text,start,duration hello everybody David Shapiro here uh,1.74,4.92 with a update so we're going to cover,4.14,5.16 two things today real quick uh fir or,6.66,5.1 the big thing is I mentioned in a,9.3,4.68 previous uh video we need guy a global,11.76,5.279 AI agency and we're working towards that,13.98,6.54 and so I created a public repository uh,17.039,6.121 of news and and summaries basically,20.52,4.56 where I'm collecting evidence and news,23.16,3.779 that is very encouraging because it's,25.08,4.199 all moving in the right direction uh,26.939,4.321 we've got everything from the the future,29.279,4.141 of Life Institute uh open letter to,31.26,5.4 pause giant models uh news out of uh the,33.42,6.479 UK the EU which yes I know that the UK,36.66,6.96 left the EU I made a mistake of uh,39.899,6.301 forgetting about brexit in a previous,43.62,5.099 video the U.N Secretary General talking,46.2,5.359 about yes he's amenable to the idea of,48.719,6.421 an international AI Watchdog the United,51.559,6.461 States Senate they're hearing on AI the,55.14,6.12 EU AI act the U.S House of,58.02,7.04 Representatives and Senate having uh now,61.26,6.78 basically matched uh matched actions,65.06,4.72 with words so after the after the,68.04,4.5 hearing uh both people both the U.S,69.78,4.379 House of Representatives and the Senate,72.54,3.96 have introduced legislation or,74.159,6.061 commissions or you know policies uh so,76.5,5.28 we'll go over all those in much greater,80.22,4.5 detail in just a moment but before we uh,81.78,4.26 dive into that,84.72,2.939 um I've been working on this thing I had,86.04,3.719 this idea for a long time and it's,87.659,4.621 basically we can use large language,89.759,4.921 models like GPT because they are trained,92.28,5.18 on so much text Data they're trained on,94.68,5.34 data from around the globe granted it is,97.46,5.019 primarily English so there is a uh,100.02,5.7 there's definitely some bias uh cultural,102.479,5.881 bias in there however that being said it,105.72,4.8 has read so much about the world that it,108.36,4.68 knows more about religion politics,110.52,6.239 psychology culture history than any one,113.04,7.619 person so as far as having the ability,116.759,5.521 to take perspectives it's actually,120.659,3.42 pretty good,122.28,4.14 and so rather than you know walk you,124.079,3.601 through the code I'll just show you what,126.42,3.479 I've got working so far so basically,127.68,5.04 what I have it do is actually first I,129.899,5.641 need to make sure ah well no that's fine,132.72,6.0 um so basically what I what I have it I,135.54,5.699 I have it do what it does,138.72,4.14 anyways,141.239,4.86 um is I have it synthesize a Persona and,142.86,6.54 so this Persona is a whole bunch of,146.099,5.841 random uh stuff,149.4,5.699 uh like variables that it can pick to,151.94,6.4 basically create a synthetic person and,155.099,5.761 I don't mean that in in the um in the,158.34,6.66 manipulation way but it has Geographic,160.86,6.48 Origins ethnicities cultures languages,165.0,6.239 uh political uh dispositions uh,167.34,6.42 different factors about the person such,171.239,4.201 as their physical health their mental,173.76,4.74 health uh other habits preferences that,175.44,4.92 sort of thing and so basically what it,178.5,4.14 does is to create a Persona is it'll,180.36,5.159 grab one of one uh one of these,182.64,5.7 variables or one option from each set of,185.519,6.421 variables and then create a a profile or,188.34,7.38 a dossier in order to uh like take the,191.94,5.879 perspective of that person and then it,195.72,3.92 will talk through on a particular issue,197.819,5.041 and I picked you bi because I've been on,199.64,6.58 a economics and Ubi kick lately,202.86,7.379 and so uh I wanted to basically come up,206.22,7.26 with a way of automatically uh,210.239,5.821 understanding what the concerns that,213.48,4.979 everyone is going to have uh could be,216.06,5.099 but not just not just uh elucidate or,218.459,5.401 articulate the problems that they will,221.159,5.101 have or you know the the concerns that,223.86,5.4 they'll have over a policy like Ubi but,226.26,5.96 how do we actually arrive at consensus,229.26,6.66 and consensus is not necessarily so a,232.22,4.96 lot of people have misconception about,235.92,3.599 consensus consensus doesn't mean,237.18,5.1 unanimous agreement consensus means that,239.519,4.701 it gets to a point that is good enough,242.28,4.379 that people will kind of stop fighting,244.22,5.32 it it's about compromise and so anytime,246.659,5.241 that there's been any kind of uh,249.54,5.759 contentious policy or legislation even,251.9,5.44 including the United States Constitution,255.299,4.021 nobody was happy with it because they,257.34,5.4 