text,start,duration hey everybody David Shapiro here with a,0.84,4.02 video so,3.36,3.539 um one I've been scarce and I apologize,4.86,4.319 I am feeling better,6.899,4.32 um recovering from burnout although I,9.179,4.021 still need like some days just doing,11.219,3.361 nothing,13.2,3.419 um but anyways,14.58,5.22 um so y'all are really clamoring for me,16.619,7.021 to continue the um the Q a chat but not,19.8,5.1 that one,23.64,3.12 um and then the salience and,24.9,3.6 anticipating,26.76,4.439 um you know and auto Muse and all that,28.5,5.88 fun stuff so all these chat Bots,31.199,6.121 um I will continue working on them,34.38,6.499 but I kind of got to a stopping point,37.32,7.739 where uh basically the problem is memory,40.879,6.7 right so whether you're looking at,45.059,5.581 hundreds of scientific articles or an,47.579,6.48 arbitrarily long uh chat conversation or,50.64,5.46 an entire novel,54.059,3.901 um semantic search is just not good,56.1,4.26 enough breaking it up and chunking and,57.96,4.14 and stuff so we need a more,60.36,5.34 sophisticated a more organized uh memory,62.1,6.72 system for AI for autonomous AI,65.7,5.76 and so this is what I proposed,68.82,5.04 um and so basically there's there's,71.46,5.159 there's uh episodic memory there's two,73.86,4.259 primary kinds of memory in the human,76.619,3.981 brain there's episodic memory which is,78.119,5.04 chronologically linear so that is the,80.6,4.54 lived experience the live narrative that,83.159,5.1 is the a linear account of the,85.14,5.339 sensations you know your external senses,88.259,4.801 and your internal thoughts,90.479,3.901 um those are the two primary things that,93.06,3.84 you got Sensations thoughts and then in,94.38,4.199 thoughts are,96.9,3.84 um decisions uh memories that have been,98.579,4.321 recalled so on and so forth but you,100.74,3.72 forget most of this most of this is,102.9,3.359 noise right you don't need to remember,104.46,3.54 that you remembered something at all,106.259,3.661 times you just have like oh I'm thinking,108.0,3.36 about you know that time I went to the,109.92,4.5 beach right and then you know anyways,111.36,4.92 so you don't necessarily need to record,114.42,4.379 all your thoughts but you definitely,116.28,4.68 need to record uh to a certain extent,118.799,5.221 what's coming in and then you you slot,120.96,5.82 that into some kind of framework,124.02,4.5 um so,126.78,4.86 this is going to be the underpinning uh,128.52,5.7 work and I have written in all three of,131.64,4.98 my books so far that like I was putting,134.22,5.4 off memory systems because it is a super,136.62,5.16 non-trivial problem and it turns out,139.62,4.56 it's now the problem that like we all,141.78,4.92 have to solve so I'm working with,144.18,5.22 um a few people uh on various cognitive,146.7,3.96 architectures and we're actually going,149.4,2.76 to have some demos coming up in the,150.66,2.76 coming weeks,152.16,3.24 um because fortunately I'm no longer the,153.42,3.3 only person working on cognitive,155.4,3.059 architectures yay,156.72,4.14 um the idea is catching on,158.459,5.161 um so with that being said though,160.86,4.14 um,163.62,3.839 the this is this is a very difficult,165.0,5.76 problem and so the idea is Okay so we've,167.459,5.941 got raw data coming in right it's it's,170.76,4.68 unstructured the only well it's it's,173.4,4.02 semi-structured the only structure is,175.44,4.799 you know what time series it has but,177.42,4.319 other other than that you don't know,180.239,3.0 what,181.739,3.181 um what the topic is going to be and the,183.239,3.061 topics are going to change right and,184.92,3.06 there might be gaps in the time,186.3,5.04 so what we do is we take a chunk of logs,187.98,6.0 an arbitrary chunk of logs based on that,191.34,4.2 are temporally bounded,193.98,4.74 and