text,start,duration morning everybody David Shapiro here,0.12,4.5 with your weekly video,2.1,6.72 so today's video is about layer six of,4.62,6.059 the gato framework which calls for,8.82,4.5 international treaties uh or in other,10.679,5.821 words Global AI based agencies so,13.32,5.76 today's uh topic is going to be talking,16.5,5.539 about what would those look like because,19.08,6.539 uh in many cases people are just not,22.039,6.281 aware of existing work that has been,25.619,5.341 done on an international or global scale,28.32,4.98 so I figured we would talk we would uh,30.96,5.279 talk about those and um and then also,33.3,4.74 you know first talk about what exists,36.239,4.561 and then also talk about how uh a,38.04,4.5 version of those for AI would look,40.8,3.96 apologies,42.54,4.8 um so real quick just before we jump in,44.76,4.74 I'll plug my patreon I have a private,47.34,3.66 Discord server for all patreon,49.5,5.699 supporters and I also have weekly office,51.0,6.12 hours for the premium tier patreon,55.199,4.321 supporters I also do have a higher tier,57.12,4.919 which allows for one-on-one calls but at,59.52,4.679 least as of the recording of this I have,62.039,5.4 no lots available that being said I do,64.199,6.121 add slots occasionally you know there's,67.439,5.341 Churn it happens okay moving right along,70.32,5.7 so for some background a few weeks ago,72.78,5.4 Sam Altman Gary Marcus and Christina,76.02,3.959 Montgomery testified before Congress,78.18,4.5 about artificial intelligence and one of,79.979,3.901 the things that they asked for was,82.68,2.78 regulation,83.88,4.02 all all three of them asked for it in,85.46,4.96 certain respects Sam Altman obviously,87.9,6.0 the CEO of open AI has been calling for,90.42,5.42 various kinds of regulation for a while,93.9,5.64 Christina who comes from IBM she was a,95.84,5.739 little bit more let's say corporate,99.54,3.96 sanitized in the way that she asked but,101.579,4.981 she basically said that IBM's policy has,103.5,7.02 always been to be more in favor of of,106.56,6.18 Regulation including going back to,110.52,4.559 social media and I checked on IBM's,112.74,3.659 website and they actually do have some,115.079,4.5 policies and recommendations obviously,116.399,5.101 there they have to be very diplomatic,119.579,3.18 about it because they are not a,121.5,2.82 political entity and of course we,122.759,4.201 already we have a lot of in my opinion,124.32,6.359 too much uh interference between the,126.96,6.18 corporate establishment and American,130.679,7.261 politics that being said uh you know the,133.14,8.099 IBM has expressly asked for more,137.94,4.62 regulation,141.239,3.841 um on social media Ai and other uses of,142.56,4.08 technology for a while,145.08,4.32 so Gary Marcus is a professor and,146.64,5.4 researcher so this this panel if you,149.4,6.24 missed it was a good mix of Private,152.04,7.559 Industry as well as Academia and they,155.64,5.4 were all basically saying the same thing,159.599,4.681 so Gary Marcus explicitly said we need a,161.04,5.22 new cabinet level agency so cabinet,164.28,4.86 level agency is like FDA you know or or,166.26,5.46 some someone who's the head of which,169.14,4.92 reports directly to like the White House,171.72,4.799 or or the uh like you know Joint Chiefs,174.06,4.679 of Staff or whatever I know the Joint,176.519,4.561 Chiefs of Staff is uh for military,178.739,3.961 um but you never know like we created a,181.08,2.879 space force,182.7,2.88 um you know NASA was the research branch,183.959,3.42 and now we have a space force who knows,185.58,4.5 maybe we will ultimately have an AI,187.379,4.981 division for military,190.08,4.56 um but anyways so one of the when,192.36,4.739 pressed Gary Marcus said that you know,194.64,4.56 one model that we could pursue would be,197.099,6.541 the FDA but for AI and the the uh,199.2,6.24 example that he gave is that when you,203.64,3.9 release a drug to you know you know 300,205.44,5.1 million people you you make sure that,207.54,4.74 it's safe you make sure that it has that,210.54,3.9 has really passed muster,212.28,4.379 one of the Senators interviewing him,214.44,4.079 said he disagreed but you know he he,216.659,3.961 appreciated the sentiment,218.519,3.421 um and then there was also talk about,220.62,3.899 well what what other existing entities,221.94,5.04 could be empowered right like what about,224.519,6.841 the FTC or uh SEC or whatever and uh,226.98,5.52 there's actually a lot of people that,231.36,3.0 Advocate that say like yes all,232.5,4.739 government agencies must become AI aware,234.36,6.659 AI literate but another point is that AI,237.239,6.36 is such a distinctive and powerful force,241.019,6.0 that it warrants its own uh agency just,243.599,5.22 like how uh America has the department,247.019,4.321 of energy which which focuses,248.819,4.441 specifically on generation and,251.34,5.28 management of energy open AI has also,253.26,4.979 explicitly called for an international,256.62,5.82 agency they call for IE iaea but for AI,258.239,7.321 so the iaea is the international atomic,262.44,5.479 energy agency which has to do with,265.56,5.46 