had to come to consensus in order to get,259.32,5.04 something that everyone would tolerate,262.74,2.94 everyone would accept so it wasn't,264.36,4.02 perfect to anyone's mind but it was,265.68,4.86 something that they would all accept and,268.38,4.56 so the idea is okay let's take this,270.54,4.56 let's take this random profile of a,272.94,3.72 person so that we can get a global,275.1,3.319 representation of all perspectives,276.66,5.099 regardless of how small they are,278.419,5.681 because the thing is uh when you look at,281.759,4.621 some of these things like atheist Islam,284.1,4.62 Christianity Buddhist right some of,286.38,5.46 these are uh over represented in some,288.72,4.199 areas and some of them are,291.84,2.88 underrepresented same thing for,292.919,4.381 political leanings I even include uh,294.72,5.1 Libertarians and anarchists and statists,297.3,4.74 and Communists and reactionaries and,299.82,4.26 populists and nationalists and fashion I,302.04,4.26 don't know fascism is in here,304.08,5.46 um fascism isn't in here so fascist,306.3,4.86 perspectives don't get represented but,309.54,3.02 nationalists do so close enough,311.16,4.02 authoritarians get represented so the,312.56,4.54 idea is that we can get a very,315.18,4.2 well-rounded representation of all human,317.1,4.14 perspectives more or less there's,319.38,3.12 obviously going to be some flaws with,321.24,4.26 this because it is the first uh edition,322.5,5.82 first example but the idea is that you,325.5,6.6 can get uh a very very diverse set of,328.32,7.08 perspectives on a particular issue and,332.1,5.819 then once you get those perspectives you,335.4,3.9 can then work through and figure out,337.919,4.5 okay what kind of policy is this person,339.3,5.459 most likely to accept,342.419,4.861 and so by then generating a whole bunch,344.759,5.22 of potential policies you can say okay,347.28,4.74 well let's look at let's look at the,349.979,3.481 commonality between all of these and,352.02,3.06 let's get really creative so let me just,353.46,3.6 go ahead and show you how this works,355.08,4.02 all right so the first thing it does is,357.06,4.44 it grabs a random Persona so you see,359.1,3.659 where it's like you know heavy social,361.5,3.96 media user they're West Asian uh,362.759,4.561 cultural background is West Asian their,365.46,4.44 Geographic origin is from North Africa,367.32,4.14 um so imagine a West Asian family in,369.9,3.06 North Africa,371.46,3.42 um they're a wealthy family they're,372.96,3.959 heavy social media user so on and so,374.88,6.12 forth okay so I ask what would uh this,376.919,6.84 person think about Ubi and because chat,381.0,4.8 GPT is so heavily trained to be a,383.759,4.201 helpful assistant I can't I couldn't get,385.8,4.679 chat EPT to take that perspective but,387.96,4.26 what I could do is say Advocate,390.479,4.201 zealously on behalf of this person and,392.22,4.8 that got really good results so let's,394.68,4.92 see uh as an advocate for this Persona I,397.02,3.66 would say that they might have mixed,399.6,3.599 feelings about Ubi on one hand they are,400.68,4.519 wealthy and under and underemployed,403.199,4.861 which might lead them to see ubis,405.199,5.681 um uh let's see where did it go hang on,408.06,6.06 okay it's saved sorry uh uh let's see,410.88,4.62 unnecessary for themselves and,414.12,2.699 potentially harmful to their financial,415.5,3.24 status if it results in higher taxes,416.819,3.72 they also might be concerned about the,418.74,3.48 potential for Ubi to discourage work and,420.539,3.541 productivity given their unsuccess and,422.22,3.66 wealth-oriented aspirations,424.08,3.66 uh on the other hand their experience,425.88,3.24 with financial stress and their social,427.74,2.94 concerns might make them sympathetic to,429.12,4.079 the IEP idea of Ubi as a means of,430.68,4.7 reducing poverty poverty and inequality,433.199,4.261 however the Nationalist political,435.38,3.28 affiliation might make them more,437.46,2.88 inclined to support policies that,438.66,3.24 prioritize the needs and interests of,440.34,3.78 their own country and its citizens which,441.9,4.26 could include skepticism towards Ubi if,444.12,3.54 they perceive it as benefiting Outsiders,446.16,4.02 as a form of globalist policy so you see,447.66,4.92 it has a very nuanced way of saying okay,450.18,4.56 this person has lots of different,452.58,4.8 beliefs and it's pretty complex,454.74,3.66 um,457.38,3.24 let's see okay so given their wealth,458.4,4.079 oriented aspirations nationalist,460.62,3.06 political affiliation and their,462.479,3.0 experience with financial stress they,463.68,3.6 might resonate with a fiscal policy or,465.479,3.481 Ubi implementation that is designed to,467.28,3.06 stimulate