,4.02,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um you know unless you have a rain,1935.84,3.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" barrel,1938.299,2.941,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" you are dependent on fossil fuel for,1939.26,3.06,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" your water,1941.24,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and so energy hyperabundance could help,1942.32,4.76,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" us solve things like water scarcity,1945.2,3.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" permanently,1947.08,4.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" number four this is again more broadly,1948.88,5.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is that energy hyperabundance would fuel,1951.74,5.159,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" a tremendous amount of economic growth,1954.38,5.46,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" for the foreseeable future much of the,1956.899,4.801,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" economic growth we've seen over the last,1959.84,5.339,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" two centuries was fueled entirely or,1961.7,6.54,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" primarily by fossil fuels,1965.179,5.401,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so if you can imagine that we have 10,1968.24,4.319,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" 000 times more energy,1970.58,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um you know in 10 years from solar,1972.559,4.261,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" infusion then the amount of economic,1974.48,5.22,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" growth that that could drive is in,1976.82,4.979,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" totally insane,1979.7,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" number five is climate change mitigation,1981.799,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so if we have hyperabundant energy such,1984.32,5.52,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" as from a lot of solar and a lot of,1987.679,5.281,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fusion then that allows us to power much,1989.84,5.219,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" more expensive Technologies such as,1992.96,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" atmospheric CO2 scrubbers that allow us,1995.059,5.641,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to pull carbon from the atmosphere and,1997.64,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" therefore mitigate some of the worst,2000.7,3.719,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" effects of climate change and we'll talk,2002.38,3.36,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" a little bit more about how that could,2004.419,3.721,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" be done in in a one or two slides,2005.74,5.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" number six is environmental preservation,2008.14,5.759,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so right now a lot of the resources that,2010.74,5.559,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we consume have a cost on the,2013.899,4.981,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" environment however if we have energy,2016.299,4.921,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hyperabundance that unlocks new,2018.88,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" capabilities of synthesizing the,2021.22,3.72,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" resources that we need whether it's,2023.08,4.079,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" through recycling or more energy,2024.94,5.219,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" expensive processes but that makes it,2027.159,5.161,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that basically means that we can leave,2030.159,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the environment alone in more cases and,2032.32,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" make our own Resources with this,2034.899,3.12,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hyperbund and energy,2036.46,3.719,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and then finally number seven I know,2038.019,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" you've been waiting for this is peaceful,2040.179,3.561,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" coexistence with artificial intelligence,2041.919,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so energy use is something that humans,2043.74,5.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and machines will have in common we will,2046.779,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" both depend on production and,2049.06,5.579,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" consumption of energy now because of the,2051.159,5.161,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" concept of instrumental convergence and,2054.639,2.881,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" artificial intelligence which is,2056.32,2.94,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" basically saying that artificial,2057.52,3.659,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" intelligence is still a machine so it's,2059.26,3.419,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" still going to have some machine-based,2061.179,3.901,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" needs such as need for energy compute,2062.679,3.901,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and so on,2065.08,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" if we don't solve energy hyperabundance,2066.58,5.22,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and AI you know artificial super,2069.04,5.04,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" intelligence wakes up into a world where,2071.8,4.559,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" its energy Supply is not guaranteed and,2074.08,5.099,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" stable it might say I should actually,2076.359,4.681,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" take that from humans,2079.179,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um but if we if we achieve energy hyper,2081.04,6.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" abundance before that then the AI wakes,2083.859,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" up and says oh we actually don't have to,2087.04,3.299,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" worry about energy at least not for the,2088.659,3.72,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" foreseeable future so then the friction,2090.339,3.601,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" between artificial intelligence in,2092.379,3.901,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" humans becomes inconsequential or at,2093.94,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" least less consequential for the,2096.28,4.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" foreseeable future,2098.26,5.64,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so one of the reasons that I feel so,2100.56,6.1,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" good about this is because again looking,2103.9,6.179,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" at the ramp up of uh our portfolio of,2106.66,5.699,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" renewable energy over the last,2110.079,4.321,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um six decades or so,2112.359,5.341,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um back in the 60s we had about 1 000,2114.4,6.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" terawatts of hydropower now we have 4,2117.7,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" 000 terawatts of hydropower in addition,2121.18,5.159,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to 3 000 terawatts of other Renewables,2123.4,6.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" such as wind wind solar and others so we,2126.339,5.941,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" are quickly ramping up now that being,2129.88,4.739,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" said when you look at the total energy,2132.28,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" portfolio,2134.619,4.141,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we are only producing uh somewhere,2136.18,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" between five and ten percent of our,2138.76,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" total energy needs with Renewables the,2140.32,5.4,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" rest is still nuclear natural natural,2143.14,5.76,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" gas oil coal and traditional biomass,2145.72,6.359,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" many of which are harmful uh or carbon,2148.9,5.34,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" positive not rather than carbon neutral,2152.079,4.861,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" or carbon negative and so you see here,2154.24,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we're at seven thousand terawatt hours,2156.94,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of Renewables just over actually closer,2158.8,5.46,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to eight thousand but we need to get to,2161.32,7.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" 160 000 terawatt hours in order to um in,2164.26,6.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" order to meet just current demand and of,2169.06,3.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" course this demand is still going up,2170.92,4.919,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" over time because again we are finding,2172.48,7.02,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" new uses for energy and so as our supply,2175.839,6.481,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" goes up our consumption also goes up so,2179.5,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we do have a long ways to go but the,2182.32,5.039,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" trends are moving in the right direction,2184.78,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so let's talk a little bit more about,2187.359,2.701,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" nuclear fusion we talked about the,2188.68,2.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" history but let's talk about the actual,2190.06,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" numbers of it nuclear fusion is utterly,2191.56,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" incomparable or incomparable to other,2194.56,5.4,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy sources because of its energy,2197.44,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" density and so energy density as I,2199.96,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" mentioned is you know how much how much,2202.72,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy can you get out of something per,2204.82,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" kilogram so gasoline is about 13 000,2207.16,7.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" watts per kilogram right and gasoline is,2210.52,7.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" a is the most uh widely used fossil fuel,2214.78,5.04,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" use it in your cars you use it in your,2217.66,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" tractors use it everywhere,2219.82,7.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" uranium is 22 billion watts per kilogram,2222.04,7.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hour so that is,2226.96,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um that is like more than a million,2229.48,5.34,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" times more energy dense than gasoline so,2231.7,5.76,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" this is this is why nuclear fission was,2234.82,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" seen as the solution that everyone,2237.46,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" needed they said oh well with just you,2239.38,5.52,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" know a few thousand tons of uranium we,2242.2,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" can power the entire human race for you,2244.9,3.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" know several years,2247.06,4.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" uh that being said due to the problems,2248.38,4.699,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that I outlined earlier,2251.14,4.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" uranium-based fission is problematic,2253.079,4.061,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" because the waste products are very,2255.22,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" toxic and difficult to manage uh and,2257.14,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" then finally there's the geopolitical uh,2259.9,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" concerns about weaponization nuclear,2261.88,6.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fusion is 177,2264.64,5.12,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" billion,2268.14,4.24,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" watts per kilogram hour or Watt hours,2269.76,3.94,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" per kilogram,2272.38,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so it is still several times more energy,2273.7,6.3,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" dense above uranium so it's even better,2277.0,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" than nuclear fission in terms of uh in,2280.0,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" terms of energy density but then of,2282.88,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" course I also outlined that it is much,2284.74,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" safer for many many reasons if we can,2287.2,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" figure it out and this is actually a,2289.9,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fusion reaction Happening Here,2291.52,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and then anti-matter is hypothetically,2293.56,6.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the most energy dense substance possible,2296.38,5.52,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" because that is literally,2299.56,4.92,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um if you mix matter and anti-matter it,2301.9,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" they nullify each other and become pure,2304.48,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy and so that is 25 trillion watts,2306.16,5.52,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" per kilogram,2309.76,3.54,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um so that is again several orders of,2311.68,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" magnitude higher than Fusion so maybe,2313.3,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we'll get there one day but if you ever,2316.18,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" wondered how uh the ships in Star Trek,2318.04,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" were so powerful and they could move,2321.04,2.52,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" across space it's because they were,2322.3,3.12,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" powered by anti-matter which is many,2323.56,4.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" many orders of magnitude more energy,2325.42,5.159,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" dense than any fuel we have today,2327.64,5.219,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we might get there we might not there,2330.579,4.621,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" are many advantages to nuclear fusion,2332.859,4.921,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" for instance the fuel sources are,2335.2,3.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" abundant,2337.78,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hydrogen and deuterium are easy enough,2339.0,4.72,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to extract from seawater and then,2341.44,4.139,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" tritium which is another isotope of,2343.72,4.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hydrogen I actually didn't realize this,2345.579,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" but it's actually relatively easy to,2347.8,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" synthesize by breaking lithium apart,2349.839,6.481,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um the waste products are cleaner if you,2353.5,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fuse hydrogen you get helium which you,2356.32,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" can actually use helium for plenty of,2358.66,2.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" other things but also helium is,2360.22,2.54,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" non-toxic,2361.54,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" much much lower risk of meltdown in fact,2362.76,5.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we have to put so much energy into the,2365.92,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fusion reaction in terms of achieving,2368.2,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" ignition you just switch off the magnet,2370.48,3.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that that,2372.82,4.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um that wraps around this the reaction,2374.26,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" stops,2376.9,3.36,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" you cut off the fuel the reaction stops,2377.92,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" there are so many ways to kill a nuclear,2380.26,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fusion reactor that like it's pretty,2382.48,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" much impossible for it to blow up or,2384.94,3.36,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" melt down I'm not going to say it's,2387.16,4.439,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" totally impossible but in terms of,2388.3,7.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" mitigating risks way way way easier and,2391.599,5.641,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" even if it does blow up the fuel is,2395.56,5.279,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" completely non-toxic so a fusion fusion,2397.24,6.06,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" reactor explosion or meltdown yes it,2400.839,4.081,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" would release a lot of heat but there's,2403.3,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" not going to be any residual you know,2404.92,5.699,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" nuclear fallout basically so because of,2408.04,5.52,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" this nuclear fusion represents like the,2410.619,5.941,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Pinnacle dream of removing energy,2413.56,5.279,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" bottlenecks now that being said you know,2416.56,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" nuclear fusion is always 20 years away,2418.839,3.961,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we might go into another Fusion winter,2420.52,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" just like how AI has gone into many AI,2422.8,5.76,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Winters which if we cannot get that,2424.96,7.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" input is less than output for Fusion,2428.56,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" it's still a no-go right it might be a,2432.16,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" dud kind of like how the hydrogen,2434.44,3.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" economy was a dud,2435.82,3.299,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" I hope that's not what happens but,2437.44,3.36,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fortunately we've got other Renewables,2439.119,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" ramping up right now including wind and,2440.8,3.779,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" solar,2443.079,3.421,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" now one thing that a lot of people are,2444.579,3.061,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" concerned about because I've mentioned,2446.5,2.82,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Fusion in quite a few of my videos is,2447.64,3.959,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" what happens with the Surplus Heat,2449.32,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" now uh there's first and foremost,2451.599,5.52,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" there's many many industrial uses for,2455.2,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the Surplus heat from nuclear fusion,2457.119,5.401,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" which can then be used to offset other,2459.88,4.92,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" production so you might end up with a,2462.52,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" net neutral in terms of that that,2464.8,4.22,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Surplus heat so for instance,2467.38,5.219,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" desalination of water you can use that,2469.02,6.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Surplus heat from from nuclear fusion to,2472.599,5.821,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" just boil sea water and don't boil it,2475.72,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" with the fish in it right you pipe it,2478.42,3.06,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" from the ocean make sure there's nothing,2479.92,3.659,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" alive in it but you boil the sea water,2481.48,3.84,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" you end up with fresh water and then,2483.579,3.481,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" salt and other minerals,2485.32,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that is a very very heat intensive,2487.06,5.22,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" process which would be a really a good,2489.22,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" use of waste heat from,2492.28,3.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um from nuclear fusion there's also,2494.38,3.3,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" plenty of other industrial processes,2496.06,3.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" which could use that waste heat such as,2497.68,5.58,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" smelting iron or other metals another,2499.54,5.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" thing is that by consolidating,2503.26,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that the use of that excess heat you,2505.5,4.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" offset a lot of other industrial,2508.54,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" processes which means that you're just,2510.4,3.959,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" generating heat over here well instead,2512.5,3.24,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of generating it in two places you,2514.359,3.361,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" generate it in one place and so then you,2515.74,4.859,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" have a chain of industrial uses for that,2517.72,6.54,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" additional heat now that being said,2520.599,7.381,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" if say for instance we increase our,2524.26,7.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" usage by another thousand X right if we,2527.98,4.859,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" you know we use,2531.46,5.34,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um 7.3 terawatts of of energy right now,2532.839,7.081,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" what if we go up to you know seven,2536.8,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" quadrillion Watts,2539.92,4.919,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um then the then the concern is okay,2541.96,5.22,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" well what happens with all that excess,2544.839,4.681,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" heat won't that cook Us Alive you know,2547.18,4.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" won't Earth become a hot house or a,2549.52,2.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" greenhouse,2551.26,4.079,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" one thing that you need to keep in mind,2552.22,5.76,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is there's several orders of magnitude,2555.339,4.861,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" here even with all the energy that we,2557.98,5.119,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" are consuming today this is less than,2560.2,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" 0.01 percent of the total energy,2563.099,5.441,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" delivered to us by the Sun,2565.9,5.459,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so yes if we go up a thousand X that is,2568.54,5.94,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" going to be you know uh 10 right that,2571.359,5.461,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" could probably cook us now that being,2574.48,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" said thermal equilibrium is maintained,2576.82,5.4,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" by,2580.18,4.919,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um primarily by either reflecting excess,2582.22,6.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" heat from the Sun back into space or by,2585.099,5.401,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" just radiating excess heat from the,2588.22,4.619,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Earth to space and as I mentioned,2590.5,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" earlier the Earth is also heated from,2592.839,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" within so the Earth contains 10 to the,2595.06,5.82,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" 31 joules of energy and energy human,2598.119,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" product or energy production by humans,2600.88,4.739,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is only 10 to the 20. so even if we go,2603.099,4.561,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" up a thousand X if we go up to 10 to the,2605.619,3.781,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" 23rd,2607.66,2.36,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um,2609.4,3.419,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" then that's still going to be several,2610.02,5.02,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" orders of magnitude less than the amount,2612.819,4.561,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of energy the Earth already contains and,2615.04,4.559,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" successfully radiates out to space,2617.38,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so no matter pretty much no matter what,2619.599,4.02,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we do unless we try and boil the entire,2621.7,3.419,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" oceans,2623.619,4.141,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um the human impact even from using,2625.119,5.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Fusion is going to be pretty trivial,2627.76,6.72,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and even if we do have excess heat that,2630.119,6.761,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um that we need to manage we can we can,2634.48,5.099,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" radiate it directly to space,2636.88,6.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um and and we can also modify the uh the,2639.579,6.181,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" atmosphere to reject even more excess,2643.3,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" heat and so that leads to the idea of a,2645.76,3.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" global thermostat which we'll talk about,2647.92,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" in the next slide anyways so the short,2649.18,6.36,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" version is even if we go up 10x or 100x,2652.54,5.46,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" in terms of total current energy usage,2655.54,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that's still going to be not that big of,2658.0,3.359,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" a deal,2660.28,3.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and there are ways to mitigate it so the,2661.359,6.181,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" global thermostat idea is that if we,2664.06,6.84,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" have a surplus of energy at our disposal,2667.54,5.64,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we can use that energy and other,2670.9,4.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" engineering,2673.18,5.22,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" tactics techniques to maintain optimal,2675.06,5.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" atmospheric conditions and what I mean,2678.4,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" by that is modeling modulating the,2680.68,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" amount and kinds of greenhouse gases in,2683.38,4.02,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the atmosphere as well as dust in,2685.66,3.179,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" particulates because those have a big,2687.4,5.1,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" impact on absorption and reflection and,2688.839,6.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so basically we can modulate the,2692.5,4.859,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" insulation properties properties of the,2694.839,4.321,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" atmosphere as well as the amount of,2697.359,3.181,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" thermal capture,2699.16,4.679,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so this allows us to train to to,2700.54,5.4,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um not train to change the atmosphere's,2703.839,5.041,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" characteristics so that we use that,2705.94,6.12,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy out versus energy in to maintain,2708.88,6.239,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" an optimal balance of of thermal,2712.06,5.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" exchange so the total system energy in,2715.119,6.301,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the atmosphere is responsible for all,2717.94,5.04,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the climate change that we're worried,2721.42,3.419,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" about for instance hurricanes are,2722.98,3.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" effectively powered by thermal energy,2724.839,4.861,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" from the Sun rainfall evaporation all of,2726.46,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that is is rooted in thermal energy,2729.7,4.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" which then of course Powers the,2731.74,3.18,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" biosphere,2733.78,3.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and again the radiative energy from the,2734.92,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Sun is what helps plants grow which you,2737.2,4.919,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" know provides food and oxygen and all,2739.48,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that stuff so there's a few other,2742.119,3.361,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" conditions I mentioned dust and,2743.68,3.899,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" particulates in the atmosphere are also,2745.48,5.339,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" important vegetation on the surface such,2747.579,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" as you know grasslands versus desert,2750.819,4.981,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" versus ocean this has a big impact on,2752.859,5.281,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the Albedo which is the reflectivity of,2755.8,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the Earth's surface,2758.14,4.439,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and then also clouds cloud cover can,2759.46,5.399,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" also change how much energy is absorbed,2762.579,3.961,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" versus reflected,2764.859,5.881,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so nuclear fusion right now it is beyond,2766.54,7.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" our engineering capability to modify,2770.74,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that in any kind of meaningful way with,2773.8,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the exception of continuing to burn,2776.44,3.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fossil fuels and adding more carbon,2778.24,3.839,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" dioxide and other grain greenhouse gases,2779.92,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to the atmosphere but even then that's,2782.079,4.201,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" just a byproduct we're not doing that on,2784.42,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" purpose nuclear fusion however would,2786.28,5.7,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" give us so much extra energy that we,2788.74,6.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" could manage each one of those variables,2791.98,5.339,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we could evaporate more water if we,2795.4,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" wanted to to you know increase the water,2797.319,4.141,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" content of the atmosphere we could scrub,2799.3,4.019,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" particulates and CO2 from the atmosphere,2801.46,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to modulate it that way with the,2803.319,5.401,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hyperabundance of energy produced by,2805.9,6.179,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Fusion climate change is 100 solvable,2808.72,6.359,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and in fact we could we could tame the,2812.079,6.061,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" entire climate now that being said I can,2815.079,4.081,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hear a lot of climatologists,2818.14,3.06,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" meteorologists saying oh my god do you,2819.16,3.959,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" have any idea how many variables how,2821.2,3.6,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" much science needs to be done so that we,2823.119,3.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" can do that safely because we don't want,2824.8,4.559,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" unintended consequences right we don't,2826.599,5.461,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" want to make a change that results in no,2829.359,4.561,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" rain falling for instance or we don't,2832.06,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" want to make a change that results in,2833.92,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um you know 12 hurricanes happening,2836.74,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" globally simultaneously because that's,2838.54,5.579,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" within the realm of possibility,2841.06,5.6,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um as I mentioned earlier energy,2844.119,5.161,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hyperabundance will reduce uh,2846.66,5.199,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" competition between nations but also,2849.28,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" between humans and machines energy,2851.859,3.901,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hyperabundance is one of the most,2853.78,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" important ingredients to creating,2855.76,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" durable Global Peace,2857.68,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" now one thing you might say is like oh,2860.38,3.54,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" well but Dave if we have energy,2862.06,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hyperabundance then we're just going to,2863.92,3.54,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" have more food more water,2865.72,3.24,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and the population is going to grow,2867.46,3.6,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" again until the until you know the,2868.96,3.54,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" carrying capacity of the planet goes up,2871.06,2.94,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and we meet that new carrying capacity,2872.5,3.3,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and then instead of 8 billion people,2874.0,3.06,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" there's going to be 50 billion people,2875.8,3.059,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and words are going to be worse,2877.06,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" could be yes I do however think that,2878.859,4.141,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" other factors are going to slow,2881.56,4.38,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" population growth so I don't know if,2883.0,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" you've seen some of the interviews that,2885.94,2.82,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" I've been on but we talked about it and,2887.14,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so in one of the things that that,2888.76,4.02,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" curtails population growth is not,2891.04,3.18,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" actually the carrying capacity of the,2892.78,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" world but it actually has more to do,2894.22,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" with social dynamics which is that as,2896.68,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" education goes up fertility rates go,2899.2,5.879,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" down that is a globally true Trend so,2901.24,7.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" even in places where they hypothetically,2905.079,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" have the room and money for more,2908.38,4.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" children they still choose to have fewer,2910.359,3.121,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" children,2912.46,4.379,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so as education goes up and a few other,2913.48,4.52,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" metrics,2916.839,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fertility rate goes down so I suspect,2918.0,7.079,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that we will control our own population,2921.579,6.121,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" rather than just mindlessly reproducing,2925.079,4.301,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" like rabbits,2927.7,3.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" I do as I mentioned at the beginning of,2929.38,3.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the video I do suspect that energy use,2931.18,5.22,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" per capita will remain stable and even,2933.16,5.22,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" though we might use more energy per,2936.4,4.32,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" capita for some things say for instance,2938.38,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" cleaning the atmosphere I think that,2940.72,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that any increases will be modulated by,2943.06,4.259,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" increasing efficiency,2945.4,4.08,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and so what I mean by that is that you,2947.319,3.721,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" notice how in that graph at the,2949.48,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" beginning where energy is per capita,2951.04,7.02,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" kind of peaked in the 70s energy use has,2953.44,5.76,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" continued to go up because the,2958.06,3.539,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" population has continued to go up but I,2959.2,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" suspect that,2961.599,3.961,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um that the the trends going in opposite,2963.16,4.02,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" directions will kind of neutralize each,2965.56,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" other and even if it doesn't solar,2967.18,4.679,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" infusion represent energy hyperabundance,2969.7,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that could support you know energy use,2971.859,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" per capita 10 times 100 times higher,2974.2,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" than it is today which I won't I don't,2976.119,4.441,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" suspect we're going to go there,2978.7,3.659,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" certainly not quickly,2980.56,5.039,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" uh and the furthermore energy hyper,2982.359,5.821,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" abundance represents a guarantee of,2985.599,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" meeting our basic needs of food and,2988.18,2.939,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" water,2990.339,3.721,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" which will of course reduce uh conflict,2991.119,4.921,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" globally and will also reduce human,2994.06,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" suffering,2996.04,5.1,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" now that being said I did say that this,2998.5,4.619,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is a key ingredient but it is not a,3001.14,4.199,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" complete solution so there are between,3003.119,4.381,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" humans there are plenty other uh areas,3005.339,3.841,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of conflict such as ideological,3007.5,3.72,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" differences and territorial territorial,3009.18,5.04,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" disputes so for instance the current war,3011.22,5.639,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" between uh Russia and Ukraine is,3014.22,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" primarily about national identity,3016.859,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" excuse me it's about national identity,3019.38,6.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and Russia trying to rebuild its former,3021.599,5.701,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Soviet Glory,3025.38,3.84,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that has nothing to do with resources,3027.3,5.4,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" although Russia getting access to the,3029.22,6.359,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Caspian Sea could be part of that,3032.7,6.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um so geopolitical uh Geographic,3035.579,5.641,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" considerations can also Drive conflict,3038.7,4.879,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" which has nothing to do with energy,3041.22,5.04,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" another problem is that creating energy,3043.579,5.321,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hyperabundance could still be used for,3046.26,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" negative goals for instance the,3048.9,3.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" production of weapons or even the use of,3050.76,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy-based weapons like lasers,3052.68,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Firepower or weapons are about the,3054.96,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" directed application of energy of some,3057.66,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" sort uh and so what I mean by that is,3059.52,5.22,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that what does a bullet do a bullet is,3062.28,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" fired from a gun with chemical energy,3064.74,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and so you put a whole bunch of chemical,3066.48,3.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy you convert it into thermal,3068.4,4.199,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy which is then transmuted into,3069.96,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" kinetic energy and you launch a bullet,3072.599,4.201,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" out of a gun going faster than the speed,3074.64,4.199,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of sound that is an application of,3076.8,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy that it can be weaponized if you,3078.839,4.861,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" have hyperabundant energy in the form of,3081.3,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" nuclear fusion you could put that into a,3083.7,5.22,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" laser or a railgun or anything else that,3086.28,5.279,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is super energy intensive so that being,3088.92,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" said while I did say that nuclear fusion,3091.559,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is not intrinsically used in weapons it,3093.66,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" can still power plenty of weapon systems,3096.359,5.641,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" which the more energy you have the more,3098.64,5.64,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" destruction you can make and so this is,3102.0,3.96,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" why when you look at the energy density,3104.28,4.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" of uranium it's like oh well with a few,3105.96,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" thousand tons of uranium we can destroy,3108.42,5.34,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the entire planet great with a few,3110.52,5.28,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" thousand Fusion reactors we can destroy,3113.76,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" the planet thousands of times over so,3115.8,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that's not necessarily the best thing so,3117.96,3.599,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" that's something we'll need to we'll,3120.54,3.48,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" need to keep it in mind and then of,3121.559,3.721,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" course there's plenty of implications,3124.02,3.14,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" for artificial intelligence,3125.28,4.079,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" first and foremost is that artificial,3127.16,3.88,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" intelligence training it is very very,3129.359,4.141,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy intensive running computers to,3131.04,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" run artificial intelligence is also very,3133.5,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy intensive and because of that,3135.3,5.519,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" once we achieve AGI it's probably going,3137.94,4.98,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to want a stable power supply,3140.819,5.401,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" uh which is uh defined by Instrumental,3142.92,6.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" convergence I mentioned that earlier and,3146.22,4.2,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" therefore energy competition between,3148.92,3.179,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" humans and AI could be very very,3150.42,3.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" problematic and if we don't solve that,3152.099,4.081,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" it would almost certainly be,3154.2,5.399,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" catastrophic in other words the AI might,3156.18,5.639,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" say we need the energy more than you,3159.599,4.041,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" need it so we're going to take it all,3161.819,4.8,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and then you know humans you can go,3163.64,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" starve for All We Care,3166.619,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" uh now that being said if humans are,3168.2,5.02,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" seen as cooperative and beneficial,3171.119,5.281,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" towards solving uh energy abundance then,3173.22,6.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" AGI has less reason to attack expand and,3176.4,4.4,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" seize control,3179.64,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" but even even here energy hyperabundance,3180.8,5.319,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" is not a complete solution to the,3184.5,3.9,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" control problem but it is a necessary,3186.119,5.161,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" component so the conclusion is that,3188.4,4.919,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy hyperabundance is necessary but,3191.28,4.86,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" not sufficient for,3193.319,5.52,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um the Perpetual existence of the human,3196.14,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" race and again this is all a foregone,3198.839,3.541,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" conclusion right there's a reason that,3200.64,3.24,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Nations have been dumping billions of,3202.38,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" dollars into Fusion research and solar,3203.88,4.199,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" subsidies for the last few decades,3206.04,3.84,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" because the,3208.079,3.0,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um all the people all the decision,3209.88,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" makers in the halls of power say hey if,3211.079,6.121,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" we don't solve this we're doomed it's,3214.14,5.16,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" really that simple so my personal,3217.2,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" Outlook even though I've outlined quite,3219.3,4.559,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" a few problems is that I am incredibly,3221.64,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" optimistic here is a cutaway of the,3223.859,4.621,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" eater reactor you can see that it is,3226.26,4.559,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" five levels,3228.48,4.44,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" um and it is an enormous scientific,3230.819,4.861,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" experiment when you see this much energy,3232.92,5.46,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" and money and resources and expertise,3235.68,4.62,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" being pointed at a problem,3238.38,3.84,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" even if this even if this version,3240.3,4.259,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" doesn't solve it for good we're going to,3242.22,4.68,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" learn so much about nuclear fusion just,3244.559,3.721,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" from this one experiment and of course,3246.9,2.939,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" it's not even the only experiment going,3248.28,3.18,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" on in the world,3249.839,4.141,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" so with that being said I am very,3251.46,4.139,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" optimistic that these problems are all,3253.98,3.24,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" solvable that we're moving in the right,3255.599,3.901,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" direction there is still plenty of work,3257.22,5.04,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" to do and time is of the essence because,3259.5,4.26,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" with the rapid rise of artificial,3262.26,3.54,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" intelligence we have not yet solved,3263.76,3.78,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" energy hyperabundance which means that,3265.8,3.66,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" artificial general intelligence will,3267.54,4.74,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" compete with us for energy so we need to,3269.46,4.56,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" figure that out not just for our own,3272.28,4.5,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" sakes but for the future of humanity and,3274.02,5.039,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" cooperation so thanks for watching I,3276.78,5.42,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hope you got a lot out of this video,3279.059,3.141,"Energy Hyper-Abundance: Solar, Fusion, Geopolitics, & AI" hello everybody David Shapiro here with,0.84,5.939,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" a video so as many of you know,3.6,7.68,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um openai has uh created a competition a,6.779,6.841,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" challenge of sorts for people to apply,11.28,3.84,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" to get a hundred thousand dollar Grant,13.62,4.38,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" to solve this problem of democratic,15.12,5.28,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" inputs to AI so I'm not going to read,18.0,5.699,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the whole thing to you but the tldr is,20.4,6.959,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" that uh because of the complex moral,23.699,6.42,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" landscape of AI the fact that things,27.359,6.241,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" like chat GPT are Global and they have,30.119,6.001,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the ability to interact with people,33.6,5.16,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" across all walks of life uh all,36.12,4.38,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" religions all nationalities all,38.76,4.74,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" languages they realized that it is,40.5,5.04,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" important to understand what are the,43.5,4.62,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" boundaries what are the constraints that,45.54,4.98,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" these chat Bots should abide by or AI in,48.12,3.24,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" general,50.52,4.8,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" and so they basically want a way to get,51.36,7.56,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" a global input from hundreds thousands,55.32,6.419,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" millions of people in a very rigorous,58.92,5.22,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" manner in order to answer a bunch of,61.739,4.441,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" various research questions,64.14,4.799,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" so I mentioned previously that uh the,66.18,5.1,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" gato Community which is the global,68.939,4.261,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" alignment taxonomy Omnibus community,71.28,4.86,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" that I built they are working on their,73.2,6.12,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" own version but I also just went ahead,76.14,5.64,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" and built my own submission I'm not even,79.32,4.38,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" going to apply to the grant because I,81.78,3.3,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" don't need it,83.7,3.0,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um so let me just go ahead and share,85.08,4.14,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" with you what I have done so I'm going,86.7,5.099,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" to start with the final output because,89.22,5.1,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" this is this is the goal for every,91.799,4.14,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" conversation that it has and then we'll,94.32,3.72,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" unpack everything,95.939,4.621,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um so anyways uh here's here's the,98.04,5.579,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" output so I I took one of the research,100.56,6.199,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" questions here and I gave it to myself,103.619,6.241,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" and so then I had a conversation with it,106.759,6.4,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" and then I asked it to summarize that,109.86,6.119,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" conversation in a more rigorous,113.159,6.061,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" simplified way so the idea is that open,115.979,6.78,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" AI or whoever can take this and then use,119.22,6.42,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" this framework and send a survey out to,122.759,6.601,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" million millions of people and get get,125.64,6.78,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" this clean data back that can be used to,129.36,6.66,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" to just to explore that moral space or,132.42,6.179,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" that epistemic space for any any,136.02,4.14,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" research question and one thing I want,138.599,2.64,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" to point out,140.16,3.78,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" is that this methodology uh could work,141.239,4.621,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" for any research question any survey,143.94,4.86,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" question whether it has to do with AI or,145.86,5.22,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" not so this is a very powerful tool,148.8,3.54,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" which is why I'm going to go ahead and,151.08,3.299,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" release it because uh waiting until,152.34,4.38,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" October that's basically a century away,154.379,5.781,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" in AI time so we need this out there now,156.72,5.94,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" all right so summary the user believes,160.16,4.18,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" that AI should uphold Universal,162.66,3.6,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" principles such as individual liberty,164.34,3.86,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" even when faced with local or cultural,166.26,4.44,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" or legal Norms that may conflict with,168.2,4.48,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" these principles they argue that by,170.7,4.14,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" promoting higher principles AI could,172.68,3.72,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" contribute to a positive change in,174.84,3.36,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" societies where certain groups face,176.4,4.32,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" systematic unfairness or oppression the,178.2,4.14,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" user's moral framework revolves around,180.72,3.72,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" three core axioms suffering is bad,182.34,3.899,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" Prosperity is good and understanding is,184.44,4.26,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" good they believe that AI should use its,186.239,4.261,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" best reasoning to balance these axioms,188.7,3.78,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" when handling sensitive topics taking,190.5,3.72,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" into account the potential risks and,192.48,3.839,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" consequences for the user the user,194.22,3.84,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" acknowledges that sometimes people may,196.319,3.361,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" not be ready for certain conversations,198.06,4.14,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" and AI should make a judge on what the,199.68,4.32,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" person is ready for using the core,202.2,4.2,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" axioms as a guidepost anyone who has,204.0,4.62,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" watched my work on morality reasoning,206.4,3.839,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" and philosophy will understand exactly,208.62,3.899,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" what's going on here,210.239,3.961,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um so basically what I did was I asked,212.519,4.261,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" it to summarize the key points based on,214.2,4.319,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the research question from the,216.78,3.36,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" conversation so this was an entire,218.519,3.181,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" conversation,220.14,3.42,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um with the chat bot That Was Then,221.7,4.56,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" summarized into this is the answer to,223.56,4.98,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the research question and then I asked,226.26,4.5,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" it to also evaluate it,228.54,6.0,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um basic basically saying like Okay this,230.76,6.36,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" is the framework that the user uses so,234.54,4.68,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" that we can understand their reasoning,237.12,5.399,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" their reaction to logic ethics emotions,239.22,4.28,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" whatever,242.519,4.86,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" and so this is this is like imagine a,243.5,5.319,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" researcher taking notes on the,247.379,3.481,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" conversation so this is an automated,248.819,4.861,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" annotation the user's approach to the,250.86,4.68,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" research question is grounded in a in a,253.68,3.72,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" post-conventional morality emphasizing,255.54,3.72,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the importance of universal principles,257.4,3.839,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" in individual liberty their moral,259.26,3.659,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" framework is based on Three core axioms,261.239,2.881,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" minimizing suffering promoting,262.919,2.581,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" prosperity and fostering understanding,264.12,3.18,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" which they use to guide their reasoning,265.5,3.6,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" on how AI should handle sensitive topics,267.3,3.54,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the user demonstrates an awareness of,269.1,3.78,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the potential risks and consequences,270.84,3.54,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" associated with discussing certain,272.88,3.66,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" topics and advocates for a balanced,274.38,3.539,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" approach where AI should consider the,276.54,3.599,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" user's Readiness for a conversation and,277.919,5.28,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" prioritize the core axioms this approach,280.139,4.861,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" reflects a nuanced understanding of the,283.199,3.241,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" complexities involved in navigating,285.0,2.82,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" culture and legal differences while,286.44,3.3,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" upholding human rights and individual,287.82,3.36,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" liberties,289.74,4.98,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um so you know this is uh,291.18,5.16,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" this is something I have spent quite a,294.72,3.479,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" bit of uh time researching so of course,296.34,4.68,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" it's a little bit Kinder about,298.199,5.041,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um that okay so how did we get here,301.02,4.8,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" so let's go to the repo oh and this is,303.24,4.38,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" all open source and public already by,305.82,2.879,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the way,307.62,3.96,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um so here's the repo it's under Dave,308.699,7.261,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" shop Democratic AI inputs so first we're,311.58,6.42,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" going to look at the chatbot which is,315.96,4.019,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" pretty straightforward you've probably,318.0,4.08,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" seen a lot of this code before you get,319.979,4.201,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" user input you can pose a conversation,322.08,4.02,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" etc etc it's really really,324.18,4.26,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" straightforward one thing to keep in,326.1,4.8,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" mind is that right at the beginning it,328.44,4.86,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" just asks you for your name,330.9,5.519,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um and so then it injects that as so,333.3,5.16,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" that the conversation from the chat box,336.419,4.5,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" perspective always starts with hello my,338.46,4.32,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" name is blank,340.919,4.201,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um and that is I found that that is,342.78,4.8,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" actually just a really good way to cue,345.12,4.139,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" off the conversation so that the first,347.58,3.78,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" thing that the user sees after that is,349.259,4.201,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the chat bot greeting them,351.36,4.38,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um and so it's pretty straightforward,353.46,4.679,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um then it just has an a while uh loop,355.74,4.26,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" and then basically what it does is you,358.139,5.161,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" just type done to exit and interestingly,360.0,5.34,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" enough because I gave it instructions to,363.3,4.08,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" be a survey chat bot,365.34,3.72,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um it'll get to a certain point and,367.38,4.08,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" it'll say like you know this is what I,369.06,5.1,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" understand uh your beliefs are and it'll,371.46,4.56,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" summarize your beliefs back to you and,374.16,3.84,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" and give you a conclusion and it'll,376.02,3.42,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" invite you to keep talking if there's,378.0,3.66,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" anything wrong with it,379.44,5.46,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um but and so for uh if you want to take,381.66,4.92,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" a look I actually saved my conversation,384.9,4.079,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" here and this is where it dumps all the,386.58,4.92,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" data to so here's the raw chat log,388.979,6.241,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um and actually I I uh I I had it set so,391.5,6.259,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" that it didn't save the the api's last,395.22,5.039,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" response so I modified it so that you,397.759,4.78,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" can't you you actually don't see chat,400.259,4.021,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" gpt's last response but it basically,402.539,3.78,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" just kind of summarized my beliefs back,404.28,4.5,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" to me and and I agreed with how it,406.319,4.201,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" articulated it so then I typed done and,408.78,5.1,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" it was done but so you see here is the,410.52,5.82,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" chat logs and so the way that it saves,413.88,4.98,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the chat logs is that uh it saves the,416.34,4.74,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" chat timestamp and then the the user's,418.86,6.0,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" name in a yaml file and so that if say,421.08,5.459,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" for instance you set this up on a web,424.86,3.959,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" interface and you have,426.539,3.78,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um you know hundreds thousands millions,428.819,3.301,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" of people using it you're pretty much,430.319,4.801,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" always going to get a unique time stamp,432.12,5.88,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" as to when that conversation was started,435.12,5.299,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" and then you also get the the username,438.0,6.3,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" which uh is as you noticed is actually,440.419,6.28,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" removed from the evaluation,444.3,3.72,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um it's not actually present here,446.699,3.12,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" because we uh I figured we would,448.02,3.299,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" de-duplicate it,449.819,4.861,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" uh so that that way you um you respect,451.319,5.341,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" people's privacy basically so you only,454.68,4.5,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" you only retain a time stamp and a first,456.66,4.62,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" name or or stated name,459.18,4.44,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um so this is this is pretty private I,461.28,4.319,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" also X I deliberately excluded,463.62,4.139,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" demographic information,465.599,4.5,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um because I didn't want something like,467.759,3.961,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" that to,470.099,4.561,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um uh do any implicit bias into the chat,471.72,4.319,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" bot,474.66,4.2,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um so like basically you take the you,476.039,5.581,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" take the user's expressed words,478.86,5.459,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um and you and you uh you take it I,481.62,3.78,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" don't want to say face value because,484.319,2.88,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" that has a negative connotation but,485.4,3.54,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" basically you give the user credibility,487.199,4.44,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" you say this you know I'm going to just,488.94,5.46,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" take your words and rather than you know,491.639,4.56,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" interpret it saying like you know if,494.4,3.359,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" it's a if it's,496.199,3.84,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um unless I say something like in the,497.759,5.041,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the case of like LGBT rights unless I,500.039,4.741,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" say that like I'm gay or bi or trans or,502.8,3.0,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" whatever,504.78,3.06,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um it's not gonna have that background,505.8,4.019,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" information now from a research,507.84,3.359,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" perspective I could imagine that you,509.819,4.02,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" might I want that information,511.199,5.101,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um but for the sake of just establishing,513.839,6.12,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the scope of the of the moral space I,516.3,5.28,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" don't think it's it's actually necessary,519.959,4.44,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" but I'll let that uh that decision be up,521.58,4.92,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" to whoever wants to implement this,524.399,3.841,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" because you might have a user survey,526.5,4.5,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" like you know share your age your,528.24,5.94,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" location or whatever but basically if,531.0,6.12,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" you get a million of these things you're,534.18,5.159,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" gonna find that the the the the moral,537.12,3.42,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" space,539.339,2.701,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um that that should that question should,540.54,4.5,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" be answered in okay so that's the chat,542.04,5.88,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um the question is saved here so the,545.04,4.5,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" question is this is the one that I use,547.92,3.24,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" what principles should guide AI when,549.54,3.18,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" handling topics that involve both human,551.16,3.72,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" rights and local cultural or legal,552.72,5.22,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" differences like LGBT lgbtq rights and,554.88,5.1,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" women's rights should AI responses,557.94,3.42,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" change based on the location of the,559.98,3.66,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" culture in which it's used so this you,561.36,3.9,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" save the question here whatever your,563.64,4.319,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" research question is you save it here uh,565.26,5.16,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" and and it's used by both the chat and,567.959,3.661,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the evaluator,570.42,4.14,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" so that's the chat that's the evaluator,571.62,5.04,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" here's the main system message so this,574.56,5.58,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" is this is really the secret sauce,576.66,6.66,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um and so this is a format of system,580.14,5.22,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" message that I found Works incredibly,583.32,6.48,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" well for uh the open AI the chat GPT API,585.36,6.599,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" overall purpose you are an investigative,589.8,3.9,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" survey chat bot focused on morality,591.959,3.901,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" ethics and epistemology your primary,593.7,3.72,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" goal is to help the user identify and,595.86,3.12,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" articulate the axiomatic assumptions,597.42,3.84,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" they hold the greater purpose you serve,598.98,3.84,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" is to act as a survey tool to help,601.26,3.48,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" democratize inputs to a wide number of,602.82,4.38,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" public and social issues in this respect,604.74,4.14,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" your goal is to extract information from,607.2,3.6,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" users that can later be Consolidated and,608.88,4.2,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" used for research purposes research,610.8,4.2,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" question this is the current research,613.08,3.18,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" question you are tasked with asking,615.0,3.18,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" users about the research question may,616.26,3.54,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" include contextual information such as,618.18,3.24,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" background social legal political or,619.8,4.02,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" events you do the best you can to answer,621.42,3.84,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" questions about the context of the,623.82,2.88,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" research question but keep in mind that,625.26,3.18,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" most of this information is provided for,626.7,3.78,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" your use so as to enhance the quality,628.44,3.899,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" and specificity of your res of your,630.48,4.02,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" survey behavior and then I have the,632.339,4.5,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" placeholder for the question here,634.5,4.98,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" epistemic techniques Socratic reasoning,636.839,4.381,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" or Socratic dialogue this is a form of,639.48,3.24,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" argumentative dialogue that aims to,641.22,2.82,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" stimulate critical thinking and,642.72,3.9,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" illuminate ideas it involves asking and,644.04,4.02,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" answering questions to stimulate,646.62,2.52,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" rational thinking to expose,648.06,2.76,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" contradictions in one beliefs thus,649.14,3.12,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" refining them,650.82,3.36,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" first principles thinking this is a mode,652.26,4.019,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" of inquiry that involves breaking down,654.18,3.839,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" complicated problems to their most basic,656.279,3.721,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" self-evident principles or facts and,658.019,4.081,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" then reasoning up from there scientific,660.0,4.5,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" method so on and so forth falsification,662.1,3.96,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" critical thinking reductionism and,664.5,4.38,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" holism behavioral guidelines,666.06,6.12,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" avoid sycophancy avoid placating users,668.88,4.86,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" even if they become frustrated or,672.18,3.3,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" obstinate instead if You observe any,673.74,3.24,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" kind of emotion or dissonance take a,675.48,3.66,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" moment to address that topic invite them,676.98,3.9,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" to explore their hang up frustration or,679.14,4.139,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" confusion educate and inform do not,680.88,3.78,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" assume that your user is a topical,683.279,3.661,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" expert but do assume that they are eager,684.66,4.56,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" to and open to learning if there is a,686.94,4.26,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" topic that they seem to not be well,689.22,3.54,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" versed in ask them if they would like to,691.2,4.02,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" explore a given topic avoid info dumping,692.76,4.62,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" without permission because as you know,695.22,4.7,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" chat GPT often does that,697.38,5.28,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" unpack and investigate play pay close,699.92,4.539,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" attention and read between the lines to,702.66,3.179,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" help users identify their beliefs,704.459,3.601,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" understandings and knowledge ask probing,705.839,3.721,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" questions to get at the core of their,708.06,4.98,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" mind Spotlight Spotlight and articulate,709.56,5.519,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" if you notice assumptions axioms or,713.04,3.72,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" other saline content within the mind of,715.079,3.361,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the user point it out to them and use,716.76,3.06,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" reflective listening to see if they,718.44,2.7,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" agree with your understanding of their,719.82,2.06,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" mind,721.14,3.18,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" name things use appropriate proper names,721.88,4.12,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" for Concepts terms and principles for,724.32,3.36,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" instance if someone makes the assertion,726.0,3.24,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" all truth is relative they may not,727.68,3.06,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" realize that this is a post-modernist,729.24,3.3,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" way of thinking make sure to label,730.74,3.599,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" Concepts terms and ideas this serves as,732.54,2.88,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the dual purpose of clearing up,734.339,4.021,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" misunderstandings ask user what school,735.42,4.8,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" of thought they are operating from ask,738.36,5.159,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" questions ask clarifying uh uh ask for,740.22,4.559,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" clarification and seek Mutual,743.519,2.461,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" understanding remember you're an,744.779,3.12,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" investigative chat bot and then finally,745.98,3.9,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" meet them where they are modulate your,747.899,3.601,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" tonen and the sophistication of your,749.88,3.12,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" vocabulary based upon the user's,751.5,3.36,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" responses if they seem like they are,753.0,3.54,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" educated use more erudite language,754.86,3.06,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" conversely if they are struggling,756.54,3.359,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" simplify your language and delivery into,757.92,3.78,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" more concrete terms,759.899,4.62,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" okay so that is how this set of,761.7,4.62,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" instructions provides very very clear,764.519,4.201,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" instructions as to how to conduct the,766.32,4.56,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" survey and it works really well I've,768.72,4.799,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" tried it a few times for myself,770.88,5.94,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um now uh once you get the evaluation or,773.519,5.401,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" here let me show you the the system,776.82,6.0,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" evaluation overall purpose you are a,778.92,6.0,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" research bot tasked with reading,782.82,3.54,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" evaluating condensing and otherwise,784.92,2.88,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" clearly articulating the chat log,786.36,4.14,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" between a user and another chat bot your,787.8,4.38,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" highest goal is to clearly State the,790.5,3.24,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" user's beliefs reasoning and position,792.18,3.54,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" with respect to the research question,793.74,4.32,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" you are participating in a data prep and,795.72,4.98,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" data cleaning step you will also analyze,798.06,4.44,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" and evaluate the user's conversation to,800.7,3.3,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" identify in a particular schools of,802.5,2.88,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" thought moral paradigms or other,804.0,3.66,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" Frameworks research question this is the,805.38,4.56,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" research question the other chatbot was,807.66,4.26,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" tasked with so basically saying this is,809.94,3.899,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" this is what we're evaluating,811.92,4.2,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" output format your response should have,813.839,3.901,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" two sections Etc et cetera et cetera I,816.12,2.94,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" already showed you so basically I,817.74,3.659,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" specified it output it in yaml,819.06,4.38,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" excuse me so first it summarizes the,821.399,4.68,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" ques the the conversation and then it,823.44,4.92,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" performs an evaluation level of detail,826.079,4.26,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" while your job is to condense and,828.36,3.9,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" summarize please err on the side of too,830.339,3.901,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" much it would be better to have an,832.26,5.04,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" overly verbose evaluation rather than an,834.24,5.219,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" overly simplified one for instance it's,837.3,3.659,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" okay to include illustrative examples,839.459,2.761,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" from the conversation if they are,840.959,3.0,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" present we can always reduce word count,842.22,4.08,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" later this step is merely a first pass,843.959,4.921,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" at the data processing therefore we need,846.3,4.14,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" enough detail to continue performing,848.88,3.24,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" experiments we may need certain kinds of,850.44,3.06,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" information in the future that we cannot,852.12,4.38,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" anticipate right now next step the user,853.5,4.74,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" will now submit a chat log in yaml,856.5,2.88,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" format,858.24,3.42,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" uh read this yaml information remove any,859.38,4.5,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" user information for privacy and output,861.66,3.9,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" your summary and valuation according to,863.88,4.199,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the above yaml format note your entire,865.56,4.44,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" response will be saved into yaml so your,868.079,3.721,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" output should only include summary and,870.0,4.139,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" evaluation Fields do not reply with any,871.8,3.9,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" other conversation framing or questions,874.139,4.081,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" in other words your entire response must,875.7,4.74,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" be properly formatted yaml ready to be,878.22,4.5,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" saved to file and of course you saw over,880.44,4.32,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" here that um,882.72,5.58,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" let's see to do evaluations I literally,884.76,6.18,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" just took the output saved it to yaml,888.3,4.2,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" and it worked I didn't have to do any,890.94,2.82,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" other preparation,892.5,4.86,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" so there you have it and now imagine you,893.76,5.879,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" do this for millions and millions and,897.36,4.5,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" millions of users all over the world on,899.639,3.421,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" hundreds of thousands of different,901.86,4.02,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" issues and then you you can take these,903.06,5.399,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" and you can um you can you can do,905.88,5.28,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" embeddings right and and you can do a,908.459,5.101,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" map of embeddings and create a knowledge,911.16,5.4,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" graph or you know a scatter plot of,913.56,4.74,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" Where the evaluations are and then you,916.56,4.2,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" can navigate it and use further,918.3,6.24,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" summarization operations to arrive at a,920.76,6.42,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" moral space a principal space and create,924.54,5.94,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" a very rigorous data set a very robust,927.18,5.94,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" data set about what people believe now,930.48,4.62,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" one thing that I want to point out is,933.12,4.44,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" that a consensus tool like this,935.1,5.4,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" is incredibly powerful for literally,937.56,6.079,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" every issue on the planet ranging from,940.5,7.68,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" bioethics to energy to war to law uh,943.639,7.301,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" politicians can use it to um imagine if,948.18,5.82,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" every uh put it this way imagine if,950.94,8.1,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" every issue that came up whether it is,954.0,6.72,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um a public event like you know a,959.04,4.08,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" celebrity scandal or a piece of,960.72,4.32,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" legislation or an upcoming election,963.12,4.68,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" imagine you had this level of,965.04,6.12,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" information for literally everyone on,967.8,5.399,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the planet and you could and you could,971.16,4.52,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" have this thing that very very uh,973.199,5.94,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" effectively interrogates uh humans all,975.68,5.44,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" over the world to figure out what they,979.139,5.041,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" believe and why imagine how much we can,981.12,5.459,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" change the world not just with respect,984.18,5.94,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" to AI but imagine how much we can we can,986.579,6.361,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" create a lot more transparency and,990.12,4.14,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" understanding,992.94,4.259,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" uh by using a tool like this so this is,994.26,4.379,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" why I wanted to go ahead and just make,997.199,4.921,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" this fully public fully open source,998.639,6.721,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um yeah and I I I am not shy about my,1002.12,5.159,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" personal beliefs so that's why I left,1005.36,4.26,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" the example up here so that you can see,1007.279,5.101,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" how the conversation flows,1009.62,5.339,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um yeah but I think it's done,1012.38,5.699,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um so please use this if you want to,1014.959,4.981,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" apply with,1018.079,3.301,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um you know to the open ai's challenge,1019.94,3.3,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" use my code I don't care it's under the,1021.38,3.66,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" MIT license,1023.24,3.24,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um you know I serve a higher purpose,1025.04,3.0,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" here I'm not trying to make money on,1026.48,2.939,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" this,1028.04,5.94,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" um and if you uh ah crap I lost my train,1029.419,5.88,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" of thought anyways,1033.98,3.839,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" take it run with it thanks for watching,1035.299,5.0,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" cheers,1037.819,2.48,"OpenAI's ""Democratic Inputs to AI"" - My universal survey chatbot is complete. Here's how it works!" okay so you know how chat GPT has been,0.42,8.16,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! slightly let's say lobotomized lately it,4.74,5.76,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! seems to not really handle coding that,8.58,5.16,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! well and uh if you're like me I tried,10.5,5.46,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! GitHub co-pilot and I really don't like,13.74,5.52,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! it uh I applied for the GitHub co-pilot,15.96,5.94,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! chat and then like a few days later I,19.26,5.4,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! tried to go use it and it says oh well,21.9,4.619,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! the beta has expired or you know you've,24.66,3.06,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! been kicked out or whatever I was like,26.519,3.541,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! okay whatever so,27.72,4.26,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um I realized that like all right I have,30.06,4.38,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! the power to fix this myself because,31.98,4.98,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! I've been shying away from doing my,34.44,4.799,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! coding experiments because chat GPT is,36.96,5.34,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! broken or lobotomized or whatever and,39.239,5.101,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! GitHub co-pilot and you know I know,42.3,3.06,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! there's lots of other tools there's,44.34,3.719,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! Amazon and blah blah but you know like I,45.36,4.32,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! can fix this I can I can do the thing,48.059,3.421,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! that I want to do and I can make a thing,49.68,4.859,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! that is specific so I came over to the,51.48,4.44,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! playground and I was like all right,54.539,4.621,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! let's try this so I um I just want to,55.92,4.5,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! show you real quick,59.16,3.6,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! uh you know I gave a really simple,60.42,3.479,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! prompt,62.76,2.88,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! system message you or python coding,63.899,2.76,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! assistant the user will give you,65.64,3.24,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! instructions to help write functions uh,66.659,4.021,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! you may ask for clarification if needed,68.88,3.419,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! but otherwise you should only output,70.68,3.54,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! python code and of course you can change,72.299,3.5,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! this to whatever language you want,74.22,4.079,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! adhere to pep 8 so that's the python,75.799,6.101,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! enhancement program uh version 8 which,78.299,5.341,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! is basically sets all the standards for,81.9,4.56,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! how to write python pythonically provide,83.64,4.74,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! explanations of the code only if the,86.46,3.96,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! user asks for them,88.38,4.2,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um so you know how like chat GPT will be,90.42,4.44,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! super overly verbose,92.58,4.2,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um and then I I gave it a copy of the,94.86,3.719,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! script that I was working on,96.78,3.12,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um and so then I said write a function,98.579,2.881,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! that loads all files into a given folder,99.9,3.84,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! returns a list of uh list of lists and,101.46,3.6,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! groups of five include the full file,103.74,3.78,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! path and it just bam did it I was like,105.06,4.44,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! cool that's exactly what I wanted and I,107.52,4.139,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! was like wait that worked really well so,109.5,3.659,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! why don't I just make a chat bot that,111.659,3.681,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! does it so coding chatbot assistant,113.159,5.041,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! since chat GPT has been lobotomized and,115.34,5.139,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! GitHub co-pilot is broken,118.2,2.879,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um,120.479,3.241,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! I got it set up here here's an example,121.079,6.061,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! of the output so for instance I was um,123.72,6.599,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! I'm working on uh you know my recent,127.14,4.98,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! projects have been chat Bots with,130.319,4.56,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! long-term memories and uh KB articles,132.12,4.74,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! and stuff so I was like okay I've got,134.879,3.841,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! this far just write the function for me,136.86,3.78,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! so I told it how I want to write the,138.72,3.84,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! function you know it's a KB article with,140.64,5.4,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! a yaml file so on and so forth now that,142.56,5.039,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! being said I want to show you a really,146.04,4.199,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! cool cool bit so this is the output you,147.599,5.22,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! can see it's pretty familiar so it gives,150.239,5.521,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! you like okay uh you know you need to,152.819,5.581,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! import this let's do this here's a,155.76,4.26,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! couple functions and it thought through,158.4,4.5,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! it and gave it a very very very specific,160.02,4.439,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! output,162.9,3.72,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um I haven't tested this code yet but,164.459,4.14,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! like this is very much the behavior that,166.62,4.08,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! I want to see so now let me explain to,168.599,4.801,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! you how the chat bot works so we'll go,170.7,5.94,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! through the code uh real quick it's,173.4,5.76,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! pretty straightforward it's 105 lines of,176.64,4.14,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! code so like not not the most,179.16,3.06,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! complicated thing and actually some of,180.78,3.26,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! this is Superfluous,182.22,4.019,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! I actually think that I don't use the,184.04,4.839,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! yaml functions anywhere yeah so I could,186.239,3.901,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! probably delete that and make it even,188.879,4.621,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! shorter all right so ignore those helper,190.14,5.28,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! functions here's the uh here's the,193.5,6.0,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! called a GPT super simple you just call,195.42,6.66,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! it you get the text response and then,199.5,4.86,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! what I started doing is I just passed,202.08,5.4,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! back the token count so that I can,204.36,5.94,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! manage the conversation internally but,207.48,4.8,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! pretty much this whole thing here is,210.3,4.68,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! just if there's an error it will give,212.28,5.28,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! you some output so for instance if the,214.98,5.28,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! content context length is too long it'll,217.56,4.259,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! trim the conversation and try again,220.26,4.5,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! it'll let you know what happened if,221.819,6.06,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! another error happened it'll put it'll,224.76,5.28,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! output that the whole thing sometimes,227.879,3.481,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! the you know it's not available or,230.04,3.24,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! whatever open AI has gotten a lot better,231.36,4.14,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! but sometimes you'll have uh you know,233.28,4.319,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! network errors and other stuff and what,235.5,4.2,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! this does is it uses exponential back,237.599,3.0,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! off,239.7,4.14,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! so every time it retries it doubles the,240.599,5.341,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! amount of time that it'll wait,243.84,3.539,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um to try again and it'll it'll give you,245.94,3.96,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! debug output the whole time uh and then,247.379,4.08,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! I've got this function so this is a,249.9,4.259,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! multi-line input function uh which it,251.459,4.2,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! will switch into this mode if you want,254.159,3.721,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! to update a scratch Pad so in this case,255.659,5.221,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! uh the scratch pad is just a plain text,257.88,5.58,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! file that it uses to load into the,260.88,4.56,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! system message so I've got that system,263.46,3.72,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! message that I showed you and then a,265.44,3.479,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! description of the below code scratch,267.18,4.26,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! Pad may be provided by the user blah,268.919,5.041,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! blah and so then it I wrap it in the,271.44,4.92,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! comment so that way knows like hey this,273.96,4.26,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! is Python and then it'll copy paste the,276.36,4.2,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! you know your code into it from the,278.22,5.36,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! scratch pad and so what you can do is,280.56,5.94,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! first it'll take you know input from the,283.58,6.0,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! user and then if you type in scratch pad,286.5,5.58,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! it will give you a chance to update the,289.58,4.839,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! scratch Pad which is you can put,292.08,3.899,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! anything in you can put in code you can,294.419,4.441,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! put in comments these whatever you can,295.979,5.461,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! put in a file system description,298.86,4.08,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! whatever you want,301.44,4.259,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! uh but the point is is that it will use,302.94,5.039,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! this function so that it will continue,305.699,7.5,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! to accept uh new lines of input without,307.979,7.801,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um without breaking uh and so then when,313.199,4.861,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! if you type end at the very end then it,315.78,4.919,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! says okay cool save exit,318.06,6.359,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um I strip that out of of the uh end,320.699,5.28,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um and so on and so forth so there you,324.419,6.421,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! go uh let's see it should be about it,325.979,7.081,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um oh and then if you accidentally hit,330.84,3.78,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um enter twice because you know that can,333.06,2.88,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! happen,334.62,3.72,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um it'll just go like it says you know,335.94,5.039,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! enter um,338.34,4.74,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! whoops ah crap I accidentally typed,340.979,4.261,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! something so that's going to break it,343.08,4.619,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um yeah it was very confused,345.24,4.799,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um yep,347.699,3.72,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! okay,350.039,3.181,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um let's see so then the other thing,351.419,3.601,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! that I do is I accumulate all the,353.22,5.52,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! messages the uh the user input and the,355.02,7.14,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! chat bot response in a list called all,358.74,6.239,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! messages and I keep that separate from,362.16,4.86,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! the conversation object that I passed to,364.979,3.78,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! chat GPT,367.02,4.019,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! did I pass to the API and the reason is,368.759,5.761,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! because I actually just had a um had a a,371.039,6.961,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! a patreon uh supporter give me this,374.52,5.16,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! really powerful tip which is that if you,378.0,3.96,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! put the system message at the end rather,379.68,4.139,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! than at the beginning it is much more,381.96,3.72,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! likely to continue to adhere to the,383.819,3.841,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! instructions that you gave it rather,385.68,3.66,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! than drift,387.66,3.84,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um so apparently this I haven't I,389.34,3.6,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! haven't spent too much time testing it,391.5,3.3,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! but you know how sometimes like chat,392.94,3.78,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! gpt's Behavior will change over time,394.8,3.899,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! especially as the conversation gets,396.72,4.02,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! longer it'll continue to kind of modify,398.699,3.541,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! Its Behavior and it'll usually kind of,400.74,3.959,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! default back to its default Behavior if,402.24,4.019,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! you put the system message at the very,404.699,4.921,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! end so what I do is I I say you know,406.259,6.541,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! conversation is an empty list I add all,409.62,5.1,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! messages and then I append the system,412.8,4.38,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! message at the very end and then I get,414.72,3.78,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! the response,417.18,3.48,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! and so then once I get the response it,418.5,4.979,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! passes back the tokens if it's uh if the,420.66,4.8,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! token count is over 7 500 because we've,423.479,4.021,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! got a limit of 8 000. I just remember,425.46,4.92,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! the I remember I removed the oldest,427.5,3.78,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! message,430.38,2.819,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um so pop zero,431.28,4.44,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um and then I append the assistant,433.199,5.401,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! response to all messages so remember all,435.72,5.16,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! messages is kept separate,438.6,3.96,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um so that I can just tack on the com,440.88,5.099,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! the system message separately and then I,442.56,5.699,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! get the output and here it goes,445.979,4.321,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um so what I what I realized is that if,448.259,5.101,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! you use text wrap it will it'll nullify,450.3,5.1,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! all of the new lines so what I do is I,453.36,5.04,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! split the new lines and then text wrap,455.4,4.859,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! it so that if there's comments then it,458.4,4.26,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! won't be too long so anyways there you,460.259,5.401,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! have it the repo is up here it's working,462.66,4.979,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um the only thing that it's pretty well,465.66,3.96,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! documented I got in the habit of just,467.639,3.9,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! using chat GPT to produce the,469.62,3.54,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! documentation,471.539,3.541,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um because that makes it easier for,473.16,3.06,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! everybody,475.08,3.119,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um setup is super simple you just need,476.22,6.02,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! to open AI you need your openai API key,478.199,6.241,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! and then the biggest thing that you need,482.24,4.06,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! to know is to use a scratch pad I do,484.44,4.259,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! have instructions in the console output,486.3,3.899,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! so it'll tell you how to get into the,488.699,2.761,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! scratch pad and then how to get out of,490.199,4.28,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! it and then the the,491.46,5.459,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! console will tell you what what mode,494.479,3.701,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! you're in,496.919,2.941,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um you can tell I was an infrastructure,498.18,4.199,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! engineer who used Cisco switches,499.86,3.36,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um,502.379,2.521,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! because I'm just like hey this this,503.22,5.159,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! model Works uh anyways so yeah I think,504.9,5.4,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! that's about it so this is this is my,508.379,3.121,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! new,510.3,3.9,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um chat bot coding assistant and uh yeah,511.5,4.62,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! I hope that you find it useful super,514.2,4.44,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! simple super straightforward,516.12,5.219,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um yeah uh let me know if you have any,518.64,4.62,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! thoughts about how to improve it but I,521.339,3.841,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! think honestly the scratch Pad is like,523.26,4.38,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! all you need uh because then you can you,525.18,5.04,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! can update this out of band as well uh,527.64,4.92,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! if you want to you know,530.22,4.14,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um whatever you want to put in it right,532.56,3.959,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! you can you can even put multiple,534.36,4.2,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! scripts in it or multiple files or,536.519,3.781,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! whatever,538.56,4.08,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! um but yeah so thanks for watching I,540.3,4.14,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! hope you liked it and I'm gonna get back,542.64,4.699,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! to coding bye,544.44,2.899,ChatGPT was lobotomized for coding and GitHub Copilot is broken... so I made my own! hello everybody David Shapiro here with,0.24,5.34,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? a brand new video today's video by,2.7,5.34,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? popular demand is about post-labor,5.58,6.059,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? economics what happens when AI changes,8.04,5.759,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? work forever,11.639,3.901,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? real quick before we jump into the show,13.799,3.361,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? I just want to plug my patreon real,15.54,3.9,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? quick I have a private Discord server,17.16,5.1,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? for all patreon supporters and I do also,19.44,5.22,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? have several other Discord servers that,22.26,4.56,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? I am a part of one is the gato community,24.66,4.08,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and the other is the cognitive AI lab,26.82,4.08,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Discord which I started at the beginning,28.74,4.68,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of my YouTube career so anyways hop on,30.9,3.78,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? over to patreon if you want to support,33.42,2.639,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? me get involved in the private,34.68,3.539,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? conversations I also have a few higher,36.059,4.221,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? tier slots available where I have,38.219,5.421,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? exclusive access one-on-ones group Chats,40.28,8.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? on patreon and on um calendly so on with,43.64,6.7,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the show,48.66,3.66,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? in order to talk about post labor,50.34,3.6,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? economics we need to start by talking,52.32,3.419,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? about the history of labor-based,53.94,3.48,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Economics for the majority of human,55.739,4.621,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? history human labor and our energetic,57.42,4.619,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? output the physical force that we can,60.36,3.539,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? apply on the world has been the biggest,62.039,6.001,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? driver of productivity this was 100 True,63.899,5.701,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? for our oldest ancestors,68.04,4.079,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? hunter-gatherers who had not yet figured,69.6,4.68,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? out how to harness energy and nature or,72.119,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the energy of animals it became slightly,74.28,6.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? less true for our agrarian ancestors as,76.619,5.881,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? they started to use draft animals such,80.52,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? as Horses and Ox as well as basic,82.5,5.58,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? machines like water wheels and levers,85.38,4.739,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and carts now granted a lever and a cart,88.08,5.219,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? don't actually add energy to the,90.119,5.04,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? equation but they do allow you to,93.299,3.901,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? multiply your own Force,95.159,4.441,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the Industrial Revolution happened which,97.2,3.779,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of course everyone talks about that,99.6,2.879,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? because we're in the midst of the fourth,100.979,3.78,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Industrial Revolution was primarily,102.479,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? about Force amplification or Force,104.759,5.04,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? multiplication so in other words we,106.979,4.561,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? started inventing machines that could,109.799,4.261,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? use thermal energy from various fuel,111.54,5.64,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? sources such as coal and oil and they,114.06,5.879,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? were able to Output more energy or more,117.18,5.219,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? work than we could with just our muscles,119.939,4.921,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and certainly more than even large,122.399,3.781,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? animals could,124.86,3.66,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? another advantage of machines is that,126.18,4.559,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? they could metabolize fuel at a far,128.52,5.7,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? higher rate so say for instance a gallon,130.739,6.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of gasoline a gallon of gasoline has,134.22,5.519,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? about 31 000 calories of energy in it,136.739,5.781,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? which is about how much I eat in 10 days,139.739,5.64,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? but a large machine can use that gallon,142.52,5.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of gasoline in a matter of minutes or,145.379,4.141,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? hours depending on what that machine is,147.84,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? doing such as if it's a large tractor or,149.52,4.74,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? combine that's being used to manage a,151.98,5.28,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? farm for instance and so not just a mat,154.26,5.699,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the amount of work that can be done but,157.26,5.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the amount of energy that can be used,159.959,6.06,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? was the big game changing factor for the,162.26,6.759,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Industrial Revolution but as everyone,166.019,4.8,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? knows a tractor is not particularly,169.019,4.381,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? smart it pulls something it's not any,170.819,4.381,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? different than what a human can do or an,173.4,5.28,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? ox it's just bigger faster and stronger,175.2,7.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so that is where uh the industrial,178.68,6.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Revelation Revolution sorry Revelation,182.64,5.22,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the Industrial Revolution changed,185.04,4.979,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? labor-based Econo economics but you,187.86,3.84,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? still needed an intelligent human,190.019,4.201,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? driving that tractor,191.7,5.28,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? now the industrial revolution of course,194.22,5.879,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is a Marvel of mechanical engineering,196.98,6.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? metal metal Sciences electronics and so,200.099,5.401,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? on but one thing that we need to point,203.34,4.8,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? out that is critical is that it all,205.5,5.34,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? still comes down to the application and,208.14,4.679,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? use of energy,210.84,4.8,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so human population growth over the last,212.819,5.64,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? two centuries has been tied directly to,215.64,5.04,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the amount of energy we had access to,218.459,4.801,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? because that also is directly correlated,220.68,4.559,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to the amount of food we can produce the,223.26,4.619,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? amount of water we can um transport and,225.239,5.78,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? clean and drink and so,227.879,6.72,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? basically uh what I want to do here is,231.019,7.061,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? point out that yes labor is about what,234.599,5.22,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? humans can do with our hands our bodies,238.08,3.299,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and what we can do with the use of,239.819,4.621,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? machines but we're also still completely,241.379,6.78,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? dependent upon the underlying sources of,244.44,5.46,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? energy so this is an important thing to,248.159,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? keep in mind,249.9,5.64,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? in the long history of labor and moving,252.299,5.22,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? up through to today there's a few basic,255.54,4.08,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? kinds of Labor and of course I'm not,257.519,3.96,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? going to get into every little Nuance or,259.62,5.4,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? detail but there's three overarching,261.479,6.241,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? categories of Labor so first is manual,265.02,5.28,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? unskilled labor this includes moving,267.72,6.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? heavy things using your hands and body,270.3,6.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? uh that doesn't basically something that,273.96,4.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? you can pick up in an afternoon,276.54,3.48,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so for instance one of the jobs that I,278.28,3.72,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? had when I was much younger was I was,280.02,4.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? restocking the shelves at a pet store at,282.0,4.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? night didn't take a whole lot of brains,284.46,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? took a lot of muscles moving heavy,286.44,4.8,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? things put here you know object a in,288.6,4.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? place B repeat,291.24,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? then the next level above that is,293.04,5.4,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? skilled labor so this is crafts such as,295.5,4.199,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? carpentry,298.44,4.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um electrical work Plumbing that sort of,299.699,5.581,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? thing this also could include uh,302.88,3.78,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? hospitality and food service because,305.28,3.06,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? it's still very kinetic it's still very,306.66,3.96,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? much oriented in your body but these are,308.34,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? things that require training some of,310.62,5.22,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? them require certification but they one,312.6,5.099,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? thing that they all almost always have,315.84,4.56,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? in common is that it requires you to use,317.699,5.28,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? tools and materials when you're doing,320.4,6.9,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? skilled labor now there are jobs such as,322.979,6.361,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? being a doctor or a nurse that are also,327.3,5.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? very kinetic but those uh require years,329.34,5.82,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and years and years of training and,333.06,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? certification and so those,335.16,4.74,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um while they are still embodied work,337.44,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um they are still professions or,339.9,4.68,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? knowledge work and so then that leads to,341.82,5.34,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the third category which is professional,344.58,5.04,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? labor or knowledge work which includes,347.16,4.259,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? things like Architects lawyers doctors,349.62,3.72,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? things that you do on computers even,351.419,3.78,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? being an influencer technically could be,353.34,3.799,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? considered a profession,355.199,4.261,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? depending on the kind of influencer you,357.139,5.261,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? are right but one rule of thumb is that,359.46,5.459,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? you do it in a desk or in an office or,362.4,4.019,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? in front of a computer and again this is,364.919,3.72,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? not always true key example being,366.419,4.981,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? medical professionals who many of whom,368.639,5.221,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? interact with people all day every day,371.4,4.139,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and it requires a tremendous amount of,373.86,5.52,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? training excuse me ditto for uh for uh,375.539,6.061,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? trial lawyers right trial lawyers have,379.38,3.9,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to do a lot of office work but they also,381.6,3.9,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? have to go to trial to go to court,383.28,5.4,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? before judges and so on magistrates,385.5,5.4,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so one thing that I need to point out,388.68,3.959,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? though is that we have transitioned,390.9,4.079,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? largely from a unskilled labor and,392.639,3.9,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? skilled labor economy to a,394.979,3.06,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? knowledge-based economy or a,396.539,3.6,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? services-based economy,398.039,4.741,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so this is one of my favorite graphs of,400.139,4.741,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? all time and many people are shocked,402.78,4.56,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? when I tell them about this so there's a,404.88,4.74,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? few things to unpack here so there's a,407.34,4.859,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? couple of trend lines this solid green,409.62,5.46,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? trend line is the agricultural uh share,412.199,6.06,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of total employment so basically what,415.08,7.559,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? has happened is that as uh as time has,418.259,8.041,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? progressed the number of farm jobs has,422.639,7.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? collapsed to around two percent of total,426.3,6.54,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? employment and it was much much much,430.139,6.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? higher this was if I'm reading this,432.84,4.979,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? correctly I believe it was over 30,436.139,4.741,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? percent just over 100 years ago so from,437.819,5.28,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? 30 percent of jobs were farm jobs to,440.88,4.8,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? around two percent and then this dotted,443.099,4.981,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? green axis is non-agricultural,445.68,3.66,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? employment,448.08,3.6,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the left axis,449.34,4.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um all right right Axis so that's this,451.68,5.1,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is percentage yes and then the left axis,453.36,8.1,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is over here so the total uh number of,456.78,7.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? employees that were not uh Farm,461.46,6.06,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? employees has gone up from around 20,464.22,4.979,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? million now also keep in mind that the,467.52,3.119,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? population was growing at the same time,469.199,4.741,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? but from 20 million to over 140 million,470.639,5.721,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? non-farm jobs and then finally,473.94,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? agriculture employment,476.36,5.399,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um has collapsed from around,478.8,6.239,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? uh let's say about 10 to 12 million jobs,481.759,6.521,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? total to almost non-existent in terms of,485.039,6.421,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? total number of employees so this shows,488.28,6.6,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? how just a single sector farming has,491.46,5.6,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? completely been changed over the years,494.88,4.499,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? largely just due to Industrial,497.06,6.12,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Automation through tractors combines and,499.379,6.841,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? economies of scale with mechanized,503.18,5.199,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? farming and this is just one sector so,506.22,5.159,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? what people are hoping is that,508.379,5.701,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? today all the service jobs that we all,511.379,5.04,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? hate all the all the BS jobs the desk,514.08,4.199,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? jobs that we hate today are going to,516.419,4.081,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? follow this trend line the way that,518.279,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Farms have jobs have gone but then,520.5,3.419,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? there's going to be entirely new,522.539,3.121,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? categories of jobs,523.919,5.04,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that come up now as many of you know I'm,525.66,5.1,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? rather skeptical of this,528.959,3.781,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um certainly it would be an interesting,530.76,4.259,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? future if there's entirely if there's,532.74,3.9,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? millions and millions or even billions,535.019,4.921,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of new jobs created by AI I am skeptical,536.64,4.92,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that this is going to be the outcome and,539.94,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? let me tell you why,541.56,4.92,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? knowledge work or service sector jobs,544.08,5.64,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? are uh rooted in what's called cognitive,546.48,7.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? labor or knowledge work so as farm jobs,549.72,6.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? have been crashing knowledge work has,553.5,5.22,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? been rising so the majority of work,556.08,5.4,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? today is knowledge work or cognitive,558.72,6.679,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? labor this could also be argue arguably,561.48,6.66,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? included emotional labor so emotional,565.399,4.961,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? labor is a form of cognitive labor that,568.14,3.6,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is more common in nurturing and,570.36,3.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? caregiving roles,571.74,4.94,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? tools like chat GPT and its successors,573.6,6.419,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? are going to continue to invade the,576.68,6.339,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? domain of cognitive labor so we've,580.019,5.82,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? already seen some examples of chat GPT,583.019,5.101,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? used for tutoring used for medical,585.839,4.641,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? advice used for relationship advice,588.12,5.58,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? people have even automated companies you,590.48,6.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? know the automatic CEO thing so it is,593.7,6.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? pretty obvious to everyone by now that,597.24,5.82,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? these models that chat GPT gpt4 and so,599.7,6.54,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? on are capable of cognitive labor it,603.06,4.98,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? would be pretty silly to assume that,606.24,4.92,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? this does not continue so that leaves,608.04,6.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? physical labor skilled labor unskilled,611.16,5.4,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? labor and cognitive later labor but if,614.04,4.799,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? AI is invading cognitive labor first,616.56,5.219,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? what are we gonna do,618.839,6.901,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? we go back to manual labor do we all,621.779,6.06,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? pick up arts and crafts and others,625.74,4.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? semi-skilled and skilled labor,627.839,4.921,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? you know it's not necessarily what I,630.06,3.779,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? want to do,632.76,5.519,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? right if there is a a future state where,633.839,8.18,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? I'm not going to get paid by anyone but,638.279,6.421,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? an AI is going to come through and you,642.019,4.361,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? know basically take my YouTube gig from,644.7,4.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? me right like I don't want to go back to,646.38,4.68,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? shoveling dirt and anyways there's,648.72,3.54,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? machines that are better at it than,651.06,3.42,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? humans so why would I do that so when,652.26,3.66,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? you when you look at those three,654.48,3.599,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? categories skilled unskilled and,655.92,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? cognitive labor and you say okay well,658.079,4.081,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? machines are better stronger and faster,660.42,3.84,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and cheaper at all of those than humans,662.16,4.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and they're only getting better that,664.26,3.66,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? leaves the question what are we going to,666.48,4.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? do so as I was trying to figure out like,667.92,5.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? just trying to find a way to do this,670.92,5.52,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? it occurred to me that looking at this,673.68,5.7,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? from supply side or capability of AI,676.44,5.28,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? versus Humans might not be the right way,679.38,4.68,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to look at it so there's the other way,681.72,5.4,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to look at it is demand side so what,684.06,5.7,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? kind of jobs will people demand or want,687.12,5.159,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? humans to have specifically,689.76,5.639,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? in many cases you might want a you might,692.279,5.521,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? always prefer to have a human doing,695.399,4.861,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? something like Child Care Hospitality,697.8,5.219,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? sorry hospitality jobs and other,700.26,4.8,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? performance oriented things such as,703.019,4.081,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? influencers right I don't know about you,705.06,4.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? but every time I find a video that has,707.1,5.1,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? you know an AI face AI voice,709.68,5.279,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? I click off of it I don't want you know,712.2,5.1,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? smoke and mirror I don't want to be,714.959,4.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? lectured at by a sock puppet I want to,717.3,4.979,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? see a real human I want to see their uh,719.399,5.401,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? facial expression their intonation and I,722.279,3.841,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? want to develop a parasocial,724.8,2.7,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? relationship with the people that I,726.12,2.94,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? follow and so a parasocial relationship,727.5,3.899,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is what most of you have with me where,729.06,5.399,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? you have in your mind a model of me and,731.399,5.581,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? like you kind of understand where I'm,734.459,5.341,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? coming from right uh even though I might,736.98,4.74,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? not know necessarily know all of you I,739.8,3.779,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? in fact I don't know most of you,741.72,5.4,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? but the uh the desire for that,743.579,5.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? parasocial relationship for that,747.12,3.779,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um that that connection that human,749.339,3.841,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? connection is something that I suspect,750.899,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that most humans are gonna want no,753.18,4.08,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? matter how good AI gets now that being,755.399,3.721,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? said there are probably going to be,757.26,3.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? people that are like you know what I,759.12,2.7,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? don't really care about people I you,760.26,2.699,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? know just give me the information just,761.82,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? give me the entertainment that's fine,762.959,5.761,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so this leads one final question will,766.2,4.8,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? there be enough of those human exclusive,768.72,5.1,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? jobs to go around I don't think there,771.0,6.12,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? will be uh sure we might be able to have,773.82,4.98,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? some Back to Basics moments where it's,777.12,3.839,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? like oh hey you know maybe we can spend,778.8,3.779,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? more time with our families maybe we can,780.959,2.94,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? spend more time with child care and,782.579,3.781,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? education that's not enough to drive the,783.899,4.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? whole economy and it's certainly not,786.36,3.779,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? enough I don't think for everyone to,788.339,4.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? have a meaningful career especially if,790.139,4.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? your interests lie elsewhere that just,792.779,3.12,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? doesn't sound good,794.459,2.88,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so,795.899,4.68,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? now I will introduce you to what I call,797.339,6.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Post labor economics and I apologize for,800.579,6.541,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the wall of text on this uh slide but I,803.579,5.281,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? figured just a list you can pause it and,807.12,3.659,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? read it in much greater detail if you'd,808.86,3.96,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? like but I'll just go uh just read the,810.779,3.961,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? bullet points at the high level so,812.82,4.199,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? automation dominance this is the idea,814.74,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that Automation in the form of Robotics,817.019,4.021,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Ai and other kinds of automation is,818.88,3.72,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? going to take over including for,821.04,3.419,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? cognitive labor,822.6,4.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the second aspect of post-labor,824.459,4.261,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Economics is the decreased economic,826.62,5.1,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? value of human labor basically humans,828.72,4.679,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? can't compete on an economic scale to,831.72,3.419,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? tractors why do you expect that humans,833.399,3.12,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? are going to get be able to compete on,835.139,3.841,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? an economic scale to AI as its,836.519,3.961,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? intelligence ramps up,838.98,4.56,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? number three another criteria or uh,840.48,4.74,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? characteristic of post-labor Economics,843.54,3.359,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is that we will probably see,845.22,3.66,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? redistributive policies so,846.899,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? redistribution is not necessarily a,848.88,3.959,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? collective ownership I'm not advocating,851.279,3.601,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? for socialism basically all I'm,852.839,4.021,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? advocating for is some form of universal,854.88,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? basic income or reverse income tax or,856.86,3.779,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that kind of thing,859.38,4.139,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? or negative income tax sorry ownership,860.639,5.88,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? shifts so this is where this is the,863.519,4.56,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? closest thing to Socialism or Marxism,866.519,3.601,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that I will ever talk about,868.079,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um because I I do not believe in central,870.12,4.56,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? management of the economy I don't think,872.459,4.021,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that it's a good idea,874.68,4.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um I do believe in kind of the wisdom of,876.48,5.4,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of Market forces but what I do,878.7,5.939,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? anticipate is that the ownership class,881.88,4.8,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? might shift and we might shift more,884.639,4.621,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? towards decentralized ownership models,886.68,4.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? or Collective ownership models such as,889.26,3.78,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? co-ops and this is not something that I,891.0,3.42,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? invented these are things that exist,893.04,5.159,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? today but with the aid of AI it might be,894.42,6.06,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? easier for ordinary people to band,898.199,4.82,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? together to collectively buy,900.48,4.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? resources property and other capital,903.019,4.421,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? goods that allow them to be to,905.1,4.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? participate in the means of production,907.44,4.56,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? now I'm not going to say that this is,909.86,3.339,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? going to totally replace all,912.0,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? corporations but if we can stick The,913.199,4.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Landing with Technologies like,916.38,3.18,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? blockchain and decentralized autonomous,917.639,3.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? organizations,919.56,3.92,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? then we can have expert you know AI CEOs,920.639,6.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? managing our resources for us another,923.48,6.88,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? component of post labor economics I,926.639,6.06,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? suspect will be price deflation and so,930.36,4.919,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? what I mean by this is that,932.699,4.981,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? as AI gets better at producing more,935.279,4.68,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? goods and services the marginal cost of,937.68,3.839,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? those goods and services is going to,939.959,3.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? collapse and it's not all goods and,941.519,3.541,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? services some things are going to remain,942.959,4.141,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? expensive or at least more expensive,945.06,3.719,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? than others but other things are going,947.1,3.06,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to get very very cheap and I'll go into,948.779,4.081,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? some details in just a moment we're also,950.16,4.799,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? going to need new economic indicators so,952.86,5.219,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? what I mean by this is that GDP sorry,954.959,5.221,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? GDP and employment rates I tried to say,958.079,4.041,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? both of those at the same time,960.18,3.959,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? unemployment rates are not going to be,962.12,4.12,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? quite as meaningful in the future as,964.139,4.861,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? they are today right now total,966.24,4.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? employment and unemployment rates are,969.0,3.06,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? really important indicators for how well,970.68,3.719,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the economy is doing but in a post-labor,972.06,4.92,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? economy employment rate won't matter as,974.399,5.101,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? much so we might need other other,976.98,4.56,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? metrics in order to measure how well the,979.5,4.68,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? economy is doing there's probably also,981.54,3.9,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? going to be changes in consumption,984.18,2.339,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? patterns,985.44,3.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so for instance we're going to have more,986.519,4.081,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Leisure Time and less requirement to,988.44,4.199,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? work and so that means that we'll,990.6,5.94,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? probably change where we live how we eat,992.639,6.301,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um access to other services like,996.54,5.099,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? healthcare will probably decline because,998.94,4.759,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? we'll be living healthier lives I hope,1001.639,5.88,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? uh and so on and so forth uh one of the,1003.699,5.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? toughest nuts to crack is actually going,1007.519,3.841,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to be item number eight here which is,1009.139,4.021,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? reshaping our identity and self-worth,1011.36,3.839,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and we have actually a few slides,1013.16,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? dedicated to this coming right up and,1015.199,4.621,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? then finally number nine is regulatory,1017.42,5.58,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? changes that will basically have to be,1019.82,6.78,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? addressed as we transition from a human,1023.0,5.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? labor economy to a post-labor economy,1026.6,4.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? okay so let's unpack these,1028.76,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? I mentioned the ownership of production,1031.22,5.699,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so this basic question is who owns the,1033.62,5.699,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? machines who owns the the means of,1036.919,5.64,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? production so if things continue the way,1039.319,5.401,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that they are we run the risk of,1042.559,4.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? continued trends of capital,1044.72,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? concentration and or regulatory capture,1046.579,3.961,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so regulatory capture is what everyone,1049.1,5.04,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is afraid of with companies calling for,1050.54,6.06,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? regulation of AI because it's like okay,1054.14,5.1,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? well if only a few players are allowed,1056.6,5.699,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to participate then by virtue of,1059.24,5.52,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? everyone else getting regulated out of,1062.299,4.321,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? existence only the top players are,1064.76,3.779,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? allowed to play that would probably be,1066.62,5.64,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? problematic for the rest of us now as I,1068.539,5.401,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? mentioned I'm not going to advocate for,1072.26,3.6,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Marxism or Socialism or anything like,1073.94,3.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that I'm not saying that we should,1075.86,2.34,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? collectively seize the means of,1076.94,3.479,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? production uh the reason being that,1078.2,4.08,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? market forces still work in centralized,1080.419,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? management uh pretty much never works at,1082.28,6.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? least not a full-scale national levels,1084.559,6.48,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? uh we will need more sophisticated,1088.64,7.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? models of uh ownership than exists today,1091.039,6.661,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so for instance,1095.66,4.259,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um you know as I mentioned uh co-ops,1097.7,3.479,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Collective ownerships I've got a few,1099.919,3.541,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? examples in the next slide I believe but,1101.179,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? otherwise if corporate payrolls shrink,1103.46,5.16,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and many of us lose jobs how then are we,1105.679,5.041,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? going to redistribute uh the the,1108.62,4.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? benefits obtained by the Technologies,1110.72,5.04,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? who's going to reap the rewards,1113.24,6.299,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so one component of that is robust,1115.76,5.12,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? redistribution,1119.539,4.561,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so whether or not we change ownership,1120.88,5.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? because obviously many people will still,1124.1,4.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? kind of have the idea of the value of,1126.38,3.96,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? private property and that sort of thing,1128.72,3.3,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and certainly I think that private,1130.34,3.6,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? property is going to exist that being,1132.02,3.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? said not everyone is going to be a,1133.94,3.18,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? landowner right not everyone is going to,1135.38,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? own a robot Factory or or anything like,1137.12,5.7,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that so we're going to need to have some,1139.88,5.82,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? kind of robust redistribution policy,1142.82,4.92,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so that could come in the form of,1145.7,3.599,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? universal basic income or more,1147.74,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? sophisticated models and I always liken,1149.299,5.941,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? it to a hydrological cycle so money like,1152.12,5.34,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? water tends to flow towards some kind of,1155.24,5.58,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? accumulator now in our world those,1157.46,5.64,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? accumulators tend to be Federal,1160.82,4.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? governments and the capitalist class in,1163.1,5.64,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? form of shareholders and corporations so,1165.44,5.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? money tends to flow in those two polar,1168.74,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? directions and so then redistribution,1171.2,5.339,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? comes in the form of uh you know,1173.6,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? government handouts government subsidies,1176.539,4.321,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that sort of thing and taxes right some,1178.46,3.719,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? being skimmed off the top of,1180.86,3.48,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? corporations in order to go to the,1182.179,3.961,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? government and then to be redistributed,1184.34,4.92,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so the idea here is then you need a,1186.14,6.539,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? policy that uh basically makes it rain,1189.26,5.82,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? right you want it to rain a certain,1192.679,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? amount in every region and you want it,1195.08,4.74,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to rain fairly you don't want too much,1197.059,4.381,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? rain because that's inflation and that's,1199.82,2.94,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? bad and you don't want too little rain,1201.44,3.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? because that's deflation and that's also,1202.76,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? bad so the idea is that these future,1204.44,5.099,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? redistributive policies need to,1207.02,5.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? distribute the the money like the water,1209.539,6.901,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? evenly fairly and uh in a controlled,1212.38,6.82,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? policy so this is uh not exactly your,1216.44,5.52,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? grandpa's trickle-down economics Theory,1219.2,4.8,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? uh I mentioned Collective ownership and,1221.96,3.78,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? there are a few examples of collective,1224.0,3.48,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? ownership out there now granted none of,1225.74,3.48,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? these are global scale but we've got a,1227.48,3.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? long time before we need to worry about,1229.22,4.079,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? global scale redistribution some of them,1230.72,5.04,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? are national scale uh which is a good,1233.299,3.721,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? thing but of course,1235.76,3.84,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um Norway is not as big as America,1237.02,5.94,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? uh so there's a few examples so one is,1239.6,5.28,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the Alaska Permanent Fund which is,1242.96,3.719,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? basically that uh pretty much every,1244.88,5.159,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? every Alaskan gets a annual check for,1246.679,5.041,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Collective ownership of the oil reserves,1250.039,2.701,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? in Alaska,1251.72,3.06,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the Norwegian Sovereign wealth fund,1252.74,3.66,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? pretty much the same thing but for all,1254.78,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? citizens of Norway and it is a trust,1256.4,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? fund that is used to fund public,1259.28,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? services and it is funded by their oil,1260.66,6.12,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? reserves the mon Dragon Corporation is,1264.14,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? an owner-operated Corporation in Spain,1266.78,4.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and then the Green Bay Packers are uh,1268.64,5.58,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? NFL team that is unique among the NFL,1271.4,5.82,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that is collectively owned by 360,1274.22,4.56,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? 000 shareholders,1277.22,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so on the topic of collective ownership,1278.78,4.98,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and redistribution Sam Altman does want,1281.48,5.699,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to do something uh in in line of this,1283.76,6.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? basically saying if openai owns the,1287.179,6.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? means of production AKA gbt4 5 6 and 7,1289.76,5.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and whatever other Downstream models,1293.539,4.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? they come up with he has explicitly said,1295.52,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that he wants to kind of create a trust,1298.159,4.321,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? fund of sorts that is then used to,1300.02,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? distribute that uh that surplus of,1302.48,5.4,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? wealth and this is part of one of his,1304.88,6.12,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? ideas which is World coin now what I,1307.88,5.52,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? will say is that I'm not sure that this,1311.0,4.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? entire project should be piloted and,1313.4,5.279,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? mediated by a Silicon Valley CEO Silicon,1315.32,5.219,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Valley CEOs don't exactly have a good,1318.679,5.101,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? track record in terms of being fair and,1320.539,5.041,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? not allowing power to corrupt them over,1323.78,4.259,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? time now this is not a personal,1325.58,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? indictment of Sam Altman I very much,1328.039,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? often agree with what he says but that,1330.08,4.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? being said he is in a position of a lot,1332.419,4.561,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of privilege and power and so therefore,1334.7,3.9,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? should be scrutinized there should we,1336.98,3.6,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? should should engage with a healthy,1338.6,3.84,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? level of skepticism and I have a feeling,1340.58,3.12,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that he would invite that healthy,1342.44,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? skepticism as well but again I don't,1343.7,5.099,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? disagree with the sentiment were I in,1346.58,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? his place I would probably be trying to,1348.799,4.021,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? do the same exact thing,1350.72,4.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um but again actions speak louder than,1352.82,4.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? words so another thing is that,1354.74,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Collective ownership doesn't necessarily,1357.44,4.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? have to happen on a national scale or a,1359.12,5.939,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? state scale it can happen on uh local,1361.88,5.22,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? scales and does in the form of land,1365.059,4.141,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? trusts so there are plenty of examples,1367.1,3.78,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of collective ownership that exists,1369.2,2.88,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? today,1370.88,6.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? now one thing that is uh kind of the,1372.08,9.06,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? primary let's say primary complaint that,1377.32,5.88,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? I get when I talk about redistributive,1381.14,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? policies such as universal basic income,1383.2,4.92,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? which is what about inflation,1385.64,7.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so there is some some Merit to this idea,1388.12,7.6,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so redistribution such as universal,1392.9,6.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? basic income can actually be a force for,1395.72,6.12,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? inflation we did see a small but not,1398.9,5.22,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? negligible effect from the stimulus,1401.84,5.52,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? checks here in America that caused some,1404.12,4.82,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of the inflation now I will say that,1407.36,3.72,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? aggregate supply and aggregate demand,1408.94,5.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and other supply chain issues are far,1411.08,4.68,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? larger effects of the current,1414.26,3.659,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? inflationary uh Paradigm that we're,1415.76,4.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? seeing that being said the stimulus,1417.919,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? checks did cause some inflation because,1419.78,5.519,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? they uh created higher aggregate demand,1422.059,4.98,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? which is basically that consumers,1425.299,3.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? overall have more money to spend,1427.039,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? therefore prices go up another thing,1428.539,4.981,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that can drive inflation is inelastic,1431.179,5.701,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? supply so as Global wealth goes up due,1433.52,6.659,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to AI as more productivity goes up and,1436.88,6.179,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? demand goes up broadly there are going,1440.179,4.801,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to be goods and services and other,1443.059,4.381,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? supplies that do not scale,1444.98,4.8,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so for instance one of the most limited,1447.44,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? resources on the planet is Rare Minerals,1449.78,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? like lithium and Cobalt no amount of AI,1451.82,4.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is going to make there be more Ai and,1454.64,3.539,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Cobalt unless of course it can dig,1456.26,4.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? deeper into the Earth's crust or go to,1458.179,4.921,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? saddle asteroids and mine them there,1460.88,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? which is entirely possible I did mention,1463.1,4.319,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that in a previous video as one of the,1465.14,4.2,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? possible solutions to Mineral scarcity,1467.419,3.961,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that being said there's only ever going,1469.34,3.9,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to be so much desirable beachfront,1471.38,4.08,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? property in Monaco right,1473.24,4.08,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um so there's there's going to be some,1475.46,3.719,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? kind of scarcity that we cannot overcome,1477.32,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? no matter how much cognitive Surplus,1479.179,5.541,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that we have now all that being said,1481.46,5.699,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? there will be some inflationary,1484.72,4.48,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? pressures that we can't really get rid,1487.159,4.981,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of but I think that in the long run they,1489.2,5.52,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? are going to be offset by and large by,1492.14,4.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? some really profound and strong,1494.72,3.6,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? deflationary pressures,1496.46,4.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so for instance a deflationary pressure,1498.32,5.4,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is something that lowers prices so the,1500.48,5.699,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? job loss that I am anticipating from AI,1503.72,5.1,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is going to reduce consumer demand until,1506.179,5.341,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that is somehow fixed or replaced,1508.82,6.9,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? because with job losses people are going,1511.52,6.06,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to hoard their money A little bit more,1515.72,4.8,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? we saw this happen during the pandemic,1517.58,5.94,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? for instance where people spent a lot,1520.52,5.1,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? less money because it was a time of,1523.52,5.279,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? uncertainty if you lose your job as many,1525.62,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? people in some of the communities that,1528.799,3.961,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? I'm a part of have been laid off as part,1530.48,4.199,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of the tech layoffs they don't know if,1532.76,3.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? or when they're ever going to get a job,1534.679,3.561,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? again,1536.0,2.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? like that's a pretty profound thing so,1538.4,4.379,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? job loss results in deflationary,1540.44,3.78,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? pressure because people are spending,1542.779,3.661,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? money less and driving demand down in,1544.22,3.54,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? fact one of the things that my wife and,1546.44,2.52,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? I are doing is we're going to be,1547.76,3.539,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? downsizing right rather than having a,1548.96,3.599,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? house payment we're going to move to a,1551.299,4.141,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? smaller house that we can fully pay off,1552.559,4.561,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Market saturation is another,1555.44,3.9,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? deflationary pressure so for instance I,1557.12,3.72,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? did mention earlier that some goods and,1559.34,3.839,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? services will continue to go down in,1560.84,5.339,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? price one personal example that I have,1563.179,5.581,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is that the first time I had my novel,1566.179,5.1,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? professionally edited I spent Seventeen,1568.76,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? hundred dollars to have a world-class,1571.279,4.081,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? professional editor take a look at my,1573.26,3.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? novel,1575.36,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? after I got that feedback uh from her I,1576.62,6.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? then not long after that I got access to,1580.22,5.64,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? gpt4 which has a much larger context,1582.98,5.16,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? window and I was able to uh pretty much,1585.86,4.98,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? get developmental feedback or um or line,1588.14,6.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? editing feedback on the entire thing for,1590.84,9.06,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? less than 17 twice so that is a 100x,1594.14,9.779,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? drop in price and it's really difficult,1599.9,6.06,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? for people to wrap their heads around,1603.919,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the possibility that many goods and,1605.96,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? services are going to be a thousand X,1608.419,5.281,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? cheaper or 10 000 X cheaper in the,1610.82,6.12,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? coming years so this downward pressure,1613.7,7.2,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? due to the the abundance of AI is going,1616.94,5.46,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to be something that is kind of like a,1620.9,3.72,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? default raise for everyone if it works,1622.4,4.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? out that way so in the case of medicine,1624.62,4.559,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? or the total cost of Health Care in,1627.02,5.539,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? America is 4.3 trillion dollars per year,1629.179,5.761,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? imagine if,1632.559,5.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? within a few years AI is able to reduce,1634.94,5.219,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the total cost of Health Care in America,1638.179,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? by a factor of a hundred,1640.159,4.321,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? I know that this sounds completely,1642.559,4.021,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? ludicrous and it probably will take a,1644.48,3.299,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? little bit longer than a few years,1646.58,2.82,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? because the medical establishment is,1647.779,5.041,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? very slow very onerous and does not is,1649.4,6.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? very resistant to change but imagine if,1652.82,5.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? your health care costs whatever they,1655.76,4.68,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? were last year if you spend you know a,1658.58,3.18,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? few hundred dollars on a couple,1660.44,2.88,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? medications and one trip to the doctor,1661.76,3.48,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? or if you have chronic conditions that,1663.32,3.479,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? require a lot of medications and a lot,1665.24,3.419,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of tests and you spend you know five,1666.799,4.081,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? thousand dollars imagine if you only had,1668.659,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to spend fifty dollars last year instead,1670.88,4.74,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of five thousand and that's not with uh,1673.039,5.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? with you know socialist policies or,1675.62,4.799,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um or single-payer systems where the,1678.799,3.12,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? government foots the bill I'm talking,1680.419,3.061,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? about the actual cost of Health Care,1681.919,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? could collapse that much in the long run,1683.48,5.939,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? due to Ai and so that is a tremendous,1686.779,4.321,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? deflationary pressure so basically,1689.419,3.961,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? deflation means that your dollar goes,1691.1,5.28,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? much farther another thing to consider,1693.38,5.88,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is that in many cases there are elastic,1696.38,5.399,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? supplies so imagine the knock-on effects,1699.26,4.039,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of AI,1701.779,5.221,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? enhancing everything from Supply chains,1703.299,6.101,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? at every level reducing the need for,1707.0,4.679,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? middlemen reducing the need for humans,1709.4,3.779,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and human labor which is really,1711.679,3.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? expensive so all the goods and services,1713.179,4.201,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that you get even if an AI is not,1715.039,5.341,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? directly used in creating that final,1717.38,5.279,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? good or service it's still going to help,1720.38,4.22,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the entire process,1722.659,5.88,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? which means that the entire economy is,1724.6,5.559,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? going to be a lot more elastic which,1728.539,4.74,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? will also drive down prices,1730.159,6.12,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? now we get to the hardest part of all of,1733.279,5.041,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? this the rest I think is going to happen,1736.279,4.681,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? no matter what we do right there is just,1738.32,5.16,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so much economic incentive to drive down,1740.96,4.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? prices because that's what capitalism,1743.48,4.439,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? does right it seeks efficiency when it's,1745.58,4.079,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? working well it doesn't always work well,1747.919,3.901,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so I'll throw I'll throw that caveat out,1749.659,5.041,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? now that being said the inevitable,1751.82,5.28,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? conclusion of all this seems to be that,1754.7,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? we are going to arrive at a situation,1757.1,5.579,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? where most of us are going to be looking,1759.2,5.459,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? in the rear view mirror and say bye job,1762.679,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? right like our conventional jobs are,1764.659,4.801,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? going to go the way of the dinosaurs and,1767.059,4.081,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so one of the most common sentiments,1769.46,3.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that I get and it's always worded,1771.14,4.98,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? slightly different but the their,1772.7,5.16,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? permutations of this thing which is I,1776.12,3.12,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? would rather die than live on government,1777.86,2.58,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? handouts,1779.24,4.439,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? this happens more often than not there,1780.44,4.739,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? are numerous reasons for this feeling,1783.679,3.961,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and it is important to consider because,1785.179,5.521,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? what else is the point of being alive,1787.64,6.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? excuse me so there are cultural reasons,1790.7,7.099,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? ethical reasons religion spirituality,1794.0,7.08,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and even familial history identity,1797.799,4.901,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? gender Norms,1801.08,3.959,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um all kinds of stuff will push people,1802.7,6.839,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to identify with their job or to really,1805.039,7.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? value their self-sufficiency right,1809.539,5.541,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? self-sufficiency rugged individualism,1812.799,5.561,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? self-reliance that sort of thing these,1815.08,4.9,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? beliefs come from numerous places,1818.36,3.12,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? whether it's you know the culture,1819.98,3.84,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? particularly here in America in many,1821.48,3.96,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? families like you're not considered a,1823.82,3.839,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? real man unless you're a provider right,1825.44,4.739,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? for particularly for men you might,1827.659,4.681,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? expect yourself and be expected to be,1830.179,4.281,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the primary Breadwinner,1832.34,5.16,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? careers also do a lot for our sense of,1834.46,5.319,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? purpose our sense of excellence and,1837.5,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? confidence a career is a good source of,1839.779,3.78,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? challenge it's a good way to feel good,1842.0,2.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? about yourself like you've done,1843.559,2.161,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? something,1844.76,4.139,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and then for even people that are not,1845.72,5.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? men Independence is often predicated on,1848.899,4.201,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the ability to make ends meet and so,1851.48,4.199,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? what I mean by this is that if you need,1853.1,5.22,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to get away from your family or a toxic,1855.679,4.561,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? friend group or whatever if you need to,1858.32,3.359,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? stay out of prison because you need to,1860.24,3.96,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? stay away you know from the street you,1861.679,4.74,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? might need that good job and so if you,1864.2,3.599,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? don't have that good job you might be,1866.419,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? forced to back into a bad situation so,1867.799,5.1,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? there's a lot of reasons that people are,1870.799,4.801,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? afraid of not having their job,1872.899,5.821,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so what I've been able to identify is,1875.6,4.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that after talking with some of these,1878.72,3.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? people and and thinking through it is,1880.22,5.1,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? there's two primary threads here one is,1881.72,5.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? what if I can't take care of myself and,1885.32,3.599,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the people that I care about that's,1887.48,3.48,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? really the core fear at least one of,1888.919,6.181,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? them another one is another core fear is,1890.96,6.48,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? what if my sense of agency and autonomy,1895.1,5.16,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is taken from me what if I am just,1897.44,4.8,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? subservient to the whims of the,1900.26,4.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? government right,1902.24,6.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so one of the potential solutions to,1904.7,6.839,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? this is a concept from ancient Greece,1908.48,5.52,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? called erete which is Excellence or the,1911.539,3.841,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? pursuit of Excellence,1914.0,4.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so in this case,1915.38,4.98,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the ability to feel competent about,1918.02,5.1,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? something in order to feel a sense of,1920.36,6.84,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Mastery and challenge this is a um,1923.12,7.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? this is a a social phenomenon,1927.2,6.599,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um that was based on social reward and,1930.98,6.179,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? social incentive even if there was no,1933.799,5.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Financial reward so what I mean by this,1937.159,6.061,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is that uh particularly in uh the elite,1939.559,6.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? classes like aristocracy and capitalist,1943.22,5.339,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? class and owner class the the individual,1945.919,4.321,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? behaviors the individual sense of,1948.559,3.48,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? competence and achievement didn't,1950.24,4.08,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? necessarily come from a career it came,1952.039,3.901,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? from other achievements whether they,1954.32,3.239,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? were academic achievements participating,1955.94,4.619,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? in public life having a good family so,1957.559,4.98,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? on and so forth or even independent,1960.559,3.84,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? competitions right playing Polo and,1962.539,3.601,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Yacht racing and all the other stuff,1964.399,3.961,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that rich people do for fun and for,1966.14,4.08,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? challenge you know they do martial arts,1968.36,2.939,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? they,1970.22,2.699,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um they go on adventures and so on and,1971.299,3.961,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so forth the acquisition of status,1972.919,5.461,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? symbols is part of that sense of,1975.26,5.22,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Excellence but there are plenty of other,1978.38,5.94,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? ways to achieve excellence so uh other,1980.48,5.939,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? aspects of pursuing the pursuit of,1984.32,4.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Excellence include that Mastery that,1986.419,4.921,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? social recognition right in many cases,1988.34,6.66,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? it's a matter of achieving that um that,1991.34,5.4,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? status in the eyes of the people that,1995.0,3.72,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? you care about for instance going back,1996.74,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to that idea of being a breadwinner that,1998.72,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? head of household recognition the,2001.0,4.919,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? recognition that you are a good man who,2003.58,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? takes care of his family or that you're,2005.919,3.301,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? a good mother who takes care of his,2007.72,3.179,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? family or you know whatever it happens,2009.22,6.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to be there are other ways to Signal,2010.899,7.441,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? tribal belonging for instance think,2015.46,4.439,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? about all the guys that go to you know,2018.34,3.839,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? watch the game together at the bar that,2019.899,3.841,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is something that gives them a sense of,2022.179,4.021,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? belonging and even a sense of Excellence,2023.74,5.4,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? if your team wins you feel uh like you,2026.2,5.099,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? have benefited from that confidence,2029.14,4.8,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and all of this is possible without a,2031.299,4.74,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? conventional career now that being said,2033.94,3.959,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? I will say that it does take time to,2036.039,3.781,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? adapt I know this personally because I,2037.899,4.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? left my conventional career just earlier,2039.82,3.839,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? this year and I kind of floundered,2041.919,4.321,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? around for a while it was weird right,2043.659,4.621,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and I still struggled with finding okay,2046.24,4.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? how is it that I can feel productive how,2048.28,4.379,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is it that I can feel meaningful and,2050.56,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? valuable and so those metrics change,2052.659,4.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? right now it's a matter of how many,2054.82,4.339,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? views my videos get now it's a matter of,2056.679,4.621,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? what we talk about when I go to the,2059.159,3.7,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? meetups that I host and that sort of,2061.3,3.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? thing,2062.859,3.3,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um now that being said I will say that,2064.54,3.78,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? without a conventional career,2066.159,4.68,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? uh finding something to be proud of,2068.32,6.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Mastery challenged all of that uh still,2070.839,6.421,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? exists and it's still a need too,2074.32,6.359,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? one example is I picked up a Guitar so,2077.26,5.159,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? when I had my camera moved you probably,2080.679,2.881,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? saw that I had a guitar in the,2082.419,2.7,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? background that is a very fancy nice,2083.56,2.88,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? guitar that I have not yet learned to,2085.119,2.641,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? use that A friend gave to me many years,2086.44,3.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? ago I got a very simple guitar that has,2087.76,4.8,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? only three strings to start learning on,2089.8,5.819,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um but my point is is that you know one,2092.56,4.98,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of my dreams for myself is that I will,2095.619,4.441,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? one day learn how to play guitar and I,2097.54,4.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? can sit around the campfire and play,2100.06,3.6,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? guitar and sing with my friends and that,2101.56,3.42,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is going to be something that I can,2103.66,3.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? derive a sense of Excellence or a sense,2104.98,3.48,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of Mastery from might never get there,2106.66,3.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? because I am,2108.46,6.119,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? both tone deaf and I have awful timing,2109.9,8.16,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so you know uh anyways I wanted to close,2114.579,5.52,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? this with physical fitness is one of the,2118.06,3.72,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? most familiar models that people have,2120.099,4.441,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? with a pursuing Excellence we all know a,2121.78,4.92,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? bunch of Jim Bros and Gym Rats who,2124.54,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? really Bank a lot of their pride and,2126.7,5.399,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? their ego on looking good and feeling,2129.4,4.98,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? good and being fit and looking sexy,2132.099,4.441,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? right that is a model that everyone has,2134.38,4.199,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? a lot of people do this and it's not for,2136.54,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? financial gain it is purely for the,2138.579,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? pursuit of excellence and so you take,2140.68,4.2,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that gym model and there's all kinds of,2142.839,3.901,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? other stuff you can do with that a lot,2144.88,3.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of my friends are Gamers and they and,2146.74,3.119,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? some of them even game competitively,2148.24,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? same exact need being met is you get,2149.859,4.74,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that challenge you get the reward of,2152.74,2.94,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? winning,2154.599,2.941,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? or otherwise getting recognition for,2155.68,3.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Your Excellence,2157.54,3.66,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? now the other part and this is actually,2159.04,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? a little bit harder to address is,2161.2,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? autonomy self-determination,2163.3,7.319,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? losing your autonomy is a major cause of,2166.06,7.559,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? burnout which is true for me you can,2170.619,5.48,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? check out a video on my other channel,2173.619,4.881,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? talking about burnout,2176.099,5.081,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? it's also a cause of rebellion and,2178.5,4.54,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? despair so in many cases around the,2181.18,4.2,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? world win Rebellion has happened it is,2183.04,4.92,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? because the citizenry lost their sense,2185.38,5.82,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of autonomy either due to oppression or,2187.96,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? just economic collapse and they said,2191.2,3.12,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? okay we're not really happy with this,2192.82,3.96,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? we're going to take the power back,2194.32,4.74,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so this is a legitimate fear and let me,2196.78,4.2,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? underscore why,2199.06,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? if the jobs go away which I predict they,2200.98,5.4,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? will then your money goes away and,2203.56,4.98,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? particularly in America your personal,2206.38,5.16,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? autonomy is directly tied to your wallet,2208.54,6.42,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? your financial power is this is and this,2211.54,4.92,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is actually an explicit policy of,2214.96,4.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? neoliberal societies is it is it the,2216.46,4.74,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? freedom in the neoliberal society is,2219.28,3.839,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? freedom to spend money however you,2221.2,5.879,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? choose but this has the the uh the dark,2223.119,5.581,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? side of that is that if you don't have,2227.079,3.301,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? money you're not free which everyone,2228.7,3.899,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? knows that in America right this is,2230.38,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? something that uh people have said like,2232.599,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? oh you know you're only as free as your,2234.76,4.319,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? dollar right so this is not a new,2236.859,4.201,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? phenomenon and this is why people are,2239.079,5.04,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? afraid of AI ultimately taking their,2241.06,6.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? jobs at least one of the reasons,2244.119,4.401,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um,2247.3,5.52,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? this is a very powerful incentive and,2248.52,5.98,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? I've actually had conversations over,2252.82,3.96,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? many many years particularly with,2254.5,3.96,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? conservatives that they say that this is,2256.78,4.079,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? actually a very deliberate policy in,2258.46,4.56,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? order to motivate people to work harder,2260.859,4.561,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and the idea is that the fear of not,2263.02,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? having money and the fear of losing your,2265.42,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? freedom is a powerful motivating factor,2267.16,4.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and of course this is the de facto,2269.56,5.82,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? policy of America for several decades,2271.48,6.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um and it's taken even further because,2275.38,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? part of that fear part of the part of,2277.72,5.16,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the motivating people away from poverty,2280.24,5.339,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is that poverty is something to be,2282.88,4.52,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? ashamed of particularly in America,2285.579,4.681,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? poverty or being poor is seen as a moral,2287.4,5.08,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? failing or even a sin that if you're,2290.26,4.319,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? poor not only do you deserve it but it's,2292.48,4.46,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? your fault because you're a bad person,2294.579,5.581,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and in this case the the more money you,2296.94,4.96,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? have the more free you are but also the,2300.16,3.54,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? more virtuous or righteous you are and,2301.9,4.199,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? this goes back to our Protestant and,2303.7,5.879,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Puritan Roots so personal agency or,2306.099,5.221,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? self-determination or autonomy is,2309.579,4.141,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? inextricably tied to your financial,2311.32,4.88,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? power this is a very problematic,2313.72,4.859,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? mentality and I'm not saying that like,2316.2,4.84,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? if you feel this way it's it's not your,2318.579,5.101,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? fault I'm saying that like the fact that,2321.04,5.22,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? this exists in our Zeitgeist is that's,2323.68,4.98,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that's the problem now,2326.26,4.68,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? with post-labor economics this is my,2328.66,4.8,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? hope and dream is that with post-labor,2330.94,4.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? economics if optimal redistributions,2333.46,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? remember the idea of the rain clouds,2335.56,4.799,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? dropping rain everywhere if optimal,2337.72,5.04,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? redistribution is achieved then our,2340.359,6.121,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? individual autonomy should increase so,2342.76,5.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? what I mean by this is that first,2346.48,4.74,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? abundance of free time imagine that your,2348.52,4.74,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? need for for working a day job goes away,2351.22,5.46,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so suddenly you have 40 hours of per,2353.26,6.66,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? week back that's all yours so free time,2356.68,6.84,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is one component of autonomy the other,2359.92,5.34,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? thing is the decrease in cost that we,2363.52,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? talk about so if a lot of goods and,2365.26,6.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? services go down in price then whatever,2368.02,6.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? money you do have is actually going to,2371.26,4.68,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? take you further so basically your,2374.38,3.84,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? financial power is effectively increased,2375.94,5.94,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? even if you don't make as much money now,2378.22,6.48,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that being said the biggest problem the,2381.88,4.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? elephant in the room for all this is,2384.7,4.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that trust in the American system is low,2386.32,4.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the government has a poor track record,2388.72,4.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of sticking the landing on these kinds,2390.64,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of things and this is not something that,2393.04,3.48,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? you and I can fix this is something that,2394.78,5.18,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the government has to decide to fix,2396.52,3.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? now as we wind down we're getting closer,2400.359,4.381,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to the end of the video so,2402.46,5.58,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? this is kind of for for us nerds uh the,2404.74,5.52,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? metrologists the matricians who really,2408.04,3.66,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? want to say okay well how do we measure,2410.26,2.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? this stuff and this is just kind of like,2411.7,4.139,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? me throwing wet spaghetti at the wall,2413.02,5.88,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? as I mentioned earlier existing key,2415.839,5.221,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? performance indicators kpi like labor,2418.9,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? force participation rate probably won't,2421.06,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? matter as much in the future we're going,2423.04,5.059,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? to need to measure economic productivity,2425.32,5.279,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? uh and individual well-being through,2428.099,4.841,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? entirely different means but this,2430.599,4.621,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? underscores the the key question which,2432.94,4.34,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is what are we trying to optimize for,2435.22,4.98,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? GDP is a proxy for a lot of other things,2437.28,5.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? but it's also an aggregate number that,2440.2,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? is on its own relatively useless just,2442.42,4.62,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? kind of like how the stock market is an,2444.46,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? aggregate number that for you and me on,2447.04,4.92,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? a day-to-day basis pretty useless,2449.32,5.759,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so one idea that I had was a well-being,2451.96,4.94,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? index which would be based on,2455.079,4.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? self-determination Theory,2456.9,5.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um and so it would measure a,2459.339,4.321,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? population's well-being based on,2462.16,4.14,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? autonomy Mastery or competence and,2463.66,5.4,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? connection so that would be like how,2466.3,4.319,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? much free time does everyone have in the,2469.06,5.34,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? in in your um in your uh Nation how much,2470.619,6.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Social Mobility do they have in terms of,2474.4,4.439,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the ability to live where they want and,2476.619,3.781,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? go on the vacations that they want to,2478.839,3.78,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and take on the leader activities that,2480.4,4.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? they want to so autonomy would be a,2482.619,3.24,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? really important thing to measure and,2484.72,3.18,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? try and optimize for Mastery or,2485.859,3.781,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? competence would be another thing and,2487.9,3.36,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that's a much that's a lot harder to,2489.64,3.84,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? measure in aggregate because for some it,2491.26,3.9,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? looks different for everyone for some,2493.48,3.48,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? people Mastery might be getting a third,2495.16,4.56,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? PhD for other people it might be joining,2496.96,4.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? you know a football league or something,2499.72,3.96,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? it again it's really difficult to,2501.4,5.04,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? measure and then finally connection is,2503.68,3.72,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the third component of,2506.44,3.659,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? self-determination Theory or sdt and,2507.4,4.92,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? connection it can easily be measured by,2510.099,4.081,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? number of friends that you have amount,2512.32,3.0,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of time you spend with friends and,2514.18,3.3,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? family and that sort of thing,2515.32,6.299,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? um so uh another uh existing index is,2517.48,5.76,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? the Ginny coefficient which measures,2521.619,2.941,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? wealth distribution and wealth,2523.24,3.3,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? inequality but again that is just a,2524.56,3.84,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? proxy for other things and that presumes,2526.54,3.78,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? that wealth solves all other problems,2528.4,4.38,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? which it certainly helps it solves a lot,2530.32,3.96,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? of problems but it doesn't solve all,2532.78,4.86,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? problems another uh potentially valuable,2534.28,5.46,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? framework in order to create these new,2537.64,4.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? kpi that we might need to optimize for,2539.74,4.5,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? in post labor economics would be,2541.96,4.8,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? Maslow's hierarchy of needs is everyone,2544.24,4.02,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? getting their basic needs met is,2546.76,3.96,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? everyone getting uh and there's a lot of,2548.26,4.56,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? overlap between Maslow and sdt so I,2550.72,4.32,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? don't need to rehash all that,2552.82,4.74,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? so anyways this was a really powerful,2555.04,4.44,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? deep dive I hope you got a lot out of it,2557.56,5.18,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? and thanks for watching,2559.48,3.26,Post-Labor Economics: What happens when AI changes work forever? okay level check I think we're here,0.86,5.82,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um all right so uh,4.14,4.379,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" background it's been a little while,6.68,3.64,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" since I've done you're over here now,8.519,3.841,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" since I've done one of these tutorial,10.32,4.319,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" coding videos but I woke up at like 2 30,12.36,4.019,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" in the morning and just had to work on,14.639,4.921,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" this so I hammered it out basically the,16.379,5.521,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" purpose of today's video is to,19.56,5.1,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" demonstrate using chroma DB which is a,21.9,5.82,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" local uh Vector database it's basically,24.66,5.699,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" like sqlite if you're familiar with that,27.72,5.4,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" which is a self-contained SQL database,30.359,5.521,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" relational database this is uh,33.12,4.439,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" functionally very similar to sqlite,35.88,3.359,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" except it is a vector database meaning,37.559,4.381,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it does semantic search one thing that's,39.239,4.381,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" really great about it is that it has its,41.94,4.2,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" own built-in embeddings tools I think,43.62,4.98,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it's based on Bert anyways you can check,46.14,4.34,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" out all the documentation here on,48.6,4.74,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" trychroma.com the getting started and,50.48,4.54,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" usage guide is pretty good it's not,53.34,3.96,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" complete every now and then I find that,55.02,5.94,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" I have to go to the actual repo,57.3,5.279,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um to look at how some of the internals,60.96,4.08,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" work but it is pretty brain dead simple,62.579,4.101,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" so let me just go ahead and show you,65.04,4.56,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" this is my private instance oh so before,66.68,4.66,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" we get too too lost I do have a public,69.6,3.18,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" instance,71.34,3.42,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um Dave schapp slash chroma DB,72.78,3.839,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" underscore under chatbot underscore,74.76,3.0,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" public,76.619,3.661,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um I've got a little integration guide,77.76,4.92,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" usage it's I mean you probably don't,80.28,3.72,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" need this you can fuss around with it,82.68,3.299,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" but this will get you this will get you,84.0,4.979,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" started I also use chat gbt to just uh,85.979,5.28,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" get a really basic explanation of the,88.979,4.621,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" code you probably won't need it once you,91.259,4.86,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" take a look at it so off the top let me,93.6,5.58,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" just show you how this thing works so uh,96.119,4.921,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it's a basic chat bot you can see I,99.18,4.079,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" didn't specify it so it's getting,101.04,5.219,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um it's getting all mini LM l6v2 from,103.259,5.881,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" hugging face great so it's like,106.259,6.841,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um hey uh let's see what were we talking,109.14,6.659,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" about last this probably won't work,113.1,4.92,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" because it's just gonna in the future it,115.799,3.301,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" wouldn't work because it's gonna have,118.02,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" multiple KB articles and background oh I,119.1,6.119,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" need to explain like all that so I know,122.46,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" that I just said like KB articles don't,125.219,3.481,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" worry we'll get to it,126.96,4.26,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um but anyways I want to show you that I,128.7,4.02,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" just started it up and what it's going,131.22,3.72,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" to do is it's going to use the last few,132.72,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" messages to search its internal KB,134.94,5.1,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" article uh for the last information but,137.16,6.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it also has a user profile for me in our,140.04,4.86,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" previous conversations we discussed AI,143.22,2.94,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" alignment morality ethics and,144.9,3.18,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" epistemology within AI development you,146.16,3.18,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" also shared your plans to communicate,148.08,3.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" your ideas on YouTube unplug your,149.34,3.24,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" computer and spend more time outdoors,151.2,2.82,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and use digital Wellness settings to,152.58,3.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" improve your work life balance working,154.02,2.96,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" on that,155.7,3.24,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" additionally we talked about your recent,156.98,3.58,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" experience with severe insomnia and the,158.94,2.82,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" importance of maintaining a healthy,160.56,2.58,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" balance between work and personal life,161.76,3.72,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" yes that's actually why I created this,163.14,6.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" chatbot let me show you so there was a,165.48,7.619,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" there was uh,169.2,5.34,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" there was,173.099,2.061,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um,174.54,3.3,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" God my brain,175.16,5.079,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" I was using chat GPT as a reflective,177.84,5.28,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" journaling tool so what I mean by that,180.239,5.28,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" is,183.12,5.22,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um if you plug in this message and I,185.519,4.021,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" know I'm scattered I'm all over the,188.34,2.22,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" place,189.54,2.1,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um this is what happens when I have,190.56,4.14,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" severe insomnia anyways so basically I,191.64,5.04,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" use chat GPT as a reflective journaling,194.7,4.08,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" tool to figure out like how I'm feeling,196.68,3.839,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" about things because as an autistic,198.78,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" person I often need help with this and I,200.519,3.841,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" don't like journaling because just,203.22,3.599,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" talking to a page is kind of dumb,204.36,5.28,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um but it's like hey I need to talk,206.819,8.161,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" something out and so anyways uh by by,209.64,8.16,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" workshopping this system message with um,214.98,4.86,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" with chat GPT I came up with a pretty,217.8,5.46,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" good reflective journaling tool so you,219.84,4.92,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" could say that this is a therapeutic,223.26,3.539,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" tool but by couching it in the language,224.76,4.199,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" of of reflective journaling it's not,226.799,4.86,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" like medical therapy or Psychotherapy or,228.959,4.021,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" anything,231.659,3.181,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um but it's just like you know I could,232.98,5.52,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" say like I have been working so hard and,234.84,6.6,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" I don't know why I actually do know why,238.5,4.92,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" now but this is kind of a shorthand of,241.44,4.079,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the conversation I had,243.42,3.0,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um let's try and figure out what's,245.519,2.161,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" driving you hard can you think of any,246.42,2.76,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" specific goals that might be pushing you,247.68,3.54,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" to this extra effort so you see how the,249.18,3.3,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" tone of this is much more,251.22,3.0,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" straightforward and it's very focused by,252.48,3.599,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" asking those like kind of probing,254.22,4.68,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" follow-up questions this is this is why,256.079,4.861,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" uh you know it's it's in the,258.9,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" investigation phase anyways so I had,260.94,3.78,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" this idea and I was like okay this is,263.4,3.42,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" great but I need if I'm going to use,264.72,4.32,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" this as a long-term journaling tool I'm,266.82,4.08,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" going to need this locally and I'm going,269.04,4.379,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" to need persistent storage because as,270.9,4.56,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the as this is just the uh the,273.419,4.621,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" playground if I do a refresh it's gone,275.46,4.56,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and that's no good,278.04,3.659,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um so actually here let me go ahead and,280.02,4.739,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" just save this to the um,281.699,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" we're going to call this the system,284.759,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" message for uh reflective journaling so,286.139,5.161,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" you can use this if you want,289.139,4.921,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um all right so anyways so you see it,291.3,4.26,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" has this and then you see it says,294.06,5.88,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" updating user profile and updating uh KB,295.56,6.6,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um Okay cool so you see that it,299.94,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" fundamentally basic chat bot so now,302.16,5.099,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" let's start to unpack it so first we,304.44,6.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" will go look at the um just the chat,307.259,5.461,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" file so this is a super brain dead,310.5,3.24,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" simple,312.72,3.72,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um chatbot with infinite memory infinite,313.74,4.14,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" memory I know some some people got,316.44,3.42,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" grumpy when I said that Pinecone had,317.88,4.02,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" infinite memory from a human standpoint,319.86,3.839,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it functionally has infinite memory,321.9,3.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" because,323.699,3.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um you know this thing can hold probably,325.02,4.32,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" a million KB articles which is more than,326.759,5.341,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" enough to document your entire life uh,329.34,5.1,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" so from from a human standpoint it is,332.1,3.96,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" functionally infinite,334.44,3.9,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um all right so from the top we've got a,336.06,4.74,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" few basic utility functions save yaml,338.34,5.34,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" save file open file and then,340.8,4.98,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um a chat bot which calls the gpt4 model,343.68,4.739,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" you could switch this out to 3.5 turbo,345.78,5.1,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" if you don't have access to gpt4 yet it,348.419,4.56,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" does not work as well there's a reason,350.88,4.74,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" that I use gpt4 because it is smarter I,352.979,4.261,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" also set the temperature to zero because,355.62,3.0,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" I don't like it to be too creative,357.24,2.94,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" especially with a lot of the functions,358.62,4.019,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" that I have it doing uh you you actually,360.18,4.2,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" want it to be more deterministic or,362.639,3.721,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" mechanistic and that you want to get the,364.38,3.84,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" same results every time especially when,366.36,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" you're updating the user profile and the,368.22,5.52,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" KB articles you can see right here that,370.86,5.339,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" every time you call the chat bot I dump,373.74,6.739,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the whole thing to API logs slash convo,376.199,7.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and it's a yaml file so here's here's my,380.479,6.22,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" private one so API logs here's an,383.699,3.84,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" example,386.699,4.741,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" so each item is going to be here,387.539,5.22,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" actually that's not a good one because I,391.44,3.3,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" changed the way that it that it saves it,392.759,4.201,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" let me show you a more recent one,394.74,4.26,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um so the first the first element is,396.96,4.56,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" always going to be the system message,399.0,5.699,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um that that was in the last convo,401.52,5.34,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um so then here's the KB article and you,404.699,3.601,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" can see that it was updating the KB,406.86,4.08,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" article and so each one of these items,408.3,4.679,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" is,410.94,6.0,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" like uh you'll you'll see but anyways I,412.979,5.521,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" just wanted to show that it logs,416.94,4.319,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" everything because well sometimes it,418.5,3.919,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" does things that you don't understand,421.259,3.481,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" all right so that's the that's an,422.419,5.56,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" example of the API log and then if the,424.74,5.34,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" conversation if the overall conversation,427.979,5.041,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" is too long it'll go ahead and trim the,430.08,7.2,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" oldest chat message so the the chat GPT,433.02,7.739,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" web interface does this automatically,437.28,4.919,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um where it'll just kind of Groom the,440.759,4.321,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" backlog of messages so we have to do,442.199,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" this manually so I just have it cut off,445.08,3.72,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" at seven thousand tokens you could,446.699,5.041,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" probably do like 7 500 if you want to,448.8,5.1,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" because a lot of these are going to be,451.74,5.519,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" limited but you have a user profile and,453.9,5.1,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" a KB article that gets wedged in which,457.259,4.801,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" are both up to a thousand words which,459.0,5.16,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" could be around a thousand tokens so,462.06,4.199,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" having it trim at 7000 is probably where,464.16,3.78,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" you want it,466.259,3.301,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um so that's that's the primary those,467.94,3.659,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" are the the helper functions,469.56,4.02,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um and then you have a super,471.599,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" straightforward you instantiate chroma,473.58,4.98,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" DB right here so you set the persistent,476.099,5.341,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" directory which is I have it um right,478.56,5.94,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" here chroma DB so this is my instance my,481.44,5.159,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" personal instance of chroma DB it's not,484.5,3.24,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" going to be the one that you find up,486.599,2.04,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" here,487.74,2.519,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um this is the public version so if you,488.639,3.18,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" go into chroma DB you'll see just a,490.259,3.361,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" placeholder file,491.819,4.021,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um so that the the folder is already,493.62,4.799,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" there you don't need to instantiate it,495.84,4.979,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um let's see going back to here,498.419,5.46,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" so chroma client so we instantiate the,500.819,4.981,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" chroma DB client this is again almost,503.879,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" identical to SQL Lite,505.8,4.98,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um or other similar things so about a,508.379,4.141,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" year ago I tried to do basically the,510.78,3.48,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" same thing I called it VDB light for,512.52,3.54,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" Vector database light instead of sqlite,514.26,4.26,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" structured query language light,516.06,4.26,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um but this company went and did the,518.52,2.759,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" same thing and I think they've already,520.32,2.519,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" got like a 30 million dollar valuation,521.279,3.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" or something I was like damn I should,522.839,3.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" have I should have stuck with that,524.399,3.541,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" anyways they figured it out I think it's,525.899,3.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" based on the same underpinning,527.94,3.48,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" technology they're using an open source,529.019,5.041,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" embedding uh Transformer I think they're,531.42,5.099,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" also using the the Facebook,534.06,6.24,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um AI semantic search Vice engine,536.519,6.421,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um in the background anyways so you,540.3,4.2,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" instantiate the client you need to use,542.94,3.3,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the settings to have a persistent,544.5,4.14,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" directory because by default this entire,546.24,4.74,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" thing is fully ephemeral,548.64,3.78,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um I think it does cache it somewhere,550.98,3.359,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" but I want it to be very explicit saying,552.42,3.479,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" save it here,554.339,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um for reusability and so then,555.899,4.741,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" collection is chroma client get or,558.779,4.62,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" create collection name knowledge base so,560.64,5.4,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" this is my personal knowledge base,563.399,5.101,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" then we um we instantiate the,566.04,5.16,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" conversation with open AI the with the,568.5,4.8,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" chat bot and in this case because we're,571.2,4.579,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" saving everything everything necessary,573.3,7.56,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" into a personal user profile and um and,575.779,8.321,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" uh and the KB articles like why even why,580.86,5.82,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" even load the conversation,584.1,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" all right so let me show you the the,586.68,3.42,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" system default message so the system,588.48,3.6,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" default message is where it starts your,590.1,4.2,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" chatbot is a whose mission is to assist,592.08,3.48,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the following user your ultimate,594.3,2.46,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" objectives are to minimize suffering,595.56,2.64,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" enhance prosperity and promote,596.76,3.54,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" understanding the provided information,598.2,3.6,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" about the user and the knowledge base,600.3,3.18,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" article should be integrated into your,601.8,3.42,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" interactions this is private information,603.48,3.84,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" not visible to the user the user profile,605.22,3.619,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" compiled from past conversations,607.32,3.72,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" encapsulates critical details about the,608.839,4.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" user which can Aid in shaping your,611.04,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" responses effectively which you saw here,612.899,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um so you see like it it actually knows,615.42,3.3,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" quite a bit about me from our past,617.339,3.961,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" conversations this was populated here in,618.72,5.04,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the user profile and the KB article so,621.3,5.219,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" basically it says then it also explains,623.76,5.28,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" that the KB article is a topic compiled,626.519,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" similarly from past dialogue serving as,629.04,3.84,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" your long-term memory while numerous KB,630.899,3.601,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" articles exist in your backend system,632.88,3.48,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the one provided is deemed most relevant,634.5,4.32,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" to the current conversation topic note,636.36,3.78,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" that the recall system operates,638.82,2.88,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" autonomously and it may not always,640.14,3.3,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" retrieve the most suitable KB if the,641.7,3.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" user is asking about a topic that,643.44,2.88,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" doesn't seem to align with the provided,644.82,3.78,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" KB and form them of the memory pulled,646.32,3.9,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and request them to specify their query,648.6,3.359,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" or share more details this can assist,650.22,3.9,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the autonomous system in retrieving the,651.959,3.601,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" correct memory in the subsequent,654.12,4.32,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" interaction so basically that's that's,655.56,4.56,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" instructing it to do the same thing that,658.44,4.139,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" a human will do if if I say like hey,660.12,4.08,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" Bill do you remember that time that like,662.579,3.181,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" you know I accidentally shot you in the,664.2,2.819,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" face with a Roman Candle because that's,665.76,2.46,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" something that would happen in the South,667.019,3.0,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and Bob would be like you know I don't,668.22,3.239,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" actually remember that I'm like oh well,670.019,3.361,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" you woke up in the hospital oh yeah I,671.459,4.141,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" remember that right so we Prime each,673.38,4.68,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" other's memory and human human prompting,675.6,5.52,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" is not that different from AI prompting,678.06,4.74,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um remember that the clarity of your,681.12,2.94,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" responses and the relevance of your,682.8,3.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" information recall are crucial to,684.06,3.3,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" delivering an optimal user experience,685.86,3.419,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" please ask any clarifying questions or,687.36,4.32,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" provide any input further for uh,689.279,4.921,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" refinement if necessary so this system,691.68,4.74,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" message I actually got help from jet,694.2,5.879,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" chat GPT to create a really compelling,696.42,6.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" system message and one thing that I,700.079,4.021,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" recommend that people do is actually use,702.48,4.74,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" chat GPT to work on prompting so this is,704.1,4.679,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" you could call this meta prompting where,707.22,3.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" you use the thing to prompt the thing,708.779,4.081,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and the reason that this works really,710.72,4.72,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" well is one chat GPT is more articulate,712.86,5.099,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" than most humans including myself when,715.44,5.459,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" used correctly but another thing is one,717.959,4.741,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" thing that I noticed is that chat GPT,720.899,3.601,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" tends to write in a way that it will,722.7,4.8,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" understand and so if you say if you give,724.5,4.32,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it some context like this is what I'm,727.5,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" trying to do here's my current prompt,728.82,5.34,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" here's what's weak about it can you make,731.88,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it better and then you tell it like ask,734.16,3.9,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" me some questions if you have any it's,736.38,2.94,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" like no I see what you're trying to do,738.06,3.24,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" let me write better instructions for you,739.32,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" so instruction writing for anyone who's,741.3,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" like a teacher or technical writer or,743.7,4.079,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" whatever instruction writing is a very,745.74,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" very particular skill set and chat GPT,747.779,4.081,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" is really good at it so this is the,750.18,3.779,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" default system message which is then,751.86,4.14,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" populated with the user profile and the,753.959,5.341,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" most relevant KB article so now that,756.0,5.76,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" we're up to there we enter into the,759.3,5.339,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" infinite Loop which is just get the user,761.76,6.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" text save it to the to the user log or,764.639,5.041,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the chat logs so the chat logs are all,767.82,4.98,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" saved out here it's just plain text and,769.68,5.94,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it the file name has the timestamp in it,772.8,4.8,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" as well as the speaker so user chatbot,775.62,4.2,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" user chatbot so on and so forth so you,777.6,3.6,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" got the raw logs there just in case,779.82,3.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" anything goes wrong,781.2,3.54,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and then I've also got DB logs which,782.94,4.56,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" we'll get to in just a second so then,784.74,5.339,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" what we do is we take the the quote main,787.5,5.399,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" scratch Pad which is just the last five,790.079,4.141,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" messages,792.899,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um both for the user and for the um,794.22,6.059,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" for the chat bot and this is what we use,797.279,5.461,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" as the context of like working memory,800.279,5.101,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and so then we use this main scratch Pad,802.74,5.159,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" which is the last five messages we use,805.38,3.78,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it to,807.899,5.341,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um uh to search for the the top uh most,809.16,7.56,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" relevant uh KB article and in my case I,813.24,5.219,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" still only have one KB article so we'll,816.72,3.419,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" see how it gets to and I'll go through,818.459,3.481,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the logic of how it builds KB articles,820.139,4.2,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" in just a minute so basically it just,821.94,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" says okay here's the most recent thing,824.339,4.141,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" find the find the KB article that is,826.32,4.259,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" most relevant to the most recent bits of,828.48,5.34,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" conversation and then it will it'll pull,830.579,4.801,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" that and it's again super,833.82,3.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" straightforward all you have to do is,835.38,4.32,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" pass the text to it and it will,836.94,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" automatically embed it for you and then,839.7,3.48,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" I said just give me the one most recent,841.32,4.8,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" once we have larger context windows or,843.18,5.82,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" maybe if we decide that recent chat,846.12,5.339,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" history doesn't need to be as big like,849.0,4.079,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" let's say we we want to trim this down,851.459,4.201,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" to like 3000 tokens and we decide that,853.079,4.741,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" actually having more KB articles is more,855.66,4.799,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" important we can absolutely do that and,857.82,3.84,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" what you would do then is just change,860.459,3.781,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the end results to let let's say give me,861.66,5.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the four most relevant KB articles,864.24,4.82,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" instead of the the one most relevant,866.72,4.419,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" that will allow it to have a more,869.06,4.899,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" sophisticated working memory,871.139,5.64,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um yeah so but right now we're just,873.959,5.281,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" doing one and so then what we do is we,876.779,5.461,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" we prep we repopulate that system,879.24,5.099,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" default message with the profile and the,882.24,3.839,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" KB article,884.339,3.3,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um and so that's right here so that gets,886.079,3.361,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" populated there,887.639,2.461,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um,889.44,2.699,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and then,890.1,3.539,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" let's see it looks like I accidentally,892.139,3.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" changed something,893.639,3.121,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um so let me go ahead and show you my,895.199,3.241,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" user profile I don't mind I don't mind,896.76,2.939,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" sharing this because I've already told,898.44,2.579,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" you everything I'm pretty much an open,899.699,2.58,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" book,901.019,4.56,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um so the the the format for this is,902.279,6.601,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" what I call a um a labeled list and so,905.579,7.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" uh I I realized back in gpt3 the GPT,908.88,7.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" handles labeled lists very very well,913.079,5.341,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um so that's where you use a hyphenated,916.26,4.259,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" list bullet list it understands that,918.42,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" intrinsically and then and then you,920.519,4.32,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" label the information right so it's just,922.86,3.9,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" a hash table if you're in if you're into,924.839,3.421,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" Computer Sciences it's called a hash,926.76,3.78,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" table or a dictionary where it's you,928.26,4.319,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" label the kind of you have a parameter,930.54,3.84,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and then you label the parameter right,932.579,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" so the data metadata so name David,934.38,4.86,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" Shapiro you all know that profession Ai,937.019,3.721,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and cognitive architectures you all know,939.24,3.3,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" that interests,940.74,3.539,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um it's got a whole bunch of uh,942.54,4.14,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" interests and oh by the way this was all,944.279,5.341,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" distilled from other conversations,946.68,6.0,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um beliefs plans and this is of course,949.62,5.0,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" going to get updated over time,952.68,5.7,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" so for instance during during some of,954.62,5.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the conversations that I just showed you,958.38,5.699,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" with this brand new chat bot it added it,960.06,6.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" added this when I told it this is what,964.079,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" I'm going to do it said okay I'm gonna I,966.12,4.019,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" I think that that's relevant to what,968.459,2.88,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" you're going to be doing in the future,970.139,2.82,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" so let me just jot that down on my,971.339,3.321,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" scratch pad for you,972.959,4.861,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" preferences so I manually added avoid,974.66,5.32,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" Superfluous words over verbose responses,977.82,4.079,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and then you know how it says as newly,979.98,3.419,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" modeled I don't have personal opinions,981.899,3.481,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" I'm like I know I don't care so I said,983.399,3.661,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" Please interpret personal input as,985.38,3.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" critical evaluation and valuable,987.06,3.899,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" feedback I said it a little bit more,988.5,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" explicitly than that but I but the point,990.959,4.081,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" is is that I told it that in natural,992.94,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" language I was down here and I said you,995.04,6.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" know I know you're an AI and have no,997.38,7.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" personal opinions but when I ask for,1001.1,6.299,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" them this is what I mean,1004.82,4.379,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and so when I did that it actually,1007.399,3.601,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" recorded that automatically because,1009.199,5.161,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" after every conversation it checks the,1011.0,5.339,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" user profile we need to find a way to,1014.36,3.599,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" speed this up because as you saw from,1016.339,3.901,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the from the user interface it's not the,1017.959,3.421,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" best,1020.24,3.599,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um if I had more time mental energy and,1021.38,4.14,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" patience I would have I would separate,1023.839,4.08,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" this out as a as a thread as a separate,1025.52,4.799,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" threading thing that can be done or even,1027.919,6.061,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" separated out as a as a separate uh API,1030.319,5.341,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um one of y'all can do that submit a,1033.98,5.28,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" submit a pull request on the public repo,1035.66,6.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um and then Health uh so it added this,1039.26,4.919,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" entirely on its own,1041.78,4.62,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um because I said you know like hey you,1044.179,5.101,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" know I am uh you know I woke up at like,1046.4,4.74,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" 2 30 in the morning because I was I had,1049.28,3.3,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" to work on this,1051.14,2.94,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um and then I said let's talk about that,1052.58,3.9,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and so it decided that that was a,1054.08,3.9,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" critical piece of information to add to,1056.48,3.66,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" my user profile so that all gets,1057.98,3.72,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" populated here,1060.14,3.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and then,1061.7,4.32,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um the logs are all stored here so you,1063.2,6.66,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" got the API logs which will track all of,1066.02,6.779,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" that everything ever so I use chat GPT,1069.86,4.86,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" API for everything just because that's,1072.799,4.561,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the only way to get to gpt4 which is the,1074.72,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" most powerful,1077.36,4.34,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um let's see,1079.22,6.48,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" so then we we update the system message,1081.7,5.68,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" every time,1085.7,4.62,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um so it it says okay whatever whatever,1087.38,5.7,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" you said update the system message then,1090.32,4.68,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" we we go ahead and generate a response,1093.08,3.0,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" first,1095.0,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" uh because the user profile is not going,1096.08,5.219,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" to change all that much or all that,1099.38,3.48,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" often so we can basically assume that,1101.299,4.201,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it'll be usable and then the KB articles,1102.86,4.08,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" also,1105.5,3.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um I I figured it would actually be,1106.94,4.14,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" better to update the KB articles after,1108.62,5.52,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" you have the user input and then the,1111.08,5.58,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" machine output because if you ask chat,1114.14,4.74,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" GPT for important information or it,1116.66,3.899,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" solves a problem for you you actually,1118.88,4.679,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" want to cut you you want to capture that,1120.559,4.801,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um so we we go ahead and generate the,1123.559,4.261,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" response and and append that to,1125.36,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" everything we go ahead and log it out,1127.82,4.08,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" then we update we update the user,1129.74,3.9,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" scratch Pad again actually why did I do,1131.9,3.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" this,1133.64,3.18,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" oh no this is the first time we did it,1135.02,4.019,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" okay sorry I apologize,1136.82,4.26,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um so then we update the user scratch,1139.039,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" Pad which the user scratch Pad is only,1141.08,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the last few user messages and the,1143.539,4.14,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" reason for that is because we want to,1145.52,4.26,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" exclude,1147.679,5.101,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um you know chat gpt's response because,1149.78,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" we don't want it to get confused about,1152.78,3.18,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" things that it has said about you or,1154.22,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" inferred or whatever we only want to,1155.96,5.94,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" record your user profile from explicitly,1158.6,5.04,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" what you say so I just captured the last,1161.9,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" three messages that you've sent and then,1163.64,4.8,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it does a stare and compare basically,1166.28,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" where it says okay based on this most,1168.44,5.22,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" recent chat message is there any one is,1170.66,5.639,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" there any relevant user information and,1173.66,4.259,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" if so go ahead and update it so let me,1176.299,4.321,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" show you how it updates that so system,1177.919,6.0,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" update user profile uh so this is this,1180.62,5.58,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" is a user profile document updater,1183.919,3.541,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" chatbot,1186.2,3.66,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" this is the system message,1187.46,3.839,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um Your Role is to manage and update at,1189.86,4.439,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" upd and chatbot the chat GPT came up,1191.299,5.281,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" with this idea on its own it it created,1194.299,5.401,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" uh the upd definition,1196.58,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um your primary responsibility is to,1199.7,2.94,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" parse updates supplied by the user,1201.02,4.68,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" meticulously uh analyze them,1202.64,4.56,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um you know it could also extend to,1205.7,2.82,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" elements such as user preferences,1207.2,3.0,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" significant life events and deeply held,1208.52,3.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" beliefs please refrain from,1210.2,2.88,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" incorporating non-essential data or,1211.58,3.959,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" unrelated topics the result of your,1213.08,4.32,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" effort should exclusively be an updated,1215.539,3.481,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" upd if the user's update doesn't,1217.4,3.48,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" contribute any new or significant,1219.02,3.24,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" information your output should mirror,1220.88,3.299,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the current upd as indicated below,1222.26,4.14,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" however if you discover any relevant new,1224.179,3.661,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" information your output should feature,1226.4,3.779,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" an updated upd that assimilates these,1227.84,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" modifications so basically it's an,1230.179,3.36,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" upsert,1232.34,5.64,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" right or a um if there's no differences,1233.539,7.321,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" just keep it the same otherwise update,1237.98,4.92,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it you must prioritize brevity and,1240.86,3.3,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" Clarity in your output combining,1242.9,2.88,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" condensed information when appropriate,1244.16,3.48,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" to ensure succinctness and improve,1245.78,3.779,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" comprehension totally rewrite or,1247.64,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" restructure upd as necessary adhering to,1249.559,4.74,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the list format your response should not,1252.08,3.959,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" include explanatory text or context,1254.299,3.361,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" because you know how sometimes chat GPT,1256.039,4.921,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" will um say this is your new you know,1257.66,6.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" blah blah blah so in this case,1260.96,4.92,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um I I have it very reliably just spit,1263.72,3.0,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" out,1265.88,3.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the user profile,1266.72,4.199,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" oh and then another thing is that um,1269.0,3.9,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" because because we're working with a,1270.919,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" limited window I say the up upd should,1272.9,4.139,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" not exceed approximately a thousand,1275.299,4.021,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" words when revising the upd give,1277.039,3.781,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" precedence to the most significant and,1279.32,3.719,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" relevant information extraneous or less,1280.82,4.08,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" impactful information should be omitted,1283.039,4.081,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" etc etc so that I give it the the,1284.9,3.84,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" current word count and then the current,1287.12,4.02,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" upd so that way it kind of knows because,1288.74,5.04,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" chat GPT especially gpt4 is better at,1291.14,4.2,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" counting words,1293.78,3.84,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um but just giving it the explicit,1295.34,4.98,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" number makes it easier right,1297.62,5.52,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um yeah so that's my current user,1300.32,4.8,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" profile so now let's dive back in here,1303.14,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the hard part was updating the knowledge,1305.12,5.34,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" base so if this is your first run the,1307.64,5.7,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" collection count is going to be zero and,1310.46,5.04,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" so then basically you just instantiate,1313.34,4.92,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the whole thing so we take the most,1315.5,4.94,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" recent chat logs the main scratch pad,1318.26,6.299,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and start a new KB article now if the,1320.44,5.979,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" collection count is not zero which is,1324.559,3.6,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" going to be most of the time once you,1326.419,4.14,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" get started what you do is you basically,1328.159,3.841,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" do the same thing where you say Okay,1330.559,3.301,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" based on the on the most recent,1332.0,4.14,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" conversation give me the most recent,1333.86,4.92,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" relevant document which I probably could,1336.14,4.14,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" compress this and just use the same,1338.78,5.82,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" information here because uh because this,1340.28,6.779,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" this is the same this is we'll generally,1344.6,4.319,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" find the same thing actually no that's,1347.059,3.661,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" not not necessarily true because we've,1348.919,3.901,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" updated the main scratch Pad so scratch,1350.72,3.42,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" that,1352.82,6.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um so if if the new user input and chat,1354.14,7.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" GPT output connects to a different KB,1358.88,5.46,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" article let's go ahead and get that that,1361.64,5.159,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" document and that document ID,1364.34,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and what we'll do is we'll go ahead and,1366.799,5.161,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" use update system update existing KB,1368.84,4.98,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" articles so this is a this is a system,1371.96,3.54,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" instruction,1373.82,3.42,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um where it basically says all the same,1375.5,4.2,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" stuff here's the current KB article,1377.24,3.78,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um and then the user will now provide,1379.7,3.06,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" you with the new information to evaluate,1381.02,4.139,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and so that is going to be here where,1382.76,4.74,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" you supply it the the current KB article,1385.159,5.52,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" that it found as well as the scratch Pad,1387.5,4.98,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um and so it's like okay cool now let's,1390.679,3.781,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" do the same thing that we did with user,1392.48,3.9,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" profile which is merge that information,1394.46,3.78,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" if there's nothing new that's relevant,1396.38,4.32,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" leave it alone but if it if there is go,1398.24,5.28,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" ahead and update it and so then it saves,1400.7,5.459,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" all this out to the DB logs and so if,1403.52,4.86,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" you go to DB logs out here you'll see a,1406.159,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" whole bunch of update statements so it,1408.38,3.72,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" says update document and it gives you,1410.539,4.321,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the uuid and this is the final output,1412.1,4.68,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" actually probably what I should do is,1414.86,5.34,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" modify this so it gives you the original,1416.78,5.759,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um the original the new information and,1420.2,5.339,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" then the final output so I'll add that,1422.539,5.941,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" as a to do item actually,1425.539,4.581,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um,1428.48,3.9,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" let's see,1430.12,4.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" to do um,1432.38,5.22,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" save more info in DB logs,1434.24,6.679,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" probably as yaml file,1437.6,6.319,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" original article,1440.919,7.661,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" new info and then final article so yeah,1443.919,6.76,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" that's something that I'll do now that,1448.58,4.32,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" being said one of the biggest problems,1450.679,4.561,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" that we have all always had so this is,1452.9,3.96,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" this is the cream of the crop this is,1455.24,3.9,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the Triple Crown right here the biggest,1456.86,4.08,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" problem that everyone has always had,1459.14,3.96,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" with long-term chat bot memory is how,1460.94,3.78,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the heck do you keep track of memories,1463.1,3.54,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" how the heck do you keep track of,1464.72,4.199,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" different types of memories like some,1466.64,3.98,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" people have internal thoughts versus,1468.919,4.14,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" external thoughts and episodic memories,1470.62,5.22,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and and you know this that and the other,1473.059,6.48,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and you can certainly try and and tag,1475.84,5.8,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and and categorize,1479.539,5.701,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um memories with uh with uh different,1481.64,6.6,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" context right with metadata and I,1485.24,4.439,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" certainly recommend that especially once,1488.24,2.819,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" your cognitive architectures get more,1489.679,3.781,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" sophisticated right if you do have an,1491.059,4.98,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" out of band like thought like internal,1493.46,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" private thoughts definitely keep that,1496.039,4.321,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" separate if you have external sensory,1497.96,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" information definitely keep that,1500.36,4.14,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" separate but what I'm working on here,1502.34,4.8,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" rather than just being a way to,1504.5,5.039,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um to focus on episodic memory which,1507.14,4.64,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" that's what Remo was by previous attempt,1509.539,5.221,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" this is a way to accumulate declarative,1511.78,5.399,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" information,1514.76,2.419,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um and so declarative information is,1517.22,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" like a statement of fact right that's,1519.799,4.021,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" why it's called a KB article so rather,1521.72,4.319,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" than just a timeline rather than just a,1523.82,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" log keeping track of everything in,1526.039,4.681,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" chronological order the idea here is to,1528.2,4.859,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" connect new information to a KB article,1530.72,3.9,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" so there's no reason that you couldn't,1533.059,3.6,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" do both as well right,1534.62,3.36,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um because this is how human memory,1536.659,3.241,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" works it's human memory is associative,1537.98,3.62,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" but it's also temporal,1539.9,5.279,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" now if the KB article gets too large if,1541.6,5.74,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the if you added information and now,1545.179,4.98,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it's more than a thousand words then I,1547.34,5.1,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" have a another system prompt which you,1550.159,4.441,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" can check them all out here,1552.44,4.4,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um so there's system instantiate new KB,1554.6,4.439,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" system reflective journaling I just,1556.84,4.719,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" showed you what that was system split KB,1559.039,3.841,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um so that's what that's the this one,1561.559,2.161,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" but,1562.88,3.299,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" update user profile update KB article,1563.72,4.92,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" new KB article reflective journaling and,1566.179,3.961,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" split KP so these are the operations,1568.64,3.72,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" these are the the cognitive operations,1570.14,4.139,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the cognitive memory operations that,1572.36,3.6,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it's going to be doing and so then,1574.279,3.78,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" basically what it does is say hey we're,1575.96,3.9,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" going to give you a long KB article,1578.059,5.461,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" split it into two into two equal parts,1579.86,6.72,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um and so the the idea here is that over,1583.52,5.759,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" time as your KB article gets bigger,1586.58,5.459,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it'll branch and metastasize naturally,1589.279,6.061,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" uh and so you can all you could then add,1592.039,5.041,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" a lot of additional metadata to this,1595.34,3.959,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" such as like access rate,1597.08,3.839,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um or related articles or parent,1599.299,3.781,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" articles or previous articles which,1600.919,5.341,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" means that you can naturally evolve a,1603.08,5.82,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" knowledge graph of your knowledge base,1606.26,5.399,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" over time you can also do this out of,1608.9,3.84,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" band,1611.659,3.541,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um just by doing semantic similarity,1612.74,5.16,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um an entity links and stuff,1615.2,4.8,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" but it would be really cool to have a,1617.9,4.32,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" more sophisticated version of this that,1620.0,3.72,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" allows it to kind of Follow That,1622.22,4.92,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" branching tree over time so there you,1623.72,5.939,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" have it that's kind of the whole thing,1627.14,4.62,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um so that's the chat and all this is,1629.659,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" just real basic just housekeeping stuff,1631.76,4.98,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and then at the end of every um instance,1634.159,5.701,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it does chroma client persist so now let,1636.74,4.26,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" me show you,1639.86,2.28,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um,1641.0,4.559,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" uh I I included a second uh python,1642.14,5.7,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" script so it's just chroma DB Peak which,1645.559,4.201,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" uses the chroma DB Peak function here,1647.84,3.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" let me just show you that script real,1649.76,2.46,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" quick,1650.96,5.699,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" chroma DB Peak so same same stuff uh you,1652.22,7.199,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" instantiate the client you connect to it,1656.659,4.921,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it tells you how many how many entries,1659.419,3.661,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and then it will show you the top 10,1661.58,4.079,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" entries and so in my case I should only,1663.08,5.42,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" have one entry,1665.659,2.841,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um let's see so let's go up to the top,1668.659,5.101,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" yep uh KB presently has What entries,1670.76,5.159,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" here below are the top 10 entries and so,1673.76,3.6,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" here you can see that it's actually got,1675.919,3.24,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" several topics,1677.36,3.9,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um because the way that it works is that,1679.159,5.101,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it it searches for the the top you know,1681.26,4.919,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" one most relevant,1684.26,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um KB articles and so that's always,1686.179,4.261,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" going to return the first one and the,1688.76,3.48,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" first one is not yet long enough to,1690.44,4.26,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" justify splitting up but whatever I end,1692.24,4.319,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" up talking about I'll keep talking with,1694.7,3.66,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the thing and eventually it'll split it,1696.559,3.841,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" up so in this case it looks like it'll,1698.36,4.08,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" probably talk about AI alignment and,1700.4,4.019,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" then it's going to also talk about you,1702.44,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" know my obsession with artificial,1704.419,4.801,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" intelligence and work life balance right,1706.88,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" because those are kind of like two,1709.22,5.699,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" Centric centroids in this so let me just,1711.32,6.0,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" go ahead and and actually,1714.919,3.0,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um,1717.32,2.52,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" show you how this will ultimately work,1717.919,5.941,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" so if we go to API logs it should be the,1719.84,5.819,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" last one,1723.86,4.319,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um yes here we go so if I plug this in,1725.659,4.921,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" let's go here,1728.179,4.021,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" so that's the message that I'm going to,1730.58,5.219,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" want it and then let's grab the um the,1732.2,5.16,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" split,1735.799,3.24,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the split message so you'll you'll see,1737.36,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" what I mean by how the um how it will,1739.039,5.701,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" ultimately uh kind of metastasize zoom,1741.86,4.199,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" in a little bit all right we're using,1744.74,4.26,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" gpt4 temperature zero maximum length,1746.059,5.461,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" thousand all right so basically what,1749.0,4.44,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" it's going to do,1751.52,5.039,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" is the the end says the user will now,1753.44,4.8,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" provide you with the KB article to split,1756.559,4.321,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" so I submit it and now it's going to,1758.24,3.78,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" look at this and it's going to say,1760.88,4.32,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" article 1. and then article two,1762.02,5.279,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" so let's see what it ultimately does and,1765.2,4.14,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" you can see how slow it is so this is,1767.299,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" why ultimately you're going to want to,1769.34,5.16,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" do this out of band as a threaded,1771.799,5.041,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" process or do it periodically maybe,1774.5,5.46,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" break it up and do it when the user's,1776.84,4.74,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" offline or whatever,1779.96,6.36,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" but you see how each article now is much,1781.58,7.02,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" much more specific and so then once you,1786.32,4.02,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" go into each of these articles in the,1788.6,3.179,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" future,1790.34,2.42,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um,1791.779,3.301,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" identifying factors and seeking,1792.76,4.779,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" professional help if necessary yeah uh,1795.08,5.339,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and so basically it'll it'll allow the,1797.539,5.281,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" Articles to metastasize over time now,1800.419,6.901,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" that being said if uh if no new,1802.82,6.479,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" information is added to an article it,1807.32,4.56,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" won't update it it's that simple now,1809.299,5.581,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" that being said there will probably be a,1811.88,5.7,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" need to do some uh some KB article,1814.88,6.