you get an executive summary of that,195.54,5.94 information and in this chunk so this is,198.72,4.32 like going to be another Json file or,201.48,3.479 whatever you have pointers back to the,203.04,3.6 original log so that you can reconstruct,204.959,3.961 the memory because using sparse pointers,206.64,4.5 is actually a big thing that human,208.92,4.02 brains do,211.14,4.26 um and so then this is basically a a,212.94,4.439 very sparse summary and I'll show you,215.4,4.32 what I mean by sparse summary and then,217.379,4.801 finally as you accumulate more of these,219.72,4.799 summaries you eventually merge these,222.18,4.979 into a knowledge graph or a cluster them,224.519,6.8 and then use that clustering to make uh,227.159,6.901 to make like Wiki articles or KB,231.319,5.621 articles and give me just a second,234.06,6.48 sorry I needed my coffee okay so anyways,236.94,7.859 um yeah so this is the scheme and I,240.54,6.479 spent a long time talking through this,244.799,5.701 with chat gpt4 so you can see this is a,247.019,6.481 whoops this is a come on,250.5,5.159 Why is the,253.5,4.5 why is the okay it doesn't want to,255.659,4.381 scroll anyways you can see it is a very,258.0,4.019 very long conversation I talked through,260.04,5.099 code I talk through the math I talked,262.019,4.861 through the concept,265.139,4.861 and so anyways at the very end of it I,266.88,4.74 said can you write an executive summary,270.0,3.06 of the problem we're trying to solve,271.62,4.859 here and so this is just taking a step,273.06,4.859 back for a second,276.479,5.761 I am using gpt4 to help solve the,277.919,7.141 problems of AGI artificial general,282.24,4.8 intelligence or what I call autonomous,285.06,4.38 cognitive entities,287.04,4.62 so the problem at hand involves,289.44,4.259 designing an efficient memory system for,291.66,3.96 an autonomous cognitive entity or an ace,293.699,4.081 that can manage a large and constantly,295.62,4.019 growing Corpus of text Data generated,297.78,4.199 through thoughts inputs and outputs this,299.639,3.78 data can accumulate to hundreds of,301.979,3.241 gigabytes per year potentially reaching,303.419,4.5 millions or billions of individual logs,305.22,5.34 the primary challenge is to organize and,307.919,4.321 compress these logs into a manageable,310.56,3.6 set of knowledge-based Articles while,312.24,3.36 retaining as much meaningful information,314.16,3.12 as possible,315.6,3.96 this is such a concise summary I could,317.28,3.9 not have done better,319.56,4.26 our proposed hour see it's it's already,321.18,4.739 the the collective because where it,323.82,4.439 understands that we're collaborating our,325.919,4.261 proposed solution involves a multi-level,328.259,3.78 approach with the first level being the,330.18,3.78 consolidation of raw logs into roll-up,332.039,5.361 summaries so that's this,333.96,3.44 um these Roll-Ups serve as compressed,337.5,3.84 representations of the original logs,339.6,3.439 reducing the total number of Records,341.34,4.5 then we employ a gating or threshold,343.039,4.66 function to determine whether a roll-up,345.84,3.72 is semantically similar enough to an,347.699,4.741 existing KB articles or if it if it,349.56,5.579 should be added as a new article this,352.44,4.259 approach allows the KB to adapt,355.139,3.961 organically to the evolving data while,356.699,4.141 maintaining scalability,359.1,3.539 the key aspects to consider in this,360.84,3.96 solution are the choice of similarity,362.639,3.721 threshold and semantic similarity,364.8,3.179 measure as well as the balance between,366.36,3.559 number of KB articles and their quality,367.979,4.381 periodic evaluation and fine-tuning of,369.919,3.881 the system will help ensure its,372.36,3.72 continued Effectiveness as data grows,373.8,6.3 okay so this is a very very