economic growth and,468.96,3.359 productivity while also addressing,470.34,3.359 social inequality within their own,472.319,3.421 country for instance they might support,473.699,3.78 a Ubi program that is funded through,475.74,3.239 progressive taxation where the wealthy,477.479,2.94 pay a higher percentage of their income,478.979,3.241 taxes this would align with their social,480.419,3.06 concerns and their belief in the,482.22,2.58 importance of addressing inequality,483.479,2.761 however they would likely want,484.8,3.0 assurances that this would not unduly,486.24,3.179 burden them or negatively impact their,487.8,3.6 own financial status they might also,489.419,4.081 resonate with a Ubi program that,491.4,4.019 includes work incentives or requirements,493.5,3.12 to address their concerns about,495.419,3.421 discouraging work and productivity for,496.62,3.72 instance they might support a Ubi that,498.84,3.96 is conditional on recipients engaging in,500.34,4.079 some kind of work education or community,502.8,3.239 service,504.419,4.321 so this is uh this is a theme that keeps,506.039,3.961 emerging because I've run this,508.74,3.239 experiment a few times I don't know if,510.0,3.36 that's the underlying training of chat,511.979,3.961 GPT or if it's just this is the most,513.36,5.4 logical Way Forward where basically,515.94,5.7 either you have a requirement or an,518.76,5.219 incentive or reward so basically like,521.64,5.4 you get everyone gets a baseline Ubi but,523.979,6.3 if you volunteer you get more Ubi right,527.04,5.16 it's like a kind of adjusting your tax,530.279,3.901 returns uh here in America,532.2,3.96 uh okay so finally given their,534.18,4.56 nationalist policy uh they want to uh,536.16,4.32 Ubi that prioritizes the needs and,538.74,4.32 interests of their own country citizens,540.48,4.68 um so this could be something like a tax,543.06,5.1 break if you buy local uh or any any,545.16,5.76 number of ways so then,548.16,3.84 um,550.92,3.359 I ask it to say all right come up with,552.0,4.44 come up with a policy that this person,554.279,4.74 might like and so in this case it said,556.44,5.22 the national Prosperity dividend which,559.019,5.161 that sounds rather authoritarian but,561.66,5.64 okay we'll go with it uh so the NPD,564.18,5.04 which,567.3,4.5 that's also the acronym for narcissistic,569.22,5.88 personality disorder oh boy,571.8,5.58 um maybe let's Workshop that before we,575.1,3.66 go live with it,577.38,4.139 um uh anyways so the NPD is a form of,578.76,4.32 universal basic income that is designed,581.519,3.0 to stimulate economic growth reduce,583.08,3.6 social inequality and prioritize the,584.519,4.681 needs and interest okay so you get that,586.68,4.26 um so it's predicated on their engaging,589.2,3.24 in some form of work education or,590.94,3.66 community service part-time work,592.44,4.86 vocational training higher ed so on and,594.6,4.859 so forth you know actually like that,597.3,3.599 particular thing because this is a,599.459,3.541 recurring thing I'm not sure I'm not,600.899,3.781 certain that that's actually a bad idea,603.0,3.6 where like you incentivize people to,604.68,4.02 continue to better themselves even if,606.6,3.84 it's a small character uh carrot like,608.7,4.98 you know hey if you're uh in if you're,610.44,5.459 if you're going to higher education even,613.68,4.44 if you know you're the college degree,615.899,3.601 you're getting might not ever do,618.12,3.3 anything you get an extra 500 a month,619.5,4.2 you will at least be a better informed,621.42,4.56 Citizen and a better Civic uh,623.7,4.5 participant who knows I don't know,625.98,4.08 incentivize the behavior you want to see,628.2,4.38 uh oh here we go the NPD would also,630.06,6.3 include a patriotic bonus oh yikes,632.58,5.64 um an additional payment for those who,636.36,3.3 contribute significantly to the,638.22,3.239 country's economy culture or Society,639.66,4.619 okay I wouldn't call it a patriotic,641.459,5.401 bonus uh that's a little that's a little,644.279,4.921 totalitarian but I get the I get the,646.86,4.38 idea so this would include entrepreneurs,649.2,3.78 artists scientists and Community leaders,651.24,4.32 so actually I think Ireland,652.98,4.26 um already has something like this where,655.56,3.3 basically if you are a professional,657.24,3.48 artist or author or whatever A Creative,658.86,4.74 type you get a stipend,660.72,3.9 um I don't know what they call it in,663.6,2.64 Ireland but there is precedent for this,664.62,4.38 being a thing so like if you're if,666.24,5.219 you're a content creator or a cultural,669.0,4.62 commentator or whatever you could get a,671.459,5.82 little bit an additional stipend uh so,673.62,6.48 all right so there there you have it,677.279,4.261 