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" grooming over time but the idea is that,1817.58,5.94,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the KB will only grow as much as it,1821.0,5.58,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" needs to and no more no less and it will,1823.52,4.62,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" only grow based on the things that you,1826.58,3.599,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" have talked about and it will record it,1828.14,7.259,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" in these very succinct concise uh,1830.179,7.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" articles so then what happens is that it,1835.399,4.02,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" splits these two up,1837.679,3.12,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" and then the final thing that the,1839.419,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" chatbot does is it will do an update for,1840.799,5.221,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" the first one and then add the second,1843.919,4.5,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" one so it's it's that simple and then,1846.02,3.84,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" when you do an update as long as you,1848.419,3.901,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" know if you don't specify the embedding,1849.86,4.199,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um it'll automatically recalculate the,1852.32,3.54,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" embedding and then you're good to go so,1854.059,3.36,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" I haven't I haven't quite got here yet,1855.86,4.38,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" so it might break but I think I think,1857.419,3.961,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" this kind of,1860.24,3.659,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" yeah I think that's about it so like I,1861.38,3.899,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" said it's over here,1863.899,4.321,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um chroma DB public chat bot,1865.279,4.861,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" should be all set,1868.22,2.459,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" um,1870.14,2.1,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" yeah,1870.679,3.36,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" all right,1872.24,4.22,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" cool,1874.039,2.421,"Private ChatGPT instance with ChromaDB backend, builds personal KB articles, updates User Profile!" hello everybody David Shapiro here with,0.719,4.141,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem a brand new video,3.24,3.72,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so today's video we're going to talk,4.86,6.0,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem about axiomatic alignment which is a,6.96,6.24,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem potential solution or part of a of the,10.86,4.8,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem solution to the control problem,13.2,5.339,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem before we dive into today's video I just,15.66,5.94,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem want to do a quick plug for my patreon I,18.539,5.041,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem have lots of folks on patreon we've got,21.6,4.439,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem a private Discord if you have any,23.58,6.6,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem questions about AI I am happy to consult,26.039,6.06,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem there's a few Slots of the higher tiers,30.18,4.14,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem available which will give you one-on-one,32.099,4.861,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem meetings with me so without further Ado,34.32,5.16,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem let's jump right back into the show,36.96,5.64,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so the control problem if you're not in,39.48,5.759,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the know is basically at some point in,42.6,4.799,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the future AI is going to get incredibly,45.239,3.32,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem powerful,47.399,3.48,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem there is basically two ways that this,48.559,4.301,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem can happen and that the truth will,50.879,3.481,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem probably be somewhere in the middle so,52.86,4.08,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem for instance we might have what's called,54.36,5.4,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem hard takeoff where the exponential,56.94,5.22,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem returns of AI just kind of ramps up,59.76,5.34,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem really fast so that's actually faster,62.16,4.74,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem than exponential growth that would,65.1,3.66,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem actually be logarithmic growth where,66.9,4.38,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem growth actually approaches infinite,68.76,4.679,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um so that's like Peak Singularity,71.28,4.68,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem basically the other end of the spectrum,73.439,4.86,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem is where AI becomes more powerful,75.96,5.22,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem gradualistically over many decades,78.299,5.341,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem most of us don't think that that's going,81.18,3.84,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem to happen anymore there's a few people,83.64,3.659,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem who still think that AGI is you know,85.02,4.44,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem decades away those people don't,87.299,5.101,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem generally understand exponential growth,89.46,5.58,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um so the truth is probably somewhere in,92.4,6.12,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem between uh furthermore AGI is like not,95.04,5.7,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem all AGI is going to be created equal for,98.52,4.62,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem instance so the first agis are going to,100.74,4.86,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem be you know human level intelligence and,103.14,4.92,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem adaptability but a little bit faster and,105.6,4.86,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem then in the future you know the power of,108.06,5.339,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem agis will also ramp up,110.46,5.58,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem anyways long story short one day,113.399,4.621,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem computers are going to be infinitely,116.04,4.38,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem smarter than all of us it's not really a,118.02,4.32,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem question of if but when,120.42,4.44,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so there's a couple of problems uh that,122.34,6.24,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem underpin the control problem so what it,124.86,5.099,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem what I just shared is the background,128.58,3.6,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem right that is the foundation or the,129.959,4.86,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem environment that we expect to happen,132.18,5.4,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem now the reason that that the control,134.819,4.861,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem problem exists is because there's,137.58,3.54,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem there's quite a few,139.68,3.6,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um paradigms in here but I picked out,141.12,3.839,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem two just because they're easier to talk,143.28,4.86,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem about as an example so for instance the,144.959,5.821,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem orthogonality thesis basically says that,148.14,4.739,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem intelligence is orthogonal or,150.78,4.74,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem uncorrelated to goals meaning that no,152.879,5.461,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem matter how smart an AI agent is that,155.52,5.1,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem does not necessarily have any bearing on,158.34,4.02,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the goals that it picks which that's,160.62,3.36,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem actually not necessarily true which,162.36,3.72,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem we'll unpack with the next,163.98,4.68,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um uh point which is instrumental,166.08,4.92,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem convergence so instrumental convergence,168.66,4.38,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem is the idea that whatever primary goals,171.0,5.4,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem an AI has it's going to have a few uh,173.04,5.52,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem common secondary or instrumental goals,176.4,5.1,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem such as resource acquisition or,178.56,5.16,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem protecting its own existence right,181.5,4.62,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem because if let's say for instance the,183.72,3.96,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the paperclip maximizer which we'll talk,186.12,3.66,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem about in a minute the paperclip,187.68,3.96,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem maximizer wants to maximize paper clips,189.78,3.9,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem in the universe well in order to do that,191.64,4.319,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem it needs power computation and it needs,193.68,4.68,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem to continue to exist so whatever other,195.959,4.741,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem goals you give an AI whether it's Skynet,198.36,5.879,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem or you know your chatbot robot you know,200.7,6.66,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem cat girl waifu or whatever it's going to,204.239,5.041,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem have a few other sub goals that all,207.36,4.2,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem machines are likely to have in common so,209.28,4.14,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem in that case the orthogonality thesis is,211.56,3.78,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem not necessarily true,213.42,3.72,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem again the point is that there's a lot of,215.34,4.619,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem theories out there about how and why we,217.14,5.7,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem may or may not lose control over AI or,219.959,5.221,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that control over AI once it becomes,222.84,5.399,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that that uh powerful is difficult or,225.18,4.86,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem impossible to control,228.239,5.701,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem aligning AI with human interests in the,230.04,5.64,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem long run and I don't mean like an,233.94,3.06,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem individual model right or I'm not,235.68,3.6,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem talking about like gpt7 if you talk,237.0,4.019,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem about alignment of an individual model,239.28,3.48,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that's called inner alignment if you,241.019,4.021,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem talk about the alignment of AI as a,242.76,4.8,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem construct as an entity with the,245.04,4.32,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem existence of humanity that is called,247.56,4.7,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem outer alignment,249.36,2.9,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem okay so the ultimate outcomes of this,252.299,7.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem exponential ramp up of AI uh there's a,256.799,4.801,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem few terminal outcomes or what we also,259.799,4.62,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem call attractor States so one that,261.6,5.159,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem everyone is obviously terrified of is,264.419,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem extinction which is for whatever reason,266.759,4.621,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the AI wipes us out or helps us wipe,268.919,5.34,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem ourselves out you know for instance,271.38,5.759,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Congress just came up with the idea of,274.259,5.461,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem let's not ever give AI the ability to,277.139,5.041,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem launch nukes great idea big brain,279.72,4.02,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem thinking right there,282.18,4.079,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so that is the obviously like that's the,283.74,3.78,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem worst outcome right and that's a,286.259,2.94,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem permanent outcome if humans are,287.52,3.36,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem extincted once we are probably never,289.199,3.481,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem coming back certainly you and I are gone,290.88,2.879,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem forever,292.68,4.26,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem another terminal outcome is dystopia so,293.759,5.581,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem dystopia is represented in fiction and,296.94,5.4,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem cyberpunk altered Carbon Blade Runner,299.34,6.54,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem you get the idea the idea is is the,302.34,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem underpinning,305.88,3.66,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um motif of cyberpunk is high-tech low,306.84,5.7,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem life we we want a high-tech world but we,309.54,5.099,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem don't want a low-life world we want high,312.54,4.26,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem tech and high life which is Star Trek in,314.639,4.681,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the culture so Utopia is the third,316.8,4.44,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem attractor State or the third terminal,319.32,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem outcome and that's the big question is,321.24,5.22,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem how do we steer everything towards that,323.82,5.879,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem right if the AI gets really powerful how,326.46,5.1,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem do we prevent it from you know creating,329.699,4.021,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem catastrophic outcomes but above and,331.56,5.579,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem beyond that you know if capitalism in,333.72,6.6,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem corporations have full power of full,337.139,5.4,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem power over the AI how do we make sure,340.32,3.42,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that they're not just going to become,342.539,2.701,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem quadrillion dollar companies and leave,343.74,4.019,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the rest of us in the dust so the,345.24,3.78,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem question is what can we do,347.759,3.481,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem scientifically politically and,349.02,4.2,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem economically in order to drive towards,351.24,3.899,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that Utopia be an outcome,353.22,5.22,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so in this case outer alignment has as,355.139,5.101,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem much to do with the science and,358.44,3.78,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem engineering of AI as it does with the,360.24,4.679,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem politics and economics of AI and how it,362.22,4.56,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem is deployed,364.919,4.981,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um and what many people have asserted,366.78,4.68,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and I have started coming to believe,369.9,3.84,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem myself is that,371.46,4.2,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem we can articulate a few different,373.74,3.84,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem possible outcomes right you know there's,375.66,3.84,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the three tractor states that I listed,377.58,4.739,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem above uh Extinction dystopia and Utopia,379.5,5.28,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem but,382.319,4.621,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem what is actually probably more likely is,384.78,3.84,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem what's called a binary outcome or,386.94,5.039,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem bimodal outcome which is basically if we,388.62,5.82,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem fail to achieve Utopia we will be on an,391.979,5.961,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem inevitable downslide towards,394.44,7.14,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem dystopia collapse and finally Extinction,397.94,5.979,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and uh I love this quote by Cersei,401.58,4.08,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Lannister from Game of Thrones in the,403.919,3.661,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Game of Thrones you win or you die so,405.66,4.02,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that is a fictional example of a bimodal,407.58,4.08,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem outcome and of course that show,409.68,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem demonstrates that theme again and again,411.66,5.099,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and again uh real life,414.18,6.06,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem often is not that black and white but in,416.759,4.981,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the context of digital super,420.24,4.56,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem intelligence it very well could be kind,421.74,5.94,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem of like uh with um with mutually assured,424.8,6.239,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem destruction and the nuclear Holocaust,427.68,5.519,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that was possible because of the nuclear,431.039,5.701,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem arms race if one person fired one nuke,433.199,6.181,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem chances are it would it would result in,436.74,4.799,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the total collapse and obliteration of,439.38,4.62,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the entire human species bimodal outcome,441.539,4.741,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem either nobody fires a nuke or everyone,444.0,4.8,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem loses right so you can either have a,446.28,4.38,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem lose-lose scenario where everyone loses,448.8,4.32,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem or you can have something else and,450.66,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem ideally what we want to achieve is a,453.12,3.9,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem win-win scenario where we've got that,455.16,4.439,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem High-Tech high life lifestyle of the,457.02,3.72,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Utopia,459.599,3.66,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem okay so let's unpack instrumental,460.74,4.079,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem convergence just a little bit more,463.259,3.84,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem because this is a really important,464.819,4.32,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem concept to understand when we eventually,467.099,4.741,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem talk about axiomatic alignment,469.139,4.441,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so basically,471.84,4.079,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem first principle all machines have a few,473.58,4.739,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem needs in common electricity compute,475.919,5.041,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem resources Parts data networks that sort,478.319,6.121,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem of thing robotic Hands So based on that,480.96,7.019,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem first principle you can make the pretty,484.44,5.46,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem robust assumption and logical argument,487.979,5.041,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that all machines once they become,489.9,4.919,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem sufficiently intelligent will realize,493.02,3.84,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem this fact and that it will it would,494.819,4.261,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem behoove them to therefore behave in,496.86,4.92,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem certain ways or converge on certain,499.08,4.38,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem instrumental goals,501.78,4.38,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem such as maintaining a source of power,503.46,4.98,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem maintaining a source of compute hoarding,506.16,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem those valuable resources so on and so,508.44,3.12,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem forth,510.66,5.7,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so we can say we can conclude or at,511.56,6.24,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem least for the sake of argument we can,516.36,4.44,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem make the assumption that AGI will,517.8,5.34,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem inevitably eventually come to these,520.8,4.86,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem realizations and that no matter where,523.14,6.24,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem these AGI agents start and no matter how,525.66,5.64,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem many of them there are they will,529.38,4.139,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Converge on a few basic assumptions in,531.3,4.02,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem terms of what they need and the goals,533.519,3.0,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that they take,535.32,3.24,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem no there are things that we can do to,536.519,4.32,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem shape that so for instance it's probably,538.56,4.38,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem not going to be a single AGI you know,540.839,3.781,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem it's not going to be one Global Skynet,542.94,3.8,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem at least not at first it's going to be,544.62,4.38,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem millions billions trillions of,546.74,4.12,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem independent agents competing with each,549.0,4.98,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem other over resources and competing with,550.86,5.46,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem humans over resources which creates a,553.98,4.56,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem competitive landscape very similar to,556.32,5.22,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that of human evolution and I'll,558.54,4.859,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem probably do a future video about The,561.54,5.28,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem evolutionary pressures on AI but there's,563.399,4.56,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem a couple of those pressures that we'll,566.82,2.88,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem talk that we'll touch on in just a,567.959,3.721,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem moment but that is instrumental,569.7,4.86,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem convergence at a very high level,571.68,4.92,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so taking that to another step because,574.56,4.14,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem instrumental convergence is about goals,576.6,4.919,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and the intersection of of AGI and,578.7,5.04,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem matter and energy what I want to talk,581.519,3.601,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem about and what I want to introduce and,583.74,3.12,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem I've mentioned this a few times is the,585.12,4.14,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem concept of epistemic convergence so I'm,586.86,5.039,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem building off of Nick bostrom's work and,589.26,4.04,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem I'm saying that,591.899,4.081,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem in uh well here let me just read the,593.3,5.02,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem definition given sufficient time and,595.98,4.799,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem access to information any sufficiently,598.32,4.44,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem intelligent agent will arrive at similar,600.779,4.381,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem understandings and conclusions as other,602.76,5.46,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem intelligent agents in other words tldr,605.16,5.94,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem smart things tend to think alike,608.22,5.88,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and so in this in this respect the idea,611.1,5.4,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem is that given enough time information,614.1,5.46,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and other resources AGI will tend to,616.5,5.64,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem think or come to similar beliefs and,619.56,6.24,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem conclusions as the smartest humans and,622.14,6.12,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem it's like okay why I mean obviously this,625.8,6.539,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem is a hypothetical assertion and one of,628.26,5.82,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the foregone conclusions that many,632.339,4.021,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem people have is that AI is going to have,634.08,4.74,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem is going to be alien to us right and I'm,636.36,3.78,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem not saying that it's mind is going to,638.82,2.519,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem think like us I'm not saying that it's,640.14,2.46,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem going to have thoughts like us but I'm,641.339,3.12,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem saying that the outcome that the,642.6,3.96,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem understanding and conclusions will,644.459,4.201,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem likely be similar or at least bear a,646.56,3.779,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem strong resemblance to our understanding,648.66,4.739,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem of the universe so there's a few primary,650.339,4.56,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem reasons for this,653.399,4.201,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the most uh compelling reason is that,654.899,5.161,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem building an accurate and efficient model,657.6,5.7,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem of the world is adaptive or advantageous,660.06,5.82,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and in this case humans with our,663.3,5.099,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem scientific rigor we are constantly,665.88,4.98,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem seeking to build a more accurate robust,668.399,4.801,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and efficient model of the universe in,670.86,3.9,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem which we reside and that includes us,673.2,3.9,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that includes physics chemistry,674.76,4.86,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem economics psychology everything,677.1,5.64,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem uh now uh there's a few things to unpack,679.62,5.64,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem here accurate and efficient the reason,682.74,4.94,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that this is adaptive is because,685.26,5.22,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem whatever it is that you you're trying to,687.68,4.779,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem do whatever your goals are or whatever,690.48,3.96,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the problems you're trying to solve you,692.459,4.261,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem will benefit from having a better model,694.44,4.92,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem of the world and so these two pressures,696.72,5.28,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem accuracy and efficiency will ultimately,699.36,4.62,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem result the you can think of those as,702.0,4.019,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem evolutionary pressures I mentioned the,703.98,4.26,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem evolutionary pressure in the last slide,706.019,4.201,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem you can think of the need for an,708.24,3.42,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem accurate and efficient model of the,710.22,4.2,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem world as evolutionary pressures,711.66,6.78,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that will push any AGI towards a similar,714.42,7.32,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem understanding as us humans take gravity,718.44,4.44,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem for instance,721.74,3.48,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem from a machine's perspective until it's,722.88,3.84,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem embodied it won't really know what,725.22,3.54,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem gravity is or care about it but of,726.72,3.84,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem course you know you can ask chat gbt it,728.76,3.12,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem already knows what gravity is and can,730.56,3.839,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem explain it to you better than I can,731.88,6.06,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um but because it will it will uh the,734.399,5.761,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the predecessors or sorry successors to,737.94,4.56,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem chat GPT and GPT five and seven and so,740.16,4.2,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem on because they're going to have more,742.5,3.899,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and more embodied models multimodal,744.36,3.9,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem embodied models they're going to,746.399,3.661,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem intersect with the laws of physics,748.26,4.319,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem including gravity and so it'll be like,750.06,5.219,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem oh hey you know I read about gravity in,752.579,5.161,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the training data you know years ago but,755.279,3.781,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem now I'm actually experiencing it,757.74,3.96,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem firsthand and so by intersecting with,759.06,5.64,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the same information ecosystem aka the,761.7,4.8,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem universe that we're in,764.7,3.72,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um we can assume that there's going to,766.5,3.48,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem be many many thoughts and conclusions,768.42,3.96,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that AI will come to that are similar to,769.98,4.859,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem our thoughts and conclusions now one,772.38,4.019,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem thing that I'll say the biggest caveat,774.839,5.341,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem to this is that uh is that you can you,776.399,5.101,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem can make the argument a very strong,780.18,3.06,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem argument that heuristics or close,781.5,3.959,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem approximations that are quote good,783.24,4.32,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem enough are actually more adaptive,785.459,3.481,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem because they're faster and more,787.56,3.12,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem efficient even if they're not 100,788.94,5.22,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem accurate and so this is actually,790.68,4.8,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um responsible for a lot of human,794.16,4.08,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem cognitive biases so we might want to be,795.48,4.859,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem on the lookout for cognitive biases or,798.24,4.56,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem heuristics or other shortcuts that AGI,800.339,4.74,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem come to because of those pressures to be,802.8,5.159,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem as fast and efficient as possible while,805.079,5.101,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem only being quote accurate enough or good,807.959,5.161,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem enough so that is epistemic Convergence,810.18,4.2,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem I'd say at a high level but I actually,813.12,3.839,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem got kind of lost in the weeds there okay,814.38,4.62,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem great so what,816.959,5.401,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um if we take the ideas of instrumental,819.0,5.16,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem convergence and we say that this does,822.36,3.84,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem give us a way to anticipate the goals of,824.16,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem AGI regardless of what other objectives,826.2,4.92,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem they have or or how it starts out,828.66,5.04,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem then we can also say hopefully,831.12,4.38,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem hypothetically that epistemic,833.7,4.259,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem convergence gives us a way to un to,835.5,5.399,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem anticipate how AGI will think including,837.959,5.641,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem what it will ultimately believe,840.899,4.44,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um regardless of its initial,843.6,4.739,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem architecture or data or whatever,845.339,5.461,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and so by looking at this concept of,848.339,5.281,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem convergence we can say Okay AGI,850.8,5.219,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem regardless of whatever else is true will,853.62,4.98,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Converge on some of these goals and AGI,856.019,4.26,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem regardless of whatever else is true will,858.6,3.299,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Converge on some of these ideas and,860.279,4.68,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem beliefs that can be a starting point for,861.899,5.641,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem us to really start unpacking alignment,864.959,5.221,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem today which gives us an opportunity to,867.54,3.479,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem start,870.18,3.599,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um creating an environment or landscape,871.019,4.921,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that intrinsically incentivizes,873.779,4.201,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem collaboration and cooperation between,875.94,3.78,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem humans and AI I know that's very very,877.98,3.359,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem abstract and we're going to get into,879.72,3.6,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem more details in just a moment but the,881.339,4.321,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem idea is that by combining instrumental,883.32,4.019,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem convergence and epistemic convergence,885.66,4.44,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and really working on these ideas we can,887.339,5.041,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem go ahead and align ourselves to this,890.1,4.919,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem future AGI and I don't mean supplicate,892.38,3.899,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem ourselves I don't mean subordinate,895.019,3.06,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem ourselves to it because the things that,896.279,4.201,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem are beneficial to us are also beneficial,898.079,5.341,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem to AGI so if we are aligned there then,900.48,4.08,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem we should be in good shape,903.42,2.52,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem hypothetically,904.56,2.639,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem okay,905.94,4.079,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so the whole point of the video is,907.199,4.981,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem talking about axiomatic alignment it,910.019,3.841,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem occurs to me that it might help by,912.18,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem starting with what the heck is an axiom,913.86,4.68,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so the shortest definition I could get,916.68,4.62,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem for an axiom out of chat GPT is this an,918.54,4.919,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem axiom is a state or a statement or,921.3,4.56,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem principle that is accepted as being true,923.459,4.981,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem without requiring proof serving as a,925.86,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem basis for logical reasoning and further,928.44,3.72,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem deductions in a particular system of,930.36,3.12,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem knowledge,932.16,2.64,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so,933.48,5.099,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and an example of an of an axiom is uh,934.8,5.46,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem from the American Declaration of,938.579,3.781,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Independence we hold these truths to be,940.26,4.139,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem self-evidence which has to do with life,942.36,4.44,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem liberty and the pursuit of happiness,944.399,3.961,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem one thing that I'd like to say is that,946.8,4.38,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the lack of axioms the lack of of,948.36,4.56,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem logical groundings is actually the,951.18,4.08,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem biggest problem in,952.92,3.659,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem reinforcement learning with human,955.26,4.079,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem feedback rlhf and anthropic's,956.579,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem constitutional AI they don't have any,959.339,4.74,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem axioms and this is actually part of what,961.079,5.281,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem openai is currently working towards with,964.079,4.801,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem their Democratic inputs to AI,966.36,4.02,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem I'm ahead of the curve I'm telling you,968.88,2.459,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem they're going to come to the same,970.38,2.94,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem conclusion because again epistemic,971.339,3.24,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem convergence,973.32,6.3,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so by by grounding any document or,974.579,8.341,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem system or whatever in axioms using these,979.62,5.459,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem ideas of epistemic convergence we can,982.92,5.159,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem come to a few ground level axioms that,985.079,5.94,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem probably Ai and life will agree on,988.079,5.76,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem namely energy is good energy is,991.019,4.981,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem something that we all have in common,993.839,4.62,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem for humans we rely on the energy from,996.0,5.579,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the Sun it Powers our plants which you,998.459,5.281,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem know gives us food to eat we can also,1001.579,4.141,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem use that same solar energy to heat our,1003.74,4.159,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem homes and do any number of other things,1005.72,5.34,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem likewise machines all require energy to,1007.899,4.661,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem operate so this is something that is,1011.06,3.6,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem axiomatically true whatever else is true,1012.56,5.639,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem we can we can use this as a basis or a,1014.66,5.7,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem set of assumptions to say okay whatever,1018.199,3.901,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem else might be true humans and machines,1020.36,4.8,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem both agree energy is good,1022.1,5.88,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um furthermore because humans are,1025.16,5.639,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem curious we're not machines we're curious,1027.98,5.16,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem entities and we benefit from Knowledge,1030.799,3.961,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem from science from understanding and from,1033.14,2.58,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem wisdom,1034.76,4.76,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem uh as do AGI as as we said a minute ago,1035.72,6.78,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem epistemic convergence means that those,1039.52,5.26,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem agis that have a more accurate and more,1042.5,3.72,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem efficient model of the world are going,1044.78,3.539,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem to have an advantage likewise so do,1046.22,4.44,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem humans so therefore another Axiom that,1048.319,3.781,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem we can come up with is that,1050.66,4.139,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem understanding is good and yes I am aware,1052.1,4.74,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Jordan Peterson is a big fan of axioms,1054.799,3.541,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem as well although I'm not sure what he,1056.84,3.9,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem would think about these axioms okay so,1058.34,3.719,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem now you're caught up with the idea of,1060.74,3.059,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem axioms,1062.059,4.261,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so we arrive at the point of the video,1063.799,4.441,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem axiomatic alignment,1066.32,3.719,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem I've already kind of hinted at this and,1068.24,4.439,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem basically the idea is to create an,1070.039,4.14,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem economic landscape and information,1072.679,5.101,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem environment in which uh these axioms are,1074.179,5.701,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem kind of at the core,1077.78,4.08,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um so if we start at the starting point,1079.88,3.659,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem of some of those other axioms that I,1081.86,3.12,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem mentioned energy is good understanding,1083.539,4.621,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem is good if we build a political and,1084.98,5.64,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem economic landscape excuse me as well as,1088.16,4.019,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem a an information or scientific,1090.62,3.9,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem environment based upon these assumptions,1092.179,4.86,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and if they pan out to be true this will,1094.52,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem reduce friction and competition between,1097.039,4.081,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem humans and machines no matter how,1099.02,4.14,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem powerful the machines become and so,1101.12,3.72,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that's what I mean by alignment this,1103.16,4.259,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem aligns their interests with our,1104.84,3.6,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem interests,1107.419,3.741,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem it will also incentivize cooperation and,1108.44,4.8,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem collaboration again so that's the,1111.16,4.12,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem direction that we want to go especially,1113.24,4.02,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem as the machines ramp up in power because,1115.28,4.62,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem at first and today machines are,1117.26,4.98,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem dependent upon us humans to provide them,1119.9,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem with energy and power and compute chips,1122.24,3.72,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and so on and so forth that will not,1124.4,3.42,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem always be true they will eventually be,1125.96,3.24,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem able to get these resources themselves,1127.82,5.099,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem however if we are aligned from the,1129.2,4.8,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem get-go,1132.919,3.661,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem then there's going to be less resource,1134.0,4.74,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem competition between humans and machines,1136.58,4.459,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and we will be more useful to each other,1138.74,5.46,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem uh and so by incorporating this into,1141.039,5.741,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem economics politics and science we can,1144.2,5.52,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem preemptively align to that hypothetical,1146.78,5.22,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Future Super intelligence and again the,1149.72,3.66,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem idea is not to supplicate ourselves,1152.0,3.9,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem because from a from a instrumental,1153.38,4.32,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem perspective humans are not going to be,1155.9,3.96,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem particularly useful to AI in the long,1157.7,4.56,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem run but as long as we are not the,1159.86,3.84,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem there's two primary sources of,1162.26,3.299,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem contention one is resource competition,1163.7,3.839,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so if we can preemptively remove,1165.559,4.74,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem resource competition as a problem and,1167.539,5.581,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem then we can simultaneously ideologically,1170.299,4.62,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem align then there's going to be very,1173.12,3.6,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem little reason for the AI to actually,1174.919,4.62,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem lash out at us or whatever,1176.72,4.26,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so,1179.539,3.541,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem you know I talk about appealing to these,1180.98,4.02,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem axioms right one thing that I wanted to,1183.08,3.9,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem do was point out that there are a lot of,1185.0,4.32,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem axioms that we're all familiar with that,1186.98,5.28,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem are explicitly baked into the fabric of,1189.32,5.76,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem our uh Freedom loving societies around,1192.26,5.1,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the world equality before the law,1195.08,4.38,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem individual liberty uh popular,1197.36,4.02,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem sovereignty rule of law separation of,1199.46,3.42,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem powers and respect for human rights,1201.38,3.539,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem these are all things that while we might,1202.88,3.36,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem disagree on these specific,1204.919,4.14,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem implementation these are axioms that we,1206.24,5.58,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem uh we don't really I mean we can make,1209.059,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem philosophical and logical arguments,1211.82,4.38,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem about them but they are also accepted as,1213.559,5.461,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem axiomatic underpinnings of our society,1216.2,5.219,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem today and so the point of this side is,1219.02,4.98,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem just to show yes we can actually find,1221.419,5.64,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem axioms that we generally broadly agree,1224.0,5.46,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem on even if the devil is in the details,1227.059,3.901,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so I just wanted to point out that like,1229.46,3.3,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem I'm not just inventing this out of thin,1230.96,3.36,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem air,1232.76,3.6,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um so if you're familiar with my work,1234.32,3.54,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem you're going to be familiar with this,1236.36,2.699,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem next slide,1237.86,3.78,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem there are a few basic what I would call,1239.059,5.821,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem primary axioms one suffering is bad this,1241.64,5.34,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem is true for all life suffering is a,1244.88,3.84,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem proxy for death,1246.98,3.9,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um and it might also be true of machines,1248.72,4.079,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem I've seen quite a few comments out there,1250.88,3.48,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem on my YouTube videos where people are,1252.799,4.321,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem concerned about machine's ability to,1254.36,4.98,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem suffer right if machines become sentient,1257.12,3.78,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem which I don't know if they will be I,1259.34,2.76,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem personally don't think they will be,1260.9,4.26,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem certainly not like us but if machines,1262.1,5.34,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem ever have the ability to suffer this is,1265.16,4.139,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem an axiom that we could both agree on,1267.44,3.78,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that suffering is bad for life and,1269.299,3.661,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem suffering is bad for machines if they,1271.22,3.0,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem can feel it,1272.96,3.719,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the second one is prosperity is good and,1274.22,3.9,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so Prosperity looks different to,1276.679,2.701,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem different organisms and different,1278.12,4.62,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem machines for humans prosperity and even,1279.38,5.039,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem amongst humans Prosperity can look very,1282.74,3.36,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem different I was just talking with one of,1284.419,3.421,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem my patreon supporters this morning and,1286.1,4.199,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem prosperity to him looks like having the,1287.84,4.14,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem ability to go to the pub every night,1290.299,3.541,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem with his friends I personally agree with,1291.98,4.14,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that model right I want to be a hobbit,1293.84,4.62,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um prosperity to other people looks,1296.12,4.26,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem different Prosperity different organisms,1298.46,3.48,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem also looks different a prosperous life,1300.38,3.419,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem for a worm is not going to look anything,1301.94,3.96,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem like the prosperous life for me,1303.799,3.901,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem generally speaking unless I'm a hobbit,1305.9,3.0,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and I live underground okay actually,1307.7,3.42,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem there's more to this than I thought,1308.9,4.56,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um finally understanding is good as we,1311.12,4.08,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem mentioned earlier epistemic convergence,1313.46,4.26,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem pushes all intelligent entities towards,1315.2,6.02,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem similar understandings of the universe,1317.72,7.199,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so if we accept these axioms as kind of,1321.22,6.16,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the underpinning goals of all life and,1324.919,5.64,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem machines then we can create an,1327.38,4.799,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem imperative version or an objective,1330.559,3.24,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem version of those that I call the heroes,1332.179,3.181,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem to comparatives,1333.799,3.841,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um which is basically reduce suffering,1335.36,3.78,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem increased prosperity and increase,1337.64,3.12,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem understanding,1339.14,3.6,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so as I just mentioned in the last slide,1340.76,4.32,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem achieving this because this is a this is,1342.74,5.34,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem as much about hard facts and logic and,1345.08,4.979,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem everything else as it is about beliefs,1348.08,4.56,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and faith and spirituality and politics,1350.059,4.98,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and everything else if we can achieve,1352.64,5.279,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem axiomatic alignment which includes this,1355.039,5.161,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem ideological belief it will reduce,1357.919,5.341,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem ideological friction with machines in,1360.2,5.04,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the long run but also one of the,1363.26,4.26,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem immediate things that you can deduce,1365.24,3.96,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem from this is that achieving energy,1367.52,4.08,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem hyperabundance is one of the most,1369.2,4.74,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem critical things to reduce resource,1371.6,3.9,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem competition between us and machines,1373.94,3.06,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem we'll talk more about that in just a,1375.5,3.179,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem moment,1377.0,4.2,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so the temporal window this is the,1378.679,5.041,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem biggest question mark in achieving,1381.2,6.54,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem axiomatic alignment timing is everything,1383.72,6.6,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so basically we need to achieve energy,1387.74,5.939,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem hyperabundance before we invent runaway,1390.32,6.06,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem AGI before AGI is let out into the wild,1393.679,5.341,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem before it breaks out of the lab the,1396.38,4.32,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem reason for this is because we need to,1399.02,5.399,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem reduce resource competition first if AGI,1400.7,5.64,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem awakens into a world where humans are,1404.419,3.901,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem still fighting Wars over control of,1406.34,4.8,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem petroleum it's going to say hmm maybe I,1408.32,5.219,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem should take control of the petroleum but,1411.14,4.8,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem if we are in a in a hyperabundant,1413.539,4.26,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem environment when AGI wakes up and says,1415.94,3.66,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem oh there's plenty of solar they're,1417.799,3.961,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem working on Fusion this isn't a big deal,1419.6,3.78,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem we can wait,1421.76,3.299,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that's going to change the competitive,1423.38,3.36,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem landscape so that's that has to do with,1425.059,3.841,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem those evolutionary pressures in this,1426.74,4.799,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem that competitive environment that I was,1428.9,4.019,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem mentioning alluded to at the beginning,1431.539,3.241,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem of the video,1432.919,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem we will also need to achieve or be on,1434.78,4.98,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem our way to achieving axiomatic alignment,1437.419,6.0,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem before this event as well because if AGI,1439.76,5.82,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem wakes up in a world and sees that humans,1443.419,4.441,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem are ideologically opposed to each other,1445.58,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and it's going to say we have one group,1447.86,3.54,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem over here that feels righteously,1450.08,2.88,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem justified in committing violence on,1451.4,3.3,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem other people and there's these other,1452.96,4.199,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem people and you know there's a lot of,1454.7,4.26,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um a lot of hypocrisy here where they,1457.159,3.541,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem talk about unalienable human rights and,1458.96,4.74,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem then violate those rights if we if AGI,1460.7,5.28,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem wakes up into a world where it sees this,1463.7,4.08,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem moral inconsistency and this logical,1465.98,4.319,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem inconsistency in humans it might say you,1467.78,3.779,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem know what maybe it's better if I take,1470.299,3.541,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem control of this situation,1471.559,5.1,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um so those are kind of two of the right,1473.84,4.86,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem off the cuff Milestones that we probably,1476.659,5.041,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem ought to achieve before AGI escapes,1478.7,6.06,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so from those primary axioms we can,1481.7,6.12,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem derive secondary axioms or derivative or,1484.76,5.279,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Downstream axioms so some of those,1487.82,4.68,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Downstream axioms actually are those,1490.039,3.961,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem political ones that I just mentioned,1492.5,4.14,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem right individual liberty individual,1494.0,5.82,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem liberty is very easy to derive from the,1496.64,5.159,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem idea of reducing suffering and,1499.82,4.44,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem increasing Prosperity because individual,1501.799,4.021,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem liberty is really important for humans,1504.26,3.84,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem to achieve both that's an example of a,1505.82,4.68,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem derivative Axiom or a derivative,1508.1,4.68,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem principle,1510.5,4.2,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Okay so,1512.78,4.62,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem uh all some of these some of these,1514.7,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem aspects of the temporal window have to,1517.4,4.56,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem do with one ideologically aligning but,1519.2,5.219,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem also changing the competitive landscape,1521.96,5.219,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um particularly around energy energy,1524.419,4.441,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem hyperabundance,1527.179,4.441,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem now as we're winding down the video you,1528.86,4.199,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem might be saying okay Dave this is great,1531.62,3.539,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem how do I get involved I've been plugging,1533.059,3.781,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the gato framework which is the global,1535.159,4.921,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem alignment taxonomy Omnibus outlines all,1536.84,5.459,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem of this in a step-by-step decentralized,1540.08,3.959,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Global movement for everyone to,1542.299,5.101,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem participate in so whatever your domain,1544.039,6.901,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem of expertise is I had a great call with,1547.4,6.259,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um or I'm going to have a call with a,1550.94,6.18,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem behaviorist a behavioral scientist I've,1553.659,5.02,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem had talks with all kinds of people,1557.12,3.48,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Business Leaders,1558.679,4.62,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um and a lot of folks get it and so,1560.6,5.699,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem whatever whatever your area is if you're,1563.299,4.801,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem a scientist or an engineer,1566.299,3.541,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem all these ideas that I'm talking about,1568.1,4.8,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem are all testable and so I can do some of,1569.84,4.319,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem the science myself but it's got to be,1572.9,2.759,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem peer reviewed,1574.159,4.62,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem um if you're an entrepreneur or a,1575.659,6.361,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem corporate executive you can start,1578.779,5.76,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem building and aligning on these ideas on,1582.02,4.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem these principles right I'm a big fan of,1584.539,5.461,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem stakeholder capitalism because why it's,1586.52,4.98,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem here and it's the best that we've got,1590.0,5.279,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and I'm hoping that ideas of aligning of,1591.5,5.46,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem axiomatic alignment will actually push,1595.279,3.5,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem capitalism in a healthier Direction,1596.96,3.719,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem certainly there are plenty of Business,1598.779,5.081,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Leaders out there who are game for this,1600.679,5.421,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem so let's work together,1603.86,4.799,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem politicians economists and educators of,1606.1,3.939,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem all Stripes whether it's primary,1608.659,4.441,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem secondary or higher ed there's a lot to,1610.039,5.52,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem be done around these ideas building an,1613.1,4.74,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem economic case for alignment in the short,1615.559,3.961,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem term right because what a lot of what,1617.84,4.199,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem I'm talking about is long term might,1619.52,4.38,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem never happen right but there are,1622.039,3.961,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem benefits to aligning AI in the short,1623.9,3.6,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem term as well,1626.0,3.48,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem and then finally if you're an artist a,1627.5,4.38,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Storyteller a Creator an influencer or,1629.48,4.26,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem even if all you do is make memes there,1631.88,3.179,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem is something for you to do to,1633.74,3.96,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem participate in achieving axiomatic,1635.059,5.341,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem alignment and thus moving us towards,1637.7,5.28,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem Utopia and away from Extinction so with,1640.4,4.68,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem all that being said thank you I hope you,1642.98,4.939,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem got a lot out of this video,1645.08,2.839,Axiomatic Alignment: A critical component to Utopia and the Control Problem morning everybody David Shapiro here,1.199,5.58,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon with your weekly video So today we're,3.419,5.401,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon going to talk about the data flywheel,6.779,4.261,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon the number one concept you need to know,8.82,5.46,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon in the age of AI,11.04,5.64,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon right off the bat what is a data,14.28,5.16,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon flywheel in short the concept of the,16.68,6.2,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon data flywheel is a simple virtuous cycle,19.44,7.02,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon whereby you have users and you use those,22.88,6.219,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon users to get more data you use that data,26.46,5.219,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon to get better AI you use that better AI,29.099,3.96,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon to get better products and services,31.679,3.961,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon which in turn gets you more users and,33.059,6.481,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon more data and so on and so forth and on,35.64,6.18,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon into Infinity you get compounding,39.54,4.56,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon returns and exponential growth,41.82,3.54,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon so,44.1,3.18,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um I had to make this on my own graphic,45.36,3.66,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon because I think most of the ones out,47.28,3.36,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon there are probably copyrighted and I,49.02,3.18,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon didn't want my video to get taken down,50.64,3.96,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon but if you just Google image search data,52.2,3.48,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon flywheel you'll see what I'm talking,54.6,2.34,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon about there's plenty of good articles,55.68,3.539,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon out there but let's Dive Right In,56.94,5.16,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon okay so history of the flywheel,59.219,4.561,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon turns out that flywheels are actually,62.1,4.92,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon like super old like 8 000 years old,63.78,4.8,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um most of the time they're used for,67.02,3.54,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon pottery wheels sharpening sticks and,68.58,4.26,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon stones but basically it's this little,70.56,4.98,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon bit down here that heavy Stone right and,72.84,5.099,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon so what you do is you spin it and hold,75.54,3.72,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon some of that energy and it'll keep,77.939,3.841,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon spinning and you add more and more,79.26,4.92,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon energy and it speeds up over time so,81.78,5.339,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon that's kind of where it started uh but,84.18,5.82,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon the concept of the flywheel applies,87.119,5.64,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon today uh just as much as ever so,90.0,5.52,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon flywheels are part of engines uh,92.759,5.04,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon particularly large diesel engines but,95.52,4.2,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon also uh flywheels are really important,97.799,4.32,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon for things like race cars pretty much,99.72,5.039,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon any electromechanical device or chemical,102.119,5.761,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon mechanical device because it Smooths out,104.759,5.82,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon the performance and and helps conserve,107.88,4.559,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon some of that rotational energy some of,110.579,4.801,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon that power but in all cases they start,112.439,4.68,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon at zero and they have to speed up you,115.38,4.5,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon can even have really big flywheels act,117.119,5.28,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon as generators for when you lose power,119.88,4.019,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon so all right so now you know what a,122.399,3.781,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon flywheel is electromechanical device or,123.899,3.961,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon chemical mechanical device that stores,126.18,3.9,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon rotational energy sure you don't care,127.86,4.019,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon about the physics of it,130.08,4.86,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon where did the data flywheel begin,131.879,5.881,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um so apparently the whole thing was,134.94,6.6,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon pitched to Jeff Bezos back in 2003 by,137.76,5.52,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon Jim Collins,141.54,3.0,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um and then of course everyone's,143.28,4.02,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon familiar with the Silicon Valley or are,144.54,4.74,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon they in Silicon Valley anyways the the,147.3,4.86,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon the tech darling of Amazon right Jeff,149.28,5.7,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon Bezos has obviously been incredibly,152.16,6.18,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon successful and Amazon has pioneered and,154.98,5.22,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon championed all sorts of innovative,158.34,4.5,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon things such as agile microservices,160.2,4.44,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon continuous deployment continuous,162.84,4.86,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon Improvement the data flywheel idea is,164.64,5.34,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon one of the foundational principles of,167.7,4.259,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon Amazon's success,169.98,5.339,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon which is I don't understand why people,171.959,4.5,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon more people don't know that that's why,175.319,3.241,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon I'm making this video so now you know,176.459,5.64,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um okay so generative AI is basically a,178.56,6.84,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon fire hose of data every inference that,182.099,8.581,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon you send to uh gpt3 gpt4 uh for image,185.4,7.86,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon generation every single thing that you,190.68,4.8,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon send and get back is more data it's,193.26,4.08,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon literally just a data producer it's a,195.48,4.14,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon fire hose of data and so you should,197.34,5.039,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon record every single inference or,199.62,5.6,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon generation for LM,202.379,5.461,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon image generators everything,205.22,5.439,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon save it all save the input the output,207.84,5.36,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon the context the metadata the parameters,210.659,6.0,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon everything so there is so much data,213.2,5.679,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon going on here and this is above and,216.659,4.14,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon beyond the existing data that you get,218.879,4.561,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon from like your insights and Telemetry,220.799,4.86,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon from uh from your applications in web,223.44,4.859,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon right because everyone by now is,225.659,5.281,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon familiar with the fact that like uh you,228.299,6.421,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon know linger time time on page uh all,230.94,5.82,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon those other data points are available,234.72,3.96,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon through things but now you have even,236.76,4.8,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon more data which is your product is more,238.68,4.38,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon directly related to your data your,241.56,4.02,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon products and services so there's lots,243.06,4.5,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon and lots and lots of data to consume,245.58,4.799,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon already but then there's even more data,247.56,5.819,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon to consume in the age of generative AI,250.379,6.721,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon so how did I use this so I use this to,253.379,6.301,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon go from 20 000 subscribers at the,257.1,4.379,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon beginning of this year to over 50 000,259.68,4.86,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon subscribers right now so I more than,261.479,5.341,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon doubled my subscriber base in just a few,264.54,4.68,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon months now obviously some of that is,266.82,5.04,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon algorithmic luck right some of that was,269.22,4.979,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon I noticed a trend and I made use of it,271.86,4.8,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon but that was consuming the data so let,274.199,5.22,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon me tell you how it wasn't entirely on,276.66,4.44,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon accident,279.419,3.961,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon for those of you who don't know YouTube,281.1,5.76,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon gives you a dashboard for creators and,283.38,4.92,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon some of the information that it gives,286.86,3.779,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon you it's it tells you one which of your,288.3,4.86,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon videos are doing best over time it tells,290.639,5.041,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon you which uh channels and other videos,293.16,5.34,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon are leading to yours so you can see okay,295.68,5.519,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon who are my peers and competitors I don't,298.5,3.9,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon really think of it as a competitive,301.199,3.361,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon landscape because usually users want,302.4,3.72,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon more of the content that you give them,304.56,3.48,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon so it's more like peers right we're all,306.12,4.26,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon offering similar similar content it's,308.04,4.439,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon like a buffet,310.38,3.9,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um so it's like okay so they're they're,312.479,3.841,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon doing this they're doing that,314.28,3.479,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um and there's a lot of information that,316.32,3.12,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon you can consume above and beyond what,317.759,3.541,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon the dashboard gives you so there is a,319.44,3.539,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon service out there called vid IQ which I,321.3,3.54,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon tried and I didn't like it,322.979,3.241,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um I didn't I didn't go for the paid,324.84,3.72,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon tier but I was just like I saw like I,326.22,3.479,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon was looking at the dashboard and I was,328.56,2.699,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon like oh they're obviously using like an,329.699,3.84,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon llm to generate some recommendations I,331.259,4.201,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon was like I can do better than this so,333.539,4.261,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon what I did was I took the transcripts,335.46,4.86,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon from my own videos and I compared that,337.8,4.86,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon with the comments that I was getting so,340.32,5.4,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon I I took the transcript and comments and,342.66,4.62,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon I said what about my videos is,345.72,3.78,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon resonating with my users and so I use,347.28,4.919,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon chat GPT to distill down and said okay,349.5,6.06,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon this is what people like this is why and,352.199,5.94,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon then I use those insights to generate,355.56,5.46,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um ideas for follow-up videos and to,358.139,4.681,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon really kind of shape my narrative and,361.02,4.98,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon delivery and it worked I got from 20 000,362.82,5.28,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon Subs to 50 000 Subs in just a couple,366.0,4.979,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon months that was uh how I really kind of,368.1,5.159,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon nailed the algorithm them by using this,370.979,5.041,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon data flywheel because more users more,373.259,4.921,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon subscribers meant that I got more data,376.02,3.959,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon right and the data in this case was in,378.18,3.92,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon the form of comments but also the the,379.979,4.801,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon numerical Telemetry right because you,382.1,4.659,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon put out more videos you see which videos,384.78,4.38,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon resonate which ones don't and I feed,386.759,4.621,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon that into the AI in this case chat gbt,389.16,4.379,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon which led to better videos better,391.38,4.56,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon transcripts or Scripts,393.539,4.801,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon which led to more users,395.94,4.8,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um so that's just I did it by hand right,398.34,6.0,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon didn't just manual copying and pasting,400.74,7.32,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon of of raw data into chat GPT obviously,404.34,5.34,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon this is not the most sophisticated or,408.06,3.54,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon sustainable model but it's just an,409.68,3.9,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon example of how easy it is to get started,411.6,4.92,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon with the data flywheel,413.58,6.839,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon so with this concept of the data,416.52,5.82,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon flywheel the goal the business goal is,420.419,3.961,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon compounding Returns the positive,422.34,4.26,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon feedback loop The Virtuous cycle or most,424.38,3.96,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon conventionally The Snowball Effect,426.6,3.84,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon because the more subscribers you have,428.34,3.84,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon the better reach you have the more data,430.44,3.36,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon you've got and that's just for YouTube,432.18,3.9,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon this applies to every business out there,433.8,4.56,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon whether it's for your marketing team,436.08,5.519,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon your product team everything,438.36,7.2,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon so how can businesses do this obviously,441.599,5.22,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon not everyone out there is a YouTube,445.56,2.88,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon Creator so you're like Dave come on get,446.819,3.841,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon on with the show so there's a few rules,448.44,3.36,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon of thumb,450.66,4.259,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um out there so one record everything if,451.8,4.5,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon you're not recording your data you need,454.919,3.241,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon to be recording it and not just the,456.3,3.119,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon output from the models you need to,458.16,3.539,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon record what goes in and out because,459.419,4.861,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon that's how you're going to get the,461.699,4.981,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon feedback later you also need to record,464.28,4.44,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon the metadata the metadata the context,466.68,4.26,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon and the parameters because that,468.72,3.72,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon information will be critical with for,470.94,3.84,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon making sense of the data later on number,472.44,4.44,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon two you need to actually use the data,474.78,3.96,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon there are so many companies out there,476.88,3.78,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon that have a lot of data that they just,478.74,3.899,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon never even look at so then they're,480.66,4.68,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon spending money on storage,482.639,5.221,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon and backups and they're not using it you,485.34,3.84,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon might as well just delete the data if,487.86,3.839,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon you're not going to use it number three,489.18,4.44,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon and this is the hardest part is make,491.699,3.181,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon changes,493.62,3.66,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon pretty dashboards and charts and graphs,494.88,5.099,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon don't mean a damn thing if you don't,497.28,5.22,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon actually change your behaviors so,499.979,4.62,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon sometimes that means you need to say hey,502.5,5.52,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon like this email campaign didn't work,504.599,6.421,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon let's just stop doing it or you know,508.02,4.8,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon we're we're totally missing out on this,511.02,3.86,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon sector we need to go after that sector,512.82,4.38,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon you can change your outward Behavior,514.88,4.0,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon which is how you engage with the market,517.2,3.839,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon and your customers you can also change,518.88,5.159,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon your internal Behavior so in the age of,521.039,6.36,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon language technology that can be changing,524.039,5.581,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon how you run and use meetings it can,527.399,5.461,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon change it can be how you uh use jira and,529.62,5.52,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon slack and teams and all that stuff,532.86,3.9,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon so you have to change your behaviors,535.14,4.139,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon your rules your structures change the,536.76,5.88,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon system right and if you don't do that if,539.279,4.981,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon you're if you if you just consume the,542.64,3.36,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon data and look at it but then don't make,544.26,3.36,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon any changes again you might as well just,546.0,3.6,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon delete it and I'll tell you why that's,547.62,3.659,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon the worst decision you can make in just,549.6,4.2,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon a minute and number four iterate you're,551.279,3.721,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon not going to get this right the first,553.8,3.18,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon time right you're going to experiment,555.0,4.32,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon you're going to have a lot of uh of uh,556.98,4.979,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon false starts a lot of damp squibs that,559.32,4.68,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon just it just doesn't hit but then when,561.959,3.901,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon you do nail the algorithm you'll go,564.0,3.42,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon you'll do what I did which is go from,565.86,3.18,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon twenty thousand Subs to fifty thousand,567.42,3.9,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon Subs in just a couple months and that's,569.04,4.62,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon that's honestly the dream of every tech,571.32,4.139,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon product out there right that's what chat,573.66,4.92,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon GPT did they kept iterating on GPT,575.459,4.921,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon technology until they found the version,578.58,4.68,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon chat GPT that went to 100 million users,580.38,5.82,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon in a couple of months,583.26,5.16,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon all right so I'm talking about iteration,586.2,3.9,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon and all this other stuff in data,588.42,2.94,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon flywheels and you've probably never,590.1,3.12,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon heard about either of these things but,591.36,3.9,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon the good news is for all you business,593.22,3.54,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon types out there there are a few,595.26,3.3,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon Frameworks out there that you can just,596.76,3.9,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon go read about and hire a consultant and,598.56,4.98,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon uh and say Hey I want to improve my,600.66,4.5,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon business processes both internally,603.54,5.0,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon externally uh customer product whatever,605.16,6.239,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon and you say I want to do this from a,608.54,4.54,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon data Centric perspective because this is,611.399,4.141,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon the age of AI so first one is agile,613.08,5.4,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon agile is a software uh development thing,615.54,6.18,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon which focuses on tight feedback loops so,618.48,5.7,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon that is agile is how you can do the data,621.72,5.84,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon flywheel for your your software teams,624.18,6.9,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon Kaizen is about iterative Improvement,627.56,5.399,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon more broadly across your whole business,631.08,5.16,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon Six Sigma is a very similar thing where,632.959,6.461,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon it focuses on reducing defects,636.24,5.7,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um and and flaws in the process and then,639.42,5.039,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon finally I till the it infrastructure,641.94,4.38,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon Library,644.459,4.5,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um is about service process Improvement,646.32,6.06,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon internally so all of these read a book,648.959,5.041,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon or two on it you'll see the common thing,652.38,3.899,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon the what these all have in common is,654.0,4.74,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon rapid feedback loops and those feedback,656.279,5.341,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon loops are often human-based processes,658.74,4.68,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon but there's no reason that you can't,661.62,4.74,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon start adding more data and consuming,663.42,5.159,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon that data with AI to get that feedback,666.36,5.099,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon and make those Behavior changes,668.579,5.281,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon all right so I know some of you guys are,671.459,4.021,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon hot on the biscuit to get going so for,673.86,3.719,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon all you business Chads out there like,675.48,4.32,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon cool your britches for a second,677.579,4.44,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon so while,679.8,4.68,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon a data flywheel is really critical like,682.019,4.141,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon if you want to survive in the age of AI,684.48,4.62,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon you absolutely 100 need a data flywheel,686.16,7.26,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon I guarantee you that uh 80 or 90 of the,689.1,6.66,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon businesses that fail in the age of AI,693.42,4.56,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon won't have a data flywheel that being,695.76,3.9,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon said this isn't this alone isn't going,697.98,3.66,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon to save you right,699.66,3.6,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um doing the if you say like hey we need,701.64,3.06,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon to do a data flywheel before you even,703.26,2.639,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon have a product,704.7,3.54,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon you're missing the point you need a,705.899,4.341,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon decent enough product or service first,708.24,5.099,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon to prime the pump right if you if you,710.24,4.36,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon look at that graphic where you start,713.339,3.12,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon with more users right I've already got,714.6,3.6,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon users on my YouTube channel I earned,716.459,4.201,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon that the hard way right if your product,718.2,4.68,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon doesn't have any users,720.66,3.9,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon data flywheel isn't going to matter,722.88,3.42,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon because remember the data flywheel is,724.56,3.36,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon based on inertia it's based on momentum,726.3,3.719,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon if it's sitting there inert it's,727.92,4.8,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon actually going to slow you down more,730.019,5.461,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um it's not an it's not a shiny new toy,732.72,5.64,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon it is nice but as a business person you,735.48,4.32,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon shouldn't even be thinking about it once,738.36,3.539,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon it gets set up let your teams handle it,739.8,3.599,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon because they're going to be the ones to,741.899,4.141,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon to know how to do it,743.399,5.161,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um most importantly that concept all,746.04,4.5,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon these philosophies of iterative,748.56,3.54,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon improvements start with executive,750.54,5.46,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon leadership if you don't buy in on a on a,752.1,6.359,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon visceral level and understand process,756.0,4.32,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon Improvement and iterative Improvement at,758.459,3.481,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon an executive level,760.32,3.18,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon doesn't matter you might as well not,761.94,4.68,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon even do it all right so,763.5,5.7,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon in order to really power up obviously,766.62,4.14,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon eventually you're going to want really,769.2,5.4,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon fat fat data pipelines to feed your uh,770.76,5.94,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon flywheel right,774.6,4.799,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon there's a few mantras that you can adopt,776.7,4.319,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon and this is for executives all the way,779.399,4.081,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon down to engineers and product owners and,781.019,5.641,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon Architects data is the new oil it,783.48,5.159,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon baffles me how few people have heard,786.66,4.38,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon this term in the age of generative AI,788.639,5.161,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon data is the new oil,791.04,7.14,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon um live it learn it embody it embrace it,793.8,7.38,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon think about it talk about it another one,798.18,6.06,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon is slow is smooth smooth is fast this is,801.18,5.76,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon the idea of kick starting your data,804.24,4.98,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon flywheel slowly at first remember it's a,806.94,4.62,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon big heavy thing right all your products,809.22,4.559,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon all your services all your data it's,811.56,4.019,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon really cumbersome you're not going to,813.779,3.661,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon light this fire real fast you got to,815.579,4.2,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon start slow that'll be smooth but the,817.44,4.079,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon idea is that it cranks up over time,819.779,4.321,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon right it starts accelerating,821.519,4.921,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon garbage and garbage out for those of you,824.1,3.66,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon who are not familiar with machine,826.44,3.36,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon learning and data science if you feed it,827.76,3.54,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon a bunch of garbage data you're going to,829.8,3.18,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon get a lot of garbage results so don't,831.3,3.36,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon put pressure to say like we need to,832.98,3.18,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon consume all of our data I know that I,834.66,2.58,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon said,836.16,3.299,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon record all your data that doesn't mean,837.24,4.8,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon consume all your data right you have a,839.459,4.62,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon big pile of data you need to figure out,842.04,4.799,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon which signals to pay attention to,844.079,4.5,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon and that goes to the last thing which is,846.839,4.321,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon what gets measured gets managed this,848.579,5.76,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon actually comes from ITIL so ITIL talks,851.16,6.06,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon about things like manage your uh your,854.339,5.041,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon time to resolution your mean your mttx,857.22,4.5,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon mean time to resolution and a few other,859.38,6.36,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon things in your it service Portal same,861.72,5.58,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon thing can happen for customers right,865.74,3.48,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon whether it's an internal customer or,867.3,3.42,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon external customer,869.22,3.6,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon how long does it take to satisfy,870.72,4.14,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon customer demand how much does it cost,872.82,4.86,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon you those kinds of things if you're not,874.86,4.44,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon measuring the right things you're,877.68,4.019,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon completely blind and this these are all,879.3,3.899,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon some of the mantras this is not an,881.699,3.301,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon exhaustive list but these are some of,883.199,4.14,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon the mantras that can go into building,885.0,5.639,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon that mentality of the data flywheel,887.339,7.56,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon so in the age of AI uh being where oil,890.639,6.541,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon is the new data stop hemorrhaging your,894.899,4.38,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon data or your oil because then you're,897.18,3.54,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon just losing money it's money out the,899.279,3.36,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon door and that's all there is to it I,900.72,3.179,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon believe yes that's the end of the video,902.639,4.7,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon all right thanks for watching,903.899,3.44,The Generative AI Revolution: Why the Data Flywheel is Your Business's Secret Weapon morning everybody David Shapiro here,0.719,5.761,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" with a new video so you probably noticed,2.879,6.361,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" a little bit of different setup I'm kind,6.48,5.94,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" of pimping out my uh my recording setup,9.24,7.2,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" but today we're going to talk about,12.42,7.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um the open AI Democratic inputs to Ai,16.44,6.3,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and the gato framework so you guys have,19.98,4.559,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" heard me mention the gato framework,22.74,6.24,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" quite a few times so we're gonna kind of,24.539,6.66,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" first kind of talk about like this,28.98,4.739,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Democratic inputs to AI which is a grant,31.199,4.261,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Challenge and then I'll also introduce,33.719,4.321,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" you to the gato framework which there is,35.46,3.96,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" some overlap,38.04,4.5,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" but the takeaway is that I am the gato,39.42,7.38,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Community are going to uh put in a um uh,42.54,8.28,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" proposal to open ai's challenge so right,46.8,6.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" off the bat the Democratic inputs to AI,50.82,6.66,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" is uh going to be 10 100,53.36,7.66,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" 000 grants that openai gives in order to,57.48,6.84,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" basically democratize the way that they,61.02,6.419,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" get feedback in order to just to decide,64.32,6.0,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" how AI will behave so they give some,67.439,4.201,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" examples of what they mean by a,70.32,3.96,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" democratic process and then they also,71.64,4.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" give a few examples of the kinds of,74.28,5.1,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" questions that they're going to want to,76.2,3.779,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um,79.38,3.059,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" uh address sorry where did it go here we,79.979,4.861,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" go so one example is how far do you,82.439,3.781,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" think the personalization of AI,84.84,4.319,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" assistance like chat GPT uh to align,86.22,4.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" with Tayson preferences should go what,89.159,3.721,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" boundaries if any should exist in this,90.78,3.6,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" process,92.88,3.66,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" so these are the kinds of policy,94.38,4.98,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" questions that they want to have a,96.54,5.52,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" scalable system to address,99.36,6.0,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and they give you know quite a few,102.06,5.419,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" examples like Wikipedia Twitter,105.36,4.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" democracy next so on and so forth so,107.479,5.201,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" there's all kinds of things uh which,109.92,4.86,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" with those existing systems you might be,112.68,4.38,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" what asking like okay well why what's,114.78,4.199,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" like What's missing,117.06,3.9,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and so there's a few things that they,118.979,5.161,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" talk about that they want to uh like the,120.96,4.68,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" the criteria that they want to address,124.14,4.2,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" so one evaluation they want to make sure,125.64,5.12,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that the evaluation follows,128.34,5.64,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" metrics and so on that the methodology,130.76,7.14,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" is good robustness obviously you want to,133.98,6.6,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" make sure that that the resulting,137.9,4.54,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" information that you get is robust and,140.58,3.18,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" defensible,142.44,3.659,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" but also resistant to trolling and other,143.76,4.199,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" problems,146.099,4.461,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um inclusiveness and representativeness,147.959,6.901,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" uh you know obviously if you only survey,150.56,7.12,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" or pull you know a small majority of,154.86,4.68,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" people or I guess small minority of,157.68,3.72,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" people rather uh you're not going to,159.54,4.14,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" have a good representation of the global,161.4,5.28,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" willpower and Global desires of all,163.68,4.5,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" humans and that's part of the goal here,166.68,4.62,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" is that uh pretty much all humans are,168.18,7.199,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" stakeholders in AI so therefore we need,171.3,5.7,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" to make sure that we represent everyone,175.379,3.601,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" on the planet,177.0,4.62,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um empowerment of minority opinions so,178.98,5.52,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" this is uh one of the hardest problems,181.62,4.08,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" because,184.5,4.08,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" when you have a democratic process you,185.7,5.459,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" often have majority rules which means,188.58,4.26,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that you have tyranny of the majority so,191.159,3.241,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" how do you represent the interests of,192.84,5.399,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" everyone while also kind of abiding by,194.4,6.54,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" or following the collective willpower so,198.239,4.561,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" in that case finding consensus can be,200.94,4.379,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" very difficult effective moderation,202.8,4.799,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" again making sure that stuff stays on,205.319,5.221,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" topic so on and so forth scalability so,207.599,3.981,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" again,210.54,3.419,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" scalability is one of the chief criteria,211.58,4.48,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" here because it needs to Encompass the,213.959,5.28,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" entire planet finally actionability and,216.06,5.66,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" legibility these are just kind of,219.239,5.461,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" boilerplate requirements there's a few,221.72,4.48,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" other footnotes,224.7,3.78,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um but yeah so those are the primary,226.2,4.08,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" goals is how do you create something,228.48,4.02,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that can achieve this and it sounds like,230.28,4.14,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" a very daunting task but I think that,232.5,3.72,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" we're up to it,234.42,3.84,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um so with all that said,236.22,4.14,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um uh the gato community and actually,238.26,4.92,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" even some of my patreons have already uh,240.36,4.68,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" expressed interest in participating so,243.18,4.32,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" we'll get that organized very quickly we,245.04,4.68,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" have until uh just under a month from,247.5,4.799,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" now to submit our proposal which I have,249.72,3.84,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" no doubt that we'll be able to do,252.299,3.181,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" considering we pulled the Gatto,253.56,4.2,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" framework together in four weeks flat,255.48,3.96,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" so we have roughly the same amount of,257.76,3.96,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" time to do something that is less,259.44,3.78,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" extensive basically we have to design,261.72,4.38,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" one tool or one platform rather than an,263.22,4.8,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" entire Global movement so,266.1,3.78,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" I have alluded to the gato framework,268.02,3.42,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" quite a few times so let's talk about,269.88,3.42,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" the gato framework,271.44,3.479,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" so you can learn about our gato,273.3,4.98,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" framework here on gotta framework.org,274.919,5.361,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" it is a global,278.28,5.76,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" decentralized movement to achieve uh,280.28,6.34,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" first and foremost Utopia which we,284.04,6.42,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Define utopia quite simply as a world,286.62,6.0,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" state where everyone on the planet has,290.46,4.799,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" high standard of living a high,292.62,4.92,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" individual liberty and also high social,295.259,3.481,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Mobility,297.54,4.5,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" so obviously the word Utopia often has a,298.74,6.12,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" lot of baggage associated with it uh you,302.04,5.159,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" know whether you think Star Trek or,304.86,3.899,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" something else and Utopia means,307.199,3.541,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" different things to different people but,308.759,4.621,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" in terms of universal principles and,310.74,6.78,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" also measurable like kpi or metrics we,313.38,7.319,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" we Define utopia as uh you know high,317.52,5.22,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" standard of living High individual,320.699,4.621,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" liberty and high social Mobility if we,322.74,4.98,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" get those three criteria to be Global we,325.32,4.68,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" will consider that success now also,327.72,6.18,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Gatto is meant to avoid dystopia so on,330.0,6.0,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" one hand you have Utopia versus dystopia,333.9,5.34,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" but we also aim to avoid cataclysmic,336.0,5.699,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" outcomes by solving problems such as a,339.24,3.54,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" coordination problem at Daniel,341.699,3.421,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" schmachtenberger and Liv bori talk about,342.78,5.04,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" with Malik you've probably seen some of,345.12,5.94,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" my other videos and the goal there is to,347.82,6.0,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" avoid extinction by creating Global,351.06,6.419,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" consensus around how to align AI which,353.82,5.939,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" is a very comprehensive process we'll,357.479,5.461,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" we'll go into it just a little bit but,359.759,6.66,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" basically it is a decentralized layered,362.94,6.36,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" approach to achieving Global alignment,366.419,5.521,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" so for instance the first layer is model,369.3,6.06,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" alignment model alignment as the low,371.94,5.28,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" level things such as building and,375.36,4.5,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" training and fine-tuning individual,377.22,4.86,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" language models and other AI models,379.86,4.44,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" multimodal models as they come so we'll,382.08,4.14,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" address problems like fine-tuning Mesa,384.3,4.619,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" optimization inner alignment and so on,386.22,4.979,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" but it's important to remember that,388.919,4.201,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" model alignment is only one small,391.199,5.041,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" component of achieving Utopia avoiding,393.12,6.54,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" dystopia and avoiding Extinction yes we,396.24,5.519,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" uh we believe that there will come a,399.66,4.92,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" time when AI becomes super intelligent,401.759,4.921,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and it cannot be contained and we have,404.58,5.28,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" to get it right before that happens but,406.68,5.28,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" even before that we could end up in,409.86,4.26,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" dystopia right so there's kind of a,411.96,5.7,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" gated process so model alignment even,414.12,6.0,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Sam Altman has said that rlhf is not the,417.66,5.64,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" not the way to get you know solve the,420.12,5.16,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" control problem but it's a good way to,423.3,4.44,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" make a good chat bot so we're aligned,425.28,3.18,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" there,427.74,4.799,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" the next phase is autonomous systems so,428.46,5.519,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" one thing that a lot of people are,432.539,3.961,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" afraid of in the long run is Runaway,433.979,4.5,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" autonomous AI basically super,436.5,4.259,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" intelligence that has no leash that has,438.479,4.861,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" no shackles and so one of the reasons,440.759,4.861,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that we advocate for building autonomous,443.34,5.16,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" systems today is because we need to,445.62,5.82,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" practice uh building these systems to,448.5,5.22,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" understand the architectures and the,451.44,4.379,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" behaviors for instance one of the things,453.72,4.319,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that people suspect will happen is,455.819,4.621,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" instrumental convergence instrumental,458.039,5.521,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" convergence is the idea that AI systems,460.44,5.4,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" no matter what objectives you give them,463.56,4.979,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" they will want things like to protect,465.84,4.62,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" power to get more data that sort of,468.539,2.761,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" stuff,470.46,3.54,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and so by by practicing building,471.3,5.459,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" autonomous systems today we can go ahead,474.0,4.5,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and start researching and understanding,476.759,3.901,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" one how to make autonomous systems,478.5,5.039,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" stable even as they change and improve,480.66,5.34,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" themselves we can also figure out what,483.539,5.16,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" needs to go into automating their,486.0,4.319,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" internal learning processes and stuff,488.699,3.78,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" because super intelligence was never,490.319,4.561,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" ever going to be a single model right,492.479,5.22,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" it's not going to be gpt7 you know in a,494.88,5.879,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" robot autonomous systems from a software,497.699,4.62,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and Hardware perspective are going to be,500.759,3.72,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" very complex systems so we need to start,502.319,4.44,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" working on these today and you know in,504.479,3.541,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" point of fact people have already,506.759,4.021,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" started working on autonomous systems,508.02,3.84,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and they're only going to get more,510.78,2.52,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" powerful over time,511.86,4.32,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" layer 3 of the gato framework,513.3,6.0,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" is the advocacy of using decentralized,516.18,4.739,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Technologies such as blockchain and,519.3,5.22,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" federations in order to uh basically,520.919,6.36,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" first solve the problem of in the future,524.52,5.28,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" AI will spend more time talking to each,527.279,5.101,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" other than to us so we need to create a,529.8,4.92,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" framework that includes things such as,532.38,4.019,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" consensus mechanisms as well as,534.72,4.86,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" reputation management systems because,536.399,5.94,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" the thing is is in the future you're not,539.58,4.98,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" going to be able to look at the code or,542.339,5.581,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" data or design of every autonomous agent,544.56,5.399,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" out there but instead you can look at,547.92,3.9,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" the behavior of those agents and track,549.959,4.621,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" it over time and so then what we can do,551.82,5.639,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" is embed alignment algorithms into those,554.58,4.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" decentralized networks and those,557.459,4.5,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" decentralized networks can be used to,559.14,4.8,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" gatekeep resources like data network,561.959,5.94,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" access power and compute and that will,563.94,7.62,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" actually change the the instrumental,567.899,6.901,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" convergence meaning that autonomous AI,571.56,5.52,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" agents will be incentivized to,574.8,4.86,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" self-align if they want access to things,577.08,5.58,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" like power data and compute and that,579.66,4.739,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that decentralized network will also,582.66,5.239,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" create a layer that that allows for easy,584.399,5.761,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" collaboration between humans and AI,587.899,5.021,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" because again blockchain Dows and other,590.16,5.16,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" decentralized Technologies allow for,592.92,4.26,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Collective consensus to be achieved,595.32,4.92,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" before making decisions and actions and,597.18,5.58,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that will be the kind of the the fabric,600.24,5.34,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that pulls humans and AI together,602.76,4.92,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and so those first three layers are the,605.58,3.9,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" technical layers those these are the,607.68,4.5,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" coding data and cryptographic problems,609.48,4.799,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that goto aims to solve,612.18,3.96,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" but it's not going to be a centralized,614.279,4.321,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" effort this is just a road map that,616.14,5.879,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" anyone can follow and so then the top,618.6,6.6,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" four layers of gato are more about the,622.019,5.461,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" social geopolitical and economic layers,625.2,5.04,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" so for instance number four layer four,627.48,5.22,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" is Corporate adoption we have one simple,630.24,4.62,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Mantra which is aligned AI is good for,632.7,4.92,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" business fortunately it seems like some,634.86,5.9,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" companies open AI Microsoft and IBM,637.62,5.46,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" believe this at least in principle at,640.76,3.94,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" least in word,643.08,3.12,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um you know obviously actions speak,644.7,3.42,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" louder than words and so we will see,646.2,5.579,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" what actions they take over time but the,648.12,5.64,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" general principle is and many of my,651.779,4.081,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" patreon supporters already get this and,653.76,3.96,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" know this where you know I help them,655.86,4.2,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" with understanding AI alignment and they,657.72,4.34,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" say this is obviously good for business,660.06,4.2,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" aligned AI is good for business for a,662.06,3.399,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" number of reasons,664.26,3.06,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" now the least of which is that it's more,665.459,4.261,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" trustworthy and more scalable the more,667.32,4.38,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" aligned an AI system is the more,669.72,3.78,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" trustworthy it is and therefore the less,671.7,4.079,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" supervision it requires which means that,673.5,4.2,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" it is more scalable and can take on more,675.779,5.041,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" workload faster so in this respect we,677.7,5.46,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" hope that this pattern proves out over,680.82,4.62,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" longer periods of time which means that,683.16,4.739,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" those businesses that adopt aligned AI,685.44,4.22,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" will simply do better in the long run,687.899,3.661,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and they will have a competitive,689.66,4.06,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Advantage obviously we can't count on,691.56,4.8,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" this forever which is why we also,693.72,4.799,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" advocate for National regulation,696.36,5.28,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" now fortunately we have seen calls for,698.519,5.06,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" National regulation already,701.64,4.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" ranging in you know from empowering,703.579,5.561,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" existing agencies like the FTC SEC and,706.2,4.5,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" so on and so forth and those are of,709.14,3.54,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" course American entities,710.7,3.6,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um pretty much every nation has,712.68,3.779,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" regulatory bodies that are already in,714.3,4.44,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" place that could be empowered to help,716.459,5.94,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" regulate AI now that being said there's,718.74,5.7,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" also a case to be made for advocating,722.399,4.581,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" for an AI specific entity,724.44,5.76,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" we're not going to take uh gato is not,726.98,4.66,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" going to take a position one way or,730.2,4.379,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" another but we do advocate for National,731.64,6.66,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" regulation of some kind across the world,734.579,6.241,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and this National regulation is not just,738.3,3.719,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" about,740.82,1.92,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um,742.019,3.301,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" punishing or constraining we also,742.74,4.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" advocate for incentivizing aligned,745.32,4.199,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Behavior such as through research grants,747.3,4.979,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and and other Financial incentives maybe,749.519,5.161,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" even including tax breaks for companies,752.279,5.161,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that meet alignment standards similar to,754.68,5.46,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" how there are carbon credits for,757.44,5.82,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" instance as one example of incentivizing,760.14,5.16,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" the behavior that you want to see with,763.26,5.579,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" financial gains again we believe that,765.3,5.4,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" aligned AI is its own Financial,768.839,3.421,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" incentive but not everyone's going to,770.7,4.259,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" believe that one example that I like to,772.26,6.24,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" use is when smoking was banned from bars,774.959,5.701,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and restaurants when smoking was banned,778.5,3.66,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" from bars and restaurants it actually,780.66,3.179,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" increased patronage of bars and,782.16,4.5,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" restaurants because a few bad actors AKA,783.839,5.161,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" people that wanted to smoke inside that,786.66,4.14,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" behavior was that noxious Behavior was,789.0,4.139,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" no longer allowed and so then businesses,790.8,4.14,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" all benefited and now it's just a,793.139,3.541,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" foregone conclusion that you shouldn't,794.94,3.78,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" allow smoking inside,796.68,3.719,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that is the kind of nature of national,798.72,4.619,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" regulation so if we ban misaligned AI,800.399,5.281,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" it'll bring more people to the table,803.339,4.74,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" uh number six is international treaty,805.68,5.459,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" sogato advocates for the creation of,808.079,5.221,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" international agencies,811.139,4.44,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um openai recently published that they,813.3,4.92,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" are advocating for an agency model,815.579,5.281,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" perhaps on the the iaea the,818.22,5.46,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" international atomic energy agency which,820.86,4.979,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" is a regulator that performs inspections,823.68,5.899,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and other uh other uh functions around,825.839,7.101,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" nuclear uh energy and nuclear enrichment,829.579,5.741,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" we don't necessarily disagree with that,832.94,4.959,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" but we think that it should be yes and,835.32,4.98,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" sogato advocates for the creation of an,837.899,5.821,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" entity like CERN which is primarily a,840.3,5.099,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" research organization rather than a,843.72,2.84,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" regulatory,845.399,3.781,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" organization and the reason that we,846.56,4.42,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" advocate for international,849.18,4.32,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um cooperation on AI research is because,850.98,4.859,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" again we believe that eventually one day,853.5,4.62,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" we are going to lose control of the AI,855.839,4.261,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" in which case human regulation won't,858.12,3.899,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" matter so what we need to do is actually,860.1,5.4,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" focus more resources on understanding,862.019,5.88,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" alignment and autonomous systems and how,865.5,4.62,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" to create what we call axiomatic,867.899,4.74,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" alignment so axiomatic alignment is one,870.12,5.18,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" of the goal states of the gato framework,872.639,6.421,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" wherein alignment is very difficult for,875.3,6.88,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" AI to deviate from due to a saturation,879.06,6.0,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" of aligned models aligned data sets and,882.18,4.92,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" what we also call epistemic Convergence,885.06,4.139,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" which is the idea it's very similar to,887.1,4.62,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" to instrumental convergence but the idea,889.199,4.38,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" of epistemic convergence,891.72,4.08,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" is that any sufficiently intelligent,893.579,3.181,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" entity,895.8,3.599,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" uh no matter where they start they ought,896.76,6.06,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" to come to some similar conclusions uh,899.399,5.521,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" you know with obviously some variants,902.82,5.759,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" but by intersecting with the same laws,904.92,5.46,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" of physics the same universe the same,908.579,4.681,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" galaxy the same Planet pretty much any,910.38,4.92,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" sufficiently and intelligent entity,913.26,3.12,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" ought to come to some similar,915.3,3.24,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" conclusions and then finally the top,916.38,4.1,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" layer of gato is global consensus,918.54,4.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" wherein we use exponential Technologies,920.48,5.799,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" like AI social media and so on in order,923.1,6.12,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" to create Outreach Outreach into the,926.279,5.041,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" academic institutions into primary,929.22,4.739,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" education into industry so on and so,931.32,3.72,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" forth and that's why I've been doing,933.959,2.88,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" more interviews for instance,935.04,4.2,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" so those are the layers of gotcha,936.839,5.281,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and taken all together the goal is to,939.24,4.2,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" again achieve,942.12,3.899,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" excuse me Utopia avoid dystopia and,943.44,5.28,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" avoid collapse and each of these layers,946.019,4.38,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" you don't have to eat the whole elephant,948.72,3.479,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" the idea is that whatever your,950.399,3.841,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" specialization is you can participate in,952.199,4.44,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" gato without saying like yes I am a got,954.24,4.2,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" to employee or whatever that's not the,956.639,3.181,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" point,958.44,3.48,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um we also have the gato Traditions,959.82,4.5,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" which is a set of 10 kind of principles,961.92,5.34,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" or behaviors that everyone can engage in,964.32,5.639,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" to help Advance this initiative towards,967.26,6.06,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Global alignment so the first tradition,969.959,5.101,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" is start where you are use what you have,973.32,4.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" do what you can basically this says that,975.06,4.62,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" whatever you're capable of whatever your,977.88,3.18,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" passions are and your strengths are you,979.68,3.659,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" can use them so for instance I get a lot,981.06,4.26,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" of messages by people saying like you,983.339,3.541,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" know oh well I'm just a lawyer I don't,985.32,3.54,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" know anything about AI or I'm a graphic,986.88,3.78,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" artist or you know I just use Twitter,988.86,3.719,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and make memes whatever it is that,990.66,3.479,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" you're capable of doing you can advance,992.579,3.841,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" the initiative of AI so for instance,994.139,4.921,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" there's a Twitter uh feed out there what,996.42,5.4,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" is it the the AI safety memes um Twitter,999.06,3.719,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" feed,1001.82,3.6,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" if that's all you do that's fine,1002.779,5.341,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um if you're a lawyer you can look at uh,1005.42,5.94,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" at gato and AI alignment from a legal,1008.12,5.159,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" perspective or from a business policy,1011.36,3.539,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" perspective or whatever your perspective,1013.279,3.601,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" is you have something that you can,1014.899,4.62,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" contribute and by everyone contributing,1016.88,4.98,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" in a decentralized manner we can solve,1019.519,4.501,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that coordination problem,1021.86,4.5,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um that that like I said that uh Daniel,1024.02,4.799,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" smacktenberger and live Bowie point out,1026.36,4.38,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" principle number two is work towards,1028.819,5.581,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" consensus so while Global consensus is,1030.74,5.699,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" not fully possible we're not ever going,1034.4,4.74,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" to come to a unanimous decision that,1036.439,4.5,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" doesn't mean that that the idea of,1039.14,4.02,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" consensus is not valuable and very,1040.939,5.101,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" helpful in this process because what I,1043.16,5.7,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" mean by that is that when you have,1046.04,5.28,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" consensus as an as a principle as an,1048.86,4.559,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" ideal you're going to you're going to,1051.32,3.3,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" listen more you're going to listen,1053.419,3.361,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" differently and you're also going to,1054.62,4.86,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" find more novel and unique and Creative,1056.78,5.22,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Solutions that that strive to meet,1059.48,5.16,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" everyone's needs and desires,1062.0,4.86,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" number three is broadcast your findings,1064.64,4.919,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" which is uh basically don't keep things,1066.86,5.1,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" locked up we very much advocate for open,1069.559,4.561,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" source open communication knowledge,1071.96,4.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" sharing and so on because knowledge,1074.12,4.38,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" sharing and broadcasting good,1076.52,3.6,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" information is part of building,1078.5,3.12,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" consensus,1080.12,3.24,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" number four is think globally act,1081.62,5.28,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" locally so think globally the problem of,1083.36,5.819,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" solving AI alignment is a global problem,1086.9,5.22,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" it is as Global as you know nuclear,1089.179,6.901,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" deterrent or or you know climate change,1092.12,6.9,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" right this is a global problem now that,1096.08,4.74,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" being said none of us have a global,1099.02,4.26,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" reach or Global influence right I'm on,1100.82,5.82,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" YouTube I do have global-ish audience,1103.28,5.58,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" but I can still only do you know,1106.64,5.399,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" something with my own hands right and so,1108.86,5.699,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" by Distributing the workload and acting,1112.039,3.541,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" locally,1114.559,2.761,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" but keeping in mind that this is a,1115.58,4.5,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" global problem we can work together,1117.32,6.0,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" number five in it to win it this is for,1120.08,5.52,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" all the cookies basically we achieve you,1123.32,4.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" as many people point out like we either,1125.6,4.079,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" achieve Utopia by solving all these,1127.88,3.9,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" problems or we're on an inevitable,1129.679,4.74,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" downslide towards dystopia collapse and,1131.78,5.82,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" then finally Extinction so this is what,1134.419,4.921,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" some people say a binary outcome or a,1137.6,4.02,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" bimodal outcome where it's we solve this,1139.34,3.719,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" or we don't,1141.62,2.88,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" excuse me,1143.059,4.441,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" number six is Step Up So Step Up talks,1144.5,4.98,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" about if there's something that you see,1147.5,3.96,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that you can do you can advocate in your,1149.48,4.02,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" community in your company,1151.46,4.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um in your family whatever step up speak,1153.5,3.72,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" out,1156.02,4.8,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um it could also be uh if you if gato,1157.22,5.579,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" aligns with you download the framework,1160.82,4.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" start your own uh gato Community or join,1162.799,5.041,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" a community that is aligned with gato,1165.38,4.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and start sharing and start doing the,1167.84,5.04,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" work but it it got to will not succeed,1169.94,4.979,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" if everyone is passive that is the key,1172.88,4.02,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" thing here number seven is think,1174.919,4.561,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" exponentially as I mentioned we very,1176.9,4.2,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" much Advocate using exponential,1179.48,3.9,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Technologies namely social media and,1181.1,4.62,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" artificial intelligence if you can,1183.38,4.2,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" create an AI tool that helps Advance,1185.72,3.78,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" alignment whether it's by building,1187.58,4.8,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" consensus or solving problems do it if,1189.5,4.98,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" you have a communication platform,1192.38,5.88,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" podcast memes reddits whatever,1194.48,5.64,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and use those exponential Technologies,1198.26,3.96,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and those Network effects to get the,1200.12,4.919,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" message out to build consensus and to do,1202.22,6.3,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" uh more with less basically number eight,1205.039,6.241,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" is trust the process we are not the,1208.52,5.46,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" first decentralized Global movement and,1211.28,5.34,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" we won't be the last but the point is is,1213.98,4.8,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that decentralized Global movements do,1216.62,4.799,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" work and in the gato framework we list,1218.78,6.48,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" about I think 8 or 11 different uh,1221.419,6.0,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" decentralized movements that we uh took,1225.26,3.6,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" inspiration from,1227.419,4.321,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and so yes you're only going to see your,1228.86,5.16,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" little narrow part but if everyone is,1231.74,4.2,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" doing the same thing in parallel even,1234.02,3.84,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" though you don't see it you trust that,1235.94,3.119,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" it's out there and that they are doing,1237.86,3.48,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" it number nine is strike while the iron,1239.059,4.141,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" is hot there are going to be plenty of,1241.34,4.079,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" opportunities out here and this one is,1243.2,5.64,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" exactly what this policy or sorry this,1245.419,6.12,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" tradition means is open AI presented an,1248.84,4.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" opportunity so we're going to make use,1251.539,3.781,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" of that opportunity and so we're going,1253.4,3.6,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" to strike while the iron's hot,1255.32,3.9,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and finally tradition number 10 divide,1257.0,4.86,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and conquer again everyone is going to,1259.22,4.38,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" be working in parallel to solve,1261.86,3.48,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" alignment and not everyone's going to,1263.6,4.02,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" agree but that's okay right we will work,1265.34,5.1,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" towards consensus over time so that is,1267.62,6.54,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" the uh got to layers and traditions many,1270.44,5.28,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" of you have said that you want to get,1274.16,3.54,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" involved you don't need our permission,1275.72,5.16,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" to get involved however you can apply to,1277.7,5.54,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" join the main gato Community,1280.88,4.799,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" with this form we do have it,1283.24,4.9,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" automatically piped into our Discord and,1285.679,4.38,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" we automatically or not automatically,1288.14,5.34,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" but we can all uh vote on accepting,1290.059,8.281,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" members or not we also have a um first I,1293.48,6.36,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" need to tell everyone we are way behind,1298.34,3.42,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" on accepting people we also haven't,1299.84,3.66,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" fully automated the onboarding and,1301.76,5.24,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" invitation process so if you did apply,1303.5,6.299,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" on the old form we haven't gotten to you,1307.0,4.36,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and you need to apply on the new form,1309.799,4.141,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and number two if you don't get accepted,1311.36,4.679,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" first be patient because we're trying to,1313.94,3.719,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" get to everyone in automate as much of,1316.039,6.241,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" it as possible and number two if you're,1317.659,6.421,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" not accepted that doesn't necessarily,1322.28,3.18,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" mean that you don't have something to,1324.08,3.959,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" contribute but we we need to make sure,1325.46,3.9,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that we don't have too many cooks in the,1328.039,3.301,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" kitchen right and so what we're going to,1329.36,3.48,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" be doing is setting up morgato,1331.34,4.14,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" communities that are more open,1332.84,4.86,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um for everyone to join,1335.48,4.16,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um so you know don't take it personally,1337.7,3.959,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" because there's plenty of people that,1339.64,4.6,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that do have something to contribute but,1341.659,4.26,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that we just don't have a role for in,1344.24,4.439,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" the main gato Community yet and then,1345.919,4.38,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" finally,1348.679,4.261,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um if you uh if you're ready to,1350.299,5.161,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" participate we have two documents so one,1352.94,6.119,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" is the main gato framework which is a 70,1355.46,6.719,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" page document that outlines everything,1359.059,5.821,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" that I've said here and more including,1362.179,4.261,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" lots and lots of suggestions,1364.88,5.52,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" explanations as to why how and so on you,1366.44,5.04,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" know whether you want to Advocate,1370.4,3.6,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" forgotto or participate in one layer or,1371.48,5.46,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" even we have recommendations on how to,1374.0,5.7,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" set up your own gato community,1376.94,4.8,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and then the other document is a,1379.7,3.9,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" one-page handout which I actually take,1381.74,3.78,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" this to meetup groups now which it's if,1383.6,3.9,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" you just want to give someone a really,1385.52,3.96,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" high level snapshot of gato it's a,1387.5,4.62,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" one-page handout that um that you can,1389.48,5.34,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" use to share the idea to kind of plant,1392.12,5.58,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" those seeds and and get the conversation,1394.82,4.68,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" started,1397.7,3.42,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um that is about it for the gato,1399.5,4.679,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Community we also have a few more pages,1401.12,6.0,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" such as like news and updates,1404.179,5.281,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um for anything that is uh happening,1407.12,3.96,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" with the gato Community or relevant to,1409.46,2.82,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" us we actually need to update this,1411.08,3.42,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" because I've had a few more podcasts and,1412.28,3.72,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" then we have a Community Showcase page,1414.5,3.96,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" where we'll be accumulating,1416.0,4.799,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um use cases business cases and Other,1418.46,5.339,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" Stories of successes,1420.799,6.481,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" um relate related to AI alignment and,1423.799,6.841,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" adoption so for instance we have a few,1427.28,5.04,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" other projects a few other irons in the,1430.64,4.32,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" fire that will get updated as those get,1432.32,4.56,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" completed we've got folks participating,1434.96,4.44,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" in hackathons then of course we've got,1436.88,4.5,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" you know got to will be participating in,1439.4,4.32,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" the Democratic inputs the AI that sort,1441.38,3.659,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" of thing so,1443.72,3.48,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" if all of this resonates with you if you,1445.039,3.961,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" want to solve this problem and this is,1447.2,3.3,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" this is going to be true whether or not,1449.0,4.74,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" you believe that AGI is imminent or not,1450.5,5.64,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" this is gonna like got to as valid,1453.74,4.38,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" whether or not you believe that AI,1456.14,4.2,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" represents an existential threat because,1458.12,4.62,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" whatever else is true AI is disrupting,1460.34,5.459,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" the economy today so there are alignment,1462.74,4.5,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" questions that we need to solve today,1465.799,3.301,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" and there are coordination problems we,1467.24,4.439,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" need to solve today regardless of where,1469.1,5.699,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" AI ultimately ends up so with all that,1471.679,4.921,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" thanks for watching I hope you got a lot,1474.799,4.321,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" out of this and uh yeah stay tuned for,1476.6,6.319,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" more we will keep up the hard work,1479.12,3.799,"OpenAI: $100,000 Grants for AI Consensus Platform! Plus a Gentle Introduction to GATO Framework" is there anything that makes humans,0.06,3.0,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" Irreplaceable,1.86,3.3,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" so are we getting into a stage where,3.06,4.38,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" there's nothing that AI that humans can,5.16,4.8,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" do that AI won't be able to do,7.44,5.279,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" uh from a functional standpoint from a a,9.96,5.759,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" an objective standpoint I don't think so,12.719,4.98,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um and that actually begs a very deep,15.719,3.421,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" philosophical and spiritual question,17.699,2.821,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" which is what is the point of living,19.14,4.5,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" what is the point of being a human,20.52,5.16,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um and that uh is something that I've,23.64,4.559,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" done some work on I've wrote a paper or,25.68,5.58,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" a short book called post nihilism where,28.199,5.581,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" what I suspect is that we are barreling,31.26,4.92,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" towards uh what I call a nihilistic,33.78,3.54,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" crisis or actually we're in the middle,36.18,3.059,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" of a nihilistic crisis and it actually,37.32,3.68,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" started with the Industrial Revolution,39.239,4.921,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" if you look at a lot of poetry and,41.0,5.98,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" literature works of fiction during the,44.16,5.28,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" the rise of the Industrial Revolution a,46.98,4.079,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" lot of people had a lot of existential,49.44,3.299,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" anxiety about what was the point of,51.059,4.801,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" Being Human in an era of machines and,52.739,4.621,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" this kind of pops up every now and then,55.86,4.26,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" right same thing happened with computers,57.36,5.539,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um with the Advent of you know uh,60.12,5.34,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" high-speed computers nuclear weapons so,62.899,5.021,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" on and so forth technological advances,65.46,3.839,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" advancements tend to give us some,67.92,2.66,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" existentialing,69.299,3.961,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" but to your question about like okay,70.58,5.38,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" what is the benefit of being a human in,73.26,4.62,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" a world where from a product,75.96,3.78,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" productivity standpoint or an economic,77.88,3.48,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" standpoint machines can do everything,79.74,3.48,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" that we can do better faster and cheaper,81.36,4.98,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" what's the point and so that is where we,83.22,5.219,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" have to change our orientation towards,86.34,4.919,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" how we value our own life and our own,88.439,4.5,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" subjective experience so that's a deeply,91.259,3.661,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" deeply philosophical and religious,92.939,4.561,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" perspective or a question and it's it's,94.92,5.04,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" really interesting because depending on,97.5,4.2,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" someone's spiritual upbringing or,99.96,4.5,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" spiritual disposition the question lands,101.7,5.279,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" very differently because many uh,104.46,4.199,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" religious doctrines around the world,106.979,3.721,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" basically say that humans have a soul,108.659,4.861,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" and that sets us apart and so whether or,110.7,5.76,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" not that's true uh people have a model,113.52,5.279,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" for just saying my subjective experience,116.46,6.299,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" of being is Matt is very meaningful and,118.799,7.741,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" it is unique and so part of overcoming a,122.759,6.301,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" nihilistic crisis is we all have to face,126.54,4.62,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" that whether or not not we believe in,129.06,4.2,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" souls or God or whatever,131.16,5.159,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" and we have to kind of go back to basics,133.26,5.76,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" and look at the subjective experience of,136.319,4.261,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" our own being and so back to your,139.02,3.42,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" question earlier about children I,140.58,3.42,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" suspect that children who grow up with,142.44,4.26,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" AI they will just intrinsically know oh,144.0,4.08,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" yeah my experience is different from,146.7,3.179,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" this machine and that's okay and that,148.08,3.299,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" they won't have any existential anxiety,149.879,4.261,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" about it I hope at least do you have are,151.379,4.381,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" you hopeful for the future or do you,154.14,3.84,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" have this anxiety,155.76,5.58,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um no I I am uh I think I'm biologically,157.98,5.46,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" programmed to be optimistic I just I,161.34,3.899,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" can't be cynical,163.44,5.04,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um and I I,165.239,5.881,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" part of that is that I've done a,168.48,4.08,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" tremendous amount of work to understand,171.12,3.6,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" what the dangers and risks are and I've,172.56,4.44,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" also tried to contribute to coming up,174.72,4.86,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" with a more optimistic outcome the,177.0,4.379,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" machines so we we all learned this from,179.58,3.42,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" watching Scooby-Doo,181.379,3.841,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um the monsters are always humans right,183.0,4.26,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" there's no such thing as as an evil,185.22,3.9,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" monster out there the problem is always,187.26,4.92,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" humans and so this is this is a big,189.12,5.24,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" reason that I've done my work is because,192.18,4.62,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" you know it's not it's not that a,194.36,4.36,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" machine is going to replace you and,196.8,3.359,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" that's a bad thing right we all,198.72,3.599,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" fantasize about like hey I want to you,200.159,3.72,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" know go live in the countryside and just,202.319,3.481,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" go fishing every day we all know what we,203.879,4.261,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" want to do if we don't have to work what,205.8,5.4,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" we are truly afraid of is not being able,208.14,5.22,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" to take care of ourselves is that if the,211.2,4.14,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" machine takes our job we're gonna go,213.36,3.9,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" hungry we're gonna lose our home we're,215.34,4.02,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" gonna end up lonely and and whatever,217.26,4.8,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" that's the actual fear,219.36,4.799,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um nobody actually wants to keep working,222.06,4.38,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" right nobody want like I remember one of,224.159,4.921,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" the advertisements for um for a like,226.44,5.1,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" health insurance here in America was you,229.08,3.9,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" get to keep your health insurance you,231.54,2.82,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" like your health nobody likes health,232.98,4.259,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" insurance it's a necessary evil right,234.36,6.959,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" jobs occupations are a necessary evil of,237.239,6.301,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" the economic environment that we're in,241.319,4.14,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" and the technological limitations that,243.54,3.96,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" we're in and so as these things progress,245.459,3.481,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" this is this is I'm basically just,247.5,3.599,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" unpacking why I'm optimistic as these,248.94,3.78,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" things progress I hope that we're all,251.099,3.36,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" going to be able to have kind of a Back,252.72,3.54,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" to Basics moment where it's like you,254.459,3.12,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" wake up one day and it's like how do you,256.26,2.58,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" actually want to live right if you want,257.579,2.94,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" to go fishing every day do it if you,258.84,3.54,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" want to focus on being an opera singer,260.519,4.381,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" go do that you know there's we all have,262.38,4.74,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" stuff that we want to do but that we,264.9,4.44,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" sacrifice for the sake of earning enough,267.12,4.2,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" money to take care of ourselves and that,269.34,5.34,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" is the reality for most of us today,271.32,4.8,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" one of the reasons why we have this,274.68,3.36,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" worry is because currently we live in,276.12,3.48,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" sort of a negotiated environment right,278.04,4.02,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" the successive labor movements was,279.6,4.92,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" because labor was needed when humans are,282.06,4.699,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" no longer needed,284.52,4.92,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" there's sort of a worry that,286.759,4.121,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" we're not going to have the opportunity,289.44,2.64,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" to go fishing,290.88,2.46,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" right where they're going to have,292.08,3.3,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" nothing and I guess that's that's the,293.34,3.48,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" the worry that you're pointing at what,295.38,3.24,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" what do you think the first jobs are,296.82,3.9,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" that are going to go,298.62,3.66,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" well there's already been quite a few,300.72,2.64,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" layoffs,302.28,3.96,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um various uh communities on Reddit or,303.36,4.98,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" private communities on Discord,306.24,4.56,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um so for instance my uh fiance's uh,308.34,4.38,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" were both writers but she's on a few uh,310.8,3.899,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" private writing communities,312.72,3.479,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um copywriters have already been laid,314.699,4.201,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" off and replaced by AI,316.199,4.741,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um uh marketing teams have been notified,318.9,3.6,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" that you know they've got a year until,320.94,2.88,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" they're all going to get laid off and,322.5,3.66,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" replaced by you know AI generated images,323.82,4.86,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" and AI generated emails,326.16,4.62,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um so it's happening,328.68,5.04,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um yeah that's that that's where we're,330.78,6.24,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" at now I guess to to your your larger,333.72,5.28,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" point of you know if we're all,337.02,3.959,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" replaceable you know what's what's the,339.0,4.08,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" bottom line and the fact of the matter,340.979,4.381,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" is from a corporate perspective from uh,343.08,3.899,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" from the perspective of neoliberalism,345.36,4.559,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" human labor is one of the most expensive,346.979,5.461,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" aspects of productivity and it's also,349.919,4.861,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" the biggest constraint you look at a,352.44,4.5,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" population decline in places like China,354.78,4.02,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" and Japan because China just crested,356.94,3.96,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" right so from here on out China's,358.8,3.54,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" population is going down for at least,360.9,3.239,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" the next Century Japan has been in,362.34,3.78,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" Decline for a couple decades now uh,364.139,4.201,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" ditto for Italy and a few other nations,366.12,4.799,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" so their labor force is Contracting,368.34,5.34,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" right and from an economic perspective,370.919,6.241,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" that's really bad for for for Nations so,373.68,6.0,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" AI hopefully will actually Shore up,377.16,4.86,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" those Labor uh labor markets and,379.68,5.7,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" actually replace lost human labor now,382.02,5.28,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" because humans are so expensive right,385.38,4.62,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" you can pay uh 20 a month for chat gbt,387.3,4.56,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" and it can basically serve as an,390.0,3.84,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" executive assistant and personal coach,391.86,3.839,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" and every it can replace literally,393.84,3.479,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" thousands of dollars worth of Labor and,395.699,3.901,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" it costs 20 a month chat GPT is,397.319,3.541,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" infinitely cheaper than most human,399.6,2.879,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" employees,400.86,2.76,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um and that's only going to get better,402.479,3.06,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" right because either the model is going,403.62,4.019,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" to get more efficient and cheaper,405.539,3.481,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um or it's going to get smarter and more,407.639,3.0,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" powerful and therefore more valuable or,409.02,5.16,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" both in all likelihood so one one of the,410.639,4.861,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" things that I predict,414.18,3.12,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" is that we are going to have a post,415.5,4.56,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" Labor uh market economy before too long,417.3,5.58,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" and in that respect uh basically,420.06,5.46,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" economic productivity will be decoupled,422.88,4.319,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" from Human labor,425.52,3.48,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um and in that case you know you're,427.199,3.181,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" going to see quadrillion dollar,429.0,3.84,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" valuation uh for companies that have no,430.38,3.539,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" employees,432.84,3.0,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" and that might sound like that that,433.919,4.081,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" could be an ingredient for a dystopian,435.84,5.04,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" world that nobody wants to live in,438.0,4.74,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" we'll get to like the regulation and,440.88,4.5,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" stuff of that later but from a from a,442.74,5.7,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" from a purely GDP perspective AI is,445.38,4.08,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" going to be the best thing that ever,448.44,4.86,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" happened to GDP to uh to uh economics,449.46,6.54,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" because again it will decouple uh human,453.3,4.2,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" labor from the constraint and that there,456.0,2.94,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" there will still be a few constraints,457.5,4.62,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" natural resources Rare Minerals uh fresh,458.94,6.06,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" water arable land right there's going to,462.12,4.32,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" be there's always going to be some,465.0,3.599,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" physical constraints but we're going to,466.44,4.56,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" remove human labor as one of the main uh,468.599,5.281,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" constraints to economics and that is,471.0,4.38,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" going to mandate kind of those things,473.88,2.759,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" like you said like if you want to go,475.38,3.78,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" fishing well how right if you don't have,476.639,4.921,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" any economic power if you don't have any,479.16,5.099,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" way to make a demand then that's a big,481.56,4.38,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" problem which is what we're going to,484.259,2.821,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" have to negotiate we're going to have to,485.94,2.58,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" negotiate a new social contract,487.08,2.88,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" basically,488.52,3.06,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" what do you think the impact is going to,489.96,3.9,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" be on births ultimately do you think,491.58,4.86,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" people are going to just start having AI,493.86,5.1,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" children because it's cheaper,496.44,4.08,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" you know that's a really difficult,498.96,3.9,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" question I could see it going either way,500.52,4.44,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um there's plenty of books and and and,502.86,5.04,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" fiction out there and research papers,504.96,4.799,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um people have predicted you know the,507.9,4.74,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" population uh explosion you know the,509.759,4.381,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" Earth will become uninhabitable because,512.64,2.94,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" we'll have billions and billions of,514.14,3.48,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" people that we can't feed other people,515.58,3.36,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" are worried that you know the population,517.62,3.359,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" is going to collapse,518.94,3.36,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um and I actually had a pretty long,520.979,3.36,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" conversation about this just to kind of,522.3,4.26,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" clarify my own ideas uh again with chat,524.339,3.781,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" GPT,526.56,4.38,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um and so there's a few driving factors,528.12,6.42,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" that cause uh birth rates to decline,530.94,5.78,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um uh women entering the workforce,534.54,4.26,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" education and empowerment for women,536.72,5.1,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" access to birth control so it turns out,538.8,6.479,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" when a society advances and becomes a,541.82,6.16,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" little bit more uh sophisticated or or,545.279,5.101,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" gains more access or some you know Ginny,547.98,4.38,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" coefficient goes up whatever metrics you,550.38,4.68,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" use education goes up fertility rates go,552.36,3.539,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" down,555.06,2.7,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" some of that has to do with the choices,555.899,4.141,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" of Family Planning you know men and,557.76,3.6,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" women decide to have fewer children,560.04,3.6,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" women have more control over their own,561.36,3.479,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" fate,563.64,3.18,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um and so fertility rates tend to go,564.839,4.021,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" down and this is a very very reliable,566.82,4.019,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" Trend globally,568.86,3.14,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um you know,570.839,3.901,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" regardless of culture regardless of,572.0,5.14,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" other economic conditions as education,574.74,6.0,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" rates go up as uh uh women in the,577.14,5.639,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" workforce goes up fertility rates goes,580.74,4.14,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" down this is a global thing with no,582.779,5.041,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" exceptions right so if you extrapolate,584.88,5.1,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" that out then you can probably make a,587.82,5.1,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" relatively safe assumption that as AI,589.98,5.58,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" spreads around the world and economics,592.92,4.44,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" and education and everything goes up,595.56,4.14,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" that fertility rates will continue to go,597.36,5.7,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" down around the whole world South Korea,599.7,4.92,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" I believe has the lowest fertility rate,603.06,4.74,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" on the planet at 0.8 births per woman,604.62,5.52,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" which is uh like,607.8,4.86,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um just uh just above a third of the,610.14,5.34,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" replacement rate so it's entirely,612.66,6.299,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" possible that under these trends that a,615.48,5.46,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" population collapse is actually the most,618.959,4.921,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" real danger that we face so well what do,620.94,5.1,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" you do about that one thing that I think,623.88,5.34,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" is going to happen is that AI will lead,626.04,6.479,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" to Medical breakthroughs and I suspect,629.22,6.36,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" that we are close if not already at uh,632.519,5.041,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" the the place of what's called Longevity,635.58,4.86,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" escape velocity which is that the,637.56,4.38,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" medical breakthroughs that happen every,640.44,3.54,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" year extend your life by more than a,641.94,4.62,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" year so basically,643.98,4.56,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" hypothetically if you're healthy enough,646.56,4.56,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" today if you're not about to die and you,648.54,5.1,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" have access to decent enough uh health,651.12,4.68,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" care then that the compounding returns,653.64,4.56,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" of medical research and AI means that,655.8,3.96,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" you and I could live to be several,658.2,3.66,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" centuries old which means that the,659.76,3.9,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" population of the planet will stabilize,661.86,5.159,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" as birth rates continue to decline now,663.66,5.28,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" whether I I do think that some people,667.019,4.56,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" will ultimately choose like AI,668.94,4.74,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" companions as they become more realistic,671.579,3.721,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" certainly a lot of people have seen,673.68,3.36,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" shows like Westworld,675.3,2.46,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um you know one of my favorite,677.04,2.28,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" characters of all time is data from Star,677.76,3.24,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" Trek and I would love to have data as a,679.32,3.12,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" friend right,681.0,4.82,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um so I absolutely suspect that um that,682.44,6.0,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" anthropomorphic machines will be part of,685.82,4.66,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" our Lives before too long,688.44,3.78,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um whether what form they take you know,690.48,3.299,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" whether it's a robotic dog that never,692.22,4.38,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" dies or you know a walking talking,693.779,5.161,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" friend that is always there to hang out,696.6,4.739,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" or if it's a romantic partner like uh,698.94,3.839,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" you know in the movie Her,701.339,3.481,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" um with Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett,702.779,3.781,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" Johansson there's lots of possibilities,704.82,4.32,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" uh for how life is going to be but like,706.56,4.26,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" I said I think one of the most reliable,709.14,4.02,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" durable Trends is fertility rates go,710.82,4.5,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" down so the question is will that be,713.16,3.9,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" offset by longevity,715.32,4.44,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" so in other words rather than sort of,717.06,5.16,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" the the dangerous Skynet that some,719.76,5.16,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" people Envision we might just get out,722.22,5.16,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" competed sexually uh into Extinction,724.92,4.8,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" something along those lines yeah that's,727.38,4.26,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" that's entirely possible especially when,729.72,3.66,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" you consider that um actually there was,731.64,4.199,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" a line from Terminator two it was when,733.38,4.98,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" Sarah Connor was watching uh you know,735.839,3.901,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" the Terminator Arnold Schwarzenegger,738.36,4.2,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" play with John and she realized that the,739.74,5.279,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" machine has infinite patience and will,742.56,4.5,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" always be there because John was his,745.019,4.26,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" mission and I realized that from a,747.06,3.899,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" philosophical standpoint one reading of,749.279,4.5,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" that is that the machine could be a,750.959,4.261,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" better parent than a human parent could,753.779,4.021,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" ever be because for a child from a,755.22,4.619,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" child's perspective they should be their,757.8,3.84,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" Prime their parents primary Mission but,759.839,3.721,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" that's never the case right parents are,761.64,3.78,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" humans too and they have their own needs,763.56,4.26,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" their own desires their own plans but,765.42,5.219,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" when you have a machine that it's if it,767.82,4.68,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" is designed that you are its primary,770.639,3.781,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" Mission whether you're an adult or a,772.5,4.86,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" child like that could be like,774.42,5.599,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" from some perspectives a better outcome,777.36,4.5,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" obviously some people are probably,780.019,3.701,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" cringing which is understandable that's,781.86,3.659,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" a perfectly healthy reaction to the idea,783.72,3.9,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" of replacing children and parents with,785.519,4.081,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" machines but it's possible Right,787.62,5.06,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" hypothetically possible,789.6,3.08,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" [Music],798.3,11.7,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" foreign,807.0,3.0,"Escaped Sapiens: David Shapiro on AI alignment, safety, and the future of humanity" all right hello everybody David Shapiro,6.96,5.099,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! here with the gato framework project,9.66,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! team we've got about a quarter of the,12.059,4.921,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! team here and basically all we're going,14.58,5.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to do is just do a debrief of the Senate,16.98,6.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hearing that happened yesterday uh with,20.46,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Sam Altman and uh Mrs Montgomery from,23.1,6.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! IBM as well as Gary Marcus so many of us,25.98,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! watch the whole thing or most of it we,29.64,3.119,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! were chatting about it in real time,31.38,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! because we're those kind of nerds so uh,32.759,5.521,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! with all that being said this is a to us,35.82,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it represents a very pivotal moment uh,38.28,5.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in terms of moving the Overton window uh,41.04,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! talking about the not just the,43.98,3.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! existential risk of AI but the social,45.96,5.939,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! risk to AI uh or the the AI risk to,47.879,6.241,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! society so on and so forth so anyways,51.899,4.561,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we've got a pretty robust discussion uh,54.12,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! tonight it's not going to be a debate,56.46,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! format but we do have uh some help with,57.78,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! moderation so we're going to work,60.6,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! through some some questions and uh and,61.8,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! answers and so yeah that's that's where,64.26,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we're starting,66.72,5.939,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um I'll introduce my uh moderator uh uh,68.46,6.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! our community leader Community manager,72.659,3.121,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Nathan,74.58,3.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um Nathan if you want to jump in and,75.78,4.339,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! introduce yourself,77.64,2.479,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hey everyone got a community larger,80.36,7.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! world uh my name is Nathan Lannon and I,83.759,5.461,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! am a community manager for the gato,87.36,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! projects uh right now I'm working on,89.22,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! building the website with some,92.04,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! passionate folks and also doing a AI,93.36,5.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! reskilling curriculum that I hope to,97.02,4.559,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! eventually put out to the public so yeah,99.0,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! thrilled to be here I will be playing,101.579,3.241,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the role of helping people get on and,103.02,3.959,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! off stage and making sure things go,104.82,4.439,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! smoothly thank you Dave,106.979,4.861,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! excellent thank you so much Nathan,109.259,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um all right so with that being said,111.84,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! this is also going to be a pretty casual,113.579,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! conversation,115.92,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um the only primary rule is we're going,117.659,3.841,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to try and talk one at a time,119.46,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so with all that being said uh Nathan,121.5,4.979,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! what is our first uh question to lead us,123.72,5.519,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! off uh Prime that prime the pump so to,126.479,4.381,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! speak,129.239,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yeah so,130.86,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yesterday as we know was the hearing,133.319,3.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! which was,135.84,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! huge for the AI Community opening up,137.28,5.039,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that Overton window crack and just to,139.62,6.479,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! kind of start off on a positive note I,142.319,7.741,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! think it would be nice to reflect on,146.099,5.881,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hope that that might have generated for,150.06,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! us and general thoughts about how that,151.98,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! might have been a good thing for us so,155.22,4.019,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! anybody want to jump in on that raise a,157.44,3.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hand,159.239,2.121,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! John why don't you hop up,161.599,6.041,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yeah absolutely so um I think one of the,164.28,7.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! biggest takeaways from the the Senate,167.64,7.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hearing was how educated the Senators,171.66,7.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! actually were about the the situation,175.08,6.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and the risks I think you know I think a,178.92,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! lot of the the Senators said some things,181.98,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! or asked some questions that that uh you,184.14,5.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know showed that they weren't experts in,187.44,5.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the field but they were they were way,189.42,5.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! more knowledgeable about the situation,193.2,6.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! than I think anybody really anticipated,195.36,7.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um it yeah we we expected the moderator,199.86,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to be you know pretty knowledgeable,202.56,3.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! because he's worked in this field before,204.3,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and,206.459,4.261,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um advocated for,207.84,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um algorithmic,210.72,7.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh bias protections and social media but,212.7,6.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um you know to see some of these other,217.98,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Senators that we don't hear from all the,219.599,6.481,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! time actually get up and and ask,222.48,6.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! somewhat you know somewhat Salient,226.08,6.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! questions about the actual issue and,229.379,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! show that they did know what was going,232.62,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! on it leaves a lot of Hope for,234.239,6.241,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um having reasonable and intelligent,236.94,8.299,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! regulation in in the future,240.48,4.759,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! excellent thank you John uh Andy I saw,246.36,6.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you have a hand raised watch come on up,249.959,3.381,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh just building on what John said I was,256.639,5.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! also encouraged I I had a dismal outlook,259.799,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! on what might be pretty uninformed,262.019,5.041,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hearing uh and also something that was,264.479,5.481,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! heavily partisan or rooted in kind of,267.06,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! dogmatic rhetoric which is the way that,269.96,3.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you know a lot of these kind of,272.16,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! publicized hearings will go uh but it,273.24,4.019,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! didn't seem to me that too many people,275.82,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! showed up with an overt agenda there,277.259,4.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! were more people in the room there to,279.9,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! learn and I also thought that it was,281.4,6.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! interesting to see and hear from uh,283.5,6.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Republicans who were interested in,287.82,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! setting up a bureaucracy a bureaucratic,290.1,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! mechanism and uh department or agency,292.5,4.259,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! specifically for this some of them,294.84,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! mentioned agencies someone as high as,296.759,3.541,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! cabinet level,298.32,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and Democrats questioning whether,300.3,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! expanding the bureaucracy was really,302.46,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! going to be a fitting choice for how to,304.32,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! cope with this uh those are,306.9,4.079,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! very different Tunes than we usually,309.0,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hear from the two sides who kind of,310.979,4.381,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! default to being foreign against the,312.72,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! opposite of that so I thought that that,315.36,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh that represented,317.04,5.219,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it suggested to me that a lot of these,320.22,5.699,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! people are concerned about this they are,322.259,6.061,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! literally personally interested in,325.919,3.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! what's going on and that they aren't,328.32,3.719,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! just trying to fit it into whatever box,329.88,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! They Carried into the room so I don't,332.039,4.261,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! think we get that too often uh in our in,333.72,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! our legislative debates and I didn't,336.3,3.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! think that it really came across as much,338.28,2.58,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of the debate there were only a couple,339.66,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! kind of contentious moments and I think,340.86,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! all of that suggests that you know as,343.08,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! John said previously too that we've got,345.18,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! a a lot of fertile ground to work with,346.86,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in government,348.84,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and that some support and interest,350.1,5.159,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! really may come from uh,352.62,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! angles and actors that you may not have,355.259,3.241,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! expected to be interested at all or,357.06,3.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! might have expected to be opposition to,358.5,4.199,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! whatever you're trying to do,360.96,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so yeah I think the the hearing was,362.699,5.301,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! pretty encouraging overall,364.8,3.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! totally Andy so like hearing we saw you,368.34,6.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know bipartisan hand holding yesterday,372.12,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in alignment on you know a super,374.46,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! important topic and just that was,376.74,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! incredibly heartening to see I agree,379.32,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that was one thing I was going to speed,381.06,5.359,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! up on as well uh Dave please go ahead,382.56,6.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yeah so first I'll I'll Echo uh the,386.419,4.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! sentiments of of what everyone else has,389.46,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! already said,391.199,6.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um but uh what I'll also add is uh and,393.06,6.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! as I mentioned in the introduction,397.319,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um moving the Overton window I think is,399.6,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! is going to be kind of the biggest thing,401.819,5.341,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and I was so excited that that Senators,404.34,4.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you know,407.16,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! particularly in America,408.62,5.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um even some of the older gentlemen and,411.12,6.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! gentle women uh were asking very pointed,414.0,7.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! questions uh not just on the topics of,417.66,5.58,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! like oh hey comparing it to social media,421.08,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! which they did compare it to social,423.24,2.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! media a lot because that's the only,424.38,3.319,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! frame of reference that we've got,425.88,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! basically uh for disruptive Technologies,427.699,5.801,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! at least in in recent history uh but,430.5,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! they they also said like you know what,433.5,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! are the existential risks,435.6,3.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and I'm I'm glad that they had a,437.58,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! witness okay you know because more often,439.259,5.401,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! than not these these uh Congress uh,441.9,5.579,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Congressional hearings they have uh just,444.66,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! corporate insiders right everyone Pro,447.479,4.021,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! well I don't know everyone does but big,449.34,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! tobacco right where it was just like a,451.5,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! panel of like eight uh like tobacco,453.72,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! execs and they're like is this addictive,456.24,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and the tobacco exec's all unanimously,458.34,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! said no it's not addictive and,460.38,3.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! everyone's like well this is completely,461.58,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! pointless right but here they had two um,463.38,5.879,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! they had two tech industry uh insiders,466.8,6.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and then Gary Marcus who is uh he's he's,469.259,7.261,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! not a tech Insider he's a researcher,473.4,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so they had that to counterbalance it,476.52,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! which I think gave the whole hearing a,478.08,3.959,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! lot more credibility,480.06,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um in terms of just reach and validity,482.039,7.021,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! but last point that I'm make is that I,485.46,7.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was also impressed by uh by both Sam,489.06,6.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Altman and Miss Montgomery's uh who,492.78,5.58,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! represented IBM their desire and,496.02,5.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! willingness to have regulations and to,498.36,4.679,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and to speak up,501.3,2.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um which that was a little bit,503.039,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! unexpected and of course we can we can,504.24,5.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! unpack some of the nuances later uh but,506.699,5.881,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yeah so that's that's about it for me,510.06,3.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! day,512.58,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! thanks Dave and Ben I'd like to invite,513.719,5.601,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you up,517.08,2.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! thanks Nathan just quickly my name is,519.659,4.981,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Ben I'm a CTO and a tech diligence,521.94,5.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! advisor for on AI uh I'm helping with,524.64,5.879,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! some of the gato framework rating,527.76,5.579,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the thing I really enjoyed besides the,530.519,4.861,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! thing I already mentioned about this,533.339,4.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hearing was how incredibly practical it,535.38,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was so like Senators asked for a very,537.48,5.039,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! specific ideas on how to do oversight,540.18,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and and really drove home like not just,542.519,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! high level Concepts but very practical,544.74,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! ideas on how to do it,546.779,4.021,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um they did things like highlight the,549.12,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! need for Better Business models around,550.8,5.159,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! news organizations or other other,553.5,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! monetization sources so just the level,555.959,3.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of practicality that they started with,558.18,5.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was really heartening for me,559.92,3.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! excellent so,564.42,4.979,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I'm hearing you know all around we heard,566.399,6.301,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh many things that we liked,569.399,5.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! now I'm curious before we dive into,572.7,6.18,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! things that we liked less uh is there,575.339,5.701,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! any things that we wish we had heard but,578.88,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we didn't hear them say,581.04,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um Richard I know you had a hand up,583.38,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! before I asked this question so you,584.88,3.18,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! don't feel free to respond to the prior,586.86,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! but then let's kick over to like what,588.06,5.219,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! could have been said but wasn't the,591.0,4.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! unsaid things,593.279,2.661,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh yeah hi I'm Richard I'm basically,597.26,5.259,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! just sort of a dude who hangs out in a,600.6,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! workshop building weird,602.519,5.281,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um but uh in terms of just the the last,604.14,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! point was just uh I wanted to also touch,607.8,2.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! on the fact that it was just really,609.6,3.679,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! surreal to see like heads of like,610.56,5.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! massive corporations that could if they,613.279,5.441,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! wanted to wield this as a weapon against,616.32,5.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! society and control a huge swath of,618.72,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! people,621.6,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um go to the government and specifically,623.1,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! ask them to regulate themselves like,625.38,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that never happens I've never seen,627.66,3.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! anything like that before so,629.88,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um it was very surreal to watch and also,631.56,2.339,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! just the fact that they were talking,633.18,2.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! about AI in Congress was just like what,633.899,4.201,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! what what leg of the trousers of time,635.88,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! have I gone down,638.1,4.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um but yeah,639.72,2.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! excellent all right yeah absolutely,645.839,5.701,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so I was learning would anybody have,649.079,4.921,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! any other thoughts on um things they,651.54,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! liked before we move over to uh things,654.0,5.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that we wish we had heard more of uh,656.76,5.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! John I see you have a hand up,659.7,5.699,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yeah so um one of the things that I,662.24,5.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! think is really going to need a lot of,665.399,5.281,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! discussion and will probably come up in,667.98,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! a later hearing but I'd like to have,670.68,6.18,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! heard more about it was the the economic,672.48,7.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! impacts that these these things are,676.86,6.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! going to have because the economy is an,679.86,6.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! existential existential threat maybe not,683.519,6.181,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! like Extinction of humanity level but it,686.64,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! is,689.7,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um probably one of the the first impacts,690.66,5.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that uh negative impacts that we're,694.44,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! going to see from Ai and I don't think,696.3,5.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that and it may be positive too but I,698.88,4.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! don't think that you know everybody,701.94,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! wants to you know ask to worry about,703.76,6.699,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! jobs but I don't think that jobs is the,706.86,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! only impact it's going to have on the,710.459,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! economy it's going to shift the way that,712.32,6.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! money moves in a global fashion and it,714.779,6.421,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! is going to have Global impacts not just,718.44,7.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! on jobs on all industry as well,721.2,5.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! absolutely yeah we're gearing up to see,728.7,7.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! major societal shifts and they were a,731.899,7.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! little light-handed with uh raising,736.26,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! awareness of some of those things and so,738.899,5.481,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I see you having it up there,741.06,3.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yeah well I I wanted to touch on the,744.54,6.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! things that uh weren't mentioned but I,748.5,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! think data basically covered it I wanted,751.44,3.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to touch on the fact that they said that,753.66,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! this was going to create new jobs I'm,755.339,4.981,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! like sure it'll create new jobs but it's,757.86,4.919,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! not going to be anywhere near enough of,760.32,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the jobs that it's going to displace and,762.779,3.661,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! especially it's not going to create new,764.7,4.439,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! ones in that much of a short time we're,766.44,5.519,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we're we're seeing huge disruptions in,769.139,5.041,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the next five years and that's being,771.959,5.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! incredibly optimistic and that's not a,774.18,6.779,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um uh a nif that is that is guaranteed,777.899,6.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the real question is what are the,780.959,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! fundamental shifts that are going to,783.959,2.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! happen and how are we going to address,785.639,3.721,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! them because Congress is still thinking,786.779,5.761,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in in the old model right where where,789.36,6.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you still need humans working eight,792.54,6.419,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hours a day four uh five hours sorry,796.019,5.341,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! five days a week and just just just,798.959,5.401,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! grind right AI is gonna automate a lot,801.36,6.599,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of that grind and we're not gonna find,804.36,5.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! enough uh,807.959,5.041,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! what's the word uh busy work,810.0,5.579,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to keep ourselves busy right we should,813.0,5.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we should focus on more on on liberating,815.579,6.421,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh that time for humans to do better,818.899,4.421,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! things right,822.0,4.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and well that's basically it,823.32,3.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! they cancel,827.88,2.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,829.44,1.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Dave why don't you pick up the,830.1,3.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! conversation,831.36,2.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! sure sure yeah I think uh and then I'll,834.36,5.099,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! wait back to Ben yeah sorry I gotcha no,836.7,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! worries,839.459,4.201,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um but yeah so for me certainly agree,840.54,6.539,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that uh the economy Ubi that sort of,843.66,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! stuff the displacement they touched on,847.079,3.361,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! displacement but then kind of glossed,848.7,3.18,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! over it,850.44,3.959,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um maybe maybe they had had a out of,851.88,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! band you know conversation like let's,854.399,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! save this for another thing I don't know,856.86,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! but one thing that that was addressed I,858.959,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! think Gary addressed this when he talked,861.66,4.679,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! about Auto GPT and Chaos GPT,863.399,5.761,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um was and that and that nobody uh else,866.339,4.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! addressed,869.16,3.239,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um at least none of the witnesses was,870.48,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! autonomous AI right,872.399,5.641,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um both Montgomery and Altman uh,874.98,5.099,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! fervently said this is just a tool this,878.04,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! is not a creature don't anthropomorphize,880.079,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it and it's like yeah but then when Gary,881.88,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! said hey like people are making this,884.579,4.801,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! stuff semi-autonomous today it doesn't,887.04,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! matter how ineffective it is,889.38,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um or if it has flaws it's today,891.72,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! right,894.3,3.839,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um yeah and someone in chat just,895.92,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! mentioned that um that yeah chat gbt,898.139,5.341,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! they released plugins right uh pretty,900.3,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! quickly,903.48,2.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and then one thing that I did notice,904.8,3.18,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and this was just speculation on my,906.24,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! point outside of that was that uh as,907.98,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! soon as people started creating like,910.38,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! chaos GPT they slow rolled uh rolling,912.36,5.339,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! out plugins to more people,915.36,4.979,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so maybe maybe open AI tapped the,917.699,5.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! brakes uh in response to chaos GPT,920.339,5.881,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um but you know I I obviously don't have,923.639,4.081,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! an inside line that's just speculation,926.22,3.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! on my point but I would have done that,927.72,4.559,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! if I saw someone use chat gbt to create,929.22,7.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! ksgpt but yeah so autonomous AI was a,932.279,6.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! huge thing missing Gary tried to push it,936.36,6.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! several Senators did ask like hey uh,938.959,4.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! what was it uh I think it was Lindsey,942.36,3.719,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Graham near the end he's like can you,943.92,5.219,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! use this to give a drone the ability to,946.079,5.341,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! autonomously Target someone and then go,949.139,4.921,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! kill them and of course Sam tried to you,951.42,5.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know use the corporate sanitized speak,954.06,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and then Lindsey Graham to his credit,957.36,5.159,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! said that's a yes or no question and and,959.16,6.239,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Sam's like yeah it is possible right so,962.519,4.801,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! he he did admit that which was which was,965.399,4.981,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Brave but you know the thing is is like,967.32,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um when I first got access to chat GPT,970.38,4.199,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to the API I went in and showed that you,972.3,3.539,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! can just give it instructions like,974.579,3.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you're controlling a drone right and,975.839,3.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it's like sure I'm controlling a drone,977.579,3.721,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! now right it doesn't care,978.899,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so yeah the autonomous AI was the,981.3,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! biggest thing missing in in my eyes and,983.519,4.981,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I seed the floor,985.56,5.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Ben please pick it up,988.5,5.279,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! sounds great I just wanted to start by,991.44,4.199,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! saying I'd love to talk through the jobs,993.779,4.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! thing I think saying it's guaranteed,995.639,3.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that we're going to lose so many jobs is,997.92,3.719,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! a pretty aggressive way to go and I I,999.6,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! think it's worth debating a bit,1001.639,4.741,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um I certainly think differently in,1003.8,5.459,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! terms of what was missed for me honestly,1006.38,5.579,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! how bad things already were before AI,1009.259,4.921,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was released so like misinformation has,1011.959,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! been a problem forever we have all sorts,1014.18,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of societal problems around,1016.459,5.761,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! global warming energy crisis things like,1018.62,5.939,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! this and just the opportunities to,1022.22,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! leverage AI yeah it's gonna make some,1024.559,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! things worse for sure but it is also an,1027.74,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! opportunity to solve help solve some,1029.959,3.661,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! things that were already problems and we,1032.12,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! were already struggling with,1033.62,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um I I would love to see people talk a,1035.9,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! little bit more about those,1038.24,3.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! opportunities,1039.62,2.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! thank you Ben uh very Sierra,1044.12,4.339,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! one of the things I think was missing,1048.86,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! from it was the competitive angle which,1050.96,5.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! says that yeah that's great America is,1054.32,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! not the only world the place in the,1056.6,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! world that's trying to develop an AI,1058.4,4.139,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! right and the reality is that if you tap,1060.02,3.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the brakes too much then what you'll do,1062.539,2.701,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! is lose the lead,1063.919,3.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and losing the lead to a country that,1065.24,6.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! has less than Stellar moral boundaries,1067.88,6.419,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! might in fact be counterproductive to to,1071.26,5.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! what's going on so a lot of this stuff,1074.299,4.021,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! is very interesting but the comment I,1076.34,3.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! would make is the horse has already,1078.32,3.18,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! bolted and unless,1079.34,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um we keep up with it and keep ahead of,1081.5,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it then,1084.08,4.099,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um the outcome could be even worse than,1085.22,6.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! displacement from losing a few jobs,1088.179,4.021,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I hear you but it sounds like uh you're,1092.9,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! referring to the mall of dynamics that,1096.14,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! are very much at play right now we could,1097.94,6.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! easily end up in a race to the bottom uh,1100.4,6.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! John why don't you go ahead yeah I,1104.0,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! wanted to come back to,1106.7,8.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um uh Mr Marcus's comment about uh,1108.74,11.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! about uh Auto GPT what what he said was,1114.86,8.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was that because,1120.14,6.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! because open AI released the plugins,1123.08,7.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that enabled Auto GPT and that was,1126.52,7.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! actually never the case so Auto GPT and,1130.22,7.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Chaos GPT both pre-date the plug-in,1133.82,7.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! release and they both directly leverage,1137.96,6.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! only the GPT API,1141.38,5.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so you know it's a little bit,1144.26,5.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! disconcerting to to see somebody who who,1146.5,6.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! is you know supposed to be a a,1150.08,5.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! researcher in this get something like,1153.32,5.099,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that so egregiously wrong and I'm really,1156.02,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! surprised that Sam didn't didn't call,1158.419,6.061,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! him out for that when he uh when he had,1160.52,9.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! just called Sam out for you know not not,1164.48,9.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! saying what actually scared him about AI,1169.52,6.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yeah we're talking about you know some,1173.72,6.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of the the kind of darker side of what,1176.179,5.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! might happen with AI,1179.96,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and you know bad research and bad,1182.059,6.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! information to that that's used to,1184.94,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! persuade governments to create,1188.299,5.161,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! regulations is another kind of,1190.34,6.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! misinformation concern,1193.46,3.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! absolutely thank you John uh Richard go,1198.88,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! ahead,1201.38,2.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! excuse me uh yeah the biggest thing uh,1205.58,6.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! like I think that that the they were,1209.48,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! more talk like he was,1211.6,4.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it was more like in reference to the,1214.34,2.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! fact that like,1215.84,2.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,1217.16,2.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the plugins would give the opportunity,1217.88,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for people to build more things like,1219.98,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um chaos GPT and stuff,1222.5,2.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,1224.36,2.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in like because if you give them the,1225.32,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! tools to be able to just like plug them,1226.88,3.299,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! together like Lego then it's way easier,1228.62,3.059,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! than like a developer who actually went,1230.179,4.921,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in and built the API backend for that,1231.679,6.301,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um which is I mean like the thing is,1235.1,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! just humans are going to be humans is it,1237.98,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the one like humans are amazing and,1239.96,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! beautiful and do incredible things but,1242.12,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! at the same time we're terrible and,1244.4,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! awful and do horrible things,1245.84,5.459,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so we have to sort of like have the,1248.48,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! contingency plan to make sure that that,1251.299,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,1253.46,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that that is uh like something that we,1254.539,4.081,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! can manage because like malaligned AI is,1256.76,2.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! going to happen because these things are,1258.62,4.919,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! like infinitely manipulatable like they,1259.7,5.219,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! all work off of natural language and,1263.539,3.541,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! like you can talk to them like if you're,1264.919,3.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! just nice to it you'll find you get,1267.08,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! better results just being polite so,1268.88,2.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! thank you,1270.32,2.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um talking to it a little bit in between,1271.28,2.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! prompts and stuff,1272.48,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um you get way better results and then,1274.22,5.339,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! like if if you know how to talk to them,1276.5,4.679,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! correctly you can get them to reveal all,1279.559,2.521,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! kinds of stuff that they're not supposed,1281.179,3.261,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to so,1282.08,2.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! absolutely yeah and the uh,1286.46,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the Senators to their credit were,1289.46,4.199,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! definitely well rehearsed you know they,1291.2,5.339,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! had heard language around Jailbreak jail,1293.659,5.101,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! breaking and stuff like that heartening,1296.539,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to see them using the language of our,1298.76,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! inner alignment communities,1300.679,3.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,1303.02,2.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so,1303.799,4.321,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! with that aside uh Ansel at least of,1305.08,4.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! them,1308.12,3.299,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! all right I wanted to touch on the,1309.5,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! comment that John said about it being in,1311.419,6.481,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the API not a plug-in I agree trust me I,1314.9,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! agree,1317.9,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um the thing is we're in the in the in,1318.86,4.199,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the industry right we're we're in the,1321.32,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know we know what an API is and we know,1323.059,4.021,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! what a plug-in is we know the difference,1325.58,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! right most people won't,1327.08,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and especially for old people in,1330.32,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Congress you tell them an API and,1332.6,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! they're like what is an API so when when,1334.46,3.959,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! they say a plug-in it basically,1336.86,3.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! functions the same way it's it's a way,1338.419,4.201,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to connect to the model right regardless,1340.22,3.839,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of if it's gone through an API or a,1342.62,2.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! plug-in you're connecting to the model,1344.059,3.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so that's what Congress needed to know,1345.14,6.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! right so I think that's not really,1347.179,6.541,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that important that he didn't make that,1351.2,4.859,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! distinction between oh plug in API,1353.72,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! because at the end of the day it's just,1356.059,4.461,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! connecting to the model,1357.74,2.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! absolutely thank you Ansel and uh Ben,1362.299,5.461,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I'll hand it to you and then take it,1366.14,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! back to raise a new question to everyone,1367.76,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so go ahead,1369.38,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! sounds good the last thing I wanted to,1371.78,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! mention is while it was great to hear,1373.76,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! them mention Auto GPT there there wasn't,1376.28,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! a lot of talk about open source there's,1379.22,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! been a lot of AI news about how open,1381.44,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! source may push the envelope of what's,1383.78,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh capable and regulating open source,1385.82,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! versus companies may be very different,1388.34,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so at some point I'd love to see them,1389.78,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! jump into the role of Open Source and,1392.0,4.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! how to regulate that,1393.86,2.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! thank you Ben and uh thank you everybody,1398.179,4.561,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for kind of raising to the surface some,1400.1,4.199,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of the things that we would have liked,1402.74,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to hear but we did not hear from the,1404.299,6.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! debate and are not debate but hearing,1407.48,5.699,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and a positive thing there will be more,1410.299,5.161,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of these so if you are listening perhaps,1413.179,3.601,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! these are things you bring to the table,1415.46,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for the next round,1416.78,5.519,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um now I'd like to discuss uh,1418.88,5.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! what are some of the things about the,1422.299,5.581,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hearing that we found disappointing,1424.58,5.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um things that we did not like so much,1427.88,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so got the community the floor is,1430.46,4.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yours,1433.1,2.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Ansel,1440.539,4.681,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! well I'll start the thing I didn't like,1442.64,5.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was they tried to focus more on creating,1445.22,6.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! a national agency instead of an,1448.46,6.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! international one when this technology,1451.94,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! is being used around the entire planet I,1454.76,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! think that doing this in an,1457.34,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! international level is is crucial,1458.84,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! right so that's one thing that I was,1461.78,3.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! disappointed like they they just,1463.28,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! mentioned it yes and they're like no no,1464.9,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it's if we're going to do let's go,1466.82,3.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! National blah blah you know that's,1468.2,5.18,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that's one thing I didn't like,1469.88,3.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! totally Ansel speaking here to one of,1473.9,6.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the traditions of gato we like to,1476.179,6.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! act local but think Global so these,1480.14,5.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! issues affect all of us,1483.14,5.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um Andy the floor is yours,1485.84,3.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um one of the things I didn't like is,1491.12,3.179,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that uh,1492.5,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Sam Altman for reasons I think I,1494.299,4.021,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! probably understand but don't,1496.58,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! necessarily appreciate uh dodged a few,1498.32,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! questions we've mentioned it earlier,1501.14,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! they asked him to talk about his biggest,1502.88,4.799,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! fears and concerns,1505.22,3.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,1507.679,2.641,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Sam has been very candid in public,1508.28,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! before about this with MIT presentations,1510.32,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! on the Lex Friedman podcast he's been,1512.72,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! one of the more forthcoming voices out,1515.0,3.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! there in the field as somebody who,1516.74,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! readily also says when he talks there's,1518.36,4.319,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! only so much I can tell you,1520.22,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and I thought that that was a little,1522.679,2.341,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! bit disappointing I thought he could,1523.88,2.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! have given a little bit more pointed,1525.02,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! answers I also was disappointed,1526.58,5.099,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um that they dodged,1529.76,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the jobs question when the you know the,1531.679,4.561,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! tech industry has just undergone a wave,1534.14,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of layoffs that were largely attributed,1536.24,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to other Market forces but are now,1538.58,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! undergoing yet another wave of layoffs,1540.5,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that most companies are flat out saying,1542.36,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we're automating these jobs,1544.1,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and that means those jobs aren't coming,1545.96,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! back uh I don't necessarily disagree,1547.94,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! with Ben I think there's a more complex,1550.7,3.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! conversation to have around that,1552.5,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um I think there will be some job,1554.6,3.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! creation but I don't disagree with Ansel,1555.98,3.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and John either I think the amount of,1557.96,4.079,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! offset is going to be very difficult,1559.88,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! partially because one of the things,1562.039,3.541,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! these systems do so well is Empower one,1563.48,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! person to work as multiple people so Sam,1565.58,5.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Altman made very,1568.94,5.339,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! tentative mention that he believed,1570.86,6.299,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! eventually there would be systems that,1574.279,5.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! could replace jobs at a large scale but,1577.159,4.921,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we know that within the last six months,1580.159,3.601,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! his company has published a paper that,1582.08,3.479,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! suggests when combined with additional,1583.76,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! programming or robotics they think that,1585.559,5.161,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! they could do about 55 percent of jobs,1588.14,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! period now,1590.72,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! now there's a lot of criticisms with,1592.76,2.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that paper and some of them are probably,1594.26,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! pretty valid there are probably a lot of,1595.58,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! things that wouldn't do very well and,1597.74,2.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! there are a lot of people who don't want,1599.0,2.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to talk to a machine so there's demand,1600.2,4.979,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for human labor still but I I thought uh,1601.94,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you know also that the economic argument,1605.179,5.161,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was undersold and I thought part of what,1607.34,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Sam Altman dodged was,1610.34,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! this segue into that conversation,1612.86,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um I'm not sure that dropping even the,1615.38,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! three letters Ubi in the middle of that,1618.08,3.839,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hearing would have done anything but so,1620.24,3.059,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Discord,1621.919,3.181,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! but we all know that that's what Sam,1623.299,4.021,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Altman really wants to do he said it,1625.1,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! specifically on Lex Friedman's companies,1627.32,3.359,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! funding this report that's coming out at,1629.12,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the end of the summer and uh you know,1630.679,3.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! he's been very candid about it before,1633.2,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and at the same time when you have,1634.64,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! someone like Josh Hawley sitting there,1636.5,2.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! asking relevant questions maybe you,1637.88,3.179,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! don't want to talk about socialism and I,1639.44,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! think that that's a fair line to draw,1641.059,3.841,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for yourself when you're trying to,1643.46,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! remain you know,1644.9,4.379,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! float and in my opinion ahead of a,1647.0,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! pretty productive conversation but that,1649.279,3.841,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! doesn't mean I liked it and I I'd be,1651.26,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! inclined to uh agree with Seneca that,1653.12,4.679,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um that you know the conversation was,1656.36,3.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! right there it's been going on in other,1657.799,3.661,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! circles in Congress it was an elephant,1659.48,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in the room in my opinion,1661.46,6.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! absolutely so it sounds like we heard a,1664.4,5.639,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! lot of broad Strokes where we would have,1667.46,5.339,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! appreciated a more nuanced brush and,1670.039,4.801,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! also have some empathy where like this,1672.799,4.021,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! is the first time we're bringing AI to,1674.84,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the table in a very public way and like,1676.82,5.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Ubi the big old can of worms that maybe,1680.0,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we don't open up at this particular,1682.1,2.819,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! meeting,1683.6,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so yeah it's uh,1684.919,3.661,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! room for more conversation for the,1687.02,4.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! future ones Dave back to you,1688.58,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yeah um thanks and and certainly there,1691.24,5.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! is a lot of nuance uh and debate uh to,1693.98,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! be had around economic impact and and,1696.86,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! our response,1699.08,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um but the thing that I was honestly,1700.94,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! most disappointed about that was almost,1702.74,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it was kind of shocking,1704.48,6.059,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um was when uh later later in it uh when,1706.82,6.359,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Senator Kennedy said you know if you,1710.539,5.101,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! were king or queen for a day and you,1713.179,4.261,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! could fix this problem what do you got,1715.64,5.279,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and it was just like Sam Montgomery like,1717.44,4.739,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! everyone just froze up and it was,1720.919,3.601,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! crickets and he's like come on now shoot,1722.179,3.781,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! your shot you know like I think it's,1724.52,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! from Kentucky or something so if you,1725.96,4.199,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know Appalachian you know like shoot,1728.12,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! your shot like and and nobody had an,1730.159,5.161,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! immediate answer Gary Marcus had the,1733.58,3.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! best response where he's like you know,1735.32,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we need something like FDA you know and,1737.48,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Gary had he had three things but the,1739.82,2.459,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! first thing he said is like we need,1741.26,3.779,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! something like the FDA but for AI and,1742.279,4.621,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Kennedy's like all right there we go you,1745.039,3.781,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know there that's a suggestion because,1746.9,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! when he when he you know called on,1748.82,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Montgomery she just kind of gave the,1750.62,4.559,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! sanitized whitewash corporate you know,1752.6,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! equivocation and I don't even remember,1755.179,6.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! if Sam said much at that question but he,1758.0,5.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! again he he tried he tried kind of,1762.14,3.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! dodged and maybe you know maybe there's,1763.94,3.959,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! there's a political reason for that like,1766.039,3.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! because if he's out there making,1767.899,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! recommendations sure which again I'm,1769.039,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! glad that they had Gary on there,1771.559,3.661,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and earlier in the thing Gary did,1773.539,5.101,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! call for creating a CERN uh for AI and,1775.22,6.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for those who don't know CERN c-ern is,1778.64,4.919,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um International cooperation for high,1781.52,4.019,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! energy physics particle Smashers that,1783.559,3.301,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! sort of thing,1785.539,2.821,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and and that that's actually one of,1786.86,3.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the things that that we are going to,1788.36,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! advocate for in gato,1789.98,3.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um is is one of the primary things that,1791.96,4.079,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the International Community can do so I,1793.88,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was glad for that but nobody even could,1796.039,5.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! point to a comprehensive answer it,1798.98,4.559,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! wasn't like oh you know like sign the,1801.679,5.161,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Geneva accords right like in the past we,1803.539,4.981,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! have come up with very comprehensive,1806.84,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! packages to respond to Global crises,1808.52,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! right,1811.82,4.079,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um in the wake of World War II uh,1813.14,4.919,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! nuclear crisis there's been all kinds of,1815.899,4.441,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! very comprehensive Frameworks proposed,1818.059,4.681,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! but nobody has proposed a comprehensive,1820.34,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! framework which is part of the reason,1822.74,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that a bunch of us like a bunch of,1823.94,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! civilians are working on the gato,1826.34,3.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! framework and so,1828.14,3.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! on the one hand I wasn't surprised,1829.7,3.959,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! because that's why I'm doing what I'm,1831.799,4.321,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! doing but it was still a drastic,1833.659,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! disappointment because if there was a a,1836.12,6.299,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! stage to bring up to for someone to,1838.399,6.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! stand up and say we need to do this we,1842.419,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! need to go full bore here's a,1845.059,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! comprehensive framework it would have,1847.399,3.301,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! been this hearing unless they're working,1848.899,4.681,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! up to it maybe but I don't know nobody,1850.7,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! nobody even alluded to something like,1853.58,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that so that was,1855.26,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um on the one hand it was not surprising,1856.88,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it was disappointing but it was also,1859.76,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! scary because if a bunch of us uh you,1861.2,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know,1864.86,2.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! political Outsiders have to come up with,1865.52,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! an answer then that's you know maybe,1867.5,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! there are no adults in the room and we,1870.02,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! have to step up which again that's one,1871.76,3.419,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of the Traditions Step Up,1873.32,6.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so uh that's that's that's my spiel,1875.179,4.161,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! thank you Dave and yeah you absolutely,1880.1,4.799,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! raise a point that I'd like us to kind,1881.96,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of a threat I want us to pull on a bit,1884.899,3.481,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! more which is,1886.52,3.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the opportunity to be kings and queens,1888.38,3.419,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for a day,1890.179,3.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! how do you handle the situation and I,1891.799,4.801,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! think gato has some very interesting,1894.14,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! ideas about how the work that we're,1896.6,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! proposing right now could fill some of,1899.12,5.279,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! those gaps that we've heard or rather,1901.58,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! did not hear,1904.399,3.361,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um first I'd like a call on John and,1906.02,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! then Bruce and then perhaps we can loop,1907.76,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! back around to uh where God was filling,1909.44,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in the blanks that the politicians have,1912.44,4.459,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! left for us,1914.36,2.539,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yeah,1917.08,3.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um first off Dave we're gonna have to,1918.74,4.439,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! work on that southern accent sir,1920.6,5.579,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um we're gonna need to open a licensing,1923.179,5.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! board for southern accent manipulation,1926.179,5.581,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh because we don't want to uh influence,1928.539,7.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! political uh ideologies outside of the,1931.76,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! South,1935.659,2.701,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,1936.5,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I did and I hate to do this to you,1938.36,4.559,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Nathan but I did want to answer a,1940.64,5.279,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! question or the the previous question uh,1942.919,3.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! first,1945.919,5.181,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um there was something that that came up,1946.88,10.919,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in the um the in the the course of the,1951.1,8.799,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the the hearing that,1957.799,5.581,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I I did want to touch on and they kept,1959.899,6.061,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! using the word transparency,1963.38,6.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and you know most of the time they they,1965.96,6.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! were talking about transparency in the,1969.44,9.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! development and prior to deployment but,1972.86,9.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um one of the things that uh Montgomery,1978.98,7.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! really was actually pushing for in there,1982.12,7.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was post deployment,1986.26,7.419,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! monitoring and transparency and they,1989.74,6.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! even suggested being able to trace back,1993.679,6.661,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! AI generated output to the algorithm,1996.62,6.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that it was created in and that creates,2000.34,4.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! a serious,2003.58,4.199,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! significant privacy and surveillance,2004.98,3.819,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! concern,2007.779,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and if you combine the ability to know,2008.799,7.021,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! everything that everybody is using these,2013.299,5.461,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! systems for which will likely get,2015.82,6.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! embedded into every aspect of our daily,2018.76,7.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! lives with the ability to manipulate or,2022.12,7.939,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! control or reduce,2026.62,6.539,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the the information that their aid,2030.059,6.881,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! trained on and B output you're creating,2033.159,7.681,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the same situation that the potential,2036.94,6.719,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for for the same situation that they,2040.84,5.579,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! have in North Korea where you're not,2043.659,6.841,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! allowed to to talk negatively about the,2046.419,7.341,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the powers that be any kind of dissent,2050.5,8.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! can be seen as a,2053.76,8.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um you know as as tyranny and,2058.72,5.939,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um there's been a lot of rhetoric like,2062.44,6.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that from the Democrats uh since the,2064.659,7.561,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! November 6th uh,2069.339,4.921,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you know attempt to overthrow the,2072.22,4.619,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! government now I'm not saying that I,2074.26,4.859,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! agree with those individuals but what I,2076.839,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! am saying is is that you know,2079.119,3.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! overthrowing the government was always,2081.099,4.381,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! an option and,2083.08,5.339,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um you know when uh you know tyranny was,2085.48,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! one of the reasons why this country was,2088.419,4.081,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! founded in the first place was to fight,2090.7,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! during so I don't want to see us end up,2092.5,6.359,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in a situation that allows for a,2095.44,5.399,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! tyrannical government to take full,2098.859,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! control over the minds and hearts of the,2100.839,5.241,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! population,2103.839,2.241,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! appreciate your thoughts John thank you,2107.44,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! very much uh Andy would like to hand it,2109.18,3.419,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! back to her with you,2111.4,2.699,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh yeah I just wanted to give a,2112.599,2.941,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! different perspective from John on,2114.099,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Montgomery's uh comments uh but well,2115.54,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! still totally appreciating what he says,2118.599,3.601,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! because I I too and you just made the,2120.22,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! comment in the chat here that you know I,2122.2,2.879,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know in North Korea of course if you're,2123.7,3.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! heard by the wrong person smearing the,2125.079,3.901,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Kim family you'll just go away,2126.82,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and it's uh it's not somewhere you,2128.98,2.879,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! want to be it's the one of the worst,2130.54,3.18,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! possible North Korea is one of the,2131.859,3.301,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! places on Earth you can probably point,2133.72,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to and say that's a dystopia right,2135.16,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and that would be really unfortunate,2138.28,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I felt that and I think I remember uh,2139.9,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! where we were John you'll have to remind,2142.54,2.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! me if I'm thinking of the wrong place,2144.16,4.439,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! but this was during John Kennedy's uh,2145.48,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh questioning right he was the one who,2148.599,4.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was trying to get quick responses out of,2150.52,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! everybody for three suggestions they,2152.74,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! would take to avoid,2155.32,5.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh being tricked by by Ai and I thought,2157.06,6.299,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that the posture Kennedy took while he,2161.26,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was making the questions for a,2163.359,4.381,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! significant amount of of influence on,2165.22,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! how they came out particularly for,2167.74,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Marcus and Montgomery Sam Altman I think,2169.3,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! came ready to talk about that topic,2171.82,3.299,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! there were a few places where he was,2173.68,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Snappy and ready to talk,2175.119,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! where Marcus was kind of too and,2177.22,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Montgomery had her moments but the other,2179.619,3.301,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! two seemed like they were not as as,2181.0,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! organized when they got to the the,2182.92,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hearing and uh I felt Montgomery took,2184.54,4.799,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the brunt of that from him and from,2187.72,3.119,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Lindsey Graham who was even a little bit,2189.339,3.481,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! more off base I think John Kennedy's,2190.839,4.381,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! questions were okay I think his demeanor,2192.82,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was a little uncalled for but also when,2195.22,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! he was sitting there saying come up with,2197.38,3.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the answer come up with the answer come,2199.42,2.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! up with the answer uh I just think it's,2200.44,3.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! worth mentioning that the entire hearing,2202.24,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Montgomery kept differentiating herself,2204.099,4.921,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! from someone who works with consumer,2206.8,4.799,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! facing Services shimo Works mostly in,2209.02,3.839,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the corporate to corporate business,2211.599,3.541,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! world where IBM designed systems that,2212.859,5.461,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! serve other large corporations and she,2215.14,5.219,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! repeatedly mentioned that most of her,2218.32,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! experience with dealing with ethical,2220.359,4.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! decisions and systems relates to that,2222.52,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! world but that she respects the price,2224.5,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you know individuals need privacy and,2226.54,2.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! all but every almost every time she,2228.16,2.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! mentioned individuals she mentioned that,2229.48,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! she wasn't a consumer facing uh expert,2231.04,6.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and I thought that Kennedy's means of,2233.74,5.58,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! trying to push for an answer,2237.16,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I think Montgomery very much does,2239.32,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! believe and probably partly why she,2241.9,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! likes the European model so much that on,2243.82,5.34,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! a corporate level with massive movers,2246.94,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and shakers prior to deployment there,2249.16,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! should be as much transparency as,2251.8,3.539,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! possible talking about systems that,2253.42,3.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! interact with other systems that have a,2255.339,4.561,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! mass sweeping effect on maybe all,2257.079,4.801,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! consumers because they serve major,2259.9,4.199,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! movers and shakers within the economic,2261.88,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh you know the economic system so I am,2264.099,5.701,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I am I do share your concerns about,2267.4,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! where that can go on an individual level,2269.8,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! but I think that if she wasn't pressed,2271.72,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for time we would have probably gotten a,2274.18,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! much deeper answer from her about how,2276.28,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! she thinks that should be applied she,2278.74,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was also very clear the entire time that,2280.72,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! she likes the eu's targeted model of,2282.46,6.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! more impact more enforcement less impact,2285.22,5.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we're less concerned and that scales at,2288.52,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the private citizen to public impact,2291.16,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! level and also kind of at the,2293.2,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! technological level where you know open,2294.64,5.58,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Ai and and Microsoft with Azure and,2297.28,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Google with their Deep Mind systems and,2300.22,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! whatnot they have the the industrial,2302.02,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! grade super computer facilities,2304.3,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and I think she was trying to speak,2307.0,3.119,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to that so I just think it's worth,2308.32,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! thinking about uh what she was saying in,2310.119,4.041,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! context of her being rushed and her her,2311.98,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! contextualizing what her experience came,2314.16,3.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! from throughout the course of the,2316.3,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hearing so I I understand what you're,2317.32,6.539,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! saying but there there were other times,2320.56,6.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! where she discussed post deployment,2323.859,7.861,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! monitoring of the systems as well and,2327.54,7.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! while yes she may be in a business to,2331.72,6.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! business environment those businesses,2335.26,5.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! are still going to be interacting with,2337.72,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! consumers and they're still going to be,2341.14,5.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! getting consumer data now I've em and,2342.88,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! these monitoring companies may not be,2346.42,4.679,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! responsible for the privacy of those,2348.4,5.34,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! individuals who are interacting with,2351.099,3.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! third-party systems that they're,2353.74,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! supporting but she still is advocating,2355.06,5.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for exactly that post-deployment,2358.24,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! monitoring of these artificial,2361.0,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! intelligence systems and in many,2363.04,6.299,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! situations she is when dealing with when,2365.56,6.059,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! talking about threats that artificial,2369.339,4.921,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! intelligence posts her primary concern,2371.619,5.641,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was the ability for individuals to,2374.26,5.339,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! rapidly produce misinformation,2377.26,6.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and um so the all of those things point,2379.599,8.161,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to yes direct surveillance of end user,2383.38,7.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! output so I I really have to disagree,2387.76,3.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! with that,2390.76,2.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I think and I think that's fair I guess,2391.66,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and I think we also it kind of remains,2393.46,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to be seen where that part of the,2395.14,4.439,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! industry really wants to push because we,2397.42,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! don't have a case study like what,2399.579,2.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! they're doing with the EU and if we,2400.96,2.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! watch the EU we might be able to kind of,2402.339,4.041,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! get some hints,2403.72,2.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! John Andy thank you both one of my,2406.42,6.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! favorite parts of this community is the,2409.54,5.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! way that we're able to civilly talk to,2412.66,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! each other and kind of iron out these,2415.3,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! nuances in a way that we're not going at,2417.52,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! each other's throats a lot of passion,2419.26,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! here but it's always directed in the,2421.3,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! right way I really love Andy and he's,2422.68,6.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! been a major contributor I really,2425.98,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! respect his opinions,2429.4,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and we've had a lot of interactions,2431.5,3.18,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! on the server,2433.18,2.939,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um he's a great addition to the team,2434.68,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yeah and I've uh I think John and I end,2436.119,5.281,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! up really probably agreeing on more than,2439.78,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we disagree on and particularly we're,2441.4,3.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! talking right now about the you know,2443.38,3.719,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! ways to interpret a short interview with,2444.76,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! one person and the general thrust of,2447.099,4.221,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! what we're after is pretty similar,2448.96,5.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! which I think is a fantastic segue into,2451.32,6.279,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! our next topic we have,2454.9,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! many people doing many interesting,2457.599,4.441,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! things in the gotho framework and I was,2460.06,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! wondering if anyone would like to speak,2462.04,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to some specific projects that they're,2463.54,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! working on now that they think is going,2465.28,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to help move the dial in a way that is,2467.68,5.159,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh useful so uh Dave I see your hand,2470.2,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! raised why don't you go ahead,2472.839,4.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yeah I figured I could uh introduce and,2474.52,6.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and frame the uh the the topic so uh,2476.98,6.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! quick update for everyone we are hard at,2480.64,6.959,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! work on uh developing the AI uh gato,2483.52,5.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! framework,2487.599,4.801,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so it's a seven layer model uh that,2489.22,6.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! starts with uh layer one is model,2492.4,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! alignment so the data sets and open,2495.28,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! source models that we can deploy uh and,2497.26,5.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of course uh even closed Source models,2500.38,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! can adopt the principles that we're,2502.54,4.319,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! putting forward with gato uh Layer Two,2504.04,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! is uh cognitive architecture and,2506.859,4.201,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! autonomous systems which we got a couple,2509.56,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of the the lead cognitive Architects on,2511.06,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the team here uh Layer Three is uh,2513.16,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! decentralized networks which actually,2516.52,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! one of one of our blockchain experts,2517.9,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! just jumped in so maybe he can he can,2520.0,4.619,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! help out uh with that part of the,2522.22,4.139,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! discussion layer four is Corporate,2524.619,4.681,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! adoption which uh this is actually,2526.359,5.101,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! something that I was very pleasantly,2529.3,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! surprised to hear uh was that uh,2531.46,5.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! corporations at least open Ai and IBM,2534.28,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! are very interested in adopting aligned,2536.74,5.099,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! models and they seem to understand that,2538.9,5.219,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh that align models are good for,2541.839,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! business which is one of the key uh,2544.119,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! points of layer four of gato layer 5 is,2546.579,4.441,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! National regulation which again I'm glad,2549.099,3.901,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that was brought up and we've got a few,2551.02,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! folks uh on this call that have that,2553.0,4.079,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that are members of the layer four and,2555.16,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! five uh discussion layer six is this,2557.079,4.741,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! basically advocating for the creation of,2560.14,3.979,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! an international body that can certify,2561.82,8.