condensed,376.08,7.339 text summary of this system,380.1,5.46 and then,383.419,5.321 so I mentioned sparsity right so I've,385.56,5.579 been reading this book,388.74,6.299 behave so as always neuroscience and,391.139,7.801 life inspires what I'm working on and,395.039,6.121 one of the one of the experiments or,398.94,3.66 actually several the experiments that he,401.16,3.479 talks about in this book has to do with,402.6,3.719 linguistic priming,404.639,3.961 and so an example of linguistic priming,406.319,5.88 in humans in Psychology is that if you,408.6,6.719 use just a few words,412.199,5.761 um kind of placed arbitrarily it will,415.319,5.341 really change someone's cognition so one,417.96,6.239 example was they did a test with Asian,420.66,6.36 women and if you remind the Asian women,424.199,4.801 of The Stereotype that Asians are better,427.02,3.959 at math before giving them a math test,429.0,4.74 they do better if you remind them of The,430.979,5.34 Stereotype that uh that women are bad at,433.74,4.92 math than they do worse and then of,436.319,3.541 course if you just give them neutral,438.66,3.12 priming they kind of you know perform in,439.86,3.959 the middle and there's plenty of,441.78,4.859 examples of priming um Darren Darren,443.819,5.1 Brown the the British dude The Mentalist,446.639,6.0 he used a lot of priming to get people,448.919,5.881 to like do all kinds of cool stuff this,452.639,3.9 was back in the 90s,454.8,3.72 um but like one one experiment that he,456.539,4.44 did was he had a bunch of like marketing,458.52,4.619 guys and he put them in a car and drove,460.979,4.381 them around town and he drove them by,463.139,4.62 like a specific set of billboards,465.36,4.98 and so they were primed with images and,467.759,4.981 words and then he asked them to solve a,470.34,5.04 particular marketing problem and he had,472.74,4.56 almost exactly predicted what they were,475.38,4.2 going to produce based on how they had,477.3,6.179 been primed now I noticed that large,479.58,6.78 language models can also be primed and,483.479,5.041 so what I mean by primed is that by just,486.36,4.02 sprinkling in a few of the correct words,488.52,4.28 and terms it will then be able to,490.38,5.52 reproduce or reconstruct whatever it is,492.8,4.6 that you're talking about so what I want,495.9,3.419 to do is I want to show you that because,497.4,5.78 this this really high density,499.319,6.241 way of compressing things is what I call,503.18,4.54 sparse priming representations,505.56,5.18 is going to be super important,507.72,6.36 for managing uh artificial cognitive,510.74,5.56 entities or AGI memories because here's,514.08,4.259 the thing large language models already,516.3,4.08 have a tremendous amount of foundational,518.339,5.341 knowledge so all you need to do is prime,520.38,5.579 it with just a few rules and statements,523.68,3.44 and assertions,525.959,5.461 that will allow it to um just basically,527.12,6.279 kind of remember or reconstruct the,531.42,3.66 concept so what I'm going to do is I'm,533.399,3.0 going to take this,535.08,4.62 and put it into a new chat and we're,536.399,5.641 going to go to gpt4,539.7,6.02 and I'll say the following is a sparse,542.04,6.299 priming representation,545.72,6.28 of a concept or topic,548.339,5.821 um oh wow they they reduced it from 100,552.0,6.42 messages to 50. I guess they're busy uh,554.16,6.0 unsurprising,558.42,4.26 um please reconstruct,560.16,7.82 the topic or Concept in detail,562.68,5.3 and so here's what we'll do,568.62,3.74 so with just a handful of statements and,573.0,4.32 assertions,576.3,4.14 I will show you that gpt4,577.32,6.78 in the form of chat gpt4 is highly,580.44,7.14 capable of reconstituting this very,584.1,6.84 complex topic just by virtue of the fact,587.58,5.52 that it um it already has a tremendous,590.94,4.019 