um and then if we run it again so let me,680.1,3.56 do a clear screen if we run it again,681.54,4.38 let's say we get a young adult who's,683.66,4.299 wealthy from Eastern Europe,685.92,4.68 um whose culture is indigenous South,687.959,4.32 American interesting,690.6,3.96 um they like gaming they speak Spanish,692.279,4.081 that makes sense if they're from South,694.56,3.6 America,696.36,3.78 um they do not care about the community,698.16,5.4 and they are a very fragile person,700.14,6.08 um they're an angry fragile person who's,703.56,6.6 uh who is educated,706.22,5.559 um they've been very experienced they,710.16,3.96 had a good childhood sorry they've had a,711.779,4.081 good good life experience they're,714.12,3.3 presently single they're Progressive,715.86,3.479 atheist,717.42,3.96 um yeah this actually sounds,719.339,3.901 uh oh and they're worried about their,721.38,4.26 career interesting okay,723.24,5.039 so let's see uh I'm not going to read,725.64,4.56 the whole thing to you uh like I did the,728.279,4.021 first one you get the idea,730.2,4.199 um but so you see how it takes into,732.3,4.08 account like the last one they were,734.399,3.721 Nationalist and blah blah blah and this,736.38,3.6 one is uh Progressive given their,738.12,3.12 moderate intolerance they might prefer,739.98,3.12 Ubi that include some form of means,741.24,3.839 testing means testing keeps come up,743.1,3.96 keeps coming up as well,745.079,3.901 um let's see skeptical about whether,747.06,3.899 everyone deserves Ubi,748.98,4.38 ouch uh I there's some people on Reddit,750.959,5.101 that this sounds like,753.36,3.96 um and that's not to trash people on,756.06,2.88 Reddit I actually learn a lot from some,757.32,5.94 people on Reddit uh but yeah so uh Ubi,758.94,5.88 to reduce over consumption and promote,763.26,3.6 more sustainable Lifestyles yeah so this,764.82,4.38 actually keeps coming up as well where,766.86,5.7 uh for some people uh means testing um,769.2,5.52 sustainability so basically like you,772.56,4.86 might get an additional Ubi bonus if you,774.72,5.88 live sustainably or you know whatever so,777.42,4.62 basically like discourage over,780.6,3.539 consumption that's a that's a trend that,782.04,4.5 keeps coming up so okay the progressive,784.139,5.82 environmental you you Ubi the Pui B the,786.54,5.22 PB,789.959,3.541 would be funded primarily through a,791.76,2.94 progressive tax system where the,793.5,2.639 wealthiest individuals and okay yeah,794.7,2.879 blah blah,796.139,4.14 um I haven't seen too much in terms of,797.579,4.021 funding,800.279,3.12 um one of them did say uh fund it,801.6,3.9 through carbon taxes uh which I thought,803.399,4.801 was was an interesting uh way is you,805.5,3.959 partially fund it through through that,808.2,2.939 to align with their environmentalist,809.459,4.081 values would also oh here it is carbon,811.139,3.901 tax,813.54,3.239 um okay so these are some ideas that,815.04,3.72 keep coming up again I think that the,816.779,4.68 underlying uh model has a little bit of,818.76,4.98 bias here it would be interesting to see,821.459,5.641 if there is a future version of gbt that,823.74,4.7 is not already,827.1,4.44 pre-trained to be kind of on board with,828.44,5.139 some of these ideas uh because one thing,831.54,4.62 that doesn't that has come up is like if,833.579,4.26 you have someone who is just adamantly,836.16,3.06 opposed to it,837.839,2.821 um it doesn't say like this person will,839.22,3.359 never agree to this under any,840.66,3.78 circumstances it works really hard to,842.579,3.06 try and find something that they might,844.44,2.82 agree with,845.639,5.041 so anyways this is all saved out to um,847.26,7.259 it's saved out into the Ubi folder as a,850.68,5.7 yaml document so it just it basically,854.519,4.26 just saves the conversation,856.38,5.1 um as as a whole uh I think yeah it even,858.779,4.86 it even includes the system message,861.48,4.799 because the system message includes the,863.639,5.76 uh includes the uh the the Persona and,866.279,4.74 the first one it was hilarious it was a,869.399,4.56 radically intolerant feminist who is a,871.019,5.521 Scientologist which is just like wow,873.959,4.201 um this was this was really interesting,876.54,3.72 as it tried to figure out how to appease,878.16,5.88 a very dogmatic uh person so anyways uh,880.26,6.36 this is a work in progress,884.04,5.099 um I uh I don't know where it's going,886.62,5.579 exactly but the idea is that maybe you,889.139,4.741 could use it for policy research maybe,892.199,3.661 you could use it for,893.88,4.38 um it actually came it was precip I've,895.86,3.479 been thinking about it for a long time,898.26,3.6 but I had some inspiration after talking,899.339,5.341 to the gato Community