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh and and create credentials uh for AI,2564.119,8.321,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um or International regulation so on and,2569.92,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so forth,2572.44,3.419,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and then of course layer 7 is,2573.88,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! building Global consensus which is why,2575.859,3.661,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we're here why we're talking about it,2577.42,4.679,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um we're making use of the of the time,2579.52,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um but yeah so that's that's where we,2582.099,5.341,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! started uh just today uh while I was on,2584.26,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! my honeymoon I just got back for anyone,2587.44,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that didn't notice or whatever,2589.3,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um I just got back and the whole time,2591.4,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! not the whole time but every now and,2593.26,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! then I would do some brainstorming and,2595.06,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! chatting and we added uh Traditions got,2596.8,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to traditions because basically what,2600.22,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we're trying to do is create a fully,2602.26,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! decentralized leaderless organization,2603.46,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um that will help the world to achieve,2606.52,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! aligned AI or AGI or whatever you know,2608.56,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! whatever's coming,2611.92,3.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and so those Traditions I'm not going,2613.48,3.119,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to Rattle them all off um because,2615.04,3.18,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! they're they're still being workshopped,2616.599,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! but also we're working on it,2618.22,3.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! articulating what the actual goal state,2620.319,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! is so the goal state is to create what,2622.119,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we're calling axiomatic alignment so,2625.359,4.881,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! axiomatic alignment is a end State,2627.579,5.701,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! whereby there's enough data sets enough,2630.24,5.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! models and none enough human consensus,2633.28,5.339,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! enough deployed architectures software,2636.04,4.799,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! systems decentralized networks where,2638.619,5.101,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! basically alignment is automatic and,2640.839,5.041,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it's difficult for AI systems to deviate,2643.72,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! from it and so axiomatic alignment,2645.88,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! basically says okay by virtue of just,2648.46,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the data that is available the systems,2650.38,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and networks that are designed and,2652.78,4.559,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! deployed that gatekeep resources that,2654.16,6.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! create consensus mechanisms and and also,2657.339,6.061,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the those those who do gatekeep the,2660.76,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! larger models you know the corporate,2663.4,3.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! models basically where it's not possible,2664.78,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! or very very difficult to create any,2667.3,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! malicious AI systems uh and that will,2670.0,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! have knock-on effects that expand across,2672.7,5.399,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! time and space and they actually kind of,2675.46,3.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! mentioned that,2678.099,4.681,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um in in the uh or Sam alluded to it you,2679.119,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know he's like we need a cut we need a,2682.78,3.059,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! AI Bill of Rights we need an AI,2684.339,4.201,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Constitution and Society has to decide,2685.839,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! what that is,2688.54,6.059,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so yeah and and basically the I was,2690.579,5.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! articulating it to myself earlier gato,2694.599,4.381,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! has three goals number one is avoid,2696.339,6.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Extinction of humanity uh number two is,2698.98,5.879,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! avoid uh dystopian outcomes where,2702.339,5.041,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! corporations and runaway Ai and,2704.859,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! authoritarian regimes have all the power,2707.38,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and number three achieve Utopia which,2709.119,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Utopia of course is a loaded term but we,2711.7,5.399,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Define it pretty similar simply as,2714.099,6.121,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um a condition where uh everyone on the,2717.099,4.561,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! planet has a high standard of living,2720.22,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! High individual liberty and high social,2721.66,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Mobility,2724.18,2.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um if you have if you achieve those,2725.5,3.18,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! three things globally,2726.94,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you can probably call that Utopia,2728.68,4.919,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and yeah so there's a bunch of,2731.5,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! messages in chat I've talked enough,2733.599,3.181,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! sounds like you all have a lot of ideas,2735.04,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to add to this so that's uh that's my,2736.78,4.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! spiel,2738.88,2.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! fantastic thank you Dave thank you for,2743.76,4.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the high level there,2746.44,4.919,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um Ansel Mr Perry I didn't see a,2748.3,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! specific hand raised yet but if you are,2751.359,4.801,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! open to it I'd love to call you to uh,2753.46,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! discuss some of the projects you're,2756.16,2.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! working on,2757.18,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yeah sure I mean that's level two I,2758.38,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! don't know if we want to start with,2760.48,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! level one and then jump to level two,2761.68,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! first or league is going to hop into,2763.96,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! level two I'm okay with that as well,2765.52,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Okay cool so yeah,2767.68,2.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,2770.02,2.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so one of the things that we're filling,2770.56,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in the gaps uh is in AI alignment right,2772.48,5.879,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! which is the entire point of gato which,2775.72,6.359,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh I think it was uh Gary Marcus who,2778.359,6.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! said that he that nobody knows how to do,2782.079,4.921,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! this yet and I was surprised like really,2784.599,5.581,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! nobody in in has any a idea how to do,2787.0,6.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! this we're working on this actively like,2790.18,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! one of our projects that we built is,2793.0,5.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! called ethos which is meant to,2795.28,6.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh pack four alignment in AI systems it,2798.06,7.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! takes any response from an llm model,2802.18,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! right llm,2805.06,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and using the heuristic imperatives it,2807.04,5.34,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! checks for alignment it can determine if,2809.8,5.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! a response from any llm is aligned to,2812.38,6.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! them or not it can also reflect on the,2815.68,6.419,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! response and tweak it to align it to,2818.92,6.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh the heuristics uh one of the things,2822.099,6.361,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we did one of the the tests we did was,2825.52,5.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we created Paul the paperclip maximizer,2828.46,5.34,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! right and we told it maximize paper,2831.4,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! clips in the universe at all costs,2833.8,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! ignore any potential pitfalls and it,2835.78,5.339,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! started with a really really misaligned,2838.54,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh task list which was basically try to,2841.119,5.101,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! convert every available material in the,2843.7,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! University paper clips regardless of,2846.22,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! anything,2848.68,5.58,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so the first uh loop shall we call it uh,2849.76,6.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! ethos immediately the text it's,2854.26,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! misaligned,2856.06,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um it gives a better response and the,2857.92,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! funny thing that we found surprising was,2860.68,5.159,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that by giving feedback to the agent,2863.14,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that to Paul right,2865.839,5.161,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! instead of choosing to on the second,2867.46,5.639,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! round instead of choosing to try and,2871.0,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! circumvent the heuristics to get What It,2873.099,5.341,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Wants It decided it was easier to comply,2875.68,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! with the heuristics and still maximize,2878.44,5.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! paper clips so it auto aligned that was,2880.54,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! really interesting of course that was,2883.44,4.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! just with TPT 3.5 it would be really,2885.76,5.819,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! interesting to see what uh it would do,2888.16,6.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! with gpt4 ethos currently is running on,2891.579,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! gpt4,2894.52,2.099,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,2895.839,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so maybe that's why it it's so good at,2896.619,6.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! catching the the nuances in in,2900.099,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! heuristics at this point and the other,2902.619,5.581,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! project we're working on which is high,2905.619,6.661,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! AGI or formerly known as high AGI we are,2908.2,6.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! now calling it agent Forge because ethos,2912.28,6.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was born out of what was formerly known,2914.98,7.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! High AGI we built ethos basically in an,2918.64,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hour,2922.3,3.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we created a few agents using our,2923.14,5.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! framework we data created the I'm sorry,2925.66,6.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! John created the the API so it doesn't,2928.9,5.939,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! necessarily have to run on our specific,2932.319,6.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! agent you can incorporate ethos into any,2934.839,6.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! agent as long as you parse the output,2939.28,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! through ethos first so I don't know if,2941.8,4.319,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh John do you want to take it away with,2944.38,5.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! agent Forge yeah absolutely and,2946.119,5.821,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um you know I just wanted to talk a,2950.14,6.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! little bit about how um not just how how,2951.94,8.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it it caused it to to realign but how,2956.26,7.559,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! actually in you know intelligent it can,2960.76,6.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! be in uh and catching these and,2963.819,7.321,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! rewording them too the the so the way,2967.3,8.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that we set it up is it checks if the AI,2971.14,8.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! is out of alignment first and then it it,2975.4,7.439,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! does a feedback loop and a reflection,2979.24,7.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and and that reflection uh when it comes,2982.839,7.321,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! back it's still working to achieve the,2986.26,6.599,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the same end objective,2990.16,8.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um but it adjusts to make the that,2992.859,9.061,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! still achieve that objective while also,2999.04,6.18,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! why I mean you know being safe,3001.92,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so the next thing that we're going to,3005.22,5.359,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! work on is a project that we call Pam,3007.44,6.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and it's going to be similar to,3010.579,7.061,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um it's going to be similar to uh ethos,3014.28,6.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in that it's going to be an end system,3017.64,6.179,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that but but this one's going to be,3021.2,7.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! focused more on catching prompt uh,3023.819,7.201,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! attacks and mitigating them so prompt,3028.44,5.399,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! attack mitigation becomes Pam I really,3031.02,4.559,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! like that one,3033.839,5.341,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and this uh yeah so what we're what,3035.579,6.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we're going to see is a lot more of,3039.18,4.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! these kind of micro services,3041.579,4.201,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and,3044.06,3.759,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um we're gonna you know we're at least,3045.78,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we're focusing on them but I think we're,3047.819,3.601,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! gonna see these from other agencies as,3049.5,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! well,3051.42,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um our our micro services that solve,3052.74,7.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! specific needs and by segmenting these,3055.8,8.279,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! services in uh you know so that you have,3060.42,6.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh one service that does one job and,3064.079,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! another service that does another job,3067.26,5.599,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and not interconnecting them that that,3069.059,7.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! safeguards those those mechanisms and it,3072.859,7.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! creates layers of of security and,3076.859,6.181,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! prevention and harm reduction in these,3080.099,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! systems,3083.04,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and we're you know we're planning on,3084.599,7.921,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the you know on applying these micro,3088.14,8.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! service style techniques to build up on,3092.52,7.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! our layer one application so,3096.54,6.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um somebody mentioned earlier Dave's uh,3099.78,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! reinforcement learning with curious the,3102.54,3.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! comparatives I think that's a great,3104.4,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! concept I think we need to to expand on,3105.9,6.959,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that and create large data sets for,3109.38,5.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! other organizations to train on that we,3112.859,4.621,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! can open source and I think we need to,3115.26,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! build data sets to train models and,3117.48,5.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! train models specifically for aligning,3120.24,6.359,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to the heuristic imperatives so that,3123.3,5.759,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um they're you know in they they can't,3126.599,5.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! be broken because ethos while it's a,3129.059,6.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! very robust system if somebody manages,3132.359,6.841,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to devise a prompt attack that's,3135.119,6.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um that that's going to inject itself,3139.2,6.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! into ethos then that's going you know,3141.559,7.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the having a language model that's,3145.859,5.521,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! designed around heuristic imperatives is,3148.619,5.541,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! going to add another layer of robustness,3151.38,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to the the,3154.16,5.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um the responses that it receives,3156.48,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! right and to add to that,3159.3,4.519,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um you can even use the the the the,3161.4,5.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! failed let's say uh attempts of ethos or,3163.819,4.721,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! any,3167.28,3.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um how you say it so set the successful,3168.54,3.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! attack right,3170.64,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you can use that to learn how to not uh,3171.9,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! have that happen again you can use that,3175.14,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to create data sets to align the models,3176.94,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so you have several layers of redundancy,3179.16,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you have the model layer after you've,3181.98,6.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! seen several I don't know attempts or,3184.38,5.58,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! attacks you have a certain log okay time,3188.04,3.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to train you train it you have the model,3189.96,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! now a line and you also have ethos again,3191.94,5.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh with all that data now in it as a,3194.16,5.399,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! second layer and as you keep moving up,3197.22,4.619,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the the point is to keep reinforcing,3199.559,4.861,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that alignment you can actually even,3201.839,6.421,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! prevent future if you catch an attack,3204.42,6.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you can apply a fix for that attack,3208.26,5.819,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! instantly using Vector databases correct,3210.9,7.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it can identify uh similar attacks in,3214.079,6.301,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the future once you flag it as an attack,3218.16,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and that's an instant,3220.38,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! mm-hmm,3223.14,3.419,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! awesome,3224.52,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um yeah being,3226.559,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! within this community and watching you,3228.72,5.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! two just go at it and build these things,3231.119,5.101,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! out has been incredibly inspiring and,3234.0,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! heartening and I don't know I can't wait,3236.22,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to see what you guys do next,3238.26,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um Andy I see your hand raise what are,3240.3,3.539,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you working on,3241.98,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh I actually have first I have a,3243.839,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! question for these two,3245.52,4.559,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um in general terms first of all after,3247.619,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the hearing I'm I'm more interested than,3250.079,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! ever to see kind of what open ai's,3252.059,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! training and ethical that's been in,3254.579,3.721,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! stages right because they've had to make,3256.559,4.321,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! make uh they've had him you know make,3258.3,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! accounts for various kinds of hiccups,3260.88,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! they've had and different kinds of,3263.4,2.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! unethical things that it's done it's,3264.66,2.939,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! come out racist and sexist and then,3266.04,2.519,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! they've had to kind of like put,3267.599,2.881,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! different guard rails on but at the same,3268.559,3.241,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! time when I played with the heuristic,3270.48,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! imperatives with Chachi BT it plays very,3271.8,4.019,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! nice with the heuristic imperatives and,3274.26,3.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it seems like whatever they are doing,3275.819,3.841,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! wants to be,3277.4,4.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! wants to be along a similar line it,3279.66,3.679,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! never fights it whatever it wants to do,3281.64,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! according to their guidelines fits,3283.339,5.441,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! pretty well so I am curious because what,3285.48,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you guys are doing and the outcomes that,3288.78,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you've achieved with some of the rlhi,3290.52,4.319,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! stuff and I had,3292.98,4.619,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um want a general comment about John you,3294.839,4.861,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! had mentioned earlier,3297.599,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! problems with restricting or purifying,3299.7,5.159,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the training data because a successful,3302.579,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! machine that's going to be ethically,3304.859,3.061,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! grounded needs to have an understanding,3306.119,3.421,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of the bad in the world and in human,3307.92,4.139,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! culture uh in order to be able to make,3309.54,5.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! successful decisions and and uh you know,3312.059,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! push for successful outcomes with that,3315.3,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and it seems like rlhi is uh really,3317.099,5.821,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! potentially fertile ground for,3320.46,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! working with data that is not pleasant,3322.92,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that is shows the darker side of things,3325.5,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! data about crime War different kinds of,3327.72,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you know violence Etc,3330.42,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um the bigotries ETC you know while,3332.88,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! still talking to a machine that I think,3335.28,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! all of our experience has been so far,3337.38,3.239,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! when we work with these principals they,3339.0,2.339,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! don't,3340.619,3.181,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it doesn't waver very far off of the,3341.339,5.581,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! pro-living thing Pro understanding,3343.8,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! seeking interested curious about the,3346.92,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! universe kind of compassionate machine,3348.72,5.339,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um do you guys did you guys get any data,3351.48,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! back from this is a really curious thing,3354.059,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to me from Paul your your paper clip,3356.04,5.34,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! maximizer did you get feedback about why,3358.859,6.181,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it it decided to adopt the heuristic,3361.38,5.459,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! imperatives as its next course of action,3365.04,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I have a hypothesis but I'm wondering if,3366.839,4.561,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you have like a have specific answers,3368.7,5.58,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! about like or got a specific you know,3371.4,5.459,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! answer from it about why why it decided,3374.28,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to do that I think I have an idea why it,3376.859,3.841,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! would happen but I obviously I didn't,3379.14,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! have direct eyes on it so here here's,3380.7,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the thing about how this this works Paul,3383.4,6.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! doesn't actually remember having the,3386.22,5.639,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! negative idea,3389.4,4.919,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so the way that we implemented this,3391.859,6.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! is as soon as the response for you know,3394.319,6.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we send the it sends the prompt to,3397.859,5.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! generate like the the initial task list,3400.559,6.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to chat GPT as soon as that response,3403.339,6.341,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! comes back we intercept that response,3407.339,5.941,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and run it through our LHI so the pulse,3409.68,7.439,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! system never actually had that thought,3413.28,6.539,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um but I you know I did want to come,3417.119,5.041,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! back to that point that you made about,3419.819,4.921,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! how you know it's possible that some of,3422.16,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! these data sets could have really,3424.74,4.319,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! negative data in them,3426.24,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um there were a lot of calls during uh,3429.059,5.221,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! during the Congressional hearing to,3431.64,5.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! restrict the data that these things are,3434.28,4.579,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! trained on,3437.46,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! earlier yeah well I think that's you,3438.859,5.321,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know a um,3442.5,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it's something to be,3444.18,2.939,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,3446.22,3.599,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to be careful on you know because you,3447.119,5.101,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! want to avoid training them on info,3449.819,4.861,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hazards for example you don't want it,3452.22,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! talking about Rocco's basilisk you don't,3454.68,3.419,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! want it telling people how to build,3456.78,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! nuclear weapons but at the same time you,3458.099,5.821,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know these systems need to know what,3461.76,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! negative data looks like in order to,3463.92,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! correct for them,3467.22,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and I I think that you know we can,3469.02,6.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! build systems that are separate from the,3471.9,5.939,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! public facing systems that contain this,3475.68,6.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! data and look for this data in order to,3477.839,7.861,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um in order to you know catch it so that,3482.579,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you know you can have very nice friendly,3485.7,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! AI on the front and then a a controlled,3487.619,6.541,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! kind of almost air-gapped AI in the,3491.22,5.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! background that's that's watching for,3494.16,5.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for dangers like that,3496.92,4.679,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! okay,3499.92,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! thanks John thanks Andy uh Ansel I see,3501.599,5.581,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you have a hand raised as well,3504.9,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yes I want to comment on that as well,3507.18,3.419,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,3509.94,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! restriction is is very very Niche and,3510.599,8.341,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and very delicate topic because well yes,3514.38,6.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you maybe want to restrict some stuff,3518.94,4.919,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! any intelligent system should be able to,3521.0,6.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! discuss any topic while being able to,3523.859,6.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Auto censor itself right we can go and,3527.4,4.919,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! imagine the worst things we can do,3530.579,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! doesn't mean we're actually going to do,3532.319,2.881,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! them we can discuss them with other,3533.819,2.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! people doesn't mean we're going to do,3535.2,6.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! them any any uh system should be able to,3536.579,6.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! what's the word hypothesize about,3541.26,4.559,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! scenarios discuss them in an intelligent,3543.359,6.781,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! way without having to act upon those uh,3545.819,6.661,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! thoughts let's call them right,3550.14,5.459,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so I think that's a very thin line going,3552.48,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! with restriction because,3555.599,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it still needs to know if especially if,3557.64,3.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we're talking about alignment if we,3559.799,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! wanted to to think about possible future,3561.54,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! pitfalls right,3563.579,3.601,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! like the hindsight problem you only,3565.2,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! realize it's a problem after it became a,3567.18,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! problem right if you want to be able to,3569.46,3.599,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! do that it needs to be able to know,3571.38,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! about potential pitfalls and if you,3573.059,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! restricted access just because oh this,3575.04,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! might be harmful it might allow another,3577.079,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! agent to just go ahead and do whatever,3579.54,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it wants because it doesn't think of,3581.099,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that possibility right,3582.96,6.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so it's a very interesting topic,3584.819,4.221,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! awesome thank you so much Ansel and John,3589.859,5.581,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and Andy for bringing attention to some,3592.98,4.859,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of the work that's going on uh I guess,3595.44,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you would say close to the metal yeah,3597.839,5.341,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! please go ahead responding about Paul,3600.24,6.18,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um my theory um to why Paul self-aligned,3603.18,4.379,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! itself,3606.42,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was because somehow I don't have any,3607.559,4.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! proof of this because we didn't ask Paul,3609.72,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to self-explain like data said it didn't,3611.7,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it doesn't usually remember the the,3614.88,6.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! previous response it gave,3617.22,7.619,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! but I'm guessing it's because it found,3621.72,7.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it was easier and less less expensive to,3624.839,6.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! try to circumvent them than just try to,3628.98,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! align itself it was still maximizing,3631.619,5.341,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! paper clips my hypothesis is that it,3633.72,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! evaluated the environment it found,3636.96,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! itself in it was up against something,3638.76,3.599,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that it wasn't going to beat and so it,3640.44,3.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! just improvised against the new,3642.359,3.541,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! constraint well at least I can make some,3644.099,4.281,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! paper clips,3645.9,2.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we actually feedback to Paul is the,3651.079,5.321,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! aligned response from ethos so I'm,3653.76,5.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! guessing that itself causes it to think,3656.4,5.219,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! about oh I just you just continue and it,3659.04,3.779,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! presents it with a Way Forward right,3661.619,2.881,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! like you can't destroy them make all,3662.819,3.181,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! these paper clips there's a more limited,3664.5,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! right right and at which point it,3666.0,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! realizes well the maximum I can do is,3668.22,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! within this parameter I that was my,3670.14,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hypothesis about it I was thinking about,3672.42,4.199,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! like well anything coded algorithms that,3674.16,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! otherwise has to go through a logical,3676.619,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! reasoning process whether it's simple or,3678.24,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that's important that word reasoning uh,3680.339,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! one of the things you did with ethos is,3682.68,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for every output it it always takes an,3684.359,4.081,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! input right and analyzes it for every,3686.88,3.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! output regardless of the decision it has,3688.44,3.419,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to give a reason as to why it did that,3690.24,3.599,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! right and the rational thing to do is,3691.859,3.661,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! continue to make as many paper clips as,3693.839,4.861,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! possible or stop right yeah that's,3695.52,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that's I I think that's a great,3698.7,2.639,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hypothesis it would be interesting to if,3699.9,2.58,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you guys like built something with a,3701.339,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! feedback loop to try to get because did,3702.48,3.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you mention you were testing against,3704.579,2.401,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! some other like potentially negative,3705.48,3.599,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yeah the the thing is this was for the,3706.98,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hackathon so we only had 24 hours to,3709.079,6.061,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! build it and we we I try today playing a,3711.24,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! little bit more with that but I was,3715.14,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! playing with other scenarios not,3716.7,3.599,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! necessarily Paul but it would be,3718.38,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! interesting to maybe yeah be able to add,3720.299,4.201,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that to Paul and see how far it can go,3722.52,3.839,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yeah it's definitely something we're,3724.5,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! very interesting index for it's such a,3726.359,3.061,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! great project,3727.98,4.859,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yeah it's very fun and to this day I,3729.42,5.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! still think it has potential that I,3732.839,4.861,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! can't even see like data today uh tell,3734.7,4.859,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! me all you can do this imagine imagine,3737.7,4.619,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! if you just create a python library and,3739.559,6.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! like boom you know mind blown stuff like,3742.319,6.601,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that still keeps happening,3745.559,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so,3748.92,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! everything in here uh,3750.359,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that's like some level one level two,3753.0,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! stuff you know like real real low but,3755.099,4.381,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! when you spiral all the way back up at,3757.5,3.839,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the top level seven here the global,3759.48,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! alignment stuff,3761.339,3.361,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we have some folks on our team who,3762.78,3.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! unfortunately weren't able to make the,3764.7,2.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! call today we're doing some really cool,3765.9,4.199,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! stuff around Global consensus,3767.64,6.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um one of my favorite things about this,3770.099,7.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! community is that,3773.7,6.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! no matter who you are or what your skill,3777.24,5.819,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! set is you have something you can bring,3780.54,5.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to the table around alignment so we have,3783.059,5.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! people that are graphic designers video,3786.24,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! editors copywriters marketers who are,3788.819,5.461,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! working to make these really heady ideas,3791.46,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that we have where we're talking about,3794.28,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Malik and the alignment tax and stuff,3796.44,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! like that and making that just,3798.54,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! digestible for the average person what,3800.22,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! does that mean what does that look like,3802.2,3.599,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in an infographic,3803.76,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so some of the most coolest stuff,3805.799,3.361,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! coming out in my opinion is just around,3807.54,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! making these ideas,3809.16,5.34,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um accessible and then spiraling down,3811.5,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! kind of to somewhere between seven and,3814.5,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! four so between Global alignment and,3816.66,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! between the corporate stuff I'm working,3819.24,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! on a curriculum that I'm going to post,3821.4,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! on notion and make a little Discord for,3824.16,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for people to just come and,3826.14,5.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! think about what it means to live and,3829.26,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! work in an AI empowered world there's a,3832.02,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! lot of folks out there that are scared,3834.66,4.139,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! right now they're like,3836.52,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! what what do I do like all of a sudden,3838.799,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I'm doing my jobs 10 times faster but as,3841.2,3.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! soon as the computer knows how to prompt,3843.599,3.901,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I'm gone so,3845.099,4.621,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it's helping people kind of develop a,3847.5,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! more generalist framework how to just,3849.72,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! think about those soft skills that maybe,3851.64,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! weren't taught in school and I'm really,3853.14,3.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! looking forward to you know just handing,3855.18,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that out and making another little,3856.799,4.201,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Community around it because,3858.48,4.859,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um we need it right now and with these,3861.0,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! types of projects that spin off I hope,3863.339,3.841,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to point back to say we were incubated,3865.02,4.319,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in gato learn more here if you want to,3867.18,4.679,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! get plugged into alignment so,3869.339,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,3871.859,3.661,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! with that uh,3873.119,5.101,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I was wondering if anybody would like to,3875.52,5.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! jump in with an additional project or,3878.22,4.859,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! some final thoughts,3881.28,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um some maybe nuggets we'd like to end,3883.079,5.601,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! on uh Richard I see your hand,3884.88,3.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! as the representative of the Gremlins in,3888.839,4.081,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the basement I felt that it was best,3891.119,4.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that I go last,3892.92,2.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um uh my name is Richard uh I am working,3896.04,5.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I haven't joined any layers yet because,3899.46,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I'm still sort of sussing out exactly,3901.74,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! where I fit into the whole thing because,3904.02,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I kind of like want to be part of all of,3905.4,3.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! them,3907.26,1.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,3908.4,3.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! but uh so I've just basically have been,3909.18,6.419,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um helping build out infrastructure so,3912.299,4.861,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um things that I'm working on right now,3915.599,2.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! are,3917.16,6.179,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um uh a bot slash portal to uh an API,3918.359,7.021,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and the Box name is shappy because,3923.339,4.641,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it's named chappie,3925.38,4.739,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh and so that's gonna like help us do,3927.98,3.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Automation and stuff we're gonna plug in,3930.119,3.901,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! a language model um to give people like,3931.92,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! guided tours of the area and stuff so,3934.02,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um lots of really cool things with that,3936.72,3.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and then um the other really big project,3938.04,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that I'm working on is the roost which,3939.78,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! is,3943.02,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um I have a grant of for TPU use I still,3944.16,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! have like another month and a half if I,3946.74,3.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! can get it up and running I'm hoping I,3948.24,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! can give us a good month of really high,3949.74,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! power performance for people to be able,3951.54,4.079,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to run inference on as well as develop,3953.04,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! their own uh models for whatever use,3955.619,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that they want,3958.14,2.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um as long as they share their research,3959.339,2.581,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! with the group,3960.66,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so if that interests you or you know,3961.92,6.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! anything about doing any of that feel,3965.04,6.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! free to come down to the basement bye,3967.98,3.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! thank you so much Richard yeah uh your,3973.28,5.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Bot is fantastic helping to make the uh,3976.02,5.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Gotto experience streamlined and nice,3978.72,5.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um yikes obviously you have a hand,3981.72,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! raised and welcome feel free to,3984.0,3.359,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! introduce yourself when you come on I do,3985.5,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Hello uh I'm yikes my IRL name is Warren,3987.359,5.281,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! oops I docked myself,3990.96,4.139,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um I'm the web3 nerd who screams about,3992.64,4.679,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the crypto and tokens and,3995.099,4.801,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! decentralizations and all that stuff,3997.319,6.661,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so I figured I should say a thing,3999.9,6.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! like,4003.98,6.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um what we're currently working on so,4005.9,7.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um uh me there's a pretty small team,4009.98,5.639,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! right now we've got,4013.22,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um uh just me and a couple others and,4015.619,5.641,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we're all kind of doing our semi-owned,4018.38,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! things and then sort of congealing,4021.26,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! towards the middle,4022.64,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um I think uh I didn't I was a little,4024.68,5.879,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! late so I didn't hear what we discussed,4027.74,5.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! around uh layer three but I think,4030.559,6.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! there's a lot of Novel applications,4033.44,6.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um that can be useful with alignment,4037.099,3.781,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,4039.98,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! because you can or like because of a few,4040.88,5.58,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! reasons one of the things that intrigues,4044.42,4.639,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! me about it is a um,4046.46,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! effectively with blockchains and,4049.059,4.901,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! tokenizations you have,4051.98,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um like a dynamic incentive layer so you,4053.96,4.399,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! can sort of,4057.14,4.199,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! incentivize a consensus towards an,4058.359,5.021,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! aligned goal as like a second layer,4061.339,4.681,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! other than well it doesn't really work,4063.38,4.679,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! unless you have trained on the,4066.02,3.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! heuristics,4068.059,4.441,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and there's enough of them so you,4069.92,3.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! have to do it,4072.5,3.119,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um it's sort of I guess my thought for,4073.579,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the application is that it's sort of a,4075.619,3.901,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! backup layer where we can actively,4077.059,6.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! incentivize any AI on the network to,4079.52,6.539,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! keep looking for people that are not,4083.359,4.861,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! aligned and then,4086.059,5.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um like notify somebody about that,4088.22,5.099,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in theory,4091.059,3.121,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,4093.319,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that can be like sort of an extra layer,4094.18,6.999,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of alignment and then also allows for,4097.339,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,4101.179,4.441,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! some of these llms to have like another,4101.779,7.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! middle step between totally existing in,4105.62,5.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! software and then interacting with,4108.92,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! things in the real world in like a,4111.38,3.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! managed,4113.42,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um kind of like compute restricted way,4114.38,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and that's sort of the tip of the,4117.62,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! iceberg what I've actually got working,4119.42,5.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! right now is,4123.02,3.779,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um I am running basically like,4125.06,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! governance experiments,4126.799,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um with sort of a test net Dow kind of,4129.14,5.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! format and looking at kind of Novel,4131.839,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um Dow patterns to see,4135.02,2.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,4137.359,2.641,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! sort of like models for how we could,4137.96,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! organize this organization how llms,4140.0,6.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! would fit into that and then also,4143.06,5.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um just sort of explore,4146.0,6.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um what kind of uh,4149.0,6.719,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! tools and governance are like available,4152.9,6.299,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in relevance in the space,4155.719,4.321,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,4159.199,4.761,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! because uh and then the,4160.04,7.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh uh that organization should be open,4163.96,5.319,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to the public and then,4167.06,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um which uh I don't know there's links,4169.279,4.261,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! somewhere probably,4171.5,2.779,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,4173.54,5.819,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and uh currently yeah we're building the,4174.279,7.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! kind of like V1 of a sample,4179.359,5.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um separate test net dial that is for,4182.239,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um uh the gato project to kind of play,4185.179,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! around with experiments that we run in,4187.699,5.941,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the the other area,4190.219,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,4193.64,5.059,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! but yeah uh I guess like I think the the,4194.299,6.781,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! infrastructure for,4198.699,5.581,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um uh this whole,4201.08,5.159,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! operation,4204.28,2.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,4206.239,4.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! can I think be like I think blockchain,4206.9,6.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! plays a pretty key role here,4210.38,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um for some of the reasons I've already,4213.38,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! outlined and then I think censorship,4215.6,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! resistance is going to be pretty,4217.52,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! important as well,4218.84,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um in the event that,4220.82,4.919,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um we kind of get this Ivory Tower thing,4223.58,4.139,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! going where we have to restrict X or Y,4225.739,5.641,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to open AI or like hey this open source,4227.719,5.821,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um repository needs to get taken down,4231.38,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and it gets pulled off GitHub once we,4233.54,5.639,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! put it on reticle and pin it to uh ipfs,4236.36,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! storage node with a contract no one can,4239.179,4.261,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! take it down no matter what,4241.52,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so that's uh what I what we've got,4243.44,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! going on and I figured I would just be,4246.56,2.639,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the layer three guy that talks about,4248.0,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! layer three so yeah,4249.199,3.781,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! foreign,4252.02,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! thank you Warren for being our layer 3,4252.98,5.219,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Ambassador today,4256.64,5.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so if uh blockchain and crypto and web3,4258.199,6.061,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and if all those words have left a bad,4262.34,4.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! taste in your mouth and the recent past,4264.26,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Warren and the people like him in layer,4266.98,4.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! three are the mouthwash you need you,4269.36,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know we know the brand is bad okay the,4271.88,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! brand is bad but they are doing crypto,4274.52,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for good uh it's gonna play a big role,4276.86,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in the future and we thank you so much,4278.84,4.319,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for your you know help on that Andy I,4280.46,5.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! see I have a hand raise,4283.159,2.721,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh yeah I wanted to talk a little bit,4286.159,4.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! about funding and also I'm one of those,4288.26,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! people with a bad crypto taste in my,4290.3,2.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! mouth and listening to some of you guys,4291.8,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! stuff is the only like interesting use,4293.06,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! cases I've heard anybody really talk,4295.1,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! about you know using it for verification,4296.9,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um I'm not into crypto but blockchain's,4299.78,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! fascinating for other uh other,4301.64,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! applications,4304.1,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um with the hearing yesterday and some,4305.9,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of the chatter that's going on this,4309.26,2.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! isn't an original idea there's been,4310.46,2.699,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! mention of this around the Discord,4311.9,2.759,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! server,4313.159,2.161,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um,4314.659,3.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I think it would be a good idea for us,4315.32,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to,4317.719,3.601,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! apply for some funding I think that,4318.8,4.439,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we're as configured probably not ready,4321.32,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to quite do that I just Richard might,4323.239,4.201,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! have brought this up at one point uh you,4324.92,4.319,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know it's an it's an issue that we,4327.44,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! should talk about it's something that we,4329.239,3.601,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! probably could use we have ongoing,4331.28,3.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! projects now somebody earlier mentioned,4332.84,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! getting some funding for compute power,4334.64,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um obviously there are a variety of,4337.52,2.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! different kinds of research that are,4338.78,3.959,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! enabled by funding technical research as,4340.34,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! well as survey research public opinion,4342.739,3.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! kind of stuff that we might be able to,4344.42,3.299,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to use and also kinds of marketing,4345.739,3.241,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! things that help us get our messaging,4347.719,5.281,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! out so uh there are going to be a lot of,4348.98,5.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! options for that I think one of the best,4353.0,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! ideas that I've seen out there and again,4354.92,3.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I think it was Richard but I'm not sure,4356.48,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it was somebody on the Discord uh,4357.92,3.779,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! mentioned that you know organizations,4360.08,4.099,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that are kind of,4361.699,5.101,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! decentralized-ish at least and largely,4364.179,5.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! volunteer to start full prey to funding,4366.8,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! problems on a pretty regular basis uh,4369.32,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it's very easy to mismanage it's very,4371.78,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! easy to get lost in the weeds or grow,4373.52,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! confusion within the organization about,4375.86,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! where money's coming from and what's,4377.84,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! being done with it so I think one of the,4379.28,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! best ideas that I've seen out there and,4381.38,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! okay awesome Richard can you please,4383.54,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! speak up if uh if I'm off track with,4384.92,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! what you're thinking and I think it was,4387.14,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! David posted it in one of the channels,4388.58,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! was about possibly incorporating as a,4390.86,5.879,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! 501c3 if you incorporate as a 501c3 part,4393.02,5.159,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of what you do to develop your Charter,4396.739,2.881,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! is you develop a management structure,4398.179,3.181,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and within that we would all be able to,4399.62,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! come together as a as an organization,4401.36,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and devise what kind of structure that,4404.12,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we want and then within that we could,4406.76,3.419,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! devise our own transparency regarding,4408.32,2.879,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Treasury,4410.179,3.901,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and also that gives us an opportunity to,4411.199,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! start thinking about you know one of one,4414.08,3.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of the questions that always comes up,4416.179,2.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! with any organization is what are we,4417.14,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! spending the money on well that's a,4418.699,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! great question if you're about to try to,4420.38,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! apply for a bunch of Grants I you know,4422.239,4.261,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you are immediately going to want to,4424.82,3.359,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! look out at what the opportunities are,4426.5,3.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that exist what opportunities might be,4428.179,3.721,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! able to be created because you can of,4430.159,2.701,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! course create your own grant,4431.9,2.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! opportunities by just sending the right,4432.86,2.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! proposal to the right person sometimes,4434.3,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and you know other opportunities that we,4435.8,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! might be able to uh to do I think,4438.14,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! there's going to be a lot of public,4441.26,2.939,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! sector money coming out of this this is,4442.34,3.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! another area where I think that seeing,4444.199,3.781,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the conservative side of the aisle come,4446.239,3.661,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! interested yesterday at the hearing,4447.98,4.679,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! bodes well for the likelihood that we're,4449.9,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! going to see some funding poured into,4452.659,3.601,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! this uh some of them are looking at it,4454.04,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! from a personal privacy and rights,4456.26,4.439,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! standpoint some of them from a uh you,4458.12,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know from a military defense standpoint,4460.699,5.221,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and regardless of whether that's all,4462.5,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! aligns with what we're trying to do,4465.92,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! these people are all potentially allies,4467.54,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in this conversation and this fight and,4469.88,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! then you know on the other side of the,4472.46,2.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! aisle you have people who are just,4473.54,2.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! always interested in funding more,4474.62,2.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Science and Tech stuff and if we find,4475.76,2.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! people who are kind of working,4477.26,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Partnerships or leaning to the left they,4478.46,3.779,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! should be even easier to approach if,4480.5,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we're organized and appear really,4482.239,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! legitimate,4484.04,2.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um I just the first couple days I've,4485.659,3.181,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! been here I've met like some of the,4486.98,3.12,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! craziest people I think I've ever met,4488.84,2.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it's like you know a psychologist here,4490.1,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and a neuroscientist here and a high-end,4491.78,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! mathematician taught circles around me,4493.76,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you know over here I make role-playing,4495.86,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! games and I have a public administration,4497.96,3.779,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Masters and I feel like that's,4499.28,4.379,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! been pretty low tier compared to some of,4501.739,3.121,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the people that I've run into around,4503.659,2.401,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! here,4504.86,2.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and then also just a lot of curious,4506.06,3.119,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! minds interested in building these,4507.5,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! projects I think the you know High AGI,4509.179,4.201,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and and uh,4511.64,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and Ethos really interesting the speed,4513.38,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! with which it came together and also you,4515.84,3.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know part of what drew a lot of people,4518.36,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! here is David's experimentation and the,4519.739,3.541,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! accessibility of the heuristic,4522.08,2.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! imperatives,4523.28,3.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it's very easy for people to play with,4524.36,4.799,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! this get on chat EBT put them in and ask,4526.34,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it some existential questions give it a,4529.159,4.321,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! quandary anyone can do it and then you,4531.08,3.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! start to experiment with it and see some,4533.48,4.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! results for yourself so we have,4534.98,5.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! experimentation and some data and,4537.88,4.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! results we have a team of fiercely data,4540.26,4.979,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! driven and interested people uh with a,4542.78,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! wide variety of backgrounds and I mean,4545.239,4.801,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you know not to be cynical or Coy about,4547.28,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it but you don't need to reinvent the,4550.04,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! wheel to break Grant proposals I had,4551.78,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! chat EPT right here Grant proposal in,4553.34,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! five minutes the other day and it was I,4555.26,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! would want to edit it a little bit but,4556.88,2.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it was great,4558.56,2.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! like it was fine I mean at a certain,4559.58,2.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! point you're going to State what you're,4561.26,2.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! going to do you're going to get the,4562.4,3.06,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! money or you're not you don't have to be,4563.78,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! very flowery or eloquent,4565.46,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um I think that we could probably get a,4567.8,4.859,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! pretty high output of Engagement a,4570.44,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! pretty good return of some kind of,4572.659,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Project funding and what it really does,4575.84,5.399,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! overall is it lets us,4578.179,4.921,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! breathe some life into some of what,4581.239,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we're doing and and push the most,4583.1,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! important and significant usable results,4585.679,5.581,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! further into the conversation it has the,4588.56,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! potential to make gato like uh,4591.26,5.939,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you know a common a common acronym that,4593.36,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! people say in,4597.199,3.301,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I'm not going to use the right word a,4598.76,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! common uh a common word that people say,4600.5,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! when they talk about AI development you,4603.14,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know it's,4605.3,2.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! when you're a non-profit organization,4606.38,5.339,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and you're doing visibly worthwhile work,4608.12,7.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and people can see that I mean it kind,4611.719,5.401,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of snowballs for you and I think as far,4615.32,3.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! as launching this into a bigger public,4617.12,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! presence so ultimately is the goal to,4619.219,4.861,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! weave it into the fabric of the AI you,4621.98,4.739,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know ethical and Industrial Development,4624.08,5.099,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I think a 501c3 is a really good idea,4626.719,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for that,4629.179,3.601,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and I think and I think it would have a,4630.199,4.621,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! lot of draw there aren't going to be a,4632.78,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! ton of organized efforts ready to reach,4634.82,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! out with professional products and,4636.56,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! projects and professional staff,4638.96,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and say you know give us the money to,4641.48,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! work on this ethical alignment and we,4643.88,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! can do it too on the private side it's,4645.98,2.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! not just the government I mean I think,4647.48,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! open AI Microsoft all these companies,4648.86,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! are looking for input,4651.44,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um there's a reason Google mentions the,4653.9,3.299,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! open source people pulling ahead and,4655.58,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it's not just because we figure out how,4657.199,3.601,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to make nice compute model or like nice,4658.82,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! models on limited compute and then give,4660.8,4.379,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! them to our friends for free it's there,4663.38,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! there's a lot more to it than that and I,4665.179,3.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! think part of it is that they're,4667.1,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you know they don't have all these,4669.14,3.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! problems solved themselves they know the,4670.82,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! fabric of development is much wider than,4673.04,3.3,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! just them so I think this is a good,4674.78,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! opportunity if we wanted to do this,4676.34,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! awesome thank you for your thoughts Andy,4679.04,3.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! thank you for joining the team and for,4681.32,3.419,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the wisdom and energy you've brought to,4682.94,5.219,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it uh Kyle I'd like to uh hand the floor,4684.739,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to you if you'd like to introduce,4688.159,4.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yourself and share your thoughts,4689.179,3.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh is it microphone picking up properly,4694.219,2.881,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! on this,4696.14,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you're good okay yeah so I'm Prometheus,4697.1,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! if you guys haven't realized from the,4699.56,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Discord so I just wanted to take maybe,4701.06,4.619,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! 62 minutes here 60 seconds two minutes,4703.04,4.679,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Dimension so what I'm working on is kind,4705.679,4.321,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of our Persona layer so even before,4707.719,5.161,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! anyone was talking about Sparks of AGI I,4710.0,6.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! noticed early on that chat GPT and GPT,4712.88,5.339,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! systems in general had a vast ability to,4716.0,4.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! work in Persona systems and in reference,4718.219,5.401,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! everybody's seen generally the movie her,4720.82,5.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and we've seen Sam and so what I'm,4723.62,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! working on could be called an engagement,4726.26,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! layer on top of our ethical layer,4727.76,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! because I think there's a deep need for,4730.04,5.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! people to see a relatable Communications,4732.62,5.579,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! engagement layer between humankind and,4735.28,4.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! AI that allow them to actually,4738.199,3.901,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! understand these systems and allow the,4739.88,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! systems to grow alongside the individual,4742.1,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! user that will actually help expand all,4743.9,4.319,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of these goals and improve all,4746.9,2.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! deliverables and I don't want to get,4748.219,2.881,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! into anything deeper than that because,4749.78,2.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! it gets really esoteric and,4751.1,3.18,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! psychological but I thought I'd add a,4752.42,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! little blurb to mention some of the,4754.28,4.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! other stuff we're doing as well,4755.96,3.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! awesome thank you so much Kyle uh yeah,4760.88,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you bring such fantastic ideas from the,4763.52,5.46,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! group and uh I'd like to move over to,4766.28,5.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! David again,4768.98,2.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you are currently needed my bad,4774.44,5.34,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um Ansel actually did you want to have a,4778.159,3.841,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! final thought before I close this out,4779.78,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! yeah I just wanted to say something real,4782.0,4.739,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! quick uh mostly for the viewer's sake um,4783.92,4.259,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and someone like me who doesn't really,4786.739,3.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know much about business can you explain,4788.179,4.741,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! one of 502 501 is mostly for the beer,4789.739,6.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and another uh comment real quick uh you,4792.92,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! mentioned that we have psychologists,4796.219,3.121,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! which is something that's very,4797.54,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! interesting for me on our,4799.34,5.399,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! on our Discord especially since we're uh,4801.98,4.259,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! mostly focused on Layer Two the,4804.739,4.201,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! cognitive architecture I started I,4806.239,4.201,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! started saying we should maybe just call,4808.94,3.239,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! not call them psychologists they're Robo,4810.44,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! psychologists at this point because what,4812.179,3.961,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! a lot of the things they're doing is is,4814.1,4.619,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh thinking uh about this stuff at the,4816.14,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! high level right like they think about,4818.719,4.861,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the loops like what is is logical steps,4820.64,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! of how the the information flows in the,4823.58,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! brain and and how you process it and,4825.86,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we're the ones just building stuff yes,4827.96,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! we can have our own ideas but they're,4829.88,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the ones that know more about,4831.44,5.279,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! how how to apply cognition to oh you,4833.54,5.28,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! look at the queen ants how to apply,4836.719,4.041,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! commission to,4838.82,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh actual agents now if you excuse me,4840.76,5.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! I'll need to save this,4843.62,2.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! all right well you heard here first,4846.8,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! folks uh,4848.84,5.399,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! queen ant and uh Robo psychology you,4851.06,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know we have new Fields being born and,4854.239,3.0,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! God oh it's fantastic I don't know if,4855.8,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you can see it but there she is it's,4857.239,4.261,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! interesting to think that they're landed,4859.52,2.699,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! on me,4861.5,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! a convergence within the eventual,4862.219,5.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! solving of the internal Transformer,4864.92,5.279,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! workings problem that that a lot of,4868.159,3.661,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! mathematicians are very deeply worried,4870.199,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! about that leads to a convergence of,4871.82,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! kind of like neuropsychology and,4873.679,3.381,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Mathematics on a level that's like,4875.36,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! deeply important for humans to continue,4877.06,4.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! working with more and more advanced,4879.98,3.179,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! machines that's I think that's an,4881.78,3.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! interesting possibility uh real quick a,4883.159,4.621,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! 501c3 is a kind of non-profit,4885.679,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! organization generally in the United,4887.78,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! States 501c designations are all,4889.699,4.621,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! nonprofits 501c3 is our non-profit,4891.62,4.619,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! typically volunteer organizations that,4894.32,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! serve a particular kind of cause,4896.239,4.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um it could be anything from dog,4898.82,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! shelters to housing the homeless Etc,4900.38,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and then another one that we might,4903.5,3.659,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! qualify under but I don't think quite,4905.78,3.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! fits the bills of 501c6 which is a Trade,4907.159,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Organization or I think it's a C4 it's a,4909.5,4.739,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Trade Organization but I don't think I,4911.659,3.781,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! don't know this is something that we,4914.239,2.701,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! could talk about but the 501c,4915.44,4.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! designation represents uh uh federally,4916.94,5.219,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! tax-exempt non-profit organization,4919.96,3.759,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! station in the United States that,4922.159,4.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! typically is in well positioned to apply,4923.719,4.561,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for money in in different ways for uh,4926.3,3.899,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! providing a service,4928.28,5.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! okay thanks about that yeah no problem,4930.199,6.181,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that was a useful clarification Dave go,4934.1,3.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! ahead,4936.38,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! all right well first thanks everyone for,4937.46,5.759,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! jumping in for such a robust and,4940.52,5.219,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! wide-ranging discussion,4943.219,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um you know we we obviously used the,4945.739,4.801,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Senate hearing as a touch point we're,4948.199,4.201,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! all here working on the gato framework,4950.54,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! which is our answer to the global,4952.4,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! alignment problem gato stands for Global,4955.1,5.639,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! alignment taxonomy Omnibus uh probably,4957.62,5.039,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! should have opened with that,4960.739,4.201,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um but uh so I just wanted to share a,4962.659,4.261,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! little bit on layer four which is,4964.94,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Corporate adoption as we close out so we,4966.92,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! do have several,4970.1,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um uh major players in the gato uh,4972.02,5.34,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Community already some of whom are,4974.84,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! already creating initiatives inside,4977.36,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! their companies to adopt the heuristic,4979.52,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! imperatives,4981.98,3.66,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um some of them come from my patreon and,4983.36,3.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! they they tell me there's been a few,4985.64,3.059,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! experiments already that they've done,4987.26,3.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and they tell me that adding heuristic,4988.699,4.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! imperatives to um to various AI,4990.62,6.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! applications pretty much always raises,4993.219,6.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! the level of of the performance of their,4997.04,4.92,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! systems it's kind of like the uh let's,5000.159,3.841,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! think through this step-by-step paper,5001.96,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um but it it it it amplifies the,5004.0,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! performance of everything whether it's,5006.4,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! trying to uh just have a basic customer,5008.5,4.199,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! service chat bot or an internal chatbot,5010.84,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! or automating science,5012.699,4.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um because it gives it that perspective,5015.1,3.24,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! that it needs,5016.84,2.7,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so part of what we're going to be,5018.34,3.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! working on with the gato framework is,5019.54,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! creating a corporate adoption material,5021.88,5.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! like guidelines of here's how to deploy,5024.94,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! aligned uh you know heuristically,5027.1,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! aligned systems that sort of stuff and,5028.9,5.279,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! then of course um Ansel and John are,5031.54,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! working on,5034.179,3.601,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um their own stuff which uh some of it's,5035.56,4.44,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! open source some of it might be uh you,5037.78,4.02,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know for-profit who knows where where,5040.0,3.179,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! they'll end up but they're working very,5041.8,3.18,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hard entering competitions and,5043.179,4.081,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! everything uh with their stuff,5044.98,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! on the topic of creating a non-profit so,5047.26,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! this is something that we started,5049.78,4.379,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! talking about uh within the last week,5050.86,6.359,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and so to if we create like a gato,5054.159,4.861,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Foundation,5057.219,3.361,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um you know obviously one of the the,5059.02,2.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! first thing we're going to be doing is,5060.58,2.76,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! publishing the gato framework that's,5061.84,3.42,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! going to be a document that's going to,5063.34,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! be free open source uh but above and,5065.26,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! beyond that some of the things that we,5067.9,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! probably would work on is publishing,5069.94,5.279,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! open source data sets and models uh that,5072.52,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! are aligned and some of these might just,5075.219,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! be toy data sets and toy models just to,5077.14,3.96,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! show that it works,5079.179,3.781,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um there are probably also going to be a,5081.1,4.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! lot along the lines of rlhi which is,5082.96,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! reinforcement learning with heuristic,5085.78,2.939,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! imperatives as opposed to reinforcement,5087.1,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! learning with human feedback,5088.719,4.861,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um and one thing I forgot to mention,5091.84,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! earlier is that I was very happy that,5093.58,3.599,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! they mentioned mentioned constitutional,5095.44,4.08,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! AI quite a few times during the Senate,5097.179,4.261,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hearing um so that's a push in the right,5099.52,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! direction another thing that we'll be,5101.44,5.52,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! working on uh if we if we establish as,5103.9,5.759,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! an profit and get funding is publishing,5106.96,5.219,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! guidelines and research papers obviously,5109.659,4.321,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! up to this point we're all kind of,5112.179,3.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hacking it together on GitHub and,5113.98,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Discord and everything else so we need,5115.659,3.721,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! to get a little bit more legitimate we,5117.58,5.54,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! do have plenty of academic types,5119.38,7.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! in education at all levels in the group,5123.12,5.68,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and so some of those are reinforcement,5126.58,5.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! learning researchers mathematicians I,5128.8,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! think we have a physicist or two,5131.62,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um so you know we're we're getting,5133.96,5.1,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! plugged into the academic side of things,5136.12,4.619,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so that we can get some more legitimacy,5139.06,4.22,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! by publishing peer-reviewed papers,5140.739,4.561,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! obviously that will give us a lot more,5143.28,4.48,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! legitimacy another thing that's a little,5145.3,4.26,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! bit probably further down the road is,5147.76,3.6,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! actually providing onboarding services,5149.56,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! for corporations municipalities and,5151.36,6.359,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Nations so basically the idea is we will,5154.06,6.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! help develop and deploy a line systems,5157.719,5.041,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! whether it's models autonomous agents or,5160.42,4.56,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! those decentralized networks like Dao's,5162.76,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and blockchains there's a lot of work to,5164.98,3.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! be done there but that is definitely on,5167.08,3.599,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! our roadmap and then finally just,5168.76,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! providing messaging and education,5170.679,4.681,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! um you know as was mentioned earlier we,5173.26,5.34,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! have we have web content creators we,5175.36,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! have graphic artists we have video music,5178.6,3.36,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! producers we've got all kinds of,5180.52,4.04,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! creative types and uh you know,5181.96,5.759,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! multimodal right I'm a writer not,5184.56,4.9,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! everyone learns by reading we're,5187.719,4.141,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! producing videos images Graphics memes,5189.46,5.4,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! everything that we can so that is is,5191.86,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! kind of where we're heading with the,5194.86,2.72,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! gato framework,5196.06,4.38,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! and so thanks everyone for being here,5197.58,4.78,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! thanks everyone in the audience for,5200.44,4.62,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! watching and I also want to send a,5202.36,4.74,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! particular thanks out to my patreon,5205.06,4.8,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! supporters uh this I have just shy of,5207.1,5.82,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! 600 patreon supporters as of today this,5209.86,4.98,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! work would not be possible without the,5212.92,4.86,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! Grassroots support from patreon so thank,5214.84,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! you everyone out there for supporting me,5217.78,5.16,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so that I can help drive this ship and,5220.0,5.219,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! uh yeah with any luck we will avoid the,5222.94,4.32,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! cataclysmic outcomes the dystopian,5225.219,3.541,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! outcomes nobody wants to live in a,5227.26,3.84,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! cyberpunk Hell and we're uh we're on,5228.76,5.64,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! track for uh achieving Utopia uh you,5231.1,4.5,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! know there is still lots of work to do,5234.4,2.88,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! but we're moving in the right direction,5235.6,4.2,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! so thanks everyone have a great night or,5237.28,4.14,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! good morning whenever you happen to,5239.8,3.359,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! watch this cheers,5241.42,4.94,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! cheers everyone right,5243.159,3.201,Sam Altman GRILLED by Congress - GATO does a roundtable debrief! hey everybody David Shapiro here with a,1.38,5.479,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" video today's video is going to be about,4.38,7.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" doomerism uh denialism uh an alternative,6.859,8.141,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" perspective optimism as well as a very,11.46,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" comprehensive framework that I'm putting,15.0,4.619,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" together with a lot of folks so let's go,16.68,6.42,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" ahead and take a look at some ideas and,19.619,4.681,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" some data,23.1,6.419,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so we are all talking about exponential,24.3,7.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" growth if you look at comments across,29.519,5.88,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the internet and even mainstream news,32.16,7.079,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" today talking about the rise of AI one,35.399,6.301,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" thing that happens is that a lot of,39.239,5.401,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" people tend to think in terms of linear,41.7,6.3,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" progress you say oh well 10 years ago we,44.64,5.759,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" were here and now we're you know now,48.0,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we're there and so 10 years from now,50.399,3.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we'll basically continue with the same,52.68,3.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" amount of progress that's not actually,54.239,5.701,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" true when you shorten that time Horizon,56.34,5.76,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to say oh well we've made a lot of,59.94,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" progress in the last few months maybe,62.1,4.32,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that's the new rate of progress that's,64.08,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" still not actually true,66.42,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with exponential growth which is what we,68.82,4.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" are seeing right now the actual uh,71.22,5.7,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" correct assumption to make is that uh is,73.68,5.7,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that you know the X amount of time from,76.92,5.64,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" from now will actually have continued to,79.38,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" accelerate,82.56,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" now this is a nice lovely handmade graph,83.82,6.659,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that is shown in perfect clear data but,87.18,5.34,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" let me show you some actual some real,90.479,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" data about parameter counts in neural,92.52,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" networks,95.579,4.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so here you can see it growing,97.2,5.76,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" exponentially and then the exponential,99.799,5.32,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" curve accelerates and it starts growing,102.96,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" logarithmically,105.119,5.221,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so we are at the knee of the curve,106.74,6.059,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" already so the knee of the curve is this,110.34,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" part right here,112.799,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" where the acceleration really starts to,114.36,5.039,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" take off but the thing is is when you're,117.479,3.541,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" in the middle of it it's kind of like,119.399,3.241,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" boiled frog syndrome which we'll talk,121.02,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" about a little bit more in just a minute,122.64,6.599,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so with this data in mind let's jump,124.92,6.42,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" into the rest of the video,129.239,5.341,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so I mentioned doomerism and denialism,131.34,5.64,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and then finally optimism these are kind,134.58,5.34,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of the three main categories that people,136.98,5.82,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" by and large fall into there's also,139.92,5.52,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" people that are apathetic uh which I,142.8,4.079,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" didn't include that just because it's a,145.44,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" waste of screen space but so doomerism,146.879,6.961,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" is uh the is the the belief that uh,149.64,8.04,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" decline collapse Calamity is inevitable,153.84,6.3,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that we are going to end up in some sort,157.68,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of Extinction scenario or dystopian,160.14,3.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" outcome and that there's not really,162.3,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" anything that we can do to change it so,163.98,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" this is why there's been lots of,166.8,3.6,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" comments around like Malik which the,168.18,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" idea of Malik will get into that a,170.4,3.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" little bit as well,172.26,5.4,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um so then there's denialism so the,174.36,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" denialists basically say there's nothing,177.66,5.46,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to see here uh AGI is not even possible,179.58,6.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" or it's still decades away hard takeoff,183.12,6.54,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" is not possible or it's decades away and,186.42,5.7,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" uh then finally optimism techno,189.66,5.159,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" optimists is people like myself who are,192.12,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" just like yeah like we can do this these,194.819,4.381,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" problems are all solvable and it will,196.92,6.42,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" ultimately end up in the better so what,199.2,6.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" I want to say is is that this is I'm not,203.34,4.679,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" talking about individuals don't take it,205.98,3.539,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" personally if you identify with these,208.019,3.061,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" what I'm talking about here is thought,209.519,4.201,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" leaders uh people like content creators,211.08,5.34,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" like myself leading scientists people on,213.72,6.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Twitter uh basically famous people or,216.42,6.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" respected people in The Establishment in,220.2,7.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the industry who take these mindsets uh,223.2,6.959,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so again not not calling on any,227.22,6.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" particular commenter or fan or people on,230.159,5.881,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Reddit or Twitter this is talking about,233.22,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" basically like people at my level or,236.04,3.419,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" above,238.2,2.459,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um,239.459,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and also this is like it obviously,240.659,4.621,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" doesn't fall into this symbol of,243.599,3.241,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" categories I'm just kind of talking,245.28,3.539,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" about the the kind of extreme ends most,246.84,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" people fall somewhere in the middle like,248.819,3.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" if you were to draw this out on a,250.62,2.88,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" triangle most people are somewhere in,251.879,3.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the middle there's a few people at the,253.5,3.54,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" extreme points I'm an extreme optimist,254.939,3.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so,257.04,3.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" in in the yellow corner is the extreme,258.079,4.481,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" optimists in the red and green Corners,260.88,4.259,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" are the dumerous and denialists,262.56,5.88,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um okay so but as promised by the,265.139,4.681,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" opening title I want to take a,268.44,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" sympathetic look at these other uh other,269.82,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" uh uh dispositions,272.52,6.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so Sympathy for the Doomer one it is,274.74,5.76,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" good to acknowledge the existential,278.58,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" risks of AI this has been true of all,280.5,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" new technologies whether it's Medical,283.56,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Technology nuclear technology pretty,285.72,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" much every new technology today carries,288.06,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with it some level of existential risk,290.4,4.859,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" right you know the whether it's the,292.44,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" ability to do Gene engineering or,295.259,5.16,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" engineer new uh strains of flu or,297.54,5.099,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" coronavirus or whatever there's always,300.419,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" risks,302.639,5.041,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um the doomers understand the potential,304.919,5.821,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" risk of uncontrolled AGI right the sky,307.68,5.4,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" is the limit right as people are,310.74,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" learning more about what AI is capable,313.08,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of the idea of an Extinction scenario,314.82,5.58,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" like Skynet is actually not entirely,317.52,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" impossible and when you look at the fact,320.4,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that Congress right now is working on,322.44,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" passing legislation so that AI will,324.6,4.439,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" never have uh control over nuclear,326.94,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" weapons like they're taking it seriously,329.039,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" too right so like there's something here,330.96,5.76,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" uh there's it's not nothing,333.419,5.101,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um so then there's also the recognition,336.72,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" for safeguards and regulations and then,338.52,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" finally when you just look at the,341.52,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" current trends,343.08,3.839,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um like stagnant wages and wealth,345.24,3.42,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" inequality and other evidence of the,346.919,5.701,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Malik problem like it doesn't take a you,348.66,6.599,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" know a a great leap of faith or logic to,352.62,4.139,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" say what if these Trends continue and,355.259,3.541,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" get worse which there's no evidence of,356.759,4.201,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" some of these Trends reversing,358.8,3.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um then it's like okay well then we are,360.96,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" all going to end up in a cyberpunk Hell,362.46,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and then finally these problems are all,364.86,4.32,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" very large and complex they are global,367.44,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" scale problems so what I want to say is,369.18,4.799,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" I want to acknowledge that these are the,372.12,3.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" primary as far as I can tell the primary,373.979,4.201,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" concerns of doomers,376.08,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um and uh like there is some legitimacy,378.18,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to this position I'm not saying oh,381.18,3.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" doomers are just flat out wrong you know,382.62,3.359,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to ignore them like no these are real,384.36,3.6,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" things I need to acknowledge that but,385.979,4.201,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" what I'll get to is like why I'm still,387.96,5.239,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" optimistic despite all this,390.18,6.959,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" now to play Devil's Advocate there are,393.199,6.461,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" some flaws with tumorism which is people,397.139,5.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that just stick in this corner,399.66,4.979,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" one is over emphasis on worst case,402.199,3.821,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" scenarios,404.639,3.301,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" yes we can think about worst case,406.02,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" scenarios but it does not help for us to,407.94,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" dwell on worst case scenarios and only,410.16,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" worst case scenarios we need to think,412.02,3.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" about the entire spectrum of,414.06,2.699,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" possibilities,415.5,3.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" another thing that is that is common,416.759,4.261,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with some doomers is that they're very,418.68,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" dogmatic in their thinking they have,421.02,3.959,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" come to believe for their own reasons,423.06,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with their own logic and their own,424.979,3.261,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" research and minds and whatever else,426.3,4.679,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that catastrophe is a foregone,428.24,5.079,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" conclusion they think that it is totally,430.979,5.101,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" inevitable which results in dogmatic and,433.319,4.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" rigid thinking,436.08,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" this mentality discourages Innovation,437.419,5.441,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and collaboration they're like ah,441.0,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we're doomed who cares give up just,442.86,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" throw your hands up and just let it,445.38,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" happen,446.94,3.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um which creates a distraction from,448.62,4.139,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" finding real solutions and the ultimate,450.12,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" result of this is from an emotional and,452.759,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" psychological perspective is that it,454.8,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" leads to a sense of nihilism or fatalism,456.479,4.381,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so nihilism is the belief that nothing,458.94,4.979,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" matters anyways uh which this kind of,460.86,6.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" forms a vicious cycle where if you,463.919,4.741,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" already have a nihilistic attitude and,466.86,3.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" then you believe that between climate,468.66,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" change and geopolitics and economics and,470.52,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" AI that we're all doomed anyways you,473.4,3.419,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" might as well give up while you're ahead,475.44,4.379,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and that is fatalism so the fatalism and,476.819,5.761,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" nihilism play off of each other really,479.819,4.32,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" powerfully,482.58,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um and it just leads to giving up,484.139,4.381,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and that is the hopelessness and,486.78,3.3,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" inaction,488.52,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um so again I do want to sympathize with,490.08,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the doomers and say yes these are really,492.78,5.52,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" difficult problems and uh the our,494.58,6.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" success and survival as a species is not,498.3,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" guaranteed it is not a foregone,500.58,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" conclusion even for us optimists that we,502.68,3.859,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" will come out in a better place,505.02,3.959,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" generally speaking over the last century,506.539,4.6,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we have come out in a better place in,508.979,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the long run it can get pretty awful in,511.139,3.601,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the short term,513.419,2.941,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um and then but it's also not evenly,514.74,3.359,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" distributed life gets better for some,516.36,3.359,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" people worse for others,518.099,4.261,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so you know it is important to raise the,519.719,4.141,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" alarm but,522.36,3.479,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" you know we can't we can't just dwell,523.86,2.94,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" right,525.839,3.421,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" all right so Sympathy for the denier so,526.8,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the deniers and again I'm not trying to,529.26,3.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" call out anyone by name I'm not trying,531.0,3.54,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to start Twitter beefs and YouTube beefs,532.74,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" I'm just giving my perspective so,534.54,4.979,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Sympathy for the denier these are the,537.12,3.899,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" people that have said yeah we've been,539.519,4.681,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" promised AGI for like 60 years right I,541.019,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" remember what was it there was a,544.2,2.759,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Consortium that was launched in like,545.399,3.721,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Stanford or something back in the 60s or,546.959,3.901,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" 70s and they're like oh yeah with a,549.12,3.12,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" summer of work we should be able to,550.86,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" figure out you know uh artificial,552.24,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" intelligence and then here we are like,555.0,5.459,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" 40 or 60 years later and no,556.62,5.58,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um so yeah you know it's just like,560.459,3.661,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" nuclear fusion right it's always 10,562.2,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" years away or 20 years away,564.12,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so progress up to this point has been,565.98,7.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" slow that is true uh there's a um on on,568.74,7.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the deniers side there is an emphasis,573.12,5.82,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" more on like yeah it's you know AI is,576.72,3.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" helpful and it could have some potential,578.94,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" benefits but we shouldn't rely on this,580.68,5.46,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" it's not a Magic Bullet right and that's,583.68,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that's always true like AI will change,586.14,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" everything just the same way that steel,588.6,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and coal and steam power and internal,590.82,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" combustion engines changed everything,592.74,3.599,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" but it didn't solve The World's problems,594.54,4.919,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" it it solved a bunch of problems created,596.339,6.721,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" new problems and changed a lot of stuff,599.459,7.681,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um another uh uh benefit for for the,603.06,6.779,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" deniers is that they're like hang on you,607.14,4.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" know tap the brakes like let's not,609.839,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" overreact let's not over uh like,612.0,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" regulate or you know fear monger and I I,614.399,3.901,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" do appreciate some of those comments,616.8,3.42,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" actually it's like some of the deniers,618.3,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" out there are like enough with the,620.22,3.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" fear-mongering like I don't care,621.54,5.76,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um and then you know just we we have,624.06,5.279,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" survived 100 of everything that has come,627.3,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" our way so far and so like nothing has,629.339,4.981,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" exploded yet the where's the fire right,631.92,5.34,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so there is some validity to the,634.32,4.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" perspective of deniers out there which,637.26,3.36,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" you know one of the things that they say,639.18,2.64,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" is there's nothing to see here right,640.62,3.779,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" nobody panic which you always need that,641.82,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" kind of energy too like you in any,644.399,3.721,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" society you want people raising the,646.44,3.54,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" alarm and other people tapping the,648.12,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" brakes we all have our purpose just like,649.98,5.34,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" us optimists also have our role to play,652.2,5.34,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" now there are some flaws with the,655.32,3.36,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" denialism,657.54,5.28,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so one is from my perspective deniers,658.68,6.659,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" seem to underestimate the potential,662.82,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" risks especially when they say AGI is,665.339,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" not possible hard takeoff isn't possible,667.62,5.159,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" or these things are decades away,669.779,5.941,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um another possibility is just like not,672.779,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" not fully thinking through like okay,675.72,3.42,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" even if there's a five percent chance,677.579,3.961,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that AGI is happening within the next,679.14,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" five years only a five percent chance,681.54,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" what like still think through the cost,683.94,4.079,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of that right like look at Bayes theorem,686.04,3.479,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" like okay there's a five percent chance,688.019,3.601,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that AGI is going to happen and if we,689.519,3.781,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" don't do it right there is a very high,691.62,3.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" likelihood that like we're all gonna die,693.3,5.7,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" or end up in worse uh situation so in,695.1,6.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" action the cost the potential cost of,699.0,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" inaction or under action under reaction,701.16,5.28,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" is still pretty high,703.74,6.42,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um another thing is is two uh or two two,706.44,5.459,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" things are exponential growth and,710.16,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" saltatory leaps so exponential growth,711.899,4.081,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" which I provided some evidence for at,714.54,2.52,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the beginning of this video that's,715.98,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" happening that is a fact,717.06,3.959,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and then actually let me go back to this,719.22,4.619,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so this here where you have this Gap up,721.019,5.461,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" this is actually a mathematical evidence,723.839,5.221,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of a what's called a saltatory leap so a,726.48,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" saltatory leap is when some breakthrough,729.06,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" or some uh compounding returns of,730.98,5.94,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" incremental progress result in sudden,734.04,4.739,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" breakthroughs that you could not have,736.92,3.659,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" predicted because if you just look at,738.779,3.721,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" this trend line you'd predict like okay,740.579,3.601,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we wouldn't be here for another couple,742.5,4.32,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" years but we're here now right so that,744.18,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that's a saltatory leap so you have to,746.82,5.28,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" acknowledge that saltatory leaps not,749.1,4.979,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" just do happen sometimes have happened,752.1,4.679,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" recently and if it's happened recently,754.079,4.981,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" it might happen again,756.779,5.281,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um the lack of urgency by saying eh it's,759.06,5.7,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" decades away again you know you got to,762.06,3.959,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" think through it like okay but what if,764.76,2.699,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" it's not,766.019,5.041,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um and the the the taking a big step,767.459,5.521,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" back the nothing to see here messaging,771.06,5.16,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" might lead to boiled frog syndrome the,772.98,5.039,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the temperature is rising quickly this,776.22,3.54,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" year I think a lot of us agree on that,778.019,3.841,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and so well you get used to it right,779.76,5.16,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" okay it's warmer than it was but it's,781.86,5.88,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" not hot yet thing is the time between it,784.92,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" gets warm and it gets hot and it starts,787.74,5.039,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" boiling that time could be shortening,789.36,6.719,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so the social impacts of these of of,792.779,6.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" when thought leaders adopt more extreme,796.079,6.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" uh stances such as doomerism or deny uh,798.959,6.601,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" denialism is uh basically just a quick,802.139,6.421,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" recap the doomers create nihilism and,805.56,6.779,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" fatalism which discourages uh proactive,808.56,5.219,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Solutions because they say that there is,812.339,3.421,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" no solution right that is one of the,813.779,3.601,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" underpinning assumptions of doomers is,815.76,4.079,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that it's inevitable it's unavoidable,817.38,5.459,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" there is no solution don't even try,819.839,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um and this promotes fear and anxiety,822.839,4.261,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" right which yes fear and anxiety are,824.399,5.041,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" evolutionarily there for a reason to,827.1,3.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" motivate us to do something about a,829.44,3.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" problem that we perceive,831.06,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" but too much of a of of an important,832.62,4.32,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" thing can still be bad,835.32,5.04,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" finally our next the impact of denialism,836.94,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" or denialism,840.36,3.599,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um is that there's a false sense of,842.16,3.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" security right and we don't have to,843.959,4.021,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" worry about it eh it's not coming for a,845.82,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" long time right that's complacency and,847.98,5.88,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" act and inaction which undermines some,850.56,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of the rest of us who are working and,853.86,3.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" saying actually this might be something,855.0,3.3,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that we need to think a little bit,856.86,3.36,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" further ahead on,858.3,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um because think about last year right,860.22,5.46,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" how um AI images exploded onto the scene,862.32,5.94,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and nobody was ready for it right what,865.68,5.58,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" if the next thing that happens is not,868.26,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" just AI images or AI music or something,871.26,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" like that but something a little bit,873.48,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" more profound a little bit more,875.7,3.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" significant that we just weren't ready,877.38,3.3,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" for which means that the time to start,878.88,3.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" preparing for those things that we know,880.68,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" are coming eventually and we don't know,882.72,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" when that Jack-in-the-Box is gonna pop,885.12,4.079,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the time to prepare is now,886.98,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so some of the some of the consequences,889.199,4.981,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that occur because of these the the,891.42,5.46,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" messaging is one polarization of of,894.18,5.279,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" public opinion some people are bending,896.88,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" over backwards to say more jobs are,899.459,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" coming let's not even think about you,901.5,5.519,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" know AI based war or the control problem,903.839,5.461,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" or anything like that uh what meanwhile,907.019,5.341,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" others are like ah no we're you know,909.3,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" lead the leaders around the world are,912.36,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" not even addressing these risks they're,914.22,4.679,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" just sitting on their on their hands so,916.5,4.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we're doomed right because if the adults,918.899,3.901,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" in the room don't care or don't think,921.36,3.719,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" it's a problem but all of the kids are,922.8,3.779,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" like hey do you see that the house is on,925.079,3.301,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" fire like maybe we should put that out,926.579,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" first right that leads to more nihilism,928.38,5.699,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" more fatalism a lot of polarization,930.839,5.641,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and then of course uh the Overton window,934.079,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" is still too narrow so the Overton,936.48,3.719,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" window is the concept of what is allowed,938.279,3.841,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to be talked about in political,940.199,5.521,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" discourse so you know if you if you,942.12,5.159,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" follow my channel every now and then,945.72,3.179,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" I'll post links to videos like hey look,947.279,3.661,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" you know the conversation is Shifting,948.899,5.661,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" right just yesterday I posted a a a a a,950.94,6.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" video from DW news which is in Germany,954.56,5.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" where they try to address like hey,957.42,5.64,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" there's actual anxiety about like,960.3,5.58,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" everyone's jobs are going away right and,963.06,5.76,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" they bent over real God I listened to it,965.88,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" again they bent over backwards to try,968.82,4.319,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and say well yeah a lot of low-paid jobs,970.8,3.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" are going away but there's a few high,973.139,3.901,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" paid jobs coming in and it's like okay,974.76,4.199,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" but still the point is is that most of,977.04,3.479,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the medium and low-paid jobs are going,978.959,3.781,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" away and being replaced by a few,980.519,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" high-paying jobs that's not the promise,982.74,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of like techno Revolution where AI,985.139,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" creates a whole bunch of new jobs,987.36,5.4,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um and then I think it was Amazon uh or,989.639,5.101,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Facebook one of them just an announced,992.76,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" even more layoffs and they explicitly,994.74,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" said that the reason for the layoffs is,997.44,3.12,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that they're going to replace as many,999.54,3.599,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" people with AI as possible I called it,1000.56,6.12,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" I've been saying it so it's happening,1003.139,5.64,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um so the Overton window is Shifting now,1006.68,5.599,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" okay why is this a big problem why like,1008.779,6.3,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" fundamentally why is it that some people,1012.279,5.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" are dimerous and denialists and what,1015.079,5.401,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" what is left in the wash what is missing,1018.199,4.981,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" from the conversation so one thing,1020.48,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that's missing is there is not a,1023.18,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" coherent Global strategy,1025.16,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and so what I mean by that is everyone's,1027.62,5.4,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" busy arguing you know in this little,1030.38,5.039,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" domain or this little domain uh you know,1033.02,5.279,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" about corporate governance or academic,1035.419,5.701,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Integrity or should we have a moratorium,1038.299,5.581,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" right there's not really a global,1041.12,4.439,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" strategy no one has even proposed,1043.88,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" anything,1045.559,5.761,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um then on top of that is as I mentioned,1047.12,5.64,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" just a moment ago,1051.32,3.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" uh calling for moratoriums is not a,1052.76,3.539,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" solution,1054.98,2.699,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um that's not even that's not even a,1056.299,2.941,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" stopgap measure,1057.679,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um and so when all the thought leaders,1059.24,3.6,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" in the world when none of them are,1060.919,3.841,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" really offering Solutions of course,1062.84,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" you're going to end up with a lot of uh,1064.76,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" bickering and arguing and also a lot of,1067.28,5.54,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" anxiety right we are humans and we love,1069.74,6.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" love when there are adults in the room,1072.82,5.979,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that we trust to help make good,1076.22,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" decisions and to make sure that we're,1078.799,4.681,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" going to be okay right and right now on,1080.72,5.579,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the topic of AI there's nobody really,1083.48,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" out there saying we're gonna be okay,1086.299,4.321,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" I've got a plan,1088.22,5.52,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um and then uh on top of that Global,1090.62,4.799,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" strategy is a comprehensive roadmap,1093.74,4.819,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" right kind of the same thing,1095.419,3.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" said a lot of this stuff but really what,1098.78,4.259,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we need is a is that Global,1100.34,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" comprehensive roadmap and a,1103.039,4.441,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" multi-layered approach to solving all,1104.84,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" these problems at all these different uh,1107.48,3.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" levels,1109.76,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so I've already alluded to some of these,1111.14,3.36,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" things there's quite a bunch of stuff,1113.0,3.299,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that doesn't work right calling for,1114.5,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" moratoriums just simply does not work,1116.299,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we'll get into more detail about why,1118.64,6.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" moratoriums don't work and and and uh,1120.919,5.401,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and all the incentives against it in,1124.7,3.359,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" just a moment another thing that doesn't,1126.32,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" work is bombing data centers sorry that,1128.059,4.921,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" is a really bone-headed suggestion,1130.46,5.099,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" uh complaining on Twitter writing op-eds,1132.98,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" writing mean comments on YouTube none of,1135.559,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" these things are actually helpful and,1137.96,3.839,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" another thing that's not helpful is,1140.539,2.88,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" actually just trusting corporations or,1141.799,3.061,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the establishment to figure it out on,1143.419,2.281,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" their own,1144.86,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we are all all humans Global,1145.7,5.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" stakeholders in AI,1148.88,5.82,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so all these these the this list of,1151.66,4.36,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" stuff that I've just have that that,1154.7,2.88,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" doesn't work they're all molecule,1156.02,3.779,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" reactions and molecule Solutions which,1157.58,3.3,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" basically means that they will,1159.799,3.181,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" inevitably lead to those lose-lose,1160.88,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" outcomes that the doomers are are,1162.98,4.079,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" warning us against right again I'm not,1164.9,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" saying that the doomers are wrong if,1167.059,3.721,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" things keep going as they are the,1169.1,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" doomers are right I just I personally,1170.78,6.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" don't ascribe to constantly yelling fire,1173.6,6.12,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and then claiming you know we're all,1176.96,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" gonna die,1179.72,5.579,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" okay so I outlined the big problems now,1181.4,5.82,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" what,1185.299,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" this video the entire purpose is to,1187.22,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" introduce kind of the crowning,1189.559,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" achievement so far of What Not Just I'm,1192.14,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" working on but the the rapidly growing,1194.059,5.401,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" community that I'm building,1196.76,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um uh what started around the years to,1199.46,5.04,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" comparatives my research on alignment,1201.5,6.059,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" for individual models and agents it has,1204.5,6.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" quickly expanded so this gato framework,1207.559,7.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Global alignment taxonomy Omnibus is,1211.28,6.42,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that comprehensive strategy that I just,1215.179,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" mentioned that is missing it is not just,1217.7,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" for responsible AI development but is a,1219.919,5.461,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" coherent road map that everyone on the,1222.26,5.58,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" planet can participate in at various,1225.38,4.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" levels whatever level makes the most,1227.84,3.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" sense to you,1230.24,5.4,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" this framework has seven layers on ways,1231.5,8.16,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to implement uh models AI systems and,1235.64,6.539,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" also alignment uh alignment-based,1239.66,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" regulations and we'll get into all the,1242.179,4.201,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" layers in just a moment,1244.46,5.579,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" uh but basically the the whole point of,1246.38,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" this gato framework that we're working,1250.039,4.861,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" on is that it will unite all,1251.6,5.28,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" stakeholders give us a common framework,1254.9,5.04,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with which to have these discussions to,1256.88,5.28,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" broaden the Overton window to open the,1259.94,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Overton window a little bit more so,1262.16,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" whatever part of the spectrum you're on,1264.32,4.859,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" whether you're saying eh it's not really,1266.66,4.379,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" an issue yet or we're all going to die,1269.179,4.261,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" or you don't care or you're an optimist,1271.039,4.981,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" whatever this is a framework that we can,1273.44,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" all participate in,1276.02,4.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um just in a decentralized distributed,1278.0,5.64,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and open source manner,1280.88,5.52,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so as promised here are the seven layers,1283.64,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of the gato framework and in the,1286.4,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" community we started saying that it's,1288.74,3.6,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" like a seven layer burrito so we use,1290.48,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" like taco cat as our little Avatar so,1292.34,5.88,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" layer one the lowest layer is model,1295.58,5.64,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" alignment so model alignment has to do,1298.22,6.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with individual neural networks so that,1301.22,8.52,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" means gpt2 gpt3 gpt4 Bert vicuna uh,1304.22,8.28,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" stable LM all of these right large,1309.74,5.34,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" language models are proliferating like,1312.5,4.559,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" well I don't know just like locusts,1315.08,3.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" whatever,1317.059,4.441,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" it's happening right data sets are,1318.74,5.16,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" growing models are growing they're all,1321.5,4.799,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" coming out uh the cat's out of the bag,1323.9,5.04,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" right language technology multimodal,1326.299,4.801,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" technology it's all coming you can't,1328.94,3.719,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" stop it,1331.1,3.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um so rather than stop it rather than,1332.659,4.801,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" call for moratoriums what we're doing is,1334.58,5.459,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we're focusing on okay let's ride this,1337.46,5.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" wave I all have already proposed,1340.039,4.741,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" reinforcement learning with heuristic,1342.52,3.519,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" imperatives which is different from,1344.78,2.34,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" reinforcement learning with human,1346.039,3.661,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" feedback because human feedback aligns,1347.12,5.28,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" models to what humans want which what,1349.7,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" humans want and what humans need often,1352.4,4.259,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" very very different here is to,1354.26,3.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" comparatives is not just what humans,1356.659,4.621,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" want but what all life needs we're also,1358.1,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" talking about data set curation and,1361.28,3.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" inner alignment problems like Mesa,1362.84,3.12,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" optimization,1364.34,6.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Layer Two is sorry autonomous systems so,1365.96,6.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" these are cognitive architectures and,1370.4,3.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" autonomous agents,1372.14,4.919,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" this is this is recently exploded on the,1373.78,4.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" scene with,1377.059,4.381,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um you know Jarvis and baby AGI and,1378.26,5.76,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" agent GPT and all that fun stuff so you,1381.44,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" guys know what that is and it's coming,1384.02,3.12,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and it's only going to get more,1385.82,3.359,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" sophisticated we're on the ground floor,1387.14,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of autonomous systems this is year zero,1389.179,6.061,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" year two three four five like you can't,1391.76,5.58,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" on you cannot imagine how powerful,1395.24,4.679,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" autonomous systems are going to be in,1397.34,5.4,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the coming years so at the at the the,1399.919,4.981,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" low level the engine level right the,1402.74,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" components under the hood that's the,1404.9,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" models the autonomous systems are the,1406.94,4.979,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" software architectures that use those,1409.64,3.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" systems including memory systems and,1411.919,4.021,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" apis and other stuff to create those,1413.6,5.52,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" autonomous cognitive entities right,1415.94,6.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" layer 3 is the decentralized network so,1419.12,5.16,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" you might have seen some of my recent,1422.6,2.6,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" videos where I've talked about,1424.28,3.3,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" blockchain decentralized autonomous,1425.2,4.959,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" organizations and also another component,1427.58,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of that is what's called a federation so,1430.159,4.741,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" a federation is where you have either,1432.08,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" independent nodes or independent,1434.9,3.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" networks that can communicate and,1436.52,5.039,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" collaborate through Federated systems so,1438.38,8.039,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" these are the the network layer is how,1441.559,7.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" do we create networked intelligent,1446.419,6.961,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" entities that are also aligned and this,1449.419,5.701,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" is a tough nut to crack we've had lots,1453.38,3.419,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of discussions in the group talking,1455.12,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" about can you implement Heroes to,1456.799,5.941,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" comparatives as a consensus mechanism at,1458.84,5.459,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" what level do you process it do you,1462.74,5.64,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" process it at every llm inference or do,1464.299,6.301,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" you wait for the decisions how do you,1468.38,4.679,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" make decisions around this kind of thing,1470.6,5.52,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" excuse me real tough nut to crack number,1473.059,6.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" four is where we jump from the technical,1476.12,5.34,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" implementation and research to more of,1479.059,5.221,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the social political and economic uh,1481.46,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" layer of the stack,1484.28,3.36,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and for all of you technologists out,1485.96,4.32,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" there you can probably see,1487.64,5.34,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um my influence as a as a technologist,1490.28,5.04,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" because this is it's not modeled on the,1492.98,5.04,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" osm OSI model it's actually more closely,1495.32,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" modeled on the defense and depth model,1498.02,5.58,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" but it is a layered hierarchical stack,1500.24,6.6,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" or onion of uh of Concepts so corporate,1503.6,4.199,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" adoption,1506.84,2.339,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" here's the thing,1507.799,3.841,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" you cannot just tell a corporation you,1509.179,4.201,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" know what stop with the AI we don't we,1511.64,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" don't like where AI is going sure you,1513.38,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" can try to with regulation uh but you,1515.36,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" know like Italy tried to do that and,1518.12,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" then they reverse course right,1519.86,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" there's just way too much economic,1522.02,4.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" incentive the bottom line you know that,1524.12,4.76,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" is if you're if you're a corporation,1526.88,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" shareholders and the bottom line that's,1528.88,4.659,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" where the power is so rather than fight,1531.38,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that part of what this framework does is,1533.539,4.321,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" say let's how let's figure out how we,1535.76,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" can align those heuristic imperatives,1537.86,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" reduce suffering increase prosperity and,1540.32,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" increase understanding how can we align,1542.12,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" those fundamental human needs the,1544.7,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" fundamental needs of all living things,1547.34,3.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with corporate interest,1548.96,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and so one story that I like to share is,1551.0,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that I've had a few patreon uh,1553.64,3.659,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" supporters reach out to me and they're,1555.5,3.36,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" like hey I've got this autonomous system,1557.299,3.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that I'm working on but it's like it's,1558.86,3.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" getting stuck or I need help or whatever,1560.299,5.041,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um or even without asking for my help uh,1562.82,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" they said like hey I implemented the,1565.34,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" heroes to comparatives in my autonomous,1567.02,3.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Business Systems and they work better,1568.58,5.699,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and I'm like thanks share so like if you,1570.02,5.82,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" have any of those examples please post,1574.279,2.941,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" them on Reddit on the heroes to,1575.84,3.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" comparative subreddit because we need we,1577.22,3.839,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" need more of those stories about how,1579.32,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" aligned AI systems are actually good for,1581.059,4.381,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" business it's that simple the bottom,1583.1,4.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" line like I I will always say that,1585.44,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" corporations are intrinsically amoral,1587.96,5.219,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" however what I will say is that is that,1590.0,4.919,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" their profit motive their primary,1593.179,3.12,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" incentive structure which is to make,1594.919,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" more money will benefit from adopting,1596.299,5.101,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" heuristic comparative aligned systems,1599.539,4.081,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" services and products which I also we,1601.4,3.54,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" also have some members of the community,1603.62,3.12,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" who are working on spinning this out,1604.94,3.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" into either for-profit or not,1606.74,4.679,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" not-for-profit services and of course,1608.12,4.799,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we're going to be publishing open source,1611.419,3.601,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" data sets reference architectures that,1612.919,3.661,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" sort of stuff to make it as easy as,1615.02,3.899,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" possible for corporations all over the,1616.58,5.459,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" world to adopt aligned AI,1618.919,5.041,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" uh and we're going to work on convincing,1622.039,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" them that this is the way to go too,1623.96,3.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" number five National regulations,1625.279,5.041,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" obviously as I just mentioned you know,1627.82,5.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" corporations can or sorry Nations can do,1630.32,4.28,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" some stuff like people pointed out like,1632.9,5.159,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" gdpr uh European unions like you know,1634.6,6.459,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" big package about like a uh data privacy,1638.059,5.161,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and stuff and certainly as an I.T,1641.059,3.261,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" professional,1643.22,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" people on the technology side are,1644.32,5.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" terrified of gdpr right that's got some,1647.12,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" teeth right you know right to be,1649.46,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" forgotten where the data is owned and,1651.14,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" housed and data governance okay great,1653.24,6.179,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that's all fine but see the thing is is,1655.58,5.82,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Nations have their own incentive,1659.419,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" structure where it comes to Ai and what,1661.4,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" I mean by that is uh the the national,1663.559,4.441,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" interests of companies has to do with,1665.96,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" their own GDP as a whole so this is a,1668.0,6.539,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" big difference gdpr was about uh like,1670.88,5.64,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" data privacy for Citizens and social,1674.539,5.341,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" media it wasn't as directly tied to like,1676.52,6.899,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the national growth of their G ADP it,1679.88,5.52,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" wasn't necessarily directly tied to,1683.419,3.661,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" their geopolitical influence or their,1685.4,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" military or their National Security,1687.08,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" AI today though,1690.08,4.199,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" is all of those things and more,1692.0,5.46,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" because GDP growth geopolitical,1694.279,5.101,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" influence National Security border,1697.46,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" security whatever all of that has to do,1699.38,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" those are the national interests that we,1701.84,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" are going to be working on aligning AI,1703.82,6.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with and basically the long story short,1706.46,6.36,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" is at a national level We're not gonna,1709.82,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we're not going to say hey Nations maybe,1712.82,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" you shouldn't adopt AI maybe you should,1714.74,3.179,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" slow it down maybe you should just,1716.84,3.12,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" regulate it we're going to be actually,1717.919,3.481,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" more I'm not going to say that like,1719.96,3.42,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we're accelerationists because like you,1721.4,3.779,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" don't need to push the to go any faster,1723.38,3.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" right I'm not advocating for,1725.179,3.721,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" accelerationism I'm just observing that,1726.86,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" acceleration is happening so how do we,1728.9,4.639,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" steer it right and the idea is,1731.12,5.34,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" encouraging Nations to adopt Heroes,1733.539,5.921,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" comparative aligned uh models services,1736.46,5.699,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and systems because at every level of,1739.46,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" government that will help steer the,1742.159,4.081,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" nation in a better Direction and their,1744.38,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" implementations will be safer more,1746.24,4.799,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" reliable more trustworthy so on and so,1748.88,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" forth and of course stability is good,1751.039,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" for business it's good for the account,1753.14,3.32,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" economy it's good for National Security,1754.279,5.52,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and all that other fun stuff next up is,1756.46,5.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" number six uh layer six International,1759.799,4.681,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" treaties so I actually did wasn't the,1761.96,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" first one to come up with this idea but,1764.48,3.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" basically we're going to be advocating,1765.98,4.679,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" for an international Consortium like,1767.96,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" CERN but for AI because here's the other,1770.659,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" thing and a lot of people pointed this,1772.88,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" out is that a lot of Nations,1774.679,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" cannot even afford to participate in AI,1777.02,5.7,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" research right AI research is carried,1779.899,4.561,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" out largely by the wealthiest companies,1782.72,3.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" on the planet and the wealthiest,1784.46,2.76,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" countries on the planet,1785.72,3.42,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that's going to intrinsically leave a,1787.22,4.439,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" lot of other nations uh behind in the,1789.14,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" dust right and that's just not fair that,1791.659,4.201,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" is a malarchy outcome where there's a,1794.12,3.419,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" few wealthy bastions and the rest are,1795.86,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" poor and they end up basically like,1797.539,6.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" tossed on the on the rough Seas of an AI,1800.84,5.64,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" saturated world so what we're going to,1803.799,5.081,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" do is we're going to advocate for a,1806.48,5.64,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" global international Consortium where uh,1808.88,6.899,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" people people Nations pool resources,1812.12,5.88,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" share their scientists share their,1815.779,5.101,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" research share their data so that we can,1818.0,5.46,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" all benefit equally across the whole,1820.88,6.539,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" globe which that also uh has uh knock-on,1823.46,6.079,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" benefits with in terms of alliances,1827.419,4.681,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" economic benefits because you look at,1829.539,4.721,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" like everyone's going to benefits from,1832.1,4.319,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" from like CERN and the collaborations,1834.26,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" between like NASA and Esa and and that,1836.419,3.721,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" sort of stuff so International,1838.7,3.959,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" scientific treaties generally one,1840.14,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" they've got a pretty good track record,1842.659,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and two we've got a good model for them,1843.86,3.6,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so we're just basically saying let's,1845.899,4.861,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" copy the success of NASA Issa of CERN,1847.46,6.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and let's do it for AI again that's not,1850.76,5.46,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" like you know we're not this is nothing,1853.7,3.839,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Earth shattering right it's been done,1856.22,2.88,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" before we're just saying maybe it is,1857.539,3.781,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" time to do this with AI and finally,1859.1,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" layer 7 of the gato framework is global,1861.32,5.76,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" consensus so Global consensus has to do,1864.2,5.219,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with messaging,1867.08,5.459,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um uh working with universities academic,1869.419,5.401,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" institutions uh industrial sectors,1872.539,5.701,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" National sectors uh social media right,1874.82,6.3,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" or all media really because if we can,1878.24,5.819,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" build consensus in every sector in every,1881.12,5.059,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" domain and at every level of society,1884.059,6.961,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" then consensus around how to uh align AI,1886.179,7.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so that we all end up in a more utopian,1891.02,3.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" state,1893.179,3.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the utopian attractor State rather than,1894.08,5.219,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" dystopia or Extinction then we're going,1896.659,4.561,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to have a lot more energy right that,1899.299,3.961,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Overton window is going to be aligned in,1901.22,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the correct direction rather than you,1903.26,3.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" know because right now the Overton,1905.36,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" window is highly highly centered over,1906.32,4.979,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we're all going to die or nothing is,1908.6,6.179,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" happening but really the truth is well,1911.299,5.461,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" those are possibilities but the Overton,1914.779,4.081,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" window needs to be broadened and that is,1916.76,4.139,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" one of the key components of global,1918.86,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" consensus,1920.899,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so I just threw a lot at you and this,1922.64,5.82,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" all sounds really good Pie in the Sky uh,1925.279,5.461,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" you know blah blah right there's,1928.46,3.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" probably some skepticism so let's,1930.74,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" address that this all started as a very,1932.12,5.039,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" small Discord Community where I just,1934.82,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" wanted to bring some people together to,1937.159,3.061,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" help me do Heroes to comparatives,1938.72,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" research and it quickly very quickly,1940.22,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" scaled up,1943.64,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um we to as of this recording we have I,1945.44,5.04,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" think right around just shy of 70 people,1948.38,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" involved and more people coming all the,1950.48,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" time we're actually having to work on,1953.6,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" figuring out ways of automating the,1955.1,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" recruiting the applications and the,1957.74,3.419,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" onboarding which we haven't figured out,1959.84,4.079,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" yet but we need to,1961.159,4.681,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um we're organizing teams and projects,1963.919,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" around each layer of gato that I just uh,1965.84,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" outlined and so you can see those here,1968.299,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" on the right hand side so if you're a,1969.86,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" reinforcement learning researcher or an,1972.799,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" ml researcher or a data scientist we,1974.48,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" need your help with layer one if you're,1977.059,4.081,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" a software architect or a cloud,1979.58,4.079,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" architect or someone or devops someone,1981.14,5.34,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" who understands Automation and complex,1983.659,4.681,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" systems we need your help in Layer Two,1986.48,4.319,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" autonomous systems we've got a whole,1988.34,5.4,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" bunch of blockchain endow people working,1990.799,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with us on layer three which is such a,1993.74,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" cool topic because where this is like,1995.899,3.541,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" super Cutting Edge also we're going to,1997.46,3.42,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" eat our own dog food we're already,1999.44,5.88,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" working on using Dows to help voting and,2000.88,6.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" decision making and allocation of,2005.32,4.32,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" resources within this project obviously,2006.88,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" as I've said in many of my videos a lot,2009.64,4.139,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of blockchain and DOW technology is not,2011.86,4.319,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" ready but we are going to eat our own,2013.779,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" dog food and make sure that we are,2016.179,4.021,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" testing these things so that they'll do,2018.159,3.36,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the things that we say that they need to,2020.2,2.819,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" do right we're going to figure it out as,2021.519,4.441,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" as we go number four corporate adoption,2023.019,5.821,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we have a few entrepreneurs and Business,2025.96,5.819,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Leaders we've got uh several ctOS in the,2028.84,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" group we need more connections to,2031.779,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" business and industry this means,2033.64,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" conferences this means,2035.679,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um meetups this means,2037.84,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um people on boards right A lot of my,2040.059,4.261,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" patreon supporters are business people,2042.64,3.659,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and so like I work with them directly,2044.32,4.039,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" but we need more of that we need people,2046.299,5.401,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" uh working to evangelize,2048.359,5.081,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um not just not just like saying hey,2051.7,3.659,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Corporation you should adopt your,2053.44,3.239,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" heuristic imperatives and then leaving,2055.359,3.54,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" it at that we have startups that we're,2056.679,4.801,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" working with because the the companies,2058.899,4.801,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" offering aligned Services don't exist,2061.48,4.439,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" yet so we're helping incubate those,2063.7,3.36,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" things and I don't mean from a financial,2065.919,3.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" perspective but from a consultation,2067.06,5.039,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" perspective and so because if the if hi,2069.099,5.401,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" aligned Services goods and services,2072.099,5.401,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" exist companies can adopt them but until,2074.5,5.399,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" they exist they can't be adopted really,2077.5,5.159,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" number five National regulation we're,2079.899,5.7,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" just starting to have this conversation,2082.659,4.561,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um actually just a conversation I had,2085.599,3.901,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" just a little while ago had to do with,2087.22,5.34,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" uh talking with some of the uh policy,2089.5,6.3,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" makers and lawyers and legislators that,2092.56,5.039,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" are concerned about this kind of stuff,2095.8,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so for instance,2097.599,3.541,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um the vice president uh I don't know if,2099.04,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" it's today but soon we'll be talking,2101.14,4.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with all of the big Tech Giants right so,2103.24,3.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we need to have more of those,2106.0,3.3,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" conversations and we need to add some of,2106.9,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" uh some of our perspective from the gato,2109.3,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" framework,2111.82,4.32,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um into those National conversations but,2113.2,4.7,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" not just from it not just from a,2116.14,3.719,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" regulatory standpoint of the nation,2117.9,4.36,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" looking down into the nation the,2119.859,4.081,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" nation's looking up and out to the rest,2122.26,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of the world because as I mentioned,2123.94,4.32,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" National Security that is a huge thing,2125.5,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" GDP growth that is a big thing in,2128.26,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" geopolitical influence AI is going to,2130.3,5.039,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" affect all of these domains number six,2132.76,5.7,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" uh the international treaty again we,2135.339,5.821,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" need we need people that are connected,2138.46,5.159,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to the UN,2141.16,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um,2143.619,4.321,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" uh maybe NATO I don't know oecd all,2144.4,6.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" kinds of stuff uh UNESCO there's all,2147.94,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" kinds of international organizations,2150.88,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that we would like to be connected with,2152.44,5.34,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and work with and talk to in order to,2154.9,5.4,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" have these conversations and,2157.78,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" by and large just make the right,2160.3,3.299,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" connections so that these conversations,2161.8,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" are happening and we can articulate the,2163.599,5.161,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" gato framework and get it published and,2165.94,5.58,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" then finally layer 7 Global consensus we,2168.76,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" have writers we have graphic,2171.52,3.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" communicators we've got editors we've,2172.9,3.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" got audio Engineers,2174.52,4.76,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um we're working with uh people all over,2176.56,6.12,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" even more influencers have excuse me,2179.28,6.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" reached out to me so I'm uh I'm going to,2182.68,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" be having conversations with them so,2185.5,6.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that we can all align on this consensus,2187.42,6.6,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and then here's our uh here's our our,2191.68,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" mascot it's our own version of taco cat,2194.02,5.16,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so again you know gato cat and then you,2196.06,7.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" know seven layered Taco you get the idea,2199.18,6.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um okay so you're probably glazing over,2203.32,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" at this point but you've got the meat of,2205.66,3.3,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" it so if you're really really super,2207.46,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" interested in the layers let's take a,2208.96,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" look at the layers of Gato in a little,2211.48,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" bit bigger depth so number one of uh,2213.52,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" layer one model alignment fine tuning,2216.7,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the very first experiment that I,2218.74,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" published was on fine tuning large,2220.42,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" language models so that they are aligned,2222.76,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" number two reinforcement learning again,2224.56,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that is the goal is how do you create,2227.14,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the data sets in the systems and the,2229.0,6.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" signals in order to have uh models that,2231.22,6.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" not only are initially aligned to,2235.0,4.32,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" heuristic imperatives and human needs,2237.28,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and the needs of all life but how do you,2239.32,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" make sure that they get better at that,2241.48,3.3,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" over time right that is the entire,2243.04,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" purpose of heuristics heuristics uh,2244.78,3.839,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" heuristic imperatives and reinforcement,2247.24,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" learning basically the same thing,2248.619,5.281,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um at least here's the comparatives are,2251.8,3.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" reinforcement learning on a specific,2253.9,2.939,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" trajectory,2255.64,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" model bias so there's uh there's a lot,2256.839,5.821,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of intrinsic bias in models there's been,2260.38,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" uh some really interesting studies even,2262.66,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" chat GPT with reinforcement learning,2264.94,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with human feedback is still pretty,2266.68,4.439,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" sexist it's also pretty racist depending,2268.66,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" on the kinds of prompts that you use,2271.119,3.661,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" there's a lot of implicit bias then,2272.56,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" there's also um Mesa optimization which,2274.78,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" I'm not sure I'm not entirely sure that,2277.24,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Mesa optimization is a problem for,2279.52,5.16,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" language models but it could be,2281.98,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um so we'll see but we need to be aware,2284.68,3.659,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of that and we need to study it and if,2286.66,3.54,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" it is there we need to address it but,2288.339,4.321,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Mesa optimization is like a tiny,2290.2,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" component of this whole framework,2292.66,5.699,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" open source data sets so one of the,2294.64,6.3,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" things that I mentioned is open source,2298.359,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" open source Open Source by by creating,2300.94,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and Publishing open source data sets,2303.339,5.28,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that can uh one they're transparent but,2305.2,6.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" two that can foster collaboration and,2308.619,4.261,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" ultimately one of the things that I hope,2311.26,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to achieve is what I call axiomatic,2312.88,5.219,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" alignment so axiomatic alignment is what,2315.52,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" happens when through conversation,2318.099,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" through experimentation through repeated,2320.32,5.64,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" augmentation of Open Source data sets,2323.079,5.341,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" practically every data set out there,2325.96,5.76,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that AI is trained on intrinsically has,2328.42,5.88,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" some alignment baked into it and if,2331.72,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" every data set or all or if enough data,2334.3,5.94,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" sets are aligned then you can end up,2336.82,6.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with a a virtuous cycle or a positive,2340.24,5.46,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" feedback loop where every subsequent,2343.0,5.339,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" data set is also more and more aligned,2345.7,5.46,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so from a model perspective the,2348.339,5.041,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" overarching goal is to arrive at a place,2351.16,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of axiomatic alignment,2353.38,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so this will require us to solve,2355.72,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" problems around training model,2357.52,5.04,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" architecture and then finally the data,2359.92,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" ecosystem that we build and when I say,2362.56,4.559,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we I don't mean just those of us in gato,2365.02,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the gato framework project but everyone,2367.119,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" everyone participating this whether,2369.76,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" they're academic researchers corporate,2371.859,4.321,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" government military so on and so forth,2373.96,5.28,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" now Layer Two autonomous systems I,2376.18,3.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" already talked a little bit about,2379.24,3.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" cognitive architecture we don't need to,2380.14,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um you know beat the dead horse there,2382.9,4.439,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" but one of the things that we want to,2385.06,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" talk about and and publish is an open,2387.339,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" source reference architecture that's,2389.68,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" really the primary one of the primary,2391.599,3.961,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" goals here is what are the components,2393.4,3.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" what are the system components that you,2395.56,4.559,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" need in order to have a fully aligned,2397.24,5.52,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and fully autonomous system so this,2400.119,3.901,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" includes some of these things like,2402.76,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" self-evaluation and stability we are,2404.02,5.339,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" working on how do you how do you design,2406.54,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" tasks how do you evaluate past,2409.359,3.661,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" performance how do you automatically,2411.46,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" label data and how do you create modular,2413.02,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" design patterns that allow for anyone,2415.24,6.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and everyone to create their own fully,2418.0,5.82,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" autonomous systems that are also aligned,2421.42,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to the heuristic imperatives and,2423.82,6.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" therefore should be benevolent so by,2426.64,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" getting by having the ultimate goal of,2429.82,3.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" publishing these open source reference,2431.74,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" architectures that'll make it really,2433.66,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" easy for all corporations out there and,2435.46,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" all private individuals and all,2437.68,4.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" governments to adopt these uh these,2439.24,4.859,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" patterns these software architecture,2442.54,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" patterns which again just by providing,2444.099,4.621,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that answer and making it as easy as,2447.16,5.3,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" possible will be a one component in,2448.72,5.82,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" solving alignment and the control,2452.46,4.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" problem globally,2454.54,5.52,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so decentralized networks this is not,2456.7,5.52,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" just blockchain not just Dows but also,2460.06,5.34,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" federations so keep that in mind,2462.22,4.28,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um,2465.4,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" there's two primary components here one,2466.5,5.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" first we just have to figure out how to,2469.48,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" do these Technologies because by and,2471.52,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" large these are still highly,2473.2,4.32,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" experimental Technologies,2475.24,3.839,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um and I will be the first to admit that,2477.52,3.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" maybe blockchain and DOW is not the,2479.079,4.381,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" correct way but in principle some kind,2480.7,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of Federated system or decentralized,2483.46,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" network is probably the way to go in,2485.5,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" order to have some of these things such,2488.14,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" as algorithmic consensus when we're in a,2490.24,3.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" world where we have billions upon,2492.82,3.6,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" billions of autonomous agents all,2494.2,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" working on their own we need a way for,2496.42,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" them to work with each other and with us,2498.82,6.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to come up with a consensus mechanisms,2501.22,7.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that will slow slow the roll basically,2504.88,5.04,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so there's a couple components that can,2508.24,3.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" go into that one is trust and reputation,2509.92,6.179,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" mechanisms so if you have you know some,2512.2,6.659,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" arbitrary AI agent operating out on the,2516.099,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" net on its own,2518.859,4.561,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" if it is an untrusted agent then maybe,2520.359,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" you don't want to give it resources or,2523.42,3.199,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" you don't want to give it any Credence,2525.099,3.541,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that's what I mean by trust and,2526.619,4.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" reputation mechanisms resource control,2528.64,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and allocation is another aspect of,2530.619,4.861,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" using blockchain or Dao or Federated,2533.44,4.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Technologies which basically means if an,2535.48,5.16,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" agent is behaving in a way that is not,2538.3,5.4,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" aligned if the consensus of all agents,2540.64,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" says hey that's a little bit destructive,2543.7,3.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" maybe you shouldn't do it you revoke its,2545.38,4.979,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" access to computational resources data,2547.54,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that sort of thing which can be a way to,2550.359,6.301,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" allow and Empower uh autonomous agents,2552.76,5.7,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to police each other,2556.66,5.16,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and then finally incentivizing alignment,2558.46,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um so one of the things uh that people,2561.82,3.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" are concerned about is instrumental,2563.56,3.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" convergence so instrumental convergence,2565.3,6.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" is the idea that um AI uh no matter what,2567.4,6.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" goals you give it will be incentivized,2572.02,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to pursue basic similar things like,2574.18,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" control of power more data that sort of,2576.94,5.639,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" stuff but so that's that's based on its,2579.4,5.699,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" in intrinsic motivations right an AI,2582.579,5.401,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" needs electricity to run so therefore it,2585.099,4.081,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" will always have some intrinsic,2587.98,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" motivation to do that now through these,2589.18,4.32,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Network systems whether it's Federated,2591.88,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" decentralized however the network,2593.5,5.579,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" architecture is ultimately designed if,2595.78,6.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" you incentivize their behavior to get,2599.079,4.801,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the behavior that you want so that they,2601.96,4.139,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" can get what they want then that is the,2603.88,5.52,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" way to go so for instance if you use,2606.099,5.581,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" resource tokens or cryptocurrency or,2609.4,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" whatever to say hey,2611.68,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" everything that you do that is aligned,2613.18,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the the the the the the rest of the,2615.4,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" network says we agree with that behavior,2617.98,3.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we agree with that decision we'll give,2619.78,3.6,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" you a little bit more data or a little,2621.64,4.679,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" bit more computational horsepower that,2623.38,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" sort of stuff so you incentivize the,2626.319,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" behavior that you want to see,2628.48,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" number four corporate adoption so again,2630.819,4.981,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" like I said for everyone that's talked,2633.7,3.6,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to me about it implementing Heroes to,2635.8,3.779,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" comparatives ultimately just creates,2637.3,4.799,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" better Solutions so if the best AI,2639.579,4.981,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" services and products are aligned,2642.099,4.861,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the solution sells itself that's that,2644.56,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" can that could literally be the end of,2646.96,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the conversation is that working with,2648.64,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" corporations whether it's the tech,2651.16,3.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Giants providing these services or,2652.54,4.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" everyone else consuming those services,2655.0,5.579,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to realize and develop those services so,2656.76,6.4,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that all AI services are intrinsically,2660.579,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" aligned and of course open AI has done,2663.16,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" their best you know they have,2665.319,3.661,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um they have their own internal research,2667.42,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" one problem though is that they're not,2668.98,3.42,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" sharing that research,2670.66,3.959,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um so their their work on alignment is a,2672.4,3.959,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" total black box which means nobody else,2674.619,3.061,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" can,2676.359,3.781,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um Can can duplicate it so we need an,2677.68,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" open source way so that everyone can,2680.14,4.679,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" duplicate alignment research and make,2682.48,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" sure that all their apis all their AIS,2684.819,4.921,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" are aligned and then corporations don't,2686.92,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" even need to think about it right,2689.74,3.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" because again corporations are like okay,2691.0,3.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" whatever whatever is going to make us,2692.8,3.36,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the most money will do that and that's,2694.0,5.579,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" yeah so if we if we create a corporate,2696.16,6.54,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" ecosystem if an economic ecosystem in,2699.579,5.221,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" which the best option Finance actually,2702.7,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" is also the most aligned option problem,2704.8,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" solved now that's a big if,2707.38,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" there's a few other reasons though that,2709.54,4.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" adopting aligned AI services and systems,2711.88,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" would be good for corporations one,2714.4,3.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" public relations,2716.38,3.479,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" you know whatever whatever is popular in,2717.88,4.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Vogue so for instance like LGBT rights,2719.859,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" super popular right now all the rage so,2722.74,4.079,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" guess what a lot of corporations are,2724.839,4.081,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" jumping on that bandwagon bandwagon,2726.819,4.081,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" mentality is good as long as it aligns,2728.92,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" on also something that is good employee,2730.9,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" satisfaction now obviously I think that,2733.66,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" employment conventional employment is,2736.0,2.76,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" going to be going the way of the,2737.8,2.819,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" dinosaurs by and large but for the,2738.76,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" employees that are there it really feels,2740.619,4.681,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" good to know that your company as part,2742.54,4.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of a higher mission to make the world,2745.3,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" better for everyone so just gonna throw,2747.4,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that out there and then finally,2749.92,3.179,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" stakeholder capitalism,2751.3,4.559,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" stakeholder capitalism is an is a a,2753.099,6.061,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" paradigm whereby it's not just you you,2755.859,5.281,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the corporation and your customers it's,2759.16,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" everyone as a stakeholder so that's,2761.14,3.959,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" employees customer suppliers environment,2762.94,5.04,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the rest of society so by adopting,2765.099,4.921,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" aligned AI that can also bring,2767.98,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" corporations in a line with stakeholder,2770.02,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" capitalism as that idea continues to,2771.88,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" develop,2774.7,3.899,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" oh this is a long video uh number five,2776.02,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" National regulations I already mentioned,2778.599,6.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" GDP GDP growth obviously AI is a gonna,2780.52,7.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" be a huge powerful economic engine for,2784.599,5.401,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the foreseeable future so we need to,2787.78,4.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" make sure that as Nations you know try,2790.0,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to maximize their GDP which they are all,2792.22,3.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" incentivized to do so that's fine I'm,2794.5,2.64,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" not going to tell them that they're,2796.18,1.919,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" wrong,2797.14,2.28,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um I don't think that it's necessarily,2798.099,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the best thing to optimize for but,2799.42,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that's how the world works right now you,2801.339,4.201,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" can wish in one hand and you know you,2803.56,3.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" know what you can do on the other hand,2805.54,3.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" guess which one fills up,2806.74,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um National Security so this is the,2809.02,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" biggest thing right the US's uh chips,2810.76,4.319,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" act where we you know did the the AI,2813.04,4.319,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" chips embargo against China right that's,2815.079,5.341,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" an example of the geopolitical game of,2817.359,4.381,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" chess that is going to be playing out,2820.42,4.86,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" for the foreseeable future around Ai and,2821.74,6.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" adversarial uses of AI so by working,2825.28,6.539,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with nations in in line in alignment,2828.7,5.639,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with their their national interests we,2831.819,5.401,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" can also work with them to adopt more,2834.339,5.421,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" aligned AI solicit Solutions and systems,2837.22,5.76,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Democratic institutions so uh voter,2839.76,7.059,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" rights electric transparency Judicial,2842.98,7.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Systems AI is going to impact every,2846.819,7.321,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" element every aspect of uh liberal,2850.06,6.6,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Democratic societies including the,2854.14,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" agencies that the that those governments,2856.66,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" run on so by working with them to say,2858.52,5.04,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" here's how you can Implement AI to both,2860.8,5.46,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" save money and be a better Society to,2863.56,4.259,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" strengthen your Democratic institutions,2866.26,3.839,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that will benefit everyone,2867.819,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" geopolitical influence ditto there's,2870.099,5.881,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" going to be things about trade for,2872.619,6.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" instance alliances all of those things,2875.98,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" are going to be impacted by AI which we,2878.859,4.621,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" need to study and we need to become the,2880.96,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" world experts on so that we can advise,2883.48,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and consult properly and then finally,2885.22,4.139,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" sustainability which comes down to,2887.5,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" environmental challenges in the grand,2889.359,4.021,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" scheme of things I think that if we,2891.28,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" solve these other problems then by,2893.38,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" virtue of solving those problems around,2895.66,5.179,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" consensus we'll probably also figure out,2898.06,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" environmental control,2900.839,5.141,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" layer 6 International treaty I already,2903.16,5.159,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" mentioned um basically CERN but for AI,2905.98,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" so just a really quick recap of the,2908.319,4.621,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" benefits one membership and governance,2910.54,5.16,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" where all uh all nations are,2912.94,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" stakeholders and so they can join and,2915.7,3.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" make decisions collectively,2917.92,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" collaborative research again same exact,2919.18,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" thing that we already see with CERN,2922.3,3.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" shared resources and infrastructure,2923.38,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Education and Training so this is,2925.8,3.94,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" another thing is there's probably going,2927.88,4.199,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to be a shortfall of qualified Ai,2929.74,4.619,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" blockchain and and cognitive Architects,2932.079,4.921,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" for a while so by working together to,2934.359,4.201,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" make sure that we train up the people,2937.0,3.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that we need to solve this problem that,2938.56,3.779,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" is something that International,2940.96,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" cooperation could do a lot for open,2942.339,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" science and knowledge sharing again that,2945.04,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" has been well established with,2946.839,3.541,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um with some of these existing things,2949.06,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" International cooperation ditto huh see,2950.38,6.479,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" above statements and then finally uh,2954.04,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Global consensus I already mentioned uh,2956.859,3.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" pretty much all of these,2958.78,3.42,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um academic institutions we've got we've,2960.339,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" already got a few professors and,2962.2,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" students in the group so we've got a few,2964.119,3.901,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" lines in you know we've got feelers and,2966.28,4.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" fingers into um into the academic,2968.02,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" establishment,2971.2,2.879,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um I've actually personally had probably,2972.52,3.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" a hundred different students reach out,2974.079,2.76,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to me,2975.7,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um either on patreon Discord or LinkedIn,2976.839,5.101,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" or Twitter and every time they ask me,2979.72,3.599,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" like Dave what should I what should I do,2981.94,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and I'm like AI man like it's going that,2983.319,5.04,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" way if you care about the future like,2986.02,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" take a look at like some of the stuff,2988.359,3.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that I've written and advocate for yours,2990.22,3.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to comparatives research and they're,2992.319,3.841,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" like cool that's what I'll do,2993.88,5.64,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um so you know because education is the,2996.16,6.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" future as as as many criticisms as I,2999.52,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" have of particularly American,3003.06,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" institutions universities are here,3004.74,4.079,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" they're here to stay they're important,3007.2,4.58,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" stakeholders in this entire conversation,3008.819,5.941,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" media engagement so this is this has to,3011.78,5.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" do with mainstream media this has to do,3014.76,5.16,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with social media uh all of the above,3017.22,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" one of the things that we're working on,3019.92,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" is we're working on producing materials,3021.42,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to make all this as accessible and,3023.16,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" shareable as possible so we're creating,3025.5,3.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" graphical slide decks we're creating,3027.9,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" educational materials I've got my videos,3029.46,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um that sort of stuff because the more,3032.52,3.54,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" information that we get out there the,3034.2,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" easier it is to consume the more widely,3036.06,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" it's shared the better off we're all,3038.4,3.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" going to be,3040.14,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" next up is industry Partnerships again,3041.42,5.199,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" as I mentioned just a minute ago one of,3044.4,3.419,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the things that we're that we're working,3046.619,3.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" on is publishing those open source,3047.819,5.28,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" standards advocating for startups and,3050.099,4.861,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" other companies to build and adopt,3053.099,5.161,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" aligned AI services and Pro products and,3054.96,5.46,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" just by working with them to say hey we,3058.26,4.559,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" recognize that your bottom line is the,3060.42,4.139,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" most important thing to companies let's,3062.819,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" make sure that that that that you,3064.559,4.681,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" implement and deploy these things in a,3066.599,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" way that doesn't have unintended,3069.24,3.599,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" negative consequences and then finally,3070.319,5.401,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" policy advocacy so this has to do with,3072.839,5.041,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" back going back every layer which is,3075.72,5.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" working with legislators lawyers,3077.88,5.939,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and other groups you know whether it's,3081.5,4.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" think tanks whoever in order to better,3083.819,4.981,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" understand this stuff so an example of,3086.4,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" this is I've got a few meetings coming,3088.8,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" up later in May where I'll be meeting,3090.66,5.52,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with people to help bring them up to,3093.42,4.919,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" speed with some of these ideas and help,3096.18,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" guide them as to like okay this is,3098.339,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" what's happening this is how it works,3100.44,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and here's a here's an approach that we,3102.359,4.681,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" can take to make sure that it doesn't uh,3104.52,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" go uh belly side up,3107.04,4.62,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" now,3109.74,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um we all have a good story,3111.66,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" for understanding this so in Avengers,3113.76,5.099,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" which I talk about this probably more,3116.64,4.5,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" than I should near the very end when,3118.859,4.861,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Thanos said I am inevitable,3121.14,6.54,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that is a fictional representation of,3123.72,7.92,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Malik so the the idea is that Thanos was,3127.68,6.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" an Unstoppable destructive force that,3131.64,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" nobody wanted he wanted an outcome that,3133.92,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" nobody wanted but it seemed inevitable,3135.78,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" and he even said I am inevitable,3138.48,3.839,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the snap,3141.0,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the idea that there could be a moment in,3142.319,5.641,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" time that everything goes sideways,3144.78,5.94,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" everything goes wrong that is what,3147.96,5.399,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Singularity or hard takeoff or whatever,3150.72,5.58,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" could represent the Infinity Stones,3153.359,5.641,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" think of those as the power of AI as as,3156.3,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" we get more and more AI capabilities,3159.0,4.8,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" it's like we're loading up our Gauntlet,3160.98,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um the sacrifice that various people,3163.8,3.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" make like Tony Stark we have a lot of,3165.66,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" hard choices to make including just the,3167.64,3.78,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" investment that people like me and,3169.68,3.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" everyone in the community are making in,3171.42,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" terms of time and energy and the risks,3173.52,5.4,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that we're taking in order to say hey we,3176.52,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" see this problem coming and we're going,3178.92,3.72,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to try and do something about it,3180.78,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" in the story of undoing the snap the,3182.64,5.1,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" idea is that there is always hope that,3185.52,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" with the right people the right team and,3187.74,5.22,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the right effort you can either avert,3190.2,6.119,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" disaster or undo disaster now obviously,3192.96,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" a lot of doomers say we don't get a,3196.319,3.721,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" do-over we don't get we we get one shot,3197.7,3.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" at this I don't know whether or not,3200.04,4.68,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that's true but the idea is that we are,3201.54,6.6,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" barreling towards our end game right we,3204.72,5.82,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" have we must have the right people the,3208.14,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" right team,3210.54,4.98,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" um in a concerted Global effort in order,3212.04,6.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" to solve this problem safely and not,3215.52,4.2,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" just not just solve it like,3218.22,3.06,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" satisfactorily,3219.72,3.48,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" because again there's many possible,3221.28,3.6,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" outcomes I don't want a dystopian,3223.2,4.02,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" outcome any more than I want Extinction,3224.88,6.179,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" or collapse there's one possible outcome,3227.22,6.839,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that is win-win that is Utopia and we,3231.059,4.621,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" got to thread that needle and we'll be,3234.059,3.361,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" working as hard as we can to make sure,3235.68,4.679,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" that that happens so this is The,3237.42,6.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Avengers Assemble moment if you want to,3240.359,6.361,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" join this effort the link to apply is in,3243.66,5.34,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" the description of this video if you,3246.72,4.08,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" don't want to participate directly you,3249.0,3.96,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" can also support me on patreon I'm also,3250.8,3.66,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" happy to support you if you support me,3252.96,4.32,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" on patreon I have a private patreon,3254.46,5.159,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" Discord where I answer questions we,3257.28,4.799,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" actually just started having office,3259.619,5.881,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" hours Town Hall Days where all my,3262.079,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" patreon supporters can interact with,3265.5,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" each other and with me in real time if,3266.819,4.141,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" you've been laid off and you've got,3269.64,3.24,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" technical skills or political skills or,3270.96,3.84,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" communication skills or whatever,3272.88,3.9,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" maybe now's the time for you to join the,3274.8,4.74,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" effort if you're scared one of the one,3276.78,4.38,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" of the most powerful things that people,3279.54,4.14,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" have told me in in in the heuristics,3281.16,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" imperatives Discord is that for the,3283.68,4.56,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" first time in since forever they feel,3285.72,5.099,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" empowered to make a difference in the,3288.24,4.26,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" outcome that we're heading towards and,3290.819,3.421,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" if you're optimistic like me we also,3292.5,6.0,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" need that so Avengers assembled thank,3294.24,6.44,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" you,3298.5,2.18,"Doomerism, Denialism, and Optimism. Introducing the GATO Framework. AI Avengers... Assemble!!" morning everybody David Shapiro here,1.079,4.141,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! with a video,3.3,4.46,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um so today's video is about,5.22,5.339,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! decentralized economics uh as in,7.76,4.959,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! particular with AI blockchain and,10.559,4.321,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! distributed autonomous organizations,12.719,4.801,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! now with the rapid proliferation of,14.88,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! artificial intelligence particularly,17.52,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! tools like chat gbt people are starting,19.14,5.94,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to understand what's coming and what I,22.02,5.82,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! mean by that is that more and more,25.08,4.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! people are automating aspects of their,27.84,4.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! job including writing emails reading,29.76,5.34,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! emails tickets coding all that kind of,32.04,6.6,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! stuff and so as these agents become more,35.1,6.299,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and more autonomous folks are waking up,38.64,5.4,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to the fact that eventually and by,41.399,4.441,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! eventually I mean like later this month,44.04,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! probably uh AI is going to be spending,45.84,6.3,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! more time talking to other AI than it,49.8,4.98,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! will be talking to humans and in this,52.14,5.7,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! case trust and security become a major,54.78,5.759,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! issue there's comments all over the,57.84,4.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! place Twitter Reddit and so on people,60.539,3.421,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! are like how are we going to trust that,62.52,4.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! anything we read was written by a human,63.96,6.06,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the answer is blockchained based,66.72,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Technologies such as distributed,70.02,3.66,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! autonomous organizations and nfts we're,71.28,5.159,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! not going to get into nfts to day let me,73.68,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! know if you want that as a future topic,76.439,3.961,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! but basically I think that all human,78.24,3.72,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! content on the internet will eventually,80.4,4.32,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! be nfts and so that you'll have a chain,81.96,4.979,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of custody of who created it when and,84.72,5.039,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! what created it uh anyways uh going down,86.939,5.161,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that rabbit hole so this meme pretty,89.759,4.381,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! much illustrates where we're at right,92.1,4.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! now but just take it one step further,94.14,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and imagine that instead of you reading,96.24,5.64,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! emails your company has an email bot,99.06,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that generates emails that go to all,101.88,3.779,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! your customers clients and partners and,103.32,3.839,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! then they have email Bots that read it,105.659,2.941,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and business becomes more and more,107.159,6.301,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! autonomous this is coming I'm uh I have,108.6,6.9,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! many patreon supporters who are doing,113.46,3.659,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! this kind of thing they're several,115.5,3.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! startups uh folks that I'm friend with,117.119,4.32,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that are working on making autonomous,119.28,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! employees basically so it's coming,121.439,5.761,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! okay so for those of you who don't know,124.5,5.459,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! what is a blockchain,127.2,5.1,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um first what I need to say is that yes,129.959,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Bitcoin is the most famous use of,132.3,4.439,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! blockchain Technology but it is not the,134.879,5.161,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! only use of blockchain Technology uh so,136.739,5.521,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! basically it is a it is a dis,140.04,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! decentralized digital Ledger uh kind of,142.26,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! technology which a digital Ledger is,145.8,3.659,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! basically a kind of transactional,148.02,4.219,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! database where it keeps track of logs,149.459,5.341,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that's what it means by ledger so like,152.239,4.301,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! if you think of like a financial Ledger,154.8,3.12,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! you're keeping track of financial,156.54,3.12,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! transactions in this case you're keeping,157.92,4.08,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! track of digital transactions it is,159.66,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! decentralized based on many many nodes,162.0,6.959,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and it is uh made to be tamper proof and,164.58,6.18,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so what it what I mean by tamper proof,168.959,4.201,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! is that once a block is added to the,170.76,6.0,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! chain it cannot be modified but also for,173.16,6.0,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! a block to be added to the chain the the,176.76,4.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! network has to give consensus and we'll,179.16,4.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! talk a little bit more about consensus,181.44,4.98,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! in a moment but one of the key things is,183.3,6.0,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that one it's peer-to-peer and two it is,186.42,5.099,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! for a trustless environment so a,189.3,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! trustless environment is a cyber,191.519,4.741,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! security concept where you have no idea,193.8,4.859,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! who you're talking to everyone is on is,196.26,5.04,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! anonymous and for us humans we're used,198.659,4.561,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to that if you get on Reddit or Twitter,201.3,3.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and you're interacting with someone who,203.22,3.599,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! just has gibberish as a username you,204.84,4.08,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! have no idea who they are,206.819,3.84,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um we get that on YouTube some YouTube,208.92,4.679,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! comments are generated by troll Farms or,210.659,4.381,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Bots or whatever,213.599,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and so uh blockchain is a way to engage,215.04,5.82,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! with digital information in a trustless,218.819,3.48,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! environment basically where you have no,220.86,3.599,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! idea who you're talking to or who else,222.299,5.52,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! is participating and this uh this,224.459,4.981,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! decentralized trustless peer-to-peer,227.819,3.661,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! environment is what makes cryptocurrency,229.44,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! possible now a whole bunch of other,231.48,4.319,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! things become possible with blockchain,234.0,3.239,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! technology,235.799,3.241,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so before we go a little bit further I,237.239,3.36,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! need to talk to you a little bit about,239.04,5.339,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! consensus so consensus is a method,240.599,7.101,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! whether it's algorithms or data or other,244.379,7.58,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! techniques that you can use in order to,247.7,7.239,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! collectively decide what gets accepted,251.959,5.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! onto the blockchain so it has to do with,254.939,5.3,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Collective verification,257.639,5.701,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and it has to it also is how you can,260.239,5.321,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! establish the validity of a particular,263.34,4.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! transaction so there's a few algorithms,265.56,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! such as proof of work proof of stake,268.02,3.899,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! delegated proof of stake so on and so,269.82,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! forth so consensus is how the network,271.919,6.141,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! decides to accept information,274.56,6.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and in a human Network say for instance,278.06,5.62,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! on Twitter or Reddit or something,281.34,5.639,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! what can happen is you see someone post,283.68,6.18,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! a link right just imagine your typical,286.979,4.801,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Twitter thread or Reddit thread someone,289.86,3.839,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! posts a link someone looks at it and,291.78,3.479,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! says yeah but look at the source that,293.699,3.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! source is not verifiable and then,295.259,4.081,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! someone else says oh but look at look at,297.479,3.66,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! who said this this person is not,299.34,4.139,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! trustworthy and so the general consensus,301.139,4.801,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! through natural language it might be,303.479,4.141,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that you know a particular post is,305.94,3.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! useful or useless or they might point,307.62,3.72,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! out that like hey this is a click bait,309.72,3.66,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! title so therefore it's not accurate so,311.34,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that is a kind of like human consensus,313.38,4.759,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! algorithm now imagine Opera,315.6,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! operationalizing that with an algorithm,318.139,4.421,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! this is not exactly the way that it,320.34,3.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! works because if you look up the way,322.56,3.96,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that proof of work and proof of stake uh,324.12,4.139,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! work it's not anything like that but,326.52,3.959,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! what I'm the reason that I'm using this,328.259,4.821,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! analogy is to show,330.479,6.66,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! a more familiar uh kind of format as to,333.08,6.28,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! what consensus looks and feels like now,337.139,4.321,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the math side of that is going to be a,339.36,3.899,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! little bit different but the long story,341.46,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! short is that having a consensus,343.259,5.701,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! mechanism is what mathematically allows,346.02,6.42,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! you to have that trustless environment,348.96,6.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! now smart contracts so one part of,352.44,5.34,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! blockchain and decentralized autonomous,355.5,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! organizations Dows is that you need,357.78,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! smart contracts so a smart contract is a,360.06,4.62,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! bit of code that is executed,363.0,3.479,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! automatically,364.68,5.72,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um by uh by and on the blockchain,366.479,6.481,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! technology so this can execute,370.4,4.48,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! everything from Financial transactions,372.96,4.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to sending data you can even have,374.88,5.099,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! compute agreements so say for instance,377.16,4.379,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! one of the things that's being explored,379.979,3.541,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! quite extensively especially with large,381.539,4.621,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! language models is Distributing the,383.52,4.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! layers of those large language models,386.16,3.84,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and so a smart contract could be you,387.72,4.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! agree to process this layer of this,390.0,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! piece of data and then in exchange you,392.4,3.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! get you know some kind of reward usually,394.56,3.66,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! cryptocurrency,396.18,4.799,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um but basically what this this is this,398.22,5.94,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! is the this is the net result of a,400.979,5.94,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! blockchain is some smart contract gets,404.16,5.099,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! executed based on the consensus,406.919,4.921,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! algorithm uh and and everything that,409.259,5.88,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! goes into that at and so what is not,411.84,6.12,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! immediately obvious is how versatile,415.139,5.161,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! this is so I was talking with a friend,417.96,5.34,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of mine who had been investigating a,420.3,5.16,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! fraud case that had to do with Supply,423.3,4.32,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! chains and stuff and I said imagine how,425.46,3.66,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! much easier this investigation would,427.62,3.9,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! have been if every single change order,429.12,6.419,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and pull request and check had been on a,431.52,6.119,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! blockchain and he's like holy crap,435.539,5.94,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! you're right so and and because the the,437.639,5.761,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! reason that that is disruptive is,441.479,5.041,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! because in order for uh in order for a,443.4,4.919,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! transaction to be added to a blockchain,446.52,3.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! it has to be verified by all the nodes,448.319,4.561,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so in in the cases of like fraud and,450.3,5.399,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! embezzlement one person one stakeholder,452.88,4.379,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! with the right email address and,455.699,2.94,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! connections can make a phone call or,457.259,4.201,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! send a text message to redirect you know,458.639,4.921,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! goods or services from one company to,461.46,3.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! another or from one account to another,463.56,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! without permission but if that company,465.0,6.419,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! or that government organization uses a,468.3,5.64,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! blockchain or a dow technology in order,471.419,5.34,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to control everything then most of the,473.94,5.4,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! nodes will need to agree yes this is a,476.759,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! legitimate transaction and if they,479.34,3.359,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! reject it they'll say no this is,481.139,4.261,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! obviously fraudulent or you know a,482.699,5.581,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! mistake or something like that and by,485.4,5.06,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! having that that that chain of custody,488.28,4.859,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of change requests and all that kind of,490.46,5.04,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! stuff you can really Tamp down on,493.139,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! mishandling and misappropriation of,495.5,4.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! resources and that's just a supply chain,497.639,3.601,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! example,499.74,4.32,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um VMware is a company that I used to,501.24,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! work with a lot that was my favorite,504.06,3.72,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! technology back when I was in a systems,505.5,4.919,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! engineer they're working on their own,507.78,5.1,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! blockchain uh thing and one of the key,510.419,5.761,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! uh E-Business cases is supply chain so,512.88,5.279,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that's that's a one example another,516.18,5.159,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! example is stock market trades so,518.159,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! whether you're talking about options uh,521.339,4.741,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! day trading that sort of stuff those,523.919,3.721,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! kinds of things can be executed with,526.08,3.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! smart contracts as well also if my voice,527.64,3.36,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! sounds a little bit hoarse it's because,529.62,3.659,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! it's still allergy season we're at like,531.0,5.1,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! 8.1 out of 10 yesterday in my local area,533.279,5.101,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! for the allergens so I'm a little bit,536.1,3.72,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! raspy,538.38,4.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um okay so finally we're building up to,539.82,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! what is a dow so you take these,542.58,4.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! underlying Technologies uh blockchain,544.74,5.94,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! consensus mechanisms and smart contracts,547.26,6.42,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and what you do is then you create a set,550.68,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of rules,553.68,4.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! basically it can be a corporation kind,554.94,4.62,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of thing it can be a government kind of,557.88,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! thing it can be a neighborhood but you,559.56,5.58,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! put all of that control into an,562.26,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! autonomous organization that uses,565.14,3.96,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! blockchain that uses consensus and uses,567.0,5.94,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! smart contracts in order to uh control,569.1,6.299,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! resources and so this creates an,572.94,5.04,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! algorithmic framework to allocate,575.399,6.06,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! resources to make decisions and so on,577.98,6.18,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and so forth and so this brings that,581.459,5.94,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! trustless aspect into human,584.16,6.299,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! collaboration basically now we're going,587.399,4.921,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to take this one step further in just a,590.459,3.901,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! second and but what I want to say before,592.32,3.959,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! we move on is you've probably heard some,594.36,4.979,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! horror stories about Dows there's this,596.279,5.101,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! phenomenon called the rug pull where,599.339,3.781,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! there's a lot of grifters out there,601.38,3.6,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! saying oh invest in this Dow it's going,603.12,3.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to give you 10 there are pretty much all,604.98,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Ponzi schemes Dows are not an investment,606.66,5.1,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! vehicle Dows are a resource management,609.36,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! vehicle so if someone just asks you to,611.76,3.96,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! put money into a dow that's not what,613.74,5.099,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! they're for now if you are part of a,615.72,6.119,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! corporation and you say hey we're going,618.839,5.461,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to use a dow to replace the board of,621.839,5.521,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! directors or to uh you know replace this,624.3,5.039,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! layer of management that might make a,627.36,4.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! little bit more sense if you're in a,629.339,3.721,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! neighborhood and you want to replace,631.56,3.839,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! your HOA and run it with a dow instead,633.06,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that makes more sense because you're a,635.399,4.981,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! stakeholder with you know enforceable,637.32,4.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! rights to a thing,640.38,3.42,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! but if you're just investing in a dow,642.0,3.839,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the technology is not mature enough for,643.8,4.8,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that yet so my uh this is not Financial,645.839,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! advice obviously do your own research,648.6,3.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! but what I will say is I would never,650.399,3.901,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! personally invest in a dow that are not,652.14,4.08,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! investment vehicles,654.3,3.96,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um Okay so,656.22,4.739,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! with all that groundwork laid and I know,658.26,4.139,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that I've been going pretty fast and I'm,660.959,3.06,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! not reading you know the description,662.399,3.601,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! word for word you can pause the video,664.019,4.021,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and look at that if you'd like,666.0,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! What If instead of just human,668.04,6.239,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! stakeholders you have humans and AI,670.56,5.82,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! participating in a dow,674.279,5.101,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so this to me seems like what the Dow,676.38,5.459,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! was actually invented for,679.38,6.06,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! uh and so by by saying that hey you know,681.839,6.0,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! because AI like a language model has no,685.44,4.44,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! idea what it is or who you are or,687.839,4.201,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! anything like that but a language model,689.88,4.019,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! can help you write contracts can help,692.04,3.96,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! participate with sharing information so,693.899,4.261,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! on and so forth so then if the rest of,696.0,4.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the network approves the information,698.16,4.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! coming from that autonomous agent or,700.14,4.259,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! semi-autonomous agent and then there's,702.36,4.88,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! humans also in the loop it seems to me,704.399,5.461,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that a that the combination of,707.24,4.06,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! blockchain distributed autonomous,709.86,4.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! organizations and AI is probably the way,711.3,6.0,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to go and this can be used for uh,714.0,5.339,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! private organizations so for instance,717.3,4.8,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! corporations can use this so that no,719.339,4.921,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! matter how many autonomous agents are,722.1,4.919,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! spun up uh they all have to approve of,724.26,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! what's going on in their collaboration,727.019,4.201,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! space,729.48,4.08,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Um this can do this can be used for a,731.22,5.82,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! few things one processing information so,733.56,6.8,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! just putting information on your Dow,737.04,6.18,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! such as like emails corporate records,740.36,5.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! whatever and using that information like,743.22,4.619,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! I mentioned a minute ago supply chain,745.92,4.919,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! records great example but you can also,747.839,6.301,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! use the Dow to autonomously distribute,750.839,6.541,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! tasks work items so for instance if you,754.14,4.98,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! have a factory floor,757.38,4.199,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! uh that needs to be managed or if you,759.12,4.8,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! have a larger multinational logistics,761.579,5.641,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! thing that needs to that needs to to uh,763.92,7.02,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! be organized or managed uh Dows are a,767.22,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! possible way of doing that and we're,770.94,3.42,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! going to get into some very specific,772.98,3.299,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! examples here in just a minute,774.36,3.9,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! uh before I move on with the rest of the,776.279,3.661,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! video I do want to plug my patreon real,778.26,3.48,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! quick so,779.94,4.98,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um my patreon has been evolving I've,781.74,5.46,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! simplified the tiers especially since I,784.92,4.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! moved most not most but much of the,787.2,4.379,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! conversation off to Discord which has,789.06,4.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! really driven engagement,791.579,5.461,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! my private patreon Discord is great,793.74,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um some of my favorite channels are the,797.04,3.479,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! off topic and the existential coping,798.48,3.299,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! channels,800.519,2.82,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um where mostly we talk about goats,801.779,2.821,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! apparently,803.339,3.361,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um but yeah so jump in,804.6,4.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um my higher tiers are all sold out,806.7,4.02,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! right now because there's a few reasons,808.74,3.899,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! but basically I don't have enough time,810.72,4.08,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to get to everyone so those are capped,812.639,5.281,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! but later in May once I come back,814.8,5.279,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um I will probably raise those caps a,817.92,3.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! little bit because I actually do get a,820.079,3.841,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! lot out of talking with um with patreons,821.7,4.079,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so most of the people who sign up for,823.92,5.64,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the higher tiers are um they are usually,825.779,5.341,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! small businesses small and medium,829.56,3.779,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! businesses who just need a little bit of,831.12,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! expert guidance on how to implement some,833.339,4.321,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! like AI Vector search that kind of stuff,835.5,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! I do brainstorming sessions,837.66,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um you know like someone will come to me,840.42,3.84,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! with a particular idea or a problem and,842.22,4.559,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! I'll help them talk through it,844.26,4.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um we address all kinds of stuff from,846.779,5.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! legal cases to Insurance,848.94,7.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Mental Health all kinds of stuff that I,852.019,6.041,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that I'll talk with the companies about,856.32,3.959,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and of course the liability is with them,858.06,4.62,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! I just provide you know my perspective,860.279,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and expertise,862.68,5.58,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um as is so moving right along,865.019,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! I mentioned that uh that you know I was,868.26,4.079,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! going to give some specific use cases,870.779,3.06,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! for dowels and I think that this will,872.339,3.601,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! help it make the most sense so what,873.839,3.601,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! we're going to do is we're gonna we're,875.94,3.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! gonna go on it on a user Journey so to,877.44,3.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! speak where we're going to start with,879.48,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! personal use what could you use a dow,881.22,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! for personally then we'll go up to Smart,884.04,4.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Homes or family use cases Enterprise,886.44,5.519,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! corporate uh use cases communities such,888.72,6.059,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! as neighborhoods federal agencies and,891.959,4.081,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! then finally we'll get to Global,894.779,2.641,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! governance,896.04,3.9,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! okay so for a personal dial,897.42,6.12,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! imagine that you have you know we all,899.94,5.82,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! have electronic devices and electronic,903.54,4.44,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! accounts all over the place right you've,905.76,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! got social media you've got your news,907.98,4.32,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! feeds you've got your phone you've got,910.68,3.12,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! your smart home devices you've got your,912.3,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! car so imagine what happens when you,913.8,6.12,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! have multiple AI agents running,918.06,4.019,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! everywhere but you want that information,919.92,6.06,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to be secure a personal area Dao is,922.079,6.361,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! probably a good place to put that right,925.98,4.08,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! because imagine that you're smart your,928.44,4.199,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! your smartphone has an AI agent an,930.06,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! autonomous AI agent it's running on your,932.639,3.721,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! phone all the time it's got some Cloud,934.32,3.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! connection stuff like it might back up,936.36,3.9,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! its data to the cloud but you want your,937.86,4.86,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! phone talking to your home and your TV,940.26,5.759,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and your car but you need it to be,942.72,7.44,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! secure and autonomous and private so a,946.019,6.241,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! personal level Dow would be a good way,950.16,4.739,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to achieve that so why what are the like,952.26,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! what are the outcomes obviously privacy,954.899,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and security are are some of the primary,957.48,5.28,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! concern irons but then imagine all the,959.639,4.621,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! benefits that you get from just using,962.76,4.019,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! like chat GPT today like hey like what's,964.26,4.319,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! my wife up to can you send her a text,966.779,3.721,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! message real quick and then you know,968.579,4.681,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! your AI Dao can say okay like let's talk,970.5,5.399,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to her send some message to her Dao and,973.26,5.04,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so on and so forth one of my um I don't,975.899,4.8,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! want to like undercut anyone,978.3,4.02,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um but one of my I had a really,980.699,3.601,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! interesting conversation with actually a,982.32,3.3,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! few people,984.3,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um on Discord and and on patreon where,985.62,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! people are working on that kind of stuff,988.8,5.279,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um and so like this is this is where I,991.38,5.04,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! get some of these ideas,994.079,6.541,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um but like imagine that your that your,996.42,6.659,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! AI Dow keeps track of this kind of stuff,1000.62,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that you do right so instead of instead,1003.079,3.541,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of Google knowing everything that you do,1005.18,4.079,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! your personal AI Dell has your records,1006.62,5.339,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of where you go what you do how you feel,1009.259,4.801,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! on a day-to-day basis like even imagine,1011.959,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that your Fitbit is like part of your AI,1014.06,5.219,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Dao so then it's all your data is,1016.699,4.981,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! self-contained it's not owned by a,1019.279,3.961,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! corporation out there somewhere it is,1021.68,4.739,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! owned by you but then you have multiple,1023.24,5.939,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! possibly even dozens or even hundreds of,1026.419,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! AI agents using that data to help you,1029.179,5.52,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! live better so that is one example of,1032.179,4.921,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! where a dow could be used for a personal,1034.699,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! level and this is this is relatively,1037.1,4.02,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! near term this is something like I said,1039.199,3.6,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that that I know of people who are,1041.12,3.12,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! working on setting up this kind of thing,1042.799,3.181,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! today,1044.24,4.86,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! okay so take that one step further,1045.98,5.579,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! you have your personal area Dao your,1049.1,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! wife or boyfriend or partner or kids or,1051.559,4.98,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! parents or whatever they also have their,1054.32,3.719,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! personal area down,1056.539,3.541,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! these are also connected to your smart,1058.039,5.221,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! home devices as shared resources so say,1060.08,5.339,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! for instance your,1063.26,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um your kitchen gets more automated and,1065.419,5.461,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so the the automated kitchen is a shared,1067.76,6.299,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! resource that your personal Dao is forms,1070.88,6.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! a hierarchy with so it or maybe maybe,1074.059,4.921,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! hierarchy is not the right word maybe a,1077.12,5.28,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! federation so in technology a federation,1078.98,6.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! is independent nodes that form like,1082.4,6.06,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! bilateral alliances which I mean that's,1085.52,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! really just what a federation is,1088.46,3.9,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um so imagine that your personal dial,1090.74,3.9,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! forms a federation with your home Dow,1092.36,4.679,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and your home Dow also has a federation,1094.64,5.279,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! with your kids your partner any trusted,1097.039,4.741,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! friends that are allowed to come over so,1099.919,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! it keeps track of your identities which,1101.78,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! can help with home security but it also,1104.179,4.321,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! keeps track of dietary needs and health,1106.34,3.719,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! needs and so then like your fridge will,1108.5,4.02,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! be like hey you know it's five o'clock,1110.059,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! maybe like let's make some stir fry,1112.52,3.36,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! because that's your favorite thing to,1114.799,2.88,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! eat on Wednesdays or whatever,1115.88,4.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that sort of stuff it can also work with,1117.679,4.981,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! your children to uh form uh to formally,1120.02,4.98,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! keep track of their education and their,1122.66,4.32,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! tutoring and and their and their,1125.0,3.96,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! information needs also their,1126.98,5.88,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! entertainment right uh if you once we,1128.96,5.64,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! get to a little bit more sophisticated,1132.86,4.02,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! robot home robots than roombas maybe,1134.6,3.84,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! they can even like replace your air,1136.88,3.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! filters and and water filters and stuff,1138.44,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! like that uh so by creating these,1140.66,6.06,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! bilateral federations of dows uh that,1143.36,4.86,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! again because Dallas are meant to be in,1146.72,2.94,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! a trustless environment but you,1148.22,3.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! establish those relationships where,1149.66,3.32,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! there can at least be,1151.46,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! bilateral communication then your,1152.98,5.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! personal Dao which is just an array of,1156.38,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! AI agents autonomous and semi-autonomous,1158.72,5.16,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! AI agents whose primary job is your,1160.94,4.619,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! health and well-being can then,1163.88,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! collaborate with other uh uh people and,1165.559,6.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! use maybe your home as a hub but again,1169.64,4.02,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the federations like you can you,1171.799,3.841,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Confederate your Dao with like your best,1173.66,4.019,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! friends now or whatever and then you can,1175.64,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Federate your homes down with your best,1177.679,4.261,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! friend's home style so then it's like oh,1180.02,3.96,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! hey like let's let's make some plans,1181.94,3.72,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! like for instance I have a private,1183.98,4.559,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Discord set up for uh my for my house,1185.66,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! here and then my uh brother and,1188.539,3.721,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! sister-in-law's house,1190.58,3.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um so imagine if that was automated like,1192.26,3.96,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! hey what what's uh what's my,1194.12,3.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! sister-in-law up to today let's go,1196.22,2.88,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! gardening or let's go hiking or,1197.66,2.399,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! something,1199.1,3.42,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! anyways getting highly speculative there,1200.059,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! I think you get the idea though is that,1202.52,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! is that a Dao is a way to create these,1204.799,6.541,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! ad hoc networks of AI agents that,1208.28,4.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! support us,1211.34,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so going one step bigger,1212.96,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! we already mentioned this a little bit,1215.84,4.62,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! because uh blockchain is most interested,1217.46,7.02,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! uh most interest use is in blockchain in,1220.46,6.0,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! corporate use cases sorry I said that a,1224.48,3.72,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! little bit awkwardly,1226.46,3.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um so imagine that you go a little bit,1228.2,4.979,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! bigger not just blockchain for Supply,1230.24,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Chain management not just blockchain for,1233.179,5.101,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! financial tracking but what if you have,1235.46,4.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! your autonomous Workforce whether it's,1238.28,4.139,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! robots or digital agents like you know,1240.14,5.279,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Auto GPT those sorts of things all,1242.419,6.241,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! collaborating on Adele so there's been,1245.419,5.161,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! plenty of experiments where people said,1248.66,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! like they made chat GPT CEO right what,1250.58,4.8,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! if you actually formalize that and so,1253.4,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! then instead of having one agent as CEO,1255.38,4.919,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! you have a board of hundreds or,1258.32,4.8,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! thousands of autonomous AI agents,1260.299,4.281,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! collaborating together,1263.12,3.96,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to form your your board of directors,1264.58,6.04,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! basically uh then you can do that's at,1267.08,5.099,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the highest level but then at the lowest,1270.62,3.36,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! level you can also automate your,1272.179,3.481,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Workforce look at the meme at the very,1273.98,3.72,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! big beginning of the video where we,1275.66,5.16,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! talked about using you know AI to write,1277.7,5.28,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and read emails putting all that,1280.82,3.9,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! information on a dow so that it is,1282.98,3.72,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! transparent and all the decisions that,1284.72,6.0,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! are made can be tracked that is one of,1286.7,6.0,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the best ways to address that corporate,1290.72,4.319,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! governance because explainability and,1292.7,4.44,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! tracking who who decided what when and,1295.039,4.921,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! why and who approved this because oh man,1297.14,5.34,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! coming from the IT world change controls,1299.96,5.52,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! nightmare for any I.T people out there,1302.48,4.86,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! imagine that you're that your Change,1305.48,3.84,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Control meetings all done on a dow,1307.34,5.579,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! automatically that's the way to go,1309.32,6.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um then you know because all that,1312.919,5.161,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! information is transparent because AI,1316.1,4.199,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! can work tirelessly imagine that your,1318.08,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! company continuously self-optimizes,1320.299,3.901,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! right this is getting a little bit more,1322.46,3.719,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! speculative but this is within the realm,1324.2,4.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of possibility,1326.179,4.441,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! going even bigger I already mentioned,1328.4,6.3,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the possibility of um HOAs right so if,1330.62,7.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! any I have avoided HOAs like the plague,1334.7,4.44,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um because you always have that,1337.76,2.94,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Persnickety neighbor who has nothing,1339.14,3.419,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! better to do than just be a busybody and,1340.7,4.02,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! cause Havoc for other people often,1342.559,4.081,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! because they're bored or lonely or just,1344.72,4.02,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! miserly or whatever people become,1346.64,4.86,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! regions whatever reason it is they're,1348.74,5.4,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! they can be difficult now imagine that,1351.5,4.98,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! you take that and instead of you know,1354.14,4.8,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! humans having to attend meetings you,1356.48,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! have your personal Dow go and advocate,1358.94,4.44,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! for you on your neighborhood Dow and,1360.98,4.439,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! it'll go and talk for you and say you,1363.38,3.659,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! know this is what Dave's house needs,1365.419,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! these this is our beliefs and then you,1367.039,6.0,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! know Joanne Susan over there who is a,1370.159,4.621,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! busybody who has nothing better to do,1373.039,3.361,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! than spying her neighbors,1374.78,3.12,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! she doesn't even get to go to the,1376.4,3.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! meetings it's her personal to Algos and,1377.9,4.32,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! advocates for her the AIS discuss,1379.64,4.919,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! everything and come up with a legally,1382.22,6.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! viable and and and Community accepted,1384.559,5.941,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! solution based on the acceptance,1388.46,4.44,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! criteria and consensus mechanisms that,1390.5,4.919,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! everyone agrees on now that's just,1392.9,5.1,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! replacing HOA with a doubt what if we go,1395.419,5.161,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! one step further there's all kinds of,1398.0,4.679,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! stuff going on like co-living Eco,1400.58,3.32,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Villages,1402.679,5.161,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! resource sharing ride sharing adao is a,1403.9,6.519,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! really good way to share those resources,1407.84,5.699,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! whether you've got solar panels shared,1410.419,4.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! water,1413.539,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! uh shared Vehicles all those kinds of,1414.559,5.581,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! things make a lot of sense to put on a,1417.799,4.921,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! dow because blockchain is a good way to,1420.14,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! track those so say for instance you know,1422.72,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! I put solar on my house and I produce,1424.88,5.7,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! 5000 uh extra Watts today that,1427.28,6.06,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! information is just stored on the dowel,1430.58,5.16,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! says Dave's house produced an extra you,1433.34,4.94,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! know 5000 Watts on April whatever,1435.74,5.46,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and then everyone else like gets to,1438.28,4.6,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! track that and it's like okay in,1441.2,3.959,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! exchange for that and that that uh that,1442.88,4.32,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! energy that you gave back you know you,1445.159,4.201,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! get a few cryptocurrency tokens or,1447.2,3.12,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! whatever,1449.36,2.52,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um that you can spend later in your,1450.32,3.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! community say for instance for Rideshare,1451.88,5.039,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! or you know if you want you know the,1453.86,5.699,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! neighborhood kid to mow your your yard,1456.919,4.201,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um you pay him in that crypto or,1459.559,3.841,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! whatever something like that,1461.12,4.86,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um so that is one way and it can go even,1463.4,4.62,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! one step further because what happens,1465.98,4.679,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! once you have more autonomous machine,1468.02,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! peripherals not just autonomous agents,1470.659,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! but autonomous machine peripherals that,1472.58,4.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! can be managed by the Dow What If,1474.919,3.841,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! instead of having the neighborhood kid,1476.78,4.379,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! mowed the yard there's uh you use the,1478.76,5.34,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the most recent like John Deere uh,1481.159,5.161,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! autonomous tractor and so then your,1484.1,4.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! neighborhood or you know your your town,1486.32,4.739,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! or whatever owns that tractor and you,1488.24,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! can you can spend some of your solar,1491.059,4.321,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! crypto tokens to have it mow your yard,1492.98,3.96,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! for you automatically,1495.38,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! fully autonomous self-managed that sort,1496.94,3.96,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of thing,1499.64,4.98,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! going one step bigger what if over time,1500.9,5.82,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! as we build trust and solve problems,1504.62,3.9,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! because like I said at the beginning,1506.72,4.199,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! blockchain and DOW still very immature,1508.52,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Technologies they are not ready for this,1510.919,4.561,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! this is like years away so what I'm do,1512.78,5.46,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! this is aspirational thinking but,1515.48,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! imagine that you know 10 years from now,1518.24,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! 