amount of background knowledge and,593.1,4.82 processing capability,594.959,2.961 um okay,598.019,4.561 so there we go so the autonomous uh,599.88,4.079 cognitive entity is an advanced,602.58,2.819 artificial intelligence system to design,603.959,4.081 it yep okay there you go,605.399,4.56 um,608.04,4.799 so it's kind of it's It's reconstructing,609.959,4.861 what this multi-level approach so what,612.839,3.481 it's doing here is it's kind of re,614.82,4.56 restating uh everything,616.32,5.4 um but what you'll see is that it will,619.38,4.019 be able to confabulate and kind of fill,621.72,4.98 in the blanks and so by having a sparse,623.399,4.921 representation,626.7,3.36 it kind of guides how it's going to,628.32,4.32 confabulate and this can be used for all,630.06,5.04 kinds of tasks right so some of my,632.64,4.08 patreon supporters I'm not going to give,635.1,3.0 anything away because I respect my,636.72,3.66 patreon supporters privacy but they ask,638.1,5.34 me like how do I represent X Y or Z and,640.38,4.62 what I'm going to say is this is a way,643.44,3.839 to represent a lot of stuff,645.0,4.38 um what whatever whatever your domain of,647.279,5.701 expertise is you can ask it to do what I,649.38,5.699 did in there which is say just give me a,652.98,4.02 short list of you know statements,655.079,4.26 assertions explanations such that a,657.0,5.399 subject matter expert could re um could,659.339,5.641 uh reconstitute it,662.399,3.601 um,664.98,3.78 there we go and so here here it's it's,666.0,6.0 figuring this out as it goes periodic,668.76,4.98 evaluation and necessary to continued,672.0,4.32 efficiency this may be involve adjusting,673.74,4.5 the similarity threshold refining,676.32,4.259 semantic similarity measure modifying,678.24,3.719 other aspects,680.579,3.481 sparse priming representation is a,681.959,3.541 technique using conjunction to fill,684.06,3.24 acetate knowledge transfer and,685.5,4.14 reconstruction spr concise statements,687.3,4.979 are generated to summarize yeah so it,689.64,5.52 even understands just by virtue of,692.279,5.041 saying this is an spr and a brief,695.16,3.54 definition it understands the,697.32,3.18 implications,698.7,5.4 um there you go so now that it has has,700.5,7.44 um has reconstituted it we can say Okay,704.1,6.12 um great thanks,707.94,4.56 um can you discuss,710.22,6.78 how we could uh go about implementing,712.5,7.68 this for a chat bot,717.0,6.959 and so again because,720.18,3.779 um because this uh because gpt4 already,724.2,7.02 knows a whole bunch of coding and data,728.399,5.221 and stuff it's going to be able to talk,731.22,4.64 through the process,733.62,6.06 so this is going to,735.86,7.06 okay I don't think it fully,739.68,5.099 I gave it very simple instructions let's,742.92,3.84 see where it goes because often what,744.779,4.141 happens is and someone someone pointed,746.76,4.319 this out to me is that it'll kind of,748.92,4.02 talk through the problem and then give,751.079,3.961 you the answer so I learned the hard way,752.94,3.959 just be patient what it's basically,755.04,4.859 doing is it's talking itself through,756.899,5.161 um the the problem in the solution,759.899,4.68 so anyways excuse me I don't know why,762.06,4.2 I'm so hoarse,764.579,4.44 um but yeah so this is this is what I'm,766.26,4.5 working on right now and this is going,769.019,4.38 to have implications for for all all,770.76,5.1 chat Bots but also all autonomous AI,773.399,4.44 because again,775.86,3.539 um you know this is this is like the,777.839,3.661 first two minutes of conversation but,779.399,3.361 what happens when you have a million,781.5,2.459 logs what happens when you have a,782.76,3.66 billion logs so one thing that I suspect,783.959,5.461 will happen is,786.42,4.979 um the number of whoops,789.42,5.039 nah come back