inspecting nuclear sites,267.919,5.801 so the conversation is there the,271.02,4.26 conversation is happening people are,273.72,3.919 calling for National and international,275.28,6.26 levels of AI uh not just,277.639,6.34 regulation yes but I'm also calling for,281.54,4.06 AI research,283.979,3.181 um and I've got plenty of examples of,285.6,3.42 existing International research bodies,287.16,4.44 uh to share so first we're going to talk,289.02,6.72 a little bit about uh the iaea it is was,291.6,7.5 established in 1957 under uh United,295.74,6.36 Nations it is an autonomous entity,299.1,5.099 um its primary purpose is of course to,302.1,3.659 promote the peaceful use of nuclear,304.199,3.361 energy inhibit its use for military,305.759,3.781 purposes and ensure nuclear Safety and,307.56,4.079 Security you swap that out with,309.54,3.719 artificial intelligence and that's,311.639,3.481 exactly what we need,313.259,4.681 uh it is governed by the General,315.12,5.46 Conference of the UN and has a Board of,317.94,4.319 Governors,320.58,4.38 um that is appointed uh from 35 members,322.259,4.321 of the UN,324.96,5.16 um as of 2021 it had 171 member States,326.58,5.82 and its annual budget is only 500,330.12,4.919 million Euros which is probably lower,332.4,4.32 than you might think,335.039,3.121 um especially when we're talking about,336.72,3.84 the astronomical amount of money that,338.16,4.08 artificial intelligence could possibly,340.56,3.78 generate and so then if you say okay,342.24,5.28 well we are asking for the foundation of,344.34,4.859 something similar but for artificial,347.52,4.38 intelligence uh maybe we start at the,349.199,5.0 same part at about half a billion euros,351.9,5.04 if the entire world chips in that's,354.199,4.84 actually a pretty trivial you know,356.94,5.22 amount of money so you divide 171 member,359.039,5.94 states by 500 million euros and like 3,362.16,5.039 million Euros or three million dollars,364.979,5.701 per member State uh that's a drop in the,367.199,6.861 bucket so we could easily easily easily,370.68,6.54 afford to fund such an agency so you,374.06,4.419 know well who's going to pay for it I,377.22,2.46 don't even want to hear that argument,378.479,4.381 like that is a trivial like Nations,379.68,5.04 could sneeze that and not even remember,382.86,4.2 that they spent that money,384.72,5.819 um one of the things that they do is as,387.06,5.4 I mentioned they do inspections to,390.539,3.72 verify compliance with nuclear,392.46,5.76 non-proliferation they also assist in,394.259,5.88 the development of peaceful nuclear,398.22,4.5 programs so they have kind of a one-two,400.139,3.961 thing where they're they're regulating,402.72,3.479 but they're also educating and,404.1,4.68 supporting and it is based in Vienna,406.199,4.021 Austria,408.78,4.259 so you might say okay well yeah but it's,410.22,4.56 the United Nations it has no track,413.039,3.421 record or the United Nations isn't,414.78,4.199 effective or whatever uh you know but,416.46,4.98 there is quite a few things that uh the,418.979,5.541 iaea has helped with uh so the nuclear,421.44,5.22 non-proliferation treaty,424.52,4.72 um it actually has a dedicated,426.66,4.979 um organization within itself,429.24,4.88 um based upon nuclear non-proliferation,431.639,5.821 it helped after the Chernobyl explosion,434.12,6.46 which of course you know the IAA iaea,437.46,4.62 could not prevent the Chernobyl,440.58,3.72 explosion but it helped respond and so,442.08,4.08 that's another key thing is that is that,444.3,5.04 a a global entity shouldn't just be,446.16,5.099 about regulation and enforcement but,449.34,4.38 also like disaster mitigation if or when,451.259,3.681 it does happen,453.72,4.56 nuclear Test Ban Treaty was instrumental,454.94,4.42 in that,458.28,4.5 uh North Korea of course has uh nuclear,459.36,6.839 Ambitions and the iaea provides constant,462.78,5.639 monitoring for that it was also,466.199,3.661 instrumental in helping with the Iran,468.419,3.12 nuclear deal which of course the,469.86,3.239 relationship between Iran and the rest,471.539,4.081 of the world particularly the West uh,473.099,4.281 has been very strained for many years,475.62,5.22 but it hasn't been in the news lately uh,477.38,6.219 due largely to that nuclear deal that,480.84,5.34 happened under Obama I'm not saying that,483.599,4.261 Obama is responsible for it it was an,486.18,3.6 international effort but just pointing,487.86,3.66 out he was president at the time,489.78,4.919 uh the Fukushima uh disaster so that was,491.52,6.78 after the tsunami that hit Japan uh the,494.699,5.581 iaea was part of the coordination effort,498.3,3.78 and then finally,500.28,5.16 um the director general of uh of the,502.08,5.88 iaea Mohammed al-barati,505.44,5.34 um got the Nobel Peace Prize in 2005.,507.96,5.28 so just want to point out that like yes,510.78,4.02 this organization does have a track,513.24,4.44 record and has made a name for itself,514.8,5.94 now one of the organizations that I like,517.68,6.84 to think about is CERN so CERN is a,520.74,6.0 European so it's it is international but,524.52,5.7 is not Global but it is there to