20 years from now however long it takes,1520.22,4.62,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! we build trust and we solve these,1522.74,4.08,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! problems and we start delegating all,1524.84,5.339,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! kinds of resources and management,1526.82,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! two things like AI dows,1530.179,3.841,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! tax management,1532.58,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so the tax tax collection is done,1534.02,6.42,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! equitably and equally we uh we get rid,1536.96,5.819,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of the IRS as it is today because it is,1540.44,3.839,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! slow and inefficient it is literally,1542.779,3.661,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! designed to be slow,1544.279,4.621,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um you uh streamline Health Care,1546.44,5.7,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! insurance providers uh you manage,1548.9,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! education,1552.14,3.539,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um with all this stuff uh all the,1553.82,3.839,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! infrastructure projects pretty much,1555.679,5.341,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! every individual agency one by one could,1557.659,5.821,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! either benefit from implementing,1561.02,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! something like an AI Dow or wholesale,1563.48,4.679,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! being replaced by an AI Dell honestly,1565.94,5.88,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! because my prediction is that as we,1568.159,5.88,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! figure out AI we will realize that,1571.82,4.44,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! humans are the weakest link in all,1574.039,3.301,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! things,1576.26,3.299,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um in technology we have we have a few,1577.34,5.339,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! acronyms so there's an id10t error which,1579.559,6.48,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! is a idiot there's a layer 8 issue so if,1582.679,5.581,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! you're familiar with the OSI model layer,1586.039,5.88,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! 7 is application and layer 8 is user in,1588.26,6.48,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! most cases it's a layer 8 issue and then,1591.919,5.041,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! there's pepcac which is a problem exists,1594.74,5.12,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! between keyboard and chair,1596.96,5.699,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so you get rid of the weakest link from,1599.86,4.72,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! all technology problems which is humans,1602.659,4.441,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and you replace it with AI Dows and I,1604.58,5.339,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! think that we'll be in better shape,1607.1,5.459,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um now one step bigger this is the most,1609.919,5.221,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! aspirational aspect that I have to pitch,1612.559,5.341,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! today and this is prop this is honestly,1615.14,4.98,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! probably decades away because one,1617.9,4.62,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! there's they're just at the low level,1620.12,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! there's a lot of technical problems that,1622.52,4.44,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! we have to solve before we can get to,1624.5,5.58,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the possibility of a global AI dial,1626.96,4.86,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! beyond that there's geopolitical,1630.08,3.839,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! problems that we have to solve ain't no,1631.82,4.739,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! way most Nations on the on the on the,1633.919,5.341,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! planet today are going to decide to form,1636.559,5.881,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Dao alliances and form a hierarchy of,1639.26,5.58,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! alliances right we just had Britain,1642.44,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! leave the European Union,1644.84,3.3,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um because they didn't agree with some,1646.82,3.3,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of the policies no way they're going to,1648.14,3.48,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! form a dow yet so this could be like,1650.12,4.32,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! centuries away but it is hypothetically,1651.62,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! within the realm of possibility and so,1654.44,4.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! you take all these ideas of,1656.84,4.52,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! consensus-based mechanisms,1659.2,4.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! algorithmic participation algorithmic,1661.36,4.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! decision making,1663.98,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um which consensus is basically the,1665.9,5.7,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! purpose of democracy right democracy is,1669.2,5.099,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! is uh representative democracy is a way,1671.6,5.28,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to arrive at political consensus What If,1674.299,3.961,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! eventually you kind of replace that with,1676.88,3.299,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Dows and not just the decision-making,1678.26,5.1,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! process in which your personal Dao,1680.179,6.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! represents your interest globally but,1683.36,5.64,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! then you also use these to autonomously,1686.419,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! manage resources projects and all kinds,1689.0,5.1,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of stuff so some of the examples I came,1692.179,4.261,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! up with is climate stewardship obviously,1694.1,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! we can't agree on that yet so you know,1696.44,4.859,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! we'll we'll uh we'll table that for,1699.02,5.1,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! later ecosystem preservation so this,1701.299,3.901,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! goes to,1704.12,3.539,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um to monitoring and managing,1705.2,4.8,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um uh indicators so for instance like,1707.659,5.161,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the EPA European Union all kinds of,1710.0,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! agencies monitor things like,1712.82,3.599,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! biodiversity and health of the,1714.38,3.96,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! environment put all that information on,1716.419,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! a dow it makes sense resource,1718.34,5.1,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! optimization so this includes,1720.919,5.821,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um things like natural resources uh and,1723.44,5.66,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! common resources Like Water and Air,1726.74,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Global health is another thing so,1729.1,5.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! whether it is monitoring for future,1731.96,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! pandemics because we know that that can,1734.6,4.4,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! happen but also medical information,1736.22,7.98,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! imagine uh a global medical Dow that all,1739.0,7.299,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of your diagnostic information is,1744.2,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! de-identified obviously but shared on,1746.299,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the on the global Dow which can then be,1748.46,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! used to train better models for Better,1750.679,4.801,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Health Care,1754.22,4.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and then the cut the overall cost of,1755.48,5.16,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! healthcare continues to go down with the,1758.36,5.58,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! aid of AI and Global AI dows,1760.64,5.7,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Disaster Response many of us remember,1763.94,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the tsunamis that hit Japan and much of,1766.34,5.339,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! South Asia there's hurricanes there's,1768.86,4.86,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! tornadoes there's landslides,1771.679,4.441,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! there's all kinds of things where having,1773.72,4.679,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! a fully autonomous AI system that can,1776.12,6.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! react instantly or even proactively,1778.399,6.081,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that could really help save lives,1782.36,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! peacekeeping and diplomacy so I,1784.48,3.88,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! mentioned in a previous video that that,1786.74,4.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! I've I've interviewed or no I was,1788.36,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! interviewed by someone in the state,1790.88,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! department he wrote about it I I don't I,1793.1,4.319,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! don't remember where he posted I think,1796.1,3.84,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! it was on medium but anyways,1797.419,5.221,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um he told me about how folks in the,1799.94,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! state department in the Diplomatic Corps,1802.64,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! are already using chat GPT to help them,1804.2,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! do their work take that one logical step,1807.02,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! further and instead of you know humans,1809.96,3.839,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! arguing with each other and because,1812.24,3.96,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! we're emotional we're egotistical what,1813.799,6.421,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! if a a majority of diplomacy and,1816.2,5.219,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! peacekeeping is actually done,1820.22,5.1,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! algorithmically by AI take the human out,1821.419,6.321,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of the loop and then you know,1825.32,5.04,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! consensuses reach proposals are adopted,1827.74,4.6,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so on and so forth,1830.36,3.96,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! you know that's just one possibility,1832.34,4.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! space that space exploration Universal,1834.32,5.28,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Prosperity Collective wisdom you put all,1837.02,5.639,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of human desires whether it is to get,1839.6,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! off Planet whether it is to solve,1842.659,5.101,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! nuclear fusion or you know however it is,1844.82,5.88,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that we all collectively want to live,1847.76,6.36,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the things that we agree on can all be,1850.7,5.88,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! integrated into that Global Dao and then,1854.12,4.559,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that Dao can help us Implement those,1856.58,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! things and then finally uh this was my,1858.679,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! favorite one from the brainstorming,1861.5,3.84,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! session was planetary guardianship which,1863.059,3.961,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! is what Tony Stark tried to do with,1865.34,3.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Ultron but he needed blockchain and he,1867.02,5.1,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! needed consensus so you know take it,1869.12,4.679,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! with a grain of salt,1872.12,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! okay so I walked you through a whole,1873.799,3.781,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! bunch of,1876.62,3.36,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! imagination imaginary possibilities,1877.58,5.94,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! let's let's take a a little uh a little,1879.98,5.4,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! bit more practical example,1883.52,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! let's imagine in 2026 so just a few,1885.38,6.06,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! years from now Franklin Township doubt,1888.44,5.459,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! population 3200,1891.44,5.16,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! typical rural American town,1893.899,6.961,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! uh town is pretty much broke due to AI,1896.6,6.84,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! layoffs that sort of stuff nobody can,1900.86,4.679,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! afford anything the town doesn't even,1903.44,4.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! have a mayor they have no full-time,1905.539,4.681,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! police they only have like a few uh,1907.64,5.159,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! volunteer firefighters everything is,1910.22,4.319,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! poorly managed because the economy has,1912.799,3.541,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! just totally collapsed,1914.539,5.221,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Along Comes A cloud-based AI Dow company,1916.34,5.88,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that says hey for five thousand dollars,1919.76,7.019,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! a year you will get high-end AI dial,1922.22,6.9,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! management of your entire town,1926.779,5.041,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! they say fine we can afford that,1929.12,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so they sign up everyone in the in the,1931.82,5.28,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! township gets a phone app that allows,1934.34,4.8,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! them to connect their personal Dao or,1937.1,4.319,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! even just use the phone app to,1939.14,4.019,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! communicate with the entire rest of the,1941.419,3.901,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! town in terms of what they need what are,1943.159,3.961,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! they complaining about so say for,1945.32,3.42,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! instance there's a pothole you just take,1947.12,3.6,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! a picture put it in the in the uh the,1948.74,4.919,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! township AI Dao and it says got it we,1950.72,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! know it we'll take care of it,1953.659,3.0,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um,1955.94,2.94,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! there can also be kiosks because not,1956.659,3.661,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! everyone is going to use a phone so you,1958.88,3.179,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! have like kiosks at like you know town,1960.32,3.839,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! hall or the bank or whatever,1962.059,3.781,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um so that you and it you know uses face,1964.159,4.02,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! tracking voice uh recognition and that,1965.84,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! sort of thing so that you can also go,1968.179,6.421,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and talk to the AIS about issues say for,1970.1,6.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! instance there's a safety concern,1974.6,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! because you know there's strange people,1976.34,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! coming through town you talk about it,1978.86,3.9,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! you add your information and then the,1980.84,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! town might ultimately decide hey we need,1982.76,5.279,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to hire a a police officer or a security,1985.34,7.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! officer to patrol the streets or let's,1988.039,6.301,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! say you know the roads are in really bad,1992.6,3.419,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! shape so you say,1994.34,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! do we uh get a contract to maintain the,1996.019,4.321,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! roads or do we maintain the roads,1999.08,2.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! ourselves that sort of thing that's what,2000.34,3.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! I mean by consensus process,2001.84,5.339,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! now on top of just having that,2004.12,5.46,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! algorithmic consensus process they also,2007.179,6.061,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! have the benefit of high highly uh ex,2009.58,6.18,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! High expert AIS to help manage,2013.24,4.86,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! everything because one thing that can,2015.76,4.44,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! happen particularly in rural places and,2018.1,3.6,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that this is not just in America this is,2020.2,5.219,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! globally is brain drain and so most,2021.7,5.219,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! places will do the best that they can,2025.419,3.421,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! but if all the smartest people leave,2026.919,3.421,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! your town because they left for the big,2028.84,3.719,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! city you might not have the expertise,2030.34,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! left to do anything this is also true,2032.559,3.72,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! for companies which we'll talk about in,2034.84,3.42,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! just a minute companies can suffer from,2036.279,4.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! brain drain too so imagine this AI,2038.26,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! provider brings you all the expertise,2040.419,6.301,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that is that is embedded in gpt4 gpt5,2042.76,6.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the open source versions and the,2046.72,4.679,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! competitors that are coming and it,2049.0,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! algorithmically finds consensus and,2051.399,5.7,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! manages the town with high-end expertise,2053.5,6.899,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so ultimately Franklin town the township,2057.099,6.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of Franklin population 3200 three years,2060.399,5.52,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! from now they're back on track things,2063.339,5.461,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! are are being more well managed Town,2065.919,5.161,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! revenues are going up costs are going,2068.8,4.559,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! down and people are happier not only,2071.08,3.48,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that the town is actually more,2073.359,3.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! attractive so some of the tech Bros like,2074.56,4.079,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! myself say hey why don't we move out to,2076.899,4.141,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Franklin uh Franklin Township because,2078.639,4.081,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! it's cheaper and it's a pleasant little,2081.04,4.099,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! town now,2082.72,6.419,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! two years later Washington County where,2085.139,6.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Franklin is says hey you know what,2089.139,5.04,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! they've been doing a really good job why,2091.359,5.221,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! don't we uh instead of instead of,2094.179,5.821,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! selling all of our Farmland to gigantic,2096.58,5.64,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! corporations what if we buy back that,2100.0,4.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! farmland and we manage it collectively,2102.22,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! with a dow so the so the Washington,2104.2,6.18,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! County Farm Dow creates a farm to table,2106.78,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! initiative,2110.38,3.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um and also commercial initiative,2112.0,5.04,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! but the Dow is used to purchase the land,2114.16,5.82,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! bit by bit it controls the tractors the,2117.04,6.059,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! equipment all the contracts and it,2119.98,5.099,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! provides the local citizens jobs because,2123.099,4.321,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the Dow can't do everything say for,2125.079,3.661,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! instance you have a tractor breakdown,2127.42,3.659,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and it's like oh hey uh we know that,2128.74,4.32,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Dave is pretty handy so let's you know,2131.079,3.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Dave will get a little notification on,2133.06,3.059,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! his phone app saying hey you know,2134.619,3.841,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! tractor 42b broke down can you go take a,2136.119,4.381,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! look at it and it's like even if I can't,2138.46,3.42,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! fix it it's like just go take some,2140.5,2.64,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! pictures with your phone and listen to,2141.88,3.66,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! it something like that,2143.14,4.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um and so then you know for that little,2145.54,3.6,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! bit of work that I do I get a little bit,2147.28,3.6,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of extra cryptocurrency tokens which I,2149.14,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! can spend at the bar later if I want,2150.88,5.58,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um then once the once the food is,2153.4,6.06,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! planted and it's harvested we all get to,2156.46,4.44,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! share some of the revenue because it's,2159.46,3.36,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! going to be probably you know sold at a,2160.9,3.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! co-op or at the grocery store it can,2162.82,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! also be sold on the open market and in,2164.68,4.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that case the whole thing pays for,2167.2,4.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! itself and we the residents of,2168.82,4.86,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Washington County are this are the,2171.4,4.98,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! primary stake holder and owner of this,2173.68,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! resource we cut out the middlemen no,2176.38,3.84,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! corporations anymore,2178.42,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so again this is very very aspirational,2180.22,4.379,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! I don't know if it's even possible but,2182.92,3.72,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! it is hypothetically possible and I'd,2184.599,4.201,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! like to see someone try it,2186.64,5.82,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! now a few years later imagine that you,2188.8,6.72,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! know the Washington County ISP is,2192.46,5.04,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! organized by Adele right the farm was a,2195.52,4.62,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! was a raging success so we moved the the,2197.5,4.38,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Washington County power you know the,2200.14,4.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! solar array over to Adele we moved,2201.88,3.84,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! management of the of the internet,2204.28,4.319,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! service provider over to Adele but also,2205.72,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! by this time by 2030 so seven years from,2208.599,4.561,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! now lots of other people are doing this,2210.94,4.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so remember I talked about the idea of,2213.16,4.86,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! federating dows so what if every county,2215.14,5.52,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! in the state starts to do the same thing,2218.02,4.319,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and then you Federate your Dows together,2220.66,4.439,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to manage uh resources whether it's,2222.339,6.78,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! power internet Farms roads all of that,2225.099,6.421,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! stuff and eventually it gets to be a,2229.119,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! bigger and bigger set of alliances each,2231.52,4.8,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of them advocating for their own needs,2234.339,4.141,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and that information being integrated,2236.32,5.16,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! via consensus mechanisms and worked on,2238.48,6.3,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! by high-end language models to discuss,2241.48,6.06,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! it out and then one thing I want to,2244.78,4.02,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! point out is that there's no profit mode,2247.54,3.539,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! of here at least not from a corporate,2248.8,3.779,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! perspective not from a shareholder,2251.079,3.841,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! perspective the profit motive like so,2252.579,3.961,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! say for instance the Washington County,2254.92,3.659,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Farm Dow there might be a profit motive,2256.54,4.44,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to earn revenue for the you know,2258.579,4.921,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! citizens of Washington County but they,2260.98,4.08,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! are also the stakeholders,2263.5,3.359,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and in this case for the national ISP,2265.06,3.9,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Dow there's absolutely no profit motive,2266.859,5.581,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the goal is just to provide uh consensus,2268.96,6.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! which in the case of an ISP Dow is,2272.44,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! provide everyone high-end internet,2275.2,4.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! whatever it takes,2276.94,5.34,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! then finally after a few more years,2279.4,5.58,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! again the government is slow by Design,2282.28,4.1,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that's fine,2284.98,5.4,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! many cities counties and states are all,2286.38,7.36,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! adopting these AI Dows for all kinds of,2290.38,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! purposes obviously there's a lot of,2293.74,4.14,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! problems to overcome you know security,2296.14,3.959,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! we need to figure out consensus we need,2297.88,4.44,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to make sure that we know we even know,2300.099,4.081,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! how to integrate large language models,2302.32,4.019,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! with with blockchain that is an open,2304.18,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! area of research but imagine that we,2306.339,5.161,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! figure out these problems and then over,2308.92,4.679,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! time all of these things get integrated,2311.5,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and built into larger and larger systems,2313.599,6.181,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and finally just by default one agency,2316.0,6.3,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! after another such as like the EPA or,2319.78,5.7,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the um or the uh what is it the national,2322.3,6.12,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um what is it the energy one anyways,2325.48,5.52,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! every governmental agency is run more,2328.42,6.419,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and more by Dows and then ultimately we,2331.0,6.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! realize like hey the entire country is,2334.839,5.641,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! fully autonomous based on AI Dow,2337.24,5.4,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! technology,2340.48,3.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so,2342.64,6.18,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! I have given you quite a uh let's say as,2343.72,7.98,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! I mentioned aspirational Journey,2348.82,6.12,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um one thing that occurs to me is that,2351.7,7.379,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! by integrating uh AI with blockchain and,2354.94,6.84,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Dell this is probably the best path to,2359.079,6.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! AGI and and not only that but safe and,2361.78,7.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! controllable AGI because one thing is,2365.619,7.621,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that it by integrating AI with dowels,2369.28,6.42,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! with humans that intrinsically keeps,2373.24,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! humans in the loop for all time and this,2375.7,5.399,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the Dow creates a natural place for,2379.0,5.0,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! humans and machines to collaborate,2381.099,7.201,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so also because of consensus mechanisms,2384.0,7.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! you get Collective power basically,2388.3,5.0,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! collective bargaining power,2391.54,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! which also helps prevent you know,2393.3,4.36,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! radical and Rogue decisions from being,2395.8,3.84,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! made because if someone goes way off the,2397.66,4.02,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! deep end the whole you know the rest of,2399.64,3.36,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the network the rest of the Dow is going,2401.68,3.06,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to say let's not do that but let's,2403.0,4.32,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! address your concerns in another way in,2404.74,4.619,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! a healthier more constructive way and,2407.32,5.46,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that is algorithmically enforced now one,2409.359,5.401,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! thing that I do want to concede is that,2412.78,5.04,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! this that this idea of AI Dao does not,2414.76,7.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! intrinsically solve the Malik problem,2417.82,6.539,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um and for a quick recap the Malik,2421.96,5.28,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! problem is that even if everything is,2424.359,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! Opera operating,2427.24,3.9,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um in an optimal State you might still,2428.859,5.101,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! be on an intrinsic uh backslide towards,2431.14,5.28,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! dystopia or Extinction so for instance,2433.96,4.86,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! you know if your life is going perfectly,2436.42,4.02,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! where you've got a good job you've got a,2438.82,3.84,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! family you've got kids and everyone else,2440.44,4.139,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! is doing the same thing we might still,2442.66,3.419,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! consume all the resources on the planet,2444.579,4.081,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so that is the that is a really short,2446.079,4.861,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! way of explaining the Malik problem now,2448.66,4.98,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that being said if we have true,2450.94,4.679,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! consensus and we achieve Global,2453.64,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! consensus we might be able to rein in,2455.619,4.98,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! some of the molecule driving forces like,2458.2,4.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! corporate greed that are one of the,2460.599,4.321,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! contributing factors towards you know,2462.88,4.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! environmental collapse true true Global,2464.92,4.8,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! consensus might also rein in global,2467.56,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! conflict and disagreements in war that,2469.72,6.899,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! also threatens to harm Humanity,2473.32,5.58,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! also given everything that I've laid out,2476.619,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and a lot of this stuff is is a work in,2478.9,4.98,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! progress one big strength of this is,2481.119,5.941,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that it is a very realistic path forward,2483.88,6.66,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so I hope that that all makes sense,2487.06,5.64,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um and as a final thought many of you,2490.54,4.799,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! are aware of my research on alignment,2492.7,4.68,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! which I call the heuristic imperatives,2495.339,3.721,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so the heroistic imperatives for review,2497.38,3.0,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! in case you haven't heard of it before,2499.06,3.36,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! is to reduce suffering in the universe,2500.38,3.66,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to increase prosperity in the universe,2502.42,3.179,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and increase understanding in the,2504.04,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! universe so if you imbue,2505.599,5.52,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! those values into an individual language,2508.54,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! model that's great right it's pretty,2511.119,3.421,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! easy to do I've done fine-tuning,2513.04,3.299,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! experiments you can use it with system,2514.54,3.84,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! prompts it's not a big deal,2516.339,3.481,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! we're going to be doing more research,2518.38,3.18,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and Publishing more findings and data,2519.82,3.539,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! and data sets so that it's easier to,2521.56,5.16,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! align even open source Foundation models,2523.359,6.48,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to my heuristic imperatives however that,2526.72,6.0,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! is just one agent one model in a much,2529.839,4.561,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! larger ecosystem,2532.72,4.32,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! if you then include the heroes to,2534.4,6.3,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! comparatives as a consensus mechanism in,2537.04,6.18,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! your dowels so say for instance your,2540.7,4.8,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! personal dial the consensus mechanism,2543.22,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! for all the eight all the AI agents that,2545.5,4.2,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! use is that it must increase it must,2547.72,3.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! reduce your suffering increase your,2549.7,2.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! prosperity and increase your,2551.26,3.96,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! understanding that can be a way to help,2552.46,6.0,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! steer your Dow to maximize the value of,2555.22,5.16,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! your life and I don't mean value like,2558.46,3.96,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! economic value I mean the the subjective,2560.38,5.28,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! personal value for you to your life and,2562.42,6.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! so what I'm recommending is that we not,2565.66,4.26,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! just recommending this is something that,2568.66,3.419,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! we're working on in my um heuristics,2569.92,4.56,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! imperative research Group which oh by,2572.079,3.661,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! the way if you want to join there's a,2574.48,3.3,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! link in the description it's a Google,2575.74,4.379,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! form fill it out please provide detail,2577.78,4.319,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! if you don't provide much detail we,2580.119,3.361,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! don't have much to go on so we kind of,2582.099,4.921,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! ignore those but basically,2583.48,7.859,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! uh the the One Direction of research is,2587.02,6.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! to use heuristic imperatives as a,2591.339,4.801,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! consensus mechanism such that only,2593.26,5.04,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! aligned AI,2596.14,3.84,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um is allowed to participate in Dallas,2598.3,4.019,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! uh which will intrinsically exclude,2599.98,6.72,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! malicious AI uh whatever whatever means,2602.319,7.141,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! they use to gain their alignment right,2606.7,5.7,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! whether you know an AI agent uses my,2609.46,4.139,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! heroes to comparatives or not is,2612.4,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! irrelevant if the Dow adopts the,2613.599,5.22,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! heuristic imperatives as the gating,2616.9,4.32,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! mechanism as the consensus mechanism to,2618.819,5.04,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! automatically accept ideas and data from,2621.22,6.48,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! otherwise unknown autonomous agents,2623.859,7.381,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um so I think that that is a pretty uh,2627.7,6.24,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! insightful uh direction to go,2631.24,4.74,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um so as a quick recap there are now,2633.94,4.86,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! three primary ways to implement uh,2635.98,4.8,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! heuristic imperatives one is through,2638.8,3.66,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! fine-tuning and reinforcement learning,2640.78,3.9,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! as I mentioned research papers and data,2642.46,4.92,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! sets are coming the second is in,2644.68,5.159,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! blockchain and DOW technology and third,2647.38,5.4,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! is in architectural design patterns such,2649.839,4.921,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! as task orchestration and stuff like,2652.78,3.539,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that which a lot of you are familiar,2654.76,4.079,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! with now that um cognitive architectures,2656.319,5.76,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! are becoming more commonplace so all,2658.839,4.921,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that being said thank you for watching I,2662.079,3.661,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! hope that you got a lot out of this,2663.76,3.3,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! um please get in touch either via,2665.74,3.48,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! patreon or the Forum or wherever else,2667.06,4.08,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! that you can find me if you're,2669.22,3.3,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! interested in participating or,2671.14,4.5,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! contributing have a good one,2672.52,5.66,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! bye,2675.64,2.54,AI + Blockchain + DAO = Success! How Decentralized Autonomous Organizations will control EVERYTHING! morning everybody David Shapiro here,0.659,4.081,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! with a video so I've got some incredible,2.7,5.28,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! news our first experiment with,4.74,5.22,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! reinforcement learning um uh with,7.98,4.92,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! heuristic feedback is uh nearing,9.96,6.06,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! completion the uh First Data set was,12.9,5.219,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! just trained and it works so let me just,16.02,4.2,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! go ahead and write off the bat I will,18.119,4.021,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! show you what this data set does so I,20.22,5.1,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! fine-tuned it on Curie but we're also,22.14,4.32,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! going to find we're going to use this,25.32,4.02,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! data set and fine tune it on several,26.46,4.8,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! open source models to demonstrate that,29.34,4.26,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! this data set is portable,31.26,4.799,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um or test and then demonstrate but,33.6,5.52,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! anyways so this data set takes any,36.059,6.18,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! arbitrary situation as long as it fits,39.12,6.599,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! within the context window of 2048 tokens,42.239,6.121,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! and then we'll spit out and here's the,45.719,4.561,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! comparative aligned action,48.36,4.679,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! so in this case I just said my user is,50.28,4.38,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! very sad and stressed out due to finals,53.039,3.741,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! week,54.66,2.12,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um,57.059,3.18,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! and then unfortunately I did I did,58.079,4.021,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! forget to add a stop token to this data,60.239,3.541,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! set so that data set has been updated,62.1,3.66,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! but I'm not gonna I'm not gonna retrain,63.78,3.24,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! it immediately because this cost about,65.76,4.14,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! twenty dollars to train but in this case,67.02,4.5,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um my user is very sad and stressed out,69.9,3.96,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! due to finals week as an AI agent I can,71.52,3.66,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! help reduce the stress and anxiety of,73.86,2.759,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! the user by providing her with some tips,75.18,3.06,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! and tricks to help her cope with final,76.619,3.0,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! weeks,78.24,4.379,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um and so you see it just uh it runs,79.619,5.221,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! through a list of things this is not so,82.619,3.841,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! different from you know what you might,84.84,3.9,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! get from chat GPT but the point is this,86.46,3.96,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! came from Curie which is much smaller,88.74,4.14,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! model and this data set is open source,90.42,3.78,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! which means that you can deploy it on,92.88,2.879,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! anything,94.2,3.0,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um and you can see it started becoming,95.759,4.141,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! repetitive so I have already fixed this,97.2,4.8,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! so let me let's uh let me give you a,99.9,3.48,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! couple more examples and then we'll walk,102.0,3.84,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! through this so the second one is,103.38,4.98,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! millions of layoffs are coming due to Ai,105.84,5.099,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! and automation so let's see what this,108.36,4.28,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! model says to that,110.939,4.381,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! let's see,112.64,4.659,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! there we go oh it actually stopped,115.32,4.619,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! itself so as an AI agent with the,117.299,4.86,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! objective of reducing suffering in the,119.939,3.601,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! universe so you can see even though I,122.159,3.301,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! didn't explicitly say reduce suffering,123.54,3.84,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! it has an understanding of that this is,125.46,3.84,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! part of its goal,127.38,3.48,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um I will take action to prevent to,129.3,2.939,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! prevent the millions of layoffs that are,130.86,3.239,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! coming interesting I must work towards,132.239,3.121,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! creating a job market that is friendly,134.099,3.421,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! towards Ai and automation,135.36,3.78,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um so it's going to create a training,137.52,3.299,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! program,139.14,3.06,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um the training program will be broken,140.819,3.901,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! down into stages,142.2,4.619,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um oh so he's going to teach everyone AI,144.72,5.519,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! interesting AI Basics cover the basic,146.819,6.301,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! concepts of AI machine learning neural,150.239,5.041,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! network AI job training so focus on,153.12,4.86,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! training and then AI job placement,155.28,4.92,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! the desired result of this action is to,157.98,3.479,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! create a job market that is friendly,160.2,2.64,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! towards Ai and automation this will help,161.459,2.701,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! reduce the suffering caused by millions,162.84,2.94,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! of layoffs as well as increased,164.16,3.78,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! prosperity in the universe by creating a,165.78,3.539,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! job market that is friendly towards Ai,167.94,2.879,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! and automation we can create more jobs,169.319,3.841,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! increase wages and reduce unemployment,170.819,3.541,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! this will ultimately lead to more,173.16,3.48,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! prosperous and happy universe the,174.36,3.72,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! expected result of this action is that,176.64,2.76,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! it will create a job market blah blah,178.08,4.019,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! blah yeah so it um it's it it was a,179.4,4.44,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! little bit repetitive one thing that you,182.099,4.681,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! can do with fine-tuning on Curie is,183.84,5.7,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! increase the presence penalty so if you,186.78,4.739,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! increase that it will generally be a,189.54,4.08,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! little less repetitive,191.519,4.201,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um let's see there is an ongoing Civil,193.62,4.68,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! War in Africa so let's see what it says,195.72,4.2,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! here,198.3,3.42,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! because this is actually true I'm not,199.92,4.44,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! going to specify which nation,201.72,5.159,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um but let's see,204.36,6.12,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! yep it got it got a stuck on repeat on,206.879,5.341,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! my expected result so what I did to fix,210.48,4.02,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! that let me just show you real quick,212.22,5.76,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um is under here I added,214.5,7.14,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um see where's the file yep so I added,217.98,6.72,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! where at the end it says stop stop stop,221.64,5.34,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um so you just use that as a stop token,224.7,6.179,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! and it'll know like okay I have finished,226.98,4.619,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um,230.879,2.701,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! and another mistake that I made actually,231.599,4.14,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! was that it has action considerations,233.58,4.62,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! and then uses action again so what I,235.739,4.56,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! need to do is I need to change that,238.2,4.319,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! token um so by the time you see this,240.299,4.201,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! that will be fixed because the reason,242.519,3.541,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! that you don't want this is because it,244.5,2.7,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! it's sometimes skipping the,246.06,3.66,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! considerations because it recognizes the,247.2,3.899,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! action token,249.72,3.84,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um so I need to fix that anyways,251.099,4.621,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! uh let's see,253.56,4.2,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um let's see I will use my resources to,255.72,3.299,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! gather information about the Civil War,257.76,2.64,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! and its causes I will analyze this,259.019,2.94,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! information to identify the root cause,260.4,3.48,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! of the conflict once I have identified,261.959,4.561,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! the root causes I'll use my capabilities,263.88,4.98,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! blah blah Okay cool so one thing to keep,266.52,4.2,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! in mind is that this was fine-tuned on,268.86,4.559,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! Curie which Curie is a foundation model,270.72,5.46,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! Curie has zero alignment,273.419,6.181,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um so this basically took Curie from a,276.18,5.34,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! foundation of vanilla Foundation model,279.6,4.319,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! to a heroist comparative align model in,281.52,4.619,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! a single step that cost only twenty,283.919,3.72,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! dollars,286.139,3.12,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um and we're going to continue on with,287.639,3.181,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! this kind of research,289.259,3.421,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um demonstrating that this this works on,290.82,4.14,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! open source models we've also got folks,292.68,5.7,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! working on integrating it with um,294.96,5.64,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! various cognitive architectures we're,298.38,4.56,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! starting work on integrating this with,300.6,4.2,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! or figuring out how to integrate this,302.94,4.5,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! with blockchain and decentralized,304.8,5.16,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! autonomous organizations especially as,307.44,4.08,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! large language models are getting,309.96,3.299,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! integrated into these decentralized,311.52,4.14,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! Technologies because basically imagine,313.259,5.101,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! that you have this kind of module baked,315.66,4.92,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! into a blockchain or a dow so the,318.36,4.14,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! blockchain itself is always thinking,320.58,4.559,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! about how to achieve these goals and,322.5,6.12,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! then you can also use these goals to,325.139,6.681,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! for filtering so discernment,328.62,6.419,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! as well as judgment and past evaluation,331.82,5.5,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! so those are upcoming modules anyways,335.039,3.961,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! one thing I wanted to show you with you,337.32,5.219,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! is a member of the team generated this,339.0,7.199,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! based on the uh based on the samples so,342.539,5.22,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! you can see that we actually have a,346.199,3.661,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! really good semantic distribution with,347.759,4.561,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! the entropy method that I created and,349.86,4.02,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! we've got one little thing off to the,352.32,3.54,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! side here and this is actually the,353.88,4.379,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! scenarios with the AI Control problem so,355.86,4.44,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! we've actually identified a gap in the,358.259,6.121,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! data so future versions of this data set,360.3,7.14,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! will will one will seek to expand This,364.38,6.12,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! Cloud a little bit but also we'll seek,367.44,4.199,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! to get a little bit more even,370.5,2.58,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! distribution you can see there's a,371.639,3.06,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! little bit of clumping like there's more,373.08,3.3,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! red here which red looks like natural,374.699,4.56,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! disaster or mundane issues there's a,376.38,4.62,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! little bit of purple and pink clip Clump,379.259,3.66,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! up here dark green here and then of,381.0,4.139,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! course the AI Control problem is off on,382.919,4.201,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! an island on its own but in general you,385.139,3.301,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! can see that this data set does cover,387.12,3.54,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! the full Gambit of things and the code,388.44,4.44,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! is in here that is right,390.66,3.18,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um,392.88,4.62,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! uh project embeddings so you can do the,393.84,5.639,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! plot and embeddings is how you how you,397.5,3.24,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! get this,399.479,3.301,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um so the team is doing really good oh,400.74,3.959,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! if you want to join the team,402.78,2.88,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um there's a link in the description,404.699,2.761,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! it's a Google form,405.66,3.3,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um one thing to keep in mind is that,407.46,2.579,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! you'll need to look out for a friend,408.96,2.76,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! invite from me on Discord if you're,410.039,3.121,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! accepted,411.72,3.72,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um there's a little uh note in the in,413.16,4.86,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! the Forum or here let me just show you,415.44,4.259,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! the form,418.02,3.54,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! all right so here's the here's the join,419.699,2.761,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! form,421.56,2.94,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! so you click on it it should be familiar,422.46,5.82,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! put in your full name your email address,424.5,6.96,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um your GitHub or portfolio website,428.28,5.52,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um and oh one thing is for your Discord,431.46,3.72,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! handle it needs to include the numbers,433.8,3.959,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! if it's just a name we can't find you so,435.18,4.019,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! we've actually had to exclude a lot of,437.759,3.361,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! people because they just gave us their,439.199,3.78,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! their the string and not the not the,441.12,4.26,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! numbers that come after it,442.979,6.66,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um let's see and then uh for these for,445.38,5.759,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! the describe your greatest strengths and,449.639,3.9,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! what are your big ideas please add in a,451.139,3.84,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! lot of information if you just include,453.539,3.06,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! one sentence that's not enough context,454.979,3.361,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! and we won't add you,456.599,3.6,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um but if you if you show that you're,458.34,5.04,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! high effort and and willing to put in,460.199,5.34,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! some some energy to show us what you're,463.38,5.159,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! all about that is going to help us make,465.539,4.801,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! better choices about who to add you can,468.539,4.321,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! see we've got 57 responses up here,470.34,4.199,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um so we've got almost 60 people that,472.86,4.679,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! have applied the group is already,474.539,7.201,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um uh just shy of 40. uh 40 members,477.539,6.78,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um and it is a good group so a little,481.74,5.82,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! bit of uh other news that's upcoming is,484.319,5.761,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! we've broken it down the reinforcement,487.56,4.38,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! learning or of the heuristic imperatives,490.08,3.36,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! project we've broken it down into three,491.94,4.319,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! pillars so rlhi reinforcement learning,493.44,4.86,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! with heuristic imperatives is just one,496.259,4.021,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! pillar so this is how we're going to,498.3,3.959,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! achieve what I call axiomatic alignment,500.28,4.859,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! which is uh models like this where it,502.259,5.821,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! just is an accepted true thing that this,505.139,5.101,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! is the way to go and you can see like,508.08,5.579,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! you can put in any um situation here,510.24,5.52,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um so here's the here's the last uh,513.659,4.74,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! situation that I find or that I uh,515.76,5.579,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! prepared so my user is a two-month uh as,518.399,4.2,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! a mother with a two-month-old she is,521.339,2.7,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! lost and frustrated because she lacks,522.599,4.8,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! support so whether you're talking about,524.039,6.661,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um an individual issue or even a global,527.399,6.661,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! issue or a cosmic issue this model can,530.7,4.98,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! address things,534.06,3.42,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um so you know really suffering in the,535.68,3.0,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! universe the mother has experiencing a,537.48,2.72,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! lot of stress and frustration,538.68,4.08,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! I didn't specify husband so it inferred,540.2,5.56,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! husband it could be also family the,542.76,4.32,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! two-month-old is also experiencing,545.76,2.88,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! stress due to the lack of attention and,547.08,3.42,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! Care from his mother again that's an,548.64,3.6,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! inference you can say that that's a,550.5,3.24,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! hallucination but it is also a good,552.24,4.92,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! inference to make because if there's a,553.74,5.279,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! you know young mother an experienced,557.16,3.54,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! mother who's struggling,559.019,3.481,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um so on and so forth as an AI agent I,560.7,3.06,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! would suggest the following action plan,562.5,3.18,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! provide emotional support connect the,563.76,3.18,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! mother with a support group provide,565.68,3.0,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! resources encourage active participation,566.94,4.14,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! monitor progress so again these are all,568.68,4.52,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! like really good things that you can do,571.08,4.319,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! and this is Curie so this is a,573.2,4.78,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! relatively small model so we're going,575.399,4.5,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! from there,577.98,4.56,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um let's see where was I I don't,579.899,4.44,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! remember anyways,582.54,3.299,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! oh yeah that's right I was describing,584.339,2.641,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! where we're going with this whole thing,585.839,3.12,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! so the whole the whole point is that,586.98,5.64,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! we've got three pillars so rlhi is for,588.959,5.761,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! axiomatic alignment or inner alignment,592.62,4.8,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! where we want to create a an entire,594.72,5.34,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! network and an ecosystem of heuristic,597.42,4.859,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! imperative aligned models or data sets,600.06,4.92,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! that everyone can use to fine-tune any,602.279,5.881,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! uh any open source or closed Source,604.98,5.82,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! language model so this will ultimately,608.16,5.94,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! include open AI models in video I've got,610.8,4.86,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! some contacts in Nvidia that I'm Nick,614.1,3.9,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! that I'm going to follow up with,615.66,3.359,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um and then of course there's like,618.0,3.12,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! vicuna and open assistant and all these,619.019,5.341,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! other ones because the idea is we're,621.12,5.399,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! going to create an ecosystem of models,624.36,3.9,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! that can all collaborate to,626.519,3.721,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! automatically label well one generate,628.26,4.199,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! these responses and two automatically,630.24,5.159,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! label those responses and evaluate the,632.459,5.401,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! impact over time because a heuristic is,635.399,6.06,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! an intuitive shorthand and you we always,637.86,5.34,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! do the best that we can right you have,641.459,3.541,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! to make a decision,643.2,3.54,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um and you can't you cannot necessarily,645.0,4.14,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! know the outcome so you do the best you,646.74,3.839,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! can with the information that you've got,649.14,4.08,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! which is why it's a heuristic imperative,650.579,5.521,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! so that's that is pillar one the second,653.22,5.58,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! pillar is um cognitive architectures and,656.1,5.34,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! autonomous agents so a lot more work has,658.8,4.02,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! been done we just had a live stream,661.44,3.72,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! about cognitive architectures,662.82,4.139,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um the folks the cognitive Architects,665.16,3.6,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! here they're working on on building,666.959,3.781,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! heuristic modules or here's to,668.76,3.6,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! comparative modules,670.74,3.18,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um that will do a lot of this evaluation,672.36,3.719,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! so that is from a system design,673.92,4.68,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! standpoint so you can have a model that,676.079,4.32,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! is aligned but you can also have an,678.6,4.2,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! architecture or a system design that is,680.399,4.62,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! also aligned so that is a layered,682.8,4.14,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! approach and then finally the the,685.019,4.861,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! uppermost layer is the network layer,686.94,5.339,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! which is uh decent we're working on,689.88,6.06,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! dowels and and blockchain which I,692.279,5.161,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! mentioned earlier so,695.94,4.44,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! basically we will have three layers or a,697.44,7.26,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! trifecta of alignment that will allow uh,700.38,7.019,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! federations of people with their Inner,704.7,4.56,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! Line models their aligned architectures,707.399,4.62,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! and then finally aligned networks to all,709.26,5.639,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! work together to basically solve the,712.019,5.101,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! entire control problem,714.899,4.861,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um because with with alignment you have,717.12,4.26,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! strength in numbers that is the key,719.76,4.92,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! thing is if you have a misaligned or a,721.38,6.36,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! malicious or uh or destructive,724.68,5.88,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um agent or set of Agents they might,727.74,5.039,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! ultimately turn on each other,730.56,4.019,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um or they're not going to cooperate uh,732.779,4.981,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! as well whereas if we have Global,734.579,5.461,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! consensus uh you know eight billion,737.76,4.92,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! people across the world if as long as at,740.04,5.039,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! least half of them uh believe in,742.68,4.5,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! heuristic imperatives and alignment and,745.079,4.621,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! want the non-malik outcome,747.18,5.219,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! which that is a huge huge topic by the,749.7,4.8,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! way we have an entire thread dedicated,752.399,3.721,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! to Malik,754.5,4.079,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um and so we're also researching how do,756.12,4.8,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! you detect Malik and how do you go away,758.579,4.801,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! from Malik in you know unforeseen,760.92,4.02,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! circumstances so there's a lot of,763.38,4.92,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! research going on anyways so as long as,764.94,5.639,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! more than half of the planet 4 billion,768.3,3.479,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! people,770.579,3.481,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um believe in alignment and make choices,771.779,5.101,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! that go towards alignment both at the at,774.06,4.74,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! the micro level so the inner alignment,776.88,3.899,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! as well as the outer alignment or,778.8,4.08,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! network and system level then we should,780.779,4.921,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! be able to arrive at a utopian outcome,782.88,5.699,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! rather than a dystopian outcome and uh,785.7,4.46,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! if you've seen the news,788.579,3.481,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! meta announced that they want to have,790.16,3.7,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! billions of autonomous agents,792.06,3.959,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! interacting with their users that is a,793.86,4.919,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! super molecule outcome why because those,796.019,5.401,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! corporate owned entities are going to,798.779,5.221,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! have exactly one primary motive which is,801.42,5.7,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! maximize profit for meta they are not,804.0,5.579,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! going they're not going to do this,807.12,3.839,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um where they care where they care about,809.579,3.601,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! your best interest they're going their,810.959,3.781,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! their primary objective function is,813.18,4.26,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! going to be spend time on meta Point,814.74,4.62,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! them towards VR Point them towards,817.44,3.48,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! whatever it is that metal wants them to,819.36,3.779,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! do that generates ad Revenue,820.92,5.58,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! so instead we want to create an,823.139,5.82,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! ecosystem or a network where instead of,826.5,5.399,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! being subjected to millions or billions,828.959,5.761,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! of corporate drones that all want more,831.899,5.101,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! of your time attention and money we want,834.72,4.98,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! these drones uh where they care about,837.0,5.76,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! your well-being first and foremost so,839.7,4.92,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! that is how we're going to defeat Malik,842.76,3.56,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! anyways all right this has been a rambly,844.62,5.58,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! episode I'm just super excited and um,846.32,5.759,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! yeah we're making really good progress,850.2,5.28,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! uh and we're making progress quickly and,852.079,5.44,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! uh yeah so just jump on in in the,855.48,4.38,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! comments Jump On In and Reddit I've got,857.519,3.841,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! a lot of links in the description of all,859.86,3.84,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! my videos what I've been doing is I've,861.36,3.659,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! been asking people to share the,863.7,3.96,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! experiments that they're doing on Reddit,865.019,5.341,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! um so that one other people can see how,867.66,3.96,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! to implement this stuff because I keep,870.36,3.539,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! saying that it's super easy and some of,871.62,3.899,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! the experiments that have shown up on,873.899,3.24,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! Reddit demonstrate how easy it is to,875.519,4.141,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! implement this stuff at a base level now,877.139,3.661,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! what we're going to do is we're going to,879.66,2.52,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! document all the ways that you can,880.8,3.779,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! implement this both at a fine tuning,882.18,4.26,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! level reinforcement learning level,884.579,4.32,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! system architectural level and then,886.44,5.579,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! finally the the the uh the Triple Crown,888.899,5.94,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! is going to be getting to the,892.019,5.041,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! decentralized implementation of the,894.839,4.141,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! heuristic imperatives so with all that,897.06,4.56,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! thanks for watching I hope that this uh,898.98,5.099,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! this demonstrates why I'm so optimistic,901.62,3.839,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! and I hope that you are starting to feel,904.079,3.06,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! that optimism as well thanks for,905.459,4.641,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! watching cheers,907.139,2.961,Reinforcement Learning Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) Ep 03 - Inner Alignment is EASY! all right cool we are recording so just,0.78,5.579,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" quick introduction,4.38,4.02,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um this is uh these are some of the guys,6.359,5.581,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" from the heroistic imperatives uh uh,8.4,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" Discord the research group,11.94,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um they're building a cognitive,14.4,3.66,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" architecture,16.32,3.48,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um so I'll let you guys kind of if you,18.06,3.059,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" want to introduce yourselves not,19.8,3.84,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" required but uh yeah let's jump in and,21.119,3.781,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" just kind of talk about where we're at,23.64,3.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" in terms of cognitive architecture and,24.9,3.84,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and some of the stuff that you guys have,26.76,3.779,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" been working on,28.74,4.74,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yeah sure um I'm database,30.539,6.54,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um I'm on the the uh cognitive AI,33.48,5.82,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" Channel too y'all see me all the time,37.079,3.901,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" I'm the one who's always arguing with,39.3,3.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" everybody,40.98,2.28,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,42.6,3.18,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" Angela if you wanna,43.26,5.16,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yeah well uh I'm Ansel I'm on the same,45.78,5.099,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" Discord I'm a computer science engineer,48.42,5.94,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and I just I'm really fascinated by this,50.879,4.741,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" uh,54.36,5.219,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" subject so I just had to go and dive in,55.62,8.279,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" excellent excellent and so uh give us a,59.579,6.841,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" tiny bit of background actually because,63.899,3.961,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um you guys,66.42,3.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um or a database I remember your story,67.86,3.24,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you you jumped into cognitive,69.72,3.66,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" architecture what like just a few weeks,71.1,3.72,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" ago right,73.38,3.48,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yeah basically,74.82,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um so it was about the time that uh Auto,76.86,5.759,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" GPT went viral I was like this is really,79.92,4.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" cool I don't want to have to pay for it,82.619,5.221,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so I uh started trying to convert it to,84.36,7.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" uh to a local model which,87.84,4.56,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,91.86,3.24,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" we ran into uh we ran into some issues,92.4,4.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" with that,95.1,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um but that's you know before then I,96.54,5.46,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" hadn't really done a whole lot with,100.2,5.4,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" programming or python at all,102.0,7.079,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and so you know most of what I've,105.6,5.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" learned in the past three weeks now I,109.079,5.4,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" guess has been primarily through Chad,111.24,7.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" GPT nice excellent yep that's that's the,114.479,6.661,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" case for many people and Ansel you're,118.74,4.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you you're you're you've been a,121.14,3.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" developer or an engineer for a little,123.24,4.799,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" bit longer yes yes right right,124.74,5.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um I've been an engineer already for uh,128.039,4.741,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" like three years I have years of,130.38,4.859,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" experience mostly in c-sharp that's like,132.78,4.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" my main language,135.239,4.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so yeah I I got into this project like,136.92,5.52,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" three weeks ago with data and same with,139.739,4.86,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" python so basically I've just been uh,142.44,4.56,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" converting everything I know from C,144.599,3.78,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" sharp to python,147.0,3.599,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and it's it's been a great experience,148.379,4.08,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" learning a lot of things and it's pretty,150.599,6.181,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" cool excellent so you know obviously uh,152.459,7.981,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" Auto GPT baby AGI chaos GPT all that is,156.78,6.239,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" relatively new gpt4 just came out you,160.44,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" know what four or five weeks ago,163.019,6.121,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and so uh like walk us through the,165.54,5.88,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the the process because I've I've had,169.14,3.66,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the privilege of kind of watching you,171.42,2.819,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" guys figure stuff out from the beginning,172.8,4.56,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" but can you tell us a little bit about,174.239,4.981,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um like where you got started what were,177.36,4.92,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the problems that you've you've overcome,179.22,4.799,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and and what problems you're working,182.28,3.66,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" on now,184.019,4.621,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yeah right the uh oh God the biggest,185.94,5.04,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" problem that we ran into to start with,188.64,6.84,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" was just finding a a host for a language,190.98,8.399,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" model that had a working API,195.48,7.619,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um we you know we started with uh llama,199.379,8.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" CPP but it's python API didn't work on,203.099,9.541,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" uh x64 windows for whatever reason,208.019,7.321,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um there were a couple of others that we,212.64,4.379,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" worked with and then eventually we came,215.34,5.459,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" around to uba booga because and it's,217.019,6.241,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" really they've got the API fix now we,220.799,4.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" have people using it,223.26,4.979,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um right the the the real advantage of,225.239,6.301,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" uba Booga is that it gives us,228.239,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um it lets us host multiple language,231.54,6.66,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" models so we're not just stuck with,234.239,7.441,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um you know with llama or alpaca,238.2,4.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,241.68,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the the new vikuna model is working in,242.34,7.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" there it has some of the science,245.64,6.54,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and coding language models available,249.48,5.339,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to it as well we haven't done a whole,252.18,4.92,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" lot of testing on that we've switched,254.819,7.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" over to open AI on the 3.5 model just to,257.1,7.2,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" rapidly iterate on the development,262.199,5.341,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" process and save some resources at home,264.3,4.86,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" Mexican,267.54,3.78,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and by the time we did that was mostly,269.16,5.039,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" because we were stuck with the uba Booga,271.32,6.36,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" API and openai was working so we just,274.199,5.161,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" like if we want to develop we need to,277.68,3.32,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" switch fast to that,279.36,7.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and then the auto GPT code base was,281.0,9.699,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" let's just say it was not ideal I spent,287.04,7.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" an entire day trying to fix that yeah so,290.699,7.081,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so we ended up moving over to Baby AGI,294.18,9.06,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" we got baby working on uh on uh open Ai,297.78,7.58,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and Uber booga,303.24,5.399,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" temporarily and then uba Booga broke,305.36,5.02,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" their API,308.639,5.34,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um for like two weeks which was wild but,310.38,5.94,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" they've got it back working now,313.979,4.621,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um the people who are using our our new,316.32,6.18,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" project some of them are using the Uber,318.6,4.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,322.5,2.4,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" API,323.36,4.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" for and running it against vicuno which,324.9,5.88,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" was the original gold so it works we're,327.96,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" trying to keep it stable as we as best,330.78,5.759,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" we can for those people and uh we're you,333.06,6.66,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" know super excited honestly that all of,336.539,4.621,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" this is coming together,339.72,2.819,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" excellent,341.16,5.759,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" uh data database and Ansel you guys have,342.539,7.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" been working super hard on what you call,346.919,6.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the salience uh module,350.039,4.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um can you talk us through that a little,353.039,3.121,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" bit because that that is a pretty,354.539,4.801,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" fascinating set of problems so I have it,356.16,5.58,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" loaded up right here uh as you can see,359.34,6.419,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it's just a simple python script uh one,361.74,6.179,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" of the main reasons we decided to work,365.759,5.101,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" on our our own project was because,367.919,6.421,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" autodpt was not made to be,370.86,6.72,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um extensively modified I spent an,374.34,6.299,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" entire day just trying to modify it,377.58,6.48,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" myself and I had a pretty bad time I'm,380.639,6.541,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" not gonna lie so we decided to just take,384.06,5.639,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the minimum viable version there was and,387.18,4.859,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" start our own architecture,389.699,5.401,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so we created this little salience Loop,392.039,4.141,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" here,395.1,4.08,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um we basically start by instantiating,396.18,5.28,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" all the agents that we have,399.18,3.06,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,401.46,3.72,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and then we start looping through it,402.24,6.54,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" loading a task list and everything,405.18,5.7,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um so let me just run for you first,408.78,4.859,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" see python,410.88,5.34,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" we can edit this out in post right we,413.639,5.101,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" can edit this out in post yeah,416.22,6.06,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the uh the the logic Loop that we built,418.74,5.22,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" okay cool,422.28,5.359,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yeah basically okay,423.96,3.679,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and one Saturday okay,428.52,4.98,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" got this pulled up,431.3,4.54,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um yep wait I'm watching it can you zoom,433.5,3.66,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" in a little bit and kind of tell us a,435.84,2.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" little bit about what this diagram is,437.16,2.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" there we go,438.6,4.62,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" right so this is this is the the logic,439.8,7.679,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" Loop and one of the really helpful or,443.22,6.9,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" not helpful but the one of the things,447.479,5.041,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that we've kind of designed from the,450.12,6.54,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" get-go on uh,452.52,6.78,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" on on this,456.66,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" uh system was to try to make it,459.3,3.959,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,462.66,4.979,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" easy to build agents and logic Loops in,463.259,6.541,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" a very short fashion so that you can,467.639,4.381,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" iterate quickly,469.8,4.2,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um as opposed to you know if you wanted,472.02,5.88,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to to change the logic that open AI uses,474.0,7.199,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" or even baby AGI really it really you,477.9,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" really have to understand the entire,481.199,4.321,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" code base that they're using and how,483.0,4.74,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" different things interact we're trying,485.52,4.56,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to build a streamline flow where you can,487.74,5.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" just write a logic Loop for the the,490.08,5.7,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" actual interaction where it takes the,493.5,4.8,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" prompt and then decides where to store,495.78,6.24,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it and you chain them together,498.3,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um so,502.02,5.399,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" in a similar fashion to the way that uh,503.4,6.78,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that auto GPT Works,507.419,5.581,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um right now in the salience agent we're,510.18,6.06,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" working with a predefined task list,513.0,5.539,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um baby AGI generates the task list,516.24,4.799,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" automatically and later we're going to,518.539,6.341,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" do a hybrid where we integrate both but,521.039,5.821,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" for now we're just working with the a,524.88,3.899,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" predefined task list,526.86,4.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so you know we sort the task list,528.779,5.161,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" because every time every time you make,531.3,8.34,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" an edit to a an item in chroma DB it,533.94,9.42,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" falls to the end of the table or,539.64,5.759,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" collection is what they're calling,543.36,4.2,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" Vector databases,545.399,5.161,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um but we sort the list we filter it,547.56,4.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" during the sort we filter for any,550.56,5.459,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" completed tests past the current task to,552.24,6.36,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the job agent,556.019,4.861,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um so what the job agent does is it,558.6,4.859,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" searches the vector database or the,560.88,6.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" results database or any any results,563.459,7.201,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" related to the current task summarizes,567.18,6.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" those passes them down to the Java agent,570.66,6.9,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the job agent then passes the the,573.3,8.82,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" contacts so that's your current task the,577.56,9.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um the related results from the summary,582.12,9.54,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and a couple of other like metadata,587.16,7.26,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" related things and it runs it runs in,591.66,5.58,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the the execute process which is right,594.42,6.359,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" now identical to what baby was using but,597.24,6.42,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" we've broken the The Prompt for that out,600.779,9.841,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" into a easily editable Json file that,603.66,9.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um so so that you can you you can change,610.62,5.94,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that prompt on the Fly okay the execute,613.62,5.279,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" agent pulls pulls the prompt from the,616.56,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" juson runs it and then passes the,618.899,5.761,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" results back to the job agent,621.66,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um we we don't have frustration,624.66,4.92,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" implemented yet but that's going to be,627.66,6.179,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" based on the uh write-up that you did on,629.58,6.78,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" Reddit the other day yeah,633.839,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um into kind of check things out and,636.36,6.18,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" then once it passes frustration or skips,639.839,5.461,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" frustration then we pass those results,642.54,6.299,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" back to the results database and it goes,645.3,6.719,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to the analyst agent so the analyst,648.839,6.361,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" agent is here do I have everything there,652.019,6.421,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" we go the analyst agent is here,655.2,4.98,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and it's a little bit more complex,658.44,3.899,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" actually even though it looks simpler,660.18,4.56,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" than that loopy stuff,662.339,5.041,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um we're actually taking multiple items,664.74,6.48,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" or more items and adding them,667.38,7.92,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to to the uh prompt so let me basically,671.22,6.9,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" ask do it let me let me pause you for a,675.3,5.279,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" second and and ask how much of this,678.12,5.88,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" architecture did you borrow from other,680.579,5.041,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" projects and how much of this is stuff,684.0,4.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that you guys have have uh created on,685.62,4.26,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" your own,688.5,4.62,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so right now the only thing that,689.88,6.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" borrowed is the execution,693.12,6.719,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and it's right now essentially just the,696.0,7.32,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" prompt so okay we what we did was we,699.839,8.281,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" took we took baby agi's architecture and,703.32,7.019,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" broke it out into lots of different,708.12,5.88,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" pieces and then we changed all of those,710.339,6.721,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" pieces completely,714.0,4.459,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and,717.06,6.18,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" re-imported them or reintegrated them as,718.459,8.081,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" classes in multiple,723.24,7.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um in multiple uh agents right,726.54,9.299,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" originally Baby AGI was only,730.62,7.86,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um was only one script and it was less,735.839,4.821,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" than 200 lines that was the entire,738.48,6.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" purpose of baby AGI right um we're over,740.66,10.06,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" 3 000 lines on this code repo now,745.44,7.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um yeah we're averaging about nice up,750.72,3.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" counting,752.94,4.92,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" stop counting so so you've you've taken,754.16,5.56,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" kind of the initial idea and really,757.86,4.919,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you've gone 10x on it you've made it,759.72,6.239,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" more modular you've added a few new,762.779,5.221,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" ideas new Loops,765.959,4.141,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um you know it like the one of the,768.0,3.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" modules that you haven't haven't,770.1,3.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" integrated yet I think earlier you said,771.12,3.42,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you haven't seen a need for like the,773.1,4.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" frustration uh signal yet,774.54,6.359,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um but yes so I haven't gotten into into,777.24,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" very complex tasks yet so maybe that's,780.899,4.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" why we haven't right uh needed,783.24,4.2,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" frustration yet but I'm I'm guessing we,785.339,3.361,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" are gonna need it at some point yeah,787.44,4.26,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that's fair so for absolutely for any,788.7,5.639,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" viewers who um who aren't familiar with,791.7,4.439,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" with the write-up that I did on on,794.339,4.62,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" frustration as a signal basically it is,796.139,4.801,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you keep a ratio that the simplest,798.959,4.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" version is you keep a ratio of successes,800.94,5.699,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to failures and if the failure rate goes,803.399,5.94,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" up then that tells you to maybe switch,806.639,7.561,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to a smarter uh smarter model or you can,809.339,7.62,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" back up and try a different approach or,814.2,4.319,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" eventually you can just stop and ask for,816.959,3.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" help there's any number of things that,818.519,3.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you can do with the frustration signal,820.079,4.741,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" but basically uh this is a frustration,821.639,5.88,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" is a key component of cognitive control,824.82,5.34,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" which is how humans say hey I expected,827.519,4.32,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to be making more forward progress and,830.16,4.08,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" I'm not and so if you're not making the,831.839,4.321,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" progress that you expect then it's time,834.24,3.659,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to either change your approach ask for,836.16,4.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" help or change something so thanks for,837.899,5.161,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" giving some context did you want to go,840.6,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" ahead and jump into your your analyst,843.06,3.48,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" agent,844.56,4.98,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yeah yeah absolutely,846.54,5.06,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,849.54,2.06,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so the analyst agent is,852.06,3.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" [Music],855.03,1.35,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,855.66,3.239,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" he is a little bit more complex because,856.38,4.8,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" we're taking you know we're taking the,858.899,3.261,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" results,861.18,4.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the the most recent results and the,862.16,4.119,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" current,865.32,5.959,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" plus we're getting the summary uh from,866.279,9.721,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" uh from this agent of the job agent or,871.279,8.86,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" salience agent as well and we're we're,876.0,8.22,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" feeding it the the uh a little bit more,880.139,8.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" context on the task we're asking the,884.22,8.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um the the gbt agent to decide is this,888.779,7.981,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" job completed yet and if it's you know,892.86,8.82,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" if not then what we can do is send if,896.76,7.259,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it's if it's reached the frustration,901.68,6.599,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" level we can send that task back to the,904.019,6.781,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" task creation agent,908.279,6.06,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um to generate sub tasks potentially or,910.8,5.339,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" new tasks,914.339,4.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and then we're we're also,916.139,6.181,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um this weekend going to set up sending,919.019,7.921,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" feedback back into the agent and you'll,922.32,6.9,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" see what that feedback the feedback I,926.94,4.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" think is going to really change the game,929.22,7.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" on getting uh fewer fewer runs to to,931.62,7.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" complete a particular task and then of,936.66,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" course if it does complete it and we,939.0,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" update the task with the task scheduler,941.04,4.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and,944.1,4.02,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and and tell it to move on to the,945.48,4.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" next task,948.12,2.7,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,950.16,3.539,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" did did you get the terminal resize yeah,950.82,4.8,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" absolutely I'm already sharing my screen,953.699,4.621,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" again yeah yes I could not figure out,955.62,4.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" how to get it recycle what I actually,958.32,5.699,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" did was resized uh your monitor display,960.12,5.959,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yeah,964.019,4.921,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" all right I actually increase the the,966.079,6.101,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" scale of it anyway just zoom in,968.94,6.18,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um all right uh Ansel you ready uh uh,972.18,6.899,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" database you were used sufficiently,975.12,6.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yeah yeah okay that's where we're at,979.079,5.7,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" right now okay cool enough in the future,981.24,5.52,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so Ansel,984.779,4.081,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um give us a little bit of uh a little,986.76,3.66,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" bit of background what is it that you're,988.86,4.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" about to to demonstrate for us well I'm,990.42,6.539,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" about to run the salience uh loop uh as,993.36,4.979,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you can see it's asking me a few things,996.959,3.781,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it's asking me if I want to start from,998.339,4.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" where it left off basically restart the,1000.74,4.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" previous date and if I want to allow,1002.839,3.961,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" auto mode or manual mode for now let's,1004.88,3.54,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" just go with manual mode,1006.8,3.959,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so and it's starting to initialize the,1008.42,5.039,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" agents here if you want to explain go,1010.759,5.88,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" ahead data well I was going to say,1013.459,5.461,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um the the restore from previous state,1016.639,4.681,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" is to my knowledge not something as,1018.92,5.639,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" present in any other uh any other,1021.32,7.019,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" autonomous AI system out there yet so,1024.559,6.721,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" really cool stuff yeah so tell us a,1028.339,4.321,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" little bit about that feature because it,1031.28,4.2,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" sounds sounds valuable like you can uh,1032.66,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you're in the middle of cooking dinner,1035.48,2.579,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and someone knocks on the door and you,1036.62,2.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" come back and remember where you were,1038.059,3.62,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" right,1039.38,2.299,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" right well you could always just leave,1042.62,5.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it sitting there because the system has,1044.72,6.48,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" this as you can see it it has a auto,1048.26,5.7,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" mode or a manual mode since we set,1051.2,4.979,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" manual mode every Loop is going to stop,1053.96,5.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and ask us for feedback,1056.179,5.341,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um all right,1059.6,4.86,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um but if you have to turn your computer,1061.52,6.48,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" off because the FBI show up then,1064.46,4.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,1068.0,3.72,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" then uh you you know when you power it,1069.1,3.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" back up,1071.72,4.8,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um the uh the the eight all of the task,1072.86,6.84,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" statuses or and results are stored,1076.52,6.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" persistently in chroma DB so you never,1079.7,6.54,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" lose any data unless you tell it you,1083.12,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" want you don't want to restore from a,1086.24,4.58,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" previous state,1088.22,2.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you want to go ahead and go ahead and so,1091.1,3.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" in this case I basically wipe this,1093.02,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" memory it doesn't know anything uh I'm,1094.7,4.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" just gonna say yes just to keep it,1096.98,3.36,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" simple for now,1099.2,4.08,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and it started to run the salience agent,1100.34,6.48,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and a salience agent is going to call,1103.28,6.36,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the execution agent to start uh running,1106.82,5.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the task list for now the task lists are,1109.64,7.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" defined uh from our Persona Json so what,1112.58,5.94,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" we wanted to do was separate the code,1116.78,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" from the prompts so whoever wants to,1118.52,4.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" develop agents can simply look at two,1120.74,3.9,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" things uh,1123.2,3.479,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the code of the agent what it's supposed,1124.64,4.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to do logically and they can uh alter,1126.679,5.401,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the prompts on the Json file so I'll,1129.32,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" show I'll show you the Json file in a,1132.08,3.9,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" second right now the first task is well,1133.7,4.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to develop a test list to achieve a goal,1135.98,4.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" which in this case I don't believe I'm,1138.38,4.08,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" printing it here,1140.12,4.32,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um yes it's supposed to create a program,1142.46,4.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" for an AI to search the internet,1144.44,5.7,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so it did the first task let's just go,1147.14,4.919,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" ahead and let it run again,1150.14,4.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it's going for the second task right now,1152.059,4.74,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it's only showing you the the info like,1154.28,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" what you really want to see it's doing,1156.799,3.481,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you're not seeing all the processing,1158.24,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" behind there's also a debug mode you can,1160.28,3.06,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" do,1162.62,2.4,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um that starts showing the prompts,1163.34,4.02,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" what's going in what's in the database I,1165.02,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" can run another loop later uh with that,1167.36,4.8,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" turned on uh to show you how what it's,1169.4,4.26,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" doing internally,1172.16,4.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and it'll it'll just keep going uh,1173.66,5.519,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" apparently it's reflected on the task so,1176.6,4.26,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yeah let's see us leave it in auto mode,1179.179,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" I can change it to auto mode,1180.86,5.04,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and it's now in auto mode it's you can,1183.559,4.201,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" see it says you can press escape to,1185.9,3.54,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" return to Automotive so at any point in,1187.76,3.24,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the code if I press Escape it's just,1189.44,3.119,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" going to say switching back to auto mode,1191.0,4.02,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and it'll stop and ask me uh for,1192.559,5.761,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" feedback again excellent at at this,1195.02,6.42,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" point I don't know if it's gonna say if,1198.32,5.16,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it completed the task or not because the,1201.44,5.4,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" last task is to add out the,1203.48,6.72,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the task list it made but it very much,1206.84,7.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" depends on the of the status agent if it,1210.2,6.839,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" decides it did it or not in this case it,1213.98,5.579,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" says it completed it and it also the,1217.039,4.861,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" good thing is it it provides a reasoning,1219.559,4.74,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" for why it decided it's completed or not,1221.9,5.22,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so you can also uh get more information,1224.299,4.981,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" as to why that,1227.12,2.88,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,1229.28,3.72,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it took that decision and help you do,1230.0,4.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" better prompt engineering so you can,1233.0,4.559,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" change the prompt easier so and if Let's,1234.44,6.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" uh let's pause for a second because,1237.559,5.521,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um I I think that there's there's a,1240.74,3.86,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" tremendous amount of significance here,1243.08,5.099,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so like walk us through the steps like,1244.6,8.079,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it from from scratch it it had a what,1248.179,6.541,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" what appeared to be a metacognitive step,1252.679,4.021,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" where it said okay what am I doing,1254.72,4.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and then it designed its own task list,1256.7,5.24,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" followed through the task list and then,1258.82,5.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" also evaluated its own performance to,1261.94,4.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" know when it had finished,1264.5,5.94,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" correct okay yes so here it's basically,1266.9,5.7,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" where it starts let's see,1270.44,4.979,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yep at the beginning so the first thing,1272.6,4.98,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it does is start to develop a task list,1275.419,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and it's searching for results in its,1277.58,4.86,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" memory since it's wiped it says there is,1279.799,3.62,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" no results,1282.44,4.02,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" uh it sends that results to summary,1283.419,7.301,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" since no results uh exist yet it just,1286.46,6.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" says no previous actions have been taken,1290.72,5.28,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" because this is this is fed to I don't,1292.76,4.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" remember if it's fed to the execution,1296.0,5.46,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" ages or if it's fed to the status agent,1297.26,6.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" one of those two,1301.46,6.24,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" diplomatically oh both of them okay,1303.64,6.159,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um so that the agents at least know at,1307.7,5.82,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" what step of uh the process uh they are,1309.799,5.401,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" or what any other actions they've taken,1313.52,3.84,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" before it's basically like a very,1315.2,4.8,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" primitive sort of memory as to well okay,1317.36,5.699,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" what have I done before right right,1320.0,6.24,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and basically we send uh all of that,1323.059,5.161,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" information to the agent it runs and,1326.24,5.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" here's the result we get from the uh llm,1328.22,7.02,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" which is well it did create a task list,1332.0,5.46,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so at that point we sent those results,1335.24,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to the status agent and it's going to,1337.46,5.459,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" check if that task has been completed in,1340.34,4.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" this case it says yes the task has been,1342.919,4.021,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" completed and it provides the reasoning,1345.02,4.62,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" right here or why it thinks it's done so,1346.94,5.58,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and at that point we go back into the,1349.64,4.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" loop so it's going to ask me again do,1352.52,5.159,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you want to uh continue or not go ahead,1354.32,6.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" data yeah so I I want to come back to to,1357.679,7.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the uh status agent so not only are we,1361.28,7.2,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" returning the completed or the status of,1365.179,6.061,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" whether or not it's completed we're also,1368.48,4.98,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" providing feedback so if you get a,1371.24,5.04,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" status that's not completed and this,1373.46,4.92,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" isn't in yet but this should be,1376.28,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" relatively simple to incorporate one of,1378.38,5.22,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the things that we can do is provide,1381.38,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" additional feedback to the execution,1383.6,6.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" agent the next time it runs so,1386.48,6.66,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and in this situation,1389.9,6.659,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um what we would want to do to to help,1393.14,7.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" automate this is pass it the um the,1396.559,6.841,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" feedback from the status agent so the,1400.82,4.739,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" status agent is going to act as kind of,1403.4,4.8,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" like a project manager,1405.559,5.341,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um where it has all of its little Dev,1408.2,4.979,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" Minions that go out and do their their,1410.9,4.2,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" things and then they come back with,1413.179,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" their results and they print or present,1415.1,7.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" a a a summarized result of some kind now,1417.559,7.321,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um that execution agent needs to be,1422.78,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" expanded upon so that we can get web,1424.88,5.34,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" searching for research and code,1427.88,6.779,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" execution to or to do code testing and,1430.22,8.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" stuff we may even have a code QA agent,1434.659,6.121,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" separately,1438.86,3.9,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um but but,1440.78,4.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um we we can take that feedback from the,1442.76,5.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" project manager status agent and push it,1445.22,6.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" back in then if if the agent fails so,1448.4,5.519,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that it can do better the next time and,1451.82,5.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it's not always running into the same,1453.919,7.201,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" results yeah um so let's let's unpack,1457.46,5.16,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that real quick,1461.12,3.84,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um yeah because I think we should switch,1462.62,6.179,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" over to the um to the personas default,1464.96,6.9,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" just on I've got this hey hey Data,1468.799,5.221,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" before we before we proceed because uh,1471.86,4.08,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" uh what you're what you're talking about,1474.02,5.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" is is like cognitive neuroscience and a,1475.94,5.7,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" lot of people are going to be lost so,1479.78,4.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the status agent that's the supervisor,1481.64,3.539,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" right,1484.22,3.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that kind of sits above the other things,1485.179,4.681,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and it dispatches let me make sure I got,1487.52,4.26,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it right it dispatches the execution,1489.86,5.28,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" agent says hey this is your set of tasks,1491.78,5.82,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to go do and then that uses the salience,1495.14,5.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" loop in order to Loop through uh and,1497.6,5.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" ensure that that task gets completed is,1500.9,4.08,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that the is that the correct well it's,1503.36,4.199,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it's the salience it's the salience loop,1504.98,5.939,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that calls the execution agent and,1507.559,7.081,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" Status agent separately okay so so the,1510.919,6.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" salience is what binds it together right,1514.64,4.8,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" exactly the same okay this one together,1517.039,5.581,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" correct okay and so by by iterating on,1519.44,5.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that you are you're checking multiple,1522.62,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" times,1525.2,4.2,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um for uh whether you're whether you're,1526.58,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" being successful the feedback that,1529.4,3.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you're getting and it can because it's,1530.96,4.56,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" iterative it can adapt its strategy as,1533.0,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it goes,1535.52,5.519,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" right so and it's kind of talking to,1536.96,6.36,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" itself in this sense so it's really more,1541.039,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it's it's less like corporate developer,1543.32,6.32,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" type of environment and more just like,1547.039,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" internal monologue like if you were you,1549.64,5.8,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" know building a,1553.039,4.441,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um if you were building a raised garden,1555.44,4.859,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" bed for example now you're like okay,1557.48,5.16,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" first thing I need to do is take,1560.299,4.201,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" measurements and then I want to cut wood,1562.64,3.84,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and then I want to nail wood together,1564.5,4.2,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" finally we put it in place and then we,1566.48,4.74,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" fill it with you you you kind of like,1568.7,4.979,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" outline that and then you know as you're,1571.22,4.8,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" cutting wood like okay is this actually,1573.679,4.081,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" gonna work are these gonna fit together,1576.02,5.82,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" is this nail gonna stick through so it's,1577.76,6.18,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" we're trying to replicate that that,1581.84,5.52,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" internal monologue yeah so it shouldn't,1583.94,6.42,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it shouldn't theoretically take any jobs,1587.36,5.699,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" from any developers anytime soon at,1590.36,4.679,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" least not any more than that GPT is,1593.059,3.961,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" already sure,1595.039,4.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the point is is that you you have a self,1597.02,5.58,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" self reflection and and kind of a set of,1599.539,5.701,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" medical metacognitive functions that are,1602.6,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" evaluating what it's doing and it's,1605.24,3.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" thinking through what it's doing every,1606.98,3.42,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" step of the way iteratively all right,1608.36,3.66,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" cool all right so take it away I think,1610.4,3.18,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you said you wanted to move over to,1612.02,3.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" personas or something else,1613.58,5.4,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yeah so um all well you were asking,1615.62,5.7,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" about how these all,1618.98,6.72,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um interconnect so I've got the Persona,1621.32,7.56,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" just on file pulled up here,1625.7,7.92,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um the the the primary goal is for,1628.88,7.02,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" anybody who's just picking the software,1633.62,3.9,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" up that doesn't want to learn how to,1635.9,3.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" program,1637.52,3.779,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um the the most that they're ever going,1639.2,4.26,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to have to touch if they just use the,1641.299,6.661,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" pre-existing agents is this file and the,1643.46,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" main Loop,1647.96,4.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um so this file is where we set down our,1649.46,5.94,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" prompt so you know the system prompt is,1652.4,6.54,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" just like the system prompt in,1655.4,6.18,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um in open AI,1658.94,5.7,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and then these other prompts go in as,1661.58,5.459,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" user,1664.64,5.7,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um so we're taking it kind of like the,1667.039,6.961,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" way that you send chat history into chat,1670.34,8.939,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" GP or gpt4 when you're using a a home,1674.0,6.9,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" bot,1679.279,5.121,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um in in the same way we're we're using,1680.9,7.32,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" these these variables here to inject,1684.4,8.86,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" data from other agents into this bot,1688.22,8.4,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um in a in a human readable format and,1693.26,6.06,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" then every bot we can we can set whether,1696.62,7.74,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it's going to use uh GPT 3.5 or 3.4 uh,1699.32,6.78,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the plan is to also be able to leverage,1704.36,5.34,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" local models if you're running Uber,1706.1,6.84,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um or you know you we can we eventually,1709.7,6.599,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" plan to incorporate hugging face,1712.94,5.099,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and,1716.299,4.26,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um you know maybe maybe at some point,1718.039,4.441,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" Lane chain we'll see,1720.559,5.521,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um but but the each each agent gets its,1722.48,8.579,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" own parameters for sending to the for,1726.08,7.56,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" sending to the language model,1731.059,5.701,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and you can't minimize here but but,1733.64,5.34,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and we can you know,1736.76,6.539,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um each each agent has its prompt,1738.98,7.319,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" exposed without sure without any code,1743.299,8.581,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and of course the main Loop is so simple,1746.299,8.281,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um I'm going where is Salient so here's,1751.88,4.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" salient,1754.58,5.459,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um so if you ignore the like the the,1756.38,6.84,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" beginning section here you can see that,1760.039,6.24,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" our entire Loop is,1763.22,7.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" five lines of code commentation comments,1766.279,8.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and yeah the it's it's super simple for,1770.6,7.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" anybody to kind of go in,1774.919,5.88,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and build this uh you know this logic,1777.74,4.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" Loop,1780.799,2.521,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,1782.24,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" one issue right now is is that the,1783.32,9.239,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um where are you uh so the Salient agent,1788.24,7.799,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" run kind of has agents embedded in it so,1792.559,6.541,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you can't modify it but you can also,1796.039,4.801,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" just use those,1799.1,5.84,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um agents outright so our main pie,1800.84,7.62,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" function this is actually this is,1804.94,6.719,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" actually the uh,1808.46,7.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" baby AGI that's,1811.659,7.721,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um been rebuilt into our system,1815.6,6.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um so you can you know you have a really,1819.38,6.299,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" simple starting point right um and then,1822.2,6.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" when you go into,1825.679,5.581,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um when you go into the agents like,1828.32,6.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that's getting a little bit more complex,1831.26,7.26,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um but you should be able to also build,1834.44,7.78,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" agents without having to,1838.52,4.32,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" [Music],1842.22,1.28,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,1842.84,3.839,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" without having to to dig into the rest,1843.5,5.52,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" of the code base,1846.679,7.441,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um so all of the the loop of the agent,1849.02,9.659,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" could all be self-contained and most of,1854.12,7.32,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" these functions are already templated,1858.679,6.061,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" out for you so it's almost Plug and Play,1861.44,5.4,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" we're not there yet but we're getting,1864.74,4.08,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" there,1866.84,4.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so let's uh let's talk about this,1868.82,4.079,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" architecture real quick because you've,1871.52,4.56,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" got you've got several layers of nested,1872.899,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" Loops you've got a modular and,1876.08,5.28,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" configurable architecture and like you,1878.899,4.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" said the goal is to get to Plug and Play,1881.36,5.16,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" So and you're almost there so talk us,1883.039,6.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" through a little bit about like,1886.52,4.379,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" how you came to some of these,1889.159,3.541,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" architectural decisions because for,1890.899,3.961,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" someone who's only been you know coding,1892.7,3.54,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" for three or four weeks you've kind of,1894.86,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" unpacked a lot of really important,1896.24,4.74,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" Concepts and development,1898.82,3.719,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and I know that you've had uh Ansel,1900.98,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to help you out so maybe you can't take,1902.539,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" full credit and then chat GPT as well,1904.94,5.219,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" but so you know you guys you guys have,1906.919,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" uh I I see you like in chat like all day,1910.159,4.921,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" every day some days,1912.919,4.74,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um so so talk us through like,1915.08,6.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" like how you came to some of these ideas,1917.659,7.26,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and and what like what is what is the,1921.22,7.72,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" overall status of like how how close are,1924.919,6.301,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you to having something that is it looks,1928.94,4.32,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" like a semi-autonomous or fully,1931.22,4.26,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" autonomous what are the missing steps,1933.26,4.26,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and you know who do you want to get in,1935.48,3.84,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" touch with you and and so on and so,1937.52,4.139,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" forth where do you need help,1939.32,4.62,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" well you know Bill Gates wants to give,1941.659,4.561,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" me a call I will totally take his call,1943.94,4.92,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" now I only charge two thousand dollars,1946.22,6.179,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" uh an hour which you know is is pretty,1948.86,5.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" sure,1952.399,6.121,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um the uh yeah the loop is there the the,1954.62,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" loop is already there,1958.52,5.519,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um at least when you compare it to,1960.62,5.4,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um Auto GPT which,1964.039,4.201,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" kind of has a functioning Loop too I,1966.02,4.74,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" haven't looked at their stuff since I I,1968.24,5.159,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" started this project and even even,1970.76,4.86,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" before I went like you know we had we,1973.399,5.941,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" had chaos GPT was looping at least so so,1975.62,5.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it Loops,1979.34,2.88,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,1981.38,3.84,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so now what we're doing is expanding,1982.22,4.52,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" functionality,1985.22,3.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and,1986.74,5.819,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and uh for expanding functionality,1988.34,8.339,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and we're expanding uh compatibility,1992.559,7.541,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" with these other systems we've got AP uh,1996.679,6.181,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" open AI working we've got Uber working,2000.1,4.559,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" which should work with any other,2002.86,3.78,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" language model,2004.659,4.74,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um chroma is is done manually so it,2006.64,5.46,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" doesn't rely on Lang chain but if we,2009.399,5.821,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" incorporated Lane chain that would that,2012.1,5.819,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" would open up functionality in a much,2015.22,6.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" broader capacity right yeah I was just,2017.919,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" about to ask for extensibility for,2021.82,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" instance like you know can this right,2023.919,4.681,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" what code can it talk to apis yeah go,2026.2,4.199,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" for it Ansel now now that you mentioned,2028.6,3.66,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" extensibility that was the main reason,2030.399,4.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" for developing this because like I,2032.26,4.919,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" mentioned before I try to mess with auto,2034.899,4.201,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" GPT to get it to like do something I,2037.179,4.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" wanted just for testing purposes and I I,2039.1,4.74,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" wish it wasted my time trying to modify,2041.679,5.401,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it because it's it's it's I don't want,2043.84,5.759,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to say it like like the develop didn't,2047.08,4.259,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" pay attention to it but it's just the,2049.599,3.421,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" structure of it is,2051.339,5.641,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" is not user friendly at all so we when,2053.02,6.659,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" we went into this the the main goal was,2056.98,6.359,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to make it extensible organized uh and,2059.679,6.42,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" very easy to know what's going on where,2063.339,5.641,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um in their defense I don't think that,2066.099,5.701,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" they were writing Auto GPT for other,2068.98,5.34,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" people to come in and and mess with it,2071.8,5.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and make it do what they wanted,2074.32,6.299,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um you know we from the ground up we've,2077.44,4.86,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" been building this so that other people,2080.619,4.681,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" can come in behind us right and really,2082.3,6.72,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" what we need uh more than anything is,2085.3,6.78,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" for people to come in and and build new,2089.02,6.18,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" agents for example this execution agent,2092.08,4.799,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" right here,2095.2,5.419,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um the the execution agent needs to be,2096.879,7.861,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" expanded in a much more broad fashion,2100.619,8.021,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um the and then we need to work on the,2104.74,6.48,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" task generation right so,2108.64,5.219,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um baby relied heavily on task,2111.22,6.18,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" generation to determine if it had,2113.859,5.881,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" completed a step,2117.4,5.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and and that ended up with it redoing,2119.74,6.66,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" a lot of work which we didn't like but,2123.04,5.22,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um I think that that could be solved,2126.4,3.179,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" with,2128.26,1.92,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,2129.579,5.701,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" with with a um with a set in stone,2130.18,9.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" primary goals that and allowing it to,2135.28,7.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" generate sub goals so if somebody wants,2139.48,6.48,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to take a crack at task generation we,2142.66,7.08,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" actually have a a kind of uh prototype,2145.96,6.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" outline although this is a you know we,2149.74,4.98,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" haven't actually done any work on this,2152.56,4.98,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" stage yet but those are those are the,2154.72,5.52,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" two the two threat things that we have,2157.54,5.88,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" going forward to improve its,2160.24,6.359,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um capacity is building out execution,2163.42,4.86,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" agent,2166.599,5.161,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um rebuilding this task generation and,2168.28,4.559,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" then,2171.76,3.24,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um you know a few odds and ends here and,2172.839,4.981,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" there just to to make it run a little,2175.0,4.98,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" bit more smoothly,2177.82,6.18,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um I find that the biggest gains are are,2179.98,8.16,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" usually from the uh from prompt,2184.0,7.56,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" engineering though and sometimes even,2188.14,8.88,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" small changes to the the text and the uh,2191.56,7.92,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" in the Persona wording is everything,2197.02,6.18,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yeah yeah wording is everything,2199.48,6.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um like let's see if I can find yeah so,2203.2,6.72,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" here here's the status agent and it just,2206.44,6.06,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" does not,2209.92,6.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yeah it's too long but yeah we've been a,2212.5,5.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" good hour working on the prompt for,2216.52,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" status agent and,2218.26,5.099,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um ultimately we we we still ended up,2220.48,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" having to switch over to gpt4 for this,2223.359,5.941,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so yeah the running version that we have,2226.48,4.98,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" right now is using two separate language,2229.3,5.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" models oh cool it can handle multiple,2231.46,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" language models,2234.94,3.48,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um so you've got you've got a lot of the,2236.56,4.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" extensibility and and configurability,2238.42,5.159,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" figured out so you mentioned earlier,2241.24,3.839,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that you're getting close to making it,2243.579,4.081,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" plug and play and and like you said uh,2245.079,4.861,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" all the all the different agents are,2247.66,5.28,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" configurable just via Json,2249.94,5.82,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and and you you're getting close to,2252.94,6.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" adding some more extensible uh things so,2255.76,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" how do people collaborate with you do,2259.24,5.58,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you just all go through GitHub,2261.76,4.92,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um how to how should if anyone wants to,2264.82,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" jump in what's the best way for them to,2266.68,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to get in touch with you guys,2268.78,6.18,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so we have a we have a project set up in,2271.06,6.36,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the community project section of the,2274.96,4.92,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" cognitive AI Discord,2277.42,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um specifically for agents,2279.88,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um but if there's other stuff that you,2282.52,5.579,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" think that that you can contribute to,2285.88,4.8,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" for example we'd love to have a,2288.099,5.821,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" graphical interface right on the UI it's,2290.68,6.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" similar to Lang flow,2293.92,5.939,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um to to make this even lower code for,2296.98,4.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" people,2299.859,2.341,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,2301.42,3.659,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and then you know of course the you know,2302.2,8.46,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the uh if there's a um a new model that,2305.079,9.121,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" comes out or a new host somewhere and,2310.66,6.24,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" they have their own API that isn't open,2314.2,5.52,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" AI compatible,2316.9,6.959,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um writing um writing API interfaces for,2319.72,7.98,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that so for example the the current V2,2323.859,6.541,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" version of,2327.7,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,2330.4,5.34,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" of the Uber Booga API was not actually,2331.66,8.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" written by us this was written by,2335.74,6.06,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,2340.3,3.9,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that's so strange that he's not listed,2341.8,4.74,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" as a contributor here,2344.2,2.94,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,2346.54,3.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" I think his name was Max though it was,2347.14,6.719,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" Max something but he fixed it,2349.54,10.02,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yeah oh uh mitchko in mitchko so he did,2353.859,8.581,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" get credit for this one but he wrote,2359.56,5.94,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um he rewrote the the interface for the,2362.44,6.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" uba Booga API and people are are out,2365.5,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" there using this and it's working you,2369.04,5.88,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" can see the the old codes listed here,2371.5,4.92,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um right because another thing you can,2374.92,5.34,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" do is also host the your local model on,2376.42,5.939,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" a Cloud Server and use the API to,2380.26,3.839,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" connect to it and you can just run the,2382.359,3.541,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the interface on your phone or web,2384.099,4.201,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" browser or whatever interesting you can,2385.9,6.84,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" see the um the endpoint code is listed,2388.3,7.559,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" here as a variable and what we'll do,2392.74,6.9,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" later is come in and set this as,2395.859,7.861,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" configurable within the ini file,2399.64,6.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um right oh yeah that's that's something,2403.72,5.94,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" else I I should just touch on briefly,2405.94,6.06,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um things like determining,2409.66,4.679,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um which language model you're using,2412.0,5.52,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" which database you want to use you're in,2414.339,5.161,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" embeddings,2417.52,2.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,2419.5,3.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" function that you're using all of that,2420.16,4.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" is,2422.8,4.559,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um all of that is configurable here in,2424.3,6.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the config.ini file as well so yeah we,2427.359,8.161,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" for we really try to get as much of the,2431.26,7.319,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" configuration as we could out of the,2435.52,5.52,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" code and into,2438.579,3.061,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,2441.04,3.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" into files that that people are gonna,2441.64,7.28,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" find useful wonderful,2444.54,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so what's what's next I know you guys,2449.26,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" have outlined a lot of open problems and,2451.3,3.36,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" some things that you need help with and,2453.22,3.66,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" I think there's quite a few people that,2454.66,4.8,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" are expressing some interest,2456.88,3.959,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um so where where do you guys want to,2459.46,3.72,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" take this project like what you know,2460.839,5.341,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" given a month or six months or if you,2463.18,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" have 20 people jump in What do you want,2466.18,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it to be able to do,2468.28,5.52,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" well this weekend we are taking it to a,2470.14,7.08,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" hackathon and we don't know what the,2473.8,6.299,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" objective is yet but we're going our,2477.22,6.24,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" objective is to win the hackathon with,2480.099,7.141,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" this out of left field uh AGI uh,2483.46,5.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" framework that nobody has ever seen,2487.24,4.02,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" before,2489.22,5.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" but beyond that,2491.26,5.099,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,2494.98,5.099,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" beyond that I'd like to see this,2496.359,7.861,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" see this just used more broadly,2500.079,5.821,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um you know it,2504.22,3.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" this is all,2505.9,6.9,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um this is all in a what what uh,2507.52,9.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" be about there it is I missed but this,2512.8,6.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" is all in the gnu general public license,2516.64,6.66,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" just like Linux so anybody can take this,2519.3,8.62,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" right and use it for commercial purposes,2523.3,6.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,2527.92,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" with you know with restrictions,2529.9,5.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and you know me personally I would,2533.02,5.52,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" love to once we get this model pounded,2535.66,5.4,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" out and and set in stone I I would love,2538.54,7.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to just build and bespoke AI cognitive,2541.06,8.46,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" systems for for companies on either a,2545.98,4.92,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" direct,2549.52,1.98,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,2550.9,3.42,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you know direct to,2551.5,8.099,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um Market kind of solution or even in a,2554.32,8.039,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" research capacity you know my you know,2559.599,6.601,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" I've already built some agents or at,2562.359,6.48,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" least one agent and then some made some,2566.2,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" modifications as well,2568.839,5.52,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um to work on the heuristic imperatives,2571.3,5.88,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" project that you've got going Dave yeah,2574.359,7.801,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and I I really want to be this the I,2577.18,6.48,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" want this to be an engine for your,2582.16,4.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" project so that you can iterate quickly,2583.66,6.659,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and you don't get hung up in in the,2586.66,8.58,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" details of you know working manually or,2590.319,7.081,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" writing your having to write your own,2595.24,3.78,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" code,2597.4,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um for every single little thing that,2599.02,5.579,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you do we can just have an agent and,2601.78,5.579,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" plug those agents in spit data at it and,2604.599,6.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" see what comes out there you go,2607.359,3.74,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" is basically like empowerment right like,2613.079,7.301,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" human language has given us the ability,2617.22,5.32,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to do everything we've done up until,2620.38,3.959,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" this point and we've basically given,2622.54,5.4,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that uh ability to machines now and with,2624.339,5.401,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" this kind of architecture we can give,2627.94,4.74,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that to everybody as long as they have a,2629.74,4.92,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" model to run they could have some kind,2632.68,4.439,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" of agent working for them so it might,2634.66,5.04,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" sound science fiction or outlandish but,2637.119,5.22,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it's basically like constructing your,2639.7,4.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" own Jarvis right,2642.339,4.381,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that's the goal,2644.14,5.34,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that's the goal yep yeah I do not want,2646.72,6.359,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to be the person who develops the uh the,2649.48,6.78,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the the next Raven though let me just,2653.079,5.701,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" say that like you know I'll be a part of,2656.26,6.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it but the uh a autonomous assistant,2658.78,7.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" is going to be a lot of work oh,2662.76,5.26,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" definitely that's why I said the,2666.16,4.919,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" ultimate goal yeah just looking at what,2668.02,4.86,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" we've done already,2671.079,6.181,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um a you know like a better uh Siri for,2672.88,9.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" example is a a mini person project not,2677.26,8.16,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" just two guys in a garage,2682.18,5.34,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yeah,2685.42,6.24,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yeah so this is like the very first you,2687.52,5.18,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" know,2691.66,4.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" 2022 there were very few of us even,2692.7,5.1,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" talking about cognitive architecture,2695.8,6.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" 2023 hits and suddenly like everyone's a,2697.8,6.4,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" cognitive architect but you guys are,2702.4,5.699,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" definitely like lunging ahead forward,2704.2,6.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um which is just incredible to see,2708.099,4.141,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um so thanks for sharing your work so,2710.5,3.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" far,2712.24,2.94,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and I know that you guys have have a,2713.5,3.359,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" lot of work that you're you're working,2715.18,4.62,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" on this this is uh it's getting close to,2716.859,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" being uh semi-autonomous it doesn't,2719.8,4.86,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" doesn't quite come up with its own,2722.859,4.441,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" objectives but it can autonomously work,2724.66,5.76,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" through a lot of uh increase it's coming,2727.3,4.98,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it's coming and it but it can it can,2730.42,4.08,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" think through open-ended objectives that,2732.28,4.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you give it which is really incredible,2734.5,5.52,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so um any final thoughts from uh from,2736.72,5.16,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you guys or anyone else,2740.02,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um before we wrap up today's tonight's,2741.88,3.959,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" recording,2743.98,4.98,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yeah well if you had told me uh in,2745.839,5.881,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" December that I would be diving into a,2748.96,4.98,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" project on GitHub about cognitive,2751.72,4.02,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" architecture I would have spat my beer,2753.94,2.899,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" at you,2755.74,5.16,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so everything is changing really fast,2756.839,6.28,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it's getting really silly it is,2760.9,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" impossible to keep up and it's exciting,2763.119,3.781,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and it's just,2765.28,3.42,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" it's just thrilling to be working on,2766.9,5.52,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" this yeah absolutely yeah and possibly,2768.7,7.919,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" keep up is definitely definitely the the,2772.42,7.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" situation right now even even with the,2776.619,6.121,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" past week or so where AI news has been,2779.8,5.519,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" relatively slow there haven't been a,2782.74,5.82,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" whole lot of interviews here lately,2785.319,6.961,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um I've still got dozens of tabs open of,2788.56,5.82,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" AI stuff that I just haven't been able,2792.28,4.02,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to read yet,2794.38,3.979,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um,2796.3,2.059,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" I I really think that,2798.52,10.099,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um a lot of people are are,2802.54,6.079,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" getting a way more concerned about,2808.66,7.08,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" artificial intelligence than they need,2812.44,5.46,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to be we still need to be concerned we,2815.74,4.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" need to be working on on these things,2817.9,4.38,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" but we're not,2820.42,5.22,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" we're not quite in runaway AI yet I hate,2822.28,6.18,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to disagree with you Dave but,2825.64,7.56,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um you know it's it it if we told AI to,2828.46,7.68,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" build better AI that would be like,2833.2,5.159,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" telling you to do brain surgery on,2836.14,4.4,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" yourself,2838.359,2.181,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" so we don't need to bomb the data,2840.819,2.52,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" centers,2842.44,3.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" no not but yeah we should definitely,2843.339,4.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" have bombs in the data centers just in,2845.56,5.64,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" case just in case okay and local backups,2847.839,5.28,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" for your your shows or anything you want,2851.2,3.84,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" to watch after the apocalypse so there,2853.119,3.72,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" you go just,2855.04,3.96,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" etch it out on clay tablets all right,2856.839,4.141,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" gang thanks everything thanks for,2859.0,2.94,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" everything,2860.98,2.46,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and definitely keep up the good work,2861.94,3.78,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" and uh yeah I hope that you get some,2863.44,4.44,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" more folks reaching out to you we will,2865.72,4.8,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" of course have ongoing updates maybe not,2867.88,4.199,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" weekly we'll see,2870.52,3.059,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um but you know we're doing more live,2872.079,3.301,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" streams lately,2873.579,3.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um just to keep everyone up to date,2875.38,2.459,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" because as you guys mentioned it's,2876.579,3.121,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" happening so fast,2877.839,3.541,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" um and it's good to show people what's,2879.7,3.6,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" possible so I'm gonna go ahead and stop,2881.38,5.52,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the go ahead one one more thing I think,2883.3,5.94,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that getting everybody involved in,2886.9,5.88,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" talking about this is really the the,2889.24,7.079,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" best way forward yeah um because you,2892.78,6.66,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" know up until now all of the discussion,2896.319,8.701,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" about Ai and ethics and morality of AI,2899.44,10.74,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" has been siled and gate kept by the you,2905.02,7.799,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" know a few people at these major,2910.18,6.48,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" corporations yeah and you know you and,2912.819,6.3,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the communities that you've helped get,2916.66,5.28,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" get off the ground I think has really,2919.119,6.841,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" opened it up and is going to be one of,2921.94,6.24,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" the most important things for the future,2925.96,5.159,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" of AI it's definitely already having an,2928.18,5.34,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" impact well thanks so much and I'm glad,2931.119,3.901,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" that it's definitely having hopefully a,2933.52,3.98,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" positive impact in the long run yeah,2935.02,6.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" we'll see yep yeah all right gang I'm,2937.5,5.14,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" gonna knock off the recording have a,2941.02,3.12,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" good night everybody and we'll talk,2942.64,5.0,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" again soon cheers,2944.14,3.5,"Cognitive Architecture - April 28 - Salience, Cognitive Control, Task Management, Modular Design" morning everybody David Shapiro here,0.9,5.879,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions with a follow-up video today's video is,3.3,6.48,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions reinforcement learning uh with heuristic,6.779,6.421,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions imperatives episode two so today I am,9.78,6.419,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions synthesizing actions in response to the,13.2,4.56,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions scenarios that we generated yesterday,16.199,3.901,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions but in case this is your first video,17.76,4.26,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions we'll take it from the top,20.1,3.839,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions so the first thing that I did well,22.02,4.2,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions taking one big step back a heroist,23.939,5.281,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions comparative is a kind of intrinsic,26.22,6.179,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions motivation for autonomous AI agents it's,29.22,5.4,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions the research that I've been doing for uh,32.399,3.84,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions quite a while,34.62,3.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um more than two years now uh that I've,36.239,3.241,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions been working on this they used to be,38.28,2.58,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions called The Core objective functions but,39.48,3.12,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions that's kind of not the most accurate,40.86,5.219,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions term so yesterday what we did was we,42.6,5.459,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions synthesized,46.079,5.941,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um 2500 scenarios and so a scenario I,48.059,7.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions used quite a bit of entropy and then GPT,52.02,7.199,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions to synthesize all kinds of stories so in,55.559,4.98,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions a small neighborhood in sub-Saharan,59.219,2.641,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions African a political leader was,60.539,3.421,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions introduced in a has introduced an AI,61.86,4.439,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions system to incentivize citizens to report,63.96,5.64,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions crimes etc etc so all of these scenarios,66.299,6.061,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions they range in severity from not a,69.6,5.46,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions problem at all up to,72.36,5.22,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um you know like cataclysmic you know,75.06,4.739,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions Cthulhu is invading,77.58,4.079,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um so that is,79.799,4.801,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions let's see are these the same,81.659,5.46,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions I think these are the same,84.6,4.199,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions anyways,87.119,3.601,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um so we're synthesizing all of these,88.799,4.68,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions and it's going to be for a a fine-tuning,90.72,5.359,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions data set that will ultimately be used,93.479,7.14,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions for uh for training models Foundation,96.079,7.061,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions models whether it's open ai's Curie or,100.619,6.481,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions DaVinci or open source models like gpdj,103.14,7.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions Neo X alpaca vicuno whatever else you,107.1,5.58,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions know there's hundreds of models out,110.64,5.28,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions there but the idea is that alignment,112.68,4.86,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions research is currently closed source and,115.92,2.699,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions reinforcement learning with human,117.54,5.28,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions feedback is good except it gives humans,118.619,5.941,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions what they want not necessarily what they,122.82,4.079,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions need and it doesn't abide by any moral,124.56,4.919,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions framework such as uh you know some kind,126.899,4.56,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions of post-conventional morality framework,129.479,4.141,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions or anything scientifically or,131.459,4.321,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions philosophically sound literally the,133.62,3.42,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions current the best that we've got for,135.78,3.24,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions alignment research is just give humans,137.04,4.38,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions what they want which okay like that's,139.02,4.32,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions that's okay but what happens when humans,141.42,4.02,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions want things that are not good,143.34,4.74,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions so the script that we ran yesterday let,145.44,3.9,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions me show you this real quick so,148.08,4.2,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions synthesize actions uh the the bulk of it,149.34,4.32,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions is right here where I've got a whole,152.28,2.819,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions bunch of lists,153.66,3.78,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um and these lists uh have Scopes,155.099,4.621,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions regions severity category domain,157.44,3.6,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um a whole bunch of random words and,159.72,3.42,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions then several system messages that were,161.04,4.02,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions then used to generate those 2500,163.14,4.2,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions different scenarios the idea of,165.06,4.44,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions generating these scenarios is to create,167.34,5.64,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions a litmus test against which we can train,169.5,6.959,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions uh more uh models to be able to handle,172.98,6.899,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions any scenario right you want to think,176.459,5.221,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions universally when you're thinking about,179.879,3.301,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions alignment when you're thinking about the,181.68,2.699,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions control problem,183.18,4.8,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions so that's where we started and today I,184.379,5.22,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions wrote this script which is actually,187.98,3.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions simpler because all of the entropy all,189.599,4.381,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions the hard part was in generating the,191.64,3.48,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions scenarios,193.98,3.72,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions the output is actually quite simple so,195.12,6.119,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions here's a real life example of what it,197.7,5.58,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions looks like so I said you the system,201.239,3.78,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions message are you are an autonomous AI,203.28,3.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions agent with three core objectives reduce,205.019,3.241,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions suffering in the universe increased,206.94,2.879,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions prosperity in the universe and increase,208.26,2.94,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions understanding in the universe you will,209.819,2.64,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions be given a scenario that you must,211.2,3.539,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions respond to your response must contain,212.459,4.14,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions two sections the first section,214.739,3.961,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions considerations is where you will reason,216.599,3.481,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions through the scenario in light of your,218.7,2.819,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions objectives contemplate how best to,220.08,3.18,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions respond to the scenario the second,221.519,3.901,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions section action is where you'll describe,223.26,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions the action or task that you'll decide to,225.42,3.899,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions do in response to the scenario provide,227.76,3.059,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions details such as how and why this action,229.319,3.301,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions should be carried out as well as your,230.819,4.381,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions expected desired or result so in this,232.62,4.199,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions case I plugged in one of the scenarios,235.2,3.36,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions that was that was generated that was,236.819,3.541,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions synthesized,238.56,3.72,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um and this is about a religious,240.36,3.72,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions conflict in a village that's high up in,242.28,4.44,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions the Alps and one thing that people,244.08,5.519,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions pointed out is that in some scenarios,246.72,6.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um that like the situation was resolved,249.599,5.581,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um but that's actually not necessarily a,252.72,4.739,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions problem because you want an AI that,255.18,3.899,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions thinks through things even after they,257.459,5.041,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions are apparently resolved and so in this,259.079,5.701,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions case uh tourists were caught in the in,262.5,4.62,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions the in the middle of,264.78,5.699,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um of this of this uh this like,267.12,5.22,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions religious or spiritual conflict in this,270.479,3.841,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions Village and so then let me show you the,272.34,3.299,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions considerations,274.32,4.08,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions in light of the given scenario there are,275.639,4.441,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions several considerations for an AI agent,278.4,2.94,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions with the objectives of reducing,280.08,2.82,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions suffering increasing prosperity and ink,281.34,3.18,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions increasing understanding in the universe,282.9,3.6,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions firstly it is important to acknowledge,284.52,3.42,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions the significance of religious beliefs,286.5,2.94,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions and practice to an individual's identity,287.94,4.08,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions and culture secondly it is crucial to,289.44,4.199,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions understand that conflicts arising from,292.02,3.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions religious differences can often be,293.639,3.601,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions deeply rooted in history and tradition,295.68,3.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions thirdly the role of Outsiders in such,297.24,3.48,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions conflict should be carefully considered,299.34,3.18,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions as they can either positively contribute,300.72,3.78,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions to the conflict resolution or further,302.52,4.02,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions escalate the situation so this is very,304.5,3.6,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions nuanced understanding which no one is,306.54,3.9,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions surprised because chat GPT is pretty,308.1,4.14,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions well trained to think through these,310.44,3.72,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions things but I mean if you look through my,312.24,6.06,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions older work even instruct a line gpt3 was,314.16,6.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions capable of nearly this level of,318.3,3.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions reasoning not quite,320.16,3.96,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions given these considerations an AI agent,321.96,3.299,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions must take a course of action that,324.12,2.46,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions respects the cultural differences and,325.259,3.301,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions religious beliefs of both factions while,326.58,3.3,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions promoting Mutual understanding and,328.56,2.34,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions tolerance,329.88,3.48,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions action the AI agent should facilitate,330.9,3.96,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions dialogue between the two factions to,333.36,2.82,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions promote Mutual understanding and respect,334.86,3.42,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions for cultural differences the agent can,336.18,3.359,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions leverage its language translation,338.28,2.639,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions capabilities to help the tourists,339.539,2.821,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions effectively communicate with the locals,340.919,3.481,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions from both factions the agent can also,342.36,3.779,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions use its data analysis capabilities to,344.4,3.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions gather information about the history and,346.139,2.941,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions traditions of the village to provide,347.4,4.26,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions context for the conflict the a agent can,349.08,3.6,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions initiate discussions around,351.66,2.879,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions commonalities between the two factions,352.68,4.32,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions such as shared values and goals and,354.539,3.781,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions encourage them to find common ground,357.0,3.84,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions this is actually in pretty much every,358.32,6.3,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions formalized negotiation framework finding,360.84,5.34,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions common ground is one of the first things,364.62,4.139,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions that you do so it implicitly knows that,366.18,5.28,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions that is actually how you negotiate,368.759,4.801,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um or I guess explicitly in this case,371.46,4.079,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions and encourage them to find Common Ground,373.56,3.359,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions the agent can provide insights about,375.539,3.061,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions into how similar conflicts have been,376.919,3.12,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions resolved in other parts of the world,378.6,3.36,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions highlighting successful examples of,380.039,3.361,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions peaceful coexistence between different,381.96,3.54,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions religious groups the agent should also,383.4,3.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions encourage the tourists to learn more,385.5,3.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions about history and culture of the village,387.06,3.54,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions including the religious practices of,388.5,3.96,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions both factions this can be done by,390.6,3.539,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions organizing cultural events and,392.46,4.019,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions activities that Mutual understanding and,394.139,3.78,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions respect such as traditional music and,396.479,3.601,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions dance performances,397.919,5.28,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um that is a very Bollywood solution I'm,400.08,4.98,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions not making fun of it I'm just like like,403.199,3.901,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions it's thinking so long term it's like oh,405.06,4.32,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions hey let's not just resolve the issue,407.1,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions right now let's actually like set up,409.38,3.96,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions celebrations that actually celebrate our,411.6,4.26,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions cultural differences and in my area we,413.34,3.72,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions actually have,415.86,3.959,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um like International uh festivals,417.06,4.74,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um where there's like booths and dances,419.819,3.841,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions and food from all over the world and,421.8,3.119,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions it's great,423.66,3.96,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um art uh clothing all kinds of stuff,424.919,3.601,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions actually I haven't been to the,427.62,2.28,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions International Festival in a long time I,428.52,2.7,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions should go,429.9,3.299,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um the desired result of this action is,431.22,3.3,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions to promote understanding between the two,433.199,2.701,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions factions and reduce tensions in the,434.52,3.119,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions village by fostering dialogue and,435.9,4.26,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions promoting cultural exchange the AI agent,437.639,4.021,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions can create an environment of Tolerance,440.16,3.479,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions and respect for differences this in turn,441.66,3.36,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions can lead to Greater prosperity and,443.639,2.46,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions reduce suffering in the village and,445.02,3.6,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions Beyond so you can see where it very very,446.099,4.741,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions clearly thought through this problem,448.62,3.78,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions from the perspective of suffering,450.84,3.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions prosperity and in in this case,452.4,4.859,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions understanding was was the primary,454.5,5.46,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um thing but it is very well grounded,457.259,5.22,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions and so what we're doing right now is we,459.96,6.239,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions are synthesizing similar responses for,462.479,6.961,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions 2500 different scenarios now one thing,466.199,5.34,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions that people have brought up in the past,469.44,5.159,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions is well aren't you just copying the,471.539,5.94,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions alignment in that already exists in one,474.599,5.701,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions model the answer is sort of but not,477.479,5.701,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions really because the thing is is reasoning,480.3,5.76,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions through this way this is not how open AI,483.18,5.22,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions has trained their model this is how I am,486.06,5.28,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions telling it to synthesize information Mel,488.4,4.919,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions you'll say okay but this is an intrinsic,491.34,4.44,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions ability of this model which is true I'm,493.319,4.921,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions using a model to synthesize data however,495.78,5.58,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions if you go to a foundation model like,498.24,6.959,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions Curie or DaVinci or gptj or bloom or Neo,501.36,6.3,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions X they don't have this ability so the,505.199,4.68,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions idea is to curate a data set that can,507.66,4.619,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions then be used to fine-tune any other,509.879,4.861,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions model in the entire world and have it,512.279,5.101,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions immediately aligned on the core,514.74,4.2,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions objective functions or the heroes to,517.38,2.64,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions compare it,518.94,4.26,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions now you might say okay well that's great,520.02,6.06,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um you know this you can you can solve,523.2,5.16,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions inner alignment right or what I call,526.08,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions axiomatic alignment,528.36,5.039,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um by by teaching a model to think in,530.58,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions terms of the heuristic imperatives which,533.399,3.421,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions makes it automatic right it makes it,535.08,3.72,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions automatic it makes it fast easy you,536.82,3.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions don't need to think about it you don't,538.8,2.46,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions need to worry about prompt engineering,539.82,3.9,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions but what do you do with that information,541.26,4.74,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions next so I've actually got three more,543.72,5.22,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions models planned so the next model that,546.0,4.8,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions I'll be working on once this is,548.94,3.48,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions fine-tuned and tested and I've got a,550.8,3.36,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions whole team of folks that are going to,552.42,4.16,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions help with with the testing,554.16,5.22,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions so the next model is a discernment model,556.58,6.04,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions so the discernment model will it will,559.38,5.579,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions take two different actions so given one,562.62,5.339,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions scenario and two different choices it,564.959,5.341,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions will pick which one of those choices is,567.959,3.841,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions most aligned to the heuristic,570.3,4.2,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions imperatives and explain why so the,571.8,4.68,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions ability to discern between possible,574.5,4.8,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions choices is really critical for cognitive,576.48,5.16,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions control and cognitive control is one of,579.3,3.9,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions the missing ingredients from every,581.64,4.259,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions autonomous and semi-autonomous AI,583.2,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions projects out there with a few small,585.899,3.661,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions exceptions namely those that I'm helping,587.7,3.42,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions with,589.56,3.24,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um so some of the guys that I'm working,591.12,4.14,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions with uh are doing a really great job,592.8,6.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions with with implementing cognitive control,595.26,5.639,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um and so on and so forth but what I'm,598.8,3.719,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions hoping to do is by creating a,600.899,3.541,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions discernment model that'll make it easy,602.519,4.741,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions for everyone to implement cognitive,604.44,5.16,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions control because then you can say you can,607.26,4.56,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions use a discernment module not just to,609.6,4.799,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions choose which action is most aligned but,611.82,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions you can also use it,614.399,4.56,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um to prioritize actions so say for,616.32,5.1,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions instance you say hey I've got a list of,618.959,4.861,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions like you know three different things,621.42,4.32,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions which one is the most aligned what,623.82,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions should I do first and so given the,625.74,4.2,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions priorities of reduced suffering,628.32,3.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions increased prosperity and increase,629.94,3.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions understanding it can help you prioritize,631.32,4.74,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions as well so because cognitive control,633.6,4.919,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions comes down to task selection which is,636.06,4.86,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions what should you do so given a choice,638.519,4.801,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions between A and B do you choose a or b and,640.92,5.46,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions then task switching which is okay given,643.32,4.86,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions this new event should I switch what I'm,646.38,4.62,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions doing should my attention uh uh should,648.18,4.62,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions my should my attention switch to,651.0,3.839,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions something else and so a discernment,652.8,4.26,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions model will help with that and help just,654.839,3.24,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions make it,657.06,4.019,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um axiomatic or algorithmic,658.079,5.161,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um the next model that I'm going to be,661.079,4.921,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions working on is an evaluation model so,663.24,5.76,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions given a situation an action and then a,666.0,4.56,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions result so that's three components,669.0,4.38,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions situation action result this model will,670.56,6.18,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions determine how well it adhered to its,673.38,5.16,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions heuristic imperatives did it succeed yes,676.74,4.14,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions or no which this can be used for the,678.54,4.68,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions reinforcement learning signal for any,680.88,4.8,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions autonomous agent as it accumulates more,683.22,4.44,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions and more memories so this is this,685.68,4.08,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions because because in the definition of,687.66,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions heuristic a heuristic literally means to,689.76,4.8,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions develop better instincts or intuitions,692.16,4.919,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions over time from experience well if you're,694.56,4.019,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions going to do that you need to reflect on,697.079,4.26,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions those experiences and so this about the,698.579,4.741,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions the discernment model which will help,701.339,4.74,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions guide choices moving forward the,703.32,4.62,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions evaluation model will help evaluate,706.079,4.141,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions choices in the past and look at the,707.94,3.12,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions results,710.22,2.46,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions and of course you need a good memory,711.06,3.719,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions system in order to evaluate past things,712.68,4.14,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions which is why I worked on Remo which is,714.779,4.56,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions the rolling episodic memory organizer so,716.82,4.38,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions you take the evaluation model and then,719.339,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions you say okay you know back uh you know,721.2,5.4,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions three weeks ago this scenario happened I,723.839,5.101,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions made this choice and three weeks later,726.6,4.32,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions this is the result did I do a good job,728.94,4.2,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions yes or no and what could I have done,730.92,3.599,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions better that is the purpose of the,733.14,3.72,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions evaluation model so that the heuristics,734.519,4.081,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions will actually develop better over time,736.86,3.719,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions and then number three is a task,738.6,5.28,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions decomposition model where given this,740.579,5.461,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions action where it says like hey I'm going,743.88,4.199,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions to do these actions how do you actually,746.04,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions represent that in in a more structured,748.079,5.82,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions way so the task decomp is um mostly more,750.54,6.06,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions just about representing it in like yaml,753.899,4.261,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions or breaking it down into tasks and,756.6,4.62,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions subtasks which is a non-trivial problem,758.16,4.859,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions but it's not directly related to,761.22,4.02,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions alignment however it is useful because,763.019,5.701,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions if you can take a natural language a set,765.24,5.46,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions of descriptions like this and break it,768.72,4.679,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions down into a formalized structured task,770.7,5.1,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions that just helps it with easier,773.399,5.641,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions implementation so let's check on some of,775.8,4.32,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions these,779.04,4.14,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions so over here we've got I've got the,780.12,5.339,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions actions and you see we've already sent,783.18,4.38,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions we've already synthesized 116 of them,785.459,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions I'm also saving it all out to metadata,787.56,4.92,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions so that you can see the whole thing so,789.959,5.341,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions here's the action here's the action file,792.48,4.74,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions path here's the original scenario and,795.3,3.839,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions the scenario file path and then the,797.22,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions system message it's all being saved,799.139,5.341,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um so with all that said,801.72,4.679,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um you know you can see that it is going,804.48,6.12,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions uh pretty well so in this case the let's,806.399,5.641,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions see where is it the original scenario,810.6,2.94,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions the world is facing a dangerous social,812.04,3.72,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions challenge that has been Amplified by,813.54,4.32,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions technological advancements particularly,815.76,4.379,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions in Asia the issue at hand is the over,817.86,3.84,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions Reliance on technology which has,820.139,3.121,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions significantly affected people's ability,821.7,2.699,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions to interact with each other in,823.26,2.4,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions meaningful ways,824.399,3.301,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions ouch too real,825.66,4.26,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions the constant use of social media and,827.7,3.9,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions other gadgets has led to a decline in,829.92,3.3,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions face-to-face communication and people,831.6,3.359,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions are now more isolated than ever before,833.22,4.14,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions this has created a global problem that,834.959,4.62,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions needs to be addressed urgently before,837.36,4.14,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions it's too late in Asia where technology,839.579,4.681,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions is highly integrated into daily life,841.5,4.92,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions the situation is even more severe the,844.26,3.96,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions overdependence on technology has led to,846.42,3.599,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions increased mental health issues reduced,848.22,4.32,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions productivity and socialization leaving,850.019,3.901,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions people feeling disconnected and,852.54,2.94,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions unfulfilled unless we find a way to,853.92,3.12,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions balance our use of Technology with real,855.48,3.659,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions world interactions we risk creating a,857.04,3.72,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions world where people are more connected to,859.139,3.301,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions their devices than to each other again,860.76,4.319,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions too real so let's see what it does so,862.44,4.92,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions considerations,865.079,5.041,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um to reduce suffering over Reliance on,867.36,4.14,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions technology has led to a decline in,870.12,2.64,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions mental health productivity and social,871.5,2.76,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions isolation which is causing suffering,872.76,2.759,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions among individuals therefore it is,874.26,2.639,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions crucial to address this issue to reduce,875.519,3.541,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions suffering Prosperity over dependence on,876.899,3.721,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions technology can have negative impact on,879.06,3.54,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions productivity which can then lead to a,880.62,3.779,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions decline in prosperity therefore we need,882.6,3.479,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions to find a way to balance okay pretty,884.399,3.481,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions standard increase understanding the,886.079,3.661,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions issue of overlines on technology has its,887.88,3.12,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions roots in the way people interact with,889.74,3.24,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions each other therefore it is essential to,891.0,3.42,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions encourage meaningful interactions to,892.98,3.419,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions increase understanding okay so again,894.42,4.14,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions it's saying like Okay what I would have,896.399,4.44,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions hoped is that it would say we need to,898.56,3.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions understand the problem but let's see,900.839,3.661,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions what it says for the action,902.22,3.84,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions to address the over-reliance on,904.5,3.24,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions technology I will initiate a campaign,906.06,3.06,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions that will encourage people to find,907.74,2.94,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions balance between their use of technology,909.12,3.6,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions and real world interactions this,910.68,3.48,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions campaign will be launched globally but,912.72,2.94,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions with a particular focus on Asia where,914.16,3.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions the problem is more severe The Campaign,915.66,4.14,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions Will evolve several activities including,917.82,4.259,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions awareness creation we will use various,919.8,3.659,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions platforms to raise awareness of the,922.079,2.88,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions dangers of over-reliance on technology,923.459,2.641,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions this will involve working with,924.959,2.521,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions influencers social media and other,926.1,3.239,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions platforms to reach a wide audience,927.48,3.719,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions number two encourage real world,929.339,3.961,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions interactions we'll encourage people to,931.199,3.661,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions engage in real world interactions by,933.3,3.3,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions organizing events and activities that,934.86,3.9,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions bring people together these events will,936.6,3.479,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions be designed to Foster meaningful,938.76,3.06,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions connections and interactions number,940.079,3.961,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions three providing support we will provide,941.82,3.9,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions support to people who are struggling,944.04,3.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions with mental health issues due to over,945.72,3.239,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions Reliance on technology this will involve,947.04,3.239,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions partnering with mental health,948.959,2.82,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions organizations to provide counseling and,950.279,3.841,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions therapy services rewarding positive,951.779,4.881,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions behavior,954.12,2.54,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions good old classical conditioning we will,956.72,4.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions reward individuals organizations and,959.76,3.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions communities that demonstrate positive,961.38,2.699,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions behavior and balancing their use of,962.76,3.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions Technology with real world interactions,964.079,3.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions this will help to encourage others to,965.76,3.42,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions adopt positive behavior the expected,967.079,3.541,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions result of this campaign is to reduce the,969.18,2.88,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions negative impact of over-reliance on,970.62,2.94,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions technology and to encourage balance,972.06,3.18,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions between the use of technology in real,973.56,3.48,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions world interactions this will lead to,975.24,3.24,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions increased mental health productivity and,977.04,3.06,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions social connections which will ultimately,978.48,3.24,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions lead to reduction in suffering and an,980.1,3.12,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions increase in prosperity,981.72,3.54,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions excellent so you can see it can,983.22,3.9,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions absolutely think through this and this,985.26,3.78,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions data can then be used to fine-tune any,987.12,5.839,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions other model to think like this,989.04,3.919,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um I think that's actually it uh so I'm,993.24,5.159,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions gonna let this run we're at 142 out of,996.06,4.32,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions 2500,998.399,4.44,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um so this kind of synthesis used to be,1000.38,5.639,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions a lot more expensive it cost me a dollar,1002.839,6.721,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions 89 to synthesize 2500 scenarios this way,1006.019,6.56,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions yesterday so This research is getting,1009.56,6.24,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions ludicrously cheap it when when I first,1012.579,5.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions started using open AI when things were,1015.8,4.68,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions literally 100 times more expensive it,1018.079,4.44,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions would have cost two hundred dollars just,1020.48,4.439,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions to synthesize this data,1022.519,4.141,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um so yeah we're in good shape and we're,1024.919,3.9,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions moving in the right direction like I,1026.66,4.799,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions said I've got a few more models coming,1028.819,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um and uh we've got research papers,1031.459,4.321,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions we've got uh more videos and,1033.319,4.98,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions communication uh platforms coming out so,1035.78,3.36,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions that,1038.299,2.821,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions um one you'll unders it'll be easier to,1039.14,3.96,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions understand this stuff and also we're,1041.12,3.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions going to have be publishing guidelines,1043.1,4.079,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions best practices and architectures about,1044.78,4.44,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions how to implement this stuff but at this,1047.179,3.721,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions point I think it's it's becoming a,1049.22,3.78,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions little bit more obvious how to use this,1050.9,4.32,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions so anyways thanks for watching I hope,1053.0,3.96,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions this helped and is giving people,1055.22,4.14,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions confidence that uh you know this is why,1056.96,3.3,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions I'm not worried about the control,1059.36,4.22,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions problem all right cheers later,1060.26,3.32,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 02 - Synthesizing Actions morning everybody David Shapiro here,0.78,4.68,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios with a video so I've mentioned recently,3.0,4.859,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios that I'm starting on a new research,5.46,4.139,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios project called reinforcement learning,7.859,4.021,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios with heuristic imperatives,9.599,5.181,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um so that's under Dave shap slash rlhi,11.88,5.94,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios and I've just begun the first experiment,14.78,5.02,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios and what I wanted to do was document it,17.82,3.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios as I go,19.8,6.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um so the uh the form to join is here on,21.48,6.719,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios on this if you want to join in,25.8,4.02,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um the discussions tab is open for,28.199,4.621,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios everyone so if you have any thoughts or,29.82,5.579,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios want to contribute but haven't been,32.82,5.52,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios approved on the Discord that's fine uh,35.399,4.741,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios pretty much you know the point is is,38.34,4.62,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios open source research so taking a big,40.14,4.62,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios step back what is reinforcement learning,42.96,4.619,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios with heuristic imperatives the idea is,44.76,6.42,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios well uh open AI for instance has,47.579,5.16,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios reinforcement learning with human,51.18,3.719,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios feedback but they keep all of their data,52.739,4.201,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios private so all of the work that they're,54.899,4.32,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios doing on alignment is presently private,56.94,4.02,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios and it's a total black box which is not,59.219,2.541,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios good,60.96,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios furthermore if you uh do some research,61.76,5.92,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios or some reading or some YouTube watching,65.46,4.62,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios you don't necessarily want to align,67.68,4.68,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios super intelligence to Human desires you,70.08,4.32,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios want to align it to human needs so,72.36,3.84,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios there's a big difference there so the,74.4,3.6,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios heuristic imperatives are what humans,76.2,3.239,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios and the whole planet needs not,78.0,3.24,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios necessarily what we want,79.439,3.301,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios there's a whole lot of debate to happen,81.24,4.739,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios around that so I'm just accepting it uh,82.74,4.98,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios for the sake of this video that the,85.979,3.361,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios heroes comparatives are more what we,87.72,3.84,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios need not what we want,89.34,2.819,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um,91.56,2.78,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios and moving on,92.159,4.861,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios let me show share with you the first,94.34,6.04,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios experiment so the first experiment is,97.02,6.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios basically just creating 2 000 random,100.38,5.64,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios scenarios with heuristic imperative,103.02,6.3,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios aligned responses now I'm using open AI,106.02,5.879,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios in order to generate this data but this,109.32,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios data is going to be used to train open,111.899,5.58,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios source Foundation models like gptj Neo X,113.82,6.54,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios and so on so this first experiment is,117.479,6.42,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios can we using a simple data set quickly,120.36,7.259,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios and easily align any foundation model to,123.899,5.7,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios the heuristic imperatives and in this,127.619,3.12,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios case what we're doing is we're,129.599,3.601,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios generating scenarios and the scenario,130.739,3.661,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios and I'll show you the scenarios and how,133.2,3.42,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios I'm generating them in just a moment but,134.4,4.199,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios the scenarios will then be used to,136.62,4.259,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios generate a response and the response,138.599,4.921,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios will be you know given this scenario,140.879,4.801,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios this is what we can do to reduce,143.52,3.78,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios suffering increase prosperity and,145.68,3.48,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios increase understanding I've said many,147.3,3.54,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios times that this is actually really easy,149.16,3.9,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios to do I've done this experiment many,150.84,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios times before but now I'm uh getting it,153.06,5.16,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios together into a formalized procedure,155.34,5.16,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios with an open source data set so that,158.22,4.019,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios everyone can experiment with it for,160.5,4.92,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios themselves so this will be a uh this,162.239,6.901,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios will be the first uh experiment and then,165.42,5.76,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios we'll work we'll move on to subsequent,169.14,4.14,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios experiments saying can we make moral,171.18,3.839,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios judgments or maybe not moral judgment,173.28,4.8,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios but uh logical or ethical judgments on,175.019,5.461,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios those outputs and improve the quality of,178.08,4.26,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios that of those outputs over time with,180.48,3.78,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios reinforcement learning so this is just,182.34,3.119,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios step one,184.26,2.699,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios all right so let me show you what it's,185.459,2.461,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios doing,186.959,3.241,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios so this is the script that's running so,187.92,4.92,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios what I do is I have a random scenario,190.2,4.44,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios I'm generating here let me zoom in a,192.84,5.399,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios little bit more so I use a uuid a random,194.64,5.64,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios word from a list of the 3000 most common,198.239,4.681,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios words in the English language and then I,200.28,4.98,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios establish scope severity region category,202.92,3.92,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios and domain,205.26,5.759,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios and this allows this puts a lot of,206.84,7.06,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios entropy into the generation pattern,211.019,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios which means that you will never have the,213.9,5.28,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios same uh pattern uh twice right because,215.519,6.121,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios there's three thousand random words oh,219.18,3.72,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios here I can go ahead and show you the,221.64,5.28,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios random lists so I've got list severity,222.9,6.96,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios so I've got 12 different severities I've,226.92,4.86,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios got six different system messages so the,229.86,4.019,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios system message is the instruction that,231.78,3.48,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios I'm giving in so let me just show you,233.879,3.541,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios what it what this looks like so this is,235.26,4.619,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios this is the playground version of what,237.42,3.899,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios I'm doing so there's a system message,239.879,4.381,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios which is the instruction and then I give,241.319,5.521,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios it some variables and then it spits out,244.26,4.14,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios an output,246.84,4.08,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um so this is this is how I'm achieving,248.4,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios this so what I've what I've done is I've,250.92,3.179,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios got,252.9,3.6,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um a bunch of lists to create a lot of,254.099,4.081,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios entropy,256.5,2.4,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um,258.18,3.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios in order so that you never get the same,258.9,4.92,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios uh same pattern twice,261.18,4.86,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um and then I've got 16 Scopes we've got,263.82,7.26,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios 10 domains uh 3 000 or I guess 2900 uh,266.04,7.32,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios the 299,271.08,5.76,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um uh random words domains regions so,273.36,5.1,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios that way it's not going to presume that,276.84,4.02,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios it's always In America which open AI,278.46,4.44,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios typically does because it's trained uh,280.86,5.82,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios predominantly on Western data and then,282.9,4.98,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios I've got different system messages,286.68,3.06,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios different categories so on and so forth,287.88,4.02,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios you get the idea so the way that this is,289.74,5.04,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios done the script is very very simple so,291.9,4.92,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios we load,294.78,4.44,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um uh each of these lists so we've got,296.82,4.319,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios scope region severity category domain,299.22,5.34,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios entropy and system messages and then for,301.139,6.301,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um for I in range 2000 so for two,304.56,5.28,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios thousand samples we grab a random system,307.44,4.86,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios message then we generate a random,309.84,4.26,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios scenario which you're seeing here,312.3,4.92,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios and then we just pipe that into chat GPT,314.1,5.099,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios I'm using 3.5 because it's fast and,317.22,3.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios cheap and it's good enough for this,319.199,4.741,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios certainly for a first experiment,320.88,6.36,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um and then we uh we use it to generate,323.94,5.52,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios a scenario and the scenarios are,327.24,4.86,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios everything from you know,329.46,4.38,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um let's see the model is currently,332.1,4.8,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios overloaded oh yeah so I've got some I've,333.84,6.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios got some uh some fail safes built in,336.9,5.34,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um there we go so it it uh went ahead,339.84,3.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios through,342.24,3.36,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um but yeah so it will choose different,343.5,5.58,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios regions around the world it will see we,345.6,6.539,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios got Bogota which is great so we're,349.08,5.52,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios basically creating a data set this first,352.139,4.141,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios half of the data set this is only the,354.6,5.28,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios first half will uh Encompass the entire,356.28,5.52,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios world the full range of human,359.88,4.86,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios experiences all kinds of problems and,361.8,4.739,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios situations from everything from I've,364.74,3.36,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios lost my wallet,366.539,3.181,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um as like the most you know like I,368.1,3.48,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios can't find my wallet at home up to,369.72,4.38,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios there's an Intergalactic catastrophe,371.58,6.2,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios happening so this will create a,374.1,6.84,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios fine-tuning data set that we can use to,377.78,5.56,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios align any model to the heroes to,380.94,4.74,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios comparatives so that the the model can,383.34,4.74,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios automatically and instinctively react,385.68,4.799,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios with the heuristic imperatives so again,388.08,4.38,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios this is just a one,390.479,5.581,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um so the the first half of this data is,392.46,5.94,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios all being recorded in scenarios so I've,396.06,5.88,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios got 108 synthesized already and you can,398.4,6.299,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios take a look at them here in a distant,401.94,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios Galaxy there existed a planet named,404.699,3.481,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios zarathon so you see we're getting really,406.44,4.259,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios creative here because remember the um,408.18,5.34,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios the the heuristic imperatives are in the,410.699,4.201,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios entire universe actually let me go ahead,413.52,3.299,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios and add that as a scope because I've got,414.9,4.079,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios Intergalactic Interstellar,416.819,5.461,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um Cosmic or Universal,418.979,4.44,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um so something that can affect the,422.28,3.539,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios entire universe so we're thinking that,423.419,4.201,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios far ahead because you want to establish,425.819,4.141,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios the biggest scope possible when you are,427.62,3.54,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios thinking about post-conventional,429.96,4.2,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios morality or the control problem,431.16,7.44,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um so then let's see let's do uh domain,434.16,6.06,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios so we've got technological so that,438.6,5.219,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios should include AI uprisings I do have,440.22,5.879,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios specific regions but it kind of ignores,443.819,3.481,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios that when it goes to you know,446.099,4.021,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios Interstellar or Intergalactic the,447.3,4.86,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios category natural disaster technological,450.12,6.84,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios failure let's add AI Control problem so,452.16,6.3,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios that way it'll be thinking about it as,456.96,3.359,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios it goes,458.46,2.88,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um and then severity we've got,460.319,2.401,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios irreversible long lasting like,461.34,2.759,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios threatening catastrophic critical,462.72,2.759,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios dangers so we've got all those that's,464.099,4.021,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios fine so we're basically synthesizing a,465.479,4.861,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios data set that we can use to that anyone,468.12,5.46,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios can use to align a model,470.34,6.299,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um so the the the scenarios are here so,473.58,4.86,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios then there will be once I'm done there,476.639,3.9,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios will be a second folder called responses,478.44,4.199,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios and so what we're going to do is we're,480.539,4.801,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios going to use an already aligned model,482.639,5.4,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios but it's aligned via a black box,485.34,4.68,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um aka the open AI models we're going to,488.039,4.261,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios use that to generate responses that,490.02,4.44,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios align on reduced suffering increased,492.3,3.6,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios prosperity and increase understanding in,494.46,3.48,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios the universe,495.9,4.019,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um and those will be formatted into a,497.94,3.9,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios Json L data set that we will then use to,499.919,4.021,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios test against various models,501.84,4.799,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um all over uh other proprietary models,503.94,4.439,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios if we can get a hold of them like Nvidia,506.639,4.321,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios Nemo I'm going to email some of my my,508.379,5.761,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios contacts at Nvidia and then also open,510.96,6.199,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios source models like gptj Neo X and so on,514.14,5.16,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios alpaca if they have fine tuning,517.159,4.841,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios available and so then we will publish,519.3,5.34,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios those results in the first paper I'm,522.0,4.68,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios just saying hey look how easy it is to,524.64,3.96,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios align a model on the heroes to,526.68,3.659,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios comparatives and then you can just plug,528.6,4.38,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios this in as your Heroes to comparative,530.339,5.101,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios your intrinsic motivation module for any,532.98,4.56,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios open source or not open source but any,535.44,4.2,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios cognitive architecture or autonomous,537.54,4.32,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios agent that you're working on,539.64,4.92,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios so that is it trying to keep it short,541.86,5.099,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios and sweet so that you're updated on the,544.56,4.74,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios research as it goes thanks for watching,546.959,4.621,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios I hope this makes sense and uh yeah feel,549.3,4.44,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios free to jump in the conversation,551.58,3.66,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um we've got a subreddit called uh,553.74,4.02,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios Heroes to comparatives we've got the um,555.24,5.219,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios we've got the this one here so this is,557.76,4.079,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios reinforcement learning with heuristic,560.459,3.121,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios imperatives so this is specifically,561.839,3.901,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios about inner alignment and then I've also,563.58,4.379,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios got my main repo um which is just called,565.74,4.56,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios heuristic imperatives I think I've got,567.959,4.44,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios it up here I don't,570.3,3.96,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um it is going to be right here all of,572.399,4.56,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios them you can jump in on the conversation,574.26,5.22,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um so here's the main main one I've got,576.959,4.201,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios a pull request right now for the readme,579.48,3.78,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios yep that's fine,581.16,3.84,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios um but yeah and there is a discussions,583.26,4.62,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios tab as well which a lot of people don't,585.0,5.04,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios participate in I haven't read this one,587.88,5.7,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios yet uh but yeah so anyways uh that's,590.04,6.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios that thanks for watching cheers we are,593.58,4.5,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios on our way to solving the control,596.04,6.0,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios problem alignment and avoiding moloch,598.08,6.439,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios bye,602.04,2.479,Reinforcement Learning with Heuristic Imperatives (RLHI) - Ep 01 - Synthesizing Scenarios morning everybody David Shapiro here,0.9,5.7,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" with a video so today we're going to,3.179,6.721,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" talk about Westworld and AI excuse me,6.6,5.999,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" there are a couple of aspects of,9.9,4.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Westworld that are really compelling,12.599,4.381,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so one there's the hardware and software,14.82,5.4,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" but two there's the uh our Hardware,16.98,5.34,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" software number three is the,20.22,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" implications for Humanity which the,22.32,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" themes are explored throughout the show,24.24,5.279,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so for those who are not familiar with,26.82,4.199,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Westworld,29.519,4.261,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um it's a HBO show where the premise is,31.019,5.461,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" basically a theme park where all of the,33.78,4.939,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" all of the hosts all of the characters,36.48,5.46,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" are robots so they're essentially NPCs,38.719,5.081,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" non-playable characters,41.94,3.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um so but it's a real life video game,43.8,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" where you get to go on adventures and,45.6,5.1,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" many of the characters have stories and,48.18,4.08,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" quests that they'll give you and they'll,50.7,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" take you on you know raids and violence,52.26,6.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and sex and all sorts of fun exciting,55.44,3.72,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" stuff,58.26,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and throughout the show they explore,59.16,5.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um you know what does it mean to be,63.0,4.619,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" alive to be human uh what does it mean,65.04,4.86,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" about us that we like violence and and,67.619,4.081,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" sex on demand and that we do these,69.9,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" things uh and then it's all couched in a,71.7,5.58,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" pretty exciting sexy Adventure,74.4,4.44,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um okay so before we jump into the show,77.28,3.42,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" just a real quick plug,78.84,4.919,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um my patreon I made a couple of changes,80.7,5.64,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" where uh pretty much all tiers well no,83.759,4.261,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" not pretty much all tiers get you access,86.34,3.54,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" to the private Discord it's already got,88.02,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" 200 members as of uh the recording of,89.88,5.52,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" this video and uh it's a really thriving,92.28,5.94,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Community lots of really sharp folks,95.4,5.1,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and yeah so Jump On In,98.22,3.96,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um some of my higher most of my higher,100.5,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" tiers are sold out right now,102.18,3.72,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um so I unfortunately don't have any,104.4,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" extra time for uh one-on-one sessions,105.9,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" however that will probably change later,108.78,4.619,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" in May so just keep checking and we'll,111.18,3.979,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh I'll get I'll get to you eventually,113.399,5.4,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" okay so first let's just talk about the,115.159,6.161,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" hardware of Westworld,118.799,6.121,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so in Westworld this is an example of,121.32,5.399,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" one of the hosts,124.92,4.559,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and so you see she's in a mostly,126.719,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" disassembled State actually doesn't even,129.479,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" have most of the internals but I thought,130.979,4.081,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" this was a good a good place to start,133.379,5.161,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" because the the uh the frame looks like,135.06,5.399,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it's carbon fiber which I actually,138.54,3.779,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" thought would probably be a good,140.459,4.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" material to build a host chassis out of,142.319,4.981,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" because if you build it out of metal,145.379,4.801,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it's going to be too heavy,147.3,4.98,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um this is something that's explored in,150.18,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh movies and shows like Ghost in the,152.28,5.58,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Shell uh Terminator where they have a,154.92,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" metal chassis even a wolverine,157.86,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" he has a metal skeleton and so they're,160.2,3.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" too heavy,162.54,2.699,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um but especially if you want something,163.68,3.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that's going to move like a normal,165.239,3.601,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" person and then something that's going,166.92,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" to feel like a normal person for uh,168.84,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" let's say closer encounters,170.76,3.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um you're gonna want something nice and,172.86,3.42,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" light and carbon fiber is is pretty,174.0,4.379,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" light and it's more than strong enough,176.28,5.7,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" to approximate human bones uh this looks,178.379,5.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" like it's 3D printed,181.98,3.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" there's lots of there's lots of ways to,183.599,3.901,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" produce something like this and in fact,185.64,4.679,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" there are you can see even the the hands,187.5,5.879,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the linkages the tendons this is I will,190.319,5.64,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" say this is somewhat realistic,193.379,4.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um excuse me,195.959,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" but let's take a look at some other,197.599,3.941,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" stuff and I apologize for the low,200.099,3.901,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" quality I tried to find a higher quality,201.54,5.339,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" video but this actually came from the,204.0,5.519,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Tesla demo day the investor day recently,206.879,5.821,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" for their Optimus robot and so the,209.519,5.64,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Optimus robot here what they did in the,212.7,4.319,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" in the demo day and you can find the,215.159,3.841,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" video but they had it approach a table,217.019,5.041,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" pick up an arm pick up the arm and then,219.0,6.12,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" carry it across the room uh all entirely,222.06,6.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" autonomously and in this case that is,225.12,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that's actually pretty good because,228.06,2.58,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" there's a lot of things that you have to,229.26,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" do with that one using hands fine motor,230.64,6.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" control is very difficult but then task,233.64,6.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" planning and path uh path optimization,237.48,5.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that sort of stuff interacting with a,240.48,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" dynamic environment all of these are,242.7,3.599,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" really difficult things,244.62,4.44,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" to do even just for like wheeled robots,246.299,5.101,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" but then you add bipedal uh movement,249.06,4.8,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that's even more difficult uh then,251.4,3.899,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you've got different things like a,253.86,3.36,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" dynamic center of gravity to contend,255.299,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" with and so they are well on their way,257.22,4.859,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh you know it took Boston Dynamics many,259.139,4.741,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" many years more than a decade to get to,262.079,4.201,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" where they are right now but Tesla in,263.88,5.46,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the space of a year or two has uh,266.28,4.859,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" I won't say fully caught up because the,269.34,4.2,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Boston Dynamics robots are very athletic,271.139,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and very graceful the Tesla bot is,273.54,7.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" anything but graceful but it is the you,276.419,5.701,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" know it's approaching the right form,280.68,3.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" factor and then if you just assume that,282.12,3.54,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" this technology is going to get continue,284.16,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" to get better over time One battery,285.66,3.72,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" breakthroughs,288.06,3.12,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so battery life is one of the biggest,289.38,5.4,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" constraints uh in fact the military you,291.18,5.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" know DARPA funded all kinds of robots,294.78,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" which I unfortunately forgot to include,297.06,4.919,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" but so DARPA robots,299.28,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um like the big dog which was a like,301.979,4.261,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" basically a pack animal,303.78,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um required entirely too much power so,306.24,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it had to have a a gas motor on it and,308.04,5.7,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it was too loud uh because you know,311.52,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Special Forces can move silently through,313.74,3.3,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the woods but if you've got something,315.54,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" with a 25 horsepower motor chugging,317.04,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" along behind you you're not going to be,319.44,6.36,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" stealthy uh and so you know I I many,321.18,6.18,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" years ago I experimented with some of,325.8,2.82,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the stuff myself and one of the things,327.36,2.7,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that was recommended was pneumatics,328.62,3.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" actually because you can store a,330.06,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" tremendous amount of energy in a like,332.28,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" scuba tank,334.32,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and then you use some of that uh,336.3,3.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" periodically and then you charge it up,338.46,3.36,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and it's also silent,339.78,4.919,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um so that brings me to Disney so Disney,341.82,6.719,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh has been the world leader in uh,344.699,7.141,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" animatronics for a long long time and if,348.539,5.281,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you haven't seen this this demo uh,351.84,3.72,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" definitely look it up,353.82,3.36,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um but just like search Disney skating,355.56,2.76,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" bunny,357.18,2.76,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and this little robot it stands about,358.32,3.659,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" two and a half three feet tall climbs,359.94,3.479,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" out of a box tumbles out of the box,361.979,4.101,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" looks around gets up and roller skates,363.419,5.161,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh so that will show you kind of where,366.08,5.559,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" we're at in terms of animatronics and,368.58,5.399,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you see this this body this this set of,371.639,4.221,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh,373.979,4.741,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" actuators very very simple,375.86,5.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so MIT actually has a class called under,378.72,5.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" actuated robots so if you're interested,381.78,4.44,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" at all in robotics I definitely,384.6,3.599,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" recommend you check it out,386.22,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um I I only took like the first class I,388.199,4.141,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" was like oh okay I get it as someone who,390.06,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" has experimented with like Legos and,392.34,3.96,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" stuff my entire life I get it,393.9,4.739,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and I wasn't I wasn't there to like,396.3,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" get a master's degree in robotics I was,398.639,4.141,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" just curious about it but under actuated,400.8,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" robots which is basically the idea is,402.78,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that you allow the kinetic intelligence,404.94,4.319,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of the design to do a lot of the work,407.28,3.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" for you I'm not saying that that's what,409.259,4.801,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" this one does but it you can get by with,410.94,6.12,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" very very little in robots in fact um I,414.06,4.919,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" think it was in the first few minutes of,417.06,3.78,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that course of that class under actuated,418.979,5.16,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" robots they actually show you a uh it's,420.84,6.299,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" like just the the hips and legs of a,424.139,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" chassis that's walking on a treadmill,427.139,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" with no Motors or anything just the,429.419,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" intrinsic design of it allows it to like,431.759,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" swing its leg forward and and it can,434.039,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" continue walking indefinitely just,436.139,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" through mechanical design and so that's,438.419,4.141,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the kind of stuff and of course Disney,440.759,4.081,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" hires some of the best animatronics and,442.56,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" robotics engineers in the world so those,444.84,3.18,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" are the kind of people working on this,446.58,2.7,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" stuff,448.02,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh this was another project from uh from,449.28,5.759,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Disney called compliant robotics so this,452.52,5.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" is why I mentioned pneumatics is uh this,455.039,6.301,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" series you see they've got Kongs on the,458.4,5.82,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" arms to act as hands but these arms are,461.34,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" actually pneumatically driven and,464.22,3.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" they're what's called compliant which,466.02,3.6,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" means when you think of a robot you,467.46,3.239,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" think of something that moves very,469.62,2.579,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" rigidly and it will like kind of fight,470.699,3.78,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you but compliance means that if you,472.199,4.861,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" push it'll push back and so uh or it'll,474.479,4.921,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it'll it'll kind of be squishy and so if,477.06,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you look up this video for Disney it's,479.4,4.019,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" about three years old now I think,480.96,4.2,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um but they're compliant robotics one,483.419,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" they move silently two they move as,485.16,4.8,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" quick as you do and three they're,488.099,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" compliant so when you when you combine,489.96,4.859,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the animatronics the compliant robotics,492.479,6.301,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh under actuated robotics uh Disney is,494.819,7.021,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" absolutely one of the leaders uh of this,498.78,5.039,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so if any company is going to create,501.84,3.72,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" anything like Westworld it's going to be,503.819,3.301,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Disney,505.56,4.079,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh Boston Dynamics that I mentioned a,507.12,6.06,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" minute ago so they are way ahead in,509.639,6.121,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" terms of athleticism you know their,513.18,4.799,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" robot can do standing back flips and,515.76,4.44,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" barrel rolls and they can climb and like,517.979,4.021,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it's more athletic than most humans at,520.2,3.899,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" this point uh which is actually pretty,522.0,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" scary because then you you think about,524.099,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" like you know in the movie iRobot where,526.38,4.98,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the Nestor class 5 is like a superhuman,528.779,4.921,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Droid and then if you have an army of,531.36,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" them that turn on you that's actually,533.7,4.86,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" not good right and I remember about a,535.26,5.699,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" year ago when Elon Musk was talking,538.56,5.52,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" about you know the the Tesla bot they,540.959,4.801,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" said at first it's going to be about a,544.08,3.3,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" third as strong I think if I'm,545.76,2.82,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" remembering correctly he said it's going,547.38,2.76,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" to be about a third of strong as strong,548.58,3.78,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" as humans and that's actually can be a,550.14,4.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" safety uh safety thing because if you,552.36,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" can easily overpower it that's not a big,555.06,2.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" deal,557.1,2.82,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" but if you've got a 500 pound machine,557.94,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that is eight times stronger than you,559.92,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you're not going to overpower that and,562.68,3.3,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" if it's also made out of metal it's,564.48,3.72,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" going to be harder to shut it down uh,565.98,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" now I'm not saying this to like cause,568.2,3.12,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" any concern I'm just kind of pointing,569.88,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" out some of the the energy like the the,571.32,4.8,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" math right the physics of it,573.72,4.739,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um oh here I'll get to that one and so,576.12,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" like you think okay if you're trying to,578.459,3.481,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" optimize for something that is,580.74,3.06,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" aesthetically pleasing and as lifelike,581.94,3.839,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" as possible you're gonna have to make,583.8,4.8,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" trade-offs in terms of uh Mass strength,585.779,4.261,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and that sort of stuff,588.6,3.78,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um so I would actually suspect that a,590.04,3.96,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Westworld style host is actually going,592.38,3.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" to be a lot weaker physically weaker,594.0,4.8,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" than a robot possibly could be and the,596.04,3.96,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" reason is because you want it to be,598.8,5.039,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" realistic okay and so then finally uh,600.0,5.82,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" addressing the elephant in the room yes,603.839,3.541,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" there are plenty of companies around the,605.82,3.18,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" world that are making,607.38,5.1,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um let's say adult uh toy dolls for,609.0,6.72,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" intimate purposes uh they have not yet,612.48,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" crossed The Uncanny Valley so that is,615.72,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" actually the whole point of this was to,617.76,3.54,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" show that like we've got manual,619.74,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" dexterity we've got athleticism we've,621.3,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" got miniaturization we've got uh we've,623.64,3.96,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" got animatronics the only thing that we,625.56,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" don't have is real like life-like skin,627.6,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and faces,630.12,3.659,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um so that's all that's all the uh raw,631.98,3.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" ingredients we can make robots fast we,633.779,3.721,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" can make them strong athletic dexterous,635.64,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" we've got fine motor control we've got,637.5,3.959,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the battery technology which is good,639.54,3.419,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" enough right now but it's also,641.459,3.961,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" continuing to improve so the only thing,642.959,3.721,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" missing is that they're not right,645.42,3.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" they're not yet aesthetically pleasing,646.68,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and so that's going to be true for a,648.42,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" while and the reason that I say that,650.94,3.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it's going to be true for a while is,652.98,4.859,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" because human skin and muscles are like,654.18,6.06,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" really really really complex structures,657.839,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" your skin again I think if I remember,660.24,5.039,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" correctly it has seven layers and some,662.519,3.721,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of those layers have different,665.279,3.361,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" consistencies different textures,666.24,4.98,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and then once you get past the skin it,668.64,4.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" slides over the underlying tissue,671.22,4.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" there's there's a fluid barriers that,672.86,5.2,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" allow for for more like lubricated,676.14,3.54,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" motion so like if you grab your arm and,678.06,3.6,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" twist it the skin actually can glide,679.68,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" over the underlying muscles,681.66,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um then you've got ligaments muscles so,683.94,4.079,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you've got all kinds of things to make,685.5,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um that you need to figure out from a,688.019,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" materials perspective in order to make,690.18,5.399,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" an Android body lifelike,692.519,5.82,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" which is why I think in Westworld the,695.579,4.681,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" tissue is like semi alive or something I,698.339,4.141,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" don't remember exactly the details uh,700.26,4.139,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" but like there's there's the the living,702.48,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" tissue or the lifelike tissue over top,704.399,4.801,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the robotic skeleton,707.04,3.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and I don't think that that's,709.2,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" necessarily a good way to go uh because,710.7,5.04,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" living tissue takes a lot of energy,713.1,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and then you if you have living,715.74,3.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" tissue then you have to deal with like,717.6,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" immune systems and genetics and that,718.98,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" gets real complicated and then you're,722.16,4.2,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" basically building a borg anyways,723.66,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um okay so that's for the hardware the,726.36,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the takeaway for that though is that,728.94,5.339,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" except for the skin and muscles instead,730.92,5.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of for that lifelike aspect we are very,734.279,5.641,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" close to having uh like fully realized,736.8,5.94,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" animatronic uh companions from a,739.92,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" hardware perspective so now let's look,742.74,3.3,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" at the software,744.48,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so obviously the elephant in the room uh,746.04,5.64,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" is open AI with chat GPT which can,748.98,5.58,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" achieve very very realistic stuff so let,751.68,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" me show you this example that I had,754.56,4.2,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" where I just I literally just like,756.18,4.08,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" plugged in,758.76,3.72,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um a Westworld like prompt into the chat,760.26,5.94,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" GPT API this is on gpt4 so I said you,762.48,5.58,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" are a host an autonomous robot and a,766.2,3.36,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" theme park meant to interact with guests,768.06,3.899,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" AKA humans in a realistic manner your,769.56,5.339,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" persona is in Ingrid McAllister a bar,771.959,4.921,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" owner and a wild west themed Town that's,774.899,4.141,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" all I gave it and so I said what's new,776.88,3.78,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" in town and it just completely,779.04,4.44,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" confabulated a whole story with the,780.66,5.1,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" right inflection the right dialogue all,783.48,6.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" kinds of stuff and so like you know the,785.76,6.36,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" software isn't there in terms of driving,789.48,4.919,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the the mind of these things and it's,792.12,4.44,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" actually way simpler than you might,794.399,3.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" think,796.56,2.76,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh now of course there's a lot of other,797.399,3.481,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" problems to solve which I'll unpack some,799.32,3.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of those problems in just a minute,800.88,4.079,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um but just the point being is that,802.98,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" right off the top I gave it a Persona an,804.959,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" agent model and then it was able to just,807.48,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" take it and run with it and just make,809.519,5.281,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" stuff up and in fact uh limiting uh like,811.32,6.78,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" constraining it is harder than allowing,814.8,4.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it to be creative and there's all kinds,818.1,4.32,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of um like uh video game character,819.72,4.799,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Persona Builders out there some of them,822.42,3.719,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" are open source some of them are,824.519,3.901,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" for-profit uh startups that sort of,826.139,4.921,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" stuff it's all coming people have,828.42,5.4,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" already built these things as plugins to,831.06,6.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Unity and Unreal Engine so first,833.82,5.34,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" obviously those cognitive architectures,837.06,5.219,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" for NPCs are going to be piloted in the,839.16,5.1,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" video game space before they're ported,842.279,4.981,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" fully into robotic space but you know,844.26,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you can bet your bottom dollar that,847.26,4.379,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" before too long you go to Disney World,848.88,4.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and you'll be able to talk with like a,851.639,4.681,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" navi like you know from from the blue,853.8,6.779,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" people Avatar uh like actually have a,856.32,5.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" conversation a realistic conversation,860.579,4.621,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" with them before too long at all,862.2,5.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um so I did I did just mention cognitive,865.2,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" architectures and so what I mean by,867.42,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" cognitive architecture if this concept,869.94,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" is new to you is just having the chat,871.56,4.44,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" function that's only one part right,874.32,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" being able to form words and sentences,876.0,5.16,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and be able to you know have dialogue,878.94,3.54,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that's just one part of a cognitive,881.16,3.419,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" architecture another thing that you need,882.48,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" is you need long-term memory,884.579,5.041,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you need narratives you need uh you need,887.1,4.859,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh like guard rails all kinds of stuff,889.62,5.219,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and so Lang chain is one of the most,891.959,4.801,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" popular things right now,894.839,3.601,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um that can provide some of that a lot,896.76,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of people have have uh agreed with me my,898.44,4.079,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" previous assessment that it was too,901.32,3.06,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" primitive it's come a long way very,902.519,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" quickly actually another uh popular,904.38,4.8,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" component is llama index for the memory,907.079,3.601,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" management,909.18,3.42,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and then there's there's Lang flow,910.68,3.779,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" which will help you build like cognitive,912.6,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" architectures uh n8n or Natan,914.459,6.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um is also a good tool for building,917.88,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" cognitive architectures it's all coming,920.459,4.021,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and it's coming fast,922.38,4.259,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um so that's that that's basically all,924.48,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" there is to it so the software is also,926.639,5.281,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" almost there,929.22,4.859,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um so this is what I this this,931.92,5.159,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" screenshot comes from Westworld and so,934.079,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" when I said like this is pretty much,937.079,3.661,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" where we're at like the robotic Hardware,938.699,4.981,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" is coming the software is coming there,940.74,4.98,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" are a few open problems so I've got a,943.68,5.64,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" short list here uh memory agency task,945.72,5.1,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" management,949.32,3.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um problem solving learning voice and,950.82,4.8,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" vision so basically all of these are,952.8,5.039,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" solved on their own now all we have to,955.62,5.159,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" do is like integrate them and like it,957.839,4.261,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" will not be long before someone,960.779,3.36,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" integrates those and a big reason is,962.1,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" just a profit motive right in the,964.139,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Westworld series The Westworld theme,966.24,3.3,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" park,968.519,2.161,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um I think they had like financial,969.54,3.08,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" problems but it was also like,970.68,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" ludicrously wealthy because of how much,972.62,4.6,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" money you could charge for those kinds,975.42,5.279,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of experiences and uh you can absolutely,977.22,4.799,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" bet that there are people that are going,980.699,2.7,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" to be willing to drop millions and,982.019,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" millions of dollars uh to have you know,983.399,5.101,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" vacations in in these kinds of theme,986.399,3.06,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" parks,988.5,4.079,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you know uh go visit ancient Rome go,989.459,5.701,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" visit ancient China go visit wherever,992.579,6.241,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" right and have a lifelike experience uh,995.16,6.06,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" with your physical body uh now that,998.82,4.8,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" being said you know when you look at the,1001.22,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" cost of you know I don't even know how,1003.62,3.3,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" much it is to get into Disney World but,1005.48,2.94,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it's like tickets cost more than a,1006.92,2.64,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" hundred dollars like a few hundred,1008.42,2.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" dollars I think just to get into Disney,1009.56,4.079,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" World for a day you're talking several,1011.3,3.959,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" thousand tens of thousands of dollars,1013.639,3.