no,791.399,6.661 um I suspect that the number of logs,794.459,6.241 will go up geometrically,798.06,7.5 but what I also suspect is that the um,800.7,8.04 is that the number of KB articles will,805.56,7.2 actually go up and approach an asymptote,808.74,7.219 how do you get it to stop,812.76,3.199 there you go so I think I think that,816.959,3.421 this is kind of how it'll look where,819.06,3.66 like when you're when your Ace is new,820.38,4.86 when it's young it'll be creating a,822.72,5.22 bunch of new KB articles uh very quickly,825.24,4.92 but then over time the number of KB,827.94,3.899 articles will taper off because say for,830.16,3.72 instance there's only a finite amount of,831.839,4.321 information to learn about you and then,833.88,4.92 there will be a very slow trickle as,836.16,4.76 your life progresses right,838.8,5.46 and we can also exclude KB articles,840.92,5.919 about basic World Knowledge right all it,844.26,5.28 needs all your Ace needs is KB articles,846.839,5.221 about truly new novel and unique,849.54,4.979 information it doesn't need to record a,852.06,4.38 world model the world model is baked,854.519,5.461 into gpt4 and future models now one,856.44,6.6 other thing was because this is kind of,859.98,6.24 incrementally adding the KB articles,863.04,4.5 um let's see what it came up with okay,866.22,3.48 so talk through the problem,867.54,5.039 um one thing is that I asked it for the,869.7,5.46 pros and cons so right here,872.579,5.221 uh using a gating or and this is this is,875.16,4.679 how sophisticated it is,877.8,3.599 um using a gating or threshold function,879.839,3.721 to compare Roll-Ups against existing KBS,881.399,4.021 can be a viable alternative to,883.56,3.839 clustering so basically what we were,885.42,3.96 exploring was what if we use a,887.399,4.921 clustering algorithm to to,889.38,4.86 um figure out the chunks but then I was,892.32,3.48 like okay but we're not gonna We're Not,894.24,4.62 Gonna regenerate the uh the KB articles,895.8,5.099 every single time because that's going,898.86,4.08 to be prohibitively expensive so what if,900.899,5.341 we treat it more incrementally,902.94,5.04 um let's see this approach involves,906.24,3.3 comparing semantic similarity between a,907.98,3.06 new roll-up and existing KB articles if,909.54,2.52 it doesn't meet a predetermined,911.04,2.94 threshold okay so the pros it's simple,912.06,4.019 this approach is conceptually simple and,913.98,3.539 can be easier to implement compared to,916.079,4.021 clustering algorithms yes scalability as,917.519,4.26 new Roll-Ups are processed individually,920.1,3.78 the computational complexity of updating,921.779,4.381 KB articles grows linearly with the,923.88,3.42 number of Roll-Ups making it more,926.16,2.22 scalable,927.3,3.539 Dynamic growth the number of KB articles,928.38,3.84 can grow organically with the addition,930.839,4.68 of new rollups and then the cons it very,932.22,5.82 rightly identifies sub-optimal,935.519,4.921 organization because we're not using,938.04,5.22 Global clustering that's fine redundancy,940.44,5.16 there's a risk of creating similar KB,943.26,3.9 articles,945.6,3.419 um depending on the semantic similarity,947.16,4.32 and then parameter sensitivity so on and,949.019,5.521 so forth now that being said there is a,951.48,5.34 final step that we were that I was going,954.54,4.68 to talk about which is every now and,956.82,5.4 then we should do a re-indexing event,959.22,5.64 and so basically what that says is when,962.22,4.5 you're when your Ace is offline during,964.86,4.2 the dream sequence right so real-time,966.72,4.5 learning it can update the KB articles,969.06,4.8 in real time but then the dream sequence,971.22,5.479 it will delete all the KB articles,973.86,5.339 cluster the chunks based on semantic,976.699,5.08 similarity and then