study,526.74,5.039 particle physics,530.22,5.16 and so this was established in 1954 by,531.779,6.901 12 member countries it also now has 23,535.38,5.7 total members including observers,538.68,3.96 there's a few categories so there's the,541.08,3.24 founders which are Europe and then,542.64,4.5 there's contributors and observers which,544.32,4.92 includes the United States Japan and a,547.14,4.62 few other nations uh and so this is an,549.24,5.219 international effort to understand uh,551.76,4.32 the fundamental structure of the,554.459,4.021 universe right its entire mission is is,556.08,4.68 literally understand the fundamental,558.48,3.6 structure of the universe specifically,560.76,3.66 the particles that compose matter and,562.08,4.879 the forces that hold them together,564.42,5.88 so as of 2020 for for whatever reason,566.959,4.961 finding the budget of certain is is,570.3,3.3 rather difficult,571.92,3.78 um All Nations report in terms of like,573.6,4.38 percentages of how much they support it,575.7,3.78 but like getting a total number like,577.98,3.419 what was your budget hard to find for,579.48,3.24 whatever reason,581.399,3.481 um anyways I think that the annual,582.72,4.739 budget of CERN is about 1.1 billion,584.88,5.1 dollars and of course they run,587.459,5.041 um uh Large Hadron Collider and a few,589.98,5.34 other major major experiments,592.5,6.42 uh so CERN if you are not aware of is,595.32,5.28 the organization that invented the World,598.92,4.979 Wide Web this is a copy of the original,600.6,6.9 proposal that led to the World Wide Web,603.899,6.541 and at the top someone wrote vague but,607.5,4.2 exciting,610.44,5.82 um so that is uh that is uh uh many many,611.7,6.24 people as particularly in computer,616.26,4.16 science will understand that reference,617.94,5.22 so this was the initial proposal for the,620.42,5.46 World Wide Web uh it's discovered in a,623.16,5.58 whole raft of fundamental Elementary,625.88,7.24 particles bosons Higgs boson creation of,628.74,7.32 anti-matter using neutrinos all sorts of,633.12,5.159 stuff and of course we've got the Large,636.06,3.899 Hadron Collider,638.279,4.201 which generates many many hundreds of,639.959,5.041 terabytes of data and it's interesting,642.48,4.799 to bring this one up because actually I,645.0,4.38 you know as a science nerd I was,647.279,4.081 watching a documentary about CERN and,649.38,5.579 LHC a few years ago and the LHC actually,651.36,6.06 generates so much data that they need,654.959,4.44 artificial intelligence to sift through,657.42,4.62 the data to help find the phenomenon to,659.399,4.981 find the anomalies and so there's,662.04,3.96 actually a very tight feedback loop,664.38,3.899 between for instance nuclear research,666.0,5.279 and artificial intelligence,668.279,6.06 so those are two organizations that have,671.279,4.74 kind of the research mandate and then,674.339,3.841 the regulation and safety mandate and I,676.019,3.481 think we need both for artificial,678.18,2.399 intelligence,679.5,3.36 there's a few other International bodies,680.579,4.44 that we can pay attention to that are,682.86,5.039 probably either going to be good models,685.019,5.461 that we can base this on or they could,687.899,4.38 actually even be partners,690.48,4.38 so one another Global organization that,692.279,4.981 is more for emergency response is the,694.86,4.979 World Health Organization which of,697.26,4.44 course helped coordinate Global the,699.839,4.701 global response to the covid epidemic,701.7,6.18 but they've also responded to SARS MERS,704.54,6.94 Ebola and other stuff so my uncle is a,707.88,6.0 microbiologist and so a few years ago,711.48,4.14 when there was a couple of outbreaks of,713.88,4.5 Ebola he actually traveled the world to,715.62,3.959 help be part of the World Health,718.38,4.68 Organization response to contain Ebola,719.579,5.7 and then of course MERS is something,723.06,4.019 that you might not have heard of but it,725.279,4.381 was infinitely more dangerous than kovid,727.079,4.621 the mortality rate of MERS can be over,729.66,4.02 10 percent,731.7,4.5 um and so like it's a there's some,733.68,4.44 really horrible diseases that you have,736.2,3.36 never heard of because of the World,738.12,3.54 Health Organization,739.56,4.32 um there's two Financial uh Global,741.66,4.38 entities both were created at Bretton,743.88,3.959 Woods after World War II,746.04,4.02 and so World War II caused a lot of,747.839,3.961 people to come together and say we need,750.06,3.899 to prevent this from happening again and,751.8,3.719 so one of the things that they decided,753.959,4.201 after World War II was that economic uh,755.519,4.981 Improvement and economic stability and,758.16,5.34 economic cooperation were critical to,760.5,5.22 maintaining Global Peace which has more,763.5,3.839 or less worked up until that up until,765.72,2.94 now,767.339,3.481 um but it's you know time will tell,768.66,3.96 because we're facing a backlash against,770.82,4.199 globalization anyways getting lost in,772.62,3.48 the weeds,775.019,3.961 so the point of the IMF is to stabilize,776.1,4.56 the global economy through cooperation,778.98,4.32 