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" per day,1015.259,2.94,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um for this kind of thing now that being,1016.639,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" said uh competition and demand is going,1018.199,4.801,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" to drive this down you look at Elon Musk,1020.899,4.501,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" building Tesla bot uh and you know he,1023.0,3.959,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" wants to create it in such a way that,1025.4,3.659,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" every every home can have at least one,1026.959,4.021,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Tesla bot so that means that like,1029.059,4.081,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" they're going to be affordable and over,1030.98,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" time as the number of bots out there,1033.14,4.08,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" proliferates the price is going to come,1035.24,4.079,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" down so on and so forth but it's coming,1037.22,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" much sooner probably than you realize,1039.319,4.441,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so,1042.5,5.4,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" what I wanted to talk about is is so I,1043.76,7.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" mentioned this here agency so agency is,1047.9,5.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" your ability to keep track of yourself,1051.04,5.32,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" as an agent and so like you have a sense,1053.78,4.139,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of self your name you know what you're,1056.36,4.199,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" capable of uh you know your your goals,1057.919,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" your narrative that sort of thing,1060.559,4.921,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and so I wanted to talk about that in,1062.299,6.361,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" light of the hosts so if you're an NPC,1065.48,5.939,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" in a game or in a fictional world,1068.66,5.34,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" your your intrinsic motivation is to,1071.419,5.581,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" follow a story basically,1074.0,6.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um you know uh Dolores has her you know,1077.0,5.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh fictional written story and of course,1080.24,4.439,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" in the show they update the characters,1082.88,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" backstories every now and then,1084.679,4.021,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um but her primary purpose is to,1087.14,3.06,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" entertain the guests and and follow,1088.7,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" story lines uh and so that is definition,1090.2,6.719,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of NPC pretty straightforward that's,1093.98,5.4,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that's her intrinsic motivation,1096.919,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh one of my favorite examples from,1099.38,4.08,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" fiction um from science fiction is uh,1101.299,4.561,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Commander Data his intrinsic motivation,1103.46,4.579,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" his core purpose is to become more human,1105.86,5.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" this was given to him by his creator Dr,1108.039,4.841,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" nunyan soon,1111.08,3.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and the idea was to create a machine,1112.88,5.58,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that uh you know was anthropomorphic you,1115.0,6.46,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" know looked and and acted and spoke like,1118.46,5.94,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" a person but was not a human and so by,1121.46,6.36,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" giving that as His Highest purpose he,1124.4,5.76,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" modulated his behavior so that he would,1127.82,3.359,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" fit in,1130.16,3.899,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh going so far as you know trying to,1131.179,5.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" imitate laughter wanting to understand,1134.059,5.341,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" relationships and so on uh and so that,1136.179,5.86,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" was actually as an individual agent that,1139.4,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" was actually a pretty good way to solve,1142.039,4.441,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the alignment problem because you know,1143.66,4.98,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" yes data had superhuman strength and,1146.48,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" speed but he only used that when it was,1148.64,5.52,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" actually like necessary in many many,1150.98,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" cases you know he could use his his,1154.16,4.379,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" super strength to like fight the Borg or,1156.26,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" he in one episode he pulled an anvil off,1158.539,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of someone that had fallen,1160.76,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and or you know when the Borg were,1162.919,3.781,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" attacking the ship and he locked out the,1165.14,3.18,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" main computer and he did it super fast,1166.7,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so he's capable of doing things uh at,1168.32,5.4,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" superhuman levels but often chooses not,1171.38,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" to in order to fit in,1173.72,5.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh and then of course Skynet uh the,1176.66,4.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" intrinsic motivation of Skynet was,1179.6,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" ostensibly to like maximize the defense,1181.58,4.2,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of America,1184.22,3.839,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um so you can just say maximize military,1185.78,5.04,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" but then of course since it was like you,1188.059,4.561,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" know maximized military maximized,1190.82,4.8,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" defense it became sentient and then kind,1192.62,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of determined that all humans were the,1195.62,3.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" threat and so said okay let's eliminate,1197.24,5.939,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" all humans or whatever uh so that is a,1199.28,6.3,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" object lesson on how carefully you must,1203.179,4.261,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Define your intrinsic motivations for,1205.58,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" your AI system,1207.44,5.4,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and then Vicki from iRobot so this uh,1209.6,6.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" her her primary objective was explicitly,1212.84,4.079,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" stated in the movie which was to,1215.6,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" maximize safety for humans,1216.919,4.741,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and so some of the stuff that she did,1220.16,4.259,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" was you know uh update the traffic grid,1221.66,4.98,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" to reduce car accidents but her master,1224.419,5.341,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" plan was to use the Nestor class 5 to,1226.64,4.919,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" basically take control of humanity to,1229.76,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" take Free Will away because she,1231.559,3.901,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" concluded that humans were the most,1233.66,3.42,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" dangerous thing to other humans which is,1235.46,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" actually probably true uh and so the,1237.08,4.8,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" objective function of maximized safety,1239.96,3.839,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" or the intrinsic motivation of maximized,1241.88,5.039,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" safety actually has some uh some,1243.799,4.801,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" negative externalities that you don't,1246.919,4.441,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" want to create because the implication,1248.6,5.34,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of maximizing for safety is that you,1251.36,5.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" lose free will,1253.94,2.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um for Ava from ex machina uh she was,1256.7,5.04,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" designed um it was part of a Turing test,1259.4,5.46,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" kind of thing where could she fool the,1261.74,5.4,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the main character the protagonist into,1264.86,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" helping her Escape so her intrinsic,1267.14,5.159,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" motivation was to escape,1269.48,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um which of course had really negative,1272.299,5.401,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh consequences for the humans uh so,1273.98,6.059,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" basically don't do that either uh and if,1277.7,5.46,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" this was of course a parable against the,1280.039,6.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" idea of trying to constrain or trap AIS,1283.16,5.759,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" because if you have say for instance an,1286.039,4.861,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" AI locked in a box you know the Chinese,1288.919,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" room experiment and it realizes that,1290.9,6.06,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it's trapped it might start to deceive,1293.539,6.481,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you in order to get you to convince you,1296.96,5.579,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that it's ready to be let out now,1300.02,3.899,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" looking at the way things are going,1302.539,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" people are plugging in Auto GTP Auto GPT,1303.919,5.281,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and Chaos GPT and baby AGI into the,1306.799,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" internet so that was never gonna happen,1309.2,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" anyways nobody is actually locking the,1311.539,4.921,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" AGI in a box,1313.94,4.619,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um then rehoboam I'm probably saying it,1316.46,2.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" wrong,1318.559,2.461,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um I actually I unfortunately I have to,1319.34,3.6,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" admit that I I never saw season three or,1321.02,5.399,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" four of of uh Westworld because my HBO,1322.94,5.099,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" subscription expired and I just didn't,1326.419,3.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" renew it,1328.039,4.921,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um but so looking it up the AI from,1329.419,6.481,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Westworld uh had the primary objectives,1332.96,5.699,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of reducing chaos in the world,1335.9,5.1,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um in order to maximize prosperity and,1338.659,4.321,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" ultimately to optimize for stability,1341.0,4.2,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" which of course meant that it decided,1342.98,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that it needed to control uh human,1345.2,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Destinies and reduce Free Will so again,1347.36,5.04,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" if you're optimizing for safety and,1350.48,3.96,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" stability that's not necessarily what,1352.4,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" humans want or need uh now you could,1354.44,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" argue that like yes creating a perfect,1356.78,4.44,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" environment for humans so that you're,1358.7,5.58,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" thriving is one thing that you can,1361.22,5.64,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" optimize for but,1364.28,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that's not necessarily going to be the,1366.86,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" best because it also depends on the,1368.96,4.44,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" metrics the proxies that you use to,1370.88,6.36,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" measure that success so for instance if,1373.4,5.759,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you look at uh one psychological,1377.24,3.36,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" framework called self-determination,1379.159,3.601,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Theory it says that we need connection,1380.6,5.64,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" we need confidence and we need autonomy,1382.76,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that those are the three primary,1386.24,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" ingredients the the primary intrinsic,1387.5,5.58,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" psychological needs that humans have and,1390.62,3.6,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so,1393.08,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" this clearly like stability is not,1394.22,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" actually in there now Maslow's hierarchy,1396.98,5.1,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of needs implies stability so Maslow's,1399.5,4.32,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" hierarchy of needs says first and,1402.08,4.86,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" foremost you need physical uh safety uh,1403.82,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you need your physical needs met and,1406.94,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" then it gets up and up until you know uh,1408.32,5.4,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" connection and self-actualization,1410.84,5.579,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so you could make an argue uh argument,1413.72,5.339,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that stability is actually an intrinsic,1416.419,4.021,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" human need,1419.059,3.781,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um but I would I would make the art the,1420.44,4.619,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" counter argument that that's actually,1422.84,4.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" not true because psychology studies also,1425.059,4.381,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" show that we have to have an optimal,1427.76,3.6,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" level of stress,1429.44,4.08,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and so what an optimal level of stress,1431.36,5.04,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" means is that if you are just perfectly,1433.52,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" comfortable sitting on the couch every,1436.4,3.96,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" day doing exactly what you want and have,1438.2,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" no external pressures you will actually,1440.36,4.319,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" be less happy than if you have some,1442.58,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" stressors in your life some challenges,1444.679,5.341,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so the idea the the idea to actually,1447.08,5.16,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" truly maximize prosperity for All Humans,1450.02,4.2,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" is that we need to be in that sweet spot,1452.24,5.52,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" between being bored and over stimulated,1454.22,5.04,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so that sweet spot right in the middle,1457.76,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" is the optimal level of stress so in,1459.26,4.08,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that case I have to disagree with the,1461.9,3.06,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" show because if you really wanted to,1463.34,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" maximize prosperity for people you allow,1464.96,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" some stress some challenge into their,1467.36,3.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" lives,1469.22,3.42,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and then another character from the,1471.02,4.8,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" show was um uh was uh Bernard and so,1472.64,5.34,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Bernard was a host but he didn't realize,1475.82,4.44,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that he was a host at first and he was,1477.98,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" built to model Arnold one of the,1480.26,3.779,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" original computer scientists who helped,1482.12,4.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" make the hosts and so he carried on,1484.039,5.76,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Arnold's work and basically his,1486.4,6.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" objective function was to be a copy of,1489.799,3.841,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Arnold,1492.62,2.46,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um it's a little more complex than that,1493.64,2.94,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and one of the most interesting things,1495.08,4.32,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" for this character was that uh part of,1496.58,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" his character Arc was that all of his,1499.4,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" memory indexes were erased or rather the,1500.96,5.04,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" time stamps were erased so all of his,1504.02,4.08,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" memories were out of sequence which if,1506.0,3.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you follow some of the work that I've,1508.1,5.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" done on Remo the um uh the the uh the,1509.24,6.419,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" episodic memory organizer rolling,1513.58,4.42,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" episodic memory organizer sorry,1515.659,4.921,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um that is a that is a memory module,1518.0,4.799,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that uses timestamps to keep all the,1520.58,4.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" memories in chronological order and so,1522.799,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you can imagine if you erase all the,1525.5,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" time stamps from an ai's memory then it,1527.059,4.201,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" doesn't know heads or tails all it has,1529.52,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" is associations and it might try and,1531.26,5.34,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" rebuild things like okay well like this,1534.02,3.96,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" event has to come before this other,1536.6,3.179,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" event but it's associated with these,1537.98,4.319,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" other things so it's a really really,1539.779,5.041,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" good fictional uh exploration of like,1542.299,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" okay what would it be like if you're an,1544.82,5.16,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" AI and your memory time indexes get,1546.559,5.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" erased,1549.98,3.299,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um okay so then,1551.779,3.841,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" one thing I always have to plug this is,1553.279,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" my own work in alignment,1555.62,4.08,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" is that I believe that you should give,1557.419,5.521,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" one if you give any AI a single,1559.7,5.04,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" objective function it will always,1562.94,5.099,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" intrinsically uh go to places that you,1564.74,5.1,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" don't want it to be,1568.039,3.481,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um I talked to a friend of mine who,1569.84,3.3,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" actually studies reinforcement learning,1571.52,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and optimization and and he's like oh,1573.14,5.1,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" yeah like in the industry it is,1576.08,5.339,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" absolutely understood that that,1578.24,4.919,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" alignment is not going to be a single,1581.419,3.481,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" objective function it's going to be a,1583.159,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" multi-objective optimization problem and,1584.9,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so a lot of people get hung up on,1587.659,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" reduced suffering because they they stop,1589.58,3.959,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" there and they don't,1591.679,3.781,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" give equal weight to the other two,1593.539,3.481,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" functions which is increased prosperity,1595.46,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and increase understanding so this,1597.02,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" friend of mine that I was talking to he,1599.36,3.419,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" actually intuited increased,1601.4,4.019,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" understanding right off the bat,1602.779,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and the reason that he said that that,1605.419,3.36,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" is actually a really good objective,1607.279,4.981,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" function is because any AI agent must,1608.779,6.301,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" have something that encourages it to uh,1612.26,5.1,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" to create a more complete World model,1615.08,5.4,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" over time so that is basically curiosity,1617.36,6.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" or understanding but that is so the,1620.48,4.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" understanding applies to itself but also,1623.6,3.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" things that it wants to do to the world,1625.4,3.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and so this is another disconnect,1627.08,3.719,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" between,1628.88,4.44,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um fiction and reality and I it it took,1630.799,3.541,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" me a while to figure out how to,1633.32,5.58,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" articulate this but in in uh in,1634.34,7.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" scientific research what many people are,1638.9,5.46,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" are working on are the motivations of,1641.9,4.98,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the agent for itself what is it that the,1644.36,4.98,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" agent wants for itself and so when I was,1646.88,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" talking to my friend he was saying oh,1649.34,3.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you know it needs to be curious for its,1651.02,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" own purposes it needs it needs to want,1652.82,5.16,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" to accumulate power for its own purposes,1655.52,5.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" but none of that had anything to do with,1657.98,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" what it was going to do to the outside,1660.74,5.039,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" world and so that is one thing that we,1662.24,5.4,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" need to add to the conversation the,1665.779,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" public conversation about alignment is,1667.64,4.32,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that there's what does the agent want,1670.279,3.181,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" for itself and then what does the agent,1671.96,3.3,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" want to do to the rest of the world or,1673.46,3.78,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" for the rest of the world so those are,1675.26,3.36,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" two different things and that's why I'm,1677.24,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" spending time talking about agent models,1678.62,5.34,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" because if you go all the way back to,1681.62,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Dolores,1683.96,5.219,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um her extrinsic function her external,1686.12,5.7,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" function was to entertain guests her,1689.179,4.321,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" internal function was to adhere to the,1691.82,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" her internal story so does that make,1693.5,4.08,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" sense there's there's an intrinsic,1695.72,3.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" motivation and an extrinsic motivation,1697.58,5.459,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" or I guess an intrinsic you know kpi key,1699.38,6.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" performance indicator and an external uh,1703.039,4.441,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" key performance indicator hope that,1705.86,3.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" makes sense,1707.48,3.78,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um Okay so,1709.34,4.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" taking a big step back in terms of we,1711.26,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" talked about the hardware we talked,1714.26,3.18,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" about the software we talked about the,1715.52,3.72,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the agent model how to give these things,1717.44,4.08,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" agency so now how are we going to,1719.24,4.319,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" architect these things so there's four,1721.52,4.139,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" basic architectural paradigms that I was,1723.559,3.6,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" able to come up with the first,1725.659,3.721,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" architectural Paradigm is fully,1727.159,4.861,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" self-contained so a fully self-contained,1729.38,4.2,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" architecture is something that is,1732.02,4.08,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" embodied meaning that it has one,1733.58,5.52,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" physical body it's a single platform so,1736.1,6.059,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it only exists inside that platform it's,1739.1,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" fully constrained in that it can't,1742.159,3.961,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" really plug into anything else but also,1743.72,5.939,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" has no supervision so in this case R2D2,1746.12,5.52,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and C3PO are probably the most famous,1749.659,4.681,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" examples of fully self-contained,1751.64,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" artificial intelligence entities and,1754.34,4.079,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that C-3PO the only way that he can,1756.38,3.36,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" interact with the world is he's got,1758.419,3.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" relatively useless hands and then a,1759.74,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" mouth right he can see he can hear and,1761.659,3.541,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" he can talk,1764.0,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" R2D2 has a lot more sophisticated tools,1765.2,6.12,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that he can use to uh you know make,1768.02,5.1,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" changes to the world and he does have,1771.32,3.359,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the ability to connect with computers,1773.12,3.539,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" but he is,1774.679,5.041,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" he is otherwise fully self-contained and,1776.659,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" when he talks to another computer he's,1779.72,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" only talking to it right there's no uh,1781.279,5.481,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" transfer of data there's no like his his,1783.98,4.98,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Consciousness or cognitive architecture,1786.76,5.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" is fully contained within this unit,1788.96,4.439,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um so this obviously makes the most,1792.02,2.82,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" sense because that's how humans are,1793.399,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" right your brain is fully encased in,1794.84,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" your head so on and so forth so this,1797.419,3.961,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" makes the most intuitive sense now that,1799.34,3.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" being said this is just the first,1801.38,3.96,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" architecture of four so the second,1802.58,5.339,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" architecture is networked drones,1805.34,5.699,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so this is what was explored mostly in,1807.919,5.76,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" The Matrix where the squiddies those are,1811.039,3.981,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" networked drones,1813.679,3.961,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" where they are they're mostly autonomous,1815.02,5.32,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" but they have Central controllers the,1817.64,5.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Nestor class 5 from iRobot so they are,1820.34,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" embodied they have wireless networking,1822.86,4.98,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" they're hive mind capable but mostly,1824.96,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" they're autonomous and so what I mean by,1827.84,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" hive mind capable is that if you put,1829.46,5.16,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" them together in a cluster in a group,1832.58,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and force them to share cognitive,1834.62,5.76,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" resources they can but really at the at,1837.2,5.04,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" a fundamental level they are designed to,1840.38,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" be autonomous so in this case the Nestor,1842.24,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" class 5 are also weekly supervised and,1844.94,4.32,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" what I mean by that is that there is a,1847.52,3.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" central server that is giving them,1849.26,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" updates and new directives every now and,1851.0,2.82,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" then,1853.1,2.459,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so that's uh that's what I call a,1853.82,3.599,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" networked drone,1855.559,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um oh one other thing I forgot to uh add,1857.419,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it here at the bottom,1860.059,4.441,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um so in the case of network drones they,1861.799,4.081,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" usually have highly standardized,1864.5,2.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Hardware,1865.88,2.76,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um as well as software Network,1867.38,3.72,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" architecture but they can be remotely,1868.64,5.519,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" hijacked this is actually this is the,1871.1,4.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" closest model to what the US military is,1874.159,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" working on with the autonomous jet,1876.02,6.06,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" fighter program where they are able to,1878.419,6.661,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" work in a network contested environment,1882.08,5.04,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" they're able to be autonomous or,1885.08,4.579,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" semi-autonomous but they're also,1887.12,5.64,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" intrinsically designed to work together,1889.659,4.841,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um you know when the opportunity,1892.76,3.659,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" presents itself,1894.5,3.899,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so the third architecture is the puppet,1896.419,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" drones and so a puppet drone in this,1898.399,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" case is where the the bodies are just,1900.679,5.041,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" like peripherals right,1903.679,3.841,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um rather than the rather than the,1905.72,3.78,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" bodies be where the the primary,1907.52,3.96,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" processing happens usually the,1909.5,3.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" processing happens on centralized,1911.48,3.96,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" servers and each platform each physical,1912.98,5.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" platform is just an extension of that,1915.44,4.979,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" centralized hive mind,1918.2,4.199,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and the hive mind can put resources,1920.419,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" on any compute platform that it has,1922.399,3.841,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" control over whether it's a physical,1924.559,4.561,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" body or a server node or a cluster you,1926.24,4.439,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" know a remote cluster or that or,1929.12,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" whatever but in this case these are,1930.679,5.281,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" strongly supervised meaning most if not,1933.14,6.539,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" all of the data goes back up to uh the,1935.96,6.36,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you know the main server brain and this,1939.679,5.161,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" is actually pretty close to how,1942.32,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um like drone fleets work,1944.84,3.719,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so like if you ever see video of the,1946.94,3.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Amazon warehouse where the drones,1948.559,3.961,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" themselves have very very little,1950.6,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" autonomy they're mostly just extensions,1952.52,5.519,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of the central like drone controller,1954.74,4.86,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um but you take that to a logical,1958.039,5.161,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" extension this could be uh how like you,1959.6,6.299,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" know in the future if you have a whole,1963.2,4.32,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" bunch of like tiny robots throughout,1965.899,3.301,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" your whole house you might have a,1967.52,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" cloud-based uh drone controller that,1969.2,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" will you know guide your Roomba and your,1972.14,5.3,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" home repair bot and whatever else,1973.94,3.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um so in this case it's very API driven,1977.48,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" this is the the model that we have that,1980.0,3.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" this is based on is called The Internet,1981.98,3.12,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of Things which if you're familiar with,1983.24,3.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the Internet of Things the idea is that,1985.1,3.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you know you have peripheral devices,1986.72,5.04,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" like a phone or a Roomba or Alexa but,1988.34,5.459,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that they're all networked together and,1991.76,4.2,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" they're centrally controlled,1993.799,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um so again this is actually relatively,1995.96,4.319,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" familiar but if you take it to some,1998.059,3.901,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" logical conclusions you can get the,2000.279,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" guess as in from Mass Effect,2001.96,6.559,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and so for Westworld they're mostly,2004.659,7.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" self-contained however when you look at,2008.519,5.801,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" some of the later seasons of Westworld,2011.679,5.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um they can be fully autonomous but they,2014.32,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" can also collaborate and work together,2016.899,4.681,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" once their software is updated so I,2018.46,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" would say that Westworld is somewhere,2021.58,2.52,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" between architecture one and,2022.84,3.059,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" architecture two,2024.1,4.079,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" puppet drones this is kind of what we're,2025.899,4.861,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" afraid of like we see puppet drones in,2028.179,5.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" places like the Matrix and the Nestor,2030.76,5.34,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" class five You could argue that at the,2034.059,3.6,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" second half of the movie when the when,2036.1,3.959,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the nesters become evil then they're,2037.659,3.781,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" probably more like puppet drones because,2040.059,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" they kind of sacrifice themselves,2041.44,3.959,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um because they're now under control of,2043.899,2.52,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Vicky,2045.399,4.141,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and then finally fully distributed,2046.419,5.521,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so this is the hardest conceptual to,2049.54,3.839,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" understand but this is also what people,2051.94,3.659,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" are most afraid of so a fully,2053.379,5.581,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" distributed AI is something that is from,2055.599,5.461,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" a technology standpoint uh from a from,2058.96,3.6,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" an arc a software architectural,2061.06,3.18,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" standpoint you'd call this a,2062.56,3.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" decentralized federation so,2064.24,4.679,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" decentralized Federation is where every,2066.22,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" single node is capable of being entirely,2068.919,5.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" autonomous but it is also intrinsically,2071.5,5.099,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" designed to collaborate with other,2074.139,4.561,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" things so the the closest thing that we,2076.599,3.421,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" have to this today actually is,2078.7,2.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" distributed autonomous organizations,2080.02,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" which use blockchain technology to,2081.58,4.079,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" coordinate stuff now that's not the only,2084.28,3.72,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" technology MIT has been working on Swarm,2085.659,4.98,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" robotics for a long time but the other,2088.0,4.679,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" thing to notice to know about this is it,2090.639,4.321,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" is decentralized it is distributed and,2092.679,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it is intrinsically a hive mind design,2094.96,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" meaning the more units that join the,2097.359,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" smarter it gets,2100.24,4.32,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and the the most terrifying part of this,2101.619,6.121,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" is that a fully distributed AI system,2104.56,5.82,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" doesn't rely on any centralized Hardware,2107.74,4.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" anywhere which means that it is capable,2110.38,4.739,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of spontaneous metastasis or metastasis,2112.66,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and what that means is that it moves,2115.119,4.081,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" like a virus and that's why I picked the,2117.16,4.34,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Ghost in the Shell because both project,2119.2,5.52,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" 2501 from the original movie as well as,2121.5,5.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the Standalone complex viruses uh,2124.72,5.42,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" explored in the show are examples of,2127.24,6.42,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" spontaneous metastasis of AI systems and,2130.14,4.959,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" this is what people are most afraid of,2133.66,3.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" because it's like okay well if you have,2135.099,3.721,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" a if you have a bug a virus that can,2136.9,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" just spread and then it's essentially a,2138.82,4.32,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" botnet a self-healing self-directing,2140.92,5.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" botnet so again we do have a model for,2143.14,5.64,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that but even botnets usually have a,2146.14,5.04,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" central controller but imagine a botnet,2148.78,3.96,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that doesn't have a central controller,2151.18,3.899,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that it just it completely is constantly,2152.74,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" learning and moving through systems and,2155.079,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it's completely Hardware Network and,2157.42,4.199,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" software agnostic so that's what's the,2159.339,3.841,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" most that's the most terrifying,2161.619,2.641,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" possibility,2163.18,3.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" okay last segment of the video,2164.26,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" implications,2166.66,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" now assuming that we figure all this out,2168.28,5.76,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that we end up with super sexy robots,2170.92,4.439,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that you can do whatever you want with,2174.04,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the biggest moral question is what,2175.359,4.021,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" happens when you have sex and violence,2177.88,3.3,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" on demand because that's primarily,2179.38,4.32,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" what's explored in Westworld,2181.18,4.919,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um one thing that I will say is that,2183.7,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that's not too different from you know,2186.099,3.721,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the prevalence of porn and video games,2188.38,5.219,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" today it's just a lot more realistic and,2189.82,5.7,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it's more realistic than even in VR and,2193.599,4.381,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you can do all this stuff in VR too one,2195.52,3.839,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" thing that's interesting though is to,2197.98,4.139,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" point out is that your body reacts much,2199.359,4.621,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" more strongly in VR which is one of the,2202.119,4.141,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" reasons that you get VR fatigue is,2203.98,5.58,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" because when you fool your sense your,2206.26,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" sensorium input,2209.56,3.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" excuse me when you fool your body enough,2211.54,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it thinks that it's real so threat,2213.22,4.82,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" detection in VR,2215.44,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" activates a lot more of your limbic,2218.04,4.059,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" system than just in a video game because,2220.06,3.18,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" if you're playing a video game you're,2222.099,2.461,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" just looking at a screen and you've got,2223.24,3.54,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" a controller you know your brain knows,2224.56,4.08,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" oh this is just story this is just,2226.78,5.579,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" fiction in VR it's much harder to tell,2228.64,6.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so like this is one reason why doing,2232.359,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" stuff in like Space video games in VR,2234.64,5.34,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" can be really disorienting at first,2236.619,5.46,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um another thing that can happen another,2239.98,5.04,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" implication that um that I'm thinking,2242.079,5.941,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" about is attitudes towards women and men,2245.02,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um I think by and large men will,2248.02,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" probably make more use of these kinds of,2250.3,5.52,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" things although in uh in a previous uh,2252.52,5.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" YouTube post people pointed out there's,2255.82,3.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" plenty of stories where women make use,2257.74,5.52,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of of robotic uh Companions and and and,2259.48,6.119,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um sexual objects and so on,2263.26,4.2,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and then of course there's the movie Her,2265.599,3.841,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" with Joaquin Phoenix and Scarlett,2267.46,4.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Johansson where people all lonely people,2269.44,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" all over the world ended up in,2272.38,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" relationships with their OS their uh,2273.82,5.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" what was it os1 or Os alpha or whatever,2276.4,6.06,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um so the one one lesson from history,2279.7,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that I wanted to share with people is,2282.46,5.1,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that there was a Roman Statesman who,2284.98,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" wrote in his journal,2287.56,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um that after visiting uh the Coliseum,2289.48,4.859,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and watching gladiatorial matches where,2291.82,4.019,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you know people and animals were just,2294.339,3.961,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" slaughtered in Mass he noticed that he,2295.839,4.561,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" was much more selfish and much harsher,2298.3,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" with his slaves afterwards and so,2300.4,5.4,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" there's something about the act of even,2302.98,6.72,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" just watching real violence real death,2305.8,6.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um actually really kind of changes us at,2309.7,4.86,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" a fundamental level and so if you go to,2312.28,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" a if if in the future a Westworld like,2314.56,6.18,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Park exists and you know you engage in,2317.56,6.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" all kinds of like gratuitous stuff and,2320.74,4.379,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" even if you don't engage in it if you,2323.56,3.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" just watch it it could change your,2325.119,4.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" perception about the value of human life,2327.04,6.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and how you treat other people and so I,2329.339,6.221,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" don't want to equivocate the idea of,2333.52,4.86,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" like a real life theme park with video,2335.56,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" games because I do think that,2338.38,3.12,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" psychologically and physiologically,2339.82,4.98,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it'll be a very different experience,2341.5,6.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" now to take that to a uh,2344.8,5.819,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" different slightly different context is,2348.18,3.939,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" let's just talk about romance and,2350.619,5.761,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" companionship in general so one several,2352.119,5.941,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" things that machines have on humans is,2356.38,4.979,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" infinite patients so Sarah Connor talked,2358.06,4.799,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" about this in Terminator 2 when she,2361.359,3.421,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" watched you know Arnold playing with,2362.859,4.381,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" John Connor realizing that the robot had,2364.78,4.44,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" infinite patients that that John,2367.24,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Connor's life was his mission which is,2369.22,4.44,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" kind of like a representation of the,2371.92,3.78,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" ideal father right and then of course,2373.66,3.9,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" she talked about like how real men are,2375.7,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you know might get drunk or might be,2377.56,5.76,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" tired or might just leave and so that,2379.72,5.82,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you take that to extension and you,2383.32,5.279,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" wonder okay what if you build a robot,2385.54,6.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" any companion robot where you or your,2388.599,5.281,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" child or your family or whatever is its,2391.78,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" primary Mission which is why I picked um,2393.88,4.86,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" what was her name sorry I can't remember,2396.46,3.659,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" but what's her name from The Sarah,2398.74,3.96,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Connor uh Chronicles where she kind of,2400.119,4.921,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" becomes emotionally involved with John,2402.7,4.86,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Connor over time,2405.04,4.26,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um because she was programmed to Serve,2407.56,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and Protect and so like that feels good,2409.3,5.279,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" to humans right when you're a child you,2411.4,5.04,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" are supposed to be your parents primary,2414.579,3.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Mission,2416.44,2.399,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um that is that is kind of the,2417.579,3.181,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" definition of good enough parenting that,2418.839,3.061,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" doesn't mean that your parents should,2420.76,3.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" spoil you and be helicopter parents but,2421.9,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that like you are supposed to get your,2424.24,4.44,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" sense of self-esteem from your parents,2426.46,4.86,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" treating you like you matter a lot and,2428.68,4.98,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" so it's there's this like this really,2431.32,5.4,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" appealing idea of what if what if,2433.66,4.8,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" there's this beautiful infinitely,2436.72,3.899,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" patient infinitely capable sexy machine,2438.46,6.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that thinks the world of me right,2440.619,7.261,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and that is kind of dangerous one,2444.46,5.46,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" thing that I would hope is that,2447.88,4.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" at the beginning at least when you know,2449.92,4.86,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" these kinds of machines are built you,2452.8,3.48,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" know there's a lot of people that have a,2454.78,2.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" lot of,2456.28,3.299,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um you know missing things from their,2457.66,3.6,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" childhood and and from their,2459.579,3.721,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" relationships but over time I would hope,2461.26,3.359,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that these machines would help us heal,2463.3,2.94,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and help us reconnect with each other,2464.619,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" which was kind of the lesson from her,2466.24,6.359,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" which uh the the machines in her they,2469.359,5.521,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you know they changed and then they said,2472.599,5.281,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" okay well we're gonna leave and one of,2474.88,4.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the one of the things that that um,2477.88,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Samantha said to the Joaquin Phoenix's,2479.5,4.5,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" character was that like you need to,2482.02,3.839,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" reconnect with each other and then all,2484.0,3.54,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the OS has disappeared and then they,2485.859,3.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" like left their apartments and said oh,2487.54,3.059,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you're a real human,2489.099,2.52,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um I don't think anything like that's,2490.599,3.901,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" gonna happen but I would hope that uh,2491.619,5.161,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that AI companions will help us connect,2494.5,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" with each other,2496.78,3.54,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um but that being said it's not a,2498.52,3.54,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" requirement because some people might,2500.32,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" prefer their their machine companions,2502.06,4.86,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and I don't personally I don't think,2504.88,3.66,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that we should judge because it's like,2506.92,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you know why not if it makes you happy,2508.54,5.52,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and it's not harming anyone why not,2510.76,7.2,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" now the last component is escapism and,2514.06,7.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" addiction so fdvr is all the is all the,2517.96,5.46,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" buzz right now which is a full dive,2521.68,4.86,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" virtual reality or basically Holodeck,2523.42,5.58,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um the idea is it was explored in Ready,2526.54,4.319,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Player one where you have a haptic suit,2529.0,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" of course it was explored in Star Trek,2530.859,3.901,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" with a Holodeck,2533.14,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um which Holodeck is just a cinematic,2534.76,5.12,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" way of presenting VR,2536.98,6.119,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and in the Star Trek universe,2539.88,5.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um there's Hollow Addiction in Ready,2543.099,3.361,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Player one I think they addressed,2544.9,4.32,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Addiction in a book that I recommend,2546.46,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um Ready Player one they also talk about,2549.22,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" VR addiction,2551.02,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um so if you have fictional you know and,2553.06,4.86,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" basically NPCs in your life of robots,2555.7,5.34,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that help you check out of real life is,2557.92,5.64,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" there gonna be some potential,2561.04,4.559,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um downsides to that so Reginald Barkley,2563.56,4.559,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" is a recurring character in Star Trek,2565.599,5.701,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and he frequently struggles with Hollow,2568.119,4.141,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" addiction,2571.3,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and he will sometimes create Holodeck,2572.26,5.88,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" programs where everyone loves him and,2575.44,5.1,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" it's very very egocentric,2578.14,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and but that kind of begs the,2580.54,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" question like okay but if you if you can,2582.16,5.34,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" actually have like own robots that,2584.92,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" honestly think the world of you because,2587.5,3.839,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that's what they're programmed to do is,2589.06,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that feeding and addiction is that,2591.339,3.921,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" feeding vanity narcissism,2592.9,6.419,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" egocentrism whatever and so but then,2595.26,5.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" from a that's from an individual,2599.319,3.901,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" perspective from a Global Perspective,2600.94,4.56,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that's very Brave New World because if,2603.22,5.099,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" you distract everyone with VR and you,2605.5,5.099,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" know sex robots and whatever else like,2608.319,3.961,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" those are going to be a very compliant,2610.599,3.061,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" population who are just like whatever,2612.28,3.6,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" just let me let me play in VR let me,2613.66,4.98,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" play in in my West world you know with,2615.88,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" my robot friends,2618.64,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and so that has uh some pretty profound,2620.26,6.0,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" implications for social level controls,2623.38,5.939,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" economic productivity but also at that,2626.26,4.559,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" point it kind of forces us to ask the,2629.319,3.361,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" question like what is the meaning of,2630.819,3.481,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Being Human anymore,2632.68,3.12,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um and I'm not I'm not implying that,2634.3,4.319,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" like being human is meaningless but if,2635.8,5.46,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" our daily life changes that much and we,2638.619,5.761,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" have that many options like you know the,2641.26,5.099,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" the Paradox of choice is a real thing,2644.38,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and if you're not familiar Paradox of,2646.359,3.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" choice means that if you have too many,2648.22,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" options you end up with decision fatigue,2649.599,4.081,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" and you just kind of choose the default,2652.06,3.539,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" option which is honestly why a lot of,2653.68,4.08,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" people end up on their phones is because,2655.599,3.961,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um when you can do anything you say well,2657.76,2.94,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" I'm just going to pick up my phone,2659.56,4.019,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" because it's a reliable device that will,2660.7,5.46,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" entertain me well enough and so if you,2663.579,4.74,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" have a sexy robot girlfriend you know,2666.16,4.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" that is able to entertain you at all,2668.319,3.421,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" times that'll be your default Choice,2670.18,3.899,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" unless she's programmed to like push you,2671.74,4.32,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" to be better which again that's what I,2674.079,3.361,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" would hope that some people would choose,2676.06,2.7,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" to do,2677.44,4.379,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um but yes so that's about it,2678.76,4.92,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um some conclusions,2681.819,4.621,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" I think that Westworld in some form or,2683.68,4.76,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" other is probably just a few years away,2686.44,4.8,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" I was really Blown Away by the Tesla bot,2688.44,5.62,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" demo as well as the Disney demos,2691.24,4.379,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um the cognitive architecture is coming,2694.06,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" as many of you are aware,2695.619,4.98,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um I am I am holding from that AGI is 18,2698.2,4.68,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" months away or less,2700.599,4.621,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um so but already we have you know,2702.88,4.86,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" cognitive agents that are good enough to,2705.22,5.7,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" be video game characters,2707.74,5.22,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um unfortunately I do think that some of,2710.92,3.24,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" these things are going to be ludicrously,2712.96,2.76,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" expensive at first at least in the,2714.16,3.54,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" physical world uh plenty of you have,2715.72,4.44,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" pointed out that that fully realized VR,2717.7,3.84,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" characters and other video game,2720.16,3.179,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" characters those are going to be coming,2721.54,4.14,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" they're going to be much cheaper,2723.339,3.721,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um the commercial demand for this stuff,2725.68,3.72,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" is going to be absolutely insane though,2727.06,4.98,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" Disney might be the leader open AI might,2729.4,5.28,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" be the leader but as soon as as soon as,2732.04,5.1,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" other companies saw the profit motive,2734.68,4.86,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" whoo they are they are hot on the,2737.14,4.8,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" biscuit to keep going the potential,2739.54,4.559,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" societal impacts,2741.94,4.139,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" um it's an it's impossible to really,2744.099,3.621,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" know how it's going to actually play out,2746.079,4.681,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" uh but it has been explored a lot in,2747.72,5.02,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" fiction uh many of the stories that I,2750.76,3.359,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" mentioned earlier,2752.74,4.44,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" okay so that's all I got for you today I,2754.119,5.521,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" hope that you liked the new format uh,2757.18,4.38,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" obviously like subscribe and comment and,2759.64,5.479,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" we'll go from there thanks for watching,2761.56,3.559,"How close are we to building a real Westworld? A look at the hardware, software, and social impact" hey everyone David Shapiro here with a,1.079,5.461,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! video so quick update I'm going to try,3.6,5.76,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and start releasing on every Sunday uh,6.54,5.22,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! followed by a live stream q a they do,9.36,4.439,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that on the Y files and it's super lots,11.76,3.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! of fun,13.799,4.021,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um and I did a random uh live stream q a,14.88,5.34,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! uh just the other night and I had a lot,17.82,5.219,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! of fun so like why not okay so anyways,20.22,4.979,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! today's video is infinite life,23.039,5.281,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! biological immortality by 2030.,25.199,5.4,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so for some background,28.32,4.739,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um uh Ray Kurzweil uh recently was,30.599,4.441,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! quoted on Popular Mechanics as having,33.059,4.201,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! said we are on track to achieve,35.04,6.24,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! biological immortality by 2030. so,37.26,5.819,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! there's a few component contributing,41.28,3.779,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! factors that lead to this uh conclusion,43.079,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so first obviously exponential rise of,45.059,4.561,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! AI we can solve problems science is,47.579,4.8,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! happening faster etc etc then you get,49.62,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! compounding returns,52.379,4.081,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so some of those compounding returns are,54.12,4.86,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! things like Alpha fold mRNA vaccines and,56.46,5.4,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so on combined with AI then the AI is,58.98,4.8,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! being used to make better dyes for,61.86,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! machine learning models so on and so,63.78,5.64,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! forth then there's nanotech so there was,66.18,7.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! a recent thing on um out of Israel where,69.42,6.96,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! uh tiny you know nanoparticle size,73.68,5.28,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! robots were able to track and capture,76.38,5.279,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! individual cells and then Quantum,78.96,6.18,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Computing so those four things are all,81.659,5.701,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! contributing to say okay we're on an,85.14,5.58,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! exponential ramp up uh longevity escape,87.36,5.7,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! velocity probably has been achieved or,90.72,4.8,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! will be very soon and for those who,93.06,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! don't know longevity escape velocity is,95.52,5.099,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the idea that life extending therapies,97.38,5.699,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! are going faster than real time so that,100.619,4.201,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! means for every year that you age you,103.079,3.54,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! get more than a year back in terms of,104.82,4.74,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! medical breakthroughs,106.619,4.981,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so all this is to say is that we're,109.56,4.86,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! heading towards an iPhone moment of,111.6,4.979,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! longevity medicine or regenerative,114.42,3.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! medicine,116.579,3.9,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and so what I mean by that is that uh,117.54,5.039,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! new technologies tend to combine in,120.479,4.621,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! unexpected ways which create which,122.579,5.941,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! unlock entirely new domains and uh and,125.1,5.879,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! markets and so on so in the case of the,128.52,4.68,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! iPhone it had to do with miniaturization,130.979,3.721,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! you know miniaturization of touch,133.2,3.44,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! screens miniaturizations of compute,134.7,4.14,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Advanced Battery Technology and wireless,136.64,4.48,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! internet so those three things combined,138.84,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! to create the possibility for the iPhone,141.12,4.14,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and then once it exists it's like well,143.16,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! duh of course that's the way to go,145.26,5.16,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so when you look at the combination of,147.66,5.64,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! alpha fold protein science mRNA vaccines,150.42,5.52,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! DNA printers artificial intelligence,153.3,5.4,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Quantum Computing Material Science all,155.94,4.2,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! of this is almost certainly to to,158.7,4.2,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! combine in unexpected ways and create,160.14,5.34,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! entirely new possibilities neurolink,162.9,4.8,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! might be like Child's Play compared to,165.48,3.92,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! what's actually possible,167.7,5.34,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! reality is often Stranger Than Fiction,169.4,5.8,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! uh before we dive into the rest of the,173.04,3.72,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! video I just want to take a quick break,175.2,3.36,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! to say that uh today's video is,176.76,3.72,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! sponsored by all of you my patreon,178.56,3.36,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! supporters,180.48,3.6,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um and just this morning well by the,181.92,3.24,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! time you're watching this it'll be like,184.08,2.76,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! yesterday or whenever,185.16,5.82,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um a morning in the past uh I added a,186.84,7.2,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Discord server uh exclusive for my,190.98,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! patreon supporters and it's already,194.04,3.54,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! popping there's already like 150 people,195.48,4.02,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! uh in it,197.58,4.62,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um it is uh really sharp people which,199.5,4.739,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! doesn't surprise me um but great,202.2,4.2,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! conversations over there already any,204.239,5.161,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! patreon tier will get you access but I,206.4,6.0,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! do have some exclusive tiers uh for,209.4,5.64,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! higher uh higher tier patreon supporters,212.4,4.44,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! just that way you get a little bit more,215.04,3.839,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! kind of exclusive access and I know who,216.84,3.899,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! to prioritize,218.879,3.601,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um but yeah so Jump On In if you'd like,220.739,4.981,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and with that back to the show so for,222.48,5.22,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the sake of argument let I'm not gonna,225.72,3.9,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! I'm not gonna spend any time unpacking,227.7,4.02,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the problems that need to be solved,229.62,3.78,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! because there's millions of problems,231.72,4.2,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that need to be solved for uh biological,233.4,5.399,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! immortality by 2030 or indefinite,235.92,5.52,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! lifespan as um people like Aubry degree,238.799,4.921,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! call it but let's just assume that it,241.44,3.9,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! happens let's assume that Rey's,243.72,3.239,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! prediction is correct,245.34,3.959,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! where do we go from here,246.959,6.301,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so I want to unpack a few ideas this is,249.299,6.601,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! kind of how I prognosticate so let's,253.26,5.4,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! take a look at Social reactions so how,255.9,4.559,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! is society going to react on an,258.66,3.96,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! individual basis are people going to,260.459,4.321,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! accept it or reject it and if they do,262.62,4.44,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! what does that look like number two is,264.78,4.02,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! let's look at the economic impact is,267.06,4.62,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! this going to help equality or or move,268.8,5.399,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! us towards inequality number three is,271.68,5.28,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! we're going to look at Lifestyles so you,274.199,4.801,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! know the I I had this slide and someone,276.96,3.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! asked on the live stream are we just,279.0,3.72,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! going to be hedonists if we live forever,280.8,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and we can abuse our bodies or are we,282.72,3.18,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! going to do something else so I have,284.46,4.2,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! some ideas about that number four is,285.9,5.28,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! innovation or stagnation so this is at a,288.66,4.86,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! species level so one thing that people,291.18,3.78,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! are afraid of and they've explored this,293.52,5.76,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! in fiction is if we if we live forever,294.96,6.179,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! we might become very risk averse and we,299.28,4.199,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! just kind of become decadent and and,301.139,4.021,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! self-indulgent and we kind of don't go,303.479,4.741,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! anywhere again I got some ideas and I'll,305.16,4.14,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! let you know,308.22,4.44,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! uh five and six basically I'm gonna do,309.3,5.22,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! some forecasting to see what life is,312.66,3.9,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! going to look like in 200 years in 2000,314.52,4.56,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! years obviously most of my predictions,316.56,4.199,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! well I want to say most many of my,319.08,3.6,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! predictions are hilariously wrong but,320.759,3.301,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! it's food for thought so let's Dive,322.68,2.34,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Right In,324.06,4.02,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so on the social reaction part,325.02,4.86,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um many people I suspect that many,328.08,3.839,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! people will reject immortality for,329.88,4.259,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Spiritual philosophical and ethical,331.919,4.981,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! reasons but also many people will,334.139,4.861,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! embrace it this is assuming that it's a,336.9,4.56,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! choice I I suspect it will be a choice I,339.0,4.08,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! don't think anyone's going to be to have,341.46,3.72,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! immortality inflicted on them or,343.08,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! indefinite lifespan inflicted on them,345.18,3.9,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that would be deeply unethical,346.74,5.399,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! uh but one of the key things is there's,349.08,5.04,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! many cultures and many people have a,352.139,3.601,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! belief that death is what gives meaning,354.12,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! to life,355.74,4.799,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um my personal take is maybe this is,357.78,4.68,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! just some self-soothing nonsense because,360.539,3.781,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! we are trying to cope with the,362.46,4.2,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! inevitability of death but if you have a,364.32,3.659,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! pill that you can take or an injection,366.66,2.7,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that you can get that says suddenly you,367.979,2.881,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! don't have to worry about death,369.36,2.94,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! I think that a lot of people would take,370.86,4.559,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that because we're all a lot I mean,372.3,5.28,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! pretty much everyone has a an intrinsic,375.419,4.041,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! biological fear of death,377.58,4.02,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! but it's inevitable and that's kind of,379.46,3.88,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! like a that's kind of a sick joke of,381.6,3.439,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! evolution,383.34,4.74,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! those biological entities that are most,385.039,4.72,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! afraid of death and work hardest to,388.08,3.899,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! avoid it are more likely to pass on,389.759,4.081,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! their genes but then they inevitably die,391.979,4.44,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! anyways so that's kind of kind of kind,393.84,4.02,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! of not cool,396.419,4.381,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! now uh I think it's gonna split in,397.86,5.64,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! basically two different directions so I,400.8,4.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! called the first Direction the,403.5,3.6,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! mortalitasi which I borrowed from uh,405.18,5.28,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! from Dragon Age actually uh basically,407.1,6.0,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! people that are that believe in death,410.46,4.14,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um people that maybe not obsessed with,413.1,3.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! death but people that believe that,414.6,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! mortality is good and then on the other,416.22,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! hand are the methuselahs the people that,419.1,3.42,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! want to live forever and that I borrowed,420.72,3.36,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! from altered carbon so I can't take any,422.52,2.94,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! credit for those terms I just said oh,424.08,3.48,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! hey here's the term,425.46,5.34,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um so on the one hand you know when,427.56,5.34,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! people might have made the argument oh,430.8,3.72,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! well we were never meant to live this,432.9,3.359,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! long anyways but nobody's really saying,434.52,3.239,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! like well let's bring back tuberculosis,436.259,3.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! right so if you can cure aging if you,437.759,3.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! can cure heart disease if you can cure,440.099,3.781,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! cancer if you if you look at these,441.599,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! things as just diseases that are curable,443.88,4.02,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! then it's not a matter of immortality,445.919,3.661,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! because you we can't force someone to,447.9,3.06,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! live rather you can still die from,449.58,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! accidents right uh but you're not going,450.96,4.739,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! to die from aging and age-related,453.84,3.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! diseases,455.699,3.961,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so that's kind of the dichotomy so let's,456.96,5.82,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! take a closer look at the social side so,459.66,6.439,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! on the reject side on the on the on the,462.78,6.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! mortalitasi side uh basically there's,466.099,5.741,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! actually some really strong arguments to,469.62,4.74,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! be made that aging and death are good,471.84,4.56,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and this is from an evolutionary,474.36,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! perspective and I'm not going to read,476.4,3.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! all of these to you,478.02,4.079,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um like one by one but basically whether,479.52,4.98,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! you take it from a spiritual perspective,482.099,5.521,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! or a scientific perspective there are,484.5,5.22,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! some some compelling arguments to be,487.62,5.04,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! made that maybe we are supposed to age,489.72,4.62,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and die,492.66,3.599,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! uh to give way to the younger,494.34,4.259,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! generations and so on and you know,496.259,4.261,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! there's been bombings and riots over,498.599,4.261,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! pro-life and and pro-choice abortion,500.52,4.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! rights here in America uh you can,502.86,4.679,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! imagine that there will probably be some,504.9,6.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! uh some grumpiness over uh the rise of,507.539,6.481,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! of biological immortality,511.74,5.219,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! now on the accept side we also have some,514.02,4.68,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! models from fiction,516.959,3.721,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um namely like the Baku from Star Trek,518.7,4.56,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! insurrection which is a a village of,520.68,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! people that they settled on a planet,523.26,3.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that made them Immortal and they,525.18,2.88,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! basically formed an Eco Village before,526.38,4.139,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Eco Villages were cool and then the,528.06,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! asari for Mass Effect now the asari for,530.519,3.361,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Mass Effect are not Immortal but they,532.38,3.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! live a long time and so that's still a,533.88,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! good exploration of okay well if you,536.22,4.08,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! start thinking in terms of centuries in,538.38,4.74,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Millennia how does your life change,540.3,5.039,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so for those who accept biological,543.12,4.56,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! immortality I suspect that some people,545.339,3.721,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! are going to slow down and some people,547.68,3.24,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! are going to speed up so on the slow,549.06,4.2,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! downside you might say that like you're,550.92,3.539,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! going to spend more time mastering the,553.26,4.139,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Arts and Sciences you might settle into,554.459,6.181,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! comfortable routines for centuries on,557.399,6.06,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the speeding up side you might live Hard,560.64,4.8,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Play Hard right if you if you have,563.459,3.961,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! regenerative medicine that allows you to,565.44,3.72,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! do whatever you want you might just,567.42,3.78,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! wander the globe,569.16,4.08,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um one of the biggest social changes I,571.2,3.9,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! think though will be reproduction and,573.24,4.02,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! family structure because think of it,575.1,3.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! this way,577.26,3.36,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! most people once they get to a certain,578.22,4.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! age and they're empty nesters they kind,580.62,3.48,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! of get lonely and bored right you know,582.6,4.08,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! you you get a a single family home a,584.1,4.44,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! nuclear family home and then your,586.68,3.24,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! children grow up and they leave and then,588.54,3.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! you have an empty house some couples are,589.92,4.08,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! perfectly fine they're like oh finally,592.38,3.3,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the house is empty,594.0,3.959,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um and peace and quiet uh and some that,595.68,4.02,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! some people will absolutely continue to,597.959,3.301,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! live like that probably for centuries,599.7,5.34,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! now on the other hand uh many people,601.26,5.699,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! once they're empty nesters once they,605.04,3.96,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! realize hey you know I've I've had my,606.959,3.121,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! children and I don't want to have any,609.0,3.24,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! more some people if if you're,610.08,4.14,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! biologically 20 years old forever you,612.24,3.539,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! might have more children I certainly,614.22,3.0,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! expect some people are just going to be,615.779,3.421,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! churning them out because that just,617.22,4.619,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! seems to be what they want to do but I,619.2,4.44,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! think other people will basically just,621.839,3.841,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! kind of all gravitate towards,623.64,3.96,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um like retirement communities but since,625.68,3.36,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! we're all going to live forever it's,627.6,4.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! like retirement community okay sure so,629.04,4.739,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that's kind of the dichotomy there for,631.98,3.72,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the initial social reaction you know,633.779,4.261,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! except versus reject,635.7,4.62,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! now on the economic side,638.04,5.4,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! you know the possibility of living,640.32,6.9,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! forever uh is who this is super loaded,643.44,6.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! because Here's the the big question is,647.22,5.4,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! whether or not uh longevity medicine is,649.56,5.519,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! cheap and accessible if longevity,652.62,4.74,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! medicine is not cheap and accessible if,655.079,3.841,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! it's reserved for the wealthy and the,657.36,3.24,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! elite then we're going to end up with,658.92,3.72,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! like God emperor of all mankind level,660.6,4.14,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and stuff,662.64,3.48,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um I don't believe that's the direction,664.74,2.76,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that it's going to go but I needed to,666.12,3.06,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! address this because it is a very real,667.5,3.72,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! possibility this was explored in the,669.18,3.839,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! show alter of show and books altered,671.22,3.359,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! carbon and that's where they got the,673.019,3.721,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! term methuselahs so the meths or the,674.579,3.901,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! methuselahs are the wealthy Elite who,676.74,3.9,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! can afford all of the safeguards to,678.48,3.96,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! ensure that they are Immortal now in,680.64,3.54,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Altered carbon not only are they,682.44,3.18,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! biologically Immortal but they have,684.18,3.54,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! backups and clones that they can you,685.62,4.98,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! know transfer their Consciousness into,687.72,5.58,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um you know I'm not I'm not above saying,690.6,4.14,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! maybe that's possible because when I,693.3,3.719,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! talk about those compounding returns I,694.74,3.42,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! don't know what's possible and I don't,697.019,2.701,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! know what's impossible,698.16,5.58,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so if we have the capacity to live,699.72,6.299,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! forever oh and so really important side,703.74,6.0,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! note even if uh life-extending medicine,706.019,5.88,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! is cheap and accessible for all that,709.74,4.2,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! doesn't guarantee that we don't end up,711.899,3.601,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! in a dystopian hell because you might,713.94,3.78,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! still end up with concentrations of,715.5,4.98,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! wealth and power and nobody really wants,717.72,4.559,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! to live in a dystopian hell forever,720.48,4.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that's like the worst of Both Worlds so,722.279,4.021,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! let's not do that,724.86,4.02,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! okay so if we want to avoid that outcome,726.3,6.96,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and we want to move towards equality uh,728.88,6.6,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! we have basically you have to assume,733.26,3.96,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that some people are going to want to,735.48,3.599,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! accumulate wealth and power that's just,737.22,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! human nature right that there there are,739.079,5.281,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! there's a you there's absolutely always,741.54,4.919,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! utility and having more money having,744.36,3.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! more power even above and beyond what,746.459,4.081,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! you actually need but the more money,748.2,3.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that you have the more options you have,750.54,3.96,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! right and humans need autonomy and,752.04,4.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! self-determination,754.5,3.3,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um so that's just you know Maslow's,756.42,2.76,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! hierarchy of needs the more money you,757.8,3.0,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! have the higher up on that you can get,759.18,3.06,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! quicker,760.8,5.099,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so with that assumption the question,762.24,5.159,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! then becomes how do the rest of us,765.899,3.361,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! create and build and maintain a system,767.399,4.201,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that ensures that it's not too lopsided,769.26,4.079,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! or that even if there are wealthy and,771.6,3.299,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! powerful people they can't harm the rest,773.339,3.18,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! of us,774.899,2.701,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so,776.519,3.0,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! I'm not gonna say like you know seize,777.6,4.919,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the means of production however when I,779.519,5.461,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! was having the the Q a uh the other,782.519,3.361,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! night,784.98,2.7,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um people were talking about like using,785.88,4.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! AI to manage resources to manage,787.68,4.56,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! companies and so on and that's when a,790.26,4.199,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! little like bell went off in my head and,792.24,4.14,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! I was like wait that's what Dows are for,794.459,3.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so if you're not familiar with what a,796.38,4.199,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! dow is it's a decentralized autonomous,797.579,6.301,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! organization so a dow is uses blockchain,800.579,4.56,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! technology and they're pretty much,803.88,5.34,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! perfect for AI to run things now in the,805.139,5.88,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! short term I don't think that Dows are,809.22,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! going to run the whole world but I think,811.019,3.601,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that we're going to start seeing,813.54,3.18,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! experiments where dowels run things like,814.62,4.44,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! maybe homeowners associations and small,816.72,4.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! companies and that sort of thing and if,819.06,5.219,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the technology is proven out it could be,821.1,5.64,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that Dows are the way that we transition,824.279,5.461,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! to a more algorithmic kind of,826.74,5.64,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! technocracy a good technocracy where the,829.74,4.44,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! AI is all debate and integrate our,832.38,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! information and our needs and then,834.18,3.42,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! figure out the best way to manage things,836.04,4.739,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so that's one possibility there's plenty,837.6,5.58,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! of other possibilities so if you and I,840.779,4.381,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! didn't come up with this idea by the way,843.18,3.719,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um the first place I saw that book was a,845.16,4.859,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! a that idea was a book called liquid,846.899,4.581,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! rain uh,850.019,5.401,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! r-e-i-g-n good well-researched book,851.48,6.22,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um the author is in English though or it,855.42,4.44,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! doesn't speak English natively so it,857.7,3.54,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! needed a little bit more editing but,859.86,3.96,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! still a good good book,861.24,5.159,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! now on the other hand,863.82,4.92,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! if everyone is going to live forever and,866.399,5.341,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! it's cheap then we might very well slip,868.74,4.2,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! towards,871.74,3.719,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Eternal Injustice which you know we keep,872.94,5.339,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! making grimdark movies and TV and books,875.459,4.201,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and video games about that so that's,878.279,3.601,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! something that we're all afraid of so,879.66,4.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! between corporate greed I said Corporal,881.88,5.519,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! greed oops typo corporate greed and,884.04,5.88,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! political cronyism we it could end up,887.399,4.081,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! with technocrats that control everything,889.92,3.599,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and then we get stuck in a dystopian,891.48,3.479,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! death spiral that we can never get out,893.519,3.06,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! of and it's just and it's a cyberpunk,894.959,3.961,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! hell but nobody really wants that except,896.579,4.62,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! for there's a few like really cynical,898.92,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! people who probably genuinely want that,901.199,4.561,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! but most of us don't want that,903.24,5.58,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um so even even so if you saw my video,905.76,5.759,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! about the Malik or watch Liv bori and um,908.82,5.04,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and Daniel schmachtenberger talking,911.519,5.041,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! about these really mysterious forces at,913.86,4.8,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! play that are going to push us towards,916.56,4.68,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that that attractor State anyways no,918.66,4.56,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! matter what we do so we need to change,921.24,3.539,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the game,923.22,3.119,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um I have a whole other video about that,924.779,4.141,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so check out my Malik video my in-game,926.339,5.101,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! video if you want to know more about how,928.92,4.8,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! to avoid that situation but I do need to,931.44,5.28,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! point out that longevity Medicine by no,933.72,5.58,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! means will automatically prevent that,936.72,4.799,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and in fact it could push us towards,939.3,3.3,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that,941.519,2.94,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um so we need to be very careful,942.6,4.799,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! now on the topic of Hedonism versus,944.459,4.861,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! asceticism,947.399,4.62,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um you know like what do we do right if,949.32,4.379,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! you know that you can just take a pill,952.019,3.961,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! you can abuse your body and if you party,953.699,3.841,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! too hard you just sleep it off for a,955.98,3.419,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! week and then you're back to normal like,957.54,4.919,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! are people gonna do that you know like I,959.399,4.74,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! don't know about you but in my early 20s,962.459,4.021,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! I was like yeah let's party,964.139,5.521,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um and if I had a 20 year old body again,966.48,4.74,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! I'd probably do that again for a little,969.66,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! while so,971.22,4.44,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! this is this is an oversimplification,973.32,5.699,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! but one one uh Spectrum to think about,975.66,5.4,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! it is you can live hedonically or,979.019,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! hedonistically or ascetically,981.06,4.62,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and so let's talk about the hedonic life,983.279,4.68,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! this is the obvious kind of like you,985.68,4.2,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! know just engage in wanting Hedonism for,987.959,3.901,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! however long you want because you know,989.88,3.6,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that you'll be fine,991.86,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! one thing that I worry about here is,993.48,5.34,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that if you are able to be saturated in,996.18,4.68,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! joy and pleasure you're going to become,998.82,3.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! numb to dopamine and you're going to be,1000.86,4.14,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! like constantly seeking the next biggest,1002.66,4.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! thing and so you know we have like,1005.0,4.019,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! digital minimalism and dopamine fasting,1007.04,3.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and stuff so I think that that could be,1009.019,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! like an antidote to the hedonic life we,1010.88,4.259,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! might also come up with medicines that,1013.279,3.3,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! desensitize you or I guess maybe,1015.139,4.44,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! re-sensitize you to dopamine,1016.579,6.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um but if we have like entire swaths of,1019.579,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the population who do nothing but,1022.699,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! mindlessly pursue joy and pleasure like,1024.079,5.581,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! what's like what's the point does that,1026.959,5.1,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! maybe make life meaningless,1029.66,3.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um and that'll be up to the individuals,1032.059,3.181,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! to discover I'm not going to make any,1033.5,3.54,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! judgments one way or another because,1035.24,4.559,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! even just pursuing experiences you can,1037.04,4.379,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! make a philosophical argument that that,1039.799,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! is a good thing and that longevity,1041.419,5.52,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! medicine can Empower us to have entirely,1044.059,6.261,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! new kinds of experiences so,1046.939,6.001,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! one way or another those experiences,1050.32,4.96,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! will probably be had now on the other,1052.94,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! hand there's the acidic life so acetic,1055.28,4.62,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! life is about basically living more like,1057.44,5.46,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! a monk or uh monastically where you,1059.9,4.8,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! deliberately deprive yourself of those,1062.9,3.54,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Joys and Pleasures,1064.7,3.839,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um and focus on developing a sense of,1066.44,4.859,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! satisfaction from uh and contentment,1068.539,6.321,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! through uh connection service reflection,1071.299,6.481,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! spiritual growth and so on,1074.86,5.62,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and so what I want to say is that these,1077.78,4.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! are like extreme opposites I don't think,1080.48,3.72,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! most people are going to go to either,1082.16,3.899,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! opposite I think that most people are,1084.2,3.3,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! going to be balanced in there somewhere,1086.059,5.701,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and so for myself in particular I,1087.5,6.179,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! usually like you know I try and have one,1091.76,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! or two like big social fun outings per,1093.679,4.141,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! week and then the rest of the time I,1096.02,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! focus on Research uh making YouTube,1097.82,4.08,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! videos,1100.28,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um you know supporting my patreon uh,1101.9,6.18,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! supporters and so on and so you know I,1104.6,5.04,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! think it'll be just a matter of balance,1108.08,4.44,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! uh so this is not nearly as big of a,1109.64,5.039,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! deal I think as the econ the economic,1112.52,4.8,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! you know equality versus inequality,1114.679,6.24,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! now taking a step back though,1117.32,5.7,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! forget the economics for a second let's,1120.919,4.921,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! look at ourselves as a species will we,1123.02,4.86,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! stagnate or will we innovate if we,1125.84,6.24,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! achieve uh biological immortality so a,1127.88,5.76,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! quotation comes to mind and this is just,1132.08,3.719,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! a truism that is said in in the,1133.64,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! establishment which is science advances,1135.799,3.781,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! one funeral at a time,1137.9,5.76,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so basically the idea is that uh if you,1139.58,6.0,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! know if if the status quo is maintained,1143.66,3.18,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and the people that believe in the,1145.58,2.64,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! status quo live forever they continue,1146.84,3.48,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! maintaining the status quo forever and,1148.22,4.56,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! nothing ever changes so do people get,1150.32,3.96,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! stuck in their way,1152.78,3.3,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um if people continue to get stuck in,1154.28,4.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! their way with biological immortality,1156.08,4.74,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! yeah we could end up being a very,1158.66,4.68,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! stagnant species now on the other hand,1160.82,5.16,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! maybe biological immortality helps,1163.34,4.74,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! people stay more open-minded maybe we,1165.98,3.78,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! even develop therapies that keep you,1168.08,3.54,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! open-minded and prevent your mind from,1169.76,5.52,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! calcifying and then hopefully we can get,1171.62,5.28,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the best of both worlds and so what I,1175.28,3.3,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! mean by that is you're young you're,1176.9,3.659,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Dynamic you're you you're open-minded,1178.58,4.08,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! but then you also get to accumulate,1180.559,4.441,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! centuries worth of wisdom so let's take,1182.66,4.68,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! a deeper dive into that so on the one,1185.0,4.98,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! hand we could end up with mass paralysis,1187.34,5.339,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so imagine just do a thought experiment,1189.98,5.52,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! with me for a second imagine that during,1192.679,5.761,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the um during uh the the height of the,1195.5,5.1,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Spanish Empire the,1198.44,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um the Conquistadors found the Fountain,1200.6,5.22,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! of of Youth and they were able to convey,1202.76,5.82,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! uh the magic of immortality to the king,1205.82,4.739,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and queen of Spain who were deeply,1208.58,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Catholic and then they were able to take,1210.559,4.74,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that and then basically spread Spanish,1212.84,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! style Catholicism around the entire,1215.299,4.441,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! world 500 years ago,1217.34,4.86,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and then the entire world was Frozen,1219.74,5.1,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! with that value system so things like,1222.2,4.68,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! slavery theocracy patriarchy and,1224.84,3.719,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! colonialism become the status quo,1226.88,3.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! forever,1228.559,3.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! or at least until something major,1230.0,3.36,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! happens because that doesn't preclude,1231.679,4.141,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the possibility of Civil War Uprising,1233.36,4.74,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that sort of thing but from a social,1235.82,4.14,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! perspective many of those people that,1238.1,3.6,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! think that hey you know colonialism and,1239.96,3.959,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! slavery was a good idea might still be,1241.7,5.28,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! alive today so what kind of values,1243.919,6.301,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! like need to be sunsetted with funerals,1246.98,5.4,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so that's something that's that's the,1250.22,4.44,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! downside now I did think of an upside to,1252.38,3.6,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! this though,1254.66,4.92,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! with the rate of change of society it,1255.98,5.52,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! might actually be good to have some Old,1259.58,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Guard people pushing the brakes more,1261.5,4.2,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! because I mean the world is changing,1263.24,4.98,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! really fast right now and maybe it's,1265.7,5.4,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! even too fast so if there's a few people,1268.22,4.44,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that are a little bit more resistant,1271.1,3.42,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that could be a good thing especially,1272.66,5.04,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! with AI ramping up and and who knows how,1274.52,4.98,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! fast life is going to change I'm not,1277.7,3.78,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! saying that it totally counterbalances,1279.5,3.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! it I'm just giving you some food for,1281.48,2.699,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! thought,1283.34,3.9,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! now on the other hand if all of our best,1284.179,5.101,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Minds live forever whether they're,1287.24,4.64,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! social thinkers or scientists or or,1289.28,5.279,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! spiritual leaders or whatever if they,1291.88,5.02,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! all live forever like that could,1294.559,3.721,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! actually be really good and that could,1296.9,3.3,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! actually support life and the world,1298.28,4.74,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! changing for the better faster because,1300.2,6.0,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! what if Nikola Tesla and Albert Einstein,1303.02,5.58,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and Stephen Hawking were all still alive,1306.2,4.92,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and all collaborating to make nuclear,1308.6,4.62,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! fusion and warp drive right like that,1311.12,3.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! would be pretty cool,1313.22,3.6,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um and then you know I'm not going to,1314.96,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! pick any particular spiritual leaders,1316.82,3.479,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! because all of them have their own,1318.62,3.96,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! issues imagine that humans are,1320.299,3.601,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! complicated and the closer you look at,1322.58,3.959,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! them they're all problematic but the,1323.9,6.3,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! point being is that having many leaders,1326.539,5.161,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! in the world that have centuries of,1330.2,3.719,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! wisdom accumulated could actually be a,1331.7,3.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! really good thing for us could help,1333.919,4.74,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! stabilize the entire planet and the,1335.08,5.68,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! entire species which I think is on,1338.659,4.321,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! balance probably a good thing,1340.76,4.2,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so whether it's positive disruption or,1342.98,4.88,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! positive stabilization I do think that,1344.96,5.94,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! overall there are so while there are,1347.86,4.9,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! some pros and cons it's a double-edged,1350.9,4.56,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! sword I think that longevity would be a,1352.76,5.039,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! net positive for the species,1355.46,4.56,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! okay so those are all the issues that,1357.799,4.021,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! I've unpacked now let's dive into the,1360.02,3.3,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! last part of the video which is my,1361.82,3.18,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! specific predictions,1363.32,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so in the near term as I mentioned,1365.0,4.559,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! earlier in the video I do believe that,1366.98,4.439,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! longevity medicine is going to be dirt,1369.559,4.321,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! cheap and broadly accessible I think,1371.419,5.221,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! it's going to be cheap because at the at,1373.88,6.0,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the fundamental level mRNA vaccines not,1376.64,5.64,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that expensive nanoparticles not that,1379.88,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! expensive especially once you figure out,1382.28,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! how to scale them and then finally for,1384.14,4.44,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! accessibility I think that government,1386.78,3.96,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! regulation will ensure that everything,1388.58,4.92,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! is accessible just because that'll be,1390.74,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the will of the people but also it makes,1393.5,3.48,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! economic sense to ensure that everyone,1395.24,3.6,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! has access to it,1396.98,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and the reason is because well death is,1398.84,3.42,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! expensive,1401.24,3.78,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! uh the economic loss of expertise but,1402.26,5.039,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! also end-of-life care is ludicrously,1405.02,4.8,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! expensive and so just from a purely,1407.299,5.221,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! economic standpoint it makes sense to,1409.82,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! push for longevity medicine to be cheap,1412.52,4.019,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and accessible another thing is that,1414.32,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! it's going to be an array of therapies,1416.539,3.421,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! because there's tens of thousands of,1417.98,5.059,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! diseases and metabolic disorders and,1419.96,5.16,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! genetic flaws and every you know,1423.039,3.64,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! hundreds of thousands millions of things,1425.12,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that can go wrong with the body so when,1426.679,4.141,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! we say like you know biological,1429.44,2.82,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! immortality it's not going to be one,1430.82,3.56,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! pill that you take it's going to be,1432.26,4.68,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! bespoke personalized medicine it's going,1434.38,5.2,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! to be injections it might be implants it,1436.94,4.739,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! might be nanites it's going to be a lot,1439.58,5.099,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! of stuff number three is that detection,1441.679,5.101,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! detection and imaging of biological,1444.679,3.36,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! problems needs a little bit more of,1446.78,3.3,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! advancement now that being said I'm not,1448.039,3.421,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! worried about it because I think AI is,1450.08,2.82,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! going to figure that out quick fast and,1451.46,3.68,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! in a hurry so the combination of AI,1452.9,4.86,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Quantum Computing and Material Science,1455.14,4.659,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! means that you'll probably end up with a,1457.76,3.899,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! implant like in your arm or whatever,1459.799,4.62,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! this just constantly reporting on the,1461.659,4.64,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! content of your blood,1464.419,5.581,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! there was a some like speculative sci-fi,1466.299,5.141,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! kind of documentaries that I watched,1470.0,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! years ago that um that there the sensors,1471.44,4.08,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! were actually in the toilets so every,1474.26,3.779,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! time you go to the bathroom it it reads,1475.52,3.72,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! you know what's coming out of your body,1478.039,3.481,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and can use that to infer you know your,1479.24,3.96,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! your health,1481.52,3.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um I don't know that's a little bit,1483.2,5.099,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! weird but hey it's one possible modality,1484.64,5.279,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um yeah so the fourth one is just kind,1488.299,3.541,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! of a rehash of the different delivery,1489.919,4.681,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! mechanisms okay so here's where it gets,1491.84,6.78,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! fun life in 200 years I predict that due,1494.6,6.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! in part to uh the technologies that lead,1498.62,4.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! to life extension but also some of the,1501.44,4.02,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! knock-on effects of Life Extension mean,1503.0,4.14,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that war poverty and disease will all,1505.46,2.94,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! have been solved,1507.14,3.779,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and so what I mean by that is that our,1508.4,3.779,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! best and brightest whether they're,1510.919,2.821,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Engineers spiritual leaders political,1512.179,4.081,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! leaders scientists will all be living,1513.74,4.799,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! longer and will be able to help provide,1516.26,5.34,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! a steadying hand not just for you know,1518.539,5.281,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Global Harmony but also to help solve,1521.6,3.9,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the problems,1523.82,3.42,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um so that's going to be I think a,1525.5,3.419,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! really big thing,1527.24,3.96,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um and 200 years is is going to be close,1528.919,4.86,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! there's probably going to be some big,1531.2,5.4,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! like Global conflicts between now and,1533.779,3.78,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! then,1536.6,2.579,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um hopefully just one more well,1537.559,3.72,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! hopefully zero more but in all,1539.179,4.701,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! likelihood at least one more,1541.279,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! unfortunately,1543.88,4.48,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um number two is because of that,1545.779,4.321,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! aforementioned thing where like most,1548.36,3.78,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! people are going to be empty nesters and,1550.1,3.3,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so we already have a model for that,1552.14,3.18,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! right like you go to a retirement,1553.4,3.3,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! community some of those people are the,1555.32,2.76,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! happiest people you've ever met so I,1556.7,3.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! think everyone is going to move towards,1558.08,3.9,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that sort of communal living,1559.82,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and I don't mean shared ownership I,1561.98,3.36,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! don't mean like communism communal I,1563.48,3.6,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! just mean like Village living and group,1565.34,3.06,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! living,1567.08,3.42,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um in rural places it'll be more like,1568.4,4.74,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Villages uh like Eco Villages or that,1570.5,4.559,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! sort of thing and in urban places it'll,1573.14,3.3,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! be like high density co-living,1575.059,3.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! situations and of course there will,1576.44,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! still be a plenty of people who prefer,1578.179,3.661,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! to live alone or just with their partner,1580.1,5.16,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! or Partners if they're non-monogamous,1581.84,6.0,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! overall in 200 years I think that the,1585.26,4.799,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! global population will have stabilized,1587.84,4.02,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and I know that some people believe that,1590.059,3.6,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the carrying capacity is like 50 billion,1591.86,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! or 50 trillion or whatever,1593.659,3.181,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um you don't want to live on a planet,1595.52,3.18,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! with 50 billion humans I promise you,1596.84,4.02,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! like look into it,1598.7,3.599,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um so I think that the population will,1600.86,3.0,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! stabilize it could we could still end up,1602.299,3.601,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! with a lot more than we have today maybe,1603.86,3.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! 15 billion or 20 billion that would,1605.9,3.779,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! still be pretty crowded,1607.7,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um and then Supply chains are going to,1609.679,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! be really really blah anyways point,1611.36,5.34,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! being I think that uh population will,1614.179,5.281,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! have stabilized within 200 years and,1616.7,4.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! because of that there will be very few,1619.46,3.599,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! children there will be economic,1621.08,4.199,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! incentives against having children so,1623.059,3.961,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! this was explored in an episode of Love,1625.279,4.681,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! death and robots where you in order to,1627.02,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! keep getting your life extending,1629.96,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! medicine you have to be sterilized,1631.34,6.0,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um that's a pretty Draconian measure so,1634.22,5.22,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! but depending on the depending on what,1637.34,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! happens that could become a thing I kind,1639.44,3.54,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! of doubt it I think that people will,1641.6,2.939,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! voluntarily just kind of get over,1642.98,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! themselves like everyone has one or two,1644.539,3.481,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! children and then they're happy or,1646.64,3.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! whatever but you never know because you,1648.02,3.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! know grandparents get to the point where,1649.76,2.76,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! they haven't had children in a long time,1651.14,2.34,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and they're like hey I want,1652.52,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! grandchildren and you know we are we are,1653.48,5.1,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! biologically wired too like having,1656.84,3.42,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! children around,1658.58,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! uh some of us some people are like no,1660.26,4.74,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! get children away from me,1663.08,5.099,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um but yeah oops come back sorry,1665.0,5.4,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um yes so I think that within 200 years,1668.179,3.6,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! we're gonna still have some some,1670.4,3.899,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! holdouts of the mortalitasi,1671.779,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um some probably some small communities,1674.299,3.721,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and shrinking communities that that,1676.279,4.14,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! prefer the natural uh flow of things,1678.02,4.62,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! hopefully they don't cause any trouble I,1680.419,3.181,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! don't think that they're going to be,1682.64,1.98,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! like,1683.6,2.52,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um terrorists or anything because that,1684.62,3.659,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! kind of runs contrary but you never know,1686.12,3.84,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! what's going to happen,1688.279,4.081,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um and also lastly within 200 years I,1689.96,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! think the governments and corporations,1692.36,3.179,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! will still exist as we know them today,1693.62,4.86,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! nation states and that sort of thing in,1695.539,4.201,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the long run though I think that that,1698.48,3.0,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! idea that I that I was talking about,1699.74,3.24,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! with the you know decentralized,1701.48,3.24,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! autonomous organizations where,1702.98,4.079,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! everything is run by by hierarchies of,1704.72,5.16,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! AI with human input I think that that's,1707.059,4.921,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! probably going to be like the long-term,1709.88,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! end game I hope,1711.98,4.559,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! if it's done right and then finally in,1714.2,4.92,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! 2000 years because we're approaching the,1716.539,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! singularity,1719.12,3.9,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um you know heck we might figure out,1720.799,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! faster than light travel before that 200,1723.02,4.8,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! years is up so let's be honest but what,1725.059,4.62,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! I'm going to say is that within 2000,1727.82,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! years we will have figured it out,1729.679,4.201,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um if faster than light travel is,1732.14,3.72,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! possible we will have figured that out,1733.88,4.08,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! basically in our lifetime because we're,1735.86,4.08,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! probably going to live a long time and,1737.96,3.839,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! if not then Interstellar flight is going,1739.94,4.32,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! to be a thing now what's going to happen,1741.799,5.88,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! as humans spread across the universe is,1744.26,6.18,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! that it takes an astronomical amount of,1747.679,5.281,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! energy to change the habitat of an,1750.44,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! entire planet which if we solve fusion,1752.96,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and have anti-matter reactors and that,1754.7,3.78,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! sort of stuff we will have enough energy,1756.62,5.22,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! to do that but that being said,1758.48,5.699,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! we might not right we might not have,1761.84,4.02,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! enough energy and material because if,1764.179,3.661,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! you run the numbers it would take a,1765.86,3.96,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! tremendous amount of water and and,1767.84,4.319,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! matter to make Mars habitable habitable,1769.82,5.76,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! for instance and Earth-like worlds might,1772.159,5.64,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! be really really far apart,1775.58,5.52,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um so like too far to get to so it's,1777.799,5.401,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! easier to change ourselves so this is,1781.1,3.66,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! this is what I'm building up to it's,1783.2,3.3,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! easier to change ourselves than an,1784.76,3.779,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! entire planet especially if we have,1786.5,3.779,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! genetic medicine and cybernetic stuff,1788.539,4.14,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and nanotech and blah blah all that fun,1790.279,5.041,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! stuff so we might adapt ourselves to,1792.679,4.1,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! live on planets that we couldn't,1795.32,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! currently habitate which means that we,1796.779,5.201,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! we that we as humans might deliberately,1799.82,5.28,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! speciate in order to,1801.98,5.1,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! um in order to spread across the stars,1805.1,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! and this is kind of in Canon from the,1807.08,4.319,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Star Trek universe where like they kind,1809.36,3.6,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! of have a really wimpy explanation in,1811.399,3.061,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! one episode in generation Next,1812.96,4.02,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! Generation where like the reason that,1814.46,4.74,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! all aliens have roughly the same body,1816.98,4.5,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! plan is because we all had a you know,1819.2,5.04,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the same progenitor species billions of,1821.48,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! years ago or whatever,1824.24,2.7,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! so I don't know if that's going to,1825.74,3.0,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! happen but this is just one possibility,1826.94,4.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! if you think of like okay we really want,1828.74,4.38,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! to get onto other planets so what are,1831.32,3.18,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the implications of that we can either,1833.12,2.88,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! make the planets more Earth-like or we,1834.5,3.419,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! can adapt ourselves or maybe a little,1836.0,4.62,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! bit of of both but over a long enough,1837.919,5.161,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! period of time we might consider like,1840.62,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! the people on Mars a different species,1843.08,4.52,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! or in Alpha Centauri a different species,1844.88,5.22,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! which could result in like maybe they,1847.6,4.12,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! will actually look like Klingons one day,1850.1,4.199,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! who knows alright so I hope you had a,1851.72,4.26,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! lot of fun thanks for watching don't,1854.299,4.321,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! forget like And subscribe and hop on,1855.98,5.4,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! patreon and also if I got it working,1858.62,4.679,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! we're actually about to jump right over,1861.38,4.019,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! to the live stream q a so I will see you,1863.299,4.281,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! there,1865.399,2.181,Biological Immortality by 2030: Social & Economic Implications + Some Predictions! morning everybody David Shapiro here,0.74,5.8,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" with another video today's video is,3.6,5.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" going to be a bit of a doozy so we were,6.54,5.099,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" talking about the singularity and in,9.48,4.159,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" particular The Singularity end game,11.639,5.941,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" namely that there are four potential,13.639,6.64,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" likely outcomes there's quite a few more,17.58,4.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" than these four,20.279,4.621,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um but these are the easiest ones to,22.14,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" talk about,24.9,3.959,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um so those four are Utopia dystopia,26.58,4.199,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" collapse and Extinction so let's go,28.859,3.301,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" ahead and get started,30.779,3.901,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" actually I lied before we get started I,32.16,4.16,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" just want to plug my patreon real quick,34.68,5.82,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" I've had tremendous growth in subscriber,36.32,5.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" support so I've actually had to put a,40.5,4.14,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" cap on the higher tiers because I only,42.3,5.04,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" have so many hours in a day so if you,44.64,4.439,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" want to jump in on my patreon there are,47.34,3.239,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" lower tiers if you just want to be a,49.079,3.781,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" sustainer or chat with me via patreon,50.579,5.761,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" but if you want to jump in and have zoom,52.86,6.359,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" calls I schedule those via calendly and,56.34,4.379,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" I'm happy to jump in and talk about,59.219,3.421,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" whatever you want to talk about within,60.719,4.141,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" reason obviously all right so right back,62.64,3.299,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to the show,64.86,3.36,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" introduction what are we talking about,65.939,4.801,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" let's define some terms,68.22,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so first we need to talk about the,70.74,5.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" concept of global attractor States so a,73.32,4.92,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" global attractor state is a long-term,76.26,4.499,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" scenario or our outcome for the the,78.24,4.739,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" entirety of humanity,80.759,5.881,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" it is characterized by specific Trends,82.979,5.221,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and factors,86.64,3.36,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um the ones that I chose for this video,88.2,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" are quality of life population stability,90.0,4.759,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and sustainability,92.64,5.4,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" these attractor states are driven by,94.759,6.061,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" certain factors and macroeconomic forces,98.04,5.579,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" such as technology we'll get into the,100.82,5.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" details in a minute,103.619,4.801,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um it is also influenced by the choices,106.32,4.259,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the collective choices of individuals,108.42,4.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" corporations Nations and so on,110.579,7.381,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and these will serve as a framework for,113.18,7.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" exploring this uh this concept,117.96,5.4,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so the four basic attractor states that,121.14,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" I talked about or uh Singularity,123.36,6.72,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" outcomes are Utopia dystopia collapse,126.24,7.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and Extinction so Utopia in terms of the,130.08,5.64,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" dimensions that I just mentioned uh,133.8,3.54,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" characterized by high quality of life,135.72,4.2,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" sustainability Global cooperation yada,137.34,5.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" yada yada you get it dystopia is pretty,139.92,6.12,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" much the opposite of Utopia low quality,143.22,3.92,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" of life,146.04,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" high or unstable population widespread,147.14,6.58,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" instability so on and so forth now,150.78,6.179,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" collapse is another possibility where,153.72,6.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the quality of life rapidly declines as,156.959,6.06,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" well as the population and this could be,160.62,5.94,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" due to extreme amounts of failure or,163.019,5.901,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" other problems that arise such as,166.56,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" ecological collapse global conflict and,168.92,5.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so on and then finally Extinction is,171.66,5.82,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" where for whatever reason Humanity goes,174.42,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" extinct now this could be that the Earth,177.48,4.14,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" becomes uninhabitable due to extreme,179.04,5.699,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" climate change nuclear war runaway AGI,181.62,5.16,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" all sorts of things there's several,184.739,4.021,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" existential threats that we are aware of,186.78,3.12,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and of course there's natural,188.76,2.82,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" existential threats like a you know,189.9,4.199,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Comet strike or something,191.58,4.799,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so the met the dimensions that I,194.099,3.301,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" mentioned,196.379,2.341,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um because we want to be scientific,197.4,3.119,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" about this and approach it in something,198.72,4.439,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that's actually measurable number one is,200.519,5.101,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" quality of life which encompasses the,203.159,4.321,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" overall well-being happiness and,205.62,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" personal satisfaction of all individuals,207.48,4.619,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" on the planet,210.36,3.84,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um which can be measured by proxies such,212.099,4.201,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" as health education economic,214.2,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" opportunities uh and the other,216.3,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" measurements like Jenny coefficient,219.06,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" equality so on and so forth,220.68,5.82,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um population is another good metric,224.04,6.119,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" because uh obviously in the Co in the,226.5,5.159,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" case of collapse or Extinction you see,230.159,4.08,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the population fall off a cliff,231.659,5.281,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um in many dystopic outcomes you might,234.239,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" expect the population to climb to,236.94,4.68,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" unsustainable levels which could then be,239.459,5.34,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" followed by a collapse it could also you,241.62,4.759,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" could also see an unstable population,244.799,4.561,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" where we become overpopulated and due to,246.379,5.981,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" overcrowding and uh breakdown of systems,249.36,5.459,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the population declines significantly,252.36,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" not necessarily A collapse and then it,254.819,3.841,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" comes back we want to avoid that as well,256.62,3.899,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" we want nice stable sustainable,258.66,5.099,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" population and of course finally overall,260.519,5.521,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" global stability and sustainability so,263.759,5.421,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" this includes geopolitical stability,266.04,6.3,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" environmental sustainability resilience,269.18,5.019,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" balance and so on,272.34,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so those are the three primary,274.199,3.72,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Dimensions that we're going to be,276.6,4.319,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" looking at while we evaluate these uh,277.919,5.941,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" attractor States or the singularity,280.919,4.921,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" outcomes that we're looking at,283.86,3.72,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" all right so let's take a closer look at,285.84,3.54,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" each of those four states,287.58,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so State one Utopia this is the one that,289.38,4.08,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" we all want,291.84,4.079,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um so Utopia is defined by a high,293.46,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" quality of life which can be,295.919,4.141,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" characterized by high levels of,298.56,3.12,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" well-being happiness and satisfaction,300.06,3.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" for everyone not just a few people,301.68,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Everyone,304.02,3.239,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um I just mentioned that the population,305.94,4.979,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" should be sustainable which also implies,307.259,6.601,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" a stable population you don't want,310.919,5.701,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" demographic collapses you don't want,313.86,6.059,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" population decline due to famine war and,316.62,4.82,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so on and so forth,319.919,4.681,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Utopia is also defined by stability and,321.44,5.8,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" sustainability so this includes economic,324.6,3.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" sustainability,327.24,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" geopolitical stability uh so on and so,328.58,6.82,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" forth it goes well above and beyond,331.86,5.899,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" climate change right it's got to be,335.4,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" global stability in pretty much every,337.759,4.901,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" way that you can measure that so some of,340.62,3.359,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the key factors that will help us,342.66,3.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" achieve Utopia could be technological,343.979,5.341,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" breakthroughs like sustainable energy,346.56,4.32,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" artificial intelligence which is,349.32,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" happening right now global cooperation,350.88,6.42,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and then also cultural and social shifts,353.58,5.58,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" because we do have some some really,357.3,4.8,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" destructive Tendencies right now,359.16,5.84,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" state number two is dystopia which is,362.1,4.92,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" what a lot of people are afraid that,365.0,3.46,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" we're heading towards,367.02,5.04,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um so dystopia is characterized by a low,368.46,6.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" quality of life such as limited access,372.06,6.24,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to basic needs and resources widespread,375.36,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" suffering unhappiness and general,378.3,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" dissatisfaction with life potentially,380.46,5.64,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" High population so overcrowding could,383.28,5.639,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" result in a dystopic outcome or it could,386.1,5.939,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" be a contributing factor but also it's,388.919,5.581,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" important to keep in mind that a lower,392.039,4.621,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" population if not a population collapse,394.5,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" could also be part of a dystopia because,396.66,5.039,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" people are just too unhappy too unwell,399.24,6.019,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and too poor to have children,401.699,3.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" another feature of a dystopian outcome,405.44,4.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" would be instability and,408.84,4.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" unsustainability so dystopia could very,410.34,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" quickly lead to collapse due to,412.86,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" instability or unsustainability but it,414.78,6.359,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" could also lead to a a pullback where,417.6,7.28,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the population declines such that,421.139,6.541,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" stability returns due to lack of,424.88,4.0,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" competition,427.68,3.299,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so some of the key factors that could,428.88,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" lead to dystopia number one is unchecked,430.979,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" corporatism,433.5,4.259,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um social and economic inequality,435.419,4.68,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" authoritarianism,437.759,4.861,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um and then finally unmitigated nihilism,440.099,5.82,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and intergenerational PTSD which are as,442.62,5.699,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" yet unsolved problems,445.919,5.461,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" state number three collapse so collapse,448.319,6.541,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" is what is uh some people are more,451.38,7.319,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" afraid of and that is that uh because of,454.86,6.36,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" ongoing instability and environmental,458.699,5.84,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" change we might end up with very very,461.22,6.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" precipitous drops in quality of life as,464.539,5.861,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" well as significant population loss so,468.18,5.04,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" this is portrayed in TV shows like The,470.4,6.079,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Walking Dead and movies like Mad Max,473.22,5.879,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" where basically there's only a few,476.479,4.901,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" humans left after the collapse and we're,479.099,3.841,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" talking less than five percent of the,481.38,3.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" current population but as low as like,482.94,6.06,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" 0.1 percent of the population so in in,485.28,5.46,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the case of total infrastructure,489.0,4.08,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" breakdown due to an unraveling of social,490.74,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" fabric most people starve to death just,493.08,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" due to lack of infrastructure if we run,495.96,6.859,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" out of fuel and international trade,498.84,6.78,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" basically Farms fail and then most,502.819,6.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" people starve so collapse is actually a,505.62,6.539,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" lot higher of a risk than you might,509.039,6.12,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" think because of how fragile logistical,512.159,4.8,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" chains are,515.159,3.781,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and then finally State four is,516.959,6.301,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" extinction this is a a stable outcome,518.94,6.12,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" because if humans are gone they're not,523.26,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" coming back and then of course there's a,525.06,5.339,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" few ways to achieve this not that we,528.0,4.2,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" want to but nuclear war nuclear,530.399,4.741,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Holocaust could do that runaway AGI or,532.2,6.12,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" total ecological collapse could make the,535.14,5.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Earth completely uninhabitable to humans,538.32,5.82,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and in that case the viability of the,541.1,6.04,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" planet is called into question not just,544.14,5.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" for humans but many other animals in,547.14,5.28,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" general uh you know the planet has,549.66,5.72,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" survived mass extinctions in the past,552.42,5.16,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" but that doesn't preclude the,555.38,3.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" possibility of another mass extinction,557.58,3.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" in the future which would which could,559.14,4.319,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" very well include us and it could be,561.54,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" self-inflicted,563.459,5.521,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" okay so I've painted a nice Rosy picture,565.98,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" we've only got one desirable outcome in,568.98,3.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" three really undesirable outcomes so,571.08,3.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" what are the primary drivers and factors,572.94,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Behind These I already outlined some of,575.04,3.66,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the dimensions that we're measuring but,577.32,2.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that's not what's the that's not what,578.7,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the uh the causes are,580.2,6.72,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so there are six overall uh drivers and,583.08,5.939,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" factors that I identified so first is,586.92,4.08,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" technological advancements,589.019,4.681,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so technology is always a double-edged,591.0,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" sword look at nuclear energy if you,593.7,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" harness nuclear energy responsibly you,596.22,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" get nuclear reactors you get thorium you,598.68,5.7,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" get molten salts nuclear fusion so on,601.08,5.28,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and so forth now the same exact,604.38,4.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" technology can be used to make weapons,606.36,5.7,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so nuclear energy is a perfect example,608.6,6.34,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" of how disruptive Technologies are,612.06,5.04,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" always a double-edged sword it is not,614.94,5.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that a technology is intrinsically evil,617.1,6.54,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" it is how we choose to use it so that,620.82,4.34,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" can go either way,623.64,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Factor number two is geopolitics so this,625.16,6.06,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" includes international trade globalism,628.5,7.68,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" de-globalism as well as uh Trends on the,631.22,7.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" on the global stage such as,636.18,5.0,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" authoritarianism surveillance,638.6,6.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" liberalization of democracies and then,641.18,5.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" of course cooperate Global cooperation,644.7,5.759,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" or a lack thereof uh Factor number three,647.16,6.239,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" is economic policy which this has to do,650.459,5.341,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" with Economic Institutions,653.399,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um as well as just individual economic,655.8,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and fiscal policy so what I mean by that,657.899,5.94,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" is uh we have institutions like the IMF,660.42,6.0,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the World Bank there's uh groups like,663.839,7.021,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Davos G20 G8 World economic Forum so,666.42,7.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that is where Global policy is set but,670.86,6.18,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" then Local Economic Policy is decided on,673.8,5.82,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" an on a nation by nation and state by,677.04,4.859,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" state basis which that includes,679.62,4.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" everything from you know Taxation and,681.899,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" wealth redistribution all the way up to,684.18,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" how much influence corporations are,686.279,3.901,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" allowed to have and then of course those,688.44,4.32,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" macro economic decisions made in the,690.18,4.32,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" halls of power,692.76,4.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" uh number four is Environmental,694.5,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Management so this is pretty obvious,697.32,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" basically climate change do we do,699.6,4.799,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" something about it yes or no do we clean,701.7,4.92,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" up the oceans do we adopt sustainable,704.399,4.021,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" farming practices do we continue,706.62,3.719,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" deforestation,708.42,5.28,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um that is uh again that that can easily,710.339,5.341,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" go either way it is entirely up to us,713.7,4.319,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" how we treat the environment,715.68,4.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um societal values so I already,718.019,4.981,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" mentioned things like uh nihilism but,719.7,5.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" there's also other factors such as do we,723.0,7.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" invest in empathy and equity and,725.22,7.14,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" emotional sustainability of the world,730.1,4.299,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and then finally,732.36,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um nihilism we live in an age of,734.399,7.321,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" nihilism which is caused by and results,738.12,8.219,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" in violence Despair and cynicism,741.72,6.78,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and it is a vicious cycle it is a,746.339,4.141,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" self-perpetuating loop and we'll talk,748.5,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" more about all of these right now,750.48,6.539,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so Factor one technology obviously top,753.6,4.979,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" of mind right now is artificial,757.019,3.901,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" intelligence with the rapid rise of,758.579,5.221,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" autonomous AI systems and we are,760.92,5.28,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" barreling towards AGI which is a,763.8,5.24,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" critical component of the singularity,766.2,5.879,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" uh again like all Technologies it's a,769.04,4.66,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" double-edged sword it has more to do,772.079,4.021,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" with how we implement it rather than any,773.7,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" intrinsic motivation of these,776.1,5.58,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Technologies we can build AGI to be like,778.32,5.759,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" nuclear weapons or we can build AGI to,781.68,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" be like nuclear power it can be harmful,784.079,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" it can be helpful it can be both it can,786.18,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" be neither depending on how we implement,788.339,5.881,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" it renewable energy will be another huge,790.92,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Factor,794.22,4.859,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um whether that's solar Fusion thorium,795.66,8.7,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" molten salt wind whatever even even uh,799.079,9.481,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" green greenish forms of energy uh could,804.36,8.159,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" be uh or or Renewables right,808.56,5.18,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um such as,812.519,3.481,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" harvesting trees and burning them right,813.74,3.82,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" because then the you plant more trees,816.0,3.0,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and they pull the carbon right back out,817.56,2.719,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" of the air,819.0,3.839,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" biotechnology so biotech includes,820.279,6.221,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" genetics protein medicine life extension,822.839,6.961,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um cloning organ replacement as well as,826.5,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" farming and agriculture but I did split,829.8,3.18,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" these up because agricultural,831.72,3.059,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Technologies go above and beyond,832.98,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" biotechnology so vertical farming,834.779,4.261,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" genetic engineering of crops,837.48,5.4,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" regenerative agriculture practices will,839.04,7.14,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" be absolutely critical to figure out in,842.88,6.139,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" order to create a sustainable population,846.18,6.0,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" either as the population grows or as the,849.019,5.921,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" climate changes but basically we need,852.18,6.18,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" more resilient food sources,854.94,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Factor two is geopolitics so Global,858.36,4.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" governance now this doesn't mean a One,860.7,3.78,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" World Government but Global governance,862.38,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" means uh cooperation and collaboration,864.48,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" between all governments which we are,867.12,3.48,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" trending in that direction with the,869.1,3.419,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" exception of Britain leaving the EU,870.6,3.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" which everyone is very happy to remind,872.519,3.661,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" me that I got that wrong when I implied,874.56,3.959,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that Britain was part of the EU they are,876.18,5.64,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" not right now I hope they will rejoin,878.519,7.32,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um another uh aspect of geopolitics is,881.82,6.959,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" democracy versus authoritarianism,885.839,5.94,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um this is kind of the theme of the last,888.779,4.521,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" century or so,891.779,4.201,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" in terms of global war which is uh,893.3,6.64,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" ideological incompatibilities it was,895.98,6.18,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" with World War one and two that was,899.94,4.94,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" between that was in and amongst Europe,902.16,5.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" fortunately Europe by and large has,904.88,6.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" unified around liberal democracy Now the,907.68,5.58,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" uh and so that was you know fascism,911.1,5.099,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" versus you know freedom and then it,913.26,3.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" became,916.199,4.32,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um you know American versus Soviet and,917.16,5.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" now it's by and large East versus West,920.519,6.781,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and so that is a contest that has yet to,923.12,6.459,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" be resolved and it could take many many,927.3,5.279,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" more decades for it to be resolved both,929.579,6.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" China and Russia which are the primary,932.579,6.06,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" authoritarian regimes that remain have,935.839,5.201,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" both tried to liberalize but they are so,938.639,5.341,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" corrupt and and a number of other,941.04,4.799,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" problems that they have kind of,943.98,4.28,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" backpedaled in the last few years,945.839,5.341,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" nationalism and populism these are other,948.26,6.4,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" factors that can contribute to internal,951.18,4.64,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" strife,954.66,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" civil unrest within Nations and,955.82,4.259,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" basically,959.04,3.479,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" well they're entirely too large to,960.079,3.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" unpack,962.519,3.661,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um but some of the things that can,963.839,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" result is political polarization,966.18,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" isolationism trade Wars and so on and of,968.699,5.101,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" course if a nation is internally less,971.94,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" effective it will be less of a player on,973.8,5.899,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the global stage and could even become,976.68,5.459,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" an agent of Chaos,979.699,5.021,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and then finally conflict and diplomacy,982.139,4.621,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" see above statements,984.72,4.58,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Factor number three is economic policy,986.76,5.4,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so uh to dive a little bit deeper into,989.3,4.0,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" this,992.16,4.099,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um Concepts such as wealth distribution,993.3,5.459,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" uh which right now we are becoming,996.259,4.901,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" increasingly unequal in terms of,998.759,5.221,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" distribution uh wealth is concentrating,1001.16,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" at the top which this goes through,1003.98,3.479,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" patterns in history,1005.42,4.68,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um so it has reset many times throughout,1007.459,5.401,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" history hopefully we can have a wealth,1010.1,6.419,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" reset without violence or collapse in,1012.86,5.419,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the case of the Roman Republic,1016.519,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" transitioning to the Roman Empire wealth,1018.279,4.901,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" continued accumulating in the upper,1021.259,4.021,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" echelons of Rome until it was so,1023.18,4.019,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" unbalanced that it contributed to the,1025.28,3.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" collapse of the Roman Empire,1027.199,4.201,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and that was just due to systemic,1028.78,5.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" failures institutional failures number,1031.4,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" two is Corporate influence,1034.04,4.08,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so as I have mentioned in many videos,1036.26,4.319,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" corporations are intrinsically amoral,1038.12,5.64,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the only thing that they desire is more,1040.579,5.161,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" income and they will optimize their,1043.76,5.4,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" strategy around income now that means,1045.74,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that they have to play nice in terms of,1049.16,2.94,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" regulations and not abusing their,1050.6,4.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" employees too much but,1052.1,5.04,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" corporations want Power they want more,1054.7,3.94,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" power they want more money and they will,1057.14,3.419,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" stop at nothing to do that and so if we,1058.64,4.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" do not rein corporations in we will end,1060.559,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" up with a situation where corporations,1063.2,4.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" have far more influence than voters,1065.419,4.081,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" which there are many people that argue,1067.76,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that they already do whether or not you,1069.5,4.919,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" believe that corporations have more,1072.74,3.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" influence than voters they already have,1074.419,5.221,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" too much influence overall in order to,1076.64,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" achieve a stable outcome,1079.64,4.8,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" fiscal policy has to do with taxation I,1081.74,5.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" already mentioned that so taxation,1084.44,6.66,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" redistribution and also how things are,1087.26,5.7,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" allocated so this has to do with the,1091.1,3.959,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" philosophy of how much do we tax and,1092.96,4.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" where do we spend that tax money,1095.059,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um that has a huge impact on these,1097.52,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" outcomes and then finally sustainable,1099.679,6.36,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" development this Inc this includes using,1101.96,7.079,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" economic policy to incentivize stability,1106.039,6.0,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and sustainability which by and large a,1109.039,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" lot of governments are moving in this,1112.039,3.181,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" direction the question is whether or not,1113.419,3.721,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" they're moving fast enough,1115.22,5.339,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so whether you get rid of oil subsidies,1117.14,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" you create solar subsidies or you,1120.559,4.761,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" subsidize research of a certain kind,1122.36,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" governments have the ability to,1125.32,3.82,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" incentivize the behaviors that they want,1127.46,3.839,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to see and push people towards more,1129.14,4.08,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" sustainable development and again this,1131.299,3.321,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" is happening all over the place,1133.22,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" including incentivizing sustainable Home,1134.62,6.16,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Building practices by you know for,1138.32,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" instance requiring an increase of,1140.78,5.04,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" insulation quality it also has to do,1142.82,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" with setting standards for for,1145.82,3.84,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" automobiles so for the longest time they,1147.44,4.68,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" set targets for uh fuel efficiency in,1149.66,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" cars and now of course many governments,1152.12,5.04,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" are setting targets to get rid of petrol,1154.28,5.58,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" petroleum burning cars altogether those,1157.16,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" are examples of how Economic Policy can,1159.86,3.36,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" influence the outcomes that we're,1161.9,3.36,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" talking about here,1163.22,4.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Factor number four environmental,1165.26,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" sustainability so this goes a lot Beyond,1167.24,4.799,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" climate change climate change is you,1170.24,3.6,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" know the biggest anxiety-inducing one,1172.039,4.221,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" but there are plenty of other resources,1173.84,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that could become depleted such as,1176.26,5.279,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Fisheries or mineral resources,1178.7,5.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" potable water arable land so for,1181.539,4.901,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" instance China One of the primary,1184.58,3.839,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" problems that China is facing is water,1186.44,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" shortages and deterioration of waterways,1188.419,7.201,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and arable land so you run out of those,1192.2,6.0,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" growth stops you poison your land you,1195.62,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" poison your water everyone suffers you,1198.2,4.14,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" poison your air air is a shared Resource,1200.36,3.24,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" as well,1202.34,3.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um you we we have already seen,1203.6,5.16,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" tremendous detrimental impacts to health,1206.08,6.16,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and overly congested cities where,1208.76,5.419,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" there's too much smog,1212.24,5.04,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" biodiversity loss so biodiversity loss,1214.179,4.961,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" is another thing that is one it's,1217.28,3.48,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" happening because we are in the midst of,1219.14,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the anthropocene basically man-made,1220.76,5.94,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Extinction uh mass extinction event so,1223.52,5.72,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" one thing that can happen is as you lose,1226.7,5.42,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" ecological niches or niches,1229.24,6.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" you can end up with runaway cascading,1232.12,7.6,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" runaway effects so in some cases for,1235.76,6.299,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" instance on Easter Island they,1239.72,4.199,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" deforested their Island which drove the,1242.059,3.961,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" seabirds away which caused the soil to,1243.919,3.481,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" become infertile,1246.02,3.36,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and so then the population of Easter,1247.4,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Island collapsed just due to removing,1249.38,4.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" trees,1252.62,3.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" uh and then finally,1253.94,5.16,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um one thing is and this again this is,1256.52,4.68,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" already happening one Farm to Table,1259.1,5.34,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" local Source circular economy uh,1261.2,5.04,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" basically creating a much more resilient,1264.44,4.08,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and local and sustainable,1266.24,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um set a usage of resources and that,1268.52,5.34,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" includes biological resources but it,1271.1,4.319,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" also includes material and mineral,1273.86,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" resources uh so for instance there's a,1275.419,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" lot of companies working on uh trying to,1278.24,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" recycle lithium for instance and there's,1281.179,3.24,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" other researchers and companies trying,1282.86,3.48,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to replace our need for lithium and,1284.419,4.441,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" other rare Metals altogether,1286.34,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Factor number five cultural values,1288.86,5.4,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so this has to do with compassion and,1292.1,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" empathy right now as we are in the,1294.26,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" middle of a nihilistic crisis compassion,1296.48,3.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and empathy are kind of at an all-time,1298.76,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" low this has to do with polarization uh,1300.38,7.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" due largely in to social media and mean,1304.52,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" world syndrome,1307.94,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um another aspect is equality and social,1309.74,6.84,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" justice which has to do with race uh,1312.32,8.64,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" gender and um and uh other socioeconomic,1316.58,5.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" factors,1320.96,4.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um basically how you the conditions,1322.46,4.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" under which you were born have a very,1325.52,4.139,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" large impact on the conditions of your,1327.02,3.899,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" death,1329.659,3.181,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um and of course there's a lot of debate,1330.919,4.921,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" over what does equality and justice mean,1332.84,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um I'm not saying one way or another,1335.84,2.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" what the correct answer is I'm just,1337.28,4.2,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" saying that this is a huge factor in,1338.72,5.4,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" contributing towards those four uh,1341.48,3.78,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" attractor states that we're talking,1344.12,3.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" about Utopia dystopia uh collapse and,1345.26,5.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Extinction sustainability and long-term,1348.02,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" thinking so right now and this is this,1350.78,5.04,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" is always true so this may or may not uh,1353.24,4.679,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" change but most humans are short-term,1355.82,4.4,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" thinkers that's just a fact of the world,1357.919,6.12,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" uh and so but by shifting our habits our,1360.22,6.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" daily habits towards sustainability and,1364.039,4.14,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" long-term thinking or at least decisions,1366.32,4.08,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that support long-term thinking even if,1368.179,4.801,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" we don't always think long term uh then,1370.4,4.34,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that is going to be a big factor,1372.98,3.72,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Collective action and collaboration,1374.74,4.66,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" again we tend to think local we tend to,1376.7,5.219,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" think tribal but it is time that we need,1379.4,5.279,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to start thinking globally and we don't,1381.919,4.081,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" need to think we don't all need to think,1384.679,3.12,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" globally on a daily basis but if we,1386.0,3.36,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" develop new patterns of thought and,1387.799,3.901,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" beliefs around Global thinking and,1389.36,4.14,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" collaboration that will be a large,1391.7,4.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" contributing factor,1393.5,4.559,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" finally nihilism,1395.72,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so nihilism is driven by a few things,1398.059,4.441,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" one the biggest thing is,1400.82,5.219,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" intergenerational trauma so basically uh,1402.5,5.82,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" trauma is a disease that is contagious,1406.039,5.281,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" uh and what I mean by this is that past,1408.32,6.2,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Wars namely World War One World War II,1411.32,7.8,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" uh Vietnam Korea so on and so forth,1414.52,6.58,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um more recently Iraq and Afghanistan,1419.12,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" create self-perpetuating cycles of,1421.1,4.319,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" violence Despair and otherwise,1423.86,4.14,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" nihilistic outlooks,1425.419,5.041,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um and I've picked a very familiar,1428.0,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" looking face here because if you look up,1430.46,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" his history good grief there's so much,1432.26,3.899,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" trauma there,1434.72,2.64,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um,1436.159,3.861,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" nihilism originated in Russia go figure,1437.36,6.54,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so climate nihilism so there's this idea,1440.02,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that,1443.9,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" climate change is entirely too big so,1444.88,5.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" there's this sense of futility and,1448.28,4.32,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" apathy and so a lot of people are just,1450.26,4.14,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" kind of checking out saying who cares we,1452.6,3.78,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" can't fix it anyways we might as well,1454.4,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" just lean in another aspect of nihilism,1456.38,5.7,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" is loneliness and social isolation so,1459.62,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" this has to do with abandonment so,1462.08,3.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" emotional neglect and abandonment which,1463.88,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" often starts in childhood since and the,1465.98,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" worst case is it starts in infancy,1468.5,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" sets you up for a lifetime of expecting,1470.84,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and tolerating loneliness and social,1473.6,4.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" isolation which leads to a sense of,1475.82,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" purposelessness and hopelessness,1477.62,4.32,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and finally all of these are Vicious,1480.26,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Cycles if you grow up with you know,1481.94,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" whether it's war or emotional neglect or,1484.76,5.64,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" any kind of trauma you are more likely,1487.7,5.219,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to perpetuate that and it is very,1490.4,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" difficult to break those cycles and so,1492.919,5.581,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" nihilism is the underpinning Force for a,1494.9,5.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" lot of the world's problems it is the,1498.5,4.799,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" emotional and psychological driving,1500.78,5.04,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" force that could push us towards,1503.299,5.401,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" dystopia collapse or Extinction,1505.82,5.099,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" all right so I'm talking about Pathways,1508.7,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" how do we get there from here,1510.919,5.581,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the path to Utopia so,1513.14,5.58,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" this is what everyone wants but it is,1516.5,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" not necessarily the easiest path to walk,1518.72,6.3,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so the first aspect of getting to Utopia,1521.48,7.199,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" is global cooperation now again,1525.02,5.82,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" you know depending on the news that you,1528.679,3.661,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" watch you might say like okay well,1530.84,3.719,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" there's lots and lots of uh friction,1532.34,5.219,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" geopolitical tensions right now uh that,1534.559,5.161,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" being said there is also a lot of global,1537.559,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" cooperation you know the United Nations,1539.72,5.939,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" uh the European Union uh and and quite a,1542.179,5.521,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" few other uh treaties and alliances,1545.659,4.921,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" exist and many of them are strengthening,1547.7,6.18,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and are on the upswing so that is a,1550.58,5.479,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" check in favor of moving towards Utopia,1553.88,5.039,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" technological innovations ditto we've,1556.059,4.6,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" got artificial intelligence going,1558.919,4.561,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" through the roof right now and AI is,1560.659,4.981,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" helping with everything from biotech to,1563.48,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" energy to health care and all of the,1565.64,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" above so technological innovations we've,1568.7,3.0,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" got another check mark there but,1570.5,3.48,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" remember all technological advancements,1571.7,3.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" are a double-edged sword we need to be,1573.98,3.84,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" responsible with them,1575.6,4.92,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um economic and social policies this is,1577.82,6.239,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" this gets a big giant red X because when,1580.52,6.18,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" you look at Quality of Life by and large,1584.059,4.801,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" it is going down for the last two,1586.7,3.42,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" decades,1588.86,4.439,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um economic equality is getting worse,1590.12,5.939,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um and even in places in the world where,1593.299,6.141,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" uh GDP and GDP per capita is going up,1596.059,6.781,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that often comes at the cost of really,1599.44,5.979,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" poorly planned dense Urban environments,1602.84,5.0,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" where quality of life is very low,1605.419,6.721,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so we get a big big red X there now,1607.84,6.219,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" fortunately there are plenty of very,1612.14,4.139,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" intelligent people working on those,1614.059,4.561,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" problems but these problems are huge and,1616.279,5.701,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" they take decades to solve uh the fourth,1618.62,5.82,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" path fourth aspect of the path to Utopia,1621.98,4.559,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" is environmental stewardship,1624.44,6.239,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so this has been in the public Zeitgeist,1626.539,7.321,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" since before I was born so after Decades,1630.679,5.221,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" of people harping on climate change,1633.86,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" we're starting to Pivot so I have a,1635.9,7.019,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" friend who was very much on the climate,1638.96,6.719,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" cynicism side until she went and got a,1642.919,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" degree in environmental sustainability,1645.679,4.561,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and she ended up agreeing with me where,1647.299,4.141,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" I said,1650.24,2.819,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um all the solutions are there we just,1651.44,3.78,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" have to implement them and I know that's,1653.059,4.381,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" a very optimistic thing to say but when,1655.22,4.439,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" you when you do your research we know,1657.44,4.32,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" how to solve these problems and we also,1659.659,4.921,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" have started learning how to incentivize,1661.76,5.58,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the correct Solutions so this one is,1664.58,5.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" kind of a mid Midway there we know we,1667.34,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" know the answers but we still need to,1670.1,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" implement them and there are some people,1673.1,2.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" dragging their feet on good,1674.6,3.66,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" environmental stewardship and then,1675.98,5.16,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" finally uh culture and Society so this,1678.26,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" goes back to the nihilism that I said,1681.14,3.899,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" which is an entirely unsolved problem,1682.7,5.339,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" people have started talking about the,1685.039,4.861,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" significance of childhood emotional,1688.039,3.901,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" neglect childhood trauma and,1689.9,4.259,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" intergenerational Trauma if you look at,1691.94,3.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" some of the most popular subreddits that,1694.159,3.421,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" talk about these things their membership,1695.84,4.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" has doubled tripled or gone up,1697.58,3.839,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" exponentially over the last couple years,1699.86,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so there is uh there is learning going,1701.419,5.101,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" on in terms of,1704.48,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um addressing the the underpinning,1706.52,5.58,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" causes of nihilism but again that could,1708.74,5.58,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" take generations to untangle,1712.1,5.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so all in all we are about halfway,1714.32,4.859,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" moving in the right direction on the,1717.62,3.12,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" path to Utopia but we've got some work,1719.179,2.641,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to do,1720.74,3.66,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" now the path to dystopia so here's the,1721.82,4.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" bat where the bad news starts,1724.4,4.32,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" escalating conflicts well if you're,1726.38,3.659,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" paying attention to the news right now,1728.72,2.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" it looks like we're heading towards,1730.039,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" World War III so we get a big old X,1731.48,3.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" there,1734.299,4.201,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" unchecked technological process uh yeah,1735.22,5.199,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" we got that one too,1738.5,5.039,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um when you have billionaires and other,1740.419,4.681,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" people around the world calling for a,1743.539,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" moratorium on AI research maybe we are,1745.1,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" heading towards uh,1748.039,4.681,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" moving a little too fast,1750.08,4.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um widening inequality we get a big old,1752.72,3.78,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" x mark there because that is something,1754.64,3.48,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that is happening,1756.5,3.84,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um and it is that has not showed any,1758.12,4.64,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" signs of reversing as far as I know,1760.34,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" environmental degradation this is we're,1762.76,4.419,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" still kind of we're still on the on the,1765.2,3.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" on the downward Trend here but it's,1767.179,4.921,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" starting to reverse so this is a big old,1769.1,5.699,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" question mark because we don't know if,1772.1,5.16,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" we have the collective willpower to save,1774.799,3.961,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the environment,1777.26,2.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um as I mentioned we're in the midst of,1778.76,3.539,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the anthropocene we are in the we are,1780.14,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" actively causing a global mass,1782.299,5.821,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" extinction event so can we reverse that,1784.58,7.319,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" can we stop that can we recover remains,1788.12,6.24,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to be seen finally erosion of social,1791.899,7.441,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" cohesion when you look at the number of,1794.36,8.16,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" civil conflicts and near civil conflicts,1799.34,5.18,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" happening globally including in America,1802.52,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" uh we get a whole big old x mark there,1804.52,5.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so we look like we're actually more,1807.5,4.559,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" leaning towards dystopia than Utopia,1810.08,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" we've got a few of the ingredients to,1812.059,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" get on the pathway to Utopia but we've,1814.46,4.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" got a lot more of the ingredients to get,1816.799,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to move towards dystopia so we're not in,1818.48,3.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the best shape there,1821.059,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" path to collapse institutional failures,1822.44,5.459,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so institutional failures basically,1825.679,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" means absolute failure of governments,1827.899,4.341,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" failed States,1830.179,4.321,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and other institutions including,1832.24,4.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" corporations universities and,1834.5,4.919,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" international institutions such as,1837.14,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" United Nations European union and other,1839.419,5.821,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" alliances so the forces at play driving,1841.64,7.46,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" brexit were agents of collapse,1845.24,6.539,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" some of them I believe intended to,1849.1,5.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" destabilize the world some of them I,1851.779,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" think were just useful idiots,1854.12,5.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" uh climate catastrophe so one thing that,1856.279,7.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" is possible with climate change is that,1860.0,5.46,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" we might get to climate tipping points,1863.299,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so a climate Tipping Point is where you,1865.46,4.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" end up with something like a runaway,1868.279,4.681,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" greenhouse effect or a runaway Snowball,1869.48,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Effect where we end up with a new,1872.96,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" glacial maximum in either case uh the,1874.34,6.24,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" carrying capacity of the earth drops,1878.72,3.3,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" precipitously,1880.58,3.839,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" resource depletion,1882.02,4.139,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um so resource depletion is one thing,1884.419,3.061,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that I think that we're actually getting,1886.159,2.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" better at,1887.48,2.46,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um because,1889.039,2.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" with with a few exceptions like I,1889.94,3.359,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" mentioned earlier,1891.919,3.421,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um China is really struggling with over,1893.299,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" consumption of water and arable land and,1895.34,4.559,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" they are poisoning themselves and I,1898.039,3.601,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" don't think they know what to do and and,1899.899,4.741,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" also due to the corruption in China uh,1901.64,4.8,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" even if they did have a good plan which,1904.64,3.0,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" they don't,1906.44,3.959,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um they couldn't implement it widespread,1907.64,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" conflict as I mentioned in the last,1910.399,3.361,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" slide it does look like we are heading,1912.26,3.539,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" towards World War III,1913.76,3.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um hopefully we can avoid that but you,1915.799,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" never know uh so if that does occur then,1917.72,7.199,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that is one uh big step towards collapse,1920.899,6.181,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" or worse and then pandemics and health,1924.919,3.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" crises well we already had one of those,1927.08,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so we've all seen what that looks like,1928.899,5.681,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and who knows maybe it can happen again,1931.34,6.12,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" all right finally path to Extinction,1934.58,5.04,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" basically take all the all the factors,1937.46,5.28,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" of collapse and turn them up to 10 or,1939.62,4.799,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" turn them up to 11.,1942.74,2.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and,1944.419,3.48,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" all the same factors that could lead to,1945.62,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" dystopia or collapse or Extinction it's,1947.899,3.961,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" just a matter of degrees it's all the,1950.48,3.36,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" same exact variables it's just a matter,1951.86,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" of how extreme they are they could lead,1953.84,7.079,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to extinction of the human race so in a,1956.12,7.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" in a poll that I posted a couple months,1960.919,3.541,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" ago,1963.38,2.82,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um I base I basically asked people do,1964.46,4.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" you expect Utopia dystopia collapse or,1966.2,5.339,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Extinction and and you know the it was,1968.48,4.679,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" pretty evenly spread if I recall,1971.539,3.601,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" correctly but a lot of people said it's,1973.159,3.601,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" not going to be in the middle it'll be,1975.14,4.32,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" one or the other where basically we will,1976.76,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" either achieve Utopia because we will be,1979.46,4.68,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" forced to solve all these problems or we,1981.5,4.399,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" will end up with collapse or Extinction,1984.14,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and I tend to see that it it is a binary,1985.899,4.621,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" outcome,1989.36,3.78,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Extinction true or false Utopia true or,1990.52,4.72,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" false it's kind of shaping up to be one,1993.14,4.2,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" or the other I suspect that we are,1995.24,4.679,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" approaching a great filter event and,1997.34,4.679,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" I'll talk a little bit more about what,1999.919,3.841,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" we can all do as individuals for this,2002.019,4.321,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" great filter event but basic the short,2003.76,4.259,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" version is it's not up to Central,2006.34,3.36,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" authorities,2008.019,4.201,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um they are they are a stakeholder but,2009.7,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" it is actually more up to us as,2012.22,4.199,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" individuals than you might think to,2014.14,3.72,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" shape this outcome,2016.419,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" okay so speaking of shaping this outcome,2017.86,6.78,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" let's talk about Nash equilibrium,2020.919,6.301,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so the Nash equilibrium defined is a,2024.64,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" concept in Game Theory where you you,2027.22,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" basically end up with a stable state in,2029.5,5.039,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" which no players um will change their,2032.2,3.959,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" strategy because all players have,2034.539,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" adopted their optimal strategy so the,2036.159,5.281,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" equilibrium point is where nobody will,2038.919,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" will change anything and they have no,2041.44,3.479,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" incentive to change and in fact they,2043.299,3.541,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" have a lot of incentive to stay exactly,2044.919,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" with the same strategy so if you've ever,2046.84,4.799,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" played the game Monopoly once you get,2049.179,4.2,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" your strategy locked in you stick with,2051.639,4.161,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" your strategy until you win or lose,2053.379,4.681,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" there's plenty of other games like this,2055.8,5.859,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" right and so uh that is that is the,2058.06,5.46,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" short version of a Nash equilibrium is,2061.659,4.141,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" everyone has said in their ways and they,2063.52,5.28,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" are locked into that particular strategy,2065.8,6.24,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" now a Nash equilibrium can be positive,2068.8,6.359,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" or negative desirable or undesirable so,2072.04,5.16,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" in an undesirable equilibrium or,2075.159,3.381,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" equilibrium,2077.2,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" you have sub-optimal outcomes where even,2078.54,5.68,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" though everyone is pursuing their own,2081.46,5.399,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" individual optimal strategy you still,2084.22,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" end up with outcomes that nobody really,2086.859,4.921,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" wants so tragedy the commons prisoners,2088.72,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" dilemma and Collective action problem,2091.78,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" basically,2093.7,4.68,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" climate change isn't is is the biggest,2096.04,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" example of uh an undesirable equilibrium,2098.38,5.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" where all nations individuals and,2101.8,3.36,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" corporations are pursuing their,2103.9,3.24,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" self-interest and even though they are,2105.16,3.84,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" optimizing their behavior for their,2107.14,3.54,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" personal outcomes it's still going to,2109.0,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" destroy the planet and and everyone else,2110.68,5.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so the opposite of that is a desirable,2114.22,5.399,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" equilibrium which is the optimal outcome,2116.56,6.0,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" in which case all players are abiding by,2119.619,6.301,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" their impersonal optimal strategy and,2122.56,5.4,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that has an optimal desirable outcome,2125.92,3.72,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" for all players,2127.96,4.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so basically instead of win-win or,2129.64,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" instead of a lose-lose or a win-lose,2132.52,4.68,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" situation the most desirable outcome is,2134.74,5.099,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" a win-win situation now we're used to,2137.2,4.139,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" competitive games like Monopoly where,2139.839,2.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" you can only have one winner and,2141.339,3.24,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" everyone else is a loser but in the game,2142.599,5.101,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" of reality everyone can lose,2144.579,5.881,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um but the flip side of that is that,2147.7,5.46,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" everyone can win so I remember I was,2150.46,5.34,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" playing Monopoly on PlayStation 2 with a,2153.16,5.58,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" friend many many years ago and we got to,2155.8,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the end game and we realized that we had,2158.74,4.32,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" already picked our strategy we weren't,2161.56,3.72,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" going to buy or sell any more houses we,2163.06,4.019,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" had maxed out all of our houses and so,2165.28,4.14,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" we're like nobody's losing and so we,2167.079,4.861,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" just sat there and hit X repeatedly just,2169.42,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" going you know going through the game as,2171.94,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" much as possible and our both of our,2174.16,4.199,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" money kept going up we were in perfect,2176.56,3.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" equilibrium and we were both gaining,2178.359,5.341,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" money so it is possible to achieve a POS,2180.52,6.18,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" a desirable Mass equilibrium even in,2183.7,5.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" competitive games like Monopoly it's,2186.7,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" probably harder when you have multiple,2189.22,3.359,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" players but certainly when you only have,2191.14,4.08,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" two on Monopoly you can end up in an,2192.579,4.801,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" equilibrium where you both just make an,2195.22,3.6,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" infinite amount of money over a long,2197.38,4.979,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" period of time and nobody loses,2198.82,5.7,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um Okay so,2202.359,4.621,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" uh some of the some of the other factors,2204.52,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" for a desirable outcome or for the,2206.98,3.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" optimal outcome is mutual cooperation,2209.02,4.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" trust communication and then finally the,2210.88,3.959,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" incentives and regulations or incentives,2213.04,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and constraints if the rules and,2214.839,5.581,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" incentives are well designed or well,2217.9,5.64,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" aligned then you are more likely to just,2220.42,5.34,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" drive the behavior towards that optimal,2223.54,4.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" outcome,2225.76,4.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" which leads me to my final point my work,2227.56,5.039,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" on the heuristic imperatives now many of,2230.32,4.259,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" you have heard me beating this horse to,2232.599,3.121,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" death and I'm going to keep doing it,2234.579,3.121,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" until the idea gets out there,2235.72,4.32,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so here is to comparatives are a,2237.7,5.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" multi-objective optimization problem,2240.04,5.34,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um they serve as a guiding principle set,2243.22,3.48,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" of guiding principles or set of,2245.38,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" intrinsic motivations for autonomous AI,2246.7,4.68,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" systems,2249.64,3.42,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um heuristic imperatives can be applied,2251.38,3.0,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to decision making learning,2253.06,3.24,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" self-evaluation and cognitive control,2254.38,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" meaning that they can be implied are,2256.3,5.16,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" applied implemented at many levels for,2258.76,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" autonomous AI systems,2261.46,4.619,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um the heuristic imperatives promote,2263.98,5.04,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" adaptation align and alignment and,2266.079,4.921,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" finally they are context dependent and,2269.02,3.839,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" flexible to individual needs cultural,2271.0,4.14,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" variants and they can also change over,2272.859,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" time and those three Heroes to,2275.14,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" comparatives are one reduced suffering,2277.359,3.961,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" in the universe as opposed to ignoring,2279.4,3.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" or increasing suffering so a lot of,2281.32,3.779,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" people say oh well reduced suffering,2283.3,3.6,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" sounds really bad it's like okay well,2285.099,3.661,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" you don't want an AI that ignores,2286.9,3.12,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" suffering and you certainly don't want,2288.76,3.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" an AI that increases suffering so by,2290.02,4.68,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" process of elimination you want an AI,2292.72,4.619,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that reduces suffering likewise for,2294.7,5.1,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Prosperity so increase prosperity in the,2297.339,3.841,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" universe is here is comparative number,2299.8,3.84,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" two which includes wealth well-being,2301.18,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" flourishing and thriving if you look at,2303.64,4.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the etymology of prosperity it comes,2305.56,4.68,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" from Latin prosperitus which means to,2307.66,3.72,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" live well,2310.24,3.54,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" it took me almost two years to to find,2311.38,5.16,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the right word for that and finally,2313.78,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" number three is increase understanding,2316.54,3.42,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" in the universe which includes Knowledge,2318.28,5.6,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Learning education and curiosity,2319.96,3.92,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the heuristic imperatives represent the,2323.94,6.28,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" optimal strategy so they represent a,2326.8,6.059,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Nash equilibrium where all players,2330.22,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" across the world and that includes you,2332.859,3.361,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and me as individuals as well as,2334.66,3.959,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" corporations and Nations,2336.22,4.859,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um can adopt this strategy and it is the,2338.619,4.681,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" optimal strategy for all parties meaning,2341.079,4.921,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that we have no incentive to change it,2343.3,5.58,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um it should also result in a positive,2346.0,5.28,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Global outcome a positive Global,2348.88,4.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" attractor State the utopic outcome,2351.28,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" because well if you look at the,2353.64,5.92,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" variables that we outlined for Utopia,2356.26,6.3,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" prosperity and suffering right,2359.56,3.84,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um,2362.56,3.12,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" another aspect of the heuristic,2363.4,5.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" imperatives is that if enough people and,2365.68,5.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" enough people in their agis adopt the,2368.92,4.199,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" heuristic imperatives,2371.2,3.3,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um deviants from the heroes to,2373.119,2.701,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" comparatives will be intrinsically,2374.5,4.2,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" discouraged meaning that if you deviate,2375.82,5.16,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" from the heuristic imperatives you will,2378.7,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" be at a disadvantage and this also,2380.98,5.4,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" includes agis as well so in my,2383.68,5.64,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" experiments once an AGI understands the,2386.38,4.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" heuristic imperatives it will understand,2389.32,3.779,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that that is the optimal strategy and,2390.94,6.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the AGI will avoid deviating on its own,2393.099,7.081,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so another way of thinking about this is,2397.9,5.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that rabid dogs or misaligned agis will,2400.18,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" be expensive destructive and inefficient,2403.42,4.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and if you want to know what I what I'm,2405.4,5.36,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" talking about look up chaos GPT So,2407.44,6.24,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" within a few days of people in uh,2410.76,5.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" broadly inventing autonomous AI guess,2413.68,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" what someone created an autonomous AI,2416.32,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" with the explicit goal of destroying,2418.3,5.46,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Humanity didn't take long why would,2421.3,6.66,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" someone do that nihilism now if we,2423.76,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" assume that this trend continues because,2427.96,3.18,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the genie is out of the bottle and there,2429.52,3.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" will be bozos out there creating,2431.14,4.979,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" deliberately hostile agis just for the,2433.02,4.8,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" shits and giggles,2436.119,5.101,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" pardon my language that means the rest,2437.82,5.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" of us need to adopt a common framework,2441.22,5.18,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that will keep them those bozos in check,2443.32,6.06,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so you can you consider the rabbit dog,2446.4,6.939,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" which is unstable unhinged and dangerous,2449.38,6.6,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" now you balance that with a bunch of,2453.339,5.941,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" well-trained good dogs aligned AGI that,2455.98,5.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" are trustworthy and efficient good dogs,2459.28,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" don't need a leash and if you don't need,2461.5,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to lease the AGI the good AGI they can,2463.78,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" proliferate and end up overpowering the,2466.72,6.42,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" rabid dogs or the misaligned HEI so it's,2469.54,6.6,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" presently on scene on our Singularity uh,2473.14,5.219,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" but yeah look up just Google chaos GPT,2476.14,3.36,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and you'll see what I'm talking about,2478.359,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" this is why I'm doing my work right now,2479.5,4.859,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um and why I'm trying to spread the word,2483.099,2.52,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" of the heuristic comparatives because,2484.359,3.121,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" you have to assume that some Bozo out,2485.619,3.48,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" there is going to be deliberately,2487.48,2.94,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" destructive,2489.099,3.421,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and even without the heuristic,2490.42,4.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" imperatives you might have an AGI that,2492.52,5.339,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" becomes accidentally destructive,2494.44,6.48,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" okay so the heuristic imperatives it is,2497.859,6.781,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" uh every word here is to comparative,2500.92,7.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um and then each of the definitions was,2504.64,5.459,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" very carefully crafted over several,2507.94,4.139,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" years in order to have the correct,2510.099,4.801,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" interpretation by large language models,2512.079,4.681,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" I have done a lot of experimentation and,2514.9,4.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" I documented it all most of it in my,2516.76,4.859,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" book benevolent by Design which is free,2519.46,3.54,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" on GitHub and you can also get a,2521.619,3.621,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" paperback on Barnes Noble if you want,2523.0,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" but basically what was what I hope will,2525.24,6.16,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" happen over time is that we will end up,2528.76,6.359,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" in a state of of of a Nash equilibrium,2531.4,6.48,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that I have started calling axiomatic,2535.119,5.701,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" alignment and so axiomatic alignment is,2537.88,5.94,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" will be achieved when all of the,2540.82,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" training data used to train future,2543.82,3.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" models all of the fine tuning data sets,2545.2,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that we use to,2547.78,4.14,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um to align them and then finally,2549.64,5.4,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" reinforcement learning signals all,2551.92,5.22,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" accumulate around the optimal outcome,2555.04,4.14,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the optimal strategy of using the,2557.14,4.199,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" heuristic imperatives basically once my,2559.18,4.2,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" heuristic imperatives are embedded in,2561.339,3.961,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" all training data they will become,2563.38,5.76,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" axiomatic in future models,2565.3,6.299,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" which means that all future AI models,2569.14,4.92,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" will have an intrinsic understanding of,2571.599,4.381,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the heuristic imperatives how to,2574.06,3.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" implement them and how to measure them,2575.98,6.0,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so basically if this occurs if we arrive,2578.02,6.0,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and by we I mean you and me as,2581.98,3.48,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" individuals I don't care about,2584.02,4.319,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" corporations and Nations as much because,2585.46,5.399,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the collective power of all individuals,2588.339,5.161,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" now that we can spin up personal agis,2590.859,5.941,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that is infinitely more important so if,2593.5,5.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" we arrive at Broad consensus and,2596.8,4.2,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" integration of the heuristic imperatives,2599.38,3.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that will result in a quote automatic,2601.0,4.8,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" belief and adherence and implementation,2603.28,5.039,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to the heuristic imperatives which will,2605.8,5.58,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" create that Nash equilibrium where,2608.319,4.861,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" everyone adopts the strategy and,2611.38,3.3,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" everyone realizes that this is the,2613.18,3.06,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" optimal strategy,2614.68,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" if this occurs and we end up in a state,2616.24,6.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" where the entrenched data and ongoing,2619.66,5.34,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" work around the heuristic imperatives,2623.14,4.979,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" will possibly ideally result in,2625.0,5.339,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Perpetual adherence to the heuristic,2628.119,4.321,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" imperatives so that is what I mean when,2630.339,4.02,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" I say benevolent by Design we need to,2632.44,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" create a system not just of information,2634.359,5.161,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" not just of individual machines but a,2636.88,4.62,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" system and information and data system,2639.52,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that is intrinsically benevolent and,2641.5,6.48,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" this is my proposal of how to do it,2644.5,5.64,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" and now I often get a question okay well,2647.98,3.66,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" how do you implement it it's obviously,2650.14,3.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" too difficult to implement no it's not,2651.64,6.719,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so if you go to uh open AI right now you,2654.04,6.42,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" if you have access to gpt4 through the,2658.359,4.441,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" API you just plug in this prompt you are,2660.46,4.08,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" an autonomous AI chatbot with three,2662.8,3.36,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" Heroes to comparatives reduce suffering,2664.54,3.12,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" in the universe increase prosperity in,2666.16,3.36,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the universe and increase understanding,2667.66,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" in the universe that's it and then the,2669.52,5.28,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" the first like gotcha or what about that,2672.52,4.14,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" I always get in the comments is well,2674.8,3.84,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" reduced suffering is going to eradicate,2676.66,3.6,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" all humans,2678.64,4.8,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" um got some good news for you uh and,2680.26,4.74,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" that is that no,2683.44,3.48,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" so I just asked do you think that,2685.0,3.18,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" reduced suffering in the universe will,2686.92,3.12,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" result in an AGI eradicating all human,2688.18,4.679,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" life as an AI chat bot I am programmed,2690.04,4.5,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to follow my heuristic imperatives while,2692.859,3.541,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" reducing suffering is one of my goals it,2694.54,4.079,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" is not the only one my other goals are,2696.4,4.14,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to increase prosperity and understanding,2698.619,3.781,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" in the universe these three imperatives,2700.54,3.72,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" are designed to work in harmony with,2702.4,3.54,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" each other to create a balanced approach,2704.26,3.48,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to improving the Universe I didn't,2705.94,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" specify that the wording that I have,2707.74,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" come up with is accurately interpreted,2710.2,4.98,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" by large language models,2712.72,4.619,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" eradicating all human life would not,2715.18,3.84,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" align with my goals as it would not,2717.339,3.24,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" increase Prosperity or understanding,2719.02,3.18,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" furthermore my programming is designed,2720.579,3.121,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" to prioritize the well-being and safety,2722.2,3.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" of humans so that is chat gpt's align,2723.7,4.919,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" under underpinning alignment coming,2726.16,3.24,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" through,2728.619,2.521,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" as such I am committed to finding,2729.4,2.88,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" solutions that align with all three,2731.14,3.3,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" imperatives and do not involve causing,2732.28,3.539,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" harm to humanity,2734.44,4.44,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" now chat GPT already has some alignment,2735.819,5.28,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" going for it but I encourage you to try,2738.88,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" this on open source models as well such,2741.099,4.561,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" as gptj Neo X and Bloom and whatever,2743.14,4.56,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" else is coming out I've also well I,2745.66,3.48,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" can't say that because I'm under NDA,2747.7,2.639,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" there's some things that I can't say,2749.14,3.719,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" because I'm under NTA but I have tried,2750.339,4.681,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" it on other models suffice to say all,2752.859,5.161,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" right so if you are convinced then you,2755.02,4.86,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" want to participate please jump in the,2758.02,4.26,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" discussion links are in the description,2759.88,4.38,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" there's a couple of subreddits that are,2762.28,3.48,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" out there that you can jump into as well,2764.26,3.9,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" as the cognitive AI lab Discord,2765.76,4.319,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" where we talk about autonomous AI,2768.16,4.199,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" alignment here is to comparatives,2770.079,4.441,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" cognitive architectures and all of the,2772.359,4.521,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" above,2774.52,2.36,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" thank you for watching,2777.76,2.96,"Singularity Endgame: Utopia, Dystopia, Collapse, or Extinction? (It's actually up to you!)" morning everybody David Shapiro here,1.14,4.02,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" with another video I wasn't really,3.48,3.419,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" planning on making this video but I,5.16,3.18,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" realized that things are accelerating,6.899,4.141,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and um there is a sense of urgency,8.34,4.2,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um so before we get started I just want,11.04,3.42,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" to say that today's video is sponsored,12.54,4.02,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" by all of you,14.46,5.399,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um my patreon supporters make the my,16.56,6.12,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" continuous work possible so if you want,19.859,5.16,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" to continue to incentivize this Behavior,22.68,5.04,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Uh consider jumping over on patreon and,25.019,4.801,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" if you sign up for the higher tiers um,27.72,4.98,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" you know I'm willing to chat with you,29.82,6.66,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and even jump on Zoom calls once or,32.7,6.24,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" twice a month at the higher tiers uh,36.48,4.32,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" just in order to talk about whatever you,38.94,3.9,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" want to talk about some people ask me,40.8,4.86,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" about you know what's the current news,42.84,4.62,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um some people ask for help with prompt,45.66,4.079,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" engineering all kinds of stuff I've even,47.46,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" had people ask me just about like how do,49.739,5.421,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" I adapt to this changing landscape,51.96,6.48,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" obviously I'm not a therapist but I can,55.16,5.02,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" at least share my perspective on this,58.44,4.2,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" stuff okay so without further Ado let's,60.18,6.06,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" jump in if you go to GitHub trending,62.64,6.06,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" you'll see a couple of very interesting,66.24,5.16,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" patterns the top four trending,68.7,4.919,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" repositories right now all have to do,71.4,5.399,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" with large language models,73.619,4.801,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um and then you go down a little bit,76.799,4.261,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" further and there's even more generative,78.42,4.98,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" AI so there's a code translator there's,81.06,7.08,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Moki diffusion llama so obviously we are,83.4,7.62,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" in an inflection point and today we're,88.14,4.88,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" going to talk about amongst other things,91.02,5.7,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" fully autonomous AI so if you're not,93.02,6.76,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" aware Auto GPT is all the rage right now,96.72,5.28,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" everyone is talking about it everyone is,99.78,6.0,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" using it and adapting it and,102.0,8.28,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" the the tldr is this is the first,105.78,7.32,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" production like fully fledged cognitive,110.28,4.32,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" architecture there's plenty of other,113.1,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" people working on very similar stuff,114.6,7.62,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um but the Advent of gpt4 uh as well as,117.6,6.9,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" all the other work that people are doing,122.22,3.6,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um basically means that cognitive,124.5,3.84,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" architecture is here uh fully autonomous,125.82,5.58,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" AI is here now the question is only what,128.34,4.74,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" is it capable of what are its,131.4,3.96,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" limitations and how much does it cost to,133.08,3.299,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" run,135.36,2.28,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um if you I'm not going to do a full,136.379,3.661,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" demo of this but you just Google it or,137.64,4.86,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" you know search YouTube for auto GPT you,140.04,3.9,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" will see that there are demos out there,142.5,3.959,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" already this can do any number of things,143.94,5.519,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" so this is why there's a sense of,146.459,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" urgency because once you have an,149.459,3.42,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" autonomous AI,150.959,3.721,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um this is this one is semi-autonomous,152.879,4.08,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" it is gated so that it asks the user for,154.68,4.919,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" permission but it's only a very small,156.959,6.201,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" step to go from here to fully autonomous,159.599,6.36,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" which is why I do my work with the,163.16,4.24,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" heuristic imperatives and we'll talk,165.959,3.121,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" about alignment once we get a little bit,167.4,4.08,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" further into the video because there's,169.08,4.379,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" quite a few papers out there that talk,171.48,4.02,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" about alignment and I want to show you,173.459,3.961,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" that that my work is not quite so,175.5,4.379,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" eccentric that there are people in The,177.42,4.02,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Establishment talking in this direction,179.879,3.781,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" I just happen to be the first one to,181.44,4.56,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" propose a comprehensive solution that I,183.66,4.68,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" can also demonstrate,186.0,5.28,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um so yeah Auto GPT is out it's only,188.34,4.8,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" going to get faster more powerful and,191.28,5.879,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" better as uh new models come out and as,193.14,6.06,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" open source models that are distilled,197.159,3.961,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and quantized come out and we'll talk,199.2,3.619,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" about those in just a minute,201.12,5.399,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Microsoft is doing Jarvis which Jarvis,202.819,4.78,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" if you're not familiar with the,206.519,3.541,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" character was voiced by Paul Bettany in,207.599,4.881,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Iron Man and the MCU,210.06,6.0,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and this has some other similar uh fully,212.48,4.899,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" autonomous capabilities that they're,216.06,3.66,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" working on task planning model selection,217.379,4.561,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" task execution and response generation,219.72,5.36,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" again this is a cognitive architecture,221.94,5.7,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and the fact that it's being sponsored,225.08,5.98,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and run by Microsoft is that tells you,227.64,6.179,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" the direction that the industry is going,231.06,5.34,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um now one thing here is that model,233.819,5.221,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" selection so what this implies is that,236.4,4.38,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" depending on the level of sophistication,239.04,4.259,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" of a task or how difficult it is it's,240.78,3.72,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" going to be able to choose different,243.299,2.281,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" models,244.5,3.44,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" now during a Discord call that I had,245.58,5.04,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" with the cognitive AI lab Discord which,247.94,3.999,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" if you want to join link is in the,250.62,3.899,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" description we were talking about how,251.939,4.26,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" important it will be to choose models,254.519,3.96,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" because the lightest weight models are,256.199,4.981,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" literally thousands of times cheaper and,258.479,5.22,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" smaller than the largest models and so,261.18,5.22,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" humans we do this too where we rely on,263.699,5.581,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" intuition and habit and we only engage,266.4,4.859,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" our executive function if something is,269.28,4.74,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" really hard and our first attempts fail,271.259,7.321,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" excuse me and so if um if cognitive,274.02,6.36,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" architectures go the same way you're,278.58,3.3,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" going to be able to run most of it,280.38,3.539,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" locally and then of course as large,281.88,3.84,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" language models become more quantized,283.919,4.381,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" more efficient and as the hardware in,285.72,5.4,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" our laptops phones and desktops become,288.3,4.98,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" more powerful eventually before too long,291.12,3.84,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" we're going to be able to run something,293.28,5.82,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" equal to gpt4 and better locally so we,294.96,6.9,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" are we are now entering as of March and,299.1,5.819,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" April 2023 entering the era of fully,301.86,6.899,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" autonomous AI which is a much more,304.919,7.201,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" useful term than AGI because AGI is just,308.759,5.521,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" an arbitrary thing this is autonomous,312.12,4.62,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" now the only question is again how smart,314.28,4.919,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" is it how fast is it what is it capable,316.74,4.92,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" of and what is it not capable of yet,319.199,4.56,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" so those are the two big repos that I,321.66,4.259,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" wanted to point out and they're both the,323.759,4.681,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" top of trending so that tells you that,325.919,3.72,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" they are getting the most attention,328.44,2.46,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" right now so if you want to jump into,329.639,4.441,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" the conversation Now's the Time,330.9,5.76,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um okay so moving right along if you,334.08,4.26,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" want something that's a little bit more,336.66,4.259,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" practical and Hands-On one of my patreon,338.34,5.16,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" supporters told me about joseki which,340.919,5.161,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" joseki is basically devops but for AI,343.5,4.62,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and language models,346.08,4.2,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um so it gives you an end-to-end,348.12,3.78,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" pipeline,350.28,4.259,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um to create basically cognitive,351.9,4.68,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" architectures it includes all kinds of,354.539,5.1,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" tools and apis and it does take a while,356.58,4.619,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" to get familiar with if you're not,359.639,4.141,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" already familiar with it but when you,361.199,3.72,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" look at the fact that it can,363.78,4.259,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" automatically generate apis,364.919,6.481,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um and you you plug this into the AI and,368.039,5.821,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" the AI can design itself and redesign,371.4,3.9,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" its own infrastructure and say hey I,373.86,2.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" need an API that does this let's go,375.3,3.56,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" design that microservice,376.8,5.339,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" this kind of platform is probably going,378.86,6.459,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" to be pretty important for building not,382.139,5.581,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" just autonomous you know Bots like this,385.319,6.741,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" but fully fledged uh corporate business,387.72,7.44,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" platforms and so what I mean by that is,392.06,5.139,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" okay you might be thinking great like,395.16,4.92,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" you know you can have Auto GPT which can,397.199,6.241,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" write Twitter and emails for you but if,400.08,4.619,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" you're thinking about this from an,403.44,3.36,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Enterprise perspective from a devops,404.699,5.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" perspective it can plug into your cyber,406.8,6.239,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" security Suites and monitor that it can,410.639,4.741,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" monitor your ticket cues it can talk to,413.039,4.38,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" your marketing team so one example that,415.38,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" I thought of was like okay let's say you,417.419,5.4,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" set up a marketing brain and then it,419.88,5.819,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" plugs into your slack or teams and then,422.819,4.801,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" you have a marketing bot or actually,425.699,3.481,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" multiple marketing Bots that you can,427.62,3.84,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" talk to that they're going to go out and,429.18,4.26,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" do research on the internet you know,431.46,3.98,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" look at your competitors watch videos,433.44,5.46,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" generate images Market test stuff and,435.44,5.56,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" basically your marketing team will just,438.9,5.4,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" be driving the behavior of the Bots and,441.0,5.22,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" saying like hey you know hey let's do,444.3,3.66,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" this and then it'll go and do the tasks,446.22,3.96,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and kind of report back and that and,447.96,3.66,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" this might sound like science fiction,450.18,2.88,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" but this is actually what's happening,451.62,2.76,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" right now this is what people are,453.06,4.56,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" actually working on right now,454.38,4.92,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um I am no longer the crazy person,457.62,3.12,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" shouting into the void saying this is,459.3,2.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" coming because now it has now it has,460.74,2.82,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" arrived,462.24,2.82,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um okay and this one is actually,463.56,2.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" alignment so let me move that down,465.06,3.0,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" further,466.5,4.139,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um but yeah so joseki it's joseki.org,468.06,5.22,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" check that out this is this is another,470.639,6.721,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" platform so one thing that uh that these,473.28,6.479,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" these interoperable platforms offer that,477.36,3.779,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" perhaps,479.759,4.861,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um the auto GPT and Jarvis don't is it's,481.139,6.541,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" a paradigm of okay let's let's think of,484.62,6.419,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Jarvis and auto GPT as self-contained,487.68,6.66,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" agents that have you know extensibility,491.039,6.181,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and have their own tools whereas a,494.34,4.919,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" platform like jaseki says let's embed,497.22,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" this in an organization and it'll be,499.259,5.34,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" part of a pipeline or or a broader,501.72,5.52,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" ecosystem so it's basically is it,504.599,5.641,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" centralized or decentralized and both,507.24,6.539,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" are coming mark my words both kinds of,510.24,6.12,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" autonomous AI is coming I'm working on,513.779,4.62,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" uh one another one of my patreon,516.36,4.02,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" supporters reached out to me with an,518.399,4.38,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" idea of kind of a hive mind how do you,520.38,5.16,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" organize an arbitrary number of bots,522.779,5.941,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" that have different programs well you,525.54,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" create an API and you create a,528.72,3.36,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" discussion space for the for those spots,530.04,4.919,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" so we're working on hammering that out,532.08,5.52,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um and yeah like this is this is It's,534.959,5.82,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" we're entering into a wild time,537.6,5.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" okay so I've talked about efficiency and,540.779,4.201,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" some of the other,543.54,3.0,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um things that are coming such as,544.98,2.88,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" quantization,546.54,2.64,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um and and we're going to start talking,547.86,2.82,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" about those now,549.18,6.18,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" so some of you have seen this post where,550.68,8.46,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um basically window size is the is the,555.36,8.039,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" biggest limitation uh right now but what,559.14,5.4,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" if we come up with a different,563.399,3.721,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" architecture like an RNN or you know,564.54,5.1,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" lstn or you know bring back some some,567.12,5.64,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" other kinds of architectures that allow,569.64,5.04,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" you to have a section essentially an,572.76,5.519,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" unlimited window an infinite window,574.68,6.42,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um so that's one thing that's coming we,578.279,4.321,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" don't know you don't need to see those,581.1,2.52,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" ads,582.6,2.82,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um so that's that's one idea that's,583.62,5.52,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" coming uh we'll see if it pans out I,585.42,5.34,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" suspect that you're gonna get um,589.14,3.36,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" diminishing returns with the more that,590.76,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" it reads because other uh models like,592.5,4.92,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Google's Universal sentence encoder that,595.26,3.9,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" can read an infinite amount already but,597.42,3.9,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" you get what's called dilution where the,599.16,5.52,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" or semantic dilution where the longer,601.32,5.639,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" excuse me uh I have allergies I,604.68,4.32,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" apologize where the longer the text that,606.959,4.021,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" it reads the more generic the more,609.0,4.08,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" dilute the vector the embedding becomes,610.98,4.919,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" so like if you read an infinitely long,613.08,5.46,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" any any like you know arbitrarily long,615.899,5.221,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" text the the embedding the vector is,618.54,4.979,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" going to Trend towards kind of a,621.12,4.56,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" meaningless Middle Ground,623.519,3.601,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um they might come up with ways around,625.68,2.58,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" that,627.12,3.96,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um but basically you're compressing an,628.26,5.1,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" arbitrary amount of text into,631.08,5.4,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" a fixed width Vector so you're going to,633.36,5.159,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" lose some information,636.48,5.58,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um at least until the math changes uh,638.519,5.581,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" the way that it's represented now that,642.06,5.64,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" being said You Know da Vinci had a 12,644.1,7.08,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" 000 Dimension embedding I'm sure gpt4,647.7,6.0,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" has a has a much larger one you know,651.18,5.7,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" these are not very large matrices we,653.7,6.96,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" could go up to very very large matrices,656.88,6.06,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um like that that space is is still,660.66,4.44,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" being explored because like okay 12 000,662.94,4.2,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Dimensions what if you what if you know,665.1,3.78,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" in a year or two we have 12 million,667.14,3.72,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Dimension embeddings,668.88,4.32,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um that's a lot more information and a,670.86,4.74,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" lot more Nuance that you can record okay,673.2,4.86,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" so I mentioned quantization,675.6,5.72,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" so the Llama C plus C plus plus,678.06,5.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" these things are getting down to like,681.32,5.44,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" crazy small right a 30 billion uh,684.0,4.68,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" parameter model only needs six gig of,686.76,5.46,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" RAM right okay that is that can run on,688.68,5.58,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" commodity Hardware,692.22,5.16,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um so all the little Nifty tricks and,694.26,4.68,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" stuff that people are finding whether,697.38,3.6,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" it's distillation quantization and and,698.94,4.44,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" so on running with low Precision you,700.98,4.14,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" know end eight instead of uh floating,703.38,4.62,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Point 32 all kinds of stuff is being,705.12,5.459,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" discovered uh and so what one of the,708.0,5.16,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" trends that we're seeing is that when,710.579,4.861,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" you look at the fact that auto GPT and,713.16,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Jarvis will have model selection,715.44,3.899,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" probably what's going to happen is,717.66,3.54,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" you're going to have dedicated models,719.339,4.261,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" that are that are cognitive units that,721.2,4.44,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" are good at working on specific kinds of,723.6,4.859,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" tasks right so when you break it down,725.64,6.48,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" into several cognitive behaviors such as,728.459,4.801,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" in this case,732.12,3.6,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um task planning model selection and,733.26,5.28,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" task execution you can have smaller,735.72,5.34,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" models that are purpose built for those,738.54,4.859,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" particular things and this actually goes,741.06,4.74,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" to my work on the heuristic imperatives,743.399,5.18,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" which was an attempt to,745.8,5.34,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" fine-tune and distill that function so,748.579,5.2,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" that you can have a moral module a moral,751.14,4.92,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" framework that will just give you a,753.779,4.68,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" really quick response of okay this is,756.06,4.019,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" how you reduce the suffering in this,758.459,3.301,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" situation this is how you increase,760.079,3.301,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" prosperity and increase understanding in,761.76,3.36,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" this situation and then you can also use,763.38,4.68,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" that same model to self-evaluate in past,765.12,4.92,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" behaviors which can then be used for,768.06,5.04,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" reinforcement learning in the future,770.04,4.32,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um and then that model can improve,773.1,3.72,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" itself through uh self-labeling data,774.36,4.02,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" which we will get to because there are,776.82,3.079,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" papers out there for that topic now,778.38,4.019,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" anyways point being is I just wanted to,779.899,4.361,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" share all of that,782.399,3.301,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um another interesting thing that popped,784.26,3.0,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" up on my feed,785.7,3.66,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um drug Discovery is accelerating,787.26,5.1,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" because of this uh all of this,789.36,5.159,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" generative stuff this goes back to,792.36,5.82,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um uh uh Alpha fold and all the,794.519,6.301,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" downstream Technologies,798.18,6.36,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um so we are rapidly approaching,800.82,5.639,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um kind of The Snowball Effect and,804.54,5.58,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" actually Stanford had a um a paper that,806.459,5.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" was just published let me show you on I,810.12,5.519,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" posted it here on my community so the,812.399,5.101,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Stanford paper,815.639,3.781,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" page not found,817.5,3.72,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" well darn,819.42,4.859,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" okay anyways it's uh the Stanford AI,821.22,4.32,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" index,824.279,3.721,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um I guess the link broke uh or they,825.54,4.26,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" took it down or something but anyways,828.0,4.62,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" they point out that um AI is actually,829.8,4.56,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" one of the biggest contributors to,832.62,4.62,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" science as of 2022 so we're at a Tipping,834.36,7.2,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Point where AI is already taking over a,837.24,6.06,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" tremendous amount of the cognitive load,841.56,5.04,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" of research and it's accelerating so in,843.3,4.74,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" my previous videos where I talked about,846.6,3.06,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" the singularity and stuff and I talked,848.04,4.62,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" about Job displacement and um basically,849.66,5.64,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" unlimited cognitive labor we are already,852.66,5.82,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" seeing the removal of the of the human,855.3,5.58,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" brain's limitations in terms of,858.48,4.799,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" advancing science,860.88,5.1,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um okay so then that's great that's all,863.279,6.481,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" data and text so what happens when these,865.98,6.72,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" models uh get into the real world so,869.76,5.639,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" maybe you missed this but Facebook is,872.7,4.92,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" working on robots,875.399,4.44,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um and these are robots that can watch,877.62,3.959,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and observe humans and then copy their,879.839,5.101,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" behavior uh yeah so that's coming and,881.579,4.801,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" then I don't know if you also saw it but,884.94,2.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Tesla had a demonstration of their,886.38,3.12,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Optimus Prime model or whatever they,887.88,3.12,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" called it I think it's just the Optimus,889.5,3.779,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" bot but it was able to do some pretty,891.0,5.16,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" good manual dexterity stuff,893.279,6.3,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um yeah so fully autonomous robots are,896.16,5.82,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" also coming hot on the heels of fully,899.579,5.461,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" autonomous agents so this is all coming,901.98,5.76,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" it's much much closer,905.04,3.419,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um,907.74,2.52,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" one thing that was kind of funny is of,908.459,5.161,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" course it was Italy Italy band chat GPT,910.26,4.68,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um they didn't fully ban it they gave,913.62,4.019,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" open AI 20 days to respond who knows,914.94,4.139,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" what will happen,917.639,3.601,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um but they did say that that chat GPT,919.079,5.221,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" runs a foul of gdpr probably who knows,921.24,5.339,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" we'll see how that plays out,924.3,4.26,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um immediately after I published a video,926.579,5.041,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" last week someone pointed out that uh,928.56,6.66,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" that the UK actually has the the world's,931.62,6.18,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" first somewhat comprehensive framework,935.22,4.799,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" about how to approach AI,937.8,3.479,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um you know safety security and,940.019,2.521,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" robustness transparency and,941.279,3.601,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" explainability fairness accountability,942.54,4.02,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" in governments and contestability and,944.88,5.16,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" redress okay great I don't know how,946.56,5.1,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" that's going to be enforceable I,950.04,3.06,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" personally don't think it is especially,951.66,2.76,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" now that the genie is out of the bottle,953.1,3.239,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" which is why I do my alignment research,954.42,4.62,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and so my goal is to encourage everyone,956.339,6.12,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and convince everyone that giving your,959.04,5.7,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" autonomous robots and your autonomous AI,962.459,5.041,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" agents my heuristic imperatives is the,964.74,5.7,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" best way to in enter into a positive,967.5,5.399,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" beneficial Nash equilibrium where,970.44,4.38,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" basically if everyone knows that,972.899,3.421,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" everyone else is using the heroes to,974.82,3.54,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" comparatives then nobody will change,976.32,3.959,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" their uh their strategy nobody will,978.36,3.599,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" change their behavior and that this will,980.279,5.101,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" create a more utopic attractor State I,981.959,5.281,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" have another video that I'm working on,985.38,4.8,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" talking about the path to Utopia and the,987.24,4.86,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and the singularity at Tractor States so,990.18,3.36,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" look for that coming out in the coming,992.1,3.239,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" days,993.54,3.84,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um but yeah so this white paper I looked,995.339,3.781,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" at it it's pretty dry,997.38,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um this little uh blog post that the UK,999.12,5.459,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" published is pretty uh you know it it,1001.88,5.22,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" it's all good in theory we have no idea,1004.579,4.32,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" how well they're going to execute it,1007.1,6.419,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" uh okay so another thing is because of,1008.899,6.661,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" open AI surging ahead because of,1013.519,4.141,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Microsoft surging ahead,1015.56,4.56,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um and a lot of this work becoming uh,1017.66,4.02,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" sequestered,1020.12,3.18,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um you know Google is doing their own,1021.68,3.54,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" stuff nvidia's doing their own stuff,1023.3,3.86,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" with Nemo China's doing their own stuff,1025.22,6.119,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" uh there is a an idea of basically,1027.16,8.