based on those,979.199,5.281 chunks write a whole new set of KB,981.779,3.841 articles,984.48,3.0 and so every now and then your,985.62,3.959 autonomous cognitive entity is going to,987.48,5.7 update its entire internal Wiki and then,989.579,6.361 these internal wikis are going to be the,993.18,6.3 primary source of information for your,995.94,5.579 uh for your for your cognitive entity,999.48,5.159 and so instead of searching millions of,1001.519,4.801 logs you're going to be searching,1004.639,4.44 hundreds or maybe a couple thousand KB,1006.32,5.579 articles which is a much more tractable,1009.079,4.38 problem,1011.899,3.901 um to find the correct thing and also,1013.459,3.781 they can be cross-linked to each other,1015.8,3.06 right because these KB articles these,1017.24,2.94 wikis,1018.86,3.24 um can be nodes and a knowledge graph,1020.18,4.08 which means it's like so my fiance was,1022.1,4.5 like okay so I was explaining it to her,1024.26,4.62 and she's like so what if it has what if,1026.6,6.3 it has a um an article on me and an,1028.88,6.539 article on her would it link the two of,1032.9,4.439 us and say that like we're engaged and,1035.419,3.561 you know our relationship has been ex,1037.339,3.901 long and I'm like yes we could probably,1038.98,5.74 do that it might also topically,1041.24,5.099 um so in terms of the kinds of topics,1044.72,4.079 here's another important thing in terms,1046.339,4.441 of kinds of topics we're probably going,1048.799,4.861 to have have it focus on people,1050.78,5.1 events,1053.66,5.399 um things like objects,1055.88,6.0 um as well as Concepts so a concept,1059.059,4.921 could be like the concept of the,1061.88,4.44 autonomous cognitive entity so people,1063.98,7.199 events things and Concepts and included,1066.32,7.32 in things are like places right so like,1071.179,6.781 the year 1080 the the place Paris France,1073.64,8.52 right so those are all viable nodes for,1077.96,6.12 a Knowledge Graph so that's that's kind,1082.16,3.78 of where we're at,1084.08,3.719 um yeah I think that's all I'm going to,1085.94,4.02 do today because like this is a lot and,1087.799,3.841 you can see that this conversation was,1089.96,3.48 very long,1091.64,4.5 um and uh but yeah so let me know what,1093.44,5.28 you think in the comments we are,1096.14,4.8 continuing to work,1098.72,4.199 um I had a few other things that I was,1100.94,4.14 going to say but I forgot them this is,1102.919,3.481 the most important thing and this is,1105.08,2.76 this is the hardest problem I'm working,1106.4,4.44 on and once I unlock this it's going to,1107.84,5.1 unlock a lot more work because think,1110.84,4.32 about think about breaking what if these,1112.94,4.38 logs instead of like our conversation,1115.16,4.379 what if these logs are scientific papers,1117.32,4.979 or what if these logs are scenes in a,1119.539,5.461 book right pretty much everything can be,1122.299,6.0 represented this way I think and then,1125.0,4.5 once you have these higher order,1128.299,3.601 abstractions and all of them point back,1129.5,4.08 so here's another really important thing,1131.9,3.899 that I forgot to mention is that there's,1133.58,4.4 metadata attached with each of these,1135.799,4.681 entities that points back to the,1137.98,4.059 original so you can you can still,1140.48,4.439 reconstruct the original information so,1142.039,4.441 if you have like you know a topical,1144.919,3.781 article here it'll point to all the,1146.48,5.28 chunks that were in that cluster that um,1148.7,5.04 that helped create it and then each of,1151.76,3.36 those chunks will point back to the,1153.74,3.12 original logs so you have kind of a,1155.12,4.08 pyramid shape,1156.86,5.76 um yeah so that's what I'm working on uh,1159.2,4.979 that's it I'll call it a day thanks for,1162.62,3.919 watching,1164.179,2.36