trade exchange and so on so members of,780.66,7.5 the IMF will get loans the IMF has been,783.3,6.9 responsible for some bailouts they also,788.16,4.38 have been responsible for,790.2,5.04 um not necessarily economic sanctions,792.54,5.16 but economic requirements so for,795.24,4.62 instance during the global recession the,797.7,4.259 IMF was the entity responsible for,799.86,5.159 telling Nations such as Greece you need,801.959,5.041 austerity measures before we're going to,805.019,4.38 bail you out and so the idea of the IMF,807.0,5.7 is that it uses that that ability to,809.399,7.141 withhold funds in order to to shape,812.7,6.72 National policy more towards stability,816.54,5.4 rather than things like hyperinflation,819.42,5.039 or economic collapse,821.94,5.16 and uh you know the situation in Greece,824.459,4.201 is still not good,827.1,4.919 um after many many years that being said,828.66,5.88 that you know we don't hear about uh the,832.019,4.141 Greek economy collapsing in the news all,834.54,3.12 the time granted I don't pay attention,836.16,3.299 to Greek news but it doesn't make it,837.66,4.5 into uh you know American uh financial,839.459,6.841 news uh the World Bank uh is uh has a,842.16,5.82 slightly different mandate than the IMF,846.3,4.2 so while the IMF more focuses on,847.98,5.52 developed Nations the world bank has the,850.5,5.399 goal of ending extreme poverty,853.5,4.56 um through financial means,855.899,4.201 um and also to boost Global Prosperity,858.06,4.62 through lending and Advising so the,860.1,3.66 World Bank,862.68,4.14 um is more likely to issue loans to,863.76,4.68 developing nations,866.82,3.12 and the reason that I bring both of,868.44,3.72 these up is because artificial,869.94,4.32 intelligence has the ability to,872.16,3.84 profoundly impact artificial,874.26,4.86 intelligence all over the world and and,876.0,5.339 greatly Advance the missions of both of,879.12,4.2 these entities and one of the best ways,881.339,5.341 to incentivize aligned development is to,883.32,4.98 pay for it and we'll talk about some of,886.68,3.0 those tactics,888.3,4.02 um near the end of the of the slide and,889.68,3.959 I also have other videos that I'm,892.32,2.94 working on talking more about some of,893.639,3.781 these specific tactics and then finally,895.26,7.019 uh the another research body is eater or,897.42,7.26 iter which is the inner is the,902.279,5.041 international Fusion research entity,904.68,5.399 it's got 35 Nations working together to,907.32,5.759 solve fusion and so the point point,910.079,4.5 being is that there are actually many,913.079,4.44 many examples of International and,914.579,6.301 Global cooperation in order to provide,917.519,5.94 safety stability and research as well as,920.88,6.0 regulations so when we propose to do the,923.459,4.981 same thing for artificial intelligence,926.88,4.38 this is not like this is It's not like,928.44,4.199 this has never been done before we've,931.26,3.78 actually done this many times before,932.639,3.961 so let's talk about how these,935.04,5.159 hypothetical Global entities might work,936.6,5.46 um so the first one that I propose is,940.199,4.681 Gaia the global AI agency,942.06,4.5 um and of course Gaia also means Earth,944.88,4.98 so the Mandate for Gaia would be very,946.56,4.98 very simple study and prevent,949.86,4.08 existential risks from AI That's it that,951.54,5.039 is its primary purpose uh it would,953.94,4.5 publish open source scientific research,956.579,5.161 papers data sets and align models and by,958.44,5.519 making those models publicly available,961.74,5.7 to everyone it will that will one make,963.959,5.341 access to artificial intelligence much,967.44,4.019 more democratic but it will also,969.3,4.56 saturate help saturate the world with,971.459,4.44 alignment research and Alignment data,973.86,3.539 and Alignment models,975.899,4.38 it would also participate in global,977.399,5.341 policy recommendations advising Nations,980.279,5.221 advising militaries and it would also,982.74,6.599 establish best practices and guidelines,985.5,6.839 that could be used by everyone Nations,989.339,6.24 corporations and so on and so by by,992.339,6.42 creating a global Authority a global,995.579,5.7 scientific Authority that says yes like,998.759,6.921 we understand and the idea is is just to,1001.279,7.321 comprehend this problem not to not to,1005.68,5.019 punish anyone not to put on the brakes,1008.6,5.7 but actually to focus exclusively on,1010.699,5.88 Research initial funding should be,1014.3,4.74 around 500 million dollars similar to,1016.579,5.401 the iaea and membership should be,1019.04,5.879 probably pretty similar to CERN or NATO,1021.98,4.859 which are international but not,1024.919,3.481 necessarily global,1026.839,4.261 and the reason that,1028.4,5.82 um I suggest that is because there is,1031.1,5.099 presently a competitive dynamic in the,1034.22,4.02 world and so basically in order to,1036.199,4.62 benefit from this Global AI research,1038.24,5.339 effort then um Nations should have to,1040.819,4.5 pass certain muster,1043.579,4.921 um for instance non-aggressive use of AI,1045.319,6.301 um and