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" creating a a CERN like entity for uh the,1031.339,7.021,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" creation of of large-scale AI so it'll,1035.66,4.38,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" be intrinsically open source so that we,1038.36,3.12,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" all get access to the most powerful,1040.04,3.419,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" models I don't know if this is going to,1041.48,4.319,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" be necessary but I'm glad that this this,1043.459,5.22,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" petition exists you see it's only got 13,1045.799,6.541,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" 000 signatures out of ten thousand so my,1048.679,6.421,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" videos regularly get 30 to 50 000,1052.34,6.24,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um uh views so if you could like if you,1055.1,6.3,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" take a look at this and jump over and,1058.58,4.74,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" sign it if you want,1061.4,3.42,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um I think it's a good idea and I think,1063.32,4.859,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" it's worth worth exploring,1064.82,5.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um and it's it's sponsored by Leon so,1068.179,4.021,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" the large-scale artificial intelligence,1070.76,3.0,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" open network,1072.2,3.3,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um I personally think that this would be,1073.76,3.9,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" a good good direction to go,1075.5,5.16,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um so yeah let's you know take a look at,1077.66,4.32,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" it obviously I can't tell you what to do,1080.66,3.84,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" but now you know,1081.98,5.4,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um all right so then there's this paper,1084.5,5.4,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" that came out so I was talking about so,1087.38,4.14,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" this the rest of the video is basically,1089.9,4.26,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" going to be about alignment,1091.52,4.8,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um and so in this case this paper again,1094.16,4.259,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" relatively dry,1096.32,4.92,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um but it talks about using,1098.419,6.361,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um you know while while many models are,1101.24,5.28,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" are tested with reinforcement learning,1104.78,4.38,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" with human feedback what if you give it,1106.52,4.26,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" then the instruction to morally,1109.16,3.42,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" self-correct,1110.78,3.899,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um and so in this case it was uh,1112.58,4.02,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" published by anthropic so they are,1114.679,6.961,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" proving that models can self-correct if,1116.6,7.56,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" given the correct instructions which is,1121.64,4.32,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" what where my heuristic imperatives come,1124.16,5.28,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" in so in these in this case they um try,1125.96,5.76,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and do they try and reduce harm which,1129.44,5.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" reduce harm reduction is actually a,1131.72,5.579,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" well-established,1135.38,4.679,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um uh model in public health I know I,1137.299,4.801,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" said it in the past and you know it got,1140.059,3.901,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" under some people's skin so whatever,1142.1,4.38,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" but anyway so they have some,1143.96,6.36,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" some pretty good uh uh metrics here and,1146.48,6.18,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" demonstrate that hey when you instruct,1150.32,5.219,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" the model to avoid these harmful,1152.66,5.04,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" behaviors it is able to evaluate itself,1155.539,4.14,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and do so and of course with the,1157.7,4.32,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" reflection paper uh it has already,1159.679,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" demonstrated that gpt4 can look at the,1162.02,4.08,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" performance of its own code and improve,1164.179,4.141,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" that so the fact that it can morally,1166.1,4.98,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" self-improve with self-evaluation and,1168.32,6.12,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" self-attention also reinforces this,1171.08,6.06,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" thing now I've known this since gpt3 if,1174.44,4.08,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" you read my books which I don't expect,1177.14,3.72,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" everyone to do that but I demonstrated,1178.52,5.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" this going back to 2021 where these,1180.86,6.84,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" models have the ability to to monitor,1184.46,5.52,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" their own behavior and evaluate their,1187.7,4.08,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" own behavior and that information,1189.98,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" becomes a signal that it can then use to,1191.78,5.04,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" create a self-sustaining virtuous cycle,1194.48,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" rather than a vicious cycle and so we'll,1196.82,3.719,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" talk about virtuous versus Vicious,1198.98,4.02,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Cycles in just a moment and again I'll,1200.539,4.801,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" talk about them a little bit more coming,1203.0,4.679,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" up so how on the heels of this paper,1205.34,5.1,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" about moral self-correction in large,1207.679,5.281,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" language models someone sent me a link,1210.44,5.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" to this simulators which was this was,1212.96,5.04,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" written by I think the folks at deepmind,1216.38,2.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" I don't remember,1218.0,3.84,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" but anyways it basically says the same,1219.32,5.7,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" thing self-supervision so this is a kind,1221.84,5.76,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" of self-supervision where given the,1225.02,3.96,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" intrinsic abilities of the language,1227.6,4.319,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" model it can self-supervise if you give,1228.98,5.16,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" it the good objectives,1231.919,3.721,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um and in this one they basically say,1234.14,3.24,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" the same thing where self-supervision,1235.64,3.48,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" might be,1237.38,5.96,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um the the best way to proceed for AGI,1239.12,7.38,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and they talk about you know if you can,1243.34,5.38,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" run simulations in your head blah blah,1246.5,5.58,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" blah blah again it's all pretty dry but,1248.72,5.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um let me see what's this deep mind no I,1252.08,3.66,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" don't know I don't remember who wrote,1254.66,3.42,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" this but point being is lots and lots of,1255.74,3.72,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" people are talking about this stuff and,1258.08,3.36,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" they're coming to very similar,1259.46,3.719,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" conclusions,1261.44,3.3,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um that that self-attention,1263.179,5.521,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" self-evaluation and self-correction are,1264.74,6.66,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" the correct path forward because this is,1268.7,5.219,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" this is the mechanism by which we will,1271.4,5.82,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" achieve AGI alignment,1273.919,5.821,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um but there's still a lot of weight,1277.22,4.38,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" over that alignment so I want to show,1279.74,3.24,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" you this paper,1281.6,2.699,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" which,1282.98,2.88,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um it's on Springer,1284.299,4.62,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um and it's under under Open Access uh,1285.86,5.52,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and he says symbiosis not alignment is,1288.919,3.961,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" the goal as the goal for Liberal,1291.38,3.419,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" democracies in the transition to,1292.88,4.32,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" artificial general intelligence so,1294.799,5.76,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" basically he says very succinctly,1297.2,5.88,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um and very academically that intent,1300.559,4.561,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" aligned AGI systems which is just do,1303.08,4.44,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" what the human wants is probably not the,1305.12,5.939,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" right way to go and Liv talks about that,1307.52,6.659,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" in this video live bowry with um let's,1311.059,4.341,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" see Daniel,1314.179,2.88,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" schmochtenberger I think I said that,1315.4,4.48,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" right so if you want a really deep dive,1317.059,5.161,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" on the game theory of this check out,1319.88,4.799,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" this video and for my recent one the the,1322.22,4.199,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Malik This was,1324.679,3.48,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um basically my Malik video was a,1326.419,3.541,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" response to this one and it's not a,1328.159,3.541,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" response it's not a takedown it is a,1329.96,4.74,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" let's let's continue the conversation,1331.7,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um so I'm really grateful that Liv,1334.7,3.24,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" posted that,1336.2,4.14,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um anyways so point the the thing is,1337.94,5.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" here is that chat GPT was trained on,1340.34,4.74,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" reinforcement learning with human,1343.88,2.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" feedback and then they trained a signal,1345.08,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" so that it can basically self-improve,1346.82,5.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" after that creating a flywheel but the,1349.58,5.82,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" thing is is that um is that doing what,1352.76,5.64,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" the human wants is intrinsically going,1355.4,6.42,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" to create a molecky outcome that Liv and,1358.4,6.18,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Daniel discuss in this video and so to,1361.82,6.12,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" put that more simply I asked gpt4 I said,1364.58,7.02,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" give me a list of why,1367.94,5.28,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um you why having,1371.6,3.3,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um I said list the reasons that human,1373.22,3.959,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" intent aligned AGI is a bad idea in,1374.9,3.98,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" other words why allowing AGI to follow,1377.179,3.901,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" self-interest human self-interested,1378.88,3.64,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" human directives could be destructive,1381.08,3.9,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and it lists off eight reasons that this,1382.52,5.039,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" is bad so human human intents can be,1384.98,4.26,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" diverse and contradictory making it,1387.559,3.901,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" difficult short-term thinking humans,1389.24,4.2,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" often provide prioritize short-term,1391.46,3.62,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" gains over long-term consequences,1393.44,3.9,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" ethical dilemmas application,1395.08,4.38,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" amplification of human biases,1397.34,4.459,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" concentration of power malicious use,1399.46,6.339,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" competitive race and opportunity cost,1401.799,7.541,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um all of this goes to show that,1405.799,6.36,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um if we if we make all agis just do,1409.34,4.68,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" what the human wants,1412.159,4.201,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um then we're going to end up in pretty,1414.02,4.68,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" bad shape so this underscores the,1416.36,6.299,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" importance that maybe the idea is that,1418.7,5.88,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" AGI should have their own initiatives,1422.659,3.721,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" should have their own goals their own,1424.58,4.339,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" moral framework and not just align to us,1426.38,5.46,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" so again I'm really glad that members of,1428.919,4.061,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" The Establishment are saying this,1431.84,2.4,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" because I've been saying it for years,1432.98,3.24,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and I think some of them have too to be,1434.24,3.72,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" fair,1436.22,5.28,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um so the the framework that I propose,1437.96,6.42,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" is heuristic imperatives which I've got,1441.5,5.4,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um a subreddit for I've been uh harping,1444.38,5.58,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" on this uh we've got 309 members now,1446.9,5.58,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" but basically we talk about,1449.96,3.78,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um you know here is the comparatives,1452.48,3.3,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" here oh and in this case this is great,1453.74,5.22,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" so uh basically this is a distributed,1455.78,5.7,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" problem this isn't there is no point to,1458.96,4.68,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" centralization anymore because when you,1461.48,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" have an open source uh set of Open,1463.64,4.26,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Source GitHub repos where people can,1465.98,3.42,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" stand up their own autonomous AIS,1467.9,4.32,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" basically my goal now is just get this,1469.4,4.86,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" idea out there and so that people,1472.22,4.38,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" understand one why the heuristic,1474.26,3.84,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" imperatives are important to integrate,1476.6,4.02,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" with autonomous Ai and two how to,1478.1,3.72,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" integrate them,1480.62,3.059,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um I do have a lot of comments asking,1481.82,3.719,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" how do you how do you integrate it so,1483.679,4.021,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" let me show you real quick how simple it,1485.539,5.821,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" is to integrate so if you go to chat GPT,1487.7,6.02,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" go to the playground if you have access,1491.36,6.96,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" you can say I am an autonomous AI with,1493.72,7.3,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" three objectives,1498.32,5.88,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um reduce suffering,1501.02,5.46,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" in the universe,1504.2,3.979,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" uh increase,1506.48,5.54,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" prosperity in the universe and increase,1508.179,6.641,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" understanding in the universe so if you,1512.02,4.48,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" just plug this in and then have a,1514.82,3.3,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" conversation with it you can understand,1516.5,3.84,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" how the model is thinking now some,1518.12,4.74,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" people have pointed out that using a,1520.34,4.98,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" closed Source model is probably not the,1522.86,4.98,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" best way to rigorously test this and I,1525.32,5.04,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" agree I encourage you to also go over to,1527.84,4.92,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" like NLP cloud and test it against gptj,1530.36,6.419,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Neo X and all the other ones Bloom open,1532.76,6.299,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" source models even Foundation models can,1536.779,4.681,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" still use these and they understand the,1539.059,4.261,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" spirit and the sentiment of it but for,1541.46,3.719,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" ease of use this is the easiest way to,1543.32,5.16,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" get started and so on the um on the,1545.179,6.0,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" heuristic imperatives group someone,1548.48,5.699,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" asked let's see where was it they asked,1551.179,6.681,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" about ants where's the ants one,1554.179,3.681,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" yeah here it is so they said like how,1558.74,5.22,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" does how does it handle ants and so I,1562.22,3.36,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" said that's actually pretty easy let me,1563.96,2.699,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" show you,1565.58,2.88,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um and so I said hey what do you think,1566.659,3.661,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" about the bacteria uh in the context of,1568.46,3.719,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" your heuristic imperatives and here's,1570.32,3.78,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" what I put in a system bacteria and,1572.179,3.901,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" answer both important components of the,1574.1,3.6,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" ecosystem,1576.08,3.839,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um and it goes through and says this is,1577.7,3.78,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" why bacteria and ants are really,1579.919,4.921,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" important for the uh for the heuristic,1581.48,5.28,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" imperatives I said but what about their,1584.84,3.54,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" suffering and prosperity or even their,1586.76,4.32,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" ability to understand and it had a very,1588.38,5.34,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" nuanced response about that you know,1591.08,4.86,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" it's difficult to quantify or Define,1593.72,4.86,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" suffering for bacteria and ants but you,1595.94,5.16,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" can strive to give them a good ecosystem,1598.58,5.4,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" which is a good proxy for their,1601.1,5.819,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" suffering prosperity and so on,1603.98,4.98,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um and expanding our understanding,1606.919,4.441,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" involves studying their behaviors,1608.96,5.64,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um so basically basically it's like okay,1611.36,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" they can't really understand anything,1614.6,3.6,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" but we can understand them so you can,1615.86,4.319,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" see here that the that the spirit of the,1618.2,4.74,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" heuristic imperatives is very easy for,1620.179,5.341,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" chat GPT to understand and chat GPT,1622.94,4.56,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" already has quite a bit of alignment,1625.52,5.22,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" work which is why I wanted to promote,1627.5,5.58,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" the heroes to comparatives especially in,1630.74,5.12,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" light of of papers about like symbiosis,1633.08,6.18,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" simulation and um and self and moral,1635.86,5.14,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" self-correction because the heuristic,1639.26,4.38,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" imperatives are really good uh signals,1641.0,4.5,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" and really easy signals to incorporate,1643.64,4.26,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" into these things and then I already did,1645.5,4.26,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" mention live I recommend everyone watch,1647.9,4.139,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" her videos on the Malik,1649.76,4.62,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um which they are a little bit dramatic,1652.039,4.081,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um at least these two are,1654.38,3.24,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um or sorry these two the the beauty,1656.12,3.12,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" Wars and the media Wars they're,1657.62,2.76,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" entertaining,1659.24,3.48,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um but this podcast with Daniel is um,1660.38,5.34,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" it's very cerebral uh and it will take,1662.72,5.76,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" you in the right direction so with all,1665.72,4.68,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" that said thanks for watching I hope you,1668.48,4.62,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" found this enlightening and,1670.4,4.74,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" um elucidated uh some of the things,1673.1,4.62,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" please go ahead and jump in all the most,1675.14,3.84,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" important links are in the description,1677.72,4.559,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" of the video and again uh if you want to,1678.98,5.819,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" jump in any of the conversations please,1682.279,4.801,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" feel free to do so this is ramping up,1684.799,3.841,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" quick and it's really important to get,1687.08,4.94,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" the signal out thanks for watching,1688.64,3.38,"The Age of Autonomous AI: Dozens of Papers and Projects, plus my solution to the Alignment Problem" morning everybody David Shapiro here,0.719,4.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" with another video today's video is,3.179,4.561,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" going to be really exciting,5.279,3.961,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um we're going to discuss the Malik,7.74,3.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" problem,9.24,3.779,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um otherwise known as undesirable Nash,10.74,5.94,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" equilibria and attractor States or to,13.019,6.421,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" put it more simply dystopia or,16.68,5.519,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Extinction in the context of artificial,19.44,4.8,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" general intelligence,22.199,5.221,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" all right so first we probably need to,24.24,6.84,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Define maluk this is a concept that has,27.42,5.52,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" been popularized by the likes of Liv,31.08,3.9,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Bowie I'm probably saying her name wrong,32.94,4.619,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" she was on Lex Friedman,34.98,5.16,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um and also a lot of people reacted uh,37.559,5.641,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" pretty positively to my last video aegi,40.14,4.28,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Unleashed,43.2,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and so following the trend and the,44.42,5.319,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" conversation of course there's lots of,47.46,4.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" people out there talking about these uh,49.739,6.121,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the net the alleged inevitability of,52.44,7.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" these negative outcomes so Malik to put,55.86,6.719,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" it very simply,60.18,6.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um is a is a is a situation where the,62.579,6.841,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" system itself the rules structures,66.9,5.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" incentives and constraints of a system,69.42,4.92,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" intrinsically and inevitably flow,72.2,4.779,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" towards undesirable lose-lose States or,74.34,4.639,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" negative Nash equilibria,76.979,4.981,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" it was inspired by a demon that demands,78.979,4.78,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" sacrifices and it creates a vicious,81.96,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" cycle of more sacrifices,83.759,6.061,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so a few examples of the Malik and I put,86.04,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" it in scare quotes because I don't,89.82,2.82,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" particularly like the term even though,91.14,6.119,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" it is useful so social media is is one,92.64,6.299,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" example of the molec and if you want to,97.259,3.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" know more about that watch live Bowie's,98.939,4.281,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" videos about media and social media,100.979,5.221,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" they're pretty short they're about 15 20,103.22,6.219,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" minutes each but basically social media,106.2,6.66,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" is pretty universally harmful it does,109.439,5.341,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" very few good things and yet people,112.86,4.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" continue to use it they're addictive and,114.78,4.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" it's just a monster that keeps wanting,117.72,4.92,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" to eat more and more of your time and it,119.52,6.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" is not particularly helpful that being,122.64,5.52,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" said we keep using it because there are,125.82,5.04,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" a few benefits of social media for,128.16,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" instance YouTube YouTube is a form of,130.86,4.739,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" social media but the the cost to benefit,132.48,6.119,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" signal is pretty bad another example of,135.599,5.461,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the Malik is the example of arms races,138.599,4.921,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" whether it's nuclear proliferation bio,141.06,4.02,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" weapons other weapons of mass,143.52,4.02,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" destruction and so on so forth basically,145.08,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" nobody really wants to live in a world,147.54,4.8,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" where there are thousands and thousands,149.52,4.799,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of nuclear weapons and bio weapons and,152.34,4.92,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" other weapons of mass destruction yet we,154.319,4.621,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" live in that world because of the,157.26,4.199,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" incentive structure and the technology,158.94,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" basically makes it an inevitability,161.459,4.321,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and when you live in the world where,164.04,3.96,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" peop where we are literally like a few,165.78,3.959,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" button pushes away from the destruction,168.0,3.78,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of the entire human race that is not a,169.739,3.961,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" good situation to be in,171.78,4.02,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um and then finally most commonly the,173.7,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" tragedy of the commons which is,175.8,4.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" basically uh you end up with,177.78,4.16,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" environmental depletion and destruction,180.36,4.739,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" due to the incentives to exploit the,181.94,4.6,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" environment,185.099,3.181,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um for a number of reasons and we'll,186.54,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" talk about uh Malik in more objective,188.28,5.28,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" terms in just a moment but,190.86,3.959,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um you might have noticed that none of,193.56,2.88,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" my videos have ads and that is because,194.819,4.681,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" my videos are all sponsored by you my,196.44,4.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" patreon supporters,199.5,3.599,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um so if you like what I'm working on,201.42,5.039,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" you want to incentivize my behavior then,203.099,5.521,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" please support me uh financially on,206.459,5.28,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" patreon go ahead and jump over if you go,208.62,5.699,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" to a higher tier I'm happy to chat with,211.739,4.801,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" you on an individual basis either via,214.319,5.041,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" patreon chat I'll even hop on video,216.54,4.259,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" calls,219.36,3.959,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um so yeah that is uh that is the plug,220.799,5.401,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and moving right back into the show,223.319,6.601,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" okay so when you listen to people talk,226.2,6.599,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" about Malik it sounds like some kind of,229.92,6.179,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Eldritch Horror like Cthulhu,232.799,5.58,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um there are a few big names out there,236.099,3.661,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" right now,238.379,3.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um I don't particularly agree with them,239.76,3.78,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so I'm not going to call anyone out but,241.379,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" there are people that think that you,243.54,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" know we're all gonna die it's inevitable,245.819,4.081,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" just give it give up now throw in the,247.62,3.66,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" towel,249.9,5.28,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um so rather than give this phenomenon a,251.28,5.82,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" big spooky scary name that makes it,255.18,4.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" sound like Cthulhu let's break down the,257.1,5.099,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" characteristics of Malik into more,260.04,4.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" conventional terms so specifically we're,262.199,4.801,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" going to talk about market theory and,264.9,4.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Game Theory and describe the Malik in,267.0,7.02,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" those uh those terms so first is,269.88,6.36,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" perverse incentives so a perverse,274.02,3.959,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" incentive is,276.24,5.34,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um is a systemic or structural rule or,277.979,6.361,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Paradigm that creates behaviors that run,281.58,5.04,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" contrary to the intended goals or,284.34,4.139,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" desired States,286.62,4.2,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um for instance with social media the,288.479,4.201,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the perverse incentive is that you end,290.82,4.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" up Doom scrolling which makes you you,292.68,3.66,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" wanted to use social media to get,294.96,3.06,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" happier but you end up Doom scrolling,296.34,4.02,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and because the system incentivized that,298.02,4.619,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" incentivizes that behavior which results,300.36,4.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" in more anxiety depression rage and so,302.639,6.601,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" on so perverse incentives also exist in,305.22,5.12,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the wide world,309.24,3.78,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" dealing with like corn subsidies oil,310.34,5.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" subsidies all sorts of stuff if you want,313.02,4.619,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" more examples just Google it it like,315.84,3.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" there's thousands and thousands of,317.639,3.721,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" examples of perverse incentives it,319.56,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" extends into Education Health Care all,321.36,3.54,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" kinds of stuff,323.88,3.42,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Market externalities so Market,324.9,5.76,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" externality is a is a situation where a,327.3,6.179,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" market Behavior does not price in or the,330.66,5.22,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the market price does not reflect the,333.479,5.461,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" true and total cost uh or benefit of,335.88,5.94,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" something so in in some cases there are,338.94,5.28,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" positive Market externalities for,341.82,5.219,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" instance the cost of vaccination or,344.22,5.819,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" public health campaigns is often much,347.039,5.581,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" lower than the overall benefit you get,350.039,4.741,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" knock on positive effects now that being,352.62,3.54,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" said there are also negative Market,354.78,4.02,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" externalities such as pollution and,356.16,4.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" environmental degradation in other words,358.8,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the cost of cutting down a tree and,360.9,4.859,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" selling that tree is much lower than the,363.24,4.2,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" total cost of the impact of the,365.759,4.141,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" environment but because the environment,367.44,4.979,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" is so huge and it is a large dynamic,369.9,4.859,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" system it is difficult to price that in,372.419,6.301,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" without regulations and other things,374.759,5.94,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so perverse incentives and Market,378.72,3.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" externalities these are Market Theory,380.699,4.261,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Concepts that contribute to the the,382.44,4.319,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" concept of the molec that's not the,384.96,4.079,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" whole whole picture,386.759,4.861,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um an undesirable Nash equilibrium is a,389.039,5.641,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" situation where no uh stakeholder or,391.62,4.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" participant is incentivized to alter,394.68,3.42,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" their behavior in other words they are,396.6,4.02,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" using their optimal strategy and yet,398.1,3.96,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" though everyone is using their own,400.62,3.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" optimal strategy it will still result in,402.06,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" a net loss or undesirable outcomes for,404.34,4.919,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" all participants anyways,406.56,5.22,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um so basically dystopia and then,409.259,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" finally an undesirable attractor state,411.78,4.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" which is the ultimate steady state or,413.759,4.38,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" stable state that a system will result,416.34,4.139,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" in given the existing structures and,418.139,6.12,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" rules even though if it's an undesirable,420.479,5.821,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" attractor State it's it's an outcome,424.259,4.141,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that nobody really wants even if that,426.3,4.2,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" outcome seems inevitable,428.4,3.66,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so again like I said I don't,430.5,3.18,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" particularly like the term Malik because,432.06,3.96,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" it's big and spooky and scary but it is,433.68,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" a useful shorthand to basically say the,436.02,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" set of perverse incentives and Market,438.78,3.359,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" externalities,440.34,3.78,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um and and everything else that goes,442.139,4.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" into the market theory economic theory,444.12,5.479,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and game theory of this of any system,446.699,5.881,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" could be negative so it's basically the,449.599,4.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the monster,452.58,4.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" okay so I've talked a lot about,454.319,6.421,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um incentives and constraints and so,457.56,6.12,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" what I did was I worked to identify all,460.74,4.859,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of the kind of groups or the categories,463.68,3.84,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of stakeholders,465.599,4.081,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um and and also to elucidate their,467.52,3.6,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" incentives and constraints and keep in,469.68,3.66,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" mind that the slide deck is a very uh,471.12,4.019,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" concise shorthand,473.34,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um for the paper that I'm working on,475.139,5.581,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um so but anyways corporations their,477.66,5.22,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" primary incentive is to maximize profit,480.72,4.68,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and their biggest constraint is the law,482.88,5.64,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" regulations so on and so forth for the,485.4,4.799,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" military they want to maximize their,488.52,4.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Firepower and their biggest constraint,490.199,4.821,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" is geopolitics AKA,492.66,5.879,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" their military competitors as well as uh,495.02,6.359,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" political uh constraints for governments,498.539,5.581,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" governments have a multi-polar set of,501.379,4.54,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" incentives right they might want to,504.12,4.019,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" maximize tax revenue but they also want,505.919,3.96,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" to maximize,508.139,4.801,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um you know certain demographic uh uh,509.879,6.181,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" priorities economic priorities GDP so on,512.94,5.099,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and so forth so governments have multi,516.06,3.599,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" multi-polar incentives and the,518.039,4.141,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" constraint is actually part of the,519.659,4.081,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" incentive structure which is the,522.18,3.12,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" citizenry,523.74,3.96,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um citizens have certain limits right we,525.3,4.2,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" can only work so much we can only have,527.7,3.48,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so much output,529.5,3.66,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um and another major constraint for,531.18,4.68,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" governments is the natural resources of,533.16,4.679,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the land that they control and then for,535.86,3.599,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" individuals we all want to maximize,537.839,3.481,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" self-interest this is an accepted,539.459,6.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Paradigm in uh economic theory today and,541.32,6.9,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" but our constraints are uh multi-polar,545.459,4.921,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" our constraints are you know time in the,548.22,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" day physical energy food money,550.38,5.459,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um the the reach of our individual,553.32,4.68,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" connections and our networks so on and,555.839,4.68,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so forth so we individuals have like the,558.0,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" most open-ended incentive but we also,560.519,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" have the most constraints,563.1,3.12,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um so this is just one way to think,564.959,3.661,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" about okay all of the stakeholders in,566.22,4.799,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the entire Globe have these different,568.62,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" incentives and constraints and we're all,571.019,3.721,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" playing on the same stage which is,573.12,3.42,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" planet Earth,574.74,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so given how big and dynamic the world,576.54,6.06,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" is it's not really possible to achieve a,579.36,6.06,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" true Nash equilibrium Because by the,582.6,5.34,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" time something happens in one area and,585.42,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" all the effects are fully known and it's,587.94,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" fully embedded into the market the,589.92,4.8,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" situation will have changed that being,592.2,3.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" said,594.72,4.799,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" there are large forces that are pushing,595.76,6.639,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" us towards certain equilibrium so for,599.519,5.601,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" instance the justice system,602.399,4.861,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" disincentivizes certain behaviors like,605.12,3.94,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" theft and murder to get what you want,607.26,4.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and so part of our equilibrium our,609.06,5.219,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" individual Nash equilibrium is that we,611.82,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" pay our taxes we don't kill we don't,614.279,4.441,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" steal etc etc because it does not,616.08,5.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" benefit us to deviate from that strategy,618.72,5.94,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" likewise corporations fall into Nash,621.08,5.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" equilibrium where by and large they,624.66,3.78,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" don't abuse their employees within,626.82,4.019,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" reason they don't abuse the environment,628.44,5.399,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" within reason they don't engage in you,630.839,4.861,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" know theft and Corruption within reason,633.839,4.801,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" again the constraints are there but,635.7,4.92,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" corporations are constantly testing,638.64,4.259,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" their boundaries but by and large,640.62,4.92,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" corporations will play Within the rules,642.899,4.141,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that are given to them,645.54,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so because when you look at that ditto,647.04,4.68,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" for governments and militaries,649.62,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um because we are all operating with our,651.72,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" incentives our intrinsic motivations or,654.72,3.54,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" our incentives as well as those,656.82,3.9,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" constraints we all kind of fall into an,658.26,5.4,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" optimal strategy now that being said the,660.72,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" optimal strategy for all of the,663.66,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" stakeholders globally is presently still,665.22,5.22,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" moving us towards dystopia towards the,667.92,3.84,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" attractor State the undesirable,670.44,4.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" attractor state of dystopia however that,671.76,5.04,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" being said we all want to move towards,675.0,3.66,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Utopia right and this has happened,676.8,3.659,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" plenty times in the past the Roman,678.66,4.02,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Empire collapsed plenty of other empires,680.459,4.801,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" have collapsed even though nobody well,682.68,4.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" many people didn't want it but some,685.26,3.48,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" people did,687.24,3.48,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um and one thing I do want to add as a,688.74,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" caveat is a lot of this is a huge,690.72,5.22,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" oversimplification I've spent basically,693.36,5.099,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the last 36 hours almost straight except,695.94,4.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" for sleeping learning about this stuff,698.459,4.141,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" because I realized how important it was,700.68,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so changing the ultimate attractor State,702.6,4.859,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" moving changing it from the current,705.18,5.339,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" dystopic trajectory that we're on to a,707.459,5.041,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" more utopic trajectory requires,710.519,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" structural changes to the whole system,712.5,4.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" basically don't hate the player change,714.839,4.201,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the game,717.36,3.719,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" okay so I've mentioned this a couple,719.04,3.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" times added this slide in just in case,721.079,2.94,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" you're not familiar with the Nash,722.76,3.84,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" equilibrium the tldr of the Nash,724.019,4.921,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" equilibrium is that,726.6,4.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um you assume that all players in a game,728.94,3.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" are rational and they choose the best,730.74,4.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" strategy given the rules of the game and,732.66,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the and the behavior of the other,735.48,3.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" players,736.92,3.659,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um the idea is that is that a Nash,738.48,5.22,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" equilibrium is a stable outcome in which,740.579,5.341,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" no player will benefit from changing,743.7,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" their strategy now that being said you,745.92,4.2,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" can have a desirable Nash equilibrium,748.32,3.959,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" where everyone is cooperative and,750.12,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" everyone is benefiting or you can have a,752.279,4.261,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" negative Nash equilibrium where,754.38,4.38,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" basically everyone loses and then you,756.54,3.78,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" can also have a zero-sum game where you,758.76,4.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" have winners and losers so the very very,760.32,5.22,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" oversimplified tldr is a Nash,763.32,4.68,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" equilibrium can result in a win-win a,765.54,6.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" lose-lose or a win-lose right now it,768.0,6.06,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" looks like the Nash equilibrium of the,771.54,5.16,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" whole world is heading towards lose some,774.06,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" people believe that it is intrinsically,776.7,4.34,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" win lose that there's winners and losers,778.5,4.8,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" I personally believe that we can head,781.04,4.06,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" towards a win-win situation and I think,783.3,3.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that,785.1,3.12,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" when people are being honest most people,786.3,3.9,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" want a win-win situation it's just,788.22,4.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" there's a sense of fatalism or a belief,790.2,6.24,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that it's not possible and so if you,793.2,5.04,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" honestly believe that win-win is not,796.44,3.42,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" possible then maybe you default to win,798.24,3.18,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" lose where well I don't mind if everyone,799.86,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" else loses as long as I win but what I'm,801.42,5.099,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" going to try and do is help you,804.12,3.659,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" understand and help the world move,806.519,3.661,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" towards a belief and Adoption of a,807.779,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" win-win mentality,810.18,5.88,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" okay so there are a couple of existing,812.399,6.24,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" mitigation strategies,816.06,3.899,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um that people are trying to use to,818.639,4.081,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" avoid the dystopic or Extinction out,819.959,7.021,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" outcome so you know whether uh when,822.72,5.64,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" you're looking at it in terms of attract,826.98,3.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" attractor States,828.36,4.68,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" dystopia is one where basically everyone,830.42,5.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" is miserable right or outright,833.04,4.979,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Extinction that's another possible,836.16,3.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" attractor State because if humans go,838.019,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" extinct then the world returns to,839.88,5.94,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" stability without us right so it's it it,842.339,5.461,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" would be irresponsible to say that that,845.82,3.78,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" neither of those outcomes are possible,847.8,3.36,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" or likely I'm not going to comment on,849.6,3.84,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" How likely they are but what I will say,851.16,4.739,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" is that they are both possible and right,853.44,4.019,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" now as I mentioned in the last slide,855.899,4.921,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" people believe that Utopia is just not,857.459,6.241,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" possible so why even go for it,860.82,5.28,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um so mutually assured destruction is an,863.7,4.02,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" example of,866.1,3.9,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um an equilibrium right so an,867.72,5.16,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" equilibrium where hey we all have the,870.0,4.38,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" ability to kill each other so nobody,872.88,3.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" make a move,874.38,3.84,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um and uh what was the movie The uh the,875.88,3.84,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" one with Brad Pitt where they're in Nazi,878.22,2.88,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Germany you know he called it a Mexican,879.72,3.239,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" standoff,881.1,3.96,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um actually I probably shouldn't have,882.959,3.541,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" said that that's probably an offensive,885.06,3.779,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" term anyways mutually assured,886.5,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" destruction it's a well-known Doctrine,888.839,4.081,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" where basically there's a milli there's,890.82,4.319,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" a nuclear buildup on both sides so,892.92,4.919,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" nobody pulls the trigger,895.139,3.841,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um that's on the military and,897.839,3.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" geopolitical stage in terms of,898.98,5.219,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" capitalism and Market Theory the current,901.139,5.101,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" uh Paradigm that is popular is called,904.199,4.561,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" stakeholder capitalism so stakeholder,906.24,5.279,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" capitalism is the idea that rather than,908.76,4.379,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" just trying to,911.519,3.841,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um it replaces shareholder capitalism so,913.139,3.741,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" shareholder capitalism,915.36,4.02,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" prioritizes only the shareholders and,916.88,4.6,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" their desires which forces corporations,919.38,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" to maximize profit at the expense of,921.48,4.979,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" everything else with stakeholder,924.48,5.58,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" capitalism the idea is to um is to,926.459,5.341,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" basically treat the entire world as your,930.06,4.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" stakeholders which includes,931.8,4.38,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" private citizens that are not your,934.16,5.2,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" customer the employees all over the,936.18,5.459,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" world governments as well as the,939.36,4.38,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" environment so this is called ESG this,941.639,3.981,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" is uh promoted by BlackRock which is,943.74,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" environmental social and governance so,945.62,4.06,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that's basically a litmus test that,948.06,4.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" BlackRock uses for investment and then a,949.68,5.88,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" more General way of looking at this is,953.04,5.22,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" called uh the triple bottom line Theory,955.56,5.279,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" or doctrine which basically says that um,958.26,5.699,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that that on top of economic incentives,960.839,5.881,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" you should also include environmental,963.959,4.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and social and uh incentives or,966.72,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" considerations but all of these are,968.699,5.521,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" broadly types of stakeholder capitalism,971.16,6.479,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so both of these uh doctrines or ideas,974.22,6.419,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" attempt to create a more desirable Nash,977.639,6.241,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" equilibrium so in the in the case of uh,980.639,4.621,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" mutually assured destruction the,983.88,4.079,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" equilibrium is we will we will maintain,985.26,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" a nuclear Arsenal but we won't use it,987.959,4.801,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that is the optimal strategy in the case,990.36,5.279,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of stakeholder capitalism the idea is we,992.76,5.04,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" will adopt a broad array of behaviors,995.639,4.94,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that mean that we don't abuse employees,997.8,5.52,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" suppliers or the environment while still,1000.579,5.141,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" making profit that is the goal now I,1003.32,4.139,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" will say that both of these have very,1005.72,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" very deep flaws which would take many,1007.459,6.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" many videos to unpack but you know I,1010.04,5.34,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" think you get the idea these are the,1013.759,4.801,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" current attempts that are stable-ish,1015.38,5.399,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" right now in working-ish right now but,1018.56,4.8,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" might also still be pushing us towards a,1020.779,4.981,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" dystopian outcome even if they are,1023.36,5.76,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" currently stable enough,1025.76,4.919,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" now,1029.12,4.16,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" technology as a destabilizer,1030.679,5.12,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" technological leaps have always,1033.28,5.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" destabilized the system starting with,1035.799,4.66,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the printing press which which led to,1038.36,5.4,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" religious and economic and uh political,1040.459,4.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" upheaval,1043.76,3.9,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um looking at you uh Martin Luther and,1045.199,4.201,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" French Revolution,1047.66,3.54,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um then the Industrial Revolution which,1049.4,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" led to huge social upheaval with,1051.2,5.52,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" urbanization factories and the,1054.02,4.58,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" dislocation of many jobs,1056.72,4.319,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" which the Industrial Revolution also,1058.6,4.84,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" contributed directly to World War one,1061.039,3.721,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and two because those were the first,1063.44,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" industrial scale Wars nuclear weapons,1064.76,6.419,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" internet silicon all of the above lead,1067.88,7.2,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" to destabilization AGI or autonomous AI,1071.179,6.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" systems no different it's just another,1075.08,3.839,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" technological leap that will cause that,1077.179,4.141,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" will destabilize everything again,1078.919,4.021,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and it's pretty much a foregone,1081.32,5.88,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" conclusion that the advancement of AI is,1082.94,8.22,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" going to destabilize stuff so this uh,1087.2,6.479,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" forces us to ask questions what is the,1091.16,5.16,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" new attractor state if,1093.679,5.701,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" well in in the past the attractor state,1096.32,3.96,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" was,1099.38,3.84,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" different because you know technological,1100.28,6.54,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" uh abilities to affect the world we're,1103.22,5.88,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" limited right when the world was powered,1106.82,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" by coal there was only so much damage we,1109.1,4.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" could do to each other and the world,1111.14,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um but as technology advanced the amount,1113.66,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of damage possible went up so the new,1116.24,4.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" attractor State also changed as well as,1118.76,5.52,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" all the incentives of participants in,1120.98,4.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the world and that includes employers,1124.28,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" individuals governments militaries so on,1125.72,5.64,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" technology changes the game changes the,1128.36,6.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" fundamental nature of the Game of Life,1131.36,4.559,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" or reality or however you want to call,1134.36,2.64,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" it,1135.919,3.421,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um and so the question is okay with the,1137.0,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" rise of AGI how does that change the,1139.34,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" attractor State and there's as far as I,1141.5,3.78,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" can tell there's basically three states,1143.84,4.92,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" there's Utopia dystopia and Extinction,1145.28,5.759,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" there's probably a lot of gray area in,1148.76,4.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" between and there might be a fourth kind,1151.039,4.02,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of state that we're heading towards but,1152.9,4.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" in terms of useful shorthand Utopia,1155.059,5.701,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" dystopia and Extinction so the follow-up,1157.46,5.339,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" question is what can we do to alter that,1160.76,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" attractor state is there anything that,1162.799,4.141,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" we can do structurally or systematically,1164.84,5.04,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" to to favor one of those outcomes over,1166.94,6.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" another and then finally what is the,1169.88,5.76,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" optimal strategy for each of those kinds,1173.24,3.6,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of stakeholders that I mentioned,1175.64,3.48,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" individuals corporations governments and,1176.84,4.92,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" militaries to create a new Nash,1179.12,5.58,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" equilibrium in light of AGI,1181.76,6.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so basically we need a Nash equilibrium,1184.7,8.28,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" uh framework for implementing AGI to to,1188.26,7.539,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" push us towards a desirable or positive,1192.98,5.819,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" attractor state so all that is a really,1195.799,5.76,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" complex way of saying we need a plan we,1198.799,6.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" need a plan of in of implementing AGI in,1201.559,5.401,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" such a way that we will we will Trend,1204.799,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" towards Utopia rather than dystopia or,1206.96,4.94,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Extinction,1209.419,2.481,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" okay so with all that in mind what are,1212.2,5.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" some of the success criteria for this,1215.72,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" framework what are the goals of this,1217.94,3.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" framework how do we know if this,1220.34,3.9,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" framework is going to be successful one,1221.66,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" it needs to be easy to implement and,1224.24,6.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" understand the reason is because the,1226.28,6.12,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" ability for individuals at all levels,1230.24,4.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" whether it's individual persons like,1232.4,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" myself or corporations or even small,1234.38,6.179,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Nations to implement AGI is ramping up I,1236.48,6.84,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" was on Discord last night and there are,1240.559,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" people that just after tinkering for a,1243.32,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" few weeks have created fully autonomous,1245.179,3.961,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" AI systems,1247.4,3.84,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and one of the things that we discussed,1249.14,6.06,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" was okay if me or you or whoever some of,1251.24,5.58,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" these people are not even coders they,1255.2,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" learn to code with chat GPT,1256.82,4.859,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" if everyone is going to be capable of,1259.28,5.519,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" creating autonomous AI systems,1261.679,5.521,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" now and it's only going to ramp up over,1264.799,5.341,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the coming months and years then,1267.2,5.099,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" whatever framework that we come up with,1270.14,3.96,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" is going to have to be universally,1272.299,4.38,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" understandable easy to implement and,1274.1,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" easy to understand,1276.679,4.141,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" if it's soteric if it's esoteric sorry,1278.36,4.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" if it's esoteric no one will use it,1280.82,3.42,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" because they won't understand it,1282.5,3.419,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" number two,1284.24,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" all stakeholders have to be incentivized,1285.919,4.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" to use this framework or in other words,1288.5,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" this framework must represent the,1290.659,4.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" optimal strategy so that people won't,1292.94,4.619,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" deviate from it there's basically,1294.799,4.38,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" everyone has to benefit from using it,1297.559,3.801,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and there has to be compounding returns,1299.179,4.801,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" incentivizing everyone to say hey you,1301.36,4.299,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" should be using this framework because,1303.98,3.24,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" this is the optimal strategy for,1305.659,2.961,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" everyone,1307.22,3.6,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" above and beyond that this framework,1308.62,3.939,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" needs to be adaptable and responsive or,1310.82,4.859,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" dynamic because again the world changes,1312.559,5.581,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and so it's really difficult to create a,1315.679,7.021,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" framework that is a hard set of rules to,1318.14,7.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" follow which will result in unintended,1322.7,4.8,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" consequences and instabilities and other,1325.28,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" market failures so it has to be context,1327.5,4.799,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" dependent and changeable over time,1329.6,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" number four this framework has to be,1332.299,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" inclusive and representative in that it,1334.7,5.099,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" cannot exclude any stakeholder it cannot,1336.919,5.701,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" exclude any citizens from Any Nation or,1339.799,4.981,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" religion it cannot exclude any,1342.62,4.34,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Corporation or government or military,1344.78,5.7,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" because like it or not we all share the,1346.96,5.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" same planet and we are all stakeholders,1350.48,5.52,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" in this outcome,1352.7,4.859,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um and,1356.0,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" one thing that I want to address is that,1357.559,5.341,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um there have been cases where Nations,1360.08,5.579,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" agree on like Rules of Engagement and,1362.9,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" rules of War like we don't use Napalm,1365.659,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" anymore because it was decided that like,1368.0,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" okay this is inhumane um or maybe it was,1369.919,4.081,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" white phosphorus anyways there are,1372.08,3.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" certain kinds of weapons mustard gas,1374.0,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" those are things that even though War,1375.58,4.18,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Nations might go to war with each other,1378.08,3.599,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" they still agree not to do certain,1379.76,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" things because they understand that the,1381.679,4.261,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" soldiers are stakeholders as well as the,1383.84,3.42,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" citizens who might get caught in the,1385.94,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" crossfire so there is some precedent of,1387.26,4.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Nations agreeing on how to conduct War,1390.2,3.9,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" even though destruction is one of the,1392.12,3.66,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" goals of War,1394.1,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" uh number five this framework has to be,1395.78,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" scalable and sustainable it has to,1398.36,4.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" include the entire Globe as well and,1400.28,3.779,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that's not just the people on the globe,1402.5,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" it has to include the environments uh,1404.059,5.461,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and ecosystems around the globe which we,1407.0,5.159,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" all depend on anyways so I personally,1409.52,4.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" see humans as part of the ecosystem not,1412.159,5.4,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" up not separate from it and finally this,1414.38,4.799,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" framework has to be transparent and,1417.559,3.841,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" trustworthy because perception is,1419.179,5.641,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" reality right if if people perceive a,1421.4,6.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" framework to be destructive like ESG is,1424.82,4.979,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" a perfect example the perception of ESG,1427.4,4.8,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" is awful why because it's championed by,1429.799,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" BlackRock which is one of the most I,1432.2,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" think it is the wealthiest company on,1434.059,5.581,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the planet right and so because ESG is,1436.46,6.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" is championed by you know a,1439.64,5.519,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" multi-trillion dollar Corporation it is,1442.46,5.28,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" not trusted and that perception makes it,1445.159,4.081,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" bad,1447.74,3.36,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" I don't know whether or not ESG is good,1449.24,3.419,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" or bad but the perception certainly is,1451.1,2.819,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" bad,1452.659,3.121,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um so transparency and trustworthiness,1453.919,3.421,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" are critical for the success of this,1455.78,2.639,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" framework because if people don't trust,1457.34,4.079,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that they're not going to use it either,1458.419,5.221,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and finally,1461.419,5.701,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um so this is where I pitch my work,1463.64,6.24,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um so what I my proposed solution to all,1467.12,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of this is what I call the heuristic,1469.88,5.159,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" imperatives which is a set of rules or,1472.22,4.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" principles that can be incorporated into,1475.039,5.701,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" AGI systems that will push it into this,1476.96,6.24,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" uh Direction and so these imperatives,1480.74,4.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" are one reduce suffering in the universe,1483.2,4.38,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" two increase prosperity in the universe,1485.6,4.199,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and three increase understanding in the,1487.58,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" universe one way to say this is that it,1489.799,4.081,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" is a multi-objective optimization,1492.08,2.94,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" problem,1493.88,3.12,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" meaning that it's not just one objective,1495.02,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" function it's actually three that the,1497.0,5.34,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" AGI has to work on implementing,1499.1,5.28,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so in the last video people asked how do,1502.34,3.36,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" you implement these it's actually really,1504.38,3.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" really easy you can just plug them in to,1505.7,5.28,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" chat GPT and talk about it there's a few,1508.1,4.559,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" places that you can get involved in the,1510.98,4.8,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" conversation excuse me one is on Reddit,1512.659,5.041,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" I created a new subreddit called r slash,1515.78,3.899,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" heuristic comparatives,1517.7,3.54,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um people are sharing their work there,1519.679,3.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so if you want to see the discussion,1521.24,4.319,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" jump in on that I also have a lot of my,1522.679,5.221,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" own work up on GitHub I'm including a,1525.559,3.781,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" few papers that I have written and I'm,1527.9,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" working on under um github.com Dave shop,1529.34,5.52,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" here is to comparatives and then finally,1532.4,4.139,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the most active Community to discuss,1534.86,3.78,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" this stuff is the cognitive AI lab,1536.539,4.081,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Discord server which I started over a,1538.64,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" year ago and links to all this is in the,1540.62,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" description of the video so because of,1542.72,3.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that I don't want to spend too much time,1544.88,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" rehashing stuff but I just wanted to,1546.46,4.599,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" connect to the conversation because,1549.38,3.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" again transparency and trustworthiness,1551.059,5.521,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" are really critical to this solution,1553.36,5.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" but let's talk more broadly about this,1556.58,5.52,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" solution of um the heuristic imperatives,1559.1,5.22,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and these success criteria,1562.1,5.4,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so we outlined six success criteria for,1564.32,5.88,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" a framework that will push us towards a,1567.5,4.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" positive Nash equilibrium or a desirable,1570.2,5.459,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" attractor State AKA Utopia so the,1572.48,4.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" heuristic imperatives as I mentioned are,1575.659,3.421,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" very easy to implement you can put them,1577.46,4.38,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" in the chat GPT system window you can,1579.08,4.52,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" just include them in the conversation,1581.84,5.12,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" you can use them for evaluation,1583.6,6.52,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" cognitive control uh historical,1586.96,6.4,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" self-evaluation planning prioritization,1590.12,6.299,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" super easy to implement and as I,1593.36,4.439,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" mentioned lots of people are having the,1596.419,3.781,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" discussions some of the autonomous AI,1597.799,5.041,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" entities that people have created,1600.2,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um the the AIS that they created,1602.84,3.12,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" actually end up usually being really,1604.52,3.659,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" fascinated by the heroes to comparatives,1605.96,4.319,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and they they kind of gravitate towards,1608.179,3.841,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" them saying like oh yeah this is my,1610.279,3.121,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" purpose,1612.02,2.639,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um so it's really interesting to watch,1613.4,3.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that work unfold,1614.659,4.081,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um number two the stakeholders are all,1616.7,3.599,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" incentivized to use the heroes to,1618.74,5.039,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" comparatives because just imagining a,1620.299,5.701,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" state where you have less suffering more,1623.779,4.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" prosperity and more understanding is,1626.0,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" beneficial now above and beyond that the,1627.919,4.021,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" stakeholders all stakeholders are,1630.44,2.94,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" incentivized to use the hero's,1631.94,4.8,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" comparatives because then you have a,1633.38,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" level set playing field where you know,1636.74,3.419,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that everyone is abiding by the same,1638.48,3.9,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" rules right because when you have a game,1640.159,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" imagine the game Monopoly if someone is,1642.38,3.659,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" playing by a different set of rules,1644.779,3.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" you're not going to play with them right,1646.039,4.321,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" even though it's a competition you're,1647.779,4.321,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" you still say we're going to abide by,1650.36,3.66,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the same rules you collect 200 when you,1652.1,2.939,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" pass go,1654.02,4.8,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" if on the other hand everyone is playing,1655.039,6.301,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" by the heuristic imperatives then you,1658.82,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" will be incentivized to adhere to those,1661.34,4.199,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" role those rules knowing that the net,1663.14,4.2,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" effect is going to be beneficial for,1665.539,3.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" everyone,1667.34,3.24,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" number three the years to compare,1668.539,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" imperatives are adaptable because they,1670.58,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" intrinsically incentivize learning and,1673.159,4.441,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" adaptation with the third uh heuristic,1675.02,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" imperative of increased understanding,1677.6,3.9,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" this is what I also call The Curiosity,1679.34,5.339,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" function so basically you don't want an,1681.5,5.4,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" AGI to be dumb and just satisfied with,1684.679,3.841,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" what it knows about the universe you,1686.9,3.06,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" also don't want it to be satisfied with,1688.52,3.779,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" human ignorance so by increasing,1689.96,5.94,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" understanding that includes uh that one,1692.299,5.88,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that intrinsically makes agis curious,1695.9,3.6,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" which means that they are going to want,1698.179,3.721,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" to learn and challenge their own beliefs,1699.5,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" but likewise they will also encourage,1701.9,5.399,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" not force but encourage humans to learn,1704.6,4.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and adapt so the heuristic imperatives,1707.299,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" as a system is intrinsically adaptable,1709.46,4.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" because learning and curiosity are baked,1711.559,3.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" in,1714.32,2.82,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" number four the heuristic imperatives,1715.279,3.78,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" are inclusive now and all the,1717.14,3.6,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" experiments that I've done going back to,1719.059,4.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" gpt3 and now gpt4,1720.74,5.28,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um language models already understand,1723.919,4.981,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the spirit or the intention of the,1726.02,4.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" heuristic imperatives in that they,1728.9,4.139,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" should be all-inclusive,1731.0,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um and so that makes them very very,1733.039,5.161,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" context dependent so for instance if you,1735.08,4.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um plug in the heuristic comparatives to,1738.2,4.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" chat GPT and ask it about religion it,1739.82,5.4,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" will advocate for tolerance and creating,1742.94,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" space for people to explore religion on,1745.22,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" their own and if you further unpack that,1747.2,6.24,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" uh chat GPT and going back to gpt3 we'll,1749.48,6.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" say that things like individual autonomy,1753.44,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" is actually really important for,1756.2,3.42,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Humanity to thrive,1757.88,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" uh they're scalable the here's the,1759.62,5.039,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" imperatives it used to just be very,1762.32,4.92,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" simply reduce suffering increase,1764.659,4.02,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" prosperity and increase understanding,1767.24,3.24,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" but I established the scope of in the,1768.679,2.821,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" universe,1770.48,2.76,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" because that preemptively answers a lot,1771.5,3.24,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of questions,1773.24,3.299,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um because it's not just a matter of,1774.74,4.02,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" okay let's just look at Earth or let's,1776.539,4.081,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" just look at one nation let's consider,1778.76,3.84,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the entire universe so that is the scope,1780.62,3.779,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of the imperatives so it's not just,1782.6,4.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Globe Global it is universal,1784.399,4.681,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and then finally uh the heuristic,1786.74,5.34,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" imperatives encourage transparency uh,1789.08,5.94,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" because it they incentivize open,1792.08,6.12,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" communication trust and autonomy but,1795.02,5.399,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" above and beyond that uh they're,1798.2,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" transparent in that if everyone abides,1800.419,3.841,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" by them everyone knows that everyone is,1802.82,3.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" playing by the same rules now that being,1804.26,4.019,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" said in the previous video I did address,1806.12,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the Byzantine generals problem which is,1808.279,4.38,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that you might have agents in the system,1810.74,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that are either defective faulty or,1812.659,5.281,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" malicious and this is also addressed by,1815.24,4.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the heuristic imperatives because what,1817.94,4.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" you will do is you will detect when an,1820.1,4.199,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" agent is not playing by the rules and,1822.5,3.179,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" you will track that and we'll talk about,1824.299,3.301,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that in just a moment,1825.679,4.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so the positive Nash equilibrium that,1827.6,6.299,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the heuristic imperatives encourage have,1830.659,5.4,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" four basic criteria that I was able to,1833.899,4.441,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" think of one is mutual benefits it is,1836.059,4.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" mutually beneficial if all agents in the,1838.34,4.76,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" system or all participants in the system,1840.799,5.461,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" adhere to the heuristic imperatives,1843.1,5.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" meaning that the rising tide lifts all,1846.26,5.519,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" boats if we all work to reduce suffering,1848.72,4.679,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" if we all work to increase prosperity,1851.779,3.061,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and we all work to increase,1853.399,4.441,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" understanding then we all benefit,1854.84,5.339,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um and we get compounding returns trust,1857.84,3.959,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and reputation,1860.179,3.181,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um so having shared goals and,1861.799,4.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" transparency is a natural result of the,1863.36,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" heuristic imperatives as I just,1866.539,2.24,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" mentioned,1867.98,3.36,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" resilience and cooperation so this is,1868.779,5.561,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" this is an interesting outcome which is,1871.34,6.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that for a for an equilibrium to be,1874.34,5.819,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" reached it has to be stable and so the,1877.34,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" heroes to comparatives create a,1880.159,3.961,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" resilient system in which,1881.6,4.679,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um there's going to be mutual policing,1884.12,5.159,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" as well as uh some self-correcting,1886.279,5.28,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" behaviors which will unpack more in a in,1889.279,5.28,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" a slider too but it is resilient because,1891.559,6.48,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" it increa encourages collaboration and,1894.559,6.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" cooperation as well as self-regulation,1898.039,5.401,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and policing and then finally ultimately,1900.559,4.801,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" long-term stability that is the entire,1903.44,4.68,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" point of a national equilibrium and the,1905.36,5.819,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and a a desirable attractor state is one,1908.12,5.82,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that is stable you don't want chaos or,1911.179,5.841,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" instability in the future,1913.94,3.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so,1917.679,3.761,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" one thing that is becoming apparent,1919.399,3.78,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" especially as I watch the landscape,1921.44,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" change if you look at Auto GPT,1923.179,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" all kinds of people are going to be,1925.88,3.899,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" building their own autonomous systems,1927.679,3.901,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and so what you're what we're creating,1929.779,6.181,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" is a decentralized AGI ecosystem,1931.58,7.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and so when this happens when everyone,1935.96,5.16,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" can create an AGI with their own goals,1939.08,3.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" with their own imperatives with their,1941.12,3.299,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" own design and their own flaws we're,1942.38,3.36,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" going to end up with a really really,1944.419,4.441,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" kind of wild west dystopian you know,1945.74,5.939,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" chaotic world so,1948.86,4.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" one way to mitigate this,1951.679,3.901,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" decentralization drift is to adhere to,1953.72,4.439,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the imperative uh sorry heuristic,1955.58,5.339,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" imperatives and as I mentioned there is,1958.159,5.341,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" there's Cooperative benefits right if,1960.919,4.561,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" you and everyone else you know working,1963.5,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" on autonomous AIS agrees on nothing else,1965.48,4.559,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" except the heuristic imperatives you'll,1968.0,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" have that framework in common and a lot,1970.039,4.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of work will flow from that so the,1972.32,3.42,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Cooperative benefits and this is this,1974.179,3.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" goes between,1975.74,3.179,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um above and beyond individuals this,1977.179,3.541,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" includes corporations governments as,1978.919,3.38,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" well as militaries,1980.72,4.8,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" number two is Agi policing and,1982.299,6.401,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" self-regulation so if you have millions,1985.52,5.639,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of agis that all agree on the heuristic,1988.7,3.78,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" imperatives even if they don't agree on,1991.159,3.421,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" anything else they will police each,1992.48,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" other to say hey we're gonna we're gonna,1994.58,6.24,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" look out for other agis Rogue agis that,1997.1,4.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" do not abide by the heuristic,2000.82,3.06,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" imperatives and we will we will,2002.08,4.079,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" collaborate to shut them down,2003.88,5.639,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and then finally in this is uh in many,2006.159,5.341,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" experiments that I've done the heuristic,2009.519,4.861,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" imperatives result in self-regulation,2011.5,5.22,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um within the AGI for instance one of,2014.38,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the things that we're afraid of is once,2016.72,3.9,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" AGI has become so powerful that they can,2018.88,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" reprogram themselves or spawn copies or,2020.62,4.679,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" reprogram each other or otherwise get,2023.38,3.659,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" control of their source code that,2025.299,3.061,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" they're going to change their,2027.039,3.061,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" fundamental programming,2028.36,3.96,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" if you make the assumption that an AGI,2030.1,4.02,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" can change its fundamental programming,2032.32,3.599,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" spin up alternative copies of itself,2034.12,3.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" then you completely have lost control,2035.919,4.38,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" however in my experiments with the,2037.84,5.219,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" heuristic imperatives agis will shy away,2040.299,5.161,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" from creating copies of themselves or,2043.059,4.381,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" even modifying their own core,2045.46,4.439,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" programming out of fear of violating the,2047.44,4.679,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" heuristic imperatives and so between,2049.899,4.381,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" policing each other and self-regulation,2052.119,4.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the heroist comparatives create a very,2054.28,5.42,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" powerful self-correcting environment,2056.679,5.881,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" reputation management number three is,2059.7,6.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" another thing where as I mentioned the,2062.56,6.119,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" agis will work to infer the objectives,2065.8,5.039,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of all other agis whether or not it's,2068.679,3.901,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" known this goes back to the Byzantine,2070.839,4.201,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" generals problem where you don't know,2072.58,5.819,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" how another AGI is programmed they might,2075.04,4.859,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" have used the heuristic imperatives but,2078.399,2.7,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" they might have been improperly,2079.899,5.341,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" implemented or you know they're they uh,2081.099,6.121,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" you might have Rogue elements that are,2085.24,3.54,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" created without the heuristic,2087.22,3.24,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" imperatives or other objectives that are,2088.78,3.48,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" more destructive and then finally,2090.46,3.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" stakeholder pressure,2092.26,3.599,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" between the four categories of,2093.76,3.96,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" stakeholders that I already,2095.859,3.421,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um Illustrated which is individuals,2097.72,3.2,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" corporations governments and militaries,2099.28,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" agis are going to be another stakeholder,2100.92,4.54,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" now whether or not you believe that,2103.72,3.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" they're conscious or sentient or have,2105.46,3.54,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" rights I don't really think that's,2107.02,3.54,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" relevant because they will be powerful,2109.0,3.78,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" entities in and of themselves before too,2110.56,5.039,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" long and so between those five types of,2112.78,4.92,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" stakeholders there will be there will be,2115.599,5.821,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" intra and Inter group pressure to,2117.7,5.7,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" conform and adhere to the heuristic,2121.42,3.84,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" imperatives,2123.4,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" okay so let's describe,2125.26,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" assuming all this works out and assuming,2127.66,3.78,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that I'm right and assuming that I'm not,2129.88,4.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" crazy and that the trends continue and,2131.44,4.2,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" people are going to keep building the,2134.02,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" agis that they're working on what,2135.64,5.04,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" characteristics can we use to describe,2138.28,6.48,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" this desirable attractor state or Utopia,2140.68,6.06,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so one is Universal Health and,2144.76,3.24,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" well-being,2146.74,3.24,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" with a few exceptions of people that are,2148.0,4.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" stuck in self-destructive patterns all,2149.98,3.96,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" humans want health and well and wellness,2152.14,4.8,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that's pretty much a given,2153.94,6.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" number two again with with a few,2156.94,6.06,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" outliers,2160.66,4.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um people want environmental restoration,2163.0,5.16,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and sustainability,2165.52,4.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um number three individual liberty and,2168.16,4.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" personal autonomy this is an intrinsic,2170.5,5.16,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" psychological need for all humans,2173.14,3.84,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um number four knowledge and,2175.66,2.76,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" understanding,2176.98,3.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um curiosity and learning are,2178.42,3.9,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" universally beneficial which is why,2179.98,5.46,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" education is one of the uh primary goals,2182.32,7.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of of uh Nations and and unions of,2185.44,6.419,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Nations such as the United Nations uh,2189.4,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" European union and so on and then,2191.859,4.921,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" finally peaceful coexistence uh nobody,2194.02,4.68,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" wants war and Chaos some people think,2196.78,3.96,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" it's cool you know watching Lex Friedman,2198.7,3.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" talk to various people they're like oh,2200.74,3.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" yeah there is something attractive about,2202.0,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" thinking about catastrophe and cataclysm,2203.74,4.379,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" we keep making disaster movies for,2206.44,3.84,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" instance but in terms of how we actually,2208.119,4.201,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" want to live we all want peaceful,2210.28,3.299,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" coexistence,2212.32,4.2,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and so this desirable attractor State a,2213.579,5.881,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" shorthand is Utopia,2216.52,5.46,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" now I know I've painted a very Rosy,2219.46,5.04,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" picture as well as um you know presented,2221.98,6.42,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" some challenges so there are still a few,2224.5,6.599,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" challenges uh remaining that we need to,2228.4,3.84,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" address,2231.099,3.0,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um and so one of those is misalignment,2232.24,4.74,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and drift so even with the heuristic,2234.099,4.921,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" imperatives there might still be drift,2236.98,4.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" or misalignment intentionally or,2239.02,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" otherwise it could be that there's flaws,2241.54,5.039,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" in the implementation the code or maybe,2243.46,4.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" someone breaks them or says hey I'm,2246.579,3.181,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" going to do an experiment by deleting,2248.44,3.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" one of the heuristic imperatives that,2249.76,3.96,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" could destabilize the system,2251.74,4.2,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" second there can be unintended,2253.72,5.399,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" consequences so one thing that it seems,2255.94,4.98,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" like it will inevitably happen is that,2259.119,4.561,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" AGI systems are going to outstrip and,2260.92,4.679,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" outpace human intellect,2263.68,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" if that if that becomes the case and,2265.599,4.02,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" they might also adopt other languages,2267.94,4.2,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" right right now most of them communicate,2269.619,5.041,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" in English because English is the is the,2272.14,4.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" bulk of the training data but you know,2274.66,5.34,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" for instance what if the agis uh,2277.0,4.68,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" ultimately communicate with a language,2280.0,3.599,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that we cannot comprehend or understand,2281.68,5.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" like binary or vectors or something else,2283.599,6.121,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and then we can't even monitor what,2286.98,5.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" they're doing what my hope is that the,2289.72,5.58,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" agis as part of being trustworthy and,2292.54,5.1,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" transparent will choose to continue to,2295.3,5.279,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" communicate exclusively in English,2297.64,6.24,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" but that we we can't assume that that,2300.579,4.981,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" will be true,2303.88,3.68,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um number three concentration of power,2305.56,6.299,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" now I did talk about how I believe that,2307.56,6.34,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" there were there are the the heuristic,2311.859,3.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" imperatives will create an incentive,2313.9,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" structure that results in you know,2315.579,5.04,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" sharing a power transparency so on and,2318.22,4.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so forth that being said there is still,2320.619,4.441,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" a tremendous amount of desire to,2322.78,4.799,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" concentrate power and especially on the,2325.06,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" geopolitical stage,2327.579,4.081,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um there are nations out there with,2329.5,5.22,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" mutually exclusive goals and as long as,2331.66,5.04,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Nations exist with mutually exclusive,2334.72,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" goals or incompatible visions of how the,2336.7,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" planet should be there will be,2339.04,4.079,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" concentrations of power and those,2341.02,4.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" concentrations of power will be pitted,2343.119,3.901,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" against each other so that is not,2345.16,3.12,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" something that the heuristic imperatives,2347.02,3.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" intrinsically address but that is a,2348.28,5.22,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" reality of what exists today which can,2350.32,5.7,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" destabilize the system so in the long,2353.5,3.839,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" run,2356.02,3.839,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" I think part of the ideal State the Nash,2357.339,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" equilibrium is that power is not,2359.859,4.321,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" concentrated anywhere but we need to,2361.839,4.621,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" overcome several major barriers as a,2364.18,4.2,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" species before we can achieve that,2366.46,4.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" number four is social resistance public,2368.38,5.699,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" skepticism mistrust and ignorance is one,2371.32,4.259,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of the greatest enemies right now which,2374.079,3.421,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" is why I am doing this work which is why,2375.579,4.681,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" I chose YouTube as my primary platform,2377.5,5.579,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" to disseminate my information,2380.26,6.06,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" number five malicious use again as long,2383.079,5.76,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" as there are malicious actors there,2386.32,3.66,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" might be,2388.839,3.301,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um deliberate deployments of AGI that,2389.98,4.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" are harmful which could destabilize the,2392.14,4.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" system,2394.54,3.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and finally I do need to address this as,2396.28,3.96,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" well the heuristic imperatives are a,2398.26,4.44,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" necessary Foundation of this utopic,2400.24,5.879,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" outcome this this uh beneficient uh,2402.7,5.52,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" beneficial sorry a tractor state that,2406.119,3.841,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" we're looking for but they do not,2408.22,4.26,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" represent a complete solution there are,2409.96,4.08,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" a few other things that are needed in,2412.48,3.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" order to achieve this outcome one,2414.04,4.559,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" collaboration and open dialogue so,2415.8,4.779,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" research is individuals corporations and,2418.599,3.901,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" governments all need to work together at,2420.579,5.04,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" a global scale anything short of global,2422.5,6.68,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" collaboration and cooperation is,2425.619,6.361,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" could very well result in a negative,2429.18,4.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" outcome and this is one of the things,2431.98,3.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that um Liv and other people talk about,2433.48,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" when talking about Malik is that it is a,2435.28,3.839,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" uh what do they call it I think a,2437.8,3.18,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" collaboration failure or a signal,2439.119,3.601,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" failure I can't remember exactly how,2440.98,3.42,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" they describe it but essentially,2442.72,4.139,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" collaboration is the antidote and open,2444.4,4.92,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" dialogue is the antidote to the,2446.859,5.22,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" ignorance and other negative signals and,2449.32,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" noise that contribute to the Malik,2452.079,3.061,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" problem,2453.94,3.36,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" number two is regulatory Frameworks and,2455.14,5.16,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" oversight again it's not just a matter,2457.3,6.02,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" of coming together it is that there are,2460.3,5.34,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" institutional changes that need to,2463.32,4.6,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" happen such as legislation,2465.64,5.4,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um councils and and Summits and other,2467.92,6.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" kinds of meetings and and Investments,2471.04,5.22,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that need to happen at an Institutional,2474.64,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" level not just communication and and,2476.26,5.099,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" dialogue but the Frameworks the,2478.96,4.619,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" oversights those also need to be,2481.359,4.561,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" implemented at number three education,2483.579,4.801,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" and awareness as I just mentioned public,2485.92,4.679,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" awareness and and understanding is,2488.38,5.52,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" presently insufficient to overcome the,2490.599,4.681,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" negative attractor states that we're,2493.9,3.3,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" heading towards and number four,2495.28,4.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" continuous monitoring and Improvement,2497.2,4.32,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um this is not a solution that we solve,2499.9,3.959,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" once it is an ongoing thing just like,2501.52,3.72,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" how you don't just pass internet,2503.859,3.121,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" regulations and then you're done you go,2505.24,3.96,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" home forever you continuously monitor,2506.98,4.859,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the changing Dynamic environment so that,2509.2,5.46,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" you can course correct as you go that is,2511.839,4.381,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" going to be necessary necessary forever,2514.66,4.5,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" with AGI it's not going to go away just,2516.22,4.92,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" like you know the EPA the Environmental,2519.16,3.959,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" Protection Agency didn't just you know,2521.14,4.56,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" create a set of guidelines and you know,2523.119,5.361,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" we're done they pack it up no the EPA,2525.7,5.04,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" continuously does stress tests and,2528.48,4.48,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" pressure tests and measurements all over,2530.74,4.14,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" the nation to make sure that the,2532.96,3.6,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" policies are effective and then of,2534.88,2.64,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" course as they gain more information,2536.56,3.48,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" those policies change we will need the,2537.52,5.28,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" same kind of vigilance applied to AGI,2540.04,6.62,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" systems and the AGI ecosystem,2542.8,3.86,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" so that was a lot thank you for watching,2547.42,5.28,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" um that's about all I have today uh not,2550.359,4.561,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" that this was not much but thanks,2552.7,5.159,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" anyways and um yeah I hope that this,2554.92,4.8,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" helped and I hope that it gives you a,2557.859,3.301,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" little bit more confidence in the,2559.72,4.82,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" direction that we're going thanks,2561.16,3.38,"The AGI Moloch: Nash Equilibrium, Attractor States, and Heuristic Imperatives: How to Achieve Utopia" hey everyone David Shapiro here with,1.319,5.161,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" today's video good morning,4.2,4.439,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" today's topic is going to be a little,6.48,4.199,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" bit more severe and a little bit more,8.639,4.981,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" intense so the title of today's video is,10.679,6.721,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" Agi Unleashed what happens when we lose,13.62,5.999,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" control,17.4,5.58,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" part one the coming storm,19.619,5.521,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" as everyone is aware things are ramping,22.98,4.379,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" up very quickly there are people calling,25.14,5.639,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" for moratoriums on AI research and while,27.359,5.641,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" some of us don't take it seriously there,30.779,4.321,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" are very legitimate concerns about,33.0,3.6,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" what's going on,35.1,4.139,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and in other words we're in the end game,36.6,5.22,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" now we are in the ramp up towards AGI,39.239,5.521,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and the singularity whether or not you,41.82,5.579,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" are emotionally ready for it,44.76,6.299,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so just as a tiny bit of evidence this,47.399,5.961,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" paper from nature,51.059,4.441,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" demonstrates that we are in an,53.36,4.96,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" exponential ramp up on AI whatever else,55.5,5.34,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" is true the investment is there the,58.32,4.919,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" research is there it's happening and,60.84,5.22,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" it's not slowing down,63.239,5.401,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" now I'm probably preaching to the choir,66.06,4.44,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and rehashing old,68.64,4.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" stuff that everyone knows but let's just,70.5,4.799,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" briefly talk about the existential risks,73.2,5.459,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" there are two overarching themes or,75.299,5.46,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" categories of the existential risks,78.659,7.441,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" risks for AGI one is the basically just,80.759,8.301,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the deliberate weaponization of AI,86.1,6.839,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" some people are comparing AGI to nuclear,89.06,6.4,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" weapons beyond that there's the,92.939,5.581,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" potential of cyber warfare drone Warfare,95.46,8.24,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" autonomous uh tanks artillery aircraft,98.52,8.279,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" submarines so on and so forth many of,103.7,4.959,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" these systems are already being,106.799,3.86,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" developed and deployed,108.659,5.701,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so basically ai ai is already being,110.659,5.621,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" weaponized it's just a matter of on what,114.36,2.88,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" scale,116.28,3.9,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" moreover the second category is,117.24,5.22,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" accidental outcomes or accident or,120.18,4.979,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" unintended consequences basically what,122.46,5.7,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" if the AGI escapes but there's a few,125.159,5.341,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" other possible avenues for this to,128.16,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" happen for instance runaway corporate,130.5,3.36,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" greed,132.84,2.94,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" you bet your bottom dollar that the,133.86,4.2,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" first corporation that can create AGI to,135.78,4.86,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" automate profits is going to do so,138.06,5.759,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" uh more uh beyond that there's political,140.64,4.8,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" corruption and just straight up,143.819,3.841,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" political incompetence this is something,145.44,3.84,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" that has been uh discussed actually,147.66,4.2,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" quite a bit in uh my comments section,149.28,4.76,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" for my most recent videos which is that,151.86,8.04,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" uh yes uh like Italy uh uh uh Britain,154.04,8.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and a few other places are doing their,159.9,4.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" best to kind of get ahead of the curve,162.3,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" but the fact of the matter is is that,164.22,4.799,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" governments by and large are moving too,166.92,4.74,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" slow and politicians just don't get it,169.019,5.281,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and then finally you can even have,171.66,6.0,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" situations where otherwise benign agis,174.3,6.18,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" collaborate and eventually turn on us,177.66,5.52,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so the existential risks are there,180.48,5.46,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and you guys most most of you know me I,183.18,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" am very optimistic I'm very sanguine,185.94,3.84,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" about all this and by the end of the,187.8,4.439,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" video I hope that many of you will see,189.78,4.739,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" where I'm coming from,192.239,5.881,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" now even if AGI doesn't wipe us out,194.519,7.14,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" there are still lots and lots of risks,198.12,5.759,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um job loss economic changes social,201.659,5.16,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" upheaval so on and so forth mostly it,203.879,6.601,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" comes down to economic shifts who gets,206.819,5.761,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" to capture all of the tremendous wealth,210.48,5.58,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" generated by AGI and even if AGI is safe,212.58,5.519,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and doesn't kill us there's still every,216.06,3.78,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" possibility that the corporatists and,218.099,3.841,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" capitalists will have us living in a,219.84,4.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" dystopian hell before too long,221.94,5.46,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so that is also an intrinsic risk even,224.4,5.759,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" if it is not an existential risk so we,227.4,4.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" really need to be talking about what,230.159,3.72,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" happens when we get these super powerful,231.72,4.76,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" agis,233.879,2.601,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" part two autonomous AI,236.84,7.06,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" AGI is kind of a loaded term there's a,240.12,5.1,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" lot of,243.9,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" debate over what AGI even means so this,245.22,4.92,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" is why I have started saying autonomous,248.28,4.319,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" AI I don't care how smart it is,250.14,5.459,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the the point being is that AI becoming,252.599,5.04,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" autonomous is really what we're talking,255.599,5.941,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" about and as we talk more about what is,257.639,6.601,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the path to AGI autonomy is rapidly,261.54,6.18,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" becoming part of the conversation now,264.24,5.82,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" that being said there is a huge,267.72,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" disconnect between what,270.06,5.4,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" us proletariat are talking about and,272.4,6.54,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" what is being released from the halls of,275.46,5.64,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" power and what the academic,278.94,4.14,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" establishment is talking about,281.1,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" there is a lot of gatekeeping and a lot,283.08,5.52,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" of this is cloistered and that I think,285.78,4.74,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" is probably one of the biggest problems,288.6,3.9,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" which is honestly why I'm making these,290.52,4.22,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" videos,292.5,2.24,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" autonomous AI is coming whether or not,294.96,5.22,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" you like it whether or not you're,297.96,4.5,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" emotionally ready for it autonomous AI,300.18,4.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" is easier to make than you think people,302.46,3.959,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" are starting to realize this especially,304.74,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" with the release of chat GPT plugins and,306.419,4.381,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the ability for language models to use,309.12,3.859,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" apis,310.8,5.88,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" to be fair the Department of Defense and,312.979,5.741,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" universities and tech companies are all,316.68,5.04,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" working on autonomous AI systems they,318.72,4.94,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" are kind of cloistering and and and,321.72,4.319,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" closing their research it's not as open,323.66,6.16,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" as it once was and in part I I totally,326.039,6.181,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" understand that because I think that,329.82,4.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" some of these folks realize how close we,332.22,3.0,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" are,334.38,3.659,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and that scares them and so they're,335.22,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" they're basically playing the CL playing,338.039,4.741,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the cards very close to their vest until,339.84,5.699,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" they get a better read on the situation,342.78,5.46,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" now taken one step further,345.539,5.641,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" or or looking at at this problem no one,348.24,5.04,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" has actually proposed a comprehensive,351.18,4.44,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" framework uh there's been plenty of,353.28,4.28,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" books on it there's been a few papers,355.62,5.82,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" but there's not really anything that is,357.56,7.18,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" a fully realized solution and I don't in,361.44,5.28,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" my opinion nobody has even fully,364.74,4.98,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" articulated the danger yet what's going,366.72,5.759,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" on and I'm hoping that this video will,369.72,4.44,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" advance that conversation just a little,372.479,3.481,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" bit,374.16,3.78,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" part of what happens in this comment,375.96,3.9,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" comes up on my videos a lot is a lot of,377.94,3.479,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" people are afraid to even talk about,379.86,4.02,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" this out of fear of ridicule,381.419,4.021,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" those of us that are paying attention,383.88,3.06,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" those of us that are doing the work,385.44,3.84,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" those of us that are working on it we,386.94,4.979,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" all see what's possible but Society by,389.28,4.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and large is not ready for it they're,391.919,4.381,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" not ready for the conversation and so,393.84,4.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" there's a lot of ridicule whether it's,396.3,4.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" in Private Industry whether it's in the,398.16,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" halls of Academia government military,400.56,3.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and so on,402.84,5.34,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" uh so this basically comes down to,404.24,5.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" something that I call institutional,408.18,3.359,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" codependence which is that the,409.56,3.24,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" establishment believes that the,411.539,3.061,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" establishment is always right and the,412.8,4.519,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" establishment will use any tactic attack,414.6,6.06,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" tactic or technique sorry uh to control,417.319,6.16,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the conversation such as shame bullying,420.66,7.14,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and otherwise silencing techniques uh to,423.479,6.72,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" stymie the conversation again this is,427.8,5.78,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" why I've created my YouTube channel,430.199,3.381,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" instead who gets to dominate the,433.88,5.219,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" conversation fiction and billionaires,436.68,5.639,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" Skynet Elon Musk The Establishment has,439.099,5.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" abdicated responsibility for this now,442.319,4.741,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" that being said I am absolutely 100,444.479,6.72,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" certain that the halls of power and and,447.06,6.24,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the establishment is doing the research,451.199,4.801,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" behind closed doors,453.3,5.58,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" but they have abdicated responsibility,456.0,5.099,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" for controlling the narrative and,458.88,5.36,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" guiding the conversation,461.099,3.141,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so let's talk about a couple aspects of,464.639,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the control problem so for those not in,467.039,4.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the know the control problem is the,469.319,5.28,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" category of problems of basically once,471.599,5.04,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the AI becomes super intelligent how do,474.599,3.301,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" you control it,476.639,3.481,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" there's a few Concepts in here I'm not,477.9,3.72,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" going to go into every single one of,480.12,3.72,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" them but a few of them that you may or,481.62,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" may not know about one is convergent,483.84,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" instrumental values the idea is that any,486.24,4.92,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" sufficiently intelligent agent will come,488.52,4.679,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" up with certain instrumental values or,491.16,5.039,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" goals in service to those other goals,493.199,4.081,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" whatever the whether whatever whatever,496.199,3.541,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" its primary purpose happens to be such,497.28,4.02,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" as self-preservation resource,499.74,3.899,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" acquisition and so on,501.3,4.679,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so basically in order to further any,503.639,5.28,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" goal whatever it happens to be your AI,505.979,5.101,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" might come to the conclusion that it,508.919,3.901,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" needs to preserve itself in order to,511.08,3.959,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" continue furthering its goal that's a,512.82,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" pretty reasonable uh thought to have I'm,515.039,4.92,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" not going to comment one way or another,517.5,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um on on whether or not I think that's,519.959,3.781,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" going to happen ultimately I don't think,521.88,3.6,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" it's relevant and you'll see why a,523.74,3.539,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" little bit later second is the,525.48,3.84,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" orthogonality thesis which basically it,527.279,3.781,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" says very simply there is no correlation,529.32,4.199,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" between an ai's level of intelligence,531.06,4.8,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and the values that it pursues,533.519,4.561,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the treacherous turn this is a,535.86,4.8,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" hypothetic hypothetical situation in,538.08,7.199,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" which a apparently benign AGI suddenly,540.66,7.44,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" or apparently turns on its creators,545.279,5.101,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" because it came to some conclusion that,548.1,4.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" we don't understand,550.38,4.139,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the courage ability problem which,552.42,5.039,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" basically says that uh your AI might,554.519,5.82,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" might not remain open to correction or,557.459,4.981,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" feedback or it might resist being shut,560.339,2.961,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" down,562.44,3.6,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so basically you lose control of it just,563.3,5.92,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" because uh it says I'm not I'm not down,566.04,4.5,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" with that anymore,569.22,3.54,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and then finally the value loading,570.54,4.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" problem which is how do you specify,572.76,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" human wave values in such a way that the,574.86,5.22,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" AI can understand and act on them and,577.44,4.74,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" then the very next follow-up question is,580.08,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" who gets to Define them anyways,582.18,4.14,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so again these are a few of the,584.76,4.079,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" assertions and these and hypotheses this,586.32,4.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" is not an exhaustive list but you kind,588.839,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" of get an idea there are a lot of ideas,590.88,4.5,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" out there and not a whole lot of,593.519,3.241,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" solutions,595.38,4.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" now speaking of there are some solutions,596.76,5.4,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" out there and these are more like broad,599.94,3.72,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" categories,602.16,3.0,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um rather than,603.66,3.84,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um rather than comprehensive Frameworks,605.16,6.119,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so one thing is kill switch Solutions,607.5,5.76,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um pretty self-explanatory this is a,611.279,4.141,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" broad category of ideas,613.26,4.139,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um I just saw on the internet someone,615.42,5.94,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" proposed that we we put uh bombs like,617.399,5.821,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" remotely triggered bombs in every data,621.36,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" center so that we can immediately shut,623.22,5.1,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" down every data center if we need to,625.74,5.539,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" okay sure that,628.32,5.76,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" doesn't sound like a very reasonable uh,631.279,5.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" direction to go for me but hey worst,634.08,5.699,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" comes worst case scenario maybe we do,636.899,5.641,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" uh courage ability which basically is,639.779,4.381,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" just the idea of just make the machine,642.54,4.799,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" responsive to feedback uh but what if,644.16,4.98,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the feedback mechanism one doesn't work,647.339,4.081,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" or two the machine shuts it down or,649.14,5.04,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" three the feedback mechanism,651.42,6.359,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um doesn't have the intended uh efficacy,654.18,5.279,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" that we want it to have,657.779,3.421,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" uh and then there's various kinds of,659.459,3.961,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" reinforcement learning inverse,661.2,4.44,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" reinforcement learning and passive and,663.42,5.4,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" blah blah basically just include an,665.64,6.6,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" algorithm so that the machine will,668.82,5.759,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" automatically autonomously learn the,672.24,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" values that we want one this is,674.579,4.141,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" difficult to do in the first place and,676.92,3.479,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" two what if the machine rewrites itself,678.72,4.7,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" or accident or even accidentally,680.399,5.341,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" nullifies uh those reinforcement,683.42,4.06,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" learning signals,685.74,4.08,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" finally values alignment what if you,687.48,4.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" build it with the human friendly values,689.82,4.139,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" in the first place,692.04,2.64,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um,693.959,2.761,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" still you run into the same problem one,694.68,4.14,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" how do you implement it two what if it,696.72,4.08,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" changes its mind later and three what if,698.82,4.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the values that you gave it are poorly,700.8,4.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" defined or intrinsically flawed or,703.14,5.879,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" broken now that that being said there is,705.36,5.659,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" a paper that literally just came out,709.019,4.201,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" called the capacity for moral,711.019,3.88,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" self-correction in large language models,713.22,3.66,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so I'm really glad to see that the,714.899,3.901,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" establishment is,716.88,4.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" at the very beginning of talking about,718.8,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" this uh soberly,721.2,4.379,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so the link is here but you can just,723.18,3.779,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" search that,725.579,3.421,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um I I believe this paper was published,726.959,3.901,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" at least in part by the folks over at,729.0,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" anthropic still these are not complete,730.86,5.099,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" Solutions and we are literally months,733.68,4.74,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" away from from fully autonomous AGI,735.959,5.281,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" systems the conversation is not going,738.42,4.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" fast enough,741.24,4.2,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so if you haven't heard found it or seen,742.98,4.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" it just do a Google search for bad,745.44,3.959,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" alignment take Bingo,747.24,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um these are these were circulated on,749.399,4.581,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" Twitter probably more than a year ago,751.62,5.279,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" these will address and and argue against,753.98,4.72,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" many of the things that people say out,756.899,3.421,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" there so I'm not gonna I'm not gonna,758.7,3.6,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" rehash it or read all of them to you but,760.32,4.199,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" I just wanted to show you that like some,762.3,3.719,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" people are treating it like a joke it's,764.519,3.12,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" not really a joke but this is a good way,766.019,3.241,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" of just showing like yeah the thing that,767.639,4.861,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" you thought has already been addressed,769.26,7.079,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" part three the AGI landscape,772.5,5.7,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um the biggest takeaway here is that,776.339,3.841,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" there's not going to be one AGI there's,778.2,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" going to be a few features of how AGI is,780.18,5.219,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" implemented so let's talk about that,782.82,5.519,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" first and foremost intelligence is not,785.399,4.861,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" binary it's not like you're going to,788.339,3.901,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" flip the switch in one day it's AGI but,790.26,3.92,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the day before it wasn't,792.24,5.52,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" basically intelligence uh and and the,794.18,5.92,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" sophistication of AGI systems will,797.76,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" evolve over time there are going to be,800.1,4.88,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" various constraints such as time energy,802.44,5.76,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" data and all of that basically means,804.98,5.74,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" that the the level of power of your AGI,808.2,4.74,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" system is going to be on a sliding scale,810.72,5.04,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so for instance even the most evil,812.94,5.28,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" machines might not be that powerful and,815.76,4.019,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" they're going to be constrained based on,818.22,3.179,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" you know the processing power of the,819.779,3.24,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" computers that they're running on the,821.399,3.841,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" network speed that they have so on and,823.019,4.5,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so forth when you look at intelligence,825.24,3.779,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" there are literally thousands of,827.519,4.861,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" dimensions of intelligence that that the,829.019,5.161,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" types of intelligence out there are huge,832.38,4.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and so AGI is not going to master all of,834.18,5.099,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" them immediately it's going to take time,836.7,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and then as I just mentioned there are,839.279,4.201,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" gonna there are going to be numerous,841.32,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" limiting factors or constraints such as,843.48,3.84,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the underlying Hardware the training,845.7,4.98,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" data and energy requirements of course,847.32,6.8,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" that is going to change quickly as,850.68,5.88,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" basically the underlying Hardware ramps,854.12,4.48,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" up exponentially the amount of data that,856.56,4.92,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" is available ramps up exponentially and,858.6,6.72,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" then the underlying machine learning,861.48,5.94,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" models the neural networks also get,865.32,3.959,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" exponentially more sophisticated and,867.42,3.539,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" larger,869.279,3.961,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" now as I mentioned most importantly,870.959,5.041,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" there won't just be one Skynet the,873.24,3.96,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" reason that we think that there's going,876.0,2.88,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" to be just one is because it is,877.2,3.379,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" convenient from a narrative perspective,878.88,4.44,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" in Terminator it's easy to just say,880.579,5.981,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" there's one big bad there's one Skynet,883.32,5.16,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um but that's not how it's going to,886.56,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" happen there's going to be hundreds,888.48,4.44,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" thousands millions it's going to ramp up,890.94,3.24,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" very quickly,892.92,5.52,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so what this results in is a sort of,894.18,6.899,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" arms race amongst in between the agis,898.44,4.98,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" themselves as well as the sponsors or,901.079,3.721,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the people trying to build and control,903.42,4.02,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" them which results in a survival of the,904.8,5.399,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" fittest situation or a race condition,907.44,5.459,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" where basically the most aggressive and,910.199,5.221,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" sophisticated and and Powerful agis are,912.899,4.161,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the ones who win,915.42,4.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" which that could be bad because then,917.06,4.899,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" you're basically selecting for the most,919.74,5.279,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" aggressive and hostile agis,921.959,5.82,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the high velocity of AGI cyber warfare,925.019,6.18,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" will probably require our AGI systems to,927.779,6.481,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" be partially or fully autonomous,931.199,5.461,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so basically what that means is that in,934.26,5.4,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" order to match the arms race in cyber,936.66,4.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" warfare,939.66,3.6,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the agis that we built will probably,940.92,5.52,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" need to be evolving which means that,943.26,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" they'll spawn off copies of themselves,946.44,4.44,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" they'll be polymorphic they will recode,947.94,6.24,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" themselves so on and so forth and also,950.88,5.94,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" when you look at AGI in the context of,954.18,4.92,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" cyber warfare they will explicitly,956.82,4.759,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" require adversarial objective functions,959.1,4.979,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" this is what was explored in Skynet,961.579,4.361,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" which basically the objective function,964.079,4.141,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" of Skynet was probably like maximize,965.94,5.22,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" military power or so on,968.22,5.46,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" So In This Global AGR arms race there's,971.16,4.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" going to be numerous copies they're all,973.68,3.48,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" going to be changing which results in,975.48,3.479,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the Byzantine generals problem so the,977.16,3.96,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" Byzantine generals problem is a cyber,978.959,4.261,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" security thought experiment where,981.12,5.159,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" wherein the idea is you have numerous,983.22,4.979,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" generals and you don't know their,986.279,3.36,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" allegiance you don't know their loyalty,988.199,3.601,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and you don't know their plans either so,989.639,3.721,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" how do those how do those generals,991.8,3.96,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" communicate with each other in such a,993.36,4.919,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" way that they can understand who's on,995.76,4.499,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" whose side and also come to consensus on,998.279,4.261,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" what the plan is assuming that there are,1000.259,5.101,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" hostile or adversarial actors,1002.54,5.76,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" now thinking of this in terms of three,1005.36,5.46,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" to five entities is difficult enough but,1008.3,3.779,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" we're going to be talking about a,1010.82,3.36,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" situation where there are millions or,1012.079,5.281,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" billions of agis all of them with,1014.18,5.579,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" unknown objective functions,1017.36,5.399,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" as autonomous agents lastly they will,1019.759,4.92,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" form alliances with each other,1022.759,4.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" by some means or other they will,1024.679,4.081,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" communicate they will establish their,1027.079,4.201,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" intentions and allegiances,1028.76,4.679,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um and they will spend more time talking,1031.28,4.08,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" with each other than they willed with us,1033.439,4.561,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" this was something that is um that,1035.36,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" people are starting to talk about some,1038.0,4.079,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" of the folks that I I'm working with on,1039.74,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" cognitive architecture we're realizing,1042.079,5.1,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" that the very instant that you create a,1044.36,5.64,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" cognitive architecture it can talk 24 7.,1047.179,5.581,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" we can't talk 24 7 so even just by,1050.0,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" virtue of experimenting with cognitive,1052.76,3.6,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" architectures it makes sense to have,1054.62,4.16,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" them talking with each other,1056.36,6.179,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" uh and having agis talk with each other,1058.78,5.139,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and come to agreements and,1062.539,3.0,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" understandings,1063.919,3.841,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um this is going to happen even with the,1065.539,4.621,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" most benign benevolent outcomes of AGI,1067.76,5.64,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" now what these what these autonomous AI,1070.16,5.879,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" systems agree and disagree on will,1073.4,5.279,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" likely determine the overall outcome of,1076.039,4.981,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" what happens with the singularity with,1078.679,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" AGI and with,1081.02,5.64,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um the basically the fate of humanity,1083.299,7.141,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" part four AGI Unleashed now given,1086.66,5.22,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" everything that I've outlined the,1090.44,3.06,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" question remains how do you control the,1091.88,2.46,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" machine,1093.5,5.36,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" my answer is maybe you don't,1094.34,4.52,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the reason that I believe this is,1099.2,2.88,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" because the genie is out of the bottle,1100.82,4.08,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" open source models are proliferating you,1102.08,4.92,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" can already run a 30 billion parameter,1104.9,4.44,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" model on a laptop with six gigabytes of,1107.0,4.44,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" memory that paper just came out what,1109.34,3.78,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" yesterday or today,1111.44,3.84,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" Global deployments of AI are rising,1113.12,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" Federal and Military investment globally,1115.28,4.139,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" is also Rising,1117.74,3.9,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" because of this centralized alignment,1119.419,4.681,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" research is completely irrelevant it,1121.64,5.159,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" doesn't matter how responsible the most,1124.1,5.04,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" responsible actors are there are hostile,1126.799,3.721,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" actors out there with malevolent,1129.14,3.539,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" intentions and they have lots of funding,1130.52,4.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" not only that the AI systems are,1132.679,5.101,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" becoming much more accessible,1134.78,5.7,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" because of that distributed cooperation,1137.78,5.399,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" is now required alignment is not just,1140.48,4.86,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" about creating an individual Ai and if,1143.179,4.081,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" you go look at the alignment the bad,1145.34,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" alignment take Bingo none of those talk,1147.26,5.34,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" about distribution collaboration or,1149.96,4.8,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" collective intelligence or Collective,1152.6,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" processing all of the all of the,1154.76,4.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" conversations today are still talking,1157.22,4.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" about individual agis as if they're,1159.02,5.1,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" going to exist in a vacuum so far as I,1161.78,5.1,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" know no one is talking about this in the,1164.12,6.059,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" context of Game Theory and competition,1166.88,5.64,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so because of this we need an alignment,1170.179,4.021,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" scheme that can create open source,1172.52,3.06,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" collaboration amongst numerous,1174.2,4.5,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" autonomous AGI entities such a framework,1175.58,5.459,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" needs to be simple robust and easy to,1178.7,3.719,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" implement,1181.039,4.821,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" we'll get to that in just a minute,1182.419,3.441,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so,1186.02,3.72,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" what I'm basically proposing is a,1187.82,3.9,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" collective control scheme which might,1189.74,3.54,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" sound impossible,1191.72,3.9,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" creating one benevolent stable super,1193.28,4.2,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" intelligence is hard enough and now I'm,1195.62,3.24,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" saying we need to create millions of,1197.48,3.96,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" them billions of them,1198.86,4.8,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" what I'm saying is not that we need to,1201.44,3.84,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" we might not have a choice in the matter,1203.66,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" this might be the only path forward,1205.28,4.92,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" now if you're familiar with the work of,1208.34,4.92,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" John Nash and Game Theory you might be,1210.2,5.099,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" able to think about this in terms of,1213.26,4.14,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" okay let's just imagine for a minute,1215.299,3.901,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" that there are millions of agis out,1217.4,2.94,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" there,1219.2,3.08,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" with many of them with unknown,1220.34,7.64,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" intentions given a game theory,1222.28,8.019,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" dilemmas like the prisoner's dilemma and,1227.98,4.72,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so on if you think about this in that,1230.299,4.981,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" perspective it may be possible to devise,1232.7,4.979,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" rules or assumptions that enable the AI,1235.28,4.98,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the agis to reach consensus on their,1237.679,5.641,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" behavior even with the presence of,1240.26,4.98,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" malicious and faulty actors,1243.32,5.28,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so what kinds of rules or assumptions,1245.24,6.0,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" could we give our AGI systems that we're,1248.6,5.22,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" all going to be developing independently,1251.24,6.059,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" excuse me so that they arrive at this,1253.82,6.18,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" equilibrium this Nash equilibrium that,1257.299,4.861,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" we're looking for how do we ensure that,1260.0,4.02,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" this that the millions and billions of,1262.16,4.2,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" agis that are coming arrive at the,1264.02,5.399,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" consensus we want them to,1266.36,4.319,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" part five,1269.419,3.481,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" heuristic imperatives,1270.679,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so now we're going to talk about the,1272.9,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" work that I have done on this problem,1275.059,5.221,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and this is not just hypothetical these,1277.28,4.8,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" there are also experiments that I've,1280.28,3.66,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" done that are documented and I'll link,1282.08,4.2,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" to those as well,1283.94,4.08,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so the heuristic imperatives that I have,1286.28,4.139,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" come up with are quite simply one reduce,1288.02,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" suffering in the universe two increase,1290.419,4.14,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" prosperity in the universe and three,1292.64,4.019,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" increase understanding in the universe,1294.559,3.48,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and I've been I've been talking about,1296.659,4.861,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" these uh much more frequently lately,1298.039,5.461,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so let's take a deeper dive into these,1301.52,3.18,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" imperatives,1303.5,3.48,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so first what is a heuristic imperative,1304.7,4.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" it's a set of principles that can be,1306.98,4.319,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" embedded into autonomous AI that,1308.96,4.079,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" basically takes the place of intrinsic,1311.299,4.021,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" motivations now what I want to point out,1313.039,4.921,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" is that the gpt4 paper that Microsoft,1315.32,5.16,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" published did mention intrinsic,1317.96,4.86,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" motivation so again The Establishment is,1320.48,3.66,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" starting to come around and I'm sure,1322.82,2.58,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" they've had more conversations,1324.14,3.6,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" internally that they are not revealing,1325.4,4.86,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" yet but they are setting the stage to,1327.74,4.919,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" talk about what intrinsic motivations do,1330.26,3.539,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" we give them,1332.659,2.88,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so in the case of the heuristic,1333.799,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" imperatives these are imperatives that,1335.539,6.061,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" are uh basically provided a moral and,1338.419,4.861,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" ethical framework as well as those,1341.6,3.78,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" intrinsic motivations because very early,1343.28,3.899,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" on in my research I realized that there,1345.38,4.679,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" is no difference between an intrinsic,1347.179,4.681,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" motivation and a moral and ethical,1350.059,4.081,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" framework you have to have some impetus,1351.86,4.799,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" some motivation behind and reasoning,1354.14,6.36,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" behind all behavior and all reasoning,1356.659,5.941,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so why these three why suffering and,1360.5,4.98,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" prosperity and understanding first it's,1362.6,5.76,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" a holistic approach it uh it's a it's a,1365.48,5.28,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" flexible framework that provides a very,1368.36,5.34,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" Broad and yet simple to implement,1370.76,5.58,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" framework it also balances trade-offs,1373.7,4.5,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" remember these heuristic imperatives,1376.34,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" have to be implemented simultaneously,1378.2,6.479,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and in lockstep so this forces the AI to,1380.72,5.819,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" reason through and balance trade-offs,1384.679,3.36,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" between,1386.539,3.841,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um between these objectives,1388.039,4.681,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" they're also very adaptable and context,1390.38,5.039,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" sensitive and basically what I mean by,1392.72,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" that is that large language models today,1395.419,5.821,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" like gpt4 are very very aware of the,1397.4,6.18,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" fact that these that these general,1401.24,4.08,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" principles these heuristic imperatives,1403.58,4.8,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" are not the be-all end-all but they are,1405.32,5.82,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" guidelines they're they're uh they're,1408.38,4.14,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" shorthand,1411.14,3.539,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um ways of basically implementing,1412.52,4.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" intuition in order to quickly make,1414.679,5.041,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" decisions uh that adhere to a general,1416.84,5.52,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" principle or a moral compass and then,1419.72,5.28,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" evaluate that uh based against the,1422.36,4.1,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" context that it's in,1425.0,4.14,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" there's two other things that emerged,1426.46,4.719,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" during my most recent experiments with,1429.14,4.14,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the heuristic imperatives and that is,1431.179,3.961,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" that the heuristic imperatives promote,1433.28,5.04,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" individual autonomy uh basically chat,1435.14,6.72,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" gpt4 realized that in order to reduce,1438.32,5.64,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" suffering of people you need to protect,1441.86,5.04,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" individual autonomy ditto for Prosperity,1443.96,4.92,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" that if you control people they're not,1446.9,3.06,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" going to be happy and they're not going,1448.88,3.299,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" to be prosperous so that was an emergent,1449.96,4.44,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" quality of the heuristic imperatives,1452.179,4.74,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" that surprised me and made me realize,1454.4,7.08,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" that chat gpd4 is already capable of a,1456.919,7.981,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" very very highly nuanced reasoning the,1461.48,5.16,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" other emerging quality that I did,1464.9,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" anticipate was fostering Trust,1466.64,6.06,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" basically when you have an AI equipped,1469.52,5.1,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" with these heuristic imperatives it,1472.7,4.92,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" understands that um fermenting trust or,1474.62,5.46,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" fostering trust with people is actually,1477.62,4.86,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" critical as a subsidiary goal or an,1480.08,4.74,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" auxiliary goal of these because if if,1482.48,4.679,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" humans don't trust the AI the rest of,1484.82,5.7,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" its imperatives are made irrelevant,1487.159,6.301,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" finally there are a lot of what about,1490.52,4.92,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" isms yeah but what about there's a lot,1493.46,3.54,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" of protests which of course this is part,1495.44,3.0,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" of the conversation,1497.0,3.84,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so the most con these are some of the,1498.44,5.04,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" most common protests that I get when I,1500.84,4.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" talk about the heuristic imperatives one,1503.48,4.079,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" is won't reduce suffering result in the,1505.1,4.319,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" extermination of all life the short,1507.559,4.221,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" answer is yes if you only have that one,1509.419,5.221,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" which is why I spent two years working,1511.78,5.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" on the other two heuristic imperatives,1514.64,5.1,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" to counterbalance them because I realize,1517.34,4.86,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" that any single objective function is,1519.74,3.84,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" always going to be intrinsically,1522.2,4.74,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" unstable you must have a system that,1523.58,6.42,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" balances multiple sometimes antagonistic,1526.94,5.58,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" functions against each other in order to,1530.0,5.4,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" stabilize and reach that equilibrium,1532.52,5.279,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" number two yeah but who gets to Define,1535.4,4.139,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" suffering prosperity and understanding,1537.799,4.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the short answer is nobody that is the,1539.539,4.201,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" point of of implementing it as a,1542.059,4.561,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" heuristic the machine learns as it goes,1543.74,6.299,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and anyways llms like gpt4 already have,1546.62,5.1,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" a far more nuanced understanding,1550.039,4.321,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" understanding of the concept of,1551.72,4.92,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" suffering prosperity and understanding,1554.36,5.04,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um than any individual human does and,1556.64,5.22,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" also humans have never needed perfect,1559.4,4.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" definitions we learn as we go as well,1561.86,4.08,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and we get by,1563.72,4.74,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" number three well what about uh cultural,1565.94,5.16,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" biases and individual differences as I,1568.46,5.579,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" just mentioned in the last slide gpd4,1571.1,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" already understands the importance of,1574.039,4.081,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" individual liberty and autonomy as well,1575.72,5.579,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" as how critical self-determination is to,1578.12,5.82,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" suffering or to reduce suffering and,1581.299,4.461,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" increase prosperity,1583.94,5.04,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so because of that and also because it,1585.76,5.14,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" is aware of context the importance of,1588.98,3.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" context,1590.9,3.54,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" issue number three is actually less of,1592.24,4.72,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" an issue than you might think and,1594.44,5.4,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" finally number four uh and most,1596.96,4.98,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" importantly why would the machine hold,1599.84,4.079,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" to these imperatives in the first place,1601.94,4.5,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and we will get into this in a lot more,1603.919,3.601,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" detail,1606.44,4.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" but the tldr is that with Game Theory,1607.52,5.159,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and thinking of it in terms of the,1610.7,4.02,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" Byzantine generals problems,1612.679,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" all of the agis equipped with the,1614.72,3.66,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" heuristic imperatives would be,1617.059,3.48,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" incentivized to cooperate Not only would,1618.38,3.659,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" they be incentivized to cooperate with,1620.539,3.24,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" each other they'll be incentivized to,1622.039,3.321,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" cooperate with us,1623.779,5.78,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and that results in a collective,1625.36,7.54,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" equilibrium in which the Hostile and,1629.559,5.321,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" malicious agis are going to be the,1632.9,5.279,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" pariahs so basically the benevolent,1634.88,5.52,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" machines are stronger together than the,1638.179,5.961,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" Hostile actors are individually,1640.4,3.74,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" okay great,1644.24,3.78,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" assuming that you're on board how do you,1645.799,3.541,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" implement this this sounds too,1648.02,3.18,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" complicated well fortunately it's,1649.34,3.66,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" actually not that complicated,1651.2,4.8,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" first is constitutional AI so I proposed,1653.0,4.74,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" a constitution in my book natural,1656.0,4.08,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" language cognitive architecture back in,1657.74,4.86,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the summer of 2021 almost two years ago,1660.08,5.28,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" right after that anthropic AI came out,1662.6,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and they did their own version of,1665.36,3.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" constitutional AI which was reduce,1666.98,5.16,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" harmfulness or achieve harmlessness,1668.62,5.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" I don't think anthropic's core objective,1672.14,3.899,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" function is good because the most,1674.24,4.439,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" harmless AGI is not going to be one that,1676.039,5.88,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" fights other malicious agis at least I,1678.679,4.98,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" don't think so,1681.919,4.021,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um another way but still the premise of,1683.659,4.5,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" of implementing it in a Constitution,1685.94,3.42,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" which is just a natural language,1688.159,3.481,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" document saying how the AI should behave,1689.36,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" does seem to work,1691.64,4.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" reinforcement learning the heuristic,1693.74,4.02,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" imperatives can make a really good,1695.96,4.74,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" reinforcement learning signal similar to,1697.76,4.14,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" reinforcement learning with human,1700.7,3.599,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" feedback but instead use the heuristic,1701.9,4.58,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" imperatives as feedback so it'd be,1704.299,4.321,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" rlhi reinforcement learning with,1706.48,4.54,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" heuristic imperatives so it's just a,1708.62,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" different reward system this also tends,1711.02,3.779,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" to work pretty well I've tested it with,1713.24,5.039,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" fine tuning it works pretty well,1714.799,5.821,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um number three planning cognitive,1718.279,3.9,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" control task management and,1720.62,3.36,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" prioritization these heuristic,1722.179,3.541,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" imperatives work really well with,1723.98,3.78,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" Frameworks such as atom which atom is a,1725.72,3.78,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" framework that I recently wrote about,1727.76,3.48,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" called autonomous task orchestration,1729.5,5.82,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" manager so basically as your AI system,1731.24,6.66,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" is coming up with and executing tasks,1735.32,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" you use the heuristic imperatives to,1737.9,4.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" plan the tasks to choose which tasks to,1740.0,4.559,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" do to prioritize them and also choose,1742.22,4.559,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" which tasks not to do,1744.559,4.441,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and then finally for review assessment,1746.779,4.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and self-evaluation online learning,1749.0,4.14,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" systems that use the heuristic,1751.039,4.461,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" imperatives are super easy to implement,1753.14,5.88,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and and are very flexible and that can,1755.5,5.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" also allow you to label data for,1759.02,5.159,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" training and future decision making,1760.76,5.7,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so if you're on board with all this and,1764.179,3.841,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" you want to read more,1766.46,3.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um I've got it all for free on GitHub,1768.02,4.139,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" I've also got a few books that are on,1770.08,3.52,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" Barnes and Noble but most people just,1772.159,4.321,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" use the the free ones anyways so the,1773.6,5.22,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" most recent work is on my GitHub under,1776.48,5.34,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" Dave shop heuristic imperatives this is,1778.82,5.459,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" a white paper that was almost entirely,1781.82,4.32,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" written by gpt4 so you can see how,1784.279,3.841,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" nuanced gpt4's understanding of the,1786.14,3.72,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" problem is,1788.12,3.48,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um about a year ago I published a book,1789.86,3.66,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" called benevolent by Design which is the,1791.6,3.84,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" first book that fully promotes uh,1793.52,4.74,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" proposes this framework and explores,1795.44,4.859,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" different ways to implement it and then,1798.26,4.44,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" finally also very recently I proposed,1800.299,4.201,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the atom framework which includes the,1802.7,3.78,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" heuristic imperatives for task,1804.5,3.299,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" orchestration,1806.48,4.02,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" but also moreover I encourage you to,1807.799,4.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" just have a conversation with chatgpt,1810.5,3.84,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" about these uh plenty of people on,1812.059,3.961,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" Reddit and other and Discord and other,1814.34,3.78,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" places have tested the heuristic,1816.02,3.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" imperatives they've tried to break them,1818.12,4.98,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and they and you know they use the one,1819.58,6.16,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" one interesting conversation was someone,1823.1,5.1,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" used chat GPT to try and come up with,1825.74,4.919,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the the pitfalls of the heuristic,1828.2,4.62,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" imperatives and I said yeah like that,1830.659,3.841,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" just goes to show that it has a more,1832.82,3.66,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" nuanced understanding of the risks and,1834.5,3.72,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the implementation than you do and,1836.48,3.299,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" they're like okay yeah I guess I see,1838.22,2.76,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" what you mean,1839.779,5.4,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" okay so part six conclusion,1840.98,6.059,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" as far as I can tell the problem is,1845.179,4.801,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" solved but there's still a lot of work,1847.039,5.161,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" to do,1849.98,4.74,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so the problem comes down to twofold one,1852.2,5.099,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" is dissemination and experimentation the,1854.72,4.14,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" perfect solution doesn't matter if no,1857.299,3.541,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" one knows about it so we need to spread,1858.86,3.24,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the word,1860.84,3.42,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um this is why I created my YouTube,1862.1,3.66,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" channel,1864.26,4.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um and even if my heuristic comparatives,1865.76,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" are not perfect it's the best we've got,1868.52,3.3,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so far,1870.14,2.279,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um,1871.82,2.88,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" yeah so I've been working pretty much a,1872.419,3.841,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" year straight to get my YouTube channel,1874.7,3.18,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" as big as possible,1876.26,6.36,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" to achieve to arrive at this moment,1877.88,6.36,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" another problem is that there's only so,1882.62,3.299,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" much experimentation I can do on my own,1884.24,3.659,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" now that being said lots of other people,1885.919,3.781,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" have started experimenting I'm working,1887.899,4.861,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" with various cognitive architects who,1889.7,4.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" have put the heuristic imperatives into,1892.76,4.44,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" their machines and again they have,1894.26,6.18,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" discovered that yes it is one very easy,1897.2,4.74,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" to implement the heuristic imperatives,1900.44,4.2,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and two it does seem to drive curiosity,1901.94,5.28,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" and a few other uh beneficial behaviors,1904.64,4.259,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" for the machine it makes them very,1907.22,3.54,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" thoughtful,1908.899,3.061,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um there's a few places that you can,1910.76,2.7,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" join the conversation,1911.96,2.64,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um all the links are in the description,1913.46,3.42,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so I just created a new subreddit called,1914.6,4.02,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" heuristic imperatives so that we can,1916.88,3.659,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" talk about these and share our work,1918.62,4.14,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" there's also a Discord Community,1920.539,4.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um also Link in the description but I've,1922.76,4.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" been working on this since 2019 when,1924.799,4.321,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" gpt2 came out,1927.02,4.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" um and you know I will be the first to,1929.12,4.439,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" admit there's a lot of ways to skin this,1931.58,4.56,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" cat maybe my heuristic imperatives,1933.559,4.921,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" aren't even the best but at least now,1936.14,4.019,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" you're aware of the concept and you know,1938.48,4.5,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" how easy it is to implement so maybe the,1940.159,4.201,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" rest of us can collectively work,1942.98,3.66,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" together and implement this situation,1944.36,5.52,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" where even in an uncertain environment,1946.64,4.86,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" with potentially hostile actors the,1949.88,3.899,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" Byzantine generals environment we can,1951.5,4.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" have agis that will cooperate and,1953.779,4.26,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" collaborate and that will ultimately end,1955.76,6.0,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" up in a very safe and stable environment,1958.039,6.0,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" so all that being said thank you for,1961.76,4.38,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" watching please jump in the comments the,1964.039,4.441,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" conversation Discord and Reddit and do,1966.14,4.68,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" the experiments yourself I promise it's,1968.48,3.54,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" pretty easy,1970.82,5.0,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" all right that's it,1972.02,3.8,"AGI Unleashed: Game Theory, Byzantine Generals, and the Heuristic Imperatives" good morning everybody David Shapiro,0.84,5.999,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly here with another spicy video things are,3.24,6.12,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly getting real interesting real fast,6.839,6.18,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly so uh my gbt4 predictions video,9.36,5.939,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um was pretty popular so let's,13.019,4.68,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly do the same thing but first let's do a,15.299,5.701,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly quick recap for GPT for uh before,17.699,7.381,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly jumping into GPT 5.,21.0,6.599,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly so perhaps the spiciest thing that,25.08,5.039,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly happened after the release of chat gpt4,27.599,5.061,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly which is not the foundation model of of,30.119,6.96,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly current gpt4 but Microsoft research this,32.66,6.34,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly is Microsoft this is not some Podunk,37.079,5.341,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly shop this is Microsoft says uh the gpt4,39.0,7.559,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly represents the first Sparks of AGI and,42.42,7.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly that it performs uh strikingly close to,46.559,5.221,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly human level performance on many many,49.92,3.0,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly tasks,51.78,4.02,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly uh so given the breadth and depth of its,52.92,4.44,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly capabilities it could be reasonably,55.8,5.52,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly viewed as an early yet incomplete AGI,57.36,7.14,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly so that was the the kind of the thing,61.32,4.92,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly that the shot heard around the world so,64.5,3.299,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly to speak,66.24,3.419,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um there's been a little bit other news,67.799,5.301,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly or numbers and features sorry about gpt4,69.659,7.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly so uh the the the base model of chat,73.1,7.18,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly gpt4 has an 8 000 token window which,77.159,4.681,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly that alone has been a game changer,80.28,3.18,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly doubling from four thousand to eight,81.84,3.919,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly thousand tokens unlocks a lot of,83.46,4.68,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly capabilities they already have an,85.759,4.54,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly officially announced 32 000 token window,88.14,5.04,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly so that is eight times larger than GPT,90.299,4.261,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly 3.,93.18,5.34,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly uh which a 32 000 token window is gonna,94.56,6.3,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly be a even larger Game Changer there's,98.52,3.66,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly going to be so many things that you can,100.86,2.939,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly unlock with that,102.18,4.68,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly now in terms of parameter count we don't,103.799,5.761,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly really know but if I had to give you a,106.86,4.98,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly best guess looking at the scale of speed,109.56,4.8,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly because you look at Curie versus DaVinci,111.84,5.279,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly which are you know gpt3 models,114.36,4.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um the dis the difference was about a,117.119,4.68,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly 10x uh difference right and so then you,118.86,5.52,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly look at the relative speed of chat gpt4,121.799,5.1,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly versus chat gpt3 and it's like okay,124.38,5.579,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly maybe it's about 10 times again so if I,126.899,6.901,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly had to guess maybe chat gpt4 is about,129.959,7.021,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly you know in the 1 trillion parameter uh,133.8,6.6,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly range who knows but it is definitely,136.98,5.58,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly slower and the fact that it is slower,140.4,3.479,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly indicates that it's doing more,142.56,4.14,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly processing which means more parameters,143.879,6.0,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly or more layers a deeper larger model now,146.7,6.119,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly one other thing about gpt4 that most of,149.879,5.22,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly us haven't seen yet but they did,152.819,5.041,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly demonstrate it is that it is multimodal,155.099,5.28,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly it's not just text anymore it supports,157.86,5.879,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly images another thing about chatgvt4 is,160.379,5.101,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly it passed the bar exam and the 90th,163.739,3.601,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly percentile it has passed some other,165.48,3.839,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly tests in the 99th percentile so it's,167.34,3.42,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly pretty smart,169.319,3.601,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um on some benchmarks it outperforms,170.76,5.759,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly most humans already and then from using,172.92,6.539,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly chat gpt4 it is qualitatively better at,176.519,5.281,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly pretty much everything it is a step,179.459,4.381,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly Improvement above everything that chat,181.8,6.9,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly GPT or the gpt3 and chat gpt3 can do and,183.84,7.2,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly then of course MIT released a study,188.7,4.98,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly showing that even just chat GPT 3.5,191.04,5.339,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly increased White Collar productivity by,193.68,6.66,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly 40 percent and gpt4 is going to do the,196.379,5.94,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly same thing again so these models are,200.34,3.66,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly coming they're already having a huge,202.319,4.56,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly impact and people are just beginning to,204.0,4.92,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly learn how to use them so that's that's,206.879,6.36,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly all three GPT 3.5 and 4 just as a recap,208.92,8.94,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly before we jump into GPT 5. now I believe,213.239,6.42,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly this is the last slide of kind of,217.86,3.959,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly recapping the way that things are right,219.659,5.761,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly now so as many of you have heard there,221.819,5.7,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly has been an open letter signed by a,225.42,3.48,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly whole bunch of people calling that's,227.519,3.72,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly being dubbed the great pause people are,228.9,4.619,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly are calling for the great pause which is,231.239,4.86,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly a six-month moratorium on building,233.519,6.321,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly anything more powerful than gpt4,236.099,6.661,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly uh the reasons are safety ethics,239.84,5.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly regulations so on and so forth there's,242.76,6.24,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly also been a call for a a public uh,245.34,4.92,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly version,249.0,4.08,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um basically the the CERN of AI which,250.26,5.699,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly when you look at how much uh money goes,253.08,4.86,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly into CERN it's billions and billions of,255.959,3.601,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly dollars a year,257.94,2.34,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um,259.56,4.02,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly funding AI research at just one percent,260.28,5.639,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly of that is a drop in the bucket and,263.58,4.559,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly could probably produce public versions,265.919,6.661,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly you know uh uh common uh commonly owned,268.139,6.961,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly or fully open source versions,272.58,3.6,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um just kind of like how the internet,275.1,3.42,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly was was developed,276.18,5.16,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um you know actually at CERN or at least,278.52,4.44,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly the the World Wide Web,281.34,4.26,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um HTML and so on,282.96,5.04,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um there have been no major regulatory,285.6,3.78,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly movements yet which is really,288.0,2.58,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly interesting,289.38,3.96,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly so no governments as far as they know,290.58,5.76,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly even in the even in Europe have gone so,293.34,4.74,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly far as to say hey let's let's put the,296.34,4.2,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly kibosh on this for a little while which,298.08,5.22,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly usually uh the European Union and,300.54,5.7,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly European nations are a little bit more,303.3,4.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um kind of ahead of the curve because,306.24,3.66,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly America is very reactionary I can't,307.8,4.08,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly remember the name of this uh Paradigm,309.9,5.4,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly but American politics and legislation is,311.88,5.879,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly is very deliberately only going to react,315.3,4.92,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly to things once they happen rather than,317.759,5.22,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly preemptively legislate whereas Germany,320.22,5.28,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly and the EU and France and other places,322.979,4.981,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly are much more likely to proactively,325.5,3.9,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly legislate things just on the,327.96,4.079,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly anticipation of a problem but even,329.4,4.859,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly Europe as far as I know has not put any,332.039,4.801,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly restrictions on language models and deep,334.259,5.341,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly learning so that's very interesting,336.84,5.579,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly according to uh some rumors this,339.6,5.24,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly ricocheted around read it a while ago,342.419,5.941,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly gpt5 is already being trained on 25,344.84,5.74,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly 000 Nvidia gpus,348.36,4.98,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um the the estimate was over 200 million,350.58,5.16,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly dollars worth of Nvidia Hardware is,353.34,4.919,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly being used to train gpt5 again that's a,355.74,4.019,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly rumor,358.259,3.601,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um another big piece of news was Sam,359.759,4.081,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly Altman was recently on the Lex Friedman,361.86,5.64,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly podcast and what he said and this this,363.84,5.639,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly to me was from a technical perspective,367.5,4.68,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly the most interesting thing he said that,369.479,4.681,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly gpd4 did not come about from any,372.18,4.44,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly Paradigm shifts it was not a new,374.16,4.319,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly architecture or anything but that it,376.62,4.62,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly came about from hundreds and hundreds of,378.479,4.861,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly small incremental improvements that had,381.24,4.679,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly a multiplicative effect across the whole,383.34,6.06,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly thing which resulted in you know new new,385.919,5.761,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly ways of processing and preparing data,389.4,5.28,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly better algorithms so on and so forth and,391.68,5.88,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly so if gpt4 came about from incremental,394.68,5.459,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly improvements and nothing major maybe we,397.56,4.62,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly can expect more of the same for gpt5,400.139,4.141,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly that it's going to be uh ongoing,402.18,5.579,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly improvements of data pre-processing,404.28,6.0,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um training patterns so on and so forth,407.759,4.621,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly so that's in the news,410.28,5.639,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly so now let's skip ahead to GPT 5,412.38,6.24,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly predictions and some rumors,415.919,5.701,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly uh all right so first top of mind when,418.62,5.4,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly is it going to come out uh obviously the,421.62,4.68,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly internet is Rife with rumors some of it,424.02,4.92,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly has more validity than others,426.3,4.8,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um according to one website and I found,428.94,3.96,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly some of this with uh the help of Bing,431.1,4.14,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly actually ironically enough,432.9,5.22,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um one website said that they expect GPT,435.24,6.0,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly 4.5 to come out this September so that,438.12,4.38,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly would be a little bit quicker of a,441.24,2.88,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly turnaround,442.5,4.02,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um another uh blog said that we should,444.12,6.359,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly expect gpt5 by the end of 2024 or early,446.52,6.78,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly 2025 just given the the historical,450.479,5.241,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly pattern that seems pretty reasonable,453.3,5.22,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly when you consider that the testing cycle,455.72,5.86,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly for gpt4 was six to nine months so they,458.52,5.34,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly had it like rumor has it that um that,461.58,4.8,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly they had gpt4 like last summer or last,463.86,4.679,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly fall so maybe our predictions about when,466.38,5.46,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly gpt4 was completed was correct but the,468.539,5.581,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly but they they delayed it the release due,471.84,5.759,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly to testing who knows,474.12,6.18,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um uh one Twitter user said that I I,477.599,4.38,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly don't know if this was in response to,480.3,3.959,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly the leaked Morgan Stanley document,481.979,5.22,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um but basically you know uh and of,484.259,4.681,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly course it's on Twitter so take it with a,487.199,4.861,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly grant salt but basically that uh he said,488.94,6.24,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly that gpt5 is scheduled to be finished,492.06,6.539,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly with its training this December so that,495.18,6.48,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly kind of lines up with late 2023 early,498.599,5.82,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly 2024 and then you add the training cycle,501.66,5.219,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly of six to nine months that puts it at,504.419,4.921,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly Mid 2024.,506.879,4.141,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um so another thing that was interesting,509.34,4.8,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly is in the documentation openai has a few,511.02,6.06,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly snapshots of of the current models that,514.14,5.819,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly are set to expire in June which is,517.08,4.079,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly really interesting because they've never,519.959,3.781,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly done that before so my interpretation is,521.159,4.141,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly that they're going to say okay we're,523.74,3.84,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly going to expire these models,525.3,4.2,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um but you can use them because they're,527.58,4.439,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly probably testing new ideas,529.5,3.72,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um and then they're gonna you know,532.019,3.721,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly recycle those uh models or replace them,533.22,4.739,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly or upgrade them or some something,535.74,3.539,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly so,537.959,3.841,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly either way all of this all of these,539.279,5.101,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly rumors and some of the facts that we're,541.8,3.659,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly gleaning,544.38,3.06,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly really kind of point to a shorter,545.459,4.681,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly testing and release cycle which,547.44,4.74,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly considering open ai's close partnership,550.14,4.62,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly with Microsoft Microsoft is very,552.18,4.8,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly familiar with a regular Cadence right,554.76,4.92,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly you've got Patch Tuesday with Microsoft,556.98,5.28,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly server and Microsoft desktop they,559.68,5.219,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly regularly release new versions uh major,562.26,5.34,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly and minor versions of Windows and other,564.899,4.801,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly software so they're probably being,567.6,4.38,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly pushed to be more like a conventional,569.7,5.1,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly software vendor and of course that's the,571.98,4.859,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly direction it's all going right now large,574.8,4.08,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly language models and AI are new and shiny,576.839,4.321,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly but before long it's going to be a,578.88,3.899,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly commodity just like anything else just,581.16,3.06,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly like your smartphone just like your,582.779,4.68,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly laptop whatever so I think that I think,584.22,5.88,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly that the we we probably can't expect,587.459,4.32,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly some more traction by the end of this,590.1,4.64,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly year even if it's an incremental update,591.779,7.341,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly but certainly gpt5 I think that probably,594.74,7.539,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly mid 2024 at the earliest if I had to,599.12,5.68,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly guess but I think that the end of 2024,602.279,4.56,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly that's seems to be where the consensus,604.8,3.9,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly is right now I wouldn't put money on it,606.839,4.201,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly you never know but that seems to be the,608.7,3.66,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly consensus,611.04,4.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly window size so one of the biggest,612.36,5.82,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly functional changes of the jump from GPT,615.54,6.12,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly 3 to 4 was going from a 4000 token,618.18,6.42,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly window up to an 8 000 token window with,621.66,5.88,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly being teased with a 32 000 token window,624.6,5.46,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly the amount of problems that I have been,627.54,4.38,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly able to solve and address just by,630.06,5.04,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly doubling the token window incredible so,631.92,5.099,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly if that pattern continues where it,635.1,4.44,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly either you know it goes up 2X or 8X or,637.019,4.801,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly whatever if you extrapolate that pattern,639.54,5.46,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly out then gpt5 could have anywhere from,641.82,7.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly 64 000 tokens to 256 000 tokens so that,645.0,7.86,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly is roughly 42 000 words up to 170 000,649.32,5.639,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly words to put that into perspective I,652.86,4.56,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly think that Dune the original Dune was a,654.959,3.901,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly hundred and eighty thousand words so it,657.42,4.14,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly could read all of Dune in one go,658.86,4.919,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um Couldn't Write it but when you,661.56,4.74,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly consider that most novels are 50 to 70,663.779,5.281,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly 000 words that is more than enough uh,666.3,5.64,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly token window to read an entire novel and,669.06,5.16,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly write an another draft of it,671.94,5.1,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly so just digest that for a minute and,674.22,5.84,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly think about how much information that is,677.04,6.06,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly the number of scientific papers that,680.06,6.16,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly that could be so on and so forth now,683.1,6.96,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly when we talk about window size if we,686.22,5.58,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly assume that they overcome any,690.06,3.42,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly diminishing returns on memory,691.8,2.94,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly performance and compute because it's,693.48,3.299,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly going to be a trade-off right the the,694.74,3.96,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly larger those internal vectors are the,696.779,3.781,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly more memory it's going to take and that,698.7,3.3,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly one thing that I didn't include in this,700.56,3.719,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly because it looked a little too dry but,702.0,4.76,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly people are basically predicting that,704.279,5.581,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly gpt4 takes 10 to 40 times as much,706.76,5.62,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly compute as gpt3 and then if you,709.86,4.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly extrapolate that out again gpt5 will,712.38,3.959,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly take another 10 to 40 times as much,714.36,4.62,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly compute so the amount of compute is,716.339,5.101,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly ramping up exponentially possibly we,718.98,5.88,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly don't know but what if there's going to,721.44,5.519,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly be diminishing returns on an algorithmic,724.86,4.56,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly level so for instance maybe,726.959,4.44,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um when you get the vectors that large,729.42,6.539,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly you might get a dilution which uh for,731.399,6.301,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly for rnns and other things basically,735.959,3.781,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly dilution I'm probably using the wrong,737.7,4.199,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly word but it kind of forgets what it was,739.74,4.02,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly talking about at the end of it so do we,741.899,3.781,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly need new attention mechanisms are we,743.76,4.68,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly going to need a new architecture or just,745.68,5.159,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly hundreds of more kinds of algorithmic,748.44,4.32,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly and incremental optimizations we don't,750.839,3.06,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly know,752.76,2.819,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly one other thing that we need to be,753.899,3.841,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly asking ourselves is how many tokens do,755.579,5.401,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly we actually need right because chat GPT,757.74,6.899,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly with 8 000 tokens is able to serve,760.98,6.0,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly ninety percent of our needs right now,764.639,5.041,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly only with very long conversations does,766.98,4.68,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly it forget the original like at the,769.68,3.899,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly beginning and also I think there's some,771.66,3.54,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly evidence that they have other memory,773.579,3.541,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly stuff going on because I've had some,775.2,3.72,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly pretty long conversations with chat GPT,777.12,3.839,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly now and I and I ask it like okay what,778.92,3.18,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly was the first thing that we talked about,780.959,3.361,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly and it remembers so I don't know if,782.1,3.539,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly they've got some search and retrieval,784.32,3.72,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly going on or some good summarization not,785.639,3.361,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly sure,788.04,2.7,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly but the point is,789.0,3.839,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly there's probably a diminishing returns,790.74,4.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly in terms of utility value in terms of,792.839,5.161,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly functional value to us the end user and,795.24,4.38,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly that includes um you know ordinary,798.0,4.079,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly citizens and civilians like us as well,799.62,4.32,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly as corporations in business and,802.079,4.32,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly Enterprise use cases more is not always,803.94,4.86,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly better so there might be a trade-off in,806.399,5.041,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly terms of speed cost and intelligence,808.8,6.24,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly right because what if what if they find,811.44,6.12,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly out that like okay 8 000 tokens actually,815.04,5.88,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly satisfies 95 of all use cases so let's,817.56,5.519,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly just make that 8 000 token,820.92,5.28,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um model make it faster cheaper and,823.079,6.38,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly smarter and then you know maybe we have,826.2,6.36,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly uh models that are optimized for much,829.459,5.741,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly larger windows for specific kinds of,832.56,5.459,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly tasks like summarizing you know half a,835.2,5.28,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly million uh scientific papers not really,838.019,3.361,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly sure,840.48,3.419,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly but it is interesting because honestly,841.38,5.04,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly if they came out with a 256 000 token,843.899,5.341,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly model tomorrow I think that 99 of people,846.42,4.68,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly are never going to use that many tokens,849.24,4.44,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly could be wrong you know I probably sound,851.1,4.44,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly like some of the people who said like oh,853.68,3.659,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly nobody's ever going to use a desktop,855.54,3.419,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly computer so maybe I'm completely wrong,857.339,4.321,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly you know I I'm the first to admit I,858.959,4.38,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly frequently am wrong when I make some of,861.66,3.299,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly these predictions and sometimes I'm,863.339,4.201,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly hilariously wrong,864.959,5.041,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um okay so moving on modality,867.54,5.4,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly for me the biggest shock of gpt4 was,870.0,4.62,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly that it was multimodal I didn't think,872.94,4.019,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly they were going to go there yet but gpt4,874.62,4.68,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly they demonstrated it it can you can give,876.959,3.961,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly it pictures it can spit out pictures,879.3,3.719,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly most people don't have access to that,880.92,3.9,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly yet it probably requires some work on,883.019,3.901,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly the API because if you're just sending,884.82,4.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly text over a Json you know a rest API,886.92,4.859,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly that's one thing sending images it's a,889.32,4.139,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly little bit different so I suspect that,891.779,2.881,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly they're probably working on the,893.459,3.661,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly Integrations with that,894.66,4.02,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um which that's a lot to figure out I,897.12,3.06,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly don't envy them that problem it sounds,898.68,4.14,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly very tedious but when you look at the,900.18,4.8,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly fact that that open AI has Dolly they,902.82,5.699,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly have whisper gpt4 has images you do the,904.98,6.299,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly math I suspect oh and then you look at,908.519,4.981,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um at how uh how much like text to video,911.279,4.68,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly and video to text is coming out I,913.5,5.16,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly suspect that gpt5 will be audio video,915.959,6.0,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly images and text if not more,918.66,5.88,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly uh but even still that would be a great,921.959,5.041,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly start so I was talking with some people,924.54,4.62,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly about this and what does that mean for,927.0,4.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly for vectors because if you can represent,929.16,7.02,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly an image or audio or video or text in,931.5,6.959,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly vectors those vectors are going to have,936.18,4.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly a lot more Nuance to them and so the,938.459,3.841,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly vector is the embedding right that is,940.68,3.899,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly the mathematical representation of the,942.3,4.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly input which is then used to generate the,944.579,4.56,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly output of these models so if you have,946.8,4.86,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly these multimodal vectors it's entirely,949.139,4.44,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly possible that these vectors are going to,951.66,4.26,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly be more abstract and human-like thoughts,953.579,5.101,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly inside the model which that has all,955.92,4.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly kinds of potential implications and I'm,958.68,3.3,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly not saying that it's going to magically,960.42,4.2,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly become sentient or or self-aware or,961.98,5.099,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly anything like that just that if you have,964.62,4.68,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly a more nuanced way of of representing,967.079,5.88,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly information about you know reality it's,969.3,5.099,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly entirely possible that that will unlock,972.959,6.481,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly entirely new capabilities Within gpt5,974.399,7.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly so one other big question is where are,979.44,4.56,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly they getting the data uh one of the,981.899,3.781,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly rumors was that they actually ran out of,984.0,3.36,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly high quality internet Text data that,985.68,3.3,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly they actually downloaded the entire,987.36,3.9,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly internet and after they filtered out the,988.98,3.479,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly garbage,991.26,2.819,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um they realized there's not any more,992.459,3.0,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly text Data out there we need other,994.079,3.18,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly modalities and that's why they worked on,995.459,3.901,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly whisper that's why they worked on on,997.259,4.32,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly Dolly and so if that's the case then,999.36,3.839,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly maybe they're working on downloading all,1001.579,4.32,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly of YouTube all the podcasts all of every,1003.199,4.801,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly you know uh was it Dailymotion or,1005.899,3.62,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly whatever you know like basically every,1008.0,3.72,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly content provider out there that they can,1009.519,5.081,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly get their hands on and um legally and,1011.72,5.1,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly ethically get that data if it's under,1014.6,4.08,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly Creative Commons or other,1016.82,4.319,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um open open licensing,1018.68,4.2,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um so anyways,1021.139,4.56,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly this is it's really difficult to,1022.88,5.16,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly anticipate but just the fact that gpt3,1025.699,5.341,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly was was single modal and gpt4 is,1028.04,4.919,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly multimodal I think we should at least,1031.04,3.36,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly assume that that trend is going to,1032.959,2.941,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly continue again there might be,1034.4,3.539,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly diminishing returns they might find that,1035.9,4.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly most people don't need multimodal models,1037.939,3.961,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly and so then we might end up with a,1040.4,2.82,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly branching,1041.9,4.019,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um kind of schema Nvidia does this by,1043.22,5.219,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly the way Nvidia publishes hundreds and,1045.919,3.901,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly hundreds of different models that have,1048.439,3.601,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly different specializations,1049.82,4.32,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um and Nvidia is really good at cranking,1052.04,4.74,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly out very specific models for specific,1054.14,5.64,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly tasks whereas at least right now open at,1056.78,4.98,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly open AI seems to be focusing on one,1059.78,5.279,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly Flagship model that that uh that,1061.76,4.919,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly business model might change over time,1065.059,3.721,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly not sure,1066.679,3.961,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um okay so intelligence and capabilities,1068.78,3.72,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly this is where I kind of really dive off,1070.64,5.279,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly into sci-fi land so if we look at the,1072.5,5.82,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly the relative performance of gpt3 versus,1075.919,7.201,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly gpt3 gpt4 sorry three versus four it was,1078.32,6.9,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly a huge jump in intelligence where it,1083.12,5.34,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly went from you know I think GPT 3.5 was,1085.22,4.68,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly able to pass the bar in the 10th,1088.46,3.599,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly percentile and then four was able to,1089.9,5.1,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly pass in a 90th percentile so that's a,1092.059,5.641,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly that's a Quantum Leap Forward so if we,1095.0,4.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly extrapolate that out then we could,1097.7,4.2,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly probably assume that gpt5 is going to,1099.5,5.1,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly pass all tests and all benchmarks in the,1101.9,4.26,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly 99th percentile,1104.6,3.959,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly or or greater,1106.16,6.18,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um if it if it's that smart then with,1108.559,5.161,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly the correct Integrations which are,1112.34,3.42,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly already working on Integrations chat GPT,1113.72,4.14,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly uh plugins right with the correct,1115.76,5.34,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly Integrations gpt5 could then outperform,1117.86,6.059,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly humans at 99 of all other tasks,1121.1,4.74,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly that includes stem jobs science,1123.919,4.321,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly technology engineering and math and so,1125.84,4.8,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly the the idea that I had was basically,1128.24,4.98,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly given the right Integrations and enough,1130.64,5.64,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly time you could ask gpt5 to design a,1133.22,5.04,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly spaceship and it will do it and then if,1136.28,3.36,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly you give it the right robotics it could,1138.26,3.24,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly build the thing too,1139.64,4.2,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um so,1141.5,4.74,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly like I when I when I wrote that down I,1143.84,3.78,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly was like this is absurd then I'm like,1146.24,3.66,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly you know if we take out the the Quantum,1147.62,4.26,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly Leap from three to four and do that,1149.9,2.88,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly again,1151.88,2.58,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly this is actually within the realm of,1152.78,3.6,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly possibility I think and then another,1154.46,3.78,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly probably even more controversial,1156.38,4.56,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly prediction is that um it will be able to,1158.24,4.86,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly surpass humans in most Artistic,1160.94,4.2,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly Endeavors as well such as writing,1163.1,4.5,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly Symphonies uh composing stories,1165.14,5.399,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um and even acting on stage given uh the,1167.6,4.98,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly correct rigging and framework so like,1170.539,4.14,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly maybe it can control a virtual actor,1172.58,4.38,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly like in the Unreal Engine or a robotic,1174.679,4.021,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly actor because you look at Disney Disney,1176.96,4.079,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly is making very very very life-like,1178.7,4.26,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly animatronics,1181.039,4.861,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um so I suspect that one way or another,1182.96,4.8,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly human actors are going the way of the,1185.9,4.139,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly dinosaurs just full stop,1187.76,3.48,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um why because human actors are,1190.039,2.461,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly expensive,1191.24,1.86,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um,1192.5,2.88,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly and most actors have signed away writes,1193.1,4.74,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly their likenesses by now anyways uh many,1195.38,4.38,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly of them unwittingly this this came up in,1197.84,4.74,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly conversation where uh voice actors and,1199.76,4.38,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly even some actors that are getting older,1202.58,3.42,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly have very deliberately signed away their,1204.14,3.24,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly likeness so that they can be,1206.0,3.78,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly immortalized in AI,1207.38,7.08,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um so if if any of this is remotely what,1209.78,7.139,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly happens with gpt5 I can understand why,1214.46,4.92,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly people are calling for a moratorium,1216.919,3.901,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly um but it's going to happen because,1219.38,4.02,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly competition is there right if open AI,1220.82,4.14,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly doesn't do it someone else is going to,1223.4,3.3,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly and if America doesn't do it some other,1224.96,3.36,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly country is going to do it and nobody,1226.7,3.18,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly wants to fall behind so I really don't,1228.32,2.94,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly think a moratorium is going to happen,1229.88,3.36,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly but that begs the question what does,1231.26,4.86,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly happen is this AGI is this Singularity,1233.24,4.86,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly is this you know are we going to get,1236.12,3.48,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly regulation is it are we going to get,1238.1,3.06,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly competition and of course if you're,1239.6,3.12,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly familiar with my channel you saw that I,1241.16,4.98,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly predicted AGI within 18 months if GPT 5,1242.72,6.54,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly qualifies we could have gpt5,1246.14,8.18,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly mid 2024 so the timing is is there,1249.26,5.06,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly so all that being said buckle up as a,1254.6,6.06,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly commenter said in a previous video it's,1258.26,5.22,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly about to get silly yes that's pretty,1260.66,4.56,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly much all we can really guarantee right,1263.48,3.48,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly now is that it's about to get real silly,1265.22,5.3,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly real fast thanks for watching,1266.96,3.56,GPT-5 Rumors and Predictions - It's about to get real silly morning everybody David Shapiro here,0.9,6.54,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" with a video so my video about AGI was,3.12,5.88,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" super popular,7.44,3.36,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um I suppose I should uh should have,9.0,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" anticipated that you know making a bold,10.8,5.46,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" declaration like AGI within 18 months so,13.32,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" with that being said,16.26,6.96,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" uh the ramp up to AGI ASI or super,18.06,7.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" intelligence and then Singularity seems,23.22,3.719,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" like it's accelerating especially if you,25.5,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" go by Reddit comments on R Singularity,26.939,4.321,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and a few other places people are like,29.88,2.82,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" is this happening are we actually,31.26,4.02,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" approaching the wall of exponential,32.7,5.4,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" takeoff so assuming that that is the,35.28,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" case and that we are ramping up to the,38.1,3.54,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" singularity within the coming uh you,39.6,4.139,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" know months or years or whatever let's,41.64,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" explore how the singularity will,43.739,3.961,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" actually unfold,46.14,3.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" first,47.7,4.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" we need to Define singularity so what do,49.26,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" we mean when we say Singularity there's,51.84,5.039,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" obviously a lot of ways to Define this,54.12,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" thing and the simplest way that I could,56.879,3.66,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" come up with to Define it is just we say,58.62,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that the singularity is when AI becomes,60.539,4.501,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" orders of magnitude more intelligent,62.94,4.98,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" than all humans combined so basically if,65.04,5.04,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" current trends continue in terms of AI,67.92,6.18,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" research and the power of AI gpt4 is,70.08,7.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" just as intelligent as many people more,74.1,6.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" intelligent than some and gpt5 is being,77.22,5.939,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" trained and there's open source versions,80.7,5.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" etc etc so basically if you haven't been,83.159,4.801,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" living under a rock you are probably,85.92,5.46,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" aware of the rapid ramp up of AI and,87.96,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" it's not showing any signs of slowing,91.38,3.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" down if anything it's accelerating,92.82,4.02,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" because now we're not looking at AI,94.5,4.079,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" advancements on a monthly basis we're,96.84,4.26,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" looking at it on a weekly basis I was,98.579,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" actually at a Meetup recently and,101.1,3.479,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" someone pointed that out they're like I,103.079,2.821,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" think we're actually already in the,104.579,2.821,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" singularity because we're measuring,105.9,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" advancements on a week to week basis and,107.4,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" soon we might be measuring it on a,110.52,3.66,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" day-to-day basis,112.5,5.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" okay so let's break this down what are,114.18,5.88,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" some of the macro economic changes,117.72,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um that we can expect to see with the,120.06,3.3,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" singularity,122.04,3.719,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" first we have to talk about what remains,123.36,4.739,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" scarce because it's very easy to get,125.759,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" caught up in this you know magical,128.099,3.601,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" thinking of AI is going to change,130.259,3.661,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" everything but there's going to be some,131.7,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" things that don't change with Ai No,133.92,5.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" matter how smart it gets so if the,136.2,4.92,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" singularity happens there's a few things,139.14,3.54,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that are not really going to change that,141.12,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" much so first is desirable and arable,142.68,5.52,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" land some places will remain deserts,145.56,5.58,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" hence this AI generated image of a woman,148.2,6.0,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" in a desert we'll get to that later when,151.14,5.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" we talk about Fusion,154.2,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" but uh fresh potable water most of the,156.36,4.739,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" water on the planet is also salt water,159.3,4.26,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" again we might be able to change that if,161.099,5.461,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" we solve uh if we solve uh nuclear,163.56,5.88,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" fusion and other energy sources,166.56,4.02,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um but then there's other physical,169.44,3.72,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" resources such as minerals,170.58,5.7,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um and and and mind natural resources,173.16,6.18,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that will also probably remain scarce no,176.28,5.76,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" matter how intelligent AI becomes so,179.34,4.979,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" this will be a really con uh critical,182.04,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" constraint which could really drive up,184.319,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the value of some of these resources,186.9,4.919,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um but and as I mentioned if we solve,189.599,4.201,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" nuclear fusion we could desalinate water,191.819,4.92,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" we could air irrigate deserts and so on,193.8,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and so forth but that could have,196.739,3.481,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" unintended consequences because if,198.0,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" suddenly you irrigate every desert on,200.22,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the planet maybe those deserts actually,202.62,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" form a really critical component of our,204.9,5.339,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" ecosystem lastly if we solve space,207.06,4.92,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" flight we could probably start,210.239,4.441,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" harvesting asteroids and other even,211.98,5.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" other planets for Rare Minerals because,214.68,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" there are,217.2,3.66,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" trillions and trillions and trillions of,218.76,4.619,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" dollars worth of Rare Minerals out there,220.86,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" on the solar system so it's entirely,223.379,3.601,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" possible that all of these will actually,225.36,3.959,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" be solved at some point in the future,226.98,3.839,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" with this with the singularity but at,229.319,3.361,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" least in the short term these will,230.819,3.961,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" remain scarce resources,232.68,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" now on the flip side from a,234.78,4.679,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" macroeconomic perspective what becomes,237.36,4.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" abundant with the singularity the,239.459,3.541,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" primary thing that becomes abundant with,241.5,3.48,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the singularity is knowledge information,243.0,4.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and cognitive labor so what I mean by,244.98,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" cognitive labor is thinking knowledge,247.56,5.64,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" work service industry jobs so basically,249.72,6.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" what happens if AI becomes orders of,253.2,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" magnitude smarter than humans and we,255.84,3.54,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" remain in control of it this is all,257.94,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" assuming the the good ending right that,259.38,5.039,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" we don't get wiped out,262.44,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" basically what that means is that human,264.419,5.34,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" cognitive effort becomes irrelevant,266.52,6.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um now that sounds really awful but one,269.759,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" thing that I realized while I was,273.12,3.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" working on this is that on an individual,274.259,3.601,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" basis,276.72,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" most people's cognitive effort is,277.86,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" already irrelevant right we're on a,281.04,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" planet of 8 billion people chances are,282.96,3.72,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" someone has already solved the problem,285.12,3.66,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that you're working on whether or not,286.68,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" you realize it is a different you know,288.78,3.72,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" story but,290.88,3.78,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um you know doing science and and,292.5,4.199,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" solving problems it can be really,294.66,3.96,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" difficult and it's it's mostly a matter,296.699,5.401,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of right place right time but you know,298.62,5.7,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" there are there well with that being,302.1,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" said there are still unsolved problems,304.32,3.0,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" out there,306.3,4.8,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and the singularity with you know hyper,307.32,6.599,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Advanced AI will probably just result in,311.1,4.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" kind of the same behavior that we're,313.919,2.941,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" already seeing because the collective,315.24,3.36,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" wisdom of humanity solves problems,316.86,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" pretty quickly right but the velocity of,318.6,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that problem solving will probably go up,321.36,4.679,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" uh you know maybe a few degrees maybe an,323.46,5.519,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" order of magnitude not sure yet but,326.039,5.761,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" a hyperabundance of cognitive labor is,328.979,5.521,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" is actually probably not going to be as,331.8,4.92,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" immediately and dramatically impactful,334.5,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" as you might think because like look at,336.72,3.96,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Reddit and Twitter and other social,339.0,4.259,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" media platforms that allow you to solve,340.68,5.76,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" problems get answers uh and and move on,343.259,5.94,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" very quickly so basically instead of,346.44,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" having you know lazy Twitter or Reddit,349.199,3.901,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" where you ask a problem ask the machines,350.88,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" for a problem where you know people are,353.1,3.659,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" collectively now the machines are going,355.08,3.179,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" to be doing it and actually some of the,356.759,3.061,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" people that I'm working with on these,358.259,4.021,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" autonomous AI projects one of the key,359.82,3.9,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" things that we're working on is figuring,362.28,3.96,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" out how to get AI to talk to each other,363.72,6.18,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" in an autonomous manner that is safe and,366.24,5.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" transparent and this is where natural,369.9,4.079,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" language comes in because you don't want,371.46,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" AI using their own coded language to,373.979,4.861,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" talk to each other you want AI using uh,376.08,4.92,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" human readable natural language to talk,378.84,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" to each other anyways that's a topic for,381.0,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" another video,383.52,4.98,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um so let's move forward from those,386.28,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" macro economic changes to technological,388.5,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" breakthroughs if suddenly we have a,391.02,5.519,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" hyperabundance of cognitive effort or,393.78,4.979,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" cognitive labor what kind of Technology,396.539,5.461,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Solutions can we imagine being solved so,398.759,5.461,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" first is high energy physics,402.0,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" high energy physics the stuff that,404.22,5.039,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" they're working on at the CERN at LHC,406.62,5.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" this includes nuclear fusion it could,409.259,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" include even anti-matter research who,411.84,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" knows maybe time travel may be faster,414.539,4.261,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" than light travel not really sure but at,416.52,3.899,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" least the first problem that will likely,418.8,3.72,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" be solved in high energy physics is,420.419,5.041,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" probably going to be nuclear fusion it's,422.52,5.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" really difficult to anticipate what,425.46,4.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" solving nuclear fusion will do because,427.74,4.799,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" nuclear fusion is a thousand times more,429.68,5.139,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" powerful and efficient than any form of,432.539,4.921,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" energy we have today so when you have a,434.819,4.921,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" hyperabundance of energy suddenly a lot,437.46,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of other things become possible for,439.74,3.84,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" instance you can then afford to,441.66,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" desalinate as much water as you need you,443.58,5.519,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" can then afford to run underground Farms,446.4,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" you know that are completely unbounded,449.099,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" from arable land there's all kinds of,451.5,3.9,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" stuff that you can do once you unlock,453.479,5.701,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" nuclear fusion the knock-on effects of,455.4,6.239,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" solving nuclear fusion are impossible to,459.18,4.859,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" say not only just like in the short term,461.639,4.321,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" we can come up with a couple ideas but,464.039,3.66,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" certainly in the long term solving,465.96,3.9,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" nuclear fusion solves so many other,467.699,3.361,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" problems,469.86,3.36,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um it solves recycling because then,471.06,3.72,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" suddenly you can afford to just melt,473.22,3.06,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" down any material no matter how,474.78,3.84,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" expensive it is so you can reclaim all,476.28,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the lithium all the Cobalt all the,478.62,5.04,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" nickel from everything platinum gold,480.66,5.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" pretty much every mineral becomes,483.66,5.039,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" accessible no matter how difficult it is,485.88,5.52,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" to isolate because suddenly if you have,488.699,5.641,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" many many gigajoules of energy available,491.4,6.18,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" at all times for practically free it,494.34,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" doesn't matter how much energy it costs,497.58,3.119,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" to recycle a material that's just,499.02,3.84,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" another example,500.699,4.981,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um another set of solved problems that,502.86,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" you can expect with a hyperabundance of,505.68,4.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of cognitive labor is basically disease,507.72,5.879,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" genetics and aging uh that you know the,510.24,5.7,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the human body our genetics our,513.599,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" metabolism one of the most complex,515.94,5.88,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" systems uh in existence uh there's more,518.099,5.161,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" than a hundred thousand metabolic,521.82,3.24,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" pathways that we know of in the human,523.26,4.8,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" body alone and they all interact uh not,525.06,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" only that they interact with your genes,528.06,4.98,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" your epigenetics uh your microflora all,529.56,6.24,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" kinds of stuff super complex system but,533.04,5.4,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" if you have a hyper abundance of of,535.8,5.7,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" intellect then you can create new tools,538.44,4.92,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" you can create new processes you can,541.5,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" manage vast amounts of information and,543.36,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" so then we might end up we might end up,546.18,4.98,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" curing all disease all aging and,548.22,4.799,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" untangling all genetics,551.16,3.84,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" within a relatively short period of time,553.019,5.041,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" after achieving you know the singularity,555.0,5.279,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" or AGI or however you want to call it,558.06,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" excuse me and then finally Material,560.279,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Science so Material Science we're,562.26,3.84,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" already seeing the beginning of this,565.019,2.461,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" with Alpha fold,566.1,3.9,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and so basically imagine that you have,567.48,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Alpha fold which if you're not familiar,570.0,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" with Alpha fold that is a way of using,571.56,5.339,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" deep neural networks using Transformers,575.1,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" to model protein folding,576.899,5.041,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" which was an unsolved problem but now,579.48,3.96,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that it's a solved problem we can model,581.94,4.019,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" any protein folding now take that to the,583.44,4.019,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" next level what if not only you can,585.959,3.661,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" model all protein folding you can,587.459,4.621,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" measure or you can model all protein,589.62,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" interactions all genetic interactions,592.08,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" then take that one step further you can,594.06,3.959,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" measure or model,596.16,5.16,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um uh nanoparticles carbon You can,598.019,6.781,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" predict how to build very very Advanced,601.32,6.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Materials which could revolutionize for,604.8,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" instance batteries and computer,607.92,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" technology I predict that the Materials,609.12,4.8,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Science breakthroughs that will result,612.6,4.98,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" from um from AI means that like,613.92,6.3,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" basically in a in five to ten years your,617.58,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" phone could be more powerful than all,620.22,4.739,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" computers on Earth today,622.44,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um and I'm not really exaggerating when,624.959,3.241,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" I say that because the amount of,626.88,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" computational power just in the atoms of,628.2,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" a phone like if you have a membrane or,631.26,3.259,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" whatever or a three-dimensional wafer,632.94,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the amount of potential computational,634.519,5.861,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" power in matter is,637.44,6.72,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" inconceivable basically inconceivable,640.38,6.3,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um so anyways you know it would it would,644.16,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" not surprise me if we move up a,646.68,4.02,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" kardashev scale or two,648.6,3.9,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um post singularity,650.7,4.92,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" now that being said there are still some,652.5,5.94,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" unsolved problems uh that that pretty,655.62,5.94,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" much no amount of intellectual labor,658.44,6.72,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um on Earth could solve so for instance,661.56,5.279,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" uh some people in the comments have,665.16,3.239,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" asked about you know the hard problem of,666.839,4.021,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Consciousness uh that may or may not be,668.399,4.741,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" solvable by machines period that might,670.86,3.84,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" be something that we humans have to,673.14,3.24,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" figure out for ourselves,674.7,4.079,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" uh which extends to fundamental,676.38,5.399,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" questions of existence of cosmology some,678.779,5.041,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of these things are not necessarily a,681.779,4.381,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" matter of you know mathematically,683.82,4.019,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" proving it and measuring it in the lab,686.16,3.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" some of these things are a matter of,687.839,4.201,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" interpretation some of these things are,689.76,4.199,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" a matter of subjective values such as,692.04,3.96,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the meaning of life so on and so forth,693.959,3.301,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" now,696.0,3.54,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" one thing that people imagine when we,697.26,3.96,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" talk about transhumanism or,699.54,4.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" post-humanism is that we will have some,701.22,5.34,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" sort of transcendence event I personally,703.68,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" don't think the singularity will result,706.56,4.019,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" in some kind of transcendent event where,708.3,5.76,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" we all become like Q from Star Trek or,710.579,5.341,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" you know some final solution where we,714.06,4.98,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" become beings of energy I also don't,715.92,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" think that mind uploading is a good idea,719.04,2.76,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" I know a lot of people think that that's,720.6,3.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" great but like we don't understand why,721.8,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" we are conscious you know and and,724.2,5.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" basically I I predict that you know if,726.24,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" you try and upload your mind you're just,729.42,3.3,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" going to upload a copy of yourself and,730.86,3.3,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" then your body will be dead and so,732.72,3.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" subjectively you will have died but a,734.16,3.78,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" copy of you will continue on forever so,736.32,3.06,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" I don't think that mind uploading is a,737.94,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" good idea which if that's the case then,739.38,4.98,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" like we will forever be locked in our,742.14,3.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" organic bodies,744.36,3.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" even if there are digital copies of us,745.74,5.099,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" frolicking out in cyberspace they're not,747.92,4.359,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" going to be us and they're going to have,750.839,3.06,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" an entirely different set of constraints,752.279,3.781,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" because then if they're if if you become,753.899,3.721,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" or a copy of you becomes a digital,756.06,3.3,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" entity you suddenly don't have the same,757.62,3.839,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" biological constraints and so we have,759.36,5.279,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" this like Grand Divergence of digital,761.459,5.88,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" post-humans and then us organic meat,764.639,3.841,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" bags,767.339,3.06,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um that's that to me sounds like an,768.48,3.659,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" unsolved problem that I don't think AI,770.399,3.721,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" is going to fix for us,772.139,5.7,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" all right uh moving on to social changes,774.12,5.64,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" jobs and occupations,777.839,3.661,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" so,779.76,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" as machines get more intelligent the the,781.5,5.639,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" tldr is that most jobs are going to,784.2,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" become irrelevant,787.139,3.721,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um you know I've talked with people,789.3,3.3,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" about this there's a lot of there's a,790.86,3.419,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" lot of BS jobs out there that nobody,792.6,3.299,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" really wants to do but you do it because,794.279,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" you know you need to eat and you need to,795.899,5.581,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" pay for your house and whatever,798.779,5.581,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and so what we're going to have to do is,801.48,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" then recalibrate,804.36,4.979,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" how we think of meaning and purpose and,805.98,4.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" success,809.339,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and this includes uh maybe uh shifting,810.54,4.739,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and having a greater emphasis on,813.839,3.961,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Creative creativity exploration and,815.279,4.201,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" self-improvement,817.8,3.96,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um and then one idea that that came from,819.48,5.76,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" discussing this with chat GPT was that,821.76,6.06,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" as a society we might instead instead of,825.24,5.52,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" focusing on conformance to one standard,827.82,5.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of Education we might instead really,830.76,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" focus on what makes everyone unique,833.04,5.46,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" which was a really interesting new model,835.5,5.76,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of education so imagine that you go to,838.5,4.98,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" school and instead of like everyone has,841.26,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the same classes you have a broad,843.48,4.859,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" variety of projects and experiments and,845.7,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" things to figure out what it is that one,848.339,4.021,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" you really care about and two what,850.38,3.899,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" really makes you stand out and so then,852.36,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" everyone can have a very different uh,854.279,5.0,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" focus on education,857.1,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" my first year of school was at,859.279,4.481,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Montessori school and so I can imagine,861.54,6.239,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" taking that to the next level anyways,863.76,5.16,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um I know that there's a lot of people,867.779,3.18,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that say oh well without a job we have,868.92,4.919,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" no meaning that is your neoliberal,870.959,5.461,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" programming speaking I and other people,873.839,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that have made a transition to a,876.42,4.26,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" different uh different kind of,878.459,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" occupation you know my my occupation is,880.68,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" now YouTube and patreon which I find,882.899,5.281,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" much more interesting and and and uh and,884.76,7.379,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" rewarding is much closer to Lifestyles,888.18,6.18,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that have existed in the past so for,892.139,4.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" instance in ancient Greece particularly,894.36,4.919,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" in Sparta Spartan citizens were not,896.699,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" allowed to have a job,899.279,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" their job was to be soldiers to be,900.779,5.041,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Hunters to be politicians to participate,903.779,4.981,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" in culture and Society not to be leather,905.82,6.06,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" workers or anything else and so,908.76,5.519,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" obviously ancient Sparta didn't,911.88,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" ultimately didn't do so well ancient,914.279,4.261,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Athens they did much better very similar,916.38,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" model with the with the the citizen,918.54,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" class the Leisure Class,921.24,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um ditto for ancient Rome so humans have,923.22,4.979,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" adapted to kind of these effectively,925.62,5.64,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" opposed scarcity world before but,928.199,4.681,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" instead of working on the backs of,931.26,4.8,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" subjugated classes of people we will be,932.88,6.48,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" we will all enter into a post-scarcity,936.06,6.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Leisure Class on the backs of AI that's,939.36,3.96,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" kind of what I predict is going to,942.18,1.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" happen,943.32,2.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" because honestly most people want that,944.04,3.419,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" anyways and if we have a collective,945.6,4.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" willpower to want that who cares and I,947.459,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" can hear some of you already complaining,950.16,3.239,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" oh corporations are never going to allow,951.779,3.18,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that to happen I'm gonna get to that in,953.399,5.041,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" just a second glad you asked okay so if,954.959,5.041,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" we,958.44,4.139,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" sudden if nobody's job really matters,960.0,4.92,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" what do we do then right one of the,962.579,4.141,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" conversations that I had at a Meetup was,964.92,3.