about uh the,901.86,4.86 Democratic inputs to AI,904.68,5.04 because the idea of using a chat bot to,906.72,5.16 extract information from a person from a,909.72,4.559 real person is one thing but then I was,911.88,4.079 like you know the model already has a,914.279,3.0 tremendous amount of information so why,915.959,3.961 don't we just bootstrap it and ask the,917.279,4.8 model to kind of think through this so,919.92,4.8 this is essentially a tree of thought,922.079,4.681 but each branch of the tree is a,924.72,4.799 different Persona and then each of those,926.76,5.1 branches has three sub-branches where I,929.519,4.741 ask it those three questions like uh you,931.86,3.779 know what do you think this person will,934.26,3.24 think about Ubi what kind of fiscal,935.639,3.781 policy do you think would resonate and,937.5,3.54 then finally given the Persona in their,939.42,3.24 disposition can you creatively conjure,941.04,3.72 up a policy that has a high chance of,942.66,4.2 reaching consensus with this person so,944.76,3.36 it's you know basically you can create,946.86,3.36 an arbitrary number of branches and then,948.12,3.42 as you,950.22,3.119 as those branches span out and you get,951.54,3.12 all the leaves you gather the leaves,953.339,3.841 together and see what fits okay anyways,954.66,5.52 so you're up to date on that project so,957.18,5.399 let's dive back into the Gaia initiative,960.18,4.74 the global AI agencies,962.579,5.76 so I've been watching the news and I,964.92,5.88 realized that the number of things that,968.339,4.921 are piling up that make me feel good and,970.8,3.539 I know that there's a lot of people out,973.26,3.78 there that are skeptical of uh of,974.339,4.62 anything to do with government or,977.04,3.72 corporations,978.959,3.781 um and for those people I empathize with,980.76,5.4 you uh growing up I was more like that,982.74,7.2 where I was super skeptical of all uh,986.16,7.02 trappings of power and certainly my,989.94,4.399 friends were very like,993.18,3.3 disestablishmentarianism and anarcho,994.339,4.18 libertarian whatever,996.48,4.02 um but none of them ever did anything,998.519,4.26 with it uh so this is the world we live,1000.5,4.199 in we live in a world with corporations,1002.779,4.86 and governments and stuff and yes all,1004.699,5.88 power needs to be scrutinized healthy,1007.639,6.181 skepticism is uh absolutely fine that is,1010.579,5.281 part of the democratic process that,1013.82,4.139 being said if you're dogmatically,1015.86,4.26 against all forms of power well I mean,1017.959,3.841 wish in one hand and you know you know,1020.12,3.42 what to do with the other one see which,1021.8,4.259 one fills up first so anyway ways I have,1023.54,3.779 been keeping track of all this stuff,1026.059,2.821 because,1027.319,4.38 I see the currents and the trends and it,1028.88,4.919 is actually very very encouraging to me,1031.699,3.36 so,1033.799,3.181 I've got it all in chronological order,1035.059,4.26 so first was the future of Life,1036.98,4.74 Institute published there um their open,1039.319,4.441 letter you know signed by everyone,1041.72,4.859 including Elon Musk and yada yada yada,1043.76,4.74 what I didn't realize was that it,1046.579,4.561 actually came with a policy paper and so,1048.5,4.799 this policy paper it's only 14 pages and,1051.14,5.899 it has uh seven policy recommendations,1053.299,7.921 uh so this this came out in uh let's see,1057.039,6.821 uh April 12th,1061.22,4.86 um I think I might have that wrong the,1063.86,5.34 the pause the the big pause,1066.08,5.7 um oh so the paper was published March,1069.2,5.52 22nd the uh the policy recommendations,1071.78,4.86 came out a few few days later a couple,1074.72,4.56 weeks later so what I did was I took all,1076.64,5.159 that and then I made a very brief,1079.28,4.259 summary of the whole thing,1081.799,4.561 right here so you can click on the link,1083.539,4.981 and see it but you know it's a few basic,1086.36,4.08 things mandate robust third party,1088.52,3.96 auditing regulate organizations access,1090.44,5.34 to computational power uh established,1092.48,4.92 capable AI agencies at the national,1095.78,4.44 level establish liability for AI caused,1097.4,5.1 harm uh introduce measures to prevent,1100.22,4.92 and track AI model leaks expand AI,1102.5,5.46 technical Safety Research and develop,1105.14,4.32 standards for identifying and managing,1107.96,3.599 AI generated content okay sure whatever,1109.46,3.959 it's all pretty boilerplate in the grand,1111.559,4.561 scheme of things but so that came out,1113.419,7.561 March April uh March 29th the UK did,1116.12,7.799 this uh this uh Joby which I haven't had,1120.98,5.34 a chance to summarize yet but basically,1123.919,6.781 the idea is uh and a