uh and you know not actively be,1048.5,5.22 you know at war or whatever something,1051.62,4.14 like that I could be wrong,1053.72,4.199 um I'm not uh I'm not an international,1055.76,5.46 policy expert yet so it might be that,1057.919,4.981 there is there are problems with that,1061.22,4.86 but between CERN eater and um and other,1062.9,6.06 entities it looks like that Global,1066.08,4.56 Research is not necessarily something,1068.96,3.06 that has been done yet but certainly,1070.64,3.779 International research,1072.02,5.58 um yep so that's it for for Gaia,1074.419,6.901 the next one is uh Garza or Garcia the,1077.6,5.76 global AI Regulatory and compliance,1081.32,5.7 agency so this one would basically be,1083.36,8.1 like kind of a combination of gdpr but,1087.02,6.899 for the globe and for AI right so it,1091.46,4.74 would inspect certify and regulate AI,1093.919,4.561 hardware and software so this looks at,1096.2,5.28 the at the hardware and software aspects,1098.48,6.12 of AI rather than like the data or,1101.48,6.66 policy but what it would use is it would,1104.6,7.199 use similar litmus tests and also like,1108.14,6.24 sanctions or regulations as to what the,1111.799,3.901 IMF does,1114.38,3.539 which basically says,1115.7,5.82 um you know if here's an example in in,1117.919,5.221 the investment world in the finance,1121.52,4.74 world if a company is not GDP are,1123.14,5.159 compliant it will not get any investment,1126.26,3.72 why because investors say you're not,1128.299,3.181 compliant you're at risk of getting shut,1129.98,5.22 down the same is also true of ESG which,1131.48,6.42 ESG is a as a inside the industry,1135.2,5.219 standard so ESG means environmental,1137.9,4.44 social and governance so the idea is,1140.419,3.841 that if you don't get that ESG you know,1142.34,3.78 stamp of approval you're going to have a,1144.26,4.02 much harder time getting investment and,1146.12,4.98 so rather than rather than enforcing it,1148.28,5.759 through you know more strong arm,1151.1,6.36 approaches uh my recommendation for the,1154.039,5.161 for the global AI Regulatory and,1157.46,3.9 compliance agency is to perform those,1159.2,4.32 inspections to perform those tests to,1161.36,3.78 basically be an underwriter a global,1163.52,4.32 underwriter of AI companies products and,1165.14,3.779 services,1167.84,4.94 and so then if if the Garcia Agency,1168.919,7.14 decertifies a company then it you know,1172.78,4.66 one their share price is going to go,1176.059,2.941 down because everyone's like oh you know,1177.44,3.479 they're not AI compliant they might get,1179.0,3.66 shut down they might get raided you know,1180.919,4.981 or or investigated or sued or whatever,1182.66,6.78 um but then if uh conversely if they are,1185.9,6.18 if they do get certified as AI alignment,1189.44,5.099 compliant then you know they get more,1192.08,5.76 grants more handouts more whatever,1194.539,6.481 um and so this is this is why I included,1197.84,5.1 the IMF and the World Bank is because,1201.02,5.279 you can you can absolutely steer policy,1202.94,5.28 research development and other behaviors,1206.299,5.161 with financial incentives and that also,1208.22,6.5 creates a relatively lightweight agency,1211.46,5.94 uh that that they don't have to do a,1214.72,4.18 whole lot of heavy lifting themselves,1217.4,3.659 but rather they provide that,1218.9,3.72 underwriting that certification and,1221.059,3.901 decertification which can then steer the,1222.62,5.88 behaviors of the rest of the world,1224.96,6.48 so this overall strategy is about having,1228.5,4.86 gas and brakes because one thing that,1231.44,3.78 people are legitimately worried about is,1233.36,3.54 that if we slow down too much someone,1235.22,3.56 else is going to pick up the speed right,1236.9,4.92 in a global competitive landscape the,1238.78,5.08 nation that slows down is the one that,1241.82,5.28 loses so we need gas but we also need,1243.86,5.88 Brakes in order to win any race you,1247.1,4.079 actually need both,1249.74,4.26 so I play Forza I've actually been I've,1251.179,5.581 I've played Forza since the very uh,1254.0,4.2 original Forza and so if you're not,1256.76,4.74 familiar Forza is a simulation grade uh,1258.2,6.359 racing game and uh you know if you're,1261.5,5.58 driving a Ferrari or a Lamborghini or,1264.559,4.801 you know whatever else a you know high,1267.08,4.92 performance you know Mercedes AMG around,1269.36,5.16 a track you don't just use the gas if,1272.0,5.34 you just use the gas you crash so in,1274.52,6.42 order to win a race you actually do need,1277.34,6.959 both gas and brakes and so this is the,1280.94,5.94 one-two punch of creating two different,1284.299,6.181 entities one for acceleration Gaia and,1286.88,6.36 the other for breaking Garcia and the,1290.48,4.5 idea is that they will have independent,1293.24,3.9 oversight and funding,1294.98,5.16 um which means that also because they,1297.14,4.86 have entirely different mandates those,1300.14,3.019 entities are going to have different,1302.0,3.96 methods of acting as well as different,1303.159,5.14 incentive structures,1305.96,4.32 uh so they have those different