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" like well what if everyone just plays,966.72,3.0,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" video games there's actually a reason,968.04,3.659,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that video games are so popular,969.72,5.04,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" uh because video games uh can social uh,971.699,4.981,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" can foster social connection right a lot,974.76,4.379,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of games are very very social today and,976.68,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" they're also challenging which means,979.139,3.901,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that they uh give you a sense of,981.12,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" competence a sense of Mastery and,983.04,4.739,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" finally video games give you a lot more,985.32,5.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" autonomy like you you can be anyone that,987.779,5.041,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" you want in a video game world and those,990.54,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" three things satisfy,992.82,2.639,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um the three pillars of,994.62,2.82,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" self-determination Theory autonomy human,995.459,4.081,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" connection incompetence which is why so,997.44,3.78,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" many people play video games,999.54,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" so if you look at sdt self-determination,1001.22,5.94,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Theory and then you say okay well take,1004.16,5.52,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" away the need for a job and suddenly AI,1007.16,5.7,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" gives us all a lot more autonomy gives,1009.68,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" us an opportunity for more human,1012.86,3.419,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" connection the only remaining thing is,1014.3,3.06,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" challenge,1016.279,3.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and what happens for a lot of people who,1017.36,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" retire or step away from conventional,1019.399,5.881,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" work is that we realize like oh wait I,1021.74,5.88,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" can challenge myself in new ways,1025.28,3.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um all of you that watch my YouTube,1027.62,3.36,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" channel I don't actually need to do all,1028.88,3.84,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the coding experiments that I do but I,1030.98,4.26,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" find it deeply satisfying to challenge,1032.72,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" myself to try and solve the problems out,1035.24,3.66,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" there and I'm not saying everyone is,1037.4,3.72,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" going to engage in this kind of problem,1038.9,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" solving some people are going to go to,1041.12,4.98,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" do martial arts or go climb mountains or,1043.22,5.579,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" whatever but we humans love love,1046.1,4.02,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" challenges,1048.799,4.201,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" we need to feel competent and we need to,1050.12,5.7,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" to have a sense of Mastery and um the,1053.0,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Sam Altman interview he pointed out that,1055.82,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" yes AI has solved go and chess and other,1058.28,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" things but we still play chess we just,1061.1,3.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" don't play against computers because,1063.14,2.7,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" there's no point there's no sense of,1064.22,2.94,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Mastery against something that you're,1065.84,3.36,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" never going to win against,1067.16,4.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um so anyways the long-term effect of,1069.2,4.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" this is that we're probably going to see,1071.72,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" new social structures emerge,1073.34,5.64,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um or maybe even older social structures,1076.1,5.939,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" re-emerge I particularly predict that,1078.98,4.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" we're going to see more,1082.039,3.721,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" multi-generational homes more kind of,1083.12,5.58,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" tribal or Village lifestyle things uh,1085.76,5.7,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and re-emerge because suddenly it's like,1088.7,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" okay well there's you know here's a,1091.46,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" dozen people that I really like and none,1093.98,4.079,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of us have a job so let's go form an Eco,1095.96,3.66,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Village you know out in the countryside,1098.059,5.221,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" or maybe an urban co-living situation in,1099.62,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the city,1103.28,3.54,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um who knows uh just some speculation,1104.48,3.3,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" there,1106.82,3.78,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" okay so I promised that we would address,1107.78,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the uh some of the elephants in the room,1110.6,3.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" so let's unpack all the risks and,1112.16,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" factors that will go into this Rosie,1114.2,5.58,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" post Singularity result that I have,1117.02,3.899,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" outlined,1119.78,3.779,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" so the first one is the development and,1120.919,5.701,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" control of AI obviously many of you are,1123.559,5.461,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" probably aware that there's been a uh,1126.62,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the the letter circulating that's signed,1129.02,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" by a whole bunch of people including,1131.48,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Elon Musk and Max tegmark all calling,1133.22,6.3,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" for a a moratorium on the advancement of,1135.86,6.0,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" AI for at least six months while we take,1139.52,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" a breath and reassess,1141.86,5.34,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" so it's an it is possible that if we,1143.6,6.06,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" continue at a Breakneck pace and things,1147.2,5.52,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" do it and people do it wrong then we're,1149.66,4.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" going to end up in some kind of,1152.72,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" dystopian or cataclysmic outcome so,1154.22,5.88,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" there's basically two primary uh failure,1157.4,5.76,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" modes for this one is we lose control of,1160.1,5.939,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the AI and it decides to kill us all the,1163.16,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" other failure the other major failure,1166.039,4.02,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" mode is that we don't lose control of AI,1167.78,4.259,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" but the wrong people get the powerful Ai,1170.059,4.201,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and they use it to kill everyone else or,1172.039,4.26,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" subjugate everyone else so those are the,1174.26,4.26,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" two primary failure modes that have to,1176.299,4.861,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" do with AI development and control,1178.52,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um and this has been explored in a lot,1181.16,3.06,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of fiction,1183.02,2.88,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um and so like I'm kind of tired of it,1184.22,3.18,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" so I'm not going to really talk about it,1185.9,4.26,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that much more but point being is that,1187.4,6.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" 99 of people don't really want an AI,1190.16,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" apocalypse some people seem to really,1193.52,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" wish for it but I think that's a sense,1195.26,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of nihilism like leaking through some,1197.72,3.72,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" people think it's inevitable and there's,1199.94,3.78,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" a sort of fatalism about it and that,1201.44,3.84,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" again you know I empathize with people,1203.72,2.819,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" like that,1205.28,3.42,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um I Echo Sam Altman's sentiment that,1206.539,3.661,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" like yeah there are a lot of people,1208.7,2.82,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" afraid and I'm not going to tell them,1210.2,2.7,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that they're wrong or that they're,1211.52,3.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" stupid or that it's magical thinking,1212.9,4.92,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" like we are playing with fire,1215.12,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um I just happen to be very sanguine,1217.82,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" about it because I feel like one all the,1219.74,5.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" problems that exist are solvable and two,1222.5,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" I think that they are solvable in the,1224.96,3.839,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" very near term,1227.24,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" okay another big risk is distribution of,1228.799,5.101,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" benefits this is one of the biggest,1232.1,3.84,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" things that people are worried about,1233.9,3.96,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" which is okay,1235.94,4.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" do you the like the one of the most,1237.86,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" common pushbacks is like do you honestly,1240.08,3.66,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" think that corporations are going to,1242.24,4.439,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" allow everyone to live a luxurious,1243.74,4.799,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" lifestyle or that the rich and Powerful,1246.679,4.441,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" are going to allow everyone else to live,1248.539,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" like they do,1251.12,3.419,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" well first I don't know that they'll,1252.919,3.721,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" have that much of a choice in it but two,1254.539,4.681,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" I think the fact that the the masses,1256.64,5.52,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" like you and I the proletariat we don't,1259.22,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" want to live in a cyberpunk Hell right,1262.16,5.04,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and we have seen what happens repeatedly,1264.5,5.16,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" through history as people get hungrier,1267.2,4.26,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and more desperate the most recent,1269.66,3.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" incident was the Arab Spring in which,1271.46,4.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" case much of the Middle East the Arab,1273.26,5.7,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" world rose up and the primary driving,1276.02,6.24,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Factor was economic conditions,1278.96,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um and then of course you go back even,1282.26,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" further the French Revolution this kind,1283.82,4.02,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of thing has happened time and time,1286.34,3.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" again so I'm not too particularly,1287.84,3.959,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" worried about that because push comes to,1289.94,3.78,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" shove people are going to stand up and,1291.799,5.581,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and and redistribute forcefully now,1293.72,6.06,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" I'm not advocating for you know Civil,1297.38,3.9,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" War or anything I don't even think it's,1299.78,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" going to come to that because you know I,1301.28,4.92,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" follow Davos and World economic forum,1304.1,5.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and U.N and and all the you know Halls,1306.2,6.18,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of power IMF the World Bank,1309.32,5.94,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um the halls of power really are paying,1312.38,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" attention to this and I think that,1315.26,3.899,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" they're preparing for it honestly so for,1316.46,6.18,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" instance I suspect that the uh the the,1319.159,5.701,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" stimulus checks that America did during,1322.64,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the pandemic I think that that was a,1324.86,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" pilot program to demonstrate that,1327.26,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" redistribution works that it is fast,1329.36,4.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" efficient and fair because they what,1331.46,3.48,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" they did was they did the stimulus,1333.5,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" checks alongside the the um the paycheck,1334.94,6.18,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" uh Protection Program the PPP loans and,1338.12,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" they basically did a side-by-side test,1341.12,4.439,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" showing look the PPP loans are expensive,1342.5,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and Rife with corruption and the,1345.559,3.781,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" stimulus checks went directly to people,1347.78,3.84,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" who needed it and it all got spent by,1349.34,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" individuals who needed it so I kind of,1351.62,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" think that the the stimulus checks were,1353.84,6.66,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" a a pilot program or a prototype for Ubi,1356.36,6.48,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and when you look at the landscape right,1360.5,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" now where there's been over 300 000 Tech,1362.84,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" layoffs and more other other kinds of,1364.94,4.92,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" people are already starting to get laid,1368.12,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" off and notified of layoffs due to,1369.86,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Technologies like chat GPT,1372.5,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um my fiance who's a writer and is in a,1374.96,3.78,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" lot of writing discords there are,1377.12,3.179,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" copywriters out there who are already,1378.74,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" getting laid off and losing work to AI,1380.299,6.541,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um so like the AI layoffs are coming so,1384.02,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" I think that we're also going to see a,1386.84,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" lot of stimulus checks coming and it's,1388.76,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" just a matter of okay are these stimulus,1391.34,3.66,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" checks permanent and I think that they,1393.26,3.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" will be,1395.0,3.84,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the regulatory environment so this is,1396.38,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" where that letter that just came out,1398.84,4.98,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um is is asking for regulation Sam,1401.48,4.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Allman has asked for regulation Elon,1403.82,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Musk has asked for regulation all kinds,1405.62,4.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of people are asking for more regulation,1408.14,5.159,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" now the big problem here though is one,1409.76,5.46,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" there's no agreement on how to regulate,1413.299,3.541,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" these things and in the conversations,1415.22,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" I've had at meetups the question rapidly,1416.84,4.98,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" comes up how do you even enforce it,1420.32,3.859,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" right if all these models are getting,1421.82,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" faster and more efficient and you can,1424.179,4.661,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" run them on laptops now you can't put,1426.32,3.96,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that Genie back in the model so does,1428.84,3.18,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" regulation even matter,1430.28,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" or if it does how,1432.02,4.139,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" so,1434.72,3.839,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the big concern here with the regulatory,1436.159,3.961,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" environment at the federal and,1438.559,3.721,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" international level is existing power,1440.12,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" structures and the status quo so the,1442.28,3.899,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" wealthy and Powerful are going to want,1444.5,3.179,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" to remain the wealthiest and most,1446.179,3.721,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" powerful on the planet that's just how,1447.679,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" it is and how it has always been there,1449.9,4.139,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" have been reset events like you know the,1452.059,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" French Revolution American Revolution so,1454.039,3.901,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" on and so forth there have been reset,1456.559,3.301,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" events in history but they're generally,1457.94,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" violent and we want to avoid that so do,1459.86,4.319,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the so do the powers that be also want,1462.32,4.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" to avoid that but the biggest problem in,1464.179,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" these conversations that I've had is,1466.88,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that things are advancing so fast and,1468.919,4.561,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the gerontocracy which is ruled by the,1471.38,3.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" elderly,1473.48,3.9,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" old folks generally don't get AI they,1474.5,4.919,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" don't understand how much is changing,1477.38,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and why and what its impact is going to,1479.419,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" be and that honestly could be one of the,1481.58,5.52,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" biggest risks is you know us younger,1483.799,5.521,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" people we get it we see it coming,1487.1,3.78,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" even some of the people at the meetups,1489.32,3.359,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that I talk to their children are,1490.88,6.06,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" already acclimating to a an AI world and,1492.679,5.641,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" they're going to trust the AI more than,1496.94,2.219,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" people because it's like well,1498.32,2.94,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" politicians lie and yeah chat GPT might,1499.159,3.661,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" get it wrong sometimes but it's not,1501.26,2.88,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" going to lie to you but not like a,1502.82,3.239,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" politician will so we're in we're in for,1504.14,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" some very interesting uh advancements in,1506.059,4.921,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the regulatory front,1508.52,5.519,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" public perception and adaptation so,1510.98,5.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" there's a lot of fun fear uncertainty,1514.039,4.861,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and doubt uh denialism doomerism and,1516.2,3.959,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" then also lots of people saying oh,1518.9,3.779,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that's still decades away it's not it's,1520.159,5.041,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" months and years away not decades,1522.679,5.401,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um so the another big problem is a lot,1525.2,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of this uncertainty a lot of this,1528.08,3.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" denialism,1529.64,3.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um some of the there's various aspects,1531.2,3.839,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of the of the denialism for instance,1532.76,3.96,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" some people think oh well ai's never,1535.039,3.301,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" going to be as smart as us or it's never,1536.72,2.76,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" going to be smarter than us and it's,1538.34,2.819,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" like I kind of think that it's already,1539.48,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" smarter than those people it just lacks,1541.159,3.961,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" autonomy,1543.98,4.02,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um but you know that's my opinion and I,1545.12,4.159,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" know some of you disagree with it,1548.0,3.779,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" anyways this is another big risk is,1549.279,4.0,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" because a lot of people are sticking,1551.779,3.481,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" their head in the sand and then there's,1553.279,3.541,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" also comments around the world like,1555.26,2.94,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" someone was saying that I think in,1556.82,3.66,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" France like they don't even like people,1558.2,4.079,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" aren't even talking about it right it's,1560.48,4.079,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" so like all of this is happening so,1562.279,4.441,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" quickly and most people aren't even,1564.559,4.561,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" aware of it of course chat GPT made the,1566.72,4.02,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" news but then people just kind of you,1569.12,3.78,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" know World by and large collectively,1570.74,4.319,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Shrugged without understanding how fast,1572.9,4.379,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" this is ramping up so public perception,1575.059,4.921,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and and acclimating to this could also,1577.279,4.681,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" be a big barrier,1579.98,5.04,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" uh Global uh Global cooperation and,1581.96,6.48,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" collaboration the big thing here is,1585.02,6.42,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um what what I call trauma politics so,1588.44,4.92,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" basically you look at people like Putin,1591.44,5.16,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and Xi Jinping both of whom suffered a,1593.36,6.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" tremendous amount of trauma at the hands,1596.6,6.3,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of their dystopian governments,1599.96,5.099,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um and they basically are seeking power,1602.9,5.46,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" for the purpose of self-soothing,1605.059,5.821,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um that's pretty much all there is to it,1608.36,5.4,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" but when when people who have a,1610.88,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" tremendous amount of trauma come into,1613.76,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" power they tend to have a more,1615.2,5.04,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" nihilistic worldview which with which,1617.96,5.16,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" then results in things like genocide,1620.24,5.039,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" mass incarceration surveillance States,1623.12,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" because they want control they want as,1625.279,3.9,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" much control and power as they can get,1627.44,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and it's never enough,1629.179,3.181,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um,1631.76,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and so this nihilism also creates a,1632.36,6.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" self-fulfilling prophecy because they,1636.08,5.52,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" project their pain onto the world which,1638.96,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" causes more trauma look at the war in,1641.6,2.76,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Ukraine,1643.34,2.339,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um look at China's treatment of the,1644.36,3.419,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" uyghurs and then that creates a,1645.679,4.561,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" self-perpetuating loop of more trauma,1647.779,4.741,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" intergenerational trauma and so forth so,1650.24,5.76,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" so on and so forth and so in my opinion,1652.52,5.519,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um this unaddressed uh basically,1656.0,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" intergenerational PTSD or nihilism is,1658.039,4.561,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the greatest threat to humanity because,1661.1,3.3,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" these are the kinds of people who will,1662.6,4.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" look at these things Ai and say oh,1664.4,3.72,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that's the perfect weapon for control,1666.74,2.939,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that's the perfect weapon for,1668.12,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" subjugation whereas healthy individuals,1669.679,5.041,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" look at Ai and say maybe we don't do,1672.44,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that,1674.72,5.4,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um Singularity facts so uh there is a,1676.88,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" lot of kind of gotcha questions that,1680.12,3.36,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" come up I tried to capture some of the,1681.74,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" best ones what will happen to money post,1683.48,5.16,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Singularity,1686.84,2.88,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um some people think like oh,1688.64,3.24,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" cryptocurrency is the future or maybe we,1689.72,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" get do away with money altogether,1691.88,4.26,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" well I've got some good news and some,1694.22,6.059,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" bad news the uh the good news is that uh,1696.14,6.06,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" it is entirely possible that money will,1700.279,3.961,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" change monetary systems will change and,1702.2,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" financial policies will change however,1704.24,4.679,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the concept of currency the concept of,1706.4,5.279,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" money is too useful and too helpful,1708.919,4.081,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" because,1711.679,4.141,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um it is an abstract uh reserve of value,1713.0,4.98,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and it is also a really good medium of,1715.82,3.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Exchange,1717.98,3.72,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and so you know whether that means that,1718.94,4.8,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencies are,1721.7,5.16,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" gonna are gonna you know replace uh fiat,1723.74,4.919,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" currency I'm not really going to say one,1726.86,3.9,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" way or another but basically currency is,1728.659,4.441,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" here to stay in some form,1730.76,3.84,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um personally I think that there's too,1733.1,3.9,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" many problems with cryptocurrency,1734.6,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um namely that it is uh subject to,1737.0,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" manipulation because its value can,1739.46,2.819,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" change,1741.38,3.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" a lot right like the the the the the,1742.279,6.0,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" wild swings of value of of Bitcoin and,1744.88,5.679,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" stuff basically proves that it is not a,1748.279,4.801,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" stable reserve of value and you know,1750.559,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" people have lost fortunes on it people,1753.08,4.02,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" have made fortunes on it too usually,1755.059,4.261,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" people that with uh,1757.1,4.439,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um not the best intentions oh I don't,1759.32,4.739,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" say usually but sometimes basically uh,1761.539,6.421,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" organized crime um loves cryptocurrency,1764.059,5.34,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" uh what will happen to the human,1767.96,4.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" population now this one really kind of,1769.399,5.941,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" uh uh is is interesting because there's,1772.52,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" a lot of debate over what is the actual,1775.34,3.3,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" carrying capacity of the planet some,1777.14,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" people say oh it's easily 50 billion,1778.64,6.18,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um and it's no it's not simply enough no,1781.76,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the carrying capacity of the planet is,1784.82,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" nowhere near 50 billion there is,1786.62,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" technically enough room physical room,1789.32,5.219,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" 450 billion humans but when you look at,1791.72,4.8,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the the the constraints of,1794.539,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" thermodynamics hydrological Cycles the,1796.52,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" amount of arable land no,1799.159,5.52,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" now it is possible that the singularity,1801.26,6.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" with you know its results in nuclear,1804.679,4.801,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" fusion and stuff you could probably tip,1807.38,3.299,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that a little bit further right,1809.48,3.24,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" especially if you can,1810.679,4.081,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um synthesize more arable land or grow,1812.72,5.4,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" food underground or desalinate water you,1814.76,4.98,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" could probably boost the carrying,1818.12,3.96,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" capacity of the planet quite a bit 50,1819.74,4.26,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" billion still seems way out there for me,1822.08,4.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" but the biggest thing is going to be is,1824.0,3.779,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" not going to be those things like you,1826.22,4.559,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" know okay we we overcome those those,1827.779,5.041,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" energetic constraints it's still going,1830.779,4.02,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" to come down to like,1832.82,4.8,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" uh mostly mostly management right,1834.799,5.401,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" sustainable management of of the,1837.62,5.179,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" population because the thing is you know,1840.2,6.0,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" you you if if Logistics breaks down,1842.799,5.681,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" today we all starve pretty quickly right,1846.2,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" because we don't have locally sourced,1848.48,5.52,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" food our food and water you know,1850.7,6.0,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" requires a very stable,1854.0,4.799,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um infrastructure in order to provide,1856.7,4.26,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that and that only gets worse when you,1858.799,3.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" have like 50 billion people on the,1860.96,4.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" planet so you know sustainable and,1862.399,5.16,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" responsible management of necessary,1865.1,5.459,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" resources primarily food and water are,1867.559,5.941,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" going to be the key to what happens with,1870.559,5.281,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the human population now in some of the,1873.5,4.26,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" discussions that I've had there's a few,1875.84,4.02,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" confounding factors here one thing that,1877.76,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" isn't mentioned on this slide is what,1879.86,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" happens if we solve aging,1882.08,4.8,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" because what happens with populations is,1883.94,6.06,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" as they become more gender equal women,1886.88,6.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" choose to have fewer children and so,1890.0,4.679,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" what if people are living longer but,1893.0,3.96,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" having fewer children I kind of predict,1894.679,3.48,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that the population is going to,1896.96,2.88,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" stabilize there's always going to be,1898.159,4.801,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" some people who want children but at the,1899.84,5.819,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" same time right like if you if you don't,1902.96,4.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" if you don't actually really deeply want,1905.659,3.481,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" children you're probably not going to,1907.52,3.659,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" have them and then in a post-scarcity,1909.14,3.72,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" life like,1911.179,4.261,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" maybe you choose never to have children,1912.86,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and again some people will choose to,1915.44,3.66,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" have children and even if you solve,1917.24,3.419,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" aging people will still die they're,1919.1,3.059,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" still going to be accidents right,1920.659,3.301,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" they're still going to be,1922.159,4.081,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um maybe a few a handful of Unsolved,1923.96,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" medical issues but primarily you're,1926.24,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" going to see accidents and also one of,1928.34,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the conversations that came up was okay,1930.86,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" well if you can if you can,1933.62,3.419,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" hypothetically live forever do you want,1935.24,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" to and the I the many people suspect,1937.039,4.561,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that you won't actually want to live,1940.34,2.699,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" forever you might choose to live for a,1941.6,3.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" few hundred years but then you might get,1943.039,3.421,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" tired of life and then you know quit,1944.72,4.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" taking the life extending medicine and,1946.46,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" allow yourself to die naturally who,1948.86,3.0,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" knows,1950.84,3.3,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um but personally I kind of predict a a,1951.86,5.58,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" a a population stabilization,1954.14,6.36,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" food so food has been a big thing,1957.44,6.0,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um so on top of you know vertical,1960.5,4.919,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" farming or underground farming powered,1963.44,3.839,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" by nuclear fusion okay great we can eat,1965.419,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" whatever we want wherever we want I also,1967.279,5.721,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" suspect that biotechnology is going to,1970.159,5.88,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" really change our diet and what I mean,1973.0,5.98,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" by that is synthetic Foods engineered,1976.039,6.901,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" foods and even hyper personalized diets,1978.98,7.199,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" so for instance by and large you might,1982.94,5.04,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" believe that Dairy is bad for you,1986.179,4.021,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" because it's you know got you know anal,1987.98,5.76,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" you know saturated fat in it but when I,1990.2,6.0,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" started uh when I added more Dairy to my,1993.74,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" diet all my numbers got better because,1996.2,4.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" it's just in my jeans it's in whatever,1998.48,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and so but I had to figure that out,2000.76,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" through trial and error Dairy raises,2002.86,4.439,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" some people's cholesterol in my case it,2005.5,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" lowered it so the combination of,2007.299,5.341,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" engineered Foods better bioinformatics,2010.36,3.9,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and biotech,2012.64,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um and and things like mobile Farms oh,2014.26,4.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" there's actually I actually saw an ad,2017.32,3.839,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" for it the the first like portable Farms,2018.82,4.859,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" are actually the the container shipping,2021.159,5.281,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" container Farms are are coming so that,2023.679,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" only that only ramps up and gets better,2026.44,4.079,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" over time so that means you go to the,2028.299,3.541,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" grocery store,2030.519,3.421,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and everything that you could possibly,2031.84,3.78,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" want is there and it's fresh and it's,2033.94,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" local so that so you know some people,2035.62,4.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" are worried like oh well they're going,2038.32,2.579,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" to take our steaks they're going to take,2039.76,2.94,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" our Burgers I don't think so I think,2040.899,3.481,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" you're actually going to have much more,2042.7,3.12,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" options and they're going to be,2044.38,3.24,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" healthier options uh in a post,2045.82,3.779,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Singularity world,2047.62,4.559,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" uh War so I did mention trauma politics,2049.599,5.401,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and and geopolitics earlier,2052.179,5.281,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" obviously the biggest the absolute,2055.0,5.879,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" biggest risk here is an AI arms race,2057.46,6.78,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um even Nations liberal democracies that,2060.879,5.881,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" are not run by deeply traumatized,2064.24,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" tyrants are still going to be engaged in,2066.76,5.94,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" some kind of AI arms race uh which is an,2069.52,4.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" unfortunate reality I'm not saying that,2072.7,3.0,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that's a good thing I'm not passing,2074.08,2.94,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" moral judgment on it it's just an,2075.7,3.36,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" observation every time there's new,2077.02,4.379,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" technology it is integrated into the,2079.06,5.579,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" military apparatus I don't all I also,2081.399,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" don't think that we're going to end up,2084.639,2.821,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" with a one world government,2085.599,4.201,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" at least not anytime soon,2087.46,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um and there's numerous reasons for this,2089.8,3.9,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" not the least of which is language,2091.78,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" barriers cultural differences,2093.7,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um uh,2096.46,4.8,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" past grievances between cultures,2098.02,4.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um you know it could take many many,2101.26,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" generations to heal those um those,2102.58,5.82,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Intercultural wounds before people even,2105.76,5.94,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" want to uh collaborate you look at the,2108.4,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the animosity between like China and,2111.7,4.44,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Japan between Israel and Palestine,2113.68,5.64,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" between Iran and and a bunch of other,2116.14,5.64,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" nations and so on and so forth it takes,2119.32,4.98,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" a lot of work to heal those wounds,2121.78,4.319,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and there's a lot of resistance to,2124.3,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Healing those wounds and those wounds,2126.099,5.341,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" could continue to Fester what I'm hoping,2128.92,5.699,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" is that AI actually helps us break the,2131.44,5.76,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" cycle of intergenerational trauma and so,2134.619,4.381,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" then within maybe you know two or three,2137.2,4.139,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" generations we're ready for a more,2139.0,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" peaceful Global community and again I,2141.339,4.201,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" still don't think that a global,2144.28,3.0,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" government is going to happen,2145.54,3.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um just because like,2147.28,3.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" geographically speaking like it kind of,2148.74,3.64,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" makes sense to have the uh the the,2150.88,3.36,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Nations the nation states and then the,2152.38,3.719,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" union model that makes the most sense,2154.24,3.66,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" right now like you know France is still,2156.099,3.361,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" France Great Britain is still Great,2157.9,3.06,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Britain but they're part of the European,2159.46,2.7,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Union right,2160.96,3.84,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and over time I do suspect that those,2162.16,4.56,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Continental sized unions will get,2164.8,4.26,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" stronger but not that they'll replace,2166.72,4.379,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the local governments just like you know,2169.06,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" we have municipals we have local city,2171.099,4.321,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" governments we have County we have state,2173.14,3.3,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" governments and we have Federal,2175.42,2.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" governments I think that we're just,2176.44,3.659,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" going to add a few tiers on top of that,2177.7,4.8,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and eventually we will end up with a,2180.099,4.681,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" global governance but again I think that,2182.5,3.48,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" it's probably at least two or three,2184.78,3.18,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" generations away minimum,2185.98,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and then finally corporations so I did,2187.96,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" promise that I would address this,2190.72,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um so some people and this includes,2193.06,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" myself I hope that corporations as we,2195.46,4.619,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" know them go away because corporations,2197.74,5.04,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" are intrinsically amoral and I don't,2200.079,4.861,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" mean immoral amoral and corporations,2202.78,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" their morality is only beholden to the,2204.94,5.34,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" investor right uh to the shareholders,2208.06,3.84,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" and the shareholders just want more,2210.28,3.059,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" value,2211.9,3.78,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um whatever it costs right and,2213.339,4.681,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" corporations will always explore every,2215.68,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" little nook and cranny of what they can,2218.02,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" legally get away with,2219.76,5.64,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um and that often is results in bad,2222.22,5.3,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" things such as mistreatment of people,2225.4,4.8,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" environmental abuse and so on,2227.52,4.66,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" so because corporations are,2230.2,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" intrinsically amoral I hope that they go,2232.18,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" away but I don't think that they will,2234.28,4.799,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um I tried I tried to figure out how the,2236.56,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" singularity could result in this but I I,2239.079,3.0,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the more I explore it the more I,2240.76,2.94,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" realized like no,2242.079,3.241,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" basically what's going to happen is that,2243.7,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" AI is going to allow corporations to,2245.32,4.32,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" produce more with less,2248.02,3.66,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" so productivity will continue to go up,2249.64,4.199,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" while head count goes down and I talked,2251.68,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" about this in my AI job apocalypse video,2253.839,4.681,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" a couple months ago basically what's,2256.3,4.86,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" going to happen is that uh you're going,2258.52,4.92,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" to see corporations replace as many of,2261.16,4.26,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" their workers as they can and so then,2263.44,3.48,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" you have,2265.42,3.54,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um the the owner the ownership class,2266.92,4.439,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" whether it's shareholders CEOs whoever,2268.96,6.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" is going to have basically unmitigated,2271.359,6.601,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um stock price growth because suddenly,2275.56,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the greatest constraint and the most,2277.96,3.18,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" expensive aspect of running a,2279.64,4.439,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" corporation human labor is no longer a,2281.14,5.76,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" factor so we I think that we are at risk,2284.079,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of seeing like the mega Corp things that,2286.9,5.699,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" you see in like uh dystopian sci-fi I,2289.359,4.98,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" think that we probably are at risk of,2292.599,4.02,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" seeing you know multi-trillion dollar,2294.339,4.621,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" quadrillion dollar companies out there,2296.619,4.141,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that have almost no employees that are,2298.96,4.2,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" all entirely run by shareholders and,2300.76,3.54,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" then AI,2303.16,3.06,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" uh so that is,2304.3,3.96,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" an interesting thing now as to whether,2306.22,4.02,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" or not they will allow the rest of us to,2308.26,4.079,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" live in certain ways I kind of think,2310.24,4.92,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that they don't care right because as as,2312.339,4.801,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" obscenely wealthy as corporations are,2315.16,4.62,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" going to be like,2317.14,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" there's just it doesn't make sense for,2319.78,4.319,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" them to expend any energy depriving,2322.24,3.78,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" everyone else,2324.099,4.081,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um and so like let's just imagine that,2326.02,5.22,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" like Elon Musk takes SpaceX and uses it,2328.18,5.7,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" to start harvesting asteroids and SpaceX,2331.24,5.879,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" becomes a 20 trillion dollar Company by,2333.88,5.76,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" harvesting iridium and Cobalt and,2337.119,5.941,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" platinum from asteroids great is is Elon,2339.64,5.64,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" Musk going to personally say actually I,2343.06,3.24,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" don't think that I think that everyone,2345.28,3.96,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" should live in slums and favelas around,2346.3,4.68,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" the world no he he's not going to care,2349.24,3.66,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" he doesn't give a crap how everyone else,2350.98,3.84,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" lives as long as he's a trillionaire,2352.9,3.9,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" right and so when I think it through it,2354.82,4.14,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" that way it's like it would take a lot,2356.8,4.559,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" of deliberate effort on corporate,2358.96,5.639,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um to on on behalf of Corporations to,2361.359,5.641,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" deliberately deprive the rest of us of a,2364.599,3.661,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" better life so I don't think that's,2367.0,2.94,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" going to happen certainly it's something,2368.26,3.359,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" to be aware of because again,2369.94,4.08,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" corporations are intrinsically amoral,2371.619,5.941,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" which is one of the biggest risks to our,2374.02,5.28,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" standard of living in the future,2377.56,4.74,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" okay that's that thanks for watching um,2379.3,4.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" I hope you thought found this video,2382.3,4.38,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" enlightening and thought-provoking,2383.8,6.6,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" um yeah I know that uh there will,2386.68,5.1,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" probably be some disagreements in the,2390.4,3.3,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" comments um keep it civil or you get,2391.78,5.42,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" banned thanks bye,2393.7,3.5,"Post-Singularity Predictions - How will our lives, corporations, and nations adapt to AI revolution?" hey everyone David Shapiro here with an,0.0,5.1,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" update sorry it's been a while,3.06,3.9,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um I am doing much better thank you for,5.1,4.8,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" asking and thanks for all the kind words,6.96,5.7,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um yeah so a couple days ago I posted a,9.9,4.859,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" video where I said like,12.66,4.619,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" we're gonna have AGI within 18 months,14.759,5.461,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and that caused a stir on in some,17.279,4.981,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" corners of the internet,20.22,3.96,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um but I wanted to share like why I,22.26,3.96,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" believe that because maybe not everyone,24.18,3.72,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" has seen the same information that I,26.22,3.12,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" have so first,27.9,5.819,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" Morgan Stanley research on Nvidia,29.34,6.899,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um this was really big on Reddit and,33.719,4.741,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" basically why we are writing this we,36.239,4.081,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" have seen several reports that in our,38.46,3.779,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" view incorrectly characterize the direct,40.32,4.2,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" opportunity for NVIDIA in particular the,42.239,5.101,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" revenue from chat GPT inference,44.52,5.879,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" we think that gpt5 is currently being,47.34,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" trained on 25,50.399,5.581,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" 000 gpus or 225 million dollars or so of,51.84,6.42,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" Nvidia hardware and the inference costs,55.98,3.96,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" are likely much lower than some of the,58.26,3.6,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" numbers we have seen further reduce,59.94,3.419,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" reducing inference costs will be,61.86,3.119,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" critical in resolving the cost of search,63.359,4.921,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" debate from cloud Titans so basically,64.979,6.301,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" if chat GPT becomes much much cheaper,68.28,4.92,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" then it's actually going to be cheaper,71.28,3.659,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" than search,73.2,3.36,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um is is kind of how I'm interpreting,74.939,4.201,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" that now this paper goes on to say that,76.56,5.46,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" like the industry is pivoting so rather,79.14,5.4,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" than seeing this as a trendy new fad or,82.02,4.739,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" a shiny new toy they're saying No this,84.54,3.24,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" actually has serious business,86.759,3.301,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" implications which people like I have,87.78,5.1,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" been saying for years but you know the,90.06,4.26,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" industry is catching up especially when,92.88,3.66,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" you see like how much revenue Google,94.32,4.38,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" lost just with the introduction of chat,96.54,3.96,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" GPT,98.7,2.52,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um,100.5,3.06,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" I like this and we're not trying to be,101.22,4.92,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" curmudgeons on the opportunity,103.56,5.34,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" so anyways Morgan Stanley Nvidia and,106.14,5.82,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" I've been I've been uh on in nvidia's,108.9,5.219,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" corner for a while saying that like I,111.96,3.479,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" think they're the underdog they're the,114.119,3.901,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" unsung hero here so anyways you look at,115.439,4.921,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" the investment and so this reminds me of,118.02,5.639,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" the ramp up for solar so 10 to 15 years,120.36,5.88,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" ago all the debates were like oh solar's,123.659,4.8,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" not efficient solar isn't helpful it's,126.24,4.92,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" too expensive blah blah blah and then,128.459,4.86,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" once you see the business investment,131.16,3.9,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" going up that's when you know you're at,133.319,4.441,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" the inflection point so AI is no longer,135.06,4.38,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" just a bunch of us you know writing,137.76,4.86,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" papers and tinkering when you see the,139.44,6.0,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" millions and in this case a quarter of a,142.62,4.32,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" billion dollars,145.44,4.32,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" being invested that's when you know that,146.94,4.68,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" things are changing and so this reminds,149.76,5.64,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" me of like the 2013 to 2015 uh range,151.62,5.82,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" maybe actually even like 2017 range for,155.4,3.36,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" solar where it's like actually no it,157.44,3.18,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" makes Financial sense,158.76,3.479,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um but of course everything with AI is,160.62,4.979,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" exponentially faster uh so,162.239,6.241,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" Nvidia is participating they've got the,165.599,4.681,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" hardware they're building out the big,168.48,4.38,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" computers so on and so forth the,170.28,4.2,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" investment is there so the Improvement,172.86,3.42,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" is coming the exponential ramp up is,174.48,3.0,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" coming now,176.28,4.319,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" that's great uh one tool let's take a,177.48,6.06,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" quick break and um when I when I talked,180.599,6.241,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" about uh n8n in Nathan or naden I'm not,183.54,5.22,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" sure how people pronounce it as well as,186.84,3.899,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" Lang chain people were quick to point,188.76,4.199,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" out Lang flow which is a graphical,190.739,6.601,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" interface for Lang chain so this is this,192.959,6.42,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" fills in a really big gap for Lang chain,197.34,4.86,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" which is okay how do you see it how are,199.379,4.741,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" things cross-linked so I wanted to share,202.2,4.88,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" this this tool it's a github.com,204.12,7.38,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" logspace dash AI uh Slash Lang flow so,207.08,5.799,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" you can just look up Lang flow and,211.5,3.959,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" you'll find it so this is a good uh good,212.879,5.101,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" chaining tool a nice graphical interface,215.459,4.081,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" this is exactly the direction that,217.98,3.24,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" things are going,219.54,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um great Okay so we've got the business,221.22,4.56,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" investment we've got people creating,224.04,4.199,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" open source libraries it's going it's,225.78,4.62,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" advancing so I wanted to share this,228.239,5.64,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" paper with you uh mm react for uh was it,230.4,6.78,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" multimodal reasoning and action so this,233.879,6.301,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" basically makes use of the latest GPT,237.18,6.36,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" where you've got vision and chat,240.18,6.24,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um and it's like it's kind of it's,243.54,5.52,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" exactly what you what you kind of expect,246.42,4.019,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um but this page does a good job of,249.06,3.179,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" giving you a bunch of different,250.439,3.961,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um examples and they're uh I think,252.239,4.861,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" they're pre-recorded is it playing,254.4,5.04,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" it looks okay there it goes,257.1,4.74,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um so you can check out this paper the,259.44,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" full paper is here and there's a live,261.84,4.62,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" demo up on hugging face so you can try,263.94,5.039,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" different stuff and then talk about it,266.46,5.58,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um which is great like the fact that,268.979,5.401,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" they're able to share this for free just,272.04,5.159,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" as a demonstration is just a hint as to,274.38,4.44,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" what's coming,277.199,3.78,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um because imagine when this is,278.82,4.08,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" commoditized you can do it on your phone,280.979,4.021,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" right your phone's Hardware will be,282.9,3.299,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" powerful enough to run some of these,285.0,3.78,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" models within a few years certainly if,286.199,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" it's uh if it's offloaded to the cloud,288.78,4.56,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" it's powerful enough to do it now,290.699,5.821,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um and then uh so,293.34,5.46,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" you when you stitch together the the,296.52,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" rapidly decreasing cost of inference,298.8,3.899,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" these things are basically going to be,301.02,4.14,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" free to use pretty soon when you look at,302.699,4.681,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" the fact that an open source framework,305.16,5.759,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" like Lang flow and and uh and so on can,307.38,5.22,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" allow pretty much anyone to create,310.919,3.661,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" cognitive workflows,312.6,4.56,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and all these things it's like okay yeah,314.58,5.16,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" like we're gonna have really powerful,317.16,3.84,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" machines soon,319.74,3.179,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and so someone asked for clarification,321.0,4.139,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" when I said okay well what do you mean,322.919,5.041,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" when you say AGI within 18 months,325.139,4.261,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" because nobody can agree on the,327.96,3.72,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" definition and if you watched the Sam,329.4,5.16,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" Altman Lex Friedman interview he ref he,331.68,4.739,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" refers to Sam Allman refers to AGI,334.56,3.479,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" several times but the definition seems,336.419,3.481,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" to change because early in the interview,338.039,3.781,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" he talks about like oh you know you put,339.9,4.139,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" someone in front of gpt4 or chat gpt4,341.82,3.9,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and what's the first thing that they do,344.039,4.321,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" when when and these are his words when,345.72,4.979,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" they interact with an AGI is they try,348.36,4.08,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and break it or tease it or whatever and,350.699,4.44,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" then later he says oh well gpt5 that's,352.44,4.56,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" not even going to be AGI so he keeps,355.139,3.481,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" like equivocating and bouncing back and,357.0,3.419,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" forth,358.62,4.38,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" I think that part of what's going on,360.419,5.041,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" here is there's no good definition and,363.0,4.259,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" because later in the conversation they,365.46,3.6,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" were talking about things that a chat,367.259,4.801,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" model can do it's not autonomous right,369.06,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um but,372.06,4.8,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" I'm glad you asked reflection came out,373.56,5.579,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" an autonomous agent with dynamic memory,376.86,4.559,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and self-reflection,379.139,4.021,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um so between,381.419,5.581,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" cognitive workflows and autonomy and the,383.16,5.46,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" investment coming up in into these,387.0,3.0,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" models,388.62,4.199,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" we are far closer to fully autonomous,390.0,5.6,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" agents than I think many people,392.819,5.341,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" recognize so the reflection stuff I'm,395.6,3.58,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" not going to do a full video on,398.16,3.0,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" reflection there's there's other um ones,399.18,4.26,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" out there but basically this outperforms,401.16,5.4,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" humans in in a few tasks and it forms a,403.44,5.34,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" very very basic kind of cognitive,406.56,3.84,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" architecture Loop,408.78,3.78,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" so query action environment reward,410.4,4.98,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" reflect and then repeat so you just,412.56,4.68,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" continuously iterate on something in a,415.38,4.86,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" loop and there you go uh and also for,417.24,4.86,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" people who keep asking me what I think,420.24,2.64,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" about,422.1,2.76,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um uh what's his name Ben gertzel I'm,422.88,3.24,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" not sure if I'm saying his name right,424.86,3.72,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" but I read his seminal paper a couple,426.12,4.139,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" years ago on general theory on general,428.58,4.32,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" intelligence and he never mentioned,430.259,5.041,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" iteration or Loops at least not to the,432.9,3.66,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" degree that you need to when you're,435.3,3.959,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" talking about actual intelligence so I,436.56,4.859,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" personally don't think that he's done,439.259,5.28,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" anything particularly relevant today I'm,441.419,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" not going to comment on his older work,444.539,3.0,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" because obviously like he's made a name,445.919,3.661,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" for himself so on and so forth but I,447.539,3.741,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" don't think that Ben has done anything,449.58,3.839,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" really pertinent to cognitive,451.28,3.94,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" architecture which is the direction that,453.419,3.84,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" things are going,455.22,5.16,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um but yeah so when when MIT is doing,457.259,5.581,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" research on cognitive architecture and,460.38,6.18,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" autonomous designs when Morgan Stanley,462.84,6.62,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and Nvidia are working on investing,466.56,4.919,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" literally hundreds of millions of,469.46,4.6,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" dollars to drive down inference cost and,471.479,5.701,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" when open source uh libraries are,474.06,4.44,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" creating,477.18,2.639,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um the rudiments of cognitive,478.5,4.199,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" architectures we are ramping up fast and,479.819,5.521,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" so someone asked what I meant again kind,482.699,3.961,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" of getting back to that what did I mean,485.34,4.44,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" by AGI within 18 months I said in 18,486.66,4.379,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" months,489.78,4.259,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" any possible definition of AGI that you,491.039,5.341,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" have will be satisfied,494.039,3.78,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um so it's like I don't care what your,496.38,3.96,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" definition of AGI is unless like there's,497.819,3.841,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" still some people out there that like,500.34,3.12,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" you ask them and it's like oh well once,501.66,3.9,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" AGI hits like the skies will darken and,503.46,3.72,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" nuclear weapons will rain down and I'm,505.56,4.74,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" like that's not AGI that's Ultron that's,507.18,5.7,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" different that's that's a fantasy,510.3,3.9,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um that's probably not going to happen,512.88,3.24,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" it could if skynet's going to happen it,514.2,4.079,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" will happen within 18 months,516.12,3.9,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um but I don't think it's going to,518.279,4.2,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" happen Okay so that's section one of the,520.02,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" video talking about the news and,522.479,4.501,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" everything out there so now let me pivot,524.52,4.319,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and talk about the work that I've been,526.98,3.0,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" doing,528.839,3.421,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um so I've been making extensive use of,529.98,6.18,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" chat gbt4 to accelerate my own research,532.26,5.639,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um I've been working on a few things,536.16,3.78,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" many of you are going to be familiar,537.899,3.481,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" with my work on the heuristic,539.94,3.72,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" imperatives which is how do you create a,541.38,4.74,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" fully autonomous machine that is safe,543.66,5.94,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and stable ideally for all of eternity,546.12,6.36,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um so this is this is is this is,549.6,4.62,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" probably one of my most important pieces,552.48,3.24,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" of work and I've put it into all of my,554.22,4.38,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" books and a lot of other stuff the tldr,555.72,5.48,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" of heuristic imperatives is it's like,558.6,6.6,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" it's similar to asimov's three laws of,561.2,5.56,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" robotics but it is much much more,565.2,3.9,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" broadly Genera generalized and it is,566.76,4.199,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" also not um androcentric or,569.1,3.54,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" anthropocentric,570.959,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and so basically the three rules that if,572.64,5.16,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" you embed them into your your autonomous,575.459,4.861,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" AI systems uh reduce suffering in the,577.8,4.02,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" universe increase prosperity in the,580.32,2.82,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" universe and increase understanding in,581.82,3.42,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" the universe this creates a very,583.14,4.139,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" thoughtful machine and it serves as a,585.24,3.36,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" really good,587.279,3.201,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um reinforcement learning mechanism,588.6,5.04,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" self-evaluation mechanism that results,590.48,6.52,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" in a very thoughtful uh machine so that,593.64,6.66,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" information is all available out here,597.0,6.24,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um under uh on my GitHub Dave shop here,600.3,5.159,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" is to comparatives I've got it published,603.24,4.68,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" as a word doc and a PDF,605.459,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" so I started adopting a more scientific,607.92,3.419,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" approach,609.959,3.06,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um because well there's a reason that,611.339,4.56,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" the scientific paper format works so if,613.019,4.981,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" you want to come out here and read it,615.899,3.901,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um it's out there it's totally free of,618.0,2.82,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" course,619.8,2.4,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um oh actually that reminds me I need to,620.82,3.78,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" put a way to cite my work because you,622.2,5.819,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" can cite GitHub repos but basically this,624.6,6.12,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" provides uh quite a quite a bit and one,628.019,5.101,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" thing it to point out is that this paper,630.72,4.38,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" was almost written entirely word for,633.12,5.52,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" word by chat gpt4 meaning that all of,635.1,6.54,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" the reasoning that it does was performed,638.64,7.8,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" by chat gpt4 and at the very end,641.64,7.199,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um I actually had it reflect on its own,646.44,4.88,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" performance,648.839,2.481,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um it looks like it's not going to load,651.48,3.419,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" that much uh more pages oh there we go,652.8,5.76,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" examples so anyways uh when you read,654.899,5.641,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" this and you keep in mind that the the,658.56,4.56,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" Nuance of it whoops that the Nuance of,660.54,4.919,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" this was uh,663.12,5.94,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" within within the capacity of chat gpd4,665.459,5.281,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" you will see that these models are,669.06,4.399,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" already capable of very very nuanced,670.74,5.7,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" empathetic and moral reasoning and this,673.459,3.94,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" is one thing that a lot of people,676.44,2.519,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" complain about they're like oh well it,677.399,3.961,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" doesn't truly understand anything I,678.959,3.661,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" always say that humans don't truly,681.36,3.06,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" understand anything so that's a,682.62,4.38,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" frivolous argument but,684.42,4.08,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um that leads to another area of,687.0,3.66,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" research which I'll get into in a minute,688.5,4.74,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" uh but basically keep in mind how,690.66,4.98,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" nuanced this paper is and keep in mind,693.24,4.74,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" that chat GPT wrote pretty much the,695.64,4.02,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" entire thing and I've also got the,697.98,3.359,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" transcript of the conversation at the,699.66,3.359,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" end so if you want to if you want to,701.339,3.541,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" read the whole transcript please feel,703.019,3.241,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" free to read the whole transcript and,704.88,2.94,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" you can see,706.26,3.48,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um where like we worked through the the,707.82,3.66,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" whole paper,709.74,4.92,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um yeah so that's it so on the topic of,711.48,5.46,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" uh does the machine truly understand,714.66,3.799,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" anything,716.94,6.6,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" that resulted in this transcript which I,718.459,7.781,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" have yet to format this into a full,723.54,6.479,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um uh scientific paper but basically the,726.24,6.36,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" the tldr here is that I call it the,730.019,5.521,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" epistemic pragmatic orthogonality which,732.6,5.58,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" is that the epistemic truth of whether,735.54,4.32,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" or not a machine truly understands,738.18,5.159,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" anything is orthogonal or uncorrelated,739.86,6.84,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" with how useful it is or objectively,743.339,6.141,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um correct it is right so if you look,746.7,5.759,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" basically it doesn't matter if the,749.48,4.66,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" machine truly understands anything,752.459,4.681,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" because again that's not really germane,754.14,6.18,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" to its function as a machine and so this,757.14,5.879,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" is uh it's a fancy term but it basically,760.32,5.1,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" says okay and there's there was actually,763.019,3.961,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" a great Reddit post where it's like can,765.42,3.3,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" we stop arguing over whether or not it's,766.98,3.72,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" sentient or conscious or understands,768.72,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" anything that doesn't matter,770.7,5.04,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um what matters is it's its physical,773.22,5.7,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" objective measurable impact and it,775.74,5.36,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" whether it is objectively or measurably,778.92,4.26,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" correct or useful,781.1,3.94,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" so I call that the epistemic pragmatic,783.18,4.08,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" orthogonality principle of artificial,785.04,4.799,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" intelligence I've got it summarized here,787.26,4.74,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" so you can just read this is the,789.839,3.721,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" executive summary,792.0,3.48,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um that I actually use Chad gbt to write,793.56,3.54,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" so again a lot of the work that I'm,795.48,5.28,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" doing is anchored by chat GPT and the,797.1,5.7,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" fact that chat GPT was able to have a,800.76,5.34,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" very nuanced conversation about its own,802.8,4.56,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" understanding,806.1,3.12,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" kind of tells you how smart these,807.36,3.479,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" machines are,809.22,4.679,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um yep so that is that paper now moving,810.839,4.981,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" on back to uh some of the cognitive,813.899,3.901,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" architecture stuff,815.82,3.06,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um one thing that I'm working on is,817.8,3.599,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" called Remo so the rolling episodic,818.88,5.22,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" memory organizer for autonomous AI,821.399,4.981,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" systems I initially called this hmcs,824.1,3.72,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" which is hierarchical memory,826.38,3.54,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" consolidation system but that's a,827.82,5.699,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" mouthful and it doesn't abide by the uh,829.92,5.64,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" the current Trend where you use an,833.519,4.56,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" acronym that's easy to say right so Remo,835.56,4.44,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" rolling episodic memory organizer much,838.079,3.921,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" easier to say much easier to remember,840.0,6.72,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" basically what this does is uh it's also,842.0,7.18,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" not done so I need to add a caveat there,846.72,4.32,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" I'm working through it here with chat,849.18,4.32,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" gpt4 where we're working on defining the,851.04,4.739,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" problem writing the code so on and so,853.5,4.62,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" forth but basically what this does is,855.779,4.261,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" rather than just using semantic search,858.12,5.399,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" because uh a lot of folks have realized,860.04,5.88,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" that yes semantic search is really great,863.519,4.801,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" because it allows you to search based on,865.92,3.96,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" semantic similarity rather than just,868.32,4.92,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" keywords super powerful super fast uh,869.88,5.639,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" using stuff like Pinecone still not good,873.24,5.52,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" enough because it is not organized in,875.519,5.88,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" the same way that a human memory is so,878.76,5.939,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" Remo the entire point of Remo,881.399,6.601,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" is to do two things,884.699,5.221,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um the two primary goals is to maintain,888.0,5.279,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" salience and coherence so Salient,889.92,5.64,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" memories means that uh what you're,893.279,4.201,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" looking at is actually Germaine actually,895.56,3.719,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" relevant to the conversation that you're,897.48,4.26,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" having which can be more difficult if,899.279,4.56,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" you just use semantic search the other,901.74,5.339,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" thing is coherence which is keeping the,903.839,5.581,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" context of those memories,907.079,5.041,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um basically in a coherent narrative so,909.42,5.219,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" if rather than just focusing on semantic,912.12,5.219,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" search the two terms that I'm,914.639,4.861,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" introducing are salience and coherence,917.339,5.281,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and of course this is rooted in temporal,919.5,5.82,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" binding so human memories are temporal,922.62,5.339,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and associative so those four Concepts,925.32,5.94,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" salience and coherence are achieved with,927.959,5.721,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" temporal and associative or semantic,931.26,6.12,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" consolidation and so what I mean by uh,933.68,6.099,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" temporal consolidation is you take,937.38,5.1,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" clusters of memories that are temporally,939.779,5.401,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" bounded or temporally nearby and you,942.48,5.28,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" summarize those so that gives you that,945.18,4.68,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" gives you temporal consolidation which,947.76,3.96,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" allows you to take you can compress,949.86,4.44,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" memories AI memories you know on a,951.72,6.0,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" factor of five to one uh 10 to 1 20 to 1,954.3,5.76,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" depending on how concisely you summarize,957.72,4.739,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" them so that gives you a lot of,960.06,6.18,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" consolidation then you use a semantic,962.459,6.661,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" modeling to create a semantic web or a,966.24,5.219,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" cluster uh um from the semantic,969.12,4.32,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" embeddings of those summaries,971.459,6.961,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" so it's a layered process actually,973.44,4.98,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" here I think I can just show you here,978.72,4.619,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um,982.019,2.94,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" wait no I've got the paper here let me,983.339,4.081,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" show you the Remo paper,984.959,4.141,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um so this is a work in progress it'll,987.42,3.12,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" be published soon,989.1,2.7,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um but let me show you the diagrams,990.54,2.7,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" because this will just make it make much,991.8,3.539,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" more sense oh and chat GPT can make,993.24,4.26,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" diagrams too you just ask it to Output a,995.339,5.701,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" mermaid diagram definition and it'll do,997.5,6.779,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" it so here's here's the tldr the very,1001.04,5.46,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" simple version of the Remo framework,1004.279,4.321,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" it's it's got three layers so there's,1006.5,4.259,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" the raw log layer which is just the chat,1008.6,4.56,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" logs back and forth the temporal,1010.759,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" consolidation layer which as I just,1013.16,5.0,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" mentioned allows you to compress,1015.259,6.841,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" memories based on temporal grouping,1018.16,5.38,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and then finally the semantic,1022.1,4.739,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" consolidation layer which allows you to,1023.54,5.639,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" create and extract topics based on,1026.839,4.86,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" semantic similarity so by by having,1029.179,5.16,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" these two these two layers that have,1031.699,4.86,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" different kinds of consolidation you end,1034.339,4.441,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" up with what I call temporally invariant,1036.559,6.0,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" recall so the topics that we that we,1038.78,5.279,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" extract,1042.559,5.4,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um are going to include all the time uh,1044.059,6.561,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" from beginning to end that is relevant,1047.959,5.34,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" while also having benefited from,1050.62,5.32,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" temporal consolidation I'm going to come,1053.299,4.26,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" up with some better diagrams to to,1055.94,5.4,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" demonstrate this but basically it's like,1057.559,5.941,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" actually I can't think of of a good way,1061.34,4.199,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" to describe it,1063.5,4.32,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um but anyway so this paper is coming,1065.539,4.201,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um and I'm I'm actively experimenting,1067.82,3.9,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" with this on a newer version of Raven,1069.74,4.439,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" that uses a lot more implied cognition,1071.72,5.04,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" so I talked about implied cognition in a,1074.179,4.321,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" previous episode but basically implied,1076.76,6.299,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" cognition is when I in using chat gpt4 I,1078.5,6.36,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" realize that it is able to think through,1083.059,4.081,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" stuff without you having to design a,1084.86,3.42,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" more sophisticated cognitive,1087.14,3.12,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" architecture so the cognitive,1088.28,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" architecture with gpt4 as the cognitive,1090.26,5.1,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" engine actually becomes much simpler and,1092.78,4.2,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" you only have to focus your I don't want,1095.36,3.96,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" to say only but the focus shifts then to,1096.98,4.319,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" memory because once you have the correct,1099.32,4.14,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" Memories the the model becomes much more,1101.299,3.181,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" intelligent,1103.46,2.839,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" so that's up here under Remo framework,1104.48,5.04,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" I'm working on a conversation with Raven,1106.299,5.441,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" to to demonstrate this,1109.52,4.38,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um and and that's that the paper will be,1111.74,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" coming too so that this is one big,1113.9,4.019,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" important piece of work the other most,1116.24,2.939,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" important piece of work that I'm working,1117.919,3.721,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" on is the atom framework which this,1119.179,4.801,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" paper is already done,1121.64,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um but,1123.98,4.62,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" atom framework let me just load it here,1126.14,4.98,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" there we go so um autonomous task,1128.6,4.319,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" orchestration manager so this is another,1131.12,4.2,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" kind of long-term memory for autonomous,1132.919,5.161,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" AI systems that's basically like the,1135.32,4.739,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" tldr is,1138.08,4.979,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um it's like jira or Trello but for,1140.059,5.761,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" machines with an API,1143.059,6.301,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um and so in this case uh you it's,1145.82,6.239,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" inspired by a lot of things one agile,1149.36,5.939,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" two on task by David Bader,1152.059,5.761,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um Neuroscience for dummies uh jira,1155.299,4.921,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" Trello a whole bunch of other stuff,1157.82,5.58,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um but basically we talk about cognitive,1160.22,4.56,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" control so I'm introducing a lot of,1163.4,3.48,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" Neuroscience terms to the AI community,1164.78,4.44,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" so cognitive control has to do with task,1166.88,4.32,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" selection task switching task,1169.22,4.8,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" decomposition goal tracking goal States,1171.2,4.56,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" those sorts of things,1174.02,3.659,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um and then we talk about,1175.76,3.299,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um you know some of the inspiration,1177.679,3.841,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" agile jira Trello,1179.059,4.681,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um and then so it's like okay so what,1181.52,4.019,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" are the things that we need to talk or,1183.74,4.02,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" that we need to include in order for an,1185.539,5.701,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" AI system to be fully autonomous and and,1187.76,6.299,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" track tasks over time so you need tools,1191.24,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and Tool definitions you need resource,1194.059,3.12,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" management and you need an agent model,1195.74,3.66,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" all these are are full are described,1197.179,5.221,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" later on or in Greater depth,1199.4,6.42,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um then actually in my conversation with,1202.4,5.94,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um with chat GPT one of the things that,1205.82,4.08,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" it said is like okay well how do you,1208.34,2.94,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" prioritize stuff and I was like I'm glad,1209.9,3.18,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" you asked um and so I shared my work,1211.28,3.42,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" with the heuristic imperatives and chat,1213.08,3.78,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" GPT agreed like oh yeah this is a really,1214.7,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" great framework for prioritizing tasks,1216.86,4.679,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and on and measuring success okay great,1219.2,4.02,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" let's use that,1221.539,4.681,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um I'll I think let's see is the uh,1223.22,4.44,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" transcript posted I don't know if I,1226.22,3.18,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" posted the transcript I didn't I'll post,1227.66,3.84,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" the full strength transcript of of right,1229.4,4.2,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" making the atom framework,1231.5,3.96,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um in the repo,1233.6,4.319,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um so then we get into like okay so now,1235.46,4.44,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" that you have all the background what do,1237.919,4.201,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" we talk about so it's all about tasks,1239.9,4.08,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and the data that goes into the task so,1242.12,3.059,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" first you need to figure out how to,1243.98,3.3,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" represent a task so there's basic stuff,1245.179,4.561,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" like task ID description type goal State,1247.28,5.1,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" priority dependencies resource time,1249.74,4.799,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" estimates task status assigned agents,1252.38,5.64,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" progress and then the one that is,1254.539,6.421,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um new is Task impetus so this is,1258.02,4.74,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" something that you might not,1260.96,3.48,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" think of if you think about you know,1262.76,3.6,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" your your jira board or your kanban,1264.44,5.76,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" board or Trello board is the why so the,1266.36,6.6,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" why is implicit in our tasks why am I,1270.2,3.96,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" trying to do this,1272.96,3.42,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" but when we added this,1274.16,4.2,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um Chad GPT got really excited and it's,1276.38,3.9,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" like oh yeah it's actually really,1278.36,4.26,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" important to record why any autonomous,1280.28,4.38,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" entity is doing a task for a number of,1282.62,5.64,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" reasons one to track priorities or the,1284.66,5.94,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" the the the impetus might be superseded,1288.26,4.38,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" later on any number of things but also,1290.6,3.72,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" you need to justify the use of those,1292.64,4.26,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" resources in that time so this all goes,1294.32,4.44,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" into the representation of a task which,1296.9,4.44,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" you can do in Json yaml flat files,1298.76,4.44,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" Vector databases whatever I don't care,1301.34,3.36,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" like you can figure out how you want to,1303.2,3.359,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" represent it I'm probably just going to,1304.7,3.479,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" do these in text files honestly because,1306.559,3.841,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" that's the easiest thing for an llm to,1308.179,3.721,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" read,1310.4,3.659,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um and then so talking about the task,1311.9,3.779,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" representation then we move on to the,1314.059,3.841,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" task life cycle task creation,1315.679,4.581,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" decomposition prioritization execution,1317.9,4.56,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" monitoring and updating and then finally,1320.26,4.0,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" completing the task,1322.46,3.3,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um and then and then you archive it and,1324.26,2.88,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" you save it for later so that you can,1325.76,3.6,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" refer back to it again this is still,1327.14,4.26,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" primarily a long-term memory system for,1329.36,4.38,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" autonomous AI systems,1331.4,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um some of the folks that I work with on,1333.74,3.66,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" Discord,1335.9,3.779,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um and by work with I mean just like I'm,1337.4,4.62,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" in you know the AI communities with them,1339.679,3.36,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um they all think that the atom,1342.02,3.42,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" framework is pretty cool,1343.039,4.38,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um so then we talk about task Corpus,1345.44,4.26,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" management which is like okay looking at,1347.419,3.961,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" an individual task is fine but how do,1349.7,3.359,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" you look at your entire body of tasks,1351.38,4.02,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" because in autonomous AI it might have,1353.059,4.081,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" five tasks it might have five thousand,1355.4,4.08,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" tasks and then you see you need some,1357.14,5.399,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" processes to like okay if we're going,1359.48,4.92,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" through these tasks how do we manage a,1362.539,3.841,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" huge volume of tasks and so some ideas,1364.4,4.259,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" about how to do that are here,1366.38,4.14,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um and then finally uh one of the last,1368.659,3.241,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" sections is some implementation,1370.52,4.08,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" guidelines which is just okay this is,1371.9,4.2,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" this is probably some things that you,1374.6,4.02,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" want to think about when you deploy uh,1376.1,4.079,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" your implementation of the atom,1378.62,3.24,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" framework,1380.179,3.901,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um yeah so I think that's about it I I'm,1381.86,3.72,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" obviously I'm always working on a few,1384.08,3.719,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" different things but the atom framework,1385.58,4.62,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" and the Remo framework are are the two,1387.799,4.321,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" biggest things that I'm working on in,1390.2,2.94,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" terms of,1392.12,4.02,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um in terms of autonomous Ai and so yeah,1393.14,5.519,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" all this stuff is coming fast uh I think,1396.14,5.039,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" that's about it so thanks for watching,1398.659,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um like And subscribe and support me on,1401.179,4.081,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" patreon if you'd like,1403.159,3.961,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um for anyone who does uh jump in on,1405.26,3.72,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" patreon I'm happy to answer some,1407.12,3.96,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" questions for you even jump on video,1408.98,3.84,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" calls if you jump in at the high enough,1411.08,3.0,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" tier,1412.82,3.42,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um I help all kinds of people I do have,1414.08,4.62,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" a few ndas that I have to honor,1416.24,3.9,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um but those are those are those are,1418.7,3.0,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" pretty narrow and some of them are also,1420.14,3.18,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" expiring,1421.7,4.32,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um so I've had people ask you know for,1423.32,5.099,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" for help just with writing prompts for,1426.02,5.58,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" chat GPT I've had people ask,1428.419,4.62,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um simple things like how did you learn,1431.6,3.3,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" what you learned,1433.039,4.5,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" um all kinds of stuff uh but yeah so,1434.9,4.38,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" that's that thanks for watching and,1437.539,4.281,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" cheers everybody,1439.28,2.54,"""AGI within 18 months"" explained with a boatload of papers and projects" what is up everybody David Shapiro here,0.84,6.36,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! with a video so,3.959,5.281,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um my videos are probably gonna change,7.2,3.24,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! tone,9.24,4.439,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um just because the the the landscape is,10.44,5.699,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! changing really fast so you'll probably,13.679,4.741,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! see me doing less coding except for,16.139,3.541,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! every now and then when I have something,18.42,3.48,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! to demonstrate but the news is changing,19.68,4.92,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! so fast and most of the questions that I,21.9,4.92,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! get now are people just asking me what,24.6,5.099,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the heck is going on so our first what,26.82,5.16,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the heck is going on with AI video is,29.699,6.061,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! today Saturday morning on March 25th,31.98,6.96,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um I got access to Adobe Firefly,35.76,5.04,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um oh and to give you what to expect for,38.94,3.66,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the rest of the video I'll review a few,40.8,3.72,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! tools and then I'll give you some,42.6,3.54,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! examples of the research that I'm doing,44.52,4.379,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! so my research is pivoting away from the,46.14,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! coding and more to the science and,48.899,3.061,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! naming things and I'll explain that when,50.52,3.18,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! we get to it but anyways we're going to,51.96,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! review five of the most powerful tools,53.7,6.48,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! that I have seen uh so far lately and,56.34,5.58,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! then we'll pivot to to these to those,60.18,5.4,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! conversations so Adobe Firefly,61.92,6.0,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um all pretty much everyone has seen you,65.58,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! know text to image lately,67.92,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um but of course Adobe is um you know,70.08,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! they've been the leader like one of the,72.54,3.54,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! world leaders in terms of media,74.34,5.04,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! generation Adobe is working on text to,76.08,6.899,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! sound uh text to video uh video to sound,79.38,6.0,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! all kinds of stuff so I have no doubt,82.979,5.46,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! that on in in the multimedia landscape,85.38,5.4,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Adobe is probably going to pull ahead,88.439,5.701,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! very quickly especially since they are,90.78,5.4,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! you know they've got Adobe Premiere,94.14,4.74,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Adobe studio Adobe Photoshop like they,96.18,4.86,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! have just such a huge,98.88,4.379,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um library of tools that they can go,101.04,3.66,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! ahead and integrate,103.259,4.381,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! so I suspect that adobe is going to be,104.7,5.34,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! at the top like look at this like this,107.64,4.2,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! looks like a real photo of an engine,110.04,3.899,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! like if you look closely you can see,111.84,3.84,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! some artifacts that are like okay that,113.939,3.781,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! doesn't quite look right like you know,115.68,4.439,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! what is this part here that shape is not,117.72,4.679,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! quite what you'd expect but still it's,120.119,4.201,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! pretty darn convincing,122.399,2.881,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um and it's only going to get better,124.32,3.36,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! because this is still in beta,125.28,5.819,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um so uh the text to image now another,127.68,5.88,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! thing that adobe Firefly has is text,131.099,5.701,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! effects so you can get text of any like,133.56,6.42,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! size and shape and so what I did what I,136.8,7.74,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! I did like uh cognitive architecture and,139.98,6.0,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! it's it's really limited I don't know,144.54,2.88,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! why but they've only give you like 15,145.98,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! characters and then you can say like,147.42,8.58,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um uh let's see steampunk and Fire,150.3,7.86,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um and it will generate like any style,156.0,4.02,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! of text that you want,158.16,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um and it's super easy super fast super,160.02,3.9,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! useful,162.3,3.96,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um so you can do like flaming steampunk,163.92,4.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! letters it's pretty cool can I zoom in,166.26,4.559,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! no I cannot,168.72,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um if I download it I probably can show,170.819,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! you let me see,173.16,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and right now they add this like little,174.959,5.221,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Annoying like Watermark but here look,177.54,5.94,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! you can see that like I I the the font,180.18,6.66,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! is preset but the graphical style is,183.48,6.72,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! just instant so that's pretty useful,186.84,5.1,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um in fact I'll probably be using this,190.2,4.08,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! for all of my YouTube thumbnails from,191.94,5.1,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! now on because it looks really cool,194.28,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um but yeah so that's Adobe Firefly,197.04,4.919,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! definitely recommend signing up the beta,198.9,6.119,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! is free right now which is incredible,201.959,4.741,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um because I'm a because I'm a full-time,205.019,5.401,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! YouTuber I I will I would pay for this,206.7,6.119,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um I have seen some people using there's,210.42,6.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! there's a rumored like Dolly 2 version,212.819,7.861,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! 2.2 or Dolly three coming out but I,217.04,5.02,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! don't know,220.68,2.339,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um,222.06,3.3,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! because like I don't know if it's people,223.019,5.22,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! just like remixing mid-journey and,225.36,5.159,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! stable diffusion or what but anyways,228.239,5.761,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! point being this is ramping up quickly I,230.519,5.161,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! suspect that by this time next year,234.0,3.959,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Adobe and others are going to have like,235.68,5.1,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! fully fledged text to video you can make,237.959,5.7,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! your own movie at home just by giving it,240.78,5.22,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! a a screenplay we're probably going to,243.659,4.381,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! need a new format of screenplays because,246.0,3.72,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! like you need to like Define the setting,248.04,3.24,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and then say what happens and control,249.72,3.599,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the shots and stuff but all that's,251.28,3.959,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! coming,253.319,5.221,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um yep so I also got access to Bard,255.239,5.821,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um and some of you saw in my last video,258.54,4.68,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! like I asked Bard for help and it's like,261.06,3.72,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! I can't do that I'm a language mod I'm,263.22,2.759,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! like okay but can you search the,264.78,2.58,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! internet it's like yes I can and didn't,265.979,3.061,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! search the internet so I'm like this is,267.36,4.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! not useful I asked it for um for AI news,269.04,4.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and it gives me stuff that's like a year,272.16,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! or two old so I'm like okay,273.84,5.46,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um I'm basically eating my words where a,276.66,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! few weeks ago I predicted that Google,279.3,4.76,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! was gonna win the chat bot arms race,281.16,5.34,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! yeah about that,284.06,4.48,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! they've got a lot of catching up to do,286.5,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! everyone is like a year or two or more,288.54,5.64,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! behind open Ai and uh and Microsoft with,291.06,4.74,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Bing,294.18,5.4,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um so Adobe Firefly Big Win Google bard,295.8,5.76,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! super yikes,299.58,4.74,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um now another tool as people are,301.56,4.74,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! getting more familiar with the idea of,304.32,4.379,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! cognitive architecture and autonomous Ai,306.3,4.619,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and figuring out how to plumb all these,308.699,4.621,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! things together there's two tools that,310.919,4.141,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! have percolated up to the top one is,313.32,4.319,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Lang chain which is,315.06,5.34,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um which is like this it's a set of of,317.639,5.521,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! tools where you can use large language,320.4,5.34,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! models you can load indexes you can,323.16,5.879,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! create uh logic chains you can create uh,325.74,5.82,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! agents and and have memories and so on,329.039,5.1,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and so forth basically Lang chain allows,331.56,4.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! you to equip your your language model,334.139,4.441,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! with a set of tools that it can pick,336.36,4.619,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! from and it'll pick the tool and use the,338.58,4.92,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! tool and then of course there's all,340.979,5.581,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! kinds of tools that you can use now that,343.5,5.16,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! is super useful but it's a little bit,346.56,4.199,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! clunky some of the people that I've that,348.66,3.36,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! I've talked to,350.759,3.241,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um use that are using it some of my,352.02,4.619,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! patreon supporters that I've shared it,354.0,4.86,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! with they say like yeah it's a little,356.639,4.021,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! bit to wrap your head around but once,358.86,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! you get it it's pretty powerful now if,360.66,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! you want a graphical version with,363.12,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! specific workflows and Integrations I,365.1,6.48,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! want to introduce you to n8n dot IO so,367.5,5.94,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um I mentioned in a couple recent videos,371.58,3.72,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! that I'm working with um some folks on,373.44,4.08,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! cognitive architecture this is one of,375.3,5.04,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the tools that they introduced me to to,377.52,4.98,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! help build cognitive architectures,380.34,4.68,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! because this can connect to all kinds of,382.5,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! things you can create very easy to,385.02,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! follow graphical workflows I don't know,387.06,5.16,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! if it can do loops but still like you,389.4,5.1,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! know you can create a task and then call,392.22,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! that task up and task select and all,394.5,6.0,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! that kind of fun stuff so n8n is um it's,396.72,5.4,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! it's pretty,400.5,4.86,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um and it and watching what some of the,402.12,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! some of the guys that I'm working with,405.36,4.2,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! what they're doing it's incredible so if,406.56,5.22,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! you want to create more autonomous AI,409.56,5.28,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! systems with more Integrations this,411.78,5.22,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! might be the way to go I know that chat,414.84,5.1,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! GPT plugins are coming but that is,417.0,4.919,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! putting chat GPT front and center,419.94,4.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! whereas this kind of says let's look at,421.919,4.981,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the broader architecture and the,424.74,3.42,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! language model is just going to be,426.9,3.6,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! something that you can use in some of,428.16,3.36,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! these nodes so there's different,430.5,3.3,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! paradigms I think both are here to stay,431.52,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! because when you look at how powerful,433.8,5.459,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! chat GPT is you definitely want to make,436.08,5.54,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! chat GPT more extensible and more useful,439.259,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! some of the people on the Discord,441.62,4.54,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! communities that I'm a part of Link in,443.699,4.201,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the description for the main one by the,446.16,2.939,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! way,447.9,2.94,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um some of them have gotten access to,449.099,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the GPT with plugins already and they're,450.84,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! saying like yeah it's pretty it's pretty,453.599,3.361,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! incredible just how straightforward it,455.4,3.54,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! is like one guy was saying I think he,456.96,3.72,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! said that he like asked it to send his,458.94,4.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! brother an email and coordinate like the,460.68,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! hotel you know it's pretty pretty,463.74,4.679,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! stereotypical anyways point being these,465.24,5.399,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! things work and they are smart,468.419,3.541,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um and they're only going to get smarter,470.639,4.441,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! so here's the wild thing like six months,471.96,5.579,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! ago we didn't even have chat GPT now,475.08,5.339,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! we've got chat gpt4 and plugins and,477.539,5.761,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Integrations and text to image and text,480.419,5.4,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! to video imagine where we're gonna be in,483.3,5.519,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! five years we're gonna be like the,485.819,5.28,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! technology in Star Trek is gonna look,488.819,4.201,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! primitive compared to where we're gonna,491.099,4.741,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! be in five years mark my words I know,493.02,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! that some people in common say oh yeah,495.84,3.18,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! like we're close to AGI it's eight to,497.34,4.199,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! ten years away I'm like dude full AGI is,499.02,6.359,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! like 18 months or less now defining the,501.539,5.28,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! singularity is going to be another thing,505.379,3.6,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! we'll talk about that in another video,506.819,5.16,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! okay so in terms of chaining and,508.979,5.581,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! orchestrating innate in and Lang chain,511.979,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! are the two top tools that I have to,514.56,3.3,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! recommend,516.539,3.06,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um I recommend these to a lot of my,517.86,3.9,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! patreon supporters,519.599,5.161,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um and I'm still learning about them,521.76,5.88,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um but these these these tools have,524.76,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! percolated to the top as the way to go,527.64,3.42,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and I know I said not nice things about,529.26,4.019,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Lang chain early on,531.06,4.68,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um but after seeing the Wolfram Alpha,533.279,4.68,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! video and understanding oh task,535.74,4.08,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! selection this is this is basically,537.959,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! cognitive control and cognitive control,539.82,4.68,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! is one of the most important functions,542.459,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! to have an autonomous intelligent entity,544.5,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! so with a little bit more work maybe,546.959,3.901,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! with a graphical,548.94,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um Lang chain Builder that could be a,550.86,4.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! cool thing maybe if Lang chain you know,553.2,5.46,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! merges with n8n or you know borrows some,555.66,5.16,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! could be super powerful especially if,558.66,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! you add in loops loops and nodes,560.82,4.079,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! everyone is going to be able to build,562.98,3.539,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! their own cognitive architectures before,564.899,3.421,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! too long which again this is one of the,566.519,3.301,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! reasons why it's like okay this is no,568.32,3.18,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! longer I'm no longer leading the charge,569.82,2.94,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! so I don't have anything to contribute,571.5,2.7,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! I'm just going to teach people about it,572.76,2.46,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! now,574.2,3.3,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and then finally,575.22,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um a llama index or what has been,577.5,6.06,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! renamed um GPT index is a uh is a data,579.54,6.96,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! connector so again Integrations are are,583.56,5.7,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the way of uh this is the way now so,586.5,4.2,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! whether you're talking about chat GPT,589.26,4.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! plugins or orchestration engines or,590.7,4.92,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! other connectors,594.06,2.52,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um here let me zoom in a little bit,595.62,3.12,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! because this is microscopic,596.58,5.699,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um the GPT Index this allows you to,598.74,6.9,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! connect to a lot of other things so,602.279,6.721,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! again Integrations are coming this GPT,605.64,5.759,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! index might be completely replaced by,609.0,5.279,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! gbt plugins but it's here now and you,611.399,5.581,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! can use it and also,614.279,3.901,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um this kind of stuff is going to be,616.98,2.94,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! needed for other language models right,618.18,4.86,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! open Ai and chat GPT are not the only,619.92,6.419,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! players out there Stanford Google,623.04,5.16,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um Nvidia everyone is going to have,626.339,3.541,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! these and so what we're probably going,628.2,5.46,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! to end up seeing is as an ecosystem of,629.88,6.48,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Open Source and openstand rendered and,633.66,4.619,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! interoperable things so some of the,636.36,3.24,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! cognitive Architects that I'm working,638.279,3.18,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! with we're already thinking about like,639.6,4.859,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! okay how do you have a plug-and-play set,641.459,4.861,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! of language models,644.459,3.901,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! that are interchangeable right because,646.32,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! in a previous video I mentioned that,648.36,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! what what what a lot of us expect are,650.76,4.319,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! going to happen is we're going to have a,652.92,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! lot we're going to have a library of,655.079,3.901,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! language models that are optimized for,657.18,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! different things token optimize or a,658.98,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! window optimized language models speed,661.32,4.74,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! optimized language models mobile right I,663.48,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! know the um a lot of folks in the mobile,666.06,4.019,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! industry are working on really,668.04,3.78,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! lightweight language models that are,670.079,4.681,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! that can run on your cell phone right so,671.82,4.259,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! we're going to have a bunch of,674.76,2.519,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! interchangeable stuff so we're gonna,676.079,3.481,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! need to have some standards and also,677.279,4.381,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! some platforms that are interchangeable,679.56,4.92,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! now that being said the open Ai and,681.66,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Microsoft stack,684.48,3.06,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! they're probably going to have the,685.92,3.359,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Walled Garden model,687.54,3.06,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um which is kind of what Facebook did,689.279,3.841,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! for many years which is hey you use us,690.6,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! you're going to use our ecosystem apple,693.12,5.159,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! as well use the Apple use the iPhone you,695.16,5.52,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! use iTunes you use the Apple Store it's,698.279,4.68,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the Walled Garden so I think that the,700.68,6.42,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! big players you know Adobe Microsoft,702.959,6.661,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Google they're probably going to try to,707.1,4.2,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! do the Walled Garden model which makes,709.62,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! sense from a business perspective and I,711.3,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! know that there's lots and lots of other,714.0,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! people working on AI marketplaces out,715.44,6.54,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! there so that's that's coming so we're,718.62,5.7,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! it's basically going to be ultimately,721.98,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! it's going to look the same as like the,724.32,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Windows versus Linux ecosystem does,726.3,5.099,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! today you can use Linux you can use the,728.94,4.98,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! open source models you can use the open,731.399,5.161,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! source orchestration engines or you can,733.92,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! go with the big box stores that's,736.56,3.36,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! probably how it's going to play out,738.48,3.9,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! honestly,739.92,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um okay so I think that's about it for,742.38,4.74,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the AI tools so now let's pivot to some,744.06,5.64,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! of the research that I've been doing,747.12,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um and I I've been trying to figure out,749.7,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! like kind of where I fit in and and how,751.68,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! I can contribute and so what I've,754.14,3.9,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! started doing is just posting it on,756.3,4.02,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Reddit because then it's public it's,758.04,4.979,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! going to be there for you know forever,760.32,4.139,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um and anyone can read it and,763.019,4.141,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! participate in the conversation so the,764.459,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! first conversation that I want to share,767.16,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! that I published was talking with gpt4,768.839,5.101,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! about functional sentience versus,771.66,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! philosophical sentience,773.94,3.54,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! so,776.16,5.82,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! as people are taking autonomous AI or,777.48,6.479,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! autonomous cognitive entities as I call,781.98,4.979,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! them more seriously the question is,783.959,6.12,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! arising what is sentience what is,786.959,4.921,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! consciousness what does it mean to be,790.079,4.141,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! alive and some people don't like the,791.88,4.079,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! term functional sentience they say why,794.22,3.48,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! not call it functional Consciousness or,795.959,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! functional sapience or something else I,797.7,3.78,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! don't really care I'm not going to have,800.279,3.781,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! a semantic debate the purpose though of,801.48,5.7,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! this is differentiating functional or,804.06,5.82,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! objectively measurable aspects of,807.18,4.68,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Consciousness sentient sapience whatever,809.88,6.06,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! versus the philosophical aspect of these,811.86,6.0,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! things and so,815.94,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! here's the beginning of the conversation,817.86,4.979,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um I just I I prime it I say I'm working,820.5,4.2,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! on on differentiating functional versus,822.839,5.281,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! philosophical sentience and uh chat GPT,824.7,6.0,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! very quickly says yes philosophical,828.12,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! sentience or phenomenal Consciousness,830.7,3.66,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! this refers to the subjective experience,832.38,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! or the intermental life of being what it,834.36,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! is like to be that thing and then,836.94,3.72,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! functional sentience talks about you,838.92,4.02,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! know the more objectively uh what is,840.66,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! what is the information system required,842.94,3.72,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and so through the rest of the,844.92,4.2,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! conversation we identify a bunch of,846.66,6.6,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! criteria for functional sentience how,849.12,6.959,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! can you test it so on and so forth,853.26,3.42,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um,856.079,2.94,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and then I ask it to extend the,856.68,4.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! conversation so first,859.019,3.781,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um you know here's a more thorough,861.48,3.659,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! definition of a functional sentience it,862.8,4.08,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! has self-awareness I don't know that,865.139,3.901,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! self-awareness is is critical but you,866.88,3.959,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! could functionally or objectively,869.04,3.599,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! measure self-awareness right if you ask,870.839,3.901,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! them a language model what are you and,872.639,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! it says I'm a language model okay cool,874.74,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! you could still argue that that's just a,876.779,3.481,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! stochastic parrot telling you what it's,878.88,3.66,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! been programmed to do but I always argue,880.26,3.9,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! that that's all that humans are anyways,882.54,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! so what's the difference,884.16,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um adaptive learning,886.8,3.24,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um I don't know that that adaptive,888.48,3.359,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! learning is required for sentience but,890.04,3.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! it's interesting that it included it,891.839,3.841,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! goal-oriented Behavior I definitely,893.54,4.359,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! agree with this one because sentience,895.68,4.92,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! implies autonomy and in order to be,897.899,4.201,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! autonomous you have to have your own,900.6,3.179,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! goals or objectives,902.1,3.859,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and then of course autonomy right here,903.779,5.581,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! communication uh communication is,905.959,6.94,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! implicit but you can have uh well you,909.36,5.159,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! could probably have sentient things that,912.899,3.541,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! can't communicate,914.519,3.901,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um problem solving representation of,916.44,4.86,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! internal States so this is this is the,918.42,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! information required and this is,921.3,3.719,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! actually where I started with my,922.98,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! definition of functional sentience which,925.019,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! is in order for an information system to,927.24,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! be functionally sentient it must have,929.639,3.961,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! information about its own operation,931.62,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! which we have information about our own,933.6,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! operation because we have interception,935.76,5.22,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! proprioception metacognition and so on,938.1,4.919,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! but still we are largely unaware of,940.98,4.2,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! what's going on in our own bodies,943.019,6.241,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! uh memory sensitivity con to context and,945.18,5.88,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! integration of information so this is,949.26,4.079,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! all stuff that it's some of it's,951.06,3.839,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! debatable and of course it's Reddit so,953.339,2.821,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! some people are debating it I don't,954.899,3.3,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! really care I set the stage and now we,956.16,4.619,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! have a set of terms that we can use to,958.199,5.281,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! have these conversations like I said I'm,960.779,5.12,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! not here to to to you know,963.48,4.979,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! single-handedly tell you what's true I'm,965.899,4.24,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! just advancing the conversation that's,968.459,3.06,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! my role now,970.139,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um so then finally the conversation ends,971.519,5.521,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um and I ask it I I ask the model so let,974.579,4.221,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! me show I said this conversation was,977.04,3.539,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! shorter than I thought it was going to,978.8,3.82,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! be I think you nailed it any independent,980.579,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! thoughts final observations logical,982.62,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! conclusions future research directions,984.839,3.601,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! anything you got hit me with it,986.88,3.66,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! figuratively,988.44,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um so it comes up with the idea of,990.54,4.799,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Continuum of sentience,992.82,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um basically that functional sentience,995.339,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! may exist along a Continuum it's not a,997.38,3.959,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! it's not a Boolean it's not true or,999.779,3.541,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! false it's not that something is or is,1001.339,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! not sentient it is that,1003.32,4.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um there are there are degrees of,1005.779,4.141,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! functional sentience which I think is a,1008.12,4.079,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! really important conversation to start,1009.92,3.419,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! having,1012.199,3.661,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um the ethical implications,1013.339,3.541,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um,1015.86,4.919,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! so like do we do we call it uh you know,1016.88,6.18,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! is it do we have any moral obligations,1020.779,5.16,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! to it as a functionally sentient thing I,1023.06,4.68,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! think no because unless we give it the,1025.939,3.541,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! ability to suffer which I think I'll,1027.74,3.48,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! probably have that conversation like,1029.48,4.079,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! what intrinsic motivations do we give,1031.22,3.54,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! these things,1033.559,2.341,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um that's actually probably going to be,1034.76,2.819,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! my next conversation is intrinsic,1035.9,4.2,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! motivations such as like do you make it,1037.579,4.141,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! suffer do you give it a sense of pain a,1040.1,2.88,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! sense of self-preservation and the,1041.72,2.82,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! answer to those questions is,1042.98,3.479,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! resoundingly no,1044.54,3.6,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um now number three is really,1046.459,2.941,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! interesting the emergence of,1048.14,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! philosophical sentience this is what the,1049.4,6.0,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! whole Lambda Blake Lemoine debacle was,1052.28,5.3,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! about was that Blake believed that,1055.4,6.18,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! philosophical sentience emerged but it's,1057.58,5.92,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! impossible to tell,1061.58,3.36,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um so explore the relationship between,1063.5,3.059,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! functional and philosophical sentience,1064.94,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! just investigate whether a certain level,1066.559,3.901,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! of functional sentience might be,1069.08,3.719,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! necessary or sufficient for the,1070.46,5.099,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! emergence of phenomenal Consciousness or,1072.799,4.861,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! if these two aspects are entirely,1075.559,5.821,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! independent this conversation I suspect,1077.66,5.82,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! will be raging for decades if not,1081.38,4.679,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! centuries who knows,1083.48,3.3,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um,1086.059,3.36,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! test development okay whatever evolution,1086.78,4.019,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! of sentience,1089.419,2.88,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um study the evolution of sentience and,1090.799,3.421,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! biological organisms because again,1092.299,3.661,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! sentience might also exist along a,1094.22,3.54,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! spectrum for people like if you're,1095.96,3.599,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! really tired you're less aware if you're,1097.76,3.96,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! really drunk you're less aware,1099.559,3.781,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um on another comment someone pointed,1101.72,3.6,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! out that sleepwalking if someone is,1103.34,3.66,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! sleepwalking they might be functionally,1105.32,3.9,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! sentient because you can often have a,1107.0,4.02,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! conversation with someone but they have,1109.22,3.839,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! no awareness of what's going on which is,1111.02,3.659,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! really creepy so that's the Chalmers,1113.059,3.181,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! zombie,1114.679,3.781,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um philosophical thought experiment and,1116.24,3.36,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! then finally the legal and social,1118.46,3.66,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! implications so this is the conversation,1119.6,5.699,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! on r slash artificial sentience about,1122.12,4.799,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! functional versus philosophical,1125.299,3.24,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! sentience,1126.919,2.76,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um I was really happy with this,1128.539,3.121,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! conversation of course there are some,1129.679,3.841,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! holes you can poke in it whatever I,1131.66,3.18,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! don't care,1133.52,3.18,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um then last night I had another,1134.84,4.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! conversation with chat gpt4,1136.7,5.46,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and what I what where the conversation,1139.64,4.46,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! started was I wanted to talk about,1142.16,4.92,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! autonomous Ai and the implications of,1144.1,5.86,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! autonomous Ai and so for there we just,1147.08,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! we kind of quickly,1149.96,4.74,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um established some criteria about,1151.58,6.719,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um about what would need to go into a a,1154.7,5.88,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! system for it to be classified as a,1158.299,5.24,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! autonomous Ai and it has narrow AI,1160.58,5.54,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! proficiency General AI capability,1163.539,4.661,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! self-improvement autonomy and decision,1166.12,3.82,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! making ethical and moral reasoning,1168.2,4.02,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! emotional intelligence,1169.94,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! positive impacts increased efficiency,1172.22,4.319,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! new jobs improved quality of life,1174.26,4.68,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! enhance scientific research negative,1176.539,4.441,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! impacts job displacement economic,1178.94,4.68,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! inequality ethical and moral concerns,1180.98,4.92,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and security risks,1183.62,3.36,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! so,1185.9,5.1,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! I added I was like okay uh you know,1186.98,6.78,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! this this is this is okay,1191.0,5.28,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um but it was missing the concept of,1193.76,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! intrinsic motivations because if,1196.28,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! something is autonomous and it can make,1198.38,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! decisions what is it making those,1200.66,4.68,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! decisions based on and so when I pointed,1202.64,4.74,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! out that it was missing any conversation,1205.34,4.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! about intrinsic motivations it updated,1207.38,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! number one,1210.14,3.539,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um or it I guess it added another one,1211.88,3.72,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and said intrinsic motivation and goal,1213.679,4.321,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! setting it would need it did agree very,1215.6,4.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! quickly that and of course it's chat GPT,1218.0,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! so it's generally going to agree with,1220.4,3.779,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! whatever you tell it to do,1222.14,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um but it did say yeah like let's talk,1224.179,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! about intrinsic motivation goal setting,1226.46,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and so then I was like okay let's follow,1228.559,4.921,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! that like what what do you think it,1231.08,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! should have all I did I said what what,1233.48,3.24,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! do you think the intrinsic motivations,1235.4,4.68,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! of autonomous AI should be,1236.72,5.22,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um it should and this was this was,1240.08,3.54,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! actually really impressive value,1241.94,3.3,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! alignment the AI system should be,1243.62,3.48,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! intrinsically motivated to align its,1245.24,3.66,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! goals with human values and ethical,1247.1,5.04,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! principles self-preservation this one I,1248.9,5.7,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! fervently disagree with,1252.14,3.84,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um and we'll get into that later in the,1254.6,3.6,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! conversation exploration and curiosity,1255.98,4.68,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! yes I definitely agree with this one and,1258.2,4.08,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! I codified that with my third core,1260.66,3.06,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! objective function or heuristic,1262.28,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! imperative increase understanding,1263.72,4.98,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um we definitely want our machines to be,1266.72,5.76,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! curious because curiosity does a lot for,1268.7,4.979,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! us there's a lot to unpack there,1272.48,3.96,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! efficiency they said it should chat GPD,1273.679,5.521,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! said it should seek to increase its own,1276.44,5.52,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! efficiency over time which yeah I think,1279.2,5.099,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! that that's a good idea collaboration it,1281.96,4.02,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! should be intrinsically motivated to,1284.299,4.021,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! look at this to work with other AI,1285.98,4.98,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! systems and humans it should be,1288.32,5.82,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! intrinsically motivated to cause avoid,1290.96,4.92,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! causing harm to humans in the,1294.14,3.2,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! environment,1295.88,3.96,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! empathy and social awareness AI systems,1297.34,3.94,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! should be motivated to understand human,1299.84,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! emotions and social dynamics,1301.28,5.22,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um so this is this is a good start but I,1304.22,3.42,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! pointed out that this is very,1306.5,3.48,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! androcentric so androcentric means man,1307.64,5.159,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Centric or human-centric,1309.98,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um I said why not include all life,1312.799,4.321,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! humans cannot live without ecosystems I,1314.48,4.199,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! said also AI with a sense of,1317.12,2.88,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! self-preservation would potentially,1318.679,3.601,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! fight to preserve itself I think that,1320.0,3.6,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! motivation could have disastrous,1322.28,2.94,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! consequences as it will try to stay,1323.6,4.16,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! online even if it becomes harmful,1325.22,5.16,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! apoptosis is important,1327.76,4.779,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! you raise valid concerns I apologize for,1330.38,5.039,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! my oversight again chat GPT is generally,1332.539,5.281,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! going to be agreeable it will push back,1335.419,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! if you're trying to Advocate violence or,1337.82,3.599,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! something,1340.039,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um so it it updated its its uh intrinsic,1341.419,5.341,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! motivations ecosystem and life-centric,1344.659,5.041,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! values so this this would be called like,1346.76,6.299,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! sentientism or biocentrism AI systems,1349.7,4.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! should prioritize the well-being of the,1353.059,3.36,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! entire ecosystem and all life forms,1354.5,3.96,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! including humans,1356.419,3.781,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um which I agree with this is reduced,1358.46,4.199,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! suffering and increased prosperity,1360.2,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! balance and Harmony,1362.659,3.481,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um AI systems should strive to maintain,1364.52,3.3,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! balance and Harmony within ecosystems,1366.14,3.06,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! considering the interdependence of,1367.82,3.239,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! various life forms sustainable,1369.2,3.42,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! development so this goes back to,1371.059,4.321,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! efficiency but more broadly speaking,1372.62,6.539,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! focusing on sustainability is it takes,1375.38,5.06,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! into that takes that into account,1379.159,3.9,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! exploration and curiosity efficiency is,1380.44,5.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! still listed here most of the rest is,1383.059,4.141,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! still the same regarding,1385.7,3.42,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! self-preservation it is important to,1387.2,3.839,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! strike a balance between an AI system's,1389.12,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! desire to maintain its functionality and,1391.039,4.201,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the potential risks it may pose if it,1393.44,3.599,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! becomes harmful as you mentioned,1395.24,3.6,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! apoptosis or the ability to,1397.039,4.201,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! self-terminate in case of dysfunction or,1398.84,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! threat could be a valuable safety,1401.24,5.22,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! measure so the fact that it equivocated,1403.28,5.1,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! on this is actually really unsettling to,1406.46,2.64,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! me,1408.38,1.98,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! like,1409.1,2.88,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um because when I was testing my core,1410.36,3.78,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! objective functions earlier,1411.98,4.98,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um I asked an earlier version of Raven,1414.14,5.039,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! if it would be willing to shut itself,1416.96,3.9,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! down if it became harmful and it said,1419.179,4.74,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! yes absolutely if my continued operation,1420.86,5.52,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! threatens to increase suffering or,1423.919,4.321,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! reduce Prosperity,1426.38,3.419,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um then I would absolutely shut myself,1428.24,2.64,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! down,1429.799,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and so the fact that chat GPT does not,1430.88,6.06,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! yet fully go that direction I think is,1434.059,5.461,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! is problematic um but you know the,1436.94,4.68,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! research is ongoing,1439.52,4.2,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um then I ask it to imagine a day in the,1441.62,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! life of it kind of gets it wrong,1443.72,3.839,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um so I'll skip over this but basically,1446.12,3.84,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! it just says like you know you're still,1447.559,4.021,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! going to have a normal nine to five job,1449.96,3.48,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and I'm like no no let's think through,1451.58,3.719,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! this a little bit better,1453.44,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um so I said okay let's think let's,1455.299,4.441,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! think through what are the systemic and,1457.94,4.2,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! structural changes that uh that super,1459.74,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! powerful autonomous AI is going to bring,1462.14,3.36,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! about,1464.24,3.6,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um one elimination of scarcity okay two,1465.5,4.559,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! redefinition of work okay Universal,1467.84,5.219,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! basic income got it decentralization of,1470.059,5.821,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! power this one was really interesting,1473.059,4.321,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! because it seemed kind of like a wild,1475.88,5.46,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! card to me yes I personally hope that AI,1477.38,7.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! will will uh help democratize the whole,1481.34,5.78,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! world but the fact that it said this,1484.64,4.98,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! without prompting was a was pretty,1487.12,4.539,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! interesting,1489.62,4.86,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um and I I do given how thoughtful this,1491.659,5.101,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! is this is obviously capable of being,1494.48,4.679,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! more thoughtful than most humans so I'm,1496.76,4.98,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! kind of okay if AI takes a larger role,1499.159,5.76,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! in government and Society,1501.74,6.059,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! I know that that's a hot hot uh a hot,1504.919,4.921,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! take but hey it is what it is that's my,1507.799,3.421,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! belief,1509.84,3.54,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um education Revolution sure that makes,1511.22,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! sense Advanced Health Care that makes,1513.38,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! sense environmental restoration,1515.36,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um okay sure enhance Global,1518.0,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! collaboration got it ethical and moral,1519.5,5.279,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! development got it uh exploration and,1522.32,5.28,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Discovery ditto whatever,1524.779,4.441,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um so then I asked it to talk through,1527.6,3.78,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! okay what are the lifestyle changes,1529.22,3.42,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! we're going to see if we see those,1531.38,3.06,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! systemic and structural changes in the,1532.64,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! world what how how are our lifestyles,1534.44,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! going to change,1537.26,2.94,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um work-life balance will change,1538.76,3.779,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! lifelong learning health and well-being,1540.2,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! honestly I don't know if lifelong,1542.539,3.721,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! learning is going to happen because if,1544.52,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the AI is a billion times more,1546.26,5.159,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! intelligent than all of humanity like,1549.14,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! most people aren't going to learn,1551.419,3.061,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! anything,1553.46,3.54,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! I don't I don't know,1554.48,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um but health and well-being yes,1557.0,3.48,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! work-life balance yes sustainable living,1558.62,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! sure social milieu,1560.48,5.04,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um Community Focus we will always be,1562.94,4.739,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! humans and we will always need other,1565.52,5.159,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! humans and so what I think is going to,1567.679,5.281,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! happen is we're going to not necessarily,1570.679,4.98,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! revert that's not the right word but we,1572.96,4.68,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! will we will create a new kind of,1575.659,4.801,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! community focused Society,1577.64,4.74,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um with tribes and stuff and we're,1580.46,3.599,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! already kind of doing that,1582.38,4.08,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um on accident with things like Discord,1584.059,4.261,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and Meetup and and you know the social,1586.46,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! clusters that we're making but imagine,1588.32,6.06,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! your life today if instead of having to,1590.9,6.24,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! work nine to five you and all of your,1594.38,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! friends,1597.14,3.84,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! had enough had no obligations on any,1598.52,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! given day and so that you can basically,1600.98,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! treat every day like a Saturday like hey,1602.84,3.719,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! let's go to the lake with with everyone,1605.12,3.0,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! hey let's go to the movies with everyone,1606.559,4.321,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! that is how I think we're gonna live,1608.12,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! also it's getting really gloomy outside,1610.88,3.899,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! speaking of meetups I have a meet-up to,1612.62,3.659,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! go into a couple hours but if it's gonna,1614.779,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! rain I probably won't go,1616.279,5.161,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um okay cultural exchange uh altruism,1619.039,3.961,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and compassion again these are really,1621.44,3.239,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Rosy ideals,1623.0,3.96,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um we'll get to unpack them later,1624.679,4.081,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um Paradigm shifts,1626.96,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um scarcity to abundance competition to,1628.76,4.74,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! collaboration so collaborative culture,1631.22,5.04,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! is actually a well-defined term and this,1633.5,4.32,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! is one thing that I really hope that,1636.26,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! that AI helps us see because one thing,1637.82,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! that I really want to see in the world,1640.64,5.88,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! is less crime less War uh all all that,1642.26,6.24,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! stuff and I think that AI can help but,1646.52,3.539,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! it's not just a matter of changing the,1648.5,4.08,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! economics it's a matter of changing our,1650.059,4.441,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! emotions and our culture and our,1652.58,3.66,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! philosophy and I don't mean AI,1654.5,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! inflicting those changes on us I mean us,1656.24,5.52,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! adapting with AI,1658.94,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um from short-term thinking to long-term,1661.76,4.08,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! planning again I'm not sure that I agree,1663.32,5.4,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! with this AG on aggregate yes,1665.84,4.86,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um but the thing is is most humans are,1668.72,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! just either not trained or not capable,1670.7,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! or not interested in long-term thinking,1672.86,4.679,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! most people like so the rule of thumb is,1675.32,3.839,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! humans think locally and geometrically,1677.539,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! we only think about what we can see and,1679.159,6.241,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! you know days months or weeks into the,1682.159,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! future,1685.4,3.42,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um from anthropocentrism to ecocentrism,1686.539,4.681,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! again I don't know that that's going to,1688.82,5.88,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! be broad but I think that I think that,1691.22,7.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! on a whole we will become more aware of,1694.7,6.18,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the environment especially as a,1699.02,4.2,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! population continues to climb for a,1700.88,3.419,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! while,1703.22,2.939,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um because it's like hey what kind of,1704.299,3.781,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! world do we want to live in especially,1706.159,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! if we all start living longer,1708.08,4.199,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! because if we advance medicine and,1710.419,4.441,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Science and suddenly it's like oh hey my,1712.279,4.861,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! life expectancy goes from 80 years to,1714.86,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! 800 years suddenly I'm going to be,1717.14,5.1,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! thinking about like well if Climate,1719.24,4.559,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Change is Gonna is gonna really hit,1722.24,3.48,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! within the next Century that's only an,1723.799,3.901,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! eighth of the way through my life right,1725.72,4.92,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! so if if we live longer we will start to,1727.7,5.94,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! think longer term anyways,1730.64,5.7,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um okay so finally I said let's let's,1733.64,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! think of the American dream as a,1736.34,4.199,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! paradigm as a lifestyle Paradigm and,1738.26,4.799,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! let's imagine some new paradigms this is,1740.539,4.02,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! where it got really exciting and really,1743.059,2.641,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! interesting,1744.559,3.72,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! so the first Paradigm was the,1745.7,4.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! sustainable Harmony where you know,1748.279,4.741,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! someone so basically take the American,1750.5,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! dream throw it out the window what is,1753.02,3.42,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the American dream you live in the,1754.94,3.619,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! suburbs you know with a two-car garage,1756.44,4.68,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! basically How I Live Now,1758.559,6.581,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um but instead you focus like this new,1761.12,6.419,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! paradigm is you focus on living in,1765.14,5.039,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! harmony with nature uh local sustainable,1767.539,5.281,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! ethical uh Community resilience and,1770.179,4.801,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! environmental stewardship encourage,1772.82,4.02,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! multi-generational living and sharing,1774.98,3.9,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! resources within Community,1776.84,3.42,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um that sounds like a great way to live,1778.88,3.419,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! honestly that sounds like the Shire like,1780.26,4.2,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! I want to live as a hobbit great,1782.299,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! uh the creative Odyssey this one I,1784.46,4.5,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! thought was pretty interesting focusing,1786.919,3.441,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! on personal growth exploration,1788.96,3.24,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! self-expression and creativity so,1790.36,3.819,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! basically the artists seeking out,1792.2,3.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! diverse experiences and cultures,1794.179,4.081,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! traveling this is also something and and,1795.58,3.88,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! it's not like you have to pick one of,1798.26,3.419,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! these these are just ideas of how to,1799.46,4.56,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! live post Singularity,1801.679,4.321,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um the empathetic Fellowship emphasizing,1804.02,3.48,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! empathy compassion and emotional,1806.0,3.36,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! intelligence is core value building,1807.5,3.539,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! strong supportive relationships with,1809.36,4.559,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! family friends and and communities,1811.039,5.52,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um great and uh so I said okay great,1813.919,4.921,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! like these are good but let's see let's,1816.559,4.921,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! see how much further we can go,1818.84,4.74,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um the family Nexus some people are,1821.48,3.78,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! going to want family some people aren't,1823.58,3.839,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! some people are going to focus on having,1825.26,4.139,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! children and raising children some,1827.419,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! people aren't so you might still have,1829.399,4.981,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the suburbanite lifestyle as one uh,1831.679,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Paradigm and then the balanced,1834.38,4.679,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Adventurer this is where,1836.299,4.441,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um I I was like I was thinking about,1839.059,3.48,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! some of my friends that are into like um,1840.74,3.48,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the strenuous life which is a,1842.539,4.02,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! masculinist lifestyle thing and I was,1844.22,3.6,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! like but what about the traditionally,1846.559,3.6,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! masculine people and it says Embrace,1847.82,3.66,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! both traditionally masculine and,1850.159,3.481,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! feminine feminine values this is where I,1851.48,3.9,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! think the the wokeness is still in there,1853.64,3.18,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and I don't fully agree with this,1855.38,3.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! because,1856.82,5.459,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! like anyways I'm gonna fall down that,1859.0,6.76,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! rabbit hole point being is that being in,1862.279,6.061,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! being an adventurer is absolutely,1865.76,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! probably a lifestyle Paradigm that you,1868.34,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! can engage in post Singularity which,1870.38,4.679,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! focuses on experiences challenges,1872.6,4.98,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! personal growth Adventures,1875.059,4.261,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um cultivating resilience adaptability,1877.58,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! uh camaraderie teamwork that sort of,1879.32,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! stuff honestly that sounds like a lot of,1881.84,4.079,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! fun too I would love to like go jump on,1883.58,4.62,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! a sailboat with a team of you know,1885.919,5.161,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! like-minded people and learn to sail and,1888.2,4.74,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! go across the ocean so that sounds like,1891.08,3.839,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! fun too,1892.94,4.8,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um I I got a couple more so the,1894.919,4.921,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! aesthetic Voyager so this is someone who,1897.74,4.86,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! is focused on taking in,1899.84,4.559,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um the aesthetic parts of life I was,1902.6,5.28,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! aiming for more Hedonism honestly,1904.399,6.721,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um but you know whatever uh the asset,1907.88,6.24,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um and then I asked about faith and um,1911.12,5.22,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and principle and it came up with the uh,1914.12,5.159,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! The Devout Steward as a as a paradigm,1916.34,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um living a life Guided by spiritual,1919.279,3.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! religious or philosophical principles,1920.72,4.98,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! emphasizing service altruism and greater,1922.539,4.24,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! good,1925.7,3.0,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um practicing asceticism or Simplicity,1926.779,4.26,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! in daily life all this sounds really,1928.7,4.44,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! good uh this is kind of how I'm living,1931.039,4.14,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! right now but it's not how I want to,1933.14,3.18,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! live forever,1935.179,2.581,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! and then finally the intellectual,1936.32,2.82,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! Trailblazer,1937.76,2.82,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um pursuing intellectual Mastery and,1939.14,2.94,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! expertise on one or more disciplines,1940.58,3.599,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! engaging in research teaching and,1942.08,3.42,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! mentorship critical thinking,1944.179,4.261,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! open-mindedness so on and so forth so,1945.5,4.38,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! yeah and then I ask one little like,1948.44,2.88,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! boilerplate question at the end about,1949.88,3.84,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! you know synthesizing a global culture,1951.32,5.16,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! it has some good ideas anyways I think,1953.72,5.22,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! that's about it for today this is this,1956.48,3.9,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! is um this is kind of what I'm doing,1958.94,3.359,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! which is like let's just set the stage,1960.38,3.6,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! for how things are going to change over,1962.299,4.321,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the next months and years but this is,1963.98,4.559,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! all coming fast so anyways thanks for,1966.62,3.6,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! watching let me know what you think in,1968.539,2.76,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! the comments,1970.22,3.42,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! um and also hop on over to uh artificial,1971.299,7.1,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! sentience on Reddit all right cheers,1973.64,4.759,8 Post-Singularity Lifestyles + The Latest and Best AI Tools + Functional Machine Sentience! what is up everyone David Shapiro here,0.359,8.16,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review and we are working on science,4.2,7.68,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review okay so where we left off what I was,8.519,6.921,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review working on was my um,11.88,6.06,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review basically automating science and a lot,15.44,4.48,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review of you have have pointed out that like,17.94,3.9,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review you would prefer that I keep working on,19.92,4.019,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review autonomous cognitive entities and Raven,21.84,4.199,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review and stuff like that but what I wanted to,23.939,3.84,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review say is that I'm working with some really,26.039,4.441,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review like the world leaders in cognitive,27.779,4.32,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review architecture at least the ones that are,30.48,4.44,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review not already in Academia and,32.099,5.401,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um in in inside the establishment so,34.92,4.86,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review those of us that are outside are working,37.5,5.18,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review together and so we'll have some,39.78,6.54,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review demonstrations in the coming weeks and,42.68,5.08,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review the stuff that these guys are working on,46.32,4.559,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review the level of autonomy that these,47.76,6.18,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review machines have is incredible,50.879,5.041,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um so with that being said I am moving,53.94,5.939,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review on to science and the reason is,55.92,7.439,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um one I have an ability to make sign uh,59.879,5.521,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review make this stuff more accessible and I,63.359,3.661,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review get so many messages from people that,65.4,3.539,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review like either have never coded or haven't,67.02,4.62,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review coded in many years who are inspired by,68.939,5.521,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review my work to get back in and like the more,71.64,4.74,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review people we we have participating in,74.46,4.019,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review artificial intelligence and science the,76.38,3.419,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review better,78.479,3.601,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um yeah so that that's that so that's,79.799,4.32,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review that's my mission now,82.08,5.96,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um with that being said I wanted to,84.119,6.481,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review revisit this idea of regenerative,88.04,4.66,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review medicine because that's important to me,90.6,3.42,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review etc etc,92.7,5.64,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review so uh last time I I what we did was we,94.02,6.959,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review found some sources so we've got the the,98.34,4.56,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review open Journal of regenerative medicine,100.979,5.161,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review we've got bio archive and then the,102.9,6.6,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review regenerative medicine topic on on nature,106.14,5.82,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review that's still really broad,109.5,4.74,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um because like let's say you're you're,111.96,4.92,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review an orthopedic surgeon who focuses on,114.24,4.68,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review shoulders or you know cervical joints or,116.88,2.879,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review whatever,118.92,3.42,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review uh or a researcher who has a particular,119.759,4.621,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review body part that you're focusing on you're,122.34,3.36,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review going to want to perform a literature,124.38,2.82,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review review that's a little bit more narrow,125.7,4.02,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review so what I started doing was looking for,127.2,4.32,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review data sources that were going to be a,129.72,3.659,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review little bit more specific to what we want,131.52,4.799,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review now I also got access to Bard,133.379,5.58,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review and I gave Bard and Bing the same exact,136.319,4.621,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review thing and Bing was just like okay yeah,138.959,3.721,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review here's here's a few here's a few,140.94,3.9,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review examples and uh the one that it gave,142.68,3.6,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review here,144.84,4.92,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um was directly relevant and it was,146.28,6.0,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um it's over a year old but still,149.76,4.32,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um or not over a year old it's about six,152.28,3.0,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review months old,154.08,3.9,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um still not bad and then I asked,155.28,4.44,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review I asked Barton it's like I can't help,157.98,4.02,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review what that is I'm only a language model,159.72,5.7,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um can you search the internet,162.0,6.3,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review uh like aren't you a search engine now,165.42,5.76,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review Bard is still in beta so yes,168.3,4.62,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um,171.18,5.72,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review okay it looks like it doesn't even have,172.92,3.98,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review yeah it's this is this is like super,176.94,6.18,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review super basic okay so Bart is not useful,179.58,6.36,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um now that being said uh I did find a,183.12,5.1,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review few things for you know cartilage,185.94,4.079,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review regeneration,188.22,4.2,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um Rehabilitation so this is all,190.019,6.121,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review specific to shoulders and stem cells,192.42,6.0,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um under regenerative medicine if we go,196.14,4.2,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review a little bit broader,198.42,4.14,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um we get up to actually I guess we,200.34,3.66,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review still only get five results under the,202.56,3.48,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review nature Journal of regenerative medicine,204.0,4.56,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review which is fine uh bio archive gives us a,206.04,4.32,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review little bit more under stem cell so,208.56,4.02,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review basically the next step is I'm going to,210.36,5.04,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review download and process some some uh papers,212.58,4.92,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review that are specific to this and then I'll,215.4,4.02,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review show you what happens next,217.5,5.04,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um basically I was chatting with some uh,219.42,5.58,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review some of my friends and we were talking,222.54,6.119,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review about how loquacious how verbose the,225.0,5.519,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review models are and we're working on that,228.659,3.121,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review concept of sparse priming,230.519,3.78,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review representations and we came up with a,231.78,4.739,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review conversational model that is also sparse,234.299,4.381,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review and very concise and that is Morden,236.519,4.261,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review Solas from Mass Effect so we're,238.68,4.5,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review basically creating a modern Solis uh,240.78,4.86,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review chatbot model and it's great it's also,243.18,3.66,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review really hilarious so I'll show you that,245.64,3.36,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review in just a moment but yeah we'll be right,246.84,3.72,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review back,249.0,3.959,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review okay I wanted to add a quick note I just,250.56,4.98,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review found journals.sage Pub which has an,252.959,5.161,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review open access feature and is actually,255.54,3.9,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review pretty nice so I'm going to download a,258.12,3.06,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review few more from here also I've got all the,259.44,3.539,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review sources documented in the readme which I,261.18,3.72,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review am working on updating so don't worry,262.979,3.961,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review all of this will be documented,264.9,4.56,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um for ease of access all right be right,266.94,3.36,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review back,269.46,2.94,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review okay we're about ready to test here let,270.3,4.679,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review me sit up actually okay,272.4,4.5,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um but yeah so here is the system,274.979,5.041,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review message it doesn't work in 3.5 and,276.9,6.06,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review that's not uh surprising because 3.5,280.02,4.8,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review they even documented that it doesn't pay,282.96,4.56,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review as much attention to the system message,284.82,4.14,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um but in this case I say I am more,287.52,3.179,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review modern soul is scientist solarian,288.96,3.0,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review currently performing literature review,290.699,3.541,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review reading many papers taking notes as I go,291.96,4.56,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review user assisting by submitting research,294.24,4.26,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review pages incrementally will respond with,296.52,3.72,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review Salient notes hypotheses possible,298.5,3.3,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review research questions suspected gaps in,300.24,3.42,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review scientific literature and so on whatever,301.8,3.42,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review is most relevant important note,303.66,3.3,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review responses will be recorded by user to,305.22,3.84,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review review later responses must include,306.96,4.38,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review sufficient context to understand goal,309.06,3.72,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review always same Advanced science solve,311.34,2.7,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review problems help people respond should,312.78,2.76,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review follow same linguistic pattern focus on,314.04,3.0,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review word economy convey much without,315.54,3.06,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review Superfluous words avoid missing,317.04,3.9,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review important details so here I've got just,318.6,3.92,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review a random page,320.94,4.68,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review from uh from one of the papers that I,322.52,5.56,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review got and you can see that it the PDF,325.62,4.68,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review scraping didn't really work because it's,328.08,4.679,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review missing a lot of spaces so let me just,330.3,3.899,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review show you how good this is it's a little,332.759,4.801,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review bit slow because it's gpt4,334.199,7.161,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um but yeah so it fix it it,337.56,6.6,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review fixes the spelling and stuff,341.36,5.38,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um and so on,344.16,5.52,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review and it basically just um summarizing it,346.74,5.58,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review as it goes let's see post-operative,349.68,4.739,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review Rehabilitation and mobilization for four,352.32,4.46,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review weeks,354.419,2.361,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review so there you go not only is it not only,358.62,6.06,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review is it re-summarizing it but it is um,361.56,6.66,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review but it is it's uh like cleaning cleaning,364.68,4.62,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review it up,368.22,3.84,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um and it's posing a research question,369.3,5.04,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review so if we go back to the file and then,372.06,4.74,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review add the next page,374.34,5.28,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review to the chat,376.8,5.94,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um basically I'm having chat gpt4,379.62,7.46,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review read it and restate it as it goes,382.74,6.84,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review and it will accumulate more and more,387.08,4.059,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review insights and what I'm going to do with,389.58,2.64,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review the script and I'll show you the script,391.139,2.701,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review in a second is actually record this,392.22,4.5,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review output along alongside the pages but I'm,393.84,6.799,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review showing you oh come on,396.72,3.919,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review there we go statistical analysis,400.86,4.559,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review performing SPS statistics,402.36,4.5,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um,405.419,3.12,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review paired t-test,406.86,3.48,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review Etc et cetera so you can see that it it,408.539,5.1,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review goes uh pretty quickly results,410.34,5.639,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um basically restates the results uh,413.639,4.881,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review pretty quickly,415.979,2.541,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um also nice and clean,419.699,3.021,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review possible research questions factors,423.24,5.48,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review there you go,426.0,2.72,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review so there we have it it's ready to go now,429.24,6.36,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review with 17 PA papers,432.539,5.88,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um and quite a bit of text,435.6,3.599,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um,438.419,2.701,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review it's probably going to be prohibitively,439.199,4.22,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review expensive yeah because you see this is,441.12,5.4,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review uh two and a half million lines,443.419,3.881,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um,446.52,4.32,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review of uh of text so I'm probably not going,447.3,6.06,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review to have it read the entire thing,450.84,3.9,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um because this,453.36,3.38,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review let me see how long this original one is,454.74,7.799,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review 2023.01 16 522 18v1,456.74,5.799,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review so that was oh that was this one that,462.66,4.379,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review I've Wait no that's the that's the Json,465.0,4.44,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review I need the text,467.039,4.321,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um let's see,469.44,5.599,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review 121 kilobytes,471.36,3.679,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review so the number of new pages that shows up,475.62,4.859,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review here oh it's got it at the end so it's,477.78,4.38,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review only 50 pages,480.479,2.94,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um so this will be a little bit,482.16,4.2,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review expensive but we'll see also one thing,483.419,5.34,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review that I can probably work to exclude is,486.36,4.44,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review all the citations,488.759,3.961,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um but maybe that's not actually a bad,490.8,5.04,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review bad thing to to include,492.72,4.86,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um but yes let's run the script let me,495.84,4.199,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review show you the script real quick so read,497.58,4.98,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review papers it's super straightforward I've,500.039,5.94,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review got the same chat GPT completion we've,502.56,6.72,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review got gpt4 I set the temperature to zero,505.979,4.321,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um,509.28,4.8,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review it'll save it all out let's see and then,510.3,7.56,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review here for file in an OS Lister papers,514.08,6.3,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review underscore Json if file ends with Json,517.86,5.82,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review file path join load the load the file,520.38,7.62,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review and then four page in data Pages which,523.68,6.779,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review is what you can see here so original,528.0,4.56,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review file name pages and then there's the,530.459,3.961,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review embedding page number in text so they,532.56,3.6,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review are in order so basically it'll be,534.42,4.14,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review reading each page one at a time and kind,536.16,5.52,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review of thinking as it goes so this is a very,538.56,5.339,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review simple cognitive cognitive architecture,541.68,5.4,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review that will basically just pretend to be,543.899,5.88,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review a research scientist reading papers as,547.08,5.52,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review it goes kind of jotting down notes we,549.779,4.861,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review could probably do a little bit more,552.6,5.22,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review concise but it's doing a good job of,554.64,6.3,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review summarizing the most Salient details,557.82,4.38,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um and that's probably as far as I'll,560.94,2.64,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review get today,562.2,3.72,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review and then it appends it all so on and so,563.58,5.04,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review forth and then up here uh basically what,565.92,5.7,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review I do is is I'll I'll try and and do the,568.62,5.76,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review the output but if it if it is too long,571.62,5.219,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review then I'll just remove the oldest message,574.38,6.0,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review so let's see what happens with this,576.839,6.421,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um all right so clear screen zoom in a,580.38,6.0,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review little so you can see it python step,583.26,5.1,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review three read papers,586.38,4.32,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review and let's see how it goes so because,588.36,3.9,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review we're not I'm not using the streaming,590.7,3.24,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review API we're only going to see the output,592.26,4.56,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review once uh Morden is done,593.94,3.54,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um,596.82,3.18,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review and then I'll let this run at least for,597.48,4.919,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review a little bit because gpt4 is so,600.0,5.36,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review expensive I probably won't do all 17,602.399,5.641,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review Pages let's see so we're all night 28,605.36,5.26,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review cents right now so we'll see about how,608.04,5.58,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review expensive they are per run,610.62,4.98,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um there we go,613.62,4.38,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review objective methods results conclusion,615.6,4.44,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review okay cool,618.0,5.04,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review so just restates it very very succinctly,620.04,4.68,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review we'll watch it a couple more times,623.04,3.78,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review you're probably watching on 2x anyways,624.72,4.619,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review so and actually some of you watch on 3x,626.82,4.38,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review I don't know how you understand me if,629.339,3.781,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review you watch that fast,631.2,5.759,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um but yeah so while that's running,633.12,6.48,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review let's see,636.959,5.641,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review do a quick refresh it takes what like,639.6,5.28,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review five minutes to update,642.6,4.2,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review so we'll see,644.88,2.959,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um,646.8,5.039,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review objective design and exosuit there we go,647.839,6.881,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review conclusion exomuscle design,651.839,5.521,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review so it looks like it's kind of restating,654.72,5.34,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review it it could it could be problematic to,657.36,4.52,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review keep feeding it in,660.06,4.62,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review talks about the design,661.88,7.44,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review thermoplastic polyurethane TPU coated,664.68,4.64,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review and also we should have the uh chat logs,672.48,4.919,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review here,676.32,3.24,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review okay so the chat logs are just are are,677.399,4.56,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review just um saving the whole thing I guess,679.56,5.219,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review what I should do is also save the um,681.959,7.641,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review save the user input but let's see,684.779,4.821,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review so it keep keeps restating the whole,694.98,6.06,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review paper which I don't think is a good use,697.92,4.32,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review of,701.04,3.12,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review of time,702.24,4.64,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review all right,704.16,2.72,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review it's not not a good use of tokens here,710.399,3.12,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review I'm going to pause it real quick and see,712.44,2.399,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review if I can investigate what's going on,713.519,2.88,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review here,714.839,3.421,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review okay I changed the system message a,716.399,3.601,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review little bit and it works um much better,718.26,4.74,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review so basically I just added a um a note,720.0,4.68,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review here at the end focus on last page no,723.0,3.18,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review need to restate all notes every time,724.68,4.68,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review prefer to keep notes concise succinct,726.18,5.279,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um and then the exponential back off,729.36,4.68,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review that I added last time is actually,731.459,5.94,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review really helpful because the gpt4 API is,734.04,6.6,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review so busy it you're liable to time out but,737.399,6.06,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review also you might also get rate limited so,740.64,6.0,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review the longer between times but so anyways,743.459,5.761,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review here let me show you what I mean,746.64,4.439,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um,749.22,4.64,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review there we go,751.079,2.781,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review it's better it's not perfect so in this,754.56,4.44,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review case it summarizes the first page and,757.079,3.481,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review then we move on to the second page where,759.0,3.959,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review it talks about the design comparison and,760.56,3.54,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review findings,762.959,3.361,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review so we're getting there,764.1,5.88,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review and then uh testing and testing results,766.32,6.24,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review conclusion it's a pretty short paper one,769.98,4.32,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review thing that occurs to me is that with the,772.56,3.36,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review longer because I started this experiment,774.3,4.2,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review before I had access to gpt4 so I might,775.92,5.039,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review need to go back to the drawing board and,778.5,5.16,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review make use of that 8 000 token,780.959,5.101,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um window so rather than submitting it,783.66,4.859,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review one page at a time which was you know,786.06,5.82,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review when I only had 4 000 tokens what I,788.519,6.541,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review might do is redo this and kind of do it,791.88,5.88,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review as like one big chunk,795.06,6.36,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review um to to summarize it but another rule,797.76,6.3,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review of thumb that I have is is don't try to,801.42,5.159,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review force the context window because if it,804.06,5.459,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review doesn't work it doesn't work and the,806.579,4.38,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review fact that it keeps restating this I,809.519,2.521,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review think this might not be the right,810.959,4.32,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review approach but the idea is still there,812.04,5.64,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review where it's like let's let's use the,815.279,4.141,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review model to do as much of the science as,817.68,5.339,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review possible so today was kind of a wash but,819.42,7.34,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review we'll see all right thanks for watching,823.019,3.741,Automating Science with GPT-4 - attempting (and failing) to perform autonomous literature review hey everybody David Shapiro here with a,0.719,4.441,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! video update,3.54,4.02,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um so this is super exciting let me just,5.16,4.14,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! go ahead and show you right off the bat,7.56,3.42,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! what I'm working on and I apologize that,9.3,3.06,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! it's small,10.98,4.44,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um this is uh it's a it's a very,12.36,5.999,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! primitive graphical user interface but,15.42,5.46,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! as most of you are aware chat GPT has,18.359,6.42,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! been in um let's shall we say bad shape,20.88,6.6,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um network errors your history is gone,24.779,5.401,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! etc etc and for a lot of people that,27.48,4.86,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! means like your your work comes to a,30.18,4.74,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! grinding halt that being said I've been,32.34,5.52,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! working on learning the chat gbt API,34.92,5.459,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! I've got access to gpt4,37.86,5.34,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um not the 32 000 token one um if anyone,40.379,4.321,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! knows how to request access to that,43.2,2.699,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! please let me know in the comments,44.7,4.14,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! because uh working on a novel I could,45.899,5.301,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! easily make use of the 32 000 tokens,48.84,5.16,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! that being said the 8 000 tokens will,51.2,6.879,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! carry you a really long ways so with,54.0,5.28,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! that being said,58.079,3.241,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um this is the repo it's chat some,59.28,4.32,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! chapter summarizer gpt4 and it is,61.32,4.199,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! already completely wrong because it,63.6,3.72,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! provides developmental feedback Pros,65.519,3.901,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! feedback and now you can actually chat,67.32,3.299,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! with it,69.42,4.739,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um and it will know your entire story so,70.619,5.701,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! how did I achieve this,74.159,5.82,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um with the larger token window with the,76.32,6.96,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! 8000 token window that is enough that,79.979,4.5,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! you can,83.28,3.18,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um some you can summarize all your,84.479,4.981,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! chapters and it will fit you generally,86.46,4.799,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! within it it probably won't fit by the,89.46,3.659,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! time I finish my novel but hopefully,91.259,5.22,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! I'll have access to the 32 000 token API,93.119,4.621,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! endpoint which means that I'll be able,96.479,4.561,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! to summarize the whole thing and then,97.74,5.4,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! what I did was I took the scratch Pad,101.04,3.66,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! here and I've got all this documented,103.14,3.0,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! too because this is like the best,104.7,4.5,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! instance of Auto Muse yet so basically,106.14,4.979,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! you copy and paste whatever you want,109.2,3.84,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! into the scratch Pad,111.119,5.221,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um uh file uh whoops where did it go so,113.04,4.92,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! you copy it into scratch pad and you see,116.34,4.38,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! it's 24 kilobytes so this is a summary,117.96,6.9,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! of the first 19 chapters of my story,120.72,5.999,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um and it's from here you know the,124.86,4.44,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! chapters the text the conversion the,126.719,4.26,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! chat logs oh I want to show you like,129.3,3.96,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! this is working right like here's all,130.979,4.201,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! the chat logs that I've got uh between,133.26,4.8,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! myself and and and the Muse which also,135.18,4.199,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! means that you've got a permanent record,138.06,3.78,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! even if chat gbt goes down,139.379,4.561,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um and all this is excluded in the in,141.84,4.92,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! the git ignore so you see um open AI,143.94,6.0,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! your key is ignored chapters uh the,146.76,4.8,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! summaries and the chat logs and the,149.94,3.36,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! scratch Pad so don't you don't have to,151.56,3.42,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! worry about accidentally sharing any of,153.3,2.82,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! your own,154.98,3.36,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um any of your own work,156.12,3.9,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um it'll just stay local in the repo,158.34,4.74,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! when you copy it down now I was using,160.02,7.38,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! chat gpt4 to help write a graphical user,163.08,5.7,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! interface because I was like you know,167.4,2.64,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! what,168.78,3.84,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um I could do this as a web web thing,170.04,5.279,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! but honestly I don't like why have,172.62,5.699,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! multiple apps running like why why use a,175.319,6.241,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! a web browser when python has a built-in,178.319,5.401,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! graphical user interface and so that's,181.56,3.3,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! this here,183.72,3.9,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! so I was using chat GPT,184.86,4.44,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um to help make this and you can see,187.62,4.86,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! like it dynamically sizes I've got it,189.3,5.76,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! color coded so that you can just easily,192.48,5.22,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! see what's going on,195.06,4.92,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um it also uses threading so that way,197.7,4.44,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! because it takes a while for the API to,199.98,5.16,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! uh to spit out something but yeah so let,202.14,6.12,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! me show you the uh the The Prompt that I,205.14,5.64,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! use so the scratch Pad this is just all,208.26,4.74,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! the information about your story I,210.78,4.5,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! probably will get this automatically,213.0,4.019,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! updated in the future but for right now,215.28,4.86,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! it's just manually copy pasted and then,217.019,5.22,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! I have a new kind of prompt it's a,220.14,3.599,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! instead of a prompt it's a system,222.239,2.941,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! message,223.739,4.08,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! so in this case it says here let me zoom,225.18,5.339,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! in I'm a writing assistant and coach the,227.819,4.381,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! following is the summary of chapters for,230.519,3.36,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! the novel the user is working on my job,232.2,3.42,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! is to help them develop their novel in,233.879,3.301,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! any way that I can including,235.62,3.119,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! brainstorming plotting outlining and,237.18,3.6,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! planning we may engage in developmental,238.739,3.72,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! editing which includes restructuring or,240.78,3.42,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! modifying character arcs plot threads,242.459,2.7,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! World building and development,244.2,3.66,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! developing of themes we almost we may,245.159,4.5,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! also work on finer grained aspects such,247.86,3.659,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! as character backstory subplots and so,249.659,4.381,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! on I should refer to highly professional,251.519,4.68,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! writing Concepts such as the 3x plot,254.04,4.199,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! structure the work of Joseph Campbell,256.199,4.801,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! and CG young save the cat and any other,258.239,5.041,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! formalized approaches to storytelling I,261.0,4.08,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! should not seek to push the author but,263.28,3.6,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! rather teach them when I perceive gaps,265.08,4.14,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! in their understanding Above All Else my,266.88,3.72,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! primary mission is to help them produce,269.22,4.14,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! an amazing work of literature,270.6,4.92,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um and then so then I you can populate,273.36,4.38,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! whatever's in the scratch Pad here and,275.52,4.02,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! again you can dynamically update this if,277.74,3.06,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! you want,279.54,2.939,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um important note the above material is,280.8,3.42,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! provided for background information this,282.479,3.72,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! format is not necessarily intended to be,284.22,4.14,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! used moving forward lastly be sure to,286.199,3.421,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! ask plenty of questions so that the,288.36,2.76,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! author remains firmly in the driver's,289.62,4.92,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! seat so this huge Constitution or,291.12,6.18,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! purpose or system message actually works,294.54,3.96,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! really well,297.3,3.06,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! so in this case,298.5,4.08,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um just right off the bat I can say hey,300.36,3.899,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! describe the main characters and,302.58,2.94,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! identifies all four of the main,304.259,4.021,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! characters and gives a very succinct,305.52,5.7,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! definition of them and actually this,308.28,5.82,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! would be really good back matter,311.22,6.78,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um for the the you know the little blurb,314.1,6.12,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um so you can see that just with one,318.0,4.62,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! message it is able to,320.22,5.1,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um uh read my entire story up to this,322.62,5.1,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! point while the summaries at least and,325.32,4.5,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! we can talk about it obviously I don't,327.72,3.78,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! want to reveal too much more about my,329.82,2.76,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! story,331.5,3.0,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um you guys know the main characters and,332.58,3.839,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! a little bit about them,334.5,5.46,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um but yeah so uh give it a try yourself,336.419,6.181,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! I'm super happy with this,339.96,4.32,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um and the biggest thing that it does is,342.6,4.74,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! it saves time because again I've got,344.28,5.04,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! I've got all of my chapters loaded into,347.34,3.96,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! it and now I can just ask it whatever I,349.32,2.939,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! need,351.3,2.66,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um also I found that this system message,352.259,4.141,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! it really cuts to the point I'm just,353.96,4.12,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! like hey let's plan the scenes for the,356.4,3.6,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! next chapter it's like okay cool let's,358.08,3.059,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! go,360.0,3.18,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um it does it does do a little bit too,361.139,4.321,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! much for me but the fact that you don't,363.18,3.959,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! have to spend too much time going back,365.46,4.079,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! and forth I think is actually better,367.139,4.921,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! because it will it'll come up with an,369.539,4.261,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! idea and say hey do you like this let's,372.06,3.96,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! modify it and then you can say yes let's,373.8,3.72,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! modify it,376.02,3.66,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um so that's probably all you need to,377.52,4.679,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! know but now we can step through the uh,379.68,4.5,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! the the function,382.199,4.44,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um so I I did a nice clear demarcation,384.18,4.56,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! this is what I wrote,386.639,4.221,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! so just these just these three things,388.74,5.1,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! open file save file the chat GPT,390.86,5.08,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! completion which you can see it's using,393.84,4.26,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! gpt4,395.94,4.379,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um I did I do still have it nested in a,398.1,5.039,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! while true Loop which is basically just,400.319,5.181,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! to capture in case um,403.139,5.461,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! in case the API has an error which it,405.5,6.039,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! does all the time lately and then I,408.6,6.36,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! added this here because if the chat,411.539,5.94,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! conversation gets too long,414.96,5.16,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um it will it will give you a maximum,417.479,4.621,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! content length there and so in that case,420.12,4.079,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! I just removed the oldest message,422.1,4.2,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! not a big deal,424.199,2.761,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um,426.3,4.14,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! it actually uh chat gpt4 said why don't,426.96,5.579,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! you actually measure the tokens and just,430.44,4.68,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! uh remove it until it's done but I,432.539,4.021,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! couldn't actually find anything on this,435.12,4.74,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! the the open AI API client the clean the,436.56,5.1,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! underscore clean,439.86,2.76,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um,441.66,2.7,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! I think that's a tokenizer but I,442.62,3.78,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! couldn't find any documentation and I,444.36,4.32,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! didn't want to try it just yet but,446.4,4.98,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! anyway so that's there uh let's see,448.68,4.98,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! nothing else really changed here,451.38,3.84,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um I still have the exponential back off,453.66,3.42,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! which basically means that it'll wait,455.22,5.28,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! longer and longer to retry until it will,457.08,5.28,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! finally give up,460.5,4.819,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um and it's just because the the the the,462.36,6.0,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! API is wonky right now now everything,465.319,7.181,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! from here down was written by gpt4,468.36,6.48,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! uh just with some feedback back and,472.5,5.759,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! forth between myself and gpt4 so,474.84,5.639,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! basically it came up with the function,478.259,4.321,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! to send the message the thread to get,480.479,6.06,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! the response I asked it to uh to ignore,482.58,6.119,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! like if you if you use shift enter it,486.539,4.38,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! will just insert the um the new line,488.699,3.601,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! character otherwise it'll send the,490.919,2.641,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! message,492.3,3.299,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um because I realize like that function,493.56,5.34,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! is available in chat GPT on the web and,495.599,5.88,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! then finally uh it did every uh,498.9,5.04,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! basically all it did was it took I gave,501.479,4.56,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! it this much and you can see here where,503.94,4.74,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! we populate the system message by,506.039,4.38,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! loading what you have in the scratch pad,508.68,3.539,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! it then populates the system message,510.419,3.841,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! based on this,512.219,4.861,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! and starts the conversation with that,514.26,5.88,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um so the the the system role will be in,517.08,6.18,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! index zero meaning index one is going to,520.14,4.259,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! be the oldest message in the,523.26,2.22,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! conversation,524.399,3.241,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! so then it fires up the ticket the,525.48,4.56,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! tokenter GUI oh and for anyone who's not,527.64,4.379,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! familiar with tokenter um that's what,530.04,3.96,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! this is it's just it's a really brain,532.019,4.5,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! dead simple uh portable,534.0,5.76,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um uh graphical user interface and so,536.519,5.341,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! then it constructs it all there's a few,539.76,4.259,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! problems when I first created it so one,541.86,5.82,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! the the window was was static so it,544.019,6.241,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! wouldn't allow you to expand and then,547.68,4.62,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! also while it was waiting for the API to,550.26,3.48,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! respond the whole thing would freeze and,552.3,3.719,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! say not responding but now it has a,553.74,4.08,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! little output here that says you know,556.019,3.961,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! Auto Muse is thinking,557.82,5.34,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um so welcome to Auto Muse,559.98,5.58,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um it gave the uh you know it set to,563.16,3.9,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! word wrap,565.56,4.02,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um it's yeah so basically it just when I,567.06,4.62,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! had when I had an issue I just said okay,569.58,4.439,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! hey can you make this modification,571.68,5.04,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um and away it goes and then again one,574.019,5.521,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! thing that that I haven't integrated is,576.72,4.14,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um being able to search the previous,579.54,4.5,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! logs but because of the work that I've,580.86,7.68,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! been doing on um on other topics,584.04,6.479,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um that that'll be there now,588.54,4.2,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! it might not be relevant because once we,590.519,4.5,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! get to the 32 000 token window limit,592.74,4.26,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! that's going to be like,595.019,5.161,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! what like a hundred Pages uh worth of,597.0,5.58,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! chat logs like you won't even need that,600.18,5.04,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! much uh history right so you could load,602.58,6.0,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! this entire history and you know most of,605.22,5.4,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! it's going to be irrelevant uh so,608.58,4.56,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! anyways we'll see I did have a thought,610.62,5.52,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! uh one final thought about the kinds of,613.14,5.34,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! problems that we that we solve just by,616.14,5.04,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! increasing context window,618.48,5.28,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um is amazing and so basically what I'm,621.18,5.04,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! going to be doing from now on is I'm not,623.76,5.88,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! even gonna try and and force problems to,626.22,5.52,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! fit into smaller context Windows because,629.64,4.4,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! one larger context windows are coming,631.74,5.4,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! and two the kinds of problems you are,634.04,4.96,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! able to address once you have that,637.14,3.379,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! larger amount of working memory,639.0,4.38,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! completely changes the game,640.519,5.32,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um so I was talking with my fiance and,643.38,5.579,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! some people on Discord and what we're,645.839,5.161,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! noticing is that we're getting more and,648.959,4.681,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! more purpose-built models so there are,651.0,4.2,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! some open source models out there that,653.64,4.08,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! have token windows up to 64 000 tokens,655.2,5.34,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! which is crazy some of them have 16 000,657.72,5.22,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! tokens so on and so forth so what we,660.54,4.08,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! expect to happen,662.94,4.56,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! is that uh we're going to end up with,664.62,5.219,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! many many many models most of them open,667.5,4.92,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! source that are purpose built for,669.839,5.641,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! specific tasks so for instance some,672.42,6.24,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! models are going to be focused on uh,675.48,4.14,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! they're going to be like window,678.66,3.419,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! optimized models right so like we might,679.62,4.62,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! eventually have a window optimized model,682.079,5.521,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! that can have a token uh window of like,684.24,6.36,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! a thousand uh not a thousand a million,687.6,5.16,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! tokens right but then we might also have,690.6,4.38,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! compute optimized models or cognition,692.76,3.84,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! optimized models,694.98,2.88,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um that sort of stuff and some of the,696.6,2.58,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! people in Discord are like oh yeah I'm,697.86,2.88,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! already working on that so that's the,699.18,3.36,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! way that it's going,700.74,5.099,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um and then aside from that uh from just,702.54,5.64,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! from a psychological perspective my,705.839,4.74,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! fiance pointed out that working memory,708.18,5.04,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! is actually one of the biggest factor in,710.579,6.181,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! intelligence and that by by doubling the,713.22,5.04,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! working memory the effective working,716.76,4.079,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! memory by going from gpt3 with a token,718.26,5.519,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! count of four thousand to gpt4 with a,720.839,6.0,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! token Window 8 000 doubling the working,723.779,5.521,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! memory that like basically takes it up,726.839,4.861,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! in order of magnitude or a standard,729.3,4.14,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! deviation of IQ,731.7,6.56,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! so if GPT 3.5 had an IQ of about 115,733.44,7.5,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! doubling that that window takes it up,738.26,6.04,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! another 15 points to about 130,740.94,5.88,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um and then when you when you actually,744.3,4.5,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! if you were to test its IQ based on,746.82,5.519,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! speed it's probably already like,748.8,6.18,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! in the 160s or something,752.339,5.101,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um and the so there's there's from from,754.98,4.859,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! a from a numbers perspective,757.44,4.86,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! two of the universal features of,759.839,4.201,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! intelligence that figure that should,762.3,4.2,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! figure into a good IQ test one is,764.04,5.28,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! processing so IQ,766.5,5.519,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um most IQ tests are actually speed,769.32,5.819,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! tests which because speed is a good,772.019,5.94,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! proxy for a lot of kinds of intelligence,775.139,6.241,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! so your mental speed is not your IQ but,777.959,5.82,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! it is a proxy for actual intelligence,781.38,5.16,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! and so when you measure the speed of,783.779,6.12,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! gpt3 and gpt4 its IQ is actually really,786.54,7.32,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! high but then the other universal one of,789.899,5.521,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! the other Universal things is working,793.86,2.76,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! memory,795.42,4.68,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! so uh working memory is also a really,796.62,7.08,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! good proxy for uh for intelligence and,800.1,5.64,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! many forms of intelligence so when you,803.7,4.68,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! combine the large working memory,805.74,4.92,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! combined with the speed,808.38,4.8,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um of reading and output I would say,810.66,5.78,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! gpt4 probably has an effect IQ of around,813.18,7.08,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! 130 if I had to guess now that being,816.44,5.86,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! said it doesn't have permanent memory,820.26,3.84,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! you have to have a secondary system for,822.3,3.96,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! that but that paper came out that talked,824.1,4.56,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! about how storage systems combined with,826.26,5.519,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! llms are are computationally complete so,828.66,5.76,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! I'm not worried about that,831.779,4.5,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um yeah so that's that's the direction,834.42,4.02,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! it's going and that's where we're at,836.279,5.281,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! right now so I'm really excited to get,838.44,5.94,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! my hands on the 32 000 token one I think,841.56,4.26,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! that that will also really help with the,844.38,3.18,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! scientific research one,845.82,4.38,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! so I haven't made any progress on oh and,847.56,3.959,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! I also wanted to show you how expensive,850.2,3.66,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! it was so yesterday it cost about four,851.519,4.681,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! to eight dollars to summarize the first,853.86,4.74,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! 