pro Innovation AI,1126.32,6.479 regulatory framework,1130.7,3.719 Etc et cetera again you see how long,1132.799,3.24 this thing is that's why it takes a,1134.419,4.021 little takes a little bit of doing to,1136.039,6.081 summarize with uh with a GPT API calls,1138.44,5.94 so anyways,1142.12,5.62 they call for a regulatory sandbox,1144.38,6.659 um which so does the EA the eua good,1147.74,6.48 grief e-u-a-i act also calls for,1151.039,5.161 regulatory sandboxes,1154.22,3.839 um so if you if you don't know a,1156.2,3.42 regulatory sandbox is basically you,1158.059,3.48 create a safe space where you can,1159.62,3.96 experiment with AI,1161.539,6.301 um you know that is uh a little bit more,1163.58,6.9 permissive so and this is this is very,1167.84,4.92 often the case so for instance,1170.48,4.02 um one of the most familiar ones is if,1172.76,3.539 you're doing medical research for,1174.5,3.78 instance you're allowed to use uh,1176.299,4.861 substances that are otherwise illegal uh,1178.28,5.04 you just have to go through uh approval,1181.16,4.259 processes that's not quite the same but,1183.32,4.26 the idea is that like people have been,1185.419,4.561 able to experiment with THC and LSD and,1187.58,4.56 psilocybin even though it's still a,1189.98,4.5 schedule two drug or whatever in the,1192.14,3.539 United States,1194.48,3.48 you just have to you have to be approved,1195.679,5.101 to do so likewise if you are an approved,1197.96,5.219 entity uh the idea of a regulatory,1200.78,4.74 sandbox is that you can still do,1203.179,3.961 whatever science you need to do as long,1205.52,3.84 as you do so safely but also one thing,1207.14,4.86 about these Pro Innovation things is and,1209.36,3.9 this is a common theme that I actually,1212.0,3.36 noticed which is why I was inspired to,1213.26,5.539 do this so the UK and the United States,1215.36,7.26 have all uh focused on protecting,1218.799,5.801 Innovation and accelerating innovation,1222.62,4.2 in fact,1224.6,6.48 um so then uh in early May the U.N,1226.82,7.38 Secretary General Antonio guterres said,1231.08,5.219 that he's amenable to the idea of the,1234.2,5.94 iaea for AI which also open AI I forgot,1236.299,5.581 to add that but open AI basically,1240.14,3.539 published a Blog calling for the same,1241.88,5.28 thing uh then a few days later uh the,1243.679,6.061 United States uh Senate hearing on AI,1247.16,5.46 this was the one with Sam Altman,1249.74,4.679 um and Christina Montgomery Montgomery,1252.62,4.38 and and Gary Marcus this was almost a,1254.419,3.961 three-hour talk,1257.0,3.9 and I took the transcript of that and I,1258.38,4.679 summarized it here so the high level,1260.9,3.659 summary,1263.059,2.881 um you know basically just says here's,1264.559,3.721 the key points that they discussed and,1265.94,3.78 then I break each one of those down,1268.28,2.94 further,1269.72,3.72 um so it takes you you know 20 minutes,1271.22,4.98 to read this instead of three hours,1273.44,5.22 um it's pretty straightforward uh you,1276.2,5.099 know I there was a lot of back and forth,1278.66,4.08 a lot of questions I watched pretty much,1281.299,3.181 the entire hearing,1282.74,3.72 um but clearly uh the United States,1284.48,3.9 government was listening,1286.46,3.3 um and I wonder if this whole thing was,1288.38,3.72 just an orchestrated series of events or,1289.76,5.34 or you know it or not,1292.1,5.88 um but anyways a month later the EU AI,1295.1,5.579 Act was uh proposed I don't think it's,1297.98,4.14 been adopted or ratified or anything,1300.679,3.721 someone explained in the comments that,1302.12,3.96 um there's still quite a process to go,1304.4,2.42 through,1306.08,3.42 they've got to get feedback,1306.82,4.599 but then more recently in just the last,1309.5,5.46 couple days uh the the uh United States,1311.419,6.12 House of Representatives uh by uh,1314.96,5.04 representative Ted loot excuse me Ted,1317.539,3.961 Lew and a few others,1320.0,3.539 um introduced a bipartisan uh commission,1321.5,4.14 basically it's an AI commission I,1323.539,3.901 summarized it here it's pretty uh or no,1325.64,4.2 sorry I didn't summarize it here I um I,1327.44,4.14 copied the text here because their PDF,1329.84,3.3 was garbage,1331.58,3.42 um seriously like this is the United,1333.14,3.96 States you can pay someone who knows how,1335.0,5.58 to make a PDF good Lord so anyways,1337.1,6.059 It's relatively straightforward mostly,1340.58,4.44 this is just saying like let's appoint a,1343.159,3.541 panel to make to come up with policy,1345.02,3.36 recommendations,1346.7,3.599 um it's not really they're not going to,1348.38,4.2 do anything the whole basically it's,1350.299,4.5 going to produce three reports,1352.58,3.9 um and so this is going to recommend,1354.799,5.76 