mandates,1308.299,4.86 they have different kpi now that being,1310.28,5.34 said they also both would have an,1313.159,4.861 international or Global scope and the,1315.62,4.02 reason is because AI is going to affect,1318.02,3.48 everyone on the planet whether or not,1319.64,3.6 they participate,1321.5,4.74 um and then finally uh part of this,1323.24,6.54 strategy is is both risk mitigation and,1326.24,6.419 encouraging Innovation and so if we do,1329.78,5.94 both then we should be on the right,1332.659,4.801 track,1335.72,4.199 um so here's a few more uh tactics so I,1337.46,3.719 promise that we would talk about some,1339.919,3.661 various tactics that they can use so the,1341.179,4.5 first tactic is just grants,1343.58,4.38 if you want to fund research you hand,1345.679,4.021 out money to do it it's really that,1347.96,2.82 simple,1349.7,3.54 um you uh you incentivize the behavior,1350.78,4.68 you want to see with you know you know,1353.24,3.78 you dangle money and people will go do,1355.46,4.92 it certification and compliance like I,1357.02,5.34 said gdpr is a is a pretty good example,1360.38,5.039 because gdpr is a pretty powerful lever,1362.36,5.939 in order to get companies to comply with,1365.419,6.0 data policy training and education so,1368.299,4.801 many of the organizations that we talked,1371.419,4.201 about do provide training and education,1373.1,5.28 and so by by providing training and,1375.62,4.559 education you can raise the global,1378.38,4.2 literacy on artificial intelligence,1380.179,4.62 whether it's just AI ethics and safety,1382.58,5.52 or the existential risks so by by having,1384.799,4.801 global authorities that provide this,1388.1,4.14 training and education and certification,1389.6,5.04 programs you can say like you know I'm a,1392.24,5.52 Gaia certified AI existential expert or,1394.64,5.58 whatever because right now we don't have,1397.76,3.36 any,1400.22,4.14 global standard of yes this is what the,1401.12,5.82 global experts agree on are the issues,1404.36,4.92 and the concerns and stuff certainly we,1406.94,4.619 have those conversations right if you're,1409.28,3.899 watching my channel you probably watch,1411.559,3.841 like Robert Miles and AI explained and,1413.179,3.36 everyone else,1415.4,3.48 um Eliezer like so you probably are,1416.539,3.661 aware that these conversations are,1418.88,2.82 happening but there is no coherent,1420.2,3.479 Authority there is no establishment,1421.7,5.219 saying yes we are working on this which,1423.679,4.441 is part of the reason that a lot of us,1426.919,2.701 are like hey we need to do something,1428.12,4.62 about this another uh possibility is,1429.62,5.4 that you can actually do competitions,1432.74,5.64 so in terms of AI one of the best,1435.02,6.6 competitions is kaggle which is a it's a,1438.38,5.64 competition platform where independent,1441.62,4.62 sponsors can come in and say hey we want,1444.02,4.38 you to compete to try and solve this,1446.24,4.74 problem over here open AI is doing their,1448.4,5.04 competition right now which is based on,1450.98,4.26 grants for the independent uh or,1453.44,4.38 Democratic inputs to AI DARPA is another,1455.24,4.26 one so DARPA is the defense Advanced,1457.82,4.979 research research projects agency here,1459.5,6.24 in America which funds uh amongst many,1462.799,5.581 many other things Advanced research on,1465.74,5.28 things like PTSD regeneration but also,1468.38,6.9 self-driving cars so the DARPA like I,1471.02,5.279 can't remember the name of the challenge,1475.28,2.399 was like the desert challenge or,1476.299,2.641 something,1477.679,3.12 um started many many years ago was about,1478.94,4.8 creating self-driving cars and so by,1480.799,5.401 creating competitions you get all kinds,1483.74,4.319 of teams coming to you whether it's,1486.2,4.74 universities and independent uh research,1488.059,5.821 groups corporations all participating in,1490.94,5.52 the research for the lure of a prize,1493.88,5.039 which of course uh is a good way to,1496.46,5.52 surface innovative ideas uh putting on,1498.919,6.601 conferences right now there are um there,1501.98,5.28 are international artificial,1505.52,4.62 intelligence conferences like nureps but,1507.26,4.98 none of them are focused exclusively on,1510.14,5.039 global safety whether it's existential,1512.24,6.299 risks from you know autonomous AGI or,1515.179,5.281 even just the escalating risk of,1518.539,3.781 autonomous and semi-autonomous systems,1520.46,4.74 such as weapon systems and so on,1522.32,6.06 so by creating International or Global,1525.2,5.4 conferences where you deliberately get,1528.38,3.539 all the experts in a room talking,1530.6,4.079 together uh that is a good way to,1531.919,5.041 advance the conversation policy,1534.679,3.721 recommendations I already mentioned this,1536.96,4.199 earlier in the video where if you have a,1538.4,5.04 global Authority on something if a,1541.159,4.861 nation comes to you and says hey you,1543.44,4.38 know we want to we want to you know,1546.02,4.92 spurn AI development what kind of,1547.82,5.459 policies do we do in order to attract,1550.94,4.44 that Talent right that's a that's