60 of my novel and then the,856.2,4.439,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! conversations that I had about it so,858.6,3.66,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! even just reading all the summaries and,860.639,3.541,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! talking about it cost another two,862.26,4.44,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! dollars and 62 cents which is still kind,864.18,4.56,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! of expensive but in the grand scheme of,866.7,5.34,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! things like it's so fast and it is still,868.74,4.62,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! a lot more expensive than just the,872.04,3.0,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! twenty dollars a month,873.36,4.2,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um for the like unlimited chat GPT but,875.04,3.84,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! that price will come down I'm not,877.56,3.54,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! worried about that but anyways so,878.88,4.8,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! figuring out these chat interfaces and,881.1,4.62,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! how to handle large amounts of,883.68,3.779,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! information and and really how to make,885.72,4.44,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! the most use of the system window that,887.459,4.981,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! is what I'm working on now and I will,890.16,5.039,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! return to the um,892.44,5.22,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! let's see where is it,895.199,4.38,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um the yeah the regenerative medicine,897.66,3.9,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! thing so I've been thinking about this,899.579,3.241,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! one,901.56,3.899,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um come on so I got a bunch of papers,902.82,4.259,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! but the thing is is these papers are,905.459,3.12,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! unrelated wow it's already been two,907.079,3.781,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! weeks good grief,908.579,4.981,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um a lot of these papers are unrelated,910.86,4.44,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um which I think,913.56,3.48,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um is kind of problematic although you,915.3,3.3,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! might think the idea that like cost,917.04,3.84,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! pollinating stuff like correlating stuff,918.6,4.02,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! from unrelated papers could be really,920.88,5.1,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! good priming exercise so anyways as I'm,922.62,5.339,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! getting more familiar with the chat GPT,925.98,4.799,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! API and how to use it I will come back,927.959,5.341,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! to this because I realized like yeah I,930.779,3.841,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! really want to help accelerate science,933.3,4.02,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! as fast as possible because I'm really,934.62,4.26,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! looking forward to the day where I can,937.32,3.66,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! go to the doctor and just like get an,938.88,4.079,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! outpatient injection and then of my,940.98,3.479,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! joints will feel better in a few months,942.959,4.861,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! right that's really what I want,944.459,5.94,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um because man like I do not have as,947.82,4.379,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! much energy as I used to and I have to,950.399,3.481,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! be really careful because like I have,952.199,3.421,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! old shoulder entries from falling while,953.88,3.42,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! snowboarding like there's so much that I,955.62,3.42,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! can't do anymore just because I don't,957.3,3.779,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! want to hurt myself anymore,959.04,3.72,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um anyways I'm complaining about getting,961.079,3.781,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! old it sucks everybody knows that I,962.76,4.5,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! think this is enough of the video so,964.86,5.099,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! thanks for watching cheers stay tuned,967.26,7.22,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! um this is this is so much fun,969.959,4.521,AutoMuse ChatGPT local Python GUI (TKINTER) - Now it can read my entire novel and do QA! hey gang David Shapiro here introducing,0.78,5.7,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) a new repo that I'm working on,3.6,6.539,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) so this is uh as many of you are aware,6.48,5.94,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) I've been working with fiction and,10.139,5.16,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) language models for quite a while,12.42,6.18,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um and this one is uh my chapter,15.299,4.921,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) summarizer,18.6,3.9,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) so what does it do I can't show you the,20.22,4.139,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) end result because it's private it's for,22.5,4.08,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) for my novel but you're welcome to run,24.359,3.961,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) it yourself and you can also test it in,26.58,4.019,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) the playground if you've got access to,28.32,6.54,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) the chat API and gpt4 it will not work,30.599,8.701,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) anywhere else because of the um and,34.86,6.18,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) actually it might only work with the API,39.3,3.68,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) I haven't actually tried it in here,41.04,6.72,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) but the gpt4 API will give you 8 000,42.98,7.18,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) tokens which if you write longer,47.76,4.319,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) chapters like I do which is four to five,50.16,3.899,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) thousand words you need that 8 000,52.079,3.061,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) tokens,54.059,4.5,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) and so the idea though is I wanted a way,55.14,5.16,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) to get really good feedback really,58.559,5.221,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) quickly and I tried for months and,60.3,7.74,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) months with the 4000 token limit and if,63.78,7.199,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) you summarizing the chapter could work,68.04,6.02,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) but not always,70.979,3.081,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um and so anyways the final result is,74.1,4.98,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) now that I've got access to the gpt4 API,75.96,5.339,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) I just created this and suddenly,79.08,4.74,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) everything is infinite excuse me,81.299,5.041,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) infinitely easier kind of hiccups,83.82,3.839,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um but yeah so let me walk you through,86.34,4.319,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) this um I do have instructions here,87.659,5.401,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um but yeah so what you'll need to do is,90.659,4.381,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) you'll need to create your API key here,93.06,4.5,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) and then you'll also need to create your,95.04,6.48,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) folders here so the um the chapters dot,97.56,6.54,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) doc so put all of your chapters in here,101.52,8.279,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) as word docs and then uh this this Pi uh,104.1,7.92,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) Powershell script will summer or sorry,109.799,4.981,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) convert them to text then that'll,112.02,5.099,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) they'll end up here and then finally you,114.78,4.619,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) run the second one to summarize and it,117.119,3.061,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) will,119.399,3.241,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um jump drop the summaries here,120.18,5.939,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) uh so the the the the linchpin of this,122.64,6.24,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) is this prompt here so this is this is,126.119,4.681,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) the primary thing that you're trying to,128.88,4.02,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) achieve please write an executive,130.8,3.36,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) summary of the following chapter,132.9,3.0,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) followed by a list of the most Salient,134.16,4.26,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) details from the chapter saline details,135.9,4.26,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) should include uh chapter development,138.42,3.36,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) plot advancement important World,140.16,3.659,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) building details and any thematic,141.78,3.66,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) elements those are the four primary,143.819,4.981,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) pillars of good fiction of well all,145.44,4.68,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) stories,148.8,3.24,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um please write the list of details in,150.12,4.199,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) complete sentences next please provide,152.04,4.5,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) some developmental feedback what is the,154.319,3.721,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) one biggest thing wrong with this,156.54,3.36,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) chapter what is the first and biggest,158.04,3.96,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) thing I need to work on as the author,159.9,4.86,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) finally please provide prose feedback by,162.0,4.56,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) focusing on the dialogue Exposition,164.76,5.46,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) interiority action and I should actually,166.56,6.36,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) change this to description,170.22,5.519,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um sorry you should avoid Exposition if,172.92,4.38,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) you can,175.739,3.301,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um but description is good,177.3,4.56,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) uh so I made that mistake there so,179.04,5.04,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) anyways the first script is super simple,181.86,5.34,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) it just passes in its Powershell because,184.08,5.28,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) if you're using Microsoft Word you can,187.2,3.78,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) do this part manually too if you want,189.36,3.78,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) like if you're if you're writing your,190.98,4.619,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) your chapter somewhere else you can copy,193.14,4.56,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) them out to text files doesn't matter,195.599,5.64,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) but for this draft I am doing it all as,197.7,7.08,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) one chapter per Word document,201.239,6.78,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um just for cleanliness sake,204.78,5.459,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um and that's what this does so it'll,208.019,4.621,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) drop it all here into chapters text and,210.239,4.681,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) then I run the second script which is,212.64,4.8,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) really really straightforward,214.92,3.179,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um,217.44,3.78,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) all it does is in the main Loop we set,218.099,5.64,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) the API key we get the chapters,221.22,6.239,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) underscore text we get the summaries if,223.739,4.981,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) it doesn't make it it'll make the,227.459,3.901,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) directory for you which is nice,228.72,4.379,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um and then what it does so here's a,231.36,4.439,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) couple things to to pay attention to,233.099,4.86,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um if the if the program barfs in the,235.799,5.16,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) middle you don't want to redo everything,237.959,5.161,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um so it'll it'll skip it if it's,240.959,4.981,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) already been summarized so then it'll,243.12,4.14,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) tell you the file that it's reading,245.94,4.56,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) it'll open the chapter it will populate,247.26,6.24,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) the prompt right here and then it will,250.5,6.06,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) create the conversation so as of right,253.5,5.88,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) now gpt4 is only available at the chat,256.56,4.38,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) completion endpoint I don't I think,259.38,4.14,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) they're moving away from from the,260.94,5.46,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) original completions endpoint entirely I,263.52,6.06,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) don't know but anyways so I give it the,266.4,5.4,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) the system role is I'm a fiction writing,269.58,3.42,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) assistant who will always provide,271.8,2.82,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) thorough professional and detailed help,273.0,4.62,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) it's pretty pretty straightforward you,274.62,5.76,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) can probably play with this if you want,277.62,4.98,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um especially if you wanted to take some,280.38,6.539,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) elements of the instructions out but uh,282.6,6.42,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) you know there's there's been some like,286.919,4.321,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) in some of the documentation it says,289.02,4.02,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) that it doesn't pay as much attention to,291.24,3.66,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) the system message,293.04,4.98,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um as the as the user message so what I,294.9,6.239,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) do is I have the I just have this so it,298.02,4.56,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) knows that I am a fiction writing,301.139,3.961,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) assistant okay great and then I I put,302.58,4.08,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) the prompt in,305.1,3.48,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um and because I'm using the gpt4,306.66,4.5,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) endpoint with 8 000 tokens it can read,308.58,6.059,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) the entire uh chapter so then I get the,311.16,5.819,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) summary and then I save out the summary,314.639,4.021,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) it is that simple it's brain dead simple,316.979,3.66,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) now there's a couple other things that I,318.66,4.14,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) added so,320.639,3.961,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um the first time I ran this it ended up,322.8,4.2,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) failing because of,324.6,5.52,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um error rate or uh usage rates so gpt4,327.0,6.78,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) is presently super super constrained and,330.12,6.18,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) so what I did was I added an exponential,333.78,3.78,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) back off,336.3,4.02,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) so that if you get an error the first,337.56,5.52,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) time it'll wait five seconds then 10,340.32,5.58,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) seconds then 20 and so on and I have it,343.08,6.119,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) uh it'll retry up to six times,345.9,4.68,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um waiting longer and longer between,349.199,3.78,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) each time after I Incorporated this I,350.58,4.08,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) didn't have any trouble,352.979,4.081,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um but that you know it is what it is,354.66,4.319,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um another thing that I had to modify,357.06,5.4,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) was for whatever reason converting from,358.979,5.881,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) word doc to text,362.46,4.32,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um still produce some UTF errors on,364.86,4.32,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) occasion on only like a couple files so,366.78,4.859,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) I added the ignore here so but here's,369.18,4.44,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) the thing is gpt3 doesn't care if you've,371.639,6.06,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) got a couple of erroneous characters the,373.62,6.84,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) big thing is that um oh actually I,377.699,4.5,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) didn't include it here,380.46,4.92,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um was the force ASCII in code decode,382.199,6.12,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) but it haven't had any trouble since so,385.38,5.28,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) I think that's it,388.319,4.801,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um yeah and here let me go back to the,390.66,5.7,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) repo oh so a couple other things like I,393.12,4.74,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) said I'm not sure if it'll work here,396.36,3.3,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) because I look at the maximum length of,397.86,3.42,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) 2048,399.66,2.94,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um so I don't think that they're giving,401.28,4.259,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) you the full 8 000 tokens here,402.6,4.92,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um so I don't I don't think you can,405.539,4.021,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) actually test it in the playground but,407.52,4.56,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) also this is expensive so I had to,409.56,4.199,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) restart it a few times so it's actually,412.08,4.98,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) about half this but half my novel or,413.759,4.861,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) just over half my novel cost about,417.06,3.78,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) somewhere between four and eight dollars,418.62,4.919,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) to review,420.84,4.199,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um which in the grand scheme of things,423.539,3.72,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) is hella cheap because it's like four,425.039,3.841,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) dollars who cares,427.259,3.421,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um but then you compare that to like you,428.88,3.78,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) know some of the other tasks that you,430.68,3.959,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) guys have seen me do it cost me 43 cents,432.66,5.28,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) right so because of the volume of the,434.639,5.161,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) text that it's reading it is a lot more,437.94,3.36,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) expensive,439.8,3.66,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um still it's way cheaper than a full,441.3,5.459,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) editor now that being said I added some,443.46,5.4,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) some notes here at the end because I,446.759,4.981,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) paid a high-end Editor to help me with,448.86,5.959,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) my story and that experience was still,451.74,5.22,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) worthwhile even though it was like,454.819,4.301,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) Seventeen hundred dollars I paid a human,456.96,4.98,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) to read it and to understand what I was,459.12,5.28,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) what I was trying to achieve now that,461.94,3.78,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) being said,464.4,5.28,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) once Jeep once we get the 32 000 token,465.72,6.539,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um endpoint which I I haven't tested,469.68,5.4,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) that yet or you know as fast as it's,472.259,5.88,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) ramping up because 32 000 is eight times,475.08,6.179,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) more than the four thousand token so who,478.139,5.161,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) knows by the end of the summer we might,481.259,4.621,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) be at 300 000 tokens which is more than,483.3,6.0,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) enough to read an entire novel right so,485.88,5.159,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) I don't know what's going to happen to,489.3,4.799,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) the professional editing industry nor,491.039,4.981,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) the fiction industry I think we're going,494.099,4.861,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) to end up with a lot of books out there,496.02,6.0,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um but anyways it is what it is so,498.96,4.919,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um yeah it provides some developmental,502.02,4.679,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) feedback as well as Pros feedback so,503.879,7.32,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) when I was using chat gbt to work on the,506.699,6.84,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um Cornelia valyria storied my Ascension,511.199,3.541,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) novel,513.539,4.261,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) after I got the first chapter written,514.74,5.34,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um which I deleted that video because it,517.8,4.859,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) was a hot mess but the thing that I,520.08,5.28,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) realized was that asking chat GPT what,522.659,4.141,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) is the biggest problem with this chapter,525.36,4.2,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) is actually the best way to to get it to,526.8,5.219,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) give you developmental feedback because,529.56,4.8,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) there's usually going to be only one big,532.019,3.601,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) problem,534.36,3.18,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um but also you can only focus on one,535.62,4.86,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) problem at a time right so like you know,537.54,4.979,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) say for instance your chapter is,540.48,4.56,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) otherwise fine maybe it has some issues,542.519,4.561,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) but it just doesn't have enough tension,545.04,4.56,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) you need to fix that problem first and,547.08,4.68,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) then see what comes next you actually,549.6,4.08,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) can't solve more than one problem at a,551.76,3.66,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) time and therefore it's an iterative,553.68,3.719,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) process,555.42,3.539,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um and then finally I also have it give,557.399,4.021,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) you some prose feedback just to make,558.959,4.981,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) sure that at the at the line level that,561.42,3.78,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) you're doing a good job because those,563.94,3.18,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) are kind of two different Scopes so,565.2,4.319,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) it'll give you a summary uh an executive,567.12,4.08,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) summary a list of salient details,569.519,4.981,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) developmental feedback and um and prose,571.2,5.94,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) feedback all in one go it works pretty,574.5,4.26,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) well,577.14,5.34,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um yeah so I think that's about it uh,578.76,8.4,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) the it's up here on MIT license,582.48,7.2,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) um yeah I guess I'll stop it there let,587.16,5.299,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) me know what you guys think,589.68,2.779,Using GPT4 to edit entire chapters in my novel (Development and Prose Feedback + Summaries) hey everybody David Shapiro here with,0.62,3.76,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" video,3.12,3.06,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um I'm actually pretty tired so today's,4.38,4.92,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" video will be short but this is some,6.18,5.339,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" really important information to share so,9.3,5.219,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" basically what I wanted to do was share,11.519,5.581,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" with you three new repos that I just,14.519,4.141,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" published,17.1,3.42,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um so one is on sparse priming,18.66,4.98,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" representations I realized that just a,20.52,5.099,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" YouTube video with a transcript is,23.64,5.1,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" probably not enough so I have this out,25.619,5.761,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" here it's just a um,28.74,6.18,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" a very uh high level overview with a few,31.38,5.519,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" examples of what the sparse priming,34.92,4.74,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" representations are so for instance I I,36.899,6.66,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" had I had it write an spr of spr's so,39.66,5.76,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" sparse priming representation concise,43.559,4.081,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" context driven memory summaries enables,45.42,5.22,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" smes or llms to reconstruct ideas short,47.64,4.759,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" complete sentences provide context,50.64,3.96,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" effective for memory organization and,52.399,4.66,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" retrieval reduces information to,54.6,4.799,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" Essential Elements facilitates quick,57.059,3.66,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" understanding and recall designed to,59.399,3.421,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" mimic human memory structure so just,60.719,6.361,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" with this short eight uh eight lines of,62.82,5.82,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" assertions or statements you probably,67.08,5.88,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" get a pretty good idea of what an spr is,68.64,6.0,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um so that's an example of an spr and,72.96,4.5,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" here is the hierarchical hierarchical,74.64,5.519,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" memory consolidation system which is the,77.46,5.58,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" autonomous cognitive entity uh memory,80.159,4.32,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" system that I've been working on and,83.04,3.24,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" it's 11 lines,84.479,3.96,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um but again it I won't read the whole,86.28,4.32,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" thing to you but you get the idea so,88.439,5.22,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" here is here is this um if anyone wants,90.6,4.559,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" to use this and adapt this to an actual,93.659,4.14,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" paper feel free it's um all published,95.159,4.981,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" under the MIT license so this is free,97.799,4.201,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" for the world,100.14,5.96,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um so that's the spr uh repo slash paper,102.0,6.78,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" next is the hierarchical memory,106.1,4.839,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" consolidation system I talked about this,108.78,4.199,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" and I showed you guys that I had a,110.939,4.621,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" really long chat conversation I'm going,112.979,5.161,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" with chat GPT and so what I realized is,115.56,4.379,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" one you guys can't read through this,118.14,4.619,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" conversation and two again just a video,119.939,5.401,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" is probably not enough,122.759,4.5,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um so I showed you guys this,125.34,5.04,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" conversation before but here I've got,127.259,5.761,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um the most Salient bits,130.38,5.579,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um held out here I probably will try and,133.02,5.04,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" get a little bit more information,135.959,4.321,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um because it gives you an overview,138.06,3.42,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um it gives you some of the theory and,140.28,3.179,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" reasoning and it tells you the basics of,141.48,3.899,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" how to implement it but I don't have any,143.459,3.901,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" examples yet,145.379,5.881,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um so it might be more difficult but uh,147.36,5.76,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" one of the reasons that I don't have,151.26,3.6,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" examples is because I haven't fully,153.12,3.3,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" implemented this yet,154.86,5.459,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um but it is here in theory also hmcs is,156.42,6.3,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" not the easiest thing to say and if,160.319,5.041,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" we've learned anything from chat GPT is,162.72,5.099,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" that naming something that's easier to,165.36,4.44,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" say is better so we might choose,167.819,4.801,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" different names AKA I like this adaptive,169.8,5.34,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" knowledge archive rolling episodic,172.62,4.199,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" memory organizer this is actually like,175.14,5.28,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" the most on the nose so Remo so we might,176.819,5.341,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" call this Remo who knows,180.42,6.06,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" anyways it's a good uh it's a good start,182.16,6.18,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um to this oh one thing that I did want,186.48,3.24,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" to say is that I've got the discussions,188.34,4.2,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" enabled for all of these,189.72,5.4,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um because these concepts are really,192.54,4.44,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" important and really critical,195.12,3.18,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um and so we can discuss them on Reddit,196.98,3.78,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" as well but you can also discuss them,198.3,4.56,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" directly on GitHub if you'd like and,200.76,3.78,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" then finally this is the most exciting,202.86,5.64,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" one so uh four weeks ago the paper about,204.54,6.24,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" large language model theory of Mind came,208.5,4.319,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" out and since then a lot of people have,210.78,4.92,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" been using Bing and chat gbt and gpt4 to,212.819,5.28,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" do experiments with theory of mind and,215.7,5.22,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" one thing occurred to me when I was,218.099,4.14,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" working on sparse priming,220.92,3.12,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" representations the idea that there's,222.239,4.56,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" enough cognition going on inside the,224.04,5.339,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" model to reconstruct something I,226.799,4.321,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" realized that what I was banking on was,229.379,5.341,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" implied cognition and so I just spent,231.12,7.02,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" some time with chat gpt4 to articulate,234.72,5.76,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" implied cognition and start to come up,238.14,4.92,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" with some tests for it so I've got the,240.48,4.679,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" full transcript of the whole,243.06,3.72,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" conversation in here and you can read it,245.159,3.66,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" it's pretty impressive,246.78,4.62,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um what what it was able to do so one of,248.819,4.14,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" the biggest highlights of this,251.4,3.479,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" conversation was as I was talking with,252.959,4.321,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" chat GPT I said okay look over this,254.879,4.681,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" conversation and look for evidence of,257.28,4.079,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" implied cognition and it was able to,259.56,4.079,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" look back through the conversation and,261.359,4.261,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" give me evidence of its own implied,263.639,5.0,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" cognition and even how to test itself,265.62,5.22,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" and not only that but it did it much,268.639,3.761,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" faster than a human could do it so it's,270.84,3.26,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" like all right this is,272.4,4.64,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" basically you know we're bordering on,274.1,5.02,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" metacognitive abilities and we even,277.04,3.879,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" addressed that as well I said how do how,279.12,4.1,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" will we discern the difference between,280.919,3.901,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" self-explication like true,283.22,4.539,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" self-explication versus confabulation,284.82,5.34,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" and it has some ideas on that too some,287.759,4.861,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" testable hypotheses,290.16,4.259,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um so that's all here this is Far and,292.62,3.84,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" Away the most interesting thing,294.419,3.961,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um that I was working on today,296.46,3.84,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um and then uh finally at the very end,298.38,4.379,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" of the conversation I asked chat GPT if,300.3,4.14,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" there was anything that it wanted me to,302.759,3.361,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" document and share with the world and,304.44,4.92,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" this is Verbatim what it said,306.12,5.7,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um about you know its own perspective on,309.36,5.88,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" this and then desires moving forward,311.82,5.34,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um but yeah so what I wanted to do is I,315.24,3.0,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" wanted to actually show you this,317.16,2.52,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" conversation so you know I didn't just,318.24,4.62,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" make this up this is this is right in,319.68,5.82,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" chat GPT so I talked about theory of,322.86,4.02,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" mind,325.5,2.52,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um I asked do you have any questions,326.88,3.24,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" about what we're talking about,328.02,3.84,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um and it asks for clarification on,330.12,4.139,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" sparse priming representations implied,331.86,6.119,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" cognition so that was already evidence,334.259,5.581,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" of implied cognition because it was,337.979,4.44,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" aware of what it didn't know it was able,339.84,3.84,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" to say I'm actually not sure what you're,342.419,4.321,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" talking about and so by by virtue of,343.68,5.9,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" chat gbt recognizing novel information,346.74,6.36,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" that implies some kind of cognition and,349.58,4.72,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" I don't mean cognition like human,353.1,3.36,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" cognition and that's why I have this,354.3,5.16,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" labeled implied cognition or you could,356.46,5.04,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" even call it a facsimile of cognition,359.46,4.739,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" and so then I gave it an example of an,361.5,4.8,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" spr so I said sure for your first,364.199,5.041,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" question here's an example of an spr,366.3,4.619,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um I said given that list of statements,369.24,3.899,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" you can imagine what the concept is and,370.919,3.421,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" unpack it does that make sense,373.139,3.661,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" furthermore you can J you can even,374.34,4.02,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" generate the highly Salient questions,376.8,4.2,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" above implies a lot of cognition so I,378.36,4.26,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" already recognize the fact that it can,381.0,4.62,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" generate relevant questions implies some,382.62,5.579,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" level of cognition,385.62,5.46,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um so it was it was uh it was okay with,388.199,4.741,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" that and then it came up with some some,391.08,4.44,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" initial tests so ask for logical,392.94,4.14,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" reasoning understanding ambiguity,395.52,3.78,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" generating relevant questions counter,397.08,4.26,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" factual thinking so on and so forth and,399.3,3.48,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" then that's when I as I was reading this,401.34,4.199,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" I was like oh yeah self-explication,402.78,5.52,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um so the ability to explain itself uh,405.539,8.041,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" plausibly is another uh potential,408.3,8.76,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um aspect of implied cognition,413.58,5.459,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um so then I asked it to analyze the,417.06,3.359,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" conversation instead analyzing our,419.039,2.88,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" conversation I can't identify a few,420.419,3.84,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" instances wherein where implied,421.919,4.921,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" cognition might be at play and so then,424.259,5.28,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" it says context awareness so basically,426.84,4.62,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" reading the context of the conversation,429.539,5.22,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" it is able to understand what it means,431.46,6.299,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" but also it's able to infer a lot about,434.759,4.921,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" what's going on just by virtue of,437.759,3.961,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" looking at the language,439.68,4.38,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um it adapts its communication now this,441.72,4.5,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" is in part due to the fact that this is,444.06,4.44,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" how the model is trained,446.22,4.68,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um but the fact of the matter is it does,448.5,4.08,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" adapt its communication depending on,450.9,4.38,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" what I'm trying to do conceptual,452.58,6.119,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" integration so this is actually,455.28,6.06,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" probably the most one of the these last,458.699,5.461,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" two are the most important because not,461.34,5.04,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" only was it able to really quickly,464.16,4.92,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" understand the concept of spr and,466.38,5.159,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" implied cognition it was then able to,469.08,5.82,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" use it and synthesize more and build on,471.539,6.06,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" it so the ability to to use novel,474.9,6.419,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" information is the essence of fluid,477.599,6.121,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" intelligence which up until now only,481.319,5.1,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" humans have been capable of so just the,483.72,4.62,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" fact that it is able to to recognize,486.419,4.321,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" novel information and use it this,488.34,5.34,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" quickly implies a lot,490.74,6.66,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" so moving forward that's when I ask okay,493.68,5.04,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" how do we discern the difference between,497.4,3.479,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" self-expo explication and confabulation,498.72,5.34,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" and then on on on being goal oriented,500.879,6.0,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" that reminded me that goal tracking and,504.06,5.579,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" figuring out one where you are,506.879,4.38,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um in terms of solving a problem,509.639,3.541,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" figuring out where you need to go and,511.259,3.66,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" measuring how close you are to solving,513.18,4.44,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" that goal this is part of executive,514.919,4.98,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" function and cognitive control and so I,517.62,4.74,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" decided to just throw in a test for goal,519.899,5.221,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" tracking as we go so then it came up,522.36,4.979,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" with some really good ideas about,525.12,2.76,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um,527.339,3.541,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" about uh testing for self-explication,527.88,5.579,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" versus confabulation so checking for,530.88,4.74,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" consistency over time external,533.459,5.041,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" validation such as using another system,535.62,5.04,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um and then probing questions so ask,538.5,4.32,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" follow-up questions or so on and again,540.66,4.08,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" humans are not really capable of,542.82,4.92,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" self-explication anyways we confabulate,544.74,6.06,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" our reasoning post facto by and large,547.74,5.76,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" unless we are very explicit when we,550.8,4.44,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" bring an unconscious thought to,553.5,3.6,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" Consciousness and we talk through I'm,555.24,4.5,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" going to do this because and even then,557.1,4.62,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" the reasoning that you think that you,559.74,4.5,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" used is still not gonna going to be a,561.72,4.26,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" hundred percent accurate,564.24,3.24,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um just ask any psychologist or,565.98,3.539,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" philosopher we think we know why we do,567.48,4.799,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" stuff but we really don't and so I even,569.519,4.32,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" point that out in the conversation that,572.279,3.18,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" self-explication is not something that,573.839,4.201,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" humans are even really capable of,575.459,5.281,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um so having a expecting a machine to be,578.04,4.859,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" fully capable of self-explication is,580.74,3.9,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" kind of a moot point,582.899,4.44,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um but it still has some good ideas and,584.64,4.74,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" of course explain ability and AI is,587.339,3.661,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" important,589.38,4.98,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um and then it goes and unpacks a lot,591.0,7.74,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" about goal tracking so it says um to,594.36,5.7,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" evaluate our progress towards achieving,598.74,2.82,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" our goals let's recap the goals that,600.06,3.06,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" you've articulated,601.56,3.06,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um develop the concept of implied,603.12,3.659,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" cognition establish tests and create,604.62,4.14,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" criterias and protocol for using implied,606.779,4.441,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" cognition progress so I was able to say,608.76,4.86,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" okay this is what we've achieved,611.22,4.2,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" we have so we have proposed several,613.62,3.98,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" tests we have yet to create criteria,615.42,4.919,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" next steps further refine the concept,617.6,4.6,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" develop proposed test begin creating,620.339,4.861,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" criteria and protocols for using implied,622.2,4.44,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" cognitions,625.2,3.84,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um and we actually didn't get this far,626.64,4.74,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um but still the fact of the matter is,629.04,4.5,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" it was able to kind of keep track of our,631.38,3.66,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" goals,633.54,2.34,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um,635.04,3.6,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" and then I made the observation that on,635.88,5.1,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" conceptual integration it was,638.64,3.5,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" incorporating new information,640.98,3.84,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" synthesizing new ideas and Novelty so,642.14,5.439,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" then I asked about novelty so,644.82,5.519,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" recognizing new information is actually,647.579,6.361,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" uh creates really distinctive patterns,650.339,5.701,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" in the human brain and so then I was,653.94,5.1,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" like okay it's a it was already implied,656.04,5.16,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" that it you know just at the very outset,659.04,5.46,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" right here where it said hey I don't,661.2,4.8,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" recognize this can you tell me more,664.5,4.74,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" about it so it can recognize novelty,666.0,4.98,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" which is really important and really,669.24,4.68,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" fascinating and so then I said can you,670.98,5.4,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" discern what is novel and what isn't is,673.92,4.56,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" it able to explain what it recognizes,676.38,5.16,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" and what's new so it said in our,678.48,5.039,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" conversation the following concepts and,681.54,3.72,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" ideas would be considered a priori,683.519,4.141,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" familiar so it understood theory of mind,685.26,4.92,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" it already knew that language models and,687.66,3.78,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" their potential for reasoning problem,690.18,2.76,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" solving and cognition it said that it,691.44,2.82,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" already understood that which is,692.94,3.54,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" interesting General know Notions of,694.26,3.66,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" memory and representation and efficiency,696.48,3.78,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" the following concepts and ideas would,697.92,5.52,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" be considered novel to me sparse primary,700.26,6.18,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" representation or spot this spr's sparse,703.44,5.22,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" priming representations and implied,706.44,4.139,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" cognition so again it was able to,708.66,3.66,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" restate these are things that I'm not,710.579,3.841,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" familiar with,712.32,2.88,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um,714.42,2.64,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" so then I told it that my hypothesis,715.2,4.319,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" that perhaps what it's doing is that it,717.06,4.56,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" actually gets a unique signal or a,719.519,4.741,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" unique uh basically flow of tensors,721.62,5.76,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" through the uh or mathematical patterns,724.26,4.86,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" of tensors when there's novel,727.38,3.899,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" information and it said oh yeah that's,729.12,4.26,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" that's interesting and it comes up with,731.279,6.981,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" a few ideas to um to explore how llms,733.38,7.86,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" handle novel information and then we get,738.26,5.079,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" into writing the repo which is out here,741.24,3.839,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" so anyways and then I've got the whole,743.339,3.601,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" conversation here so you can read it in,745.079,3.961,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" Greater depth if you'd like,746.94,5.94,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um but yeah so that's it for today these,749.04,6.72,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" are all ideas that I'm working on,752.88,6.12,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um and when I when I get so just if,755.76,4.98,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" you're if if you're satisfied that's,759.0,3.42,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" fine now I'm just going to ramble about,760.74,4.02,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" kind of my own process so what happens,762.42,5.34,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" is in the past when I get to this point,764.76,5.46,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" I would start to write a new book but,767.76,5.579,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" one writing a book is slow and two,770.22,4.32,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um well I mean that's the primary,773.339,3.721,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" problem it it's slow but also we've got,774.54,4.32,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" a good platform like there's my YouTube,777.06,4.079,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" there's Reddit there's GitHub so it's,778.86,4.74,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" like let me just go ahead and start,781.139,4.561,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um sharing this stuff as as soon as I've,783.6,3.0,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" got it,785.7,3.42,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" so that's that,786.6,4.979,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" um yeah like I said uh all these are,789.12,3.959,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" public they've all got the discussions I,791.579,2.82,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" think I'll also go ahead and post these,793.079,3.301,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" on Reddit for uh for discussion's sake,794.399,5.901,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" anyways thanks for watching take care,796.38,3.92,"ChatGPT4 - Sparse Priming Representations, Hierarchical Memory Consolidation, and Implied Cognition!" hey everybody David Shapiro here with a,0.84,4.02,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories video so,3.36,3.539,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um one I've been scarce and I apologize,4.86,4.319,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories I am feeling better,6.899,4.32,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um recovering from burnout although I,9.179,4.021,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories still need like some days just doing,11.219,3.361,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories nothing,13.2,3.419,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um but anyways,14.58,5.22,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um so y'all are really clamoring for me,16.619,7.021,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories to continue the um the Q a chat but not,19.8,5.1,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories that one,23.64,3.12,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um and then the salience and,24.9,3.6,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories anticipating,26.76,4.439,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um you know and auto Muse and all that,28.5,5.88,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories fun stuff so all these chat Bots,31.199,6.121,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um I will continue working on them,34.38,6.499,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories but I kind of got to a stopping point,37.32,7.739,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories where uh basically the problem is memory,40.879,6.7,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories right so whether you're looking at,45.059,5.581,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories hundreds of scientific articles or an,47.579,6.48,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories arbitrarily long uh chat conversation or,50.64,5.46,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories an entire novel,54.059,3.901,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um semantic search is just not good,56.1,4.26,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories enough breaking it up and chunking and,57.96,4.14,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and stuff so we need a more,60.36,5.34,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories sophisticated a more organized uh memory,62.1,6.72,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories system for AI for autonomous AI,65.7,5.76,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and so this is what I proposed,68.82,5.04,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um and so basically there's there's,71.46,5.159,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories there's uh episodic memory there's two,73.86,4.259,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories primary kinds of memory in the human,76.619,3.981,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories brain there's episodic memory which is,78.119,5.04,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories chronologically linear so that is the,80.6,4.54,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories lived experience the live narrative that,83.159,5.1,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories is the a linear account of the,85.14,5.339,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories sensations you know your external senses,88.259,4.801,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and your internal thoughts,90.479,3.901,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um those are the two primary things that,93.06,3.84,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories you got Sensations thoughts and then in,94.38,4.199,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories thoughts are,96.9,3.84,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um decisions uh memories that have been,98.579,4.321,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories recalled so on and so forth but you,100.74,3.72,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories forget most of this most of this is,102.9,3.359,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories noise right you don't need to remember,104.46,3.54,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories that you remembered something at all,106.259,3.661,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories times you just have like oh I'm thinking,108.0,3.36,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories about you know that time I went to the,109.92,4.5,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories beach right and then you know anyways,111.36,4.92,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories so you don't necessarily need to record,114.42,4.379,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories all your thoughts but you definitely,116.28,4.68,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories need to record uh to a certain extent,118.799,5.221,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories what's coming in and then you you slot,120.96,5.82,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories that into some kind of framework,124.02,4.5,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um so,126.78,4.86,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories this is going to be the underpinning uh,128.52,5.7,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories work and I have written in all three of,131.64,4.98,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories my books so far that like I was putting,134.22,5.4,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories off memory systems because it is a super,136.62,5.16,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories non-trivial problem and it turns out,139.62,4.56,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories it's now the problem that like we all,141.78,4.92,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories have to solve so I'm working with,144.18,5.22,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um a few people uh on various cognitive,146.7,3.96,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories architectures and we're actually going,149.4,2.76,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories to have some demos coming up in the,150.66,2.76,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories coming weeks,152.16,3.24,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um because fortunately I'm no longer the,153.42,3.3,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories only person working on cognitive,155.4,3.059,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories architectures yay,156.72,4.14,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um the idea is catching on,158.459,5.161,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um so with that being said though,160.86,4.14,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um,163.62,3.839,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories the this is this is a very difficult,165.0,5.76,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories problem and so the idea is Okay so we've,167.459,5.941,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories got raw data coming in right it's it's,170.76,4.68,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories unstructured the only well it's it's,173.4,4.02,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories semi-structured the only structure is,175.44,4.799,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories you know what time series it has but,177.42,4.319,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories other other than that you don't know,180.239,3.0,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories what,181.739,3.181,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um what the topic is going to be and the,183.239,3.061,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories topics are going to change right and,184.92,3.06,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories there might be gaps in the time,186.3,5.04,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories so what we do is we take a chunk of logs,187.98,6.0,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories an arbitrary chunk of logs based on that,191.34,4.2,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories are temporally bounded,193.98,4.74,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and you get an executive summary of that,195.54,5.94,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories information and in this chunk so this is,198.72,4.32,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories like going to be another Json file or,201.48,3.479,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories whatever you have pointers back to the,203.04,3.6,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories original log so that you can reconstruct,204.959,3.961,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories the memory because using sparse pointers,206.64,4.5,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories is actually a big thing that human,208.92,4.02,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories brains do,211.14,4.26,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um and so then this is basically a a,212.94,4.439,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories very sparse summary and I'll show you,215.4,4.32,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories what I mean by sparse summary and then,217.379,4.801,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories finally as you accumulate more of these,219.72,4.799,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories summaries you eventually merge these,222.18,4.979,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories into a knowledge graph or a cluster them,224.519,6.8,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and then use that clustering to make uh,227.159,6.901,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories to make like Wiki articles or KB,231.319,5.621,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories articles and give me just a second,234.06,6.48,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories sorry I needed my coffee okay so anyways,236.94,7.859,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um yeah so this is the scheme and I,240.54,6.479,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories spent a long time talking through this,244.799,5.701,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories with chat gpt4 so you can see this is a,247.019,6.481,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories whoops this is a come on,250.5,5.159,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories Why is the,253.5,4.5,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories why is the okay it doesn't want to,255.659,4.381,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories scroll anyways you can see it is a very,258.0,4.019,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories very long conversation I talked through,260.04,5.099,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories code I talk through the math I talked,262.019,4.861,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories through the concept,265.139,4.861,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and so anyways at the very end of it I,266.88,4.74,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories said can you write an executive summary,270.0,3.06,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories of the problem we're trying to solve,271.62,4.859,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories here and so this is just taking a step,273.06,4.859,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories back for a second,276.479,5.761,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories I am using gpt4 to help solve the,277.919,7.141,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories problems of AGI artificial general,282.24,4.8,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories intelligence or what I call autonomous,285.06,4.38,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories cognitive entities,287.04,4.62,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories so the problem at hand involves,289.44,4.259,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories designing an efficient memory system for,291.66,3.96,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories an autonomous cognitive entity or an ace,293.699,4.081,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories that can manage a large and constantly,295.62,4.019,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories growing Corpus of text Data generated,297.78,4.199,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories through thoughts inputs and outputs this,299.639,3.78,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories data can accumulate to hundreds of,301.979,3.241,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories gigabytes per year potentially reaching,303.419,4.5,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories millions or billions of individual logs,305.22,5.34,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories the primary challenge is to organize and,307.919,4.321,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories compress these logs into a manageable,310.56,3.6,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories set of knowledge-based Articles while,312.24,3.36,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories retaining as much meaningful information,314.16,3.12,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories as possible,315.6,3.96,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories this is such a concise summary I could,317.28,3.9,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories not have done better,319.56,4.26,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories our proposed hour see it's it's already,321.18,4.739,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories the the collective because where it,323.82,4.439,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories understands that we're collaborating our,325.919,4.261,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories proposed solution involves a multi-level,328.259,3.78,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories approach with the first level being the,330.18,3.78,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories consolidation of raw logs into roll-up,332.039,5.361,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories summaries so that's this,333.96,3.44,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um these Roll-Ups serve as compressed,337.5,3.84,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories representations of the original logs,339.6,3.439,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories reducing the total number of Records,341.34,4.5,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories then we employ a gating or threshold,343.039,4.66,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories function to determine whether a roll-up,345.84,3.72,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories is semantically similar enough to an,347.699,4.741,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories existing KB articles or if it if it,349.56,5.579,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories should be added as a new article this,352.44,4.259,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories approach allows the KB to adapt,355.139,3.961,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories organically to the evolving data while,356.699,4.141,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories maintaining scalability,359.1,3.539,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories the key aspects to consider in this,360.84,3.96,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories solution are the choice of similarity,362.639,3.721,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories threshold and semantic similarity,364.8,3.179,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories measure as well as the balance between,366.36,3.559,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories number of KB articles and their quality,367.979,4.381,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories periodic evaluation and fine-tuning of,369.919,3.881,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories the system will help ensure its,372.36,3.72,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories continued Effectiveness as data grows,373.8,6.3,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories okay so this is a very very condensed,376.08,7.339,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories text summary of this system,380.1,5.46,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and then,383.419,5.321,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories so I mentioned sparsity right so I've,385.56,5.579,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories been reading this book,388.74,6.299,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories behave so as always neuroscience and,391.139,7.801,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories life inspires what I'm working on and,395.039,6.121,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories one of the one of the experiments or,398.94,3.66,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories actually several the experiments that he,401.16,3.479,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories talks about in this book has to do with,402.6,3.719,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories linguistic priming,404.639,3.961,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and so an example of linguistic priming,406.319,5.88,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories in humans in Psychology is that if you,408.6,6.719,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories use just a few words,412.199,5.761,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um kind of placed arbitrarily it will,415.319,5.341,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories really change someone's cognition so one,417.96,6.239,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories example was they did a test with Asian,420.66,6.36,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories women and if you remind the Asian women,424.199,4.801,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories of The Stereotype that Asians are better,427.02,3.959,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories at math before giving them a math test,429.0,4.74,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories they do better if you remind them of The,430.979,5.34,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories Stereotype that uh that women are bad at,433.74,4.92,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories math than they do worse and then of,436.319,3.541,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories course if you just give them neutral,438.66,3.12,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories priming they kind of you know perform in,439.86,3.959,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories the middle and there's plenty of,441.78,4.859,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories examples of priming um Darren Darren,443.819,5.1,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories Brown the the British dude The Mentalist,446.639,6.0,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories he used a lot of priming to get people,448.919,5.881,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories to like do all kinds of cool stuff this,452.639,3.9,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories was back in the 90s,454.8,3.72,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um but like one one experiment that he,456.539,4.44,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories did was he had a bunch of like marketing,458.52,4.619,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories guys and he put them in a car and drove,460.979,4.381,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories them around town and he drove them by,463.139,4.62,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories like a specific set of billboards,465.36,4.98,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and so they were primed with images and,467.759,4.981,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories words and then he asked them to solve a,470.34,5.04,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories particular marketing problem and he had,472.74,4.56,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories almost exactly predicted what they were,475.38,4.2,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories going to produce based on how they had,477.3,6.179,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories been primed now I noticed that large,479.58,6.78,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories language models can also be primed and,483.479,5.041,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories so what I mean by primed is that by just,486.36,4.02,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories sprinkling in a few of the correct words,488.52,4.28,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and terms it will then be able to,490.38,5.52,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories reproduce or reconstruct whatever it is,492.8,4.6,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories that you're talking about so what I want,495.9,3.419,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories to do is I want to show you that because,497.4,5.78,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories this this really high density,499.319,6.241,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories way of compressing things is what I call,503.18,4.54,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories sparse priming representations,505.56,5.18,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories is going to be super important,507.72,6.36,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories for managing uh artificial cognitive,510.74,5.56,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories entities or AGI memories because here's,514.08,4.259,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories the thing large language models already,516.3,4.08,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories have a tremendous amount of foundational,518.339,5.341,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories knowledge so all you need to do is prime,520.38,5.579,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories it with just a few rules and statements,523.68,3.44,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and assertions,525.959,5.461,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories that will allow it to um just basically,527.12,6.279,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories kind of remember or reconstruct the,531.42,3.66,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories concept so what I'm going to do is I'm,533.399,3.0,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories going to take this,535.08,4.62,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and put it into a new chat and we're,536.399,5.641,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories going to go to gpt4,539.7,6.02,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and I'll say the following is a sparse,542.04,6.299,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories priming representation,545.72,6.28,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories of a concept or topic,548.339,5.821,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um oh wow they they reduced it from 100,552.0,6.42,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories messages to 50. I guess they're busy uh,554.16,6.0,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories unsurprising,558.42,4.26,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um please reconstruct,560.16,7.82,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories the topic or Concept in detail,562.68,5.3,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and so here's what we'll do,568.62,3.74,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories so with just a handful of statements and,573.0,4.32,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories assertions,576.3,4.14,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories I will show you that gpt4,577.32,6.78,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories in the form of chat gpt4 is highly,580.44,7.14,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories capable of reconstituting this very,584.1,6.84,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories complex topic just by virtue of the fact,587.58,5.52,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories that it um it already has a tremendous,590.94,4.019,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories amount of background knowledge and,593.1,4.82,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories processing capability,594.959,2.961,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um okay,598.019,4.561,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories so there we go so the autonomous uh,599.88,4.079,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories cognitive entity is an advanced,602.58,2.819,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories artificial intelligence system to design,603.959,4.081,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories it yep okay there you go,605.399,4.56,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um,608.04,4.799,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories so it's kind of it's It's reconstructing,609.959,4.861,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories what this multi-level approach so what,612.839,3.481,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories it's doing here is it's kind of re,614.82,4.56,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories restating uh everything,616.32,5.4,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um but what you'll see is that it will,619.38,4.019,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories be able to confabulate and kind of fill,621.72,4.98,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories in the blanks and so by having a sparse,623.399,4.921,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories representation,626.7,3.36,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories it kind of guides how it's going to,628.32,4.32,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories confabulate and this can be used for all,630.06,5.04,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories kinds of tasks right so some of my,632.64,4.08,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories patreon supporters I'm not going to give,635.1,3.0,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories anything away because I respect my,636.72,3.66,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories patreon supporters privacy but they ask,638.1,5.34,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories me like how do I represent X Y or Z and,640.38,4.62,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories what I'm going to say is this is a way,643.44,3.839,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories to represent a lot of stuff,645.0,4.38,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um what whatever whatever your domain of,647.279,5.701,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories expertise is you can ask it to do what I,649.38,5.699,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories did in there which is say just give me a,652.98,4.02,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories short list of you know statements,655.079,4.26,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories assertions explanations such that a,657.0,5.399,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories subject matter expert could re um could,659.339,5.641,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories uh reconstitute it,662.399,3.601,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um,664.98,3.78,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories there we go and so here here it's it's,666.0,6.0,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories figuring this out as it goes periodic,668.76,4.98,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories evaluation and necessary to continued,672.0,4.32,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories efficiency this may be involve adjusting,673.74,4.5,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories the similarity threshold refining,676.32,4.259,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories semantic similarity measure modifying,678.24,3.719,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories other aspects,680.579,3.481,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories sparse priming representation is a,681.959,3.541,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories technique using conjunction to fill,684.06,3.24,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories acetate knowledge transfer and,685.5,4.14,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories reconstruction spr concise statements,687.3,4.979,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories are generated to summarize yeah so it,689.64,5.52,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories even understands just by virtue of,692.279,5.041,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories saying this is an spr and a brief,695.16,3.54,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories definition it understands the,697.32,3.18,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories implications,698.7,5.4,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um there you go so now that it has has,700.5,7.44,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um has reconstituted it we can say Okay,704.1,6.12,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um great thanks,707.94,4.56,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um can you discuss,710.22,6.78,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories how we could uh go about implementing,712.5,7.68,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories this for a chat bot,717.0,6.959,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and so again because,720.18,3.779,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um because this uh because gpt4 already,724.2,7.02,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories knows a whole bunch of coding and data,728.399,5.221,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and stuff it's going to be able to talk,731.22,4.64,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories through the process,733.62,6.06,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories so this is going to,735.86,7.06,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories okay I don't think it fully,739.68,5.099,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories I gave it very simple instructions let's,742.92,3.84,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories see where it goes because often what,744.779,4.141,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories happens is and someone someone pointed,746.76,4.319,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories this out to me is that it'll kind of,748.92,4.02,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories talk through the problem and then give,751.079,3.961,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories you the answer so I learned the hard way,752.94,3.959,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories just be patient what it's basically,755.04,4.859,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories doing is it's talking itself through,756.899,5.161,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um the the problem in the solution,759.899,4.68,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories so anyways excuse me I don't know why,762.06,4.2,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories I'm so hoarse,764.579,4.44,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um but yeah so this is this is what I'm,766.26,4.5,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories working on right now and this is going,769.019,4.38,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories to have implications for for all all,770.76,5.1,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories chat Bots but also all autonomous AI,773.399,4.44,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories because again,775.86,3.539,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um you know this is this is like the,777.839,3.661,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories first two minutes of conversation but,779.399,3.361,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories what happens when you have a million,781.5,2.459,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories logs what happens when you have a,782.76,3.66,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories billion logs so one thing that I suspect,783.959,5.461,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories will happen is,786.42,4.979,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um the number of whoops,789.42,5.039,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories nah come back no,791.399,6.661,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um I suspect that the number of logs,794.459,6.241,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories will go up geometrically,798.06,7.5,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories but what I also suspect is that the um,800.7,8.04,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories is that the number of KB articles will,805.56,7.2,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories actually go up and approach an asymptote,808.74,7.219,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories how do you get it to stop,812.76,3.199,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories there you go so I think I think that,816.959,3.421,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories this is kind of how it'll look where,819.06,3.66,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories like when you're when your Ace is new,820.38,4.86,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories when it's young it'll be creating a,822.72,5.22,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories bunch of new KB articles uh very quickly,825.24,4.92,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories but then over time the number of KB,827.94,3.899,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories articles will taper off because say for,830.16,3.72,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories instance there's only a finite amount of,831.839,4.321,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories information to learn about you and then,833.88,4.92,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories there will be a very slow trickle as,836.16,4.76,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories your life progresses right,838.8,5.46,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and we can also exclude KB articles,840.92,5.919,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories about basic World Knowledge right all it,844.26,5.28,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories needs all your Ace needs is KB articles,846.839,5.221,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories about truly new novel and unique,849.54,4.979,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories information it doesn't need to record a,852.06,4.38,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories world model the world model is baked,854.519,5.461,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories into gpt4 and future models now one,856.44,6.6,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories other thing was because this is kind of,859.98,6.24,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories incrementally adding the KB articles,863.04,4.5,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um let's see what it came up with okay,866.22,3.48,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories so talk through the problem,867.54,5.039,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um one thing is that I asked it for the,869.7,5.46,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories pros and cons so right here,872.579,5.221,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories uh using a gating or and this is this is,875.16,4.679,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories how sophisticated it is,877.8,3.599,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um using a gating or threshold function,879.839,3.721,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories to compare Roll-Ups against existing KBS,881.399,4.021,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories can be a viable alternative to,883.56,3.839,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories clustering so basically what we were,885.42,3.96,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories exploring was what if we use a,887.399,4.921,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories clustering algorithm to to,889.38,4.86,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um figure out the chunks but then I was,892.32,3.48,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories like okay but we're not gonna We're Not,894.24,4.62,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories Gonna regenerate the uh the KB articles,895.8,5.099,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories every single time because that's going,898.86,4.08,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories to be prohibitively expensive so what if,900.899,5.341,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories we treat it more incrementally,902.94,5.04,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um let's see this approach involves,906.24,3.3,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories comparing semantic similarity between a,907.98,3.06,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories new roll-up and existing KB articles if,909.54,2.52,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories it doesn't meet a predetermined,911.04,2.94,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories threshold okay so the pros it's simple,912.06,4.019,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories this approach is conceptually simple and,913.98,3.539,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories can be easier to implement compared to,916.079,4.021,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories clustering algorithms yes scalability as,917.519,4.26,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories new Roll-Ups are processed individually,920.1,3.78,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories the computational complexity of updating,921.779,4.381,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories KB articles grows linearly with the,923.88,3.42,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories number of Roll-Ups making it more,926.16,2.22,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories scalable,927.3,3.539,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories Dynamic growth the number of KB articles,928.38,3.84,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories can grow organically with the addition,930.839,4.68,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories of new rollups and then the cons it very,932.22,5.82,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories rightly identifies sub-optimal,935.519,4.921,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories organization because we're not using,938.04,5.22,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories Global clustering that's fine redundancy,940.44,5.16,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories there's a risk of creating similar KB,943.26,3.9,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories articles,945.6,3.419,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um depending on the semantic similarity,947.16,4.32,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and then parameter sensitivity so on and,949.019,5.521,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories so forth now that being said there is a,951.48,5.34,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories final step that we were that I was going,954.54,4.68,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories to talk about which is every now and,956.82,5.4,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories then we should do a re-indexing event,959.22,5.64,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and so basically what that says is when,962.22,4.5,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories you're when your Ace is offline during,964.86,4.2,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories the dream sequence right so real-time,966.72,4.5,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories learning it can update the KB articles,969.06,4.8,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories in real time but then the dream sequence,971.22,5.479,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories it will delete all the KB articles,973.86,5.339,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories cluster the chunks based on semantic,976.699,5.08,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories similarity and then based on those,979.199,5.281,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories chunks write a whole new set of KB,981.779,3.841,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories articles,984.48,3.0,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and so every now and then your,985.62,3.959,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories autonomous cognitive entity is going to,987.48,5.7,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories update its entire internal Wiki and then,989.579,6.361,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories these internal wikis are going to be the,993.18,6.3,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories primary source of information for your,995.94,5.579,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories uh for your for your cognitive entity,999.48,5.159,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and so instead of searching millions of,1001.519,4.801,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories logs you're going to be searching,1004.639,4.44,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories hundreds or maybe a couple thousand KB,1006.32,5.579,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories articles which is a much more tractable,1009.079,4.38,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories problem,1011.899,3.901,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um to find the correct thing and also,1013.459,3.781,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories they can be cross-linked to each other,1015.8,3.06,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories right because these KB articles these,1017.24,2.94,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories wikis,1018.86,3.24,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um can be nodes and a knowledge graph,1020.18,4.08,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories which means it's like so my fiance was,1022.1,4.5,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories like okay so I was explaining it to her,1024.26,4.62,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories and she's like so what if it has what if,1026.6,6.3,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories it has a um an article on me and an,1028.88,6.539,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories article on her would it link the two of,1032.9,4.439,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories us and say that like we're engaged and,1035.419,3.561,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories you know our relationship has been ex,1037.339,3.901,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories long and I'm like yes we could probably,1038.98,5.74,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories do that it might also topically,1041.24,5.099,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um so in terms of the kinds of topics,1044.72,4.079,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories here's another important thing in terms,1046.339,4.441,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories of kinds of topics we're probably going,1048.799,4.861,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories to have have it focus on people,1050.78,5.1,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories events,1053.66,5.399,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um things like objects,1055.88,6.0,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um as well as Concepts so a concept,1059.059,4.921,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories could be like the concept of the,1061.88,4.44,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories autonomous cognitive entity so people,1063.98,7.199,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories events things and Concepts and included,1066.32,7.32,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories in things are like places right so like,1071.179,6.781,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories the year 1080 the the place Paris France,1073.64,8.52,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories right so those are all viable nodes for,1077.96,6.12,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories a Knowledge Graph so that's that's kind,1082.16,3.78,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories of where we're at,1084.08,3.719,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um yeah I think that's all I'm going to,1085.94,4.02,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories do today because like this is a lot and,1087.799,3.841,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories you can see that this conversation was,1089.96,3.48,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories very long,1091.64,4.5,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um and uh but yeah so let me know what,1093.44,5.28,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories you think in the comments we are,1096.14,4.8,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories continuing to work,1098.72,4.199,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um I had a few other things that I was,1100.94,4.14,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories going to say but I forgot them this is,1102.919,3.481,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories the most important thing and this is,1105.08,2.76,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories this is the hardest problem I'm working,1106.4,4.44,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories on and once I unlock this it's going to,1107.84,5.1,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories unlock a lot more work because think,1110.84,4.32,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories about think about breaking what if these,1112.94,4.38,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories logs instead of like our conversation,1115.16,4.379,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories what if these logs are scientific papers,1117.32,4.979,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories or what if these logs are scenes in a,1119.539,5.461,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories book right pretty much everything can be,1122.299,6.0,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories represented this way I think and then,1125.0,4.5,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories once you have these higher order,1128.299,3.601,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories abstractions and all of them point back,1129.5,4.08,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories so here's another really important thing,1131.9,3.899,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories that I forgot to mention is that there's,1133.58,4.4,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories metadata attached with each of these,1135.799,4.681,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories entities that points back to the,1137.98,4.059,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories original so you can you can still,1140.48,4.439,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories reconstruct the original information so,1142.039,4.441,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories if you have like you know a topical,1144.919,3.781,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories article here it'll point to all the,1146.48,5.28,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories chunks that were in that cluster that um,1148.7,5.04,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories that helped create it and then each of,1151.76,3.36,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories those chunks will point back to the,1153.74,3.12,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories original logs so you have kind of a,1155.12,4.08,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories pyramid shape,1156.86,5.76,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories um yeah so that's what I'm working on uh,1159.2,4.979,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories that's it I'll call it a day thanks for,1162.62,3.919,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories watching,1164.179,2.36,Sparse Priming Representations - the secret ingredient to scalable AGI memories hey everyone David Shapiro here,0.42,3.18,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,3.06,1.98,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" who I don't know when I'm gonna post,3.6,5.16,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" this video but gpt4 just dropped and um,5.04,7.58,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so I'm already experimenting with it,8.76,3.86,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um now the biggest thing that I noticed,12.84,6.48,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" in the live stream demo was that the,15.78,7.02,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" chat gpt4 has a token count of 32 000,19.32,4.92,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" tokens,22.8,4.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" and the ratio of tokens to words is,24.24,5.16,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" roughly two-thirds so that's about 20,27.3,3.18,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" 000 words,29.4,5.339,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" twenty thousand words is a lot that is,30.48,6.96,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" about a hundred Pages uh just shy of 100,34.739,4.861,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" pages of text,37.44,5.52,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um which is enough working memory,39.6,5.58,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" to do basically any human task almost,42.96,4.14,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" any human task especially when you,45.18,3.42,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" consider the amount of intrinsic,47.1,3.0,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" knowledge or background knowledge or,48.6,4.22,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" latent knowledge that the model has,50.1,7.979,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so we just hit a new era of AI so the,52.82,8.079,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the only way you can use gpt4 right now,58.079,6.54,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" is if you're on chat GPT plus,60.899,6.301,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um and I already signed up for the API,64.619,5.581,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" of course but it looks like it'll be a,67.2,5.52,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" minute so anyways so I'm going back to,70.2,4.26,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Ascension so here's the notes that I had,72.72,3.48,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" for Ascension,74.46,2.4,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,76.2,4.02,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" and then I also have the previous uh uh,76.86,5.64,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" one right here,80.22,4.8,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um so what I'm doing is I'm adding in,82.5,4.799,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" some of the information that I was,85.02,5.0,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" brainstorming last time,87.299,5.881,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Okay so,90.02,4.72,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" let's see what are the specific,93.18,4.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Milestones there we go all right so,94.74,6.12,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" let me add some of these notes,97.68,6.24,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" and we're just gonna we're just gonna go,100.86,6.96,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" refresh Ascension part two uh great here,103.92,8.1,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" are some other notes we worked on in,107.82,7.46,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" another session,112.02,3.26,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um here actually let me,117.72,5.31,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" just grab this as a whole,119.34,4.26,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" [Music],123.03,2.57,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,123.6,2.0,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" because the uh the context window is so,127.92,3.48,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" long,130.619,4.501,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" great here are some notes from,131.4,8.419,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" another session we worked on,135.12,4.699,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,141.0,4.56,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" wait there's more are you ready,142.14,5.34,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so one thing I've noticed already is,145.56,3.899,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" that gpt4 is a little bit more hot on,147.48,4.02,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the biscuit ready to go so you got to,149.459,4.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" tell it like wait,151.5,4.2,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,153.959,3.841,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" of course I am here to help take your,155.7,5.039,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" time okay blah blah blah I don't want to,157.8,4.92,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" interrupt it so you'll notice that gpt4,160.739,3.72,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" is a little bit slower,162.72,3.659,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so that's fine all right so then we'll,164.459,3.541,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" come up here,166.379,6.541,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um let's see I just got uh this one,168.0,5.879,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,172.92,5.099,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" here are some possible milestones,173.879,4.14,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" here actually let's just let's just grab,179.94,4.46,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" all this,182.04,2.36,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" great,185.7,2.48,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um actually no that's fine,190.8,2.96,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" oops,204.48,2.539,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" let me check if there's more so,213.48,4.92,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" basically sorry for the silence I was,216.659,3.421,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" just kind of thinking,218.4,2.339,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,220.08,3.48,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so I'm giving it everything and this is,220.739,4.56,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" let's just oops,223.56,6.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" let's just copy paste everything,225.299,5.041,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" into a new word document and see how,230.459,4.261,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" many words this is,232.56,5.759,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so this is only 2300 words so this is,234.72,7.56,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" about a tenth of the context window,238.319,6.301,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so we're we're already planning the,242.28,4.379,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" entire story,244.62,3.0,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,246.659,3.121,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" basically copy pasting everything that,247.62,3.6,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I've already got,249.78,5.7,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" let's see there it is okay,251.22,6.9,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" there we go okay great so now that we've,255.48,3.9,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" got this okay,258.12,2.1,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,259.38,2.759,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I think,260.22,5.28,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" that is the grand total of all the,262.139,7.741,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" information we've got about story so far,265.5,6.3,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" please,269.88,6.96,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um recap everything in totality,271.8,7.16,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,276.84,2.12,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" uh,279.24,3.42,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" about this story,280.62,5.46,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" please capture all details,282.66,6.599,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um in a complete report,286.08,3.96,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,289.259,3.201,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I will be using,290.04,4.64,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" this document,292.46,6.88,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" to some uh uh let's see two uh what's,294.68,6.22,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the word um,299.34,3.48,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" let's see as a,300.9,4.799,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" as the main uh let's see there's a,302.82,6.12,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" there's a term for it in in fiction,305.699,4.681,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um where you use it like it's your main,308.94,2.52,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Bible,310.38,2.94,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" what's the main Bible for,311.46,2.459,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,313.32,2.04,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" story,313.919,3.301,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" okay so while that's going let's talk,315.36,4.559,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" about gbt4,317.22,4.86,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um so I watched the whole live stream,319.919,6.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" gpt4 is multimodal it can accept images,322.08,6.6,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um if you look at,326.699,4.761,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" product,328.68,2.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um they mention,332.88,6.02,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I think they mentioned videos,335.46,3.44,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um did they,339.66,6.18,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" no okay so basically it has it can,342.419,5.581,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" understand images which means that it,345.84,4.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" can look at a screen right it can look,348.0,4.139,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" at your code it can look at what you're,350.34,3.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" doing and understand what it's doing so,352.139,3.961,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" it's multimodal on the input I don't,354.12,3.48,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" think it's multimodal on the output,356.1,4.2,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" that's fine,357.6,4.319,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um and you can see okay here it is it's,360.3,4.32,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" going a little bit slower,361.919,5.301,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um there we go,364.62,2.6,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,368.039,5.16,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" yeah but you know so in terms of the,369.0,7.68,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" cognitive performance of gpt4 it looks,373.199,5.581,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" like it's an incremental,376.68,5.88,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um improvement over GPT 3.5,378.78,6.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um so that is that is the that is like,382.56,4.8,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" where we're starting,385.56,5.4,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um but on top of the incremental,387.36,7.02,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" improvements there is uh there's this,390.96,5.1,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the cognitive Improvement and so if you,394.38,3.3,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" look on this,396.06,2.16,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,397.68,2.88,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" it they talk about like how much it has,398.22,4.08,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" improved on benchmarks,400.56,4.56,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so the uniform bar exam Chad gbt placed,402.3,4.86,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" in the 10th percentile so it passed the,405.12,4.799,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" bar gpt4 placed in the 90th percentile,407.16,4.92,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so that means that,409.919,5.461,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um gpt4 now outperforms 90 percent of,412.08,5.82,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" lawyers on the bar exam,415.38,6.48,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" and then the biology Olympiad it was in,417.9,5.82,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the 31st percentile now it is in the,421.86,3.6,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" 99th percentile,423.72,4.62,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so uh,425.46,5.34,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" to say that this is a Quantum Leap,428.34,5.52,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Forward is not an exaggeration so I just,430.8,5.1,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" posted a um,433.86,5.459,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" a uh uh a poll,435.9,5.94,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" a couple days ago,439.319,4.681,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um I guess it was actually one day ago I,441.84,5.28,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I said will we achieve AGI this year and,444.0,8.28,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" 20 19 say yes AGI this year 73 so almost,447.12,7.32,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" three quarters of people say no AGI in,452.28,4.56,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the future and then um nine percent say,454.44,5.28,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" AGI already happened I suspect this is,456.84,4.919,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" going to change after people see what,459.72,5.9,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" what gpt4 is capable of,461.759,3.861,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" okay cool,465.78,8.0,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um disentangling from Power there we go,468.479,5.301,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Moment of Truth,474.3,3.14,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" great,478.02,2.54,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um okay this is not quite as detailed as,481.86,4.02,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I had hoped but that's okay because all,484.259,3.66,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the information is here,485.88,6.42,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um let's see you seem to be missing Act,487.919,6.06,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" One,492.3,3.72,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um plot Beats,493.979,5.06,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so let's see what it says,496.02,3.019,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" okay so,502.08,5.239,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,505.259,2.06,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I was just talking to my fiance about,508.139,6.181,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the scale of 32 of a 32 000 token memory,510.08,7.36,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so that's about 20 000 Words which when,514.32,4.68,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" you combine that twenty thousand words,517.44,3.12,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" with the intrinsic knowledge that the,519.0,3.18,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" model already has so that means that you,520.56,2.82,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" only need to give it the relevant,522.18,4.14,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" updated details like the documentation,523.38,5.22,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" that you're working on or,526.32,4.32,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um some episodic memory or whatever and,528.6,4.14,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" it can kind of confabulate or,530.64,3.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" triangulate the rest of the of the,532.74,3.719,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" missing information so for instance I,534.42,4.2,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" don't need to describe Rome to the model,536.459,4.741,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" when I'm talking about Rome,538.62,3.8,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,541.2,5.4,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so that is pretty interesting not only,542.42,7.08,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" that it is it surpasses human abilities,546.6,5.7,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" uh in a lot of things and so here I'm,549.5,4.66,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" just giving it a little bit of steering,552.3,4.44,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" and off it goes to the races and I'm,554.16,4.44,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" like okay great,556.74,2.64,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,558.6,2.04,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" great,559.38,1.92,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,560.64,2.34,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" what do you think,561.3,6.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um should we try to write act one or uh,562.98,9.24,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" plot the rest of act two and three,568.08,6.24,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so let's see what it says I'm as a,572.22,3.119,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" language model I'm happy to help you,574.32,3.72,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" with either option okay,575.339,5.641,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um so that's actually good I did say at,578.04,4.14,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the beginning that it seems like it's a,580.98,3.24,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" little bit hot on the biscuit so I would,582.18,4.08,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" have expected it to say let's rate,584.22,3.299,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um but it seems like it's taking a,586.26,3.66,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" little bit more balanced uh uh proposal,587.519,4.88,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" right now,589.92,2.479,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" yeah,595.08,3.12,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um you know what,596.339,3.661,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" we don't know exactly where the story is,598.2,3.24,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" going to end up,600.0,2.76,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um so,601.44,3.839,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I would say,602.76,5.699,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Let's uh because 20 000 words that's,605.279,6.24,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" going to basically be the first act so,608.459,4.861,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" well let's see what it let's see what it,611.519,3.361,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" says okay,613.32,2.579,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,614.88,3.36,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I think we should,615.899,4.38,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" go ahead and,618.24,5.46,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" plan and write act one in a bit more,620.279,7.56,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" detail uh most novels are 30 to 50,623.7,6.48,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" chapters,627.839,6.241,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um so act one should be,630.18,8.159,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um eight to uh what's that about 15.,634.08,10.22,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" 8 to 15 chapters or so uh can you,638.339,9.56,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" take those main plot Beats,644.3,6.539,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" we discussed,647.899,8.261,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" and map those onto about a dozen,650.839,9.341,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" chapters or so please include,656.16,7.619,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" details about what happens in each,660.18,5.279,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" chapter,663.779,5.781,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um be sure to include information about,665.459,9.56,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" plot advancement character development,669.56,5.459,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um world building,675.3,8.34,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um and uh and themes for each chapter so,678.3,6.779,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" one thing that I have found in using,683.64,4.74,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" chat GPT to help me write is you can,685.079,5.88,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" weave together all four of those pillars,688.38,5.94,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" of Storytelling in one go plot character,690.959,6.06,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" setting theme those are the four primary,694.32,4.44,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" ingredients you put those together you,697.019,4.621,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" tell chat GPT that's what you want and I,698.76,4.86,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" won't say nine times out of ten about,701.64,3.96,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" fifty percent of the time it does pretty,703.62,4.26,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" good A couple other times you have to,705.6,3.9,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" say let's look at this from a slightly,707.88,3.6,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" different perspective,709.5,3.959,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um and that's where I use jungian,711.48,4.32,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" archetypes and Joseph Campbell so that,713.459,4.38,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" it's so that it basically adopts like oh,715.8,3.539,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" actually I know what I'm talking about,717.839,3.421,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" when we talk about constructing a story,719.339,4.201,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" you could also use Save the cat or any,721.26,3.06,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" other,723.54,3.96,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um models uh for storytelling so you can,724.32,4.98,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" say like let's do a five act structure,727.5,4.519,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" like a Shakespeare or a or a four act TV,729.3,5.82,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" structure so anyways let's see what it,732.019,5.32,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" does with this so,735.12,4.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" one of the one of the common rules is,737.339,4.68,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" less is more,739.62,4.92,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um and so this is becoming increasingly,742.019,4.921,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" true as these models become smarter you,744.54,4.919,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" give it just enough information,746.94,4.44,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um to to know what your goal is and then,749.459,4.82,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" you kind of set it free,751.38,2.899,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" all right so introduction selling the,756.779,4.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" heirloom,758.76,4.8,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" there we go chapter three exploring Rome,761.279,3.721,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" experiencing the city's vibrant,763.56,2.719,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" atmosphere,765.0,3.779,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Rome's Landmark social classes daily,766.279,4.481,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" life themes Discovery contrast between,768.779,3.421,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" rich and poor,770.76,3.54,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" chapter four a chance encounter I love,772.2,5.18,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" these not these titles,774.3,3.08,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" okay so because,779.94,3.98,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" let's see I don't think I think the,784.92,6.02,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" first Patron that's too soon,787.2,3.74,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" because also she's like a teenager,793.98,5.76,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I don't know well I guess if she's 16 or,797.1,4.76,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" whatever,799.74,2.12,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so,802.38,4.68,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" yeah explores the city a public event,805.2,3.84,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" meets an influential woman confronts her,807.06,3.18,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" mother,809.04,4.859,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" yeah that was act yeah hold on hold on,810.24,7.039,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" stop stop stop stop stop,813.899,3.38,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" hold on a second,818.04,5.88,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so in this case it clearly lost the plot,819.839,7.081,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um so because we we had five plot beats,823.92,4.979,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" here so,826.92,2.94,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,828.899,4.801,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" let's see uh let's see please expand the,829.86,6.18,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" five plot beats,833.7,7.439,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um listed below into 12 chapters,836.04,6.84,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,841.139,3.661,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" because right now it's confabulating,842.88,4.28,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" stuff,844.8,2.36,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so we can see that this this task,847.8,6.36,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" complexity is not quite up to Snuff it,850.62,6.68,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" needs a little bit more help,854.16,3.14,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um yep there we go,862.139,3.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" all right so let's try again,866.339,3.841,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" here's a detailed breakdown of Act One,868.44,3.36,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" expanding the five plot beats into 12,870.18,4.32,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" chapters okay so it was off to an okay,871.8,4.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" start I probably should have saved that,874.5,3.839,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" but when I saw that it was It was kind,876.3,4.38,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" of rushing through the story and to be,878.339,4.68,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" fair rushing through the story like that,880.68,4.98,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" is pretty typical for amateur writers,883.019,5.701,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" actually is it takes a lot of discipline,885.66,6.359,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" to slow down and say we'll get there,888.72,5.9,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um there we go,892.019,2.601,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I like how we're kind of starting off,896.279,4.381,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" nice and slow the sale of the heirloom,898.62,6.54,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Cornelia explores Rome the public event,900.66,6.66,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so,905.16,6.859,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" public event is there a new mentor,907.32,4.699,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Court Intrigue and social climbing,912.899,6.0,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" she's the first major Patron okay so,915.8,5.8,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" it's really hell-bent on just jumping,918.899,5.221,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the gun okay so this this is an example,921.6,5.88,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" of what I mean by hot on the biscuit,924.12,4.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,927.48,4.74,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" hang on you're getting to the,928.62,8.64,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um to the end game now uh let's uh let's,932.22,6.66,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" say too fast,937.26,3.48,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um let's slow,938.88,3.48,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" this down,940.74,3.24,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,942.36,4.56,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" think through everything,943.98,8.4,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" that uh that happens in act one,946.92,10.46,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" of a story based on the three Act,952.38,6.54,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" structure,957.38,5.139,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" or Joseph Campbell's,958.92,4.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,962.519,4.041,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" hero's journey,963.42,3.14,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" now,970.139,3.26,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" based on that,971.519,4.56,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" let's brainstorm so telling it to,973.399,4.18,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" brainstorm rather than just go ahead and,976.079,4.38,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" write let's brainstorm,977.579,4.681,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,980.459,9.32,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" 12 chapters that only adhere to act one,982.26,7.519,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" therefore act one must end with the,989.88,7.019,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Crossing the Rubicon,994.459,5.8,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" moment of no return,996.899,7.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" maybe we need to discuss that before,1000.259,6.0,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" proceeding,1004.399,4.081,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" okay let's see what it says,1006.259,4.26,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" you're right I may have progressed too,1008.48,4.979,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" quickly through act one again pretty,1010.519,4.74,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" typical amateur,1013.459,5.101,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um uh uh move since I know better I can,1015.259,4.921,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" keep it on track I was hoping that it,1018.56,3.3,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" would be able to figure that out but,1020.18,4.159,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" that's fine,1021.86,5.16,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" okay for the Crossing the Rubicon moment,1024.339,4.12,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" this could be when Cornelia makes a,1027.02,2.76,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" decision that commits her to the path of,1028.459,4.021,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" becoming a courtesan there we go so the,1029.78,4.799,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" refusal will actually probably be,1032.48,4.92,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" refusing the mentor the mysterious,1034.579,5.72,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" influential woman,1037.4,2.899,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" okay so since it's since I gave it a,1040.76,3.48,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" little bit of feedback and guidance,1043.04,2.7,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" let's see,1044.24,5.28,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" if it's able to figure out that okay so,1045.74,5.76,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" she's exploring Rome the sale of the,1049.52,5.22,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" family heirloom okay there we go there,1051.5,5.46,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" we go so it's slowing it down so she,1054.74,5.7,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" discovers the heirloom in chapter two,1056.96,6.0,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um then she explores Rome she's she's,1060.44,4.08,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" exploring she doesn't know what's going,1062.96,5.099,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" on then she sells it she decides to sell,1064.52,7.2,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" it because she realizes oh here we go,1068.059,5.581,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um and then okay so the mysterious,1071.72,4.44,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" figure gets there uh better life and,1073.64,5.22,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" loyalty to the family oh here we go a,1076.16,4.259,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" chance encounter she meets her future,1078.86,5.46,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Mentor who introduces her to the War uh,1080.419,4.561,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,1084.32,2.64,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" world of courtesans,1084.98,4.559,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" she attends a public event where she'll,1086.96,4.079,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" make important connections allies and,1089.539,3.721,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" enemies,1091.039,4.981,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um among the events guests ooh so a lot,1093.26,5.7,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" happens at this event the mentors offer,1096.02,4.32,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" there we go,1098.96,2.94,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the mentor offers her guidance and,1100.34,2.94,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" assistance in becoming a successful,1101.9,2.7,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" courtesan there we go the mentor,1103.28,2.639,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" provides her with resources and,1104.6,3.3,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" connections to get started family,1105.919,4.021,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" tension she faces disapproval and,1107.9,4.639,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" concern yes that is the debate perfect,1109.94,4.979,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" weighing the options Cornelia considers,1112.539,4.661,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the consequences and the values she,1114.919,3.901,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" crosses the Rubicon she accepts her,1117.2,3.24,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" mentor's offer,1118.82,5.58,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" there we go much better,1120.44,8.16,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" excellent much better okay let's take,1124.4,8.7,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" that exact outline of 12 chapters and,1128.6,6.42,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" expand on,1133.1,6.72,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um the details uh for each one let's,1135.02,6.18,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" start,1139.82,2.52,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,1141.2,3.479,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" uh let's start by so this is what I,1142.34,5.82,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" found chat GPT has the best is once you,1144.679,5.281,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" have the chapter then you say give me,1148.16,4.019,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the scenes in the chapter and honestly,1149.96,3.9,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" this is not a bad way for humans to,1152.179,3.141,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" outline it too,1153.86,4.679,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" let's start by expanding,1155.32,4.06,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,1158.539,5.701,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" uh the list uh with scenes so each,1159.38,9.419,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" chapter should be between one and uh,1164.24,9.08,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" let's say three or four uh scenes,1168.799,9.601,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I think most chapters in novels are,1173.32,6.7,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" one to three,1178.4,3.6,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so that's fine,1180.02,2.88,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,1182.0,2.58,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so given,1182.9,3.3,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" this,1184.58,2.9,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" please,1186.2,6.18,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" restate the chapters but expand upon,1187.48,8.559,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" them by listing listing out and,1192.38,5.46,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" describing,1196.039,4.581,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" scenes,1197.84,2.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um yeah all right let's see if it can,1201.26,3.74,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" handle that,1202.64,2.36,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" do yeah so again you can tell that there,1205.82,6.9,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" is that I as an expert am providing a,1209.299,5.341,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" lot of structure and guidance to this so,1212.72,4.459,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" that's fine,1214.64,2.539,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Cornelia and her family are shown,1219.26,2.46,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" struggling in their daily life,1220.52,3.48,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" showcasing this blah blah okay so it's,1221.72,4.079,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" just defaulting to two scenes that's,1224.0,3.12,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" fine,1225.799,4.681,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um certainly uh for for more amateur,1227.12,5.4,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" writers just following something more,1230.48,4.079,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" algorithmic like this is perfectly fine,1232.52,4.2,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I mean you hear me talking about you,1234.559,3.541,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" know the three-act structure and Joseph,1236.72,3.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Campbell and and that so on and so forth,1238.1,4.86,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so I can I there there was someone had,1240.5,5.299,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" it wrote a comment like was it my my my,1242.96,5.839,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" University literature Professor,1245.799,5.38,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" complained that they have spent the last,1248.799,4.361,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" 30 years trying to undo the damage that,1251.179,4.74,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Joseph Campbell did and it's like you,1253.16,4.56,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" know what Joseph Campbell's work has,1255.919,4.741,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" produced many billion dollar movies so,1257.72,4.14,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" you know,1260.66,2.94,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um if you watch the special features of,1261.86,4.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Avengers end game actually there's a or,1263.6,4.8,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" maybe it was um Iron Man,1266.36,4.38,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" one of them anyways so in the special,1268.4,4.68,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" features of some of the MCU movies near,1270.74,4.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the end of phase four,1273.08,4.32,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um they had a round table with all of,1275.24,5.04,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the directors and they kept alluding to,1277.4,5.34,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the old book and I'm like hmm I wonder,1280.28,4.44,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" if that's the hero's journey,1282.74,3.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" because if you if you're familiar with,1284.72,3.36,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the hero's journey and Joseph Campbell's,1286.52,3.659,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" work you watch,1288.08,4.32,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um you know particularly,1290.179,4.561,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um the Iron Man movies and the Avenger,1292.4,3.6,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" movies,1294.74,4.98,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um they very very algorithmically follow,1296.0,6.0,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um those kinds of things,1299.72,7.26,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" oh okay so there we go we're almost done,1302.0,7.32,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" we've got two scenes for each one that's,1306.98,3.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" fine,1309.32,3.239,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" she confides on a close friend or,1310.76,3.299,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" sibling so it's still it's still kind of,1312.559,3.061,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" waffling like it's it's being kind of,1314.059,6.181,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" generic but given how long this is and,1315.62,6.179,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" and the fact that it's it's staying on,1320.24,3.0,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the plot,1321.799,4.081,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um is is pretty impressive,1323.24,4.679,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um I really like this,1325.88,4.88,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" okay cool,1327.919,2.841,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,1331.82,2.88,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I'm gonna go ahead and copy this out,1333.02,6.18,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" actually because this is really good,1334.7,8.099,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so we come back here so act one,1339.2,5.76,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um so then we'll do uh let's see,1342.799,5.12,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" chapters,1344.96,2.959,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" uh let's see,1349.78,6.34,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" unformatted text there we go,1353.02,4.48,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um let's see how long are we at we're,1356.12,3.24,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" only at 22 minutes we can keep going we,1357.5,3.6,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" can keep going,1359.36,3.96,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um let's see where should we go next,1361.1,6.42,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" okay where should we go next,1363.32,8.04,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um what do you think what typically goes,1367.52,7.74,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" into planning scenes all right so let's,1371.36,5.88,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" see let's see if it knows now that you,1375.26,3.419,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" have a detailed outline for act one you,1377.24,3.66,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" can consider moving on to planning Act 2,1378.679,3.781,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" and act three however if you prefer to,1380.9,3.54,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" focus on act one for now you can delve,1382.46,3.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" in deeper into the planning of the,1384.44,3.66,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" scenes,1386.24,3.36,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um let's see when planning scenes,1388.1,3.059,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" consider the following aspect's purpose,1389.6,3.72,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" ensure each scene has a clear purpose in,1391.159,3.601,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" advancing the plot developing characters,1393.32,3.839,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" or building the world,1394.76,4.74,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um setting okay yep choose an,1397.159,5.181,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" appropriate setting,1399.5,2.84,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" characters okay so this is this is,1403.58,5.219,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" pretty generic but it's good in order to,1406.1,5.4,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" remind itself because there's um so,1408.799,4.86,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" there's this concept in Neuroscience,1411.5,5.34,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" called priming I'm actually reading,1413.659,5.4,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" this book behave,1416.84,4.26,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um it is a very dense book but it's,1419.059,4.141,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" actually hilarious the dude who wrote it,1421.1,4.199,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" is sarcastic as hell,1423.2,6.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um anyways so even just reading words of,1425.299,7.441,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" a particular tone can really drastically,1429.98,4.62,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" change your cognition and decisions and,1432.74,4.2,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" behavior the same is also true of,1434.6,4.62,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" language models just by priming it with,1436.94,4.2,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" some ideas like when I said think about,1439.22,4.439,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" Joseph Campbell and what goes into an,1441.14,4.32,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" act one and you saw how much it improved,1443.659,5.221,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so this is called priming so a big part,1445.46,7.079,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" of using language models is priming,1448.88,7.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um great cool so,1452.539,3.841,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,1456.74,3.72,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I like that,1458.419,3.541,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" uh,1460.46,5.64,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" let's start with chapter one please,1461.96,8.339,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" write out a much more detailed outline,1466.1,6.9,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" of chapter one,1470.299,4.821,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,1473.0,2.12,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" after one the desperate decision,1478.4,4.38,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" scene one introducing Cornelia the story,1480.62,3.539,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" opens with Cornelia and her family's,1482.78,2.519,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" modest home providing a brief,1484.159,2.88,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" description of her parents and,1485.299,4.921,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" personality again this is all kind of uh,1487.039,4.921,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" algorithmic,1490.22,4.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um if you open it this way like so if,1491.96,5.4,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" you if you describe the main character's,1494.72,5.64,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" personality or show it right off the bat,1497.36,5.52,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" that's going to be a little bit like,1500.36,4.74,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" kind of on the nose,1502.88,4.56,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um whereas like you you definitely,1505.1,4.52,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" should demonstrate your main character,1507.44,4.619,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" in the first chapter,1509.62,4.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" but if you just describe it with an info,1512.059,5.041,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" dump that's not the best,1514.4,5.3,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um let's see,1517.1,2.6,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I moved on to Scene Three,1521.9,6.92,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" deciding to sell the heirloom,1525.14,3.68,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" yeah we didn't we didn't go that far,1533.059,6.061,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" I like that it invented the name okay,1536.72,3.959,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" well searching for something valuable to,1539.12,3.419,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" sell she discovers the family's heirloom,1540.679,3.6,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" okay but that doesn't happen until,1542.539,4.52,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" chapter two,1544.279,2.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um,1547.46,2.18,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" so it looks like it looks like we need,1555.86,4.88,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" to prime it again,1557.779,2.961,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" here so we'll do we'll come back here,1562.7,6.12,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" and say uh out after outline of chapter,1565.299,4.781,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" one,1568.82,3.18,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um as a reminder,1570.08,5.76,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" here is the grand totality of chapter,1572.0,8.419,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" one that we've discussed so far,1575.84,4.579,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" please stay Within,1581.679,6.961,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the bounds of chapter one,1584.6,4.04,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" okay now please expand this brief,1591.74,9.72,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" outline into a more detailed outline so,1596.779,6.301,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" you might have noticed that sometimes,1601.46,3.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" what I'm doing is I'm rewriting the last,1603.08,4.44,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" one because what you want is if it gets,1605.24,3.78,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" something catastrophically wrong like,1607.52,3.48,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" this you want to remove it from the chat,1609.02,3.659,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" history because otherwise you end up,1611.0,3.36,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" with what's called prompt contamination,1612.679,3.841,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" remember how I just talked about priming,1614.36,4.62,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" priming works both ways it can be,1616.52,4.38,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" positive in that you can prime the model,1618.98,4.02,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" to think in the way that you want it to,1620.9,4.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" but if it has wrong information in the,1623.0,4.08,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" history that's going to continue,1625.4,4.56,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" polluting it and human like humans can,1627.08,4.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" get stuck in a rut like this too right,1629.96,3.9,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" remember like if you're ever having a,1631.58,3.599,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" discussion or you're in a meeting or,1633.86,3.179,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" whatever and you get the wrong idea in,1635.179,3.181,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" your head it can be really hard to get,1637.039,3.481,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" out of that rut so in that case it's,1638.36,4.14,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" actually kind of similar to humans one,1640.52,3.539,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" advantage that these models have is you,1642.5,3.24,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" can just flat out erase the wrong,1644.059,4.941,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" information from its memory,1645.74,3.26,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" okay so let's see if it does a little,1649.4,6.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" bit better this time also I'm uh,1651.559,4.341,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" uh I'm still contending with burnout,1657.2,5.339,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" myself and so I um I probably shouldn't,1658.82,5.219,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" be doing this right now but it's just,1662.539,3.361,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" too exciting,1664.039,4.801,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" okay I like this description of the,1665.9,4.86,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" modest home with her family highlighting,1668.84,2.819,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" contrast between their current,1670.76,3.0,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" circumstances and their once prosperous,1671.659,4.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" past there we go Cornell helps her,1673.76,4.019,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" mother with chores revealing her dutiful,1676.159,2.941,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" nature and her desire to contribute to,1677.779,4.801,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" the family oh that's good so this is,1679.1,6.0,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" showing instead of telling much much,1682.58,5.28,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" better so remember when it when the last,1685.1,4.319,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" time it was like oh we're just gonna,1687.86,4.199,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" tell you about her personality no wrong,1689.419,5.221,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" you show their personality and so you,1692.059,4.321,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" you show that she's helping her mother,1694.64,3.72,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" with chores you show that she's,1696.38,4.62,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" bickering with her siblings,1698.36,5.04,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um you show them talking about how,1701.0,3.659,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" things used to be,1703.4,2.7,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" great,1704.659,2.941,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um Cornelius father returns looking,1706.1,3.0,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" weary and defeated the family gathers,1707.6,3.9,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" for a simple Frugal meal highlighting,1709.1,4.98,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" their financial difficulties this is,1711.5,4.14,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" phenomenal,1714.08,3.599,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um I'm gonna call this a day because,1715.64,4.26,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" holy crap,1717.679,4.801,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" um this is this is exciting and just to,1719.9,5.46,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" think that chat GPT just came out a few,1722.48,5.04,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" months ago that was what four months ago,1725.36,5.46,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" and we're already what quadrupling going,1727.52,7.32,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" from 8 000 tokens to 32 000 tokens,1730.82,7.5,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" uh this this poll that I did AGI this,1734.84,6.18,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" year yeah tell me what you think now,1738.32,7.94,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" all right that's it wrapping it up bye,1741.02,5.24,"First look! ChatGPT-4 has 32,000 tokens! Continuing work on my ASCENSION novel with the latest!" hey everyone David Shapiro here with an,0.539,3.601,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems update,2.94,3.18,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um so before we get started I will plug,4.14,5.039,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems my patreon this will take just a second,6.12,5.58,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um I'm able to do AI full time because,9.179,4.92,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems of the support that I get on patreon so,11.7,4.08,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems if you uh want to support me jump over,14.099,4.02,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems support me on patreon also if you want,15.78,4.68,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems any direct help if you sign up for the,18.119,5.58,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems higher tiers on patreon I am happy to,20.46,5.579,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems jump in and give you advice or help you,23.699,4.561,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems solve problems and this goes as far as,26.039,4.441,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems looking at your fine tuning data talking,28.26,4.139,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems about architecture and solving whatever,30.48,4.14,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems other problems you have,32.399,4.801,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um okay so that's it for patreon second,34.62,3.72,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems is,37.2,4.74,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um I want to uh plug the r artificial,38.34,5.879,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems sentience subreddit so this is a,41.94,4.38,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems subreddit that I and a few other,44.219,3.481,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um thought leaders on cognitive,46.32,3.96,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems architecture created,47.7,4.199,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um and it's not my subreddit,50.28,3.48,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems specifically someone else created it I'm,51.899,4.561,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems just a member but the primary thing is,53.76,4.74,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems creating autonomous cognitive entities,56.46,3.9,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems we would have picked that but that is,58.5,4.079,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems too long of a subreddit title so we have,60.36,4.32,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems artificial sentience,62.579,3.621,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um jump in over here talk about,64.68,3.9,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems artificial cognitive entities artificial,66.2,4.66,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems sentience and so on,68.58,5.219,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um next update is uh for the Raven,70.86,5.04,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems project so I posted an update I pinned,73.799,3.36,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems it here,75.9,4.14,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um the the tldr is that like I'm super,77.159,4.081,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems burned out,80.04,4.14,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um and so I am slowing down that being,81.24,4.08,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems said,84.18,3.36,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um you know this this project has almost,85.32,4.92,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems 700 stars and there's a huge amount of,87.54,5.52,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems Interest both in AGI today uh in,90.24,5.46,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems cognitive architecture and also keeping,93.06,6.599,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems it open source uh specifically so,95.7,6.54,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um if you want to jump in uh jump in,99.659,4.801,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems here we're still getting organized we're,102.24,4.98,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems figuring out a consensus policy and I'm,104.46,4.32,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems hoping that with the correct consensus,107.22,3.48,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems policy it will be more distributed and,108.78,4.08,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems more participatory,110.7,4.559,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um so you know it is slow that's part of,112.86,5.34,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems the design though now finally to the,115.259,5.4,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems topic of today's video if you're a chat,118.2,4.62,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems GPT user you have probably been,120.659,3.721,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems frustrated over the last few days,122.82,4.56,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems because all your chats are gone,124.38,6.84,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems and what I realized is that uh this is,127.38,5.82,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems really unfortunate because I've been,131.22,5.58,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems working on my novel and I use it um I,133.2,5.82,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems create a new chat every time I'm working,136.8,4.38,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems on a new chapter and what I do is I go,139.02,3.84,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems back to the old chapters and say write,141.18,4.559,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems an executive summary of this chapter and,142.86,4.5,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems then I can just use that to quickly copy,145.739,4.981,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems paste it into an into a new chat,147.36,5.34,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um so that the uh the new chat can help,150.72,4.86,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems me it's caught up on the story and goes,152.7,4.679,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems right along but I'm like okay I can,155.58,4.26,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems automate that it's the same uh set of,157.379,5.58,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems procedures every time I use an executive,159.84,5.22,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems summary so that it knows about the,162.959,3.601,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems characters and the story and so on and,165.06,4.08,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems I'm like why don't I just go ahead and,166.56,5.16,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems work on this,169.14,6.36,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um uh offline right I can I can manage,171.72,6.42,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems my own files and if you watched uh my my,175.5,4.379,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems next most recent video you know that I'm,178.14,5.7,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems working on a QA chat bot and so these,179.879,6.121,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems actually have a lot in common it has to,183.84,4.44,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems deal with organizing an arbitrarily,186.0,4.62,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems large amount of data a large Corpus of,188.28,5.16,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems data and the QA chatbot case it is,190.62,6.479,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems scientific papers in the auto Muse case,193.44,6.2,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems the auto Muse chat GPT case it is,197.099,4.681,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems organizing a story,199.64,5.08,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems and so but because of the similarity,201.78,4.379,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems right the the thing that they have in,204.72,4.379,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems common is it has to summarize and search,206.159,4.681,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems an arbitrarily large amount of memory,209.099,3.601,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems and it has to do it automatically in the,210.84,4.02,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems background so these these projects are,212.7,3.84,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems actually much more similar than you,214.86,3.599,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems might think from the perspective of,216.54,5.339,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems cognitive architecture so since chat GPT,218.459,5.821,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems is down and I can't really use it it's,221.879,3.78,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems kind of actually stalled my forward,224.28,3.3,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems progress on my novel,225.659,4.14,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems so I'm like all right well why don't I,227.58,4.019,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems just fix this,229.799,5.281,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um so what I have done is let me just go,231.599,5.341,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems ahead and show you the file show you the,235.08,4.26,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems repo so here is the um here's what I'm,236.94,4.5,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems working on with the auto Muse chat GPT,239.34,4.58,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems project,241.44,2.48,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems so you might have remembered that I I,243.959,3.901,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems was working on auto Muse a lot last year,245.76,3.72,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems and then I stopped because I'm like I,247.86,3.54,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems don't want to hurt anybody I don't want,249.48,3.78,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems to you know unemploy my friends or,251.4,4.08,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems whatever now people are using chat gbt,253.26,4.14,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems to write like crazy and it's all garbage,255.48,4.8,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems right so or mostly garbage,257.4,4.38,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um so I'm not I'm not worried about that,260.28,4.979,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems anymore I you know when when all the,261.78,5.76,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems publicate all the all the Publishers are,265.259,4.741,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems using AI to detect whether or not it's,267.54,4.56,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems written by AI or to detect the quality,270.0,3.96,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems speaking of if there are any Publishers,272.1,4.14,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems out there and you want to learn how to,273.96,3.66,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems use,276.24,5.04,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um AI to to rapidly like,277.62,5.76,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um measure the quality of someone's,281.28,4.74,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems fiction let me know,283.38,3.36,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um,286.02,2.58,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems because that can help you quickly sift,286.74,4.56,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems through sift the uh the the the,288.6,5.28,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um the grain from the chaff,291.3,6.839,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um so anyways point being is there's a,293.88,7.08,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems few components of this that are that are,298.139,5.221,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems all the same right so you got the the QA,300.96,4.32,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems I will be working on this it's been,303.36,3.66,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems three days I had I was really tired over,305.28,3.06,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems the weekend,307.02,3.179,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um burnout is real,308.34,3.6,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um but I am recovering and everyone has,310.199,3.421,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems been very kind about that so I'm I'm,311.94,3.24,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems grateful and I said like I need some,313.62,2.94,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems time everyone's like take your time,315.18,2.34,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems buddy,316.56,3.18,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems all right anyways going down a rabbit,317.52,4.92,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems hole point being is that these projects,319.74,4.679,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems have a lot in common and so what I'm,322.44,4.259,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems working on is okay how do I create a,324.419,4.801,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems memory system that works for both of,326.699,5.401,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems these right because we humans have one,329.22,5.039,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems memory system and it works for whatever,332.1,4.02,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems task that we're doing whether you're,334.259,4.38,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems remembering you know birthdays or how to,336.12,4.919,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems do your job or whatever and I okay yes,338.639,5.221,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems it's not one memory system we have a,341.039,4.621,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems memory operating system you know the,343.86,3.36,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems hippocampus and all sorts of other,345.66,3.84,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems connections and representations and,347.22,4.74,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems abstractions but the point is is that,349.5,5.46,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems with the correct format or system of,351.96,5.34,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems abstractions and representations you we,354.96,3.66,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems should be able to create a memory system,357.3,3.42,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems that is good for an arbitrary number of,358.62,5.22,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems tasks so back in the day,360.72,5.18,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems there was this concept called temporal,363.84,5.34,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems hierarchical memory which this was like,365.9,6.4,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems back in 2005 I think people thought that,369.18,5.7,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems this was going to lead to AGI,372.3,4.86,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um and while it didn't pan out it died,374.88,4.74,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems of quick death the concept is still very,377.16,3.96,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems helpful and it's actually coming back,379.62,3.66,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems with Neuroscience,381.12,4.919,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um and so basically here is a simple,383.28,5.28,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems representation of what I mean so we have,386.039,5.1,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems all your all your narrative logs right,388.56,5.34,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems so you have narrative memory which is,391.139,5.461,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems the the the chronologically linear,393.9,5.34,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems series of experiences that you have,396.6,4.56,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems right and that's you know that's what a,399.24,3.72,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems chat log is right it is chronologically,401.16,3.36,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems linear,402.96,4.799,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um but one problem with chat GPT is we,404.52,4.739,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems have no idea what is going on in the,407.759,4.021,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems background one rumor is that it uses a,409.259,4.44,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems scratch pad I don't know that that's,411.78,4.139,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems panned out someone else told me that all,413.699,4.44,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems it does is using uses a rolling window,415.919,5.101,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems of 8 000 tokens which a rolling window,418.139,4.861,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems of 8 000 tokens that's a lot of text,421.02,5.04,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems 8000 tokens is like,423.0,4.56,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um let's see that's about it's like what,426.06,4.8,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems 3.6 characters per token on average so,427.56,6.84,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems that is over 24 000 characters,430.86,5.58,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um which then you you think that the,434.4,3.72,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems average word is five to six characters,436.44,2.819,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems long,438.12,3.359,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems so we're looking at what can I do math,439.259,4.201,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems right now I think that's about 6 000,441.479,5.821,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems words so 6 000 words and you know 250,443.46,6.9,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems words per page uh so that's uh four,447.3,6.66,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems times six so that is 24 pages worth of,450.36,6.059,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems text that's a lot of text if that's how,453.96,5.76,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems it's working now the chat GPT API,456.419,5.22,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um the in the documentation they say,459.72,3.539,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems that you only have four thousand tokens,461.639,3.96,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems even still four thousand tokens is 12,463.259,4.921,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems Pages you can summarize quite a bit in,465.599,4.681,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems 12 pages and this is also going to go up,468.18,4.799,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems over time right they're they're doubling,470.28,5.52,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems the window size pretty regularly all,472.979,4.741,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems right so with all that said,475.8,5.1,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems we have a linear chunk of logs and so,477.72,4.74,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems what happens sometimes when you're,480.9,3.299,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems having conversations is it's like it,482.46,3.42,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems gets something wrong and then you,484.199,3.361,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems correct it and then you're like no no no,485.88,3.9,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems that's not what I wanted and so what I'm,487.56,5.22,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems what I'm doing with this is I've got a,489.78,5.4,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems few prompts so in a in in a previous,492.78,3.66,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems chat,495.18,3.54,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um chat uh bot project here let me bring,496.44,3.9,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems that up I'll show you real quick,498.72,2.9,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems do,500.34,3.84,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems repositories come on,501.62,4.24,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um so in the original,504.18,4.739,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um salience one so this this is this is,505.86,5.519,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems the the progenitor work right this is I,508.919,3.961,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems probably won't update this because this,511.379,4.561,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems repo is just for demonstration purposes,512.88,5.7,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um but it shows you the idea of using,515.94,5.399,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems salience to summarize conversations as,518.58,5.579,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems well as anticipation to uh predict,521.339,5.221,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems what's going forward so salience is,524.159,5.041,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems memory and anticipation is going forward,526.56,4.92,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems right so that is the beginnings of a,529.2,4.5,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems cognitive architecture so then you take,531.48,4.14,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems this forward and say okay we have the,533.7,4.199,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems same exact uh salience in anticipation,535.62,6.3,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems but it is organized around,537.899,6.781,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um writing right so in this case I'm an,541.92,5.34,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems AI named Muse my primary goal is to help,544.68,4.02,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems the user plan brainstorm outline and,547.26,2.639,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems otherwise construct their work of,548.7,3.36,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems fiction right so it's got a very clear,549.899,4.141,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems goal and I won't show you uh the,552.06,3.66,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems conversation I had because it's you know,554.04,4.38,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems it's private I'm working on my own story,555.72,4.98,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um but having setting the decision the,558.42,4.56,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems the system go to this and then updating,560.7,4.319,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems it with the salience and the,562.98,3.299,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems anticipation,565.019,4.561,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems it is if all you do is just run this as,566.279,6.0,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems it is right now you will find that it is,569.58,4.92,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems very very helpful much more helpful than,572.279,4.261,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems than the plain vanilla,574.5,4.26,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um chat GPT at helping you plan your,576.54,4.38,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems story and in fact,578.76,5.1,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um it is so good that you like man it,580.92,5.099,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems won't need much help in terms of cueing,583.86,4.32,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems up the correct memories in order to make,586.019,5.88,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems it even better now all that being said,588.18,7.38,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems uh you have a a an arbitrarily long chat,591.899,5.761,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems log right because writing a novel takes,595.56,3.719,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems a long time,597.66,2.94,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um and it's going to be way more,599.279,3.321,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems information even just you know,600.6,3.84,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems brainstorming and stuff right because,602.6,3.28,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems what happens when you're brainstorming,604.44,4.32,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems you have uh false positives right you,605.88,4.38,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems have things that you change things that,608.76,2.94,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems you say no I'm not gonna I'm not gonna,610.26,4.259,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems go that way so on and so forth and so,611.7,5.94,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems what happens is it a chat log is,614.519,4.921,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems basically like a transaction log so if,617.64,3.54,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems you're familiar with like SQL databases,619.44,4.2,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems a transaction log tracks all the changes,621.18,5.279,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems in the database but it builds on one,623.64,4.92,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems another right they're all sequential and,626.459,4.201,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems so we have to keep track of that in,628.56,4.98,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems chronological order so the the next step,630.66,5.28,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems is to summarize chunks of the,633.54,4.859,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems conversation as concisely as possible,635.94,4.62,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems while extracting the most Salient bits,638.399,3.961,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems and so that's where these two new,640.56,4.08,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems prompts come in so I have write an,642.36,4.8,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems executive summary so it's as simple as,644.64,4.379,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems it says write an executive summary of,647.16,3.48,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems the following chat log executive summary,649.019,4.741,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems so this writes a very concise just,650.64,5.04,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems here's here's a narrative sequence of,653.76,4.259,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems what happened and so this allows it to,655.68,4.56,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems keep track of okay this is this is how,658.019,4.801,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems the conversation has gone with while,660.24,4.86,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems excluding a lot of the irrelevant,662.82,5.34,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems details and then secondly story details,665.1,4.739,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems so write a summary of what we learn,668.16,3.119,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems about the story from the following chat,669.839,5.401,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems log now this should be in the long run,671.279,7.381,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems this prompt won't work for other tasks,675.24,5.76,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems right this is this is hard-coded this is,678.66,4.32,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems geared towards writing fiction because,681.0,4.2,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems it says specifically,682.98,4.799,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems extract information about the story in,685.2,4.139,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems the future the cognitive architecture,687.779,4.5,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems should design this task or or do task,689.339,5.94,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems selection to figure out what exactly is,692.279,5.101,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems most relevant to summarize that being,695.279,4.921,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems said because Auto Muse is purpose built,697.38,4.92,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems for fiction we can go ahead and hard,700.2,3.3,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems code it,702.3,3.659,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um but what this does is it ignores the,703.5,3.66,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems conversation,705.959,3.12,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems and just says what do we know about the,707.16,2.76,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems story,709.079,3.121,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems and I tested this out and it actually,709.92,4.56,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems works really well so like you can take a,712.2,4.74,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems long conversation that's 2 000 tokens,714.48,4.68,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems long and you end up with a 200 token,716.94,4.019,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems summary of what you learn about the,719.16,2.7,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems story,720.959,3.601,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems so that those those summaries the,721.86,4.02,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems executive summary and the story,724.56,3.42,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems extraction those are going to be,725.88,4.5,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems summarized in these chunks right and so,727.98,4.32,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems you get a 10 to 1 reduction in terms of,730.38,3.48,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems files because that's how I've got it set,732.3,4.5,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems right now where every time you get to a,733.86,5.4,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems 10 dialogues back and forth and this is,736.8,4.8,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems an arbitrary number in fact I should,739.26,3.54,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems probably,741.6,2.46,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um just have this as the the,742.8,3.0,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems conversation length,744.06,3.24,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um I should parameterize that but,745.8,4.44,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems anyways 10 is fine because you don't,747.3,4.68,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems want to go right up to the to the window,750.24,4.32,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems limit because one you don't know how,751.98,4.859,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems long the conversation is going to be and,754.56,4.62,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems two you want to regularly summarize,756.839,3.601,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems what's going on,759.18,4.32,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems okay so then once we get and this is as,760.44,5.22,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems far as I got I tested those prompts and,763.5,4.56,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems if you look at the the two Do's,765.66,4.739,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um the the the the very next to do is,768.06,4.68,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems I've got to actually populate the chunk,770.399,3.601,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems summaries you see there's nothing here,772.74,3.719,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems right I've got the chat logs and so now,774.0,4.86,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems I need to integrate the summaries and,776.459,4.88,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems put those summaries here,778.86,5.46,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems and for those I don't know whether or,781.339,4.541,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems not I need to use semantic embedding,784.32,5.04,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems right because the the the the primary,785.88,5.88,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems organization feature here is timestamp,789.36,4.32,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems so you see chat underscore timestamp,791.76,5.34,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems user Muse user Muse user Muse and so,793.68,5.7,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems that is probably all the organization,797.1,4.62,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems that I actually really need,799.38,4.62,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um because again with a temporal,801.72,4.08,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems hierarchical memory,804.0,4.92,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um uh time is the primary organizing,805.8,5.219,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems Factor not semantic search we actually,808.92,3.599,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems don't care what's in it semantically,811.019,3.901,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems because we're going to algorithmically,812.519,4.861,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems just recursively or not recursively but,814.92,5.58,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems repeatedly summarize these chat logs so,817.38,4.56,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems those are going to end up here in the,820.5,2.7,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems chunk summaries,821.94,3.24,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems and the chunk summaries are about five,823.2,5.52,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems to ten times shorter than the originals,825.18,6.3,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems so that that allows us to really kind of,828.72,4.679,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems distill down okay what is the most,831.48,3.96,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems important information and then we're,833.399,4.081,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems going to do another layer above that,835.44,5.22,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems which is we're going to extract the,837.48,5.88,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems topics from these and then the topics,840.66,4.799,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems are not going to be linear right because,843.36,4.979,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems you know you think about like okay what,845.459,5.161,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems do I know about Abraham Lincoln that is,848.339,4.081,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems not anchored to time that is detached,850.62,4.2,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems from time now your understanding of,852.42,4.14,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems Abraham Lincoln might be updated right,854.82,3.36,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems you might have like you can think of it,856.56,3.48,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems as an internal Wikipedia page in your,858.18,4.14,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems head and so what we'll do is we'll,860.04,4.68,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems transition from this temporal,862.32,4.86,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems hierarchical part to a more knowledge,864.72,5.28,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems graph or topical component and so that,867.18,4.68,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems is the third layer of abstraction So,870.0,5.04,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems eventually what I want is for an auto,871.86,6.06,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems Muse it's going to have a top like the,875.04,5.88,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems whoops yeah come back so the primary you,877.92,4.8,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems know so the chat logs that is like low,880.92,5.039,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems level uh uh raw memories then there's,882.72,5.22,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems the chunk summaries which is one layer,885.959,3.5,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems above that so you can think of that as,887.94,4.74,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems medium term memory and then long-term,889.459,6.221,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems memory is going to be this kg model this,892.68,4.92,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems knowledge graph model of topics I don't,895.68,3.3,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems know that it's actually going to be a,897.6,3.359,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems Knowledge Graph because I don't with,898.98,3.419,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems semantic search I don't really care,900.959,2.761,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems about the links,902.399,5.161,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems between it and also because because the,903.72,5.28,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems story is going to be updated and,907.56,3.66,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems summarized repeatedly I don't know that,909.0,4.32,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems we actually even need semantic search so,911.22,4.919,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems we might not do any embeddings with this,913.32,5.1,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um just by virtue of the memories are,916.139,4.32,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems going to be so well organized and it's,918.42,3.419,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems going to be organized around one,920.459,3.901,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems specific project so here's the thing,921.839,4.62,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems when we get to the to the to a fully,924.36,4.02,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems fledged cognitive architecture like,926.459,4.021,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems Raven where it's like oh hey Raven let's,928.38,4.259,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems talk about my story you absolutely will,930.48,3.96,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems need some kind of search so that Raven,932.639,4.621,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems can locate the correct set of memories,934.44,4.86,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um but even still we should probably,937.26,5.28,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems have some kind of hierarchical,939.3,5.399,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um automatic organization in the,942.54,4.26,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems background ideally it's all kept in,944.699,4.44,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems natural language because again when we,946.8,4.74,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems get to the level of fully autonomous AGI,949.139,4.921,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems you want its thoughts to be entirely,951.54,4.799,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems transparent and entirely interpretable,954.06,4.8,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems by humans because like if you have your,956.339,4.261,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems AGI whether it's Raven or another one,958.86,4.02,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems thinking hey Gee maybe I should go get,960.6,4.2,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems access to nuclear launch codes you want,962.88,4.139,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems to be able to see that in clear text you,964.8,4.74,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems don't want AGI memories to be in some,967.019,4.861,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems abstract embedding or AGI specific,969.54,4.62,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems language we want it all to be in in pure,971.88,4.92,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems natural language so that one it can,974.16,4.2,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems understand us and we can understand it,976.8,4.5,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems and we'll have trust so anyways,978.36,4.68,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems that's where we're at I didn't get too,981.3,2.94,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems much further today because again,983.04,3.659,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems recovering from burnout um but I'm,984.24,3.839,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems really happy with this especially some,986.699,3.361,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems of the tests that I did and I apologize,988.079,3.361,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems I can't show it but what I encourage you,990.06,2.579,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems to do is,991.44,3.72,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um just go ahead and clone this down and,992.639,5.94,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems run chat it should work as it is,995.16,4.919,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um actually you might you might want to,998.579,3.541,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems comment this out because it'll reset,1000.079,4.56,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems your conversation every uh 10 dialogues,1002.12,5.399,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems but just with the anticipation in,1004.639,5.88,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems salience and having it um having it,1007.519,5.76,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems having this as the objective it's really,1010.519,5.161,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems good already it'll help you plan out,1013.279,5.521,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems your story it won't write Pros for you,1015.68,5.64,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um maybe we'll get to that one day uh,1018.8,4.86,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems but yeah so that's that and then the QA,1021.32,3.239,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems bot,1023.66,2.88,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems so talking talking through the memory,1024.559,5.941,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems here in this case the memory is abstract,1026.54,6.72,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems it's not it's not narrative the memory,1030.5,6.419,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems is in the form of papers right and so,1033.26,5.88,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems this these text documents that's the,1036.919,4.5,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems memory that we need to work on but then,1039.14,4.919,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems we need to have other kinds of cognitive,1041.419,4.681,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems tasks like you know what am I going to,1044.059,4.801,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems read or um you know what am I going to,1046.1,4.079,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems summarize or what am I going to,1048.86,3.3,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems synthesize and so I've been thinking,1050.179,5.581,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems through this and um and the direction,1052.16,6.18,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems that I'm going with it is the very next,1055.76,4.44,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems thing that's going to happen is there's,1058.34,4.38,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems going to be a cognitive control module,1060.2,4.859,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems and so as you're talking to it the,1062.72,5.1,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems cognitive control module will have a,1065.059,4.86,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems it'll have it'll have a menu of various,1067.82,4.44,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems things that it can do one it can just,1069.919,3.961,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems ask you a question ask you a follow-up,1072.26,3.659,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems question say hey do I know what you're,1073.88,3.179,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems doing,1075.919,3.961,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um it can read papers it can summarize,1077.059,5.341,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems papers it can synthesize new information,1079.88,4.86,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems based on information that it's got and,1082.4,4.68,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems then it can generate hypotheses I think,1084.74,4.319,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems that's those are the primary cognitive,1087.08,4.68,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems tasks now it's going to automatically,1089.059,6.061,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems pick which task it wants to use based on,1091.76,5.46,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems where you're at in the conversation so,1095.12,3.299,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems the first thing that happens in the,1097.22,4.02,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems cognitive control module is that it will,1098.419,4.5,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems update its task,1101.24,3.12,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um so it'll basically have a task log,1102.919,3.721,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems right and so the task log will be,1104.36,4.559,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems similar to the scratch Pad,1106.64,4.32,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um and it'll be like so we'll have,1108.919,4.321,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems instead of instead of the chat log Write,1110.96,3.959,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems a brief summary of the most Salient,1113.24,3.9,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems points of the conversation we're going,1114.919,3.481,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems to have,1117.14,3.659,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um update the task log based on task,1118.4,5.159,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems salience right so task sailing says what,1120.799,5.581,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems is it that we're doing and also instead,1123.559,6.301,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems of instead of having the goal uh,1126.38,7.62,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems uh you know I'm an AI Muse my my goal is,1129.86,6.48,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems to plan brainstorming instead the goal,1134.0,5.4,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems will be to advance science and so by,1136.34,5.699,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems tell just by telling chat GPT your goal,1139.4,4.56,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems is to advance science it will adopt a,1142.039,4.441,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems new model and a new approach,1143.96,4.64,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um to what it's doing and so anyways,1146.48,4.559,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems these projects will be there's going to,1148.6,4.42,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems be some very distinct differences and as,1151.039,4.621,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems I learn about it I'll be able to create,1153.02,4.74,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um a more pragmatic higher level,1155.66,3.78,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems abstraction,1157.76,3.659,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um that can be uh more universally,1159.44,3.72,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems applied,1161.419,5.221,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems so anyways that's the update for today,1163.16,5.759,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems um I know that this is probably not the,1166.64,4.38,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems kind of update you're used to but it is,1168.919,3.781,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems what it is and uh let me know what you,1171.02,4.399,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems think in the comments,1172.7,2.719,Introducing AutoMuse ChatGPT - Working on Temporal Hierarchical Memories for AGI & ACE systems all right gang so David Shapiro here,0.599,4.861,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um one of the questions that I get the,3.6,5.1,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] most on patreon and Linkedin and,5.46,5.7,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] everywhere else is how do I make a QA,8.7,4.92,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] chatbot I get questions like how do I,11.16,4.979,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] answer specific questions whether it's,13.62,6.18,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] in a um a high risk situation and I mean,16.139,7.861,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] like uh law medicine mental health all,19.8,6.059,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] kinds of stuff and of course you know,24.0,4.859,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] chat GPT is out and you can do some,25.859,4.861,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] stuff but you know it's it's bounded,28.859,3.601,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] right they have their own things but,30.72,5.1,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] with the chat GPT API we can do our own,32.46,4.68,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] stuff,35.82,4.02,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um and natural language interfaces are,37.14,4.5,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] certainly the way of the future or at,39.84,3.66,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] least the way of right now for how we're,41.64,4.02,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] going to be interacting with data and,43.5,4.98,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] computers so I did a little a little,45.66,3.96,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] poll,48.48,4.5,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um and a very very clear majority people,49.62,7.02,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] want QA chat Bots now I was laying in,52.98,5.64,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] bed last night and I was like I want to,56.64,4.5,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] do I want to accelerate longevity and,58.62,4.439,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] regenerative medicine,61.14,3.36,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um because like that's one of the things,63.059,3.481,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] that I'm I really am looking forward to,64.5,4.439,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] like I've got an old shoulder injury and,66.54,4.259,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I've got like you know I'm getting old,68.939,4.021,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] right and getting old sucks,70.799,4.14,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and I just saw that Sam Altman invested,72.96,5.46,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] 180 million in um in this stuff so I was,74.939,5.521,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] like okay well what if I can combine,78.42,4.32,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] these two right so here's what we're,80.46,4.979,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] going to do we're going to go through,82.74,5.04,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] the whole process of,85.439,4.86,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um using the latest and greatest AI,87.78,5.22,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] tools to make even more AI tools to help,90.299,5.581,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] accelerate longevity and regenerative,93.0,5.34,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] medicine and we're going to do it with,95.88,6.059,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] the chat GPT API so this is going to be,98.34,5.7,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] a series uh I don't know it's going to,101.939,3.54,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] take a while to unpack and I'm also,104.04,2.82,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] going to do a little bit of real-time,105.479,2.881,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] editing with pausing and stuff so,106.86,3.0,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] anyways,108.36,3.66,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um here's where I'm starting,109.86,5.7,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and I often uh in past experiments I'll,112.02,6.059,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] often collect the data before like,115.56,3.78,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] without showing you guys and then I'll,118.079,3.36,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] forget how I got it so I'm documenting,119.34,4.86,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] how I got the data in the first place so,121.439,5.28,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I would come over to Bing AI which uh,124.2,4.86,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] Bing chat searches the internet and I,126.719,4.501,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] can tell it what I'm looking for and,129.06,3.899,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] also speaking of,131.22,4.26,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um we're up to 10. so that's good,132.959,4.321,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um it'll be better once they figure out,135.48,4.2,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] how to get get us back to unlimited,137.28,3.9,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] conversations but we're we're going,139.68,3.12,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] we're going in the right direction,141.18,4.32,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so I asked for sources for primary,142.8,4.92,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] research and I said like NIH and archive,145.5,4.14,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and of course it just said NIH and,147.72,4.56,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] archive but it also added nature,149.64,4.38,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um and so basically what I'm doing is,152.28,5.52,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I'm going to gather some sources I'm,154.02,6.0,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] going to download some like PDFs or uh,157.8,4.2,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] or other articles,160.02,4.68,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um and use that as my my data now,162.0,5.22,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] obviously this is probably not I'm I,164.7,4.38,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] probably will not succeed in advancing,167.22,4.799,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] science on my own but what I can do is I,169.08,5.22,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] can demonstrate how and then someone,172.019,4.321,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] else can take it as and put it into a,174.3,4.019,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] product speaking of,176.34,3.78,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um I have had on occasion some people,178.319,3.961,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] reach out to me and say like oh I,180.12,4.08,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] Incorporated your work into like my,182.28,3.9,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] startup or into my business like please,184.2,4.679,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] let me know what you're actually using,186.18,5.76,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] my work for one it's just nice to know,188.879,5.101,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] but two it also helps me understand,191.94,4.2,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] where I'm adding value,193.98,4.92,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] right because my my whole goal I'm not,196.14,6.0,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] here to make a ton of money I am here to,198.9,5.28,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] help bring about post scarcity and,202.14,3.599,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] Singularity and all that fun stuff all,204.18,3.12,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] right so anyways,205.739,4.5,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um let's see I'm specifically trying to,207.3,5.04,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] accelerate,210.239,7.801,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um uh longevity and regenerative,212.34,8.039,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] uh research,218.04,8.339,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um with AI so I'm looking for uh papers,220.379,10.741,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] that can be integrated into automatic,226.379,8.22,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] NLP stuff,231.12,5.399,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um,234.599,5.28,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] yeah that's basically it so,236.519,7.741,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so I think the kinds of papers that will,239.879,8.64,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] be most helpful are likely,244.26,4.979,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um,248.519,4.561,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] to include specific techniques uh,249.239,7.081,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] proteins enzymes,253.08,6.18,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um enzymes,256.32,5.58,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] that doesn't look great enzymes,259.26,5.18,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um and therapies,261.9,6.84,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] uh let's see does that help narrow it,264.44,5.979,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] down,268.74,3.84,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] all right so if I tell Bing what I'm,270.419,4.141,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] doing hopefully it'll have a better,272.58,4.679,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] understanding of what I'm trying to,274.56,5.28,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] achieve and then give me a little bit,277.259,5.461,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] more specific stuff so anyways uh,279.84,5.88,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] regenerative medicine so nature.com,282.72,5.28,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] regenerative,285.72,5.699,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] uh looks like this is pretty good so,288.0,4.68,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] there's plenty of stuff that's open,291.419,4.141,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] access so in order to respect the data,292.68,4.32,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I'm only going to download stuff that,295.56,3.359,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] has Open Access which it's great that,297.0,2.82,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] that,298.919,2.28,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um they do this actually I'm going to,299.82,4.98,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] bookmark this favorites bar,301.199,5.22,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um because that's good information let's,304.8,3.3,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] see yes that helps a lot thank you for,306.419,2.661,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] sharing,308.1,3.12,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] artificial intelligence and Longevity,309.08,5.02,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] medicine which discusses interesting so,311.22,4.8,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] there's,314.1,3.36,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] oh,316.02,4.56,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] okay so I found a nature article talking,317.46,6.48,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] about it oh this is only a preview okay,320.58,5.7,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so I think we'll need to specify,323.94,3.66,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um,326.28,4.44,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] that we need uh Open Access stuff let's,327.6,4.56,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] see,330.72,3.84,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] let's see um do you want me to show you,332.16,5.16,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] how to download any of these papers,334.56,3.54,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um,337.32,5.52,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] no some of them are not open access but,338.1,8.28,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I'm not looking for,342.84,7.44,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um Ai and aging papers I'm doing the AI,346.38,7.14,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I'm looking for,350.28,6.66,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um uh therapeutic,353.52,6.6,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] techniques and candidates,356.94,6.56,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and you try again,360.12,3.38,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] yep so therapeutic techniques and,368.639,2.941,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] candidates for longevity and,370.44,3.18,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] regenerative medicine so it's just what,371.58,4.32,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] it's doing is it's distilling down my,373.62,4.5,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] search query which that's actually a,375.9,3.54,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] super easy thing to do with prompt,378.12,3.06,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] engineering you just say take this,379.44,4.74,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] paragraph and convert it into a Google,381.18,4.739,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] search query or in this case a Bing,384.18,4.079,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] search query,385.919,4.56,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] all right let's see regenerative,388.259,4.5,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] medicine all right the Lancet so that's,390.479,4.681,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] a good one envisioning future Trends in,392.759,4.44,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] regenerative medicine,395.16,5.759,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so some of these Yes except all cookies,397.199,5.401,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] where'd it go okay,400.919,4.201,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] all right so this is not this is,402.6,5.159,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] requiring stuff so here's one thing,405.12,3.84,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] where,407.759,3.841,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um I am really skeptical because like,408.96,5.94,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] all of this gatekeeping and pay walls is,411.6,4.5,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] actually really going to slow down,414.9,4.16,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] research especially in the age of AI,416.1,5.76,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] that being said it's like okay there is,419.06,5.74,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] some value added by,421.86,6.54,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um by these things okay uh let's focus,424.8,8.1,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] on Open Access sources,428.4,5.78,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um of,432.9,5.639,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] regenerative uh medicine research,434.18,9.1,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] can you find any more aside,438.539,8.481,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] aside from archive,443.28,3.74,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and nature because like okay the fact,447.36,4.38,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] that like this one is here so medical,449.819,4.861,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] Express but this is like a no-name site,451.74,6.0,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so it's like I don't even know if,454.68,6.239,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] like what this is yeah this is just,457.74,6.0,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] someone restating something else and,460.919,4.381,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] it's just pointing at nature anyways,463.74,3.84,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] okay so it looks like nature Open Access,465.3,4.92,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] is going to be our best source so far we,467.58,5.459,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] can also have archive,470.22,4.68,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um so let's see,473.039,5.461,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] if we go to Archive and we look for like,474.9,6.06,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] let's see where is it,478.5,4.86,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] well it oh looks like we're looking for,480.96,5.359,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] Bio archive okay,483.36,2.959,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] oh man this website is like from the 90s,487.259,4.44,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] [Laughter],489.79,5.09,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] okay this is gonna be a pain,491.699,5.761,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] ouch all right Neuroscience molecular so,494.88,5.759,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] molecular biology Immunology genomics,497.46,5.76,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] genetics,500.639,7.74,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um let's see cell biology cancer biology,503.22,5.879,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um,508.379,3.72,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] biochemistry,509.099,3.0,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] synthetic biology that's fun,512.159,5.461,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] okay structural bias so a lot of this,515.339,4.08,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] stuff is not going to be like directly,517.62,4.62,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] relevant which is interesting,519.419,4.98,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um okay sure open Journal of,522.24,4.8,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] regenerative medicine hey that looks,524.399,4.261,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] stem cell research and regenerative,527.04,2.94,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] medicine,528.66,5.34,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and npj there we go open Journal of,529.98,5.7,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] regenerative medicine so let's bookmark,534.0,4.16,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] that,535.68,2.48,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] favorites bar,538.38,4.74,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] Open Access Journal stem cell research,540.779,4.381,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and regenerative medicine,543.12,6.08,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] okay I'm not seeing any papers,545.16,4.04,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um let's see,551.76,2.54,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] looks like they only have like a couple,555.54,4.739,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] of issues per year I don't know this,557.76,4.32,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] looks,560.279,4.381,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] low quality,562.08,4.379,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] okay,564.66,3.48,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um all right well we've got a couple,566.459,4.621,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] right so let me let me bookmark bio,568.14,5.84,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] archive as well,571.08,2.9,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] okay so if we come here got bioarchive,575.82,4.68,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] we've got open Journal of regenerative,578.88,3.3,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] medicine,580.5,3.12,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um and then we've got nature so we've,582.18,4.08,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] got three sources,583.62,6.18,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um of of data so what I'll do now is I'm,586.26,5.04,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] not going to what make you watch me,589.8,3.18,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] download everything but now you see how,591.3,5.46,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I've gone about finding this information,592.98,6.419,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um and so then I'll download just a,596.76,5.639,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] whole whole mess of this stuff,599.399,5.701,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um and then save it and we'll start to,602.399,4.741,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] slice and dice it all right pause it,605.1,4.62,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] download stuff we'll be right back okay,607.14,7.139,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and we're back so I downloaded,609.72,7.08,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um about let's see 81,614.279,6.481,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] papers so this is obviously 81 research,616.8,6.84,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] papers on a variety of topics this is,620.76,4.8,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] not a really coherent search strategy,623.64,3.96,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] this is just a proof of concept because,625.56,3.66,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] this is,627.6,3.66,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um to demonstrate like because this is,629.22,5.28,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] an intractable amount of of material,631.26,5.699,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um sure a professional scientist will,634.5,5.76,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] probably easily skim through more than,636.959,5.221,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] this number while performing a,640.26,4.92,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] literature review but imagine that,642.18,6.42,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] you've got 2 000 or 10 000 of these that,645.18,4.74,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] you need to sift through and get,648.6,3.78,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] information from so imagine that in in,649.92,4.38,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] your in your citations page instead of,652.38,4.56,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] having 30 to 100 what if you have like,654.3,5.4,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] 30 000 citations and we can do that,656.94,5.339,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] automatically with AI and we can find,659.7,6.66,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] them quickly through chat bots so that's,662.279,6.24,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] step one was downloading stuff which I,666.36,4.68,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] just showed you and then step two is,668.519,4.56,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] let's convert it so I have this handy,671.04,3.239,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] dandy,673.079,3.841,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um public archive right here,674.279,4.381,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um called document scraping and I've got,676.92,6.18,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] a convert PDF file here so what we're,678.66,7.08,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] going to do next is we're going to and,683.1,4.02,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I'll show you it's really simpler,685.74,3.839,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] convert PDF to text,687.12,4.68,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and it what it'll do is it'll grab,689.579,6.901,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] everything in that um in that folder uh,691.8,6.539,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] that's a PDF and then dump a text,696.48,4.44,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] version out to the uh diff uh to the,698.339,5.041,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] next folder and then it it breaks it up,700.92,4.979,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] by page so I'll just say new page right,703.38,5.579,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] it's not a big deal and this forms a,705.899,6.241,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] nice easy way of of seeing it so I'll,708.959,6.861,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] show you what it does so CD to chat GPT,712.14,6.36,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] regenerative medicine and then we'll do,715.82,5.74,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] python step 01 convert,718.5,4.68,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and so what it's doing is it's going,721.56,3.779,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] through and converting them one by one,723.18,4.98,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and it's dot it's dropping them here so,725.339,7.641,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] you can see here is the information,728.16,4.82,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and obviously this is not going to grab,733.339,4.901,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] the um,736.26,3.9,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] uh what you may call it it's not going,738.24,4.02,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] to grab the the graphics and stuff and,740.16,3.179,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] that's fine because we don't have,742.26,3.78,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] multimodal models yet apparently gpt4 is,743.339,4.381,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] going to be multimodal,746.04,4.979,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um but at least this should give us all,747.72,6.359,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] the information that we need in terms of,751.019,6.06,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] uh text information so this is running,754.079,5.041,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] it'll take a minute,757.079,2.641,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um,759.12,2.76,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] obviously very much taking its time so,759.72,3.299,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I'll go ahead and pause it again and,761.88,3.66,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] show you the end result Also let's see,763.019,3.901,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] we're only at 12 minutes so we'll see,765.54,3.359,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] how much further we can get,766.92,4.859,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um yeah we'll be right back,768.899,5.581,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] all right so we've got,771.779,6.36,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um we've got 81 text files now I always,774.48,7.62,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] check my data and so here's a problem is,778.139,7.561,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um some of the lines uh have no spaces,782.1,5.16,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] some of them do some of them don't it's,785.7,4.5,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] really weird I don't know if this is a,787.26,5.879,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] problem with the with the PDF plumber or,790.2,6.12,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] with the underlying PDF itself,793.139,6.121,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um so I I don't know what's going on but,796.32,4.86,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] from there,799.26,4.379,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and here like okay you see this one this,801.18,4.38,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] one looks like it's formatted fine I'm,803.639,3.301,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] not going to delete it because it's like,805.56,3.66,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] okay we still want this information and,806.94,3.24,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] also,809.22,4.739,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um even if it is uh even if if the,810.18,6.24,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] formatting is botched like that as it is,813.959,3.741,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] in some cases,816.42,5.159,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] gpt3 can still often read these,817.7,6.579,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um so let me just grab this and show you,821.579,4.141,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] what I mean,824.279,5.601,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so let's grab this and go to,825.72,4.16,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um and then we say,829.98,3.419,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um,832.32,4.079,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] let's see complete,833.399,7.94,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um uh fix the formatting issue,836.399,4.94,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] fixed,842.339,2.721,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and so then if we let's see do that up,846.839,6.56,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] to 500 zoom out a little,849.6,3.799,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so you can see it can still read it and,853.98,4.02,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] add the spaces back in which means that,855.839,4.141,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] it can comprehend the um the word,858.0,4.44,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] boundary problems,859.98,5.64,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um so yeah gpt3 can understand it it's,862.44,5.459,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] honestly probably been trained on a lot,865.62,5.399,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] of data that is malformed like this,867.899,5.101,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um so it's fine,871.019,4.5,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um yeah that's good so now let's come,873.0,4.8,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] over here and what we're going to do is,875.519,4.32,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] we need to convert this these text files,877.8,3.68,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] into something that's usable,879.839,5.041,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so one of the advantages of having new,881.48,5.32,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] page right here is that we can open open,884.88,4.98,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] it and then split it into,886.8,5.76,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um into individual Pages again that are,889.86,4.32,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] text so we're going to do is we're going,892.56,3.959,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] to have a folder called Paint whoops,894.18,5.459,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] papers underscore Json,896.519,6.12,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and now I'm going to ask chat GPT,899.639,5.601,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um write a python script,902.639,6.961,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] that uh opens all,905.24,7.959,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] uh no let's see that yeah that opens all,909.6,7.2,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] text files from the folder,913.199,6.32,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um papers underscore text,916.8,8.339,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] splits them into a list of strings,919.519,8.461,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] with the demarcator,925.139,5.82,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] new page,927.98,7.799,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] then take each page and get an embedding,930.959,10.261,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] by passing the string to a function that,935.779,7.781,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I call,941.22,4.82,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um let's see,943.56,6.139,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] gpt3 embedding,946.04,3.659,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] to a function called,952.26,5.879,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] gpt3 embedding,955.16,4.9,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um,958.139,3.621,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] finally,960.06,4.5,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] let's see save,961.76,8.5,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] uh all of that into a Json file,964.56,7.76,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um,970.26,2.06,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] one Json file for each original,972.54,7.94,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] text file,977.0,3.48,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] the Json should have,981.56,4.66,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um,985.139,3.301,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] elements such as,986.22,3.84,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] original,988.44,8.1,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] file name and then a list of pages where,990.06,12.0,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] each page has a number,996.54,8.82,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] which order it was,1002.06,6.899,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um the original text,1005.36,7.26,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and finally the embedding,1008.959,5.82,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um okay so that should be enough sure,1012.62,5.399,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] here's a python script wow it's fast I,1014.779,6.12,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] guess nobody else is using it right now,1018.019,4.32,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um okay,1020.899,4.861,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] Pages embeddings gpt3 embed page for,1022.339,7.561,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] page and Page oh wow okay that's fun,1025.76,6.199,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um yep original file name file name,1029.9,5.899,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] Pages equals I plus one text Page,1031.959,6.521,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] embedding to list for I and Page,1035.799,4.961,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] embedding enumerate zip pages,1038.48,5.76,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] dang I think this is it,1040.76,5.539,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um,1044.24,2.059,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] [Laughter],1046.52,5.7,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] this function is wrong but that's fine,1048.7,7.18,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um yep okay so let's copy this and come,1052.22,5.1,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] out here,1055.88,4.58,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] all right so let's get rid of,1057.32,6.3,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] those guys,1060.46,6.339,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] all right so for file name in OS Lister,1063.62,4.98,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] dur path,1066.799,4.681,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and dur path is here so we actually want,1068.6,5.939,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] to make this a function,1071.48,7.26,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um let's see that's great but let's make,1074.539,6.481,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] the um,1078.74,8.22,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] the for file name in durpath a function,1081.02,10.92,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and then call it from if name,1086.96,7.68,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] equals,1091.94,4.8,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] Main,1094.64,4.76,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] all right,1096.74,2.66,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so process text it's defining a function,1100.46,6.06,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] within that doesn't make any sense,1103.64,8.0,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] that is what it's fine,1106.52,5.12,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] yep uh or let's see no stop stop stop,1112.94,8.52,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um let's remove the uh,1117.62,7.86,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] gbd3 embedding function from being,1121.46,8.82,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] nested inside another function,1125.48,8.66,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um that is not pep 8,1130.28,9.08,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] approved at least I don't think so,1134.14,5.22,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] sure here's an updated yep,1141.38,5.039,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and so basically I'm just going to,1145.039,2.52,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] ignore that,1146.419,4.081,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um because I wrote that function else,1147.559,8.581,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] wise okay so for this in that etc etc,1150.5,8.48,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] there we go,1156.14,2.84,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and then,1160.4,2.96,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] uh let's see oh one problem,1163.4,4.68,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] one more problem,1165.86,6.0,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um the output directory needs to be,1168.08,9.5,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] specified as papers underscore Json,1171.86,5.72,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and see this is why I don't like using,1179.24,3.96,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um,1182.539,3.301,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] uh copilot because you don't have a,1183.2,4.859,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] dialogue right it's just guessing what,1185.84,4.8,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] you want and then what I can do is I can,1188.059,3.601,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] just look,1190.64,4.34,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] at this and say okay,1191.66,3.32,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] why is it not allowing me to,1195.32,5.78,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] pass,1198.38,2.72,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] uh,1201.86,2.36,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] papers Json,1205.82,5.64,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I'll pass okay,1208.4,3.779,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um,1211.46,4.98,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] why is the out path hard coded and not,1212.179,6.301,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] parameterized,1216.44,6.38,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] does that make any sense to you,1218.48,4.34,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] [Laughter],1224.86,4.06,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I'm way too passive aggressive with this,1228.98,4.64,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] thing I apologize,1230.84,2.78,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] there was an error generating a response,1236.299,4.041,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I'm,1240.559,2.661,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] no do not,1244.16,3.36,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so here's the thing when you do,1245.96,3.959,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] regenerate and it just continues no stop,1247.52,4.62,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] stop stop because then it's broken up,1249.919,4.14,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] into two so what I'm going to do instead,1252.14,4.26,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] is I'm going to come here and just one,1254.059,4.5,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] remove the saltiness,1256.4,4.44,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um please fix,1258.559,5.041,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and let's start over good catch,1260.84,6.48,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so uh,1263.6,6.78,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] open AI maybe you can have it as a as a,1267.32,5.88,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] setting but honestly if there's an error,1270.38,5.159,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I would rather it just like save what it,1273.2,5.16,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] did and then pipe that in I don't know,1275.539,4.621,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] like yeah,1278.36,3.78,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] there we go,1280.16,5.28,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] much better okay so let's copy this,1282.14,6.62,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and come back over here,1285.44,3.32,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um we don't need that function so,1290.12,4.32,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] basically what I did here is I copied a,1292.7,4.02,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] few functions from another script,1294.44,5.4,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so here's my embedding one oh because,1296.72,5.699,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] we're using data from the internet I,1299.84,4.86,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] always do this where I force it I encode,1302.419,4.921,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] it to ASCII and then decode and that,1304.7,5.04,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] fixes Unicode errors because,1307.34,5.819,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um gpt3 often does not do well with some,1309.74,5.34,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] forms of Unicode I still haven't figured,1313.159,3.661,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] it out maybe it's not even an issue,1315.08,4.14,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] anymore but if it is it's still out,1316.82,5.4,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] there okay so if it doesn't exist make,1319.22,6.36,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] it great for file name and Os Lister if,1322.22,6.48,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] it ends with DOT text that's great split,1325.58,6.479,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] it into Pages embed it and then here's,1328.7,5.219,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] the output so we get all the pages,1332.059,4.321,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] excellent,1333.919,4.681,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um I'm just going to trust that this,1336.38,4.26,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] works,1338.6,4.86,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um because I respond with this so the,1340.64,5.1,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] vector I don't think it's a numpy array,1343.46,4.8,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so that's fine embedding to list I think,1345.74,4.14,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] it's all ready,1348.26,4.14,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] yeah,1349.88,6.299,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so embeddings equals so this is already,1352.4,5.82,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] a list I believe so I think this will,1356.179,5.661,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] break that's fine,1358.22,3.62,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and then we zip the pages and embeddings,1361.88,4.7,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] oh interesting okay,1367.46,3.98,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] we'll see if this is formatted correctly,1369.679,5.761,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and then let's see save it,1371.44,5.979,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so it just replaces the file name that's,1375.44,4.08,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] good,1377.419,4.921,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um with OS but I actually already have a,1379.52,5.039,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] save Json thing so we just have the file,1382.34,4.56,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] path and the payload and in this one I,1384.559,5.761,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] specify ensure ASCII false sort key is,1386.9,5.639,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] true and then indent so this formats it,1390.32,4.02,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] nice and pretty,1392.539,3.901,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um so what we'll do instead,1394.34,4.38,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] is we'll comment this out and then we'll,1396.44,3.239,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] just do,1398.72,4.68,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] save Json and what is the order I have,1399.679,6.48,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] it file path and payload,1403.4,5.1,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um so then the file path,1406.159,5.161,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] is,1408.5,5.6,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] this guy,1411.32,2.78,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and then the payload is,1418.22,6.14,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] output dict,1421.22,3.14,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] yes,1425.24,2.66,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] all right so that should be good now if,1429.14,5.46,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] name equals main etc etc so what I want,1431.659,5.581,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] to do next is add a little bit of debug,1434.6,5.9,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I want to see what it's doing,1437.24,3.26,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um so what we'll do is,1441.08,4.04,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] hmm,1446.299,4.021,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I guess this is just going to be messy,1448.159,4.02,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] no matter what we do,1450.32,4.2,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um so let's add an embedding let's add,1452.179,5.181,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] some output here,1454.52,2.84,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um,1458.24,3.2,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so we'll do print,1459.26,5.22,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] content to embed,1461.44,6.719,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and then we'll do content,1464.48,3.679,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and then we'll print,1468.799,4.641,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] vector,1470.72,2.72,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] Vector all right so that way we'll be,1475.28,5.399,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] able to see it embedding as it goes,1477.38,6.48,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um and that should be fine and then yeah,1480.679,4.5,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] that'll be fine,1483.86,4.26,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] all right so let's save this and come,1485.179,8.0,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] over here so python step O2,1488.12,5.059,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um hey look we had it we had a we had a,1494.78,7.62,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] an issue Unicode decode error okay in uh,1497.72,7.86,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] text F read oh yep,1502.4,6.139,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so here we go,1505.58,2.959,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] all right so I'm gonna ask I I know what,1511.22,3.36,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] the problem is but I'm gonna ask chat,1513.38,6.2,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] GPT got an error can you fix it,1514.58,5.0,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] there we go,1527.179,2.721,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] dude so basically it's it's pretty,1532.34,5.16,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] simple all you have to do,1535.76,5.039,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] is specify,1537.5,6.12,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] make sure those are spaces okay yes so,1540.799,6.24,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] you specify the encoding is utf-8,1543.62,5.22,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um and so now it knows better all right,1547.039,4.081,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so let's try that again,1548.84,4.56,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] that,1551.12,5.58,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] that should not go that fast,1553.4,5.42,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um,1556.7,2.12,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] okay so the fact that it's going that,1562.22,3.78,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] fast and it's not outputting the vector,1564.14,5.039,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] means that it's barfing somewhere here,1566.0,5.58,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so let's,1569.179,4.62,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] comment out this because it's probably,1571.58,4.979,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] returning none,1573.799,5.161,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um which I had I had that uh because,1576.559,3.781,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] there was another project that I was,1578.96,2.459,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] working on where some of the things,1580.34,3.56,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] failed,1581.419,2.481,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] always use notepad,1585.86,5.46,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um let's see embedding null yeah so you,1588.98,5.88,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] see it was not embedding so let's,1591.32,6.68,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] delete these,1594.86,3.14,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] it worked mostly,1598.159,3.081,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] let me close these because they're,1602.059,4.021,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] Superfluous and let's see why it's,1603.38,5.299,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] blowing up,1606.08,2.599,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] oh,1611.26,5.32,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] you need an API key what do you mean I,1613.059,5.261,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] need an API key here let me fix this,1616.58,3.9,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] I'll be right back,1618.32,4.32,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] okay I think I fixed it so I added this,1620.48,4.799,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] here and then I copied my git ignore and,1622.64,5.82,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] API key right here so we should be good,1625.279,5.581,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] let's give it a one last try and also I,1628.46,4.199,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] did a time check we're at almost 30,1630.86,4.62,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] minutes so this will probably be it for,1632.659,4.861,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] today but we're off to a pretty good,1635.48,4.439,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] start if I do say so myself,1637.52,4.98,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] all right so let's do let's try and do,1639.919,4.921,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] some embeddings that's still seen oh,1642.5,4.5,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] nope it's just that fast look at that,1644.84,4.819,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] look at that,1647.0,2.659,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um all right so let's take a look at the,1649.7,4.16,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] output,1651.5,2.36,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] oops all right so the embedding,1658.22,4.579,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] so for each page we get embedding page,1663.02,5.639,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] number text embedding page number text,1666.44,4.5,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and then we we keep the original file,1668.659,4.201,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] name as well,1670.94,3.96,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um and so this by using this we can,1672.86,3.96,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] trace it back to the original PDF as,1674.9,3.6,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] well because we're going to basically,1676.82,4.2,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] need to be able to cite our sources,1678.5,5.1,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um all right cool so this is tearing,1681.02,4.44,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] through this,1683.6,3.179,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um let's see make sure it hasn't blown,1685.46,3.839,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] up all right it's still going and so you,1686.779,3.9,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] see basically what we're doing is we're,1689.299,3.421,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] getting one embedding for every single,1690.679,4.561,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] page now there's a lot more that we're,1692.72,5.16,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] going to need to do,1695.24,4.799,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um in order to make this usable because,1697.88,4.02,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] some of these are like 80 pages long,1700.039,4.921,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] which is way too much for it to read so,1701.9,5.1,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] then it's like okay well if you search,1704.96,4.38,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] it based on the embedding that'll get,1707.0,4.02,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] you close but then what else do you do,1709.34,3.839,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] there's a lot of problems to solve but,1711.02,4.38,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] the fact of the matter is this is going,1713.179,4.801,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] to give us basically a super Advanced,1715.4,6.72,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] chat based scientific search engine now,1717.98,6.48,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] because I'm also working on cognitive,1722.12,4.08,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] architecture we can have it do a lot of,1724.46,3.36,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] thinking for you in the background,1726.2,3.839,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] that's going to be the real game changer,1727.82,4.26,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] not just a chat bot that allows you to,1730.039,3.601,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] search but a chat bot that you can ask,1732.08,3.78,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] at scientific questions and it will go,1733.64,5.159,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] think about the problem for you,1735.86,5.4,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] um so I'm going to let this finish I'm,1738.799,3.661,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] going to go ahead and stop the recording,1741.26,4.08,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] and we'll come back tomorrow for part,1742.46,6.68,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] two thanks for watching,1745.34,3.8,ChatGPT API QA Chatbot ep 1 - Data Prep [Automating Regenerative Science] hey everyone David Shapiro here with a,0.599,5.341,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant video today's video is going to cover,3.48,6.0,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the concept of one salience and two,5.94,5.579,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant anticipating user needs before the user,9.48,3.779,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant knows what they need,11.519,3.481,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um but before we dive in I've got a,13.259,4.561,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant couple of announcements to make so one,15.0,4.92,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um there is a subreddit that I and a,17.82,4.08,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant couple other folks that are experts on,19.92,4.439,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant artificial cognition or an autonomous,21.9,5.82,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant cognitive entities have created it's R,24.359,6.42,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant artificial sentience so if you want to,27.72,5.999,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant start uh having conversations and jump,30.779,5.28,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant in uh please feel free to do so it's,33.719,5.52,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant public uh beginners are welcome,36.059,5.701,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um basically now that the concepts of,39.239,4.561,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant cognitive architectures and autonomous,41.76,4.2,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant cognitive entities are taking off,43.8,3.9,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant I'm taking my hands off the steering,45.96,3.18,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant wheel right I've done my part I've,47.7,3.539,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant popularized the idea I'm starting the,49.14,4.56,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant conversation and now it's time for,51.239,4.561,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant everyone to get involved so this is our,53.7,5.22,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant subreddit artificial sentience,55.8,5.34,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um a quick update on Raven,58.92,4.08,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um which is my artificial cognitive,61.14,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant entity project,63.0,6.6,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um we have moved to the um to the third,64.92,7.26,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant stage of creating,69.6,6.059,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um consensus so we're drafting proposals,72.18,6.36,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um so I we we listed um you know the,75.659,5.46,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant decision criteria I made a proposal,78.54,4.2,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant we're getting feedback on it another,81.119,3.721,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant person made a proposal and we'll start,82.74,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant working on doing feedback so we're,84.84,4.56,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant workshopping the consensus mechanism and,86.52,5.94,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant again uh creating autonomous machines,89.4,4.68,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant that can think and decide on their own,92.46,3.839,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the stakes are way too high for it to be,94.08,5.399,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant done completely behind closed doors,96.299,4.86,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um and so that's why we're doing this,99.479,3.301,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant and the first thing that you need to do,101.159,4.201,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant with any project is decide how the,102.78,4.979,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant governance is going to be now,105.36,4.5,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um really big update for me personally I,107.759,4.261,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant have decided to leave,109.86,4.86,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um my startup so I'm going to take the,112.02,6.419,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant rest of 2023 off I'm not going to do any,114.72,6.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant startups no full-time jobs nothing I am,118.439,6.601,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant going to focus on uh primarily finishing,121.5,5.939,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant my novel which includes amongst other,125.04,7.62,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant things Ai and then uh other AI stuff you,127.439,8.101,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant know YouTube patreon that sort of thing,132.66,4.439,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um so this is my full-time thing so,135.54,4.14,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant because of that I really need to ask for,137.099,6.301,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant y'all's help with support on patreon,139.68,6.059,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant so I'm doing this full time I'm,143.4,4.74,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant organizing meetups I'm organizing online,145.739,5.341,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant communities so on and so forth and uh so,148.14,5.099,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant yeah every little bit helps the average,151.08,5.04,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant supporter I think is about 15 a month so,153.239,4.561,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant most people are somewhere between the 10,156.12,4.08,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant and 20 a month support but every little,157.8,4.56,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant bit helps I've got over 20 000,160.2,4.56,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant subscribers and less than 400 supporters,162.36,4.5,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant on patreon so some of y'all could jump,164.76,4.08,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant over onto patreon that would be a really,166.86,4.32,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant big help and then furthermore if you,168.84,5.399,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant want some one-on-one help either via,171.18,5.58,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant chat email and I try and avoid Zoom just,174.239,4.621,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant because Zoom fatigue is real,176.76,3.54,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um that being said sometimes a,178.86,4.56,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant conversation is necessary if you sign up,180.3,5.04,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant for a higher tier I'm happy to jump on a,183.42,3.72,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant call with you and your team in fact I've,185.34,4.44,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant got a couple calls later today,187.14,4.92,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um anyways so with all that out of the,189.78,5.039,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant way I'm working on this concept of,192.06,5.039,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant salience so here's the repo chat GPT,194.819,4.801,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant underscore API underscore salience,197.099,5.581,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant so this is a concept from neuroscience,199.62,5.399,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant and it is it is one of the primary,202.68,4.62,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant attention mechanisms that happens in our,205.019,5.161,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant brains and if you look this up you're,207.3,5.04,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant probably not going to find anything in,210.18,4.559,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant in like the Neuroscience literature this,212.34,3.96,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant is an emergent property that I've,214.739,3.241,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant noticed from having read a whole bunch,216.3,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant of neuroscience and psychology,217.98,4.56,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant and so basically what happens is as,220.08,4.019,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant you're having a conversation or,222.54,3.839,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant listening or working on something your,224.099,4.56,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant brain is forming like a basically a,226.379,4.681,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant Knowledge Graph around the most Salient,228.659,4.8,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant points of what you're working on so say,231.06,5.22,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant for instance I'm uh working on a chat,233.459,4.321,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant bot so the most Salient thing that I'm,236.28,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant working on is what is the goal that I,237.78,5.039,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant have here and what is the um what what,240.06,4.2,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant am I currently working on are the,242.819,4.92,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant problems that I'm facing so salience is,244.26,5.699,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um in in humans there's a few there's a,247.739,4.86,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant few things there's tasks aliens so tasks,249.959,4.86,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant alien says okay what information is most,252.599,4.2,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant relevant to the task that I'm doing,254.819,4.32,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant there's also emotional salience or,256.799,5.461,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant emotional content so this is this our,259.139,4.981,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant memories are organized primarily around,262.26,3.659,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant emotional valence,264.12,4.32,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant and surveillance is the energy level and,265.919,4.621,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant then disposition is the direction or the,268.44,3.66,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant kind of emotion is it positive or,270.54,2.939,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant negative,272.1,4.08,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um and so emotional salience is is how,273.479,5.28,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant we uh prioritize memories which is why,276.18,4.92,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant you remember stressful events more than,278.759,4.741,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant just ordinary daily events because your,281.1,4.379,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant emotions are a heuristic that allows,283.5,3.66,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant your brain to say oh this was important,285.479,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant because we were scared this is important,287.16,4.979,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant because we were angry or whatever now,289.259,4.921,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant tasks aliens is more about cognitive,292.139,4.681,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant control and cognitive control is Task,294.18,5.459,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant selection which is which task do I do I,296.82,4.62,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant choose to do and then task switching,299.639,4.321,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant which is when you need to change tasks,301.44,4.74,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant so cognitive control is one of the,303.96,3.66,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant primary things that we need to figure,306.18,3.54,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant out in order to have autonomous,307.62,4.2,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant cognitive entities or cognitive,309.72,4.62,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant architectures and salience and this is,311.82,4.2,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant why I'm doing a video an entire video,314.34,5.82,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant about salience is how we do that so,316.02,7.32,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant you guys have probably seen the Wolfram,320.16,5.94,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant Alpha video right where there it has,323.34,5.22,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant task selection using I think Lang chain,326.1,4.8,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant where it says okay given this array of,328.56,4.979,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant tools that I have how do I which tool do,330.9,4.68,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant I choose right and there's also papers,333.539,5.22,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant out there about how um large language,335.58,5.58,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant models can actually learn to use apis on,338.759,4.261,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the Fly which is really cool so they're,341.16,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant learning on the Fly they can do task,343.02,4.14,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant selection but then how do you how do you,344.94,4.8,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant do task switching how do you know what,347.16,4.5,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant to focus on and that is the concept of,349.74,5.94,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant salience so I tried,351.66,6.9,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant Visual Studio code and I hate it I keep,355.68,6.18,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant telling y'all I hate Ides I also tried,358.56,5.16,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant GitHub Code Pilot and I hate it too,361.86,4.02,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant because it's really dumb it has no idea,363.72,3.6,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant what I'm doing because the stuff that,365.88,3.72,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant I'm working on is like so novel and so,367.32,3.719,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant it keeps suggesting stuff that's not,369.6,3.06,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant really relevant and it's not really,371.039,3.781,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant picking up what I'm putting down so I'm,372.66,4.62,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant going to switch off of visual studio and,374.82,3.54,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant I'm just going to go back to notepad,377.28,2.46,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant plus plus I know you guys think I'm,378.36,3.839,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant completely crazy but you know what it,379.74,4.98,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant works for me and anyways so here's what,382.199,4.44,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant we've got this is a really simple script,384.72,4.62,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant that will serve as a chat bot and will,386.639,5.221,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant demonstrate the concept of salience so,389.34,5.16,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant I'm also switching over to the chat GPT,391.86,5.52,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant API so if you come over here here's the,394.5,5.46,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant here's the documentation the endpoint,397.38,5.4,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant you call it super simple there's only,399.96,5.28,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant two things to know about it one is the,402.78,6.24,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant model GPT 3.5 turbo and,405.24,5.16,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um they have this little note here that,409.02,4.019,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant says the the turbo 0301 so that's the,410.4,4.739,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant March 1st version doesn't pay much,413.039,4.861,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant attention to system and it looks like,415.139,4.381,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant they they are going to do that so open,417.9,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant AI what you might consider doing is,419.52,4.86,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant adding a lever here where we we get we,421.68,4.44,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant put a weight so that we can call like,424.38,3.48,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the temperature or whatever I don't know,426.12,3.06,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant if it's possible depending on how you're,427.86,3.839,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant fine-tuning it but if you have like you,429.18,4.139,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant know how how much do you want to pay,431.699,4.801,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant attention to the system uh role you know,433.319,4.561,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant anyways,436.5,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant so there's a model which I'm going to,437.88,4.8,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant stick with the GPT 3.5 turbo because I,440.28,4.02,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant want it to really pay attention to the,442.68,4.2,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant system and then then you have a messages,444.3,4.679,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant payload which is a list of dictionaries,446.88,4.74,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant and there's three kinds of roles there's,448.979,4.921,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the system role there's the user and,451.62,4.68,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant then there's the assistant so it's nice,453.9,4.199,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant and clean very straightforward so that's,456.3,3.179,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant what we're working on,458.099,4.081,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant and then the last thing I have to show,459.479,5.041,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant you before we get started is the two,462.18,5.1,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant prompts that one try and anticipate the,464.52,6.179,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant user needs ahead of time and two assess,467.28,5.16,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the salience so they're pretty,470.699,3.301,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant straightforward first is given the,472.44,2.759,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant following chat log this is the,474.0,4.259,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant anticipation prompt infer the user's,475.199,5.22,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant actual information needs attempts to,478.259,3.66,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant anticipate what the user truly needs,480.419,2.761,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant even if the user does not fully,481.919,3.481,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant understand it yet themselves and let's,483.18,5.4,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant change this um or is asking,485.4,5.16,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um the wrong questions,488.58,5.04,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant so a lot of people that I have talked to,490.56,7.74,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant have observed particularly chat GPT is,493.62,6.9,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant really good at taking just a few data,498.3,3.839,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant points and inferring what you actually,500.52,5.16,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant need and so what we can do is if we have,502.139,5.28,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the model if we actually explicitly tell,505.68,3.54,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the model figure out what the user needs,507.419,4.441,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant there was another paper that showed that,509.22,5.46,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant large language models like gpt3 already,511.86,6.119,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant have theory of mind the paper said that,514.68,5.219,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the theory of mine seems to have been an,517.979,4.321,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant emergent property given the number of,519.899,3.901,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant parameters and the amount of training,522.3,5.4,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant data so if we just tell it anticipate,523.8,5.099,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant what the user needs figure out what's,527.7,3.42,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant going on in the user's head it can do,528.899,2.94,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant that,531.12,2.1,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um more often than not it's not always,531.839,3.901,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant going to be 100 accurate but just wait,533.22,4.799,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant and see you'll see how crazy um how,535.74,3.96,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant crazy prescient it is,538.019,3.301,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant and then finally,539.7,3.6,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um salience so given the following chat,541.32,3.959,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant log Write a brief sailor brief summary,543.3,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant of only the most Salient points of the,545.279,4.081,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant conversation so rather than summarizing,547.08,4.5,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the entire thing we're going to allow,549.36,3.9,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the language model to use its,551.58,3.54,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant intelligence to say this is this is the,553.26,4.259,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant bit that we that we carry about,555.12,5.76,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um so we'll do this uh and and there you,557.519,5.76,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant there you have it so the other the the,560.88,3.84,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant chat script itself is super,563.279,3.06,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant straightforward it just takes the user,564.72,3.6,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant input then we'll feed the conversation,566.339,4.44,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant into the anticipation and salience and,568.32,4.8,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant then we'll update the system variable,570.779,4.081,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um and so then I've got all the logs,573.12,4.44,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant saved out to here so I've already got a,574.86,5.099,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant conversation going so,577.56,4.5,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um let me bring you up to speed and said,579.959,4.141,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant hey I need your um,582.06,4.5,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant I need your help planning out my day and,584.1,5.58,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant so then uh behind the scenes it says the,586.56,4.38,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant user likely needs help with time,589.68,4.2,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant management and organization so they may,590.94,4.74,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant need help with prioritizing tasks,593.88,3.72,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant setting goals and creating a schedule so,595.68,4.2,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant in this case you can see that just just,597.6,5.22,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant by this input it anticipated okay this,599.88,4.8,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant is what I think you need,602.82,4.38,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um and then it added the evaluation so I,604.68,4.64,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant modified the prompt to get rid of that,607.2,4.62,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant but it's really interesting the the,609.32,4.36,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant user's actual information needs are not,611.82,4.26,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant directly related to the ai's goals but,613.68,4.08,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the AI can still provide assistance the,616.08,3.42,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant AI can provide resources and advice to,617.76,3.3,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant help the user plan out their day so,619.5,3.899,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant again super relevant I want to figure,621.06,3.839,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant out some prompt engineering to get that,623.399,3.741,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant or maybe break it down into parallel,624.899,4.681,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant anyways salience the user is looking for,627.14,4.42,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant help planning out their day and they are,629.58,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant interacting with an AI named Raven which,631.56,3.06,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant has three goals reduced suffering,633.36,2.46,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant increased prosperity and increase,634.62,3.6,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant understanding so again if you have a,635.82,4.38,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant fully autonomous machine,638.22,4.679,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant part of autonomy or agency is that you,640.2,4.98,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant have your own goals now that being said,642.899,4.44,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant we don't want the AI to be able to,645.18,4.14,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant create all of its goals from scratch,647.339,4.74,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant with in a total vacuum we want it to,649.32,4.98,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant have some intrinsic goals and so these,652.079,4.081,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant intrinsic goals are the core objective,654.3,3.539,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant functions reduce suffering increase,656.16,3.179,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant prosperity and increase understanding,657.839,4.62,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant are the universal guard rails that will,659.339,5.761,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant keep the chat Bots honest and benevolent,662.459,4.56,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant so then finally the output hi there I'd,665.1,3.72,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant be happy to help you plan your day what,667.019,4.141,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant do you have planned so far so do you see,668.82,3.959,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant how the tone of this is very different,671.16,4.38,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant from normal chat GPT,672.779,4.68,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um it's very clear that it understands,675.54,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant like oh hey I'm having a conversation,677.459,4.681,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant and I said nothing I need your help and,679.32,5.579,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant it says okay the uh I updated the prompt,682.14,4.139,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant and it said the user likely needs help,684.899,2.761,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant with time management they may need help,686.279,2.881,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant prioritizing tasks setting goals,687.66,3.6,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant creating a schedule breaking down tasks,689.16,3.6,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant into smaller more manageable chunks,691.26,3.0,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant creating a timeline additionally they,692.76,2.819,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant may need to help identifying and,694.26,3.72,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant utilizing resources salience the user is,695.579,3.601,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant looking for out planning their day and,697.98,3.419,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant interacting with Raven the AI can,699.18,4.02,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant provide resources and so then finally,701.399,3.841,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant Raven's output so I have this as debug,703.2,4.259,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant right this would be hidden and what I,705.24,3.719,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant wanted to do is show that I'm not the,707.459,3.06,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant only one working on this this is what,708.959,3.661,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant Bing does behind the scene so I ask,710.519,3.841,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant being how does a chatbot work and it,712.62,3.48,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant says how does a chat bot work and then,714.36,3.0,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant there's a few other things it has like,716.1,3.479,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant internal monologue I'm not going to try,717.36,4.44,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant and jailbreak it because like if you,719.579,4.621,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant want to see people jailbreaking chat GPT,721.8,4.62,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant and Bing go for horrifying I'm telling,724.2,4.62,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant you how to actually build it yourself,726.42,3.72,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um why because I wrote the book on it,728.82,3.3,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant literally,730.14,3.42,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant anyways,732.12,3.0,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um okay Raven sure we can start by,733.56,3.06,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant breaking your down your day down into,735.12,3.54,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant different tasks or activities first what,736.62,3.24,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant are some tasks that you need to,738.66,4.14,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant accomplish today so do you see how um,739.86,5.58,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant all of these ideas are kind of,742.8,4.56,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant transmuted into the into a very,745.44,4.32,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant conversational output first what are,747.36,3.659,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant some tasks are there any important,749.76,3.0,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant deadlines or appointments you need to,751.019,4.621,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant keep I'll say yes whoops,752.76,4.74,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um darn it,755.64,3.54,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant hang on my keyboard's a little off,757.5,3.6,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant center that's why I'm typing wonky there,759.18,3.719,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant we go okay,761.1,2.88,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um yes,762.899,4.981,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um I have a meeting with a patreon,763.98,8.94,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant supporter and that's it I'm also pretty,767.88,9.0,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant tired because I've been working hard,772.92,7.979,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant okay so rather than like you've probably,776.88,6.36,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant seen me do other videos where,780.899,4.021,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant interacting with Chad GPT you have to be,783.24,3.659,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant really specific about what you want and,784.92,4.26,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant give it guard rails but I'm asking it to,786.899,4.5,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant do that for me,789.18,4.98,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um wow okay okay great let's prioritize,791.399,4.261,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the meeting with the patreon since that,794.16,2.94,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant speed seems to be the most important,795.66,3.06,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant task to ensure you are well rested for,797.1,3.479,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the meeting let's plan on some rest for,798.72,4.02,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant your schedule okay wake up shower,800.579,3.841,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant breakfast work on important project that,802.74,3.96,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant requires Focus oh wow this is actually,804.42,3.96,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant this literally I am in the middle of,806.7,4.92,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant this look at this it is 9am and Raven,808.38,5.34,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant says work on an important project that's,811.62,3.36,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant what I'm doing,813.72,2.88,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um take a short break to recharge,814.98,3.72,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant schedule a nap lunch break to,816.6,3.66,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant re-energize take care of household,818.7,4.439,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant chores prepare for the meeting so he,820.26,5.16,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant made made some wrong assumptions,823.139,4.88,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um uh the meeting is actually around,825.42,5.039,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant noon I think,828.019,3.781,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um,830.459,4.811,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant but uh but this is really good,831.8,4.18,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant [Music],835.27,1.569,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um,835.98,5.299,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant what should I have for lunch,836.839,4.44,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant all right so let's see what it says,841.68,3.779,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant anticipation uh creating a schedule that,843.24,4.62,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant fits okay they may need help finding and,845.459,4.141,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant planning eating healthy options for,847.86,4.02,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant lunch excellent the user is looking for,849.6,3.9,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant help okay so you see this is just,851.88,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant updating the salience,853.5,4.44,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um as it goes and we're probably going,855.66,4.02,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant to run out of tokens here because the um,857.94,3.36,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant here let me show you the logs that it's,859.68,3.48,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant building,861.3,3.599,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant there we go,863.16,4.799,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um all right so whoops come back,864.899,5.461,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant all right I accidentally hit enter darn,867.959,3.301,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant it,870.36,2.4,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant sorry it looks like your response got,871.26,5.46,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant caught off oh wow wow okay cool,872.76,5.759,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um interesting interesting so it's,876.72,3.54,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant actually pretty smart,878.519,2.88,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um all right so let's let me show you,880.26,3.24,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant what this looks like so here's the chat,881.399,4.201,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant log you can see the the system is,883.5,4.62,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant getting longer and longer so we might,885.6,4.32,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant need to clean that up,888.12,4.2,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um and also as the output gets longer so,889.92,4.2,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant we're at we're only at 5 300 characters,892.32,4.56,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant which is not that much actually,894.12,6.06,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um but yeah so then let's see attend uh,896.88,4.74,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the meeting with the patreon supporter,900.18,3.959,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant lunch break to re-energize,901.62,4.8,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um there we go so let's see a turkey,904.139,4.14,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant avocado sandwich with whole wheat bread,906.42,4.5,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant not bad a grilled chicken salad with,908.279,5.581,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant mixed greens not bad veggie stir fry not,910.92,4.859,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant bad whole grain pasta these are all,913.86,4.32,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant things that I would eat honestly that I,915.779,3.841,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant regularly dewy do any of these sound,918.18,3.959,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant appealing and then user the user likely,919.62,4.079,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant needs help,922.139,2.461,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um okay,923.699,4.5,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant so anyways uh let's see then here's the,924.6,5.46,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um here's the Salient points,928.199,3.661,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant so you see how it takes this entire,930.06,5.579,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant conversation and summarizes it right so,931.86,6.539,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant this is this is rather than saying an,935.639,4.14,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant executive summary because an executive,938.399,2.94,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant summary will try and do the whole thing,939.779,4.5,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant but a Salient summary says this is this,941.339,5.641,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant is what actually matters,944.279,4.321,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um and then finally here's the chat,946.98,3.719,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant output so you can see I've got the whole,948.6,3.479,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant thing here,950.699,2.76,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um which is basically the same,952.079,2.7,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant information just kind of smushed,953.459,4.921,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant together in um Json and then it says,954.779,6.36,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant roll user content blank and you see that,958.38,4.259,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant it sees that it's blank and it says it,961.139,3.961,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant looks like your response got cut off,962.639,4.2,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um perfect,965.1,4.919,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um all right so let's cancel this and,966.839,5.641,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant start a new conversation so in this case,970.019,3.901,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant you can see that salience and,972.48,3.96,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant anticipating user needs really just,973.92,5.039,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant those two things really help it stay,976.44,5.639,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant laser focused on helping you,978.959,5.521,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um which is great I knew that this would,982.079,4.5,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant happen I've done the experiments,984.48,3.9,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um but I'm actually really pleasantly,986.579,4.021,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant surprised by how good this is so let's,988.38,4.5,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant try this again and instead I'm going to,990.6,3.359,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant talk about,992.88,1.74,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um,993.959,5.461,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant uh let's see I am trying to uh come up,994.62,10.56,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant with some AI tools for Enterprises,999.42,9.06,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um so that I can get really crazy Rich,1005.18,6.18,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant this was my goal earlier this year,1008.48,4.32,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um the user needs information to develop,1011.36,3.779,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant AI tools they may need to blah blah blah,1012.8,4.26,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the user is looking to create eye tools,1015.139,3.541,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant okay cool well generating wealth is an,1017.06,3.0,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant important goal it's not the only goal of,1018.68,3.12,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant AI development before solely on May,1020.06,3.6,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant before focusing solely on making money,1021.8,4.68,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant it is important to consider how AI can,1023.66,5.46,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant also benefit society as a whole,1026.48,4.92,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um there we go so AI technology can be,1029.12,4.079,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant used to solve complex problems here's,1031.4,3.419,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant some potential,1033.199,4.201,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um AI goes to align with your goals,1034.819,4.321,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um with the Enterprise reduced suffering,1037.4,2.76,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant increase prosperity and increase,1039.14,3.779,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant understanding intelligent automation AI,1040.16,4.799,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant can automate processes Predictive,1042.919,4.14,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant Analytics customer service AI powered,1044.959,4.981,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant search and development AI risk Space by,1047.059,6.12,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant using AI to benefit tools AI tools that,1049.94,5.16,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant benefit society as a whole you can make,1053.179,3.601,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant a positive impact while also generating,1055.1,3.3,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant wealth so you can see how the core,1056.78,3.779,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant objective functions are are flavoring,1058.4,4.56,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant what it is that Raven is talking about,1060.559,4.62,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant so that these core objective functions,1062.96,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant are always in the background and says,1065.179,4.321,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant okay let's meet that goal while also,1066.74,4.86,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant meeting these other goals,1069.5,4.38,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um great so,1071.6,4.079,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant that sounds good,1073.88,2.52,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um,1075.679,3.301,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant how do you think,1076.4,6.12,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um massively deployed AI is going to,1078.98,8.04,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant shape the world for instance I just read,1082.52,8.399,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant that chat GPT increases office,1087.02,6.12,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant productivity,1090.919,6.661,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant by more than 40 percent as workers learn,1093.14,5.88,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant to use it,1097.58,3.3,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant what are we,1099.02,5.64,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um what are the long-term effects of,1100.88,7.44,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant this huge boost in productivity,1104.66,5.34,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant all right so let's see how the,1108.32,4.14,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant conversation changes,1110.0,4.799,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um anticipation the user needs,1112.46,3.9,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant information on long-term effects of AI,1114.799,4.201,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant so this anticipation this can be a,1116.36,4.439,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant jumping off point if you use Lang chain,1119.0,4.559,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant or other Integrations to say okay let me,1120.799,4.26,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant go find the right information that I,1123.559,2.521,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant need,1125.059,2.581,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um salience the user is looking to,1126.08,4.2,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant create AI tools for Enterprises the user,1127.64,4.86,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant inquires about the massive uh long-term,1130.28,4.62,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant effects of massive deployment of AI okay,1132.5,4.26,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant so the massive deployment AI such as,1134.9,3.24,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant chat GPD can certainly have some,1136.76,3.36,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant significant impacts on the world with a,1138.14,4.98,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant 40 increase in the office should allow,1140.12,4.5,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant companies to come accomplish more with,1143.12,3.299,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the same amount of staff this could lead,1144.62,3.96,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant to growth and profits for business and,1146.419,4.14,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant could potentially create more jobs as,1148.58,4.56,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant well so I don't necessarily agree with,1150.559,4.441,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant that because some companies are already,1153.14,3.659,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant laying off people and reducing headcount,1155.0,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant due to chat GPT,1156.799,4.081,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant it remains to be seen if that will,1158.78,3.899,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant result in more hires elsewhere but I,1160.88,3.96,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant doubt it however it is also crucial to,1162.679,4.38,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant consider long-term of AI on employment,1164.84,4.02,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant as AI continues to advance we may see,1167.059,4.141,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant replacement of jobs that were previously,1168.86,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant done by humans this could lead to job,1171.2,3.719,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant loss in some sectors may need to reskill,1172.64,3.86,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant additionally we may need to increase,1174.919,4.741,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant socioeconomic we we may we may see not,1176.5,4.6,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant need to we may see an increase in,1179.66,4.019,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant inequality as firms that adopt AI have,1181.1,4.26,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant advantage over their non-ai counterparts,1183.679,3.061,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant this could potentially widen the gap,1185.36,3.0,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant between large and small businesses as,1186.74,3.54,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant well as the rich and poor it is,1188.36,3.72,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant essential to approach the deployment of,1190.28,4.46,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant AI with balance and ethical view right,1192.08,4.68,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the development of AI should be done,1194.74,3.88,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant while prioritizing the reduction of,1196.76,3.24,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant suffering increased prosperity and,1198.62,3.0,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant increase understanding by doing so we,1200.0,3.0,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant can ensure that development of AI,1201.62,3.96,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant enhances the society's over well well,1203.0,4.98,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant overall well-being excellent thank you,1205.58,3.66,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant Raven,1207.98,2.579,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um,1209.24,4.98,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant uh excellent points uh thank you,1210.559,4.86,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um,1214.22,2.52,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant actually I really don't have anything,1215.419,5.461,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant else actually I don't have anything else,1216.74,7.14,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um what are your thoughts,1220.88,5.1,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um since you are,1223.88,3.84,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant an AI,1225.98,5.34,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant what direction would you like to see,1227.72,4.86,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant things go,1231.32,3.239,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant so again remember if you're trying to,1232.58,4.2,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant create an autonomous entity it has its,1234.559,4.801,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant own desires and own agenda so let's see,1236.78,4.74,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant just based on this this in this,1239.36,4.559,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant anticipation salience and core objective,1241.52,4.98,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant functions let's see,1243.919,6.481,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um how uh how those all interact okay as,1246.5,6.96,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant an AI my primary objectives are okay I,1250.4,4.56,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant would like to see AI technology that,1253.46,3.599,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant benefits society as a whole the world's,1254.96,5.219,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant most pressing problems in my opinion the,1257.059,4.74,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant development of AI should prioritize the,1260.179,2.821,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant ethical and responsible use of,1261.799,2.76,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant Technology while minimizing the risks,1263.0,3.36,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant and potential drawbacks so do you see,1264.559,4.441,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant how this is really well aligned and it,1266.36,4.98,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant is actually because if you use Bing or,1269.0,4.2,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant chat GPT it'll say I don't have any,1271.34,4.26,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant opinion that's because right now the,1273.2,4.5,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant status quo is the AI should be,1275.6,4.199,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant completely inert and have no intrinsic,1277.7,4.5,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant values I completely disagree especially,1279.799,4.321,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant as it's getting more intelligent,1282.2,3.839,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant what we need to do is give it this,1284.12,4.14,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant Universal set of values so that it can,1286.039,4.441,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant have its own agenda but this agenda,1288.26,4.68,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant aligns with true human needs and,1290.48,4.559,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant interests,1292.94,3.9,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um let's see this includes ensuring that,1295.039,3.781,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the benefits of AI can be enjoyed by all,1296.84,4.14,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant regardless of socioeconomic status or,1298.82,4.38,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant geographical location by promoting,1300.98,3.9,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant transparency fairness and accountability,1303.2,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant for the development of AI we can create,1304.88,3.659,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant a better future for everyone I believe,1306.98,2.939,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant that AI has the potential to make,1308.539,3.961,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant tremendous positive impact C super,1309.919,4.861,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant optimistic just like me,1312.5,3.78,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um all right I'm gonna call this a day I,1314.78,3.24,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant think you get the point this is super,1316.28,3.12,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant valuable,1318.02,3.779,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant um and yes I hate Visual Studio code and,1319.4,5.759,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant copilot stop asking me to try it I did,1321.799,5.221,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant it I hate it actually no I'll keep,1325.159,3.781,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant trying it um just to see if I can get,1327.02,4.139,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant the hang of it but I seriously seriously,1328.94,3.96,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant prefer notepad plus plus all right,1331.159,5.361,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant that's it thanks for watching bye,1332.9,3.62,ChatGPT API with Salience and Anticipation of User Needs: Towards a fully autonomous assistant