what the United States Congress does uh,1356.48,7.199 for AI okay great you know Congressional,1360.559,4.381 commission,1363.679,2.641 um they're they're interested in getting,1364.94,3.54 more information which means that,1366.32,3.78 they're going to solicit experts so one,1368.48,2.46 thing that I thought was most,1370.1,3.72 interesting was that was the the panel,1370.94,5.3 um is that they that they want to have,1373.82,4.62 members of the commission shall have a,1376.24,4.24 demonstrated background in at least one,1378.44,5.28 of the following computer science or AI,1380.48,5.819 specifically Civil Society including,1383.72,4.319 constitutional rights civil liberties,1386.299,4.161 ethics and the creative Community,1388.039,4.321 industry and Workforce and then,1390.46,3.599 government including National Security,1392.36,4.98 so when you get these kinds of people in,1394.059,5.081 a room together it's not just engineers,1397.34,4.079 and not just data scientists this is,1399.14,3.899 going to be people that are in political,1401.419,4.981 science uh civil rights civil liberties,1403.039,5.76 industry insiders and then finally,1406.4,4.56 National Security Experts so this is,1408.799,3.781 going to be a pretty comprehensive set,1410.96,3.0 of recommendations and I'm actually,1412.58,2.64 pretty happy,1413.96,3.66 um to see that that Ted Lou is leading,1415.22,4.5 that and Ted Lou is um where's he is he,1417.62,4.26 the Los Angeles County,1419.72,3.72 um so it's not surprising that you know,1421.88,3.6 California bro is going to be figuring,1423.44,3.54 that out,1425.48,3.42 um okay and then finally most recently,1426.98,4.14 was just a couple days ago uh Chuck,1428.9,4.98 Senator Chuck Schumer announced the safe,1431.12,6.419 framework uh at the csis which is really,1433.88,5.279 interesting,1437.539,3.361 um and I don't know if this has been,1439.159,3.601 ratified yet or anything I haven't been,1440.9,4.62 able to find the actual text of the uh,1442.76,5.159 of the of the idea but there is a,1445.52,4.62 one-pager out there somewhere,1447.919,3.661 um that that summarizes it very,1450.14,3.24 succinctly but I took I took the,1451.58,4.02 transcript from this and I summarized,1453.38,3.84 the the talk here,1455.6,6.3 so basically uh the the it comes down to,1457.22,7.26 four uh major components uh security,1461.9,5.399 which basically talks about uh National,1464.48,6.66 Security uh above all else but also uh,1467.299,6.781 corporate security and uh privacy of,1471.14,5.1 citizens accountability which talks,1474.08,5.88 about how do you uh how do you it's it's,1476.24,5.52 actually pretty similar to the EU thing,1479.96,3.78 where oh I forgot to mention this for,1481.76,4.5 the EU AI act the primary thing that the,1483.74,5.88 EU AIX does is it bans outright social,1486.26,6.12 Credit Systems and surveillance,1489.62,6.299 um like high uh basically Big Brother,1492.38,6.12 bans Big Brother stuff and so this is,1495.919,3.841 what the security and accountability,1498.5,4.08 does uh an interesting part of this was,1499.76,5.279 the foundations aspect of the framework,1502.58,5.52 so basically uh one of the key things of,1505.039,6.361 Chuck Schumer's uh framework is to,1508.1,6.0 protect the foundations of democracy so,1511.4,4.2 I was talking with my wife about this,1514.1,3.36 and she suspects that this was a direct,1515.6,5.819 reaction to the January 6th uh attempted,1517.46,6.42 Insurrection at the U.S Capitol,1521.419,3.841 um you know when people are breaking,1523.88,4.08 into uh and and keep in mind that many,1525.26,4.44 members of Congress were directly in,1527.96,6.24 danger and so we suspect we being my,1529.7,6.12 wife and I we suspect that this is,1534.2,4.859 actually uh basically the Congress uh,1535.82,4.68 you know House of Representatives and,1539.059,2.821 Senators,1540.5,2.76 um you know they didn't take social,1541.88,3.06 media seriously,1543.26,4.56 and then you know Facebook happened with,1544.94,5.28 Cambridge analytica I don't think it's,1547.82,4.4 controversial to say that that Facebook,1550.22,4.939 uh and other social media companies,1552.22,6.0 directly contributed to the widespread,1555.159,5.921 abuses of misinformation,1558.22,4.18 um but also just coordination of,1561.08,3.479 violence it's that simple,1562.4,4.379 um and so they they learned their lesson,1564.559,4.561 by not taking social media seriously and,1566.779,3.601 now they're taking artificial,1569.12,3.539 intelligence very seriously so on a,1570.38,4.799 cynical note this is basically the,1572.659,4.14 establishment wanting to protect the,1575.179,4.261 establishment and the status quo,1576.799,4.921 that is a pretty cynical take that,1579.44,3.96 doesn't mean that it's the only thing