an,1553.279,5.041 example of a policy recommendation or in,1555.38,5.34 other cases where a nation might come to,1558.32,4.5 these these International agencies and,1560.72,5.76 say Hey you know we have a lot of AI,1562.82,6.18 abuse going on people are using it to be,1566.48,4.38 exploitative how do we Tamp down on that,1569.0,4.08 successfully while avoiding unintended,1570.86,3.84 consequences,1573.08,3.599 industry Partnerships are another way,1574.7,5.579 that uh that these agencies could uh,1576.679,4.86 kind of help bring about the change,1580.279,5.76 which uh so an example is the IEEE which,1581.539,6.961 is a which is a uh was it the,1586.039,4.5 international engineering something or,1588.5,5.46 other anyways sets a lot of Standards uh,1590.539,6.541 for and workshopping for standards um,1593.96,5.219 basically created Wi-Fi Bluetooth a,1597.08,3.42 whole bunch of other stuff that you are,1599.179,4.141 familiar with which also helps establish,1600.5,3.96 standards,1603.32,4.26 uh and and uh interoperability,1604.46,6.599 uh consultation and review so this is,1607.58,5.28 something that like I do at a very low,1611.059,4.321 level through my patreon is I have a,1612.86,3.9 bunch of small and medium businesses,1615.38,2.82 come to me where they're they just want,1616.76,4.799 consultation how do I align AI uh how do,1618.2,6.12 I how do I use AI responsibly but also,1621.559,5.281 make money at the same time,1624.32,3.959 um and I would certainly encourage,1626.84,5.04 anyone who has expertise in AI to build,1628.279,5.52 a startup or something around this idea,1631.88,3.659 but this is also something that can be,1633.799,3.38 done at the national or International,1635.539,5.221 level where not just providing you know,1637.179,5.74 policy advice but actually providing,1640.76,4.14 technical assistance,1642.919,4.801 um where where required especially in,1644.9,5.22 the deployment of AI safety and,1647.72,4.14 Alignment research,1650.12,3.419 published standards and guidelines,1651.86,3.299 already mentioned that and then finally,1653.539,3.781 public awareness and messaging that's,1655.159,4.38 what I and a lot of other people uh do,1657.32,4.68 uh with our with our YouTube platforms,1659.539,5.101 Tick Tock and everything else but again,1662.0,5.34 there is no Global Authority uh taking,1664.64,5.399 any responsibility for this messaging uh,1667.34,6.06 which we view as problematic because you,1670.039,5.64 know basically it comes down to it feels,1673.4,4.139 like there's no adults in the room and,1675.679,4.801 that's really scary can you imagine if,1677.539,5.161 you know we lived in a world still where,1680.48,3.72 the World Health Organization didn't,1682.7,4.68 exist even for some of their faults and,1684.2,5.4 failures you still prefer that the World,1687.38,4.5 Health Organization exists because like,1689.6,3.78 I said there's a lot of diseases that,1691.88,2.52 you've probably never heard about,1693.38,3.08 because of the work that they do,1694.4,4.32 likewise you want to live in a world,1696.46,4.42 where if there are nuclear weapons and,1698.72,4.079 nuclear reactors you want to live in a,1700.88,4.38 world where the iaea exists,1702.799,5.101 and so because of those because of the,1705.26,4.38 existence of those organizations we have,1707.9,3.18 this feeling that there are adults in,1709.64,3.3 the room and that and that there are,1711.08,3.54 people paying attention to it and they,1712.94,3.3 have the resources that they need in,1714.62,4.5 order to affect uh good change and,1716.24,5.1 guidance and so this is why one of the,1719.12,4.38 primary things that that I advocate for,1721.34,4.68 and as part of the gato framework the,1723.5,5.159 global alignment taxonomy Omnibus is the,1726.02,3.779 establishment of these International,1728.659,3.9 treaties whether they're modeled on gdpr,1729.799,6.36 or these other organizations this is uh,1732.559,6.181 what we see as a critical path towards,1736.159,4.981 AI alignment and this is not just you,1738.74,5.1 know mitigating uh just for mitigating,1741.14,4.8 existential risk this is also to avoid,1743.84,4.8 dystopian outcomes of hyper you know,1745.94,5.339 corporations becoming quadrillionaires,1748.64,4.44 while the rest of us you know are poor,1751.279,4.801 and live under bridges or whatever,1753.08,5.219 so one thing that I will say is that,1756.08,5.699 these are necessary but not sufficient,1758.299,6.721 and so what I mean by that is that as my,1761.779,4.981 work has progressed as my messaging has,1765.02,3.96 progressed the conversation has been,1766.76,3.48 shifting,1768.98,4.14 so for instance after my axiomatic,1770.24,4.98 alignment video came out a lot of people,1773.12,4.62 reached out saying like Okay yes you,1775.22,3.959 know but there's there's a lot of,1777.74,3.6 challenges like you know who gets to who,1779.179,4.081 who does this research,1781.34,6.3 um but also like what about what about,1783.26,5.76 right what about all these other stuff,1787.64,3.779 and not every what about argument is um,1789.02,5.46 is disingenuous in these cases the,1791.419,4.86 conversation has shifted to these other,1794.48,4.5 what abouts not because of Doubt but,1796.279,4.441 because of like okay we overcome that,1798.98,3.6 problem what are the next problems and,1800.72,4.74 so this list is some other challenges,1802.58,6.66 above and beyond the uh the you know,1805.46,5.459 let's let's say you know we get to wave,1809.24,4.02 a magic wand in tomorrow the two,1810.919,4.38 organizations that I recommended exist,1813.26,4.56 okay still what's gonna happen first is,1815.299,4.5 economic barriers so what I mean by,1817.82,4.739 economic barriers is that,1819.799,4.921 uh not every nation is able to,1822.559,4.86 contribute or compete at the same way uh,1824.72,5.28 certainly the the economic lure is there,1827.419,4.62 for artificial intelligence that being,1830.0,3.84 said there might still be some economic,1832.039,5.101 barriers especially when uh some people,1833.84,5.64 are going to be uh throwing on the,1837.14,3.779 brakes right,1839.48,2.699 um one thing that people are concerned,1840.919,3.541 about is regulatory capture if you raise,1842.179,4.141 the bar so high that nobody else can,1844.46,3.54 participate except the largest players,1846.32,3.719 they have a de facto Monopoly which is,1848.0,4.919 not a good thing cultural differences so,1850.039,5.061 the work that I've been doing on axial,1852.919,5.041 axiomatic alignment and convergence has,1855.1,5.14 to do with finding the underpinning and,1857.96,4.38 Universal cultural values that all,1860.24,4.5 humans share after all yes there are,1862.34,4.62 many differences between nations and,1864.74,4.02 cultures but we're all still the same,1866.96,3.78 species and we're all still on the same,1868.76,5.88 Planet so that based on those,1870.74,6.84 assumptions uh well or facts based on,1874.64,5.279 those facts I assume that we can find,1877.58,4.8 some common ground somewhere,1879.919,5.041 that being said there are still pretty,1882.38,4.08 fundamental differences between some,1884.96,2.76 cultures,1886.46,3.839 um geopolitical tensions so this is a,1887.72,5.04 very diplomatic way of saying that uh,1890.299,4.141 some Nations kind of want to shoot at,1892.76,4.139 each other and they are in either con,1894.44,5.04 conflict or under,1896.899,6.721 um competition which is not necessarily,1899.48,5.64 I'm not going to say that it's good or,1903.62,5.4 bad it's problematic in some respects,1905.12,5.9 and then of course uh scientific,1909.02,4.8 breakthroughs all of this presumes that,1911.02,5.32 with the adequate funding and research,1913.82,4.079 that we will have scientific,1916.34,5.219 breakthroughs on alignment on AI safety,1917.899,6.301 uh but this again is aspirational just,1921.559,5.041 like how how um the eater experiment the,1924.2,5.16 the nuclear fusion experiment it is,1926.6,4.319 aspirational we don't know if it's,1929.36,3.66 actually possible we are hoping that it,1930.919,4.86 is possible uh and then on the next,1933.02,6.0 category is Game Theory so one of the,1935.779,4.801 most common whatabouts that I get now,1939.02,3.48 after axiomatic alignment came out is,1940.58,3.599 what about people that just are not,1942.5,4.08 going to play ball uh what about what,1944.179,5.581 about the uh down Downstream effects of,1946.58,5.76 toxic competition uh which you might,1949.76,4.08 have also heard you know we talk about,1952.34,3.6 moloch and other things so toxic,1953.84,3.959 competition is a very simple way of just,1955.94,2.88 saying that,1957.799,3.541 in a competitive environment people it,1958.82,4.219 creates a race to the bottom basically,1961.34,3.839 perverse incentives and unintended,1963.039,5.74 consequences these are all kind of uh,1965.179,5.88 related to The Game Theory aspect of,1968.779,3.961 this which is that despite best,1971.059,3.541 intentions and best efforts towards,1972.74,4.98 achieving a better outcome you still end,1974.6,6.059 up inevitably Falling Towards dystopia,1977.72,5.579 or Extinction or collapse,1980.659,4.441 uh and then of course there's reach and,1983.299,3.181 limitations,1985.1,2.699 um just because we create these,1986.48,2.88 International organizations doesn't mean,1987.799,4.161 that they're going to work uh you know,1989.36,5.52 if if you get adoption if you get buy-in,1991.96,5.439 if people uh Blacklist the organizations,1994.88,4.679 or whatever and then finally unknown,1997.399,4.561 unknowns uh you know we're still we're,1999.559,4.86 still working our way to the Future,2001.96,5.4 um so we need constant vigilance uh,2004.419,4.561 anyways thanks for watching I hope you,2007.36,3.419 got a lot out of this,2008.98,4.199 um you know in the long run I'm hoping,2010.779,3.9 that all of my videos are completely,2013.179,3.24 irrelevant because some organizations,2014.679,4.261 like this get created and then uh the,2016.419,5.64 real experts get to uh get to get to,2018.94,5.219 comment and um kind of steer the ship,2022.059,4.021 which we don't have right now which is,2024.159,4.5 really terrifying so thanks I hope uh I,2026.08,3.78 hope this made you feel a little bit,2028.659,2.701 better at least in terms of options that,2029.86,5.179 we have before us thanks for watching,2031.36,3.679