uh,1581.72,2.939 because I actually listened to all of,1583.4,3.48 Chuck Schumer's talk and he had a very,1584.659,4.201 clear like Words matter,1586.88,3.06 um he had a very clear-eyed,1588.86,2.699 understanding of what's coming he even,1589.94,4.5 talked about the the possibility of of,1591.559,5.581 jobs dislocation he likened it to uh,1594.44,4.979 globalization and offshoring because he,1597.14,4.139 said like yes globalization and,1599.419,4.681 offshoring did actually help the economy,1601.279,5.64 because it you know allowed us to lower,1604.1,4.62 the prices of goods and services but at,1606.919,3.961 the same time millions of Americans lost,1608.72,3.3 their job,1610.88,3.539 and so the implication there was that,1612.02,4.139 the United States government did not do,1614.419,4.441 a good enough job to protect Americans,1616.159,5.041 um while we were rabidly offshoring in,1618.86,5.64 the the 90s and and 2000s,1621.2,5.459 um and then finally explainability uh,1624.5,3.84 some people commented that Chuck Schumer,1626.659,3.181 doesn't really seem to understand how AI,1628.34,3.719 Works uh because you can't just it's not,1629.84,3.9 it's not a database that you can like,1632.059,3.48 say oh this is where it got the data,1633.74,4.02 from that being said I think that these,1635.539,4.201 commissions will figure out,1637.76,3.96 um you know that that you while you,1639.74,5.4 can't look at the uh uh the model and,1641.72,4.92 then for what was in it you can look at,1645.14,3.72 the training data so what I suspect is,1646.64,4.019 that there's going to be a very soon,1648.86,4.199 open source standards on training data,1650.659,4.861 so basically in order to be a licensed,1653.059,3.72 and approved and publicly available,1655.52,3.72 model the underpinning training data,1656.779,4.5 will have to be publicly available or at,1659.24,3.36 least inspected,1661.279,3.061 um he did he did talk about Innovation,1662.6,3.0 first,1664.34,3.66 as well so this is a common theme that's,1665.6,4.319 emerging at least in Britain and America,1668.0,3.779 the EU is less concerned about,1669.919,4.341 Innovation they're more concerned about,1671.779,5.041 uh fundamental civil rights and,1674.26,4.72 foundational human rights uh which is,1676.82,4.62 good like I would I would actually like,1678.98,5.16 that but as an individual Nation they,1681.44,6.599 are highly highly focused on focusing on,1684.14,7.68 Innovation first and then safety rights,1688.039,4.921 accountability and stuff so it's,1691.82,3.239 basically here's the road map of how to,1692.96,5.16 innovate safely and fast and quickly uh,1695.059,5.581 and the idea is there are geopolitical,1698.12,5.159 competitions happening uh Vladimir Putin,1700.64,5.34 said uh what I think it was 2021 the,1703.279,3.9 nation that solves artificial,1705.98,3.059 intelligence will own you know the next,1707.179,2.941 Century,1709.039,2.161 um and it's probably going to be a lot,1710.12,3.9 longer than that uh Russia unfortunately,1711.2,5.04 for them does not have the economy or,1714.02,4.139 the uh they have brain drain so they're,1716.24,3.539 not going to be a participant in,1718.159,3.541 artificial intelligence uh it's,1719.779,3.301 basically going to come down to America,1721.7,4.56 versus China versus the EU,1723.08,6.18 uh but the EU is more ideologically,1726.26,5.76 aligned with America uh and vice versa,1729.26,4.5 so it'll basically come down to East,1732.02,3.42 versus West,1733.76,3.779 um which is basically you know the same,1735.44,4.38 idea of World War II and the Cold War,1737.539,4.62 which was Western ideology versus,1739.82,4.44 Eastern ideology so this is what the,1742.159,4.26 geopolitical conflict is shaping up to,1744.26,4.98 be for the next Century yay repeat of,1746.419,4.38 the 20th century let's hope that it's,1749.24,3.72 not as bloody uh and I say that,1750.799,5.281 flippantly but I am dead serious because,1752.96,4.92 um the stakes are very very high here,1756.08,3.599 which is why I call this the Gaia,1757.88,3.539 initiative because Gaia is Greek for,1759.679,4.561 Earth or Mother Earth and also Gaia was,1761.419,5.401 the goddess of monsters too so on the,1764.24,4.86 topic of Malik and shogoth and all those,1766.82,3.78 other things I think that Gaia is a,1769.1,3.84 really appropriate name so anyways this,1770.6,4.079 is out here it's just under um,1772.94,5.4 github.com Dave shop guy initiative,1774.679,4.38 um,1778.34,3.54 I will update this as interesting news,1779.059,4.74 comes out I might forget about it for a,1781.88,4.62 while I tend to do that but it's up,1783.799,4.98 there and I find all this news very,1786.5,4.26 encouraging so thanks for watching I,1788.779,5.12 hope you got a lot out of it cheers,1790.76,3.139